#main blog intro
michaelwatt · 1 year
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24 | they/them | nonbinary | aroace | southern usa (cdt)
ayo! ya'll can call me beau or lyn (lynyrd's cool too). alongside being a nickname gremlin, im a nonbinary artist and all around geek. my nonbinary lies within like, genderfluid to having no gender what-so-ever while my geekiness consists of getting high off my hyperfixations. for my artist side, i just like drawing my characters and fanart. i love drawing expressions sm.
i like things that range from gay pairings, random historic events, old bands, maybe like one or two animes (mainly one piece- yes im caught up), dead/niche fandoms, men twice my age, and british humor. amongst many many random things.
currently im obsessed with:
hot fuzz | one piece | cwacom
round the world in 80 days
other hyperfixations: cornetto trilogy (+ spaced), black books, it crowd, good omens, ofmd, wwdits, graystillplays, the click
current and recent hot fuzz watch count: 10
| ao3 | art blog | self ship blog |
| discord: guhroove#4212 |
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zombiekombi-if · 2 months
Zombie Kombi
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An interactive story by @josru
The cities are barren.
Not a soul has been seen navigating North America's metropolitan landscapes in years.
The undead are considered soulless, anyways.
In the late 2040s, zombies have overtaken the greater part of North America. You live on the outskirts of San Francisco, in an old, beat-up, secondhand Volkswagen Minibus. Also known as a Kombi (not sponsored).
You've been alone for as long as you can remember. Your elderly parent is long gone, and you have yet to meet another person, let alone one you're sure can be your ally.
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Play as male, female or NB/GNC.
Choose your hunting level. Pick between amateur, alright, and advanced.
Romance one of four potential options (or keep them as friends, adversaries, or enemies, depending on your choices)
Choose your path:
Discover what happened to the world, causing it to be filled with the undead, by traversing to the city.
Find out about the first owner of your Kombi. (#??? videos found so far.)
Navigate conspiracies about a local settlement that seems too friendly.
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Howard "How" Ngam
A mid-thirties, quiet, skeptical Thai-American man, How Ngam hates everyone and everything that's happened to him. He's the previous (read: not the first) owner of the Kombi- imagine his surprise when he stumbles upon you, living in a place he was sure he left locked and empty, meant to be his personal solitude.
He isn't the easiest to talk to, but his bristly attitude has it's purpose in this world. He's discovered a lot about the city, and How could take you there, but he's protective of those he cares about, which might include you.
Appearance: Tan-olive skin, deep-set eyes with wrinkles and dark circles, wide nose, prominent lips, shaggy, ear-length black hair, brown eyes, and stubble/mustache going on. About 5'8", fairly lean, some muscle. He's usually wearing a hand-me down, dark green jacket, and a copper-toned beanie. Heavy worker boots. Non-descript pants and shirt.
Dylan Chase
A late twenties, Half-Irish woman, Dylan is always searching for a greater purpose. She's scared, but determined to find herself in the midst of the apocalypse. You could worry that she's read too many self-help books, but she knows herself. Even if she can be a bit harsh about it.
Dylan wants more than anything to be caring, to prove to others that she's not a bad person. She lives in a well furnished settlement, where lack of resources seems to never be an issue. The guilt of being there, when everyone else is suffering, eats at her, but you could soothe her feelings, if you wish.
Appearance: Pale, warm toned, freckly-orange skin, hooked nose, sharply defined, thinner lips, deep red long hair past her shoulders, (basically think of a tomato), green wide eyes. About 5'6", very skinny, long runner legs with muscular calves. Despite the cold of San Francisco, Dylan runs hot and wears jean shorts, cropped shirts, or athleisure like hoodies and leggings.
He's a zombie. Gloor's skin is a pallid green-blue, with splotches of beige that reminds you he was human at one point. There are chunks of skin and flesh missing from his body, but he persists on, in the way the undead always do.
He can barely hold a fully fledged sentence with you, but you can tell he doesn't mean any harm. There's something lifelike in his eyes as he stares with you, a strong purpose held in his pupils, untouched by the typical fog that zombies carry. It's even more obvious in the way he seems to still have fine motor skills: he's capable of writing a few letters for you, if you want him to.
Appearance: Green-blue skin, brownish-grey hair that's mostly all fallen out, brown eyes. No nose, lips receding. 6'2", surprisingly wide in the middle due to his ribcage. He's wearing an old, dilapidated suit, and a wrinkly dress shirt, and torn up pants.
Alia Jacobs
Named after Saint Alia of the Knife, Alia is a mid-thirties, black woman that absolutely adores pop culture and trivia. She's a massive, optimistic nerd, and maybe one that's a bit obsolete in this current time- nobody really cares to get into escapist fantasies the way she does. Either way, she's got a cabin filled with comics, old video games, and DVDs. You wonder where and how she's collected so much paraphernalia, and mainly why-  and she's willing to share that with you if you don't judge her.
Appearance: Deep cool toned skin, natural loose afro to about the end of her neck, brown eyes, slight smile lines, prominent lips, straight nose. 5'3", pear shaped, hourglass body. She wears billowy, silky tops, and well structured cargo pants. She wears a lot of jewelry like rings, bangles, and earrings.
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junebug2896 · 5 months
Hello Friends ✨🌹🌻🌜
UPDATE GUYS!!! This blog used to be called “juniper1428” and it was my spicy account where I went by Elise, my sexual alter ego. Well I am not feeling that sexy atm and I want my main account to be my safe for work account. So now I am my true self here, Rachel. Hi, nice to meetcha 🙋🏼‍♀️
If you wanna know my fantasies and enjoy NSFW posts follow my second account that used to be “junebug1428” is now called @juniper2896
If you are interested in my Dreams follow me @sleepygirl1428
I can’t stop making new blogs so now I have another witchy aesthetic Pagan blog called @pagan-pancakes. Idk where I got the name, I was struggling and just picked the word pancakes…
I’m on a healing journey.
I’m Learning how to set boundaries. One of my big ones is do not start a DM with a nude… like I am a human in real life… if you just flashed me ya privates irl you would be arrested. If I don’t ask to see your nudes, don’t send them.
This blog is now for my personal thoughts and feelings. Sorry not sorry if I bated you with my nudity and now You are trapped with my feelings. Surprise, I am actually not a sexual person most the time 🤗
Some Information about me:
I will not say where I live now thanks to creeps. So if you already know… no you dont…
I am 28 years young
I am a Nurse 👩🏼‍⚕️
I am a Cancer♋️
I am a Hufflepuff🦡
I have ADHD (Newly Diagnosed and Medicated)
I am bisexual (BUT I am like 80% lesbian and 20% straight) 🏳️‍🌈
I am single (But super happy and independent; have been for 5 years. So good luck trying to hold my attention 😘)
I am a baby Pagan witch 🧙🏻‍♀️ learning how to be more spiritual 🪬 I love working with Aphrodite💕
Feel free to send asks, I allow anon asks🥰
If you want my other social media accounts just ask🤭
Blessed Be my beautiful tumblr friends ✌🏻✨🫶🏻
P.S: Read my tags please, they are important and sometimes I spill secrets🤭
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homocidalpotat · 5 months
Intro post under the cut! (because it's quite long and I don't want it to take up my entire blog)
Please read it though, I sorted it out so it's very simple to read :3
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Basic introduction
The rest of this post is probably on the boring side, mostly personal stuff, and it's all grammatically correct (I think...).
URL stuff: I'm Homocidalpotat (Jokingly. I won't be killing anyone... probably. And, apparently, I am a human not a potato?! What a scam...). Currently on the search for EVERY potato blog!
Name: Call me Jasper, my chosen name, it gives me so much euphoria
Basic DNI: Terfs, radfems, vent blogs, pedophiles, trans/homophobes, horny blogs, general haters, etc
Pronouns: They/them mostly but I'm happy with it/its, he/him, and basically anything
Other blogs/side blogs/ accounts
I have another blog, @distinguishedvoidkid . It is virtually the same as this blog but I use it less. It isn't a side blog though (it's a separate blog)- I just had some confusion with tumblr about a little while ago and the result was two separate blogs. Feel free to interact with me there too though! I mostly use it when I have hit the post limit on this blog.
I also have three side blogs at the moment. @blue-official is pretty self explanatory. It's quite a new gimmick so I am always happy to interact! Please. Interact. With. Me!
Secondly, we have @less-homocidal-potat which is my sideblog for interacting with my mutuals (so that this blog doesn't get too clogged up with my chattering). Please don't follow this blog if you aren't a mutual of mine. You can still interact, as this blog is for chatting and asks and stuff and I won't be exclusive to my mutuals.
Next up is @hoodies-official which is just a gimmick blog for hoodies.
My next side blog @maid-martha is a roleplay blog set in the Victorian era. My character (they are all OCs) is a handmaiden to a duchess, of whom I have fallen in love with (hehe). If you want to join, DM my side blog. You can ask about what sort of roles are open. There is a post with information about it here.
Finally, @jasper-takes-photos is my photography blog! It's quite new, but I'd love some interaction there too!
I also have a Pinterest, which you can look at if you feel inclined to (homocidalpotat or Chaos Creature).
Note about some things I do not want to see on my blog
I won't post anything discriminatory on this blog. It upsets me and other people that might see it. I'm talking racism, homophobia, aphobia, sexism, terfs, nazis, all the horrible things and people that spread hate. I don't want it. Anyone in their right mind does not want it. Don't send me asks/DMs, or tag me in anything with that content. And please, for somebody's sake, correctly tag content like this. If you are posting about your hate for anything, tag it with 'anti-' before it or something along the lines of that. my
Note about me being a minor
I am a minor, so don't tag or show me anything that might not be appropriate. I mean sexual stuff. Or anything 18+. Anything NSFW. Anything self destructive. Anything really violent. Hate posts. Death threats. Suicide mentions. Self harm jokes. You know what I'm talking about. Again, here is a friendly reminder to tag posts with sexual, 18+, inappropriate or nude content. I know I'm not the only one who says this.
Additionally, as I'm a minor I can't really donate to any funds for any of the wars or any other things like that. I am also not exactly rich. However, I am very happy to reblog posts with funds etc, because that is something I can do to raise awareness and prompt other people to help financially (if they can). Please don't send me asks for donations/help, I can't pay, I have had to deal with spam from people, and I can reblog pinned posts without asks. I find asks for donations quite stressful to receive.
My header image is a screenshot I took of Tears of the Kingdom :) and I made my profile picture. Credit to @magicalboything for making the dividers in this post. Thank you!
Gender identity, romantic/sexual orientation and a note about my interaction with genderqueer people
I am demisexual, meaning I don't feel sexual attraction until I have developed a strong emotional relationship with someone (that's a simplified version at least?). I am also genderqueer, so I don't mind what terminology or pronouns you use on me but I prefer more neutral ones. Thanks!!! I'm not sure how to label my sexuality, but I'm very much queer and very much here and very much in love with my partner @names-confuse-me . Sometimes I use unlabeled for my gender and romantic orientation. Or just queer. I'm queer and I'm here, pretty much.
I will always respect your pronouns and identity and I am a safe person to speak to about this (and most other things). If I don't know your pronouns I will use they/them until I find out. I have also been known to use more gendered nicknames (eg. dude, man, girl, etc) but if you don't feel comfortable with one or more of those names, just shout :3 I don't want to make people feel upset. If I do use these more gendered terms, I mean it in a gender-neutral way more often than not.
Note about my Mental Health
I am officially diagnosed with autism, and I might have OCD. My parents think I have ADHD as well... But in short I am neurodivergent, so would really appreciate a safe environment for me, if you can provide it!
I am not as mentally stable as you may think from a first glance. I am not doing well. This means I might spend weeks offline or days clinically online. It also means that I might be a bit sensitive or fragile but I don't think I have had many major incidents online.
Note about my content
Please note: I am a super fast typer and I often make typos that I don't notice. I try to go through my writing on important things but please don't mock me for it (unless it's really funny or something.). In writing this paragraph alone I have made so many typos I have lost track lol (I fixed them though).
Sometimes I might post something rash, rude or wrong without realising. Please call me out on this sort of thing, and I'd really appreciate it if you do so calmly. I am neurodivergent, which might excuse me for posting something like that, but it won't justify it.
Pretty much entirely SFW. I don't often reblog things that are NSFW (depending on your definition of NSFW, I might never have), but if I think something is even slightly inappropriate or triggering, I will tag it <3
My tags, that I will try to use:
Original posts: jasper did a thing
Reblogs: jasper saw a thing
Conversational reblogs: jasper is doing the speech
Asks: jasper spreads their limited wisdom
Being romantic with my partner: channel simp
Interests, fandoms and ships
Stuff I like: Nature (yes! all of it... except most molluscs), music, being whimsical, understanding the world around me, being gay (and doing crimes), making other people feel happy, my dog and two rabbits, being creative, dinosaurs, geology, going exploring anywhere, big long walks, my partner, i-will-add-to-this-list-when-i-can-think-of-stuff
My ships include, but are NOT limited to, Ineffable Spouses (Good Omens), Sidlink (TOTK/BOTW), Johnlock (BBC Sherlock) and BlackBonnet (OFMD), Lumity (TOH), Raeda (TOH), a bunch of other TOH ships, etc
Media I might post about (or media that I like. I don't always see some of these) includes, but are not limited to, Legend of Zelda (specifically TOTK, BOTW and Skyward Sword), Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Jurassic Park/World, the Hunger Games and the Owl House, the Lord of the Rings, Gravity Falls, She-Ra, Brooklyn 99, the Good Place, Heartstopper, Doctor Who, What We Do In The Shadows,
I don't always post a huge amount of some of these fandoms/ships/medias, so if you plan on following me for them, maybe just have a snoop around my account for a bit first. You might find that I hardly ever interact with the content. Maybe if you prompt me to I will.
On this blog you can expect posts/reblogs about the fandoms in, memes, shitposts, the (very occasional) vent post, and just a friendly face to chat to. I love asks! I'm always happy to receive one (PLEASE send me asks I'm lonely).
I will add your username to a Google Sheets, where I list whether or not I can tag you in certain things. If you haven't checked it out already, please respond to this post, mutuals! It's purely for your benefit! I will try and update the document every time I get a new mutual but I don't always remember.
Side blogs of my mutuals that I am listing to help get them more interactions: @a-poetic-apollo-kid (role-play blog for their OC, Asher, based on the Percy Jackson franchise), @the-forgotten-apollo-kid (role-play blog for Lee Fletcher, Percy Jackson franchise), @all-time-alt-country-singer (role-play blog for Naomi Solace, Percy Jackson franchise), @cabin7-chaos (ask blog for Apollo's cabin from the Percy Jackson franchise)
I hope I can add some more amazing tumblrinas to that list! The community here is delightful.
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foxxys-huzband · 1 month
finally making an intro post lol
(after however long ago 9/16/23, 5:03:16 PM was lmao)
Charlie/David/Dionysus/Dennis, in order of preference
FORMALLY benatars-slut
he/it/they in order of preference
⬇️ strawpage for basic info ⬇️
⬆️read this first⬆️
extra info
nicknames are great, but i really prefer my true name(s) being used, sorry :<
i'm canonically autistic and am suspected by many to also have adhd
trans boy with a few daddy issues that are resolved but even more mommy issues that cannot be resolved. i refuse to elaborate and i roll a d20
my favorite color is purple
i'm really emotionally sensitive
i apologize a lot because i tend to be a huge people pleaser
my favorite safe food is definitely campbell's chicken noodle soup with pizza/four cheese hot pockets coming in close second
i have WAY too many interests to count jfc
my discord is charlie_the_foolish and my newgrounds is chaoticallyGeneric
i also play ponytown and club penguin legacy! (my cpl username is SillyCharlie and my ponytown username is AutisticAdamSandler)
my main ponytown character is mostly just the newest cosplay i've made but here's what's supposed to be my main sona:
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i fucking LOVE big bang theory and young sheldon but abed nadir from community is the #1 autism rep unless weird al gets officially diagnosed or hussie confirms that gamzee makara is autistic
scene boy wannabe...
captain hero fans dni that guy sucks!!
i'm a minor but i do occasionally make/reblog lewd jokes so let me know if you're uncomfortable with that!!
i'm just here to vibe babey
my roleplay sideblogs!!!
Spanky Ham: @the-real-ham
Dr. John A. Zoidberg: @zoidberggg
Vivian Lemaline (Garfield and Friends OC): @vivvies-chats
River (Homestar Runner OC): @river-and-their-silly-words
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syscourse code: 👍/💛/📘/🔸🔺/🔵/🌘/🟥/🌲🌳/☀️/🥧/🐊🦕/🐌 🐞 /🐳🐬
before being anti endo maybe check out this post and this docs
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this is one's main blog feel free to check out ones' other blogs @plural-userboxes, @aac-plural and @plurality-questions
✧˖make sure to veiw ones DNI first
✧˖ones collective names are Link and Moire
✧˖ ones collective pronouns are It/Its and Critter/Critterself
✧˖ one is taken by ones amazing partner system
✧˖ one is a mixed origins traumagenic system and one is bodily a minor[age 16]
✧˖ one is very very queer
✧˖ one is collectively nonhuman
✧˖feel free to message one on discord or DM, one loves to meet new beings
✧ One is a SAFE SPACE for Endo systems
Tag System
#comhrá-rant posts/just kinda talking
#créatúr-posts abot kintpes
#Fuckwads/aff- system shit idfk
#Mo chridhe- mutuals!!!!![it translates to"my heart" in scottish gaelic bc one appreciates all of you alot!/v pos/p]
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
✧˖you can check out our rentry! its kinda important so....
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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userboxes by us ( @plural-userboxes )
last to userboxes are by @cringegenic!!!!
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thebest-medicine · 5 months
Hi there, I’m Ma(lee)na!
Blog Links:
my fics [x] & posts tag [x]
answered asks [x]
fandoms list [x]
me [x]
nsfw side-side-blog [x]
main blog [x]
archiveofourown account [x]
early tumblr fics masterpost [x]
tickletober 2023 fic masterpost [x]
summer sentence starter 2024 drabble masterpost [x]
tickletober 2024 fic masterpost [tbd]
real-life tkl content [tbd]
cashapp [x]
ko-fi [tbd]
Amazon wishlist (non-tickly stuff) [x]
Amazon wishlist (tickly stuff) [x]
About Me:
29 years old, she/her, currently live in the midwestern US
I’ve been on tumblr for a long while, back in 2012 I started publishing my first tickling related fanfiction here on this side blog I made because the only stories I could find online were generally very….let’s say they had many-a taste difference, mostly by being very explicitly non-con……. But now here we are many years and thousands of other blogs later and it’s a crazy wonderful beautiful part of the internet for so many people to post content, make friends, and explore their kinks! I've met a few people here and there within the community in real life for sessions and made a smidgeon of content, but I'm excited to explore more and create more within the community!
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notfarts · 5 months
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Hi I saw a demo by Héll Mood and wanted to try coding it on javascript myself :3>
It's kinda slow (bruteforce-raymarching-over-a-3D-array slow) but it's fun to explore randomly generated sierpinski-like sponge fractals.💮 Move with arrow keys, hold shift to go faster.
Credit where credit's due, this was made by closely trying to visually replicate the original demo Atlantis, by Héll Mood.
I learned a lot about ray marching, math, algebra, fractals, and some crazy bs about javascript. Weak typing is chaotic, can't believe the best way to force integer division is to use double bitwise not operator like ~~(a/2)
Anyway hope you like!
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rindemption · 3 months
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I have a new blog just for talking about my ocs! If that's what you're following me for, head on over there:
There are still a few things I'm prettying up and filling out, but it's done enough for me to share.
Ocs are from a good mix of genres and video games, including: Cyberpunk/ futuristic urban fantasy, Mass Effect, BG3/ high fantasy, Dragon Age, and others, and I'm down for talking about any of them
I'll be reblogging vibes in the form of photos and text posts, answering asks, doing games and picrews, posting my own thoughts about characters and lore, filling out templates, and otherwise talking about them when the mood strikes.
Hope to see you there!
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notsoprocreations · 8 months
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The show really reignited my childhood pjo fixation at the worst possible time <3
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hueberryshortcake · 6 months
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⋆・゚⋆ 🍓 if you're new to this blog, hello! if you're an old-timer, hello anyway!!! 🍓 ⋆・゚⋆
🍓 you can call me Caoimhín (pronounced kee-vin (or kee-veen, or kwee-veen, whatever makes sense. idc im just here to party))
🍓 this is evidently my DuckTales 2017 / duckverse blog
🍓 I am a young American adult if you must know..... you can unlock additional lore by following me devoutly because I love to talk online on account of not having a life
🍓 this is your fair warning that i am prone to bouts of intense sarcasm so if i appear to be incoherent that is why. good luck
🍓 i post my art and writing under #hueberry shortcake art, so that's what to search for in my blog if you're interested, although we all know how effective tumblr's tag and search systems are
|| my main blog, daffodil--lament, which truthfully functions mainly as an archive and log of my own thoughts, experiences, and amusements || shiny button you should click ||
|| commission info || print shop (in progress but up nonetheless!!!) || ao3 || art instagram ||
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st4riel-the-w1tchling · 3 months
My Intro Post!!
Hello and welcome to my blog!! My name’s Ari, but you can call me whatever idc. I’m a girl, a minor, an Aquarius if that matters to you and I have 2 younger brothers.
I lived in Australia for lots of my childhood however moved to Spain last year. I’ve done research and while different people seem to have different definitions of the term, I identify as Hispanic as I’m quite immersed in the Spanish culture, language, etc, never plan on leaving and have been raised like a Spanish kid (my parents have wanted to live here since they were kids so they’ve been preparing us for life here since we were newborn) even though I’m genetically Australian. If you believe I don’t fit the term idc that’s your opinion but this is how I identify.
I’ve been practicing witchcraft since late 2021 and believed in the Greek gods since I was a kid (because of PJO lol). I call myself a Greek pagan witch with animist and omnist beliefs, I believe the terms Hellenism and polytheism may apply but idk enough about them to use them to describe myself.
I started working with Aphrodite 4 days into my practice cuz I’m a bit silly however I’ve gotten more consistent and comfortable with my worship over time. Now working with her is just a part of my daily life, I love all her different epithets (I think is the word) she’s just so cool. I want to start working with King Hades and Queen Persephone in the future.
I’m trying to get better at note taking cuz I often forget. This blog is for saving notes #info, #paganism, #animism and #witchcraft stuff, I’ll post stuff related to #greek mythology under its own tag if not practitioner based, all deity/entity stuff is under its own tag (eg. #aphrodite, #hermes, #odysseus, #telemachus, etc).I also post related fandom stuff here like; #hades game, #pjo, #epic the musical, etc and stuff I’m more critical of like; #anti Madeline miller, #anti lore olympus under their own tags. My posts and asks are under #stariel posts and #stariel asks, all reblogs and queued are #stariel reblogs and #q, if I add a bit of my own input to a post it goes under #stariel convos, if I’m interacting with the community/mutuals it goes under #stariel community and #fave contains well all my fav posts.
I love spirit work and when I’m more experienced I plan on working with ghosts and animal spirits though currently I’m content just talking to my plants, house, divination tools and Aphrodite. I also want to start Ancestor Work soon. I’m a big fan of baneful protection magic and glamour/love magic. I’m pretty proud of my clair senses, intuition and divination abilities, I’ve always been an empath (my definition is; good at sensing energy and emotions) so I’ve put lots of effort into improving these skills which I’m quite happy with the strength of now.
You may also see special interest junk here (I’m neurodivergent) however I’ll try keep it at a minimum and it’ll only be posted if it is related to the topics of this blog (eg. Marvel comics [that and witchy stuff are my 2 big things] and also other interests like #Hermitcraft).
I’m a nickname person, I have some of the best nicknames ever (Stariel was one and now it’s my user for everything) so now I give everyone/thing nicknames lol. Just a warning, if we become friends I’m giving you 10,000 nicknames. I’m also a yapper as you can see below, irl I’ve learned to contain and summarise my paragraphs but on tumblr I let myself go wild and add as many irrelevant details/thoughts I have so I apologise in advance for the essays.
I personally believe hugely in free speech so there’s no DNI for this blog. Everyone is welcome as long as civil discussion is maintained no blatant straw manning/mud slinging if you want to debate me or someone else here on a topic make sure to be respectful about it, thanks.
And that’s about all I have to say right now, I seriously should make intros for my other blogs. Enjoy your stay!!
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boopshoops · 11 months
Hey hey! Welcome!
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💕I honestly lose track of all the different stuff I brain rot over: Twisted Wonderland, Houseki no Kuni, TOTK/BOTW, Palia, Baldur's Gate 3, vocaloid, Persona, Signalis, and more! Currently mostly hyper-fixated on Twisted Wonderland.
💕I am NOT currently taking art or writing commissions, requests, trades, or collabs. OC interactions are always open but I do them as small doodles at my own pace.
💕Do not repost art I made unless I made it for a character you own. If I did make it for you, make sure to link me in the post. (Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated!) My art/writing/posts are not available for commercial or AI use.
💕If I don't respond to you, it's probably just because I'm shy or overlooked it accidentally. You're awesome! Don't take it personally. You can find my boundaries and DNIS here.
💕General Info: She/her, ADHD, bi/ace, INFJ, 06/24, tv-14 rated blog ig, i actively simp for my girlfriend, i love my blorbos, I swear a lot, sorry about no anon!!! Not knowing who is who makes me anxious, i often use "dude, bro, man, guys," as gender neutral terms so lmk if you're not ok with that!
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#boopshoopsoc for original characters,
#boopshoopsramblings for random thoughts and ask replies,
#boopshoopswriting for drafts, fanfic, and character work,
#boopshoopsart for all my art.
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Links: Spotify, AO3, Toyhouse(<TCOAV spoilers), Artfol (Inactive), Artfight(<spoilers!) Pinterest, ask for my discord if you're interested!
SIDE @shoopsboops | My partner @precariii | TCOAV MASTERLIST | OC MASTERLIST
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whistleclan · 11 months
[The leaves are beginning to fall, and the wind has begun to pick up. You know what that means - and it's even more evident whenever you lift your nose and smell the crisp air. It must finally be leaf-fall. At long last.]
[Leading a clan is a lot of hard work, and leaf-fall is your favorite season.]
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[Your name is MISTLESTAR. You're the leader of WHISTLECLAN, a recently founded clan that joined the neighboring ones. Your territory is flat plains, where you and your clanmates run like the wind and tunnel deep into the earth.]
[You aren't positive of your own skills as the leader, and though your clanmates trust you deeply, you tend to be a bit insecure of your own ability. On top of it, you're extremely paranoid. But that isn't your fault... it's only like that because of your innate sense of the ghosts that wander these plains.]
[As you walk through the camp, you come across the sight of two cats trying their best to ignore a noisy kit.]
[Giving MILKWEEDKIT a small smile, you turn your attention to the two cats who are trying to hide their obvious annoyance of the small cat.]
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SLATEBURN: Oh... hey, Mistlestar! How are you doing today?
[That cat is SLATEBURN, your deputy. He's always been a good speaker and a natural storyteller. His intuition is hard to match, and the two of you are good friends.]
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EMBERSPOT: Milkweedkit has a story today. Care to sit in on it?
[EMBERSPOT is one of the warriors in the clan. He's a little bit of trouble, if you're honest.]
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MISTLESTAR: Oh, uh... no, no thank you. Sorry, I... have somewhere to be.
[You rush past the two cats and continue on your way. Milkweedkit's stories can go on forever, and you still have patrols to welcome back.]
[When you continue on, you run into two more warriors returning from a patrol, clearly halting their gossip to address you.]
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FAWNHOWL: Hey, Mistlestar. How goes it? Easy hunting today! Hah! Not that I had any doubt!
[FAWNHOWL is a confident sort, but she definitely has the skill to back it up.]
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FLIPSWAN: Fawnhowl did well. She always does. I expect nothing less of her.
[FLIPSWAN is Fawnhowl's mate, and she's always taking care of things around the camp. She SEEMS really nice, but there's... something off about her.]
[After exchanging some pleasantries, you're off on your way once again.]
[You find one of the warriors sharing some ideas with the apprentices.]
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MOTTLEDSPECK: - so as you can see, it's really important not to try and tear off at your full speed until you're sure of the direction you're headed.
[MOTTLEDSPECK is a quick-runner, and he's certain one day he'll be the fastest cat in all the world.]
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[The apprentices are... vaguely listening. Their names are SLIGHTPAW and WISTERIAPAW. The two of them share a heightened sense of justice, and a desire to grow into a member of your clan's important history.]
[There's only one last cat you want to check on before you go about your business, so you head to the medicine den.]
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BRIARSWAN: Oh, Mistlestar! How nice it is to see you out and about. How are you doing? How's the er... ghost problem?
[BRIARSWAN is not only a phenomenal medicine cat, but he's also the kindest cat you've ever known.]
[The question makes you pause. Briarswan is the only cat who knows of your visions of ghosts along the plains.]
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MISTLESTAR: Nothing too bad today. Maybe it was just nerves after all.
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BRIARSWAN: Whatever the case, you know I'm always here for you.
[What a lovely clan you have. You feel pride swell in your chest. This is YOUR clan. You hope you can do them proud.]
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say-4 · 29 days
Welcome one and all!
I have created this page so I can interact with my wonderful Audience (That’s you!) and possibly others!
You might be wondering, “Hetch? Aren’t you a bad guy?”
Silly! None of that was real! And even if it was, who would believe you? I’m willing to humor you, don’t worry.
Rules for the RP blog: Keep it SFW! If you want to join as a character and not an anon, ask me first!
ALSO, my inbox is notifications are funky and I don’t always see asks I receive so I might miss a couple.
WARNING: Hetch is mean. And WILL be mean to you, if you are aggressive towards him.
Mod: @factorii [She/Her]
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Knock knock fellas-
I gave in to the demon within me and made this blog-
Disclaimer: For legal reasons I am not actually the country of Croatia, I am also not from Croatia-
Currently at war with: No one
(Lord I suck at introductions 💀⚰️✌️)
Pronouns page:
Anyways... Here's some info about the mod (@crystalsandbubbletea)
Pronouns are They/Xe/Ve/Zir
This is the second gimmick blog I have, the first one is @/aroace-spec-empire
Transmasc Nonbinary
Demisexual, Demiromantic, Trixic, and Polyamorous (The queerphobes worst nightmare [/mj])
Requires tonetags (Ex: /j, /srs, /pos) for certain things like jokes
ADHD and Autism
Indigenous American (Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma)
Mostly made this blog to be silly (Much like how I made my AroAce Spec Empire blog to be silly-)
Learning Croatian (Actually learning 6+ languages SOS-)
Other information below the cut:
Boundaries: Please don't call me 'cunt', 'slut', or 'whore' even if it's a joke
This blog is not a safe place for the following:
Radfems + TERFS
Blogsona(s) info:
Croatia's appearance:
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Vesna's appearance (Blood CW):
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Croatia info:
-Mentally around 37 years old
-They/Xe/Ve/Zir pronouns
-Demisexual, Demiromantic, and Pan
-Parent of Dalmatia
-They have Maine Coon cat ears and a Maine Coon cat tail, the result of anon magic
-Also the god of stars because of anon magic
-Their siblings are Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Montenegro, while their father is Yugoslavia
-ADHD and Autism
-Married to Czech Republic
Vesna info:
-49 years ago (Around death)
-The spirit that split from Croatia and is now trying to torment everyone
NOTE: Vesna started possessing Croatia when Croatia was eleven years old
Lucija info
-Around 22 years old
-Another spirit possessing Croatia because of a anon
-Demisexual lesbian
(Infos will be updated whenever lore moments happen)
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