#maiden hair fern
thekeymonster · 11 months
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Maiden Hair Fern Bunny - Botanimal Pet Portrait
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julesofnature · 2 months
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Nature's music is never over; her silences are pauses, not conclusions.  ~Mary Webb
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onepiexe · 2 years
happy monstera monday<3
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qprstobin · 2 years
the scenic route
i saw this post by @henderdads yesterday and started CACKLING at the image of eddie trying to hide from steve only to stumble across the rest of his stalkers fan club, so here it is
Ao3 link
Eddie was pretty sure he was supposed to be better than this.
He'd had more than his fair share of ill advised crushes over the years. His middle school science teacher, the entirely too-nice-for-the-popular-crowd head cheerleader, the bartender at the Hideout that he sold coke to on more than one occasion. And yet, here he was. Leering after Steve Harrington.
(Crush was maybe too strong of a word - that would imply he felt any positive emotions towards the man other than carnal lust.)
Every day at work, Eddie told himself he would take the shortest path outside for his smoke break, and every day he ended up taking the scenic route.
It was like he couldn't help himself. He'd shove his hands into his pockets, and meander his way passed the food court, trying his hardest to seem natural as his eyes strayed over to the Scoops Ahoy.
And there he was, Harrington in all his post-popularity glory. Eddie wasn't sure whose bright idea it was to put the Scoops employees in sailor suits, but he wanted to shake their hand. Or slash their tires.
The shorts clung to Harrington's thighs, somehow even thicker than they were when he was still playing sports regularly. The little hat was less flattering, causing his signature hair to fall limp beneath it, but that was fine. Eddie had seen his hair in all its glory more than enough to fill in the blanks.
As he got closer, he could see that Harrington was chatting up a female patron - typical of the high school heartthrob. It sent a pulse of jealousy and disgust through him. Harrington looked up at the girl from under his eyelashes, pulling his pink, glossy lips into a smirk.
The things Eddie would do to that mouth with half a chance.
The girl let out a laugh, turning in a whirl of curls as she giggled with her friends. He would've thought that response was a positive one if Harrington hadn't immediately let his head fall forward with a groan. Robin Buckley, the mousy band geek Gareth was infatuated with last year, popped up from the back room with a white board that seemed to be a record of all of his strikeouts.
Seemed even pretty privileged popular kids had trouble wooing fair maidens sometimes. Who would've thought. A feeling of satisfaction curled in his stomach - both at watching Harrington get put in his place and knowing that he was still painfully single.
He didn't let himself examine why that was.
While watching the interaction, Eddie hadn't realized he had been slowing to a stop. Until Buckley looked his way. Panic surged through him and he dove to the left, towards a gathering of potted ferns that should be leafy enough to hide him and his hair.
There was a snag in that plan - someone was already hiding there.
Eddie stumbled, arms pinwheeling as he tried to stop himself from running over three middle schoolers. Several little hands snagged the front of his shirt, keeping him from pitching backwards and falling on his ass.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ-" he cursed as he wobbled to a stop. He clamped his mouth shut, taking in the three children in front of him.
The two nearest to him were barely holding back giggles, one a boy with an unfortunate bowl cut and the other a redheaded girl who looked like she was trying to judge him but couldn't smother her mirth. Another boy with dark skin and a bandana tied around his head was looking embarrassed, crouching as close as possible to the girl as he could.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" Eddie asked, unable to help himself.
"Same thing you are," Red replied with a smirk playing at her lips. He blanched.
"Eye candy," she said. It was clear what - or rather who she was referring to.
Bandana groaned softly, the embarrassment on his face deepening. Bowl Cut started giggling again. A fern was tickling Eddie's ear, and he desperately wanted to melt into the floor like the ice cream on a Scoops Ahoy cone.
Eddie didn't even bother to deny it. "You're like, 10. Aren't you a bit young for crushes?"
Red gave him an unimpressed stare.
"We're about to start high school, man," Bandana said as he wrinkled his nose. Judgment colored his tone.
"You don't look like the type to normally go for preps. So do you really have a leg to stand on?" she added.
Sheesh, the attitude on these kids.
Eddie refused to give her any ground.
"Also, I don't have a crush - I was dragged here against my will," Bandana continued.
"I can't believe my boyfriend is lying to my face like this."
"Steve's basically our babysitter, that's weird."
"I don't know," Bowl Cut piped up for the first time, "I think crushing on your babysitter is pretty normal."
Eddie's head was spinning as he tried to keep up with the back and forth. Steve Harrington was their babysitter? He pinched the inside of his wrist, convinced this whole situation was a bad trip or a surreal weed dream. It made more sense than a couple of toddlers claiming that Harrington babysat them regularly.
"I don't have a crush on him!"
"Then why do you keep asking him to 'shoot hoops' with you?" Red asked, turning her judgmental haze onto her sweating boyfriend.
"You know I'm thinking about trying out for basketball next year," Bandana said with an almost pretentious air. "I need all the practice I can get!"
"I didn't know getting smacked in the face with the ball when Steve takes off his shirt counted as practice," Bowl Cut said, a deceptively sweet smile on his face as he drove a dagger into his friend's back.
Bowl Cut and Red shushed him, tiny hands flying to cover Bandana's mouth. Eddie reflexively peeked through the fronds, checking to make sure the object of their well - their object hadn't noticed them.
(He hesitated to call him the object of their lust because the three in front of him were literally babies, but he refused to use the word affection in the same sentence as Harrington. Even if this entire conversation was throwing his carefully crafted view of the man through a loop.)
It was fine, though. Harrington and Buckley were wrapped up in their own world, chatting back and forth. If he had a heart he might even say they looked good together. Eddie's eyes strayed towards Harrington's fingers as he twirled his scooper in his hand.
He wanted to shove them in his mouth-
Not the time.
By the time he tuned back into the infants' conversation, Bandana was sulking. Clearly, he had lost, especially with how smug both Red and Bowl Cut looked. Red had even pulled out a little snack packet that she was triumphantly munching on.
"You brought snacks?" Eddie sputtered out, not sure if he was impressed or put out by the sheer balls on this little girl.
"Uh, yeah? Food court food is expensive," she said like it was a no brainer.
The balls, man.
He kinda wanted to be her when he grew up.
"Let me get this straight, you brought snacks along while you stalk your babysitter?" he asked anyway.
"I get hungry," Red said. After a moment, she rolled her eyes and pulled out another snack pack, throwing it at him. It smacked him in the face, but he managed to catch it before it hit the ground. "You're welcome."
"Thanks?" he replied automatically.
This may as well happen.
She distributed two more snack packs to her friend and her boyfriend, and the three returned to peering at Harrington through the ferns. Eddie just stared at them, once again feeling like he must have fallen into a different universe.
This whole thing was getting to be too much for him. His knees and thighs were starting to ache, and not for any particularly pleasant reason. He didn't want to know how long he had been crouched back here.
He needed to get out of here before he reached his limit. His boss may give him a lot of leeway, but he didn't want to keep pushing his luck hanging out in the food court for the rest of the day, babysitting Steve fucking Harrington's children.
Even if the view was pretty good.
"Well, this has been fun, but I need a smoke," he said finally. The three barely spared him a glance. Figuring that they were done with him, and because he didn't know how to leave well enough alone. "I'll leave you to your... stalking."
"Same time tomorrow?" Bowl Cut asked, turning that shy but cheeky grin onto him, revealing that not only had they done this before, but that they had seen Eddie here before.
Fuck. His face was turning red.
"Don't plan on it," he scoffed. The trio spared him disbelieving glances, but let him rock to his feet and start walking away without another word.
They all knew he'd be taking the scenic route again tomorrow.
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publicdomainreview · 7 months
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“American Maiden-hair Fern Fronds” — one of 15 new Karl Blossfeldt prints just up this week on our online shop: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/karl-blossfeldt-s-urformen-der-kunst-1928
More about Blossfeldt in our post here: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/karl-blossfeldt-s-urformen-der-kunst-1928
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telekinetictrait · 1 year
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"All the hopes, fears, capabilities of her nature were yet folded around her like the wings within a chrysalis." (Marian Withers – Geraldine Jewsbury, 1851)
the next decade in the timeline: the 1850s. a decade of large social turmoil and even larger skirts. these skirts were created by layering numerous petticoats, which made it unwieldy, uncomfortable, and at times unsafe. that is, up until cage crinoline of 1856! this allowed for skirts to continue to grow even further than before. another development that shifted fashion were the improvements in the sewing machine. these improvements and mass production of the singer sewing machine allowed for even the lower classes to take part in fashion trends. we also see a more "natural" waistline (natural in where it lays on the body) and soft, drooping shoulders. once again, i deviated in one outfit. i know it's technically a swimsuit. but when i saw it, it reminded me of this illustration of amelia bloomer, who famously made a stir with elizabeth smith miller and elizabeth cady stanton in 1851 when they began to wear loose trousers paired with shorter dresses, now referred to as "bloomer suits". this never caught on, but it's an important moment in the history of women's fashion in america.
1800-1809 / 1810-1819 / 1820-1829 / 1830-1839 / 1840-1849
cc links under the cut!
see my resources page
farrah : simstomaggie's sennui hair / the-melancholy-maiden's 1850s hair flowers / mysteriousoo's long dress with ruffled underskirt and belt (tsr download) / huiernxoxo's love bonito gloves
fern : simstomaggie's rhaenyra hair / imadako's girls school uniform accessory bolero jacket + tie / vintagesimstress' 1858 bathing suit / gilded-ghosts' hartfield boots
fhaye : the-melancholy-maiden's oregon trail bonnets / rrtt's sifix maria dress recolor
filene : simstomaggie's rosa hair / batsfromwesteros' elisabeth winter set
fjóla : simstomaggie's rosa hair / the-melancholy-maiden's 1850s hair flowers / vintagesimstress' 1850's cecile opera dress
fleurette : linzlu's fancy bonnet / teanmoon's beautiful belle dress / huiernxoxo's love bonito gloves
forsythia : buzzardly28's 1850s braids / the-melancholy-maiden's 1850s hair flowers / vintagesimstress's maggie skirt / huiernxoxo's love bonito gloves
fritzi : linzlu's birthday bonnet / buzzardly28's 1850s dreadlocks / teanmoon's radiently ruffled gown / huiernxoxo's love bonito gloves
fuscienne : lace-and-honey's linzlu prairie bonnet conversion / pandorasimbox's emmilene day dress
fyodora : the-melancholy-maiden's oregon trail bonnets / simstomaggie's rosa hair / simstomaggie's vanta dress / huiernxoxo's love bonito gloves
thank you to @simstomaggie @the-melancholy-maiden @huiernxoxo @imadako @vintagesimstress @gilded-ghosts @batsfromwesteros @linzlu @teanmoon @buzzardly28 @lace-and-honey and @pandorasimbox !!
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tehnakki · 3 months
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Olive has "discovered" (ie realized she can climb into the bathtub while dry) the maiden hair fern I was growing and has taken it up on herself to trim it back daily 😩
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kit-williams · 8 months
First Meeting
Lion El'Johnson D&D AU
Canon status? It's canon to its AU
"How did you meet mother?" Luthor says looking up at his father as he draws the heavy bow back watching his father's eyes narrow before letting the arrow loose.
"Why are you suddenly so interested?" Lion says calmly as he and his son start to forestwalk.
Between patches of trees their conversation can be heard by the moss and the ferns and the fungi. "Because I'm a man now."
Lion snorts at his sixteen year old son. Still just a boy in his eyes as he was no Primarch no need for him to grow up quickly. "Is that so?"
"And well not everyone can save a damsel in distress to get a wife." Luthor says as if it is obvious. The fledgling Paladin and the Dark Angel look to the twisted beast snarling as the arrow Lion had loosed had ripped right on through it.
"Fine I'll tell you. Kill the quarry." Lion said pulling his sword out just watching his son fight. He had promised his Dove that he would make sure the boy was safe.
"SMITE!" Luthor shouted and Lion watched those green eyes turn gold as he could feel it... out of all his children so far Lion had sired... he was truly his grandfather's child. As power rushed into the monster through his sword and it laid dead. He could tell Luthor was grinning under his winged helm.
Seventeen years earlier
Lion frowned at the ruckus the soldiers were making. He clearly knew his part in keeping this fledgling lord safe... perhaps his brothers were right that he was simply a sellsword at the moment but Lion didn't care. Beasts seemed to be in plenty supply for him to fight.
"Not a party man?" A voice cooed at him as he looked over at the maiden, though maiden was a strong term given her appearance as she grinned at him. Shoulders exposed to the twilight sky, her blonde hair in unruly trussels, and she gave him such a cat caught with the cream grin. "Oh I do apologize," She cooed with certainly no apology in her voice, "Not a party man, ser?"
"Lion." His deep timber resonated as he gave her his name.
"Oh the big man of the hour. I hear the lord is going to give you something nice tomorrow." She winked and Lion just scoffed but Gloria took it in good stride given the fact the mighty Ser Lion hadn't backhanded her away or shooed her off.
"And what would you know of it?" He said pulling on his gambeson and freeing his long blonde hair from its tie. It fell straight verses this maiden's half curled locks.
Lion's icy blue eyes watched her face as she hesitated for a brief moment... the slight shame in her tone before she just lightens it, "Well I'm one of his handmaidens it's my job to know." She forces a smile.
"Well why are you here?" Lion asks bluntly and it seems she is unphased by his rough nature.
"In his service or besides you?"
"Both." Lion says waving a hand as he walks over to a small stone wall and sits on it.
She shrugs following him, "Got nothing else really going for me. And to let you know good Ser I was out here catching my breath first. Only so many times you can allow your ass to get slapped passing by men before it gets annoying."
Lion's head snapped towards her and she sighed, "None of that good Ser no need to waste your righteous chivalric anger on a pigeon like me." She says sitting on the wall with a smile.
"Pigeon?" Lion says softly.
"Yeah, some men like to think proper court ladies like doves. Pure and just sit there being demure and cooing softly. I'm hardly anything like that. I'm just some piebald bird only good for sending missives and annoying the bakers for bread. Nothing like a dove."
Lion sat for a moment before speaking, "Doves and Pigeons come from the same family. A dove is just a fancy pigeon."
She blinked at him before slapping her skirt and laughing nearly falling off if not for his hand grabbing her arm as she just laughs and laughs. He tilts his head not seeing what is so funny about it.
"Oh thank you Ser Lion you've made my night. Perhaps I shouldn't be so dismissive of myself."
The topic of conversation is lost to his memory but she eventually tells him her name... Gloria. How it dances from his mouth. Lion was taught on Caliban to seek the demur and courtly woman but there was a freshness to Gloria.
"Ser Lion I'm awful at dancing." She says holding his hands looking down at her feet.
"You're in good company. I'm awful at dancing myself."
Again she tilted her head back laughing, "Then why are we trying this?"
"To live as fools for a night." Lion says softly as the two do slow methodical steps. Hardly any room for deviance on Lion's part as his hand rests on her hip as her off hand rests on his shoulder and the other hand for both of them rest together.
"Forgive what I am about to say Ser Lion but bad dancer my ass." Gloria giggles as he takes the lead before dipping her and a furious blush rushes over her face as this feels scandalous.
"I cannot forgive your mouth Lady Gloria." He smiles internally as she giggles at being called a lady. Her rough hands against his as they simply dance. But the night grows long and tomorrow calls for duty.
"I won't say I wish to see you again... I won't get my hopes up." Gloria says.
"Why not?" Lion uncharacteristically asks.
"While you are getting some lucky lady as a gift, Oh hope you aren't torn up about the surprise being ruined. I get to share the bed of a new man to help convince another knight to stay here. But if by some act it should be you... tell him you've never met me." And with that Lion knows not to ask questions with the list in her voice... the way she looks away and down... the shame of it all. Before she looks up, "I hope to get enough one day... go out and have a small adventure... perhaps find my own knight in shining armor." She pauses for a few moments, "Oh I must be boring you. Have a good night Ser Lion. I shall treasure this night."
"Good night Lady Gloria." He says kissing her hand causing her to blush deeply.
"A simple companion nothing more really." His lord says walking with Lion and as much as he wishes he was back home... Lion remembers to remain somewhat humble. He and his brothers have not siezed power in these lands for a reason... they did not want to be warlords again. But Oh how the Lion wish he could throw his weight around but without his sons to rally to his aid... Lion huffed.
"Again my Lord I do not need some nanny to cook and keep my armor cleaned or patch my holes."
"But you could be using your time elsewhere verses mending your things yourself. Just allow her to show her use." Lion could see that glint in his eye but he would humor the man. "She is particularly good at what she does. Ser Lion this is Gloria."
He was the master of keeping a stone face as he looked over Gloria. No longer in attire fit for a lower class she was put into lower nobility attire, her wild hair pinned back into a tight bun, painted lips, all of that wild bubbly energy he saw the prior night gone as that piebald pigeon she had called herself... had been painted white and forced to coo so sweetly. "I am but your humble servant Ser Lion." She says with practiced grace.
"Have you two met?" The lord says looking over at Gloria.
Lion speaks up first, "No. I've never met her. I would have certainly remembered meeting a charming dove."
She curtsies lower, "You flatter me good Ser."
"Splendid. Just if she doesn't meet your tastes just let me know." He says turning away as Gloria spares him a look and for once the Lion feels a mixture of anger and pity. He ignores the prattling of his lord as he takes her hand and once again kisses the back of it.
"It is lovely to make your acquaintance my Lady."
Luthor just looked at his father blinking. "Wait mother always mentioned there being a dragon."
"Her old liege lord is the dragon in her stories. She simply was saving her dignity. Unlike your Uncle Curze's wife who embraced her past your mother doesn't like to remember it." The Lion says before walking over and lopping the beast's head off. "You did good today Luthor." He says patting his son's head.
While Luthor much like many of his cousins inherited most of their features from their fathers... Luthor inherited his mothers eyes and her unfiltered smile.
"So when are you going to tell me about the Dark Angels?" Luthor says looking up at his father.
"That is a talk for when you are older." Lion says softly as they walk together.
Taglist @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @illusivecam
If you wished to be added to the taglist please let me know
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A Thing That Sustains | @nolofinweanweek
Idril learned to make bread from her grandmother. She was young and charmingly solemn, then: young and sweet enough that her interest in the craft was seen as a precocious interest in maidenly duties, childish and darling. She had no words, then, for the inchoate fear that turned her hands greedy and sparse with the flour.
Elenwë ate only fruits and vegetables, and took as doctrine, as some of the Vanyar did, not to use a pestle or iron pan except on ceremonial days.
Anairë it was that taught Itarillë to make bread in the Noldorin fashion.
Anairë it was that woke her in the mornings of her childhood, well before the Mingling, and joining her small, sleep-warm hand in hers carried her granddaughter and brought her to join the party of ladies that fed the household of Finwë and the princes of the Noldor.
Itarillë learned to make bread from her grandmother. She was young and charmingly solemn, then: young and sweet enough that her interest in the craft was seen as a precocious interest in maidenly duties, childish and darling. 
She had no words, then, for the inchoate fear that turned her hands greedy and sparse with the flour. 
In bright, blessed Valmar, they ground it from the plenty of the land: wild wheat and generous fields of oat, planted not but sowed by any idle scythe when there was a need. The Noldor, more in love with high mountains than holy plains, made sustenance from the castaway excess of the groves that grew plentiful on their land.
They dressed in thick mantles and went early to pick them up Túna's green slopes. Anairë and Indis and Lalwen, all the women of the king's house, the many noble maidens of Noldor half-dreamy still themselves, braiding their hair with ribbons as they went over grass and fern; and little Itarillë was swung between raised hands, and made to learn all the songs of their craft.
Chestnuts and almonds they picked, walnuts and hazelnuts - hazelnuts were her father's favourite, but Elenwë liked almonds best, and wore their blossoms often about her hair, when Itarillë returned from her gathering-walks with handfuls of half-crushed petals to offer her. And Irissë laughed and laughed at Turukáno's face, whenever Itarillë left more gifts of nuts in his pockets without his notice and caused him to accidentally bring them out of his courtly robes, instead of the expected quill, or a very official scroll. Little squirrel-child, she called her, and knelt down to help her count how many nuts she had found this time.
But it was Anairë who showed her how to ground them all, into meal and flour, and how to mix all parts to raise breads to be shared upon Queen Indis's table, given in friendship to the king's household and the king's people, to the princes of the Vanyar and the Teleri or any wanderer that came in for a meal.
Her hands were too small for Anairë's pestle; the hazel tree gave her some boughs, and from them Elenwë fashioned one small enough for her daughter's use. In those days, in that Blessed Land, the trees spoke slowly, with crackling leaves like fingers moving in the wind, and all of them bend their boughs whenever Itarillë found she had a whim for something to eat. 
From Anairë she learned these things: for in those days the Noldor were known and praised for their generosity, and took as much pleasure as pride in it.
Elenwë died on the third year of their crossing. For the lack of her hand on the bow and on the pestle, four others died, that might have perhaps lived.
Then Itarillë was well enough to sit on a stool and make up for her absence, as long as the stumps of her legs were wrapped carefully, and she did not expend too much of herself on songs for the raising of bread.
Few maidens and ladies of the Noldor joined their hands and their skills to the choice of the Exiles. It fell to those that came to store and carry and count the barley, to renew the bread-songs from ancient times with mighty urgency. Need made them inventive; all the cleverness that had been used to create sweet confections and cunning layers of biscuits was turned into new efforts.
Itarillë would have been crammed in the warmest tents regardless, cossetted and beloved as she was near the covered ovens. But not even a princess could be left idle in the host of Nolofinwë, and there were never enough voices and hands raised up to work their rations into flat loaves.
The power of making bread was in the sharing of strength. They few who were skilled in it shared it; and when there was enough to share, they invented it, and took it out of themselves in intricate enchantments.
Itarillë set aside the last mittens her mother sewed for her, from the last creature kind-hearted, sharp-eyed Elenwë slew; she stretched her small fingers and set to work on making her mother's last meals.
From Lalwen Itarillë learned anew all the old gestures, pared down by great caution, and how to alter the rhyming of a spell to make the strength and endurance imbued in it last longer; but Lalwen learned more from her. Itarillë's paucity, which had been cheerfully teased in a king's grandchild, grew full of foresight and care.
Itarillë had an eye for future needs, and a talent for perfect measures. For all she wielded no knife or cleaver, she knew well what fed the shared fires her father's siblings tended, on those scant nights when they had meat to eat. Hers was the bread that was dipped on the stew, and eaten to the crumbs; even then, she knew what it was to be grateful to the dead for the right to walk another day through the plains of ice.
Nolofinwë, who did not eat well or much, moved by a fierce defiance that needed no coal to sustain it. Even in the dark terror of their days he praised her wisdom, and stroked with a rueful grief the neat edges of her loaves, learned at Anairë's side, as precise as hers had been.
Almonds and hazelnuts were rarer near this shore of the Great Sea, and the varieties of chestnuts varied in Beleriand, but Idril learned them all anew. In Beleriand, nothing was truly plentiful.
It was not easy, at first, to walk under fir and bush, and not cut herself scavenging.
In those days, she was chided for being greedy - it was not just or tolerable to pick too many nuts from the ground, lest the creatures of the forest suffer the lack, and grow scanter and crueller with it.
We are none of us the only creatures with hungry kin in this land, Celebrindal, said Meleth, who first greeted her people by the shores of Mithrim; and Idril, growing tall and taller under the light of the sun, too solemn and too thin, forced herself to let go of what was not her share to take from the forests. If she wept, then, none but her nurse and the forest saw it; and the trees of Beleriand did not speak as easily as those she had known in Amanyar, at least not any language she knew at the time.
They learned the language of the land well enough, and swiftly enough. Ulmo was not kind to their fishermen, but Círdan's people were generous in its stead. Turgon's followers were eager and quick as their lord was, and worked with a will to bring harvests to life.
They made their way to the sea again, there to make a new city of their own. The ovens and storing houses were raised first, on steady, defensible ground, and then everything else.
As a student to the Sindarin land-stewards that joined Turgon's people for love of the forests and secret places, Idril spent many days with her father on the pinewoods of Nevrast, walking deer tracks through mists that clung with a far more chilling damp than any that had risen over the lands bathed by Laurelin.
As their trade routes grew, so too the bones of her wrists ceased pressing so sharply against Idril's skin; even her father, who always went without if any of his people could use his share, grew strong around the shoulders again.
In Mithrim and Nevrast, the last maidens of the Noldor, scarred and frost-bitten, mingled with bakers of the Avari and the Sindar and Falathrim - learned many new recipes, made new songs as they learned new languages.
They did not let languish the habit of singing power to even the plainest flatbread. But some of them sang the old words, too, thanking Telperion and Laurelin, naming Vána and Yavanna and all the rivers that grew from Taniquentil's cold springs. Whenever she sang of Aman, Idril recalled Anairë's strong hands covered in brown flour when she repeated the same motions, turning dough and shaping it with perfect confidence, and deliberate skill.
There was time enough and plenty enough to try to replicate it. By her willingness to learn and her dedication to experiment, she added new ingredients to old recipes - pines from the great trees that grew over her new window, acorns from Ossiriand and Mithrim, pecan and pistachio from Himlad.
It was a bitter satisfaction, to be able to store up enough provisions for the journey to the place where their hidden city was to be raised; to be able to count and prepare and know for certain there would be enough coimas for all the efforts of moving and raising stone, if only barely.
Idril knew how to do this work. Meleth walked the woods with Turgon and Aredhel to say farewell and give thanks to the land; Idril stayed behind to fill the oven with new kindling, and made enough spare loaves to leave a good share of meals in Turgon's abandoned throne room. The scouts Nolofinwë sent to find them found only Nevrast abandoned, and enough to eat on their fruitless task.
Idril woke early, in Gondolin.
The sun met her many times with her shoulders taunt and her hands busy, singing over her work. It was an effort, at times, even through the Long Peace, not to let her voice and hands slip towards recipes perfected on the Ice, made to sustain strength beyond every privation more than please the mouth. 
Turgon raised up a city where his wife might have been safe and joyful and free of want, with a dozen fruits to be gathered at every corner.
The people of Gondolin ate their bread dipped in honey and olives. All the Lords of the City kept their doors open, and baskets of bread under the threshold of their arched doorways, for those who passed by; and the smell of it filled the streets at dawn. When warm, it tasted of orange and apple, all the fruit grown amidst the green gloss of the leaves lining the avenues of the White City.
Anairë, Idril thought at times, would have enjoyed the sweet-bitter of it. 
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During summer, when it is warm, unwed maidens of the North would wear flowers and ferns and leaves, and berries and tiny sprigs of sweet-smelling pine in their hair. Only married women wore headdresses made of stiffened leather and damask.
Images: x x x x x x
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missfishersmurderpolls · 11 months
Phryne fashion tournament: looks nine to sixteen
All credit for research used to inform the descriptions of these wonderful costumes goes to @phrynefishersfrocks.
All caps from here.
Looks one to eight available here.
9. Fan dance outfit (Murder Most Scandalous)
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[Image ID 1: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the hips up, lit from behind as she performs a fan dance. She wears knickers with pink feathers matching her fans and a jewelled headress and shoulder piece. Her arms are crossed across her chest, hiding her breasts. /End ID]
[Image ID 2: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne's face appears abover her pink fan feathers as she performs her fan dance. /End ID]
Look number nine is one of Phryne's most memorable: her fan dancing outfit from Murder Most Scandalous. She wears knickers with feathers matching those in her fans and a jewelled shoulder piece.
10. Lilac and green coat and hat (Framed for Murder)
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[Image ID 3: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up wearing a lilac and green coat, beige blouse with pattern in matching colours, and a green hat with purple trim. /End ID]
[Image ID 4: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Full length image of Phryne stood on a movie set, showing her green and lilac outfit with a black skirt and shoes. /End ID]
Phryne's lilac and green/gold outfit from the start of Framed for Murder is number ten. She has a matching hat and coat over a patterned cream and lilac blouse and a black skirt.
11. Red and cream beach look (Dead Man's Chest)
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[Image ID 5: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up indoors, showing her red and cream blouse with shoulder detail and buttons. She also has matching red earrings. /End ID]
[Image ID 6: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries showing full length view of Phryne's red and white beach look. She stands on a pier wearing a white hat with trim that matches the blouse and holds a yellow parasol with a red fern pattern. /End ID]
One of Phryne's beach looks from Dead Man's Chest is number eleven. She wears a pleated cream skirt with a red and cream blouse and a matching hat and shoes. And that parasol!!!
12. Brown & red kimono with pink collar (various episodes)
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[Image ID 7: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne us shown from the shoulders up in her parlour wearing her red/brown kimono, with embroidery clear on the shoulder. Her hair is tousled and her makeup slightly smudged from sleep. /End ID]
[Image ID 8: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne walks into her dining room wearing her red/brown kimono, holding it closed across her chest. She wears a pale, low-cut night dress below it. /End ID]
Look twelve is Phryne's red/brown kimono. It has embroidery of doves and trees and a light pink trim.
13. All black trousers and sheer blouse (Murder in Montparnasse and Death Comes Knocking)
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[Image ID 9: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits in profile on the arm of a chair in her parlour, wearing black trousers and a black sheer blouse. /End ID]
[Image ID 10: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the shoulders up. The lace pattern on her black camisole is shown through her sheet blouse as well as her drop earrings. /End ID]
Will number thirteen be unlucky for this look from Death Comes Knocking? High waisted black trousers are paired with a sheer blouse which shows off the lacy bits on her camisole.
14. Blue floral jacket and purple hat (Murder and the Maiden)
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[Image ID 11: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne and Jack stand in front of a map at City South, Phryne pointing to something on it. She is wearing a black/navy patterned coat and a coordinating purple hat. /End ID]
[Image ID 12: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits in on questioning in the interrogation room at City South, wearing her black/navy patterend coat and purple hat. The flower trim on her hat coordinates with a brooch and the pattern on her coat. /End ID]
Number fourteen is one of Phryne's investigating looks from Murder and the Maiden. She wears a black and navy patterened coat, with purple cuffs that match her purple hat.
15. White 'at home' cardigan (various episodes)
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[Image ID 13: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the shoulders up wearing her white lace cardigan with a low, rounded neck white blouse and gold earrings. /End ID]
[Image ID 14: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Shown from the hips up, Phryne wears her white lace cardigan with a white cowl neck bouse and white skirt with silver belt buckle. /End ID]
Look fifteen is Phryne's white knit/crochet lace cardigan. It appears throughout the series, often worn at home and with stunning all-white looks.
16. Fighting cock robe (various episodes)
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[Image ID 15: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown full-length, going to open a door in her black fighting cock robe. The image is from behind, showing the full detail of the embroidery. /End ID]
[Image ID 16: Screencap from Miss FIsher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits on a white couch with her legs folded under her, holding a piece of toast up in one hand. She wears her black fighting cock robe, the embroidery just visible in the front view of the arms and shoulders. /End ID]
Last but not least is Phryne's black robe with the fighting cock embroidery. Not much needs to be said about it because we all know how incredible it is.
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patchydrawer · 5 months
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Safe House Plants For Bitties!
heres a list of safe house plants to keep with your bitties if you see them eating them alot please remove the plant (i might do a small series of this i'm currently working on another project so i dont know if i can get much done)
Safe Plants
Monstera (all kinds)
Philidendron (all kinds)
Spider Plants
Pothos (all kinds)
Goldfish Plant
African violets
Unsafe plants
Rubber Trees
Peace Lilly
Air Plants
Most if not all ferns (only safe fern is maiden hair or rabbit foot just monitor if your bitty tries to eat or bite at the plant)
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pseudonemisis · 10 months
I think tumblr ate my first go at this post so here we go again
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Plants <3
Just potted these two today and I need some names for them! Left is a rosy maiden hair fern and Right is a bush on fire croton. My plant collection slowly grows and they're so fun
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nukyster-blog · 1 year
Adrift Chapter 20) Charge
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The Morvan was a mountainous area that had a rich flora and fauna. Wild flowers bloomed, primroses, figwort, wood anemones, wild daffodils. Raspberries and strawberries were widespread. Birds found it a paradise, buzzards, hawks and falcons preyed on the much smaller sparrows, magpies and swallows. Small hunters such as foxes and badgers kept the rabbit, hare, and squirrel population under control. Deer were also frequent visitors of the beautiful area.
For the first time since Ivar had been dragged through the walls of the castle of de Haar, food was abundant. It was bittersweet, because every bite seemed to turn to ash in his mouth. 
As the last ember of the campfire diminished, he chose the solitude of the forest, crawling far away from their camp once dawn spared him enough light. 
Truth was; he could not stand to be in the presence of the maidens. It was like an avalanche; the thickness of the air as he dared to think of either one of them. It choked him as he submerged himself in his own flagellating thoughts. He had to face the fact that one maiden would never trust him again if she knew what he did with the other.  
Ivar hadn’t feared much in his life, but he’d rather drown than read this betrayal in Piglet’s dark eyes. 
“I know Utstott, I fucked up,” Ivar agreed with a deep huff as his faithful companion nipped sharp at his earlobe, digging his claws into his shoulder. The white raven hopped a little aside, agitated.
It pained Ivar to confess; but there were moments he missed being locked inside the walls of the castle of de Haar. Life had been cruel; but simple. Everything wore either the color white or black; everyone was simply the enemy. His days were mundane and well-organized; survive, endure, feed the pigs, eat as many scraps as you can. He did not need to think nor feel, simply because he lacked the strength, and hunger occupied every inch of his being, too much to care about anything or anyone else. 
Now that those cherished walls had crumbled, everything else started to grab him by the throat. There wasn’t any pain nor hunger to occupy his mind, body and soul. And in all honesty, he’d love to trade places with his former self locked inside that dingy shed; because he struggled so dearly with coming to terms with these feelings. 
“Oh Utstott, if I could trade bodies just for a day,” Ivar reminisced to the white raven and swallowed a large lump in the back of his throat as he watched the bird lift itself atop the wind and leave him all alone in his solemness. 
The guttural distraught cry of Piglet made all the hairs of his neck and arm bristle. His entire body snapped toward the sound and into fight-mode. 
Following Utstott’s rushed caws, Ivar dragged his lower body forth as fast as he could. At the camp, he spotted Valeríe huddling underneath the ox-wagon, both animals bucking and bolting at the forestline. “Where is she?!” Ivar shouted in panic, crawling agitated underneath the wagon once he did not receive an immediate answer. Dragging her palms away from her face he gave her a harsh shove. “WHERE IS SHE?!” he repeated, screaming this time as Piglet’s scream echoed through the maze of trees. “I don’t know!” Valeríe cried out, “there was a wild boar, it attacked the oxes, she tried to distract them and it went after her.” The muscles in his arms tightened and for a moment air evaporated from his lungs. A damn boar. He let go of Valeríe immediately, trudging toward the immediate danger. A damn boar, his nostrils flared and he shouted out: “PIGLET, FIND A TREE, HIDE UP HIGH!” The head of a wild boar could take up a third of its body. They were unpredictable, once they started to charge it was almost impossible to outrun them. Their razor sharp tusks could do a lot of damage, if not be lethal.
In blind panic Ivar pushed himself through bushes, crushing ferns, hitting his knees over tree roots until he finally spotted Piglet. 
Of all damn trees she could have picked she’d taken refuge into a gaunt elm tree of not even ten winters old. Screaming at the top of her lungs she only agitated the four legged furry monster, who was growling and charging the tree trunk over and over again. 
Ivar had the advantage of being on higher ground, and was given the bird's eye view of the situation. He would have had a clear shot, if he’d possessed a bow and arrow, or any other weapon. But Piglet’s distress call had casted all logic from his system and so it was time for a rash decision. 
He threw himself downhill, making as much noise as was humanly possible. Once his body rolled into view it stunned the wild boar for a mere moment. And then the animal did what Ivar hoped it would do; it focused on a new target. Him. 
The collision was so powerful it nearly knocked him out. The agitated squeals of the feral animal kept him conscious and, instinctively, he covered his face in his arms. The speed of the animal was incredible, before Ivar could brace himself for another attack the animal charged at him again. His body scraped over the uneven terrain, curling into fetal position; the third charge was the worst; the animal trampled over him. His view started to turn black and Ivar sensed that if he did not fight back the mauling would not end. 
Reacting out of sheer willpower, Ivar managed to sit up and block the forth collision by grabbing the fierce sharp tusks. The animal squealed high and in pain. Although his sight started to fail him, Ivar caught a glimpse of Piglet bracing herself atop the animal, stabbing her dagger inside the boar’s broad neck over and over again. At the sight of her, Ivar managed to draw in one long breath and steady the vigorously bucking animal. 
It was Ivar’s last image; Piglet's trembling hands, chin and lips, covered in blood before collapsing. 
Valeríe had seen her fair share of maladies, but the sight of the massacred boar left a bad taste in her mouth and an everlasting image for her nightmares. The unrestrained weeping from the bloody maiden would be the soundtrack of said nightmares.
Lifeless, the cripple lay on his side, the boar's tusks had ripped the skin of his face open from his lower lip, over his upper lip all the way up to his cheekbone. He must be bleeding from other places too; Valeríe had watched in horror how the wild boar’s hooves had stomped all over him. 
“Hamar, hamar!” Piglet whaled, shaking the unconscious form by the shoulders, “hamar, don’t leave me, hamar!” Quivering from head to toe, she pressed a hand to his throat, bringing her face close to his chest. 
Their eyes met and locked, it took a lot of effort for the veiled maiden to repose her venomous tone to address her.
“He’s breathing, barely, go get water, clean clothes, hurry!” Valeríe found herself reacting obediently to the barking commands of the other young woman. Once Valerie returned with the requested items, the two of them performed a small miracle; the cripple opened his eyes. He clutched his chest to gasp for air and heave, blood stained saliva drooling from his slack jaws. 
Piglet shouted at him to breathe, he gurgled up more blood, face shaking from side to side, pressing into the dry terrain while trying to inhale. But it was hard on him, chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. His breathing quickened and he gasped as if he was choking on his own breath. 
‘He is’, Valeríe realized, she’d seen it happen once or twice before when customers drank themselves into near oblivion. She got down on her knees and clasped her hand over his mouth, cutting off the airflow. She had to brace her grip around his face, eyes snapping open in blind panic and head twisting and turning. 
Piglet must have known what she tried to do, because objectively it appeared she was trying to smother him. The unrelenting glare she gave to go forth told Valeríe she trusted her as far as she could throw her, but she did not stop her when she pressed both hands on the cripple’s mouth to prevent him from squirming out of her grip.
“Hamar, breath! Slow deep breath, from here” Piglet shouted, pressing her hand down below his ribs. Both flinched once the cripple let out an awful moan followed by a lot of gurgling, bloody bubbles foamed up from Valeríe hands and the gasping started all over again.
It dawned on Valeríe that she had no idea what damage might have erupted on the inside and in horror she stared at her bloody hands and her grip eased for a mere moment. 
He was fast, given he was in such a state. He gripped her palms with both his hands and started twisting them. Valeríe cried out and was about to let go, not wanting both her wrist to be broken.
“IVAR!” Piglet exclaimed at the top of her lungs and he jerked his head into her direction.
“Don’t fight, breathe, please, breathe!” She exclaimed, bracing both her palms on his temples. For a moment Valerie thought Piglet was going to kiss him, leaning in until the tips of their noses touched.
“You are viking Ivar, breathe!” She pleaded, keeping his head firmly pressed into the dirt. His grip around Valeríe’s wrists eased, his animosity of her hold evaporated and changed, instead of fighting her he clung to her, like a small child did to the skirts of his mother. He drew in a sharp breath and gasped and of all of the things she could do, Piglet started singing. 
A small shadow circled over their heads and the white raven Valeríe had seen before landed on Piglet’s shoulder cocking his head from side to side to watch the cripple slowly catch back his breath. In and exhaling through his nose his breathing went from shallow to deep, gasping every few breaths. 
The troublesome gasps eventually dissipated, but Piglet never stopped singing. Not when she rose up to fetch water and rip apart pieces of clean clothing, not when she pragmatically started to tear open his tunic to locate more damage. 
There it was again, that intimacy in their actions. Although Ivar still held Valeríe’s wrist in a dead grip his focus lay on Piglet and although his body was in pain his gaze was at ease, exhausted but relieved. 
  As Piglet tore away layers of fabric, a blotched path of hoove shaped bruises came into view. The large animal had run over his chest. 
Piglet’s song paused once she worked her way down his legs. There were two skin deep tissue lacerations on his thigh. Before more blood could flow from the wounds, Piglet pressed the clean rags over them and started bandaging them further up. 
Piglet refocused her attention back at Valeríe imposing the same utilitarian tone: “this needs stitches, I can’t do it here,” evidently asking was too much effort. Instead, Piglet nudged toward Ivar’s shoulders. 
As the pair of maidens dragged the cripple, Piglet resumed her sweet song.
A/N: Did I spend half a night on ‘wild boar attacks?’ You bet I did! Ok, can I just say how utterly devoted Ivar is to Piglet? It did not take him a second to throw himself into battle to keep her out of harm's way. Now can we rewind back to tv-show-Ivar? Who claimed to love a certain maiden, then beat her and eventually murder her child? Yeah, adrift-Ivar is so rocking this redemption arc. And isn’t it wonderful that it takes just about a violent death to make Piglet pick up speaking again? This maiden and her grudges…
Love to read what you think, 
Xoxox Nukyster
The kickass beta: @sarahh-jane
The tagged ones:
@ dekusdante  @neondragons7
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galaxacious · 4 months
All the different kinds of fungus I saw this most recent bush adventure:
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There's been a lot of rain recently and so the area's lousy with mushrooms. These things were gorgeous and large and sometimes malformed and I don't think I can accurately show how colourful they were. The pinks were really pink, the blacks black, and the blues really fucking blue.
On a more personal note, I went on this walk with S and another friend who has a career with plants and who loves them and the world around them so dearly. I can't emphasise how different a walk is when you're with someone who loves the plants around you. Tracks you've walked a hundred times take on a new light. Plants you've dismissed as common become beloved when their history and usage is explained. We stopped so frequently on this walk to look up berries and to feel moss and to pick mushrooms and to revel in the discovery of rare carnivorous plants.
You know how much I love grass trees now? How much I loathe latanas? How keenly I look out for maiden's hair ferns? For flannel flowers, that only bloom pink after extreme bushfires? For lipstick plants? For native orchids and hibiscus? Even waratahs when they're not showing off their famous flowers. These things leave their mark on you. (People, too)
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faewitchsdeities · 2 years
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𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Oddin, Othin, Woden, Wodan, Woten, Alfodr, Valfadr, Sigfadr, Yggr, All father, King of the gods
𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖋: War, veterans, death, wisdom, knowledge, and poetry.
𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖉𝖆𝖞(𝖘): Wednesday (Names after him [Woden's day]), as well as Yule and other holidays
𝕽𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘: Son of Bestla and Burr, father of Thor, Hodr, Bragi, Baldlr, and Ullr
𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖘: Fenrir 𝕾𝖞𝖒𝖇𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒-
𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑(𝖘): Crow/Raver (usually in pairs), wolves (usually in pairs), eagle, and the eight legged horse Sleipnir
𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗: Lightning bolts, poetry, Gungir (his mighty spear), Valknut (the knot of those who've died in battle, the triple horn symbol, all seeing eye, prophecy, self-sacrifice, storms, logic, fate, healing, and justice.
𝕮𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗(𝖘): Blue, Cobalt Blue, Red, Black, Grey, Purple, and Orange
𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙: Air
𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖙: Mercury
𝖅𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈𝖘: Sagittarius
𝕾𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖗 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖘: Zeus 𝕺𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘- Honoring soldiers, donating to vets, paying respect to warrior/vet graves.
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖇𝖘/𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘: Apple (crab) Ash leaves and wood Black pepper corn Beech Cedar Dragon's blood Elm leaves Fennel Ferns Horehound Maiden hair Mandrake Margoram Mugwort Nettle Oak Parsley Periwinkle Pine Plantain Polypody Thyme Tobacco Valerian White daisies White Sandalwood Woad Wormwood 9 sacred herbs
𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘: Asparagus Beer and meads (good booze) Eggs Garlic Leeks Meat (pork, bird, game especially red meat like beef) Smoked salmon
𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘/𝖈𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖘/𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖘: Agate Amber Amethyst Carnilian Citrine Gold Hawk's eye Jet Onyx Smokey quartz Tin/metal
𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗: Lightnight bolt imagery, fortune telling tools (runes, pendulum, tarot, ect.), crow/raven feathers, black silk, wooden bowls, cosmic tree imagery, crow/raven ×2, wolves ×2, eight legged horse and ofc Odin statues/imagery, 𝕴𝖓𝖛𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐: Aids in spells for curing the sick, calming storms, turning weapons against their attacker/dulling any blade, making women fall in love, knowledge, wisdom, strength, reincarnation, creation, poetry, storms and lightning, victory 𝕬𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: Tall and strong older man, usually seen with a wide brimmed hat, a cloak, and an eye patch. Has a long beard and is almost always depicted with his 2 ravens and his 2 wolves 𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖊/𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘:
~From the earliest times he was a war god, protector of heroes; fallen warriors joined him in Valhalla. But he was also the great magician among the gods and is associated with runes, knowledge, wisdom, and veterans. He is concidered king of the gods/Aesir, the "All Father", and both trickster and protector of Asgard and Midgard. Though he is the son of two giants, he is Aesir, probably because his grandfather (esentially) was one of the first gods. With his mother decending from Ymir and his his Giant father was decended from Audumbla. -The Nornes carved runes into the wood of the tree Yggdrasil's trunk, to influence the fate of destiny. Odin became envious of their ability -but the runes don't show themselves easily- To prove himself, Odin was pierced to the wood of the great ash tree, where he hung for 9 windy days and nights, refusing any who offered aid. Finally, Odin fell off the tree and into the well below, screaming as he clutched the runes to his chest, and at the end of the 9th night -after teetering on the edge of life and death- he understood the runes.
With this knowledge, he was able to heal, quell grief, make blunt even the sharpest blade, break any felters that may bind him, hold/catch arrows mid-flight, turn poison onto another, protect others from naked flame, quench fury, quiet winds, storms, waves, and the seas, to drive witches and the Nornes mad, too keep friends from harm in battle, to walk and talk with those who have hung, to make a warrior invisible, to know all Aesir and Elves, to make a woman lust and ensure a maiden stays, and finally an ability he would not tell. -At the bottom of the well Odin was told by Mimir that he could drink from its knowledge-giving water, but only with the sacrifice of one of his eyes. His eyes were pale blue and were the color of the sky on a winter's day, when the frost is still on the ground. His eyes could pick out the tiniest bird miles and miles away, across the frozen tundra, if a human or god looked him in the eyes, they could not but feel a kind of awe. But, in the end, he did have two of them. So, he plucked out his eye and the head of his uncle allowed him to drink the water.
Odin instantly saw everything that had and will happen, and though there was good and bad news, he simply laughed with happiness when he saw the joy that would come to him. -He has two ravens; Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory). He sends them out at dawn and they fly all over the world, before returning home at dinner to report back what they had seen -Odin was lonely during his travels and battles so he created Geri (greedy one) and Freki (ravenous one), and they stand by his side and ensure the Aesir king's safety and its said they populated the earth with their offspring -making wolves and dogs- -Loki's eight legged flying horse child -Sleipnir- was given to the king as a gift. It's teeth are inscribed with runes, and it has the ability to gallop through all skies and seas with its many legs, super-strength, speed, durability and endurance.
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