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katnylla · 3 months ago
no shieda kayn fics. sigh… now i have to provide for my family.
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silquemoone · 2 years ago
going to do some restylings of my very first SN stylings as a fun little challenge to see the glow ups hehe
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australet789 · 6 years ago
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“And if I had one thousand lives, i would choose you one thousand times”
After Oblivio, i refuse to believe they are not gonna be happy when they reveal themselves
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aleniksimmer · 7 years ago
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75 days
Under the cut there is a random monologue (?) and sorry if I’m repetitive with the posts.
(I know Mari’s jacket still needs a lot of work about seams, texture and weights, but the shape and the color is basically there.)
75 days ago I posted this [x], Ladybug was completed and I had to decide to start working on Chat. And today Marinette is almost finished and Chat has already been published. The difference is huge, to me at least. I can’t believe I made it. The project I have in mind is far from finished, but looking at the progress makes me feel overwhelmed.
I’ve learned a lot during this period, without even noticing I was learning. I think this whole (huge) project is going pretty well for now and I hope I’ll be able to cover the most of it with time, even if there is going to be less interest with the other secondary characters.
I really don’t know how to end this (I wrote a lot more but I deleted it while re-reading), so here it’s the song I keep listening from last Sunday [x].
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thefeelsareeverything · 6 years ago
Tbh I agree Marinette should have said something about being threatened to someone. And also how nino and alya is dismissing Marinette when she is alya's best friend...there is some flaw in that.
End of Chameleon
In which Marinette tells Adrien about Lila threatening her, and things go a little differently.
“As Long As We Both Know”
     • Adrien makes the same speech as he did at the end of Chameleon. He doesn’t know Marinette was threatened, and he wasn’t around when Marinette told Alya and Nino about the event she “witnessed” in Volpina.
     • Instead of just agreeing with him, Marinette goes really silent. The look on her face worries him, so he pulls her to a more private place, like an empty classroom. He asks her what’s wrong.
     • “She threatened me,” Marinette tells him. “In the bathroom, she said she’d turn everyone against me, even you. I freaked out and almost got akumatised. I got really scared. I… I don’t want to lose my friends.”
     • Adrien is very quickly rethinking his stance on the whole matter. It’s one thing if Lila’s just telling a bunch of petty lies to get attention, but threatening someone he cares about is crossing the line.
     • “I take back what I said before,” Adrien says. “It’s not enough just knowing. Knowing didn’t stop her from scaring and hurting your feelings. But I still don’t think constantly trying to out her lies is going to work. It didn’t work before, right?”
     • Marinette can’t really argue against that. He’s right. Every time she tried to say something, it got turned around until she was suddenly the bad guy. Confronting her didn’t work.
     • “I mean,” Adrien continues. “I privately spoke to her and asked her nicely to stop, and she still got angry enough to get akumatised. And if she threatened you just because you didn’t believe her, then clearly there’s… something wrong. Telling her to stop lying doesn’t work, and trying to expose her lies doesn’t work. So maybe we can just warn our friends on the side? We could tell Alya and Nino that she’s lying.”
     • Marinette’s lip trembles, and he has a feeling he may have said the wrong thing.
     • “I already told them,” Marinette says simply. “They didn’t believe me. Alya asked me for proof.”
     • Adrien frowns. “Well, maybe they’ll listen if there’s two of us?” He doesn’t say anything about the proof. He’s actually a little angry on Marinette’s behalf for that comment, considering Alya never asked Lila for proof. 
     • “You could tell them. But I don’t think I want to be there when you do. I’m still a little upset with them, and I really don’t want to get in a fight…”
     • They agree that Adrien will talk with Nino and Alya tomorrow, and the bell rings. They both get to class. Since Marinette had that talk with Adrien, she doesn’t have a romantic daydream when he sits next to her. The worry about what tomorrow will bring has her wanting to focus more in class, to forget about her troubles, so Madame Bustier doesn’t ask Marinette to sit in the front. She and Adrien remain in the back.
The Next Day
     • Marinette arrives to school and tells Adrien about what Lila had said yesterday at the stairs. Adrien realises that Lila’s a lot worse than he had thought, and is even more determined to tell Nino and Alya the truth later.
     • When lunch starts, he pulls Alya and Nino aside, and Marinette decides to eat at home. He tells Nino and Alya that they should be careful of Lila, since she’s been lying about a lot of things. That they shouldn’t trust the promises she tells them.
     • Alya laughs. “Did Marinette tell you to say that? I don’t see what her problem is. Lila’s cool, she’ll see that soon!”
     • That surprises Adrien. And makes him very, very uncomfortable.
     • “Marinette didn’t make me say anything. Lila threatened her twice already, because Marinette knew she was lying.”
     • “You shouldn’t believe whatever Marinette tells you,” Alya says dismissively. “She’s just jealous. She’ll get over it soon.”
     • “Yeah,” Nino hops in. “Marinette just hasn’t gotten to know Lila, yet. Whatever problems she has, I’m sure it’ll blow over.”
     • Adrien’s beginning to understand why Marinette didn’t want to be here for this talk. Why she was worried they’d get into a fight. It’s making him angry. Marinette’s best friend is writing off her feelings and calling her jealous, and outright telling him not to believe a word she says. Nino’s known Marinette since forever, and he’s apparently not gonna defend her anytime soon. He’s agreeing and blowing off her feelings, too.
     • “What do you mean, ‘she’ll get over it soon.’ You guys realise who you’re talking about here, right? Don’t you think that, maybe, if Marinette’s acting really upset and seems to have a beef with someone, there’s a reason for it? We’re her friends. We should trust her.”
     • “Yeah, and that reason is because she’s jealous,” Alya says, rolling her eyes. “I know that girl like the back of my hand. Trust me, she’ll calm down and apologise soon.”
     • “Why should I trust you?” Adrien’s a little aware that his voice is rising in volume. Nino and Alya give him surprised looks. He doesn’t care. “Isn’t that a little hypocritical of you? And why are you so calm about Marinette being upset? You should be worried! You’re her best friend! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
     • “Hey,” Nino intervenes, looking really uncomfortable with how quickly this is escalating. “Dude, not cool. Don’t speak to her like that. Let’s just calm down, okay?”
     • “Don’t speak to her like that?! She thinks it’s a bright idea to go behind Marinette’s back and tell other people that she’s an untrustworthy, jealous liar!”
     • “That’s not what I said!”
     • “That’s exactly what you implied!”
     • Adrien’s confused by his anger at first, but he quickly realises why, exactly, he’s so angry. Why he’s reacting so badly. These were Marinette’s friends. They’re both close with her for different reasons, both have looked out for her in the past. They’re people Marinette thought she could always count on. 
     • These were his friends. And he’s watching his friends turn their backs on Marinette, their Everyday Ladybug, like it’s nothing. He’s watching them talk about her like her thoughts and feelings don’t matter. What does that say about them? What does that say about his relationship with them? Would they do this to him, too? 
     • These were people he thought were loyal. His friends. Marinette’s friends. But he and Marinette were wrong. These two won’t always have their backs. And that’s terrifying. 
     • He leaves that argument feeling devastated. He evades his driver and walks straight to Marinette’s house. She opens the door, sees his face, and lets him in without a word. She’s not surprised, but she had hoped.
Not Our Problem Anymore
     • Adrien and Marinette decide not to do anything about Lila, especially after Adrien told Marinette about what happened with Alya and Nino. They’re both pretty heartbroken with how their friends had acted, and they’re both very angry. Their friends won’t believe them? Fine. When the truth inevitably comes out, they better not come crawling back. 
     • With Adrien’s prompting, Marinette tells her parents about what had happened at school. Tom and Sabine are understandably furious, but also know that Marinette does not want to get involved with any more drama. They make plans to transfer her into a private school, and buy her a new phone. The only numbers Marinette puts in are her parents’, Master Fu’s, and Adrien’s.
     • Adrien puts a file together to convince his father to move him into the same private school as Marinette. He doesn’t trust his classmates anymore, and he doesn’t think he’ll be happy there without Marinette around. He’s scared of the people he believed were his friends, and he acknowledges that’s unhealthy and wrong. He should have felt safe and trusted with them. 
     • So, he pulls up a logical, detailed list. The school has a great academics program, famously exceptional sports teams, and has spurned quite a lot of creative minds over the years. His father seems rather pleased, seemingly under the impression that Adrien’s getting more serious about his other activities. Gabriel has Nathalie make the arrangements for the transfer. 
     • Adrien also buys a new phone. He only has Marinette, Chloé, his father, Nathalie, Kagami, and his bodyguard entered into his contacts. Later, Marinette’s parents put their numbers in, too. 
     • Adrien and Marinette adjust to their new school pretty well, but have trust issues, and don’t make many more friends. Marinette gets over her stutter around Adrien, and they both become much closer for it. Kagami and Marinette put aside their differences and become friends, and Chloé surprisingly doesn’t make a fuss about Adrien’s transfer, but doesn’t really try too hard to make friends with Marinette.
     • When the truth about Lila comes out, Adrien and Marinette are blissfully unaware, up until someone gets akumatised over it. Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat and purify the akuma, both now equipped with the knowledge that Lila’s reign is finally over. They don’t feel relieved.
     • Alya and Nino had both tried to visit their houses and apologise. They were ignored. They were given many chances, and they blew all of them. Marinette and Adrien don’t want their apologies. Whatever happened with Lila, it’s not their problem anymore.
+ Bonus Content
     • Adrien realises that even though he lost Alya and Nino as friends, and left school, he still manages to have way more friends than Marinette. All Marinette has is him, while he still has her, Kagami, Chloé, Plagg, and Ladybug. He starts visiting a little as Chat Noir, which may be an abuse of his powers, but… He hates the idea of Marinette being lonely. A girl like her should be surrounded by friends. It’s a little awkward at first, because of her love confession from last time, but she’s even more goofier and sassier with Chat Noir. 
     • Rena Rouge and Carapace don’t make an appearance again. When Chat asked why, Ladybug said that they couldn’t be trusted anymore. Knowing how it feels to lose trust in people you thought you could count on, Chat says nothing. He simply nods and accepts it.
     • Lila was exposed when Jagged Stone had visited the school to ask about Marinette and why she hadn’t been answering his or Penny’s texts. One of the students asks him about his apparent close relationship with Lila Rossi, and he outright states that he’s never heard of the girl. Everything crumbles from there. Jagged Stone leaves to the Dupain-Cheng bakery, seeing Marinette’s not at school, and informs her parents that he wants to commission her again. He gets her new number there.
     • Almost everyone at Adrien and Marinette’s new school are completely convinced that the two are dating and are some sort of power couple. It doesn’t help that Adrien’s fans have taken pictures of the two on “dates” and that they only ever seem to be super close with each other. 
     • Marinette’s grades actually improve quite a bit in her new school. They take their academics very seriously, but they’re not harsh. When they see a student struggling, they take careful steps to help the student through whatever it is they can’t understand. Every student is is individually taken care of on some personal level. The art club is also fully stocked all the time and very calming to work in, so her design work improves as well.
     • Wayhem goes to school there, which is a surprise to Adrien. Despite his newfound trust issues, he’s been emailing Wayhem for a while, so he doesn’t mind becoming better friends. Wayhem is also a fashion nerd and, when Adrien introduced him to Marinette, the two got along really well. (When Adrien’s not looking, the two are gushing a little about their apparent shared crush on the boy. There’s no love rivalry, they kind of enjoy getting to gush about Adrien together, actually. Also, Wayhem’s convinced Adrien and Marinette are secretly dating.)
     • Chat Noir suggests Marinette to Ladybug as a new temporary hero, recommending the Fox Miraculous because of how creative and smart Marinette is. Ladybug almost starts crying. She tells him to ask Marinette, because she knows she’d have an easier time rejecting the offer as a civilian instead of Ladybug telling Chat no. 
     • Ladybug suggests Adrien for the Turtle Miraculous and Chat Noir panics and mentions Adrien’s very busy schedule. Ladybug thinks about it for a moment, agrees that Chat’s made a point, and drops the idea. 
That’s all I have for now. You guys can do with this what you want, either add your own HCs, use for a fic, etc etc. My blog is meant for everyone to take creative inspiration from, so knock yourself out. Hope you liked it!
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carleecrtz · 2 years ago
malalaman ko na lang ay manloloko ako ng di q alam rason tangina nananahimik ako haup ka tangina mo manira ka pa tol baka maichat kita dahil sa mga ginawa mo
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core1201 · 6 years ago
Wala nmn tlga akong minimean don. Nagsasabi lng ako. Syempre may nag aantay sayo nagawa mo ngang magchat ano ba nmn pinah kaiba don kung maichat mo rin ako kahit isang chat lng. Malaman ko lng san kna b banda sa ginagawa mo or kung matatagalan kpa ba.
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episodicmemori · 3 years ago
nakakainis talaga na nakikita kitang online sa telegram pero di mo man lang ako maichat HAHAHAHAHA GEGEGE
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masakitperokaya · 3 years ago
Yung pinabili ka niya ng pagkain, tapos nung nakabili kana hindi naman kakainin, para lang makalabas ka at maichat yung kachat niya so sad, uto uto kasi ako eh 😏😏 ganun ako katanga din eh, na akala niya siya lang ang nasaktan noon, pero putangina naman ang ginagawa mo ngayon 💔.
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lost-sunset · 7 years ago
naiinis ako sa messenger ilang araw ng nasa top yung crush ko, yung pinaka unang-una na makikita na active. pinapamukha kasi kung gaano ako ka-single and wala ka-chance chance na maichat siya dahil sino ba naman ako? potek hahahahaha hanggang tingin lang ako. napanaginipan ko din siya nung isang araw, hanggang dun hanggang tingin lang din ako. sobrang sad
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bellathought · 4 years ago
-> Sa isang taon namin, parang ngayon lang ako nagselos nang sobra (tapos dahil pa sa post at pagcocoment niya ng happy birthday). Gigil na gigil ako sa totoo lang. Wagas na wagas makabati eh. Ang galing galing. 🙄🙄🙄 Alam ko namang hindi niya ako ipagpapalit pero selos na selos ako nung time na nakita ko yung post na yun. Kakainis!
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-> Pero kahit sa sobrang inis ko, I definitely appreciate what he said during my rant. Ang sarap sa pakiramdam na alam kong kasama ako sa focus niya at sa mga plano niya sa future. Nakakatuwa na kaya niyang sabihing miss na niya ako kahit inis na inis ako sa kanya that time. Sobrang miss ko na din siya nun kase whole day ko siyang hindi nakausap kaya lang mas nauna talaga yung inis ko. Though medyo na-guilty ako sa part na yun yung naibungad ko sa kanya kahit basang basa na siya ng ulan para lang maichat ako tapos late na din nun. 😭 Sobrang blessed ko na sa taong 'to. Ang swerte swerte ko kahit na minsan napakagaling mambwisit eh.
-> Sa kagustuhang mawala yung sama ng loob ko, nagsend ng sandamakmak na selfie. Kagaling din. 🙄🤪 Cute ka na. Tsk. Sarap mo pa ding kurutin nang pinong pino minsan e.
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-> Pagkatapos mambwisit, gwapong gwapo pa sa angle na 'to samantalang ako mukhang agipo. Kung hindi lang talaga kita mahal, naku talaga. 🙄🤪 Happy ka, happy ka? Hahaha.
Mahal kita. Kahit nakakainit ka ng bait. 🙄💛
Siguro poging pogi 'tong si taba sa sarili niya kase selos na selos ako. Hahaha. Pero kidding asidr, at the end of the day, bakit nga ba nagalit agad ako eh ex na naman niya yun kahit magcomment siya? Ako naman papakasalan niya e ( naks, confident ka girl? Haha). Kakaltukan kita pag hindi. Hahaha. Girl may mali ka din eh. Lagi kaseng nahahighblood agad. Malaki tiwala mo sa kanya diba? Alam mong mahal na mahal ka diba? Bakit na-hurt ka pa din dun sa ginawa niya e sa kanya wala lang yun? Ikaw na nga laging iniintindi diba? Dapat minsan isipin mo din na nakakasakit din yung pagiging highblood mo kahit pangiti-ngiti yang boyfriend mo. Basang basa na nga ng ulan pero hindi ka pa din matiis na hindi kausapin sa isang araw eh tapos ikaw, hinayaan mo lang na masira yung pagkamiss niyo sa isat-isa dahil ano? Dahil sa isang bagay na dapat pinalampas na lang. Dapat tinanong mo na lang muna siya imbes na nagalit ka kaagad. TIWALA girl! Dapat tiwala ka sa kanya na kahit mag usap man sila ng ex niya, magkasalubong o kung ano pa man yan, ikaw at ikaw pa din ang iniisip niyan. Eh ikaw anong inisip mo, yung iyamot mo lang? Masaya ka sa ginawa mo niyan? Nakatulog ka ba niyan? Diba nag-iyak ka lang din naman. Wag gumawa ng ikasisira niyo, aba! Not good, girl! Not good! Masyado ka lang mahal niyang boyfriend mo kaya tinatanggap yang toyo mo. Sana iparamdam mo din na mas hindi mo siya kayang tiisin. Wag ma-pride girl. Wag kang matakot na ipakita sa kanya na mahal na mahal mo din siya. Hindi ka naman ite-take for granted ng boyfriend mo eh.Ungas yan pero once in a lifetime blessing yang chubbilito na yan! Ayos!
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katnylla · 3 months ago
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—★₊˚﹟🪐' greetings! this is an n/sfw m/gn!reader blog. minors dni
—★₊˚﹟🪐' mai, 18+, genderfluid and pansexual. writer, editor, shifter
—★₊˚﹟🪐' I write mainly for fictional characters, especially my ocs because i know them best! gn reader more often than m reader!
—★₊˚﹟ latest; staring character x gn!reader
—★₊˚﹟ masterlist
—★₊˚﹟ byf/dni
—★₊˚﹟ rules
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silquemoone · 2 years ago
going through my way too large SN gallery i find that a good portion of my stylings are just inserting my sona into the suits i like 😭😭 this game serves only to fulfil my dress up fantasies /hj
I'll probably post them under a sona tag on here for my own sake so i can get them off my phone, but they're not proper stylings so i likely wont tag them as such. this doesn't apply where I've styled my own outfits for myself with combinations of items tho!
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iamhannahvalencia · 4 years ago
So matagal na kaming magkakilala, since 2016 pa. Crush nya daw ako noon pa ewan ko lang kung tunay haha. Di daw nya kasi ako makausap o maichat kasi may boyfriend ako that time so yun. Tapos nalaman nya na wala na pala kami nung 1st bf ko tapos sabay din non nalaman nya na may bago na ulit ako, so wala tahimik nalang ulit sya.
So to make the story short, noon pala lage nya ako inistalk at simula nung nag upload ako ng mga vlogs lage nya dinadownload lahat yun (kita ko mismo ang date kung kelan nya dinownload haha). Nagstart na kami mag usap noong July, July 10 binati nya ako nung birthday ko then July 11 pala birthday nya di ako maniwala kaya yun humaba ang usapan namin. Pero nadedma ko din sya non kasi medyo windang pa ako sa ex ko non.
Btw, okay na naman ako talaga nung naging kami. Happy na ako ngayon at syempre super happy ko sa kanya. Medyo mabilis man na naging kami pero di na isyu yun kasi magkakilala naman kami at mas okay na yun para dun talaga makikilala ang tunay na ugali nya at di naman ako nagkamali sa naging desisyon ko.
Nagtatampo to eh kasi di ko daw sya pineflex haha pero akala mo lang yun.
Happy monthsary Bii!😘♥️ Iloveyou palage!♥️
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nikooooooloooooo-blog · 6 years ago
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Ginamit pa ni pia yung acc ng kabarkada namin para maichat si mako. Nice one 😇😌
12:19 AM
Akala mo siguro hindi ko nababasa yung convo nyo ngayon ng ex mo. Nagbubulag-bulagan lang ako, ayaw kitang awayin pero sobra kana, sumosobra kana talaga. Akala ko ba wala ka ng pakealam sa kanya pero kung mag-alala ka sa kanya sobra sobra. Napakasinungaling mo. Nagagawa mong magsabi sa akin ng iloveyou pero may koneksyon kapa din sa kanya???? Tangina?????? Gago ka ba???? SOBRANG GAGO KA NA PALA TALAGA. Malala kana boi.
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khylecatherine-blog · 8 years ago
eh kasi di naman pagi-ignore 'yung ganon diba na ipaparamdam mo lang sakanya na kailangan nyang respetuhin sarili nya pero just consider ignoring na din yknow hahahaha kasi bakit ganon halos lahat ng maichat nya na girl ieentertain nalang nya basta maganda or maganda. ayon. hahahahaha ang ganda pa naman ng course na kinuha nya well, bagay naman sakanya— criminology hahaha but babaero hayy 'di ba nakaka-upset lang 'yung mga gano'ng tao? flirty ganon di nalang mag-aral ng mabuti eh hirap kaya ng criminology hahahaha huhu tapos pa'no kaya 'pag may na-fall na sakanya na girl, wala lang ganon? basta hate ko sya hahaha hay jusko nakakaewan din pala mga ganon hahahaha wala lang gusto ko lang 'tong ipaglaban 'tong nararamdaman ko huhu just saying :((
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