bonguri · 9 months
20230917 Samegai ravine 2 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 醒井峡谷の水はとても冷たそうでした。 @Samegai ravine, Maibara city, Shiga pref. (滋賀県米原市醒井地区 醒井峡谷)
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homolobotomized · 2 years
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they're talking shit
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Tokugen-in’s Zen Garden, Maibara, Shiga Prefecture, Japan
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espoirshiga · 2 years
Our company will support you when you have trouble finding a job in Shiga Prefecture
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This is our company website!
You are sure to find a job that suits you!
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totallyseiso · 8 months
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I had no idea where it was heading, but I wanted on
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railwaygirl · 3 months
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itsmarjudgelove · 1 year
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Rengeji Temple .. It’s said to have been founded by Prince Shōtoku who lived nearly 1,400 years ago…A temple on the Nakasendō road where 430 samurai killed themselves in the medieval period.. Next to an imposing gateway is a little sign that says, “River of Blood”
Maibara City, Shiga Prefecture
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merpmonde · 3 months
Hikone Sawayama: summit & castle
It's not about what is there today, as much as it's about what was there. Sawayama was the original location of Hikone Castle, and it is quite possibly the most important castle in Japan to have been completely lost, as it was the castle of Ishida Mitsunari, the leader of the Western Army which lost the battle to unite Japan following the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. There are so few traces of the castle, no obvious tell-tale structures... This small altar may trace its roots back to the days of the castle, or maybe not, but this is just about it.
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Sawayama Castle was thoroughly dismanted after 1600 following the defeat of Ishida, as the new lord of the area, Ii Naomasa, appointed by the victorious Tokugawa clan, relocated the castle to a smaller hill closer to Lake Biwa. Hikone Castle, which still stands today, basically recycled the materials from Sawayama, and the view of the "new" castle complex and the lake is the main draw for hikers today.
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The summit offers good views of the mountains on the other side too, with the industrial complexes near Maibara, most noticeably Fujitec and their 170 m-tall elevator test tower, in the foreground.
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araiwatal · 1 year
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普通列車でどこかへ #42
東海道本線 米原行 岐阜県 不破郡のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #42
Tokaido Main Line For Maibara Around Fuwa District, Gifu
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
Shiga Prefecture is truly an underrated place. It’s located just outside of Kyoto. I went to Hikone on my previous trip instead of heading to the crowded Kyoto one day. It was a nice change of scenery where there’s hardly any tourist around. 
Hikone Castle
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If you want an authentic castle experience that is not as crowded as Osaka Castle, you can visit Hikone Castle. The difference is that Osaka Castle is more like a museum where there are a lot of historical information and displays while Hikone Castle is well, more of a Castle, it’s preserved just the way it was. And you got a view of Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan!
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There’s also a mascot of a Cat called Hikonyan, which I remembered was swarmed by locals for photos. Legend has it that the Castle Lord, Ii Naotaka was saved from a lightning strike when a white cat beckoned him to a nearby shelter at a temple. Since then the Cat became a symbol of good omen for House Ii so the mascot wears the iconic Samurai helmet of House Ii today.
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At the time I wasn’t aware there was a confectionary store nearby but according to this article, there is a western-style confectionery called, Minakai, located at Yumekyobashi Castle Road, which runs beside Hikone Castle. A place where you can chill after walking around the Castle, eating cakes and drinking juice!
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You can find out more hidden gems in Shiga Prefecture like this at the link above or here.
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guerrerense · 2 years
Aerodynamic design  ---Shinkansen N700A the super express---
Aerodynamic design ---Shinkansen N700A the super express--- por Teruhide Tomori Por Flickr: Shinkansen NOZOMI, the super express. Located : Maibara station, Tokaido Shinkansen. Japan Railway. Maibara, Shiga pref.
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bonguri · 9 months
20230917 Samegai ravine 1
20230917 Samegai ravine 1 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 醒井峡谷の川霧。川面に降りていけばもっといい感じに撮れるんだろうけど、この日は時間がなくて断念。 @Samegai ravine, Maibara city, Shiga pref. (滋賀県米原市醒井地区 醒井峡谷)
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5yamada7 · 7 months
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米原駅(滋賀県米原市).駅名標:琵琶湖線・東海道本線.Maibara Station. Maibara, Shiga, Japan
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espoirshiga · 2 years
Recommended jobs in Shiga Prefecture!
This is Espoir Co., Ltd., a staffing agency in northern Shiga Prefecture. Please feel free to contact me if there is a job that interests you. All jobs can be viewed at the URL above.
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jijcard · 1 year
#725 滋賀県米原市
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railwaygirl · 3 months
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