#jr tokai
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saxoquoise · 6 months ago
JoJo's JR Tokai Collab
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merpmonde · 5 months ago
60 Years of the Tokaido Shinkansen!
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On 1 October 1964, a railway line like no other opened. Connecting Tôkyô and Ôsaka, paralleling an existing main line, the Tôkaidô New Trunk Line had minimal curves, lots of bridges, zero level crossings. Striking white and blue electric multiple units, with noses shaped like bullets some would say, started zooming between the two cities as at the unheard-of speed of 210 km/h.
This was the start of the Shinkansen, inaugurating the age of high-speed rail.
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The trains, with noses actually inspired by the aircraft of the time, originally didn't have a name, they were just "Shinkansen trains", as they couldn't mingle with other types anyway due to the difference in gauge between the Shinkansen (standard gauge, 1435 mm between rails) and the rest of the network (3'6" gauge, or 1067 mm between rails). The class would officially become the "0 Series" when new trains appeared in the 1980s, first the very similar 200 Series for the second new line, the Tôhoku Shinkansen, then the jet-age 100 Series. Yes, the 200 came first, as it was decided that trains heading North-East from Tôkyô would be given even first numbers, and trains heading West would have odd first numbers (0 is even, but never mind).
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Hence the next new type to appear on the Tôkaidô Shinkansen was the 300 Series (second from left), designed by the privatised JR Tôkai to overcome some shortcomings of the line. Indeed, the curves on the Tôkaidô were still too pronounced to allow speeds to be increased, while all other new lines had been built ready for 300 km/h operations. But a revolution in train design allowed speeds to be raised from 220 km/h in the 80s to 285 km/h today, with lightweight construction (on the 300), active suspension (introduced on the 700 Series, left) and slight tilting (standard on the current N700 types).
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Examples of five generations of train used on the Tôkaidô Shinkansen are preserved at JR Tôkai's museum, the SCMaglev & Railway Park, in Nagoya, with the N700 prototype lead car outdoors. It's striking to see how far high-speed train technology has come in Japan in 60 years. The network itself covers the country almost end-to-end, with a nearly continuous line from Kyûshû to Hokkaidô along the Pacific coast (no through trains at Tôkyô), and four branch lines inland and to the North coast, one of which recently got extended.
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catvcr · 1 year ago
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bonguri · 6 months ago
20240817 Southern Shinshu 5
20240817 Southern Shinshu 5 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 橋の下はこんな感じの通路のような遊歩道みたいになっています。横はフェンスなので景色が見えますが、下は不透明なので高いところが苦手なあたしも怖くはなかったです。 Photo taken at Tenryukyo-Ohashi bridge, Iida city, Nagano pref.
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rhyzvee · 2 months ago
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[ 31/7 - Tokyo Travel vol.1 ] 5時半起きの一人旅
The ever-trusty Seishun 18 Ticket, a free ride ticket for all JR lines, was rumoured to be nerfed (and it actually did starting this autumn), so for the possibly last time, I decided to travel all the way from Kobe to Tokyo via local JR lines. From my home station, I travelled to Kobe and then transferred to JR where I went all the way through Osaka and Kyoto to Maibara. From here is the Tokaido line operated by JR Tokai. It was surprising to see tablet stands within the cab which comes with location services for accurate stopping at stations. Train replacements have recently progressed rapidly in this region. The 311 series era may come to an end soon.
< 22/12 IG >
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sofiaflorina2021 · 4 months ago
Happy 60th Anniversary of Shinkansen
Happy 60th anniversary of Shinkansen (1 October 1964 - 1 October 2024).
How many feelings has the Shinkansen carried to this day?
Media Source: https://youtu.be/-B2zDIelS1E
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redsamuraiii · 7 months ago
20240719 Iida line 2
20240719 Iida line 2 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 切石駅のあたり。奥の方の山は南アルプスの聖岳や赤石岳だと思う。 Photo taken at Iida line, Iida city, Nagano pref.
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radioshiga · 1 month ago
Trem "Doctor Yellow" faz última inspeção antes da aposentadoria
Nagoya, Aichi, Japão, 30 de janeiro de 2025 (Japan Standard Time) – NHK – O icônico trem-bala “Doctor Yellow”, operado pela Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai), realizou sua última inspeção de trilhos antes de ser oficialmente aposentado. Outro trem do mesmo modelo, pertencente à West Japan Railway Company (JR West), deve ser desativado por volta de 2027. As duas empresas anunciaram em junho…
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peacefulharu · 2 months ago
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Ok now that i have time to write a bit, i kinda wanna share my thoughts on this pic coz they are 💯💯💯🤭🤭🤭
Honestly, i LOL-ed the first time i saw this pic. The fashion sense for most of them kinda be liek all over the places but i love itt.
Eren honestly is wearing sucha terrible combo of clothes loll. the black shirt + tracksuit/ loose pants?? or whatever that is reminds me of construction workers/hard labor workers in japan. my hc is he ends up as one after trying many times to fit in in corporate world (rmbr isym's recent QA?? he said Eren probably be changing jobs a lot so yeahhh)
And that teal coat is probably last min addition given by Mikasa before they all started their journey to Nagoya. My shippy jeanmika heart is of coz saying that she grab it from Jean's closet coz she knew Eren wont have any decent clothes ready (hence the super mismatched clothes) while Jean went to Reiner's to wake him up so they wont miss the train.
Mikasa's clothes is just A+++. Girl knows shes cute and know what to wear to look cuter. The maroon jacket + pink one-piece is 💯💯💯💯. And of coz, since shes the most prepared of them all, she's the one with the tour guidebook, checking the attractions/ food outlets that they gotta try.
My boi Jean is of cozzz the most stylish of them boys! grey jacket with white pants + the sunglasses suits him. am obviously biased but he deserves the best dressed boi award here lol. I just wish he drop that chain wallet thingy coz thats just too extra (i just hate it welp🫣🫣🫣). Loves his dark brown loafers though!
Jean tries to imparts his fashion style to his buddy Reiner but it kinda fall short a bit. The blue shirts + blue pants are ok though but that dark brown coat gotta go! it doesnt match, Rainaaa 😫😫😫
Love that they be matchy matchy with the sunglasses though 🤭🤭🤭 but again, chain wallets should be a thing in the past alreadyy, let it gooo 🥲🥲🥲
Armin though, hmmm. honestly his clothes are kinda ok but somehow dark color doesnt suit him?? is it just me feelin this?? sorry bby
I kinda love Annie's clothes thoughh. the blue skirt is pretty and match with the white tops. My issue is only that her clothes do not look warm enough like the rest of the gang???? Liek yoo, everyone be wearing many layers but there she is, dressing in one piece of tops and a skirt onlyy. (ok sure, she has a sweater drape on her shoulders but welp it still doesnt look warm enough to me 🥶🥶🥶)
Levi... hmm is also wearing a kind of disaster combo there??? that blue shirt (he probably stole from Erwin) + off white sweater + green jacket + ugly cap are just too much for me lol. also most of them is having a small bag / no bag at all but there he is with that huge bag. Either he's gonna be staying in Nagoya for a while or he's a heavy traveller (which is what i alwys hc him to be)
Hanji is honestly me lol. this is what i always wear coz comfy > lookin pretty for me so yepp. also am usually too lazy to dressed up so its cool 🤭🤭🤭
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japanbizinsider · 2 years ago
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turnaboutarchives · 9 months ago
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JR x Capcom Trip Tokai card No. 16- Apollo and Trucy HD scan
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my-anime-goods · 6 months ago
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Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!) - JR Tokai Collaboration featuring goods with new illustrations from 29 September to 25 December 2024
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merpmonde · 5 months ago
Japan's rail speed record holder: 300X
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Sticking with the Tôkaidô Shinkansen and the SCMaglev & Railway Park, this is the (highly abridged) story of the fastest conventional train in Japan.
Following privatisation and sectorisation in the 1980s, and seeing France and Germany take the lead in the high-speed train department, the three JR companies that had Shinkansen lines set about catching up to offer 300 km/h services where they could. The aerodynamics and sheer weight of the venerable 0 Series and its derivatives weren't going to cut it, so each company designed a prototype train to test new technologies.
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JR Tôkai's solution was 300X, officially Shinkansen Class 955 - numbers starting with 9 are trains not open to the public, either prototypes or work trains like Class 923 "Doctor Yellow". Launched two years after JR West's WIN350 and JR East's STAR21, it featured two radically different end cars. The more elegant one, in my opinion, is on display at JR Tôkai's museum in Nagoya, while the other is preserved at JR Group's research centre in Maibara. The intermediate cars have all been scrapped.
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The three prototypes took turns to hold the national rail speed record, and, 300X being the last, it took the record last, and holds it to this day. We mentioned the fact that the Tôkaidô Shinkansen still had too many relatively tight turns, but the Maibara to Kyôto stretch is the best part, and that's where this train hit 443 km/h in 1996. This video may, or may not, be that run, but it still looks very fast - note the unusually large, "flying saucer" pantograph cowlings.
Unless JR East decide to go completely bonkers with their ALFA-X prototype, it's unlikely that the record is going to be beaten any time soon. It's not in the spirit of these trains, they are pure test beds and run quite extensively with the aim of increasing service speeds. Records also require special preparation of the tracks, which is why the French TGVs made their 1990 and 2007 record runs before the opening of a brand new line.
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But JR Tôkai have gone much faster with their Maglev programme, which holds the world speed record for passenger trains outright with 603 km/h. Behind 300X at the museum is a predecessor of that record holder, MLX01, the first Maglev train to clock over 500 km/h. Again, this is not (just) showboating, the lengthy test programme's main aim is to prove that consistent service at very high speed with this technology is feasible, so that the Maglev Chûô Shinkansen can achieve this when it opens (if Yamanashi-ken can agree on a route).
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shoku-and-awe · 9 months ago
Luck has finally run out for the inspection bullet trains called Doctor Yellow, which will be retired over the next few years due to their age and condition, according to West Japan Railway Co. (JR West) and Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai).
Since the schedules for the bright-yellow Shinkansen were never announced publicly, sightings of the trains were said to bring good luck to all who spotted them.
The Doctor Yellows only ran once every 10 days or so, entrusted with inspecting railways, overhead wires and track signals. 
With the schedules and tracks that they would run on not disclosed, the belief arose that sighting one was lucky and that, ”If you see Doctor Yellow, you become happy.”
Currently, JR West and JR Tokai each operate a Doctor Yellow inspection bullet train utilizing the 700 Series Shinkansen.
However, both the operation and other qualities of the 700 Series trains are inferior to those of the latest N700S Series.
In addition, the inspection method using bullet trains in regular operations has been improving.
Subsequently, JR Tokai decided to quit running inspection bullet trains from January 2025 and JR West will end the inspections from or after 2027.
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bonguri · 7 months ago
20240719 Iida line 5 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: トンネルの出口って希望に溢れてて好き。 Photo taken at Iida line, Yasuoka village, Shimoina district, Nagano pref.
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rhyzvee · 2 months ago
[ 31/7 - Tokyo Travel vol.4 ] 富士山を背景に
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This is my second checkpoint of the day - Fujikawa, just 30km away from Mt. Fuji. It was a hot, cloudy summer day, and the biggest issue filming here was actually dealing with mosquitos. >.< <31/12 IG - Happy New Year!>
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