#mai could be Emmett as well
newbie-i-guess · 1 year
Tyzula legally blonde au. Think about it
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Rosalie and Jasper talking about reader who is sleeping peacefully but had a nightmare episode a few nights ago
Can't Escape the Nightmares
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Pairing(s): Jasper Hale x Human!Reader, platonic!Rosalie Hale x Human!Reader
Warnings: mentions of past assault, mentions of past rape, noncon themes discussed, reader is jasper's mate, platonic!rosaliexreader, human!reader, nightmares, trauma, ptsd, dark content, mention of blood, brief mention of murder/death, short
Words: 624
Cradle (pt2)
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Rosalie pets your hair with the tenderest of fingers as you slept with your head on her lap, head cushioned by a pillow. Your mate Jasper was off with Emmett and Edward for a boy's night. Which was quite unfortunate as he was one of the few who could subdue your nightmares that constantly plagued you. Thankfully you found the same sense of calm when you were with Rosalie.
She'd left a text to Jasper, telling him to come home when he gets the chance but that was a while ago. Maybe he didn't have cell service out there.
Drawing the blanket closer to you, Rosalie makes sure you're bundled so her naturally cold skin doesn't make you freeze. What she would give to be able to see into your dreams to make sure they were sweet. You'd been through enough in the waking world, you shouldn't have to suffer them again as you slept.
Was it really only four years ago that she followed the sound of your screams into the woods and found you being assaulted in the worst ways possible. When she saw you there, she was taken back to a time where Rosalie was in a similar scenario. There was no prior thinking involved in her decision to rescue you and kill the men responsible.
She didn't even know what she'd do with you once she finished killing them. When Rosalie gazed down at your dirty face and trembling body she was not willing to leave you out there by yourself. You were swiftly brought to the Cullen house so Carlisle could attend to you.
And from there. . . you and Jasper fell in love. You were there to stay.
The back door alarms ding, Rosalie nearly jumps to her feet before she remembers you were fast asleep using her for comfort.
She needn't even budge. In a second, Jasper was in the living room with them. Eyes brimming with concern when he regards your sleeping form. "Was it bad?"
Rosalie hums and resumes stroking your head. "She's had worse."
Jasper kneels down so that he could get close to kiss the bridge of your nose. You'd been doing so well this past month; no nightmares for several consecutive days and it looked to be keeping strong. Of course the one night you push Jasper out to join his brothers in hunting would be the night you'd get a nightmare.
"Remember what Carlisle told us." Rosalie reminds Jasper in a warm yet warning tone. "It's from her PTSD. She may never really recover. All we can do is help her when she's suffering from it." Maneuvering herself so that Jasper had easier access to you, he picks you up blankets and all.
He often thinks back to the day Rosalie brought you home. Bruised, naked, dirty and so terrified that your bottom lip couldn't stop trembling. Bright red was splashed across Rosalie's face and even dyed parts of her hair where blood had spattered on. Time itself had stopped in that moment. Rosalie holding you looked like a painting from Titian.
It was funny, the contrast between how Rosalie treated you compared to Bella. Night and Day. From that day on, Rosalie always kept an eye on you similar to a mother hen. It didn't surprise anyone in the family, knowing what Rosalie had gone through was quite similar to what had happened to you. A morbid, kindred familiarity that made Rosalie soften up to you.
"Thank you, for being there for her." Jasper whispers. Unequivocal tenderness warms Rosalie's eyes as she watches Jasper hold you.
"Don't be stupid." her voice mellow like a drip of honey. "Even if you didn't want me to be, I'll always be there for her."
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flippinpancakes64 · 23 days
The Cullens with a reader who is afraid of needles but has tattoos and piercings?
The Cullens with a Reader who has tattoos and piercings but is afraid of Needles
Again, you guys manage to clock me perfectly. It’s kinda freaky. I just got a new tattoo the other day but I’m still putting off getting some of my vaccines because I’m scared of them.
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He thinks you’re funny
He so fascinated by how your mind works
He went with you once while you got a new tattoo
He was supposed to be there to hold your hand
But you didn’t need it
You just sat there peacefully making small-talk
But then
Carlisle called you into the clinic because you were overdue for a vaccine
Edward thought you were gonna take his hand clean off
He’s tried to talk to you a couple times about how they’re not so different
But you don’t wanna hear it
So he just settles with being there to comfort you every time you need a shot ❤️
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She finds it hilarious
Definitely tells you that you’re overreacting
But she will still comfort you
She loves your tattoos and piercings so much
But she just cannot wrap her mind around why you seem to be petrified of other needles
Oh well
She teases you for it all the time
But that doesn’t stop her from going with you and holding your hand and telling you how brave you’re being
She still tries to convey how weird you’re being
And how they’re not that different
But even she can see that that won’t work
So she just lets you be you
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He may be a vampire
But honestly he gets it
No one particularly enjoys the feeling of something punching into your skin
But it’s easier to cope when you know that you’re getting something cool out of it
Aka a piercing or a tattoo
He understands
So he goes with you whenever you have to get a shot and he uses his ability to calm you down
It makes it easier for everyone
He also may or may not have taken to just asking Carlisle to give you your vaccines when you’re asleep
He can use his ability to keep you asleep
Bada bing bada boom problem solved
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She understands a little bit
But also not really
She remembers getting her ears pierced when she was alive and she absolutely hated it
So she hates needles too
She understands you there
But she doesn’t understand your love for tattoos and piercings
Like obviously she loves her ear piercings and sort of wishes she’d gotten second lobe ones
But the pain is way too much for her
Also she is very reluctant to go with you
She can stomach a lot
But something about needles is a no for her
Don’t get me wrong she will hold your hand and let you squeeze
But her head will be turned the other way
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He thinks you’re hilarious
He teases you for it all the time
Likely won’t let up even if you tell him to stop
He just thinks it’s the funniest shit
That doesn’t mean he won’t go with you to be your emotional support and personal stress ball
It just means that he’ll bully you relentlessly afterwards
He doesn’t actually mean any malice behind it
He’s just a jokester at heart
And if you really, really tell him you don’t like when he teases you about it
He might let up every once in a while
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If she was human, she would honestly be the opposite
In her human life, she could take a vaccine needle like a champ
But even the thought of a tattoo or piercing makes her queasy
She does her best to reassure you of that
Trying to convince you that needles aren’t that bad
But you’re hard to get through to
So she just settles for being there for you
She goes with you every time you need to get a shot
But she stays home from the piercers or the tattoo parlor
Best scenario
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He has a bit of a different approach to this
He knows many people who are afraid of needles
He’s a doctor, it’s bound to happen
Thinks that exposure therapy is the best
He takes you to the clinic with him all the time
Has you sit in on a couple of his patients
And watch them get vaccines
Maybe it works maybe it doesn’t
Can’t say he didn’t try
But he never judges you for your fear
It’s real, it’s valid, and he will never make fun of you for it
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Vampire! Bella:
She understands
I have a feeling she was really in to getting piercings at some point
But I also have a feeling she never took good enough care of the piercings for them to stick around
So when she was human she had a bunch of scarred holes on her ears
But she gets it
She hated needles
But she loved piercings
Honestly wishes she could get some now
But either way, she doesn’t judge
She understands completely
Supportive queen
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volturissideslut · 3 months
Could you write something about jasper x reader where he’s jealous of how close she is with Emmitt and he eventually snaps and they fight over her ?
𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
Reader loves jasper rpmantically, and loves emmett platonically. emmett's like a brother
Jasper watches you from the other side of the room, sat so peacefully with a book in your hands. A single finger card through the pages, finding the text to turn. And yet, before it could fully begin the moment was shattered once again.
A pillow crashes itself into your face and your book is sufficiently gripped in Emmett's hand and held above his head. The only noise to leave you as a small squeal of surprise from the impact before you erupt into boisterous laughter. "Emmett you doof! Gimme back the book" you laugh, indulging him with a pitifully human jab to the chest.
The amber of jasper eyes darkens into a more hazel brown as his irritation grows, watching you two play fight and laugh once again. Rosalie huffs with a small smile from her seat, genuinely amused by your antics. Jasper isn't. It only takes him half a minute to snap, a bellowing "enough!" ripping it's way out of his throat before he can even think. Moreover, he's ended up in a precarious situation with his hand around Emmett's throat.
Your book hits the floor.
Pin drop silence.
One beat passes, and then another until he looks at your face. Your mouth slightly agape, eyes wider than before, but more noticeable your heartbeat is racing. Jasper doesn't need his gift to know that he just scared you, though startled would be a better fit as a work.
"C'mon now Jas, we're done now" You happen to be the first to speak, ignoring how Rosalie appears at your side and takes her lovers face when your Jasper drops him. "Take me home?" Your voice is smooth, steady, and has a calming effect on him. He doesn't speak when you step away, he know to meet you at his car.
The drive back is silent on his behalf, more so than usual. But you seem to have no trouble keeping the atmosphere alive and filling it with chatter like always. It's only when he pulls up and parks that you take a minute to be quiet.
"...Hey Jas?" you dont wait for a response before you continue. "It's okay to be jealous, but i need you to let me know. I figured that i'm gonna marry you one day, and so i may as well get on with your family too. I love Emmett as a brother, you know that baby, right?"
Fiddling with his hand in yours, you watch as he sighs in acceptance and a small smile makes its way to his face. "I know." He lifts your hand to his lips and presses a gentle kiss to the back.
"So you're gonna marry me one day, darlin'?"
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bless-my-demons · 11 months
Redamancy: Chapter Twenty-Five
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None
Notes: Holy shit I’m back and boyyyyy does it feel good! I missed you guys and I can’t thank you enough for the love and support🥹 Jasper and Reader need to go through this icky before getting back to normal and going through the craziness of Eclipse. This made me fuzzy on the inside to write because it’s healing this shit Bella and Edward never went through but needed to lol
Word Count: 2125
Series Masterlist
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• March 24th, 2006 • Forks HS •
Two days.
Forty-eight hours since I told Jasper Hale I needed time, space. Insane, really. Insane that even though he’s gravity, he’s in every thought scrolling through my brain, I asked him for the very thing my heart abhors. The very thing my brain needs.
It’s exhausting, my rational brain warring with my irrational heart. He’s here, he’s home, I just need to soak up every second. But on the other hand… for how long? We still have the same issue - my humanity and his control.
My hand shuts my locker door not-so-softly and I stare at my fingers on the cold metal. They could be touching cold skin instead- fuck, this stupid beating organ in my chest.
Frustration drives me to dig my phone out of my pocket as the bell for fourth period rings, the hallway behind me emptying out quickly.
He answers on the second ring and relief loosens the knot in my chest fractionally.
“Hey girly, what’s up?” Quil’s chipper tone brings a grin to the corner of my lips.
“Kidnap me? Please?”
He must hear the desperation in my voice, since he agrees immediately. “Absolutely, I’ll be there in twenty.” A shout of protest echoes in the background and he apologizes quickly, he was in class I can’t just ask him to- “Lunch?” He asks, jogging now by the puffs of his breath.
“Quil, that's a thirty minute drive-” I protest, worried.
“And you need rescuing, figure out what you want for lunch.” He ends the call abruptly as the squeaky door to his junky old car opens.
Sighing at my phone, I pocket it and turn towards my next class. I can survive until he gets here, right? I’ve been climbing the walls for the last two days, the object of my thoughts noticeably absent from school.
That’s a good thing, right? He���s doing what I asked, allowing me the space I need to think clearly, without his persuasion.
When in all actuality, I can’t help but feel like the walls are shrinking.
He’s here, he’s home, he said he wasn’t going anywhere, his family is still here.
The affirmations trickle over my buzzing skin.
I saw Alice in second period. Emmett is sitting behind my empty seat in Trig - I just have to walk through the door.
How the fuck am I going to move forward, to figure out a solution with Jasper, if I’m also trying to tackle their abandonment?
I might as well be trying to move forward through mud - thick, dark, and fucking everywhere.
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My phone vibrates about fifteen minutes before the end of class, I don’t dare pull it out of my pocket to confirm that it’s Quil.
My hand raises and immediately catches Mr. Varner’s gaze in the quiet classroom, “Yes, miss Y/l/n?”
“May I run to the bathroom, please?” I ask, trying to keep the sudden impatience out of my voice.
His nod is all I need to pack away my items quickly, behind me I hear the groan of the desk supporting the hulking frame of my other best friend.
“Y/n, what are you-” Emmett’s hushed whisper makes my pulse jump.
“I’ll be safe, promise.” I whisper back and practically run for the door.
A chair squeaks and Mr. Varner calls out, “Mister Cullen, she does not require assistance finding the ladies room, sit down.”
I flash him an apologetic smile as he slowly retakes his seat before I push the door open. I feel horrible, but I need the freedom waiting for me in the student parking lot.
Sprinting through the exterior double doors, a full-on smile overtakes my face as Quil leans over the center console to open the passenger door, “Hop in, loser!”
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Sitting in the parking lot facing First Beach with the windows rolled down, munching on cheap burgers and fries, I feel like I can finally take a deep breath.
“Okay,” setting down his shake to begin his interrogation, I brace. “Not that playing hookie isn’t the best idea ever to kick off the weekend, but what’s wrong?”
“He’s back.” I stare at the last few bites of my burger as I set it down in my lap, the paper crinkling loudly.
“He as in-”
“Oookaaay,” he draws out the vowels, not really following the obvious dilemma. “You wanted him to come back, right? I mean, you were a fucking mess the last six months.”
“Yes I wanted him to come back! I just-” I hesitate, “I just don’t know how to feel about it.”
“If my boyfriend-” I level a look on him that he ignores, “He’s yours, hook, line, and sinker - c’mon. If my boyfriend up and abandoned me, and I hadn’t gotten over it in six fucking months, suddenly is back in my life, what’s there to feel other than relief? A reprieve from what you’ve been feeling without him?”
“Since when do you know-”
“Stop deflecting, I’m here to solve this shit because my best friend needs help.” He’s munching on fries like this is goddamn entertainment. “Answer. Now.” This fucking fucker.
“Fine.” I puff out a breath and stare at the waves. “We’re still in the same situation he left me in-”
“The situation you won’t tell me about?”
“Yes.” The exasperation in my tone brokers no room for argument on the subject, so I move on. “I feel like the rug is going to be yanked out from underneath me because of it. There’s no way, over or through this mountain, it’ll always be there.”
“Mountains wither over time; if creeks can be persistent enough to become rivers, then so can you. I don’t know what this mountain looks like, but have you ever asked him for help to explore it? To find a path in the trees one step at a time?”
I look at him, gobsmacked. He makes it sound so easy.
“Don’t look at me like that, I may not have experience, but I can tell you what I feel like is right. And it feels right to just talk to him. I can tell you what to do all day until I’m blue in the face, but only he can reassure you in ways no one else can.” The empathy in his face makes my eyes sting, fuck he’s right.
“You are a treasure, you know that Quil Ateara?” I give him a sad smile trying to reign in my stupid tears, reaching for his hand.
He gives it to me and squeezes, “Of course,” he says it like it’s as obvious as grass being green. “And someday I’ll be as wrecked about a girl and you can regurgitate this shit back to me.” His shit-eating grin contains a little mustard in the corner and I bust out laughing.
“Ancestors help her, she’ll have to put up with a lot when it comes to you.” I tease and he winks.
“I’m nothing but a hoot, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Cranking his museum piece of a car, he turns it in the direction of his house and we leave today’s worries in the sand to be washed away with the tide.
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•March 24th, 2006 • Forks Community Hospital•
The swish of the automatic front doors of the hospital snap me from the thoughts pinging around in my brain. The cold crystal in my hand gathering condensation brings me back to my mission.
Striding down the familiar hallway that contains Carlisle’s office, I stop at the door displaying his name. Peeking inside to confirm my hearing, my adoptive father is definitely absent from his worn leather chair. No matter, procrastination won’t win me anything.
Continuing down the hallway, my steps are nearly silent as the nurse’s station comes into view with the object of my mission sitting alone behind a massive monitor.
“It’s after visitation hours, you’ll have to come back-” She finally raises her eyes and her sentence peters off quietly, “tomorrow-Jasper?”
Y/n’s mother stands from her chair as she registers my face, eyes falling to the bouquet of flowers set in one of Esme’s many crystal vases.
“Take this one, she’ll know you mean business.” Esme deposited the vase on the kitchen counter in front of me this morning while I was lost in thought on how to talk to Y/n’s mom. Apparently flowers are still the way women prefer their apologies.
“Y/n is still at the Reservation-” She starts, assuming it’s her daughter the flowers are for.
“I know.” Placing the arrangement Rosalie helped me with on the counter, I turn my supernatural gift inward and mellow out my nerves. “These are for you, ma’am.”
“Oh.” Surprise fills the air as her speechlessness pulses for a few seconds, the beeping of heart rate monitors echo around us. “You didn’t have to-” Gasping, her eyes narrow when they meet mine, weariness floods her senses. “You’re not asking-”
I chuckle, knowing what this looks like, “No ma’am, I’m here to apologize.”
Nerves fill my throat in an unfamiliar sensation for a reason not related to this apology, she thought I was asking to marry her daughter.
I store that thought away in the recesses of my mind, I can’t even begin to fall down that rabbit hole of complication.
“I’m not the one who needs an apology.” Her tone is soft as she plucks at a deep red rose petal.
“Your daughter will get an apology from me for the rest of my life, if she chooses to let me continue to be in hers.” That grabs her attention again. “You deserve one too, you were with her when I wasn’t and it put an immense amount of unwarranted stress on you both. I hope you accept my sincerest apology, even if you decide I’m not worth your good graces.” I take a deep breath and speak from the heart with my next words. “In September I was given a challenge that I failed and it rocked my world in a way I’m not even sure I know how to handle even now. I thought that if I simply removed myself, she could continue on like she had before we met. I know now… I know now that was not the answer and it never will be.”
I notice her eyes begin to turn a little misty as she processes my words and it wrenches a little something in my chest, I didn’t want to make her mom cry.
“She makes me want to be better, do better.” I glance at the empty hallway, quiet this late in the afternoon. “I want to be someone she’s proud of, someone worthy of her, no matter how hard it is. I want you to be able to trust me with her, which is why it was important to tell you how sorry I am.”
After a moment of surveying my face, pure joy radiates from her pores as she rounds the end of the desk to face me fully.
“Of course I accept your apology,” she envelops me in what would be a bone crushing hug, “thank you.”
Relief courses through me as we separate, glad I decided to do this.
“I appreciate your apology and these gorgeous flowers,” she rubs my shoulder in such a soothing mom-manner before leveling me with a no-kidding look. “Whatever my daughter decides, goes.”
“Absolutely,” completely serious, “I am at her mercy and if she wants nothing to do with me, I’ll respect that.”
“I knew you were a good one.” She winks at me before returning to her seat with a smile. “Your dad should be finished with afternoon rounds, now that you got the hard part of your visit over.”
“It’s never hard, talking to a pretty lady.” Now it’s my turn to wink, she responds with a genuine laugh that makes me smile.
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Mister Hale.” I take my leave as she resumes her typing.
Navigating back to my father’s office, I drop myself with relief into the chair in front of his immaculate desk.
“I’m pleased that went well, you did good.” He doesn’t even glance up at me, but the smile and his emotions oozing happiness tell me I did something right for once.
“One down, one to go.” I lean my head back in the chair and close my eyes, allowing myself to feel the relief of winning her mother over again.
“One down, one to go.” He repeats back, his smile evident in his voice.
I needed this win. I needed to succeed at something with this balled up mess in my chest.
Now I just need her.
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Taglist Part 1:
@aoi-targaryen @Min-jianhyung @pbbsl @Timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @Blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea @foolsgoldxo @heartfilia01 @azuredgalaxies @geekysimmerthings @graciereads @ramen-girl-2424 @0hmydekiru @creeqvealley @cherriebat @whichwitchisthebitch @dragon-rider-with-a-book @secretfairytailpetscookie @psychobitchsthings
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jasperhaleobsessed · 6 months
Hey, I feel kinda weird asking for another fic since I already asked, but can you please do Jasper Hale x reader where reader is the “backup friend.” Where basically her friends only hang out with her, talk to her, etc when there is no one else to talk to. Reader’s mom (who she’s really close to) starts getting really busy with the reader’s younger siblings and so reader gets less attention/gets ignored. The only time reader gets attention from anyone is either when they need her or no one else is available. Reader is hanging out with the Cullens’ and gets a call from her mom telling her to watch her younger sibling even though reader is out with friends and reader’s other younger sibling is home and free to watch the toddler. She just accepts it, but Jasper gets kinda upset that she just accepted it since he could feel her disappointment and she bursts out crying. Jasper lets her know that she doesn’t deserve to be treated that way and maybe cuddles and forehead kisses ensue?
Your only human
Jasper Hale x Female reader
Summary: The reader is having a hard time and Jasper comforts her.
Notes: Hope you like it and I know this wasn't exactly what you may have wanted but nevertheless still hope you enjoy it! :) Also sorry for taking such a long time!
Warnings: Some angst but a happy ending as usual!
Wordcount: 700
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(Edit: I forgot to add a gif oops 😬)
Your POV
Laughter filled the room as always Emmett made a terrible joke. You secretly enjoyed his jokes. Even Roselie cracked a smile which was a shock. Jasper had his arm around your shoulder and he hugged you close. Warmth filled your cheeks and your chest tightened. You smiled happily especially after Esme came out of the kitchen and presented you with a freshly baked warm chocolate cookie. You smiled gratefully. 
Then you lost, “Oh come on!” You murmured and jokingly gave Carlisle a stink eye. 
“Sorry.” he smiled apologetically. 
“Oh it’s alright.” You smiled warmly. 
“Yes!” Emmett exclaimed. You turned your head in his direction and looked at him confused. 
“Hand it over Alice!” He held out his hand. Alice gave him the puppy dog face but handed the money out anyway.
 “You bet on me?” 
“Yup!” Emmett said enthusiastically.
“How did you win against Alice doesn’t she see the future and all?” Emmett shrugged his shoulders and Alice answered with, “I guess it was a last minute decision.” Roselie rolled her eyes at Emmetts antics. 
“Okay.” You said slowly. You turned back to the game and watched as the rest of the Cullen’s played against each other. 
“Can you believe them?” You laughed. 
“Surprisingly I can.” Jasper laughed as he interlocked his hand into yours. 
Edward won and Alice was close to winning too. It had been a fun night and you enjoyed every bit of it. You enjoyed being wrapped up in Jasper’s arms and you enjoyed laughing and giggling with the Cullen family that was until your mom called. 
Your phone buzzed, you pulled it out of your back pocket and you read the following text: Hi honey I need you to watch your little sibling tonight! 
Your brows furrowed and you responded with: 
But I can’t I’m at the Cullen’s right now 
Your mom
Well I’m sorry but your gonna have to 
Why can’t my other capable older sibling do it??
Your mom 
Because they are busy. 
But I’m busy too!
Your mom
You're the eldest, it's part of your job!
You sighed and rubbed your temples as you powered off your phone. You pushed it back into your pocket. 
“What's wrong?”
You turned to look at him and for a moment you had no idea what to do or what to tell him. 
“Uh, my mom needs me to babysit my little sibling.” You said as you went to grab your backpack and get your stuff ready to go. 
“Don’t you have another sibling who's old enough to take care of your younger one?” Jasper asked. 
“Yeah but apparently they can't and I’m the only one who can.” Jasper put his hand on your shoulder and rubbed it soothingly.
“You're working yourself too much, I can feel it.” He caressed your face. 
“I know but no one else can and I have to. I don’t want to but she's relying on me and I can’t go and say no even if I feel exhausted and overworked because she's always working and has no time for her kids anymore. I can't just say no because she needs help and has no time because she’s trying to support her. But as much as I love my siblings I can’t do this. I'm not good at juggling all of this.” You felt your breath hitch and tears sting your eyes. You collapsed in his arms. He listened calmly to your rant.
And rubbed your hair soothingly. “Shhh it’s okay darlin’.” Your body trembled as he sent calming waves to you.
You couldn’t help but hug him tighter. “I’m sorry.” You murmured. 
He pulled you away and cupped your face, “You have no reason to be sorry. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, that's normal. Your only human darlin’.” You gave him a small smile and your tears continued to pour down your face as he whipped them away. 
He calmed you again and you took a deep breath just as he did. “Feel better?” You smiled and hugged him tightly. 
“Would you like me to come with you and help you so you don’t feel as overwhelmed?” 
“Yes!” You felt relieved. 
You turned to the rest of the Cullens and said, “Sorry for crying on ya.” Esme looked at you sympathetically, "Don’t worry dear you're completely fine.” She got up from the sofa and hugged you. Alice jumped up from her seat and you and Esme turned to her. 
“Don’t ever apologize! It’s okay!” She smiled warmly. You always thought her smiles were contagious. She smiled back at her warmly. The other Cullen’s agreed. Jasper took your hand as he led you to your house and you both smiled as you headed there. 
The End. 
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wutheringcaterpillar · 5 months
Hi! I’m wondering if you would be willing to write a fic where the snobby wife of Emmett or Lenny wants to have a surrogate with an advanced method (which he agreed to because he’s faithful to his wife), instead of having a baby of their own because the wife didn’t want to ruin their body. While they’re searching for the candidate, they found Y/N and the wife didn’t want her as the surrogate, but he doesn’t give a damn and wants her to be the surrogate the traditional way which he didn’t care if it ruins his marriage.
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Summary: The neighbor who plays games through the window happens to be a more than willing candidate to solve one of Lenny’s many marriage problems. Warnings: age gap (reader is 20), breeding kink, surrogacy, cheating (kinda), surrogacy, a fucked marriage, slight lactation kink mentioned
Thank you for the request! This is my first Lenny fic, hope you enjoy ❤️
The Millers had been married for nearly two years, Lenny’s wife Marsha was a force to be reckoned with. She owned her own catering business and after a year or two it took off and she began to bring in money, not being so kind to the potential customers that couldn’t afford her “top tier” service.
Sitting in the kitchen Lenny was enjoying his morning coffee (black of course), and ignoring the screeching sound of Marsha complaining about every thing under the sun, as if she didn’t always get her way.
Lenny swore that if breathed even remotely in her vicinity, she would get pissed off. There had been talks of a baby but with Marsha being infertile, the only option on the table was surrogacy.
Lenny already had a contender in mind, someone he’s had his eyes on for quite some time.
Ending the phone call she was on, she turned to her husband with curious look on her face. Funny how her mood changes as soon as she wants something from him.
“Did you find anyone yet dear? I haven’t had much luck.” Matter of fact he did, but whether or not she was going to agree was a different conversation that he could already presume the answer.
“Well what about Y/N? She’s young and in her twenties. She’d be great” His wife glanced at him with an incredulous look of disgust.
“The twenty year old across the street? Absolutely not, she’s a stuck up prissy little whore. Always walking around in those horrendous shorts and crop tops. I want our child to be sophisticated and wise not a bimbo Lenny. Find someone else.” His wife had never taken the time to get to know you the way he did. Rolling his eyes, he glanced across the street, seeing you sprawled out in the grass laying on your stomach reading a book on this hot summer day.
Lenny had wanted you for a long time now. There had been a continuation of stolen glances, innocent flirtatious banter. 
Unbenknownst to his wife, he spent an endless amount of time staring out the window, watching you put on a show for him trying on different lingerie, playing with your breasts and touching yourself. 
You were a delicacy he craved to indulge in.
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Hearing the car door slam, he waited for his wife to be out of sight before walking over to your property, his tall silhouette blocking the sun and forming a shadow of your reading.
Glancing up, you lowered your sunglasses and purposefully propped your ass up. A mischievous smile smearing across your face.
“Mr. Miller! Can I assist you with something? ” You batted your eyelashes playfully before closing the engorging old novel. He took note you were reading the classical “The Great Gatsby.” He was always a fan of seeing young readers indulging in works of early literature.
“Actually you can, may we go inside and have a chat?” Giggling and smirking, you nodded for him to follow you into the house, offering him a drink in the process and insisting that he take a seat.
A part of you was curious what this handsome, impeccably clean man could want from you, was it sex? An affair? Maybe he was leaving his wife. 
“So what do I owe the pleasure Mr. Miller?” He folded his leg on top of the other, trying to hide the fact you didn’t call him Lenny or Leonard turned him on immensely. He tried not to stare at your ass as you reached for a glass on the top shelf of your kitchen, but your cheeks were nearly falling out at this point. Fuck how he’s tried to be a good husband, but the way Marsha has been lately, the caring aspect of his marriage was dwindling into nothing.
“Allow me to start of by saying you have a beautiful place. My wife actually, she wants to have a baby but she’s infertile. I was wondering if you’d want to do the honors? I know it’s a lot to ask, a lot to put your body through but-Oh!” His words diminished when you set the glass of water down and kicked apart his legs, placing your knee firmly against his growing shaft causing his breath to hitch in his throat.
“You want to put a baby in me? Is that it?” His crystal blue eyes seemed to wander to your cleavage that was sitting blatantly in front of his face. Tipping his chin up, demanding his eye contact you grazed your hand over his upper arm, gripping at the muscular tone of his bicep instead sending chills down his spine as he withheld a moan.
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“Eyes are up here sweetheart…” His heart palpitated in his chest, arousal building as his brain went haywire from the alluring lock of yours eyes. Scanning and searching the older man with interest and  before taking his hand and settling it on the cushion of your boob.
“Ye-yes but not, not the injection way. I want to fuck you, I’ve been wanting to fuck you. We may have to do it a few times just to- to make sure it takes.” He gulped desperately, not even noticing the massaging movement of his hand on your breast.
Pulling away with a playful grin, you passed him his glass of water and returned to the sink when you noticed his wife’s car pull back into the driveway.
“How are you going to convince your wife? I know she hates me.”
Lenny chugged his glass, wiping at the sweat building at the nape of his neck, what he wouldn’t do to take you here, right over this god damn table. Standing from his seat, he held a firm stance and tucked his hands in his pockets.
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“I can be very persuasive. I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t play with that pretty little pussy until I’m here, got it?” You nodded playfully at his demand and motioned for him to go.
Walking back to his house, Marsha was standing in the doorway leaning on the frame with fury in her eyes, but Lenny wasn’t having any if it.
Shoving past his wife, she began yelling obscenities, demanding to know why he was in your fucking house after she made it perfectly clear you weren’t an option.
He put her complaints to a hault, turning around and pointing his finger directly in her face.
“I’ve been more than willing to give you what you want but it’s about time that I get what I want. Don’t act like I don’t know about the emails with Steven or that you’ve been racking up debt with my credit cards. Let’s not forget I work for the god damn CIA, I’m not a fool like you make me out to be I think it’s only fair sweetheart. I will be fucking her, and you will agree or you won’t be getting a fucking baby. Not from me.” She stood there mouth agape left speechless. If she thought she had an upper hand she was sadly mistaken. Before she could protest Lenny simply raised an eyebrow before heading back across the street.
He’d taken his wife’s shit for far too long and it ends here regardless of possibly jeopardizing his marriage.
Bursting through the door with a pit of fire in his stomach, when he heard the shower running he ran up the stairs, patience non existent.
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Ripping open the shower curtain, his sapphire eyes settled on your soapy body, causing you to scream from the sudden surprise. Before you had a chance to say anything he was stepping to the shower, drenching his close while he closed the distance and pressed your wet body against the wall, locking his lips with yours instantly taking your breath away while embracing the hot water drenching him.
He smelt of teakwood and mint, so alluring and consuming as your hands tangled in the strands of his once well combed hair, nails dragging and pushing his lips in closer, tongues intertwining and swirling in profound desire lust.
“I’m glad you made it to me, gonna breed me hm? Knock me up with your baby.” 
“Going til fill you to the brim over and over again til that tummy is plump.”
Dropping to your knees and undoing his zipper, you released his cock, eyes going wide with excitement when the eager member popped out, merely slapping against his abdomen.
Lenny knew he was big but he was mature and grateful about it and all he could think about was stretching that tight little pussy.
Gripping the shaft, your hand moved swiftly and slowly around the girth of his cock, massaging the sensitive skin before your lips enveloped the head os his cock.
An exasperated gasp escaped Lenny’s lips at the sudden warmth and slippery slope of your hallowed cheeks.
You moaned around his length, staring up at him with lustful eyes from your kneeling position. 
“Such a dirty girl.” He moved the strands of hair from the front of your face, locking the laces inbetween his digits watching you swallow his length fully, mascara flowing messily down your cheeks.
You were such a sight for sore eyes, he could feel his heart palpitate in his chest seeing you in such a vulnerable position bobbing your head up and down. If he stayed like this he wouldn’t last very long.
Lifting you up, he carried you into the bedroom, laying you down before aligning his cock with your dripping cunt, sliding inside of your tight walls effortlessly.
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The sight of your flawless, young, nude body on didplay for him so up close and personal, sent a thrill up his spine, peaking his arousal.
Your nipples glowed in the sunlight, back arching in desperation from the stretch of him, your walls clenching to his every inch.
“You are indisputably insatiable.” He breathed out as your fingers trailed down his chest before pulling down by his neck into a fruitful kiss.
He pumped in and out of you relatively slowly, wanting to relish in the moment, focusing on your warmth squeezing his shaft, aching purely for him.
The feeling of disbelief that this was actually happening still fluttering around your mind as he stuffed you.
“Fuck me Lenny. I mean really fuck me.” He scanned your needing eyes, raising an eyebrow questioning whether or not your body could handle it.
“Don’t hold back, I need you to consume me, own me, right…now.”
Placing his hands on your thighs, he pulled your body down slamming you down onto his cock, bottoming out in your alluring sex.
“Oh! Fuck!” You bit down on your bottom lip from the feeling of being so full, making direct eye contact with his charismatic blue eyes as he fucked you relentlessly. Your boobs bouncing up and down ferociously fast with each power driven thrust.
“Can’t wait to see that tummy full with my baby, can’t wait to fuck you when your boobs are leaking milk and you’re begging to be fucked more than you are now. Fuck..” Beads of sweat formed at his temple, hair falling in front of his face while his eyes darkened, the animalistic sexual instincts kicking in. Your hands grasped at his shoulder, grinding down against his bush needing more and more, your pussy throbbing from the constant brushing of his cock against your clit. He was an experienced man and it was quite clear he knew how to pleasure a woman, turning you on even more.
“Fuck, fuck Lenny…wanna- wanna feel your seed- wanna-need to-“ Your words faltered as you crumbled beneath him, his eyes never leaving yours, noting the visible sexual distress you were in.
The sound of your desperate voice moaning his name making him pulsate inside you, he was on the edge, so close to cumming but he was a man of honor and determined to get you off first.
Lifting your legs, he placed your ankles around his shoulders, rutting into you, balls slapping against the bare of your skin.
His cock smacked against your cervix with each movement in this position. You wouldn’t last long, especially with his intimidating yet attractive stare. A man had never been so focused on you and your pleasure during sex until now.
“Want my baby in you? Want to feel my cum drenching that pretty pussy, hm?” Your lips parted, mouth falling open when your body convulsed, back arching as your orgasm approached very sneakily.
“Yes! Yes! Give me what your wife can’t fucking have…fuck, I’m going to fucking cum Lenny I’m..” Your breaths became staggered, moans becoming louder as your ankles locked behind his neck, toes curling at the anticipating high.
“Go on darling, cum for me, cum on my cock while I put a baby in you. Show me how much you needed me.” Within seconds your walls came tumbling down, your core shaking from the intensity of the euphoric, palpable orgasm.
Lenny watched as you come undone beneath him, and with one last detrimental thrust, you felt his cock pulsating and the pool of his seed coating your inner walls, rushing straight to your uterus.
He fell down on the bed beside you as you both tried to steady your breathing.
Glancing over at one another in a heated craze, he kissed you once more with profound passion.
“Water break?” You gulped, unsure if your overstimulated cunt could take it. Within twenty minutes you were right back at it.
The following weeks he continued to fuck you, wanting to ensure the chance of pregnancy to just get his wife to shut the fuck up about having a baby. She didn’t have to like who it was with, she should have been grateful that he would even give her what she wanted most, that you would help even though you both knew this was a selfish arrangement but then again, Marsha was the quern of selfishness.
Within a month you’d notice your period never showed. After taking three tests, you were stunned to read the results. 
Changing into an outfit you knew would piss his wife off, you skipped across the street with the tests in hand.
Knocking at the door with a wide grin on your face, to your surprise Marsha answered her smile turning into a deceitful frown when she saw the positive pregnancy sticks in your hand.
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“Who’s at the door I’m expecting-“ Lenny’s words came to a hault when he witnessed the scene, his wife’s head turning back to face him in anger and resentment but he didn’t feel the least bit sorry, instead wanting Marsha to feel how she often made him feel, like shit.
“Well you’ve got what you wanted didn’t you? Go on thank Y/N for being such a kind service.” Through gritted teeth and possibly the fakest smile you’d ever seen she thanked you unwillingly kindly for being a such a big help. Forever knowing her husband fucked the neighbor girl, and that would not be the last time that her husband would be over there, regardless of the original arrangement.
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Silent Cosmos (Edward Cullen) (Ch. 3)
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x GN! Mute!Reader
Words: 2.8k+
Warning(s): Two gross dudes, sexual verbal harassment (not towards reader), swearing,
A/N: omg chapter 3 is finally here. I apologize for the wait. I thought my semester this time around would be forgiving but NOPE. I had so much to do and read, I could hardly write for fun or draw either. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last posted. I want to try a new method when writing series. I tried with my kpop writing blog, and its where I write a few chapters at a time then periodically post them. Helps keep the flow and motivation going, but that may have been a one off there.
Series Masterlist
"O star of strength! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain; Thou beckonest with thy mailèd hand, And I am strong again... The Star of the unconquered will, He rises in my breast, Serene, and resolute, and still, And calm, and self-possessed. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Light of Stars"
Edward hasn't been in school for the past few days.
You admittedly felt a little lonely without his presence, though Emmett and Alice have made it their mission to become your new best friends. Jasper tried but he still kept his distance from you, which you didn't mind. Rosalie helped when no other Cullen was around, although she kept a lot of conversations at a minimum, which you also didn't mind.
Alice had told you Edward had gotten a bad cold, so he is staying home. You had offered to bring him your notes the first time so he could copy them down, but Alice told you their father has him basically on lock down until he is deemed healthy. So, after you've done your homework, you've been making copies of your notes to give him when he comes back.
It's the start of a new day and once again, Edward wasn't there. You were at your locker with 15 minutes to spare. You placed the spare folder with Edward's notes on the shelf while your mind went back to that moment you two shared at the welcoming party for your uncle. You felt happy telling him all the stars and constellation you could see, and even happier when he seemed thoroughly interested in your rambles. However, you feel an inkling of guilt when you remember he gave you his jacket. Maybe he got sick from that?
"Dude, I got this weird spot on my dick."
Well, there goes your musings of guilt. You glance to your left and see two guys near you, just chilling against the lockers. You've never met them, though you do remember sharing a class or two with them separately.
"Are you really airing your business out when someone is standing right their?" The shorter one, with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes gestures to you.
"Relax, Mark. That's the deaf student." The taller one with deep brown eyes and brown hair says with a laugh. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes and choose to just focus on the inside of your locker. Maybe you should get more decorations- "Anyways, I have this weird spot on my dick. It almost looks like I have a weird mole there. I'm hoping it's just a new mole and Cindy didn't give me something."
"I'd get that shit checked out then. You don't want it to turn into something worse if it is an STD." Mark says with a sigh. "I told you not to sleep with her, Tony. She made my balls itch like crazy. They still fucking itch."
"I think its just a weird mole. You wanna look?" He cackles while his friend fake gags. They both push off the lockers and walk away to who knows where.
You let out a deep sigh and close your locker. At least the ignorance of other allows you to hear some gossip.
"What's with the sigh, Tiny?" Emmett calls out as he and Rosalie approach you. He has very quickly taken to the nickname Tiny for you. You suppose anyone shorter than him would be considered tiny in his eyes. Rosalie simply opened her locker as you and Emmett conversed.
"Oh, just overheard two people talking about something that should have been a private conversation." You respond with a slight shrug.
"Gah, Forks High is full of a bunch of weirdos, huh?" He grins and raises his brows a few times, crossing his arms while leaning on the locker next to you. You silently chuckle and nod, though you wondered if there was an underlying joke there.
"No Edward today?"
"Nope. Carlisle still hasn't cleared him." He sighs with a sympathetic smile. "Between you and me, Tiny, Edward is still shitting his brains out." He signed that last portion to you.
You gave him a scandalized look and playfully slapped his arm with a small chuckle. You were surprised to feel just how hard his muscles were.
"What was that for?" He gripped where you slapped and pretended to be hurt. "It was a private conversation, no one else here except Rosalie knows sign."
You roll your eyes and shake your head with a smile. You could always count on Emmett to get you to smile.
"C'mon, Rose and I will walk you to first period, like always." He grins and gestures you to follow him. Rose simply came along since she and Em were in the class next to yours. You nod and follow, happy to have good company.
It was a passing period and it was just you and Rose at your lockers. You grabbed a new pen and pencil since the last two you had broke and ran out of ink. Rosalie was fluffing up her already perfect, blond hair in the mirror of her locker. She and you didn't converse much, but you still liked her presence. Like the rest of the Cullens, she didn't tiptoe around you or treated you differently. She acknowledged your presence and would answer you if you had questions.
You were about finished in your locker when you heard two familiar voices keep up their gross conversations behind you.
"Dude, Rosalie has the hottest ass." Tony practically jeers, his voice intentionally loud. You glance to the blond next to you and she still keeps fixing her hair, though you can see her brows are a little more furrowed and her lips are more in the shape of a frown.
"Her tits, man, her tits are where it's at." Replies Mark and when you shift just enough to see him in the corner of your eyes, you see him make an obscene gesture.
You hear the slight creek of metal and when you look to Rose, you see her grip is so tight on her locker door that her fingers made indents which made your eyes widen for a moment. She closes her locker and you can see by her side profile she is pissed, and rightfully so.
So, you do what you think would make her laugh at the expense of those two guys.
You tap her arm to get her attention and she looks at you with a glare. You don't let it faze you. If those two are going to be gross about your friend, you'll just air out their business that they so willingly aired out by you this morning.
"You know those two jackasses?" You intentionally look to them as you sign and look back at her. "Well the brown haired one has a spot on his penis that he isn't sure if it's a mole or an STD. And his buddy likely doesn't wash right since he's had prolonged itchy balls."
Rosalie looks almost scandalized until her eyes widen for a moment as she looks at the two dudes and then back to you. She covers her mouth as she laughs when she realizes what you're trying to do.
You were about to sign some more when the two dumbasses approach.
"I know you were talking shit. What the fuck did you sign?" Tony glared, pointing an accusatory finger at you. He gets in your face and you swear you hear Rosalie growl.
You swallow thickly and decide to open your mouth. Your aunt always said you got your stubbornness from your mom.
"I said..." You try not to wince at the pain in your throat, your voice sounding hoarse. "You had a weird spot on your dick and your friend... has itchy balls." They looked at you with wide, horrified looks. "Don't talk about someone's body if you don't want yours talked about either."
"You little shit." Mark hisses and Rose steps closer to your side, an arm just barely in front of yours.
"What's going on here?" Emmetts voice grows louder as he approaches, his usual, carefree smile no longer on his face. He looked scarier than you've ever seen him. Mark and Tony looked at each other before slinking off.
Once they were gone you let out a dry, painful cough. You cover your mouth with the back of your hand and quickly grab your water and drink, soothing your throat. You could taste a tiny bit of iron in the back of your throat as you drank.
Rosalie calls your name softly. "Are you okay?"
You nod in response and take another sip of water. You didn't catch the look they gave each other or Rose gesturing for Emmett to speak.
"What happened, Tiny?" He asks in a quiet tone. You close the cap of your bottle and place it back in your bag. Your throat still ached but you knew the pain from using your larynx will linger.
You start to sign to him everything that occurred, from what you overheard in the morning to him approaching. You can see a flash of anger on his face but he goes back to that small smile. Once you explained your words to Rose and why you said them, a huge grin breaks out on his face.
"I didn't know you had it in you, Tiny." He laughs and pats your shoulder a little too firmly.
"Come, I'll walk you to class." Rosalie said with a soft tone. You nod and wave goodbye  to Emmett. You both start heading down the hallway, the blond next to you tense.
When you got to your class a pale hand stopped you. You look to Rose with a questioning look while her gold eyes avoid yours.
"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." Rosalie says, the tense look she had fades into a small smile, her eyes meeting yours. You see some vulnerability in her usually guarded gaze. She gives your shoulder a squeeze before dropping her hand. "You didn't have to do that. I'm... admittedly used to that."
"No need to thank me, Rosalie." You smile back at her.
"I do, because not many would step up like that." She softly sighs and her smile grows a bit. You felt her words had more meaning to them, but you decided to not linger on them for now. "I know I've been slightly avoiding you but I have a hard time trusting hu- new people. But, after today, I think I want to open up a bit and be friends."
"I'd like that too." You beam. "Alice has been begging me to do a shopping trip, maybe the three of us can plan a trip soon."
"I'd... I'd like that." She almost looks like she is relieved and less guarded.
"Is your hand okay?"
"Well, I saw you grip your locker and you dented it."
"Oh. Yeah, it's fine. I work on cars and my grip is strong. It's nothing." She holds out her hands and you saw just flawless skin. "Well, I will see you soon. Class is starting."
"Talk to you later." You wave and go to class. You sit down at your usual spot and start preparing. You sigh, irritated at the way those two spoke about Rose so loudly. But you also felt happy you and Rose were close now. Her bending the locker was suspicious... there were many things off with the Cullens that you've picked up, however, you don't linger on it. They have their quirks much like you have your own.
Edward lounged on the couch reading, back from his trip up to the Denali clan to clear his head. After witnessing that nightmare from you, he needed a moment alone to sort his thoughts. He wasn't sure what he felt afterwards but once he took some time to sort out his thoughts, he came back to Forks. None of the others knew what happened. He didn't tell them those details of your life, as none of them were privy to it. He wasn't either but that bridge has been crossed thanks to his ability and curiosity of the galaxy protecting your mind.
He felt guilt initially when he realized he deeply invaded your privacy. Then, despair and immense sadness followed when he recalls back to your nightmare, your past. Edward had seen many horrors in his long life, he even committed some when he'd hunt those men. However when he witnessed what you went through, he couldn't help feel a spark of protectiveness. You were nice. He found you a joy to be around despite it not being long since you transferred. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you.
Edward couldn't help but smile when he thought back to you and him outside the fire station. It was a peaceful moment. He couldn't help but linger on the sight of you in his jacket, pointing out the stars and constellations. It was silent other than your internal thoughts. And when he got to witness your galaxy so at peace? He also felt a sense of tranquility he longs for.
Edward quickly put those thoughts away and resumed his attention his book when he heard his adoptive siblings come in. Alice and Jasper pass without saying to him, which he was slightly thankful for. However, Emmett and Rosalie lingered by him.
"How can I help you both?" Edward sighs, snapping the book closed as he looks at both of them.
Rose crosses her arms. "You need to come back tomorrow."
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Yeah, Tiny happened." Emmett grinned and gestured to Rosalie. The blond sighed and let the memory replay of you standing up for her so Edward can see what happened today. He furrows his brows, setting his book down. He stands up from the couch and looks between the two.
"My guess is those two will probably retaliate against our friend one way or another." Rosalie says softly. Edward chooses not to point out how she said 'our friend.' "You spend the most time with them, they'll need you to stick around them the most."
Edward nods slowly. He recognizes Mark and Tony, and he knows they each have a class with him and you. He's heard the thoughts that spew from them both like garbage and he knows they aren't above getting back at someone.
"I'll come back tomorrow." He confirms. He wanted one more day to himself, but tomorrow is good as ever to face you again. He knows how you lost your voice and how you ended up living with your uncle and aunt now, but you don't know he knows. And he'll have to keep that in mind.
Although, Edward couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice in Rosalie's memory. It was rough and hoarse, and it caused you pain, pain he doesn't want you feeling again... but it was nice hearing that voice that matches to the one in your head... when that space of yours is dropped.
You make your way to your locker first thing in the morning. You get yourself situated, grabbing the things you need for your classes before lunch. You set aside the folder where you kept your copies of notes for Edward down on the small shelf. You huff softly, throat still feeling sore from using your voice.
A familiar voice calling your name has you spinning around quickly, a smile instantly growing on your face. Edward approaches you with a small smile, looking the same as he did the last time you saw him.
"Glad to see you're feeling better." You grin, your mind flashing back to what Emmett signed to you in regards to Edward's health. You catch your friend's eyebrow twitch, a flash of annoyance on his face that he quickly recovered.
A Cullen quirk, you muse to yourself.
"Yeah. I'm doing a lot better now." He replies softly, standing  a little closer to you than usual.
"I have something for you." You see his eyebrow quirk as you turn back to your locker. You pull out the black folder and hand him it. "Notes for the classes we share."
Edward stares down at the folder before chuckling. He looks up at you and gives you brilliant smile, one that makes your heart flutter for just a moment. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."
"Of course."
Suddenly, you feel hand on your back. Edward was standing much closer to you with an expression akin to a scowl as he stares off a little. He looks to you and smiles softly, though you can still see the tension on his face.
"We should get to the classroom. I'll probably have questions about what I missed." He says in a low voice. You nod, a little confused by his demeanor. You finish up with your locker and let him guide through the hallway, his cold hand still resting on the middle of your back.
You weren't aware of Tony's and Mark's presences until you both were walking by them to your first period classroom. You paid them no mind, keeping your focus ahead of you. Doing this, however, has you missing the deep and threatening glare from Edward towards the both of them.
As you both walked through the hallway, Edward felt that his non-existent blood boiling at the degrading, violent, and nasty thoughts those two were thinking. He knew they both weren't the best that Forks has to offer, their thoughts sometimes louder than others.
That protective urge he felt after witnessing your nightmare? It's working overtime now and he isn't completely sure why.
What Edward does know that he won't let them try anything towards you.
Taglist: @buckybarnes-1917​, @trawberry-fire​ , @dreamy-caramel​, @urgirlfriendspage @azazel-nyx @stinkii-boii @vanessalovesonedirection @sunnyisntthere @theatrenerd101601 @awesomebooklover17 @esposadomd @whichwitchisthebitch @bofadeezs @gons-dad-is-gon-e @kathsuhki @aoi-targaryen @srh-006 @onlyheretosimp
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
I absolutely love how you write, it's so light and fresh, so genuine that it's a delight to read! I just love your profile ✨🖤🌸
It may be one of Edward Cullen x MaleReader! Edward leaves MaleReader when he meets Bella convinced that she was his true love but breaks her heart in the process, MaleReader is rude and charismatic at heart but it affected him so he just walks away from the cullens and moves on with his life falling madly in love with a man who later discovers that he is a demon who roams the earth in search of his own happiness and both come together for it. Both begin to love each other and join the Volturi for battle as spectators taking care of collateral damage and guarding the injured, both were a power couple in the Volturi coven. Edward just watches helplessly as his old love was more than happy with his new family and love.
Warning this is a slight crossover with Black Butler. But I hope you enjoy!
New and Better Family
Edward ANGST
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(Name) had always been there with him. Through everything. How does he get repaid? Getting replaced. By a fucking human. A HUMAN OF ALL THINGS! He was done. (Name) was in his and Edward's shared room. Packing a bag. Emmett and Jasper stood in the door way. Trying to talk him out of leaving. Rosalie knew exactly how he felt and thought he deserved to leave if he wanted to. Alice?
"(Name) your over reacting! You should be happy!" (Name) ignored her. Continuing to pack his bag. Carlise was calming Esme down in his office. When (Name) announced he was leaving, Esme immediately tried talking him out of it. She didn't understand why he was so upset. She knew him and Edward were mates. But Edward kept saying he found his true mate. Then practically threw (Name) aside.
Zipping up the bag (Name) shoved the three out of his way running out of the room and out the front door. He left the Cullen's resident and coven. When he was far enough he finally felt it. The mate thread broke. He felt to his knees holding his chest. It hurt. But what hurt worse? Seeing someone you gave everything up for....give you up. (Name) growled standing brushing the dirt off him and headed back....home.
When he arrived back in Italy he felt broken. He knew how his father figure was gonna react to not only him coming home but....the fact that he let Edward do what he did. When he arrived to the castle the guards immediately bowed. The Vampire Prince returns. He quickly made his way to the throne room. Throwing open the door and throwing his bag at a random guard member. Throwing himself into his uncles arms.
Marcus upon seeing the broken mate string immediately held his nephew close. He knew the feeling all too well of losing a mate. Caius jumped from his throne about to march over but seeing his son cry in his brothers arms knew something was up. So he sat back down grumbling lowly. Aro looked confused but pleased that his nephew returned. When he went to ask something Marcus rose a hand to him.
When their hands made contact Aro's face dropped. Oh that stupid Cullen boy. He released his brothers hand and grabbed his other brothers arm leading them out of the room. Giving the two privacy. Caius began arguing about how he needed to stay by his sons side when Aro explained what he saw. (Name) catching Edward cheating. How Edward explained that Bella was his true mate. How he was tossed aside for a human girl. How his mate string is broken.
Caius saw red. He was ready to declare war against the Cullens. Ready to destroy the coven for how that boy and the seer treated his precious son like trash. Aro gently grabbed Caius's shoulders. "Wait brother. Before you do that give (Name) time to properly heal before trying to destroy those he holds close." Caius frowned deeply. It was true his son held some of the Cullens dear. He sighed and nodded. First thing he needs to do is comfort his son.
Upon reentering the throne room Caius saw how his son was asleep on Marcus. His power still amazed him. (Name) could sleep and eat like any human. But his vampire powers were more powerful then anyone the kings know. Which is why he was so special to the Volturi. Caius made his way over and carefully lifted his son into his arms. He nodded to his brother before making his way to his son's wing of the castle.
Once (Name) was in bed and covered Caius sworn revenge for his son. He never wanted to see his son like this ever again. He'd make sure those who broke him will pay. With not only their lives, but their happiness. Caius ran a hand through (Name)'s hair knowing it calmed him down. Once (Name) was better he'd introduce him to the new guards, his wife, and everyone in the Volturi.
It didn't take as long as (Name) thought it would to heal his broken heart. Being surrounded by his old and new family's love was something he was grateful for. It was when (Name) decided to leave the castle to feed did he find his true mate. A tall man with shiny black hair. Eyes that told a thousand stories. A smile that made him feel things Edward never did. And a touch that was more addicting then anything. (Yes. You are mated to Sebastian. Cause he's better then Edgelord Edward)
When (Name) told his family about his true mate many things happened. Aro was overjoyed knowing his nephew finally got what he deserved. Marcus was confused upon seeing the string which was uch different then anything he's seen but still happy for (Name). Caius. Well. He didn't react too well. Since (Name) had been sneaking out of the castle for nearly a year to be with his mate.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Caius roared. Seeing an unknown person all over his child. Caius was ready to rip his head off and burn his body and dance in the ashes. Marcus spoke up silencing everyone. "Truly remarkable." Upon seeing the confused faces around him he held his hand out to Aro. Who gleefully took it. And started laughing madly upon seeing the true mate string. But it was different. "Just what are you?" Aro asked speeding into the man's face.
The smirk on the man's face didn't waver. Only grew. "I am a Demon. I've been searching for love and happiness for centuries. Until I stumbled across little (Name) here." (Name) was shocked and hurt. His mate was a demon? Why didn't he tell him? The male stuck his hand out to Aro. Smirk still plastered on his face. "I'm Sebastian." Aro took his hand and frowned upon getting nothing from the male.
Sebastian smirked more seeing the frown. "Sorry to say this but your power doesn't work on me." Aro smiled. Seeing the statement as a challenge. Oh he liked this Sebastian. "(Name)? Darling what's wrong?" Everyone turned to (Name) who looked extremely hurt. "Why didn't you tell me you were a demon? I knew you weren't human and told you what I was...." Caius stood from his throne and made his way to the couple.
"Well. Maybe it's because there is a law against it." Caius threw out there. Hoping to cheer his son up. Which worked. (Name) nodded knowing that every species have rules. Caius then glared at Sebastian. "Well since you are the mate of my son I will introduce myself. I am Volturi King Caius. Father of (Name)." Sebastian then looked surprised before smirking broadly.
Sebastian dipped (Name) making him squeak. "Oh~ so your royalty? Well then this is gonna be fun." (Name) then growled and shoved him away blushing. "Stupid flirty demon." Caius smiled. He missed seeing his son so happy. He hoped nothing will damage their happiness. But sadly Caius had jinxed it. Cause not much later the Volturi received an invite to the wedding of Edward Mason Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan.
(Name) threw the invitation into the library fire. After spending decades together Edward refused marriage. Now a few years with a human and he gets married? (Name) was growling and cursing every word in the Italian dictionary. Sebastian chuckled and wrapped his arms around (Name). Bringing him to lay against his chest. Sitting them in (Name)'s favorite chair. "Aww what's wrong my angry prince?"
(Name) glared at him and punched him in the chest. Sebastian didn't react. (Name) frowned more before he sighed. "It's just...we spend a very long time together. I proposed every decade because I knew he wouldn't but he rejected me every single time!" (Name) threw his arms up. "Then some clumsy clown of a human stumbles into his life and he throws me away like I'm some animal carcus." Sebastian leaned into (Name)'s ear before speaking softly.
"Just imagine though. If he had agreed, we never would've met." (Name) freezes. He was right. (Name) didn't need that stupid Edgelord. He had Sebastian. Who actually loved and cared for him. "Why don't we get married?" (Name) stopped breathing. Did he hear that right? "What?" He asked breathlessly. Sebastian chuckled. Seeing his normal hateful mate speechless. "I said let's get married."
(Name) turned and looked at him. Trying to see if he was serious. Sebastian was. He as holding out a ring with a (size) red gem. (Name) smiled widely and threw himself more into Sebastian screaming out a yes. The kings (mainly Caius) broke the door down. Wondering what was going on until they saw the crying (Name) with a ring on his left ring finger. They each cheered (except Caius he roared at the Demon for not asking him permission before giving him his blessing).
The wedding was wonderful. Many covens and demons came. Including Sebastians son figure Ciel who gave one look at (Name) before nodding tell Sebastian "He's good. Don't do anything bloody stupid." (Name) knew the two were gonna get along greatly and even invited Ciel to move into his wing in the castle. To which surprisingly he agreed. After the wedding and helping Ciel moving into the castle, Sebastian and (Name) went on their honeymoon to England.
(Name) loved the sights and culture. Taking many pictures and grabbing suviners for his family. But sadly the honeymoon was cut short when (Name) got a call from a furious Caius about the making of an immortal child. When they arrived back to Italy (Name) headed straight to the throne room. Annoyed that his wonderful honey moon was interrupted. But his mood worsen upon finding out it was his ex that was responsible.
"I knew he was stupid. But I didn't think he was that bloody fucking stupid." (Name) had a slight English accent from his honeymoon which not gonna lie Sebastian was enjoying. Very much. "What makes you so sure that they actually did make an immortal child? I mean this is Carlise's coven we're talking about. He may let Edgelord walk over him but he wouldn't allowed him to break such a law." He had a point. That's when Aro rose a hand. "We have a witness young (Name)."
That's all he needed to know before smirking widely. Sebastian felt a lustful shiver run down his back. 'Oh the way that smirk looked on (Name)' he thought. Ciel who was in the throne room shot his a disgusted look. "Now isn't the time to get horny you stupid demon!" He definitely fit in the family. It didn't take long for the Volturi to gather their own witnesses. When they were ready they immediately headed out.
When (Name) arrived on the battle field, the first thing he did was make eye contact with Edward. Who looked extremely surprised to see him. Sebastian growled loudly and dragged (Name) into his arms. Holding him close and tight. Ciel immediately understand the situation stepped in front of him. Sending a hateful glare his way. Both Demon's eyes were glowing red with murderous intentions.
(Name) placed a hand on Sebastian's right cheek and another on Ciel's left shoulder. Letting them know he was fine. Both stood their ground. Edward looked heart broken. That's when Marcus gave his hand to Aro who laughed like a phsyco. "Ah dear Edward! Was throwing away your mate worth spending eternity with your blood singer. Who is in fact NOT your true mate?" Edward frowned and glared at Aro.
(Name) smirked and opened his mouth. "We should really be thanking him Uncle Aro." Everyone on the Cullen's side looked shocked at the reveal. "Oh? Why is that young (Name)?" Aro asked with the biggest grin on his face. He knew where (Name) was going with this. "Well. If he hadn't thrown me away I never would've met my true mate." The Cullen side froze. Jaws dropped looking at him is disbelief. "Or gotten the son I always wanted."
(Name) pulled Ciel close and smirked at them. Ciel blushed looking away. Sebastian chuckled. "That's a lovely speech darling~" Sebastian turned (Name)'s face and kissed him passionately making direct eye contact with Edward. As if to say "Stay away. He's mine now". Edward looked away hurt. When Sebastian released him (Name) immediately elbowed him in the stomach blushing madly. He had covered Ciels eyes and was now holding him close.
"But yes. Thank you Edward. Cause now I'm the happiest I've ever been and it's all thanks to you." Edward doesn't know why he was so hurt and jealous seeing (Name) wrapped in someone else's arms. Their bond had been broken. So why was he feeling like this? He didn't realize what it was until the end of the battle. Which he had surprisingly lost. Be he knew if he was against (Name) he'd lose. But what surprised him was how well he fought with his new family.
A family in which Edward had given him.....by letting him go stupidly.
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
I wrote a jasper story the other day and I DID NOT like it. So here's a new one.
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Jasper Hale x fem reader
I love you, forever
"I bet I could beat Jasper." You jokingly whisper to Emmett. He crosses his arms and laughs at you. "Yeah, right. You definitely can't even try."
Rosalie and Jasper finish their training together. "This newborn army think they stand a chance." Rosalie smirks, walking up to Emmett. "Well, y/n thinks she can fight a vampire." Emmett laughs. Rosalie rolls her eyes in disgust.
"Being a vampire isn't fun, and it's not a joke. God, you're just as bad as Bella." She looks over at Bella. "Rose." Jasper glares at her.
"See what she can do." Carlisle jokes.
Jasper looks at like the gif as you stand in front of him. You jump on top of him, and he falls on the ground with you on top. He laughs and looks up at you. "I had to make myself fall, weak human." He winks.
After the training, you go home with the Cullens. "Jas." You whisper to him. He sits on the couch and pats the spot next to him. "Yes ma'am?" He asks. You sit and lean your shoulder on him. "The volturi. Me and Bella eventually have to change." You spoke. He sighs and looks over at you. "I'm not Edward. I'll do it whenever you're ready, my love." He kisses your cheek. "Now." You lift your head up, your face inches from his. He lifts a hand to your cheek and stares in your eyes. "Are you sure?"
"I already live here. I don't go around my family. They're literally out of state. What's stopping us?" You lean in and press your lips on his. He kisses back and tangles his hand in your hair.
You pull back and look at him. You are scared. Petrified. It's going to hurt, and everything will change. But, to be Jasper's forever, this is what you need to do.
Running footsteps are heard, and Alice pops in. "Y/n! You are changing?" She gasps with a smile. You giggle and nod your head. "I HAVE to tell Remi." She runs away.
(Remi is Alice's mate. His face is Timothee chalamet. I will keep him in every Jasper story of mine.)
"Let's go get Carlisle. I'll need his help." Jasper stands up and grabs your hand. You guys walk to the main room where everyone is talking. "Carlisle. May we change y/n tonight?" He smirks at you.
"Finally." Emmett mutters. "I figured it'd be soon." Carlisle smiles. Esme brings you into a hug. She then moves back and smiles with her hands clasped together. Rosalie looks at you with an unreadable expression. "Welcome to hell.'' She says. "I could hear her thoughts the whole time we were training." Edward smiles. Bella turns to look at Edward. He shakes his head and frowns. "Not yet." Bella storms upstairs, and Edward follows.
Carlisle takes you guys to his medical room. He lays you down on the metal bed. Your heart is beating fast. But, the excitement is overbearing. "I love you, forever." You look at Jasper. He smiles and leans down next to you.
"Jasper, control." Carlisle put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. This is going to be easy because I love her."
His lips make a few small kisses on your neck. You hold your breath and close your eyes tightly.
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loveswrites · 2 years
ok so how about cullen poly during the fight scene in the fourth movie orrrr cullen poly with how spending a day with them would be like
Tomorrow Poly Cullens x reader
Summary: Basically what the lovely anon asked for but I didn’t listen what so ever so I might make a part two if you guys want.
Etc: And if you loves want a part two let me know and drop some ideas for what they could do in their two hours aloneee. Also thank you my loves for all of the notes it encourages me to write more things for you guys and not just myself lol <3
Word count: 1694
Time it took: 1 hour and 40 minutes
“How could you be like a thousand years old and still so stupid!” You huffed holding your head in your hand. You and the Cullens had been fighting lately. You don’t know why.. Well maybe you have something to do with it.
“How am I stupid? I really can’t hangout with you today my darling. We need to hunt. Especially Jasper, with you being around a lot more his hunger levels tend to double.” Carlisle said. You could just picture him looking at you in sympathy. 
You had called him because apparently all of your lovers are just too busy to hang out with you. You thought Carlisle would be free seeing as he was off today but I guess that wasn’t the case. He was off to go hunting with the rest of the family. Jasper had to leave earlier than the rest. So Alice, Emmett and Esme went with him. You thought Edward would be free since he didn’t go with him but he was in one of his petty moods ever since you went to hang out with Seth and Jacob with Bella. You told him he had nothing to worry about but he insisted that he did. Him and his stupid stupid mind reading. Which led to a fight with him so he was on the bottom of the roster right now.
Then there was Rosalie which was just a hard no for you. You didn’t want to hang out with her right now. Why you may ask? She threw away your pasta three days ago because she said it stunk. Who is she to throw away your pasta? You don’t walk around here popping her blood bags because you don’t like the way it looks to you. Maybe you should. I thought about it for a while and eventually said it out loud, Which was another fight with her that you could just add to the list.
So that left Carlisle who was perfect. Just perfect. He had picked you up from school just earlier today because you told him that you needed a ride. Since everyone else was busy he came and got you. Which he usually doesn’t do because it draws attention. But by now everyone was used to you being with and around the Cullens. Though they don’t know that you date them all. They only know that you date Jasper and Edward which they already thought was weird as hell. But you never cared. You're in love with two vampires that are the downfall to all of the human race. And you think that the world can know that. Know just enough without blowing the cover of it all.
“My love, I know that you are disappointed and upset with us but sadly there is nothing that I can offer for a solution.” Carlisle said after hearing your long aspirated sigh. 
“It’s like you guys are avoiding me. I don’t feel loved at all. I want some love without an argument following through not even two minutes in.” You said, Stripping yourself of your clothes preparing to take a shower since you had nothing better to do. 
“We are not avoiding you-” Carlisle paused and you could hear voices in the background. Listening closely you could hear that it was Esme.
“Is that-”
“I’m sorry but I have to go, the hospital is calling.” He rushed out and before you could even say a word the line was clear. 
Pulling your phone away from your ear you could do nothing but stare at it in disbelief. He hung up on you. And not only that but you were completely sure that that was Esme's voice in the background. No one else around her sounds like her. And you know damn well the hospital did not call him. He was lying. Esme was lying. They’re all lying. 
You couldn’t feel anything but disbelief. 
You knew they lied to just about everyone but that was to protect their family. Not everyone in the town could know that they drink animal blood and sparkle in the sun like a fucking case of glitter. But you knew those things already. You’ve seen those things already. So there would be no reason to hide anything from you. At all. 
Finding a new sense of adventure sparling through your veins you put your clothes back on now determined to find some answers. 
Running down the stairs with your bookbag you almost bumped into Charlie. “Woah there kiddo, What's the rush?!” He yelled out to you as you ran past him.
“I’ll be back later, don't worry I just need to see something really quick!” You yelled back getting into your car Carlisle got you for your last birthday. You had told him that was a big mistake. Even though He bought you a car you always felt guilty using it because you didn’t want it to look like you were using him. So you’d always catch a ride with one of them or go with bella. But right now you didn’t care about any of that. 
Pulling up to the Cullens residents It looked deserted. But then again when did it not? Parking your car you walked up to the door which was already being opened by Alice. Once you saw her you immediately frowned. She was supposed to be with Jasper just like Esme was. 
“What are you-”
“You need to go home.” Alice said firmly with her head held high light always.
“What? I don’t understand, why are you here?” You grow your eyebrows in confusion.
“Cleaning. Now go.” She said pointing back to your car.
“Do you see me walking away from this house anytime soon Alice?” You said standing your ground. She wasn’t just about to go and rush you away when you had only just gotten here. Seeing her face you knew the answer. 
You pushed her out of the way gently but made it known that you were going to back down and bow like a little puppy. 
As you walked closer to the heart of the house you heard mumbling and hushed whispers. Finally reaching your destination your eyes widened a little with what you saw. And your heart skipped a couple of beats.
Standing in front of you there was a sign on the wall that read. "We're so sorry’ And the loves of your life were each holding a sign that read ‘I love you because…’
“I know we lied to you but we had too. It was the only way for us to be able to put something together to try and show you the love that we have for you. You came sooner than expected.” Jasper said, looking a little ashamed. Him and his southern accent would always make you smile. Sometimes you wondered if it was just him. Or him using his powers on you. But either way you didn’t care it made you happy.
“Once Alice saw you coming we had to throw something together really fast. We were still brainstorming ideas Roslise didn’t like anything we suggested.” Edward said, shooting Rose a pointed look making you let out a small laugh. That was more like a sigh of relief. 
“It wasn’t enough, all their Ideas sucked. You deserve nothing but the best and I think I'm the only one in this room that understands that.” Rose said in her know it all tone that you loved so much.
“When you said over the phone early that you didn’t feel loved anymore that broke a piece of my heart. I- We never want you to feel that way. We want you to feel like the most loved person in this world. Because you are my love. We would die for you.” Carlisle said taking a step closer to you.
“I’d live for you.” Edward said, taking a step closer to you.
“Fight for you.” Jasper and Emmett said at the same time. Also taking a step closer to you.
“Smile for you.” Rose said, taking her step.
“Care for you.” Esme said taking a step as well.
“We couldn’t imagine a life without you and we're going to prove it to you. Starting today.” Esme said.
“Well more like tomorrow.” Rose said Shrugging her shoulders when everyone looked at her with a look as if to tell her to shut up.
“Rose is right, the full day starts tomorrow but doesn’t mean we can’t start tonight. You’ll have at least 2 hours with each of us until it’s time for us all to gather together. Since tomorrow is saturday.” Carlisle said kissing the top of your forehead, making you smile. Realizing you hadn’t said a word in a while you decided to throw something out there.
“Really?” You whispered but you know they heard you. Perks of being a vampire.
“Yes.” They all said collectively. 
This made you so over filled with joy squealing you kissed all of your lovers with a big wide smile on your face. They of course kissed you back like they always do. Biting your bottom lip in anticipation you looked up at all of them in expectation. Making them all break out with a soft smile. In admiration. 
“So what’s first?” You said basically bouncing up and down in excitement.
“I mean we could take you up to the bedroom right now and start the fun immediately.” Emmett smirked looking you up and down with suggestive eyes. 
“Emmett!” You all said collectively.
“What? What did I say wrong? Don’t tell me you all haven't been thinking the same thing.” 
Tomorrow just couldn’t get here fast enough.
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xetlynn · 5 months
Twilight- Unknown: Chapter Six, Maria
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[five] [six] [seven]
We're now outside, by we I mean Bella, Alice, Edward, Jasper and Carlisle. "How long?" Edward questions Alice.
"They'll be here in four days." She answers him. "This could turn into a bloodbath." Carlisle speaks. "Who's behind it?" My sister's boyfriend asks. "I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one..." She thinks back to her vision.
"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers." Edward looks over to my sister after he reads Alice's mind. "He didn't start this."
"Whoever did is staying out of the action." Alice informs them. "They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision." Carlisle tells her. I try to think of who's doing this.
"Either way the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town." Jasper speaks up this time. "Hold up. What damn army?" Jacob jumps into our conversation. I watch as Carlisle and Edward share a look. Edward shakes his head but Carlisle goes with his decision instead.
"Newborns. Our kind." He tells the wolf. "What are they after?" Embry asks, looking in between us. "They were passing around Bella and [Name]'s scent. A red blouse and a black sweater." Alice tells the boy.
"They're after Bella and [Name]?"
"What the hell does this mean?" Jacob questions. "It means an ugly fight. With lives lost." Carlisle retorts sadly. "Alright... we're in." The wolf tells us. "No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way." Bella disagrees.
"I wasn't asking for permission." He shrugs.
"Edward." My sister looks back to her boyfriend who actually agrees with the other teen. "It means more protection for you."
"Jacob." She pleads. "Do you believe Sam will agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asks. "As long as we get to kill some vampires." He grins in a disgusting manner.
"Jasper?" We then all turned to my boyfriend who was thinking. "They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge." He enlightens us.
"We'll need to coordinate." The doctor says. "Carlisle they're gonna get hurt." Bella frowns, but no one pays attention to her. "We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us. Alright?" The man tells Jacob who smiles with a nod.
"Name the time and place."
Bella goes after Jacob, Quil and Embry as we stay outside.
I hold myself thinking about how this is going to go down. I know I have the leverage, I'll be fine. But I'm worried about the others, and the wolves. Thinking about little Seth getting hurt just leaves a harsh taste in my mouth.
"[Name], we need to talk to you about something. Jasper, Alice you guys as well." Edward starts, Carlisle has a solemn expression across his face and Emmett even looks serious.
"Hmm?" I look up to them. Alice and Jasper have the same confused looks on their faces as I do. "[Name] may need to go into her wolf form. They're looking for her. The wolf form would protect the scent." Carlisle tells us, I furrow my eyebrows, not expecting this conversation.
"I don't know about that." I shake my head. "I haven't held my wolf form for longer than 5 minutes and it was one time." I argue with their statement. "That's why we're going to take these four days to train with the wolves." Edward tells me and I take a breath in, still shaking my head.
I know I talked about it with Alice and Jasper but turning into a wolf means this whole hybrid thing is actually real. I mean I know it is I can eat now and be in the sun but this is different. This sets it up to a whole new level. "I don't know if I can do it, Edward." I tell him honestly.
"[Name] I can understand how you feel but this will protect you in the fight. It will catch them off guard." He places a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me but I just continue to feel tense and against it. Another hand goes to my other shoulder.
"We'll be there with you, it's okay." Alice encourages me, Jasper nodding along with her. I sigh. "Okay."
Emmett gets flung through the air, landing hard on his back but springing back up to face Jasper who threw him. I stand behind Alice, hugging her as we watch them spar with Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie. Edwards' Volvo coming to a halt next to Jasper's Jeep. Him and Bella climbing out, heading into the field together.
"They're here." Edward stops, we all look to the treeline. I tense up, beginning to let go of Alice but she keeps a hold on me. Eight large wolves walk out of the forest. They're on edge, wary just like the rest of us.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward tells us. "They came. That's what matters." Carlisle smiles. "Will you translate?" Carlisle asks his 'son'. "Hey, Jake. Welcome." Edwad tells the red-brown wolf. "Jasper has experience with newborns.
He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle says. "They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translates for the wolves.
"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." The man explains, the wolves taking it and then he looks over to my boyfriend to take over. He hesitantly steps forward.
"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back." He points over to the large man who smirks.
"Not in my nature." Then Emmett charges at Jasper with impossible speed but Jasper is practically a blur when he moves out of the way.
Emmett lunges several times, but his arms just grab at the air. Jasper stops for a quick moment. "Never lose focus. One more thing, never turn your back on your enemy." Emmett lunges again but the same thing happens but then he suddenly freezes as Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmett's throat.
It was pretty hot watching my boyfriend in action.
Everyone takes turns sparring with Jasper, except me. I'm just watching what he does. Observing his every move.
Alice and Jasper spar, something I was anticipating excitedly. It's been attractive just watching Jasper but both of them. That's like my biggest fantasy I didn't even know I had. They were basically dancing at how swift they both were. Alice called his every move. Seeing it before he makes them then out of nowhere she jumps down from a branch and perches on his back, kissing his cheek.
"Gotcha." She smiles before jumping down.
Edwarrd and Carlisle attack one another now. Jasper tells them what they need to focus on.
I make eye contact with Sam, obviously in his wolf form. I purse out my lips.
Knowing that he's probably the best one to go to about my wolf form. I whisper to Alice about what I'm doing before I do it.
She takes my hand in hers before I walk away. "Be careful." She kisses the top of my hand. "Always." I smile, walking away already missing the touch of her hand.
I go up to Sam, he takes a step back but I stop him.
"Can we... God, I don't even want to do this. Can we talk?" I ask him, he lets out a huff, looking at his pack but then moving his head to follow him into the woods.
I walk behind him and then when we are deep enough I observe around us.
He looks like he's going to shift back but I put a finger up to tell him not to. I focus on what I'm doing.
Feeling the heat emit off of my body. And as I shift into my wolf form I feel my clothes rip.
Mentally cursing remembering that was going to happen after it did.
"You said you weren't going to use your wolf form, what happened?" He questions me immediately. I roll my eyes.
"The Cullens, they thought it was a good idea. Said it will protect me since the newborns won't know who I am and it hides me actual scent." I inform him, he walks around me and I just stand still. It's weird being on all fours. This whole situation is just weird.
"What do you need help with?" He asked me. "I need to learn how to fight in this form. I- can I try something?" I get in front of him. "Uh sure."
I focus as I look at him, just wanting to know. I watch his form get a little weaker. "What are you doing? What did you do to me?" He questioned me, his form was panting suddenly as if he had been running.
"My vampire ability. It's taking peoples energy or their ability they possess after turning. Seems like I can do it as a wolf too." I laugh, now getting excited. "Maybe warn a person next time you do that." He huffs. I chuckle.
"Will you help me?" I ask, tilting my head. This is where it goes silent. "I guess. It's important we win but no more of that... whatever that shit is called." He tells me and I laugh.
"Of course." I say. I then stare at him, his eyes finding their way to mine as well. "I'm sorry [Name]. I truly and honestly am." He tells me in a sincere tone. I look at the ground.
"Why'd you do it?" I ask.
"I wanted you. I wanted you to be mine. It was selfish, childish even. I could tell you were forever going to want those bloodsuckers. No offense." He pauses before continuing on when I don't say anything. "When they wrote that letter and I read it. I knew if you read it, that you immediately would've dropped everything to join them. I didn't want to lose you but I lost you in every way imaginable with that decision. I'll regret it for a while." He exclaims, his gaze never left the sight of me. I let out a shaky breath.
"Thank you." I say.
"For the explanation. I can't get myself to forgive you right now but slowly. You're getting there." I walk up to him, nudging him with my snout.
"This is weird though." I changed the subject. "Being an animal. It doesn't feel right." I chuckle.
"It's a strange feeling but you get used to it." He tells me.
It grows quiet. "I should get going. I uh, have to get to Alice and Jasper." I begin to walk away. He doesn't say anything in return so I continue to go back home.
I wait outside the Cullen's house, I don't want to transform back without having some change of clothes. I lay on the porch in front of the door.
Moments go by and I finally hear voices. Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett are talking to one another. Laughing about something. I lift my head up but stay still. They spotted me and at first glance they were cautious but Jasper immediately recognized me.
He throws his sweater off, covering me as I transition back into my normal form. He has his body cover me as I throw the sweater on. It goes to my mid thigh.
"I hated that." I laugh to myself stretching out my limbs. Alice immediately pulls me into her arms, standing on her tiptoes. "You did amazing!" She compliments me, I furrow my eyebrows. "I barely did anything?"
"Well you did it and that's enough." She kisses me.
"Oh, okay." I smile. "Thank you." I peck her lips one more time. She lets me go to go back to talking to Rosalie and Emmett. I looked over to Jasper who was now only wearing a plain t-shirt.
"You look handsome." I tell him, playing with his hair. He rolls his eyes playfully as he attempts to stop his smile.
"I'm serious, seeing you fight the others... It did something for me." I fan myself acting as if I was hot. He lets out a scoff while smirking.
"It was a real..." I quiet my tone. "Turn on." I whisper, kissing his ear. His hands go to my sides, gripping them, making me laugh.
The next day, Bella and I were sitting on the hood of Edward's Volvo. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmet left in the Jeep. Jasper approaches us, kicking the mud from his shoes.
"Jasper, are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?" Bella asks my boyfriend.
"Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over, driving them crazy." He explains her part in everything. "Good. I'm glad. Hey, how do you know so much about this?" She asks and I forgot she never knew about his background. Or really much about my past lives or anything.
"I didn't have quite the upbringing as my adopted siblings." He sighs, he takes my hand and begins to walk away.
Bella followed behind us. He pauses to see her inquiring look. He lets my hand go to roll up his sleeve. Showing her his arm that's feathered with a bunch of white half-moon shaped marks.
"Those bites are like mine." She looks down to her wrist.
"Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me... it was useless against the newborns. Still, I never lost a fight." He smiles softly.
"This has happened during the Civil War?" My sister questioned him. He nods, taking my hand once again. "I was the youngest major in the Texas cavalry. All without having seen any real battle." He exclaims.
"Until I met a certain immortal. Maria." I feel him stiffen up from even saying her name.
"I was riding back to Galveston, a few towns over from my own, where [Name] was with our families. After evacuating a column of women and children. When I saw her." He doesn't make eye contact with Bella but she furrows her eyebrows glancing over to me.
"I'll explain later." I mouth.
"I immediately offered her my air. She was with two others." He says. "She told me I'd be a great use to her. Telling me she hoped I survived." He stops walking, the memory washing over him. His hand squeezing mine.
"Maria was creating an army?" Bella tilts her head, sitting on a fallen log.
"They were very common in the South. And cost a brutal battle for territory." He tells her before continuing. "Maria won them all. She was smart, careful. And she had me. I was the second in command. My abilities to control emotions served her well."
"I trained her newborns. An endless occupation since she never let them live beyond their first year. It was my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt." He grimaces at the thought of what he did back then. My thumb gently rubs his hand.
"Maria would tell me she was a friend and was going to bring me to my wife, [Name] and our child. That they were safe and made me her puppet along the way. She pulled the strings and I had to do these things... until  a man told me about what happened to [Name] I..." He stops himself but I nod my head, encouraging him to go on.
"I left Maria, did some horrible things to [Name]'s murderer. He was older of course, almost 80 at that point. I almost did worse things until Alice found me. She had seen what I did and she knew [Name] well another life [Name] held." He explains everything, Alice appears next to us.
"Both liked to keep me waiting." She smiles staring up at us.
"My apologies, ma'am. I don't know what I'd have done become without Alice." He sadly says, looking at me as Aliee wrapped her arms around him.
"You'll never have to be that again. We're together, forever now." She kisses us both.
I observe Bella as she takes everything in.
A&J M.L.
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pengweng-quack · 7 months
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 7/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
This is officially the final chapter, and thank you so so so much for the support that you've given this series
I will probably post some other stuff firsts before the other Carlisle series that I have been working on, so leave a follow if you're interested
Thank you so much! No words can explain what I feel for each and every one of you <3
Word Count: 3930 words
TW for this chapter: Smut
Timeline: After Breaking Dawn
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“Are we grandparents now?” Stella asked Carlisle while the two was in bed, hearing Renesmee play with Emmett and Jasper, hearing their giggles and laughs and screams as they seem to be having a pirate roleplay presentation for the other Cullens
“Why do you think so?” Carlisle asked
“I don’t know, we’ve always considered those five as sort of our kids, and you know, Edward and Bella have their own kid now so does that make us her grandparents?” Stella explained her point
“Mi amor, we’re not even married.” Carlisle answered with a small chuckle. They’ve always said that they’re married to the world, but has never really done anything to legalize it
The world knew her as Stella Cullen, but in reality, she was still Stella Allicere. Carlisle knew that he should change that by now.
It’s about time that she actually becomes his Stella Cullen.
“Everyone.” Edward called as Emmett, Renesmee, and Jasper was about to bow for their performance “I think Carlisle’s gonna propose.”
“What?!” Everyone shrieked in either shock, confusion, or excitement
“Yeah, he’s considering it after Stella asked if they’re grandparents.” Edward answered to everyone
“A wedding!” Alice said excitedly, clapping with a huge grin on her face
“We’re not getting married.” Carlisle announced, walking out the room with his hand around Stella’s waist “We’re doing something else.”
“He’ll be offering himself to me.”
The setup was ready. Stella was anxious, if not, more anxious that Carlisle. He was calm, just watching as her and Sam was setting up the finishing touches of the ritual
“You don—
“I want to do this mi amor.” Carlisle said, kissing the temples of her head “But if you think that today isn’t the right time, then we can postpone. I can wait for an eternity for you.”
“But I don’t want you to wait.” Stella murmured “I just want you to be safe.”
“After all that has happened in our 287 years of being together, I am not letting you go anymore.” Carlisle declared
“Well?” Sam asked the couple “Are you ready?”
Stella looked at Carlisle, nothing but a content smile on his face. The kids were watching just outside the circle of salt, all were giving thumbs up to the couple.
He was excited, he was ready.
And that made her ready too.
“Ego Samuel Vi, benedictus superis, ut ligaturam darem Carlisle Cullen et Stella Allicere (I, Samuel Vi, have been blessed by the gods above to grant the binding of Carlisle Cullen and Stella Allicere).” Sam chanted, looking at the two with a smile on his face
“Beata potestate a dis facere ut (Blessed with the power from the gods to make them as one).” He continued, going and looking down on the book of bindings to for the flow
“Carlisle, announce your offers.” Sam instructed
“I am Carlisle Cullen,” Carlisle introduced, making Stella laugh “I may not have much as what others could offer you. But I promise to offer you the entirety of me. I promise to offer you eternal happiness. I will be whatever you need me to be. And I will be by your side for all of eternity.”
“Nunc nos invitamus ad magicam Stella Allicere ut eius oblationem exeat vel recipiat vel neget (We now invite for the magic within Stella Allicere to come out and accept or deny his offering).” Sam said. Carlisle got a wave of nervousness hit him, he thought that it was Stella that would accept or deny, not her magic
A wave of red flew out of Stella, it was a version of her. Ghostly, but so beautiful. She was always so beautiful, no matter what she is.
“I have heard a lot about you, Carlisle Cullen.” The ghost talked, a bored expression on its face
“You’ve caused her pain.”
“You made her wait too long.”
“You made her fend for herself too much.”
“You treated her as if she was weak.”
The ghost was listing everything that could be used against him. Did Stella actually feel of those? He got nervous, thinking that maybe he didn’t think this thoroughly through.
“Yet her heart calls for you.” The ghost countered from everything she listed “Not once have I seen a witch’s heart call for a vampire like you.”
“As the magic within Stella Allicere, I accept your offer to be her mate.” The ghost announced before flying back in Stella
Carlisle felt at ease, it was done. It was over.
They were as one now.
“Accepta tua oblatio, nunc te unum voco. Stella Allicere, tu nunc Stella Cullen (Having accepted your offer, I now call you one. Stella Allicere, you are now Stella Cullen).” Sam said with a gleeful grin on his face, closing the book of bindings
“In normal weddings, with the powers bested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” He continued, getting Carlisle to pull Stella and give her a deep kiss
The magic accepted him. Stella was at ease.
“I love you.” Stella murmured as they pull away from each other
“My turn for a proper wedding!” Alice said, clapping in excitement. Stella and Carlisle looked at each other
They couldn’t care less how extravagant Alice will do for their wedding, all they cared is now they get to call themselves husband and wife.
Stella and Carlisle were making their way back near where the ceremony will be, the same place where Edward and Bella got married. They’ve given Alice their full support that she’s to manage the wedding preparation, too intoxicated with each other to even help in any preparation.
They’ve spent a week at a nearby cottage that Carlisle bought for them and was now just coming back to the main house to see what has happened in their week absence.
“Does no one here see a vision?” Alice yelled, watching as Jasper and Emmett tries to fix the place where they will have the ceremony
“Alice,” Carlisle called, a fond smile on his face “Give your brother and mate a rest.”
“Let her be,” Stella lightly scolded him, placing her hand on his chest “Those two definitely does not have a vision though.”
“We can here you mom!” Emmett yelled, causing the five to be quiet
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to—
“My son!” Stella yelled, running to tackle Emmett in a tight hug
No one among them has called Stella ‘mom’ before, only in public to put up an act. It was a shock, a sudden burst that came out of nowhere. It wasn’t unwanted, but was certainly welcomed. She did see them as her kids already.
“Hell yeah!” Emmett cheered, hugging Stella back tightly
“So, can we start calling you mom now?” Jasper asked behind them
“Yeah, everyone has been dying to call you mom already.” Edward said, joining them outside, Bella and Renesmee behind him “We thought it would be Rosalie that would fold and call you mom, or Jasper.”
“Did you bet who was gonna slip and call her mom first?” Carlisle asked, amused with the kids’ odd bets
“Yeah, there was a 5000-dollar bet that Jasper will go first.” Edward listed, excited to share what had been going behind the couple’s back
“There was a 4000-dollar bet that Rosalie was gonna be first to say it.” He continued
“There was a 2500-dollar bet that Emmett was gonna slip up and say it.” Rosalie added, going outside and joining them
“I think 700 for me. It wasn’t as high as the three, but I was following them.” Edward continued
“I told them that I already knew who was gonna slip up so I just didn’t join, but I did want to call you mom just as much as they do already.” Alice giggled as Stella moved back to be next to Carlisle, resting her head on his shoulders
“Well, I think you owe them 2500, mister.” Stella said, a grin on her face as she playfully looked at Emmett before he groaned and pulled out his wallet. Everyone fell into a line, waiting to receive their 2500 from Emmett
“Why they’d bet like that when their dad is loaded amuses me.” Stella said, before everyone looked at the two, shock looks on their faces
“What is it?” Carlisle asked, curious with the kids’ sudden shock
“You just made us lose!” Emmett yelled in shock, before laughing hard
“Did you also bet who was gonna call Carlisle ‘dad’ too?” Stella asked, amused with their reactions
“We thought it was gonna be Edward.” Jasper answered “Like 15000 was all on Edward that he was gonna call Carlisle ‘dad’ first.”
“Give some respect to your dad.” Stella playfully scolded, giggling like crazy. She felt Carlisle’s hand find its way to her waist, resting as he watches the kids in amusement
Their kids.
“Technically,” Stella said, raising her pointing finger with a matter-of-fact tone “I didn’t call him dad, I do call him—
“We do not want to hear about you and dad’s sex life!” Rosalie yelled, covering her ears like a little child. They all looked at her, laughing as she slipped up
“Damn it!” She could only yell in reply
Carlisle and Stella could only laugh as Rosalie rushes in the house to grab the 15000 dollars that was promised, begrudgingly giving it to Edward.
“Okay!” Alice said, clapping her hands together “Now that you’re all here, you can go and help me with the wedding preparations.”
“Go help your sister out,” Carlisle told them before moving his eyes to Stella, eyeing her from top to bottom “Me and my wife-to-be is gonna enjoy some few moments—
“Ew!” Emmett yelled, covering her ears again “We do not want to hear what you and mom do in the cottage.”
“Mr. Cullen, don’t terrorize our kids like that.” Stella teased, lightly slapping Carlisle’s chest but using her pointing finger to trail down his torso
Carlisle made eye contact with Stella, her grey eyes looking at him seductively. Her body was calling for him, every inch of her needing and calling for every inch of him.
And that made his pants a bit tighter than how it was
“We will be in the cottage, call us when the pre-wedding preparations are over.” Carlisle said, his hands tightly on Stella’s waist “You know who to invite.”
(Smut Scene)
The two didn’t hear what they were gonna say next, as Carlisle picked her up bridal style and rushed to the cottage and into their bedroom. Where Carlisle carefully placed her down the bed, his eyes on her like a predator on his prey.
“I need you.” Carlisle murmured, removing the shirt that he had to wear in visiting the main house, Stella watched as his cold tone body was revealed, making her gulp.
What a masterpiece.
Carlisle crawled to the bed, making his way to be on top of Stella, his hands slowly making its way on Stella’s waist, playing with the hem of her top before fully removing it, giving him more access to her skin.
“How you managed to keep me outside when you’re this ravishing astonishes me.” Carlisle whispered, indulging himself and leaving shallow bite marks on Stella’s shoulders, getting the witch to let out whimpers of pleasure. He used his free hand to undo her bra, having experience from her teaching him how to undo it.
Carlisle took his time on Stella’s shoulders and neck, leaving bite marks wherever his lips land on. Such simple action, yet his beloved Stella is already moaning in pleasure. He moved down to her legs, removing the shorts and panties that were preventing Carlisle from giving more pleasure to his wife-to-be.
“Carlisle,” Stella moaned quietly “No teasing.”
“I do not intend on teasing you, my beloved.” Carlisle answered, using his two fingers to rub the wetness that was forming in Stella’s pussy around “I only intend on taking my time with you.”
“Carlisle please,” Stella breathed out. Carlisle chucked at the sight of her, he hasn’t done anything yet Stella is already crying her pleas
Carlisle slowly inserted two fingers in her, allowing her to adjust. Stella let out a moan, throwing her head back. He decided to end the slowness, increasing the speed of his fingers going in and out of her as he places his mouth on her clit, using it to stimulate more pleasure in her.
“Carlisle,” Stella breathed out, Carlisle could hear her heartbeat speeding, it meant that she was getting closer to her orgasm.
“Yes, mi amor?” Carlisle asked, pulling away from her clit, a string of saliva following as he used his other hand to stimulate her more
“C-close.” She could only mutter, deep pants coming from her mouth
“I know.” He only replied, keeping the pace of his hands on her
It didn’t take long for Stella to let out a cry of his name, her back arching in pleasure as Carlisle kept the pace of his fingers on her, even going back and placing his mouth on her clit to stimulate her freshly orgasmed pussy
“Carlisle!” Stella squealed, grabbing a handful of his hair as she grinded her pussy on his face. Carlisle welcomed it, pulling his hands away from her and wrapping it around her thighs, keeping them in place.
Carlisle decided that he was gonna force another orgasm out of her before he even thinks of his pleasure. She was getting close again, he didn’t need his vampiric senses to figure that out. Stella was chanting his name like a prayer, her grip on his hair tight and her back arched.
“Carlisle, I’m cumming!” Stella yelled, lifting her waist up in instinct. Carlisle pushed her down, making sure that he gets to ride her orgasm before he pulled away from her
“How was it, mi amor?” Carlisle asked her, looking at her face. She was panting, and anyone would clearly be able to see just how used she had been
‘To think that it’s just been two orgasms’ Carlisle thought to himself, chuckling as Stella catches her breath
Stella didn’t reply, only grabbing his hand and pulling him down the bed and making her way on top of him. Resting herself dangerously close to his cock.
“Need you.” Stella murmured, before turning around and pushing the sweatpants off the vampire, revealing his semi-hardened cock
It was now Carlisle’s turn to moan as Stella had wrapped her hand around his length, slowly stroking it for his dick to fully harden. When Stella was satisfied, he aligned his cock to her pussy, lowering herself down. They shared a moan; Stella’s head was thrown back in pleasure.
“Such a pretty sight.” Carlisle complimented, placing his hands on her waist as she started grinding on him. Moans and whimpers were coming out of Carlisle’s mouth, watching as his Stella grinds on his cock.
“Such a good girl for me.” He continued complimenting, before grabbing her waist and taking control for her grinding “You like being on top of me?”
“Mhm.” Stella nodded; her eyes closed in pleasure as she continued to follow Carlisle’s rhythm “So much.”
“Fuck,” Carlisle breathed out. The sight of her was so divine, a masterpiece.
All his.
“So close.” Carlisle whimpered “You want me to cum inside you?”
“Please.” Stella mumbled, covering her flustered face on his shoulders, her pace suddenly got faster as so her heartbeat did, it was obvious that she’s just had another orgasm. 287 years and she still make his undead heart flutter
“What’s that?” Carlisle asked again “Couldn’t hear you. Maybe you should face me so I can hear your answer, mi amor.”
“Need you to fill me up.” Stella whimpered, facing him with blushing yet fucked face, she was panting heavily, after just having another orgasm. The sight itself made Carlisle cum then and there. He didn’t expect that he wouldn’t be able to hold it a little longer, letting out a strangled moan in pleasure as he feels his release.
“I love you.” Stella murmured, resting her head on his shoulder
“Three orgasms and you’re already tired?” Carlisle teased her, picking her up and laying her down the bed, strings of his orgasm dripping out of her
“Try having three orgasms and then we’ll talk.”  Stella said in a grumpy tone, closing her eyes in an attempt to sleep
(End of Smut)
“Come on mi amor. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Carlisle said, picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom
Stella allowed him to take care of her, doing what Carlisle was asking her to do. She usually had a higher stamina when they’re having some time alone but it seemed that today was just not her day. Carlisle prepared the bath for them, making sure that it was the perfect temperature for Stella before positioning themselves in it and feeling the water on their skin.
“Is it possible for a vampire to impregnate a witch?” Stella asked quietly, her head resting softly on Carlisle’s chest
“Mi amor?” Carlisle asked quietly, he was nervous if his carelessness of pulling out have led to something else. He had no physical heart, yet he felt something was pounding his chest.
“I’m not implying anything.” Stella assured him; her eyes closed as she was enjoying the water’s temperature “Just curious on it.”
“I would assume that it’s possible.” He answered to her curiosity “Since a human and vampire can procreate, I would assume that it would be possible for us too.”
“Would you want to have one of our own?” She asked again, though quieter than how she asked her last question
“Would you be happier if we did have one of our own?” Carlisle asked her back. He was curious and concerned with the sudden baby discussions and what Stella was implying with that
“I wouldn’t—
“Then we won’t.” Carlisle answered at once “Your happiness is my concern. If you think that having a kid will make us happier and will make you more fulfilled, then I will be willing to give you as many children as your heart desires.”
“I thought, seeing Bella and Edward have Renesmee, that you would want a kid of your own.” Stella confessed “You know, it opened a possibility for us, if you’d want to face through it.”
“I would not want to see you in such pain, knowing that Iam the cause of it. I have seen it once; I would not wish to see you in pain again.” Carlisle answered, kissing the back of her head in an attempt to comfort her
“Are you sure?” Stella asked again, she was craving assurance from him
“100% sure, mi amor.” Carlisle answered earnestly “And besides, the kids consider us as their parents. I don’t know about you, but I consider them to be my kids.”
“I love you. Thank you for understanding my doubts.” Stella said, scooting closer to him
“I love you more.” Carlisle whispered, kissing the back of her head and wrapping his arm around her “Never think that you need more just for me to love you. I already do.”
Almost all of Carlisle and Stella’s non-human friends were guests in their wedding, it was obvious that no one got to stop Alice from inviting them whatsoever. There were familiar faces, and less familiar faces, all were there to celebrate the long-awaited union of the two
Alice informed them just before the wedding started that they were gonna have another wedding, with only their human friends to give them a bit of normalcy in their union. And also, because she was well aware that even them have been rooting for them since forever.
After all, Carlisle gets to do the garter tradition on Stella twice, so who was he to oppose to that?
“Good evening, everyone.” Edward started, tapping into the mic before continuing “I’m Edward, you may know me as the vampire that fell for a human and led to a lot of things to happen, but that’s all behind us now.”
“We’re here today to celebrate a different union, one that everyone has waited to see since the beginning of their journey together. I, personally, have been a witness of how much of a coward Carlisle has been and just how patient Stella has been with him too.”
His comment made the audience laugh and Carlisle to roll his eyes at his playful antics. Edward looked at the two with a fond smile on his face before averting his attention to the audience.
“All teasing aside, I do want to thank Stella for having such a kind soul for staying with us. I know that becoming a mom was something you didn’t think you would fit to be, but you decided to step up and become the mother that we didn’t think we would need from our transition from humanity to eternity.”
“Carlisle is many things, but he is always Stella’s number one. His actions betrayed the words that came out of his mouth, for it spoke what his heart always yearned for. Carlisle, you may have waited centuries for a chance with your mate, but you don’t need to worry anymore, because she is now by your side until the end of our immortal lives.”
“Everyone has been a witness of their pinning, me painfully so because of my telepathy and the time that I’ve spent with them. And everyone had one hope for the both of you, and that was for you two to realize just how deep the love and respect that you have for each other.”
“I am standing here today, not just as their eldest son, but also a man that witnessed their love and how it was always bound to withstand the test of time.”
“May you be blessed to have the love that you will choose to live for every day.” Edward ended, raising his glass of blood to initiate a cheer for the newlywed
Edward went down the stage and hugged Carlisle and Stella, whispering his congratulations to the two of them. Rosalie made her way up the stage, a wide grin on her face.
“So, Edward made a long, very proper speech.” Rosalie started, getting laughter from the crowd “I intend to keep mine short, but I don’t think I will be able to summarize the 287 years of pinning that they had with each other.”
“Oh, come on.” Stella teased, playfully rolling her eyes at Rosalie
“I’ve only been with them for 74 years. But in those 74 years, not once have I doubted the love between the two of them. It was always there, though acknowledged very very late. Carlisle showed his through words, always knowing the right things to say to be Stella’s solace. And Stella showed hers through actions, making sure that Carlisle never forgets that he deserved rest just as much as the humans did. Both subtle yet screamed what their hearts wanted to say.”
“I wish I was as poetic as Edward.” Rosalie joked, getting the married couple to chuckle at her comment “But we really do wish nothing more but your complete happiness in your life as an officially married couple.”
“Congratulations! And finally, you’re married.” Rosalie ended, clapping because she was right
Finally, they were married.
Carlisle and Stella looked at each other as Rosalie went down the stage, a fond smile forming on their faces, before sharing a kiss. Getting the audience to cheer and yell for them.
The kiss was soft, it was gentle.
It was everything that summarized their 287 years of pinning.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
May I request the cullens with a reader who sings?
The Cullens with a Singer! Reader
I interpreted this as either a reader who’s in choir/theater for the highschooler Cullens and someone who does like small gigs for money or smthn for the adult Cullens
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He loves your voice
He is at every single concert or performance
And he obv brings some flowers too
Loves to play the piano while you sing
He thinks you have the most amazing voice ever
Loves when you sing him to “sleep”
He can’t sleep obviously but he never feels more calm than when he’s laying in your bed and you’re singing
Whenever he hears you humming as you do stuff around the house he has to stop and listen
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I feel like she’s also probably in choir
And yes she does bully the director into letting you have many solos
And duets with her
She’s already at every concert
But she loves hearing you sing
Genuinely thinks you should go professional
And she might be able to pull a few strings to get you there 😼
She may or may not see a future where you’re on broadway
But that’s for her to know and you to find out
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He absolutely loves it
Singing is calming for you
And so when you sing, he picks up on your calm emotions too
Please hum when you’re cuddling with him
Laying on your back, his head on your chest, your hands in his hair, you humming a tune
If he was human he would be out like a light
He loves going to your performances as well
It’s just magical to him
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It’s the perfect background noise
She loves when you hum or sing while she’s working on her car
Better than any radio station she could tune into
She’ll hum along with you occasionally
But mostly she just likes to listen to you
She has some ties here and there
And by that I mean she’s scary
So it’s best not to question anything when your choir instructor suddenly gives you a solo
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He hears you humming or singing as you work around the house all the time
He thinks your voice is nice
He is at every concert or performance
And he is in the front row
He always cheers the loudest, no exception
I don't think he would try to push you to make a professional career out of singing
But that's only because he wants to keep your talent for himself :)
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You had described your gigs as nothing more than a hobby you like to do from time to time
So when she went to one for the first time she wasn't expecting anything amazing
But now she is convinced that you need to go sing in the super bowl or smthn
She thinks you have the most beautiful voice
Like literally perfect
And she loves listening to you sing while she does stuff around the house
She's your #1 fan
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When he's working on finishing up some paperwork at home, he can hear you practicing your singing in your shared room
And he loves it
It helps him focus more on his work
He is at every single one of your gigs btw
He likes to go up to you and pretend to be a fan
"You were incredible tonight! Can I have your autograph?"
He genuinely believes that you will be famous one day
And he's so excited for you
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Vampire! Bella:
I get the feeling that she cannot sing at all
She couldn't sing when she was human, she still can't sing now
But she doesn't think anything special of you being in the choir until she goes and watches a performance
She is blown away
You shouldn't be in a highschool choir, you should be on a stage somewhere
And she tells you that
She is your biggest believer
Always tells you how much she loves your voice
And how much she loves you of course
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lavoixhumaine · 6 months
can we talk about the fact that there is a slim chance Athena is not merely questioning the foundation of her marriage but rather her identity and the changes in her life that are happening all at once? at her core, she knows who she is—mother, sergeant grant and wife.
as far as we can see, her entire world has revolved around her family and now both children out of the house with Harry having left the nest sooner than she was probably ever prepared for. outside of her family, is her work. when she’s not at home, she’s Athena in a police uniform and with talks of retirement from not just her husband but her superior as well—that’s clearly something she is struggling with. she’s not daughter anymore, hasn’t been for quite some time. she’s still Bobby’s wife but time and time again, before she even married him, she knows that’s a tenuous grasp because as she well knows, anything can happen at anytime. she could lose bobby and lose the identity of wife.
when Athena lost Emmett, she had the job to hang on to, but she’s at that stage in her life now where if she loses Bobby, she won’t even have that. her kids don’t need her as much as they used to and, honestly, outside of her friendship with Hen and the 118…who else is there? she has no family left in LA save for May who is out there spreading her wings. Michael is, ironically, out in Florida closer to her parents than she ever will be.
as far as we know, she’s never met any of Bobby’s family. and as much as I want to look at them as a found family, the 118 is Bobby’s. sure, if anything happened to him they wouldn’t leave her alone but…at the end of the day, when all is lost, who would Athena trust in the end if Bobby’s no longer there?
but this is just a random thought…i’m typing as these thoughts are bouncing around in my head and i don’t know where this is going. but i understand why Athena is spinning out. her identity and her place in life is shifting and she’s understandably scared. it probably doesn’t help that her fear of cruises makes her think, yeah, we’re going to die. and then what?
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jessicanjpa · 4 months
Just your typical morning parenting five undead teenagers. An excerpt from this 1983 one-shot. Esme POV.
"Emmett Cullen, what is the meaning of this?"
My mad scientist leapt up from his stool, sending a red-hot soldering iron and half a dozen circuit boards rattling to the concrete floor of our basement. "Uh oh," he grunted, taking one look at my expression.
I flicked the letter open and read it aloud. "Dear Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, we are writing to inform you that your son Emmett has not met the requirements for graduation on June 20 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. He will be receiving a failing grade in four classes this semester, three of which are required for graduation as described above. Please review the transcript enclosed. Your student may enroll in all of these classes for the upcoming fall semester of the 1987–88 school year without reapplying for admission. Enrollment for the fall semester..." I shoved the letter into his hands. "Care to explain?"
"Hmm." He studied the letter with scholarly interest. "I may have forgotten to turn in most of my assignments and take the exams this semester."
"Emmett! You were doing so well—you got straight As last semester! What on earth happened?"
"Nothing happened!" he said. He was trying not to grin—the nerve of him! "I just don't want to graduate."
"What? Why?"
He shrugged and stooped to pick up the circuit boards. "What's the point? It's not like I'm going to get a job."
"You could if you really wanted to, you know that. We have at least another year before we move on."
"Esme," he said, finally bursting into the enormous grin I loved so much. "Can you really see me sitting in an office eight hours a day?"
"Not really," I admitted. The image really did border on the impossible. "But there are other jobs you might enjoy. And even if you don't use your degree that way, you deserve to graduate a hundred times over! You've come so far academically, and we're so proud of you."
"Yeah, but still, what's the point of the piece of paper? It's not like Carlisle ever got a legit medical degree, you know?"
"That's not the point—"
"I swear to God, Rosalie, if you don't unlock this door...!" Edward shouted two floors above us.
"Anyway," Emmett said cheerfully, swinging back around onto his stool, "it's one less graduation you have to sit through. Those things have to be getting—"
"ESME!" Rosalie shrieked.
"—old by now. You're welcome!"
I huffed my disapproval and headed up the stairs. Edward and Rosalie had been at it all morning. Edward was parked in front of the bathroom door, rapping repeatedly on the bruised wood.
"Now what?" I sighed.
"I'm going to be late for my eleven o'clock," Edward snapped, trying the doorknob again. "I need my keys, Rosalie, for the last time!"
"And your keys are... in the bathroom?" I said, perplexed.
"I may have left them in the pocket of yesterday's jeans," he admitted. "But it wouldn't be a problem if some people didn't take three-hour bubble baths..."
"Or if some people would clean up their own laundry," shouted the voice on the other side of the door. "Honestly, how lazy can you be?"
"All you have to do is slide them under the damn door!"
"I'm not getting out of this bath for your stupid philosophy class! It's an elective anyway! Esme, would you please dismember him for a while?!"
"What possible reason could there be for sitting in cold water for three hours?!"
"Because you haven't left yet?!"
Edward spluttered, rattling the doorknob again. "Of all the pig-headed, immature—"
"You want your keys?!" Rosalie shouted. "Here!" There was a splashing sound and then we heard the bathroom window creak open and slam shut.
"Are you kidding me?!" Edward fumed. "It's been raining for six days straight!" He threw me an accusing look and stormed down the stairs.
"Esme?" Alice's voice drifted in the window from outside.
"Coming," I called back, exasperated, and headed downstairs after Edward.
The screen door swung open and Alice appeared, followed closely by Jasper.
"It's not a big deal," he was telling her.
"They're in the garden," Alice informed Edward politely. "Two rows back in the zucchini."
"Thanks. At least I have one decent sister in this house."
"My pleasure, dear brother."
The screen door slammed behind him.
"Carlisle needs you," Alice announced, looking squarely up at me with that elfin authority she carried sometimes. "He's about to pull over on the side of the road and he's upset."
I glanced up at the clock. "His shift isn't due to end for another three hours. What's happened?"
"I don't know," Alice said. "I just know that he's upset and that you should go. He'll be stopped on the shoulder in a few minutes. Route 73, mile marker 59."
"He doesn't necessarily want company," Jasper put in. From the hint of exasperation in his tone, it sounded like he had been protesting Alice's interference all the way home.
"I thought you weren't going to hunt," I said to him, frowning. His eyes were still too orange—the result of his accident back in March—for being seen in public, and Rosalie was counting on him. It wasn't every day she presented at the college's astrophysics symposium.
"I figured it'd be better not to kill her classmates," Jasper said. "I'll wear sunglasses."
"Indoors, at night?" I asked.
"As I was saying," Alice said, glaring up at him, "You'll need to go now if you want to meet him in time. Traffic's bad."
"Not in his direction," Jasper said firmly.
I was already out the door. Any excuse to get out of this house!
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