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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 3 months ago
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I see people post food a lot, so here is some Lebanese Baklava and Namoura Cake. I took a bite before I thought to take a picture lol
@thegirlygirl1 Yesterday was my family's church's Mahrajan Festival and I got a ton of shit and I thought of you! My parents go to a Lebanese Maronite church. I think these desserts came from Pita Land (Lebanese/Syrian grocery store type thing near us) but they were wonderful omg. My parents helped make the kibbee though, the Church always hand makes their own kibbee and lamb.
I hope you enjoy these pictures! I've been looking through my Arabic/English dictionary and looking through my notes but I've forgotten so much of the language, it's been like 20 years since I've really even tried speaking it. Gonna keep going though!!!
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teatitty · 2 years ago
Known places in Magi and what they’re based on because I have no life and I’m bored as fuck
Aktia: No official basis is given for this country but Sinbad does state it’s known for it’s pearls so possibly it could be Bahrain, an island country in the Persian Gulf, which is famous for its pearling industry
Artemyra: Ancient Greece. The clothing and jewellery is the biggest giveaway but this is also a kingdom known for its warrior women, like the amazonians, and the word “Artemyra” itself probably comes from “Artemis”
Balbadd: India and the one I’ve talked about the most. Everything in Balbadd from the architecture to the attire to the trade and fishing is based on India’s culture and Balbadd in canon is noted for being a very imported trade area and for being unique in how multicultural it is
Heliohapt: Probably the most obvious of the series outside of Reim, this is Ancient Egypt. There’s absolutely no way you could mistake this for anything else they literally have a big ass pyramid with an eye of horus on it lmao
Imuchakk: While it’s never been officially stated, comparisons have been made between the Imuchakk and Shaman King’s portrayal of the Ainu, from the naming schemes to the clothing and affiliation to the cold
Kina: Ancient Japan. It’s located to the east of Kou, their current king is called Yamato Takeruhiko, who has a tattoo of an oni on his back, uses a katana, wears japanese armour etc
Kou: Imperial China! The royal family of Kou is literally called the Imperial Family, the naming schemes are all Chinese, absolutely everything about this place screams China if I tried to list everything we’d be here forever
Magnostadt: Unknown. Magnostadt’s name is a combination of latin (magnus) and german (stadt) but previously the kingdom was called Musta’sim, which is arabic. The term “goi” is also used for people who are non-magicians which is, ya know, very obviously meant to be the jewish “goy” [and yes in the actual magnostadt arc this is INCREDIBLY problematic given the villain of the arc is designed to have a big nose and warts all over his face etc but we won’t get into that] so it’s. Ehhhh kinda hard to pinpoint this one. It’s a mishmash of things
Parthevia: Ancient Persia! The name of this country comes from the persian “parthava” which means “parthian” as in “Parthian Empire.” This is where Sinbad, Ja’far and Drakon are from
Reim: Rome. This place is literally introduced as having a huge coliseum and being known for its gladiators, and their founder was Remus. Can’t get more obvious than that
Sasan: This is another weird one because while most of the citizens have Greek names [Spartos, Darius etc] the place itself is based on the Sasanian Empire, which was the longest lived persian-imperial dynasty, and the empire itself was named after the House of Sasan. I genuinely had to look this one up because I thought for sure it was straight Greece based on the names but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sindria: Indian Subcontinent and various others. This place is incredibly multicultural but in short: sindria derives from the sanskrit “sindhu” which is a name for the indus river, physically the country looks like the greek island of Nisyros, the palace of Sindria is loosely based on the Süleymaniye Mosque in Turkey and they have a festival called Mahrajan after King Mahrajan, a character in Sinbad the Sailor from 1001 Nights
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sabaryangindah · 2 years ago
Ada yang mengatakan bahwa seorang Muslim boleh mengucapkan selamat hari raya Imlek atau Gong Xi Fa Cai karena tidak berhubungan dengan aqidah. Karena Imlek tidak terkait aqidah dan Gong Xi Fa Cai artinya: “Selamat dan semoga sejahtera”. Benarkah demikian?
Hari Raya Nairuz dan Mahrajan dilarang walaupun tidak terkait akidah
Simak hadits berikut. Dari Anas bin Malik radhiallahu ’anhu, ia berkata:
قدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم المدينة ولهم يومان يلعبون فيهما فقال ما هذان اليومان قالوا كنا نلعب فيهما في الجاهلية فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إن الله قد أبدلكم بهما خيرا منهما يوم الأضحى ويوم الفطر
“Di masa Rasulullah Shallallahu ’alaihi Wa sallam baru hijrah ke Madinah, warga Madinah memiliki dua hari raya yang biasanya di hari itu mereka bersenang-senang.
Rasulullah bertanya : ‘Perayaan apakah yang dirayakan dalam dua hari ini?’.
Warga Madinah menjawab, ‘Pada dua hari raya ini, dahulu di masa Jahiliyyah kami biasa merayakannya dengan bersenang-senang’.
Maka Rasulullah Shallallahu ’alaihi Wa sallam bersabda, ‘Sungguh Allah telah mengganti hari raya kalian dengan yang lebih baik, yaitu Idul Adha dan ‘Idul Fithri’”
[HR. Abu Daud, 1134, dishahihkan Al Albani dalam Shahih Abi Daud]
Dua hari raya Jahiliyah itu adalah Nairuz dan Mahrajan. Dan disebutkan dalam hadits di atas bahwa dua hari raya tersebut adalah hari senang-senang saja tidak ada kaitannya dengan aqidah, namun tetap dilarang oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu ’alaihi Wa sallam.
Karena merayakan hari raya selain hari raya kaum Muslimin adalah bentuk menyerupai non-Muslim.
Al-Majd Ibnu Taimiyah (kakek dari Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah) rahimahullah menjelaskan,
الحديث يفيد حرمة التشبه بهم في أعيادهم لأنه لم يقرهما على العيدين الجاهليين ولا تركهم يلعبون فيهما على العادة
“Hadits ini memberi faidah tentang haramnya tasyabbuh kepada orang kafir dalam hari raya mereka, karena Nabi tidak mentolerir dirayakannya dua hari raya Jahiliyyah tersebut, dan tidak membiarkan penduduk Madinah bermain-main di dua hari raya tersebut pada sudah menjadi tradisi”.
[Faidhul Qadir (4/511)]
Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani juga menjelaskan,
وَاسْتُنْبِطَ مِنْهُ كَرَاهَةُ الْفَرَحِ فِي أَعْيَادِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ وَالتَّشَبُّهِ بِهِمْ
“Diambil istinbath (kesimpulan hukum) dari hadits ini bahwa terlarangnya bersenang-senang di hari raya kaum Musyrikin dan tasyabbuh (menyerupai) kebiasaan mereka”. [Fathul Baari (2/442)]
Kata Umar, jauhi semua hari raya orang kafir.
Umar bin Khathab radhiallahu ’anhu juga mengatakan,
اجْتَنِبُوا أَعْدَاءَ اللَّهِ فِي عِيدِهِمْ
“Jauhi perayaan hari-hari raya musuh-musuh Allah”.
[HR. Bukhari dalam At Tarikh Al Kabir No: 1804, dengan sanad hasan]
Beliau tidak mengatakan: “Jauhi hari-hari raya musuh Allaah yang terkait akidah” tapi hari raya secara umum yang mencakup semua hari raya selain hari raya kaum Muslimin, baik terkait aqidah ataupun tidak.
Lalu, jika beliau sahabat yang mulia ini radhiallahu ’anhu mewasiatkan kita untuk menjauhinya, apakah malah justru kita akan ikut serta atau memberi selamat?
Hari raya suatu kaum itu terkait perkara aqidah
Jika dikatakan bahwa hari raya Imlek tidak terkait akidah, maka itu kurang tepat.
Karena sebenarnya setiap hari raya yang dimiliki suatu kaum itu terkait dengan perkara aqidah. Karena perayaan atau id suatu kaum adalah representasi dan ciri khas kaum tersebut. Rasulullah Shallallahu ’alaihi Wa sallam bersabda,
إن لكل قوم عيدا ، وهذا عيدنا
“Setiap kaum memiliki ‘Id sendiri dan ‘Idul Fithri ini adalah ‘Id kita (kaum muslimin)”
[HR. Bukhari No: 952, 3931, Muslim No: 892]
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shaina-ulaanueg · 2 years ago
Hello, it's me... I was wondering, if after all these years you'd like to meet~^_^
Joking aside. I wanted to do a Q&A for my Magi-Couple. Because I didn't have any questions for it, I picked these *see above*. I decided to start with 39 questions, because the rest would go beyond the scope. Maybe I'll do a second Q&A another time. 1. Who loves flower crowns more? Shaina. She wears a Flower-Crown on the Mahrajan-Festival. 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Shaina likes to cuddle. But because Judar isn't the type for it, you rarely see them so intimate. 3. Who has awful taste in music? In the ancient Orient there wasn't that much choice when it came to music. That's why it's hard to say. But I would say Judar. 4. Who is the meme lover? Judar IS the meme. 5. How did their second date go? Hard to say, because they weren't dating. They only gradually bonded over what had happened. 6. How many children do they want/have? They´ve two. A boy and a girl. 7. Who hides the weapons? Shaina. Because Judar tends to smack down, while she's more deliberate. If that's meant metaphorical for "who is more insidious, more obscure," then rather Judar. 8. Who is the better dancer? Shaina. Because she loves to dance. She learned a lot during her captivity. 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? The marriage was celebrated according to the rites of Shaina's clan. 10. What do their parents think of them dating? At the time they met, Shaina was a kidnapping victim and Judar was orphaned. In the aftermath, Judar's parents took it better than Shaina's family. 11. Are they a super sappy couple? No. Not really. It was a love-hate relationship for a long time, which then turned into mutual trust. 12. How did they get together? (Darüber habe ich mir noch keine Gedanken gemacht.) 13. Who asked the other to get married? Judar asks Shaina. Which surprised her quite a bit. 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? Clearly Judar. 15. Who is the nerd? Shaina is more of a nerd as she tends to use her brain rather than relying on her strength. Besides that, she loves to read. 16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Judar, I would say. 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Shaina is definitly the girlie-flower part. Judar is too clumsy for that. 18. Who likes to read? Shaina. Judar is also developing, but more in the field of magic. Shaina enjoys reading every book and likes to educate herself. 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? Judar doesn't just like to bother Shaina when she's reading. He generally likes to annoy her. 20. Who tutors the other? Judar. Because he can be really annoying sometimes. (the rest is following)
100 Otp Questions
1. Who loves flower crowns more? 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? 3. Who has awful taste in music? 4. Who is the meme lover?“ 5. How did their second date go? 6. How many children do they want/have? 7. Who hides the weapons? 8. Who is the better dancer? 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? 10. What do their parents think of them dating? 11. Are they a super sappy couple? 12. How did they get together? 13. Who asked the other to get married? 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? 15. Who is the nerd? 16. Who knows the most obscure facts? 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? 18. Who likes to read? 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? 20. Who tutors the other? 21. Do they have similar taste in movies? 22. How do their personalities compliment each other? 23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? 24. Who has better fashion sense? 25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? 26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? 27. What other couple would your otp get along with? 28. Who likes to prank the other? 29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? 31. Where would they live? 32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? 33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? 34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? 35. Can they name each other’s favourite food? 36. Do they have pet names for one another? 37. How do they cheer each other up? 38. Do they show a lot of PDA? 39. How old were they when they got together? 40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? 41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? 42. What is their song? 43. What does their room look like? 44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? 45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? 46. Who loves kids more? 47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? 48. What are their favourite colours? 49. Who likes to cook? 50. Who is the forgetful one? 51. Does either of them know how to fight? 52. What do they do for Valentines Day? 53. Who swears more? 54. Who has the better comebacks? 55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? 56. Who reads buzzfeed? 57. Who is the hopeless romantic? 58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? 59. Who can rap better? 60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? 61. What do they usually text about? 62. Who is the dramatic one? 63. Is either one confrontational? 64. What is their favourite cuddle position? 65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)?” 66. What are their parenting styles? 67. Who would be the more laid back one? 68. Who listens to more vulgar music? 69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? 70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? 71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? 72. How do they work out a fight? 73. Who brings home an illegal pet? 74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? 75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? 76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? 77. Who has more songs on their ipod? 78. What movie did they first see together? 79. What do they like to see each other in? 80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? 81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? 82. What do they love about each other the most? 83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focus’s on the small details? 84. What would they write on their partner’s social media’s for their anniversary? 85. Who is bad at math? 86. Who googles everything? 87. Who does stuff on impulse? 88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? 89. What is an inside joke they have? 90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? 91. What is their favourite holiday? 92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? 93. What is their favourite board game to play? 94. Who accidental sets something on fire? 95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? 96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? 97. Who sleep talks? 98. Who is the more social one? 99. What are their karaoke songs? 100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh?
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thatrevertmarwah · 2 years ago
There shouldn't be so much debate about muslim's actions during celebrations that are not related to islam; but there is.
How should a Muslim behave during Non-Muslim celebrations?
In the book 'The Pagan Roots of Christmas' by Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid, he stated:
A muslim should remain aloof from the celebrations of the Non-Muslims and explain to them that Islam is the religion of God with its own unique heratige and distinct identity that does not allow us to indulge in un-Islmaic practices and celebrations that are not explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah.
If a person asks, where is the evidence that disallows Muslims to participate in non-Muslim festivities? Then he should cite the clear statement of the prophet Muhammad (SAW), "Indeed Allah has replaced these days with days better than them: The Day of Adha and the Day of Fitr." After this syaing, the other days of celebration were no longer observed.
It is obligatory for a Muslim to avoid gathering at non-Muslim places of worship and where they hold mass or other events. The Prophet's Companion, Abdullah Ibn 'Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "Whoever settles in the lands of the non-Muslims, then he celebrated their festivities of Nayruz and Mahrajan (Persian days of celebration that were adopted by Arabs before the Prophet's arrival to Madinah), and imitates them and then dies whilst in that state, he will be gathered alongside them in the day of resurection"
Another Companion, 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: " Do not visit the polytheists in thir churches on the days of their celebrations because that is when Allah's anger decends upon them."
Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah stated after citing several narrations concerning this topic, "So if the anger of Allah decends upon them in the day of their festival due to their practices or in some of their practices, then is he not also subjet to the same punishment?"
Celebrating the so-called birthday of Jesus, the son of Mary (Peace and blessing be upon her) carries, along with it, huge amounts of doctrine that contradicts the core message of Islam such as their claim that "Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, was born on this day."
Allah, the lord of all creation, stated, "They have disbelieved who say: God is the Messiah son of Mary." [Quran 5:72]. The Christians worship him as a God and count him in the Trinity about which Allah said, "They have disbelieved who say: God is the third of three(in a trinity)." [Quran 5:73]. So this fundamental Christian doctrine is considered polytheism and contrary to monotheistic Islamic teachings. Therefore, Muslims should avoid the celebrations of the non-Muslims and instead, be pleased with the blessing and bounties that Allah has granted them in Islam.
Get a free e-book version here:
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digitaldawahhd · 4 years ago
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'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (May Allaah be pleased with him) narrated: The Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." [Sunan Abu Dawood 4031, Sahih by Al-Albaani] 'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, "Whoever settles in the lands of the non-Muslims, then he celebrates their festivals of Nayruz and Mahrajan (of the Persians), and he imitates them and then he dies whilst in that state, he will be gathered with them on the Day of Resurrection." [Sunan Al-Kubra (9/234), Sahih by Ibn Taymiyyah in Iqtida As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim (1/457)] Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Similarly it is forbidden for the Muslims to imitate the kuffaar by holding parties on these occasions, or exchanging gifts, or distributing sweets or other foods, or taking time off work and so on, because the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." Ibn Taymiyah (May Allaah have mercy on him) said in his book Iqtida' Al Siraat al-Mustaqeem Mukhaalifat Ashaab al-Jaheem: Imitating them on some of their festivals implies that one is happy with the falsehood they are following, and that could make them (the non-Muslims) take this opportunity to mislead those who are weak in faith. Those who do any of these things are sinning, whether they do it to go along with them, or to be friendly towards them, or because they feel too shy (to refuse to join in) or any other reason, because it is a kind of compromising the religion of Allaah to please others, and it is a means of lifting the spirits of the kuffaar and making them proud of their religion." [Fataawa Ibn 'Uthaymeen (3/44)] Moreover, offering greetings on this day that comes back each year comes under the heading of celebrating it and taking it as a festival, which is also forbidden. Tags: #bismillah #islamicquotes #islamicquote #islamqa #islamicreminder #islamicreminders #islamicpost #sins #islamicposts #hadithoftheday #islamic #islampost #muslimquotes #instaislam #loveislam #hadiths #Allah #gatewayofislam https://www.instagram.com/p/CJd4ew8lg9X/?igshid=1c6nbjt9mz0qe
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audaciouswings · 4 years ago
Shoma had arrived in Sindria and it was right on the day of the Mahrajan festival. The citizens talked him into wearing dancing clothes and to participate with the other “pretty boys” in the Mahrajan dance. He thought why not. It would surely be fun.
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But as he appeared on stage with the other guys and revealed his outfit, a lot of people that hadn’t seen him before today seemed surprised and panicked, calling him ‘Judar’. Why ? He had told them his name was Shoma, not Judar, which confused them even more. 
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sonderiiism · 4 years ago
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“Melli….what?” She blinked up at him, not at all familiar with…whatever word he just used to describe her name. “In any case….you can call me Aya I suppose.”
 The idea of staying somewhere, not being constantly on the move, it was a foreign thought to her. She looked around at the bustling citizens walking past. The unexpected touch made her flinch, and the cobra hissed, raising her head, though she didnt do anything further. 
Aya pet the serpent to reassure her that she was fine as she considered the king’s offer. 
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“…Alright. I…..guess…I could give it a try.” She forced a tiny, polite smile. It would be rude to turn down a direct invitation, she’d had that beaten into her enough as a child to know better. It was safer to just agree. Sinbad seemed safe…maybe….she would actually have fun. 
            ♚┊ He made a mistake, he realizes when the snake hisses in his direction. swiftly he takes his hand and a further step back. 
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"Wonderful,” he says, folding his arms above his chest. He could tell she wasn’t entirely aboard his idea (and that was to be expected from what she had told him), but she was not entirely against it either. “I will be sending one of my generals to fetch you, all you have to do is give the address of your place of residence to my guard,” he points behind him where a man stood a short distance away (Sin was hardly in need of a guard, however, he takes one only to appease his rather vocal advisor). 
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“I look forward to seeing you there... And you’ll have to excuse me, however much I would like for your pleasant company to last, I unfortunately have other matters to attend to. Please, enjoy the rest of your day.”
He had already decided on who to send...
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threadofdestiny · 4 years ago
The opportunities we may take
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Soulmate AU
Part 12
A king's scheming thoughts
---Sindria, throne room---
Attentive, Sinbad sat on his throne in silence. He had thoughtfully folded his fingers in front of his face, resting his arms on the ornate armrests, while calmly keeping an eye on the scenery. Once in a while he inclined his head to some citizens of his little kingdom, when they indicated their goodbyes by bowing low in front of their king. Many of Sindria's residents had already left the hall to devote themselves to the final preparations for today's feast, but the knot of people that had formed around Solomon's prophetess remained stubbornly by the young woman's side. Over his interwoven hands, the young king of Sindria appraised the small crowd before letting his calculating gaze rest on Salome. Her brother Malik flanked her dutifully. His appearance towered over the young woman like a guard, ready to intervene at any time if one of the people tried to cross any boundaries.
Other former citizens of Dalmasca had freed themselves from the crowd after the assembly, in the hope of being able to spend a moment in the presence of their holy lady and to have a chance to exchange a few words with her. The individual looks with which they looked at Salome almost bordered on paying homage to her. The king could see how much it meant to them that this young woman was standing in front of them alive, and so Sinbad couldn't help but wondering how deep these people's faith in the Holy King was and how far they were ready to go for him.
Spartos had said during yesterday's conversation that Salome, due to her abilities and connection to the holy King Solomon, had been a highly respected person within Dalmasca as well as Sasan. Even after her supposed death she was no less honored by her people for being Solomon's holy Lady of the rukh. On the contrary: the legends about her and the homage that was paid to her person had become much more concise in the past seven years. Former priests of the temple had began to call her by the title of Solomon's prophetess and chose her to be one of the main characters of their faith. Their guardian of the flow, the bridge to the spirits of the dead, waiting for her to decent back down to the living, to claim her right as the head of Solomons church. She who carried a spark of Solomon's soul in herself. So? Which information from the legendary tales of the holy prophetess actually corresponds to the truth and what has been stretched by the wandering priests in the recent years in hope to get a more reachable figurehead for their religion, Sinbad asks himself in calculating silence.
According to reports that Ja'far's subordinates had compiled in the past few weeks, it had been precisely those priests who had spread the faith of the holy king all over the continents, so there were now after seven years many followers of the Church in several countries. It was said that even the high magi, Lady Scheherazade from Reim, had received one of the temples priests in her midst and tolerated the belief in the holy king despite her normally quite traditional and private characteristics. Sinbad had never been too interested in religion because he hadn't seen the need to be dictated by any avoidable gods, fate, or whatever else they wanted to call it. He was the one who shapes his fate according to his own will, after all. So, he hadn't paid any further mind to the spread of the faith after he had been convinced that they didn't have any connections to the dark rukh. A big mistake, as he had discovered a few weeks ago, because even in his kingdom it was more wide spread than he had expected. The opportunities that comes along with having the unofficial head of said growing religion were exquisitely versatile. Besides, hadn't he recently discovered that, surprisingly, he was also a person who played a role in these writings of the holy king? And wasn't the name King Solomon a name that appears quite often in various dungeon-manuscripts? The language of the scriptures in the sanctuary of the temple in Dalmasca was the same as in the dungeons. So what did Dalsmasca, King Solomon and the dungeons have in common? There were simply too many parallels to ignore.
Spartos had also mentioned that Dalmasca had an unnatural great number of magicians, before its fall. All of whom had been instructed by the temple in the art of magic. According to his and Yamraiha's speculation, this was probably a phenomenon due to the fact that they were born so close to the holy Sangtuary. The amount of rukh that had resided there had been incredibly large and could have had something to do with the higher birth rate of magicians. But these were just guesswork at the moment.
How many former priests and their novices were now living in different countries, waiting for a sign from their God as they refined their arts and spread their faith? What are they going to to, when they heard that their prophetess is back and resides now in Sindria. How far could Salome's influence go without her even being aware of it? No matter how it went on, Sinbad was overly excited to see how the pieces of the puzzle would come together over time.
The magicians who had revealed themselves as former priests of Dalmasca shortly before the end of the congregation were still close to their prophetess. It was the oldest of the group who had currently engaged Salome in a conversation, but unfortunately the people were too far away for Sinbad to understand what they were talking about. The young woman had turned her back on him and was currently listening attentively to the words of the man, who seemed to be holding a long monologue.
Sinbad saw from the corner of his eye's how Ja'far, his chief advisor, slowly  climbed the steps to his throne, to join him with a small sigh. In silence, they both pondered over their own thoughts for a few moments, while the white-haired man used the quiet minute to clasp his hands in front of his stomach in a neat manner, which were covered by his wide, long sleeves. The king, on the other hand, was still leaning forward in his seat and still keeping an eye on the small group a few feet beneath him.
"I would have guessed that you would not leave her side after your reveling," Ja'far broke the silence between them in a quiet manner, while he discreetly glanced over the remaining people. Some were saying goodbye to Salome by bowing deeply in front of her. Like the respectful girl that she was presenting herself, she returned the gesture before turning back to the magicians. "I decided to give her a moment to collect herself, for her to get accustomed to her situation." Sinbad replied after a moment.
And how well she dealt with the unforeseen situation. It was clear for him to see that she was used to the attention, even if, due to her humbl enature, she didn't look like she would put herself above others in her role. On the contrary, she was kind and attentive, gifting everyone with a bit of her time without obviously preferring anyone. Actually, she looked quite regal from his point of view.
He slowly lowered his hands to place them on the ivory-shaped armrests so that they came to rest on the rounded ends. He nodded and smiled at the people who had moved away from Salome, before they bowed deeply to him, while they were led out of the hall by several servants. The young man, who had positioned himself next to his king, snorted in disbelief and turned to his interlocutor, shaking his head: "Are you sure that it was the right decision to reveal her identity so early? It will attract a lot of attention, and certainly not only from good, devouted followers of Solomon's Church."
Again it took a few moments for Sinbad to come down to an answer, but when he finally did, his serious expression instantly disappeared as if it had never been there, while a big grin crept onto his lips: "It's a little late to think about it, don't you think? Nevertheless, you don't need to worry. I have everything under control." The king dismissed the concerns of his adviser, before he turned to another topic:" Now we can look forward to the fact that the Mahrajan begins in a few hours.", Sinbad announced radiantly, while he clapped his hands together, rubbing them in anticipation before finally rising from his throne to complete his own final preparations. Without paying any further attention to the girl, the young king left his throne room, knowing that in the evening he would find enough time to win her attention.
What had Sinbad been thinking, when he announced her presence in public? Not that it hadn't been nice to see that many of Dalmasca's former residents had been able to start a new life, but surely it wasn't just about reuniting her with her people, was it? The answers the rukh provided her to this question did not necessarily make her understand his motives any better. What did they mean by Sinbad's trying to tie her to himself? Why should he consider it necessary to do something like this? After all, she had made it clear that Solomon wanted her to be by his side. So why should she resist? However she turned it around, it just didn't make any more sense to her.
Sighing, Salome reached for her hairbrush as she gazed at herself in the mirror and began to slide it through her damp strands. Already now, after she had worked her hair carefully with a cloth, her light curls began to form again, gently framing her face. Behind her she could hear her brother's footsteps muffled by the carpets until he finally stepped into the field of view of her mirror to put a bundle of light blue fabrics on the mattress of her bed. "I have put out clothes for you that you could wear in the evening," Malik announced, as he turned in her direction to come up to her. "Thank you very much," his sister murmured, carefully giving him a grateful smile through the glass surface. Since the incident in the throne room, he has seemed a little off the track, but Salome couldn't quite pinpoint how she recognized this. Nodding, the older man took off his sister's brush and started to continue her work, while the two fell into a thoughtful silence. Sighing again, the young girl closed her eyes for a brief moment, trying to concentrate only on how good it felt to have her hair combed. Outside the open balcony doors, the noises of the people celebrating could already be heard. Music and laughter filled the city, but here in her room it felt incredibly far away. The sun was already going down, but neither Malik nor Salome was in a hurry to finish.
Slowly opening her eyes again, the young woman started to look over her brother's appearance. She still hadn't been able to get completely used to the fact that he was now much older than her and that he had changed a lot due to the assimilation. The golden veins on the visible parts of his skin flickered slightly in the glow of her oil lamps. He wore traditional Dalmascian temple clothing, but it was made from darker fabrics than was usually the case. He had secured the wide sleeves of his undergarment to his forearms with crossed leather straps so that they would not get in his way if necessary. Now he too was carrying the temple amulet openly around his neck, while his sword, as always, was fastened to the side of his waist and rested faithfully in it's scabbard. Since his face was now always half covered by his golden mask, it was hard to read his expressions but she could see how the corners of his mouth kept dropping down, as if he was thinking about something that displeased him. This expression raised concern in Salome. She didn't want him to suffer. "What's going on, brother?" She asked quietly, breaking the silence between them, while carefully brushing a strand of hair from her face. Malik raised his head slightly, indicating that he had began to look at her through the mirror. In silence, he stopped combing his sister's hair as his shoulders began to tighten. Salome immediately turned around in her chair to grab his hands. He had clenched these into hardened fists, so that even the wooden handle of her brush began to crack dangerously.
"I hope King Sinbad was aware of what he might have done, when he presented you so publicly to so many unknown people as the Lady of the rukh," he pressed out between clenched teeth. Salome's eyes instantly softened when she got a clue of what was going on in her brothers head. So he too had thought about the incident. Then why hadn't he shared his thoughts with her? Was he afraid that her presence would attract the wrong people's attention? The masters of the black rukh were still out there somewhere. She knew that much. Or could it be that Malik was just worried that she couldn't handle the pressure? After all, he knew that she didn't really like to be the center of attention, even if she was of course aware that this was hardly avoidable in her position. She would have to accept the latter, because she doubted that she could still remain an unknown face among many here in Sindria. Acceptance ... this was one of the qualities that was instilled into her from an early age. No matter what comes... she had to accept every little detail as it was. If anyone was not allowed to fall into depravity, it was her. But now it was not about her, but about her brother, who was worried and no matter how much acceptance she can bring for reality, she would never stop trying to make sure that the people around her were as well as possible.
Even though she knew that her brother was always concerned about her general well being, she felt that this problem had more to do with their past encounter with the wielders of the black rukh, so she decided to take his fear away a little. Salome gently wrapped her fingers around Malik's as she tried to give him an exhilarating smile. "Don't try to worry so much, brother. Sindria is probably the safest place we can currently be residing.", she tried to calm him down, hoping that she had correctly assessed his feelings. The rukh also seemed to be convinced of her testimony, as they fluttered happily around her and her brother, also trying to give soothing words. But of course Malik could not see them, let alone hear them. Only in the case of larger gatherings did it happen that an non blessed man could see the rukh and this also applied to her brother.
The way his expression darkened, she actually seemed to have hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, her statement didn't seem to convince him, which is why she opened her mouth again to continue arguing: "The rukh are also convinced that we are safe here. So if you don't want to trust my word, you definitely trust theirs, don't you?" She added, gliding her thumbs over the back of his hand in a comforting manner. This ultimately led to Malik's fingers slowly starting to relax again. Even so, Salome could see that there seemed to be more to him and he was struggling to find the right words, but in the end he only nodded his head slightly before carefully removing his hands from hers.
"Come on Salome. Let me braid your hair or else we are never going to get finished!" Malik changed the subject accordingly, while he reaffirmingly raised her hairbrush in the air. For a moment she thought about contradicting her brother and asking him to speak openly about his feelings, which is why she paused and hesitated. Nevertheless, Salome finally decided to drop the topic and give him his freedom. She could see that he wasn't ready to open up to her yet.
"You know that I can do that myself. I'm a big girl..." Salome tried to joke instead. Unfortunately, however, she did not quite manage to hit the humorous tone, which is why her comment sounded more sad rather than amused. Malik, however, ignored her tone, thankful that she had dropped the subject and hummed in agreement, while still working on dividing her hair in individual strands. As Salome watched her brother quietly braid her hair, she tried to figure out how to change his mood. A small smile flickered on her lips when she thought about the Mahrajan that they were going to take part of. Maybe a fun evening with wine and music would help him relax a little. In any case, she was suddenly very happy to be able to participate in the feast in a few moments with her brother.
"Let's enjoy the evening today, okay? We haven't been able to celebrate together for a long time."
After that, silence spread once again between the siblings, but this time it felt a little less overwhelming. The dark-haired girl looked down contentedly at her wrist and gently stroked Alexander's vessel. When Malik suddenly spoke, she couldn't help but flinch, because she had completely suppressed the answer to his question throughout the day:"So, tell me sister, why is King Sinbad's sword lying on your bedside table?"
Well ...
Where was she?
The festival had begun what felt like an eternity ago. Numerous guests have gathered in the king's palace to celebrate the Mahrajan with him, but the person the king was waiting for made him wait ungraciously.
Sighing, Sinbad tumbled down the alcoholic contents of his golden goblet, as he looked over the festival hall. "Would you like more wine, Your Majesty?" Asked one of the lightly clad women, who were frolicking around his seat, while she raised a jug of wine towards him with a coquettish smile. Sinbad only nodded and held the goblet out to her, watching as she lasciviously leaned forward to pour him wine, while she gave him a good view of her cleavage. "Thank you, my lovely lady!" The king murmured charmingly, while he put an arm around her, pulling her closer to him in hope to distract himself. Willingly she sank down on his lap while giving the other disappointed girls a winning smile. But Sinbad wasn't interested in the intrigues between the women, too busy thinking about how to get Salome's attention. Now that she was finally with him, he was determined to make sure that it would stay that way. He had went through the files he got about her one more time, after the revieling and, like every time before, he had came to the conclusion that this woman was too valuable to let her set a foot off this island without his concession. But since he couldn't just put her in chains, he had to take other steps to ensure that she wouldn't even thinking of leaving. At least that was what his rational side required of him. His emotional side reacted much more extreme to the presence of the young woman. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but deep down he knew he needed her by his side. But what was the use of all this knowledge and the ambition to win her over if Salome did not show up so he could act on some of his plans?
Sinbad let his gaze wander over the crowd again, while he felt the woman on his lap snuggling up against his chest. When he realized that he still couldn't make out the young prophetess among the guests, he was about to get up and look for her himself.
But the moment she had finally entered the room, however, the entire atmosphere in the hall changed. Not only his gaze, but also that of various other people, turned directly to her when they felt the change in the air. In a humble, elegant manner, she stood by the entrance, gaze drifting over her surroundings, while her loyal golden companions flew gentle circles around her frame.
Swallowing, Sinbad watched for a moment as she strolled through the hall followed by her brother, while she smiled gently at the people who were looking at her. It was difficult to tore his gaze away from her, but he managed it before her searching eyes found him. Confused that he had to pull himself together not to straightly run to her side, he leaned deeper in his chair, while he put an arm around another nameless young woman. He would have to distract himself for a while, before he would finally approach her. The time had not yet come to gain her attention. First some time had to pass in which he could observe how and when at best he could use the opportunity to speak to her. After all, he didn't know how she would react to him after the incident in the afternoon.
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catatanbiasa · 4 years ago
Jauh sebelum ajaran Islam turun
Masyarakat Jahiliyah Arab ternyata sudah memiliki dua hari raya, yakni Nairuz dan Mahrajan. Kaum Arab Jahiliyah menggelar kedua hari raya itu dengan menggelar pesta pora. Selain menari-nari, baik tarian perang maupun ketangkasan, mereka juga bernyanyi dan menyantap hidangan lezat serta minuman memabukkan.
Setelah turunnya kewajiban menunaikan ibadah puasa Ramadhan pada 2 Hijriyah,
sesuai dengan hadis yang diriwayatkan Abu Dawud dan An-Nasa’i, Rasulullah bersabda,
‘’Sesungguhnya Allah mengganti kedua hari raya itu dengan hari raya yang lebih baik, yakni Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha.’
Setiap kaum memang memiliki hari raya masing2 Al-Hafiz Ibnu Katsir Rahimahullah dalam Kisah Para Nabi & Rasul. Mengutip sebuah hadis dr Abdullah bin Amar
Saya mendengar Rasulullah bersabda:
“Puasanya Nuh adalah satu tahun penuh, kecuali hari Idul Fitri & Idul Adha” (HR Ibnu Majah)
Jika merujuk pada hadis di atas, maka umat Nabi Nuh as pun memiliki hari raya.
Rasulullah SAW membenarkan bahwa setiap kaum memiliki hari raya Dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan Imam Bukhari, pernah memarahi dua wanita Anshar memukul rebana sambil bernyanyi-nyanyi
“Pantaskah ada seruling setan di rumah, ya Rasulullah ?’’. cetus Sayyidina Abu Bakar ra
‘’Biarkanlah mereka wahai Abu Bakar!
Karena tiap-tiap kaum mempunyai hari raya, dan hari ini adalah hari raya kita,’’ sabda Rasulullah.
Hari Raya Idul Fitri untuk pertama kalinya dirayakan umat Islam, selepas Perang Badar yang terjadi pada 17 Ramadhan 2 Hijiriyah.
Dalam pertempuran itu, umat Islam meraih kemenangan. Sebanyak 319 kaum Muslimin harus berhadapan dengan 1.000 tentara dari kaum kafir Quraisy.
Pada tahun itu, Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat merayakan dua kemenangan,
yakni keberhasilan mengalahkan kaum kafir dalam Perang Badar dan menaklukkan hawa nafsu setelah sebulan berpuasa.
Menurut sebuah riwayat, Nabi SAW dan para sahabat menunaikan shalat Id pertama dengan kondisi luka-luka yang masih belum pulih akibat Perang Badar.
Rasulullah pun dalam sebuah riwayat disebutkan, merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri pertama dalam kondisi letih.
Sampai-sampai Nabi SAW bersandar pada Bilal ra dan menyampaikan khutbahnya.
Menurut Hafizh Ibnu Katsir Rahimahullah
Pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri yang pertama, Rasulullah pergi meninggalkan masjid
menuju suatu tanah lapang dan menunaikan shalat Id di atas tanah lapang itu.
Sejak itulah, Nabi Muhammad dan para sahabat menunaikan shalat Id di lapangan terbuka.
Sebelum datangnya Hari Raya Idul Fitri, umat Islam diwajibkan menunaikan zakat fitrah.
Tepat pada 1 Syawal, kaum Muslim disunahkan melaksanakan shalat Id,
baik di lapangan terbuka maupun di masjid,
sebanyak dua rakaat dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan khutbah.
Sejatinya, menurut Prof HM Baharun, hakikat Idul Fitri adalah perayaan kemenangan iman dan ilmu atas nafsu di medan jihad Ramadhan.
Setelah berhasill menundukkan nafsu
kaum Muslim yang berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dapat "kembali ke fitrah" (Idul Fitri),
yakni kembali ke asal kejadian.
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد
Semoga bermanfaat 🙏🏿🌹
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Hi, maybe some headcanons for Kouen and Sinbad on Valentines Day?
♥ Kouen
- Kouen wouldn’t be the type of man to do anything out of his own volition. At least not unless he knows it’s something his s/o wants. Though not a pushover, he’ll definitely be compelled to do something special for his s/o if she keeps dropping hints about it. Despite not dense about it, he won’t do anything big either. Something small and special for them is more his style. Something that they can share and remember with vivid fondness. 
♥ Sinbad
- Sinbad goes all out. He’ll make it a holiday for the whole island not only to escape his work but to have excuse to have the most lavish celebration there has ever been. It promises to be even bigger than the Mahrajan itself. Sinbad wants everyone to celebrate such lovely day with their loved ones and also have it for himself to share with his s/o as well. They’ll bring delicacies for dinner and spend the festivities with them but once things quieted down as the night continued, he would take his s/o for them to be alone. 
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solislived · 6 years ago
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‘  NONSENSE ,  ja’far !  why are you even  WORRYING  about work ,  it’s  mahrajan .  begin your needless worrying  tomorrow .  ’    the wine is brought once again to his lips ,  thick sultry taste rolling down his tongue ,  SATIATING  his need to forget ,  ebbing away at the perpetual  GUILT  at his bloods stained hands .    ‘  come now ,  have a  DRINK  with me ,  won’t you ?  ’
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             he  stares  impassively  at  the  wine  that   stains  lips  red       ,     trying  to  ignore  the   pungent  smell   that  makes   his  stomach   twist.      ❝   it   is   tomorrow        ,     sin   ❞         for  his   king   to   glutton  himself   in  his   own  vices.   what   fate   lies   in   wait            ,          oh  what   fates   lies   in   wait   for   souls    like   his   own?          ❝   i’ll   decline      ,      you’ve   had   my   share   for   the   night.    ❞            there  is  no   spiritual  elevation       ,     it  is   the   liquor   mixing   with   the   lithium      ,    neither   fo   them  would   know   holy   if  it  punched   them.      
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tehkuning · 5 years ago
Ringakasan kajian ke-dua : Yang Tak Disangka-Sangka
Materi kali ini disampaikan dalam agenda Silat(Silaturahmi) Akbar LDK LDF Se Solo-Raya ahay, pematerinya ialah dr. syukri,belio udah terkenal banget dimana mana, alumni uns, ketua fsldk nasional tahun berapa gitu. Ntap kan.
Secara garis besar,kajian kali ini tentang memotivasi,menyemangati,dan meyakinkan kami semua yang hadir bahwa sebagai pengurus Lembaga dakwah baik fakultas maupun kampus harus terus memperjuangkan dakwah, harus terus berkorban dijalan kebaikan. Menjadi pengurus lembaga dakwah tu salah satu kesempatan terbaik yang Allah kasih, ladang pahala coyyy, maksimalin!!!!
Orang2 yang mau mengurusi dakwah atau bisa disebut dengan seruan kebaikan dalam hidupnya memang akan selalu ada tantangan atau lompatan - lompatan, tidak selalu berjalan mulus, nah sebenarnya hal itu(tantangan,hambatan,ujian,dll) ada untuk mengujinya dan membuatnya menjadi manusia yg lebih tangguh lagi dalam kebaikan dan ketaatan loh.
Pokonya dikuatin terus,jangan sampai nyerah, rahmat alias kasih sayang Allah buat kita terlalu luas dan banyak.
Ketika kita memperjuangkan dakwah, sekecil atau seremeh-temeh apapun peran kita dalam dakwah pasti akan Allah balas, dibalasnya mah dunia dan akhirat. Maka, ketika Allah tiba-tiba kasih sesuatu yang luar biasa yang belum pernah kita minta, ga pernah kita bayangkan sebelumnya, itulah balasan terbaik dari Allah atas peran dan kontribusi kita dalam memperjuangkan dakwah.
Ketika sudah dalam lingkup dakwah,dimanapun itu, kita kudu maksimal berjuangnya, yagitu harus memiliki mental2 pejuang-dakwah
->Untuk bisa mencapai.... Apa hayo?
Man yattaqillaaha yaj’allahuu mahrajan. Wa yarzuqhu min haitsu laa yahtasib ["Barang siapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah niscaya Dia akan mengadakan baginya jalan ke luar. Dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tiada disangka-sangkanya.” (QS. At Thalâq 2-3)]*
Yupppp, dalam memperjuangkan dakwah harus punya mental pejuang, yang berkorbannya ga nanggung-nanggung, yoi berkorban harta,waktu,kesempatan,jiwa bahkan:') harus kokoh ruhiyah nya, fisiknya juga brartiiii, biarrr kita bisa menggapai yang tak disangka-sangka ituuuuuw
wa yarzuqhu min haitsu laa yahtasib :')
"dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tak disangka-sangka" :')
Romantis pisan ey, sosweet banget yak Allah mah, baik-nya keterlaluan Allah tuh sama kita<33
Semoga semuanya dari kita kelak termasuk dalam barisan orang2 yg memperjuangkan agama Allah ya. Aamiin!
Salinan note nya tehkuning,yaiy💕
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naqiibah · 6 years ago
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Sejarah Maulid Nabi: Meneguhkan Semangat KeisIaman dan Kebangsaan Sejak Khaizuran (173 H.) Hingga Habib Luthfi bin Yahya (1947 M.- Sekarang) • Ahmad Tsauri • Menara Publisher • xxviii+288 • 2015 • 4/5 🌟 • Bila Maulid Nabi biasanya diperbincangkan dalam segi teologisnya, halal-haram atau sunnah-bid'ah, maka melalui buku ini, Maulid Nabi dibahas dari sisi historis. Maulid Nabi bukan fenomena kemarin sore yg masih perlu dibahas dalam segi sunnah-bidah karena bagi penulis hal tsb sudah ditulis dalam karyanya Secercah Cinta: Jalinan Cinta Seorang Hamba dengan Sang Pencipta (2012). Buku yang ditulis Ahmad Tsauri ini berisi 7 Bab mengulas bagaimana historis perayaan Maulid Nabi sejak zaman klasik hingga zaman now, di berbagai negara serta Spiritualitas & Nasionalisme dalam perayaan Maulid Kanzus Sholawat. • Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW sudah dirayakan oleh masyarakat muslim sejak abad 2 H. Sosok yg memerintahkan penduduk mengadakan perayaan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW di Madinah & Mekkah yaitu Khaizuran. Seorang wanita terpelajar yg berpengaruh selama masa pemerintahan 3 khalifah Dinasti Abbasiah dan semula budak yg dimerdekakan khalifah Al-Mahdi bin Mansur al-Abbas pada tahun 159 H, lalu dinikahi Sang khalifah. • Ada 3 perayaan yg diadopsi & dimodifikasi Khaizuran, yaitu perayaan Nairuz (awal tahun), Mahrajan (akhir tahun) dan Ram. Ketiga perayaan tsb. melahirkan perayaan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW. Acara perayaan saat itu berupa bacaan sastra puisi maupun esai & pembagian makanan. Sedangkan orang yg pertama menulis kitab Maulid Nabi adalah Ka’ab bin Zuhair. • Maulana Habib Luthfi bin Yahya merupakan tokoh yang mempopulerkan perayaan Maulid Nabi melalui Majelis Kanzus Shalawat, Indonesia. Menurut beliau, Maulid bukan sekedar acara seremonial dan basa-basi. Maulid merupakan luapan rasa cinta yg begitu kuat kepada sang Datuk, Nabi Muhammad Saw (Hal.177) • Buku ini mengenyangkan akan pengetahuan perihal Maulid Nabi. Karena buku ini bukan macam novel atau kumpulan cerpen, mungkin bagi sebagian orang tidak begitu menarik, tapi telaah historis disini mengajak kita untuk mempelajari posisi Maulid dalam dakwah islam. #Naqiibaca #gerakanoneweekonebook #oneweekonebook https://www.instagram.com/naqi.reads/p/BsqbVlPhaEr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tpau2fb0imdi
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madamhatter · 6 years ago
“ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” ( sin leaving sophie after a fight post marriage ?? )
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts / accpt / @saeiqas
   Her life was anything but picturesque for the eldest of three, destined for misfortune and plainness throughout the rest of her years. As the retainer to her father’s legacy, the flighty sparrow who’d rushed between duties meant for five bodies versus one, she knew that expectations on her were heavier than gold. But, support and care were void from her relationship with her guardian or those who relied on her; all the expectations of her were required from her (and the complication of emotions that weren't “appropriate”). 
Now, deep within the Southern Seas, a contract created beyond their years by now phantoms to this realm had been the latest in a line of mishaps. Far from home, far from company, far from her life, Sophie was bound by ink to a greater mystery known to man. It was a union that was destined for failure. 
Despite the stubbornness to locate loopholes, the drive to exploit diction in a contract older than their own lives, the tenacity to refuse marriage unless conditions were made, she has found herself to be a wife. Though with the technicalities she harnessed and sharp tongue she wielded, Sophie formally arranged a system of checks and balances for the newly established and officiated marriage. 
One of the agreements imposed by Sophie (without better thought) was constructing their “relationship” to where he continued in the indulgences of sin, the leisure of fertilized grapes and appreciative flesh of his concubines.  Positioning herself not as a burden and barrier to his common practices and routine, in theory, would’ve facilitated their future betrothal with minimal infringements to their lifestyle. Conceiving the layout of tolerance and cushioning the radical change would’ve sufficed in their lawfully dreaded union. 
If they kept to their routines, diminishing interactions outside of their obligations, Sophie guaranteed that their future wouldn’t allude to the treacherous marriage both knew would come. 
Contracts, by written or oral compromise. followed one rule: it must be abided by. Head turned in the opposing direction, melancholic in the silence of tolerance and practiced etiquette to play ignorant,  Sophie dared not utter a word. Alas, reckless was he who held the world in his palms but, his gaze was to the horizon, with any objectable plan and action within his cutch. Power without supervision, however, only encouraged a spiral of control to the intoxication of arrogance. Sophie Hatter never shied from asserting herself to remind him of moderation.  Though, her talk remained brief. 
Mahrajan, among the many festivals and public holidays, were the times in which the peculiarness of their relationship was found. To be found within the crowds was common for the wife of the King of the Seven Seas, she partook in the festivities with her genuinely tired smile. Yet, she flocked to the civilians, remaining in her customary plain attire, greeting many old faces and checking on the families. However, as she proudly twirled on her feet, lost to the flow of music and energy, she had been worlds apart from her partner. 
Sinbad, on the contrary, remained his most trusted of camaraderie – his Eight Generals – lavishing in the day’s reaps and marveling over the country he knew to be his family. Nevertheless, he joined the joyous occasion with loved ones, be it his underlings or those who flocked to his body. And, never had it been with the “loving” wife. 
However, Sophie never bothered with the strangeness of their arrangement. All she did was passively stare from afar, which over time, turned to bitter glares. Her folded hands devolved to crossed, tight arms over her chest. A soured expression resided on her face the further she caught herself looking with each passing month. 
Turmoil was non-negotiable; to be against her own word was beyond her comprehension. Whatever spite that armed her mind with silent vengeance and pettiness only churned her, trifling with her plans. Her fists squeezed, her skin turning ghostly white, whenever she refrained from commenting when she witnessed his infidelities leisure. She swallowed her pride and picked at the flesh at the center of her palm, over the scars that littered the entirety of both of her arms. 
 Nevertheless, she had been the parasite, the fiend who’d taken upon herself to measure distance through each backlash and riposte against one who’d been determined to be an anomaly of miracles. 
The patience she held onto grew shrill anytime her eyes met with his, her scorn flashing across her eyes. With the question emerging whenever Sinbad caught her, the woman ignored her husband’s suspicion and concern. Though, dismissively, she commented clearly whenever they crossed paths, “Have fun.” 
At that point, the High King of Sindria searched only for answers and was cursed with throbbing headaches and frustration over his wife’s ever-changing attitude. Sweeter than primroses when outside of the palace, docile yet excitable when in the presence of Sindria’s future, eager to know his creation, his pride and joy that was his destiny – his country and his people; however, the flower wilted within his reach, transforming to vixen with eyes only wanting to pry and unravel all she could of his being, almost always with judgmental eyes – almost pained whenever he spotted her at the corner of his eyes when she passed by. Yet, something lingered like a fondness, an unsung softness. And, the light in her eyes twinged, fading in moments when he went through his business. 
The breaking point was finally met when Sophie’s tongue loosened and her true blunt nature emerged. To stare Sinbad down to the sun-bursting yellow eyes, to criticize him relentlessly from the beginning days to the moment they stood in front of another, to accuse him of the inconsideration of others’ emotions for his own ploys, the courtyard only turned to an amalgamation of trials and tribulations.
He, in turn, wasn’t complacent, he known currents more treacherous and chaotic than such a debacle. However, in turn of every inquiry her way, he only questioned her motive, her actions, her everything, trying to dig deeper to the point of what truly was her essence. All that built up where empty scenarios that were created with each new unanswered question, all there was the remains of their languishing relationship in the fresh cemetery full of wildflowers that twisted around the vineyards and architecture. 
Refusing to meet his eyes, rebelling through the most childish of actions with her back turned towards him, Sophie gritted her teeth into her gums. A shaky breath escaped her heated body, how the temper swelled hotter than torrid wildfires and how the fire swelled in the pit of her stomach. 
Silence occupied their distance, disarming the married couple, only leaving the unresolved tension wide open for all the flies and maggots to satisfy their appetite. With their relationship rotting with each second, Sinbad finally spoke: 
“Fine. you’ll never see me again, okay?”
A dagger buried into her womb, the thin side of the blade repeatedly sawing through her, it all occurred the moment he dared mention that. While her body remained stiller than a corpse, her hand clenched desperately to the fabric of her shirt above her heart. Her mouth parted without any sound or breath leaving, only the vacancy of her unintelligible emotions escaping in the night silence.  
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You don’t mean that. Please don’t make me imagine that. Sinbad, none of this is funny and that’s the worst offense of them all. Please don’t leave me. 
“Sinbad, I–” She choked on her words. “Wait,” Sophie cleared her throat, forcing herself to speak with heavy thought in each word. Her pleads struggled out as she maintained her composure, her hand still trembling. She shut her eyes, swallowing her heart, as she finally turned to him.
“If you need to, I won’t stop you.” Every saturated emotion of her true self vanished when she met his eyes once more, coolly acknowledging his proclamation. Who was she to argue against a King’s word? Who was she to feel her heart shriveling the moment his hardened gaze was as loveless as ever? 
Only the quietly bland “good nights” were exchanged as their eyes stuck to another, animosity bleeding through their formalities. 
If her own presence ailed him greatly and even sickened herself to the point of forgetting herself, she should’ve considered Sinbad’s words to have some semblance of weight. Troubling her mind was unattainable and uncooperative emotions, troubling him was simply her existence. To remedy such conflict of interest and tension, perhaps, distance was the answer.
Sweeping through her own cramped office to her belongings neatly stacked in the corner of the bedroom, a simple gesture from her wrist sent her magic to work. Every object to her name, be it her own materials, books, clothing, accessories, drawings, creations, and many more, flew into the air and began sorting into shelves and boxes as tightly as possible through the most utmost respect to size and color. 
Leaving these rooms she haunted spotless of her presence was only the beginning. Sophie soon loosened her braid and tightened it into a ponytail. Garments belonging to her “status” (as plainly as they were) were discarded, folded, and placed away. Slipping into her black tights, tucking in her white cotton-pressed shirt, buttoning her gray jacket, and flattening the length of her knee-tall skirt, she resorted to her traveler’s attire. 
“Come,” the sorceress reached out her arm, unphased at the thought of her magic being known at this point. Her qualms were secondary to her problem-solving. Her broom came flying into her hands and she tapped the front of her boots into the pristine floors, spotting his empty space on their mattress.
He must be out in the “entertainment” district, drinking away the facts of this horrendous life we have. He must be reconsidering accepting this situation. Inebriated beyond the point of comprehensive choice-making, he’ll find more solace there than here with a stranger like me,  an idiot who is lost beyond words with what is going on with me. 
Fastening her bag over her shoulder, gathering last-minute writing utensils and paper, she snapped her finger as her broom floated at her midriff. Stationing herself and straddling properly on the broom, she glanced back once more to the lifestyle of hopelessness she only more than ever regretted, if not for her strange daydreams. 
Turning her cheek, adamant to stick to her word now, she chewed on her tongue and left past the open windows. 
The silhouette of the sorceress was accentuated by the high risen moon, only a speckle of dust in the radiant capital of parties and dreams. Past the bustling resident district, past the orchards, and past the outskirts of the city, the witch continued onward to the horizon to where she could better hear the oceans crashing against the sands, to where the busy lives of man were nothing more than echoes to her reclusive ears.
Sophie only found herself in the company of the stars, moon, and ocean when she made contact with the beach far from the ports. The forests were behind her but, she kept relatively close to the waterside as the tip of her boots grazed the sand in landing. 
Now, the kindling of fire comforted her as she set camp, rethinking every action and line, charting every other path she should’ve taken. She sat at the front of the flames, huddling close. Her hands, however, were clinging to the fabric of her shirt as she took a deep breath – plummeting back to lay in the sand…to sob. 
Loneliness was a part of her inevitable lifestyle, her fate. Yet, the wound to her heart continued to bleed as her arms covered her face, shielding her from the unwanted voices that’d tear her limb to limb if they found her in such a state. Hot tears trailed down her face as the rolling currents were louder than her cries of realization and pain. 
Pathetic, aren’t I? I don’t want this, I don’t want to feel any of this. It isn’t meant for me, I don’t deserve it; there’s only more suffering that’ll come from it. But, I want to be looked at, I want to be touched, I want to be felt, I want something as impossible as his attention without the pity of this tragedy. Why did I open my mouth? Why couldn’t I have just been satisfied with these arrangments? Why did I want to be selfish?
When did this even start? How come I can’t stop this? What’s going to happen if this continues? Who do I think I am for feeling this way? And why do I want him to love me? 
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The ocean was the guide to all who wanted to see the world.  Capricious currents to halcyon tides were among the power and beauty of the sea for the tumultuous motions couldn’t be controlled nor predicted. No matter, it shimmered in the moon and sun upon the ocean tops. Yet, underneath, the depths of the sea were like an abyss with only mystery shrouding the true intentions of its turbulent strategy.
However, the stars were a farther distance and couldn’t ever be touched; only through the illusion of a hand held to the sky, it could be imagined. However, the scattered constellations were navigators for being so far, aiding with their glimmer with those lost within the rifts of life. All that was shining was beyond human touch but, it was beautiful. 
Perhaps, this was why there was the space in-between the water and sky. To reach out with hopes only ended with cold air between your fingers, making one realize how impossible it truly was. 
TLDR: Sophie realizes she fucked up and unexpectedly realizes her own feelings. 
Also, she went back after three days to the palace. She definitely returned to the city to help out residents (and customers). She definitely kept out of general sight. But, I’m too lazy to write that. 
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