#mahoyaku fic
cinset · 2 years
also posted on ao3
word count:
pleasw write a fluffybradnero fic….. just them being cute and romantic and i’d also like it to be in an april fools au too bc there’s a lack of april fools brnr fics :3
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Nero was halfway through an apple when he heard keys jingling and a muffled “shit” as Bradley struggled with the broken lock of the apartment door. Nero did not walk over to help him. Eventually, the door flung open with a little too much force and slammed into the wall, adding to the already-prominent dent in the cream-colored wall.
“Hey,” Nero greeted, taking another bite of his apple. He was met with a glare from Bradley that may have, at one point, sent a shiver down his spine, but now just warranted a: “Rough day, boss?”
“Don’t give me that, asshole,” Bradley shrugged off his jacket and threw it on a nearby lounge chair instead of the much closer coat hanger. Nero would have given him a look had Bradley been in a better mood. Or any other mood, for that matter. “Y’know what Cain asked me today?” Bradley continued. Nero cringed. He had a pretty good idea of what Cain had asked him today.
“Not a clue,” Nero replied, deadpan. Bradley took a few steps towards him as if trying to intimidate, though both knew it wouldn’t achieve much. He put his hand on the counter, effectively boxing him in. Nero looked unbothered and took another bite of his apple.
“‘Hey, boss, have you seen Nero’s new tattoo? It’s real cool—it glows and everything!’” Bradley said, poorly mimicking Cain’s excited tone. Nero swallowed before answering, propping his arm that held the apple on the counter and gesturing with it.
“Ain’t my fault he saw it. ‘s a locker room, after all. If he’s lookin’ at me shirtless, that’s his problem, not mine,” Nero said flippantly, shrugging and watching the way Bradley’s eyes flitted over his face.
“Oi,” Bradley warned, leaning in real close, obviously unimpressed with Nero’s wording, “It is yer problem. Mine too.” Nero scoffed and forcefully pushed past him. They tended to get on each other’s nerves more often than not; Nero was easily riled up and Bradley lacked eloquence.
“What. You scared of losin’ yer job over me? Next time think twice before harborin’ an illegal assistroid,” Nero continued bitterly, annunciating his words extra clearly to make a point. He gestured at himself while Bradley turned around in an exasperated manner, following Nero with his sharp gaze. Bradley chuckled sardonically.
“My job? I’m on Figaro’s good side. ‘Sides, he’s too much of a coward to do anything. I know too much about what that freak gets up to,” Bradley explained, leaning back against the counter with an amused smirk on his face as he thought about the sorry excuse of a man known as Professor Garcia.
“Ain’t that nice. Then why’re ya so worked up about this? It’s Cain we’re talkin’ about, yeah? I love the guy but he ain’t the sharpest officer I’ve worked with. He doesn’t know shit, and we’ll keep it that way,” he said like it was obvious. Nero walked over to the trash can, disposing of his apple core while Bradley stared at the ceiling. He made a noise of frustration before standing up to his full height and blurting:
“I ain’t afraid of losin’ my damn job! I’m afraid of losing you, Nero.”
The only sound in the apartment was Nero’s quiet footfalls coming to a halt as he turned his head to look at Bradley and a clock that ticked incessantly in the background of every conversation. The semi-silence seemed to last an eternity before Nero started shifting around awkwardly and fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
“…O-oi… don’t you get all sentimental on me,” Nero said in a voice just above a murmur, crossing his arms again and looking anywhere that wasn’t at Bradley. This is how it always was with them—they’d crawl into each other’s arms at night and speak not a word of it the next morning. They had never put a name to it.
“Shaddup and listen.” Bradley pushed off from the counter and took just a couple of long strides over to him. They stood in an awkward place between the living room and the kitchen. It was a small apartment. “I’m askin’ ya to be more careful,” he said, sounding more irritated than anything.
“Was there a request in any of what ya just said? Couldn’t tell,” Nero said softly with none of the bite from before. He was still looking at the ground. He needed to sweep. “I ain’t obligated t’do what you tell me, anyhow. I’m not yer typical assistroid you can boss around.”
Predictably, Bradley took Nero’s chin between his thumb and index finger, lifting his head and coaxing eye contact from him. He liked doing that. Bradley wasn’t all that much taller than him—only an inch or two—but from this angle, it made all the difference. Nero’s breath caught in his throat upon seeing his face up close, as it had a thousand times before.
“Work with me here. I ain’t gonna lecture you on why yer still in one piece and not off in a junkyard somewhere, but we’re a team, like it or not.” Bradley continued to stare directly into Nero’s eyes, and Nero found himself wishing he had a lesser processing system. “So I’m askin’ real nicely. Be careful, Nero,” Bradley said, uncharacteristically earnest. His voice was stern but full of affection.
Nero felt his cheeks heating up slightly and took a few steps back. Bradley let him go easily. Nero cleared his throat.
“Yeah.. alright,” he said sincerely after a brief moment of contemplation. “Guess I’ll go back to changin’ in the corner like a kid, lookin’ all nervous.” That made Bradley laugh, and the atmosphere in the room changed.
“Yeah. You do that. ‘N tell Cain to keep his damn eyes to himself, wouldja?”
Nero woke the next morning at the same time he always did: 5:00 am sharp. It was something that had been programmed into all the police assistroids, and Nero had fallen into a habit of waking early before the Cardia System had been installed. Bradley relied on him to wake them every day and Nero had to do to rouse him was move around. But he was reluctant this morning.
Bradley’s hand was cold on Nero’s bare stomach. During the night, he had snaked his arms around his waist and pulled him close, tangled their legs, and reached under Nero's shirt to hold him tightly. Nero had remarked once that he was like a big, affectionate dog, unaware of how much space he took up.
Nero sighed contentedly, feeling safe in his arms if not somewhat coddled. It reminded him of how Bradley was so insistent on his distaste for assistroids, berating them every chance he could get while secretly caring for all of the discarded bots in private. He was one of them. The only one that Bradley had kept by his side. Nero was forever in the chief’s debt, but Bradley had never abused that.
The night that Bradley had found him, Nero was running for his life through the rain, having escaped Vollmond laboratories just about an hour prior. They were going to scrap him. He was too unpredictable, they said. Unstable. Bradley and a few other officers had found him and cornered him in an alleyway. He fought hard, but they managed to remove his mana plate in the end. Nero thought that was the end for him until he woke up in a shitty little apartment, soaking wet. Bradley had several bruises on his face that Nero felt quite proud of.
They’d forged some paperwork. Found an underworld mechanic to fix Nero’s ID. He wasn’t fond of the idea of having an owner, but his battery would be taken out for good otherwise.
“Ya wanna stay alive, rookie?” Bradley had asked.
“Then you’re mine,” he had proclaimed.
Nero was Bradley’s assistroid. Legally. Kind of.
Nero was pulled from his thoughts by a groan from behind him and an arm tightening around his torso.
“I can hear you thinkin’ from over here. Yer interrupting my beauty sleep,” said Bradley, burying his head into the crook of Nero’s neck.
“Too bad. It’s time to get up, fucker,” Nero shot back, ignoring how low and groggy Bradley’s voice sounded next to his ear.
“Yer real cute, princess, but I don’t wanna. The force can survive a day without its chief, can’t it?” Bradley said, a shit-eating grin audible in his words. His breath was hot against Nero’s neck
“Like hell it can, Brad,” Nero said, prying Bradley’s arms off of him, standing up, and stretching. His sweatpants were rolled around his calves and his shirt was wrinkled. He could feel Bradley’s eyes on his back. “That whole place crumbles if yer not there.”
“Heh. I know that,” Bradley said proudly, sitting up on the edge of their bed, clasping his hands together, and laying his elbows over his legs. Nero laughed shortly.
“Bastard. I should stop feedin’ yer ego,” Nero said, pulling his shirt over his head and rifling through his drawer to find a clean one.
The blue lily crest on his arm glowed softly.
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aria0fgold · 1 year
Honestly didn't expect for this thing to have more than 1k words but I'm actually proud to be able to finish this big thing at 3k after days of not having written anything at all and it's something am happy with too!!!! :D I aint rusty yet!
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katsuhiras · 1 year
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YAOICORE Faust x Nero
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clockworkspider · 5 months
A late night flight
A while after Arthur had returned to Granville Castle, he received a visit from Lord Figaro.
Gen, fluff, relationship study, 1.5k words.
The spirits of Central welcomed Arthur’s presence without any resistance. Yet, the air at Granville Castle still felt heavy on his limbs. He missed flying, or running through the hall, allowing his steps to bounce with magic, conjuring whenever he pleased. 
Arthur supposed he could still do any of these things, but the wary startlement he received when he as much as pick up a fallen fork with magic gave him pause. 
And so, he learned to stand still, and let the servants bend down, and he walked the halls with one feet always touching the ground. 
It was late in the evening when a knock upon his window interrupted Arthur's studies. Like an apparition, Lord Figaro appeared on the balcony with his broom. 
“Good evening, Arthur. It’s been a while.” Lord Figaro spoke. 
Unable to believe his eyes, Arthur reached forward. When he felt Lord Figaro’s face, solid to the touch, he smiled in relief. 
“Lord Figaro!” He exclaimed, and greeted the elder wizard with a courteous but firm embrace. Figaro hugged him back warmly. 
“Arthur,” he greeted back. 
“What brought you here, Lord Figaro?” 
“I’m here to check on you, of course!” 
“Well, it’s a pleasure to see you, Lord Figaro. Please, come in!” 
“Actually, why don’t you come for a flight with me?” Figaro asked, “You probably miss being in the air, right?” 
“I’d love that!” For a moment, Arthur’s eyes lit up, before hesitance entered them. “Ah… but I should probably get permission for it. I don’t want to cause a panic if they can’t find me…” 
“Ah, you don’t have to worry about that,” Figaro said, “I’ve cast a spell around us and this room. People won’t notice anything unusual or remember to check on you for the next little while.” Putting a finger to his lip, Figaro winked conspiratorially, “It’ll be our little secret adventure! I’ll have to teach you the trick sometimes, but this kind of magic is quite advanced, so you’ll probably have to hone your basics before trying it.” 
“I see… Well, I’d love to learn about it regardless.” The young prince’s eyes lit up with the permission for mischief. 
“Alright, you got your broom? Then let’s go!” 
“You know, I’ve always love the central weather,” Figaro commented. 
The night breeze was cool and gentle against their faces. It felt nice to be flying. And yet, Arthur missed the crisp, frigid air of the North. The clear cloudless sky full of stars. The northern lights. 
He said so. 
“I thought you might say that,” Figaro said, “I have a present for you. I’ll show it to you once we get back.
“How have you been, Arthur?”  
“I’ve been well. There are a lot of studies I have to catch up on as a Prince, but I’ve been keeping up with  practicing my magic too. I’ve tried to learn a few things on my own from the grimoire Lord Oz had given to me.” 
“Oh? Show me!” 
“Pernoctant Nixzo.” Arthur made a throwing motion with his hand. An magical arrow flew from beside him and lodged itself into the center of a tree. “Ah, but I don’t have a target right now.” 
“Nicely done,” Figaro said, encouragingly. “And have you practiced casting a barrier?” Saying that, he summoned a few energy spheres and launched them at the prince. It was an old trick from the twins, magic dodgeball. Arthur was familiar with it. Tho they’ve always made sure to meter their strength properly when playing with the young prince. 
Arthur, for his part, gasped in delight at the surprise attack, and immediately threw up a shield. The energy spheres dissipated harmlessly upon contact. 
“Well done!” Figaro complimented. “More than learning new spells or honing our skills, the most important practice for us wizards is to protect our own heart. Because our heart is what we use to cast our magic.
“You have an extraordinary position, Arthur.” Figaro’s tone grew solemn. “The people here would demand everything from you. There are times for you to open your heart, and there are times where you must cast a barrier around it. Do you understand what I’m saying?” 
Arthur nodded as he digested the lesson, seeming to understand, but then said, “I’d like the people of this castle to open their hearts to me with time.” 
“So you feel you must open your heart to them first,” Figaro nodded. 
“How do you get people to open their hearts to you while protecting your own, Lord Figaro?” Arthur asked. 
“That… Well,” Figaro laughed sheepishly, “even I don’t know the answer to that question, Arthur.” 
There was a beat of contemplative silence. 
“Let’s head back,” Figaro suggested. 
Upon landing, Figaro took out a glass dome, within it, Arthur could see a view of the northern lights. 
“I thought you might be feeling homesick,” Figaro said.
Arthur held the dome within his hands, his young face softened with visible relief. “Thank you, Lord Figaro, you made this for me?” 
Figaro simply smiled. “Do you like it?” 
“Yes, very much.” Arthur’s smile was sweet, yet there’s a hint of loss there. Figaro could see the question unspoken, hanging between them, almost tangible. 
“Come to the Southern Country with me,” Figaro said, “it’s nothing like the North, I’m afraid. The weather’s really hot and humid, and you’ll probably have to learn a bit of physical labour, but the humans there are friendly towards wizards, so you can use magic whenever you please. I think you’ll like it there.
“I want you to meet Mitile, he’s a young wizard around your age, I think you’d get along.” 
Arthur blinked in surprise. “Lord Figaro… I…” For once, the young prince was at a loss for words. “I can’t just leave…” 
“Are you worried about your position? If you just say the words, I can speak to your father on your behalf. Your family has a long history with myself and the Twin Teachers, you know? Let Doctor Figaro handle the adult stuff.” 
Arthur furrowed his brows, caught in a trap he couldn’t quite understand. After composing his thoughts, he shook his head, “That’s not it, Lord Figaro.
“There are a lot of misconceptions about wizards in this country. As someone who is both a wizard and a prince, I’m in the unique position to change that. I don’t want to run from my duty… No… more like… I don’t want to give up on this opportunity to make a difference. From the bottom of my heart, I am happy for your invitation, and I have no doubt I’d love the country you’ve chosen as your home. But there are things I wish to do here.” 
Figaro studied him. Finally, he smiled warmly. “Well said. It seems like littler Arthur is all grown up since I’ve last seen you.” 
“There’s still a lot I have to learn,” Arthur demurred, “there seem to be a lot of rumours and misconceptions about Lord Oz as well… The humans fear our power, and since he is the most powerful, they fear him more than anyone else. I believe… If I can get the people here to open their heart to me, then I can show them wizards like me are not so scary. And then, one day, I’ll be able to invite you to bring Mitile here with pride. That’s my dream.” 
For a moment, Lord Figaro looked as if he was swallowing bitter medicine, but the expression disappeared as soon as it appeared. Finally, he said, “Then that’s my dream as well.” 
“I’m sorry,” Arthur said.
“Whatever for?” Figaro asked. 
“I seem to have hurt you.” 
“No… You just…” Figaro said, “you just reminded me of someone else for a moment.” Gently, he patted Arthur on the head. 
The gesture felt soothing, like a balm, and Arthur couldn’t help but be reminded of Lord Oz’s hand in his hair. For a moment, he wanted so desperately to ask Lord Figaro to take him to Lord Oz, just for a quick visit. He didn’t trust himself to open his mouth. So he simply hugged Lord Figaro’s present to himself tighter, hoping to get a glimpse of the one he wished to see within the northern lights. 
After the long pause that followed, Lord Figaro broke the silence. “Oz made this charm for you.” 
Arthur looked up in surprise. 
“I told him to come give this to you himself, but he wouldn’t. I got crossed with him, and told him I’d tell you it was from me, and he told me to do as I liked.
“Oz isn’t very good with his words, you see. He didn’t know how to keep you without destroying the place which you could also belong.” 
Arthur stared at the northern lights in his hands with renewed wonder. When he looked back up at Figaro again, the tears that shone in his eyes finally spilt out. 
“Thank you, Lord Figaro,” Arthur said, “for delivering this to me.” 
Under the light of the great calamity, the young prince’s face shone brighter than the stars. “I miss him,” he said, his young voice wobbly. Figaro could only stare in wonder, as Arthur wept openly. The child who was forced to grow up way too soon had yet to lose all his tenderness. 
Gently, Figaro wrapped his arms around Arthur, and held him on Oz’s behalf. 
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re2 · 2 years
deeper than love
Chapters: 1/4 Rating: M Words: 4.2k Relationships: Figaro & Snow & White Characters: Figaro, Snow, White
Additional Tags: Character Study, Unreliable Narrator, Pre-Canon, Found Family
A character study of Figaro: a god who failed to protect his people; a student, praised and admired; a conqueror who sought to take over the world; a revolutionary who championed a cause; a doctor who wanted to leave behind his past.
A lonely man with many regrets.
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tindoiimu · 1 year
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"a promise from a human."
on twitter. 07/22/2022
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
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hi guys!! as many of you already know, a really bad earthquake has hit the turkey and syria area. to do my part in helping rescue efforts, i will be opening donation commissions!
what are they?
donation commissions are in the name: you donate to a charity that’ll use the funds towards humanitarian relief, and i’ll write you a request!
where can i donate?
i encourage you to do your own research to pick out a reliable and honest organization. as a starting point, this new york times article has a list of organizations that are accepting donations.
how will it work?
you will dm me a timestamped screenshot of your donation, and i’ll write you a request! i will write 100 words for every $1 usd donated, and you can pick between headcanons or written oneshots! i will ask that in the case of larger donations, i will cap the word count at anywhere from 8k-10k words, solely for my own stamina.
you are welcome to dm me here or on discord (rhomphaia#4157)!
what will you write?
just about anything! you’re welcome to browse any of my masterlists for samples! pls dm if you’re interested in seeing samples that might not be present on this blog!
ok with: oc x canon, canon x canon, reader insert, nsfw (for 18+ donors), almost all genres and subjects
not ok with: anything super uncomfortable. use ur better judgement for this pls n thx
fandoms: blue lock, twisted wonderland, mahoyaku, haikyuu, boku no hero academia, yumekuro, and more! if you’re not sure, please feel free to ask!
what if i can’t donate?
that’s alright! i encourage you to rb this post and find people who are willing to donate! obviously, it would be nice if people could donate out of the goodness of their hearts, but i understand not everyone has the financial means to do so.
so for that: for every 50 rbs this post gets, i’ll pick one random reblog to win a 1k wc fic!
i have other questions as to how this will work!
feel free to drop an ask or send me a dm! i once did a similar donation commission event on one of my old deleted blogs with a lot of success, and i’d love to do my part to help those in need.
other than that, thank you so much for your attention thus far! let’s all come together and do our best to uplift the brave souls heading out to help!!
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ritsufeet · 10 months
hello, been a while!!
a few updates as i’ve been gone:
- i probably won’t ever end up finishing mika’s smau, or any of my future projects😭 i don’t really do smau’s anymore but maybe one day i’ll continue them. for now, it’s an indefinite hiatus.
- i write a lot more on ao3!! same username and all. i’ve never been good with long series or anything that has to do with being dragged on, and i’m better at writing fics in the field of a single work instead of multiple works along the way that start & end a story.
- i’m still very much so into enstars, but i do have other interests i write about as well on ao3 such as mahoyaku, and possibly witch’s heart soon…
- this blog as well as my other one may be discontinued as i don’t use tumblr very much anymore. i’m really, truly grateful for everyone that followed my smau’s and enjoyed my writing but unfortunately i do not have any interest in making smau’s anymore. i hope you can understand!!
again, thank you for all the support!!! if you’d like to keep up with my writing my ao3 content is on ritsufeet (lol.) have a nice day😊
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hotaru-apartments · 10 months
First post on this oc blog is Briar!
Fandom: Mahoyaku/Promise of Wizard
Quick Overview:
Briar is a 2000 year old wizard that lives in the Northern Country. His disposition is a rarity among Northern wizards - welcoming, friendly, easy-going - though his magic is nothing to laugh at. Also known as the Wizard of Animals; his power is enough to bring a dragon to its knees.
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Random Facts:
Magic Spell: Camia Acercos
Anagram of the latin words Amica(friend) and Accerso(call); literally "calling a friend" (A/N: take note that I got this by searching up the words; so its probably not accurate)
Briar was loosely based off of Sleeping Beauty; also known as Little Briar Rose, hence his name and motif.
I definitely had fun styling his hair ^^ Logically speaking though, it'd probably take him a while to make his hair perfect in the mornings without magic.
Likes taking in animals and magical creatures. He adores them. and more often than not, they adore him too. Think of an animal or a magical creature - Briar probably tamed them at some point.
If Briar was anything like the Northern wizards - aggressive, hungry for power - he could probably take over the world? Just like Oz. They can summon a dragon with one ring of their bell after all. Imagine a whole army of magical creatures terrorizing the countries. Luckily he's a good guy (good grampa) that just wants to play with his familiars in his cozy home in the North.
Their main familiar is a phoenix named Calcifer. (The phoenix got his name from Howl's Moving Castle's Calcifer.) He's been with Briar ever since he was a baby. Where he came from? Who knows.
Canonically, Briar exists in an AU of Mahoyaku; he alters significant parts of the original timeline (being Snow and White's first adoptive son(?)/student; finding Owen when he was young and raising him; altering a certain event that would have changed things between Snow and White...
And Briar has his own lore and secrets too. It gets pretty complicated tbh. I plan to make a fic out of this AU since I got his entire lore figured out but that's one of the many personal projects in my list.
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andis-andi-rp-blog · 2 years
tagged by @clockfighting​ !! nice to see you!!
Favorite color: i like PINK
Currently reading: grad school took a hammer to my novel goals this year but it’s fine!! it’s fine!! i’m enjoying the christie novel but it’s probably among the least remarkable mysteries i’ve read this year. i’ve been reading gtn on and off since 2019 which makes it seem like i’m not enjoying it, but i am. i’m actually halfway through wright & nyberg book and honestly i fully recommend it. i’ve got pdfs for anyone who wants to do some “light” reading (lmfao)
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Last song: i looked at my phone and was informed that it was this. i wish i had something cooler but in the end i yam what i yam
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Last movie: i had to reach way back into my memory for this one as i absolutely do not watch movies. i saw NOPE in theatre right before the end of summer and it owned
Sweet, spicy, or savory: i love spicy food the most
Currently working on: besides school.. besides work... i have a collection of umineko essays i’ve been working on but are unlikely to get finished... jesseri fic, also unlikely to get finished... ive been drafting a series of mahoyaku mystery fics that are even more unlikely to get finished... actually this question is a little depressing...?! i’m aborting this right now!
tag if you want...!!!!!!!! @rinmemesuoka @psimagnet @huskshell​ uhh that’s all. i don’t know anyone on tumblr
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aria0fgold · 1 year
It's happening... I'm creating something for mahoyaku for reals now.
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caccophony · 1 year
Author's Notes on Part I
Massive thank you for everyone who has read, gave a kudo, and left comments! I didn't plan to divide the story into parts, but as I keep writing, I came to realise how lengthy it is. It's only because of your support I can write to the end of pt. 1 ❤
In the meantime, I'll be taking a long hiatus to work on other fics.
For some readers who might not know, Ace in Wonderland initially started as a project in RPG Maker. I have lost the original game file by now, but still have the recording of a playtest.
That's all I have for future plans. Below is more notes on trivia and references ⬇
The fic initially started as an overambitious project that combined three franchises (Hetalia x Twisted Wonderland x Mahoyaku) at once. I have tried my best to disentangle Mahoyaku, with the characters have been reduced to NPC and whatnot, but you'll still find many traces of it here and there. I apologise if this is a hindrance to your reading experience 🙏😭
I've made references to the original Disney movie from which Twisted Wonderland is based off, but they're not so explicit most of times.
Example of said references: the long-fall, the live flowers (tiger lily), and the Jubjub bird are from the original Alice in Wonderland. Poison Apple and the curse that makes one fall asleep are from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The losing-voice is from Little Mermaid. Etc.
The involvement of real life people/organisation is intentional. A short note will always be included for clarity's sake. For example: the mention of Cult of the Supreme Being
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mochlus · 1 year
Realizing after however many years that I should probably make a pinned post with links to my sideblogs so that people don't have to like... Type in the url themself from my profile. Oops. Anyways.
@sasaranurude - my most active sideblog, for anime and manga and mobile games and undefinable "2D character projects". Lately, that means mahoyaku, heliosR, charisma house, and idolish7. Sometimes I read and sort-of-review (official localizations of) BL and GL manga. I like to complain about media translations with a sense of completely unearned confidence.
@simfur - my transformers sideblog. Less active these days.
@shang-bu-huan - my Thunderbolt Fantasy sideblog. "Why is this separate from the anime blog" I MADE THE TBF BLOG FIRST, OKAY
This blog @mochlus is my main, so likes will come from here. Mostly here I reblog jokes and art and complain about my life, but sometimes there's also paleontology or star trek or monster video games. My AO3 is nichelium, but if you're here for fic-stuff, you're more likely to find it on my anime blog where I talk about the stuff I write fic for.
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clockworkspider · 7 months
like shattered glass [Murr & Snow]
Location: The stained glass artist’s studio. The loft is filled with light, various intricate stained glass pieces and drawings depicting the northern landscape stood propped by stands. In the middle of the room is a large window. Before it, Snow, in his adult form, is working on a large piece featuring White, smiling serenely as he cradles Father in his arms. Enters Murr, the philosopher.
Alternate universe where Snow and White were interrupted before they could kill one another, and split up instead.
850 words
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thefiveautistics · 2 years
If I had the ability to come up with stories (and not just vague ideas) I'd write an au fic where Valkyrie are west wizards (mahoyaku)
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the-cashewpeia · 2 years
Just for Today (Cain x Reader)
Franchise: Promise of Wizards / Mahotsukai no Yakusoku
Additional Character(s): Owen (mentioned only)
Genre: Hurt/comfort
Words count: 592
Note: Based on the 2nd anniversary story (so it may contain a little bit spoiler) and the reader is the Sage in this story. PS: thank you for my friends who helped me with beta reading ><
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Cain wasn't too fond of mornings, more over after he gained an injury after the battle with The Great Calamity. Sure, he loved the sunny sky and melodious chirping of the birds outside his window. But whenever his dreams ended, followed by his eyelids blinked open to see the world, he was greeted with loneliness.
There was no one in his eyes. As if he was a lone dweller of this universe.
Solemn expression masked his face. Even after nights and days he had a vision that made him couldn't see anyone but Owen before he touched them, Cain couldn't really get used to being isolated in a world he lived in.
Sometimes there were times when Cain just hoped a particular Northern wizard would steal his right eye, so that he could see his fellow comrades. But he knew that it was a foolish wish. After all, it was too painful for the first time and he didn't want to go through the same suffering twice or more.
Knock. Knock.
A knocking sound made the Central's knight turn his head. It was a bit odd for someone to wake him up, since he always woke early and did the job himself. But he quickly readied himself—he didn't want the person behind the door to see him in a disorganized state, after all.
"Cain, good morning!" A cheerful greeting from you bloomed a smile across the red head's features. Soon, a smooth laugh escaped his lips as he replied to the gesture.
"Good morning. It seems like I woke too late today, haha...."
You shook your head—even though Cain couldn't see you yet, he could sense how your figure responded to his words.
"It's not a problem. You must be tired after finishing yesterday's mission, right?"
The Central's wizard smiled, "still, it shouldn't get in my way to serve as one of the Sage's wizards."
"You really know how to joke, Cain." As a chuckle of amusement erupted from your throat, you raised your hands up about head-high. "High five?"
A smile still plastered on his handsome face, Cain grabbed your hands down, instead of slapping his palms against yours. You let out a surprised gasp, but he showed no sign of letting you go.
"Sage." His heterochromic orbs finally directed towards your eyes, as his serious look casted down upon your entwining hands. "I know it's selfish of me, but could you lend me your hands for a while?"
It took seconds for you to process everything, but finally you managed to give him a nod, "of course. Take your time."
Cain smiled sadly, as he expressed his gratitude, instead of his usual "I'm just joking", in a soft whisper.
For now, he only wanted to feel the warmth from your skin, wielding the spark he could only feel once a day whenever your hands touched each other.
He refused to let go—his hold around your hands got a little bit tighter, too afraid that you would disappear like a cloud of dust blown by the fanning wind.
For now, for today, he felt blessed to see you the first thing in the morning and he wanted you to know it without the need of him saying the words.
A new wish blossomed, as his heart sang your name in a melodious tune.
Cain Knightley, among a few of his wishes, hoped you to be the first one he saw when he opened his eyes. To share your smile, enveloping his cloudy soul with your warmth, even just for a day.
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