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🚨 𝗢𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟: @Amirreza.Dostali11 joins @PogonSzczecinsa 🇵🇱 . . #TeamMelli #TeamMelliIran #Iran #IranFootball #AllForTeamMelli #Legioner #Legioners #PogońSzczecin #PogonSzczecin #Pogon #AminDoustali #FCKia #KiaFootballAcademy #MehdiMahdavikia #Mahdavikia #تیم_ملی #تیم_ملی_ایران #ایران #فوتبال_ایرانی #فوتبال_ایران #فوتبال #لژیونر #لژیونرها #لژیونرهای_ایرانی #اخبار_فوتبال #نقل_و_انتقالات #آکادمی_کیا #مهدی_مهدوی_کیا #مهدوی_کیا #امین_دوستعلی https://www.instagram.com/p/CZhWDlMIRjS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Mahdavikia - Hamburger SV (ALE)
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Dunia Sophie
Judul : Dunia Sophie
Penulis : Jostein Gaarder
Terbit : Juni 2021 (Cetakan XVI)
Tebal : 800 halaman
Penerbit : Penerbit Mizan
Peresensi : Muhammad Fachryan Mahdavikia/135/Farmasi C
Filsafat memang dianggap sebagai disiplin ilmu yang berat dan sulit untuk dipelajari bagi sebagian orang. Akan tetapi, hal itu berhasil dikemas ke dalam bentuk yang berbeda dalam buku Dunia Sophie karya seorang penulis novel dan literatur anak asal Norwegia bernama Jostein Gaarder. Dunia Sophie memberikan bumbu filsafat nonfiksi berwujud fiksi yang dibalut secara menarik juga unik. Novel 800 halaman ini, menjadi salah satu novel filsafat terlaris di dunia, bahkan sudah menempati best seller Internasional dan diterjemahkan ke dalam 60 bahasa, salah satunya bahasa Indonesia. Novel ini terdiri dari 36 bab yang membahas terkait sejarah filsafat hingga abad ke-20 melalui tokoh Sophie. Novel ini memang terbilang mempunyai halaman yang tebal, tetapi itu bisa dikatakan terlalu singkat untuk menjelaskan sejarah yang cukup panjang. Maka dari itu, dapat dikatakan buku ini tidak sepenuhnya membuat pemahaman akan filsafat lebih mendalam sebab Dunia Sophie hanya condong memberikan dasar-dasar menarik terkait filsafat. Barangkali hal tersebut sengaja dilakukan agar kita selaku pembaca terdorong untuk membaca buku yang lainnya.
Novel Dunia Sophie adalah hasil karya Jostein Gaarder yang lahir pada tahun 1952 di Oslo, Norwegia. Novel Dunia Sophie merupakan novel filsafat yang berisi tentang sekumpulan pemikiran-pemikiran dari berbagai filosofi dunia. Novel Dunia Sophie merupakan suatu bentuk media komunikasi dimana penyampaian pesan-pesan filsafatnya dikemas dengan bahasa yang ringan dan menarik sehingga membantu para penmbaca yang ingin mempelajari filsafat dengan bahasa yang ringan sehingga mempermudah penerimaan pesan yang hendak disampaikan oleh Novel Dunia Sophie kepada pembaca serta dapat dipahami dengan baik. Novel Dunia Sophie untuk dapat memahaminya tidak hanya diperlukan suatu pengertian dan pemahaman yang cukup akan bahasa yang disediakan di dalam teks, tetapi juga pembaca harus mampu mencari makna dibalik teks tersebut sehingga memunculkan persepsi baik persepsi yang sesuai dengan apa yang dikatakan para filosof melalui teks tersebut maupun persepsi yang menolak pemikiran para filosof tersebut.
Awal mula Sophie mempelajari sejarah disiplin Filsafat, yaitu saat dirinya membuka secarik amplop tersebut dan membaca isi dari surat itu yang bertajuk “Apakah Filsafat itu?” Mulai dari kejadian itulah, Sophie semakin mengetahui dan memahami terkait Filsafat. Selain itu, dijelaskan pula bahwa hal pertama kali yang dilakukan untuk menjadi seorang filsuf adalah rasa dengan rasa keingintahuannya. Hal itu karena tidak sedikit teka-teki yang dapat terselesaikan dengan rasa keingintahuan seseorang.Hari berlanjut, Sophie mendapatkan banyak surat yang tak bernama–memberikannya pelajaran mengenai sejarah Filsafat. Dengan rasa keingintahuannya, memicu Sophie untuk membalaskan surat tersebut. Namun, dirinya merasa bingung dan segala pertanyaan di otaknya di mana dirinya harus mengirimkan surat ini kembali. Akhirnya, Sophie hanya meletakkan surat balasan tersebut di kotak pos surat rumahnya dengan harapan ada tuan misterius yang hendak mengambil suratnya. Berbagai kejadian tersebut justru membuat Sophie terlihat sedikit aneh di hadapan sang ibu, terlebih Sophie acap kali menyendiri di kamarnya sambil membaca surat-surat misterius tersebut. Rasa penasaran dan keingintahuan Sophie untuk segera berjumpa dengan tuan filsuf misterius melahirkan ide. Singkatnya, Sophie menaruh surat tersebut di mulut anjing, lalu mengikuti anjing tersebut berjalan dan membawa surat tersebut. Dengan keberaniannya, melewati hutan dan danau yang terbilang besar, sampailah Sophie dan anjing tersebut pada sebuah gubuk tua yang diyakininya sebagai kediaman dari tuan filsuf misterius yang kerap mengirimkan surat berisikan sejarah filsafat. Kemudian, Sophie memberanikan dirinya untuk masuk ke dalam gubuk tua itu dan memang benar bahwa di dalamnya memuat beberapa amplop surat yang hendak dikirim untuk Sophie. Namun, tak lama setelah itu, ia mendengar bahwa ada suara orang yang menghampiri gubuk tersebut. Sophie segera berlari ke luar dari gubuk dengan membaca beberapa surat yang ia lihat tadi. Sophie saat itu pun merasa bersalah. Lantas, apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Sophie dan tuan filsuf misterius itu selanjutnya? Ikut kisah selengkapnya dengan membaca novel Dunia Sophie karya Jostein Gaarder dan kalian juga akan mendapati berbagai pelajaran mengenai Filsafat.
Kelebihan buku ini adalah memaparkan setiap pemikiran filsuf dari setiap era, mulai dari klasik hingga kontemporer menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami oleh orang yang sama sekali belum pernah belajar filsafat. Kekurangan buku ini adalah alurnya yang terlalu berbelit-belit membuat pembaca menjadi bosan. Buku ini kurang daftar istilah atau glosarium dan terjemahan berbagai kata atau istilah asing yang berasal dari para filsuf. Barangkali apabila ditambahkan footnote atau catatan kaki yang menjelaskan beberapa kata atau istilah asing tersebut, akan memudahkan pembacanya dalam memahami dan membaca buku ini.
Dalam novel Dunia Sophie, kita seakan membaca novel sekaligus mengenal dan memperdalam sejarah filsafat, serta kita akan disuguhkan dengan bermacam pertanyaan seorang filsuf yang mana segala pertanyaan itu mengacu pada pemikiran rasional. Dengan kata lain, pembaca akan berpikir secara logis sesuai akal pikiran yang dimilikinya. Menurut pengalaman saya, setelah membaca buku ini pembaca seakan berpikir layaknya seorang detektif yang berupaya untuk menerka atau menduga-duga terkait apa yang akan terjadi pada bab-bab berikutnya, sampai akhirnya pun secara tidak sadar kita telah menyelesaikan novel ini dan mempelajari banyak ilmu filsafat, salah satunya mencari tahu kebenaran akan kehidupan ini.
Muhammad Fachryan Mahdavikia
Mahasiswa Farmasi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
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More Asian footballers in Bundesliga than in English Premier League, Serie A, La Liga, Ligue 1
More Asian footballers in Bundesliga than in English Premier League, Serie A, La Liga, Ligue 1
Makoto Hasebe
Germany is the home for Asian talent in Europe, according to data recently released by professional association football league Bundesliga. This reinforced the country’s strong footballing connections to the continent.
Data collected by Opta Sports shows that the Bundesliga has welcomed 64 players who have played 3,926 matches and scored 427 goals from July 1998. It outperforms the…
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#Asian football players#Bundesliga#English Premier League#Germany#Ja-Cheol Koo#La Liga#Ligue 1#Makoto Hasebe#Mehdi Mahdavikia#Serie A#Vahid Hashemian
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Daei, Karimi, Mahdavikia… 5 Iranian Bundesliga heroes of yesteryear
Daei, Karimi, Mahdavikia… 5 Iranian Bundesliga heroes of yesteryear
As one of Asian football’s traditional powerhouses, it should come as no surprise that Iran have had their fair share of exports in the Bundesliga.
Since Karim Bagheri, Khodadad Azizi and Ali Daei led the way in 1997, a total of 15 Iranians have plied their trade in the top flight of football, which is the third-highest Asian representation behind Japan and Korea Republic.
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#mahdi #mahdavikia #drogba #shevchenko #iran #ukraine #pirozi #pirouzi #perspolis #ali #karimi #alikarimi #aliparvin #مهدي #مهدوي_كيا #موشك #كيا #پيروزى #پرسپولیس #ايران #علي #پروين #علي_پروين #hamburg #germany
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One of the most hottest issues in world politics is the Palestine-Israeli conflict. This is a conflict as old as time. Time and time again the animosity spills into the sports arena. Another conflict which is just as old if not nasty is the one between Iran and Israel. It is known as the quiet war of the Middle East. Now the object of my focus today is a soccer player named Mehdi Mahdavikia who…
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Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2021 Irans Ärger wegen Israel-Symbol Verband verteidigt Mahdavikia im Flaggen-Streit Eine klitzekleine Israel-Flagge reicht aus, um die Gemüter im Iran zum Kochen zu bringen. Eine solche war auf einem Trikot zu sehen, das Mehdi Mahdavikia bei einem FIFA-Spiel trug. Der Trainer des iranischen Fußball-Nachwuchses bekommt deswegen Ärger - jetzt aber auch Unterstützung. Der iranische Fußballverband (FFI) hat Mehdi Mahdavikia nach dem Wirbel um ihn in Schutz genommen. Der ehemalige Bundesliga-Profi habe sich bei einem von der FIFA organisierten Freundschaftsspiel trotz der für den Iran "sportlich irrelevanten" Umstände absolut korrekt verhalten, sagte FFI-Generalsekretär Hassan Kamranifar. Die Kritik gegen Mahdavikia als Fußballlegende und Nationalhelden sei daher grundlos und teilweise auch unfair, sagte der Generalsekretär laut Nachrichtenagentur Isna. Die Aufregung dreht sich um eine kleine Israel-Flagge, die bei einem Freundschaftsspiel auf dem Trikot von Mahdavikia und allen anderen Teilnehmern prangte. Der ehemalige Profi und Jugendtrainer des Hamburger SV hatte Mitte Dezember in Katar an einem vom Fußball-Weltverband FIFA ausgerichteten Spiel teilgenommen. Eine FIFA-Weltauswahl, etwa mit Lothar Matthäus, Javier Macherano und Andrea Pirlo, war gegen eine arabische All-Star-Mannschaft angetreten. Das All-Star-Team wurde von Avram Grant trainiert, einem Israeli. Mahdavikia spielte - als einziger Nicht-Araber - im arabischen Team mit. Die Teams beider Mannschaften spielten in Trikots, auf denen als Schärpe gruppiert die Flaggen aller FIFA-Mitglieder aufgedruckt waren - und damit auch die Israels. Insgesamt sind 211 Verbände bei der FIFA anerkannt. Für die Hardliner im Parlament und ihnen nahe stehende Medien habe Mahdavikia die "Rote Linie" der Sportpolitik des Landes überschritten. Der Iran erkenne Israel als legitimen Staat nicht an, Mahdavikia habe diesen Grundsatz mit dem Tragen des Trikots untergraben. Teilweise werden die Anschuldigungen gegen Mahdavikia aber auch als absurd zurückgewiesen. Das Spiel in Katar war kein offizielles Länderspiel, sondern Teil eines von der FIFA organisierten sportlichen Kulturprogramms im Rahmen des Arab Cups. Mahdavikia habe ja nicht ohne Trikot aufs Spielfeld laufen können, hieß es zur Verteidigung. Laut Medienberichten könnte Mahdavikia deswegen aber seinen neuen Job als Trainer der iranischen Nachwuchs-Nationalmannschaft verlieren. Beobachter in Teheran glauben das nach der FFI-Reaktion zwar nicht, schließen aber einen Rücktritt von Mahdavikia selbst nicht aus.
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Former Iran captain Mahdavikia under fire over Israeli flag on shirt
Former Iran captain Mahdavikia under fire over Israeli flag on shirt
Former Iran captain Mehdi Mahdavikia has reportedly come under fire for wearing a shirt with a small Israeli flag on it during a friendly match. The match was organised by football’s world governing body FIFA. Reports on Monday said that Mahdavikia faces consequences, including losing his job as Iran under-23 national team coach. Mahdavikia, 44,… Read More
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An Iranian former player stirs up outrage for playing in a game involving Israeli coach Avram Grant
Mehdi Mahdavikia, an Iranian soccer player, stirred controversy in the Iranian media after appearing in a showcase match with an Israeli coach at the FIFA Arab Cup.
Former soccer players from Arab countries and throughout the world competed in the FIFA Arab Cup's showpiece match. Avram Grant, an Israeli, coached the squad of global legends. In protest of Grant's involvement, three Algerian soccer players withdrew from the game, and a number of Arab players removed Israeli flags from their shirts.
Iran's overall policy prohibits athletes from competing against Israeli competition. The policy has prompted Israel and its supporters to call for a ban on Iran competing in a variety of sports unless it allows its athletes to compete against Israeli athletes.
The Kayhan newspaper, which is affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, slammed the soccer player for participating in a game "unrelated to Iran, clothed in the flag of the Zionist regime, and against a team managed by a Zionist." The publication was outraged that Mahdavikia had not published a statement in which he "openly expressed his hatred" for Israel and urged that he do so.
The Fars News Agency was reportedly outraged that Mahdavikia had not apologized for participating in the event. According to the news agency, the soccer player attempted to make the situation appear "trivial." The article questioned the Sports Ministry's silence on the matter.
According to ILNA, Alireza Jahanbakhsh, an Iranian football star who plays for the country's national team, offered support for Mahdavikia by uploading a photo of the two together on his Instagram story during the incident.
Former Iranian Football Federation moral charter secretary Hojatoleslam Alireza Alipour also backed the footballer, saying Mahdavikia had no idea an Israeli coach would be involved. Alipour was outraged that some members of the Iranian parliament had attacked the footballer without first investigating the situation.
Alipour stated that he personally investigated the matter and discovered that claims made by Iraqi soccer player Younis Mahmoud that Mahdavikia did not remove the Israeli flag from his uniform were false, and that Mahmoud confirmed that the Iranian soccer player had also removed the Israeli flag from his uniform.
On Sunday, speculations circulated that Mahdavikia had chosen to resign as head coach of Iran's Omid national football team, but his brother informed the Iran Labor News Agency (ILNA) that the allegations were incorrect and that if he made such a choice, he would make it public. His brother further stated that Mahdavikia was one among the players who "clearly" crossed the Israeli flag off his jersey.
source: https://footballghana.com/
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🚨 𝗢𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟: @Yadegar.Rostami10 joins @PogonSzczecinsa 🇵🇱 Yadegar Rostami is a product of the academy of @Mahdavikia_Mehdi - @FCKia The 18 year old joins Pogoń Szczecin immediately and will play with their 2nd team. . . #TeamMelli #TeamMelliIran #Iran #IranFootball #AllForTeamMelli #Legioner #Legioners #PogońSzczecin #PogonSzczecin #Pogon #YadegarRostami #FCKia #KiaFootballAcademi #MehdiMahdavikia #Mahdavikia #تیم_ملی #تیم_ملی_ایران #تیم_ملی_فوتبال_ایران #ایران #فوتبال_ایرانی #فوتبال_ایران #فوتبال #لژیونر #لژیونرها #اخبار_فوتبال #نقل_و_انتقالات #آکادمی_کیا #مهدی_مهدوی_کیا #یادگار_رستمی #مهدوی_کیا https://www.instagram.com/p/CYoXPyhot8U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Einer der HSV-Rekordspieler des Milleniumjahrzehnts heißt Mehdi Madavikia und ist der rechte Flügelflitzer unses Dekadenteams. Zwar spielte der 1,72m kleine Iraner in seinen ersten Jahren beim HSV eher offensiv, später etablierte er sich aber auch hinten rechts. Deshalb packen wir ihn in einfach ins Mittelfeld. Besonders beliebt war er bei den Fans wegen seiner starken Flankenläufe. Für den Iran wurde er 111 mal nominiert, bei Dekadenfussball immerhin 1 mal. Bilanz: 1999-2007, 211 Spiele, 26 Tore #hamburg #hamburgersv #hsv #nurderhsv #milleniumhsv #dekadenteams #mehdimadavikia Wie erinnerst du dich an Mehdi Mahdavikia? (hier: Volksparkstadion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNm8MXcrh_K/?igshid=183z4vm1ur4d1
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Reza Ghoochannejhad – The violinist who understands seven languages Reza scored the only Iranian goal in the World Cup 2014. Besides football, the forward is known for his skills with the violin and for languages; he speaks English, Dutch, Persian and French. Additionally he has a good understanding of German, Italian and Portuguese.
He played in the youth national team of the Netherlands and, at the age of 21, he wanted to leave football to study law. He was convinced by Marc Overmars, the winger that played in Barcelona, to stick to football. He wants to finish his studies when he retires from football. “The people who know me know that there is something more than football for me,” he says, while scornfully disdaining social networks. “They are not real���.
His sister-in-law is Sareh Bayat, a famous Iranian actress who participated in the 2012 Oscar-winning film “Nader and Simín, a separation”. After Iran’s win against Morocco with an own goal by Bouhaddouz, he took a moment to console his opponent on Instagram:
“I don’t know you personally but in life, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Don’t let this own goal bring you down. We are all professional sportsmen and this is a part of football. I am so happy and proud of my team and my country, but wanted to wish you also all the best in your career. Reza”.
Iranian, Egyptian, Brazilian and Spanish fans supporting their teams in St. Petersburg, Russia on the eve of the tournament (photo Mona Hoobehfekr, ISNA)
Iranian fans supporting their team in St. Petersburg, Russia on the eve of the tournament (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans supporting their team in St. Petersburg, Russia on the eve of the tournament (photo Mona Hoobehfekr, ISNA)
Iranian fans supporting their team in St. Petersburg, Russia on the eve of the tournament (photo Mona Hoobehfekr, ISNA)
Iranian fans supporting their team in St. Petersburg, Russia on the eve of the tournament (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans supporting their team in St. Petersburg, Russia on the eve of the tournament (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans at Kazan Arena before Iran vs Spain (photo Borna Ghasemi)
Iranian fans in Kazan Arena, Russia supporting their team during Iran vs Spain (photo Alex Livesey, Getty Images Europe)
Iranian fans in Kazan Arena, Russia supporting their team during Iran vs Spain (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans in Kazan Arena, Russia supporting their team during Iran vs Spain (photo Richard Heathcote, Getty Images Europe)
Iranian fans in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia supporting their team during Morocco vs Iran (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia supporting their team during Morocco vs Iran (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia supporting their team during Morocco vs Iran (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian fans in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia supporting their team during Morocco vs Iran (photo Alex Livesey, Getty Images Europe)
Iranian fans in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia supporting their team during Morocco vs Iran (photo Richard Heathcote, Getty Images Europe)
Iranian fans watching Morocco vs. Iran in St. Petersburg, Russia (photo Borna Ghasemi, ISNA)
Iranian players celebrate their victory by throwing head coach Carlos Queiroz in the air after their match against Morocco in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia (photo credit Mohammadreza Abbasi, MEHR)
Iranian players celebrating their victory after their match against Morocco in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia (photo credit Mohammadreza Abbasi, MEHR)
Iranian players celebrating their victory after their match against Morocco in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia (photo credit Mohammadreza Abbasi, MEHR)
Iranian players celebrating their victory in the locker room after their match against Morocco in St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia (photo credit FIFAWorldCupIRN, twitter.com)
Iranian players (from left to right) Amir Abedzadeh, Saman Ghoddos and Sardar Azmoun before boarding their flight to Russia (photo credit saman.ghoddos, instagram.com)
Iranian players Milad Mohammadi and Masoud Shojaei during their training camp in Turkey before the World Cup (photo miladmohammadi.official, instagram.com)
Iranian players during their training camp in Istanbul, Turkey before the World Cup (photo credit alirezajb_official, instagram.com)
Iranian players during their training camp in Russia before the World Cup (photo credit sardar_azmoun, instagram.com)
Iranian team on their way to Kazan for their match against Spain (photo credit teammellifootball, instagram.com)
Sardar Azmoun – The Iranian “Messi” Sardar, 23 years old, is compared to the crack of Barça due to his ability. A comparison that, however, the striker of Rubin Kazan rejects immediately. “I do not know why they say I’m the new Messi, my game has nothing to do, maybe it’s because we use the same boots,” he says. Azmoun was born in Gonbad-e Kavus to a family of Turkmen origin from Iran’s Sunni minority. He started his career in Sepahan FC (Isfahan, Iran). As top scorer in the league and for the national team he is the favorite of the masses beloved by the fans and his team members. He is addicted to social networks. When he was younger, he was summoned by the Iranian sub-15 volleyball team due to his height (1.86 meters) and the conditions inherited from his father, a former player. He is also passionate about horses.
Alireza Jahanbakhsh – The child that fell in love with football at the world cup Alireza Jahanbakhsh is Iran’s biggest threat in attack. The winger of AZ Alkmaar is 2017-18 Eredivise’s top scorer. He scored 21 goals and also distributed 12 assists! “It’s not bad to play as a winger” he says. Neither for a child who, until 12, preferred gymnastics, handball and indoor football over football. Jahanbakhsh, who got hooked on football watching the 1998 World Cup, grew up admiring Iranian winger Mahdavikia, but now he adores Cristiano Ronaldo: “He’s my role model, I always try to learn from him.” His determination and work are exemplary. He is simply the best in the world.”
Milad Mohammadi – The twin nicknamed Road Runner Milad Mohammadi is a fullback/left winger that plays for Akhmat Grozny in Chechnya. He has a twin brother, Mehrdad, who plays for Sepahan FC. Fans nicknamed Milad “Mig-Mig”, as in the cartoon The Coyote and the Road Runner, due to his speed.
Saeid Ezatolahi – The Persian Pogba with a short stop in Atlético 21-year-old central midfielder Saeid Ezatolahi is the youngest member of the squad in Russia. He wrote Iranian football history as the youngest player to score with the national team. Son of a trainer, he was nicknamed the Persian Pogba and at the end of the summer of 2014, with 17, he signed for Atlético de Madrid for four years. He played in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Youth League. “He was a very polite and respectful player. Always wondering about all the tactical aspects to learn as much as possible. He even asked to stay longer to do specific workouts sometimes”, recalls Armando de la Morena, the coach he had in Spain. During the April 2015 transfer window Ezatolahi trained with Cholo Simeone at Cerro del Espino. In July 2015 he transferred to Russia’s Rostov.
Masoud – Or how to overcome four serious injuries Masoud Shojaei is best known in Spain because he played for Osasuna and Las Palmas. In Pamplona he learned, what it meant to play under pressure in football’s top competitions, with all eyes right on top of him. He had four surgeries after a broken metatarsal during the 2011-2012 season. It took him 16 months to recover, six of them on crutches. After having problems with the regime, he is now back as captain of the Iran squad.
Ghoddos – The Iranian, who came out of the cold of… Sweden Saman Ghoddos (24 years old) was born in Malmö, Sweden and he received his Iranian nationality last year. He neither knew until then the majority of those who are now his teammates. The match against Spain was his tenth game defending Iran. The midfielder/forward is the son of Iranian immigrants, who never forgot their roots – celebrating Nowruz and Chahar Shanbeh Suri in Sweden. He played two friendlies with the Swedish national team, scoring once. Ghoddos plays in Östersunds FC. Arsenal’s coach Arsene Wenger praised him after a Europa League match: “Technically and tactically, I was impressed by him”. Ghoddos club did not want to sell him this winter to Celta de Vigo.
Dejagah – Boateng’s friend and owner of a restaurant Ashkan Dejagah, midfielder of Nottingham Forest since January, sees Kevin Prince Boateng as his brother. The German-born Ghanaian midfielder wished him luck on Instagram in the first game. In January he opened a sushi restaurant in Berlin. He represented Germany at youth levels, where he met Neuer, Höwedes, Khedira, Özil … before playing in Wolfsburg and Fulham. He has Berlin and Tehran tattooed on each of his arms along with the legend “Never forget where you come from”.
Morteza Pouraliganji – Teammate of Xavi Hernández in Al Saad Morteza Pouraliganji is, with only 26 years, the head of Iran’s defense. He plays in Al Saad of Qatar, Xavi’s team, where he arrived two years ago despite the offers he had from Europe and China. The Spanish midfielder was the great idol of his youth.
Alireza Beiranvand – From sleeping rough to the World Cup with Iran Alireza Beiranvand was a shepherd in the mountainous region of Lorestan, in the northwest of the country. “My father didn’t like football at all and asked me to work,” Alireza told the Guardian. “He even tore my clothes and gloves and I played with bare hands several times.” He used all his money for a trip to Tehran, where he slept in the in the streets at the beginning. He had several jobs to supplement his income, including working at a car wash where, at 1,93m (6ft 4in) tall, he specialised in cleaning SUVs. He also worked in a dressmaking factory and a pizza shop before making his breakthrough in football. The 25-year-old plays now for Tehran-based club Persepolis.
Playing as a kid “Dal Paran”, a game that involves throwing stones long distances, enabled him to throw the ball much further than many other goalkeepers. His 70-meter assist in the Iranian football league caught the eyes of foreign media and made him famous abroad in 2014. In 2015 Alireza finally became Iran’s first-choice goalkeeper and, with 12 clean sheets in qualifying, he helped Team Melli, as Iran’s team is called at home, cruise to Russia 2018. “I suffered many difficulties to make my dreams come true but I have no intention of forgetting them because they made me the person I am now,” he said.
Carlos Queiroz – Iran’s Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz, former trainer at Real Madrid and assistant trainer at Manchester United under Sir Alex Ferguson, […] had worked wonders to get Iran to Brazil. Iran was Asia’s seventh-ranked team when he took over in 2011 and 54th in the world. Within three years Iran was the first ranked team in Asia. For Russia 2018, Iran didn’t lose a single one of their ten games in qualifying and conceded only twice. Sanctions have bit hard:
“We struggle to travel, to have training camps, to bring opponents, to buy equipment. Even buying shirts is a challenge, but these challenges helped me fall in love with Iran. These difficulties become a source of inspiration to the people, it makes them more united, to fight for their country. These boys deserve a smile from the rest of the world.”
Sanctions also meant Nike pulled out of their deal to supply the Iran team with boots one week ahead of the World Cup, forcing players to play with unfamiliar equipment.
“My message for international football is very simple: let us play. Our players deserve that opportunity. Don’t let sanctions create this stigma. Don’t let this go against the spirit of the game. We have football players who love the game”.
“[…] I’ve never, in all my career, seen players deliver so much after receiving so little as I have with these Iran Boys“.
“Tell me one national team which goes to the World Cup without enough friendly games [Greece recently cancelled a friendly, Kosovo then also declined to step in], or by using a 60-metre training pitch?”
Queiroz didn’t expect to be in charge of Iran for seven years. “Football has given me the privilege to go to many places in the world, to see the United States, Japan, Africa or Europe,” he says. “And people ask me about Iran because they’re curious. I tell them that I see exactly the same as in any other country I’ve been to – people who laugh and cry, who dance, who sing. You see mums carrying their kids to school in the morning. You see people complaining about the traffic. Football teaches you how much human beings have in common that have nothing to do with any politics or regimes.”
Football is huge in Iran – the national team regularly drew sell-out crowds of 78,000 in qualifying. “Iran is a football country,” says Queiroz. “Football is in the DNA of the people. Iran is not a fake football country, one which needs to create or imagine fantasy solutions to promote the game. But our players need support and the politics should be left out of the game.” And his young players in Russia? “They have a right to enjoy Russia, to have fun,” he says. “They’ve earned it.”
List of players called up for the 2018 FIFA World Cup (jersey number in parentheses): Goalkeepers: Ali Beiravand (1), Rashid Mazaheri (12), Amir Abedzadeh (22) Defenders: Ehsan Hajsafi (3), Rouzbeh Cheshmi (4), Milad Mohammadi (5), Morteza Pouraliganji (8), Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh (13), Pejman Montazeri (15), Majid Hosseini (19), Ramin Rezaeian (23) Midfielders: Mehdi Torabi (2), Saeid Ezatolahi (6), Masoud Shojaei (7), Omid Ebrahimi (9), Vahid Amiri (11) Forwards: Karim Ansarifard (10), Saman Ghoddos (14), Reza Ghoochannejhad (16), Mehdi Taremi (17), Alireza Jahanbakhsh (18), Sardar Azmoun (20), Ashkan Dejagah (21) Head coach: Carlos Queiroz
Sources: MARCA (this source was loose translated to English from an interview with Iranian sports journalist Alireza Moharami in Spanish), The Guardian, BBC, GQ Magazine, ESPN, FIFA, GOAL, ISNA 1, ISNA 2, ISNA 3, ISNA 4, MEHR, Zimbio, instagram @alirezajb_official, instagram @miladmohammadi.official, instagram @saman.ghoddos, instagram @sardar_azmoun, instagram @rgucci16, instagram @teammellifootball, twitter @FIFAWorldCupIRN
FIFA World Cup 2018: Iran’s team and fans in Russia (Photos) Reza Ghoochannejhad - The violinist who understands seven languages Reza scored the only Iranian goal in the World Cup 2014.
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News Truoctrandau: SỐC: Báo Thái Lan mỉa mai Đoàn Văn Hậu bằng 1 bức ảnh chế
Trang Siamsport (Thái Lan) đã mỉa mai Đoàn Văn Hậu bằng cách đăng tải 1 bức ảnh chế trong bài báo của mình.
Vừa qua, trang Fox Sports Asia đã mở một cuộc khảo sát NHM để bình chọn ra hậu vệ xuất sắc nhất mọi thời đại của bóng đá châu Á. Trang báo đã liệt kê ra 9 lựa chọn gồm có: Sun Jihai (Trung Quốc), Mehdi Mahdavikia (Iran), Maya Yoshida (Nhật Bản), Aidil Zafuan (Malaysia), Đoàn Văn Hậu (Việt Nam), Theerathon Bunmathan (Thái Lan), Hong Myung-bo (Hàn Quốc), Hansamu Yama (Indonesia), Safuwan Baharudin (Singapore).
Trang Siamsport (Thái Lan) cũng dành sự quan tâm đến sự kiện này và đánh giá khá cao Bunmathan. Tác giả bài viết "Truyền thông xôn xao so sánh Bunmathan và Văn Hậu" nhận định: "Nhiều ý kiến nhận định Theerathon Bunmathan xuất sắc hơn Đoàn Văn Hậu vì những cống hiến trong thời gian dài vừa qua.
Đến làm khách trên sân PVF của Phố Hiến tại vòng loại Cúp Quốc gia 2020, CLB Thanh Hoá đã vấp phải nhiều khó khăn. Phải chờ đến phút thứ 57, Hoàng Vũ Samson mới có bàn thắng mở tỷ số cho đội bóng xứ Thanh. Lâm Thuận có bàn gỡ hoà vào phút thứ 89 nhưng Hoàng Đình Tùng đã ghi bàn thắng quyết định ở phút 90+5 giúp Thanh Hoá thắng chung cuộc 2-1.
Trong trận đấu này, Thanh Hoá đã phải gánh chịu bất lợi đáng kể sau khi Nguyễn Trọng Hùng và Nguyễn Văn Vinh không thể thi đấu. Trả lời báo chí, ông Fabio Lopez cho biết cả 2 đã bị chấn thương ở buổi tập chuẩn bị cuối cùng tại sân nhà Thanh Hoá.
Xem thêm: https://truoctrandau.com/24h
Vì thế, Trọng Hùng và Văn Vinh đã không được đăng ký.
· Ngã ngựa trước Đồng Tháp, HLV Hải Phòng cay đắng chỉ ra nguyên nhân · Việt Phong ghi bàn đưa Viettel lọt vào vòng 1/8 trong ngày thầy Park dự khán
Nguyễn Trọng Hùng là một trong những tiền vệ tài năng của bóng đá Thanh Hoá và từng được HLV Park Hang-seo gọi vào thành phần của U23 Việt Nam dự VCK U23 châu Á tại Thái Lan.
Ngoài ra Bunmathan cũng giành được chức vô địch J1-League (mùa giải 2019 cùng với Yokohama F. Marinos). Tuy nhiên, Văn Hậu lại chiếm lợi thế khi được thi đấu tại châu Âu. Trong tương lai, Văn Hậu chắc chắn sẽ nhiều cơ hội để tiếp tục chứng tỏ bản thân mình."
Sau những nhận định khách quan ấy, trang báo bất ngờ đăng tải thêm 1 tấm ảnh ghép giữa Bunmathan và Văn Hậu. Ở đó, hậu vệ trái số 1 của ĐT Thái Lan đang cầm chiếc đĩa bạc vô địch J1-League 2019. Còn cầu thủ gốc Thái Bình lại được ghép với tay cầm 1 chiếc thau đồng cũ kỹ. Đây là 1 cách mỉa mai khéo léo của trang báo xứ sở chùa vàng khi muốn ám chỉ Văn Hậu vẫn chưa làm được nhiều điều khi đến đầu quân cho SC Heerenveen.
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