#maharashtra government jobs in 2020
acquisory · 3 months
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‘‘What is necessary for livelihood and what is necessary for addressing the issue of pandemic does not deserve the kind of constraints which the FRBM places. Certainly, this is the time for forbearance, not rigid adherence to fiscal rectitude”
– N K Singh, Chairman, 15th Finance Commission and FRBM Roadmap Committee
A drastic contraction of 23.9% in quarterly GDP has taken our economy to FY 2014 quarterly levels. With COVID — 19 cases continuing to soar, and no new fiscal stimulus announced by the Government, our economy’s short-term decline is set to continue in the foreseeable future.
The pandemic’s ‘peak’ that our government was expecting to reach by now, remains elusive. Making matters worse for the economy is that 5 large states that contribute ~40% of our GDP — Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat — are those where >50% confirmed cases of COVID — 19 remain concentrated as on date. The pandemic has also reached India’s rural areas, of the districts with over 1,000 cases, almost half were in rural areas, up from 20% in June, raising concerns.
The problem is a slump in aggregate demand with its repercussions on both the manufacturing and the services sectors and consequent job losses. Services industry contributed >55% to India’s GVA, in FY 2020 and 2019, and employed 31.5%of our workforce. With services and manufacturing sector experiencing a grinding halt for last ~ 4 months, most of the job losses of 85 million have been in these sectors. Most importantly, manufacturing is expected to remain in the negative domain till the 4th quarter of FY 2021. Construction activities, including real estate bore the severest brunt of the prolonged lockdown. Even today, it remains far from its pre-Covid-19 level due to labour shortages, slump in demand for…
Read More: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/80/Economy-Uncertain-Times-Require-Fiscal-Forbearance
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luxurypropertiesworld · 8 months
Recently, the Parliament passed the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), 2023, which would take the place of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860. It is a component of the government's endeavors to completely restructure the criminal justice system of the nation.
A committee led by Ranbir Singh was previously established by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2020 to examine the criminal code. The committee's mandate was to "recommend reforms in the country's criminal laws in a principled, effective, and efficient manner - which prioritizes the constitutional values of justice, dignity, and the inherent worth of the individual - and which ensures the safety and security of the individual, the community, and the nation."
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1. Mob lynching: It codifies offenses related to hate crimes and mob lynchings for situations in which a group of five or more people kills someone because of their race, caste, community, language, place of birth, or personal beliefs. The penalty for this provision ranges from death to life in prison.
2. Organized Crime: The criminal code now includes provisions for combating organized crime for the first time. State laws specifically designed to combat organized criminal syndicates exist; one example is Maharashtra's MCOCA, 1999. These special rules, which are absent from regular criminal law, grant the state broad surveillance capabilities and lenient standards for evidence and procedure.
3. Terrorism: According to the BNS, terrorism is covered by regular criminal law. A new clause introduced by the BNS criminalizes the attempt of suicide of "anyone who intends to commit suicide with the intent to compel or restrain any public servant from discharging his official duty." During protests, this clause might be used to stop hunger strikes and self-immolations.
4. Promise to Marry: Clause 69 of the BNS makes it illegal to make a "deceitful" promise to marry. Inducement, mutilation following identity suppression, and fraudulent promises of job or advancement are all considered "deceitful means," according to the addition.
5. Criminalizing Adultery: Maintaining Marital Sanctity- Adultery undermines the institution of marriage, causing emotional distress for both the husband and the children as well as destroyed families. Making it illegal may be viewed as a way to uphold the sacredness of marriage.In order to assist couples in resolving matters pertaining to adultery or marital strife outside of the court system, alternative dispute resolution procedures like arbitration and mediation must be encouraged.
1. Section 377, which deemed homosexuality and other "unnatural" sexual activity illegal, has been eliminated under the BNS. This leaves one exception: "unnatural sexual offenses."
2. Adultery: The BNS does not include the offense of adultery, which the Supreme Court declared to be illegal in 2018.
3. Thugs: A person is considered a thug under Section 310 of the IPC if they have "habitually associated with committing robbery or child-stealing." This clause has drawn criticism for imposing colonial ideas of criminality on some tribes. This clause has been completely omitted by the BNS.  
Additional Significant Modifications: 
1. Gender neutrality:
The BNS has modified certain other laws, particularly those pertaining to children, to bring gender neutrality, even if rape laws are still exclusively applicable to women. Gender neutrality for the accused under the BNS now applies to adult charges of voyeurism (354C) and outraging the modesty of women (354A of the IPC), meaning that women can be charged with these offenses as well.
2. Fake news:
Under IPC Section 153B, which addresses hate speech, the BNS creates a new provision that makes disseminating incorrect and misleading material illegal.
3. Sedition:
The BNS renames and broadens the definition of the crime of sedition.
The new clause, which replaces the term "rajdroh" with "deshdroh," also adds the following: financial assistance, acts of "subversive activities," and those who promote "feelings of separatist activities."
4. Community Service:
As a punishment for minor offenses, community service is also mandated by the BNS and will be included in the penal code for the first time.  Better definitions for terminology like "community service" and "life imprisonment" in the bill have been proposed by the committee.
5. Improvements: Section 124A
(Sedition) has been removed from the revised draft code, and guidelines for pursuing crimes committed abroad have been added.  
Why was the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) necessary?
It has long been acknowledged that India's criminal justice system needs to be revamped. The rules that are in place today are a holdover from the colonial era and do not reflect the needs and goals of modern Indian society. In the past, reforms have also been suggested by committees such as the Madhav Menon Committee, the Law Commission of India, the Bezbaruah Committee, the Viswanathan Committee, and the Malimath Committee.
1) Attempt to Eliminate Colonial Hangover:
According to the Union Home Minister, this is an effort to replace the IPC, CrPC, and Evidence Act's colonial heritage with a wholly Indian legal system.
2) Including Supreme Court rulings:
leaving out Section 377, for example. The Supreme Court had previously overturned Section 377, which made homosexuality a crime.
3) Gender Neutrality:
Including gender neutrality in some clauses was a significant step in modernizing the IPC to take into account values and conventions of society today.
  What worries are people bringing up? 
1) Lack of clarity:
For example, the offense of sedition is left out. Nevertheless, a new crime that, without defining it, makes it illegal to incite secession, armed revolt, subversive activity, or separatist sentiments. This clause is framed similarly to sedition laws and can be abused by the state to suppress opposition.
2) No break from colonial legacy:
This goal is only somewhat attained. It keeps defamation and offenses against the state with ambiguous definitions, increases and decreases obligatory minimum punishments, and persists in using the death penalty and lengthy prison terms.
3) Absence of Legislative Scrutiny:
During the current Parliamentary session, in which over 140 Members were suspended, the three Bills that will replace India's existing set of criminal laws were enacted.
4) Absence of Transformational Changes:
The original laws' language and contents have largely been preserved, with the exception of a reorganization of the parts. There are no revolutionary changes planned for the new codes. 
Way forward: 
1. Modernization and Explicitness: 
Update the BNS even further to represent modern society norms and values. Make sure that laws are simple to read, understand, and are accessible to both the general public and legal experts.
2. Victim-Centric Approach:
Make sure that laws safeguarding victims' rights and ensuring their access to justice are strengthened. Better support networks, pay, and involvement in court cases are all examples of this.
3. Put Rehabilitation First:
Prioritize restorative justice and make sure that, in addition to punitive measures, offenders are reintegrated into society. Encourage the use of alternative sentencing, particularly for nonviolent crimes, in order to lessen jail overcrowding and provide inmates an opportunity at rehabilitation.
4. Technology Integration:
Use technology to improve evidence gathering, expedite legal procedures, and enhance investigative methods. This can involve utilizing forensic technologies, digitizing records, and updating legal processes.
5. Education and Public Awareness:
Run educational initiatives and public awareness campaigns to educate the public about their rights and obligations within the criminal justice system.
Criminal law reform is a difficult and continuous process that calls for cooperation, careful consideration, and a dedication to maintaining justice and equity for all parts of society.
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arthimpact · 10 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Micro Enterprises and Their Role in the Economy
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a vital component of economic development in many countries. They are responsible for a majority of businesses worldwide and employ more than half of the global workforce. In India, SMEs have a significant role to play in the country's self-reliance initiative or Atmanirbhar Bharat. With over 63 million micro industries, 330,000 small businesses, and 5,000 medium and micro enterprises, the Indian SME sector is poised for rapid growth. Uttar Pradesh has the most SMEs in India, followed by West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra.
One of the most significant advantages of SMEs is their ability to quickly adapt their production structure to meet the changing needs of the market. This is not as easy in larger companies, which have more complex structures and larger investments. This agility allows SMEs to introduce new products and services more quickly, making them a valuable contributor to the economy. As such, governments need to support and promote the growth of SMEs to drive economic development and create new jobs.
The Uniqueness of MSME 
MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) have a multifaceted impact on various aspects of the economy, society, and environment. Let's take a closer look at the unique aspects of MSMEs that make them stand apart from other industries:
1. Employment Generation: MSMEs are a major source of employment, providing opportunities across various skill levels. Unlike large industries that require substantial capital investment, MSMEs are more labor-intensive, resulting in employment creation at a lower cost. They often employ people from marginalized communities, providing them with a stable source of income and improving their standard of living.
2. Rural and Backward Area Development: MSMEs play a vital role in rural industrialization. By setting up units in remote areas, they contribute to regional development, alleviating disparities between urban and rural regions. This leads to balanced growth and social inclusion. MSMEs also help in preserving traditional skills and crafts, which are essential for cultural heritage and tourism.
3. Complementary to Large Industries: MSMEs are not competitors to large industries but are complementary. They often act as ancillary units, supplying essential components, intermediate goods, and finishing tasks, thereby forming a synergistic relationship. This helps in reducing the cost of production for large industries and improves their competitiveness in the global market.
4. Equitable Distribution of Wealth: The decentralized nature of MSMEs ensures a fairer distribution of wealth and income across the country. They promote a more balanced development model by allowing entrepreneurship and innovation to thrive in various regions. This helps in reducing regional imbalances and promoting inclusive growth.
5. Agility and Flexibility: MSMEs are known for their agility and ability to adapt to market changes. Their size allows them to respond quickly to new trends, demands, or shifts in the economy. They are also more environment-friendly, promoting sustainable development practices.
MSMEs are not just important for economic growth but also social and environmental development. Their contribution to employment generation, rural development, industrialization, innovation, and sustainable development makes them a vital part of any economy.
How to register as an MSME in India?
As of July 1, 2020, the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India has implemented a new registration procedure to be completed via the Udyam Registration Portal. This new process allows any individual who intends to establish a micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise to complete the registration process online through the Udyam Registration portal. The registration process is based on self-declaration, and there is no requirement to upload any documents, papers, certificates, or proof. Once registered, the enterprise will be assigned a permanent identity number called the “Udyam Registration Number”. Additionally, an e-certificate known as the “Udyam Registration Certificate” will be issued upon completion of the registration process. This new registration procedure is a significant milestone in the MSME sector, as it streamlines the registration process and eliminates the need for cumbersome documentation and paperwork, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on establishing and growing their businesses.
It's impossible to understand India's economic landscape without grasping the importance of MSMEs. This guide offers a comprehensive look at the vast scope of MSMEs, highlighting their critical role in the growth of the nation. The streamlined Udyam Registration process is also discussed, making this guide a valuable resource for both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. As India's MSME sector continues to thrive, it will undoubtedly contribute to the country's global competitiveness. With the government's unwavering support and incentives, MSMEs are poised for sustained growth and innovation. Overall, this guide reflects the dynamic and robust nature of India's MSME sector, making it a must-read for anyone looking to succeed in this thriving industry.
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shineblogger · 2 years
Top 5 Best Pharmacy Colleges in Maharashtra
Students should consider many factors before deciding on a college to ensure that they select the best option and are admitted to the best pharmacy school in Maharashtra.
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The following are some of the most important factors for students.It would be beneficial if you first decided where you wanted to study and then researched the best institutions in the area.
Make a list of a few colleges in the area that are highly ranked on a website. A government website called NIRF, for example, provides college rankings. Other websites may also provide college rankings.
List of top 5 Pharmacy colleges in Maharashtra
ICT Mumbai – Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Y.B. Chavan College of Pharmacy
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy
Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth
1. ICT Mumbai – Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
On October 1, 1933, the University Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT) of the University of Bombay (now Mumbai) established the Institute with the noble goal of advancing India's knowledge reserves in chemical science and technology. It is one of Maharashtra's best government pharmacy schools. It has evolved into a premier (deemed) university dedicated to education, training, research, and industrial collaboration in chemical engineering, chemical technology, applied chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology, and biology since its inception. The Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) is a deemed university supported by the government. The institute is also located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Jalna, and Marathwada.
Fees Structure: The M.Pharm fee structure at ICT Mumbai is INR 70,750 for the first year. The first year of B. Pharm costs INR 85,350.
Placement: The Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, also known as ICT Mumbai, offers excellent job opportunities to its students. The institute recently held a placement drive for the class of 2020, with INR 17 LPA as the highest CTC offered and INR 5 LPA as the average CTC.
2.D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
The DY Patil Unitech Society operates the DY Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research in Pune, Maharashtra, which was founded in 1994. The College offers five Pharmacy Education courses: BPharm, MPharm, DPharm, PharmD, and Ph.D. The college is affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University and is accredited by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in New Delhi, the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) in New Delhi, the University Grants Commission (UGC), and the National Basketball Association (NBA).
Fees Structure:
The first year of M.Pharm course fees is Rs.1.3 Lakhs.
The first year of D.Pharma course fees 1.15 lakhs.
The first year of the B.Pharma course fees is 1.3 lakhs.
Placement: Almost every student who participated in campus placements was placed in a different company. The most expensive package is INR 8 LPA, while the cheapest plan is INR 2 LPA. The average bundle contains 3 to 5 LPA. Among the top hiring, firms are Cognizant Technologies, TCS, GSK, Cipla, Piramal pharma, Lo'Real Cosmetics, Alkem Pharmaceuticals, Neon Laboratories, Milan labs, and Sterling Healthcare.
3.Y.B. Chavan College of Pharmacy
The YB Chavan College of Pharmacy was founded in 1989 as a pioneering institute that offered the degree course (B.Pharm) and, later, the master's degree course (M.Pharm) to Marathwada residents. The YB Chavan College of Pharmacy is situated on the sprawling Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Campus in Aurangabad. The All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) and the Pharmacy Council of India have both accredited the college. The college is affiliated with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. In the 2020 NIRF rankings, YB Chavan College of Pharmacy Aurangabad YBCCP was ranked 40th in the pharmacy category.
Fees Structure: The first year of M.Pharm costs INR 1.6 lakhs. The first-year fee for B.Pharma is INR 1.3 Lakhs.
Placement: On campus, there are numerous job and internship opportunities. The placement and training cell of the college is in charge of the college's recruitment process. The cell also provides a skill-development program. Top recruiters include Nestle, Cipla, Lupin, Ranbaxy, and others.
4.Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy
Honorable Under the strong guidance and vision of Dr. Patangrao Kadam, Founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth and Founder and Chancellor of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy was established in Kolhapur in 1996. He recognized the need for a good pharmacy school in Kolhapur to serve the people of this district and the surrounding Konkan belt. The AICTE-accredited Bharati Vidyapeeth Pharmacy College in Kolhapur offers a four-year undergraduate B. Pharm degree, a three-year postgraduate M. Pharm degree, and a Ph.D. program in Pharmacy sciences. According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF- 2021), Ministry of Education, Government of India, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Kolhapur, has been ranked 49th out of all pharmacy colleges in India.
Fees Structure: The first year of M.Pharm  fee is Rs.1.63 Lakhs. The first year of B.Pharma costs Rs.1.48 Lakhs.
Placement: Internships were available at Glenmark, Cipla, and local pharmaceutical firms such as Mistrair, SG Phyto Pharma, and others in 2020. Every year, TCS conducts campus interviews, and many students are hired. Because of their teachers' connections, many students are able to join a variety of companies through in-person interviews.
5.Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth
Dr. Patangrao Kadam, the founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth, saw the need for students to be trained in pharmaceutical sciences and founded Poona College Pharmacy in 1981. As a result, this college is the first pharmacy school in the region.
Previously, Poona College of Pharmacy was affiliated with the University of Pune. It is now a constituent unit of the Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be a University). It is a charitable organization that provides graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in pharmaceutical sciences.
Fees Structure:
The founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth, Dr. Patangrao Kadam, recognized the need for students to be trained in pharmaceutical sciences and established Poona College Pharmacy in 1981. As a result, this college is the region's first pharmacy school.
Poona College of Pharmacy was previously affiliated with the University of Pune. It is now a component of the Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be a University). It is a non-profit organization that offers graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies in pharmaceutical sciences.
Pharmacy is one of the most popular medical science courses in India. Students in pharmacy school learn everything there is to know about medicines and drugs. It is also a field in which a student can earn a good living by working for one of the many large pharmaceutical companies, starting their own business, or opening their own chemist store. Maharashtra is widely regarded as India's best state for studying pharmacy, with some of the best pharmacy schools in the country. You can easily work in pharmaceutical industries, government departments, universities, hospitals, investigation and research institutes, and retail pharmacies after finishing your studies.
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jobsalertindia · 5 years
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jobmaza-blog · 4 years
Get the latest government jobs in maharashtra 2020 at Job maza. We provide all the latest Maharashtra Govt. Recruitment notifications, Upcoming Sarkari Naukri, Jobs, upcoming govt jobs alerts.
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navabharatnews · 3 years
Vacancy for 1000 posts of Lab Technician, apply by 21 December
Vacancy for 1000 posts of Lab Technician, apply by 21 December
OSSSC Recruitment 2021: Odisha Subordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has invited applications for the District Cadre posts of Lab Technician on contract basis in various establishments and 7 Medical Colleges and Hospitals under the Department of Health and Family (OSSSC Recruitment 2021). Interested and eligible candidates who want to apply for these posts (OSSSC Recruitment 2021), they…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
बॉम्बे हाई कोर्ट में स्टेनोग्राफर की नियुक्तियां शुरू, तुरंत करें ऑनलाइन आवेदन
बॉम्बे हाई कोर्ट में स्टेनोग्राफर की नियुक्तियां शुरू, तुरंत करें ऑनलाइन आवेदन
Bombay High Court Recruitment 2021 – बॉम्बे हाई कोर्ट ने कई पदों पर नियुक्तियों के लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं। ये भर्तियां स्टेनोग्राफर के पदों पर हो रही हैं। जो उम्मीदवार इन पदों पर नौकरी पाना चाहते हैं, बता दें कि आवेदन प्रक्रिया आज यानी 18 फरवरी, 2021 से शुरू हो गई है। नौकरी से संबंधित पूरी जानकारी जैसे जरूरी योग्यता, चयन प्रक्रिया, कैसे करें आवेदन, पदों का विवरण आदि आपको आगे की स्लाइड्स में…
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techufo · 4 years
Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020 | 1371 Postman, Mail Guard & MTS Posts Apply Online
Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020 | 1371 Postman, Mail Guard & MTS Posts Apply Online
Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020 Notification for 1371 Postman, Mail Guard & MTS Vacancies Released Apply MAHA Postal Circle Online Application Form
Maharashtra Postal Recruitment 2020-21 Details: DOP Maha Post Office Latest PM/ MG & MTS Job Notification for 10th & 12th passed candidates has published to fill up total 1371 vacancies. Therefore, INDIA POST invites Online Applications for Direct Recruitment of Postman/ Mail Guard and Multi Tasking Staff in Maharashtra Postal Circle. Here the registration for online application will continue at the official website. Eligible candidates who are interested in Postman/ Mail Guard/ MTS Vacancy can click on Maharashtra Post Apply Online link available at the bottom.
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Recommended reads 
Introductory article on the September 2020 farm bills, how they were undemocratically rammed thru parliament with 0 farmer consultation, why the farmers are protesting  
Essential viewing to understand how the farm bills harm farmers at the margins and clear the way for private takeover of our agriculture sector, as evidenced by precedence in places like Bihar, Kerala, Maharashtra. (In general read / watch anything P. Sainath says, perhaps the person with the deepest contextual knowledge of India’s rural political economy.) 
Context on the convergence of the farm bills with the all-India general strike here. This article does a good job of tracing how we got here from the ‘80s and highlights the launching pad role of the 2018 farmer march.
The protests are leading to new caste / class solidarities, and women (who officially comprise only 40% of the agri labourforce but in reality do some 80% of all farm work) are leading the charge.  
To keep tabs on the farmer protests, some pages you can follow include People’s Archive of Rural India (English), All India Kisan Sabha, and Collective (English/Hindi)
What’s happening right now (Dec 2 2020)
Farmers have rejected the government offer of setting up an expert committee to look into their plight, and are standing their ground in terms of their key demand to roll back the farm bills. There does seem to be an open line between the government and the protestors. Their next meeting is tomorrow (Dec 3) 
This is a genuinely important and historic moment in the fight of peasantry against the ruling powers. The negotiations are certain to be drawn-out to try and blunt momentum of farmers sitting hundreds of miles away from home at the Delhi border, depending on the provisions they’ve brought with them and the generosity of strangers. Consider supporting the effort. This post outlines some good donation outlets especially if you live outside of India. If you live in India consider directly donating to the All India Kisan Sabha’s Kisan Struggle Fund.  
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aniketgolesblog · 3 years
7 businesses after lockdown in India
Every continent and nation are worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic. While it had created the fear among the mind-set people, Pandemic attack was sudden of many events; it was beyond the imagination to the world so far. Covid19 positive cases increasing day by day, therefore many people trap themselves in four walls. The condition of these pandemic won’t be improve soon, every sector is looking for the alternate option to run their day to day business operation. And business world is not irregularity process. Social distancing had made customer stay inside four walls announcement from health regulator bodies. But alternately it has created the opportunities for the business entrepreneurs and owner to give back to the society in the most uncertain times.
Let’s be together for the better tomorrow
Is there any ray of hope to the businesses to run their operation???
Yes, there is way out there which not only help their business owner to stand in unity but also run the business effectively. It’s not only about the taking the businesses offline to online but also its ease of understanding the customer preference and live hood, which will help business owner serve to the right at their doorstep.
Going online is right solution for the business isn’t it???
Rise of mobile apps: without being affected by pandemic, mobile apps spending would double by the 2024. Moreover download reached to the 183.7 billion users, i.e the forecast made before covid19 was 9%. There are following demand business After lockdown we had mentioned below:
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In the online shopping: grofers and bigbasket add to cart went to trash household items was out of stock because increase in demand of online shopping but supply was lessdelivery was delayed due to the pandemic.
Decreased in human contact: social distancing and lockdown are two factors caused worst to the offline marketplace thus, online business are enabling with contactless deliveries. Shifting to online marketplace would be wiser decision any business which will be save resources, customer and business everything together.
Expert’s suggestions: retail and logistics expert said that online shopping is allowable and should motivated during the lockdown. government given relief to the non essential services delivery. this will lead to momentum in the business.
We come to the conclusion, its cleared out that has potential business to survive these uncertain times and has growth in future. If u has running business operation or planning for new venture, its opportunity times to give real shape your ideas.to help you out we created following points which best businesses. Have a look.
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Order delivery & pickup: Every businesses focusing on searching ways to reach their consumer doorstep, thus delivery system becoming the life savior. Therefore, delivery services had upswing in business operation during pandemic crisis.
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Digital platform for Education: institution of education around every part of the forced to shut down from the order of their government bodies, thus it give opportunity for the digital platform to conduct the online learning programs. Pandemic crisis definitely give rise to the boom in online education sector. As per report, education related apps increased 300% in March 2020, while it’s helping to survive in this uncertain time as well as it preparing the world for upcoming future. it great deal now for learning upgrade your skill through the online platform.
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Groceries stores: essential item and online grocery store increased 30–40% in their order. Indian consumer preference of purchasing is changing during lockdown. Extend of lockdown across the country got impact on consumer behaviour shifting offline to online especially in metro cities. Crisis was major reason of spike in downloading of grocery delivery apps. Grofers app told increased in their order demand but the operation restraint therefore they are not accepting the order. Even bigbasket facing shortage of manpower for delivery. Demand has increased for online grocery stores from the consumer point of view in metro cities.
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Chemist delivery: at the pandemic crisis, pharmaceutical businesses are
comes in essential services, consumer themselves are trapping in four walls its find difficult to reach the medical stores. Not only people suffering from the virus but also others who are dealing with other minor disease. Therefore, it major role of pharmacy businesses contribute towards society with help of delivery and contacting with online platform.
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On demand for medical staff: according to the Maharashtra report, chief minister uddhav thackeray urge to trained medicos as well as retired medical staff emailed their application to join the fight against coronavirus at [email protected] . Many medical workers have responded to the Maharashtra government. Hence indicate that seek on the demand of doctor, nurses and other healthcare provider seems to be futuristic idea and good career opportunity .
Ecommerce market platform: in these pandemic spread, it is very difficult to find sustainability in the market for every business. Thankfully we have the alternate solution digital world to survive the businesses; even now government had given relief to the ecommerce for non-essential product delivery. Business people have the golden opportunity to invest and to expand their business. With help of the ecommerce you can enable contactless commerce deliveries.
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Rise in digital marketing: we had seen last couple of years, digital marketing rising rapidly and already become the part of the every industry before coronavirus still after the lockdown it will grow, search engine traffic rising significantly over the past some week and will continue escalate upward, so now golden chances for business to promote and reach maximum audience with less cost through digital media. And for the beginner, its right time making as a career and land for better job in these recession time. you can check out my blog regarding scope in digital marketing https://www.marketanik.in/post/digital-marketing-scope-in-india-2021
Plan today for the better tomorrow
Well its uncommon time for the whole business world, we truly believes we will get solution over the pandemic and world will be the safe and healthier once again. Every business will get the momentum in upcoming days. Above listed emerging business ideas will be helpful for the leader or having career through crisis. Moreover, it’s important to understand the concept of the online marketplace, demand in medical professional, essential- non essential delivery will be the futuristic approach, join the revolution be the part of it for better tomorrow.
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ikayumahmed-blog · 3 years
It takes a lot to be a competent Influencer with loads of Fans. You need good Personality, effective content and consistent efforts to digitally promote the same. So, with lots of effort, you end up becoming a known Influencer on the web landscape. One such name is Kayum Ahmed, a Middle class boy in Mumbai in Maharashtra. He always had the idea of doing something different in his life. So, when social media came, he was quick to explore the various platforms and took an edge over it.
Early Life :- He always wanted to think beyond the traditional choice of jobs and professional life as youth are more inclined towards taking up government jobs. However, he thought on different lines rather than following the same old path. In 2020, he commenced his influencing carrier and started posting different articles made on various aspects of earning through YouTube, the technical stuff along with general videos including the home of Dhoni, his first car and many more. Each of his videos collected loads of views and some of them even went viral on the web gaining million views on it.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
Metro Jobs: इस राज्य की मेट्रो में निकली भर्तियां, 1.25 लाख तक की सैलरी
Metro Jobs: इस राज्य की मेट्रो में निकली भर्तियां, 1.25 लाख तक की सैलरी
महाराष्ट्र मेट्रो में कई पदों पर नौकरियां – फोटो : Maharashtra Metro पढ़ें अमर उजाला ई-पेपर कहीं भी, कभी भी। *Yearly subscription for just ₹299 Limited Period Offer. HURRY UP! ख़बर सुनें ख़बर सुनें Maharashtra Metro Rail Recruitment 2021: मेट्रो रेल में सरकारी नौकरी पाने के इच्छुक युवाओं के लिए अच्छी खबर है। महाराष्ट्र मेट्रो रेल कॉर्पोरेशन (MMRC) में टेक्नीशियन से लेकर स्टेशन कंट्रोलर, सेक्शन…
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rdagade · 3 years
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market was valued US$ xx Mn. in 2019 and the total revenue is expected to grow about xx% from 2020 to 2027, reaching US$ xx Mn.   To know about the Research Methodology :- Request Free Sample Report
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market: Overview
Industrial hand gloves considered as important PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) especially for Fabrication, chemical, mining and automotive industry. It provides protection against Sharp edges, metal chips, frictional damage, chemicals and other hazards. The gloves selected according to the type of the job, and according to conditions of the job. Workplace can create many hazards to workers hands, such as cuts or burns. It is important to assess the risk for each task and use different types of industrial hand protection gloves that provides specialized protection.
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market: Industrial Growth
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market is mainly driven by technological growth in industries. Industries are trying to increase production along with keeping safe environment during working, creating opportunities for Safety Gloves. Industries are trying to develop new advance Safety equipment for industrial use. Cut resistance Industrial gloves are rapidly growing its market in industrial Safety devices, owing to growth in safety rules and norms by government across the globe.
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market: Drivers
Industries are raising their safety standards along with in safety awareness among employees is increasing and the government rules and regulation for safety of workers is major driving factor for Cut Resistance Hand Gloves market. Cut Resistance Hand Gloves keep hands clean and even protect from extreme temperature as well as transfer of dangerous substances, owing to growth in healthcare care and stringent government rules and regulations are some of the factors which drive the market for Cut Resistance Hand gloves. Cut Resistance Hand Gloves cost is high than normal hand gloves and some industrial gloves are manufactured by special protection coating only for special purposes. Use of heavy machineries and raw material prices are the major restraining factors for Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves market.
Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market: Regional Overview
By region, Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market is segmented into North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, South America, and Asia Pacific. North America is showing significant growth in Global Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market, owing to its adoption capacity of new manufacturing technology. North America held to 20.16% market share in 2019 and is expected to reach US$ xx Mn by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of xx%. Owing to awareness of Safety laws and regulations of employees. Many industries make it mandatory to use gloves while working on machines. Followed by Europe is also showing significant growth in Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market. The report also helps in understanding Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and projects the Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players By Material, price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market make the report investor’s guide.
For more information visit@ https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-cut-resistance-hand-gloves-market/79268/
Scope of the Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market: Inquire before buying
Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market, By Material
• Neoprene Gloves • Vinyl Gloves • Nitrile Gloves • Other Material
Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market, By Application
• Automotive • Chemical • Metal Fabrication • Mining
Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market, By End Use
• Industrial • Non-Industrial
Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market, by Region
• Asia Pacific • North America • Europe • South America • Middle East & Africa
Key players operating in Cut Resistance Hand Gloves Market
• Acme Safety • Ansell Limited • Arco Limited • ATG Sitec GmbH • Atlas Safety Products • Blaklader B.V. • Ejendals AB • Ekastu Safety GmbH • Hartalega Holdings Berhad • Honeywell International, Inc • Kächele Cama Latex GmbH • Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd • Lebon Protection Industrielle • MAPA Professional • MCR Safety (Shelby Group International, Inc.) • Riverstone Holdings Limited • Rubberex Corporation (M) Bhd • Showa Glove Co • Stego Gloves Technologies • Supermax Corporation Berhad • Top Glove Corporation Bhd • Towa Corporation • Uvex Group
This report submitted by Maximize market Research Company
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iccpl · 3 years
Media Mapping Survey by Top PR Agencies in India for Q1-FY21-22
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This survey report provides information obtained through media analysis, regarding the news trends across major publications in the country. This survey report will pay particular attention to the news trends in the first quarter of FY2021-22 when the country was reeling under heavy pandemics. These observations do have limitations that will be noted and are based on a total number of stories categorised by different sectors. Not only India, but the entire world is experiencing a devastating wave of COVID-19. The spread of COVID-19 in India was initially characterized by fewer cases and lower case fatality rates compared with numbers in many developed countries, primarily due to a stringent lockdown and a demographic dividend. However, economic constraints forced a staggered lockdown exit strategy, resulting in a spike in COVID-19 cases. This factor, coupled with low spending on health as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), created mayhem because of inadequate numbers of hospital beds and ventilators and a lack of medical personnel, especially in the public health sector. Nevertheless, technological advances, supported by a strong research base, helped contain the damage resulting from the pandemic. In the first ten days of May, India’s reported count of COVID-19 deaths was nearly 40,000, roughly accounting for a third of deaths worldwide during this period. The media ecosystem continues to be challenging this year – and that was before the pandemic. To inform the citizens during these uncertain times, newsrooms and media houses across the country have made pandemic coverage a priority. While there is an abundance of news to be reported on the global pandemic, the esteemed media houses of the country pointed out several other news trends to keep people educated and aware.
The Indian Media Industry is one of the world’s most diverse and vibrant in addition to being largely free and fair. The Indian media landscape has changed significantly over the last one decade. With the advancement in technology, the Indian media industry has been burgeoning like never before and expanded its reach, in terms of the number of outlets, whether in television, radio, print or digital.
At this hour of the global pandemic, media has successfully played the role of a watchdog of the government functionaries and has also aided in participatory communication in raising major issues faced by the citizens of the country. Several media platforms across the country kept providing credible news and information to the citizens of the country when they most needed it without letting fear affect them amid COVID-19. The onset of the global pandemic and ensuing lockdown has dealt a severe blow to the Indian economy. It is being reported that the Indian Media & Entertainment sector, which saw a contraction of around 24 per cent at Rs 1.38 lakh crore in the pandemic-struck 2020, is expected to log growth this year and double its revenue to Rs 2.68 lakh crore by 2025.
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Print newspapers in India have been seeing a significant surge in revenue, making it the largest global market for the industry. The most popular daily in the country is “The Times of India” that had the highest average readership in 2017. India’s print industry is to be able to retain their audiences through digital platforms, while still maintaining enough advertising and subscription revenue to continue different editions.
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More than 15 countries including the US, Russia, France and the United Kingdom rushed critical emergency use equipment to enable India counter the COVID-19’s deadly second wave. Ministry of External Affairs announced that several countries are sending hundreds of oxygen concentrators, respirators and large quantities of liquid oxygen to help India at this hour of the pandemic. The Delhi High Court announced that it will take up court proceedings through virtual mode from April 9 to April 23. India became the first country in the world to report over 4 lakh new cases on April 30, 2021. It was being speculated that the COVID-19 wave that plunged India into the world’s biggest health crisis has the potential to worsen in the coming weeks, with some research models projecting that the death toll could more than double from current levels. Several states of the country introduced lockdowns, although Prime Minister Narendra Modi resisted a national effort after one imposed by the Central government last year fueled a humanitarian crisis with migrant workers fleeing the cities on foot and in some cases bringing the virus with them. A devastating second wave of coronavirus in India has seen hospitals and crematoriums overwhelmed and widespread shortages of oxygen and medicines. Hospitals across India are also experiencing oxygen shortages, with some forced to put up signs warning of a lack of supplies. War of words erupted between the Central government and several state governments such as Delhi & Maharashtra government over oxygen supply.
Fitch group company (India Ratings) said “the second wave of COVID-19 infections will be less disruptive than the first wave for the business environment as corporates are better prepared”. But it was being reported that smaller businesses including micro, small and medium enterprises are laying off more employees as demand and sales have plummeted due to localised lockdowns implemented by the state governments. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, recently said that “the unemployment rate in the country has touched a four-month high as over 70 lakh jobs have been impacted.” Amid the concerns regarding shortage of COVID-19 vaccines in the national capital, the Delhi government recently stated that “the vaccination of the 18-44 age group remained suspended for the fifth consecutive day” and further informed that there is no COVAXIN stock available for any age group.
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AAP MLA Atishi said “Delhi has already shut 235 of the 368 inoculation centres for this category due to a shortage of vaccines.” Few other states including Maharashtra suspended vaccination for 18-44 age group, citing shortage of doses. Amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, cases of Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) have emerged in patients who were in the recovery phase of the disease. Hundreds of corpses were also found floating in the Ganga river or buried in the sand of its banks in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, fearing they were COVID-19 infected.
Prime Minister during his latest address to the nation said "The Centre is taking back total control of vaccination now, will be implemented in next two weeks. The Centre will give free vaccines to states for all above 18. From 21 June, the Centre will provide free vaccines to states." Prime Minister also announced free ration for the poor under Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Yojana till Diwali.
As the second wave of coronavirus in the country continues to slow down, several states have started easing the strict restrictions which were imposed to check the spread of the deadly virus. Delhi resumed the Metro train services with 50 per cent seating capacity.
Malls, markets and market complexes were allowed to open between 10 am to 8 pm on odd-even basis in accordance with their shop numbers. Private offices also opened up with 50 per cent manpower. In Uttar Pradesh, the curfew continues to remain in districts that have more than 600 actives cases. With states unlocking across the country and the Delta variant still around, health experts are continuously stressing on the need to re-open with a robust vaccination strategy and COVID appropriate behaviour.
The Drugs Controller General of India (DGCA) has granted its nod to Indian pharmaceutical giant Cipla to import Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for restricted emergency use in the country. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) extended the restrictions on scheduled international passenger flights to and from India extended till July 31st, 2021. DGCA also stated “However, international scheduled flights may be allowed on selected routes by the competent authority on a case-to-case basis.”
US President Joe Biden and house unanimously passed a resolution recognizing the devastating impact of COVID-19 in India and expressing the sense of the House of Representatives to urgently facilitate assistance. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently stated that India crossed the milestone of conducting 400 million tests for COVID-19 since the pandemic began, with the last 50 million tests being conducted over the last 24 days. The United States’ National Institutes of Health reported that India’s first indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin is able to effectively neutralise the Alpha and Delta variants of SARS-CoV-2. Read more on: https://www.iccpl.in
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finnacle · 3 years
Impact of Covid-19 on various Industries.
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The nation is facing a market crash close to the one that occurred last year as a result of the lockdown. The stock index has dropped from a 52-week high of 15431.75 to 14248.70. The stock market opened the week in the red, as worries of a total lockdown in Maharashtra and other states grew as Covid-19 cases continued to increase. The novel coronavirus has proven to be one of the most economically devastating pandemics in recent decades. It has totally disrupted the global economy. The economic instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching and extreme consequences for financial markets, including equity, bond, and commodity (including crude oil and gold) markets.  The total market capitalization of BSE-listed companies plummeted to Rs 200.9 lakh crore from Rs 209.6 lakh crore the previous session on April 9, leaving investors 8.7 lakh crore poorer in a single day. Aviation, retail, finance, real estate, and automobiles are the five industries at the forefront of those suffering from extreme pain right now. Aviation Sector - Air transport accounts for a small portion of GDP but is inextricably related to the activities of other industries, especially airports and aircraft manufacturing.   Many other economic activities rely on the aviation industry. The drastic decline in demand for passenger air travel caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and containment policies is affecting the survival of many companies in both the air transport business and the rest of the aviation industry, threatening many jobs. Due to the unexpected increase in cases, the aviation sector has once again begun to see a decrease in the number of bookings. This sector will take longer to recover than others. Though it is not impossible because the entire world economy is dependent on this sector. Retail Sector - The Coronavirus pandemic is having a serious effect on humans, the economy, and industry. Retail players, as responsible corporations, are taking the requisite precautions to ensure the safety of their staff and consumers. The ultimate goal is to ensure quick and continuous supply of essential food and retail items at reasonable prices, so that people do not panic. 2020 witnessed a dramatic shift of consumers from physical  shopping to online mode. Consumers have begun to rely heavily on digital mode. While the retail industry suffered greatly last year, it is also improving more quickly because retailers have implemented the online mode, which allows consumers to avoid leaving their homes and guarantees maximum safety. Financial Services Sector - Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are businesses that provide financial services and banking services but do not follow the legal definition of a bank. Individuals and companies entrust their capital to the financial services industry. Commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, credit card companies, consumer financing firms, accounting firms, and brokerage firms are all part of it. Some of the top financial services companies are - Bajaj Finance, Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited, Muthoot Finance Ltd etc. These companies play a vital role in the development of the economy by boosting employment, long term credit services, increases the standard of living of the people. However due to the pandemic, people are skeptical about borrowing loans for consumer durables, machinery, SMEs or MSMEs. As the economy begins to rebound, this business will expand as people's purchasing power rises, resulting in economic prosperity. Real Estate - Real Estate consists of any land or buildings. Amidst the pandemic, when the economy of the nation was sluggish and people were hesitant to buy consumer durables, the Maharashtra government announced on August 26 that stamp duty on housing units will be reduced from 5% to 2% until December 31, 2020. Stamp duty charges were lowered to 3% from January 1 to March 31, 2021. As a result, property registrations in Mumbai increased, and the Maharashtra economy remained stable. Automobile - Total automobile sales in India dropped 13.05 percent year on year to 41,289,28 units as the economy struggled with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. FY2020-21 was one of the sector's worst years, with sales in each category reaching multi-year lows. During the lockdown, the usage of private vehicles was limited. All the thematic companies were affected - petrol, tyres etc. However the sales increased in March 2021 compared to March 2020. Banking - Bankers are concerned that the lockdown measures, such as curfews, movement bans, and mall closures, would damage creditors, sparking a second wave of defaults. Defaults are likely to hurt banks further if the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) does not impose a repayment moratorium, as it did last year. It supported banks in keeping defaults off their balance sheets while having little effect on asset quality. Increasing defaults as a result of lockdowns can directly harm banks. In the aftermath of the second wave of COVID-19 and a high proportion of bad loans, systemic risk in Indian banks is expected to stay high. Though total lockdowns are impossible during the second Covid-19 surge, regional constraints have already slowed India's economic recovery in the first quarter of FY22.
The reimposition of countermeasures to combat the second wave of Covid-19 may have a negative impact on the economy and could hurt the market sentiments. However, the Indian Financial Markets may recover faster leading to growth in the economy as people are now looking forward to having multiple sources of income. Investment in good companies can generate additional income.
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