#mah wordz
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sparklecatkin · 1 year ago
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an amazing illusion~
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robot-voice · 4 days ago
I’m taking ADHD medication for the first time tomorrow, and I’m really nervous 😅 wish me luck
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robot-voice · 6 months ago
This is very very true. My grandfather keeps bees as a hobby and gives out jars of honey to family members as gifts on our birthdays and Christmas or just whenever we want them or there’s too much.
He started with just one hive but loved it so much that he got more over time. Being the doting grandpa he is, he named each hive after each of his grandchildren (myself and my siblings) and painted the hives our favorite color so he wouldn’t forget. Mine is purple
One day he called me to apologize because apparently “my” bees had flown away. That winter had been particularly harsh and when spring came so many had died that the rest of the colony decided “fuck this place” and bailed. He had to order a new colony and start all over with my hive.
Point is, yeah, if bees even begin to think that a hive isn’t safe or doesn’t suit their needs they’re gonna do a full-scale walkout and there’s nothing you can do about it
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
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turbovoice · 5 years ago
This show deserved twice as many seasons as it got. 
It is one of the most unique and incredible of this generations’ cartoons, and we’re all lucky to exist at the same time as it. And while I do wish there was more, I’m glad it didn’t get commercialized and stretched to hell purely for profit, so perhaps the short and sweet is truly the way to go here.
It’ll be painful to watch it fade into obscurity, but for now let’s celebrate this amazing cartoons with all the fan content we can share and create!
I for one may finally post some stuff, since I feel like there’s less pressure now that the show has ended, and I can actually work off of the canonical ending (Or not, Y’all know my home is Non-Canonica, the land of freedom, denial, and headcanons galore!)
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farfallah-darkwingsrise · 5 years ago
You know, Adrien’s blonde hair is beautiful, but considering his dramatic transformation as Chat Blanc, his disguise would be far more effective if his hair turned black as Chat Noir 
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just-more-trolls-moving · 6 years ago
We Interrupt this Broadcast..
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2 bring yew d1z supah kewl 1ntroducshun!!
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my naem 1z BAWX1E and l1ek me and mah moyrael l1ek foundz out waey here! X3
ADD1 come saey hai!!
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... hi ...
... im adrian ...
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hez a trowll of few wordz lawl XD
@desolate-trolls @ask-the-information-specialist @ask-the-troll-friends @ask-the-troll-boys @ask-the-disaster-fuchsia @ask-the-anarchy-trolls @erinek-xaxxer @ask-of-royalty-and-revolution (And anyone else who wanna promo!)
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robot-voice · 4 years ago
Don’t forget this scene: 
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I’d suspected Jenny was trans coded for a long time, but this scene was what had me 100% convinced. 
Prior to this episode Jenny had always treated Ms. Wakeman as her mother, always referring to her as “mom/mother”; which caused Wakeman to be mocked by her peers. Ms. Wakeman was typically cold towards Jenny, always referring to her as XJ9 (essentially Jenny’s deadname) and usually treating her as nothing more than a defence droid. But in this scene Ms. Wakeman is actually seeing Jenny in danger and rushes to protect her, finally calling her “my daughter” for the first time. As soon as she does, the pure joy and amazement in Jenny’s voice just makes my heart swell. 
This show is so incredible and SO ahead of it’s time. 
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sparklecatkin · 1 year ago
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robot-voice · 10 months ago
*writing fanfiction, hands shaking, brow sweating*
“Would he fucking say that??”
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scenecore-arcade · 6 years ago
hai i jus wanted 2 say that u have helped me become myself on teh interwebz a lotz!!!!! what ur doing iz sumthin i can rlly appreciatez!!! thank u for mah daily dose of scenie stuffz, it rlly britenz mah day!!!! (b^o^)b
Golly!!! Thankz 4 da nice wordz!! Im sooo glad i helped u <333333
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turbovoice · 5 years ago
It’s recently occurred to me how fascinating the final melding of KO and TKO is when you really think about it.
Long, randomish essay to follow, I’m just processing a lot in the aftermath of the finale.
All throughout the show, since TKO’s debut, I had been wondering if he was really his own person, like many seemed to think of him as, or if he was just a metaphor/personification for what KO was dealing with internally. 
While the latter was quite feasible, the former seemed somehow far more appealing, and more logical. This is mainly because there seemed to be some kind of disconnect between KO and TKO, and not just in their appearances and mannerisms, but in the fact that they seemed to act, think, and feel independently. Moreover, each one didn’t seem fully aware of the other’s actions when they were inside and “outside” the body.  Everything seemed to point to the two boys being separate people trapped in the same body together. “Combined KO” was kind of further proof of this, since working together to move, talk, and generally operate was a chore. Only one of them could smoothly do it at a time, until they synchronized, but even then they could accidentally separate, or talk independently. On top of that, TKO always hated being called “KO”, and while the other characters treated TKO like he was KO gone crazy, they seemed to avoid thinking of the two as the same person whenever KO was at the surface level.
Everything pointed to them being separate characters. Even now when I look at them, it’s hard to bridge that gap and think of them as the same person. However, with our final version of KO, fully and permanently fused with TKO, who was indeed him all along, it’s a bit easier! 
HOWEVER, with that knowledge, I am now compelled to overlay the actions of KO and TKO, and really imagine them as the same person. All the things TKO said and did.... that was all KO. The sweet, hard-workin’, spaghetti-slurpin’, mama-lovin’ boy whom we all know and love is also... TKO. He’s the one who called Enid a “wage slave”, who called Dendy “science baby”, who treated everyone around him like they were weak because he was objectively stronger and more powerful than them all along, and no one else seemed to realize it. He did all those things, and genuinely felt all of those things. No more blaming it on TKO, it was and is KO. (Not to mention he definitely murdered Mr. Cardsley when he destroyed the POW Card factory. I mean, the dude was a jackass, but that doesn’t change the fact that TKO/KO kinda killed a guy...)
That makes me wonder.... how does he really feel? About himself, about the people around him, about everything. He treated everybody around him horribly as TKO, and loved it, with no remorse until he returned to being KO. The way he loves and cares about those around him isn’t negated by the fact that he is also TKO, but that brings up a whole new barrage of questions about KO’s true feelings. Sure, he may have just been venting his frustrations, and the KO him is really how he feels. But that doesn’t change the fact that what he did and felt as TKO was also real. He fixed everything he damaged, and everyone he hurt, and kind of made peace with himself, but,,,, has he really?? IDK where I’m really going with this, except that it’s super weird to acknowledge this, especially since no one in the show seemed to do so. 
Also, if you really follow my blog you know I’m a devout Kendy/TKendy shipper. I know the ship isn’t super popular, but I always loved it, and I love it still. However, the final version of KO makes it kind of complicated, since TKO was pretty volatile towards her, while KO was extremely caring and affectionate with her. I feel like they’ll have a lot to talk about now, and a lot to work out. Though it is sorta more complicated than before, it kinda gives me more material when I think about it! 
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syllethx · 7 years ago
Helo am man, u offen meh wif ur wordz. u r so mean. Eat mah biggus diccus bcuz u r horz. I haet u! How dre u haev opinon on men!!! am men!!!!!!!! u hurt meh feelz!!!! im call 911!!!!!!!! u go jail now!!!!!!!
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farfallah-darkwingsrise · 5 years ago
I genuinely believe that when a person transforms using a miraculous, they sort of fuse with the soul of their Kwami, thus gaining a portion of their personality. It might only be the mask and the freedom it provides that alters the hero’s mindset, but there are a multitude of personality changes a miraculous holder undergoes when their powers are activated. Adrien, for example, becomes far more sassy, witty, cocky, aggressive, etc; all of that is quite visible, but the way he moves and speaks also changes dramatically as well. 
Adrien: "Felix is not a bad guy, he lost his father recently, he must be suffering a lot :("
Chat Noir: "Well aren't you a friendless pathetic asshole?"
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sparklecatkin · 1 year ago
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LAWLZ guess where i wuz!!! X3
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sparklecatkin · 1 year ago
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sparklecatkin · 1 year ago
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