#mah lovely boyo
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maxyvert ¡ 2 years ago
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🧜🏾‍♂️ MerBon 🧜🏾‍♂️ Watercolor, anilinky, ink with white gel pen, gold marker and colored pencils on watercolor paper. I've been meaning to finish this sketch since 2019! Wanted to record the process but I had problem with his tail so in the end I only recorded a little, not worth an edited video tho :/ Anyways! New MerBon has been added to the family :D
🧜🏾‍♂️Commissions open!🧜🏾‍♂️
🧜🏾‍♂️ Find me elsewhere 🧜🏾‍♂️
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inkpunkz ¡ 5 months ago
(Posting early since I'm not available throughout the week nor am i posting again yet.)
It's my bday! The big number is slowly arriving and I'm NOT ready! :]
I just wanna say, I love you all (platonic, ofc.) Especially speaking to yall like a family almost, my negative days get better everytime i open tunblr, it's so friendly here. I've made a few mistakes in my past and I'm slowly growing each time (I love learning from yall) and hopefully I eventually gain a bigger following.
I admire all of you and I hug you all with much passion and admiration. I have a request however, please address my birthday as "punkz-day" or "zill day", since I never liked my birthday so please,,, if you can or just say hi :]
Fanart of me and my ocs is appreciated and I will cry 100% xD it's like food, art is so yummy.
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The boyo is in mah arms, he's a bit mad cause his creator is a mega dumb-dumb!!
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pokegalla ¡ 2 years ago
Hey! I just discovered your blog and I love your writing! and i wanted to ask please epic or cross, which s/o is some kind of goat monster very similar to human (similar to tubbo) has heterochromia, piebaldism and vitiligo pls
Ok at first I didn’t know what all that was until I searched it. Now I feel dumb cause I HAVE seen it but forgot the names 🤦‍♀️. But yo that sounds like an awesome character holy shit- (they sound GORGEOUS).
And yo….I’ve been DYING to write for Epic. So imma write for both boyos (I love them both). Also thanks! Welcome to the blog and I hope you enjoy your stay! Check out my AU too! Trying to get it more popular….but ok I’m rambling now. Enjoy!
(Ok slightly suggestive in Epic’s part. Just a warning)
Epic and Cross with a Goat Monster!S/o with many brilliant features
* Oooooooooo you know this boy is simping.
* Sure he’s seen monsters from all over the AUs but nobody quite caught his eyes the way you did. Your different color eyes, your marbled skin, your different shaded hair. You looked so interesting, so beautiful. When he officially met you, he was a stuttering mess. Mans couldn’t get a proper sentence out.
* When you guys do start dating, he is more straightforward and confident with his compliments. It’s not long before he has you blushing. And if you feel insecure? Prepare for a barrage of kisses, compliments and flirting (shy flirting but still). I have warned you.
* ANYone who decides to bully you? I swear they have a deathwish. They must because how they don’t see a skeleton nearby ready to slice their asses? And someone flirting with you? Just as bad.
* He loves his lovely S/o no matter what they are or what they look like. And he’ll be there to protect you always.
Mini story time!!!
You looked in the mirror to examine your looks. You always felt….like the odd one out. These conditions were rare in humans and even RARER in monsters. You couldn’t help but feel abnormal. Cross was walking by and noticed you staring in the mirror. He smiled and sneaked behind you.
He suddenly spoke up, “Wow you look amazing.”
You jumped and bonked his head, “YOU SCARED ME DUMDUM!!!”
He laughed and kissed your cheek, “Aw come on. I’m just appreciating the view~”
You blushed and huffed, “Ain’t nothing much to appreciate.” A moment of silence passed between you two. Oh you knew you fucked up. He suddenly hoisted you up bridal style. “Noooooo Crossy noooooo I need to get to work!!!” You threw you in bed and he got on, straddling you and began giving you kisses and hugs. You giggled and tried pushing him off but he wouldn’t budge.
“So what was it you said? Ain’t much to appreciate,” He tickled you making you laugh more, “You’re just giving me more excuses to point out all the things I admire about you~”
You sigh after he finally let up with his attacks and you cupped his face, “I love you my Oreo knight.”
He smiled sweetly, “Love you too, my angel”
* He’s pretty good at hiding his feelings let’s be honest. But you can always count on seeing a faint blush on his face whenever you passed by.
* Upon first meeting you, he was stunned by your beauty and as a scientist he was super curious of seeing so many rare features on a monster. He had so many questions!
* Dating him was something he’s still shocked about. He still can’t believe you wanted to date him. But he is beyond happy and shows you off to all of his friends. You feel insecure? Bro. You gonna tell it to this guy? This man will PICK YOU UP and run around the town saying “THIS IS MAH WAIFU/HUSBANDO! THEY ARE DAH BEST AND I LUV THEM!!!” Never again. Never again will you think lowly of yourself. At least he got a good laugh outta of you.
* What MADMAN would be crazy enough to bully you in front of the meme lord himself? Must I remind you he has power of god and anime by his side? One glare from him should be warning enough….flirting he’s ok with. But if you look uncomfortable, he’ll help you get away from the person….and he’ll probably glare at them if they get a little too aggressive.
* All memes aside, he loves you as much as cookies! And that’s a special place in his soul. He loves you and is thankful to have you as his S/o.
Mini story time!!!
You were baking a special surprise for your silly skellie. You just wanted to make him smile since he’s always making you laugh. You thought it was the least you could do. You turned off the oven and gasped when your eyes were suddenly covered.
“Guess whoooooo,” The person behind you said.
“Hmmmm could it be my favorite Cookie Monster?” I asked playfully.
“Ding ding ding! You are coooooorrect! And the lovely contestant deserves a prize,” Epic tilted your head towards him to give you a kiss, “Hey Marble cookie. What’s cooking? Smells good in here.”
“You’re telling me you can’t tell me what that smell is Mr. Cookie Monster?” You said.
He practically drooled, “Bruh!!! What’s dah hold up then?! Gimme dah cookies now!”
“You hold on! You try to eat them all as I’m taking it out! No funny movements,” You said.
He pouted but at least he sat down and listened. This time he didn’t steal any cookies. When you served them, he noticed the cookies were quite literally marble cookies. He smiled mischievously as he got an idea.
“These cookies are pretty yummy babe but….,” He suddenly leaned closer and kissed you on the lips, quickly parting to say, “I think I like the taste of the original marble cookie much better~”
You blushed heavily before shoving a cookie in his mouth, “I swear you are so random!”
“You know yah like it~,” he teased.
He got bonked on the head, “Horny jail for you!”
“Nuuuuuuuuuu not again!!!” He shouted. You both laugh and finish up the cookies.
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ink-on-the-brink ¡ 3 years ago
Tips for writing accents
I made a list for these a while ago but I had to update a bunch of stuff recently so I thought I'd post it.
Accents below are: southern, Scottish, German, French, Russian, Boston and Australian
Note: these tips are only found through my personal expirence and research (which is always fairly limited) so if anything's weird I apologize
Southern accent
When writing anything ending in ing ALWAYS remove the g and replace it with a '
Ex: I was sitin' watchin' my game.
Replace to (not too or two) with ta
Ex: "Trying ta work is hard. Too hard"
When they have a strong accent, replace long I's with 'Ah'
Ex: "Ah was silent and Ah hated mah life"
Note: try not to change long I's in the middle of words (such as silent). Even if it is how it sounds in real life it just makes it too hard to read
Exception: You can change the long I sound in the middle of a word if it is a name.
Contractions everywhere. Ain't, can't, don't, all of them. Use them all. Use them when you're not supposed to! Such as with its, of and than. Instead of its write s' infront of a word, insted of of write 'a at the end of a word and instead of than write 'n at the end of a wod.
Ex: "s'rather nice outside'a town. Rather stay here'n inside"
Exception: any word ending with an a can be left alone when it comes to adding 'a at the end. So so you don't have to put kinda'a. You can just leave it as kinda. Same with 'n and words like than.
Dad is called pa and mom is usually maw
Ex: "mah maw and pa are at home right now"
Replace you with ya
Ex: "ya seem to be havin' trouble"
A southern accent is rather lazy, but not written in stone. Usually when a charecter gets upset their accent might get stronger but in the case of a southern accent it actually tends to get a bit weaker. The points it gets weakest at are wherever you have them speaking with the most emphasis.
Ex: 'ya are the lowest'a the low' would change to 'you are the lowest of the low'
Exception: ALWAYS follow the ing rule. Always. No matter what.
Howdy and Y'all are still very much used all the time. Y'all is how to address any group of two or more people and howdy is how to say hi 87% of the time.
Terms of endearment are used rather flipently. Sweetheart, darling, bo, partner, you get it. So unless they're being serious(and sometimes even then), it's good to use these terms. Also southerners use these terms even when they're being mean. Sweetheart (derogatory)
Any time you're making comparisons or exaggerations use stranger terms that stay with a southern theme.
Note: exaggerations tend to be turned into comparisons.
Ex: 'Thats thing's huge!" And 'That looks like crap'
turn to
'That thing's bigger'n a tornado in a cornfield!' And 'That looks worse'n a chicken in a fox house'
Mom and dad are maw and da
Write me instead of my
'me da was a great man'
Instead of you write ye (for emphasis) or yeh (when relaxed). Also write yer instead of your.
Ex: "yeh've never seen me hair before?" Or "ye better keep yer damn trap shut boyo"
Follows the same ing rule as a sothern accent. Always get rid of the g and replace it with '
Ex: "We were drawing, writing and singing"
turns to
"We were drawin', writin' and singin'"
Men are lads and woman are lasses
"The lads and lasses are dancin'"
Little turns to wee
Ex: "she was a wee lass" or "just a wee bit more"
When you have anything with a 't contraction, keep the from half of the word and replace the 't with nnae
Ex: "can't, don't and isn't" turn into "cannae, donnae and isnnae"
Note: 'going to' also applied to this rule as gonnae
When ow is at the end of a sentence and it makes and oh sound, replace it with a.
Ex: "window, elbow and arrow" turn into "winda, elba and arra"
And, of course, there are a lot of random Scottish words and specific expression. The one's I have I'll list here, but I'm sure there is a LOT more.
Yer bums out the winda - you're not making sense
Backy - smoke, tobacco
Ball bag - insult
Bonnie - lovely, beautiful, sweet
Balloon - idiot
Bairn - child
Boggin - dirty
Crabbit - grumpy
Daftie - light insult
Bowfing - heavy insult, ugly
Steamin - drunk
Mink - gross person
Numpty - idiot (light insult)
Skelp - to hit lightly
W sounds are replaced with v sounds
Ex: "we are one team" turns to "ve are vone team"
Th sounds are replaced by z sounda
Ex: "that thing over there" turns to "zat zing over zere"
When at the beginning of a word, s sounds turn to sh sounds
Ex: "seashells are super small" turns to "sheashells are shuper shmall"
Y sounds turn to J sounds
Ex: "you know you like New York" turns to "jou know jou like New Jork"
Again Th sounds turn to z sounds
Ex: "that thing over there" turns to "zat zing over zere"
H sounds are silent and thus are replaced with '
Ex: "her hair is highlighted" turn to "'er 'air is 'ighlighted"
Note: there are still h's in the sentence but they are already silent so you shouldn't remove them.
Small i sounds should be replaced by an ee sound
Ex: "the little man had kittens and kicks" turns to "the leetle man had keetens and keecks"
Similar to a German accent, the w sounds are replaced by v sounds
Ex: "we are one team" turns to "ve are vone team"
Boston accent
Th sounds are replaced by d sounds
Ex: "that thing over there" turns to "dat ding over dere"
Another repeat of the ing rule, however this can be ignored liberally. So you can use it all the time, none of the time or only half the time and it still remains the same.
Ex: "We were drawin', writin' and singin'"
Another use of lot of contractions, however you don't want to make any new ones up here. Just use them whenever there's a chance to.
Ex:"I will not, but why can I not?" Turns to "I won't but why can't I?"
An Australian accent is mostly just slang words so if you're trying to write this I suggest you just look up a bunch of those words and use them. However I still have a few basic rules.
Long I sounds are replaced with oi.
Ex: "I think nice people are liars" turns to "Oi think noice people are loiars"
Note: when it comes to y's that make a long I sound, just put an o in front of the y
Ex: "why is it my time to cry" turns to "whoy is it moy toime ta croy"
Replace to (not too or two) with ta
Ex: "Troying ta work is hard. Too hard"
The ing rule is back. Replace that g with a '. And again, it can be used liberally. Sometimes, all the time or none of the time. Just depending on how thick the accent is.
Ex: "We were drawin', wroitin' and singin'"
And that's it! I hope this was able to help a few of you since having it all written down most defiantly helps me.
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mayday1284 ¡ 4 years ago
Valentines Day with the LotR/Hobbit boyss
Ahh the day of love, overpriced and super crazy in our world. But what about in theirs?
For sanity reasons, I didn’t write something for EVERYONE and these are drabbles, so if you didn’t see your fave I’m sorry,but you can always request a Matchup, even if you want me to write you one for a specific person!
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Boy I always start with him huh, anyways.
-He is a very secretive person, so I think he’d do a small surprise. I’m talking a candlelit dinner where you two can just be.
-He is super sweet to you all day, you might drown in love.
-He isn’t one to buy a ton of stuff for you but he legit will make you a necklace or bracelet its really cute
-Cuddle sessions babey its always a good time, he is a great cuddler
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Ah our resident elf boyo
-So precious will ask everyone he knows for advice
-He doesn’t wanna mess up ok?!?!
- Settles for a boat ride
-Its a small but lovely boat, and its filled with blankets and pillows
-You head out to the middle of a lake and just lie down, holding each other and looking up at the stars
-He will tell you he loves you so much, he wants you to know its true
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When I tell you I looked at that gif a bit too long
-For him I think it’s super important to get away from it all for a day.
-You two will set out to a small cabin he has and just exist
-You talk of the past and the future
-You cook dinner together how domestic
-He needs a little help knowing what to do, he doesn’t do this often but he wouldn’t want anyone else but you to help him.
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Have a gif where he isn’t insane (he’s so broody wow)
-He’s also a king so again, he wants to get away.
-Small day journey out of the mountain
-Y’all camp I adore it omg
-Watching this man put up a tent is a WHOLE experience lemme tell you 
-Muscle city babey
-You two make a small meal and stargaze
-He knows so much about constellations so you can talk for hours
-Holds you as often as he can as he recalls how lucky he is that you stuck by him
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-He wants you to be able to protect yourself and this is the best way in his mind
*What a man starts playing as the door opens*
-Sword fighting lessons!
-He is such a good and patient teacher its the best, you always have a funky fresh time
-When you finish its showering (maybe together who knows) and raiding the kitchens
-lotta bread, he’s a bread man (not actually made out of bread but you ya know)
-You sit on the balcony in the front of the kingdom and just watch life
-It was so important for him to get home and you got to see it happen
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-Maybe steals the idea from his brother and hosts a one-on-one archery lesson!
-Watching him work is an experience man...his chest against your back...his face so close to yours...his breath on your cheek....Where was I?
-He is so excited he might not be the best teacher cos he kinda skips parts trying to get to the fun stuff
-Pony rides after, you maybe race (you win whoops)
-Sitting in front of a fire and just holding each other
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Can I date a hobbit pretty pleaseee
-You bake bread together change my mind
-Its super soft and domestic, you guys dancing around each other in the kitchen knowing your patterns
-You sit in the living room and read your favorite books to each other 
-Make tea late in the night and dance in the dark kitchen to the sound of his humming
-Sleeping late again man I’m just saying, it’s like the best Valentine’s day gift
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-It ain’t easy being king of Dale but having you as his advisor makes it so much easier
-But he wants to relax every once in a while
-You surprise him with something on Valentine’s day cos he’s so busy
-Super small picnic on the top of the highest building in Dale
-He is so surprised and very touched meanwhile you’re sitting there trying to figure out if the silence is happiness or annoyance
-Once he scoops you up in the biggest hug you get your answer
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I kinda already did his but lets do it again babey!
-He gets really upset
-Because NOTHING is working, plans falling through, flowers wilting, its a disaster
-But you are so touched that he made dinner, even if you can’t tell what it is under the char
-So you redo dinner together and its super sweet
-Then its cuddling while drinking wine (how domestic ugh)
-He’s just so lucky to have you, so he lets you know
-By proposing (I’m a sucker for this ok)
-You wouldn’t really see it coming because you were both ok with where you were
-But he’s ready for forever as long as its with you
Again I’m sorry if I didn’t do your fave if you want, you can ask for Headcannons with a specific person and I’ll do my best to write them
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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baebeyza ¡ 4 years ago
Top 4 or 5 I dunno
Am bored so imma just list my faves for characters who have at least 4 different versions in the cartoons
(this was more than I expected, so it's under the cut-)
1. TFP (Just a fucking pissy and spiteful babe with the sexiest design) 2. Energon (jerkiest jerk ever) 3. TFA 4. G1 5. Cyberverse
1. TFP (My brother's favourite transformer, that gotta mean something) 2. G1 3. Cybertron (I'd love him more if he wasn't in like, 6 episodes total) 4. Headmasters 5. Cyberverse
TFA Soundwave just aint sexy, I am sorry- and neither is RID15 Soundwave after his upgrade u.u WFC Soundy just didn't do much
1. RiD01 (Middle child) 2. Energon (a little eager boyo) 3. TFA 4. G1 5. WFC
Only reason I chose WFC over Cyberverse here is that I fucking forgot he even was in Cyberverse, so he obviously couldn't leave a big impression on me
1. TFP (Especially that german voice OuO) 2. WFC 3. TFA 4. G1 5. RiD15
Putting RiD15 Ratchet above Cyberverse Ratchet because he says "I needed that" :D Also, in Prime Wars he seems to exist because Windblade mentions him once, but we never see him
1. G1 (Original boi) 2. Energon 3. Prime Wars 4. Cyberverse 5. TFA
Headmasters Roddy gets no place in this for just fucking off and never coming back-
Ultra Magnus!
1. G1 (love of my life) 2. WFC 3. RiD01 (the bitch version-) 4. Headmasters 5. TFP
Fun fact: In the japanese version of Armada he exists as well, but not really as a character, just as an upgrade for Prime in the last season of the show that just existed for some reason - in the english version that upgrade is called Overload :D (but sometimes gets called Ultra Magnus too because the english script writers for the show were kinda high or something)
Oh, and in TFA I aint all that hype for him
Hot Shot!
1. Cybertron (A cutie) 2. Energon (A mature cutie) 3. Armada (I don't even care about this boi, but I can't put him below the other two) 4. RiD01 (I can't remember anything he ever did) 5. TFA (I couldn't even remember him existing)
1. G1 (Original girl) 2. TFP 3. Cyberverse 4. WFC 5. Energon
She's also in Headmasters as a secretary - a downgrade from G1. And in TFA she didn't leave much of an impression on me :/
1. Cyberverse (Such crazy uncle energy) 2. Energon (He's only called Wheeljack in original version - and I fucking loved the way he talked man, his voice and accent were just so damn epic) 3. TFP 4. G1 5. WFC He is in TFA, but I can't remember anything he ever said in those 3 minutes of screentime
1. Prime Wars (Of course, he was so cute and funny!) 2. G1 (Cutie!) 3. Cyberverse 4. Victory (his one job of telling Ginrai he cannot be repaired was better than anything he ever did in TFA - at least he had a damn on-screen job! xD) 5. TFA
Some Minicon in Armada is called Perceptor, but bugger me if I fucking remember which one it was
1. RiD15 (Fave of the whole show, such a sweetheart! <3) 2. G1 3. Prime Wars 4. Cyberverse 5. TFA
Rid01 also has a Grimlock, but he ain't even a Dino in it
1. RiD15 (A sin, I know, but I'm not hot on Bee in general and I just found this one the most appealing) 2. Cyberverse 3. TFP 4. G1 5. TFA
I know he's in RB, but I havent watched that yet so I can't talk
1. Cybertron 2. Energon 3. Armada (one of the only two characters I actually liked in the whole show-) 4. G1 5. WFC
TFA version wasn't all that hot to me
1. Energon (a goodie) 2. Headmasters 3. Beast Wars 4. WFC 5. RiD15
Bro I remember nothing about him in G1, that 4th season was so damn forgettable and weird, that even the RiD15 version stuck to me more
Fortress Maximus!
1. Headmasters (Master SWOOOORD- <3) 2. Prime Wars 3. RiD01 4. G1 (I can remember this version better than Scorponok at least)
1. RiD15 2. Armada 3. G1 4. WFC
As with Bee, can't judge his RB version
1. G1 (BOI) 2. TFA (handsome boi!) 3. Cyberverse (I just remember that he dies) 4. RiD15 (Just here because I liked him more than in Armada) 4. Armada (he aint even boi, but he has the name so whatever)
He's in Headmasters too and he fucks off with Roddy, so SHAME ON YOU
1. G1 (The only version I give a shit about- the others are just a contest about which I care less) 2. Energon 3. Armada 4. RiD15 5. TFA
Headmasters Cyclonus gets disqualified for the AUDACITY TO BE A WHIMP!
Galvatron! (disclaimer - versions that are really just Megatron-repaints don't count. Also for the Unicron Trilogy, I go by the japanese versions because I hate the english one when it comes to him and Megatron)
1. Energon (In japanese, its always Galvatron from the start, the character never was "Megatron" and bro do I love him!) 2. G1 (The original crazy man, you go babe! 3. Beast Wars II 4. Headmasters 5. WFC (Hope he gets to be awesome in Kingdom! ~)
1. Beast Wars Neo (personality babey) 2. TFP 3. Prime Wars 4. G1 5. Armada (at least he had Sideways here) I mean he is in Energon, but is barely a character...
Red Alert!
1. Cybertron 2. G1 3. Armada 4. WFC 5. TFA
Fun fact: Energon Prowl is Red Alert in japanese and Armada Red Alert is Ratchet in japanese-
1. G1 (Aesthetics ~) 2. Beast Wars II (totally different character btw, but again - Aesthetics ~) 3. Cyberverse (girl Aesthetics ~) 4. WFC 5. TFA (anti-aesthetics!)
There be a lot of seekers in Prime Wars, but they all die without ever showing a robot-mode so who gives a fuck man
1. Cyberverse (It's the moe-effect) 2. Cybertron 3. G1 4. TFA 5. WFC
1. Beast Machines 2. Beast Wars II 3. Armada 4. G1 5. Cyberverse (Couldn't remember him in this thing either)
The Quintessons!
1. Energon (Alpha Q Disney Princess) 2. G1 3. WFC 4. Cyberverse
Alpha Trion!
1. G1 (This is the only version I have spent any thoughts on-) 2. TFA 3. Cyberverse 4. WFC 5. Headmasters
Man, at least in Headmasters he had a body compared to TFP-
1. Cybertron 2. Headmasters (just for that one scene in which he says that Magnus would have wanted to be buried on Earth) 3. Prime Wars 4. G1
1. G1 2. TFA 3. RiD15 4. Headmasters (mah man Marshall, eh?)
1. Cybertron 2. RiD01 3. G1 4. Headmasters
1. Energon (Character is called Overdrive in japanese but whatever) 2. TFP 3. G1 4. TFA 5. WFC (forgot he was in it)
1. Energon (The boi) 2. G1 3. RiD01 4. TFA 5. WFC (5 seconds or something)
Omega Supreme!
1. Energon 2. G1 3. TFA 4. WFC
1. TFP (Of course-) 2. G1 3. Cyberverse 4. RiD01 5. Cybertron
Sorry, WFC Laserbeak u.u And who cares for Armada Laserbeak-
1. Energon (the Decepticon who is IN LOVE WITH MEGS/GALVS, what more do you want! Also he cute-) 2. RiD01 3. G1 4. WFC
1. Cybertron (In japanese Thunderblast's name is Chromia- forgive me not sticking to one language here x'D) 2. WFC 3. G1 4. Cyberverse
1. RiD15 2. Prime Wars 3. G1 4. Cybertron
1. TFA 2. TFP 3. Energon (Sprung in japanese) 4. RiD15
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apenapaperandadoofus ¡ 5 years ago
How about headcanons of the MC in a polyamory with Jumin, Saeran and Saeyoung? What do you think they’d like to do together? How do their dynamics work in your eyes? (Would love to gush about my opinions too!)
Ohhh that’s good!
Let’s see!
So I’m imagining that the three of them fell in love with the MC, and at one point they decided to ask them which one would they choose
The MC says that they likes the three of them equally and so they’re kind of in an awkward spot
They’d have to talk it out, and set up some ground rules
At first it’d be pretty hard, since I feel like Jumin would be against sharing, but would open up more to the idea over time
I feel like Saeyoung and Jumin would fight over MC a lot lmao
“They’re supposed to go to this charity event with me Saeyoung”
I also feel that for Saeran you would have to wait a bit for him
Like if you want to do the polyamory relationship as soon as he’s out of mint eye that’s a big nope
He would need time to first, learn to love himself and you know, go back to normal
Honestly with Saeyoung and Jumin there would be a big fight over who gets to pamper the MC the most
Saeyoung will buy chocolates and make robots for valentines day
And Jumin will buy tons of super expensive jewelry, chocolates from Germany and a giant ass teady bear
And the MC will obviously be like “Aw thank you to the both of you! I love all these presents!”
And Jumin and Saeyoung would just try to see who won
But then Saeran gets them this super beautiful flower that has like a super cute meaning
(And you know my boy won)
Sometimes is the simple stuff lol, but I mean it’s Saeran, if he gave me a trash bag I’d treasure it for the rest of my life
Also Saeran will sometimes act as if he doesn’t care if you’re spending more time with the other two
But you know he will get a bit pouty
So you have to give him tons of affection to assure him that you love him too!
Also if you spend time with Jumin, Saeyoung will definitely stsrt begging for attention
“MC, spoil meeeee”
The one good thing about you being with Jumin for Saeyoung though
So now if Jumin wants to spend time with you, Saeyoung has the dibs for Elly lmao
Jumin would hestitanly agree if Saeran watches over him
Honestly I feel like Jumin and Saeran wouldn’t have any problems
They’re both pretty chill lmao
I feel at one point they WILL want to get married to the MC
So they will probably have to choose to marry one but will still be with the other two!
Honestly MC’s days would be filled with so many adventures!
Going on a scavenger hunt with Saeyoung, then eating at this fancy restaurant with Jumin and then helping Saeran with his garden
*gasp* Jumin could totally give Saeran his garden
Imagine how happy mah boy would be
Everyday you would go up to the rooftop and spend some time with him
One time the three of the guys will try to all garden together
But then Saeyoung starts throwing dirt everywhere
And Jumin is just done with his bs
So while Saeyoung, Saeran and you garden
He will be on a chair relaxing or reading
While listening to some classical music
Ohhh and then on RFA parties they would all take turns dancing with the MC
Jumin will dance to like this jazz music, everyone will have eyes on you two since you look like the perfect couple dancing
Then Saeyoung and you would just do meme dances
Omg the Macarena lmao
And with Saeran you will hold each other close, and sway a bit while he whispers how much he loves you in your ear
Thenn it becomes night time! And oh boy
I don’t think they would all like to sleep on the same bed
Because I feel like Saeyoung would just kick Jumin whenever he can lmao
Also imagine how hot that thing would be?!
So they probably decide like on this day MC is gonna sleep with Saeyoung, and then on the other one with Jumin and then Saeran
Although sleeping with both the twins wouldn’t be bad lmao
Whenever Jumin leaves for a business trip he tries to finish it as fast as possible
Because he doesn’t want the MC to spend too much times with the other boyos
But then the twins take the chance and spend all the time with you
You’ll be cooking and Saeran will be beside you while Saeyoung hugs you from behind
Or you’ll be watching TV and Saeran will be laying on your lap and Saeyoung on your shoulder
Now Imma add some kinky stuff lmao
So since my boys Saeyoung and Jumin are both into BDSM, get ready for the time of your life!
You’ll be with blindfolds while Jumin kisses you, Saeyoung is giving you oral and you give Saeran a hand job
Oh and Saeran would be the one who focouses on your chest
While Jumin is trailing kisses down your neck
And Saeyoung is kissing your legs and giving you oral
And honestly I feel like all of them would tease you
They would stop when you’re about to come and will wait for you to beg for them
Very nice 😏😏😏
Honestly Jumin and Saeyoung can’t be on the same page on lots of things, but when it comes to pleasuring you
Then when you finish it’s like the time where you will all cuddle
Saeyoung on one side, Jumin on the other and Saeran lying kind of on top of you laying on your chest.
It would take a lot of work, and communication is the key lmao, like in every relationship.
But if you talk it out I fell like it’d definitely work!
I would totally like to know how you think it would work too!
I’m sorry I kind of went on a ramble though lmao
But honestly a poly relationship with the three of them? 🤤🤤🤤
Now if it were Zen and Jumin
Just chaos lmao
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polyvirnl ¡ 5 years ago
Coffee Hugs and Ladybugs AU Notes
Here are mah notes their kind of all over the place srry bt that
Dick, who is under the impression that damian may cool down if he is 'provoked' less and can focus on bettering himself with the help of bruce and himself, (jason is doing his barely at home thing and isint a part of the desicion) sends Tim away.
Some time after Damian is integrated into the household, a video message to the league isseen by Dick, who, after seeing Damian attack Tim again, but act somewhat fine towards himself and cordial towards Bruce and Alfred (Jason is said to be 'on a mission', but he's really just avoiding the mansion, and has barely interacted with the newest Robin), decides to bring up the video to Bruce, and privately claims that Damian might need some time with people who he tolerates or respects, before he can start to act more civilized towards those who dont, and suggests that they send Tim to check out the calls from Paris.
 He then later brings it up after patrol, citing that since Tim has had more speculation about him in the media due to less frequent sightings in public, it could be a good idea for him to go, and Robin hasn't had enough time on the field under Batman's watch to be trusted on an overseas solo mission, and since Jason was still missing and Dick has to be able to take over Batman if Bruce has a meeting elsewhere or is publicly injured, then really, who else could go?
So Tim goes to Paris, low-key upset but also used to it (ahdjdhd the poor guy) so it doesnt draw an akuma, and Bruce emails him a last minute change- not only will he be doing Wayne Enterprise work as his cover up, he is also being forced to enter in a parisian highschool senior year, because it was suggested that he needed to interact more with peers his age, and that it may be possible that a specific school is targeted due to the increased online paris centered reports of the so-called akumas coming from it. 
Enter the Dupain-Chèngs.
Boyo gets coffe from there frequently, not realizing that the girl from some of his classes and also the student council vice president who showed him around the school alongside the student council secretary (uhhh maybe like,,, Felix?) Was the daughter of the bakers and not just a part timer. Bc sleep deprivation.
Befriends Fe, Mari, Max, and becomes acquaintances with Luka.
Jason goes to the mansion a couple times after tim is flown out, and finally when he stays for dinner hes like, i know tim is a work-a-holic and all, but isnt this a little weird? Actually i havent seen him any of the times ive come after my last mission. 
Cue awkward silence and damian looking smug and pretentious, (bc i guess this is anti-damien evn tho i love him op-)
So he finds out that Tim was sent away and when Dick tells him where and why he flips t f out and screams at richard and bruce and then asks alfredo to book him the next flight to Paris.
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dilfweyoun ¡ 5 years ago
imma put this out here and say- i think i know some reasons why i like (& relate to) certain ops more than others. i'll make a list.. so sorry if it's a bit of a read!
•Glaz - he is an artist/sniper. i used to be an artist, and really love snipers lol
•Blitz - it's canon that he uses humour to make people feel better in bad situations. i personally use humour like that as well. (one of the reasons he was my main, cause of his voice lines)
•Montagne - the mountain, the shielder, the protector. he's all of them and more. irl, i'd be considered like him as well. you can rely on him. he has your back (and front!)
•Thermite - we all know he has a thing for nukes/fire/blowing things up. his elite makes him have fire come from his hands! i like fire and explosions n what not too ;)
•Thatcher - y'all already knew i was gonna have him on here. lol anyway. he has an interesting backstory (family was more or less dockworkers), and me personally coming from Alaska- i understand it more. he also has a bit of an aversion to electronic stuff cause it's considered a crutch. while yeah, i use a computer/phone a lot- i can go without them for a decent peroid of time. lived half of my life without them in the first place haha
•Buck - ah yes, my French-Canadian boyo. i think what i like (relate?) the most is- he's from Canada and has a dmr. irl- my grandpa is from Canada and i've used guns similar to a dmr. also Buck was the first dlc op i got (had Ash, Rook, Pulse, & Buck for my first couple weeks of having the game)
•Capitão - we seen his elite reveal, right?👀 looks exactly like my late father. except my father was an Italian/Irish-American. not from Brazil haha
•Hibana - uhm. all i really can say is, she looks a lot like my Alaskan-Hawaiian-Japanese friend. like..it's a bit uncanny😂
•Jackal - mah Spanish boi has insomnia..well, so do i. that's one of the main reasons i can relate to him..also losing family members
•Nøkk - we don't know what she looks like. little to none of my friends know what i look like. when her HEL is active, we can't see her on cams. i'm rarely in photos as well👀 spooky
•Kali - uHhHh. remember what i said about Glaz with the sniper thing. same can be said with my gril over here
towards the end there, i wasn't getting that descriptive haha. sorry bout dat :p anyway
•Tachanka - pRaIsE bE! iT's ThE lOrD!! i'm joking..or am i? ;) in the past, my friends and i (from Alaska) would give each other roles for our 'roleplays' we'd do..mostly on Minecraft haha, and i ended up getting the "Lord" role. so it stuck for awhile lol
•Bandit - dis boyo is like a human Pikachu. i'm a sucker for lore...oof. so when his elite came out, i got interested and immediately bought it haha. we know the story behind it, it's what he looked like when undercover. and i've had some experience doing undercover work. not government official, but still undercover. yknow?
•Jäger - everyone knows he's a pilot, right? whale, some of my family was in World War II and were pilots. it's one of the reasons why i'd say i can sorta relate to him. also the whole mechanic shtick haha
•Doc - for the longest time, i wanted to be a nurse, but my absolute fear of needles has ruined it. (also brain surgery vids make me sick oof :v) but our lil French boi here makes up for it. so i'll play him when i'm in the mood to be a medic person
•Castle - can we get some love for my guy? if i'm being honest tho- he has to be one of the more useful ops, even if people rarely play him. tho he was used a lot when ranked still had hostage mode. cause you use his barricade on the one room in Kafe👌🏻
•Smoke - we knew i was gonna make a bit for him too👀. a bit of a fun fact- i didn't unlock him until Para Bellum / Grim Sky i believe? (got game at end of White Noise) anywho, he's reckless and a thrill-seeker. i'd have to say, i'm a bit of both as well. and we know of his spawning lines, one of them being "This reminds me of the time my uni burned down." which my high school didn't burn down, but the 5th floor of it was destroyed (and parts of the other floors). so i'd say, i somewhat relate haha
•Ela - i don't got much to say other than she looks like my mother. especially in her leaked elite. i showed it to my mother and she agreed. the hair structure, hair style, hair colour (more specifically the Twitch Prime headgear hair colour)
•Vigil - he doesn't know much about his family. and i could say the same as well. i don't know anyone from my late father's side. it wasn't until recent that i found out i have a half-sister and half-brother. both of which..don't know about me
•Maestro - he's Italian. i'm Italian. b o o m (i would've added Alibi as well, but she's actually from Libya)
•Kaid - how do we pronounce his name again? "cayde/cade"? "kai-eed"? however you wish to refer to him as. i took a liking to him because of Kincaid Park in Alaska. the resemblance in names were too similar imo, so whenever people speak of him. all i can think about is the park i'd go to every winter. (almost died there once, but that story is for another time lol)
•Mozzie - yknow..we share the same birthday, except he's 18 years older than me.😅 he's a daredevil and also reckless. and like i said with the Smoks bit, i'm also reckless!
•Warden - kek, his last name is McKinley, and me being from Alaska. his last name reminds me of home. cause we have a mountain called Denali (pronounced as 'den-al-ee', NOT 'den-awl-ee'. thank you very much!!) or known as... Mt. McKinley ;)
all in all, this has been a long post. i'm sorry for all the reading you gotta do. but if any of you want me to post similar things like this, i will! :)
side note- i realise now that i made a lot of mentions of my home..heh, for those who don't know, i lived in Alaska for the first 14-15 years of my life. then i moved to Tennessee (17 now). big oofs
edit: cause i'm lazy af, this post took 2 hours to make instead of less than 30 minutes
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yellowcurtqins ¡ 6 years ago
If each Andi Mack kid were a colour what would they be
Cyrus: soft blue bc hes soft and kind
Andi: yellow bc shes optimistic
Buffy: orange bc she FIERY
Amber: DARK RED in her confident state, soft pink in her sweet state aka her andi state
TJ: yellow bc hes mah lemon boyo, but also green
Marty: i feel like he would be blue bc hes a softy
Jonah: idk why everyone is yellow to me but hes so optimistic and i love him
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zu-daba ¡ 5 years ago
Who Are You
The warm sun of Durotar shone upon the Shadow Hunter as he quickly gathered his belongings; placing his Rush’kah back on his head and sheathing his glaive on his back while his brow remained creased. A week - He was gone for a week. How did this all happen in a week? All he wanted was to set up farming back in the city, and now he had to deal with some facsimiles attempting to usurp him?
“Zu-Zu..?” Came his mother’s uncertain voice. The Shadow Hunter froze and turned towards her with an apologetic grimace.
“You are leaving..?” She asked.. Her tone and her face fell with dread. He could tell she did not want him to leave - She didn’t even have to say a word.
“Mah city is undah attack, ma’da.. Fiends of shadow an’ void have taken up oah forms ta attack oah ranks; likely conjured by dat C’thraxxi.. Or N’zoth himself. Ah need ta get home ta help dem fight. But..” He paused, taking a deep breath.
Stepping forward, the Shadow Hunter wrapped his arms warmly about his mother and held her close. The cool stormsteel of his protective mask laid against her forehead as he closed his eyes and she gently reached up to return the caring embrace after a moment’s hesitation.
“Ah love you.. Ah am ashamed ah left you alone fah so long, ma’da. You of all people deserved bettah dan what ah gave you. When all of dis is done, ah am gonna bring de whole family here.. Mah sister in faith, Tezuli.. De love of mah life, Mai’jani.. Dem three lil’uns you so excited fah.. You gonna see all of dem. An’ you’re gonna see me again, too.” Drawing back, the Shadow Hunter took her hands in his own and bowed his head in respect.
“Take off your mask,” Zin’adi demanded sternly. “You might be a Chief.. You might be a Shadow Hunter.. But ah am your mada. Let me see my son’s face before you go, if you must leave so soon.”
Taken aback, Zu’Daba laughed; removing his helmet and setting it under an arm to keep safe for later. Without skipping a beat, the older woman leaned up to put a motherly kiss on his cheek before stepping away. Zu’Daba met her gaze for a moment of silence, then smiled.
“You bettah be -safe-, Zu-Zu..” She spoke with her eyes narrowed.
“Ah tell everyone dis.. Ah never promise ta be safe. Safety ain’ a concern for a good Shadow Hunter. Ah sure de Siame Quashi you know will agree.” He replied with a joking snort.
“Ta a little old lady like me? Dey don’ talk. Dey jus’ watch. An’ judge. Probably.” Her shoulders rolled into a shrug as she met his gaze.. No joking.
“..Alrigh’. Ah stay safe as POSSIBLE, mada. Ah live in a jungle full of creatures dat bite an’ war dat nevah ends. Ah promise ah return here alive, someday.” He laid a hand on her shoulder; earning a begrudging nod of acknowledgement.
“Tell ya clan ah said hi.. An’ dat you’re a foccin’ fool fah not even sendin’ a damn lettah ta ya mada fah -eight years-. You don’ gotta tell ya children dat.. But do tell dem ta expect a package of gifts from deir grand-mada.” She wagged her finger at him to a whole cascade of half-guilty, half-humored chortles from Daba.
“Alrigh’.. Alrigh’. Ah will. You best stay safe yaself, mada.. Even if ya are gettin’ on in age, keep on fightin’ off Bwonsamdi for a bit, will you?” He lofted a brow.
“..Don’t you try ya luck with jokes, boyo. Ah’ll pull off ya ear.” She harumphed, but nodded nevertheless. She would be safe..
“Befo’ ah go..” Zu’Daba’s gaze swung over the vast expanse of the Echo Isles. Distant palm trees and the sun setting over the smooth, white beaches were all he saw besides thatch roof-tops and young trolls finding their way in the world.
“Ah still not sure ah have de strength ta see dis through.. You got any wise word fah dat, mada? Ta give me confidence, like you used ta?”
“Hmm..” She chuckled, “No-- But ah do got a question. Who are you, Zu-Zu?”
“Your.. Son?” He blinked quizically.
“No, ya daft fool! You know what ah mean.. You don’t gotta answer et now. Not even for awhile, but think on dat..” He reached up to pat his cheek; smiling warm and then jabbing her thumb against his shoulder.
“Now get goin’! Ya clan’s waitin’ fah you. Don’t let dem start thinkin’ you are some absentee Chief. You don’ live here anymore.. Ah don’ tink they would treat you like Vol’jin when you came back.” She grinned cheekily as he rolled his eyes and turned around. “Loa guide you, Zu-Zu..”
“Loa guide you an’ shadows guard you, mada. Ah’ll be back.” He called in return as his steps brought him down out of the Darkspear Hold and through the training grounds. When he finally reached the pier, he paused and looked up into the sky; putting his Rush’kah on. The sapphire light of it blazed outwards as he took a deep breath and the voices of the loa returned to him.
“I am a Shadow Hunter..”
“I am Chief Zu’Daba..”
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minijenn ¡ 6 years ago
And now, cause im bored, here's every chapter of Keys briefly summed up in just a few words each (possible spoilers ahead??)
Prologue: The Thirteen Keys: MoM fucks with his students, what else is new
Chapter 1: Remaining Recusant: Riku rescues his boyfriend through the power of Gay
Chapter 2: To Guard the Light: Bunch of boring lore but Sokai makes it worth it
Chapter 3: To Seek the Darkness: Organization shenanigans; Vanitas divorces his shitty, abusive not-dad
Chapter 4: Hero to Zero: Uhhhhh fuckin' Hercules or somethin idk
Chapter 5: Go the Distance: Rage Mode angst is Fun
Chapter 6: Wandering in the Dark: Riku gets a haircut in the Realm of Darkness and Sora really needs to stop lying to everyone
Chapter 7: Promising Beginnings: Kairi and Lea are forced to wear a "get along" shirt
Chapter 8: Lazy Afternoon Streets: Sora has an Identity Crisis part 1
Chapter 10: Sinister Whispers: ^^^ BASICALLY THAT AGAIN ONLY I MEAN IT THIS TIME
Chapter 11: You've Got a Friend in Me: Being a living toy has gotta create some sorta existential crisis, right?
Chapter 13: Chase the Shadows: Detectives Mickey and Riku play a round of "Where's Terra?" And fail miserably
Chapter 14: Paradise Found: Fun with Balloons and Grumpy Geriatrics
Chapter 15: Adventure is Out There: Sora may or may not fall to his death from ridiculously high up in the air i dont fuckin know
Chapter 16: Unspoken, Unheard: Kairi writes Sora a bunch of letters cause she loves him so much but wont say it cause she shy ahah
Chapter 17: How Far I'll Go: MOANA AND SORA ARE MY NEW BROTP
Chapter 18: Know Who You Are: Vanitas gets yeeted by the Ocean cause he a naughty boyo
Chapter 19: The Streets of San Fransokyo: Sora doesnt understand how Technology works what else is new?
Chapter 20: Immortals: everything's all fun and games until Sora's dumbass self-sacrifical complex kicks in (again)
Chapter 22: Rise and Fall and Rise Again: Sora and Kairi hang out and DAMMIT JUST KISS ALREADY YOU DORKS
Chapter 23: The Lost Empire: Lingering Will pops in to say hi and also uhhhh whatever the fuck happens in Atlantis goes down idk
Chapter 24: Where the Dream Takes You: Sora may or may not have PTSD, boi should probs go see a therapist
Chapter 25: Drowning in Darkness: Aqua throws hands then proceeds to get Norted
Chapter 26: I See the Light: Basically KH3's take on Corona but things actually make sense this time
Chapter 27: What Once Was Mine: In which that bit from KH3 where Marluxia knocks Sora out actually leads to some legit payoff smh
Chapter 28: Firsthand Experience: Kairi and Lea take a trip to Disney World and yeet Vanitas (again) right the fuck outta there
Chapter 29: The World Es Mi Familia: Being an (unliving) skeleton also is bound to raise an existential crisis, right?
Chapter 30: RecuĂŠrdame: I cry while writing this chapter, both for my baby Xion and because Coco is just that damn tearjerking
Chapter 31: Destined Reunion: ALL THE POLY DESTINY TRIO FEELS
Chapter 32: Something There: At this point even Riku be lookin at Sora and Kairi and shouting "KISS ALREADY YOU ADORABLE DORKS"
Chapter 33: Tale as Old as Time: Sora commits an Actual Murder (am i kidding? Who knooooows)
Chapter 34: The Realm of Darkness: DARK AQUA CAN STEP ON MAH FACE IMO
Chapter 35: Rise to the Light: Great, now Aqua has PTSD too, thanks for nothin, Mickey
Chapter 36: Return to Depart: Sora has another Identity Crisis, part 2
Chapter 37: Broken Chains: Vanitas challenges Sora and Ven to a fight in the Denny's parking lot and fucking loses what else is new
Chapter 39: Almost There: Frogs and also like... Voodoo and so many BBS callbacks so damn many
Chapter 40: Dig a Little Deeper: Sora is too damn stubborn to admit he needs help what else is new
Chapter 41: Follow the Light: Wayfinder Family Reunion saves my life
Chapter 42: Solving Mysteries, Rewriting History: Sora and Goofy meet Donalds family (who then proceed to take the piss outta Donald cause this is Ducktales fam why wouldnt they)
Chapter 43: The Other Promise: Sora has yet another Identity Crisis, part 3
Chapter 44: Vector to the Heavens: Sora and Roxas drink their "Respect and Protect Xion" juice
Chapter 45: Another Arabian Night: Sora, Roxas, and Xion fuck around in a B-list Disney Direct to Video Sequel
Chapter 47: Alone on the Run: Sora has a Bad Time, Riku and Kairi also have a Bad Time, generally everyone has a Bad Time
Chapter 48: Trust No One: Ven and Roxas add onto the never ending Twin Pile that apparently exists in Gravity Falls
Chapter 50: A Heart Torn Between: Vanitas learns that Girls exist while Sora continues to have a Very Bad Time
Chapter 51: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride: Riku's goin on a twink hunt, and dont think he dont know how to weeeeed em out
Chapter 52: Aloha 'Oe: Sora and Riku get into a bit of a lover's spat dont worry about it its nothin serious dont worry about it
Chapter 53: Treasured Memories: Namine is the Very First Person Ever to tell Vanitas he has emotional issues, its about damn time
Chapter 56: Back Into the Fold: Sora doesnt have an Identity Crisis anymore but he sure as hell has Anxiety now, part 4
Chapter 57: Farewell to the Wood: Absolute tone whiplash, brought to you by Winnie the Pooh and Sora's ongoing Existential Crisis too
Chapter 58: Link to All: Everyone just cries a lot for an entire chapter cause they all know they boutta fuckin dieeeee
Chapter 59: Face My Fears: I systematically rip every single one of our protagonists hearts out and stomp on each of them with no remorse whatsoever
Chapter 60: Fragments of Light: The B-Squad saves the day
Chapter 61: The Thirteenth Vessel: Sora hangs out with his New Fam, otherwise known as Organization XIII, family fun ensues and it totally isnt a massive angstfest i dont know what you mean
Chapter 62: Key to the Heart: Riku and Kairi throw hands with their boyfriend while also trying to save their boyfriend it makes sense if ya dont think about it
Chapter 63: The Final World: Sora is McFuckin dead and chilling in heaven with a cute baby plushie cat (hey its not a spoiler if KH3 did it first)
Chapter 64: At Daybreak: "But Jen, if you hate KHX so much then why do you keep making so many references to it???" BECAUSE THATS WHY NOW SHUT UP
Chapter 65: The Keyblade War: Keyblade Fight Club, either you Die or you DIE
Chapter 66: Clash of Light and Darkness: Bunch of teenagers throw hands with some bald old fuckhead, but in the end nobody wins except me
Chapter 67: Kingdom Hearts: You know you're in for something fucking nuts when the chapter title is named after the entire series
Chapter 68: The King and the Crown: Jen pulls off a plot twist so mind blowingly ridiculous that it would probably make Tetsuya Nomura blush
Chapter 69: Reconnect: Everyone has a happy ending except no not really i lied
Chapter 70: Don't Think Twice: Oops I Lied again :)
Epilogue: Dearly Beloved: Fuck KH3's ending this is my new canon now
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razzlekitty ¡ 6 years ago
OC Interview with Raz
I got tagged by @rheisa-midnightfury and while reading over their answers I just thought if answered by Raz it’d be most interesting. 
I’m tagging: Who ever wants to do this! 
1. What’s your name?
“Wolfmon Raziax. But ju ken call meh Raz.”
2. What is your real name?
He paused and blinked before flashing a cheeky grin. “Tusky D. Da heck mon. Raziax be me real name.”
3. What is that huge bottle of wine is for?
“Dis? Oh no mon. I be a brew kinda boyo. I promise Sashrui I pick dis up fah her. She like dat weird elf stuff. Nah my taste if ja ask.”
4. Are you single or taken?
Raz gave a pause. Looking down with a sigh. He shifted his weight and shrugged. “Single. Tings jus’ didn’t work out in da end. No bad feelins ‘tween us. Tings jus’ nah meant t’be.”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“No ‘hooby jooby’ as Bru’mon say, ha! But I nah a bad shot wit a bow.” He winks. 
6. I'm afraid we don't have time for long answers. So can you just tell the... main point.
“I given ya short answers! Da heck ju want?!”
7. What’s your eye color?
“Deep amber, I been told.”
8. How about your hair color?
“Bright red an’ I brush et back like a wolf’s mane.”
9. Have you any family members?
“Aye. Got mah sistah. We be close cos we be all we got. Mah mum died when I be very little. But she taught me many good tings b’fore Bwonsamdi take ‘er. I dun like talkin’ bout mah fathah but hims very dead.” He said in a cold tone. 
10. Any pets?
Raz looked back at the pack of wolves and anklyodon. His biggest white wolf lay regal next to an equally huge black wolf, whom lay with his head between his paws. A smaller white wolf was closest to Raz. She watched a grey wolf pup bounce and bite playfully with the grey-blue anklyodon. “I gotta few.”
11. Tell me something about, that you don’t like!
“Oi… sumtin I don’ like… I pretteh easy goin’. I don’ like cookin’. Or fishin’. I git bored.”
12. You are the man of many words, aren’t you?
“Aye. I like ta keep ya riveted.” He smirked. 
13. Have you ever hurt anybody before? Physically or verbally?
Raz chuckles and shrugs. “Aye. Someone attacks da caravan I be protectin’ den… yea. Dey gonna got hurt. Usualleh physically.” 
14. Well… both?
“S’pose a broke a few hearts in me younger days. I was nah interested in anyting long term. Told more den a few boyos dey was nuthin’ but a good time.” He shrugged. 
15. And have you ever killed anybody?
“Aye. Like I said. I protect caravans. An’ if bandits attack den dey meet my arrows an’ wolves. But… I once had… a much shadier job. Killed lot more often.” He said looking down. 
16. If you have the chance for revenge, would you take it?
There was a quiet yet dark glint in Raz’s eyes. “When ya go et comin’. Aye. I be happy t’take revenge. But it be rare.”
17. Any hobbies?
He motions to the many hand carved bone jewelry. “I realleh enjoy carvin’ bone. It be soothin’ and sells well when I do sell em.”
18.How about your sexual orientation?
“I do prefer mons to ladies. Honestleh ladies jus’.. well I jus’ nah attracted to em.”
19. Did you go to school or are you currently partaking in any educational courses?
“Ehhhh noo. No school on’ tho Narthok be teachin’ me t’ read an write orchish.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids someday?
“Kids? Mebee adopt. Nah to keen makin’ em the traditional way. But married? Ju know. I said once b’fore I nah gonna let a boyo close again so me heart nah got broken an’ I gon’ an’ got et hurt again. I’d like to but is jus’ nah gonna happen ok?”
21. What are you most afraid of?
Raz paused a moment as if reluctant to tell. “Losin’ me sistah. But I see now dat she be far strongah den I give ‘er credit for… And commitment.”
22.. What do you usually wear?
“When out an’ about? Ah casual I wear jus’ leathah pants. Barren’s be a hot place so no shirt usualleh. But I do have full sets of scale or mail armor when out protectin’, huntin’ or fightin’.”
23. Do you love someone?
“Ju askin’ some hard questions.” He sighs. “I did, yes…”
24. When was the last time you wet yourself?
There was a long pause. “Now ju jus’ askin’ weird shit. Ah donno! When I was a babe mebee?!”
25. How many friends do you have?
“Oh lotta friends. Mah best boyo be Nar’thok. Hims a soft spoken Frostwolf but hims an orc. Dey usually speak through action, nah words. Brugran. I’d say hims a friend. Tho hims a hot headed boyo an’ I gotta git quickah t’dodge him fists.” He chuckled. “I’d consider Bear a friend. Good honorable tauren. Sashrui a friend. I guess. Too flirty but good people.”
26. What are your thoughts on pie?
There was a long pause and a quizzical look. “Pie is… alright? I guess? Nah much’ova sweets guy.”
27. Tell me about your favorite place?
Raz smiles as he speaks, “Ju know. B’fore dem demons attacked the Broken Isles, I went on a spiritual journey to meet Goldrinn. Hyjal be an ancient place an’ ju ken feel da powah dere. Ridin’ on wolf back through the forest o’ ancient trees was… Jus’ as spiritual as meetin’ da ol’ wolf.”
28. Are you interested in someone?
He just smiles and shakes his head ‘no’, although it’s clearly a forced smile.
29. You seem a bit dow, is everything ok?
“Ju keep askin’ bout me love life. Which reminds meh of me broken heart.”
30. What’s your bra cup size or how big is your willy, depending on which one applies?
Raz gauffs. “I don’ do peep shows. So ju gonna have’ta jus wonder.”
31. Well then! What is YOUR type?
“I like dem tall boyos. Lanky but masculine. Fit ya know? Long hair. Mature tho. Nah so interested in dems jus’ finishin’ adult rights.” He smiled.
32. You only mentioned (male or female, or other).
“Yea. Jus’ boyos.”
33. Any fetishes?
Raz laughed and waggled his finger. “I don’ kiss an’ tell. But. I do bite.” He grins a wolfish grin. “Das all I’ll say.”
34. Well, I have some other questions, but each is so personal and such… So, I think I’ll leave you alone.
“Ju ask me da size o’mah dick. I dunno how less personal ju ken git.”
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saltylen ¡ 7 years ago
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amerakidom ¡ 7 years ago
May drop other au’s soon!
Hey guys! I’m not dead, i’m only loosing myself in Gintama series. Man i love mah Boyo...
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Soooo yeah i may drop some fan art/au about this anime soon... (don’t worry the turtles ask and request are cooming too U-U)
Stay Salty mah babs ♥️
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mikotomizuki ¡ 4 years ago
Thank you for tagging me yeeee! I can always count on you when it comes to PB thirst! I love that we stan the Renaissance Tiddie Man and da Golden Mami! Also I think you're one of the sweetest beans on Drained Dry! Stay awesome Vai!!!
Aight time to tag em peeps who I'm thankful for and for making my 2020, despite my lack of day-offs and my perpetual exhaustion, an AWESOME ONE!
Okies, let's start with mah best hoe @akirafanarts my booo! ily to the moon and back! I will always be the Theo to your Vincent!
@dear-mrs-otome thanks for giving me a home in your servers! And for getting me into Ikegen coz gdi WE STAN ONE HOT TENGU BIRB and suffering ye Olde JP in the name of Heian Tiddies. Just letting you know that you're awesome and I love screeching with you!
@beni-draw-ikemen-please FOR IMMORTALIZING SAID HOT TENGU BIRB IN YOUR ART STYLE THANK YOU! Also for thirsting with me on Twitter!
@assomoir COZ THEO and his Pringles can [bleep] fjfjdjdjdjdjdkdkdk you may not be around often but ily Piggy!
@ladygacha Fellow sinshine hoe! I'm always happy whenever I see dem little boyos in fantastic backgrounds! That Theo one 🥺✊
@otonymous BLESS YOU FOR ALL THE LUCIEN FICS! I secretly call you my Lucien crack dealer djdjjdjdjdjdj but yah reading your fics is always a delight!
@a-dim-capacity Reeevvvieeee!!!! I miss you!!!
@crimson-snowfall may 2021 bring us more luck in Ikevamp Gacha and I hope it rains apples on your side!
@mersari89 I'm glad you're back in the server!
@tacogawa Tacoooooo is a precious beannnn!
@kazesuke Tsuda hoes unite! You're a saint for remembering me when you buy 2D boyo goodies! Thank you so much!
@maanawa for taking one for the team by playing Guy's route so we don't have to. Fjdjdjdjdjdjdjdj but yes may 2021 make up for that huge sacrifice you made! 😂💕💕💕💕
I AM CERTAIN I FORGOT SOME PPL BUT HERES 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕. If my shitbrain forgot to tag you doesn't mean my kokoro forgot you.
🎄HAPPY HOLIDAYS, GUYS!! 🎄 2020 was quite a year for everyone, man. i’m so glad i decided to rejoin tumblr and because of that, i got to meet some super cool people. and i drew a fair amount of handsome 2D boys!! things slowed down in the last few months but i hope i’ll learn to juggle uni and personal drawing better soon. fingers crossed 🤞
there was this post where people mentioned the ones they’re thankful for in 2020 and well… i thought it’d be nice to give a couple of shoutouts myself. “you”, you ask, “the one who is terrible at words and also expressing their feelings?” yes, absolutely. (also aaa thank u to @/otonymous @/scummy-writes  for tagging me back then ; ; )
@op-peccatori nanaaaaaaaaaa ;__; 💖 i’m so so glad i got to start talking to you this past year. i feel like we can relate on a lot of things, and somehow a few short sentences always evolve into walls of text???? like. bruh. how. 💀 💀 i know i take a while to respond sometimes but getting to read your replies is a joy every time. hope you’re doing ok and please give Theo lots of kisses from me HAHA  💖
@beni-draw-ikemen-please BENIIII you’re The Sweetest Ever™ 🥺 i mean it!! you’re also so genuine and v v fun to talk to, i hope we get to do that more often in the future! ; v ; thank you for sharing your thirst and wonderful art with us all. ALSO ALSO: don’t forget to take care of yourself. OR ELSE 😤 sending lots of virtual hugs your way! 💖 💖
@scummy-writes we’re both shy beans but whenever i see you around or on on the occasional messages to eachother, you’re The Sweetest Ever™ #2 🥺 for 2021 (and beyond) i wish you more confidence in yourself and your writing, because you’re amazing! sometimes u just gotta channel ur inner Shea LaBeouf and Just Do It! i believe in u!!!! 💖
@littlegrrl7 hi! i appreciate you and the things you make!!! a lot!!!! you’re a fic writing machine, haha. yours were the first longfics that i read and honestly, your writing is so engaging in that you keep it interesting and it’s also fun and easy to read and with a healthy dose of smut cough cough. thank you for sharing! 🥰
@dear-mrs-otome Mrs O! i might or might not have been slightly intimidated at first hahah orz ANYWAY our Best Boi venn diagram might have the thinnest overlap ever but thank you for the support all the same, and i’ll also always BE thankful for Drained Dry which feels like a sorta ikevamp themed discord home for me 🥺 🥺
@maanawa HELLO U!! thank u for becoming my first penpal in years!! 🥰 for some reason u always seem like such a unique person to me?? if u put a gun to my head and asked why, i wouldn’t be able to answer bc i have no idea, but like. i mean it in the best way 0: 👌  
@hideoutpastel HI PASTEL, i’m glad i get to interact with u a bit more bc of twitter! u are a delight!! 😤 also i think u already know but like. ur art is so ✨ sparkly ✨ and bright and beautiful ok. kthx #bless 
@yenanng i might not always reply or interact, but seeing your twt updates is somehow v cool haha. i hope you get to rest and work on personal art soon! i’m cheering u on!!! \o/ 💖
@nan-chi @weird-profiterole HI HI! 🥰 we haven’t talked to eachoter much but you guys seem super genuine and fun, i hope we get to interact more in the future!! also your art is so cute i cri 😭💖
@mikotomizuki LEO HOES UNITE 🤝 🤝 thank you for being hilarious and bringing your tiddy memes everywhere you go LMAO. let’s keep our fingers crossed for more amazing Leo content in 2021 🤞💖
@pseudofaux you are delightful!! thank you for all the support always. you’re an angel and we don’t deserve you 😭💖 (also hello ur writing skills? y e s)
@pickle-scribbles Faa, I LIVE FOR YOUR THIRST COMMENTS. SERIOUSLY HAHA. and i die bc of your masterful smut 😭 just,, thank you 🥺💖
@otonymous i’ve probably mentioned this before but your fics were one of the first ones i read when i got back into tumblr, and honestly? what an amazing author to start with. #thepowerofthirst 💀 i kinda stopped consuming MLQC content so i haven’t kept up w everything you put out but i know that you’re still AMAZING and also so funny and just. 10/10 man 
@tacogawa @savourthelittlethings u guys are just. so cool!!!!! that’s all thank u for coming to my ted talk 🥰
@akirafanarts ​ hi!! i haven’t forgotten u!! hope you’ve been doing ok!! 💖
@meowlayn-art you are v sweet! your art is gorgeous! and your OCs are amazing!! 🥺 i’m cheering for you! 💖
@incorrect-ikevamp-quotes​ a lil random but like. thank you for your insights on a bunch of idiots under one roof aka the ikevamp boys!! 💖 and also for the Top Notch 11/10 memes. bless  🙏 🙏
special shout out to everyone on Drained Dry that i haven’t yet mentioned, u guys are v cool ; v ; 💖
and lastly, thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged or interacted with my posts or just took a second to appreciate my art, really. drawing 2D boys is a joy, and i’m glad if it brings even the tiniest bit of happiness into other people’s lives too! you guys are the best 💖💖💖
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