#magp 20
vulto-cor-de-rosa · 4 months
Hey, Celia? Wanna tell us more about that "catastrophic, world-endingly bad" thing that you have over there buddy? Wanna elaborate?
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girlintheflesh · 3 months
oooo gwen5oul oooo toxic yuri oooooooo
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stark-lord · 4 months
The parallels between [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] just keep going it’s getting fairly alarming
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annabelle--cane · 2 months
an alice thing I'm chewing on. magp 20 and magp 21 take place on the same night, she goes right from calling colin's ideas about the computers a "paranoid delusion" to fully believing that they're sentient in what, maybe an hour? she doesn't just believe they're listening in and responding like an alexa pushing you ads for things you talk about, she talks to sam's computer like it can understand her, she asks "who's in there"? it seems like she only has two possible modes: complete denial, and full-blown conspiracy. which means that things will probably get interesting for the plot progression if she's ever convinced to drop the denial.
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alwaysbooyahback · 2 months
MAGP 23 and Dark Timelines
Inspired by MAGP 23, I did a little digging into TMA details. I’m finally ready to post about it.
Spoilers for MAGP 23, Archives through S3, and a heavy CW below.
CW: s*icide
I’ve seen a lot of speculation about John and Martin’s deaths possibly being cover ups for something TMI related. Possible, but I’ve come to a grimmer possibility. Here’s the logic:
Sam found a Johnathan Sims and a Martin Blackwood who died 20 years ago; a cycling accident and a heart issue
In TMA, John and Martin were both born circa 1987
2024 - 20 years ago - 1987 birth year = 17
The heart issue at 17 isn’t unheard of but is quite rare; this is at the heart of people’s suspicion around at least one of the deaths.
What was going on for our boys when they were 17 in TMA? We happen to know for Martin. Here’s a snippet from the MAG 56 transcript:
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So TMA!Martin was in a very bad situation at 17; not reflected here, but we know his mom got sick, his father left, and his mother began to hate him for looking like his father. There’s the distinct possibility the damage to Martin’s heart was self-inflicted.
And for me, that idea is far more painful than the idea they never met.
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sadly-soup · 3 months
I think Ink5oul and the other influencer (sorry) could be atleast partly to do with the eye, hear me out.
Near the end of MAGP 16, we get this
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Which I know reminded most of us of our good friend Sergey Ushanka
(I'm aware it's spelt wrong but that's irrelevant)
But it's too different to be that, I think the key part here is "I just wanted to be noticed" or in others words to be seen. Now I'm fully aware this is very thumbtacks and red strings right now but if we look at MAGP 20 we get these
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Ink5oul repeatedly says the actual tattoos don't matter, but the reaction of their audience. It was too much to put here but near the beginning of their monologue they talk to Gwen about the way our brain reacts to going viral and says having too much of that can turn you into an addict. Which ink5oul has clearly become at this point. My point is that throughout this episode, ink5oul seems to be actively trying to take our focus from the actual tattoo itself, ijstead focusing solely on the reaction and one other thing.
Now, the problems. I will be the first to admit there are a few holes with this theory first being with the other thing ink5oul focuses on that I just mentioned, it's a thing they call "the look" which just by the name sounds like more evidence of the eye but really isn't. Ink5oul talks about how now they crave this look of fear, apprehension, and dread more than anything, so it kinda throws a wrench in my gears, but it can be overlooked.
Secondly this does nothing to explain why and how ink5ouls tattoos do what they do (cause fires, deaths,ect) my thoughts atm are that it could be to do with a combination of another fear but I'm not sure which and honesty that line of thought is a bit flimsy.
My final thoughts are this, I think the fear, if that's even what's at play in this universe, that ink5oul harbours, represents, whatever is the eye. But a different version of it, in MAG the eye drew its power from seeing and it's victims suffered from being seen, what if it has reversed in a way? Now "avatars" take their power from being seen, beholded I'm honestly not certain what this version of the eye does to its victims that's another wee problem with this theory but I do think this theory has atleast a bit of creadance.
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ms-paints-sometimes · 3 months
the interraction between gwen and ink5oul kinda reminded me of when jon talked to jude perry
i mean, they both pissed off the angry queers, made them spill their trauma and got hurt and traumatized in the proces
i also like the fear of becoming an avatar that ink5oul shows in their statement, kinda like what we got from prentiss
overall, this might be my fav episode yet!!! rlly good :)
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Notes/Theories on 'the Protocol' as of Ep. 20:
First known enactment (as of now) is most likely the Great Fire of London, 1666, the event which is widely accredited in pop culture with ending the plague in London. (This is infered from Hooke's letter in Ep. 19, as he talkes about the 'Dread emmission', a possible reference to the plague being 'bad air', and about his book Micrographia, published in 1665, which was the first major book on observations through a microscope, i.e. plague fleas)
The enactment which followed Hooke's letter was most likely Newton's Lab Fire, which occured in the 1680's (probably not long after 1684 in the Protocol timeline), and was invoced with the purpose of destroying his alchemical notes and studies.
The Protocol was also invoced with the destrction/burning of the Magnus Institute, 1999. At the time of this enactment, the head of the (now defunct?) Response sector of the OIAR was name William Price, a name shared by a C.19th druid, who happens to be the man who proved in court wasn't illegal to cremate people.
The Protocol also seems to have been enacted on the Hilltop Centre of the Oxford People Trust on 01/12/2015 (see Ep. 7). It was burned to the ground.
All together, while the Protocol seems to present itself as a more desolation-aligned event/pseudo-ritual, I am hesitant to mark it as anything supernatural just yet. Going of the description of the enactment of Ep. 7, it seems to be more of a standard technical reaction to the supernatural occurings, more along the lines management-wise of Joshua Gillespie's ice-on-the-coffin-key and Alexander Scaplehorn's fucking-booking-it-out-of-there than anything else, except more focused on eradication of the supernatural. Thank you for coming to my T(MagP)ED Talk, please throw any corrections/additions at me.
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crimebell · 5 months
MAGp - 010
Nigel, like the Nigel that Gwen has been sent on special little evil assignment to?
Ah, studio audience laughter with a grain, remain creepy for all analog and audio horror fans forever
Been 'berried' = been buried? I love stretching it keeps me flexible for Celia
Fearfully in love with the background music as they begin to talk about the Bonzo Butcher. Super awful keep it up lads
It's so funny that this Bonzo fucker is scarier to me than any of the other Children's Thing Turned Murderous clowns floatin around there in the post FNAF world we live in
Oh! So! Full disclosure, it took a while for a TMA episode to scare me, but consider me Frightened! I don't like this Mr. Bonzo fucker at fucking all!
And we're feeding Bonzo people. That's cool. Go gang. I really despise that Mr. Bonzo literally eating the name and address reminded me of Jon 'eating' statements.
Also, Jon sent Sam a name and address. I assume this mysterious Jon that totally is unrelated to Jon Sims doesn't want Sam to go eat this dude, but you never really know.
'An Archie' An Archi- like Archivist close enough welcome back jonathan sims
My life is so normal that the phrase 'worm tracks on the floor' made me vibrate so hard i had to press pause and take a lap
I wonder, since this place burned down ~20 years ago, if it was burned down due to the worms and our pals were rather unscathed by comparison. Though I think if they ever heard themselves be referred to as unscathed they might kill whoever said it
I wonder if the gifted program at the Institute was to groom Archivists- and Sam was just too damn sweet and nice. What a guy
OH I just realized we've been listening on a tape recorder. Complete shot of euphoria at that realization
So sorry you dropped your key Sam, you win an ancient horror escaping! Or maybe it's just Jon, but isn't that the same thing?
Can't wait to see our pal [ERROR]
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jaycethetherian · 3 months
magp 20
ok. What the chfnciekwma. Ink5oul is back. Gwen is being stupid. Sam is sounding like Jon. Alice is not in for obvious reasons(a sense of self preservation) and Celia is being sus
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liliavalley · 6 months
After relistening to magp 4, I'm wondering just how far back in time the fears went when leaving for the other world? I used to think that the burning of the institute carried over to the Protoverse, and was going to be content with just believing that they just got jumped back 20-something years. But then magp 4 introduced an artifact of the Slaughter circa 1830's.. If the world the fears traveled to didn't previously have fears in them, then how far back did they end up going to start manifesting their influence? Go back far enough, and maybe there was another Jonah Magnus, Smirke & co. who went down the same paths, and the institute burning was just someone succeeding at stopping him in this universe. (In that case, I do hope it happened during James Wright's time. I really want to see a non-Jonah'd Elias.)
That only leaves when the others started showing up. I assume Jon, Martin, and Jonah got transported to the 90's as consciousnesses in computers, but I can't picture how it all comes together yet. Is the place where the fears lurk beyond time, and that's why their influence shows up earlier than it should?
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lia-the-normal-human · 8 months
Record for MAGP 00: Pre-Launch Content
A brief overview of The Magnus Protocol content released before its premiere on 18 January 2024.
The Announcement
Between 10 October 2022 and 14 October 2022, Rusty Quill released a series of codes and ciphers that teased the announcement of The Magnus Protocol. They later released the solutions to these codes in a post that can be found here:
Archived webpage
As one of the Kickstarter stretch goals for The Magnus Protocol, Rusty Quill organized an ARG (Alternate Reality Game). The ARG began on 15 September 2023 and ran for approximately one month. [Note: Cannot find an ending date.]
After the conclusion of the ARG, Rusty Quill released a summary of the game, which can be found here:
Archived webpage
The MCM Panel
At MCM Comic Con London on 29 October 2023, cast and creators Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, April Sumner, Lowri Ann Davies, and Anusia Battersby discussed The Magnus Protocol.
Timestamps: Trailer - 3:06 Behind-the-Scenes: Creation of Mr. Bonzo - 20:24 Q&A - 27:08
The October Premiere
An early version of The Magnus Protocol's first episode was released to Patreon supporters and Kickstarter backers on 31 October 2023. This version included the voice of Seer Pink in the role of Alice Dyer. In all future releases, including the public series premiere, Alice will instead be played by Billie Hindle.
Other Teasers, Trailers, Announcements, etc.
A list of publicly available teasers, trailers, and announcements for The Magnus Protocol.
13 October 2022: "Oh... Hello." (Teaser)
24 October 2022: "Special Announcement: Magnus, Recent Network Shows and More" (Announcement at 2:00 mark)
27 October 2022: "The Magnus Archives Kickstarter Coming Soon" (Crowdfunding campaign announcement)
22 November 2022: "Kickstarter LAUNCH - The Magnus Protocol" (Crowdfunding campaign announcement)
23 November 2022: "The Magnus Protocol Kickstarter is LIVE" (Crowdfunding campaign announcement)
14 December 2023: "Announcement: 2023 Holiday News from Rusty Towers" (Trailer at 4:15 mark)
On their YouTube channel, Rusty Quill have uploaded recordings of various livestreams related to The Magnus Protocol. On these livestreams, the creators discuss the show and answer questions. The channel can be found here: Rusty Quill Podcasts
I refuse to list every video or transcribe every answer. These tasks are left as an exercise for the reader. Good luck.
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merkabici · 11 months
Los pedales magnéticos Road2 de MagPed: ultraligeros y eficientes para la carretera
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MagPed ha presentado los Road2, un juego de pedales magnéticos ultraligeros diseñados especialmente para bicicletas de carretera. Estos pedales destacan por su reducido peso gracias al uso de materiales como el carbono, ofreciendo mayor estabilidad y eficiencia con una plataforma de apoyo más grande. Además, su eje de titanio garantiza durabilidad, y son compatibles únicamente con zapatillas de carretera de tres tornillos. También cuentan con un sistema de anclaje magnético patentado por MagPed, con una fuerza de atracción de 200N. El juego de pedales incluye todos los elementos necesarios y su precio sugerido es de 189€. Además de esta innovación, MagPed también presenta otros productos y marcas relacionados en el mundo del ciclismo. Características y beneficios de los pedales MagPed Road2 Peso ultraligero gracias al uso de materiales como el carbono Los pedales MagPed Road2 destacan por su peso ultraligero, logrado gracias a la utilización de materiales como el carbono. Esta innovación ha permitido reducir el peso en 60 gramos en comparación con la generación anterior. Con esta característica, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de una mayor ligereza en sus pedales, lo que se traduce en una sensación de mayor agilidad y comodidad en cada pedalada. Mayor estabilidad y eficiencia con una plataforma de apoyo más grande Los Road2 presentan una plataforma de apoyo un 20% más grande que en versiones anteriores. Esta ampliación proporciona una mayor estabilidad y eficiencia al ciclista, ya que ofrece un área de contacto más amplia entre la zapatilla y el pedal. Como resultado, se mejora la transferencia de potencia y se reduce la fatiga en largas rutas, permitiendo al ciclista alcanzar su máximo rendimiento. Durabilidad garantizada con el eje de titanio Los MagPed Road2 vienen equipados con un eje de titanio, un material conocido por su resistencia y durabilidad. Este material no solo contribuye a la reducción del peso de los pedales, sino que también garantiza una mayor vida útil, incluso en condiciones exigentes de uso. Gracias a esta característica, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de unos pedales de calidad y fiabilidad, con la confianza de que durarán a lo largo del tiempo. Compatibilidad con zapatillas de carretera de tres tornillos Es importante destacar que los pedales MagPed Road2 son compatibles únicamente con zapatillas de carretera que posean soporte para calas de tres tornillos. Esta especificación garantiza una óptima sujeción y ajuste entre la zapatilla y el pedal, permitiendo al ciclista una mayor seguridad y control durante sus trayectos. Es recomendable verificar la compatibilidad de las zapatillas antes de adquirir los pedales Road2. Sistema de anclaje magnético y fuerza de atracción Uno de los aspectos más destacados de los Road2 es su sistema de anclaje magnético, patentado por MagPed. Este sistema utiliza un imán con una fuerza de atracción de 200N, lo que garantiza una sujeción segura y estable entre la zapatilla y el pedal. Esta característica es especialmente beneficiosa para ciclistas de 45 kg o más, ya que permite un enganche firme y confiable durante todo el recorrido. Especificaciones técnicas de los pedales Road2 El juego de pedales MagPed Road2 cuenta con diversas especificaciones técnicas que los hacen sobresalir en su categoría. A continuación, detallamos las principales características de estos pedales magnéticos de peso ultraligero. Peso y dimensiones de los pedales Los pedales Road2 se destacan por su peso reducido, lo que los convierte en una opción ideal para ciclistas que buscan optimizar el rendimiento en carretera. Cada pedal tiene un peso de 107 gramos, lo que significa que el juego completo pesa solamente 214 gramos. En cuanto a las dimensiones, los pedales tienen una longitud de 92 mm, un ancho de 58 mm y una altura de 29 mm. Estas dimensiones compactas contribuyen a su ligereza y facilitan la colocación en la bicicleta. Otros detalles técnicos Además de su peso y dimensiones, los pedales MagPed Road2 presentan otras características técnicas destacables. Están fabricados con materiales de alta calidad, como el carbono, que contribuyen a su ligereza y resistencia. Asimismo, los pedales Road2 cuentan con una plataforma de apoyo un 20% más grande que en versiones anteriores, lo que brinda mayor estabilidad y eficiencia al ciclista durante sus rutas en carretera. Esta amplia superficie de contacto permite una mejor transmisión de la energía generada al pedalear, maximizando el rendimiento. En cuanto al sistema de anclaje magnético patentado por MagPed, se utiliza un imán con una fuerza de atracción de 200N, lo que garantiza una sujeción segura y confiable durante el pedaleo. Este sistema es válido para ciclistas de 45 kg o más. Por último, los pedales Road2 son compatibles únicamente con zapatillas de carretera que posean soporte para calas de tres tornillos. Es importante tener en cuenta esta especificación al momento de elegir las zapatillas adecuadas para utilizar con los pedales. Contenido del juego de pedales MagPed Road2 En esta sección, conoceremos en detalle los elementos incluidos en el juego de pedales MagPed Road2, así como el precio sugerido para adquirirlos. Elementos incluidos en el juego de pedales Al adquirir el juego de pedales MagPed Road2, se incluyen los siguientes elementos: - Pedales de carbono: Los pedales magnéticos Road2 están fabricados con carbono, lo que les confiere un peso ultraligero y una gran resistencia. - Imanes de 200N: El juego de pedales viene con dos imanes de gran potencia para asegurar un anclaje magnético seguro y fiable. - Placas metálicas para las zapatillas: Se incluyen dos placas metálicas que deben ser adheridas a las zapatillas de carretera para permitir el anclaje magnético con los pedales. - Calas de plástico para las zapatillas: Además, se proporcionan dos calas de plástico que se acoplan a las placas metálicas y brindan una mayor estabilidad y eficiencia durante la pedalada. - Tornillos magnéticos y llave allen: Para facilitar la instalación de los pedales, se incluyen los tornillos magnéticos necesarios, así como una llave allen correspondiente. Precio sugerido para el juego de pedales El precio sugerido para el juego de pedales MagPed Road2 es de 189€. Este precio incluye todos los elementos mencionados anteriormente, garantizando así una experiencia completa y de calidad para los ciclistas de carretera. Otros productos y marcas relacionados presentados En el mundo del ciclismo, MagPed no solo ofrece los pedales magnéticos Road2, sino que también presenta una variedad de otros productos y marcas relacionados que pueden complementar y mejorar la experiencia de los ciclistas. A continuación, se mencionan algunas de estas opciones destacadas: Cassettes Shimano y nuevos modelos de pedales Dentro de la gama de componentes, MagPed presenta una selección de cassettes Shimano que ofrecen una excelente calidad y rendimiento en el cambio de velocidades. Estos cassettes son ideales para aquellos ciclistas que buscan mejorar su experiencia de conducción en carreteras de montaña y terrenos variados. Además, la marca ha introducido nuevos modelos de pedales que se adaptan a diferentes estilos de ciclismo. Ya sea que busques pedales para carretera, montaña o cualquier otra modalidad, MagPed ofrece opciones que garantizan comodidad, durabilidad y eficiencia en cada pedalada. Opciones en bicicletas y componentes relacionados MagPed también se preocupa por ofrecer una amplia gama de bicicletas y componentes para satisfacer las necesidades de los ciclistas. En su catálogo, encontrarás opciones en bicicletas de montaña, carretera, plegables, urbanas y más. Asimismo, podrás acceder a una variedad de componentes de alta calidad que te permitirán mejorar y personalizar tu bicicleta según tus preferencias y estilo de conducción. Accesorios y equipamiento para ciclistas No podemos olvidar los accesorios y equipamiento esenciales para los ciclistas. MagPed presenta una amplia selección de productos que van desde hidratación ciclismo, bombas de aire, rodillos de entrenamiento hasta herramientas de mantenimiento de bicicletas. También ofrecen una variedad de prendas de vestir especialmente diseñadas para los ciclistas, como guantes de ciclismo, cascos, pantalones y chaquetas. Con estos accesorios, podrás maximizar tu rendimiento y disfrutar de tus salidas en bicicleta con la mayor comodidad y seguridad. Read the full article
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annabelle--cane · 4 months
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magp 20 // mag 32
I'm not feeling so good
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feowsties · 2 years
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Today is officially paint day! I know I wrote yesterday na magp-paint ako, but oh well, I was kinda asleep basically the whole day so.. had to call for a bit of a rain check there.
Anyway, I tried sleeping early last night (and I failed miserably..) I remember trying to fall asleep at around 2 AM or barely before and listened to insomnia music or some shit. I was about to do a workout, kaso I had to eat sandwiches because I was hungry AF, and my tummy was crying for its dear life. Ilang beses din nawalan ng power last night (super irritating), and poor me trying to spend time with TJ got any time spent because pawala-wala ako sa Discord. Anyway, I woke up this morning at exactly 5:20 AM, which means I slept for only three hours last night. I tried sleeping pa rin, kaso wala na talaga, edi I scrolled through my phone na lang. I went to Shopee, and tried searching for gifts for TJ's birthday. May nakita naman ako, but I'm terribly confused huhu. I don't exactly know what to pursue, but I was thinking of that cute line art I saw. I'm currently listening to electric guitar covers of various songs on Youtube as I write. Side note: my laptop is getting laggy na. I think this calls for clearing up my storage (and I definitely think my phone needs that din).
Anyway, here's a list of things I hope to be able to do (or start) today:
-Definitely paint my table pink :)
-Try to learn something sa guitar (Shinunoga e-wa is good, I think)
-Do and finish a workout before bed and yoga/pilates for healthy sleep, then shower
I was supposed to go sa Alupay para mamiesta, but IDK tinamad talaga ako. All of a sudden, I felt like NOT GOING. Probably because Macon wasn't going din, and Kaela pa, so nakakatamad talaga. Not that I don't want to spend time with Roma, but syempre iba pa rin 'yong feeling kapag complete kayo. Also, may class pa ako at 9 AM sa Phys Ed. IDK why I'm nervous, pero I think valid naman.
Anyway, I hope to continue developing this mindset of "Always Showing Up". This shortly means committing to something every single day even if it means it's slightly shorter or different each day. For example, you commit to working out every day. All of a sudden, tinamad ka, but to make sure that you develop discipline, you sneak in at least five minutes just so you know you accomplished something off your list today. Very inspiring actually. I hope to stick by that everyday, especially writing in this journal.
I have to hop out na. I don't exactly have to, but I just want to. I don't feel like writing na any longer. Tomorrow uli!
Feow <3
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sahamdotnews-blog · 6 years
Saham MAGP – Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk – Berita Rekomendasi Grafik Sejarah
Perseroan, berkedudukan di Jakarta, didirikan 13 April 2005 berdasarkan akta nomor 4, tanggal 13 April 2005 dari notaris Herlina Pakpahan, SH, notaris di Jakarta tentang pendirian PT JO Perkasa Agro Technologies, yang disahkan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia berdasarkan keputusannya nomor C12513 HT.01.01.TH.2005 tanggal 10 Mei 2005 tentang pengesahaan akta pendirian perseroan terbatas, dan didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Perusahaan sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang nomor 3 tahun 1982 tentang Wajib Daftar Perusahaan dengan nomor 090515151092 di Kantor Pendaftaran Perusahaan Kodya Jakarta Pusat nomor 1297/BH.09.05/V/2005 tanggal 25 Mei 2005, serta diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia tanggal 20 Desember 2005 nomor 101, Tambahan nomor 13083 (“Akta Pendirian”). Pada bulan November 2010, Perseroan berganti nama menjadi PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation, berdasarkan akta nomor 17 tanggal 8 November 2010 yang dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN., notaris di Jakarta. Sejak 2011 sampai sekarang, Perseroan mengalami beberapa kali perubahan anggaran dasar yaitu sebagai berikut: – Pada tanggal 18 Maret 2011, melalui akta nomor 70, yang dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. Notaris di Jakarta, Perseroan melakukan perubahan anggaran dasar pasal 1 sampai dengan pasal 29 tentang persetujuan perusahaan tertutup menjadi perusahaan terbuka, dan penyesuaian anggaran dasar perusahaan yang melakukan penawaran umum efek bersifat ekuitas dan perusahaan publik, yang telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dan diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia; – Berdasarkan akta nomor 72 tanggal 29 Mei 2012, dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. notaris di Jakarta, Perseroan melakukan perubahan pasal 1, 2, 3, dan 4 ayat 1 anggaran dasar yaitu tentang peningkatan modal dasar dan peningkatan modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh, yang telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dan diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia; – Berdasarkan akta nomor 39 tanggal 10 Agustus 2012, dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. notaris di Jakarta, Perseroan mengubah status dari perusahaan terbuka menjadi perusahaan tertutup, dan mengubah anggaran dasar sesuai dengan standar anggaran dasar perusahaan tertutup, yang diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia; – Berdasarkan akta nomor 58 tanggal 16 Agustus 2012, dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. notaris di Jakarta yang telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia, tentang persetujuan akta perubahan anggaran dasar Perseroan tanggal 30 Agustus 2012, yaitu persetujuan atas perubahan status Perseroan dari perusahaan tertutup menjadi perusahaan terbuka dan penyesuaian nama PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation menjadi PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk. serta penyesuaian anggaran dasar mengikuti ketentuan peraturan Bapepam-LK nomor IX.J.1. tentang pokok-pokok anggaran dasar Perseroan yang melakukan penawaran umum efek bersifat ekuitas dan perusahaan publik yang diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia; – Berdasarkan akta nomor 8 tanggal 4 Maret 2013, dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. notaris di Jakarta dan telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia tentang peningkatan modal ditempatkan dan modal disetor. – Pada tanggal 8 Desember 2015, melalui akta nomor 25, yang dibuat dihadapan H.Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. Notaris di Jakarta, Perseroan melakukan perubahan anggaran dasar disesuaikan dengan peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia.
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