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theeninthkeye · 25 days ago
Noticing is a Net for Catching Magick: Spiritual Discernment, The Magicians Maxim, and How to Know Who You're Talking to.
Good evening, Tumblr friends! I am back with another old blog repost. This one is a bit longer and perhaps a bit...juicier.
I wrote this one October 17th, 2023, during a very rough patch in my life. I was dealing with a painful schisming of my friend group, which had resulted in me having to move on from some unhealthy relationships. I was feeling angry, let down, and defensive. I had opened up about my faith to someone in this group that I trusted, only to realize the hard way that they were not a safe person to be vulnerable with. It left me open to a bit of mockery, and I wanted to "bite back."
These complex emotions certainly come through in this piece, and some of my language is a bit... spicy. In the spirit of being authentic, however, I choose to repost without changing it too much. This time, I removed an announcement about an art show I was vending at. I think it's important not to alter these TOO much, though. They stand as a testament to how far I've come and how much I've matured.
Overall, I still agree with these takes, even if I presented them in a somewhat aggressive and self-agrandizing way! I implore you, lovely readers, to keep this bit of context in mind as you read.
Today's blog is about Spiritual Discernment, the Magicians Maxim, and generally how we can know who and what we are interacting with when it comes to spirits.
The short answer, you just have to get out there and practice. What you read in books will only take you so far. I aim to touch on some ways we can practice this, as well as a few other elements that are not often talked about when it comes to practicing witchcraft- especially when your practice takes you into the realm of Theurgy and other forms of spirit contact.
There is the pervading belief that spirits are either strictly good or strictly evil. As a youth, I was exposed to this line of thinking immediately upon discovering the very concept of spirituality itself. Spirits and Spirituality are bread and butter. In Christianity we see this idea of good vs evil spirits in nearly every aspect of the religion. We also see this in modern New Ageism, what with the rise of alien conspiracies and the like. It would seem you can't have any sort of spiritual narrative without this dichotomy tacked onto it.
....But what if I told you this might not be the case?
Today's entry will definitely tow the line of UPG (Unverifiable Personal Gnosis), I am not trying to change any minds here. I know the idea of good vs. evil in the spirit world is an extremely important belief that gives some folks a sense of purpose. If you're on the CORRECT side of spirit, then the Godhead/Universe will favor you, right? I can understand why people would want to gravitate towards this.... The majority of us like to feel good, useful, justified, and generally not evil.
However, I have always thought this line of reasoning is far too simple. Things in mundane life are rarely that simple, so why must spirit be different?
​Personal Experience
As a child, I really struggled with my gifts. I am a clairvoyant, as is my mother, her mother, her grandmother, and so on. In fact, I get my clairvoyance from both sides of my family. Both my father and mother's lives have been steeped in mysticism and strange happenings. They chose to ignore it (or at the very least acknowledge the existence and stay as far away as possible), but for one reason or another I was not afforded that luxury. In my case, the spirits did not give me a chance to block them out. 
As a very young child I would experience things in the darkness of my room or the stillness of the forest that I did not understand and the adults in my life didn't give me any helpful answers either. There was a variety of responses that was usually along the lines of "ghosts aren't real, you just have an over active imagination". However, once in a while I would be faced with the most dreadful explanation a child in my position could be faced with.... It is the DEVIL sending evil spirits to haunt me and I must pray to God/Jesus for protection.
This declaration felt like spiritual warfare to me, at the time a young child, barely even six years old. I remember being frozen in terror in my bed as the swirling mass of twisted shapes, lights, and faces danced behind my eyes and in the solitude of my room. I remember crying and refusing to sleep in my own room because I knew that if I was alone in the dark, my little body could not stop my spirit from traveling to other places as I slept.
I tried prayer, I tried asking Jesus for help. I never got a response. The cold silence that hung in the air when I would pray to the Christian god was deafening. I tried and tried and tried to get a response, any response, yet it never came. I remember asking myself "What does the Devil want with me? Why has god abandoned me?"
Heavy questions, especially for a child under 10 years of age.
Eventually, I just learned to live with it. I learned ways to block it out. I'd sleep with the lights on and my cat in my bed or I'd go to my parents room. I slept in my parents room until I was nearly 13, out of fear of what lay in wait in the darkness. I also learned not to talk about it, because people just didn't understand. The experiences would happen to me still and I would confide in my mother, yet I still did not understand.
Then, in my 12th year of life, I finally found what I had been looking for. It was late summer, as I recall, when my mother and I had gone to the local Mall for a day out. Eating my french fries in the food court, I look up and see it. A metaphysical shop, full of beautiful statuary and glittering stones in the front window. This place was called the Wishing Realm and in that moment I knew I had to investigate. My mother, being a passionate collector of stones and fossils, happily obliged. We stepped into the store, the tinkle of the bells at the door stirring excitement in me. Although I could not consciously articulate it at the time, I knew deep down I would finally find the answers I sought for in this place.
We browsed the stock and my little mind was blown wide open. There were crystals I had never heard of before, immense statues of dragons and the Gods of my most beloved mythologies, shelves lined with books with titles like "Magick" and "Spellcraft". They even had preserved bat hearts, bones, and feathers. My mom bought me a small crystal that day and the woman behind the counter, with twinkling eye, gifted me a small bag of stones meant for Scorpios-my Sun sign. I could tell from the way she looked at me that she, too, was like me.
I remember looking over my stones in the car and being so excited to return. I hadn't wanted to leave! I wanted to know more, I needed to know more. That night I placed my stones under my pillow and prepared to sleep. Somehow, I was not scared to sleep that night. It was as if something was calling me, I knew I needed to sleep in my own bed that night, in the darkness.
I slipped peacefully into my dreams and found myself back at the mall, everything was exactly the same as it had been earlier that day only now it was dark, the shudders were pulled down in front of the stores. The mall was closed. I remember thinking to myself "How did I get back to the Mall?". It was so vivid, I believed I was actually there. I began walking and I found this hidden corridor that I had never seen before. As I walked, I saw a golden throne at the end of the corridor. A man wearing white sat upon the throne and a woman clothed in a beautiful blue shawl stood next to him. The man's skin was green. He lifted a hand and beckoned me closer. I stood at his feet, feeling as small as a rabbit before him.
He looked at me with dark eyes and said nothing. I offered a small hello and in a thundering voice he told me his name is Osiris. A group of figures moved out from the shadows to make a circle around me. I recognized them all as the Egyptian pantheon, the Gods that weigh the human heart against the feather to allow passage into the spirit world. I had seen them in my mother's art history book.
Osiris smiled at me and told me many things, things which I forgot upon waking, but the one thing I managed to retain was "You are a child of the gods, you are to walk this path".
From that moment on, it became clear to me that these experiences were not just my imagination, nor were they some spiteful devil. This had nothing to do with the Christian god, I was not being punished. I was given a task- a task to seek knowledge and share what I learn. I awoke the next morning and made it my mission to become a witch. The rest is history.
.....So did this actually happen? Is any of this real? Am I insane? Honestly, I can't say for sure! I often times find myself wondering all of those questions, even to this day. I've had phases where I've felt like it's all made up. I've had people tell me its all Satan's lies. I've had people tell me I am psychotic and should be locked up. I've had people tell me the opposite too- that I'm a demigod, that I'm the chosen one, etc. I don't think any of these things are entirely true, but perhaps not entirely false either. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I would encourage you, dear reader, to assume that at least some of this is bullshit because that's the safer option. 
Spiritual Discernment: The Nitty Gritty
Spiritual Discernment is a concept that you've likely heard of if you're Catholic/Christian. It is the ability for spiritual leaders to know if something is God or the Devil, it is the ability to speak for God and pass His message along. Spiritual Discernment is not just for preacher men in the house of the Christian god, however. It is something anyone can possess if they so choose. Some folks are born with it, such as myself, and others have to work to achieve it. Both ways are wonderful and valid, one way is not superior to the other and both ways have their own pros and cons.
Those born with this ability, such as myself, actually have it harder in some ways. The experiences are fantastical and feel so real. This can get in the way and can often times lead the practitioner astray. If you've frequented any New Age communities, you've likely heard of 'Ego Traps' which is when someone gets too wrapped up in their Unverifiable Personal Gnosis to function as a pleasant and well adjusted human. Those who can avoid/work through ego traps, however, can become very skilled in this ability.
Those who must work hard for this ability will often times find themselves doubting. I've seen folks get very depressed, nihilistic, and even bitter about it. It takes regular practice and dedication to rewire your brain for these things. However, when a person finally achieves it, they are usually a lot more measured in their understanding and less likely to fall for their own imagination.
So how can we use Spiritual Discernment? The mundane definition according to Google is simply "the ability to judge well". It's the ability to "read the room" or "take a hint" as well as one's own ability to assess danger. Discernment is a facet of ones intuition, your 'gut feeling'. Discernment is choosing to count your money in the bathroom stall instead of in a crowded sidewalk. It is not telling the creepy man your address, even though he's asking politely. Discernment is being able to realize Karen the 3-D starseed Warrior Woman Acrobatic Yoga instructor in your Facebook DMs is probably not actually a shaman and her over priced smoothie mixes are not worth the money. Being able to read situations, form quick opinions, and conduct yourself accordingly is what Discernment boils down to. This can all be applied to spirit contact.
Spirits are just like people, in my experience, though there are a few things that make them a bit different. In general, however, view them as people with their own personalities and agendas. This applies to all sorts of spirits- Gods, land spirits, angels, demons, deceased loved ones, etc. They are not strictly good or evil, they are all doing their own thing and have their own morals. Also consider who they are associated with. You can learn a lot about anyone by taking a look at who they hang out with.
If you have an acquaintance who's been known to hang around people who gossip, lie, and steal, would you give them a key to water your plants when you're out of town? Probably not.
Same goes for spirits, if you know a spirit is associated with some nasty business, you probably don't want to get wrapped up in what they have to offer.
'Mall Santa Effect'
Something that I feel I must touch on is something author and occultist Jason Miller calls the 'Mall Santa' effect. This is something that I've observed myself. I feel I would be doing a disservice if I didn't mention it, because it certainly clarified some things for me when I learned about it. Hopefully it will be helpful for you as well.
As Miller explains it, there comes a point in every American child's life where we might still believe in the entity of Santa Claus, but we are old enough to know the man in the costume at the mall is not the Santa himself. 
Miller argues the same is said for spirits. In Greek mythology, the Gods are only a single entity and cannot be in more than one place at one time. In the ancient Greek world, the shrines of the Gods/Goddesses were thought to be spots where they resided most often, thus making it easier to get their attention there. 
Personally, this idea resonates with me as I have observed it. Jason Miller goes on to explain that while spirits cannot be in more than one place at a time, very powerful spirits have lesser spirits to stand in for them. The proverbial 'Mall Santas' who put on the image of the powerful spirit, but are more of a stand-in.
Reaching Out and Building A Relationship
Firstly, meditation. You can't get anywhere if you don't meditate. You have to know the fabric of your own mind before anything else. This is because the imagination is our window into this world. For whatever reason, we can't comprehend spirits in their truest and most unadulterated form so our imaginations act as a buffer. This can make it tricky to know where real experience begins and imagination ends. Through meditation you can start to see the boundaries.
Meditation also gives you patience and the ability to observe. It slows you down and lets you perceive the subtle, both within and without. 
Second, JOURNAL. It doesn't have to be a complex journal, just write something down. Keep a record of what happens. Trust me, you will thank me later.
Thirdly, this is probably the most tricky, allow yourself to be open in the moment but seriously question it afterwards. If you question too much as its happening, the experience will stop because your brain will not allow you to perceive it. If you don't question at all, you will get yourself in trouble.
Think of it this way, you shouldn't believe everything you hear right away. If a person tells you fish are made of chocolate, you're going to question it. Do that with spirit contact. 
A spirit might come to you and say something like "Do this spell for me and you will be rich". Question what the spirit has to gain, question if the spell is even possible, question if this is a real experience or just your imagination. Look at it from all angles before proceeding.
Fourth, if you are scared of spirits, start by asking a spirit guide to help keep you safe. Honestly, you shouldn't usually start with this stuff right out the gate. This is more advanced working in that you need to have confidence, understanding, and the ability to handle it. Magick is like working out a muscle. You don't try to deadlift 315 lbs your first day in the gym! Work up to things by learning to meditate and protect yourself.
​Dealing with Unwanted Visitors 
Failure is inevitable. You will eventually fuck up and likely have to deal with some unwanted house guests. It's okay though, the majority of the time you just have to ask them to leave in a firm but polite manner and they will leave.
There are a variety of spells, talismans, rites, and rituals to help remedy this problem as well, so just know it's not hopeless if you find yourself in this situation.
Types of Spirits as I Know Them
This is another one of those completely UPG moments that you can either take or leave. I'm going to do this section in a list format because its easier.
• Deities- This includes the gods of mythology but I would also put other named spirits like spirit guides, archangels, demons, and catholic saints.
• Deceased Human Spirits- This one is self explanatory. 
• Ancestor Spirits- For me, these differ from deceased humans in that they tend to be much more ancient.
• Land spirits- Spirits of the land, plants, animals, and general environmental spirits.
• Egregores- Spirits that arise from collective belief.
• Parasitic spirits- These spirits feed on energy such as our emotions. Not great to have around but not like Hollywood demon movies. Think of them like ticks or leeches.
The Magician's Maxim
 Do you know the Maxim? Many modern witches don't and I think we would all do well to consider it.
The Maxim is Thus:
To Know What One Must Do
To Dare to Do it
To Will it to Be
and To Keep Silent (*with Discernment)
Essentially this means you need to know what you're doing, you need to have the confidence to do it, you need to have a plan on how you will accomplish it, and you need to work on it silently. I add 'with discernment' as a caveat, as I believe there are benefits to sharing this information. After all, I'm writing a blog about it. 
Personally, I find it embarrassing when I see the majority of people on the internet practicing witchcraft. I find it appalling how so many people read one book and decide they are a professional. I find it upsetting that the people with the least knowledge are not only the loudest in the room, but also the folks who have the biggest following. These days, people listen to those who have the best aesthetic and the snappiest tik tok transitions. That's not to say I am the one you should all listen to. I'm not a professional either. What I mean is that it seems no one listens to the spirits, no one listens to the elders. You will learn a great deal more listening to nature than you will listening to anyone on tik tok. Not only this, but posting pictures and videos of your practice CAN and WILL have real consequences. If you want to post pictures of your altar or videos of your spellwork, I can't stop you... but it will change how things work. People do not need to be in your business like that, point blank. I wish folks saw these things as more sacred, but that's just my opinion I guess. I bring all this up because I want to drive home the point that spirit discernment begins and ends with YOU and YOUR relationship to the divine, other people will generally just complicate things.
To Keep Silent is a very important of our history as cunning folk. Born out of necessity, keeping silent was a matter of life and death literally. Just because society has moved past burning witches does not mean you should just throw this entire tenant out. From a mundane perspective, posting about these things can affect personal relationships and jobs. Religious family members could cut you out (which is not always a bad thing), in America family members could have you locked up believing you're having a mental breakdown (5150). In other parts of the world like parts of Africa and South America, there are still literal witchhunts that take place. That is partly why the majority of witches use fake names online.
From a magickal/energetic perspective, posting these things publicly can affect your magick. Emotions, intellect, and imagination are the seat of magick within oneself. Someone having a strong negative opinion can cause your spell to fail. Not only this, but there are baneful magicians out there. By posting pictures of your altar or tools, you could be making yourself a target for Magickal Attack.
Again, I cannot stop you from doing what you want to do. That is why I add the last part... with Discernment.
That's all for this entry, friends. Thanks for tuning in! If there is something you'd like to see me write about, don't be afraid to reach out!
Until next time
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faerlithalgnomii · 2 years ago
I wanna start woodcarving again. Would anyone like a (relatively simple) dagger, wand or something similar? I can carve, sand and decorate accordingly. Just cover shipping, willing to negotiate on price, dm me 💚
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glamourwxtch · 10 months ago
glamour magick you can practice every day ᥫ᭡
you can use glamour magick for everything, not just beauty and love and that's why it's my favorite kind of magick
daily showers:
washing your body, your face or your hair can be such a powerful practice. enchant your soap, body wash, face wash and shampoo and use them to remove all the negative energy, any bad thoughts, insecurities, bad memories, health problems and just anything you want to get rid of. i do that by holding the tool (e.g. a bar of soap) in both of my hands and i just focus on my intention for a while. something like "this soap will wash off any negative energy that clings to me" or "this shampoo will get rid of any negative thoughts i have"
face, body and hair care:
just like you can enchant your beauty products that wash your body to remove any bad energy, you can enchant any products you're going to leave on your body to bring positive things into your life. i use my conditioner to give me confidence, i use my magical toner for beauty, love and attraction, i use body lotion and moisturizer for protection and hair oils for abundance.
mirror magick:
something as simple as looking at yourself in the mirror, repeating positive affirmations, spells and visualizing yourself as the best version of yourself can absolutely change your life. i love how confident and beautiful it makes me feel.
enchanted jewelry and perfume:
just like any beauty and skincare products, you can enchant your jewelry or your perfume and wear it. love, good luck, protection, attraction, confidence, anything you need and want!
color magick:
color magick can be a part of glamour magick too! just pick the right color behind your intention and add it to your outfit or makeup or paint your nails with that color.
i already mentioned how washing and conditioning your hair but brushing it can also be a great ritual! brush it gently and repeat your spells and affirmations. your hair easily absorbs energy, it's like a sponge. so if you give it as much love and care and positivity as possible, there will be no space left for any negativity.
those are some of my favorite, very simple glamour rituals and they all have changed my life
take care my loves! ᥫ᭡
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hbo--spn · 2 months ago
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"Also, Sam's a walking dictionary of the occult and esoteric..." - John Winchester’s Journal by Alex Irvine 
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majokkid · 3 months ago
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An Introduction to Creating and Enchanting Magical Tools
Most, if not all, magical paradigms refer to the use of tools for certain tasks and the world of magical heroes is no different! Whether it’s a pen or brooch for a transformation sequence or a key to unlocking arcane magics, we can find many examples of magical items in mahō shōjo media that can be utilized in your own practice.
Please note that this is a non-exhaustive and non-canonical discussion of the creation and use of magical tools. If you’d like a deeper dive into a particular canon, feel free to send me a message and I’ll see what I can do!
It may seem obvious but the first step in creating a magical tool is determining what its use is. This not only contextualizes the tool within your practice but it can also help determine what is necessary for your needs. Ask yourself questions like:
What is this tool’s function?
Is this tool physical or purely aetheric?
What materials should it be made of?
Should this tool remain on my person at all times? If so, how do I carry it? If not, how should it be stored?
When working with mahō shōjo influences it is especially tempting to purchase detailed, manufactured replicas of your favorite characters’ items and while you can certainly go out and find something along those lines, I always recommend taking the time and energy to make your own tools. I find items that I have created myself are more powerful and reliable. (I’ve noticed this particularly so for objects that can be used for divination, such as cards and pendulums.)
And you do not need to be an experienced prop maker to create a potent magical object! While I do stress the importance of doing the creating yourself, don’t ever be ashamed to ask for help or assistance! As long as you have given it careful consideration and genuine energy, you’ll find that something that may look simple to others can carry immense power when you wield it.
Note: I would say the only caveats to creating your own magical tools outright would be if you were gifted a magical item or if you divined characteristics of an item and are yet to piece together all of its properties. If you were gifted a magical tool, or you are repurposing something that you already own, try to get as much information as you can about its creation and what energies it is imbued with (including any emotional or psychic attachments); if there are things about it that you do not deem necessary or appropriate for your work, I highly recommend cleansing it magically before use and find ways to reroot it to your practice or avoid using it all together.
After you have finished your creation, I recommend enchanting it to further connect it to you and your practice. This can be done in any number of ways but I think it is always best to do something that makes sense in context; for example:
Consecrate the item with water, oils, incense, etc. that is imbued with the energies you want it to carry. Consider associations such as celestial or elemental correspondences, if they apply. Just make sure it makes sense to you!
Is your work in dedication to a certain entity? Consider opening communication with it and get its input on how you should store and charge your new tool. They might also have opinions on how you should use it and if there are any voces magicae, or magic words, you might invoke.
If this is an item you associate with dreams or the astral, sleep with the tool placed under your pillow, under your bed, or somewhere close at hand like a nightstand. You can also consider charging it under moonlight after each use.
If you have an altar dedicated to this part of your practice, place your new tool on it and consecrate it as you see fit. By enchanting and/or storing it the proximity of other items that you have already associated with your work, you can easily establish it as part of your canon.
This post is part of my Magi Praxis series. If you have any suggestions for future topics, or you have attempted anything I have shared and want you share your experiences, please send me a message! I am always happy to go back and provide further explanation as well. ☆
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ghosttyzzz · 1 year ago
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bruxasdebolso · 8 months ago
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dragons-breathwitch · 2 months ago
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holy-mountaineering · 8 months ago
Takato Yamamoto, "Tarot Labyrinth" (2009)
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Takato Yamamoto, "Tarot Labyrinth" (2009)
Takato Yamamoto 山本タカト
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thrashkink-coven · 9 months ago
Finally reorganized my altar after so long. It’s 10000x more functional now :))
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lunasapphire · 1 year ago
What it looks like to be an actual witch✨
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Research on top of research on top of research - welcome to my unorganized but organized research grimoire scrapbook
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theeninthkeye · 27 days ago
Blog Repost: How Much Does Authenticity Actually Matter?
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Hello! After careful deliberation, I have decided to repost one of my old blog entries (with some minor updates to grammar/spelling for clairty) rather than write something completely new.
I have a lot of ideas for future blogs, but I figured this would be a good way to 'test the waters', as this piece gives a good sense of the kind of things I write about.
It is fun going over my old posts. I enjoy rereading them and thinking about where I was (physically, emotionally, spiritually) when I wrote them initially. I wrote this piece earlier this year, Febuary 20th, 2024.
At this point, I was struggling to juggle my school work and regularly posting on my blog website. I had not gotten much viewership and was becoming disheartened, yet I kept writing despite being so burnt out. I really wanted (and still want) people to enjoy my writing!
I have largely kept this piece the same. However, there were a lot of minor mistakes. I did delete a few sentences from the very end because they felt redundant. I also changed the title, as the original title felt long-winded and pretentious.
Without further ado, here is the post! Enjoy.
How Much Does Authenticity Actually Matter?
I got to sit in on a most fascinating lecture today about Vajrayana or Esoteric Buddhism. In particular, this lecture was about the crypt discovered under the Famen Si pagoda in Shaanxi Province, China. In 1987, the pagoda partially collapsed due to an earthquake, and it was decided that it would be rebuilt. When construction began, the workers dug into the foundation of the pagoda and discovered an amazing archeological find. A fabulous crypt, walls painted pitch black, with multiple chambers all nested together. This crypt mimicked imperial style crypts from the Tang Dynasty, but instead of a body, this crypt held many treasures.
Pottery, coins, glassware, jade... so many beautiful and luxurious items were retrieved from the crypt. Amazingly, the items had been pre-inventoried by whoever sealed the crypt, which had laid untouched since it was built. Each item was listed and accounted for with exquisite attention to detail.
Among the treasures were some very curious little objects - four "bones" discovered in nested reliquary boxes. One in the first chamber made of actual bone, one in the second chamber made out of jade, another made of jade in the third chamber, and in a tiny, secret niche in the back wall, a fourth reliquary made of bone.
These curious objects are said to be finger bones of the historic Buddha, prince Siddhartha Gautama.
Only... they're not.
Two aren't even made of bone, and none of the four objects are the correct size or shape to be human finger bones.
Essentially, none of these four objects are authentic.
...At least not by western standards. 
You see, in Buddhism they believe that everything is transient. Everything fades, dies, or gets destroyed eventually. They're not exactly a materialistic bunch! So why would they even care about the authenticity of relics anyways?
They believe that the thing and the meaning of the thing are the same thing. There is no need for it to be the 'real deal', an actual bone from the hand of Siddartha himself. By being designated as a relic, it becomes a vehicle for teaching, for spreading the Dharma.
This got me thinking about magick, witchcraft, occultism, etc. I think sometimes we can get caught up in the authenticity of physical STUFF sometimes--- I know I certainly do. 
Like with crystals specifically. It is common knowledge by now that crystal mining and the crystal industry as a whole is incredibly damaging to the planet and full of grifters. Most crystals are dyed/altered, over priced, and there is no real way of tracing their origin, making it difficult to find crystals that are ethically sourced. 
Yet people insist on buying them because they 'need the real thing'.
Buddhists would argue the opposite! 
You make your own authenticity by imbueing meaning into whatever you do. An object is just an object until you, the practitioner, dedicate meaning to it.
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galacticnikki · 6 months ago
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Entry 6 - 15 Tools and Their Uses in Witchcraft!
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1. Athame
An athame is a ceremonial knife used in various forms of witchcraft. It typically consists of a double edged blade and a black handle. The athame is not typically used for actual cutting; it instead, is used for directing energy and symbolizing intent during rituals and ceremonies. Knives like the athame were used historically in rituals in cultures such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The modern concept of the athame was popularized by Gerald Garden. He incorporated the athame into Wiccan practice by drawing inspiration from ceremonial magic traditions. In these traditions the athame was used to draw protective circles and direct energy. Now in our modern day we use the athame for many purposes including circle casting, directing energy, invocation and evocation, and symbolism of the elements air, fire, masculine energy, and the power of the mind and will.
2. Wand
A wand is a slender, hand held tool used in witchcraft for directing energy, casting spells, and invoking spirits of deities. Wands are commonly made from wood but can also be crafted from metals, crystals, or various other materials. It is traditionally considered sacred and powerful when used as a tool. Like the athame the wand also has historical ties to the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. In these cultures, wands were symbols of authority and power. They were used by priests, magicians, and oracles to channel divine energy and perform rituals. The want is also a common staple of folklore and mythology as they often are depicted as a tool wielded by witches, wizards, and fairies. This tool, again like the athame, was popularized in Wicca by Gerald Gardner. He drew inspiration from ceremonial magic and folklore. It's uses are for directing energy, casting circles, invocation and evocation, healing, channeling intent, and symbolizes air, fire, and the power of the mind.
3. Chalice
The chalice is a cup used in various religious practices involving witchcraft. It's typically made from metals, glasses, ceramic, or wood. The chalice represents the element of water and is a symbol of the Goddess, the feminine aspect of divinity, and the womb. The chalice has been used historically in rituals dating back to ancient times. In many cultures, the chalice has been a symbol of abundance, fertility, and the divine feminine. The chalice is often used to hold offerings and ritual drinks. It's so commonly used that even Christianity uses it to represent the blood of Christ. Today the chalice is often used for ritual beverages, such as water, wine, or juices, offerings, blessings, invocation, and symbolizes water, femininity, the womb, fertility, abundance, and the divine feminine.
4. Pentacle
Not to be confused with the sigil of Baphomet, the pentacle is a disk or flat object inscribed with a pentagram, which is a five pointed star pointing upright, enclosed within a circle. In witchcraft the pentacle is a powerful symbol that represents the elements. The pentacle has ancient roots, with the pentagram symbol being used in various different cultures and religions for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, among others, used the pentagram for its protective and symbolic properties. In the context of western religious and ceremonial magic, the pentacle boomed in popularity and became a prominent tool and symbol. This happened especially during the renaissance and the development of modern occult traditions thereafter. Today the pentacle is used as an altar tool as a focal point representing the element of earth and the foundation of magical practice. It's also used for protection, consecration, invocation and evocation, spell work, and symbolizes the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is the interconnectedness of all things and a very powerful tool because of it.
5. Cauldron
A cauldron is a large pot, typically made of cast iron, used in cooking and rituals. It's a versatile tool associated with transformation, rebirth, and the element of water. The cauldron can also symbolize the womb of the goddess, representing fertility. The cauldron has ancient roots and has been used across various cultures for cooking, brewing, and other various rituals. In Celtic mythology, the cauldron is a powerful symbol of abundance, knowledge, and transformation. For example, the Cauldron of Dagda in Irish mythology was said to provide endless nourishment. The Cauldron of Cerridwen in Welsh mythology, was a source of wisdom and rebirth. In medieval Europe, the cauldron became associated with witches and magic. It was often depicted in folklore and literature as a vessel for brewing potions and casting spells. This association has continued into the modern day and the cauldron remains a symbol of witchcraft. It's used for scrying, burning rituals, cooking, transformation rituals, and symbolizes the womb of the goddess, water, and the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
6. Broom
The broom, also commonly referred to as a besom in witchcraft, is a traditional tool used for sweeping and cleansing. It serves as a functional and symbolic object and is usually made from natural materials, such as wooden handles and twigs or straw for the bristles. Historically it was used by woman when cleaning homes. In medieval Europe woman were often practitioners of folk magic. The image of witches flying on broomsticks became popular in European folklore and later in literature and art. This is theorized to have origins in shamanic practices, where tools like brooms were used symbolically in rituals involving altered states of mind. Today it's used for cleansing and purification, ritual preparation, protection, fertility rituals, and symbolizes air, magical cleaning, and the union of masculine and feminine energies.
7. Book of Shadows
A Book of Shadows (BoS), also known as a grimoire, is a collection of magical knowledge, experiences, rituals, spells, and other relevant information stored in a book, journal, blog, or other means. While the term is usually interchangeable, some traditions distinguish between the two. These traditions usually consider a grimoire as more of a spellbook or manual while a Book of Shadows (BoS) is considered a personal diary of magical practice. The concept of recording magical knowledge dates back to ancient times. Grimoires have been found throughout history in various cultures, containing information on magical practices, spells, rituals, and divination. In medieval Europe, grimoires were often handwritten manuscripts passed down through generations or kept secret to protect the knowledge within. Today the Book of Shadows (BoS) is used to record spells and rituals, track progress of the practitioners growth, contains notes from research and study, shares personal reflections of experiences, dreams, and insights gained through magical practice, preserve tradition, and is a method of creative expression.
8. Candles
In witchcraft and other magical practices, candles are used for their symbolic and practical properties. The color, size, and type of candle can influence its effectiveness and purpose in rituals and spells. The use of candles dates back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Romans, and Chinese used candles made from beeswax, tallow (animal fat), or plant based waxes. Early candles were primarily used for illumination and were often crafted in a labor intensive process. In magical and religious contexts, candles have been used for centuries as symbols of light, purification, and spiritual illumination. In many traditions, candles have been incorporated into rituals and spellwork due to their symbolic representation of the element of fire and the energy of transformation. Today's uses of candles include focus and intention, color correspondences, ritual and spellwork, meditation and contemplation, celebrations and ceremonies, and symbolize fire, transformation, energy, and purification.
9. Incense
Incense is a substance that releases fragrant smoke when burned. It's typically made from a blend of aromatic plant materials, resins, oils, and sometimes other stuff. Incense comes in various forms, including sticks, cones, powders, and coins. In witchcraft and other spiritual practices, incense is used for its aromatic properties and its association with purification, ritual and energy work. Incense has been used for thousands of years across various cultures for religious, spiritual, and therapeutic purposes. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese all utilized incense in their rituals and ceremonies. In many cultures, burning incense was, and still is, believed to bring people closer to the divine, purify spaces, and ward of negative energies. In ancient Egypt, incense was used in temple offerings and daily rituals. The Greeks and Romans used it in their religious practices and medicinal treatments. In India and China, incense has been integral to spiritual and meditative practices for centuries. The use of incense in these traditions often involved complex blends of resins, herbs, and oils tailored to specific purposes. Today's uses for incense include purification, rituals and ceremonies, meditation and contemplation, invocation, spellwork, and energy work.
10. Deity Statues
Deity statues are sculptural representations of divine beings or spirits used in various religious practices. These statues can be made from various materials, such as wood, stone, metal, or clay, and they often depict gods, goddesses, or other significant figures from mythology or religious traditions. In witchcraft, deity statues are used to represent and connect with specific deities or spiritual entities. They have been used across a variety of cultures for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, including but not limited to, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hindus, and Buddhists, created statues to honor and invoke their deities. These statues served as focal points for worship, rituals, and offerings. In ancient Egypt, statues of gods and goddesses were placed in temples and homes, and offerings were made to them as part of daily religious practices. In Greece and Rome, statues of gods were central to worship in temples and public spaces. Similarly, in Hinduism and Buddhism, deities are often depicted in elaborate statues that play a significant role in devotional practices. In modern witchcraft, deity statues are used to honor and work with specific deities, align with spiritual practice with divine energies, and create sacred spaces. They are used for representation, invocation, meditation, altar decoration, used for offerings and devotion, and symbolic connection.
11. Crystals
Crystals come in various types, including quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, and many others. In spiritual and magical practices, crystals are valued for their alleged energetic properties and their ability to influence or enhance various aspects of life and magic. The use of crystals dates back to ancient civilizations. Many cultures have used crystals for their perceived magical and healing properties. In Ancient Egypt, crystals such as lapis, turquoise, and carnelian were used in amulets, jewelry, and burial artifacts. They were believed to offer protection and bring about divine favor. Ancient Greece and Rome used various crystals in jewelry and talismans. They believed that crystals had healing and protective qualities. Ancient China used crystals as medicine to balance energy and treat various ailments. Historically Crystals were used in Hinduism and Buddhism to enhance energy and focus. In today's modern age, crystals have gained popularity in various new aged practices where they are used for their healing properties and their role in energy work. Some of the modern uses include healing, energy work, protection, manifestation, cleansing, purification, and divination.
12. Herbs
In witchcraft, herbs are valued for their specific energies and attributes, which are believed to enhance rituals, spells, and healing practices. Herbs can be used in various forms, including fresh, dried, powdered, or in essential oil form. Historically herbs were used for various purposes for various cultures. Ancient Egypt used herbs in medicine, rituals, and embalming practices. Plants like frankincense and myrrh were highly prized for their spiritual and healing properties. Ancient Greece and Rome used herbs in both medical and magical practices. Greek physicians like Hippocrates and Galen wrote extensively on the use of herbs for health. In ancient China herbs were used in medicine for thousands of years to balance the body's energy and treat ailments. A variety of indigenous cultures around the world have also used herbs for healing practices, rituals, and daily life, often incorporating them into traditional medicine and ceremonies. Today we use them for many reasons including holistic medicine, culinary arts, and witchcraft. In witchcraft they are used for spells, rituals, herbal baths, incense and smudging, healing, amulets and charms, meditation, and dream work.
13. Bells
Bells have a long history across many cultures and have been used for various purposes. Bells have been found in ancient civilizations, such as in China and Mesopotamia, where they were used in rituals, ceremonies, and as signaling devices. In Buddhism, bells are used in temples and monasteries to signal meditation times and to aid in ritual practices. In Christianity, church bells have historically called people to worship and marked hours of the day. In European folk traditions, bells were often used in rituals to ward off evil spirits and protect against evil forces. They were also used in celebrations and seasonal festivals. In modern times bells are used for cleansing, purification, marking rituals and spells, energy clearing, focus, intention, invoking or honoring deities, and divination.
14. Altar Cloth
Altar clothes are pieces of fabric used to cover and decorate altars. It can be made from various materials including silk, cotton, velvet, or other fabrics and often features symbolic designs, colors, or patterns relevant to the practitioners beliefs or the specific ritual. The use of altar cloths dates back to ancient religious and spiritual practices among a variety of cultures. In many ancient religious traditions altars were often covered with cloths as a sign of respect and to beautify the sacred space. This practice can be seen in ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman temples. In Christian traditions, altar cloths are used to cover the altar in churches. These cloths often feature religious symbols and are used to make religious occasions. In various pagan and folk traditions, altar cloths have been used to signify the altar's sacred nature and to protect it from mundane influences. Today altar clothes are used for both practical and symbolic reasons. These range from creating a sacred space, use for protection, focus, intention, organization, and symbolize different meanings dependent on the color. For example a green cloth may be used during prosperity spells, while a black cloth might be used for protection or banishing.
15. Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and pestles are tools used to crush, grind, and mix substances. The mortar is a bowl, typically made of stone, ceramic, or wood, and the pestle is a heavy, club shaped object used to grind and crush the materials inside the mortar. This tool is widely used in cooking, pharmacies, and various craft and medicinal practices. The mortar and pestle have a long history and has been used across many cultures. Early examples of mortar and pestles have been found in the archaeological remains of the Indus Valley, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. In ancient Greece and Rome the mortar and pestle was an essential tool for pharmacists and used to prepare medicines. Today mortar and pestles are valued for their ability to transform raw ingredients into fine powders and mixes, making it an essential tool for preparing herbal blends, incense, and other magical concoctions. They are used for symbolic acts, herbal preparations, incense making, to prepare spell ingredients, and in making anointing oils.
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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Lady Sheba - The Witches Workbook - Zebra - 1975
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the-witchy-housewife · 4 months ago
。+*✧ 5 Witchy Ways To Make Your Home More Magickal ✧*+。
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This is an article from my website, The Witchy Housewife. You can read it at the source here or look under the cut to read it here on Tumblr. If you enjoy my work, please consider subscribing (at the bottom of this page) to receive articles as they're posted via e-mail, exploring the shop, leaving a tip, or reblogging this post. I run this all myself, so all support is greatly appreciated. 💜🔮✨
Most practicing witches, whether just starting out or involved for decades, have carved out a sacred space for themselves. It is rare, however, that I see that same level of attention given to the rest of the home. In doing so, we risk the stagnation of energies in just about every other room of the house and miss out on this beautiful flow dancing about room to room. Today, I would like to share five simple ways to make your entire home a more magickal place to live in.
1. Regularly cleanse, bless, and ward.
It is so important – both for the success of workings and the overall energetic wellbeing of the household – to have a regular routine of cleansing the home, refilling it with positive energies, and charging the wards that surround it. This habit breaks up energetic stagnation, deters lingering negative energies, and promotes a sacred feeling of warmth that permeates throughout the entire home. In addition, I think you will find that this sort of energetic housekeeping will improve the results of any future magickal workings performed within it. Not to mention, making a habit out of any sort of magickal working – cleansings included – will naturally “exercise” and improve your own magickal abilities overall.
For those new to the ideas of cleansing, blessing, and warding, this is how I generally define it: To cleanse is to rid a person, place, or thing (in this case, the home) of stagnant, unwanted, draining, counterproductive, or otherwise negative energies. After a cleansing is performed, a blessing may follow. In my opinion, blessing a space with more productive energies serves two purposes: To set the tone for desired future outcomes and to further deter negative energies from re-entering the space. With that said, to bless – again, as I define it – is to invite in and refill the recently-cleansed person, place, or thing with fresh, positive, intentional energies. And finally, to ward is to create an energetic protective barrier around the person, place, or thing as a more passive and longer-lasting preventative measure. Some people may also refer to this as bubbling or shielding, though different people may have different definitions for each.
Now personally, there are different cleansing rituals I use for different circumstances, but my most often used rituals take place monthly or as-needed when energies get too muddied.
My Monthly Cleansing Ritual: I perform this ritual on the first of each month. Any cleansing tools to be charged on the altar should be set at least a day before performing the cleansing. The morning of, weather permitting, open windows and play uplifting music or cleansing affirmations, frequencies, or subliminals of choice. Take a cleansing shower. Clean the home as you normally would. When physical cleaning is complete, use a smoke or spray cleansing blend of choice, walking with intention from room-to-room. Pay special mind to corners and doorways. I like to use sound cleansing – bells, drums, or even snapping your fingers will do – in these spaces to really ensure the breaking up of any “stuck” energies. If you are someone who performs banishing rituals, you may choose to do so now. At this point, I also take a moment to cleanse myself, particularly as an empath. I then tend to my wards by first taking a blessed salt blend around the perimeter of the property, followed by sitting at the center of the property and funneling my own energy into the ward. If you would prefer to instead bless first and ward after, feel free to do so. It is your ritual, after all. Regardless of which order you perform the ritual in, the blessing process may be a deeply personal one, so this is a step I suggest thinking on a bit rather than following to the letter. In my ritual, I use a spray with positive energy-promoting herbs (as well as herbs that may promote the intention I wish to set for the month) and follow up with prayer to my deities. If you’re interested in a more in-depth look at my Monthly Cleansing Ritual, I do have detailed instructions available on my Monthly Blessings Patreon.
My As-Needed Cleansing Ritual: This is essentially a truncated version of my monthly ritual. If the energies are something I’ve tracked in or absorbed too much of, I will take a cleansing shower first. Following this, perform your usual smoke or spray cleansing, focusing especially on any room(s) that may be the most abundant in the energy that brought about this need for an emergency cleanse. You may also like to perform a shorter version of your regular blessing ritual. Unless the situation is really dire, I will generally stick to my spray in this case.
In regards to the physical cleaning portion of this, I do have to recommend Grove Collaborative for cultivating a more natural-based cleaning cabinet. In the future, I’ll be looking into more do-it-yourself methods for cleaning essentials, as is part of the focus of this blog, but in the meantime – and for anything that may be too tedious to make – I really do love Grove.
And one final thought on the cleansing process before we move on: If nothing else, it would at least be worth it to regularly cleanse yourself. I’m afraid your floors (and your home overall) will never be clean if you are consistently tracking in the (energetic) mud.
2. Arrange altars around the home.
To some, an altar may just be some simple magickal workspace, but I tend to view an altar as a sort of energetic nexus – a point of focus in (or out of) the home enchanted with a specific intention. Having a variety of these energetic points all across the home can promote different energies in different places and act as a sort of battery for the mood you wish to set in any room you wish to set it. Here are just a few ideas for altars around your home:
• The Shrine Altar: A space dressed with statuary, artwork, trinkets, and offerings honoring the deity or deities you are devoted to in your practice. This is your place of divine worship.
• The Working Altar: A space with all the tools and dressings to make magick happen. This, combined with a Shrine, is what most people traditionally think of when referring to an altar.
• The Divination Altar: A space with all the tools and dressings for divination, spirit communication, and other sorts of communion that take place beyond the veil. You may wish to set aside a space here for your spirit guides and teachers to provide their own guidance.
• The Ancestor Altar: A space for maintaining connection with your ancestors. When decorating and leaving offerings, keep in mind the things that your ancestors would enjoy.
• The Protection Altar: A space for gathering protective energies to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your home safe from harm. Think of it as a battery specifically for your wards.
• The Hearth Altar: A space for inviting warm, positive energies into the home and transmuting any negative energies that may enter. Even better if you can get your family involved.
• The Prosperity Altar: A space for inviting wealth, prosperity, and abundance into the home. Similarly to the Hearth Altar, It’s a good idea to have this altar face the front door to act as a “greeter” to these energies, and you may even choose to combine them.
• The Creativity Altar: A space for encouraging a steady flow of inspiration. This is ideal if you have any sort of creative pursuits and/or are subject to frequent creative blockages.
• The Study Altar: A space for encouraging focus and memory retention. Perfect for a library or an office where lots of learning takes place. Rosemary would be an excellent addition here.
• The Garden Altar: A space in your garden for promoting the growth of your plants and bonding with the fae and genius loci native to your area.
3. Celebrate with the changing seasons.
When I was younger, much of the year was quite boring to me, and I found myself always pining for Hallowthanksmas to roll back around before returning yet again to “business as usual” come January 1st. I think an unfortunate amount of people operate this way, as well. It was only when I started observing and appreciating the year in full that my life turned around in a big way, and I began to realize there is always something to look forward to.
Whether this means celebrating the sabbats, the seasonal shifts, or your own set of scattered observations – you can make holiday magick a year-round experience just by opening your eyes to Gaia’s natural cycles. In addition, I think you’ll find that matching the energetic ebb and flow of the Earth will serve to optimize your success with spellwork overall. Very simply:
During the spring… New beginnings are abundant. Appreciate the budding flowers, the baby animals, and the fresh spring air. Start new projects and/or take on new endeavors.
During the summer… Passions are at their highest. Host bonfires and barbecues and let yourself live life. Soak up the energy of the sun and transmute it into raw motivation.
During the autumn… Our efforts may be harvested. Bathe in gratitude for the abundance of this beautiful planet. Review and appreciate all that you have done for yourself.
During the winter… The world is at rest. The cold decelerates the very flow of time. Take a much-needed break, and plan to return or renew come the first signs of spring.
Consider also bringing the outdoors in – particularly during the colder months when it is too difficult to spend a significant amount of time outside. Foraging with the local flora in your area and using your findings for food, medicine, and decor is an excellent way to become familiar with the cycle of the seasons as it functions in your very own neighborhood.
4. Ritualize your everyday routines.
We often don’t realize just how many rituals we perform each and every day – repetitive, but necessary, processes that lull us into a meditative state. There is opportunity here. In our day-to-day life, there are so many little pockets within our routines to tuck intention and purpose into. And why shouldn’t we? Here are just a few suggestions for enchanting your daily routine:
In the Morning: Do affirmation work upon waking or in the mirror. Alternatively, listen to affirmations or subliminal audio on your ride to work or while getting ready in the morning. Incorporate color and shape magick into your wardrobe – including any accessories, makeup, or nail care that you may do.
Throughout the Day: Enhance your meals with carefully chosen herbs to improve wellbeing or attract specific energies. After workouts, take a moment to meditate on advancing muscular growth or expelling fat from troublesome areas. Use showers as mini cleansing rituals or put oils/herbs in a bath to attract energies.
During the Night: Do affirmation work just before falling asleep. Keep a small (non-fragile) stone under your pillow to regularly fill with energies of gratitude. Set an intention for your dreams. Keep a dream sachet under your pillow to help with achieving lucidity. Diffuse oil for a specific intention to set the tone for your dreams or even to set the tone for the next day.
However you spend your days, consider altering your home’s decor room-by-room to cultivate a specific tone and energy depending on the daily rituals you perform there.
5. Build a garden you can bond with.
One of the things I love most about being a witch is the awareness that magick really is all around us. In my opinion, cultivating a garden is the best way to go about experiencing this, and it offers so much versatility. On a very basic level, a garden offers a wide variety of personally-selected plants that can be used for cooking, medicine, magick, decor, aroma, and so much more. On a deeper level, a garden offers the space to get to know the spirits of these plants as they thrive and flourish prior to receiving their gifts – and this, in turn, will improve upon many of your more subtle spiritual abilities.
And for those of you who don’t have much of a yard to work with at this time, keep in mind that plants in any pot – that require any amount of sun and attention – are still living beings. Lavender, for example, is one commonly-used plant in the craft that can be grown indoors.
Pinterest, for the record, is a great place to collect gardening information tailored to your tastes (among other things like recipes and crafting tutorials). And for the more daring, you may choose to expand your horizons by looking into things like food forests or guerrilla gardening (bonus points if it yields something edible).
Regardless of what endeavors you decide to take on, darling, I wish you the best of luck in making your home, your community, and your life more magickal. Many blessings to you.
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majokkid · 3 months ago
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When Magical Tools Have Agency
This is something I will go into depth more in a post I have planned about servitors and servitor creation but I would be remiss not to mention the idea of agency when it comes to magical tools, in particular.
We are certainly not unfamiliar with the notion of inanimate objects having their own ‘souls’ or ‘personalities’. I mean, who hasn’t blamed a computer or other household appliance for ‘acting up’? I, for one, talk to things around my house fairly frequently, asking them for cooperation. Magical tools can similarly seem to gain human traits that can become more apparent or developed with use. (I’ve heard many practitioners specifically talk about the ‘moods’ or ‘personalities’ of their tarot and oracle decks—how some can be ‘blunt’ or ‘sassy’ while others are ‘straightforward’ but ‘gentle’ or even ‘sympathetic’.)
I think the personification of magical tools falls roughly into two categories: one being that the ‘personality’ of a specific item can develop or evolve with use but its agency was not something that was originally part of its creation; and the other being that the tool was created with the intention of having a certain level of agency or was even enchanted to carry an entity within it.
While I did not mention this in my introductory post to creating magical tools, I do strongly believe that this is something to consider when making a new tool or establishing its use(s). On one hand, it can be fun to develop a relationship with your tools and see if any personality or agency emerges but on the other, it can be useful to have that locked in before furthering your magical work with them. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to approach this but I do think that having an understanding of a tool’s agency, or lack thereof, can play a significant role in determining how reliable it can be for you.
This post is part of my Magi Praxis series. If you have any suggestions for future topics, or you have attempted anything I have shared and want you share your experiences, please send me a message! I am always happy to go back and provide further explanation as well. ☆
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