#magicats yo!
kazariloveandhavok · 2 years
First Five Chapters
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Chapter 1: Chapter 1- The New Generation
Chapter Text
Adora's Log #1...
20 years. It's been over 20 years since the defeat of Horde Prime. I can hardly believe so much time has passed. To me, it always felt like it was yesterday, what with the constant panic attacks and PTSD and whatnot. Then again, I try to remember everything that has happened. If I listed everything, I'd be here all day, but at the top of my head: I was made Grand Knight of Etheria, we discovered another dimension and met a different version of me (Sidenote- Retro Adora, as we've been calling her, is a bit of a weirdo. She can also become She-Ra, but she has a bizarre habit of announcing it to nobody in particular). We brought back Queen Angella, but it seems all those years in the void have caused some lasting damage to her psyche. Oh yeah, we also accidently resurrected the past She-Ras. Actually, my son, Finn, is at Liq'Ollem, training with Juliet right now. I wonder if-"
"Yo, Adora! You ready? We're gonna go check on Finn. Also, we have guest coming along"
Adora looked up at her wife, Catra. The magicat extended her hand, which Adora happily took.
Even after 20 years, it was still hard to believe that this place used to be the Fright Zone, but what stood in its place was a sprawling metropolis, a melting pot of all the cultures of Etheria. Let's go to the park, where Finn was busy building muscles and training with Juliet. Training for the G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi.
Following Finn's birth, Juliet was made to be a godmother to the son of Adora and Catra, a task she has excelled in greatly. "That's right. That's how you do it!" Juliet proudly told Finn as they did the 200th set of reps! "Thanks. It's all your doing. I have a great trainer you know." Finn winks at Juliet who has been a mentor and guide ever since they were born. Juliet laughed heartily at them. "Damn right! Hey, your moms are here!" she said, pointing to the stupid lesbian and her cat wife!"
Finn gave a sigh as they walked up to the moms. "Hey, Mamadora. Hey, Momoew. What are you guys doing here?" they asked.
Adora replied, "Well, We're here to see you, silly!"
Catra tried to ruffle Finn's hair, only for them to swat her hand away.
"Oh yeah," Adora perked up, "We brought along someone really special!"
Finn and Juiliet looked at each other, then back to the couple. "Oh, and who is this special guest?" Juliet asked.
Catra and Adora pointed to the approaching third woman.
"Finn, I want you to meet Retro Adora. She's not from our dimension! You both haven't been able to get to know each other and Finn, she happens to be your aunt. Might as well introduce yourself to your aunt, don't you think?"
Finn gave this a thought and then said, "I guess so. I would love to know her, Mom." Finn said and genuinely meant it. Retro Adora was a part of their family and it was incumbent upon Finn to know every member of their family. "Hello Finn, my gorgeous nephew. Can't believe I'm seeing you for the first time in twelve years! What a journey it's been, ha?" Retro Adora was always the chirpy one in the family and she would always make it a point to let everyone know that she is a She-Ra. She took a lot of pride in being a She-Ra and could not say it out loud enough, much to everyone's annoyance.
"Well then, I guess you will be seeing more of me, auntie. Rest assured," said Finn with a wink.
"I'm eagerly looking forward to it," replied Retro Adora.
With the recurrent trips she had made to this realm from the other dimension and functioning as an actual family member for Adora and Catra, she really had become a fixture in their life. "Alright, then. Off you go. Better not keep everyone waiting," said Adora. "Oh, yes. I have to go and check on the others. I'll join you all later then." Finn waved the three ladies a goodbye and headed off to check on the others.
"Bye, bitches!"
Squared off under a tree, Scorpia and her daughter, Rose, were found sparring with each other. Perfuma watched from a distance. Between the scorpion claws at the end of her fingertips and the flower power, Rose was truly the best of both worlds. Rose cartwheeled over a sweeping kick, and attempted a pele, only to be caught in Scorpia's grip.
"Dammit!" Rose shouted.
"Easy, Rose. You're gonna do great at the Cosmic Tenkaichi, but you still have a lot to learn!" Scorpia said with a grin.
"Looks like your training in going well," An approaching Finn remarked. "Of course, being the offspring of Scorpia and I has it's perks," said Pefuma.
"Rose is awesome! She's gonna do so well in the tournament," Scorpia gushed.
Finn placed an arm over Rose's shoulder. "They're right, y'know. I can't wait to see you in action" Finn said. Rose always felt good about herself, but it didn't hurt to let someone gas her up, however, she couldn't help but feel a small twinge of envy towards the young magicat. "Finn, when we get older, you'll be the first of us to get laid, won't ya?" she asked. "ROSE! YOU'RE 13! Don't be so vulgar!" Perfuma shouted before calming down. "Sorry...sorry...but you really don't need to be so...perverse. Rose rolled her eyes calmly. Deep down, she knows that she's still in the early stages of puberty, and eventually, her hormones would hit her like a ton of bricks.
"Right, imma go check up on Maila. The gods know she must be getting put through her paces!"
By the lake, the daughter of Seahawk and Mermista repelled fast flying water balls. Also, Frosta was there to chuck snowballs every once in a while.
"Let's go! Pep in your step!" Mermista demanded. After a bit more dodging and weaving, Maila closed in on Frosta, then wiped the sweat from the blue streak in her otherwise brown hair and shot it into the ice princess's eyes.
Frosta reeled back in pain. "Ow, you goddamned cheap-shotting little shit!" she said as she decked Maila in the face.
"Yo, Frosta! Got bored bodying scrubs in Smash, so you're bodying scrubs IRL?"
"Finn, shut the fuck up! I'm no scrub!" said Maila.
Finn rolled their eyes with a chuckle. "Good to see you too, Maila. How's training going?"
The mermaid-pirate princess gave a confident smirk. "I am so ready for a tourney. Finn, are YOU ready for a championship ADVENTURE?!!!" Mermista rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Uuugh, Maila, you don't have to yell, we're right here!" she moaned. Maila was definitely her and Seahawk's daughter, she had inherited Mermista's mermaid form, but that's all she got. Maila snickered like an idiot as Frosta suddenly got a message on her holo-pager. "Oh crap, speaking of tournaments, I got a local Smash tournament at Snow.
As soon as Frosta was out of earshot, Finn said, "I swear, I don't think she ever really grew up, did she? Speaking of adult-children, where's Seahawk?"
Mermista rolled her eyes. "Finn, remind Adora to swing be Sealinies later today. Seahawk is nursing a broken bussy..." she droned.
Maila tilted her head. "What's a bussy"
Finn turned a bright head, but then they noticed Riley. Riley sprinted around the trees and shrubbery as a laugh-filled Spinnerella stood on her tornado, which blasted tennis balls everywhere. Riley moved serpentine. High above him, Netossa swung from tree to tree with her nets. "Come on, Riley. Put some pep in your step, son!" said Netossa. At the moment, Finn ran up to Riley, running backwards, saying, "Well, looks like, Spinny and Netossa are putting you through it.
"Hey, Finn! Can't talk! Being pelted with balls!" said Riley.
"RILEY! PHRASING!" shouted Spinnerella.
"Sorry, Mom!"
Riley suddenly tripped over a loose branch, leaving him wide open to get blasted with several balls.
Finn awkwardly rubbed the back of their head, saying, "Oof, I'll just go check on Archer!"
Archer's training just amounted to being shot at by Glimmer and Micah as Bow and Angella sat on the sidelines, taking it all in. "Oh yeah, that's right, Archer. Dance, son. Dance!" Speaking of dancing, Glimmer's movements with new magic kinda looked like samba combat. "Come on, Mom. Come on, Grandpa Micah! Bring me all you got!
"Y'know, it's still surreal to have a grandson," Micah mused.
"Yes, well, he is a good one", Angella remarked. Ever since being rescued from the void, things were not easy for the bridlady. All those years in total, white isolation have wreaked havoc on Angie's psyche, the road to recovery has been slow and painful, but she has made great strides, and Archer certainly helped out.
Glimmer's eyes sparkled as she grinned an almost crazed grin as she obliged. Teleporting into point blank range, Glimmer attempted to blast Archer in the face, but Archer diverted the shot, which nearly hit Finn, who was perched up in a nearby tree. Luckily, Finn had the wherewithal to dodge at the last moment.
"Glimmer, did you forget to take your meds again?" they pondered.
Angella raised an eyebrow.
"Meds? Glimmah, what're they talking about?!"
Glimmer desperately looked for excuses to get out of the situation. "Uh...Finn, you were on your way to see Iyexi. I'll teleport you to your buddy, Iyexi, since I need to talk to Entrapta!"
With that, Glimmer pounced and tackled Finn, teleporting them both to the other side of the park.
Hordak and Entrapta took notes as Iyexi threw precise and calculated punches and kicks at Kadroh, who was formerly known as Wrong Hordak. "Very good, sister!" said Kadroh.  Iyexi lined up a strong kick, only for Glimmer to teleport into the line of fire and get the wind knocked outta her!
"Are you okay?" said Iyexi.
Glimmer struggled to her feet and said, "Yeah, I'm all good, but y'know, I still can't believe you two had a kid. I didn't think Hordak had a dick!"
Finn rolled their eyes as they went to go speak with Iyexi and Kodroh. "Finn, brother! How are your mothers?" said Kadroh.
"Well, Mamadora hasn't had a manic episode in a couple months, a new record, so I'd say we're doing fine..."
Iyexi took Finn by the hand. "Finn! Are you ready for that tournament? Ready to go in and bust some heads?"
Finn chuckled.
"Hell yeah. We're going all the way!"
Iyexi chuckled. "Let's save it for the tournament. Speaking of which, it's gonna be on Xisaeus, so we'd better be careful with the wildlife, y'know!"
"Yeah, whatever, Iyexi."
"Hey, Finn. Isn't your cousin, Rohan, competing this year?"
Finn nodded. "Yep, he is. We've made a pact that we'd face each other in the finals!"
While the two were having their discussion, Glimmer went up to Entrapta, saying, "So, have you finished with your little project yet?"
Entrapta beamed, telling the queen, "Yep! I've finally managed to mod us all into Smash!"
"Excellent! This is gonna be lit!"
Meanwhile, Iyexi produced a tablet to show Finn the current tournament bracket.
"Alright, so there is one competitor, from Xisaeus. Her name is Kazari, so I guess she'll have a hometown advantage. Finn? FIIINN? FINN!!!" Iyexi shouted.
Finn was suddenly jolted back to reality.
"Shit...I'm sorry, it's just Kazari...she's a magicat! Just like me and Momeow. So rare!" they said.
Planet Xisaeus. The Next Day
The hot sun bared down on a certain magicat. She sported dark red hair with a matching tail wrapped around her waist like a belt, gray fur and wore a tight red vest. Enter: Kazari.
As Kazari laid motionless, her dads, Ian Artemy and Steve Pigeon walked up to her, with Artemy saying, "Oi, Kazari, if you're not too busy, we're gonna need you to make a snag run."
Kazari yawned and kipped up. "Fuckin' hell, dads. I was having the best nap. Alright then, I'll be back.
As Kazari went into the city, she took a look at the massive stadium in the center of the city square. With a smirk, she simply said, "Look out, world, here comes Kazari!"
Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Cosmic Tenkaichi
Chapter Text
The day of the G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi has arrived. Everybody had reconvened at Brightmoon that morning as requested by Juliet. "So, Juliet. What did you call us here anyway?" asked Finn. Juliet and Adora smiled, with Adora saying, "Well, I wanted to discuss the name of our team, as well as share some advice. First and foremost, your team name. Since we're repping both Etheria AND Eternia, we'll be calling ourselves; TEAM GRAYSKULL!"
Glimmer summoned a box, and inside of that box, there were multiple jackets with a fanged lightning bolt.
"Damn, these are pretty pog!" said Iyexi. Angella rolled her eyes, saying, "I swear, i'll never understand the vernacular of your generation, Iyexi!"
As Micah took Angella's hand to comfort her, he remarked, "Y'know, i'm just going to say it, it's weird that the son of She-Ra and the daughter of Hordak are as close as they are."
Juliet was checking the bracket on a tracker pad, when Catra went up the formerly deceased woman. "Hey Juliet, let me see the bracket!" the magicat demanded, rather rudely.
Juliet turned the tablet to the magicat, and Catra was shocked to her core. On the bracket, there was a gray magicat with short red hair and green feline eyes.
"Her name is Kazari, looks like she's running unaffiliated," said Juliet.
"Dear Gods, the resemblance is uncanny! You really think that could be...nah!"
"Is there a problem?" asked Juliet.
Before the conversation could go any further, Catra had another coughing fit. While she luckily didn't cough up a hairball this time. Catra fell to her knees and Adora joined her, concern written all over her face. "It's okay, Adora. I'm fine!"
As Catra got to her feet, Finn came into the room. "Moms, is everything alright? It's time to go for the tournament!" they said.
Adora nodded. "Right, go warm up Darla!"
Finn nodded and ran off the started up Darla.
About an hour later...
Glimmer looked out of the bay window. "Alright, everyone. We'll be there in about a couple minutes. I have one last piece of advice to give you all; FIGHT HARD! HAVE FUN! CLEAR EYES AND FULL HEARTS! CAN'T LOSE!!" Bow placed a hand on her shoulder. "Easy, Glimmer," he said. "We're here!" said Finn. Team Grayskull ran up to the windows and saw the stadium in front of them. It was vast and vibrant. People were beginning to fill up the seats. On one end of the stadium, there was a huge concert-like stage with a huge ramp that led all the way down to the ring. On the ring canvas, there was a yin-yang symbol.
As Darla touched down, Adora was the first to exit, followed by the others. "C'mon, Finn. Let's find Rohan!"
"Hey, Finn! Aunt Adora!" a voice cried out.
"Well, it looks like we won't need to search long," Adora remarked.
A few feet away was a boy, about Finn's age. He wore a lavender headband that parted his long red hair, which he had inherited from her mother, Teela. Speaking of which, King Adam and Queen Teela were not too far behind.
Adora, for better or worse has changed quite a bit over the years, but she's still a dumb jock lesbian with all the grace of a big bull seal, so upon seeing Adam, Adora said, "ADAM!" and jumped upon her brother and gave him a big wet sloppy kiss, causing Teela and Catra to pry her off. Adam simply chuckled, saying, "Good to see you too, Adora."
Rohan raised an eyebrow. "Mom, Dad is taking that way too well," he remarked. Teela rolled her eyes. "Welp. I'm not surprised. Adora literally said, in front of the Gods and everybody, that other than Bow, Adam was the only man she'd go straight for..."
Retro Adora walked up to the twins, saying, "Well, I hate to disrupt this lovely reunion, but we should probably get to the locker room!"
"Hey, other Adora," said Adam.
:Retro Adora nodded in greeting as three women suddenly approached the three warriors.
"Wow, you're She-Ra, He-Man and other She-Ra!" one of them said.
"We're like...your biggest fans! Will you sign our titties?" As if on cue, all three of them raised their shirts, revealing three pairs of bountiful boobage of varying shapes and sizes. Adam gasped while Adora, being the dumb jock lesbian she is, shot out a spray of blood. Retro Adora was a bit better about this, but she was still an Adora, so she was drooling like a dog on a hot summer's day as she signed her name, saying, "I love being me!"
Locker Room
Kazari paced back and forth as Artemy and Pigeon tried to console her. "Try and relax, mate, you're gonna end up wearing yourself out before your first match," said Artemy.
"Sorry, Dad. I'm just a little excited to bust some heads!" Kazari said.
"Just go out there and have fun!" said Pigeon.
As Kazari nodded, Team Grayskull entered the locker room. Once Kazari was not looking, Adora and Catra got a better look at the magicat, but then, Finn went over to speak with Kazari!
"Hey, I'm Finn. The Product of She-Ra's semen. Good luck out there," they said, extending a hand.
"Thanks, mate. If you make it to the finals, I'd be honored to knock ya out!" Kazari said with a wink.
Before the conversation could go any further, Adora quickly grabbed Finn by arm and pulled them away, much to Kazari's confusion.
All competitors! Please report to the main stage for the opening ceremony!"
The Main Stage
All of the teams in the tournament stood on their own pedestals with the team logos on the front. The announcer grabbed a mic and gestured to the teams. "Welcome, one and all to the 8th Annual G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi. First, let's say hello to the teams who will be fighting for supremacy!" The Princess Alliance had taken seats in the skybox. As the teams were introduced.
"Representing Planet Zachin is Team Junga!"
"Representing Planet Cimexxo is Team Thunderstruck!"
"Representing Planet Panjax is Team Gingas!"
"Representing Planet Sahars is Team Corona!"
"Representing Planet Shuddah is Team Express!"
"Representing Planet Santhex is Team Thenia!"
"Representing Planet Primus is Team XeXalla"
"Representing both Etheria and Eternia is Team Grayskull!"
Team Grayskull waved to the thunderous crowd, with Finn saying, "Wow, they love us. Let's make it showy, everyone!"
"Finally, fighting unaffiliated, from right here, Planet Xisaeus. It's Kazari!"
If Team Grayskull had a loud reaction, then Jesus may well have came back to Earth, it's probably because Kazari is the hometown fighter, so that's to be expected.
"While the teams go back to prepare, please enjoy the opening ceremony!"
Adora gave a sigh, pulling out her tablet. The first match on the card shook Adora to the core.
Round 1, Match 1-
Team Grayskull's
It was time for the first match of the tournament. 
Archer ran out onto the stage, taking in the vast crowd in front of him, brimming with confidence, something he had inherited from his mother, Glimmer. Catra took Adora's hand as Archer struck a pose, prompting alternating blasts of pyro from either side of the stage. Adora tensed up at the sudden explosions, but Bow and Glimmer was there to give her a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay, Adora. It's just pyro," said Bow. Adora was able to quickly calm down as Bow and Glimmer cheered on their son as he came down the ramp.
Now that Archer was in the ring, it was time for Kazari to make her entrance.
Kazari was much more energetic as the 13 year old magicat jogged from one end of the stage to another before heading down the ramp. Halfway down, Kazari stopped and stared down Archer and struck her own pose, kicking up a massive stream of pyro.
Micah looked at Catra and Adora and asked, "So...that kid. I still can't put my finger on it, but there is something about her that's just...off!"
"I don't know, but the resemblance is way too uncanny to ignore, we'll have to keep tabs on her for the time being!" said Catra. Adora said nothing as she watched Kazari enter the ring. The ring announcer grabbed the mic.
"Ladies, gentlemen and NBs, this bout is set for one fall. Introducing first, representing Team Grayskull...Archer! And his opponent, fighting unaffiliated, Kazari!"
After a few moments, the bell rang, starting the match. Archer quickly teleported behind Kazari and boxed her in the back, but Kazari landed on a hand and went for a mule kick which Archer teleported out the way of.
The prince of Brightmoon was now in front of the mysterious magicat with a smug grin, Kazari was not really worried. "Okay, Archer," they said. "I'm glad we've paired up, I've needed an opportunity to practice with these powers!"
Archer was confused. "Powers? What powers?" he asked. His question was soon answered as Kazari's fist glowed with a dull green and purple glow. Next thing Archer knew, he was on the receiving end of a massive uppercut, knocking him or cold. Kazari then pinned his shoulders to the mat and the ref counted. "1...2...3"
"And with that Kazari takes things first win of the day. Let's see if Team Grayskull can rebound against Team Junga!"
Glimmer gritted her teeth in anger, but Bow squeezed her hand. "It's alright, Glimmer. Our son is much stronger than that! Right now, he needs our support!"
The Infarmery
Archer held an icepack to his head, surrounded by Finn and the Best Friend Squad. "It's ok, buddy. You did good!" Bow said reassuringly. 
"Don't worry, Archer. I'll get the win in our next match. We got this!" Finn said, triumphantly.
Adora hung back and thought to herself. "That energy from Kazari. It's faint, but it felt like...havok..."
Next Match- Team Grayskull's Finn (They/Them) vs. Team Junga's Cymbol (He/Him)
While Cymbol was already in the ring as Finn confidently walked to the ring, limbering up as they went down the ramp. "You got this, Finn!" Catra yelled out." This is it, Finn," Juliet mused. "Time to show them with it means to be the son of a She-Ra. Make us proud..."
Finn and Cymbol bowed to the ref, then to each other. As the two went to their corners, the ref signaled for the bell, prompting Finn to launch forward, dodge an extendo arm attack, and nail Cymbol in the face, knocking him out immediately. Finn prepared another attack, but the referee stopped them as doctors checked on their opponent.
"Ladies and gents. Cymbol is unable to continue, therefore, the winner via knockout is Finn," the ref declared.
"Wowzers! Talk about a reversal of fortune! Finn has carried their team to a KO-Victory. We will take a short break, but we'll right back with the action.
Locker Room
Kazari watched the monitor in awe at the power that Finn had just displayed. "Man, that Finn is gonna be hard to beat. Hopefully my body can keep up," she said.
While Shrumo was already in the ring, Finn slowly walked to the ring, determined to make Shrumo acknowledge them, as well as Team Grayskull. They knew it would not be a cakewalk. Shurmo was much bigger than Finn, but Finn was the product of She-Ra's semen; they wouldn't go down so easily either. It was to show the world the sheer power of the son of She-Ra and student of Juliet.
"Let's go, Finn. You got this!" Adora cheered. Finn got up on the top rope and pointed to Adora and Catra. The crowd also seemed into it as they showed in the large swell of cheers. Finn stared down their opponent as the ref called for the bell.
Finn rushed in for an attack, but was met with a myriad of german suplexes followed up by a multitude of devastating suplexes. If these attacks were doing any damage, Finn hardly showed it as they just got up and kicked Shrumo in the face, sending him to his hands and knees. Acting quickly, Finn traversed up the top rope and curb stomped the santhexian into oblivion before pinning him. The ref counted; 1...2...3...
"The winner of this match...Finn.
Finn lifted their hands in victory. Adora and Catra were very proud, and rightfully so.
Later on...
Maila circled around her opponent from Team Xexalla.  In the skybox, Seahawk was cheering wildly while Mermista was more reserved..
Malia hooked her opponent's inner thigh, rolled through and transitioned into a superkick for the win.
Team Grayskull's Iyexi (She/Her) VS. Team Corona's Bret (He/Him)
Some time later, it was Iyexi's turn to fight. This was an important match, because if she won this bout, Team Grayskull would move on to the semi finals. It won't be easy, her opponent from Team Corona was a stoic looking bear of a boy named Bret. The 13 year old half-spacebat was not afraid in the slightest however. Iyexi simply needed to use basic math and geometry. At the ring of the bell, Bret charged at Iyexi, so Iyexi ran backyards used Bret's momentum against him to slam him into the turnbuckle. Grabbing him by the waist, Iyexi unleashed a devastating bridging suplex for a close 2 count, but Iyexi planned for this. Springing to her feet, Iyexi caught Bret with a roundhouse kick to the head. It was quite ironic that in some communities, the middle rope was called 'Bret's Rope', because Iyexi finished off Bret with a split legged moonsault from bret's rope for the win.
Kazari, Unaffiliated (She/They) VS. Team Express' Jack (He/They)
Kazari was in the similar situation to Iyexi. This was a must win for her if she wants to be in the semi-finals. Jack was faster than Kazari had anticipated, clipping her with many elbows and forearms. Kazari was eventually forced back into a corner. As the magicat gritted her teeth, she knew what she had to do. Jack advanced to finish her off, only for Kazari to dart forward with a havok infused kneestrike to Jack's forehead. The blow sounded like a cannon blast went off in the stadium.  As all this played, Catra looked the her wife. "I'm getting some serious bad vibes from that Kazari girl!" she said. Adora nodded in agreement. The magicat took in Kazari's appearance, and began to zone out before being snapped back to reality by the other three.
"Mama mia!!! What a knockout victory!!! Kazari moves on to the semi-finals!!!
The crowd was going absolutely bonkers. This was to be expected, since Kazari was the hometown underdog. The young magicat, however, slid out of the ring with a noticeable limp. 
Later on...
Team Grayskull's Riley (He/Him) vs. Team Gingas' Leosh
Back in the skybox,  Adora looked towards Spinnerella and Netossa. "So, Riley is up next, how do you feel?" she asked. Spinnerella sighed and said, "Excited, but nervous. I'm afraid that Riley will get hurt." Netossa took her wife's hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, Spinny. This is OUR son we're talking about. We've trained him well. He's gonna do just fine," she said. This did little to ease Spinnerella's nerves, but she did appreciate the sentiment, so she gave a warm smile.
Back in the locker room, Kazari sat on the bench as doctors inspected her knee. It was red and swollen. It hurt to bend. "Oh, fahkin hell. My knee feels like it's going to explode at any second. Give it to me straight, doc," said Kazari.
The doctor gave a concerned sigh. "Well, I'm not really sure. With an ice pack, knee brace and an Advil, you might be able to get midway through the semi-finals at best!" he said.
Kazari looked at a monitor on the wall.
"And with that, Riley scores another victory for Team GraySkull!"
Back in the skybox, Netossa wrapped an arm around Spinny's waist. "Ya see? Told you there was nothing to worry about!" she said. Adora had her head down as the next match started. Juliet went over to her successor with a concerned look. "Take it easy, Adora. It's that Kazari girl, isn't it?" she parsed together. Adora gave a sigh, saying, "Something just doesn't seem right..."
"Listen, try not to jump to any conclusions, Adora. You're not working with a full picture. For all you know, that could just be some random magicat.
Adora glared at Juliet.
"How can you be so calm about this?"
"I'm not, all I'm saying is that we shouldn't make rash judgements!"
Some time later...
"It has been an epic and action-packed semi-final round of the G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi. To think we're only 1 match away from the finals. Who will join Finn in the main event?!"
Adora once more tensed up as more colorful towers of fireworks shot into the air from raftors, along with a trail of pyro that ran up the ramp, and up the sides of the stage. This time, it was Catra who took Adora's hand, calming her down significantly. "It's okay, Adora. It's just the fireworks," she assured her. The moment the fireworks show subsided, the next match was immediately announced.
Team Grayskull's Iyexi (She/Her) vs. Kazari (She/They)
Iyexi kneeled on the top of the stage for a moment before springing to her feet, walking to the ring with purpose. Hordak and Entrapta couldn't make it, so they had everyone wear welding goggles to support Iyexi. "How cool would it be to win both the Overall and the Grand championships?" said Adora. Retro Adora nodded in agreement. "Yes," she said, "It'll be a testament for this new generation."
As Kazari made her entrance Catra whispered into Adora's ear, "I'm going to the restroom, I'll be as quick as I can." As Catra left, Adora studied Kazari's movements. "Hm. That Kazari girl. There's something off about her. Her movements are more subdued. More...defensive I think. I'll have to pay close attention!"
Kazari walked up the steps rather slowly, much less energetic than before. She did her best to hide the fact that she was in considerable pain.
"Kazari must have some sort of weak spot! I have to find it!"
It was time for the penultimate match of the evening! Who will face Finn in the main event? Will it be an internal battle for the grand championship? Or will Finn face this mysterious magicat? There was only one way to find out. The referee called for the bell.
As the Iyexi and Kazari circled each other. Adora took note of Kazari's stance.
"Kazari's stance is different from before. Her left knee is dragging unlike before. Her right knee is now in the support position. Almost as if..."
"Hey, Adora. I'm back!"
Adora looked to the source of the voice. Much to her relief, it was Catra, but then, she saw that her beloved wife was pale and had a bit of a sweat.
"Catra, you don't look so well!" said a concerned Adora.
"I'm okay, Adora. Just a cough. So, what'd I miss?" asked Catra
"Not much, the match just started."
Iyexi quickly went for a swift kick to the knee, which Kazari had to bend down and block the shot with her hand. Adora took notice of this and looked to Catra. "Look, Kazari's already on the defensive, she must be hurt!" she remarked. Catra nodded in agreement.
Iyexi also seemed to take notice of Kazari's injury as well, quickly going for the bad knee in a pounce attack. Kazari used Iyexi's lowered center of gravity to cartwheel over this, making sure to land solely on her good leg. She was not out of the woods yet, as Iyexi grabbed her in a belly to belly overhead suplex, this time, Kazari was not so lucky as she landed on the foot of her bad leg, sending a painful shockwave of pain coursing up her leg and through her knee. The young magicat hissed in pain as Iyexi advanced towards her. Before Iyexi could land a blow, Kazari rolled back, pivoted onto her hand and mule kicked Iyexi in the jaw.
Using the ropes, Kazari lifted herself to her feet.
Iyexi was ready to do just that, taking a few steps back to line up a killshot. Kazari however, was not backing down, in fact, just as Iyexi was making a gunshot gesture, Kazari raised her bad knee up with her arms spread out at a 45 degree angle. Iyexi shot forward at with all the speed and power she could muster, only to run into a ROUNDHOUSE CRANE KICK, sending the half-spacebat to the ground with a thud. Kazari stumbled a bit before going in for the pin.
"Can you believe that?! After a topsy turvy match, the main event is now set! Here is the final match up.
Adora was barely able to contain her anger. Not at Iyexi, as she did well, but at the circumstances. Kazari is about to face Finn. Her baby. Catra's baby. It was as if the gods were either playing out a grand narrative, or playing a cruel sick joke. Adora and Catra looked at the screen that now read:
Chapter 3: Chapter 3- MAIN EVENT! Finn vs Kazari
Chapter Text
With gritted teeth, Adora looked to Glimmer and said, "Glimmer, get us to the locker room. I need to talk to Finn!" Glimmer reluctantly obliged.
The intermission before the main event was a godsend for Kazari. "One more match," she said. Just one more match to become champion.
Finn, meanwhile, was stretching their limbs, making sure they were as nimble as possible for this important final battle. The magicat suddenly perked up at the sound of Glimmer's teleportation. "Finn? Got a minute?" said Adora. Finn walked up to their mother with a curious expression. "I'm all ears," they said. Adora placed a hand on her son's shoulder and said, "Listen, Finn. Against anybody else, I wouldn't care whether you won or lost, just as long as you do your very best. But against the Kazari girl...something is off about her...YOU MUST WIN! Please, for the love of the gods, you absolutely must not lose! Do you hear me?" Adora said sternly. Finn simply nodded.
"Good. Me, Catra, Bow and Glimmer will be in the front row to cheer you on!"
As Adora embraced her son, Glimmer looked at her friend like, "We are?"
"Will both finalists please report to the ring," the PA System boomed.
"Good luck, Finn!" the two teleported off. It was time for Finn to show the world the power of the new generation.
Glimmer teleported herself, Adora and the others down to the front row as Finn emerged.
BGM-Resistance to Resilience by Reluctant Hero
For what was hopefully the second to last time, Finn's entrance theme blasted through the arena. Their hair billowed in the wind, fitting for the product of She-Ra's semen. After what seemed like an eternity, Finn made it to ringside where they, Catra and Adora embraced. "You got this, son!" Catra said. Finn nodded and slid into the ring and awaited their opponent.
BGM-Metalingus by Alter Bridge
Large columns of smoke enveloped the stage as Kazari made her final entrance of the night. She and Finn stared holes into each other from the rapidly decreasing distance. Kazari limped down the ramp. This time, she made no attempt to hide her bad leg, but she didn't need to. She was filled to the brim with determination, even striking a defiant pose, as towers of pyro shot into the air before completing her walk to the ring. Finn watched as their fellow magicat climbed up the top rope to wave to her dads. It was soon time to get serious as Kazari dismounted the top rope and prepared for the upcoming battle.
The music died down as the two finalists continued to stare each other down. The time for talking was now over. The crowd was nothing short of electric. While Team Grayskull pretty much won the overall championship, the Grand Champion was soon to be crowned based on the result of this match. With the ring of the bell, it was go time! Finn dashed forward with a flying clothesline, which Kazari was only BARELY able to duck. Finn was bombarded with a barrage of body blows, but they found an opening and countered with a monkey flip. Kazari bent her bad knee to give herself enough room to land on her good leg, just in time for Finn to grab her by the waist and unleash a devastating german suplex and followed up with dropkick, sending Kazari into the turnbuckle.
During all this, Micah looked on as the curious magicat fought with a grit and determination he had seen from only one other person in particular. He looked and said, "That Kazari...she has so much potential!"
The two magicats exchanged a few more forearm strikes and headbutts, which Finn won. As Finn rushed forward, time appeared to slow down and a thought occurred to Kazari. Finn was the product of She-Ra's semen. They should be much stronger than this. Finn closed in the gap, but Kazari had the wherewithal to crouch and hoist Finn over the ropes to outside with a thud, triggering the ref's count. Finn quickly got up, but staggered back into the wall. Upon seeing Kazari clutch her bad knee, the gears began to turn for Adora. "Finn!" she called. Finn reluctantly went to the Princess of Power. "I found Kazari's weakness. It's her leg, whatever the magic was from earlier, it damaged her. Attack the leg!" she said. Finn was stunned. Surely, Adora was not feeling any better than Catra. "Mom, no! I know you want me to win, but it has to be the right way!" With the, the young magicat rushed back into the ring with one second to spare! Kazari pointed a finger at Finn in an accusatory way. "Finn, I know you're holding back!" she said. Finn was dumbfounded by the statement they'd just heard with their ears. "What are you talking about?" they asked.
"You're the child of the Princess of Power! You should have a lot more power than you are letting on!"
"You don't know what you're on about! I am not my mother!" I! AM! FINN!"
Kazari raised an eyebrow. "Listen, Finn. I know you probably don't want to be defined by your lineage. I may be nobody special, but I get it! You don't wanna be defined by your mums, but your not them, you are Finn, and whatever power you've received from She-Ra is not her power, IT'S YOURS!" she roared, "Now use it! Show us YOUR power!"
Finn was dumbfounded, they don't know Kazari, yet she had managed to read them like a book! Suddenly, years of " Oh, that's She-Ra son!" or "Finn, why can't your be more like your mothers had flooded to the surface.
"RAAAUGH!" Finn exploded in the multicolored fiery aura! Their power skyrocketed. While their power was nowhere near She-Ra's, it was just enough to make the stadium quiver, so much so that outside the arena, a large piece of the structure broke off and landed on top of a man with pink hair and black dots in it.
Finn was overwhelmed with sheer catharsis of finally being able to let go! "This! THIS IS AMAZING!" they roared. The crowd seemed to agree with thunderous applause. Adora and Catra looked on, slackjawed while Bow and Glimmer's eyes were on the verse of bursting from skulls. Retro Adora and Juliet were both stunned into silence while Kazari smirked.
"That's more like it, Finn. To be honest, I was bullshitting just now! Now, FEEL THE BEAT OF MY HAVOK!" she roared. Kazari knew what the Havok Magic would do to her body, but this was this finals, and against somebody like Finn, there was no way she could afford to hold back. Through great effort, her power was dragged to the surface, kicking and screaming. The gates that contained her power was ripped right off its hinges as Kazari was now bathed in a jagged green, purple and red aura!"
Everyone gasped. "So that IS Havok Magic!" said Adora.
Micah was stunned at the development of events happening before his very eyes. He could barely believe it otherwise! He knew what must be done.
Kazari could feel the strain of the havok ripping her 13 year old body apart, but she was too determined to notice or care. A testament to her intestinal fortitude at such a young age.
The two magicats just went for it. Blow for blow. Each punch was met with an even stronger kick and vice versa. Headbutts ripped through the air like a thunderstrike. Kazari's determination clashed with Finn's innate warrior madness in a perfect storm of power.
Another shockwave blasted both parties back, which means it's for the finish. With the harmonizing battle cries, Finn and Kazari rushed towards each other. Just as the final blow was about to be dealt, Kazari's body finally succumbed to the havok, snapping her leg and tearing her muscles. The magicat cried out in pain as Finn speared her to the mat for the... "1...2...3!!"
"That's it! Finn wins! Finn wins! Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match, AND NEW G1 COSMIC TENKAICHI GRAND CHAMPION; Finn and Team Grayskull!
Catra and Adora were ecstatic as the Best Friend Squad jumped the barricade to embrace Finn along with the rest of Team Grayskull. Kazari tried to roll out of the ring, but ringside doctors advised against it. As Artemy and Pigeon went down to try and comfort their daughter, they suddenly met with the last person they expected to see. It was Micah. The former king of Brightmoon said nothing, simply opting to spawn a small compact ball of light, which he pressed into Kazari's body. Kazari felt the energy course through her body, as without warning, her body began to mend and repair itself. Her leg was snapping back into place, and before long. Her body was as good as new. The young magicat was amazed at the feat that the master sorcerer had just performed. And then, he spoke.
"Hey. I'm Micah, and I have a proposition!"
Chapter 4: Chapter 4- Kazari's Arrival
Chapter Text
After an intense action-packed day, it was finally time for the championship crowning ceremony. For their victorious efforts, Team Grayskull was given a large, ornate crystal trophy which was held up by Glimmer, Bow, Catra and Adora. Finn, for being the Grand Champion, was given a big,gold, pro wrestling style championship belt with their personal insignia etched onto the side plates. Finn raised the belt to the sky for all to see. While that was going on, Kazari got to her feet. "Wait, I know you!" said Artemy.
"You're King Micah of Brightmoon!" said Pigeon
Kazari, who had finally managed to regain an equilibrium, went up to the sorcerer and asked, "What do you mean you mean you have a proposition?"
Micah looked at her and said, "Kazari. That was Havok Magic, wasn't it?"
Kazari wasn't sure what to make of the inquiry, but she nodded her head up and down.
"Kazari, you have such incredible power! I think I can help you control, y'know, so your body doesn't fall apart again." Micah remarked.
Kazari was quite skeptical. "Ha! I had no idea the great Micah had a sense of humor," she sneered.
Micah however, was as serious as a heart attack. "It's no joke. I want you to come train at Mystacor, and learn how to better hone your power, " he said.
Glimmer and Adora noticed the interaction between Micah and Kazari. "Glimmer, you see that? Get us over there!" Adora demanded. Glimmer reluctantly obliged.
"Think about this, Kazari," said Artemy.
"Yeah, this is a really good opportunity for you," said Pigeon.
Kazari crossed her arms as if she were in deep thought. "You know what? Fahck it, I'm down. Just call me the Fresh Princess of Mystacor! When do we start?" she asked. Micah gave a hearty laugh. "Well, aren't you quite the enthusiast! Take it easy, Kazari. Since your fathers are okay with it, I'll have a ride for you in a couple of weeks," he said.
Kazari smirked. "Okay, let's go dads, I've gotta get packed!" she said as she grabbed Artemy and Pigeon by the hands, and out of the arena.
The entire interaction was heard by Adora and Glimmer.
Micah turned around to see his stunned daughter and equally stunned Adora. "What? Micah! You can't be serious!" said Adora. Micah simply smiled, saying, "Oh, trust me. I've never been more serious. I've just got a brand new student! She'll be coming to Etheria in a couple weeks. I've always wanted to mentor somebody, this is gonna be great!"
Adora cocked her head to the side. "Right, I'm really happy for you, Micah, and I'm gonna let you finish, but why though?" she asked.
The older man gave a sigh. "Well," he began, "I know you all have your issues with...her, but when I knew her as Light Spinner...she...she was like a mother to me, y'know. I loved her as my own mother. She taught me a lot, and I kinda owe a lot of my power and wisdom to her. I have such great power, which means I have a great responsibility as well, y'know? Kazari has a lot of power and potential, but she clearly needs help controlling and harnessing that power. " he finished. Adora was not sure what to make of what she had just heard. Glimmer however, only needed a few seconds to think on it. "Well, dad, If you think this is the right way to go, then I trust your judgment!" she said resolutely. Micah smiled. "Thank you for understanding, Glimmer. At that moment, Catra and Bow went over to the three. "Yo, Sparkles! Sparkles Sr.! Adora! What's up?" asked Catra. "Well, Catra, Micah, in all his infinite wisdom, has decided to recruit Kazari as a new student of Mystacor!" said Adora. Catra was taken aback, but ultimately took it in stride. "That's...nice," she strained to get the words out, before settling down. "Adora, a word?" Adora went off with her wife while Bow just looked at Glimmer.
"Bow," Glimmer said, "You don't think?"
Mara Island, Two Weeks Later….
Hordak and Entrapta did a damn good job cleaning up Beast Island. Where once stood a desolate hellscape full of horrid man eating creatures, now stands a beacon of liberty and hope….it’s also a pretty nice space port for new arrivals. A small ship flew low, lining up with the strip. Kazari gazed out the window, and the first thing she noticed was a large statue depicting Mara, holding up her sword like the Statue of Liberty. As the ship glided along the strip until it landed and stopped at the terminal. With a look of wonder spread across her face, Kazari prepared to unboard the ship. 
One of the newer members of Brightmoon’s Royal Guard waited patiently for Kazari to find the TaxiSkiff that would take her to Liq’Ollem. This guard was stationed outside the skiff, holding up a sign with Kazari’s name up it. “Ms. Kazari?” the guard called out.
Kazari rounded the corner, bags in tow, then her ears perked up at the sound of the guard calling her name. “Ms.Kazari? Ooh, fancy!” she remarked.
As the magicat loaded her luggage, she looked at the guard and flashed her million dollar grin at the guard, telling her, “Your next line will be: “I don’t get paid enough for this shit!”, and go!
“I don’t get paid enough for this shit!” the guard said, verbatim. 
  Liq’Ollem’s Mystacor District
During the years that followed the Great War, Mystacor moved and became part of Liq’Ollem, and has even branched out into other magic based subjects. This allowed for a greater cultivation of more diverse talent, skills and better benefits for all of Etheria.
"So," Castaspella remarked, "It's a new year for the hallowed halls of Mystacor. Micah, how are you feeling?" Micah gave a nervous sigh, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous, but excited. It's my first time being a teacher. I hope I'm good enough," he said. Casta gave Micah a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you're the greatest sorcerer of our generation. If anyone can lift up these students, it's you!"
"Thanks, Casta. Hey, can you be a dear and go make sure Angie gets the prescription on her meds?"
"Of course,"
As if on cue, the Best Friend Squad teleported right in front of the two siblings. The squad was also accompanied by Finn, Archer and Iyexi. 
"Finn, you, Iyexi and Archer go play, but stay where we can see you. Right now, us grown ups need to talk," said Adora. 
Finn rolled their eyes. "Mom, we're 13, you don't need to talk down to us like we're little kids!" they said indignantly.
 Catra rolled her eyes and Iyexi furrowed her brow, saying, “You know they’re right. We’re not kids, we’re teenagers!” stomping her feet.
"Listen, you three may be teenagers, but you'll always be our babies. Don't act brand new just because you won the championship!" she said sternly. "Same goes for you, Archer and Iyexi. We'll try not to be long," said Glimmer.
 The three rolled their eyes as the two went off.
“Gee, what a condescending twat,” Iyexi remarked.
 “I heard that!” Glimmer shouted before turning her attention to her father.  "So, you think she's coming?" she asked. 
Micah pointed to the sky. "Looks like you're about to find out!" he said as the small shuttle descended from the sky, and landed right in front of the group. The side door opened up and the suitcase came flying out, hitting the ground with a thud. Next, it was the owner's turn to come out, leaping out of the shuttle, Dio Brando style.
Kazari was here.
"Well, and here I thought Double Trouble had a flair for the dramatic," Catra mused.
Kazari looked around the area. "Hm, not bad! A lot bigger than I thought," she said.
"Kazari, welcome to Mystacor," said Micah. "Today is the start of orientation weekend. Go take a look around and see if any classes interest you. After you get settled in, you take a look at the rest of Etheria."
Kazari nodded, grabbed her case and went off eagerly, not before catching the tense looks of Adora and Catra. "Micah, are you sure about this? I mean, just looked at her!"
"Adora, I respect you quite a lot, but I think you're just being paranoid," Micah said flatly. Adora felt a twinge of anger begin to bubble up inside of her like tea in a pot over a roaring flame, but Adora was not a teapot, and luckily, she had Glimmer and Bow to calm her down. 
"Easy, Adora. Micah's right, the only thing we have to go off of is Kazari kind of looking like...her." Glimmer said.
Adora took a deep breath. "You're right. Thanks"
The Queen of Brightmoon smiled. "Of course! Anyti-”
*Cough* *Cough*
Catra suddenly suffered an intense coughing fit. “Dammit! I need to sit down! I’m fine!” said the older magicat.
"So, Finn," Archer inquired, "Adora seems to be acting really weird when it comes to Kazari."
"Yeah, no kidding," said Finn. "I wonder what that’s about!”
Archer and Iyexi pondered Kazari's performance at the tournament, how quickly she was able to detect Archer’s teleportation movements, but then, a light went off in the half-space bat's head. "Wait, Finn! Maybe she could be what our group truly needs to to do the next level," Iyexi remarked.
As if on cue, Kazari returned to Micah. "Oh, Kazari. That was quick. Do you know what classes you're gonna take?" Micah asked. Kazari nodded and said, "Sure thing, mate. I just signed up for basic history, shop class, construction and art. I wanna spend most of my time training with you!"
Micah's breath had caught in his throat. He was one step closer to being like...her.... It was then that Adora remembered what she and the others had planned. "Oh, Finn, Archer. I almost forgot, Bow, Glimmer, you two wanna do the honors?" she said. 
Bow was as giddy as a schoolgirl. "Ooh ooh...I'll tell them! Finn, Archer, Iyexi. We've decided that you two and the rest of the kids would really benefit from learning some things from New Mystacor!" he said excitedly. Finn, Iyexi and Archer were also excited at the news.
"Wow, for real? Yo! Kazari, looks like we're gonna be classmates!" Finn called out. Kazari looked to the side and noticed Finn. She waved to them. Hey, champ! That's great to hear, can't wait to have a rematch," she remarked.
Finn chuckled. "Likewise," they said.
Archer pulled Finn to the side. "Finn, we should totally tell Iyexi. Kazari might be the perfect addition to our group!"
Kazari heard everything and simply smirked. She'd always had a bit of an ego, but to hear the children of the legendary Best Friend Squad, was gassing her up something fierce. "I'm Kazari. Whatever this little group is about, I'm the MVP. You can just call me the Fresh Princess of Mystacor!"
Micah walked over to the three and placed a hand on Kazari's shoulder. If you wanna pursue using havok magic, I'll do what I can to help with it, but I have little to no experience with such a rare form of magic. I can point you in the right direction, but that's about it," he said. Kazari removed his hand and simply told him, "Well, I actually expected that kind of news. It's okay. I'm Kazari, so I know we can do it!"
Micah was surprised by Kazari's pride and enthusiasm but simply accepted it. 
"Master Micah, I have a feeling we're gonna do great things together!"
And thus, the training began.
Kazari excelled in crafting and wielding, and her havok magic was beginning to improve, slowly but surely. Of course, her training was put on hold so she could return to Xisaeus to celebrate her 14th birthday.
At first, Rose and Iyexi struggled with magic botany and magitech to a surprising degree, given who their folks are, but in time, they were soon conquering their hurdles and hitting their strides, and now, Iyexi was pretty sure she could nuke the sun if she wanted while Rose could make unironic plant golems.
Riley could now keep up with Spinnerella and Netossa. Too bad they still had the experience edge...
Aquajet could only form water whips for a couple seconds before, but now, she could form water aberrations to fight on her behalf, almost like a stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Archer originally had a laughably short teleport range, at only a few feet, but now, he could jump whole kingdoms!
Last, but not least, Finn was able to learn to control their strength, and seeing how Double Trouble is their auncle, they've also become something of a theater kid.
And so, the days that passed into weeks.
The weeks became months.
The months turned into years.
Soon, five whole years had passed
Chapter 5: Chapter 5- The New Best Friend Squad Part 1- Desert Flower
Chapter Text
"Finn, Archer, Iyexi. We're so proud of you. Hard to believe you three are in year 3 now!" said Glimmer. "It seems like it was just yesterday that we were changing your diapers," said Catra, who seemed a bit paler than usual. Adora was standing behind her, tearing up with pride. "Oh, Catra. Our baby  is growing up so fast! she said with a sniffle. The older magicat rolled her eyes. "Dear Gods, Adora. Pull it together," she snarked. Speaking of magicats. Kazari leaped in through an open window. "Yo, Finn!  Did you tell your folks the the news?" she asked. 
Adora raised an eyebrow. "Finn? What's she talking about? she asked, her heart beating in her chest. "Kazari wrapped their arms around the necks of Acrher, and her fellow magicat, Finn. "Adora, Catra, Glimmer, Bow. Say hello to the New Best Friend Squad!"  she said. While Bow and Glimmer gushed, Catra was just thoroughly amused while Adora felt like she was just punched in the heart. "New... Best Friend Squad?!"
Back in the present, Kazari, now aged 19,  wore a weighted vest and weighted ankle braces as she ran on a one ton hamster wheel until a red light turned on, allowing to hop off and run to the next station. Micah looked on proudly as Kazari moved on to a shoulder press.
 “10 reps, Kazari! You are half a second behind. You got this!” Micah cheered. 
Kazari nodded as she finished the 10th rep and moved on to the final obstacle, a large warped wall. The magicat took a deep breath as she approached the wall. Her ankle braces and vest were dragging her down, threatening to drag her through the ground, but this was not about gravity, it was about drive, it was about power, she was hungry, she devoured. Kazari had put in the work, put in the hours, and now, she was ready to take what’s hers! And that….is mastery of her power, just a few short months ago, she couldn’t really go over 10% without ripping and tearing her muscles to shreds, now, she could use 15% without much issue! With one final push, Kazari bound up the warped wall, havok coursing through her body, and smashed the actuator, lighting up the red light. The redhead wiped the sweat from her brow as Micah stopped his watch. 
“Kazari, that was your fastest time yet!” he said. 
Kazari leaped down with pride as she kissed her bicep. “Well, I had the best teacher in you. Master Micah!” she said with a wink. 
Micah’s breath caught in his throat. He tried to open his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Angella’s arrival. “I’m here, love,” she said, giving Micah a peck on the cheek. 
“Hey, Angie. How was your flight?” 
“It was quite therapeutic, thank you, love!” Angella looked at Kazari, then said to Micah” I see Kazari, is being put through her paces, how about I put you through yours?” 
Micah blushed, cheeks turning as red as his student’s hair. 
Kazari smirked, as she knew what was about to go down. As Angella hoisted Micah into a bridal carry, he told Kazari, “Kazari, be a dear, I’m sure your friends are waiting for you, better not keep them waiting!” 
Kazari shed her braces and vest, telling them, “Okay, have fun, you two,” before running off to the showers. Rounding a corner, Kazari raced down the hallway, clad in sports bra and shorts, excitedly humming to herself, until she came to a screeching halt in front of the woman before her. The woman looked at Kazari with judgemental disdain. 
The two stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity, but it was Ohren to speak, “Kazari, you’re smelly,” she said. 
The magicat rolled her eyes and simply told her, “Well, I was just about to hit the showers… actually, I’ve been meaning to try out a new wardrobe!”
Liq’Ollem, outside the New Mystacor region, 20 minutes later.
Finn paced around, waiting for Kazari. Archer and Iyexi watched them, curiously. “Kazari’s training has really intensified lately, I hope she got through it okay,’ they said. 
“Finn,” said Archer, “calm down, Kazari is a tough girl. She can handle anything Micah throws at her. 
“He’s right, y’know. Finn, Kazari is gonna be fine. Plus, she said something about wanting to debut her new look, I’m curious as to what it’s gonna be! She says it’ll be her best look, I’ll be the judge of that,” Iyexi remarked.
“Ditto,” said Archer.
"Damn, Finn and Iyexi. Since when were you two fashion critics?"
The group turned around to see a newly styled Kazari at the top of the steps. Her hair had grown out past her shoulders, and now she wore a magenta top with a red jacket with orange stripes, a yin-yang symbol emblazoned on the side. Her forearms were now covered with sports tape, and tail wrapped around her waist like a belt.
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“Damn, Kazari! That really is your best look!” said Finn. 
Kazari chuckled to herself, saying, “Of course it is, this is ME we’re talking about. I am the Fresh Princess of Mystacor!”
As the four shared a hardy laugh, Rose walked up to them. 
“Hey, everyone. Are you ready?” she said, “You guys promised you’d help me out.” 
Iyexi went up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Rose, when have we ever let you down?'' she asked. 
Rose simply stared at the group with a deadpan expression. “Over the past 5 years, of all the kids, Rose was the one who underwent the most change. She now wore a black bra covered by a mesh midriff with black waist high jeans and black lipstick. Also, she’s going through an emo phase. 
Kazari walked down the steps, gingerly asking, “So, remind me. What’re we helping out with?” 
Rose rolled her eyes. “Wanna know why I’m having the emo phrase right now, despite being Scorpia and Perfuma’s daughter? Kazari, shortly before you came along, mom decided it was a good idea to hold something called the Unity Festival, basically, every year, she takes everyone in Plumeria, who is 18 or older, and lets call a spade a spade, she organizes a massive orgy. The bitch really takes her free love seriously,” she remarked. 
Kazari tilted her head. “An orgy you say? I’m 19, do you think I could-”
“NO! DON’T YOU DARE!” Rose roared.
Kazari narrowed her eyes. “Right…so…whatcha need us for?” she asked.
“Both my moms are busy setting everything else up, so they tasked me with collecting a special cactus found in the Crimson Waste. I need her help gathering it!”
Archer perked up, saying, “Oh, maybe Huntara could help us, Finn!”
Finn beamed.“YAY! MY REAL MOM!” they said. 
Rose raised an eyebrow at this statement, saying, “Uh…Finn….should I be concerned? 
Crimson Waste
The Crimson Waste has changed quite a bit over the past 25 years. With new technologies and help from the various kingdoms, life then and life now was night and day, even boasting a new transit system!
Archer got pretty damn good at teleporting, so it was no issue to teleport everyone to the Waste. Finn took in the scent of the rustic air of the Crimson Waste. Y’know, Kazari, I’ve always considered the Crimson Waste a home away from home,” they mused.
Kazari raised an eyebrow with a chuckle. “Well, given that you’ve literally just called that Huntara lady, you ‘other real mom’, I believe ya!” she remarked.  
“Well,” Rose piped up, “In any case, we gotta move quickly, since we don’t wanna keep moms waiting! Finn, take the lead!”
Finn nodded and said, “We actually do need Huntara’s help, as according to the grapevine, apparently the Waste has been going through some changes as of late. We need to get our basis down before we do anything.”
Rose nodded as the five linked up. 
“Archer, you know what to do!” 
Archer nodded, saying, “Next stop, Hunatra’s hut!” before fucking them all off to Huntara’s 
Valley of the Lost
The warrior of a Crimson Waste was busy pumping iron, clanging and banging. As she hoisted the bar bell over her head, the squad teleported in, starling the brute, causing her to drop the barbell, narrowly missing her foot, which was good, because the last thing anyone wanted was another ‘Paging Dr. Drake’ situation. 
“Hi, real mom!” Finn shouted.
Huntara quickly calmed down when she realized that it was Finn’s voice.
“Ah, Finn. What brings ya here?” Huntara asked. 
Finn rubbed the back of their head, saying, “Well, we’re actually here for Rose!”
The Scorpion-Flower princess walked forward. “Hey, Huntikins!” she said with a forced smile, to which Huntara met with a grimace. 
“Rose, I am gonna kill your mothers. So, what do you need my help with?” the desert warrior asked.  
Rose pulled out a mini-tablet and showed Huntara the Cactus. “It’s called a Cyclone Cactus, legend says, it’s a rare cactus that was created during a freak storm. Apparently, it has sprouted in the Valley of the Lost, we’re gonna need your skiff. Archer can’t teleport since he doesn’t have an exact location. I, being half-Perfuma, can sense the general range. Also, it’s supposed to be pretty large, which is why we need the skiff,” Rose explained. 
Huntara sat down and tapped her chin contemplatively. “Wow, a cactus, huh? And you’re Perfuma’s crotch goblin? Go figure!” the warrior tossed the keys to Finn, telling them, “Finn, you’re in charge! I’d better not see ONE scratch on that fucker! And by the way, there have been reports of an incoming sandstorm! From the sounds of it, it’s gonna be a massive one, so move quickly!” 
Crimson Waste Outer Desert…
The five piloted Huntara’s skiff over the sands of the desert. One the back of the skiff were several large crates secured on the back. Rose was sitting in intense concentration. Kazari looked at the scorpion-flower and asked, “Rose, are you good?” to which Rose replied with, “Yeah, I tryna sense the general location of vegetation!”
“So, how will you know where the cactus is?” asked Finn.  
Rose gave a halfhearted chuckle. “What, Finn. Since I know what most plants feel like, I just gotta feel for whatever isn't familiar, that’s when we’ll- THERE!” she shot up and pointed eastward. 
Finn nodded and sharply turned the skiff eastward, nearly causing everyone to fall over. The skiff shook, rattled and rolled, but this was Huntara’s skiff, it loved this! Lived for this!
“Just beyond this next dune!” Rose said, prompting Kazari to shout, “FULL SPEED AHEAD!” 
Finn was more than happy to oblige, powering the skiff to full power as it leaped over the dune, getting some wicked air before with the grace of a ninja gazelle. Suddenly, the half-magicat pulled the skiff to a screeching halt.
“What’s wrong, Finn?” asked Iyexi. 
Finn pointed to the offending sight before them. There were two large gangs standing in front of a cave, over on one side, there stood a husky reptilian woman of dark red complexion, named Fang Ripper, and over on the other side, there was an equally husky man of a dark blue complexion, this was Mantanna.
“So, tell me, Fang Ripper,” said Mantanna, did you really think your daddy, Tung Lasher’s gang could beat my joint?” 
Fang Ripper’s eye twitched angrily. “The fuck you say, ya wanker?!” 
To make matters worse, the cacti were at the base of a nearby cave, but standing in the way were two dangerous gangs ready to rip each other apart!
Finn gritted their teeth, saying, “This is bad, it looks like a full on gang war is about to erupt!”
Suddenly, and without warning Kazari, removed her jacket and tossed it to her fellow magicat. “Finn, hold my jacket, this won't last long!” she said. 
Before anyone could say anything, Kazari leaped from the skiff, and walked up to the two gang leaders. 
“Hey, you two! Take this somewhere else,” the magicat shouted. 
The two gang leaders stared a hole into Kazari. If looks could kill, Kazari would die a hundred times over! 
“Kazari, please be careful!” said Archer.
“Damn it! What’s Kazari doing?!” said Rose. 
“She’s gonna get fucked up, if not just killed out right!” shouted Iyexi. 
Finn just stood stoically, carefully watching the action that was about to unfold! 
Fang Ripper got all up in Kazari’s face and said, “So punk, you wanna be a hero?”
Kazari simply answered with a smirk, telling her, “For one of you, the next line will be why are you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? And go!”
And verbatim, it was Mantanna who went, “Why are you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? HUH?!”
Fang Ripper quickly reached into her pants pocket, but Kazari quickly cut her off, telling her, “If you’re looking for your dagger, check your long coat pocket!”
Fang Ripper did that, and sure enough, the dagger was there, much to the gang leader’s shock.
“Your next words are: What’re you, a mind reader? And go!”
And just like clockwork, Fang Ripper uttered the words, “What are you, a mind reader? FUCK! HOW?!”
Kazari smirked, telling Fang Ripper, “I can tell that the blood on your jacket is not yours! And I also see the marks in your palm!” she explained.
Mantanna started laughing his ass off. “Damn, the bitch made you look like a fool! Well, an even bigger one! HA!”
Kazari narrowed her eyes, saying, “Dafuq are you two laughing at? Nobody calls me a bitch without my consent!” and thus, she uncoiled her arm tape, wrapped it around the two gang leaders, and zapped them to kingdom come using her havok, rendering them both out cold. As she put her tape back on, Kazari couldn’t help but notice her forearm was starting to bruise up! 
“Damn it!” she muttered, “Now, your leaders will be fine! Take them and piss off! There’s a sandstorm approaching!
The gangs did not argue, grabbing their respective leaders and pissing off to wherever they came from. 
Kazari turned back to the group. “Okay, everything is clear!” she shouted. Archer and the others linked up and teleported to the magicat, as Archer placed a hand on her shoulder and told her, “Y’know what? I’ll never doubt your judgment again!!”
Kazari winked at the twink, saying, “Was there ever any doubt, after 5 years you should know that I- WHOA!” she suddenly tripped on something protruding out of the sand. Kazari rubbed her bottom as Finn helped her up and handed her her jacket. “Kazari, are you alright?” 
The redhead sprang to her feet and put her jacket back on, giving Finn a thumbs up. “Yeah, I’m fine. But, did I trip on something?” The magicat looked down to see what she tripped over, and kneeled down to get a closer look. When she pulled it out of the ground, her eyes widened to the size of saucers! What she pulled out was what appeared to be the dark purple and neon green ram’s head. “Woah! Is this what I think it is? Finn, guys, check this out!” she called out. 
They went to the magicat to, and Finn was the one to speak. “Kazari! I heard about that! That’s a piece of a havok staff! My uncle, Adam, told me about some dude named Skeletor. That guy used a havok staff. It’s used to channel havok magic. Kazari, you could use this somehow!” 
Kazari tapped her chin curiously. “Hey, I got a history report coming up, I can use this for that!” 
Rose rolled her eyes, moaning, “Yeah, cause that totally won’t backfire on you sooner or later! Kazari, that’s a havok staff, that thing could be dangerous!”
Kazari shrugged, firing back with, “Well, not as dangerous as being out here with a sandstorm brewing!” As if on cue, a sudden gust of wind blew by! “Uh-oh, speaking of which, we better move, and quick!” 
Everyone grabbed the crates and ran to the base of the nearby cave, where a large patch of cacti sat with iridescent spiral patterns. They were kinda pretty. No wonder Perfuma wanted them for her Unity Festival, but there was no time to admire their beauty. Rose, pressed the ground with a glow of the hands, allowing the cacti to lift out of the ground and into crates. After a while, the crates were filled and loaded up onto the skiff. 
Rose wiped the sweat off her brow. “Thanks guys,”  she said. 
Iyexi placed a hand on her shoulder, telling her, “Of course. We’re the Best Friend Squad after all! Right, Finn? Finn?"
"Catra, it's your fault Finn is so rude to us!"
"Yes you! They get it from you!"
"I beg you fucking pardon?!"
*Snap* *Snap* HEY! ETHERIA TO FINN!" Iyexi shouted, stunning to half-magicat.
"Huh? Shit, I'm sorry, I dunno, I think I just zoned out! Dunno what came over me!" Finn said, cheeks turing as red as Kazari's hair!"
Iyexi activated her visor to run the numbers, and gave a sudden gasp. “Guys, that sandstorm is gonna hit in about 30 minutes! We’ve gotta move!” she shouted. 
“Go! GO!” Kazari boarded the skiff with everyone else and quickly took off!
Back at Huntara’s hut…
Huntara laid in bed, with some sleeping, naked broad she met in a bar the other day, clinging on to her. The warrior looked out her window as the sandstorm flew by, blanketing the Waste with brown clouds of dust! 
“Oh shit! Huntara exclaimed, “I hope those kids made it out okay!”
As if of cue, Rose, Kazari, Finn, Archer and Iyexi teleported into the hutt, crates in tow, and covered in dust. Rose rolled to her feet, coughing up some dust, saying, "Mission…accomplished!” with a shaky thumbs up!
Plumeria Festival Grounds…
“Thanks, guys!” said Perfuma. Rose nodded in response. The flower princess turned to the others, and said, “Hey, you guys are over 18, right? Wanna come to the festival?” 
Rose desperately suppressed the urge to smack her mother right then and there as her cheeks were as red as the splotches in her hair. Kazari saw this and decided to quickly change the subject. 
“So, Perfuma, what’re the cacti for anyway?” she asked. 
Perfuma beamed as she pointed to a stage. “It was requested by Castaspella, she’s actually gonna perform at the Unity Festival, so we’re using cacti as stage decorations, speaking of which, Kazari. I could use your opinion? We’re gonna decorate with flowers as well. Which flowers are best?” she asked. 
Kazari tapped her chin contemplatively before settling on…”Daisies…I’ve always found them cheerful!” 
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malachi-walker · 5 years
Rhythm & Blues Worldbuilding: Magicats
Since I finally got the rock star au up here and I'm working on the next chapter, I thought I'd share some of the worldbuilding ideas I've incorporated or plan to incorporate regarding how a world shaped by hybrids in addition to plain old humans would differ from our own. And since Catra of course is the protagonist along with Adora, it'd behoove me not to start off with the Magicats. ;) Though I do plan on making a post later covering the other kinds of hybrids as well (also for the love of God, crew-ra, please give me names for their individual races so I don't have to come up with shit like "lizard-kin". I'm begging you.)
World building goodness under the cut.
Quick note: although I do draw some indirect inspiration from real world cultures (specifically the clusterfuck that was colonial condescension to anyone who wasn't them) I do deliberately try to avoid taking customs from any real world culture. Because that has... Unfortunate implications. So most of what I discuss here is stuff I came up with on my own, but if something does match up with the real world it is unintentional on my part and feel free to let me know.
Standing with the other races
Out of all the hybrids the Magicats tend to be the most isolationist and closed off to outsiders, partly because they have a very small population size to begin with and partly because they along with the lizard-kin got hit hardest with the animal/predator comparisons. Although the current world has mostly gotten over that bullshit apart from some racists (note: I specifically use the term racist instead of speciest because writing speciest makes my memories of my editing teachers screech in the back of my head, but also because a running theme in the rock star au is that hybrids are still PEOPLE and should be treated as such, and drawing attention to it with words like "species" kinda defeats that purpose.) the average person on the street still doesn't know a whole lot about Magicat culture, and most of what they do know likely comes from old stereotypes or really suspect sources rather than actual Magicats. This is improving as more Magicats make their way into the public sphere and the internet has opened up new pathways for their voices to be heard, but it is still a work in progress.
General rule of thumb for Magicats for me is finding good middle ground between cat characteristics and people characteristics. Good example is that unlike cats, Magicats can eat chocolate, but too much of it in a short amount of time can build up to toxic levels. There are apps available that let them keep track of how often they can indulge. Same thing with alcohol; alcohol and Magicats is similar to a person with a very mild, non-lifethreatening allergy, i.e. they can get shitfaced very quickly on a comparitively low amount and it takes a bit longer for their body to metabolize out of their system. This is actually based on personal experience with my dad, who only drinks once in a blue moon and is thankfully a very mellow/happy drinker, so watching him get sauced on one-and-a-half rum and cokes is a pretty fun time. XD
Other dietary considerations: they're not complete carnivores, but they do have a greater meat to other food groups proportion than humans. Like sixty-forty percent, and heavy carbs and starches make up the smallest percentage of their diet because it's harder for their digestive system to process. Their front two molars are pointed like a predator's but their back molars are flat like humans'.
Like Catra has demonstrated in show, they possess phenomenal reflexes and agility, as well as heightened senses of smell and hearing--the hearing in particular is their primary dominant sense alongside vision. Speaking of vision, like cats they are red colorblind and shades of yellow are washed out compared to what we would see, but they see the rest of the color spectrum just fine. But like humans, they have a sharper clarity of vision than a cat would and aren't nearsighted.
Oh, and while it probably won't come up in the series itself, they do experience a heat cycle about once per year, but unlike in most fanfics they are still fully in control of their faculties and decision making capabilities. A Magicat in heat is no more likely to be sexually attracted to someone than they would be outside of heat, and it really pisses them off when people imply otherwise. It's kind of like when a human woman has her period but also feels horny. So if they don't want to get with a partner they should be left alone or treated like any loved one dealing with a rough period: patience and warm blankets.
Cultural Stuff
We're getting into the fun stuff now, though some of it will be saved for a future fic where Catra takes the time to learn about her own culture during her three years of homelessness. (Also please note that a lot of these are just general touchstones and actual viewpoints may differ from Magicat to Magicat.)
1. Magicat culture is an interesting mix between interconnectedness and individuality
And by that I mean that as a culture, Magicats do consider themselves to be an interconnected unit and to have a responsibility towards one another to assist as needed. However, they also have an emphasis on the individual as a complete being in and of themselves. This shows up most prominently in interpersonal relationships: unlike humans, who place a great emphasis on things like monogamy and marriage and the solidity of family units, it's not uncommon to see Magicats who are single parents of any gender, or never have kids, or maybe have a lifelong partner but never get formally married. That's because their culture makes it clear that one person is already whole on their own, and while having a partner or family is always nice it's not a requirement. It's up to each individual Magicat to decide what they want out of their lives, and there's usually no judgment whether they decide to get married and have kids or just stay single for their entire lives.
With that said, if a Magicat decides to get formally married (as in making an actual declaration of "this is the person for me") it is a BIG DEAL. Because again, culturally speaking it isn't a requirement, so making that commitment is a huge deal for them, and they often make that permanent. So if a Magicat decides to settle down completely with a partner, they use freeze branding to permanently turn a section of their fur white in a way that look similar to a quarter sleeve tattoo in a very distinct geometric pattern*. That basically tells every other Magicat on sight that this person is wholly dedicated to their chosen beloved. Younger Magicats will also use cold branding to replicate tattoos like other races, but the marriage brand is always distinct, both due to the particular geometric design work and because it is always on their dominant arm, to signify that they are offering their strength to their beloved for the rest of their lives. If their partner is another Magicat they will also get a matching brand, otherwise it depends on the particular race (humans typically get tattoos.)
*My personal mental image of what this resembles is similar to Maori or Pacific Islander forearm tattoos, but not a 100% match because 1) cultural appropriation is gross and 2) the logistical practicalities of doing that via freeze branding would be insane. So that general vibe but simplified. Feel free to flex those imagination muscles.
And before anyone asks... This may or may not come up later in the au. ;) ;) ;)
2. They have certain social rules dealing with other Magicats.
These will be explored in greater depth during the fic, but basically a lot of Magicat etiquette centers around who the other Magicat is to you and stuff like location. For example, they'll typically use honorifics to refer to Magicats who have been teachers to them or assisted them in some way as a show of respect.
The most obvious rule of etiquette to outside observers is that whenever two Magicats meet for the first time and wish to demonstrate respect for each other, the one who approaches the other will come forward slowly until they are just a bit beyond arm's reach. They will then take a half step forward with the leg that corresponds to their dominant hand and then offer that arm to the other. This is the cue for the Magicat being approached to mirror the pose regardless of what their dominant hand is (up until then they will remain in a straight and relaxed position and wait for the signal.) Once this is done, the two will clasp forearms and briefly dip their heads forward into the other's space for a single shared breath before breaking apart. This is a sign that they are now free to move closer to one another and can now interact in a way that is indistinguishable from what outsiders would consider normal conversation between new acquaintances. The purpose of the greeting is for the one approaching to demonstrate their respect for the other and ask to be let into their space; telegraphing which arm they favor symbolizes showing someone a strength of yours and is a sign of trust.
Again, this doesn't apply to all Magicats and the younger generation in particular tends to eschew or pick and choose what etiquette they follow, but in general they do like it when the old traditions are observed, especially by younglings. They don't use this system of etiquette with other races and usually instead adapt their behavior to the person they're interacting with.
Other Misc. Details
I was originally going to have Catra be a motorcycle lesbian because duh, but while doing my due diligence in researching motorcyle safety I ran into a few reasons why that isn't a good idea.
The first is that part of the reason why motorcyle helmets work in the first place is because the evenly curved surface provides an equal distibution of force when striking something. This is why novelty helmets like ones with cat ears or stuff of that type are considered dangerous; they break up that curved surface and thus can't redistribute that force as evenly. So not only would a motorcycle helmet like ours be uncomfortable for a Magicat and disabling to one of their primary senses, trying to design one to accommodate their ears would increase the danger to them in case of an accident.
The second is that I've already established in the au that overheating is a constant concern for Magicats, and proper protective clothing for human motorcyclists already carries a huge risk of overheating us without the added consideration of having fur. So it would be a trade off between solid protection at heavy risk of personal discomfort and overheating or eschewing that protection and increasing the chance of serious injuries. And yeah, Magicats have good enough senses that they could probably backflip or throw themselves clear if they're about to crash, but just getting off the bike isn't gonna do much if you then smack into another vehicle at 60 mph.
And that's kind of a shame, because otherwise Magicats would be ideal safe motorcyclists. Their spacial awareness and sense of balance is phenomenal, and they'd be great at anticipating and reacting the movements of other drivers. I just couldn't make it work with rock star!Catra because she's a lot less reckless. Canon!Catra I could see taking the risk. Don't get me wrong: if you wanna make Catra a sexy, motorcyle riding catgirl you have my full support. I just couldn't justify it in this au.
Honestly, there'll probably be more later, but I'm tapped for now. Would love to hear what if any of you have any thoughts. And of course, if you like what you've read and haven't already, check out my rock star au under the Rhythm & Blues tag or the masterpost list. ;)
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parts-of-spop · 5 years
The war with the Horde is over... but Catra’s caught in whispers from voices she’s never heard before...
She’s scared.
She’s very very scared and Catra has never dealt well with fear. It turns her angry and snappish and she’s never known how to admit to fear.
So she keeps as far away from everybody who might notice as possible.
Which would be easy if one of those people wasn’t Adora who especially can’t know.
She’d try to fix it, try and puzzle it out and Catra’s got enough in her head without Adora trying to get in there as well... albeit with good intentions.
She always has good intentions.
The problem with avoiding Adora is she knows Catra better than anybody, knows her habits, and is infuriatingly persistent.
Stubborn might be a better word.
So she finds her, as she always has and probably always will and Catra just wants to sleep.
That was her first mistake, dropping her guard for a quick nap in the boughs of a large tree that somehow Adora has managed to climb without waking her.
Etheria damn it.
She opens her eyes, ears already twitching in irritation, tail flicking back and forth below her like a rusted pendulum.
“What do you want, Adora?” She drawls as casually as possible. She shifts to a slightly more comfortable laying spot and doesn’t bother looking over at Adora. She can practically feel her twiddling her thumbs, all full of nervous energy.
“I erm... well... all of us really... are worried about you...”
Catra stifles a groan.
Here she goes.
Adora continues, “You’ve gotten distant and Glimmer’s a bit offended that you don’t even take the time to pelt her with twigs every time she leaves the castle like you used to.”
Okay, that was admittedly quite fun and one of Catra’s favourite past times but she also discovered recently that she’s a bit... fond of the glittery princess and she doesn’t want to risk taking their snarky back and forth too far and actually upsetting her.
Glimmer is fragile where it matters most.
“I’ve just been thinking, Adora. That’s it, alright?” Catra says, sending her a glance only to be greeted by that annoyingly stubborn and concerned face.
Eugh she hates that look. It makes her feel both gooey and frustrated.
“Do you even come back to the castle lately? I feel like I haven’t seen you there in weeks...” She asks and Catra shrugs lazily.
“Kinda too pastel for me.”
“That wasn’t a problem before,” Adora points out and Catra grunts.
Yeah, she isn’t a fan of the pastel but it is... soft and calming. It also seems to exacerbate her current... issues.
“Well maybe I just needed some space from it all. You consider that, Princess?”
Oh shit, there’s the bite she was trying to avoid.
She can picture Adora’s hurt face. She avoids looking because she doesn’t want to confirm that she put it there.
“... I thought we were getting better...”
And it comes out painfully soft and vulnerable in a way they only could be in stolen moments back at the Horde and Catra can never decide if she hates it or loves it.
She sighs, agitated and sits up.
“We are. I just... have some things to sort through, that’s all,” She says with a vague wave of hand. She focuses her gaze on the pond ten feet away and watches a duckling stumble into the water behind it’s mother. She likes watching the ducks. Nothing like those in the Fright Zone.
“You know you can talk to me about it if you want?” Adora offers gently and Catra’s jaw clenches.
Not this. Not when I don’t even know what’s wrong.
“It’s fine. I just need some time.”
Silence drags on between them in which Catra silently battles against the mess in her head. Fruitlessly, if the rising volume is anything to go by.
She rubs her neck thoughtlessly.
“You’re scared.”
Her hand drops away and she snorts, shrugging out any tension and swinging her legs.
“Don’t be ridiculous, nothing scares me,” She replies.
That’s a lie and they both know it but the bravado is a comfortable fall-back.
“Your pupils narrow when you’re scared... and you rub your neck... and your fur fluffs up,” Adora lists quietly and Catra is really hating how well Adora knows her.
“Look, Adora, I’m fine. You can’t always wave your magic sword and fix everything. Some problems are a bit more complicated than that,” Catra returns and she manages to keep her tone mostly on the side of exasperated and not tetchy.
“... I could try,” Adora mutters, adorably petulant and Catra looks over at her pout and has to snigger at her.
“Yeah you could and you totally would ‘cuz you’re dumb like that,” She teases before shoving her lightly. She doesn’t actually want to push her out the tree after all.
Adora shoves her back.
“You’re dumber for not telling me what’s wrong,” She says and Catra rolls her eyes.
“Look, Adora, it’s just me, okay? None of you did anything, I’m just figuring something out and I need to do it by myself...”
“Is that a Horde thing or a Catra thing?” Adora questions, looking mildly peeved and a part of Catra kind of finds it delightful.
“Both,” She chimes honestly before poking her friend right between the eyes. “And seriously can you get Bow to stop firing ‘emotional support messages’ through my bedroom window? I know I haven’t been there much recently but my wall looks a lot like a pincushion.”
Adora can’t help but laugh.
“He misses you!” She says in her friend’s defence and Catra rolls her eyes.
“I’m not dead for Etheria’s sake,” She grouches, vehemently ignoring the tingle of warmth in her chest as Adora laughs again.
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haemosexuality · 5 years
I wrote this at 3am so its all wrong and i dont think all the words exist
My worst realization was that if I have a cool drawind idea I can just draw it instead of thinkinh 'yo what if someone did this'. Because it somehow came together with a spoor of creativity, vacation (I usually only draw 1-2 drawings in class, when in home its like way less drawing), a lack of energy to do anything, but a really big need to Draw Everything Right Now, and a two week block. So now I have 20 drawing ideas, totalling 27 people.
27 people
15 from she-ra
4 steven universe
8 aren't from any fandoms
20 drawings total (most have more than one person in it)
Shadow weaver, 2 scorpias, lonnie, Jasper, huntara, pearl fusion, angella, 2 catras, 2 scorpia's mom (get it cause she has 2 moms), Frosta, Glimmer, Peridot, Unidentified magicat, Spinel
Next&urgent: mean exclusionist lesbian, pearl fusion
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
She-ra and the Princesses of power, Thoughts for Season 1.
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It’s been over a week since this show has aired, and I guess I can write this now. This is pretty much my thoughts during the Episodes as I watched them. Please note this is my impressions and not meant as a full on review of the show. 
Thoughts under the cut. 
Episode 1
So basically Adora and her team are being fed false info regarding the Princesses and Queen Angella. Why am I not surprised by this at all. 
So are all the cadets kidnapped or was this a volunteer thing? Like are there Horde recruiters that go to the villages and are like “Yo kids, wanna serve Lord Hordak, come join the Horde for having adventure and making new friends...” Seriously where did these cadets come from. 
Also is that Leech? We’re missing his hand suckers. 
So we have a Lonnie and a Kyle and a...? Who’s the third green guy? Does he have a name? I’ll have to look at the credits? 
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Is Kyle supposed to be Mantanna? He’s put in all the gag moments. 
Hey at least they show they care for one another, so points on that. 
Also, I like Lonnie, why couldn’t we have Lonnie over Catra? 
Catra is late...so how did she get in the room before the others did? Seriously someone please explain this to me because it seems like a plot hole right there.
Anyone else feel like she’s a rejected design of someone’s 2015 Thundercat’s OC character? I feel like she’d fit right in there. Also I’m guessing she’s a Magicat, so probably we’re gonna see Kittrina and the Queen of the Magicat’s at some point.  
So Catra puts Adora in a hole, bet you anything it’s going to foreshadow something. 
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“You know nothing is to low for me,” -Yeah we are setting her up to be a bad guy with lines like that. 
Their dynamic reminds me of an older sister (Adora) and a jealous younger sister (Catra) who is always in the older sister’s shadow and seen as lesser due to it. 
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Okay so Adora stands up for her against Shadow Weaver, and shows empathy for Catra, We also see empathy being displayed for Kyle, even if they seem to mock him. So that brings up a point that Weaver may be leading these kids to believe that they can’t show the empathy that they have. 
Wever’s not wrong, she’s going about it way the wrong way, but she’s not wrong in regard to Catra letting the others do the heavy lifting for her. She’s still a bitch for what she’s saying. I really don’t like this take of her. 
I’m getting Starscream vibes off of Catra, someone very smart and cunning but also her ego is going to be her downfall because she thinks she’s better than anyone. 
Placing bet’s here, Shadow Weaver intends to use Adora as a weapon against Hordak and to take him down. Not sure how but it’s clear that’s what shes’ doing here with her comments to her. 
So can I call her Shadow Palpatine? Because that’s who she reminds me of. She’s making Adora into her Anakin. 
Given the “I raised you and found you as an orphan child” is probably a total fabrication, I don’t by that at all. Someone kidnapped her, but I don’t know if it was Weaver or Hordak in this case. Unless Skelator just up and became Rumplestikin and forced Randor and Marlena to Emma Swan her from Eternia. Which would be weird. 
Hello, Dream Works, Disney is calling to get Mother Gothal back. (Man, if I wanted to watch Tangled, I would watch Tangled.) 
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So Glimmer reminds me of another character from another show that I can’t think of where the young girl tends to disobey their parents and it makes it all about them and their issues and...the whole relationship with her and Angella reminds me of Duke and his brother from the GI Joe movie in the 1980s. 
Also, if you’re daughter isn’t old enough to act like a noble in your court, she’s not old enough to lead a battle. 
Angella sounds more like Adora at times than Adora does. 
Okay scratch that...we have a Little Mermaid moment here mixed in with Nani and Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. 
Glimmer acts like she’s 12, and probably designed to appeal to the tweens that are like ‘Parents don’t get it” mind set. 
Okay so how the hell does Catra know how Shadow Weaver got the power stone from Hordak? Was she listening at the doors and such? How does she know about any of this? I would think that Shadow Weaver would cover this all up. 
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So we know that Catra is bitter towards Weaver and will probably end up doing something to pay her back, and she’s jealous of Adora, which means anyone that is her friend going forward has a big target on their backs. Got it. 
Yup Catra is Starscream. Thanks for that reminder show. And basically an older sister with bratty younger sister dynamic going down here. Good on them for at least getting that in order. 
Catra, you know you don’t have to shove her away from running the skiff, she didn’t need you to do that. 
And now they are fighting like some sisters will when they are close in age. 
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Catra is way to reckless and clearly meant to show immaturity of the two girls. She’s reminding me a lot of Ben Solo, looks like a teen but acts like she’s way younger than that emotionally. 
Did you need to have that aside break the forth wall? Could we not have had her look down or up, why at the camera? (Note: This never happens again, so why do a 4th wall joke here? And time stamp is around the 11:30 mark in this show.) 
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So Adora finds the sword in the ground wrapped in Vines. How long has it been there? Also it gives her flashes, cool at least were sort of taking from the original with that aspect. 
Catra pulling her by the hair. Ow! Why? Are you trying to show how immature and mean she can be? What was the point of her pulling her by the hair, why not by the scruff of the neck or the shirt like a cat would? 
Diary writing, or at least the way the diary is being written in, positive in that it at least gets her feelings out. I still think she’s only 12 or 13. 
The moment with Glimmer and Bow outside reminds me a lot of a Harvey and Sabrina moment from the old DiC cartoon in the 2000s. And why do I feel like Glimmer would fit right into that era’s shows? 
Bow and Glimmer yelling is going on too long for my taste. Why doesn’t he shoot her a tin can phone or something useful? 
If she can teleport why not do that earlier and make the joke work. It took to long for that joke to land. 
Bow is older than Glimmer. The way he treats her and looks after her makes me think he and Adora are around the same age roughly. They are the older siblings to Catra and Glimmer’s younger siblings dynamic. 
Oh god make it stop with Glimmer and her mom’s fighting! Please! 
So Adora sneaks out and Catra doesn’t hide the fact that she’s gone by you know, stuffing the bed, or doing other things to cover for that? Maybe getting the others involved to help out to cover? Show she can be a decent leader? No? Well okay then. 
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Oh god, why the screaming! That is not funny or cute. That is like something a toddler would do, and these two are not toddlers! 
So the more I see of Light Hope the more the design reminds me a lot of the Sorceress. So Light Hope =program by the Sorceress? 
Cool Bow grew up in the woods. Where at? Can we meet his dads? No? Not even gonna talk about it? Okay then. 
Devastation at 12  o’clock. Not bad showing the ruins. Kind of pretty in a depressing way. 
Yay at least we’re getting the “Evil Horde” talk in some form. 
So according to Glimmer the Horde just appeared on Etheria. So does that mean that they were from space first? or are they from Eternia and got poofed there some how? Doesn’t really seem to imply if Hordak targeted this place, or if it was a chance thing. Betting anything Shadow Weaver helped him take over as in the original one. 
So can we call Bow the Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the She-ra crew? 
Maybe I missed something but how did Adora get out of the ropes? 
Also what kind of bug is that creature? Is it normal or is it a mutant? How does anyone live around here anyway? 
So Mary Elizabeth McGlynn  (Aka, Major Makoto Kusangi) is doing the voice direction here. Well that explains why that aspect is really done well. 
Episode 2
Okay, so the Intro is very 2000s in that Winx Club/ W.I.T.C.H. sort of way. (W.I.T.C.H needs to come back too by the way. Good comic as well.) Not digging it as much as those show openings. Maybe it’ll grow on me? 
Slap stick, Bow runs into doors, news at 11. 
Well interesting, so she’s blurting out Eternia and can read First one’s stuff. Huh. Might be tying more into New Adventure’s of He-man than I thought. 
Also we’re showcasing that she’s from Eternia with this, so....
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So are the Princesses Living batteries? Does not having magic kill them or something? I’m kind of confused by this? And where does this recharge thing come from? 
Glimmer better get better as this story goes on, or she’s ending up on my “Annoying character” list. 
Weaver still has a way to watch over things. Only we’re doing it like Mum-ra. Somebody really liked the Reboot of Thundercats. I get they want to use magic with her, but a tracking device I would think would do better. For a group that uses tech, they really don’t use a lot of it. 
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So Weaver is shown to be a threat, good on them, but yeah there’s some Darth Sidious BS going on with her that I really don’t like very much. Palpatine wasn’t this dumb, even if he was an ass. 
Party in the forest, okay cool. Though can anyone tell me what these guys are supposed to be? Animals? Mutants, Furries? What? 
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Yeah that outfit looks bad, no one would want to wear that at all. 
Why is it so shocking that she’s never been to a party, never had a birthday, etc? They’re living in the Fright Zone, of course there wouldn’t be fun.
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 Also no, horses would not be used in this world apparently there because Tech, so how would she know what it is? Though I would think that in her training they would have at least mentioned them? 
Good on Adora for at least going to face down the Horde and realizing that this is not a good situation. 
Catra in a tank? Okay? 
So Catra knew that they were being manipulated this whole time and didn’t say squat to Adora? Some friend she is. Seriously she’s giving me bad flashbacks to a really possessive friend I had in chldhood. 
Oh god. Why? Catra’s pretty much needs a co-dependent -terrific. She’s pretty much become every evil sympathic crazy anime villain rolled into one. Sob story, check, poessive, check, has a need to be in power to overcome those that hurt her, again check. I feel like I’m watching a weird version of Pretty Cure with this. 
So Catra is that Jealous younger sister that wants to take over trope. Got it. 
Yeah she’s pretty much a selfish brat at this point and several anime tropes rolled into one, and I swear I’ve seen her be for in regard to this sort of character arctype in Pretty cure or shonen shows. I just can’t point to where.  So Catra tries to get Adora back by being an ass to her and pointing out that she knew they were evil and all that. Yup all the marks of a magic girl arch rival right there. 
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Also magically going away ropes when Glimmer pulls the sword. At least she saved her. 
Really we’re calling it Horsie? Can’t we give the damn thing a name? 
Hey She-ra, Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure called, they want their transformation sequence back. Also is it just me or are they taking music cues from Winx and Witch here mixed in. Yeah also someone really really liked Sailor Moon’s transformations. I mean...it’s not shot for shot, but you can see the influence there. 
So people saying that old She-ra couldn’t hit people with her sword, this one just smashes the ground with it...I have no words. Not a bad thing, it’s just weird that people keep saying that Old She-ra didn’t fight and this one does, but it’s clear that this one is smashing things like the hulk, same way He man did. 
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Well points on the Betrayed look from Catra. That at least is something. Side note...was it just me or was there some frame rate animation when she took Bow off the horse? Also, I guess this is a nod to catra taking Bow down back in the old show early on? 
So we’re just leaving the mess? Not gonna use any magic to clean it up huh? 
Episode 3
Once more  Angella doesn’t seem like a mother figure and seems more like an older sister. They fight way to much in this show. 
Adore is reminding me of a character in a Nick show, but I can’t place it. 
So they leave a person who has no skills about being in a fancy place, in a fancy room, alone to practice with a sword. Yeah this is going to work out well. 
Can we name the damn horse already? He has a name it’s Spirit. Can we not give him that name? 
So why isn’t he talking yet? This form means he can talk. Can’t remember if he talks when he’s not in unicorn form. 
Well what do you know, you got a laugh out of me show, good job. 
So she transforms him by accident and scares the hell out of him. Good work Adora.
Yeah is that Solider supposed to be Double Trouble? 
Also, why did you not change shirts? I’m sure Glimmer had some sort of other shirt or something in her wardrobe. Sure it would be big but having a huge Horde mark on your back, yeah that’s a bad idea. Also it’s not a tattoo, you can remove it. 
So she got chased by a mob. I get people don’t like the horde, but how do they know she’s with them. It could be that she was an escaped prisoner that was being held captive...this show...I swear. 
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So she’s down in the water now, and still getting shot at. Where are the guards? 
Anyone in the mood for a little Into the Woods moment here? 
So add onto Catra’s issues the need to be superior to others. Yeah someone has a love of Starscream. 
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So this is Madam Razz? Oh what the ever living loving fuck! No seriously, like yes I know Madam Razz in the original was goofy, but she also showed a lot of intellegence, even when she couldn’t get a spell right, and in some cases the results were a lot more terrifying than what she had planned. Hell she turned people into sheep, internal screaming commence. 
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Who the hell is Mara? (Edit: Looked it up. So either this Mara is Mara Jade from Star Wars who was the wife of Luke Skywalker and was once part of the Empire as a Hand (assassin) who was sent to kill Luke, but later became a smuggler of sorts, trained herself to become a jedi, and later studied under Luke and eventually married him and they had Ben Skywalker. Or...this is a nod to the Mara character from the New Adventures of He-man who replaced Teela as main girl.) 
So Madam Razz is Maz from Episode VII. Oooookay. She doesn’t need to be. 
I’m not a fan of Razz’s voice. Too much Edna Mode. Also where the hell is Broom? Like she has a broom but it’s not Broom. 
More hints of Eternia. Either give her the back story or don’t! Stop playing with it. 
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Catra has a lot of anger issues it seems. 
And Shadow Weaver likes to play games. I surprised that Hordak hasn’t killed her by now. Must be hard to get good helpers on Etheria. 
Is that supposed to be Grizzor? I feel like all the cool mutants have been removed for generic baddies. Like they didn’t want to tell a adventure story and wanted it to be a high school drama. 
Can we please give her a spell, and not just have her go “Razzle Dazzle”. Yes that is part of her catch phrases but not all she says. 
How does she know Mara anyway? She doesn’t answer the questions. 
Thank you Swifty for calling the name Horsie a stupid name. Also how does she talk to the Animals? 
Alright so...honestly I know the first series was fast on getting Adora as part of the crew, the difference was that it was He-man speaking up for her, or rather Adam and he’d proven to be someone that knew his shit. Bow I can understand trusting, Glimmer...eh...it seemed a bit fast of an acceptance. I would have thought they would have done something a bit more in this case, just to be different than the original. Oh well. 
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So...Hordak is hot. Who’s with me on this one? 
Hey at least he stands up for Catra and knows she’s at least trying. Though that may come back to bite her in the ass later. Also it mirrors his views on her earlier when Weaver was saying that she let Adora get away. Apparently Hordak doesn’t think too much of Adora leaving, or he’s got something larger planned that no one knows about. 
Episode 4
So why is it that everyone in the castle seems to trust her so damn much? Or is that just for Glimmer’s sake? 
Adora...it’s a bed. You slept in one before. How is it that you think you killed it? Broke it is a better word. Not killed it. 
So given the design of the king...does this mean Hordak’s been turning people into the Mutants? I guess that would be a cool twist other then “Well he’s dead.” 
And at least Angella shows that she’s still wondering about this girl. Good on that part. Although she seems more bitchy then she should, but still glad to see less trust on Adora right now. She could be a spy. 
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So small complaint here, why are we making Netossa and Spinnerella a joke? Seriously they are the only real couple on the show and you make a joke out of it. 
Apparently we have a tangled reference here with the way Adora looks at the picture of the King and Queen. 
Okay so Angella doesn’t trust her daughter, but she’s totally fine with the girl that was, less then a few moments ago, considered not trust worthy, giving an idea and then her okaying it? Yeah.. um...shouldn’t that have been the reverse? And why are they not taking the other two along? 
Catra is still being a lazy selfish brat, no new news here regarding her character. 
So Hordak is the one controlling the stone? Huh...is he like an Ozai? 
Perfuma seemed to have a moment of “Hot guy” sort of reaction to Adora. Good on them...that’s about the only ship I can take in this series outside of Her and Bow so far. 
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So Perfuma has a bit of a mask going on. That’s a nice change compared to her more ditzy self in the original, but she was very innocent there. So far she’s been the most interesing and likable character, outside of Bow and Adora. 
Okay so -Ahem...FUCK YEAH HORDAK! He’s the ONLY thing keeping me interested in watching this so far. 
Shadow Weaver probably wants Adora due to the fact that she knows about her being connected to Eternia and is planning on using her to get them back into that dimension, or she’s going to try to take over and kill Hordak with her...one or the other. She’s still an idiot. 
Also betting she’s the one that did the Kidnapping of Adora over Hordak. *sighs* 
Also Hordak is Magic. 
So what are we going for here with Perfuma’s people? Valley, surfer, Cali beach heads? Guru style? What? 
Hey what do you know...I got a laugh out of Perfuma! Good job show. 
Not a bad message but one that was delivered weirdly. 
 Episode 5 
(Side note...gonna limit the pictures because I’m getting tired.) 
Glimmer is still annoying -same with Angella. I don’t get the reason for putting them in this relationship. 
So we have  Pirates of the Caribbean -at worlds end, with the music and design. Gotcha. 
Also is this supposed to be the Star War’s Cantena? Yup it is. 
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So this is Sea Hawk huh? Wanna be Han Solo...seriously? Okay then...
*Watches the two interact* Yup, in any normal show this would imply that this could be a romantic interest with them arguing like that. This isn’t a normal show so I don’t know if they are just playing up the idea of rivals to crushes. 
Probably will be an option for a romantic interest outside of Bow...or she could be single, I’m cool with that. 
Could you please stop affecting your voice? It’s annoying Sea Hawk. 
Can I call him Lance Solo? He reminds me of Lance early on in Voltron. 
Okay yeah we’re digging into Star Wars here because man he’s calling them kids and has some sort of Kessel Run. 
Gonna guess a year older than Bow and Adora...
So Shadow weaver needs Adora for some reason. Could we be a bit more specific here. 
Wow Scorpia looks a hell of a lot like Shiro. Jeeze! Seriously I had to double take when I saw her. She’s a hugger. Horray. 
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Song needs to burn, there is no melody to it. I really tend to like music in shows, but this is not even close to the better songs I’ve heard in other shows. Even songs from Steven Universe, which I don’t watch a lot of, tend to have better melodies than this. I’m hoping that this was more meant as a gag. 
Can we please stop with the dumb jokes here. They are starting to wear on me. Yes I get it he’s not that good at what he does. Yes I get it he wants to give them an adventure...but this set up sucks. 
Don’t like Mermista’s voice. I have always disliked the “Whatever” teenager trope. The relationship here needs work between them. Why does she not like him? 
Where the hell is he from? He burns his boats and this is okay? 
Wow, he can be serious, can we get more of that from him? 
So Adora is trying to help and Catra ends up belittling her and calling her dumb. My oh my she is a catch folks. Either she goes completely dark or she get’s saved in the second season because right now she such a uttler bitch...
Gah, Catra is really really annoying in this episode. She reminds me of the 90s stereotypical younger sister types. Gah...
Hey what do you know...Boat burning works for something. Not much, but something. 
Liking the guys in the background on the ship. Can we have a show about them...please? 
Awww Adora actually warmed up to Sea Hawk. 
Episode 6
Okay so people are working for Entrapta, that’s good? 
Oh Shit she’s Doc Oct. Well that explains everything I need to know about her. 
So I feel like she’s acting like a DiC cartoon villain. Just can’t get into her all that much. 
Why are we making Adora kind of dumb in this one? 
Cool Bow’s all about the tech stuff, and is behaving way more mature than the other two. 
If you’re going to have a trap like that, at least have a near fall. 
Ugly zombie robot done better in Star Wars honestly. I was more “What the hell” in that moment than scared. Hey maybe they should have watched the Episode in Transformers where Optimus lost most of his face, or the removed TMNT 2000 series where Baxter Stockman fell apart. Literally. 
Entrapta...please stop. 
Also She-ra can get drunk apparently. Or sick, whatever you want to call it. 
Well the shit she’s playing with is going to be in season 2, and that looks like crap Evil lynn works with in He-man from time to time. 
Okay so Bow does a good job leading...yay for that. 
Her parents probably died and she replaced them with Robots. 
I could say she’s an odd version of Wheel Jack, though that would mean the staff would have had to have watched Gen 1 transformers. 
The maze bit goes on a bit too long. 
Well that’s Horde prime shit that was used before in the comics. So someone was paying attention. 
The more I watch of Entrapta the more I get Vibes of Doctor K from Power Rangers RPM. Though she’s less weird than this. 
Okay make that she reminds me of Doctor Whiley from Megaman. 
Hey at least everyone realized Bow is the smart one here. 
Episode 7
So Adora in ep 6 wasn’t worried about being infected now she’s on edge over it? 
Shadow Weaver is fucking Mum-ra from Thundercat’s 2015 with all the shit she’s doing and how sh’es behaving. 
Credit for Sandra O for doing Castaspella. Good choice for this character. 
Everyone likes Bow. 
Also, she knits sweaters, that’s sweet. She seems like a decent sister. 
Lunar Lenses? Where have I heard that before. May be something from New Adventures of He man again. 
So we do have Light Spinner as Shadow Weaver. But no teacher? Booo. That was the best part of that story. Also can we tell the story when she was turned? No...man, come on...it’s important. 
Creepy Shadow Weaver. She’s really becoming more like a stalker than anything else. 
So what the hell is with the weird noises Adora is making when she’s trying to relax? 
So really we are heavy in the mother figure aspect of this character right now. Though honestly this bothers me as Shadow should not be scarier than Hordak. She wants to own Hordak and dominate him...(well who wouldn’t but that’s beside the point). 
Not sure how I feel about this change. Shadow’s known for being very loyal as she really didn’t have any place to go and blames the others for her fall. 
Someone was watching the Labyrinth 
So Catra calls Bow the heart. Is she implying that she thinks Adora likes Bow?  (If Catra x Adora is the Rey x Kylo of all this does that mean that Bow x Adora is the Finn x Rey of She-ra?) Or does she think that he’s the glue of the group? or is it just a nod to his shirt? Confused by this line
Episode 8
So it’s a ball and not a Prom. Could have just called it that in the title. 
Scorpia needs to get a better friend than Catra...go hang out with Lonnie. She seem’s cool. 
Okay Fuck you Catra. You’re manipulating the hell out of this girl. She opened up, told you that the other girls came off as uncomfortable around her and then you use her for your weird vendetta against Adora? Get past it, move on, she ain’t coming back. 
Also, okay so the Horde crashed in Scorpia’s kingdom and they gave Hordak the stone. Probably out of fear more than anything else. 
So are they trying to hint at Bow x Glimmer or are we still on siblings not hanging out anymore. Plus side for Bow’s line about change being good. 
Hey what do you know Adora made me laugh. 
Hey...why throw that line out there about Sweet Bee and Peekablue, what was the point? 
90s Make over music. Joy...
Scorpia dresses better than Adora...that’s all I’m gonna say. 
So Frosta is canonically 11. Okay...does that mean the rest are only in their early teens? 
Perfuma is Starfire. Please, for the love that is all holy, stop talking like Kori. 
Chuckles Austen? WTF? You do not put the twitter handle of your EP on your show. That is not cute. it’s Charles or Chuck, not Chuckles. Ugh. 
So Catra’s whole scheme is to kidnap bow...oookay. Weird.
Adora is Dipper, seriously that’s who she reminds me of in this episode. 
And Frosta also reminds me way to much of Toph. 
More of the high school drama with Glimmer being jealous of Bow. And the whole thing is reminding me of the Northern water tribe look. 
Can we take a moment to consider Adora is strong enough on her own to Lift Perfuma up, and she’s taller than her. 
Also that dance between Catra and Adora was a threat dance. I think there was something similar in a Star wars book. 
If Catra cares so much about Adora, why let that shit fall on her? Seems hypocritical of her. 
Hair pins don’t work like that! This is the umteeth time I’ve seen someone do that...they are not like that. 
Fight needs work, it was not as good as the one with Adora and Weaver in previous episodes. Also a lot of animation was off for the background characters. 
What was that look for? Like “Surprised she saved her?” She’s a hero, it’s what she does. 
I’m sorry but that end song sucked. Can we never use that again. 
Points for capturing Bow and Glimmer. 
Episode 9 
Shadow Weaver being a bitch...
Wow how did everyone get there that fast? I’m confused. 
Cute with the figures, but can we not fight over who is what on the board. 
Energy prison like Steven universe. 
YUCK the flushing toilet on Mermista was not funny! That was gross and you can’t hear that. 
Robot scrap collector is cute
Plan seems to be working....and then it’s not. Sea Hawk you are an idiot. 
Lot’s of Animation errors in this one. 
How is her mask working? 
Hey what do you know, Sea Hawk actually did something kinda right? 
Perfuma still proving to be the best here. 
Ball from incredible, inspiration? or round ATATs? 
Can we change Lonnie for Catra. I am begging you at this point show. She’s a lot more interesting. 
The fight with Kyle talking is amusing and the writer did well with the visual gags here. 
Sea Hawk throw is acutally funny I laughed. 
Good scene with Bow and Adora. Only to be followed by Catra being a Ben Solo. 
Alright points for Glimmer getting out and punching Shadow Weaver. Entrapta’s death and the return of the sword were all well done. Though with Entrapta’s death I felt there needed to be more time with them before hand to feel weight. 
Mourning of Entrapta was a good moment, but it would have been better if this was like the last episode of the season maybe? 
Episode 10 
How does being together mean falling apart? 
Strong mourning with Perfuma. She’s becomeing the break out of the characters for me. 
Glimmer annoying again with the Hug scene and not wanting to talk about glitching. 
I HATE this dynamic between mother and daughter. 
Can we get more Hordak please? 
Over all thoughts of this episode was that Catra was playing too much with Entrapta. She shouldn’t have fallen so easy for it. Hoping for Scorpia and Entrapta to be friends. Catra and Shadow manipulating one another to turn around and show Angella and Glimmer making up was done well, but I hate the way they got to that. Catra was still annoying in this episode. 
Episode 11
So the thing with the robot, Emily, starting to bug me. Watching Light Hope makes me think that someone was trying to mimic what Clone wars did in the past, and honestly I think this doesn’t need to go on the route of the Jedi. 
Can I say that Catra in her own way is reminding me way to much of Abu from Aladdin here. The whole thing with Catra and Adora was foreshadowed in episode one, and she seemed like a brat in the past too. Thing that bothered me with this is that it’s not explaining how these two got there. Also some animation errors. 
Shadow Wever is Eric from PotO and Scar from the lion king rolled into one. I really thought the fight was done well but the end result sort of sucked. I don’t think there’s a chance for Catra to get redeemed with this. 
Episode 12
Light Hope reminds me of Jem’s synergy. Also her way of doing things annoys me because it’s trying way to hard to be a mix of all classic shows without doing it’s own thing here. 
Swift wind has become Starlight’s rejected cousin. Why is he talking now? What changed? The magic? Is Etheria cybertron? 13 princesses, well if you know the old show, outside of one, you know exactly who they are going to be. Imp’s a recording device, and the Rune stone can hack the planet?
I want more hordak, and Swifty saved the day cool. Catra lost her compassion, and Shadow weaver is going to come back. 
Episode 13
Finally we get some action from Netossa and Spinner. Jeez. 
Glimmer was hording weapons. 
Over all the last episode was good. Though I would have liked to have seen Hordak do something. Right now he’s just there and I want to see how strong this guy is. 
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malachi-walker · 5 years
yo i didn’t realize you did a lot of world building for Rhythm & Blues! i went and read everything in the tag and *chef kiss* love it, love you, and the fic
Thank you so much! And to be fair, that was totally my bad: I only realized I had forgotten to put the tag in the masterpost when I was searching for the last name post to link in another answer. XD (Not to mention the minor problem that if you're on mobile you can't get at the masterpost link I conveniently put next to the asks. Thanks, tumblr.)
Honestly, a huge part of the fun of this au is just going buck-wild with questions like, "Hey, how would you avoid furniture damage if a race with claws got agitated and flexed" or "hey, what would the dietary considerations of human/cat hybrids even be anyway?" and that's even before you get into the really cool stuff like different cultural traditions and how all of this would mesh together into a world closer to our own. Again, we will be getting some more Magicat stuff going forward (because that's just natural in a relationship and Catra's kind of a geek) and especially in the fic covering Catra's three years of homelessness--her parents weren't there long enough to teach her much, so once that thirst for knowledge gets activated it's gonna get cool real fast if you're a geek like me. And I think you are. ;D
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