#magic klaine is something that can be so special
rockitmans · 10 months
Unusual Fic-Specific Asks for Authors
A Thousand Words: I’ll create a photoset/gifset that, IMO, sums up the main themes/concepts I intended for [that fic]
Oooh could you do this for Witch Wanted?
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Kurt wonders if Blaine is his own kind of magic
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for the ask game... klaine! who saw that coming??
Klaine? What's a Klaine?
Kidding, ahah. I don't honestly think I can choose just one favorite moment, because it switches so often, so I'll give you my current top 10, ranked :)
10. Blaine’s Showcase
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This was so ridiculous and so completely, utterly them. Blaine took a chance - a really risky chance - all for the sake of letting his one true love shine, and it paid off masterfully. I love how dorky they are together. I bet they sang this one for fun all the time together, since all Blaine had to do was whisper the word and they had a perfectly choreographed duet. Also, I am a sucker for Blaine’s speech. “There is nothing I am more passionate about than my fiancé” - yes please!!
Oh, and did I mention that I loved seeing Kurt tell off June right before this, calling Blaine the love of his life and stating that nothing would come between them? Yeah, that was excellent...
9. Kurt helping Blaine get ready to go out with June. 
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This scene is a perfect example of how Kurt loves Blaine. His love might not be the most obvious or outward with it like Blaine’s is, but it’s real and it’s just as strong as Blaine’s is. Kurt is a steadfast support for Blaine throughout this entire episode, choosing to share a wonderful opportunity with him, and incredibly generous when Blaine gets something that Kurt wanted but was unable to have. He lets Blaine know his true feelings while also letting him know that he’s genuinely happy for his success, he helps him get ready, he compliments him in his own perfectly Kurt way, and he tells Blaine that he’ll stand by his side no matter what. 
Oh, and Kurt fixing Blaine’s bowtie is always an immediate ‘squee’ moment for me. 
8. Blaine helping Kurt get ready for his Peter Pan play.
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Likewise, Blaine is also a constant source of support for Kurt. 
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
For Kurt’s play, while many of his friends initially chose not to come in favor of doing their own things, Blaine chose to be there for Kurt. He had the opportunity to have dinner with Diane von Furstenberg and declined it so that he could watch Kurt perform at a nursing home. This is especially significant because as stated in 5x18, Blaine doesn’t normally get to spend time with celebrities, it’s normally just him and June. Yet when Blaine does get the opportunity to meet someone famous, he declines simply so that he can support his fiancé. Blaine is so sweet and it makes him so happy to see the person he loves happy, which is the most pure and adorable thing ever. 
As mentioned in another ask, I am also a hoe for cheek kisses, and the fact that this was their only one makes it all the more special to me. I have to praise Darren and Chris for their chemistry here too - they feel like such an old married couple in this scene, with the sweet smiles and light touches, support, and looking out for one another, like when Kurt told Blaine not to sit in the front row because of potential hazards. 
I thank Chris Colfer every day for giving us such a simple, sweet and tender scene, especially amongst the wonderfully complex but rather angsty arc that was S5. 
7. Blaine asking Kurt to dance at prom. 
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This moment is nothing short of magical. Kurt’s arc in S2 was all about finding himself, and this moment is the culmination of all of that. Kurt, after being beaten down again and again for being who he is, and having to transfer to another school where he was safe, yet once again stifled and not appreciated for being himself, finally got the opportunity to go back to his school and go to prom with his own friends and his own boyfriend. Kurt was ready to have a fun, peaceful night, however, as luck would have it, he wasn't able to do that due to yet another cruel, humiliating joke. 
Instead of casually being allowed to enjoy the dance, he’s voted Prom Queen and is made to dance with the boy who once bullied him. And that boy, too scared to come out of his own closet, leaves Kurt all alone on the dance floor. But then Blaine swoops in, like Kurt’s own Prince Charming, like something straight out of a fairytale, and offers his hand to dance. This is the boy, the who was reluctant to come to a dance due to his own trauma, being brave for the person he loves because he can’t stand to see him go through anything alone. Kurt takes his hand, and together the two of them show McKinley, and by extension the world, that nothing can touch them or what they have. 
6. The final locker scene. 
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This scene is just so perfect and lovely. I love Kurt’s sentimentality. I love that he put together a locker full of his high school ‘greatest hits,’ and how it has no fewer than four Blaine-related mementos in it. I love that this made the Box Scene canon - that was a truly generous thing of the show to do for us. I love how Blaine is always there to reassure Kurt in his moments of self doubt and tell him how exceptional he is. I love Blaine’s love for Kurt. I love how he loves Kurt for everything that he is, even the parts that most of society doesn’t deem acceptable. And I love that Kurt loves Blaine right back. 
The best part, though, is how happy and relaxed they both are. During moments in the NYC arc, though they loved one another, it seemed like something was always off. They were sometimes tense, sometimes cold, sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes hurt. Here, all of that has melted away, leaving two people who are perfectly content and at ease with one another, just happy that they get to spend the rest of their lives together.
5. Blaine singing to Kurt in the hospital. 
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Look at them :(( I don't know if it's my own unfortunate experiences with hospitals, or if it's the sheer intimacy and gentleness of this scene, or if it's just the fact that Blaine has also been gay-bashed and has to watch the love of his life go through this, but this moment always breaks me. Blaine loves Kurt so, so much, and it’s so hard for him to watch him in pain. The moment at the end, were Blaine strokes over Kurt’s cheek and tucks his face into his neck, is almost painfully intimate and rather hard to watch. It’s absolutely beautiful, though, and I’m glad we got it even if Klaine got nothing else in this episode. 
4. Their hug after It’s Time. 
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This entire song/scene is just the sweetest. I love how supportive Blaine is of Kurt, I love how he knows exactly what to say (and sing) to Kurt to convince him to leave, and I love how content Kurt looks in this scene. And this hug is the cherry on top. There’s such a nostalgic feeling to this scene because it’s the last early!Klaine scene we’ll ever get and it makes me yearn for a time when they were both still sweet and innocent. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore adult!Klaine too, but there’s something magical about them when they were younger and this scene is the perfect example of it. Also, their chemistry in this scene is incredible.
3. Their Elevator Scenes
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These two fucking dumbasses set up an entire picnic, arranged all of the food and silverware just for the two of them. I love this scene because of all  of the character insight we get - Kurt’s crumpled and Blaine’s neatly hung clothing, the fact that they chose to arrange all of this despite being stuck in the elevator, even their posture. This is such a perfect, intimate look into who they are when it’s just the two of them.  
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We also find out that these two would give their kids the worst and dorkiest possible names. I think my favorite part of this scene is how comfortable they are with one another here. Chris and Darren’s natural chemistry is so lovely and I love these little moments when they’re allowed to shine. I love that this was ad-libbed and I love the little touches the actors put into the characters. I love that scenes like this show above all, that Kurt and Blaine really do like one another. They’re friends - best friends, even - and that bond doesn’t go away just because they’re broken up. 
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Obviously this appreciation would not be complete without a mention of their best kiss. That’s right - move over, first kiss, this one is far superior. Seriously, though, I love this kiss. Not because it’s hot, but because it’s so passionate, intimate, and all-encompassing. Both of them look completely taken over by it, and by the time they pull apart, they’re wrecked. The acting and staging are superb (even if the robot is a little bit creepy), and it’s one of the most raw Klaine scenes we’ve ever gotten. 
2. Kurt giving Blaine Margaret Thatcher Dog 
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I wrote 1500 words of flailing on this, so here I’m going to keep it simple and just say that this is one of my favorite scenes of all time. Kurt is trying his best to make Blaine happy here and cheer him up after his bad day, and he’s also trying so hard to reconcile Blaine with his family. He loves that boy so, so much, and little moments like these make me wonder how anyone could believe that Kurt didn’t love Blaine as much as Blaine loves him.  
1. Their Hallway Talk
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Look at this precious bb!! Look how cute and happy and flirty he is with Blaine! That’s the love of his life, y’all!! This scene has everything. Friendship, support, Kurt complimenting Blaine, Blaine inventing romance with his words - seriously, “with you in it, a wonderful life” is my favorite Klaine quote ever - and pure love from both of them. 
I love how cute Blaine is when he’s nervous. I love that Kurt thinks so too. I love how Blaine asked Kurt to stay for Regionals because he wanted his support, and I love how Kurt was clearly expecting something so much more. I love that Kurt had already decided that he’d stay to support Blaine. I love their clear love for one another, tentative and shy as it is. I especially love the chemistry between Darren and Chris and the way that they so perfectly play this moment. We were truly blessed to have such a talented pair give us these scenes. 
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Author Spotlight: Hippohead Day 2
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Author: @hippohead​
Share one of your strengths.
I've had people tell me that my writing can be a bit poetic sometimes, which is always a huge compliment to me as I write poetry as well. I do think I manage to make bits of my writing sound pretty occasionally so I would say that is one of my strengths!
Share one of your weaknesses.
TENSE. We don't have to talk about it but I... can't do it. It hurts my brain.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
OKAY. "and I'll be yours for the weekend" is the answer to this question and I literally don't even have a reason why. It was just a battle. The song ('tis the damn season by tswift) was stuck in my head and the story was stuck in my head and I just wanted to GET IT OUT but it was such a struggle. I really genuinely fought that story to come out the way it did. Anyway I'm being dramatic but yes that one.
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Definitely "I Have Guidelines." It was the first fic I wrote for the Klaine fandom and it truly just flowed out of me in about two days. I just wrote and wrote and wrote and didn't get stuck once. I love that fic with my whole entire heart, it's very special to me.
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It's definitely my passion, I just wish I had more time to do it.
Is there an episode or character or arc above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Kurt Hummel! I love him so much and I see so much of myself in him.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Tina Fey told me (not me specifically but also me specifically) that you have to let people see what you wrote. And I know that seems fairly self-explanatory but I really struggled with letting people see what I had written, so it's something I hold close to my heart and repeat over & over. ily tfey
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
I can't really think of any bad writing advice at the moment, which I suppose is a good thing!
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
I think probably "I Have Guidelines" for the fake dating of it all!
What’s your process? Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? What are the perfect writing conditions for you?
I write an excessively long outline when I first have the idea just to get it out of my head and onto paper, and I try to plot it out in order as much as I can. And then I sorta just write whatever scenes I can... sometimes that ends up being in order, and sometimes it ends up being all over the place. Perfect writing conditions for me are: being very comfy, blankets if poss, snacks nearby!, & my writing playlist on. All of that helps me to feel settled enough to write.
Check out Hippohead’s Fics
and I'll be yours for the weekend -  Sleeping with Blaine Anderson is Kurt's favourite Christmas tradition.
Sunday to Sunday, and then After That -  Blaine is living & working at a pub in London; Kurt is in London on a week-long trip that his ex-boyfriend had booked for the two of them before they broke up. It's hard to see the magic of London when you're heartbroken, until it's not anymore because there's a devastatingly handsome and charming bartender trying to show it to you. Oh, and then after that.
were there clues i didn't see? -  Set during 'tying you to me' and afterwards, this is the story from Blaine's POV, and from his fans'.
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forabeatofadrum · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Look it’s almost midnight and I haven’t seen a WIP Wednesday on my dash yet so either I missed something or I am kicking it off for once because I need to share Baz being a Klainer on main! Yeehaw!
But first... I... love Rosemary, so of course it’s time for some e pare stella stuff with Rosemary being wholesome.
Rosemary’s spelled put. I know she loves watching me cook, but I wouldn’t feel safe with her running around in a place with heat sources and sharp objects. Still, I make sure that she knows that I know that she’s watching. I always do. I love cooking with Rosemary. 
I use my trusty sword to slice the scallops paper thin and she lets out a delighted noise. I’ve given her some leftover tomatoes to eat and she’s tearing through them while watching me. We should give her one of those toy kitchens for her birthday.
“Can I have?” she points towards the sword.
Or a toy sword.
“You know the answer’s no, Rosemary.”
She still tries every time. Sorry Anna, but Rosemary is definitely getting the sword one day. She can continue my weird tradition of cooking with a magickal ancestral sword.
“Un giorno sarà tua, little puff.” I continue cooking with her cheering me on and every now and then I let her taste. She’s the best food critic, since she likes everything that I make.
And now, it’s time for Basilton Grimm-Pitch being a huge Klainer. This Glee/CO crossover is becoming some sort of homage to my time in the Glee fandom. I’ll put it under the cut. If you also lived through the live airing of Glee and you want me to add a fandom moment, let me know!
Simon Snow is explaining Klaine to me.
We’re sitting on our respective beds and Snow’s talking about Glee and its characters and about the importance of the show. It’s all very funny to me. Snow doesn’t have anything new to tell me. He’s only recently started the show and he hasn’t seen further than Special Education. He wasn’t there when the show aired.
Snow wasn’t there when the twelve seconds long kiss changed the world.
Snow didn’t have a mental breakdown when it turned out that Blaine’s a junior.
Snow doesn’t know the Jim Cantiello Gleecap songs by heart.
Snow didn’t make hundred puppet accounts on Twitter to follow Ryan Murphy, begging him to release the goddamn Box Scene. (Magic really helped me out with that one. I think I had 500 accounts at one point, all with usernames belittling RIB for their actions.)
Snow didn’t read Darren Criss’s passionate Facebook post before The Break Up, so he didn’t have to worry about Blaine possibly being written out.
Snow didn’t refresh a dank Brazilian spoilers page on a daily basis.
Snow didn’t have to go through the emotional rollercoaster that is the weird proposal storyline.
Snow didn’t wake up in the middle of the night to watch Klaine get married.
And so on. Snow’s explaining basic things to me and I am barely listening, because I am sudden hit by a wave of nostalgia. Glee only ended a year ago (yes, I cried) and I thought I was going to move on, but right now I am actually in the Glee universe, Kurt and Blaine just left our room, and Snow’s acting like some sort of Glee guru.
Tagging @quizasvivamos @urban-sith @mostlymaudlin @esperantoauthor @bookish-bogwitch (hi, hello, you’re kind of new here, but just so you know: Paradiso 3 is a kid!fic) @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @coffeegleek @crissmastrees-and-candyklaines @wellbelesbian 
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Part 2-And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime- November 12 and 13, 2020. (Thursday and Friday)
Para: And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine. 
Blaine: @andersoncharm​
Sebastian: @smythesm​
When: Thursday, November 12, 2020, Friday November 13, 2020
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: With Hunter and Tony's warnings weighing down on them and the clock ticking away their seconds together Sebastian and Blaine struggle to say goodbye as they spend what very well may be their last twenty four hours together. How do you manage just one more day with your soulmate? How do you give one last kiss, one last touch? How do you make love one last time? How do you say goodbye?
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mild smut, mentions of possible main character death, mentions of parental death (Blaine’s Mom), mentions of toxic past relationships, mentions of brief past Klaine. (Under cut for length and content.)
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had thrown his whole heart and a little bit of magic into the breakfast he’d made for the two of them, for all he knew, it was the last time he’d get to make one for Sebastian and as mundane as it seemed, he wanted to make sure it was the perfect meal. He’d made the bacon crispy the way his boyfriend liked it, he’d made pancakes from scratch and piled them high with strawberries and whipped cream and real maple syrup. He’d have squeezed real oranges for the orange juice if he could have left to go get some. He didn’t dare step foot out of the apartment though, didn’t dare magic himself to the store or anywhere else for that matter. What if they decided to take away his remaining hours with Sebastian and he never got to properly say goodbye, never got to tell him how much he loved him or kiss him ever again. What if Sebastian’s last memory of Blaine was him popping out of his living room to go get something as silly as oranges? Plain orange juice sufficed and got the job done.
The whole apartment smelled like coffee and a breakfast that would put any diner to shame. Blaine would have been proud of himself under any other circumstance, but this morning, even though the November sun was shining in a too blue sky through orange and red trees, casting a golden tone throughout the day, even though it looked like a painting outside, the inside of the apartment was anything but sunny. Sebastian was just standing there, leaning against the counter in the kitchen, his mug of steaming coffee clutched in his fingers so tightly Blaine could see the red. His boyfriends eyes were wide and he was staring at the floor with his jaw clenched, completely in his own world and Blaine, for the first time ever, wished that Witches had the ability to truly read minds. What was he thinking? Blaine could feel the terrified energy radiating off of him and it made his heart ache with a bone deep sorrow knowing that it was because of him that Sebastian was feeling this way.
Sebastian, on a normal day when Blaine made food like this, would have stolen about five pieces of bacon and would have three cups of coffee down by now. He’d have pressed little kisses to the back of Blaine’s neck as he cooked and would  have at least pretended to help him cook the rest. Today though, Sebastian seemed to be in a state of shock and Blaine didn’t know what to do to get him out of it. He was standing as close to Blaine as he could, like he too was afraid to move away, but his mind was someplace else. Blaine had kept himself as busy as he could for the last hour since Hunter and Tony had walked out of their home and he was terrified that if he stopped moving or going on as if it were a normal day that he’d completely crack in half. He realized that this whole thing, the giant breakfast, was pretending that tomorrow wasn’t going to change them forever, even if he lived. Pretending that the Council and Order weren’t going to put him through hell, or that they might spare him all because he would tell him they were soulmates. Without proof… where did that leave them? 
He knew he was being silly and stupid by pretending it away and that he should be out trying to do something, anything to stop this… but his fear of being taken away from Seb even one minute before his time was overwhelming. Besides he’d promised Hunter and Tony he’d stay put. He knew Hunter was out trying to figure out a way out of this, and he could still feel Tony somewhere just outside keeping an eye on them. Freya was with her. Both of them were determined and fierce and it was a little overwhelming. He wanted so badly to contact his father, tell him to help him. But a little part of him was so afraid that his dad was in on it, that his dad, who would have to head this trial, was secretly glad to be rid of Blaine. The voice in his head, that sounded like his mom scolded him and told him differently. He just had to hope his dad was on his side.
He plated their food and set them out on the little bistro table in the small dining room before wrapping his fingers around Seb’s wrist and guiding him to eat. Sebastian looked up at him, his expression seeming lost as he sat down. The whole room felt like that- lost, not even Ras was begging for bacon and Ras loved bacon almost as much as he loved his papa. Blaine, trying to keep up his charade, reached for his fork and cut himself a bit of pancake. He loved sweets and this was his favorite part, any other day he’d have consumed most of it by now. He found that he couldn’t even lift the fork to his lips and suddenly his whole act felt stupid and how the fuck was he supposed to do this? How as he supposed to spend the next twenty four hours acting like he might not die tomorrow, like they might not fuck Sebastian’s whole brain up just to erase any trace of him out of it. Sebastian wasn’t a normal human, he was the soulmate of a fucking Witch- That didn’t just happen to humans. Something was special about them and gods what would erasing Blaine out of his memory do to Sebastian? He sat his fork down on the plate, the sound loud as a gunshot in the quiet room. He reached out with his hand and for the first time since Hunter and Tony had left he let himself really touch Sebastian and really feel the confusion, anger and sadness that seemed to be consuming his boyfriend. He wanted to tell him that it would be okay again, but all at once it felt like a lie and he couldn’t bring himself to lie right now.
His voice cracked as he tried to speak and he had to stop, close his mouth and swallow before trying again. What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to do this? His whole world was shattering right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything about it. All he had were these last hours and he was lucky to be getting that at all. He took a deep breath, his eyes wide as he scooted his chair over so that his knees were touching the side of Seb’s leg. He leaned forward and pressed his face into Sebastian’s shoulder, just breathing in his morning scent for a moment, his fingers holding tight to his hand.
“I-I know this isn’t how this was supposed to happen. We were supposed to have more time.” He bit his lip, pulling back so he could look up into Sebastian’s worried green eyes. “But, we have a little bit and I want to spend every second making sure you know just how much I loved- how much I love you. I don’t want to go away tomorrow morning not knowing if I’ll get to see you again and worried that I didn’t make you feel all the love I have to give.” His voice cracked a little on the word give and he swallowed hard, determined not to cry yet. He was afraid he'd never stop. “Tell me what you want to do and I’ll make it happen. Anything you want, baby. You want to yell at me for putting us here, then yell at me… You want to cry? We’ll cry together. We can eat, we can watch movies. We can sleep or touch… Anything. I just want you to remember us.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian didn’t take one sip of the coffee Blaine had poured him and he couldn’t fucking remember the last time he didn’t drink coffee. He didn’t know what to do with his body or his thoughts. His brain was racing with a thousand thoughts and he felt like he might cry if the air hit his face the wrong way which was unlike him. Suffice it to say, the morning wasn’t going great for him. Seb didn’t know how to comfort Blaine so he just stood in the kitchen and stared at the floor as the thought ‘are you wasting your time?’ raced around all of the other thoughts bouncing around his sad, tired head. 
He poked at the fluffy whipped cream piled high on his pancakes and sighed. The food looked and smelled great but his stomach felt like a pit of acid and he was afraid he might throw up if he ate anything. Sebastian set his fork down and stared at the lavish spread on the small table. Suddenly Blaine touched him and his voice broke through his anxious fog. He reached out and laid his hand on his boyfriend’s thigh. An intrusive thought shot through him, what if he never got to do this again? Never got to something as simple as sit next to Blaine? Never to feel his knees pressed into his thigh or his forehead on his shoulder? Sebastian bit into his bottom lip so hard he thought he might draw blood. He had already picked his cuticles bloody and bit his nails to the nub. 
“Blaine. I…” Sebastian shook his head, his voice cracked from not being used much and his eyes were glassy with tears. He hated crying and he hated feeling this way. “I know that I….can’t spend the whole day acting like this but I’m….I’m sad.” He crinkled his face and swallowed the uncomfortable lump in his throat. “I just want to be near you. I…” Sebastian took a deep, wobbly breath and squeezed the other man’s thigh. “I just want you.” He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his plate again. Seb wasn’t sure if his words even made much sense. What was there to do in the span of 24 hours? Plenty of things but there was so much that couldn’t happen at the same time. You couldn’t move into a house together or celebrate your new job that you hadn’t gotten yet or travel to Paris again or celebrate all of the holidays and birthdays that might be missed. Hunter and Blaine had told him that his memories could be erased. There wasn’t enough time to relive every moment with Blaine he held dear. They couldn’t stand in an arcade parking lot laughing over a little plastic Eiffel tower or dash through the snow in a horse drawn carriage or fuck in an attic under starlight or get tangled up in Ras’s leash. No fancy French dinner dates or enchanted pomegranates or Wonder Woman themed gifts. All Sebastian could do was make the most out of a day that felt like it was suffocating him. 
 “I don’t want to waste the food but I can’t eat right now. Maybe we could lay down together?” He stood up from the table and held his hand out.
Blaine’s POV:
A jolt of actual pain shot through Blaine’ body as Sebastian’s voice cracked, Blaine could feel it in his bones just as pain as if he’d been slapped across the face. He hated this, hated that he couldn’t fix it. Hated that he’d been born a Witch and that loving Sebastian made him wrong. He’d never hated being a Witch, always loved that he’d gotten such a powerful gift of healing from his mother, and gifts of charms from his father. But, especially his mother’s gifts. He’d always loved knowing he could heal someone's broken heart with a song as they passed by him on the streets, even if the relief only lasted an hour, it always made him feel good knowing he got to make the world a little brighter. But, the archaic laws against Witches and humans being together made him loathe his gifts. It wasn’t as if Blaine was some awful Witch playing with a human's mind, no, he and Sebastian were Fated. That meant something in the Witch community. He could already hear the Councils arguments against how it wasn’t possible.... If only they could just meet Sebastian, if only they could see how much they loved each other. He knew they’d never allow him into their world though. Blaine would have to think of something else. He knew his word wasn’t enough. He knew he’d try anyway.
He swallowed hard as he listened to his boyfriend struggle though his words, each one of them adding another weight to his already heavy heart. The soft and broken way Sebastian said the word sad almost did Blaine in and he found himself clenching his teeth at the unfairness of it all again. He wanted to curse the gods because at the end of the day it was their fault. Was it all just some cruel joke? Find the loneliest Witch and Fate him to someone he’s not allowed to have. Watch him burn? Giggle as the human struggles to grasp a life without his love? And once again Blaine found he’d trade his magic for just one lifetime of freedom with Seb. 
He watched Sebastian and his thoughts seemed to be going a mile a minute. His smooth face scrunched and wrinkled with each new thought that crossed him and Blaine couldn’t take it anymore so he reached out and cupped his hands against Sebastian’s face gently, holding him there so that Seb could see him, so Seb would know that Blaine was here. That he had him and that he’d stay by his side until Hunter took him away. 
“You have me, I’m right here, Seb. I won’t leave your side until they make me…” He trailed off his eyes following Sebastian’s as he looked at the meal. “I can always warm it up later if you’re hungry, we’ll just leave it.” He stood and handed Ras a few pieces of the bacon, the pup looked worried as he reluctantly took the meat from Blaine’s fingers. His brown eyes were large and his energy buzzing anxiety. Normally Ras would have barked with joy at the prospect of three whole pieces of  bacon, now he looked like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to be happy. Blaine gave the gorgeous pup a pat on the head, murmuring to him that it was okay and they’d see him in a little bit before letting Seb lead him back into the bedroom. 
Blaine crawled into the bed next to Sebastian and pulled the covers over them, he pulled the other man to him, his arm tightly over his waist,  their eyes meeting in the weak morning glow. The two of them were still in their pajamas, Hunter had only left a little bit ago and the digital clock next to the bed read 6:23 am. Blaine only twenty two hours left with Sebastian. His stomach dropped at the thought and suddenly he was pissed that he’d spent an hour cooking when he could have just been here, holding Sebastian against him like this. And even has the thought hit him, he knew that it didn’t matter what they did, he would always think it wasn’t good enough. People shouldn’t have to live like this, time shouldn’t be measured like this. They should just be living. Sebastian should be preparing to go out into the workforce, Blaine should be finding his own way in life whether it be at LeFay or on his own helping people in other ways. They should be talking about moving in with each other, maybe getting a house and maybe getting married one day. Maybe Sebastian might even change his mind about children and maybe they'd have one running around calling Seb papa and reaching for them with sticky hands and chasing Ras and Freya around until they fell asleep tangled in Ras’ fur. If only Blaine had been born human. If only Seb had been born a Witch…
He bit his lip and reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from Sebastian’s cheek. “Do you remember the night we met? We had a connection even then, didn’t we?” He licked his lips, his voice a little unsteady even though he tried his hardest to keep it strong. “I knew as soon as I touched your face that I was ruined and that you’d be the reason I smiled for the rest of my life.” He swallowed hard, his throat hurting with the sensation of tears that he refused to let fall, he wanted to be strong for Seb, Seb who was crying already and needed Blaine to be the one that didn’t for once. “Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you? Way too soon and I was so afraid that even with our connection that you’d get scared and run away.” He let out a little laugh at the memory. “You didn’t though. You looked at me with your big green eyes and said you needed time… but you didn’t need time because you knew and you told me not even five minutes later.” He took a deep breath and shook his head.
“We completed each other from the moment we met and that’s why I have to keep being hopeful that I can find a way to show them that we’re not just a couple. I have to have hope that I’ll figure out a way to show them that you’re my Fate and that I’m yours and that by taking me away from you it’s hurting you and we don’t hurt humans.” He licked his lips again, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he gathered Sebastian into his arms even tighter. “And if I-I can’t convince them and I do have to leave you… I want you to know that it was all worth it for me. I’d face a thousand witch fires just to know that I got to be with you. That I got to be loved by you for a little bit. You have been my greatest happiness and my best song, Sebastian. The grandest magic I’ve ever done and I’d go through this whole trial again just to have your company.” He blinked away a few unshed tears, angry with himself as they dripped hot and fast down his face, he tried his best to ignore them. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wrapped his arms around Blaine’s hips under the covers. He could feel the other man’s hands on his own waist, their arms brush against each other. The covers were warm and heavy on his exhausted body and sleepiness tugged at his eyelids but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep with the constant barrage of negative thoughts. “We always had a connection,” Seb’s voice was raspy and low. “There’s gotta be a way, right? There has to be something, right?”
He pressed a finger to Blaine’s lips. Sebastian nodded and brushed a few tears away from the other man’s cheeks. He knew how Blaine felt and he agreed but, he couldn’t bring himself to speak like things were final. His mind was already filled with dreadful situations and it felt like tears were stuck on the ridges of his eyes all morning. Sebastian lay with Blaine quietly for a few moments and just listened to him breathe, pressed his ear to his chest to count his heartbeats. “You know that I feel the same way, right? I don’t do magic, obviously but, you’ve been my most exciting accomplishment. You’re the best person I know. I love you.” He was thankful that his face was towards the blankets on Blaine’s chest as a few tears fell slowly. Why was crying so fucking exhausting? Everything inside of Sebastian felt spent. 
“I’m so fucking tired but, I don’t know if I can sleep. Is it selfish to want sleep? Would it be wasting all of our time? I don’t know what to do.”  Sebastian lifted his head and watched his boyfriend’s face. He always loved laying next to the other man in bed. He never thought he would be into cuddling or pillow talk but he loved it with Blaine. Loved sleeping next to him, being cuddled, even enjoyed just laying there talking late at night when they had too much wine and couldn’t stop joking around. He would miss it, couldn’t think of experiencing any of it with anybody else. Nobody would be able to hold him the same way or make him laugh or think like Blaine would. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine knew that Sebastian hated hearing him talk about his death, his finger against his lips a reminder that any time he tried to say goodbye or prepare him that Seb would hush it. But it was right here and there was a very real chance that Blaine not get to come back. He wondered for a moment as he let his fingers stroke through the soft hair at the base of Seb’s neck, if he’d walk the streets on Samhain trying to find a way to get a message to his love. What would Sebastian’s life be like without him in it? Would he wander around thinking something was missing from his life and spend the rest of his days trying to figure out what it was? Would he live? Would his broken red string of fate allow him to exist without Blaine? Blaine mostly wanted him to get to live a life, a happy one. But, the selfish part, the part that knew they only belonged to each other knew that it probably wasn’t possible for Sebastian without him. And it made him ache even more to find a way to survive this. To get back to his person.
“I know you do, Seb. I know how hard it is for you to voice things like that too and hearing you say them now is bittersweet. I love getting glimpses of this side of you, but the fact that you’re so freely offering your feelings to me means that you’re scared and I don’t want you to be scared, it hurts and I’d give anything to make you feel good again.” He bit his lip and could feel the hot, damp sensation of tears falling through his shirt and onto his chest where Sebastian was lying his head on his heart. And again he wanted to fucking hex the gods. And that ugly part that lived in all Witches when they felt threatened felt so close to the surface. But Sebastian was in his arms and he was real and he loved Blaine exactly the way he was and Blaine never wanted to do anything to change that opinion. So he reeled it in and pressed a kiss to the top of Seb’s head and moved their bodies so that Sebastian’s back was pressed against his front and Blaine’s lips were pressed against the back of his neck. 
“I love you back, I always will.” He pressed a soft kiss to one of Sebastian's star dusted freckles and then did it again and it was like catching his own star with his lips. “No, it’s not a waste of our time. We’re together and that’s what matters. I think it’s actually a good idea, we can hold each other and be close and maybe when we wake up, we’ll feel a little better and you won’t be in so much shock.” He gathered Sebastian closer, holding his boyfriend as tightly as he could comfortably, his lips close to his ear so he could hear his question. “With your permission I could make sure you get some decent sleep and promise you no nightmares. Yeah?” He pressed another kiss to the shell of Seb’s ear and after a moment of hesitation he could hear Sebastian’s sleepy, raspy voice say the word yes. And as Seb snuggled deeper into his arms, his hands clutching at Blaine’s, he was overcome with how much this meant that Seb trusted him. Blaine had only done this twice for Seb, once without permission on their first night together and since then he’d been afraid to break Seb’s trust. It almost felt like a call back to that night two and a half years ago as Blaine closed his eyes and hummed a soft nameless tune into Seb’s ear, only this time Blaine was holding him close and fighting like hell to stay with him instead of trying to leave him.
Peaceful, healing and calming magic flowed from Blaine’s lips into Seb’s mind with each new note and within minutes Sebastian’s breathing was steady and his chest was rising and falling in rhythm to Blaine’s song and Blaine could feel the pull working on himself. It wasn’t until he heard Ras’ tentative steps into the room and then felt his slow climb into the bed before the pup finally curled into the two of them at the foot of the bed that Blaine let himself fall asleep with his two favorite boys. All that was missing was Freya and she was out there with Tony, keeping them safe.
Blaine woke slowly, his mind moving before his body and while he hadn't forgotten what was happening, he still felt a little better. More relaxed and like he might properly be able to somewhat… enjoy his time left with Seb. His heart still ached and he was still terrified, but Seb was so comforting in his arms and in his dreams they'd grown old together. 
The digital clock on the bedside table read 11:56 am and too many hours had gone by, but Blaine had gotten to hold Sebastian and press him close for those hours and what else could he ask for? He nuzzled his nose into Seb’s neck, kissing the spot and then pressed a kiss to his ear and then his cheek, trying to slowly wake him up. They had a little over sixteen hours left and wanted to make up for things they may not be able to do. All at once he wanted to celebrate everything. Holidays, birthdays, the whole works...
“Wake up, baby.” He mumbled, his hand moving to turn Seb’s face gently towards him so that he could finally press a kiss to his lips, the first one of the day. “We should go have that breakfast, I can redo it so fast and it’ll taste just as good, and then we should pull out the Christmas stuff and decorate. You know how much Ras likes Christmas.” The dog stirred and yipped as if he knew the words. He did indeed like Christmas but that was mostly because of the snow and the free hambones he got. Perhaps Blaine could magic him one, just this once. He let himself smile, just a small one, hoping it would rub off on his sleepy, impossibly sad boyfriend. “What do you say, Seb- Christmas in November? I could even make us your favorite lemon cookies.”
Sebastian’s POV:
“Yeah,” Sebastian rarely let Blaine use his magic on him. He didn’t want to become dependent on it. He figured that if any time was good for magic, it was now. Seb pressed into Blaine and took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His boyfriend began to gently hum and the sound was soothing and warm. It wasn’t just the sound of his voice, though. Seb felt like he had drank chamomile tea or ate a big bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Warmth spread over his body as Blaine’s notes drifted over him and suddenly he couldn’t remember anything as he was sleeping deeply and soundly. 
He didn’t dream once. It was just peaceful, undisturbed sleep. Seb hadn’t even noticed Enjolras’s heavy body on his feet (which miraculously were not asleep.) When Blaine woke him, Sebastian didn’t feel groggy or sluggish. Sebastian softly kissed Blaine back and see stretched his back. “I needed that rest. Thank you.” 
The thought of food finally felt okay to him. He knew that he should eat and be alert for the rest of the day. It wasn’t going to do the other man any favors to be sad all day. Sebastian swung his feet over the side of the bed and his feet touched the cold hardwood floor. “That sounds good, B. I could eat.” 
He wasn’t great at decorating or even that interested in it normally but, he always indulged Blaine in decking out the apartment and he was right, Ras always seemed to love to bask underneath the tree and even wore a Santa hat for pictures (sometimes.) It would be a good distraction and would fill up some of the empty hours that lay ahead of them. “You know I’d never say no to lemon cookies. Sure, let’s do it. Coffee first and for real this time.” Seb forced himself to smile and stood up as the dog excitedly leaped from the bed. I’ll miss their relationship. B is so good with Ras. He scratched his head as if to get rid of the intrusive thought and then cleared his throat before the tears returned. He needed to hang onto the thought of watching Blaine work his literal magic on the decorations as the golden pup leaped around the living room. 
Sebastian and Blaine sat at the dining room table and ate a little bit and finally drank their coffee. The food tasted fresh and they talked about the decorations and what movie to play in the background as they dug into the bright red tote Blaine kept the Christmas stuff in. Ras got some more bacon and the two of them decided on a gold and white theme with splashes of red winter berries. “Sounds Classy. My mother will be jealous. You think the council will let me keep the tree up?” The words were out of his mouth with his scathing tone before he could stop himself. “ I’m...sorry. I shouldn’t...that wasn’t cool.” Seb blinked and his cheeks felt red (a rarity.) 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine could tell that Sebastian’s smiles were still just a little too forced, and it felt like he was holding something back, like he was refusing to grasp everything as it was, and maybe that was his way of coping with everything. He was happy to see that Sebastian seemed to enjoy his food that Blaine had magicked back into freshness. He realized he’d been doing more magic today around the other man than he normally did in a month, but what did he have to lose at this point? Blaine had quickly and efficiently made the meltaways that Seb loved so well up and had set them out to cool as Sebastian drank his third cup of coffee and pawed through the Christmas boxes. It made him smile that Seb was willing to go this far for him. The decorating was mostly for distraction, but Blaine wanted Sebastian to have something of his to look at while he was gone, something they had worked on together. 
As they hung each ornament and Blaine made sure each little magical touch he put on the glistening, lit tree- a glimmer there, a twinkle here, magical berries all around- he couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow. He’d never gotten to go to Paris properly with Sebastian. Never gotten to walk the snowy streets of Paris with his person, never got to shop with Sabine, never got the chance to meet his grand-mère or prove to the stern woman that he was good enough for her grandson. The thought bothered him more than he wanted to admit. All he had was the memory of a squeaky bed and the breathtaking view from the top of a darkened Eiffel Tower at three am while Seb clung tightly to him. It was an incredible memory, but he’d have liked to have experienced the country proper. He took a deep breath and tweaked a few of the branches to appear to glow in certain angles, almost missing the snark coming from Sebastian. He turned to look at his boyfriend and couldn’t help but wonder the same damn thing.
“You don’t need to be sorry, Seb. You might just be in the angry phase of your… grief. I get it, I’ve been there a bit myself in my head.” He sighed and stepped away from the tree and moved around the pile of fluff that was Ras so he could join Seb on the couch. He sat close to him, one of his hands reaching out to link their fingers together. “I… I think that if I get sent away or I, um- die and they take your memory that the tree will stay but my magic will just fade.” He forced himself to look up at Seb, his eyes meeting his as he spoke, unsure and sad. “Or you’ll just forget that it existed at all. My face will fade from photos, and all the magical things I’ve done around here will as well. Your mom and the rest of your family will forget me and Ras might too. Though he’s a companion and our connection is a little different than humans, so maybe he won't? I don’t know… But, things that I’ve done that don’t involve me direction or my magic will stay.” He tried to make himself smile, but he really wanted to fucking sob. The thought of Ras and Sabine and little Luke forgetting about him was hard enough, but now it was just hitting him that he would just fade from every photo Seb had of the two of them.
“The photos I’ve taken of you and of Ras will stay, you just won’t know who took them.” He looked up at the photo of Seb and Ras Blaine had taken hanging on the wall. “My scent might linger? Um, the things I’ve gotten you that have nothing to do with magic will probably stay, well, maybe, I don’t know. I think so though because they’d have no way of knowing I bought it, especially if it’s just some silly thing- Like our Eiffel Tower. A mundane thing to others, but important to us.” 
He abruptly let out a mirthless laugh, much louder than intended and blinked back an onslaught of tears and angry emotion. “This… I am so scared that it will make you lose your mind, Seb. Because we are Fated and this has never happened before. I wish that I’d just disappear completely to make it easier on you. That everything I’ve ever bought or gave you would just go away… I know that sounds harsh, but I’m so scared of what this will do to your head.” Blaine bit into his bottom lip, his fingers tightening on Sebastian’s as if the tighter he held them, the better he’d feel. 
“But, I stand by what I said before… I’m going to find a way back, okay? There’s got to be a way, there’s gotta be something. You’re my Fate and in my world that means something. I have to make them see that  so I can come back to you. And then we’ll laugh about how dramatic we’re being right now. How ridiculously silly…” he realized with a pang that he’d been preparing Seb for a life without him by telling him all of the things he’d be missing from and his free hand went to his heart where he pressed it hard, as if that would still the pain. It didn’t: He forced himself to smile. Wanting to tell Seb it’d be okay, but unable to get the words out.
“Come here... enough of this.” He moved forward and in one motion he was straddling Seb’s lap for closeness, his hands cupping his boyfriends face gently before tilting his head back so he could look down at him for once. “I’ve  just realized that I haven’t kissed you properly today. Let me fix that.” His breath hitched as his lips connected with Seb’s, and he kissed him slow and deep, like he’d never get to do it again. And then Blaine was breathing him in like Seb was air. Like he’d suffocate without him. His fingers slipped upwards to tangle into his hair, his tongue sliding in between Seb’s teeth and exploring as if Sebastian was the sweetest taste it had ever known. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian swallowed the lump he suddenly had in his throat and stared at the floor. He took a shuddery breath and squinted hard, trying to keep more tears from falling. Seb let Blaine hold his hand and tried to listen to him speak. He hated the words that were filling the air, they all felt so negative and heavy. There were so many things he probably needed to say but couldn’t figure out how to place them. “This fucking sucks. I don’t like how any of that sounds.” 
He squeezed the other man’s hand back when he felt him tighten his grip. Sebastian wiped the tears on his cheeks away with his free hand. He felt angry with himself for crying. Blaine was the one that was going to get dragged away and might not come back and Seb couldn’t fucking hold it together for an hour without being magically put to sleep? “I need you to come back, B.” 
Seb held on to Blaine’s hips and immediately felt comforted by his weight. “Please.” He tipped his head up towards Blaine and kissed him. Sebastian slipped his hands under his boyfriend’s shirt and reveled in how warm his skin felt.  To be honest, this is exactly how he would love to spend his limited time with Blaine. They had always been an intimate couple, always knew what made the other feel good and had so much unspoken  trust in one another. Sebastian struggled with speaking about the more touchy feely things on his mind but Blaine didn’t need to hear it all. All they needed to do was kiss or touch and the other knew what the other seemed to be thinking. Sebastian nipped at Blaine’s bottom lip and ran his hands up and down his muscular back as if to memorize every tendon and movement. He moved one hand to grip the other man’s thigh. He wrapped his other arm around Blaine’s back and moved so that he was pressed into the couch. Sebastian had Blaine underneath him now, he stopped and watched his face for a moment before he leaned forward to kiss him deeply again. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed hard, Sebastian’s plea for him to come back felt like a punch to the gut and he’d give anything in the world to promise him that he would with one hundred percent certainty. He knew he couldn’t do that but he knew that he had to try and make it happen, he’d exhausted all of his promises to find a way, and now he just knew he had to do it. He tangled his fingers deeper into Sebastian’s hair and kissed him so hard he could barely breath from it. He wanted it though, wanted that closeness and the feeling of their bodies pressed together. He knew Sebastian struggled with words, knew that his much more private boyfriend was much better at showing his love through kisses and sighs and tangled, naked limbs, than with words and it had taken Blaine no time at all to learn his language. They conversed together beautifully and effortlessly.
Blaine leaned into the touches, his back arching into Seb’s fingertips, craving the feeling of them against his skin. His eyes opened in surprised when Sebastian pressed him against the couch cushions and all at once his tough façade flew out the window. He suddenly just needed Sebastian to guide him, show him that it would be okay- at least for a little while. Blaine had spent the last several hours trying his hardest to make Seb feel better, to make sure he was comfortable and safe that he’d forgotten that it was him that might die. He wasn’t sure he was afraid of dying so much as afraid of missing Sebastian in his afterlife. What kind of afterlife would he have without him? He was still terrified of what was to come and Sebastian’s weight on him, his lips on his skin… it was what he needed. His breath hitched again and he clung even tighter to his boyfriends body and he felt safe and at home in his arms. A part of him wanted to just sob and fall apart against his shoulder but he also wanted to Sebastian to take him into the bedroom and fuck him until he forgot about his emending judgement for a bit and he could fall apart in a completely different way.
Blaine could feel Seb against the thin layers of their pajamas, and he knew that he wanted the same thing. He pulled back, his head hitting the arm of the sofa a little harder than he intended. He let out a little laugh so he wouldn’t cry from his emotions being turned up far to high. He reached out and cupped Seb’s face, his fingers tracing down the rest at his neck, his thumb pressing just so at his pulse point.
“I want you to take me to bed…” His words trailed off as the overwhelming urge to cry struck him again, wondering if this would be the last time he got to say that. Would tonight be the last time they got to touch each other? Be inside one another? Would it be the last night he got to hear Seb whisper his name while he squirmed under Blaine? Or would it be the last time Blaine was surprised by how much he enjoyed the rare occasions Seb took the control from him? His breath hitched again and Blaine realized each time it hitched he was a step closer to crying and not stopping. He looked up into Seb’s eyes, feeling vulnerable as he spoke. 
“Please… I need you.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sighed and pressed into Blaine when he felt his fingers on his neck. Even when Seb’s concern was to make Blaine feel good, the other man still did things to turn him on and ensure his pleasure. He had never had a love like B, and would never have one again. 
Seb wanted to make Blaine feel good and taken care of and if he couldn’t speak it, he’d make him feel it. He could see the tears sitting on the rims of the other man’s eyes. Seb knew that there would be tears all night and he was avoiding the unavoidable but he just couldn’t waste his precious time.He leaned forward and gave him another languid kiss before he took his hands and led him to the bedroom. 
He closed the door behind them and slipped his hands under Blaine’s shirt, let his hand rest on his heart for a moment before he lifted his shirt over his head. Seb dropped the shirt on the floor and suddenly they were both tugging at each other’s remaining clothing and Blaine was pressed to the bed. He kissed Blaine everywhere, traced every vein, touched every muscle, tasted every mark and freckle. Sebastian pressed his hips between Blaine’s legs and kissed him so hard and long he didn’t know how much time had passed. He pressed his hand to Blaine’s and wordlessly asked for his magic to coat his fingers. Sebastian leaned in close and whispered “Touch me, too.” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself be led into the bedroom, his hands holding too tightly so Sebastian’s as if he’d disappear if he let go. He wanted to cling to him until his arms hurt and he couldn’t hold on anymore. His fingers pulled and yanked at Seb’s clothing, unhappy until they were all discarded in a heap on the floor and as Seb pressed him to the bed, Blaine could feel his emotions rising, a mix of desire and sorrow and it was an intoxicating mix, he felt like he might explode or collapse. But, looking up into Seb’s eyes, the early evening sun slanting across his face and making him look even more faelike, Blaine knew that if he had to collapse there was no better place than in Seb’s arms as he pressed kisses to his skin, and touched parts of his exposed body expertly. He could hold on a little bit longer.
He wasn’t sure how long Sebastian explored his body, how long he kissed Blaine- so hard his lips would be swollen hours later, but by the time Sebastian stilled and reached out for Blaine’s hand, ready to sick his fingers with Blaine’s magic, the sun was almost gone and Blaine’s body was pleasantly sore with Seb’s fingertips and kisses. He licked his lips and reached out to share his magic with Sebastian, and his cock throbbed as Seb’s magic coated fingers teased just a little at his entrance, his boyfriends touches and kisses had been so soaked with want and Blaine could hardly stand waiting. But, this was all part of their language. The movement, the wait, the build up… The slickness of his magic on Seb’s fingers, pressed against him, he loved it when Seb did this. Someone who had shown real fear of Blaine’s gift was now able to willingly ask him to share it so they could be intimate without boundaries. 
He let his legs fall open further at Seb’s words, the sound of them so close and breathy in his hear, and he wanted nothing more than to pull Sebastian into him all too quickly, but also wanting to feel his fingers, and then wanting to feel that initial slow burn and hiss as his boyfriend sank into him. He reached out, his fingers still slick and wrapped them around Seb’s cock. Working his fingers around and over him to get them both ready. With his free hand he took hold of Seb’s lightly teasing fingers and pressed them towards him, wanting them inside of him so badly he thought he might weep. He felt raw and exposed and desperate.
“Please, please touch me.” His breath hitched again, and he pressed his hips up towards Sebastian, needing him to take care of him. To hold him as he fell apart.  “Fuck me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian let Blaine guide his slick fingers. He pressed two inside of him and watched the other man’s face. He liked what he saw, though he didn’t get this view very often. Blaine was squirming and panting and ready. Sebastian wasn’t in the mood to tease, he just wanted to be as close as possible. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock and pressed inside of the other man slowly. Sebastian stilled his hips though instinctually he wanted to keep moving. He wanted to give Blaine a moment. Seb ran his palm down the other man’s thigh to comfort him and ask for permission before he began to move. 
He leaned forward and slipped an arm behind Blaine’s neck to support him and bring them that much closer. Sebastian moved his hips again and again and the two of them were completely in sync. Thankfully he was too wrapped up in the feeling of Blaine’s body and the sound of his moans in his ear to think any of the sad thoughts that had infiltrated his mind all day long. All Sebastian wanted to do was make Blaine feel good, wanted, satisfied, and loved. He pressed his mouth to Blaine’s and kissed him hard, licked his bottom lip and then  kissed him again deeply. Sebastian could feel the stubble of Blaine’s five o’clock shadow scratch against his skin, could feel the other man’s thighs shake as they pressed into his hips. 
Sebastian took a deep breath and snapped his hips into the other man, he pressed his lips to his jaw, his lips, his neck and whispered every compliment and adoring word he could think of into his warm skin. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself get lost in the feeling of Sebastian inside of him, the first sting, the slow and steady drag, the speed up-  as the other man pressed into him over and over sending him into a swell of pleasure taking away the dull pain he’d been feeling all day long for a little bit. His fingers scraped at the back of Seb’s neck as he let the other man kiss him so thoroughly and with a sweetness that was backed by a real and primal desire. Each thrust caused his toes to curl a little more and his legs to shake a little harder and it had been so long since he let himself be this open, normally he was in control and he loved it, loved the way Seb looked and felt under and around him, they always moved so perfectly together, this was no exception. He needed it, needed Seb’s strong arms around him, needed him to help him forget. He needed the desperate kisses and the low moans and the repeated I love you, I love you, I love you hummed over and over in his ear like the most beautiful song he’s ever heard. 
And all at once and too fast, or maybe they had been just like this for hours, moving together, kissing and loving each other so thoroughly-, he was coming hard and fast, his voice echoing his waves of pleasure as he rode them out. His legs squeezing around his boyfriend, trying to draw him in, encouraging him to keep going, not to let up just because he was sated, hoping to let his last just a little longer. His words a little whine in the back of his throat.
“K-keep going, baby.”
He held Seb close as he kept going, and he loved the sensation of feeling like jelly and still getting little thrums of pleasure throughout his body as Seb pressed into him.  The only thing between him was his crystal, sliding up a bit with each thrust. He clung so tightly, afraid that if he let go his pain would slam back into him and he’d burst into tears. He didn’t want that, he wanted to feel this moment , wanted to wrap it up and save it for later- like he wanted to do with so many memories with Sebastian. At the thought he might not be able to do that, the sorrow started to climb back up and he could feel the hitch in his chest anyway and he pulled Seb closer and buried his face into his neck, pressing tearful kisses and whispering the echoing words back.
“Gods, I love you…” 
Sebastian’s POV:
It didn’t take Sebastian very long to follow after Blaine. Blaine’s arms were tight around him, his fingers in his hair, his lips on his neck. He lay there for a moment so that he could catch his breath and he could feel the energy shift. Blaine’s whisper felt thick, like his throat was tight. Seb leaned up on his elbows to look down at Blaine and noticed the tears on his cheeks. “B…” Sebastian moved his body so that he was now laying next to the other man. “I love you back.” He pulled him close so that his forehead was against his chest. He rubbed his back and tucked his chin into his hair. Sebastian sighed and suddenly felt like he might cry, too. The whole day had been an emotional roller coaster and exhausting and it finally had caught on to him. His hands trembled as they tried to comfort the other man and suddenly he had tears falling, too. 
Sebastian wasn’t sure what triggered them. Maybe it was Blaine’s own teary eyes or the fact that he had been delaying  truly, freely sobbing all day. It was bound to catch up to him and he felt like he was having a panic attack and wished he had taken his medicine for once. His chest heaved and his skin felt like it was on fire and he knew if he spoke that his voice would embarrass him and would sound like a stranger. Sebastian hated this feeling, hated crying because it threw him into a vicious panicky spiral. Crying, really crying, made him panic which made him embarrassed and cry harder and made his breathing heavy and it was just best to avoid the whole mess altogether. Now here he was, naked and sobbing and he couldn’t pinpoint what had caused the reaction. 
“B….B, you gotta come back.”  He hated how thick his voice sounded, how he could feel phlegm in the back of his throat and the urge to throw up suddenly swam around in the back of his head. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine hadn’t meant to trigger Sebastian into tears as well, he hadn’t meant to make him cry the hardest Blaine had ever seen him cry before and the fact made his tears flow harder and faster and it made him cling to Seb tighter. Seb had been doing such a good job at comforting Blaine, the back rub, the kisses and sweet words and now Blaine could feel the panic just coming off of Seb in waves and Blaine was so so sorry for it. The desperate words of his nickname and the soft way he begged him to come back hit him right in the chest. They held onto each other for a long while, sniffles and low sobs permeating the air around them, at one point Ras came into the room, waiting to comfort his parents, but Blaine had to send him away with a little nudge of magic. He’d make it up to him. Or at least he hoped he’d get the chance. 
Finally, after who knew how many minutes Blaine felt like he might have cried himself out, he pulled back just slightly and Seb instinctively pulled him back towards him and his desperation broke Blaine's heart into a million little pieces. He swallowed hard, a new wave of tears he thought had dried threatened to steal him away into a dark place but he couldn’t let it. Not yet. He needed to be strong. He pulled Seb back to his chest and hummed a soft tune into his ear, not one for sleep this time, but one for calm. He wished he had an instrument with him, his calming magic always worked the best with one, but this would have to work. He stroked Seb’s hair and whispered that he’d come back to him, knowing that he shouldn’t do that but also unable to tolerate the heartbreak in his soulmate's voice again. He didn’t want to overwhelm Seb with his magic, so as soon as he felt the other man lighten up just a bit he stopped his magic flow. 
“Hey…” He mumbled, his lips finding Seb’s to place a gentle kiss against his kiss and cry swollen lips. “I’ve got you…” He took a deep breath, and braved a look at the clock on the bedside table and his heart jumped upon seeing that it was already 11:02 pm. They had less than six hours left. Their passion had lasted much longer than it felt and the thought threatened to send him reeling again as the two of them were so effortless… He licked his lips,  and sat up a bit, his hands slipping reluctantly from around Seb’s body to hover by his own neck, nervous over what he was about to do. He’d never, in over eight years, done this before. Without thinking too hard about it, he pulled the string with the crystal his mother had given him all those years ago over his head and placed it securely around Sebastian's neck. He instantly felt naked even though he was already completely bare. His fingers pressed the shiny clear quartz against Seb’s heart and shook his head when Seb started to protest.
“I want you to have this.” He nodded, his hand still pressing the crystal to Seb’s heart. “I know that when- if something happens to me that all of me will be taken away from you so I have no way of protecting you. But, the magic that’s in this crystal is my moms it’s been there since before she died, and she died with honor so it won’t disappear…  and it’s done a good job of keeping me safe, so I think it’ll do that same for you.” His breath hitched again as he took in the visual of Seb wearing his crystal. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to make himself walk out of that door in five in a half hours…
“Please, don’t take it off. I’ll go to trial better knowing you’re holding on to this for me. Knowing that my mom is keeping you safe for me.” He pressed his face into Seb’s chest, his words muffled. “Please, Seb... And when I come home you can give it back to me, yeah?” He pulled his face back, and gave Seb a smile despite the tears caught in his lashes. “She’d have been happy to keep you safe for me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian shook his head and even tried to lean away as Blaine put the necklace over his head. “Baby, I…” It wasn’t that he didn’t like the crystal, he just knew how much it meant to the other. He fidgeted with the cool crystal and smoothed the cord around his neck as Blaine spoke. How many times had this very crystal dragged across his own chest in the heat of the moment? How many times had he watched his boyfriend play with it absentmindedly while reading or watching something? Now it was sitting against his skin and he swore he could already feel a positive thrum vibrate gently against him. Sebastian ran free hand over Blaine’s shoulder and leaned forward for a kiss. Seb took a deep breath and nodded, “I won’t take it off. I’ll wear it for as long as you need me to. I don’t know if I deserve her protection but, I’ll take it.” 
The clock refused to stop ticking and Sebastian decided that time was his one true enemy. He felt like anytime he lifted his head from the pillow or took a breath in between a kiss or a touch, too much time had passed. The two of them spent the next few hours in bed, kissing and touching and tasting and whispering. Blaine pressed Sebastian into the mattress and made him forget about the cruel pull of time for a little while and they held each other as they shivered in the afterglow. 
They took a long, hot shower together until the water ran cold. They let themselves get distracted by each other’s bodies, washed each other’s hair and stood under the water wrapped up until they felt like their pruney fingers may never recover. Sebastian put on Blaine’s LeFay hoodie and breathed in the intoxicating yet comforting scent of the spicy oil he wore. He made sure that the crystal was tucked safely away against his chest since he wasn’t used to wearing jewelry (besides the occasional watch).  Sebastian  sat and watched as his boyfriend got dressed and he refused to look at the clock.  “I don’t think I can eat and I don’t want to sleep. Maybe just...come sit on the couch with me?” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s body felt pleasantly sore from the night's touches, but also so exhausted by the time the two of them stepped under the heat and steam of the shower. Each stroke of lips over his skin, each massage of fingertips into his scalp, it all reminded him of how very real they were to each other. He tried his best to keep it together as they dried off and Blaine dressed himself in jeans and a red sweater, and let his curls free from any product. He’d much rather be in pajamas and crawling into bed for sleep with his person, but the Fates were testing them and had other plans today. He’d encouraged Seb to put new pajamas on, told him that he’d be so tired he’d fall right to sleep and that comfort mattered right now. 
Blaine looked up at Seb, his boyfriend's eyes wide even though they seemed heavy with exhaustion and he nodded. He made his way to the couch and sat before pulling Sebastian into his arms and held him close against his chest as tightly as he could. They didn’t put the television on, they didn’t really have the time for that, the clock read 4:12 am and if he kept looking at it he’d go crazy. There was a pit in his stomach and he wanted to scream again at the unfairness of it all. But Seb was in his arms and the weight on top of him was comforting and Blaine didn’t want to ruin their final minutes with dramatics. 
“There are some potions in the cupboard where the tea is, some for sleep and some for calming. I don’t know if they’ll be there after the trial is over, but the trial could take days and I know you’ll be restless, please don’t hesitate to take them, okay?” He pressed his cheek to the top of Seb’s head, pulling him even closer. “And don’t forget that Freya will be with you the whole time. You’ll have her and Ras with you the whole time. And if you need anything from anywhere, text Tony. She’s staying out there until it’s done. And I’ve put extra protection spells up around the place… you’ll be safe.” He paused, a guilty thought hitting him. “Gods, I’m sorry you won’t be able to do your work…” He was cut off suddenly by a twinkle in the air and paws hitting the floor. 
All at once Freya was in the room, coming through the balcony like she owned the place and there was soft knocking on the door. So different than what it would be like if Blaine didn’t know he had to go. And it was time… Hunter let himself in and Blaine could see Tony behind him, her eyes red and puffy like maybe she’d witnessed some of their struggles on her patrols that night. Or maybe she was just upset that Blaine was being taken away. Blaine kissed the top of Seb’s head and made himself stand up, he shook Hunter’s hand before Hunter stepped around him and pulled Sebastian into a hug and then Blaine did the same with Tony. She felt small and helpless in his arms even though he knew she was anything but. No real words were exchanged between the four of them and it was probably better that way.  
“Just give me two minutes…” He pleaded when Hunter pulled out the cuffs.
And Ras who usually jumped at the sight of Freya and the chance to lick her pretty little frowning face held back. He must have known something was wrong. Blaine bent down and kissed the top of the pups nose and ruffled his fur. “Take good care of your papa for me, yeah? I’ll be back before you know it.” The dog licked his face a few times before doing his duty and moving to stand next to Seb. Freya moved toward Blaine and at first Blaine was afraid that she’d changed her mind and she was going to come with him even though she was supposed to stay here to guard and keep Sebastian safe, but she looked at him and told him to come home in their special Witch/Familiar language. She pressed her face to his for a moment and then moved to stand on the other side of Seb though Blaine could tell she was fighting against her nature. Familiars were supposed to be with their Witches during trials, but she knew how important this was.
Blaine stood, his eyes settling on Sebastian’s face, his boyfriend looking just as drained as him, but he was still the most beautiful person Blaine had ever seen in his life. He ached to run to him and cling onto him and tell Hunter they could just kill him here, but he knew he needed to plead his case. He stepped up to Seb, one hand cupping his face and turning it to look at him, the other going around his waist to pull him close. Blaine went up on his tip toes for one last kiss, letting his lips linger over his boyfriends for a long moment, knowing that the seconds were ticking and Hunter was already being generous with time. He signed and pulled back, and let his thumb brush over Seb’s lips. His other hand moved to press his mom’s crystal against Seb’s heart again, as if to remind himself that it was there. She was with him too. His breath hitched and he felt like he could collapse at any second and the tears were brimming and threatening, but he kept them in, trying his hardest to keep it together and be strong for Seb. What could he say that hadn’t already been said? He didn’t know so he settled on the simplest. 
“Remember that I love you. And if they make you forget me, try to remember that someone loved you more than anything in the world..”
With that he let his hands drop and turned toward Hunter, holding them out to him so the enchanted restraints could be attached to his wrists. He kept his eyes on Sebastian the whole time, hoping he’d done enough to show how much Seb meant to him. The restraints were already draining him, making him more compliant even though he hadn’t put up a single fight at all. He watched as Hunter and Tony gave a regretful nod to Seb and before he could say much else he was being ushered away from his Sebastian.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian nuzzled into Blaine’s chest and nodded. He was usually pretty leery about taking potions and abusing the other’s magic but at this point, what was the use? Like B had said, the trial could take days and he was ordered to lay low the entire time. He was thankful Blaine had thought ahead because he was sure he was going to be miserable without Blaine or Hunter around. 
All at once, Freya was in the room and Hunter was there with intimidating looking handcuffs and Tony was red eyed and tired looking. Sebastian couldn’t speak or focus as Hunter pulled him into a long hug. The tears were back and they streamed down his face as his best friend stepped away. 
Sebastian looked down at Blaine and sniffed. He didn’t want this to be goodbye, couldn’t imagine what was next for them, wished he wasn’t too scared to fight every hunter and witch. There were too many feelings and thoughts fighting for control of his mind and all he could do was nod and cry. Seb wanted to say that there was nobody else out there for him, wanted to say that Blaine was the best person he knew and that he had made him so much better. All he could strangle out  was a sad, “I love you back.” Freya nudged his calf with her furry forehead and Ras whined as Hunter clamped the cuffs onto Blaine Sebastian made sure he kept his eyes on Blaine the entire time, even as he was crying and little sad sobs fell from his lips. 
After the three of them left the apartment, he fell to the floor in a crumple. Freya and Ras lay next to him as he sobbed, he had never had a reaction like this before. Sebastian didn’t know how long he had been crying but felt like he would never stop, like some sort of tragic fairytale character. Maybe he would flood Boston and Blaine would get carried away to safety.
 After what could have been mere minutes or torturous hours, his throat was sore, his nose was runny and his entire body shook from exhaustion. At some point, Sebastian had cried himself to sleep with Ras’ head on his hip as Freya purred next to his face, the thrum of the crystal tucked away next to his heart.
-To be concluded in part 3 within the next few weeks.
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angelhummel · 5 years
In honor of Darren’s birthday I just wanted to go on a long and personal rant about him. About how I’ve been following him from the start, what he means to me, that sort of thing. I’ll hide it under a cut to save you all from scrolling ten minutes to get past it!
I first became aware of Darren Criss in about August 2009. I was barely into my sophomore year of high school and one of my friends told me about a Harry Potter musical some people made and put up online. I was a huge fan of HP and musicals and my first response was “how has this been up for six weeks and I’m only just now hearing about it??” So of course I looked it up the second I could and devoured every minute of it. I even got my best friend to be as obsessed over it as I was. 
We went from being crazy about the musical to being crazy about the cast. I had bought sticker computer paper so I could print out my own stickers and we decorated our binders with them. One that was a collage of the whole cast, but several more of Darren because he was my favorite. (All the stickers weren’t Starkid related though, we weren’t quite that obsessive.) But we watched all their shows and playfully argued about which member was the cutest or which characters were better, all that good stuff.
She was the same friend that got me into Glee in the first place, so when we heard Darren was going to be on the show, of course we freaked out. We were tuning in every single week to see his beautiful face and hear his beautiful voice, just so we could meet back up at school the next day and gush about how great it was. And like I’ve said before, Kurt was my favorite character from the start. So seeing Darren embody this new character that was destined to get with Kurt, to be his best friend and soulmate and everything in between, it meant the world for me. I found myself tuning in more and more just to see what Kurt and Blaine were up to. Klaine is still, to this day, one of the most iconic, influential, game changing couples ever portrayed in media. They just were the show to me, and they’re a big part of why I’m still so involved in the fandom. 
Glee and Klaine are the only reasons I have friends now. It might sound a little sad, a little crazy, but it’s the truth. When my real life friends weren’t as obsessive as me anymore, I had to wade through the treacherous waters of anonymous online chats to find people who were. I connected to a handful of people from all over the world, and we went from roleplaying two fictional characters in love to getting to know one another and being real friends. (And still roleplaying fictional characters. Don’t judge me.)
When Darren went from Blaine to Hedwig, my admiration for him only expanded alongside the range in versatility of his roles. I’ll admit, when NPH starred in the Hedwig revival, I had no idea what it was. But one of my friends that I met online, he loved the musical. He got me listening to the soundtrack before I even knew the premise of it. I learned all the songs, watched the movie over and over. It quickly made its way up to being one of (if not my absolute favorite) musical. When we learned Darren would be taking over the role, we were ecstatic. 
So much so that I managed to convince my family to plan a trip to NY just so we could see the show (amongst other things). It remains to this day probably the best trip I’ve ever taken, mostly thanks in part to Darren. Getting to see him live was spectacular. He was so captivating, talented, all around amazing. He just disappeared into the role and it was mesmerizing to see, especially coming off of only seeing him as Blaine or a singing Harry Potter. The way he worked the whole crowd, even his improvised moments on stage- it all just lent itself to creating the best experience I’d ever had in a theater. 
I saw the show with my sister and my ex (now and at the time) and we waited outside at the stage door, something I’d only done a couple of times before. And sadly, I was and probably still am the type to freeze up in a situation like this, so I hardly got to say anything to Darren as he came by signing autographs. I had two playbills in hand for him to sign (one for me and one for my friend who got me into the show, because I knew he’d never get to see it), as well as a poster for me. I wanted to tell him to personalize one signature for my friend (Mike) just so it would be extra special, but I couldn’t get the words out. Darren signed what I was holding and moved on, though he did linger near us a little longer because he was talking to my ex about his outfit. He said that he admired him getting dressed up in a suit and bowtie, because no one really got dressed up for the theater anymore. After he really moved on, my ex said he felt like he could just lay down in the street and die because Darren Criss told him he liked his outfit.
But I was stubborn and determined to get the personalized autograph, so I stayed behind. We waited until Darren had gone through everyone who’d come from the show, everyone who’d just wandered up on the street for a chance to see him. He was almost on his way to the car when I reached out over the little barrier and touched his arm to get his attention. I handed him the playbill and he looked confused that I was handing him something he’d already signed. I managed to explain it was for my friend Mike, and I wanted him to make it out to him. So Darren added a “Hi, Mike!” on the front, and even drew an arrow to his name as if Mike wouldn’t know who had written that. I thanked him profusely and was still kind of in shock just from seeing him and actually touching him, and that’s definitely the best encounter with a celebrity I’d ever had. I said like two whole sentences to him, way to go, me!
Darren has truly been a household name in my family since AVPM. My sister and I watched every Starkid production several times. My whole family sat down to watch Glee every week, and then did the same for ACS. When Girl Most Likely came out, my dad took me to go see it (and the closest theater playing it was over an hour away). My parents planned a whole trip to NY just so my sister and I could see Hedwig. And on the day when the LMDC tour was the closest it would be to where I lived, my dad woke me up that morning and said “Want to go see Darren and Lea tonight?” and then drove me to see the concert. 
For over a decade now, I’ve been watching Darren’s star on the rise. He’s tackled about every single project a celebrity could tackle. Television, film, music videos, his own music (solo and in a band!), Broadway (musicals and now a play!) awards galore, and, well, lots of paid advertisement. It’s fine, he can get that coin however he wants. 
I keep saying he should be doing more. The projects he’s tackling now are small potatoes compared to what he should and could be doing. What he deserves to be doing. But at the end of the day, I know this is just the tip of the iceberg for him. There is so much more to come. Look at where he was ten years ago compared to now. And just imagine where he’ll be in ten years compared to now. 
It makes me so unbelievably happy to know that I’ve been in this talented human being’s corner from the beginning. It means a lot to me that I’ve actually got to watch someone go from basically a nobody to one of the most talented people of a generation (and actually be recognized for that talent!) It’s just an amazing feeling, and I’ve never had another celebrity that I felt like this about. Darren truly is an amazing human being. Talented, mesmerizing, magical, charismatic, kind, funny, versatile. He’s so much more than just some celebrity crush to me, and I couldn’t be prouder of him. 
I hope he has an amazing birthday today, and I hope he knows there is so much more to come. I’m going to enjoy watching where he goes from here. I’m so proud of him, I love him, Happy Birthday Darren! As if you or anyone else read this whole thing :P
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ficrecsforklaine · 5 years
Do you have any good fanfic of Klaine that are dragons and or werewolves? Want to read some of those fanfic since I read some, but don’t remember much of them.
Oh yes! I have tags for Dragon!Kurt , Dragon!Blaine , Werewolf!Kurt , Werewolf!Blaine You’ll probably want to check those tags out first.
fist a little shameless self-promotion. I wrote a werewolf!Klaine series
Reflections by CoffeeAddict80 [AO3] (series, 2fics, 176,511words, Explicit/NC17)
This series blends supernatural elements - such as soulmates, werewolves, warlocks, hybrids, & magic - with the modern human world. These supernatural elements are unknown to the humans around them; considered to be nothing more than myths. It’s a semi-twisted AU of Klaine’s story from season 2.
And here are some additional fics not previously located in the above tags for you to check out as well:Note: please check the tags and warning on each fic carefully before reading
A dragon’s heart by ca_te [AO3](2,445words Teen&Up)
The old nan used to talk about dragons when he was a kid, tales of power and magic and fire that burned like the sun. They were all dead, she said. They were monsters, the bards said. And yet the creature standing in front of him is definitely a dragon, eyes like molten gold, thin tendrils of smoke wafting up from where its hands are touching the black stones. And it doesn’t look like a monster. He looks like a boy. [Dragon!Blaine]
On Golden Wings by ca_te [AO3](2,000words Teen&Up)
Blaine is a dragon who looks a bit like a boy. Kurt is a human. They met by chance and by chance they became friends. And now they both get to experience something very special.This is set in the same ‘verse as A Dragon’s Heart. It can be read as a stand-alone piece, though. [Dragon!Blaine]
Tales and Stories by DreamingKate [AO3](2,585words Mature)
Blaine was not meant to be a knight and facing off dragons was never something he wanted to do. [Dragon!Kurt]
Hiss by DreamingKate [AO3](2,523words Teen&Up)
Kurt honestly just wanted a dragon because the elite of Hollywood all had one. [Dragon!Blaine]
Claim by PteraWaters [FFN] (1,777words Mature)
As Blaine’s rider, Kurt has always felt secure in their relationship – until someone else challenges that claim. Slash. AU but slight S2 finale spoilers. Dragon!Blaine/Kurt
A Person In The End by OfMusicAndStories [FFN] (25,364words T)
The New Directions are taking a vacation at Santana’s lake house for a month just to get away from Lima. When Kurt goes out to look around he runs into Blaine, a kid who has a very one of a kind condition. Dragon!Blaine (Includes Niff)
Going to the chapel, and we’re…(The tales of Alpha werewolf Blaine and his Vampire mate Kurt) by lostinfictionalworlds [AO3](series, 16 fics, 33,838words total, ratings vary)
AU. Blaine is a Werewolf. Kurt is a Vampire. This is a series of oneshots up until they come together in holy matrimony.
Howlin’ by KlainebowsAndDramioneflies [AO3](series, 6 fics, 38,809words total, ratings vary)
A collection of ‘drabbles’ (they’re really more like oneshots, but *shrug*) with werewolf!badboy!Blaine and human!Kurt (eventually werewolf!Kurt). Very kinky smut. There’s also plot. But there’s a lot of kink. So…
Warnings! Claiming, marking, knotting, rimming, cumplay, fingering, oral, mating, bestiality (both wolves and mid-turning, so…), biting, d/s elements, possessiveness, um… I think that’s everything?
Blueberry Moon by framby [AO3](24,932words Explicit)
After a terrible fight between rival packs Kurt, the Hunter in chief of his town, is left to deal with a lonely Alpha who just lost everything. Kurt did not know what to expect but it definitely wasn’t a bunch of wolves making themselves at home at his place.
The Wax Verse by skivvysupreme [AO3](series, 16fics, 65,440words, ratings vary)
Kurt Hummel is a vampire. Blaine Anderson is a werewolf. This is how they help each other deal with it.
Howl by orphan_account [AO3](25,021words Explicit/NC17)
Werewolf Blaine takes human sacrifice Kurt as a mate, and the aftermath. From the following GKM: That old werewolf thing; but this time the wolves are in charge. Towns ritually offer up people to the wolves, who either kill them, or claim them through mating. Kurt is a 'sacrifice’, and Blaine 'claims’ him. The mating takes place in public, and with Blaine still in his wolf form… There is no non-con voyeurism, or slut shaming after chapter 1.
Hounds of God by darkkixie [FFN] (158,549words Mature)
Kurt is a werewolf hunter and protector of the small town of Lima. This has been his existant since he was a small boy until a new pack comes into the picture and everything around Kurt comes undone under the watchful eyes of an Alpha. KurtxBlaine, Werewolf Blaine COMPLETE
Twilight Klaine by quizasvivamos [AO3](series, 2fics, 54,621words Mature & Explicit)
Vampire!Kurt & Werewolf!Blaine: Kurt has been on the run for almost a century, eventually finding himself in Lima, Ohio. While hunting in unfamiliar woods one night, Kurt comes face to face with a beautiful young boy who saves him from an even worse fate. Kurt is drawn to the boy and must battle temptation to keep from making an unforgivable mistake. But what will happen when Kurt finds out the boy has secrets of his own?
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Any good canon complacent Klaine fics when they have great communication. Any season but please be super canon complacent. It could be after getting married, after the Scandels night in the first time, talking about Kurt moving to New York, talking after Finn dies. I’d also prefer it if it doesn’t have a lot of dialogue directly from the episode in it. I’m a slut for communicating Klaine.
There are so many Klaine fics that are canon compliant and provide great communication. I suggest that you take a look at our reaction fic tag. If there is a specific episode that you delve into further, you should definitely check out master episode related works at @todaydreambelieversfic​.
trufflemores_Glee_fic, Flowerfan, and Flaming Muse are authors who write many fics similar to what you are looking for. Note: some of their fics are AUs so be sure to check out the tags and the story summary.
There are 30 fic recs under the cut. This post is a collaborative effort between Lynne, myself, and @klaineship2​. A special thanks to @klaineship2​ for helping me out.
- HKVoyage
Snapshots by @borogroves
August 27, 2044. They say a picture paints a thousand words… and Kurt and Blaine have a whole scrapbook.
Klaine Season 6 Reaction One Shots by MrsCriss2012
Every week I will add a new Klaine reaction fic/ one shot/ scene I wish we had been given in the episode. Short, sweet and with NO KAROFSKY in sight, just Klaine. Rated M just in case!
Forevermore by lostinfictionalworlds
A collection of drabbles not in any particular order, based on our favorite couple’s life after 6x13.
Works in Progress by iliketowriteaboutklaine (rebeldawgspirategirl)
After saying their vows in November, follow Kurt and Blaine through the adventure that is their first year married. Follow them through the ups and downs that accompany them from a fight to Blaine being accepted into NYU to moving back to New York and everything in between.
The Problem With Counting by @flamingmuse​
Just because it’s something they did doesn’t mean it’s something they do. Set soon after 3x05 (“The First Time”)
In Want of Magic by trufflemores_Glee_fic
3.01-4.01. “I just want my senior year to be magic.”
Can we try? by Daisyishedwig
Kurt and Blaine finally talk after the elevator
Honeymoon Holidays by @flowerfan2​
Kurt and Blaine’s first winter holidays together as a married couple fall so quickly after their wedding that sometimes they almost seem like a continuation of their honeymoon. But not always.
A story in the “Season 7” series that looks at events in the early married life of Kurt and Blaine, written in connection with the 2015 Klaine Advent challenge. The name of each chapter is the prompt.
Note: Part 13 of Season 7 future!fics
A Conversation from an Alternate Universe by @flamingmuse  
In some alternate universe, this conversation happened between Kurt and Blaine.
diverges from canon during 4x22 (“All of Nothing”)
The Architects of Life by misqueue
Follows the development of Kurt and Blaine’s relationship in the canon timeline from 3x05 “The First Time”.
Note: Also check out the Scenes During the Break Up  series.
Opening Doors: Five ‘Missing’ Scenes from Glee 4x14 by @flamingmuse​
Five ‘missing’ scenes between Kurt and Blaine from Glee 4x14 (“I Do”)
set within 4x14 (“I Do”), with no spoilers beyond
Easier by @flowerfan2​
2x14 reaction fic; part of a series of Season 2 reaction fics. Kurt and Blaine talk after Rachel kisses Blaine in the Lima Bean.
Note: Part 4 of the Glee Season 2 Reaction Fics series.
All The Glory Of by robotsfighting
“I’m going to worry later, but right now I’m too happy for you.” (Set during 2.18, Born This Way. After the meeting with Figgins, Kurt comes back to Dalton and finds Blaine to tell him about what happened.)
Your Heart On Your Sleeve by @flowerfan2​
2x18 (Born This Way) reaction fic. Kurt shows Blaine his “Likes Boys” shirt and wonders what Blaine would write on his.
Note: Part 7 of Glee Season 2 Reaction Fics series
The Other Half of the Equation by @flamingmuse​
Blaine turns Kurt’s life upside-down over a tiny, bejeweled coffin. Scenes of two boys in love.
Note: Part 3 of the Sum-verse series.
After the Last Dance by @flamingmuse​
The last dance is over, and the boys go home. Episode tag for 2x20 “Prom Queen”
I Always Believed In Futures by robotsfighting
Kurt and Blaine have the conversation about New York. Blaine remains bad at timing things. Kurt continues to benefit from that.
Collect the Moments One By One by skintightsocks
“Stop freaking out,” Blaine says softly, his fingers stroking at Kurt’s cheek for a second before he blushes and drops his hand. “I just mean that I’m sorry I said it like that. Just out of the blue, at The Lima Bean. Not exactly the height of romance.”
 Perhaps by aspiringtoeloquence
Takes place after the events of 3x03. The aftermath of the episode - Blaine and Kurt aren’t exactly experts at this whole healthy relationship thing yet, but they try, and that’s half the battle.
Celebration by @flamingmuse​
Blaine was thrilled beyond belief, but he was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be.Episode tag to 3x03.
(Not) The Same by @flamingmuse​
The Lima Bean, Monday afternoon. Episode tag for 3x05 (“The First Time”)
The First Rule by @flamingmuse​
Sometimes when it comes to himself, Blaine subscribes to the first rule of Fight Club. Set within 3x08 (“Hold on to Sixteen”)
Sharing Is Caring by Lexie
Blaine and Kurt finish their couples counseling conversation in the guidance office and go forward from there.
Also, there are pamphlets.
Over Boxes by missmichellebelle
“I’m going to miss you.“ Blaine’s voice fails him, and his lower lip trembles as he continues pressing the heel of his hand into his eyes.
If the Fates Allow by @flamingmuse​
Blaine is feeling a lot of things. He adds cold to the list. canonical, set just after 4x10 ("Glee, Actually”), no spoilers beyond
Socks in a Box by @wowbright
Kurt helps Blaine pack and gets flustered by his sock collection. Or, sometimes the most frustrating thing about a relationship is yourself. New New York (5.14) episode reaction.
Note: Part 12 of the Glee Season 5 episode reactions series
Future Imperfect by @wowbright
I woke up way too early on Wednesday morning, unable to fall back asleep. So I wrote a fic that explored what might have happened after Blaine’s break-up with Dave in “Transitioning” (6.07) to get Kurt to the point where he’s ready to get back together with Blaine in “A Wedding” (6.08). Thanks to anon for prodding me to think about the details; redheadgleek for offering an important plot point; damnpene, nachochang, chiasmuslovesme and judearaya for handholding; likearumchocolatesouffle for SPAG and wisdom; thetalkingmalibustacydoll for enthusiasm about Blaine and awkward-but-heartfelt safer sex talks; scalpelsarefun for enthusiasm about safer sex talks in general; and lizinprogress for not being satisfied with what she got.
Note: Part 14 of Glee Season 6 Episode Reactions series.
After All by lovetheblazer
Fluffy Klaine reaction fic for 6x08 “A Wedding” This is the conversation that takes them from boyfriends to newlyweds.
With a million dreams to fulfill by ColorblindCity
The morning after the wedding, Kurt and Blaine talk about living arrangements, last names, what went wrong before and what they will do to make things work this time around.
Above and Beneath by pene
An interrupted honeymoon - conversation and dreamy married sex looking out on the Atlantic
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esperantoauthor · 4 years
12,19 and 20
From this 30 questions for authors prompt.
Requested by @hkvoyage and @porcelain-nightbird also requested #20 (I’ll answer the rest in a separate post).
12) Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
Super Powers Fic (like one character has a special ability but the rest of the world is our regular world, not an AU where magic exists or something...would love to write an empath story)
19) Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Easiest: Kurt, Blaine*, Rachel, Burt, Santana *Blaine isn’t exactly easy per say, because I find his characterization wildly inconsistent across the series...to the point that it can be hard to figure out the motivations that would lead to a single person taking all of those actions. BUT we get enough information about him that I find it a very fun puzzle to work through. I’ve also now read so much Klaine fic that it has helped flesh out my own sense of who he is.
Hardest: Mercedes, Quinn I honestly *hate* how hard I find Mercedes to write because I really like her as a character and see so much potential for her. Where I get stuck is that she never really got fleshed out as a character. While many other Glee characters suffered a similar fate of being rather one-dimensional, with Mercedes I find it more challenging because her main character trait was stereotype of a “sassy black girl.” No to throw shade on anyone, but I personally can’t bring myself to write her like this (e.g. calling Kurt “white boy”). Without that, I find not much else to draw from and not being a POC myself I lack the personal experience to draw from. Basically, I feel ill-equipped to write her and don’t want to unless I can do her justice. Maybe one day! 
20) What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
Oooh, definitely Wesley! This was fun! Keep them coming!
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Klaine one-shot “On Your Mind” (Rated NC17)
Summary: Blaine is sitting at a bar, ill-advisedly looking for Mr. Right ... and failing. But as he plans to leave, he sees an incredibly gorgeous man who captivates him. He sits back down and watches him, fantasizing about who he is, what he's doing, and why he's there. But before too long, Blaine discovers that this man is far from ordinary. (3448 words)
Notes: This is a re-write. 
Read on AO3.
Being a New Yorker isn’t for the weak-hearted. Living here is rough.
And as the days go by, it doesn’t get any easier.
The city can be cruel. But it’s exciting, too. Blaine loves living here. He may be a small town boy, but he can’t imagine living anywhere else. But he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t overwhelming.
Back home in Ohio, people wore their hearts on their sleeves. That made it easier for him to survive as the token gay kid at his high school. From bigots to allies, he pretty much knew where everyone stood from the start. But in New York, everyone has their own unique brand of armor, forged through the give and take necessary to thrive in a diverse metropolis. It’s harder to tell from the outset who’s truly on his side and who’s faking it.
When Blaine first moved to New York, he stumbled into a few hornet’s nests. He learned a valuable lesson, but now he has a habit of being super-cautious about everyone, over-analyzing behavior, picking actions and conversations apart in search of clues.
It keeps him safe, but it also leaves him lonely.
He feels the weight of that as his butt falls asleep on the hard-as-a-rock barstool he’s monopolizing, stirring the watered-down rum and coke he’s been nursing for over an hour. He doesn’t actually like rum and coke too much. He’ll drink it, but it’s not his preferred choice overall. If he wasn’t so concerned about looks, he’d order a strawberry daiquiri. But a tall curvy glass filled with pastel pink drink and topped with a colorful umbrella isn’t the impression he’s trying to give off. He’s afraid it might scream flaming gay. A rum and coke always struck him as a man’s drink, probably because that’s what his dad used to order. And if there was a man’s man anywhere out there in the world, it was definitely his dad.
But Blaine, sighing in the solitude that is his corner of the bar, really wants a daiquiri.
He runs a hand over his tired face and up into his hair, mussing what was once a helmet of meticulously plastered curls, though he figures that the way he looks far from matters now. If not a single man looked him up and down when he was fresh faced and crisp as a brand new hundred dollar bill, then no one’s going to look at him now.
Not anyone who’d want to spend more than one night with him anyway. And even then, he’s giving them too much credit. More like fifteen minutes in the bathroom. And as much as Blaine has had fun in his fair share of bathrooms, he’s really looking for something deeper. Something more.
Of course, this bar that he’s scored most of the ass he’s tapped since he’s lived in New York probably isn’t the smartest place to go looking for it.
But his choices are limited. He’s a creature of habit, and this bar happens to be a block away from his apartment. Aside from that, he’s a certifiable workaholic, and he doesn’t like to shop at work. He’s a producer and a songwriter, currently slumming the orchestra pit down at the Lyceum Theater as a favor for a friend, and even though Broadway is rife with gay men, the ones he’s hooked up with have mostly been social climbers, warming his bed, hoping for the opportunity to snag something better than chorus line.
Blaine Anderson is no one’s stepping stone.
He takes a sip of his drink, checking to see if it’s any more salvageable than it was five minutes ago, and since the answer is no, he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet, preparing to settle his tab and head out. Who knows? Maybe if he hits Whole Foods on the way home, he might stumble across a nice, eligible bachelor in the organic produce department.
And this is where his imagination runs wild.
They’ll both reach for the same Asian pear. They’ll brush fingers, giggle bashfully. Blaine will offer it to him, but the man will insist Blaine take it instead. Small talk will ensue. They’ll find out they have tons of stuff in common. They’ll go for coffee and end up talking till five in the morning because time will fly by. And as the sun peeks over the horizon, they’ll share Blaine’s pear, along with a few sweet kisses …
It’s the rom-com variety meet-cute New York City is known for.
The romantic in him says it’s worth a shot.
The realist in him says don’t hold your breath.
He puts a tenner on the bar and tells the bartender to keep the change.
High-pitched laughter cuts through the murmur of drunken conversation, stopping Blaine cold, half-standing with his hand thrust awkwardly down the back pocket of his pants. He doesn’t understand why he has such an extreme reaction to it, but it calls to him, goes through him – in his ears and around his brain like a silk sheet, sliding down his throat like a rich mouthful of hot chocolate and settling in his belly. He’s never had that reaction to a laugh before. It’s almost ludicrous. He waits for it to continue, but it doesn’t, and the heat in his belly begins to cool.
But I didn’t just imagine it! he thinks as the sensation drifts away. It was clear as day!
He turns his head, eyes sweeping the dingy bar for whoever made that sound, pausing at the front door as traffic flows in and out. A thin stream of average, uninteresting faces make an appearance but nothing that fits that voice. A few faces later, Blaine decides to go with his first instinct and leave, but he stops for a second time when a gorgeous, almost otherworldly man with pale skin and impossibly blue eyes walks into view. He turns to the bartender as he passes Blaine, not even sparing a glance for the man staring numbly like a dumbstruck teenager. When the stranger speaks, his voice sounds even more magical than before.
“Shirley Temple, extra cherries if you please, Ronnie.”
Ronnie, a surly manticore of a man with a handle-bar moustache and bright red suspenders, raises a hand to acknowledge his order.
“Sure thing,” he says, his gruff, smoker’s voice sounding happier now that he – whoever he is – has arrived. Other patrons at the bar turn to welcome him with a wave or a smile. Blaine notices that the overall atmosphere of the bar has become lighter, less depressing, as if whoever this man is swept in and cleansed the aura of the room.
Or maybe the rum, weak though it is, is finally hitting him.
Either way, this man, taking a seat at a table not too far from him – this ethereally handsome, fashion-forward man with the sea blue eyes, and (Blaine can’t help noticing) incredible ass stuffed into ridiculously tight jeans - convinces Blaine to sit back down and hang out a little while longer.
Whoa, those jeans are tight! he thinks. I mean, I guess I can’t talk. My pants are pretty tight, too. But those look dangerously tight. Like … health endangering tight.
The man sits up straight and runs his hands down his thighs, stopping briefly at his knees, then continuing back up to his hips again. Blaine leans forward at the sight of this man touching himself, stroking the dark denim pulled tight over trim legs, and nearly falls straight off his stool.
Blaine pinches his lips together tight before he can accidentally moan out loud and make a fool out of himself.
N-not that I’m complaining. If you’ve got it, flaunt it. And you definitely got it. I mean, have it. And that voice … are you a singer? I think I would have heard of you if you were a singer. You’d have Broadway wrapped around your finger if you were …
The man bites his bottom lip, holding back a smile, eyes searching the bar, looking for someone. His hand trails up the buttons of his shirt, fidgeting with his open collar, touching his neck lightly with his fingertips.
He must be waiting for someone special. Probably a lover with a reaction like that.
Looks like I don’t stand a chance, huh?
Blaine watches his fingertips move, envisioning opening the man’s shirt, button by button, following with a kiss to every newly revealed patch of skin, ending at his long neck, tracing a path up to his ear with the tip of his tongue. Blaine blinks his eyes, snapping back to reality.
Okay … I don’t know where that came from …
The man looks distracted as he peers off into the crowd and swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bouncing when he does. A waitress comes up to his table with a tray carrying a single drink – a bubbly beverage overflowing with crayon red maraschino cherries. The man’s eyes flick up to the waitress and he smiles, the distracted look dissolving with his enigmatic grin. The waitress sets a napkin down in front of him, and then the drink on top of that. The man nods and watches the waitress walk away before he regards his drink.
Blaine has become positively fascinated with this man, every minute detail of him, even though apart from being inconceivably sexy he has yet to do anything more extraordinary than smile and sip his drink.
But that smile.
It has more character, more personality than the half dozen men he’s tried talking up this week.
The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. He opens it up on the table in front of him and looks at it intently, reaching for his drink again and forgoing the straw this time to take a healthy sip.
That’s an awful lot of cherries for one poor drink, Blaine muses. And here I was, stressing over a daiquiri …
The man looks up from his paper (list? letter? Blaine can’t tell from where he’s sitting …) and chuckles. He pauses for a moment, as if he’s expecting something to happen, gaze shifting left and right, and then returns to the words on the page. The smile on the man’s face drops an inch, than an inch more, until none of it remains.
Sucky news, huh? Blaine commiserates. I understand how that is. I hope that’s not a Dear John letter. Blaine’s mind drifts to thoughts of an envelope resting against his lamp on his bedside table, the letter inside months old but read so many times that creases from the folds in the paper are tearing.
But the edges are still sharp enough to sting.
Someone with gorgeous eyes like yours shouldn’t have to read something like that, he thinks with a sigh.
The man sighs as well, eyes skimming the last few lines. His smile returns. He folds the letter back up and puts it in his pocket.
Guess not, huh? Well, good for you. A man like you deserves love letters … and poetry …
The man shakes his head, but this time he’s staring straight ahead at someone approaching his table. Another unspectacular man from the bar - this one wearing a long, tan coat - walks right up to the only vacant chair at the table and sits down without being invited.
Rude, Blaine thinks. The man he’s been watching for the last half-hour raises both eyebrows and nods his head once, as if he agrees. Blaine watches the second man closely, observing the way he sits, how his eyes bounce from face to face around him, how he keeps his hands folded in his lap, suspiciously close to his hip. The waitress comes up to take his order but the man waves her away, and Blaine gets it.
This second man is a cop.
Suddenly, this show he’s been watching has just become way more interesting. His thin rum and coke forgotten along with all pretense of ever leaving this bar, Blaine focuses on the couple, no longer concerned whether they know he’s watching them or not. He debates finding a chair closer to their table so he can hear what they’re saying, anything to give him a clue as to what his mystery man is up to.
The cop monopolizes most of the conversation from what Blaine can see. He starts talking, low and calm at first, but then more and more animatedly, gesturing with one hand since he keeps the other pinned to his side, probably where his holster is. Blaine prides himself on the fact that he has watched enough episodes of Law and Order that he’s well-versed in many aspects of police behavior by now. In fact, he’s considered becoming a police officer. He thinks he’d be really good at it. He’s athletic and smart (if he does say so himself). And he can be assertive. Only problem is he’s not too keen on guns … or chasing after people … or getting shot at …
In the middle of the officer’s speech, the man with the iridescent blue eyes starts to laugh, apparently at an inappropriate moment because the officer stares at the man with mouth agape and eyes wide, offense written in every line of his strained face. The blue-eyed man peeks up at his companion and waves a dismissive hand. It looks to Blaine like he’s assuring the angered officer that he wasn’t laughing at him or anything he said. He quiets down, gesturing for the officer to continue.
Blaine watches in silence as the two talk back and forth, concentrating on their lips to see if he can catch any snippets of conversation. He narrows his eyes until he gets a migraine, but the only words he thinks he can catch are ‘lost’ and ‘help’, and maybe ‘dead’, though it could have been ‘den’ or ‘desk’. Blaine’s eyes begin to cross, and more and more he’s starting to wish that the police officer guy would just leave so he can go back to unraveling the mystery of this man with the prismatic blue eyes.
The man (Blaine has decided to call him ‘Noel’ since he bears a striking resemblance to a young Noel Coward) closes his eyes and puts his fingers to his temples, pressing and massaging tiny circles into his skin.
Is Captain Overbearing bothering you? Blaine thinks. Is he giving you a headache? I know people like that. They walk into the room and pow! My head throbs. I used to let them walk all over me, mostly because we’d been friends forever. It happens with my brother, too. I could tell them to eff off, but I guess I have a phobia of not having any friends. But now, being a New Yorker for the past decade, I opt for revenge. Not the big kind of revenge. I mean, I don’t think I could hurt anyone, or ruin their lives, or anything. I have been known to slip a few drops of Visine into their soda. Gives them the poops for hours. That’s fairly satisfying …
In the midst of massaging his temples, the man smiles. He opens his eyes, throws his head back and laughs, and again the officer looks entirely put off. The man shakes his head, leaning toward the man across the table, putting a hand up to either amplify his voice or shield his lips from view. Blaine pouts, feeling intentionally left out of the conversation. Even though his lip reading skills have so far gotten him nowhere, now he has no hope of finding out what’s going on between Noel and his police officer friend.
The officer nods, his eyes performing a cursory glance of the bar one last time before he gets up and heads for the exit. The man at the table stands as well, reaching into his back pocket, squeezing his hand into the tight fit and pulling out his wallet. Blaine deflates when he sees the man pull out a bill along with some other thin piece of paper, something that looks suspiciously like a business card, from his wallet. He places the bill beside his half-drunk Shirley Temple on the table, and then turns on his heel. Blaine expects the man to head out the door after the police officer, but instead he looks straight at Blaine.
Blaine pivots his head left and right, then turns his head completely around and glances behind himself to be sure, and yes, he’s the only one in Noel’s sight line at present. He heads right for Blaine, eyes locked unnervingly on Blaine’s face, and for a moment Blaine becomes confused and frightened all at once. The man is striking, but he also has an undeniable air of confidence and power that makes Blaine want to drop to beg for forgiveness and do whatever this man tells him to do. But why does Blaine feel so guilty? He hasn’t said word one to the man! He’ll admit, he has been staring, but that’s all.
Maybe he should have just gone home when he’d planned. Now he’s about to get into a fist fight in a bar.
Not really. Blaine has no intention of throwing a single punch.
The man stops before Blaine, hands resting on his hips, doing nothing but look at him, eyes going over his body from head to toe. A range of emotions pass over his face from amusement to sympathy to curious. He lands back on amusement and stays there. He holds the thin card out to him. When Blaine just stares at him, speechless, he leans forward and slips it neatly into the outer pocket of Blaine’s button-down shirt.
“The name’s Kurt,” the man says, “not Noel, but I appreciate the compliment. Also, I appreciate your concern about the effects of my pants on my health, but I promise you, they’re no tighter than I can handle.”
Blaine leans against the bar, knocked out of his stupor by the man’s opening line.
“Believe it or don’t, I understand what it’s like to feel alone in a city of 8 million people. We have that in common. And by the way,” the man Blaine now knows is Kurt, not Noel, says, “I’m not a big fan of rum and coke, either. So when you take me out on Friday night, just order the damn daiquiri? Life’s too short for shitty friends and crappy drinks.”
Kurt pats Blaine’s pocket where the card is safely tucked and winks, turning and heading toward the entrance where the police officer has ducked back in to wait for his companion to follow.
Blaine still hasn’t said a word, stunned into silence as he watches Kurt leave. Kurt says something to the officer at the door, motioning vaguely in Blaine’s direction. The officer’s eyes find Blaine and the weary man smirks. He holds the door open for Kurt, who turns one last time to see Blaine stuck in the same position that he left him. He raises an arm and waves, blowing Blaine a kiss. He steps out the door with a satisfied grin, and like that, he’s gone.
Blaine waits a moment longer after Kurt has gone, trying to wrap his mind around everything that happened. But try as he might, it’s too surreal for him to comprehend. Noel – not Noel, as it turns out, but Kurt – had called him out on everything he’d thought while watching him. But how? How in the hell is that possible? Well, he works with a police officer. Is there a chance that maybe he … what?
What, Blaine? he asks himself. What on God’s green earth could possibly explain all of that?
Remembering the card waiting for him in his pocket, he pulls it out carefully, not willing to lose it and the opportunity to contact that fascinating man. Blaine reads the words embossed on it, then he reads them again. He reads them over and over, close to a hundred times, and after their meaning sinks in fully, he’s not sure if he should laugh or find the nearest rock and hide under it.
Blaine mentally goes over everything he saw tonight – every inflection Kurt made, every movement, every shift of his inquisitive eyes. Blaine has spent the past ten years of his life being a skeptic, constantly questioning everyone’s intentions and emotions, feeling like no one he’s met has truly understood him, nor has ever really wanted to. But after tonight, none of that matters.
This might be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Kurt E. Hummel
Psychic Investigator
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
Changed For the Better 9 [Klaine Advent Day 9]
Rating: S for Shenanigans Word Count: 1727 Summary: AU - Kurt’s a struggling actor living in New York, and is currently working on a Made-for-TV movie starring Cooper Anderson.
A/N: Written for Klaine Advent Day 9: Inch
Thanks @snarkyhag for taking a look at this <3 
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
Changed for the Better - Part 9/24: The Dog Days are Over
Elliott fiddled with the key, the damn thing just wouldn’t go into the lock.  Kurt had insisted the cheap place down the street would be fine making a key for him, but Elliott wondered if it was time to just ask the landlord to give him one.  As he jiggled with it, someone joined him in the hallway - a strangely dressed man in a brightly colored plaid blazer and matching bowtie, who had some sort of package in his hands.  Someone who stopped at the door and watched him curiously as he struggled with the lock.  
“Can I help you?” Elliott was more irritated at the lock than at the man, but the frustration came out nonetheless.  
“I’m here for Kurt Hummel?”  
“He’s not back until tomorrow.”  Elliot finally managed to get the lock.  The door swung open unexpectedly, causing Elliott to fall forward, and in the process he knocked over the small end table.  A ceramic bowl that held their keys as well as a picture of he and Kurt, arms around each other in a selfie pose that they had taken celebrating their first week as roommates smashed to the floor.  Damn it, Kurt would be pissed when he got back.  
Elliott began picking up pieces of the bowl as the man stepped in and picked up the photo, and stared at it without speaking.  
“Do you want me to leave a message?” Elliott asked, too busy inspecting the broken pieces of the bowl to really pay attention to the man.  
“I’m Blaine Anderson,” the man said.  
“Ah, Cooper’s brother,” Elliott said.  The bowl was only in four parts.  That was glueable, right?  
“You know who I am?” Blaine placed the photo back on the stand and frowned.  
“Well, yeah, I’m--”
“I know who you are,” Blaine sharpley interrupted him.  “Kurt said he’d be home today.”  
Elliott shrugged.  “I’m meeting him at the airport tomorrow morning.  That’s all I know.”
“Oh.”  Blaine’s eyes shifted from the photo to the package in his hands.  He looked sad.  “Well, this is the final script for the play he’s auditioning for.  If you could give it to him, I’d appreciate it.”  
“Yeah, no problem.”  
Blaine awkwardly placed the package in Elliott’s hands, turned to leave, then turned back as if he had something to day.  
“Yes?” Elliott asked after a moment.  
Blaine stepped in close so he was an inch or so away from Elliott’s face.  “Just...Kurt is a wonderful, magical creature who should be treated with the adoration he deserves,” Blaine said, pointing a finger into Elliott’s chest.  
“Okay?”  Elliott wasn’t sure where Blaine was going with it.  
“Don’t forget that,” Blaine added, digging in his finger a little harder.  
“Sure,” Elliott took a step back.  Kurt’s friends were confusing.  
Blaine looked like he wanted to say more, but spun on his heel and left.  
Well, he was definitely Cooper Anderson’s brother, Elliott thought.  
Elliott mostly forgot about the encounter until Kurt was back in the apartment.  
“Is this a package for me?” Kurt asked, dropping his luggage to excitedly open it up.  
“Yeah, that’s some script for a play?” Elliott said.  “Cooper Anderson’s brother dropped it off himself.”
Kurt froze, his eyes widened with delight.  “Really?”
“Yeah, he’s a little...odd.”  
Kurt was too busy staring at the script in his hands adoringly to notice he had said anything.  “I should call him…” his said dreamily.  
“I thought you said the first thing you were going to do when you got back was deal with our unwanted house guest…”
“Oh, Adam.”  Talk about throwing cold water on top of Kurt’s head.  “Right.”  
“I’ll always love you.”  The words echoed hung in the air, even after Adam had closed the door to the apartment.  
Kurt was on the couch, still a little in shock by their conversation.  Still a little overwhelmed by the feelings he was, or maybe wasn’t having.  
I will always love you.  The last thing Adam had said as he got up to leave.  Kurt had told him was over, really over this time.  That time in Ohio had cleared his head.  Kurt hadn’t wanted a revival of that sad drama, he realized.  He wanted closure.  He wanted to say goodbye.  Officially.  And he had.  
And then Adam had said… that.  
But you won’t always love me, Kurt thought, slightly annoyed now that he was alone and thinking about it.  The whole point of you leaving in the first place was that you didn’t love me enough.  Adam always did want to have the last word, have the final thought.  But no -- Kurt did now.  
You won’t always love me, and I don’t think I love you.  Not anymore.  
Goodbye, Adam.
For the first time since the whole drama had happened, Kurt felt like he was finally moving on.  
“I need to do something that’s really me,” Kurt said to Rachel as they were walking to brunch the next day.  “I need to do something that shows them just how much I can do.  I know I’ve got it in me, Rach.  And I’m ready.”
“What happened to you in Ohio?” Rachel teased.  “You seem more confident - more inspired.”  
“I don’t know, nothing specific really,” Kurt said.  “It’s more like a feeling.  Maybe finally closing one door is letting another one open.”
Rachel eyed him suspiciously.  “Kurt Hummel, did you finally put the past behind you?”  
“Maybe I finally just have a reason to be looking to the future,” Kurt said with a smile.  “And I guess I feel like maybe I can show the rest of the world who I really am.”
“Oh! Kurt, I have the perfect song for you to do at the audition!”
Kurt didn’t see Blaine before the audition.  A week had passed since he had returned from Ohio.  He had texted Blaine nearly every day - even if it was about more superficial things.  But he was as anxious to see Blaine as he was to do the audition.  Blaine was, however, understandably busy with getting the show up and running.  So when his audition slot had come up, seeing Blaine in the audience was the first time they had been in the same room since he returned.  
Also, he learned, in the audience was Artie Abrams - the director of the show, Trent - Blaine’s friend and former classmate who had written the original script, and June Dolloway herself.  Definitely no pressure there.  
He performed ‘Not the Boy Next Door’ from The Boy From Oz - gold lame pants and all - pulled out all the stops.  He dazzled, he flirted, he shook his hips, and he hit that run up the scale like he had never done before.  It may have been the greatest performance he ever gave.   He couldn’t read his audience - except for Blaine, who stood and clapped and grinned proudly.  
It never occurred to him that the performance would be too much.  
On the way out of the theater, he bumped into Sam and Mercedes heading in.  
“Well, you told Rachel, who told Mercedes, who told me that they need more guys for this thing,” Sam explained.  “And, well, I need a job, and Mercedes told me I have a great voice.  So why not?  I can do a little swaying in the back, maybe show everyone a special dance move or two.”  
Sam rolled his hips, making Mercedes blush.  Kurt was less concerned about Sam’s audition than he was about the two of them attempting a discreet relationship.  
“So, uh, you guys are spending more time together since karaoke night?” Kurt asked.  
Mercedes put her head in her hand.  Sam looked away, pretending the question wasn’t asked.   They then looked at each other and giggled.  
Kurt was happy for them.  
Blaine asked Kurt to coffee three days later.  
As they sat down for coffee, Kurt found that he couldn’t keep his eyes off Blaine.  Was it just him, or had Blaine managed to grow more handsome over the past three weeks?
Which made Blaine’s distance feel even more alarming.  
“Kurt, I need to talk to you about your audition.”
Kurt felt a familiar turn in his stomach.  “You guys hated it.”
“No, no, no,” Blaine said, almost too quickly.  “ I mean, personally, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone who radiates on stage like you do.”  
A kind thing to say but there was a but.  There was always a but...
“But,” Blaine said.  “Others may not have felt the same way.”  
“Do you mind if I ask - what was it about my audition?  I mean, I put all of myself out there.”  
“I know, and that’s recognized, I promise.  But, Kurt - this is a musical about a boarding school, and about how we all kind of work as one big team.  It doesn’t necessarily work if…”
“Someone pulls all the focus?”  
Blaine played with his coffee cup.  He didn’t have to say anything to let Kurt know he was right.  
Kurt deflated.  “Of course…So, am I just doo-wopping behind you, or do they not want me in it at all?”
“Kurt,” Blaine reached out, placed a friendly hand on his arm.  “Well, it was two against two, because quite frankly Trent loved you, too.  So we talked to June and Artie and they’ve agreed to give you the part of Bryan’s, that’s my part, best friend Jack.  He’s only in a couple of scenes, but he has an entire song, and is really pretty memorable if you ask me.”  
Kurt felt a little conflicted.  His life was always two steps forward, one step back.  Still… a show was a show.  At least he wasn’t just a nameless person in the chorus.  And Blaine had went to bat for him.  That had meant something.
“So,” Blaine said slowly.  “Did you…”  Blaine looked as though he wanted to say something, but couldn’t quite bring himself to do so.  
“Did you want to hear about the changes June wanted make to the script?”
“Oh,” that wasn’t what Kurt had expected.  “Sure, do tell.”  
They slipped easily into conversation, like old friends catching up, talking about anything and everything.  Except, Kurt realized later, about Adam.  Kurt hadn’t even thought of bringing him up, and Blaine never asked.  Maybe that was one conversation they didn’t need to have…
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klaineharmony · 7 years
Klaine fic recs update
Hi everyone - I am still working on updating my Klaine fic rec pages. It’s a slow process! Trying to reconstruct links from four different sites (and figure out what’s made it over to AO3 and what hasn’t) is a lot of work. However, I’ve added some new things and found some new AO3 links, and so I wanted to give you all the list of what I have so far.
Warblers! Klaine fics
A Fine Frenzy and A Fine Frenzy: Outtakes by arainymonday. The New Directions and the Warblers experience new friendships, hookups, and breakups as they perform a musical rendition of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at a Renaissance Faire. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
Dalton by CPCoulter. Post-“Furt,” Kurt begins an entirely new chapter in his life at Dalton Academy for Boys. Blaine, Wes, David and the boys of Windsor House make his life, for better or worse, far more eventful than he imagined. It’s hard to say enough about this beautifully imagined fic, which is now over 400,000 words and has its own fandom. CP Coulter also has her own extensive Tumblr with updates, Dalton fics by other authors, and lots of additional info, which can be found here. Dalton is also on FF.net, here.
Klaine, As Told by David and Wes by Ultraviolet-Ink. When David and Wes do something, they don’t do it by halves. So when David suggests they document ‘Klaine’ in all of its entirety, it’s not going to be some half-arsed job - they’re pulling out all the stops. This was one of the first Wevid fics I ever read, and I laughed until I cried. Hilarious. Posted on FF.net.
Lantern by Salazarfalcon. The power’s out, and all the Warblers have is a single, flickering light that may or may not be a literary metaphor for one Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. Posted on FF.net.
Canon Klaine: one-shots, fill-ins, slight AUs.
Unless otherwise noted, links lead to AO3. If authors have multiple pseudonyms, they will be separated with a forward slash, e.g. aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity.
A Hint of Blaine by OccasionallyRestless. The “Furt” wedding scene with a Blaine twist - When Blaine gets a call from the New Directions offering to let him help with a surprise for Kurt, he readily agrees. Cue singing, cute dancing and Klaine fluff. Posted on FF.net.
After Opening by Aeditimi Scriba. Artie notices an improvement in his leading actors as “West Side Story” goes into its second performance. Klaine and Finchel, Artie’s POV. Posted on FF.net.
And A Thousand Moments Like This by DaybyDay. Post-Original Song kiss fic. Fluff. Posted on FF.net.
Be It You Outside My Door by water_nix/the-water-nixie. 4x04 fix-it fic. Blaine’s instincts lead him to the right place at last. Posted on LJ.
Before You Met Me (I Was All Right) by purplehairedwonder. Without New Directions, Kurt never goes to Dalton to spy on the Warblers. For Blaine, life goes on… except for those strange moments he feels like something is missing.  This is an AU inspired by that “Glee Actually” promo with Kurt asking Artie, “Who’s Blaine?” during the dream sequence.
Blame It On Insecurity by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. Blaine does not like blaming things on alcohol. A conversation between Kurt and Blaine during BIOTA. This is one of the most poignant and insightful BIOTA fics out there. Posted on FF.net.
Blaine Anderson is Missing by lovely-sparkle. AU spec fic for Season 4 Regionals. The break-up is included. What will New Directions do when Blaine goes missing on the morning of the Regionals competition? And why is Blaine worried about Kurt? Posted on LJ.
Blessing by antarcticbird/Alianne82. Happy engaged boys and the world’s best dad. 5x01 reaction fic.
Blossoming by avaserenity. Post-“The First Time.” Burt Hummel’s perspective. He knows because he’s never seen anyone look at Kurt the way Blaine does. Posted on LJ.
Box by trufflemores. 3x09. “But what are you promising?” Blaine surprises Kurt with a special gift before Christmas break. Gap filler.
Call by trufflemores. 3x22. Blaine makes a special phone call after Kurt tells him about his NYADA rejection. Gap filler.
Can’t Explain (How the Wind Went and Pulled Me Into Your Hurricane) by ahmarionette. After the kiss in “Original Song,” Kurt gets Blaine to explain some of his swings in behavior since they met. Posted on LJ.
Captivate and Enrapture by trufflemores. 3x08 and 4x09. “Oh my God, it’s the Gerber baby.” In which Blaine sees Kurt lip-syncing during Harmony’s performance, and Kurt finally sings for NYADA.
Cheating by trufflemores. 3x17. “This is cheating, Kurt.” Blaine finds Kurt’s phone with Chandler’s texts. Drama ensues.
Convalescence by trufflemores. Quickie reaction fic to 4x07. Sometimes healing comes in unexpected ways. Blam friendship, with heavy Blaine angst.
Coping by trufflemores. 4x01. Kurt has been gone at college for months now. The New Directions’ newest member helps Blaine cope. Kurt/Blaine. Marley-Blaine friendship.
Counting Down the Days by skintightsocks. “It’s okay to be sad, you know,” Rachel says, petting at his hair. “You can pretend I’m Blaine if you want; I know we’re almost the same size.” It’s Kurt’s  first birthday in NYC, and he’s missing Blaine. AnderHummelberry friendship. Posted on LJ.
Enough by flaming_muse. 4x02. Standing there silently as Rachel works, Kurt wonders if he should say anything to her. He’s just not sure there’s anything else to be said. Klaine, HummelBerry friendship.
Epiphany by trufflemores. 4x12. Sam thinks he’s worthless. Blaine shows him otherwise. Sam/Blaine friendship.
Everything Changes by wowbright. The more Kurt thinks about Rachel’s yearbook message, the more he doesn’t know what to make of it. Finn does, though. (Reaction fic to “Goodbye” and "Rachel’s Yearbook Message to Kurt Scene".)
Fearlessly and Forever by missbeizy. 5x01 reaction fic. They hold court on a leather sofa in the common room where Blaine and the Warblers had sung “Teenage Dream” to a wide-eyed and very unsubtle McKinley High spy.
Finish Line by klaineaddict/iconicklaine. 4x01. Burt’s perspective on sending Kurt to New York. Originally posted on LJ; posted to AO3 by my request, for the Glee AO3 Fest. :)
Firsts by tweeney. 4x11. Kurt goes on a date with Adam, but his mind refuses to cooperate and decides to take a trip down memory lane to his first date with Blaine. Adorable and sweet fix-it fic. Posted on LJ.
Five Times Blaine Wanted to Kiss Kurt But Didn’t (and One Time He Did) by tweeney. Some S2 Klaine, missing moments and kisses. Posted on LJ.
Goodnight Sweetheart (Well, It’s Time To Go) by antarcticbird/Alianne82. Kurt and Blaine say goodnight on their third date after becoming a couple. S2.
Happy Days Are Here Again by klemonademouth. It had been eighty-two days since Kurt had been in Ohio. Eighty-two days since he’d touched Blaine. Eighty-two days since he’d held him against his chest and pressed his face into Blaine’s hair, inhaling the scent of sandalwood and pine. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
Hurry Up Please, It’s Time by lookninjas. This is technically part of lookninjas’ stripper!AU ‘verse, but it is really a reworked version of The Box Scene, and it is fluffy and lovely.
Hurt by foraworldundeserving. A “Never Been Kissed” missing scene. Kurt finally looked up, his eyes glassy, and Blaine had to stifle a gasp at the absolute terror reflected in them. “He snapped,” Kurt whispered. Posted on FF.net.
I Don’t Have to Tell You, But You’re the Only One by aspiringtoeloquence/ mybriefeternity. Takes place during the events of “Rumors” - 2x19. With all that’s going on at McKinley, Kurt misses his boyfriend more than ever. Posted on FF.net.
If This Ain’t Love Then What Is? by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. "I mean, what would you do if Blaine proposed to you today?“ Takes place during 3x12 - Kurt’s thoughts. Posted on FF.net.
If You Let It Go by trufflemores. 4x04. “It’s an expression,” Marley explained. “If you love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” Blaine and Kurt’s phone calls post-break-up.
I Guess We Thought That’s Just What Humans Do by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. Missing scene from “I Do,” in which Tina and Blaine argue and work out their differences after the Vapor Rub incident. Posted on LJ.
I Love You More Than I Have Ever Found a Way to Say by lavender-love00. Kurt and Blaine after junior prom, S2. Adorable and sweet, awkward and romantic.
I’m Beginning to See the Light by normal_scaresme. It’s Kurt and Blaine’s two-year anniversary, and even if they aren’t technically together, Kurt still thinks they should celebrate. S4. Posted on LJ.
In Want of Magic by trufflemores. This story is how I found Truffles, and it is a truly amazing piece of writing. 3x01 - 4x01. “I just … I want my senior year to be magic.” Kurt knew that there would be challenges to overcome his senior year. Little did he know just how tumultuous it would be. Kurt/Blaine. Blaine as a senior. Minor canonical alterations, but otherwise canon compliant.
Initiation by WickedForGood13. The aftermath of Blaine’s first slushie facial.
I Thought You’d Keep Me Warm by water_nix/the-water-nixie. 4x04 fix-it fic featuring Sebastian. Sometimes the right push comes from the most unlikely of places. Posted on LJ.
It’s All Fiction by happyinchintz72. Follow on from 2x15 and their ‘non-conversation’. Kurt is frightened and doesn’t ever see how that will change… ONE-SHOT. Angsty fluff. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
It’s Not Unusual by gigi42. 4x21 reaction fic in Kurt’s POV. Kurt’s in survival mode, but the idea of Blaine is in everything he does.
It’s Time by trufflemores. 4x01. Blaine, after Kurt has left for New York.
It’s You They’re All Waiting For by missgoalie75. 4x02. Blaine tries to get used to the eccentricities of the new New Directions. Wonderful Blainetana and Brittaine friendship. Posted on LJ.
Journey’s End by the-cimmerians. 4x04 fix-it fic. After the break-up, Blaine flees Lima, and Kurt finds himself enlisted by the Andersons to help find their son. Kurt is as surprised as anyone that he agrees to go looking. Posted on Tumblr.
Kiss by foraworldundeserving. The now-famous, 234-chapter prompt fic that is equal parts fun, fluff, angst, and gorgeousness. While the kiss in “Original Song” was oh-so-beautiful, there’s millions of ways those two boys could have shared their first kiss. Posted on FF.net.
Kiss & Tell by impromptucoffee/engorgioblaine. Kurt and Blaine’s progression through the four bases. Originally a GKM fill. Awkward, sweet, gorgeous emotion and description. Posted on LJ.
Kiss Me Slowly by skitzzy. "He wasn’t even paying attention to the sky anymore; the only thing he wanted to see was the beautiful boy in front of him that no sunset in the world could ever compete against.” Posted on FF.net.
Last Night by Icicle Raindream. “The First Time” missing scene. Rachel and Blaine share a secret with one another backstage. Posted on FF.net.
Letting Go by trufflemores. 4x08. Kurt finally calls Blaine intending to end his relationship with him permanently. It doesn’t go as planned. Canon-compliant.
Locked Out of Heaven by trufflemores. 4x11. In which Blaine can’t have Kurt, and so he finds love wherever he can. One-sided Blaine/Sam, with mentions of Kurt/Blaine.
Memory by trufflemores. 4x10. “Who’s Blaine?” Kurt/Blaine. Sebastian/Blaine. A take off from “Glee, Actually,” in which we see what has become of the Blaine who never knew Kurt.
Memory by trufflemores. 4x10. “Who’s Blaine?” Kurt/Blaine. Sebastian/Blaine. A take off from “Glee, Actually,” in which we see what has become of the Blaine who never knew Kurt.
May Your Days Be Merry by manywingedescape/wingedescapes. 4x10, “Glee, Actually.” Kurt and Blaine have a discussion about love and life after Burt falls asleep on Christmas night. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
Need by trufflemores. 3x07. “I have to find Blaine.”
Never A Good War, Never a Bad Peace by foraworldundeserving. Finn and Blaine in S3. Nobody’s perfect. So under that logic, it was entirely unfair to watch certain people just float through life without so much as stumbling, and Finn wasn’t going to stand for it any longer. Posted on FF.net.
New Meanings by flaming_muse. 4x01. It’s with a little hesitation that Blaine pushes through the doors of the Lima Bean and breathes in the familiar scents of coffee and baked goods.
Oh, Whistle and Come to Us by purplehairedwonder. 4x08. Whistles had come to mean something both haunting and seductive to Blaine by the time the Warblers performed “Whistle” at Sectionals. This amazing story was written based on a meta post I wrote for fyeahgleemeta, and I am so flattered and awed by it.
One Fine Day and Catch the Wind by arainymonday. They had talked about their dads enough for Kurt to know three things: One, Mr. Anderson desperately wanted a straight son. Two, Blaine desperately wanted an accepting father. Three, Kurt had everything Blaine wanted. And they had talked about their families enough for Kurt to know three more things: One, the Andersons do not get along. Two, the Andersons are not happy. Three, Blaine does not feel loved by them. But Kurt had no idea it was this bad. Posted on FF. net. Also One Fine Day on LJ and Catch the Wind on LJ.
One More Night by trufflemores. 4x11. Once he starts thinking about Sam that way, he can’t stop. In which Blaine projects, Sam reflects, and lines dissolve. Explores Blam, but remains firmly Klaine. Kurt features fairly prominently. One-sided Sam/Blaine, Kurt/Blaine.
One Thing Kurt Got Right by abbypotter327. 3x22. Kurt takes his NYADA rejection hard, but he has Blaine to hold him together. Posted on FF.net.
Out of Control by trufflemores. 4x12. Sam’s on a downward spiral with the ‘Men of McKinley’ calendar. Blaine intervenes. Unbeknownst to him, he, too, is on a downward spiral that leads up to “Diva.” Blaine/Sam friendship.
Pamphlets by foraworldundeserving. 2x15, leading up to 3x05. Because as much as he wanted to, no matter how easy it was to stay naive and pretend that relationships never went beyond the touch of fingertips, Kurt had to face up to the facts and the truth. He couldn’t stay a baby penguin any longer. Posted on FF.net.
Perhaps by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. 3x03. The aftermath of Blaine being cast as Tony in West Side Story - Blaine and Kurt aren’t exactly experts at this whole healthy relationship thing yet, but they try, and that’s half the battle. Posted on FF.net.
Pink Sticky Notes and Portable Hearts by hopewithfeathers. Post-“Dance With Somebody,” 3x17. Kurt and Blaine couldn’t talk out and fix all their sadness and insecurities in one conversation, so Kurt goes to apologize properly. Angst, fluff, and sexy times. Posted on FF.net.
Play It Cool, Boy, Real Cool by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. Pre-3x06. McKinley is where Blaine’s heart is… but he’d feel better if he spent more time with some of the members of New Directions. Posted on FF.net.
Please Don’t Come and Go by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. 4x04 fix-it fic. He doesn’t say these things, because how can you say those things to the boy you cheated on? Anything that had happened before is meaningless, now. It’s been blotted off the paper by the huge ink-stain Blaine spilled on the canvas. Posted on LJ.
Precipice by trufflmores. 4x14. Marley supports Blaine during a time of need, and Blaine has a realization about his relationship with Kurt. Takes place after the car makeout and during the wedding reception. Marley/Blaine friendship, Kurt/Blaine romance. Truffles wrote this for me after I asked for something with lots of Anderose friendship, and it is positively lovely.
Promises by bluecloudsupabove/ca_te. 4x01. Blaine sends Kurt off to NYC with love.
Put Up the Tree Before My Spirit Falls Again by water_nix/the-water-nixie. 4x08-4x10. Kurt has secretly hated Christmas since he was eight years old, and now that he’s living away from home he can avoid it with nothing but a little excess guilt. So when he calls to say he isn’t coming home for Christmas this year, Burt decides it’s about time he did something about that. It’s a good thing he’s bringing along a right-hand man. Posted on LJ.
Ready or Not by unwrittenfic/drunkonwriting. Kurt and Blaine come to Santana’s aid in the aftermath of the Finn and Santana situation in “Mash-Off.”
Remind Me To Forget by peanutmeg. Blaine’s moved on from Sadie Hawkins. He’s fine. It was years ago. But it seems that the past isn’t done with Blaine. Canon-compliant through 5x07.
The Run on Fumes series by idoltina. Canon divergent post-season three. When Blaine transfers to McKinley for his senior year, he finds himself paired with Quinn for a duets assignment in glee club and discovers that maybe they have more in common than he'd originally thought. Or, Blaine and Quinn become best friends.
Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall by flaming_muse. January 21, 2013. Blaine watches the inauguration alone in his house, a bowl of microwave popcorn cooling on the coffee table and a glass of soda fizzing gently by his hand.
Shooting Star by trufflemores. 4x18. AU spec. Blaine’s bad morning spirals rapidly downward when a gunshot is fired. Here there be Blangst. No character death. TW: shooting. Features Blam friendship and Klaine romance.
Sometimes It Takes a Storm to Calm a Storm Within by thefatesallow/comewhatmay. Another beautiful 4x18 reaction fic, in which Kurt and Blaine talk after the shooting and are on the road to mending. Background Brittana as well.
Something New by the-cimmerians. Post-4x14. Kurt and Blaine reconnect and being again. Posted on Tumblr.
Support by trufflemores. 4x13. Slight AU. Sick!Blaine. "If Kurt is a unicorn, does that make you a rhinoceros?" It's a very long week for Blaine Anderson. Features Anderose and Blam friendship.
Swallow My Heart and Flee by fallovermelikestars. Blaine Anderson comes to New York thinking the world is his oyster, overjoyed at the prospect of taking a bite of the Big Apple, moving into an apartment he and Kurt can call home and finally living the Manhattanite life together they’ve always dreamed of. But then Kurt gets an offer that he’s not sure he can refuse, the plans they’ve made are turned on their head and Blaine finds out that having a dream and living it are two very different things. While the first three seasons of Glee are canon here, it goes AU after 4x01.
The Art of Fixing Hearts by bluecloudsupabove/ca_te. 4x04 fix-it fic by the incomparable Cate, immediately following the confrontation in Battery Park. Also here on S&C.
The Key Series, comprised of ‘The First Steps" and “The Next Steps” by Fabrisse. This is probably my absolute favorite 4x04 fix-it fic. Blaine comes back to New York the week after “The Break-Up,” and talking, domesticity, and forgiveness ensue.
The Five New Voicemails of Chandler Kiehl by aspiringtoeloquence/ mybriefeternity. 3x17. Chandler Kiehl’s phone number finds itself in the possession of the members of New Directions. Who have a lot of feelings. Set after “Dance With Somebody.”
The Perspective of Age by flaming_muse. 4x10, “Glee Actually.”  If there’s one thing that Burt does know, besides how to take any car engine apart and put it back together running better than before, it’s his son. Gorgeous fic from Burt’s POV in which he muses about Kurt and Blaine, love, loss, and his relationship with his son.
The Plans That We’ve Made by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. Kurt and Blaine are back in Ohio for the holidays, and it feels like the next few weeks could be important in so many ways. Posted on FF.net.
The Sparrow by wowbright. On March 8, 2013, at 3:42 p.m., the same calendar reminder pops up on both of their phone displays: “THERE YOU ARE - ANNIVERSARY in one week.” Kurt and Blaine do their best to cope with being broken up on their second anniversary. So poignant and sweet.
The Worst is Far Behind Us Now by normal_scaresme. Blaine calls Kurt after the events of 4x18. Lovely emotion and wonderful Anderson family moments at the end. Posted on LJ.
This House Doesn’t Burn Down Slowly by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. 4x01. It’s not the kind of “confronting what you’re afraid of” fear that got Neville Longbottom to win points for Gryffindor, or Diane Lane to dive into a lake and admit that she loves John Cusack. It’s the kind of paralyzing, one-wrong-move-and-the-snake-kills-you fear that boxes you in and turns out the lights and whispers in your ear, “Don’t make a sound.” Posted on LJ.
This Is It by impromptucoffee/engorgioblaine. AU for “Goodbye”; originally a GKM fill. Kurt gets into NYADA and Kurt and Blaine celebrate, all by themselves. Posted on LJ.
Till We Come Face to Face by the-multicorn/multicorn. They end up together at the Lima Bean, promises made over the phone at Thanksgiving long left behind. “I know the relationship between us is - complicated,” Kurt says. His hands are folded around the cardboard cup as if in prayer. “But I need to talk to my best friend. Can you do that?” Reunion fic, AU after 4x22. Also here on Tumblr.
To Love You Is To Need You Everywhere by undesirablenumber1/warble_on. 3x11. Blaine needs Kurt; a discovery reflected upon in Kurt’s arms. Blaine’s inner monologues on love and necessity and people who save you. Posted on FF.net. Also posted here on LJ.
Transference by flaming_muse. Kurt and Blaine’s relationship is complicated; other people (and objects) are much more simple. Transference is the phenomenon of unconsciously redirecting feelings about one person or object to another. Set before through soon after 4x17, “Guilty Pleasures.”
Two Years Ago Tomorrow by flaming_muse. The afternoon of the day after Kurt and Blaine’s first kiss. Set within 2x16 (“Original Song”) and written for the second anniversary of Kurt and Blaine’s first kiss. So lovely.
Unbroken by trufflemores. 2x17. "These three guys . . . beat the living crap out of us." Or, what happened that spring night at the Sadie Hawkins dance.
Waiting, Hoping by flaming_muse. 4x21. Blaine’s perspective during “Wonder-ful.” There he is, Blaine’s Kurt. Almost.
When the Lights Go Out, Will You Take Me With You? by narceus. AU spec fic for 3x02 and 3x03. Blaine moves to New York with Kurt, and it takes his parents months to notice he’s gone. Beautiful and heartbreaking.
When We Can Say Goodnight and Stay Together by antarcticbird/Alianne82. 3x12. Kurt and Blaine talk about Finn’s marriage proposal to Rachel while doing … other stuff. Absolutely sweet and adorable perfection.
Wherein Blaine is Well on His Way to Becoming a Crazy Cat Lady by water_nix/the-water-nixie. Kurt’s impending move to New York may be upsetting Blaine far more than he is letting on. Cue Kurt and a plan to help soften the blow. Absolutely hilarious fic with spot-on voices for the the boys and the old ND members.
Wrapped in a Bow by livehighnmighty. Adorable Box Scene reaction fic. Posted on LJ.
You Are Not Perfect … To Me by cinnamont. 4x04. Kurt calls the universe’s greatest Dad for comfort and understanding and gets a whole lot more. Or, Burt Hummel giving Kurt and Blaine a fatherly reality check.
You Touch Every Place in My Heart by bluecloudsupabove/ca_te. Alternative S4 Thanksgiving, where Blaine comes to NYC to surprise Kurt, with some loving and insistent help from Rachel.  Cate wrote this for me after talking to me for the first time, during one of the hardest periods of my life, and it is so gorgeous and sweet and perfect that it made me cry. Posted on LJ.
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lilyvandersteen said: I’m picturing how a Klaine/Barbie cross-over would work, but I’m drawing a blank. Not much of a Barbie connoisseur… lilyvandersteen said: Well, it is a very handsome face :D
Alright, Marjan, sit down for the story of “Crystal Lights”, a masterpiece by me.
I think two years or so ago, I was in my Barbie movies phase, but can you blame me? These movies are superb. I haven’t watched the latests yet, but I need to.
So, what is the first thing I do the minute I obsess about something that’s not Klaine? Come up with a crossover with Klaine!
I did change some things from the Barbie storyline, but basically, the story was that Kurt’s a crystal fairy and so are his parents. They chose to live in the human world and closed their wings. After Kurt’s mom died, they didn’t have the power to open them again. Entering show boat Blaine Devon Anderson. 
After 3x05, Kurt’s wings open and he gets his magic back, and it’s around the same time Barbie: Mariposa & the Fairy Princess takes place, so with the help of Mariposa, Catania’s wings come back as well and the world starts to cross, since Kurt happens to have four nosy crystal fairy friends: Alicia, Viveca, Antonius, and Gwendolyn.
Basically, every fairy has their own special power (for Kurt it’s invisibility, I forgot the others) and an accompanying accesoire containing the fairy’s crystal lights.
Kurt’s special, since his wings are two-coloured and neither colour matches his crystal lights. He gives Blaine his one true love crystal light which will protect him from harmfull magic and wow, just writing all of this down takes me back.
Eventually, others get involved as well, since princess Catania reveals that there are more “human-fairies” in Lima.
Quinn is halfblood, so she has no special power, but she does have her crystal light ring.
One of Rachel’s dads is one.
Later, in New York, Kurt finds out that Isabelle and Adam are crystal fairies as well and for a long time, there’s not much of a story until BOOM BOOM HENNA (the antagonist from Barbie Mariposa) IS BACK WITH HER SKEETZIES AND SHE’S PLANNING ON TAKING OVER SHIMMERVALE SINCE HER COUP IN FLUTTERFIELD FAILED. All human-fairies transport to Shimmervale, but Blaine accidentally gets dragged along and the battle begins!
Blaine tries to hide, but he sees that the crystal fairies are weak, so together with princess Catania, he goes all Tangled. Catania magically grows all frying pans and they slam the enemies.
And well, that’s how far I got. (There’s also a lot of shit about Klaine breaking up, but getting together since their crystal lights shine together bla bla bla, and I remember that Kurt’s fairy friends were hilarious). I did plan on making Santana a butterfly fairy and that they’d all go to Glos Angeles with Rachel’s dads, but I guess it’s been “WIP” for years?
Wow, writing all of this made me laugh a lot. It really was more thorough than I remembered, but here ya go. This is a Klaine/Barbie crossover.
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whatstheproblembaby · 8 years
Fic: Stay With Me
Fairy!Klaine. Based off this art by @magicalplaylist.
Kurt has never experienced snow. This leads him to do something very stupid. ~3000 words (which was a mistake tbh), G, fluff and h/c and more fluff.
Blaine spread his arms and inhaled deeply, enjoying a rare day of Fall warmth in Ohio.
He then almost got dive-bombed by a migrating goose.
“Whoa! Not today, buddy,” he said from the shelter of a nearby shrub. “It’s too nice out for that.”
Once the goose stopped rustling through the branches of the shrub and flew off to reunite with its herd, Blaine emerged, grateful the motion of the branches hadn’t caused him to get pricked by any of the leaves. He’d seen the Big People barely even flinch when they accidentally got jabbed by one of the bushes, but for someone his size, a wound from a pricker bush could do some serious damage.
Blaine started heading for the edge of the Dalton grounds, where the woods were a little less well-maintained than they were at the front of the stately building. There were usually mushrooms growing in the more wild area, and he and his band were in need of a little more food in their stores before the winter hit. They should be safe, but after Trent had heard one of the students say an early snowstorm might be on its way, the Warblers knew they couldn’t be too careful.
“I hope the geese didn’t eat every - oh, good!” he said, clapping his hands together a couple of times when he reached the mushroom patch and saw that there was still plenty of food to be had. He started picking the mushrooms that looked small enough to carry yet big enough to be worth eating when he heard movement from behind him and whirled around to see-
“Excuse me,” another Little Folk said, waving a hand in greeting. “Were you planning on taking all of those?”
“N-no,” Blaine stuttered, startled - he’d never seen a Little Folk who wasn’t a member of his band before. On top of that, this new person was almost too good-looking to be real, with windswept brown hair and luminous blue eyes. “Only as much as I could carry back to Dalton.”
“Dalton?” the boy asked, looking confused. His wings fluttered behind him.
“The school,” Blaine said, gesturing toward the building. “My band and I - the Warblers - we live there.”
“You live in a human den?” the boy said, eyes widening. “But that can’t be safe!”
“They don’t notice us,” Blaine explained. “We stay out of sight in the kitchens, and we don’t take anything they’d miss. If anyone’s ever seen us, they haven’t told anyone else.”
“Be careful,” the boy said. “My people got chased out of a human den once when the Big People saw us and got afraid. We almost lost my dad to one who wanted to lock us up and study us.”
“That’s horrible,” Blaine said after a shocked exhale. “I’ll tell my friends to be on the lookout when I get back.”
The boy smiled. “And I’ll tell my people that there’s another group of us nearby.”
“Who can I tell them I met?” Blaine asked.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I hadn’t introduced myself. I’m Kurt.”
“Blaine.” Blaine stuck his hand out to grip Kurt’s forearm in greeting, lingering possibly a beat too long before releasing. “Do you need any help getting this food back to your people?”
“No, our burrow isn’t far from here - once I bring the first load back, I can find others to help me transport. But maybe we could pick mushrooms together?” Kurt asked, a small smile on his face.
“I’d like that,” Blaine said, grinning back. They worked together quietly for a moment before he asked, “Did you say you’d come from a human den?”
“Yes and no,” Kurt said, turning to face Blaine. “I was very young when we were forced out of that den. Ever since then, we’ve traveled throughout various forests trying to find the perfect one to live in. Our last few dens have all been too warm in the summer - that’s why we came here, where it’s cooler.”
“Just wait until winter,” Blaine joked, going back to his picking. “You’ll miss that heat soon enough.”
“Unlikely,” Kurt snorted cavalierly. “Those temperatures were awful - I can’t wait for it to get cold!”
“Have you ever experienced snow?” Blaine asked, a little concerned - Kurt didn’t seem to be taking winter as seriously as he and his Ohio-native band did.
“Nope! But I’ve heard stories,” Kurt said, bending over to pick more mushrooms. “They say it’s beautiful.”
“It can be, but it’s also dangerous if you’re not prepared.”
“We’ll be prepared,” Kurt said confidently. “There’s nothing my people and I can’t handle.”
“If you say so,” Blaine said mildly, not wanting to start a fight with a person he was already considering a new friend.
“I’m going to be the first one out to explore the snow,” Kurt said, sighing happily. “I bet it’s going to be magical.”
“The first snowfall is always special,” Blaine said, a half-smile forming on his face as he remembered past winters. “You just need to make sure you have plenty of food stored away by then, because there’s not a good way to get more once the snow comes, especially if you don’t live in a human den.”
“I appreciate the advice,” Kurt said. “I guess I’ll be spending the next few days exploring the woods to make sure we haven’t missed anything.”
“These mushrooms should grow back in about a week, maybe a little earlier if it rains,” Blaine said. “Feel free to come back here whenever you need - though I’d appreciate it if you left a few for us.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Kurt said, smiling. “I’d hate for my friend to starve.”
“Friend?” Blaine repeated, smiling back.
“If you’d like to be.”
“I’d like that very much.”
“Then I hope to see you soon, Blaine,” Kurt said, picking up an armload of mushrooms and propelling himself into the air. He hovered just above Blaine’s head.
“I’m sure we’ll meet again soon,” Blaine replied, taking a load for himself.
Five days later, Blaine stared out of the ventilation pipe near the Warblers’ den, concerned. The early snowstorm Trent had heard about was rearing its ugly head, and all Blaine could think about was the conversation he and Kurt had had before.
“He wouldn’t really have gone out there, would he?” Blaine whispered, watching the heavy flakes blanket the grounds. “I warned him. Twice, even!”
Kurt and Blaine had run into each other again a couple of days after their first meeting, both merely out exploring rather than on another supply run. They had ended up sitting and talking for hours in a secluded area in the Dalton gardens, sharing stories of their lives and experiences. Kurt had still been dead set on going out in the snow even after Blaine’s story about Wes almost losing his toes to frostbite, and the memory of the determination on Kurt’s face filled Blaine with fear.
“He’s stubborn, but he’s not stupid,” Blaine said, trying to convince himself. “Seeing how hard this stuff can come down would show him that he was better off staying inside.”
Unless he went out before it started snowing and got stuck, an unhelpful voice in the back of Blaine’s head chimed.
A shudder ran down Blaine’s spine.
“It didn’t start snowing until this afternoon,” he said. “If Kurt was out in the morning….”
Blaine forced himself to turn away from the window so he wouldn’t fixate on all the places Kurt could be stuck. He couldn’t hold out very long, but by the time he turned around, he noticed the storm was easing up.
“I’ve got to go after him,” Blaine said, running to find his warmest sweater and scarf. It still wasn’t as much protection as the weather warranted, but typically he and the Warblers didn’t go out in the snow for longer than it took to make a few snow angels and have a quick snowball fight. Heavier protection wasn’t necessary.
“Blaine?” David asked when they crossed paths on Blaine’s way out. “Where are you going?”
“I’m afraid Kurt went out before the storm hit and got trapped somewhere. I just need to be sure he’s safe,” Blaine said, securing his scarf around his neck.
“Tell me exactly where you’re going,” David said firmly. “I won’t stop you from going after Kurt, but if you also don’t make it back, I need to know where to look for you.”
“We’ve always met up by the mushroom patch,” Blaine said. “I’m going to start there and maybe check the edge of the forest, but I promise I won’t go in unless I actually hear Kurt’s voice.”
“You swear?”
“I swear,” Blaine said, looking David right in the eye.
“Good luck, then,” David said, clasping Blaine on the shoulder for a moment before letting him pass.
Blaine carefully slipped out the window above the kitchen sink, thankful that none of the Big People had noticed that it didn’t actually shut tightly. Once he was out, he jumped off the ledge outside the window into the snow with a muffled thud. The flakes were thick enough that Blaine didn’t sink very far into them as he walked, which was a small mercy - he knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything for Kurt if he couldn’t even walk properly.
Once he neared the mushroom patch, he started calling out for Kurt.
A nearly inaudible whine from the nearby brush made Blaine walk closer to the forest’s edge.
“Kurt?” Blaine ducked under a snow-bent sapling, hearing the noise again. “Kurt!”
Kurt was huddled against the trunk of the sapling, legs hugged to his chest and tucked as far under his tunic as they would go. His toes, fingers, and face were turning blue, while his limbs were alarmingly pale, even for Kurt’s naturally fair complexion.
“Blaine?” Kurt mouthed, soundless.
“We’ve gotta get you inside,” Blaine said, panic and alarm giving way to an instinctive sense of determination.
“Al-r-r-r-ight,” Kurt said, weakly pushing himself upright. He managed to get to his feet, but instantly started swaying when he tried to move away from the tree trunk.
“Whoa, whoa,” Blaine said, running over to steady Kurt. He hissed at the frigid feeling of Kurt’s skin. “I’ll carry you - except I don’t know how to navigate your wings-”
“Grab - below,” Kurt said, slowly wrapping his arms around Blaine’s neck.
“Below - like this?” Blaine said, crouching to cradle one arm beneath Kurt’s legs before straightening and placing the other at the base of his wings.
“Yes, okay,” Blaine said, getting the idea. “Hang on as tight as you can. I’ve got you.”
He gripped Kurt closely and set off, gritting his teeth. Dalton wasn’t that far away - he’d have Kurt safe and warm in no time.
Of course, Blaine wasn’t used to carrying another Little Folk, especially one that was actually slightly taller than he was. He had to slow down a little as the weight of Kurt grew heavier in his arms, but he refused to let himself stop, knowing the risk was too great if he did.
“Oh, crap,” Blaine said softly when the kitchen door was in sight. “How are we gonna get back in?”
“Mmm?” Kurt tried to raise his head, but Blaine shushed him gently.
“Rest, Kurt. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”
For me, on the other hand…, he thought wryly.
As he approached the door, though, he noticed that it seemed to be open just a crack - not very wide, but enough to let a Little Folk in.
“He’s back! They’re back!” Trent yelled once Blaine and Kurt were inside.
Wes, David, and Thad swiftly shut the door after them.
“Oh, he looks bad, Blaine,” Wes said, turning to face the pair. “Get him to the common room - I think there are still some embers burning from earlier.”
“Good idea,” Blaine said, setting off again. “Will someone bring my blankets down, too?”
“I’ve got them!” Nick said, running up beside him with an armload of fabric scraps. “We’re one step ahead of you.”
“You guys are amazing,” Blaine said gratefully.
“You care about Kurt, so we care about Kurt,” David said, shrugging a shoulder. “But we also don’t want to overwhelm him, so we’ll leave you two alone once you’re set up by the fire.”
Blaine nodded his understanding and kept walking.
“We think all of the humans have gone home for one of their school breaks, so you and Kurt should be safe to stay out here for a while,” Nick said once they reached the fireplace, depositing Blaine’s blankets in a heap on the bricks. “And we’re gonna try to come by every couple of hours or so in case you or Kurt need anything. We don’t want him to wake up alone somewhere unfamiliar - how scary would that be?”
“I don’t know how to thank you all,” Blaine said, placing Kurt gently on the bricks next to the blankets before clasping Nick’s elbow for a moment.
“Just help him get better,” Nick said. “We’ve all noticed you’ve seemed happier since you and Kurt met, even if it’s only been a few days. We don’t want you to lose that.”
He walked off before Blaine could respond, saving him from having to formulate a reply. How could he? Blaine knew he cared deeply for Kurt, but he wasn’t quite sure how to put those feelings into words just yet.
“Mmm...Blaine?” Kurt mumbled, stirring slightly.
“Hey, I’m here,” Blaine said, kneeling down beside Kurt. “You’re safe now. We’re back at Dalton.”
“Cold,” Kurt said, voice going whiny. “And my hands hurt.”
“We’ll take care of that,” Blaine said. He quickly grabbed his blankets and spread them over Kurt before burrowing under them himself, suddenly exhausted. “I’m going to be right here, okay? If you wake up before I do, just shake me?”
A snore from Kurt made Blaine think that Kurt probably hadn’t heard that message, but he figured Kurt would wake him eventually. He tucked Kurt’s head into his neck to ensure Kurt’s face would also warm up and drifted off to sleep, happy to have Kurt close.
Blaine grunted at the familiar voice but resisted waking, too cozy to acknowledge the real world.
When Blaine registered who was speaking, his eyes snapped open.
“Where are we?” Kurt asked, lifting his head off of Blaine’s chest a little to look around in curiosity.
“Dalton,” Blaine said. “I tried to tell you when we got back, but you must have been too out of it to understand.”
“This is Dalton? It’s beautiful,” Kurt said, awestruck. “But should we be out in the open like this?”
“We’re pretty sure the humans have left for a couple of weeks,” Blaine said, keeping Kurt pressed close to him even as he moved to sit upright. “Are you feeling warmer?”
“I’m warmer than I could have imagined,” Kurt said. “It may not have ever snowed where we used to live, but it still got chilly. I didn’t know it was possible to be this warm in winter.”
Kurt’s wonder at being warm in winter made Blaine’s heart clench - he’d never experienced cold so frequently that it became matter-of-fact to him, and he hated that Kurt had.
“Then stay here,” Blaine said, realizing he may have sounded a little more desperate than he would have preferred. “I mean, I don’t want to separate you from your people, but you definitely can’t go back out yet - Trent heard the storms were supposed to last all weekend. If you try to leave now, you’ll freeze, but even then...I don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t really want to go,” Kurt said, voice soft. “But I can’t leave my people forever.”
‘There’s room for them here!” Blaine said. “We made our den in the kitchen, but there are other rooms in this building that your people could use, or even other kitchens in other buildings if they really want their space. I know you ran into bad humans in the past, but we’ve been at Dalton for years now, and the girls of my people have been at their den for even longer, and no one has ever threatened us.”
“Wait, the girls of your people don’t live with you?” Kurt asked, nose scrunching.
“It’s been that way as long as I can remember - I don’t know why,” Blaine said, shrugging. “But I assure you, we’ve never run into bad humans here.”
“I don’t know,” Kurt said, considering. “I think some of our elders are too afraid of humans to ever want to live in one of their dens again. But I think the younger ones could be convinced, and my father, well….”
“Well?” Blaine repeated.
“He knows I’ve been happier than ever before since I met you,” Kurt said. “And he’ll be worried sick about me until I can make it home. If I tell him there’s a way for us to stay safe from the weather and be near each other, I think he’d be the first person to move in here.”
“So you’ll try to convince your people to come? I know I’ve been focusing on you, but I don’t want anyone else to get hurt by this weather, either,” Blaine said, squeezing Kurt’s hand.
Kurt let out a hiss. “Ow! But yes, I’ll talk to them as soon as it’s safe for me to go back.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you! Your skin will probably be tender for a little while as you warm up,” Blaine said, petting over Kurt’s hand in apology. “And I can go with you, if you’d like. Living proof, and all that.”
“I’ll always want you to be with me,” Kurt said, beaming at Blaine. “Especially if you can be with me under the blankets. I’m getting cold all over again.”
Blaine yanked the blankets back up over them swiftly. “You have no idea how scared I was when I found you,” he said, pulling Kurt close. “Please don’t do that to me ever again.”
“I don’t plan on it,” Kurt said, nuzzling into Blaine. “I still want to play in the snow, but I think I’ll wait until someone who’s actually experienced it before tells me it’s safe next time.”
“I think that can be arranged,” Blaine said happily.
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ipwarn · 8 years
Ok, so this is obvious but I'd like to hear all your thoughts about Glee
Hmm. I don’t know that one… 
Just kidding. 
my all-time ultimate fave character: 
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By which I mean Blaine Anderson (’s magical dancing arse) 
A character I didn’t used to like but now do:
I guess Finn. I remember watching the first episode when it aired and I enjoyed it but there were certain characters I really didn’t see the appeal of and he was at the top of the list. And then I didn’t watch again until season 4 and I think that’s when he truly found himself. The teaching storyline for him was so damn perfect and I wish, for more than one reason, that we could have gotten the full teacher!Finn experience. 
A character I used to like but now don’t: 
Mr Schue. As much as I tried to avoid hate posts about any of the characters the ones about Will Schuester won me over. Before I was ok with him, bordering on indifference but reading all the anti-Schue posts made me fully aware of his grossness. 
A character I’m indifferent about:
Oh so many. I guess Rory is a safe answer. (Elliott would be my less safe answer) 
A character who deserved better:
Hmmm. I mean Finn obviously. But other than that I guess I would say Tina because as hilarious as I found the recurring gag of her not being allowed to finish her songs I would have loved to hear her voice more. 
A ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Again, so many. But I think Kurt and Walter… that was just a little too odd. 
A ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Samcedes! Those bastards deserved the epic romance treatment that Klaine got. 
A cute, low-key ship:
Artie and Kitty. They were freaking adorable. 
An unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
Kadam. I will forever be disappointed we didn’t get more of that. I don’t care what anyone else said they were so cute together. 
A ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Easy - Puck and Shelby.
My favourite storyline/moment:
Blaine’s depression storyline will always have a special place in my heart. I always loved the boy but I had never really been able to see myself in him. Not until season 6 and that wonderful arc we got. 
Storyline that never should have been written:
This is one I struggle with the most because while I am not a Writer stan I am generally in favour of the writing decisions that were made on Glee. I really can’t think of something that I can just point at and say it shouldn’t have been done. 
My first thoughts on the show:
Huh. This is odd. 
My thoughts now:
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hkvoyage · 8 years
Fic: Butterfly Wings - Chapter 41
Story summary A fashion blog started at University launched Blaine Anderson’s fortune and fame. As Vogue’s new editor-in-chief, he is struggling to find an original angle for an upcoming issue. Kurt Hummel has recently arrived in New York City after finishing high school, and is having no luck building a musical theater career, so he decides to explore another passion of his: fashion. He applies for an internship at Vogue, and Isabelle sees in him the perfect fresh face to liven up the magazine, and convinces him to try out as a model. Kurt meets Blaine, and in spite of their 10-year age difference, sparks fly. Can they overcome misunderstandings and sabotage to find their happily-ever-after? Klaine model AU. Rating for this chapter: General (overall story is mature) Word count for this chapter: 4,262 Can also be read on A03 / FF Masterpost is here. The fantastic artwork produced by Cassie at @cc-graphics can be here.   Thank you to the amazing @lilyvandersteen for the beta work and support. ***** Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly. - AnonAugust Kurt wakes up to the smell of coffee brewing in the nearby kitchen. While Blaine is an early riser, he much prefers to sleep in. He stretches his arms over his head, then rolls to the side and hugs Blaine’s pillow. Last night’s sex was amazing, with Blaine worshiping every part of his body. It was sinfully slow and luxurious, and made him feel so loved. Kurt mentally goes over his plans for this evening’s surprise for Blaine. He hopes that tonight goes exactly how he wants it to go. He’s taking a chance, but Blaine is totally worth it. Kurt has thought of the grand romantic gestures that Blaine loves to do, but Kurt feels a little uncomfortable doing them himself. Blaine has always enjoyed the little things and moments in their relationship. Hopefully, this will be an extra one to put in the bank of memories to cherish.
“It’s an overcast day – there’s a 60% chance of rain,” Blaine says as he enters the bedroom with two mugs of coffee. He gives Kurt a kiss before climbing back into bed. “How about we explore the little towns nearby. I think everyone will be going to outlet mall and arcades in Lake George on day like this.” “That’s fine by me. I’ve planned a special dinner for tonight, so we have to be back by midafternoon so I can get it ready,” Kurt replies. They head to nearby Chestertown and browse in the small shops before going to the Main Street Ice-cream Parlor for a light lunch of soup and half a sandwich. They giggle at the food on display as they pay for the meal, and Blaine can’t resist buying Adirondack Moose Poo (chocolate covered raisins). They stop at the Crossroads Country Store on the way back, and buy soft ice-cream cones at the next-door kiosk. “Why don’t you head down to the lake, Blaine. Maybe take the boat out? Or do something that will get you out of here for a couple of hours.” “I didn’t think you’d want to get rid of me so quickly,” Blaine pouts. “I’ve got plans for tonight and I need to get ready. When you come back, take a shower downstairs.” “I think I’ll go for a long run and then a swim in the lake. I’ll see you later,” Blaine says as he heads to the bedroom to get changed. Once Blaine has left the log cabin, Kurt pulls out from the freezer the lobster bisque and peach pie that Amy made for him last week. He peels the potatoes and cuts them into fine slices before placing them in the casserole dish. Kurt whips up a salad with ingredients they have bought from the local farmer’s market. Kurt consults his tablet and makes the marinade and sauce for the main course. When all is under control in the kitchen, he pulls out two bags from the spare bedroom’s closet and sets things up. When Kurt is satisfied with the result, he rummages around in the bedroom’s chest of drawers and pulls out smart casual clothes for Blaine to wear. He places these in the downstairs shower room and makes sure Blaine has everything he needs for when he gets back. Kurt heads back upstairs and takes a long, hot shower. He gets dressed in his preselected outfit - shorts, button-up casual shirt and scarf. He spends even more time than usual on his hair. When he heads to the main room, Kurt can hear Blaine’s footsteps down below. Once Kurt hears the shower on, he turns on the heat in the oven and heads toward the main area to wait for Blaine. ***** Blaine slowly climbs up the stairs, wondering what’s in store for the evening. The only light in the room are an endless number of candles, covering most surfaces. However, what captures Blaine’s attention are the tabletop picture frames now on display. Blaine walks around the room slowly, examining each frame. Most display photos of Kurt and himself – at the Brooklyn Flea Market, at the Tony Awards Ceremony, at the Vogue staff party, chatting at the Hamilton photo shoot, at the baseball game with Burt, and in the hammock on Governors Island. Blaine giggles when he sees the selfie Kurt took when they were in the bubble bath in LA. Blaine’s eyes tear up thinking of all the good times they have had together. He can’t wait to for more memories and photos. Blaine sees two additional frames that contain something that aren’t photos, so he moves over and picks the first one up. It contains their bucket list, handwritten in beautiful calligraphy. The last frame contains a water color picture of two butterflies. “Did you paint this, Kurt?” “Yeah, I did. I’ll tell you about it later. The first course is ready.” Blaine moves to the table and notices it has candles as well. Always the gentleman, Blaine pulls out Kurt’s chair for him to sit down. Blaine loves the lobster bisque, and he can tell that this was made by Amy, but he’s not going to let on to Kurt that he knows. Jazz music is softly playing in the background, and they chat about what they’ll do during their last couple of days in the Adirondack mountains. “It’s going to take a little time for the next course, Blaine. Have a seat on the couch and relax.” Kurt takes a platter that contains two New York strip steaks that have been soaked in his special marinade and heads off to the balcony. After a couple of minutes, Blaine can hear Kurt cursing, so he goes outside to see what’s happening. There is Kurt, bent over the BBQ, trying to figure out how the gas cylinder turns on. When Kurt looks up, his cheeks are tinged pink. “You and my dad make this look so easy. I can’t figure out how to turn on the gas grill.” Blaine chuckles and swiftly moves toward the grill. He turns the tap on the top of the gas cylinder, opens the grill hood, and then presses the igniter button. Soon flames can be seen underneath the cooking grate, and Blaine closes the hood whilst it’s heating up. “Why don’t I cook the steaks, while you get everything else ready?” Blaine offers. “I wanted to do everything by myself, to make it a special night for you.” “We’re a team. It’s always a special night when we work together.” “That cheesy line just earned you the title of chief BBQ griller. I’ll head back into the kitchen.” Blaine hums to himself as he cooks the steaks, stringing musical notes into a new tune. He feels so inspired to compose new music when he’s with Kurt like this. When the steaks are ready, he cuts them into strips and returns to inside, and places the platter onto the table. “Mmm. Gratin potatoes. They’re my favorite,” Blaine exclaims, licking his lips. They eat the steaks with the béarnaise sauce Kurt prepared earlier, and the conversation is light and easy. When they’ve finished, Kurt takes their plates to the kitchen. Blaine quickly follows and helps him stack the dishwasher and tidy things up. “I’m stuffed. I thought we could wait a while for dessert,” Kurt suggests. “Good idea. I couldn’t eat another thing right now. Why don’t we head to the balcony and watch the last of the sunset?” Blaine replies. “I’ll meet you there in a minute.” Blaine refills their glasses and sits out on the deck, enjoying the cool gentle breeze that is coming off the lake. “I have a present for you,” Kurt says when he walks onto the balcony. Kurt moves a chair so that he is sitting directly in front of Blaine. Blaine lights up when he hears those magic words, and Kurt deposits a small box wrapped in paper decorated with hand-painted butterflies in his lap. He carefully unwraps the present, being careful not to rip the paper. Inside, there’s a box that is the perfect size to hold a ring. Blaine’s heart starts to race - could it be? When he opens the box, he sees a small blob of molten silver with a gem stone half sticking out. “This is my promise ring to you. I came up with a beautiful design, I found the perfect piece of amber that matches the color of your eyes, I spent hours creating the setting, and then when I was soldering the amber onto a ring band, I used too much heat, and the whole thing melted into the blob that you see.” “It’s the thought that counts, Kurt,” Blaine reassures. “I’m glad you said that, Blaine. At the time, I was beside myself when the promise ring became a huge disaster. When I was in the subway on the way to Tiffany’s to buy a proper ring, I had this blob in my hand and was rolling it around in my palm and it became deliciously warm. When I got out of the subway, I went to the nearby park to think. The more than I thought about it, the more I realized that this ring symbolizes my promise to you. The blob is smooth in most places, like our relationship is most of the time. But it’s a little sharp where the amber peeks out. There will always be bumpy times in the future, and I promise you that I will make the time to really listen to you and work things out. The blob heats up if you give it attention. I promise to love you and do both big and little things to keep you feeling warm inside. If we’re going to make it in the long haul, we’ll need to be brave enough to take chances and experience new things. This blob is a reminder that things don’t always work out, but I promise you that I will always be there to catch you if you fall. I promise to do silly simple things with you and keep our bucket list fresh and interesting. You’re my best friend, and I love spending time with you. Lastly, I promise that I love you and that I’m committed to the same long-term vision as you – marriage, family, and doing what matters to us. We’ll go at the pace that feels right for both of us, but we’ll get there in the end.” Blaine cups Kurt’s face in his hands and leans in to give him a kiss. Blaine pours every ounce of his love into the kiss. Blaine didn’t believe it was possible, but now he loves Kurt even more. “I’m going to lose it right now – that was so beautiful. I need one of your hugs.” Kurt stands up and holds out his arms. Blaine quickly rushes into them. With Kurt’s warm body against his, Kurt’s strong arms wrapped around him, Blaine feels like he can do anything. Eventually, Blaine pulls away from Kurt and they head back inside. Blaine looks at Kurt’s watercolor painting of the two butterflies in the frame. “I love this painting, Kurt. I’m going to keep it on the night table on my side of our bed. God, I love thinking that it’s our bed in our place.” “Go have a seat and I’ll make some coffee. There’s a story about the painting.” Kurt heads to the kitchen and brews the coffee while slicing two pieces of peach pie. There’s still one part of his plan that he needs to execute. He returns to the main room and sits down on the couch, barely touching his slice of peach pie. “When I was in Lima in May, on the first warm day, I headed out to the backyard in the afternoon to sketch fashion designs, and I spotted two butterflies. I couldn’t stop watching them. They would flutter close together and then fly away from each other, but never too far apart. Sometimes one would soar high, and at other times, one would dip a little low, but they would always come back to each other. Sometimes they would land on a flower and stay still for a minute, then they would flutter their wings and fly again. It seemed like a dance that they knew so well.” Blaine places his empty dessert plate on the nearby table. “I get what you’re trying to tell me. That I should take the risk with my songwriting. That I should focus on what makes me happy. I want to be like you and really go for it – go for my dreams. But what if I’m not good enough? What if it doesn’t work out? Music is a tough business to get into.” “I know you, and this is a side of you I don’t get to see very often… You’re scared. But, sweetie, I believe in you. You have a musical gift, and it wouldn’t be right to let you hide that away.” “But what if I fail?” Blaine asks in a small voice. “Then you’ll pick yourself up and try again. I can’t predict what will happen in the future, but remember my promise to you earlier. I can’t stop you from failing, but I can promise to make it safe if you do.” “I love how you get me, Kurt. I love how you’re there to support me.” “You don’t know how much you’ve changed my life since the first day I met you, Blaine. You’ve given me courage to try new things. I’m so glad that I found someone who I know will always be 100% behind me, whether I soar or drop to the ground. Blaine… Now it’s your turn to fly.” ***** After they spend time waking up in the most delicious way, they put on their swimming trunks and gather up beach supplies. They cross the small street at the front and fifty yards ahead is the lake. The private lakefront has a picnic table and a small dock with a motorboat. “Let’s take a spin on the boat,” Blaine suggests as he rushes over the deck. “Are you thinking fishing or waterskiing?” Kurt asks, handing over the motor key. “Neither. I want to feel the rush of air on my face one last time before we leave tomorrow.” They climb into the boat and Blaine starts up the engine. They circle the lake a few times and take in its natural beauty. “This is the life,” Blaine sighs when they stop in the center of the lake, spotting the families swimming along the shore and a few fishing boats at the lake’s western end. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to sail, but I never got around to it.” “It’s not too late, Blaine. I’m putting it on our bucket list. Maybe on our next vacation, we can go someplace where we can take sailing lessons together.” “You’d do it with me?” Blaine asks. “Sure, why not? I’ve never thought of sailing before, but I can totally get behind an activity that shows off your naked chest.” “It’s all about the naked chest, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll wear a Speedo while I’m at it,” Blaine jokes. “Don’t say things like that unless you mean them, mister,” Kurt growls as his eyes darken. “It’s more about the smile, you know. You have this special smile when you’re really happy,” “I don’t want to go back to New York City tomorrow,” Blaine says wistfully. “It’s a concrete jungle full of busy self-important people, noisy streets and dirt. I’ve really enjoyed the nature and being close to the water this week.” “If you pursue music, there’s nothing to say that we have to live in New York City.” “We’ll have to be in New York City for at least four more years until you graduate FIT.” “FIT does have a two-year program in jewelry design. I’ve looked into it and with my high school AP credits, the courses in Paris, and working at Bellerose Boutique… If I take a full load during the summer, I could graduate with an associate degree by December next year.” “Kurt, you told me that when you were growing up in Lima, your dream was always to live in New York City. I can’t take that away from you. Besides, what would Tiffany’s do without Kurt Hummel as their lead designer?” Blaine says as he nudges Kurt. “Dreams change, or at least they evolve. The reason I wanted to move to New York City was to live in a place that was accepting of me. But there’s lots of places in this world that are accepting of gay couples. And for the record, I don’t want to be Tiffany’s lead designer. That would be a job with long hours, stress, and high-profile events. Just think of it, Blaine. We would have PAs coordinating our schedules to fit in a date night every once in a while. Our children would be taken care of by a nanny and Bentley would drive them to and from an exclusive private school each day. When they’d get home, they would be greeted by Amy, and a tutor would arrive to help them with their homework. There wouldn’t even be time for regular Friday night dinners! On vacations, we would go to openings of new Monarch Houses, all smartly dressed for photo opportunities.” Kurt wrinkles his nose. “Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like that vision of the future.” “Neither do I,” Blaine agrees. “So maybe we should talk about how we envision our lives in ten years’ time.” “You’re right, Kurt. I can see that if we stay in New York City, our lives could get out of control and we wouldn’t focus on the things that are important to us. With so many changes in our dreams, can we call it a ‘work in progress’ and figure out where it would be best for us to live and raise a family the way we want to?” “I like the ‘work in progress’ idea, Blaine. We don’t have to figure out everything in a week. I think we both have a lot of things to think about and discuss for our future.” ***** Blaine is awake at 6 a.m. and quietly climbs out of bed to use the bathroom. He closes the bedroom door to let Kurt sleep in before their drive back to New York City. He heads to the kitchen and brews a pot of coffee, and slices a slither of leftover peach pie. Hopefully, Kurt won’t notice. Once Blaine has poured himself a mug of coffee, he heads to the balcony to watch the sunrise over the lake. This vacation has been more than Blaine could ever dream of. He’s had so much fun with Kurt at Schroon Lake, whether it’s been boating, swimming or exploring the area. And the sex has been freaking fantastic as well. However, the times Blaine liked best was when they spoke honestly with each other…about their future. Blaine knows that Kurt is right – something big has to change in his life. Kurt’s version of the future without making any changes in their lifestyle is quite frankly frightening. Blaine already resents the events he attends with Isabelle – they cut into his personal time, which he would rather spend with Kurt. And while he enjoys being Vogue’s editor-in-chief, it’s starting to get samey. He needs a new challenge and new dreams. He’s been offered the unique opportunity to write songs for Marley Rose’s debut album with SONY Records. He recently received the first royalty check for ‘Butterfly Wings’ and the sales are still steady. He’s got money saved up in case something happens, and maybe he should use it to take a chance. Blaine mulls over the interview he gave for Vogue’s June issue. He was very clear about what mattered to him – music, staying healthy, helping others, challenges, and dreams. But the most important item was love – love for a man and love for his family. Even though Kurt is ten years younger than him, Blaine feels that Kurt is the wiser one in their relationship. Kurt was brave enough this week to lay everything on the table. The commitment to live together and share a long-term future. To accept new challenges in pursuing jewelry design. To be willing to leave New York City if that’s what it takes to make their version of family life come true. When Blaine feels a gentle hand on his shoulder, he looks up and sees an adorable Kurt with messy sleep hair. This is the man that he wants to spend his life with. This is the man he wants to have a future with. Blaine puts down his coffee mug and says, “I’m ready to fly.” ***** Two months later “I feel great, Dad. It feels right,” Blaine says into his phone. “Are you sure you and Kurt don’t want to come to Ohio this weekend? Get away from New York City?” “No, we’ll be okay. Kurt and I are still planning to come to Ohio for Thanksgiving. Has Burt accepted your invitation yet?” “Burt and I have got it all planned. Burt is picking you two up from the Dayton airport. Cooper arrives half an hour later and then everyone’s coming here. Burt will stay for Thanksgiving and we’ll all go to Lima the next day, after Kurt has done his Black Friday shopping, of course. On Saturday, we’ll head to the Monarch House in Lima for the opening.” Blaine looks up and sees Unique with her make-up bag. “I gotta go, Dad. I’ll call you over the weekend.” When the phone call ends, someone unexpected enters the room. “Blaine, I’m really proud of what you’re about to do. Good luck,” Unique says. Blaine is in a small room outside the ballroom at the Carlyle Hotel, waiting to for someone to tell him that everything’s ready. “I didn’t expect to see you today, Unique.” “Did you think I would send you out there without Unique’s special brand of magic?” she retorts. “Well… Can you help me with my hair? Kurt is pretty good at it but I’m sure you can make it look even better.” Unique fusses over his hair, muttering about how she’ll have to spend time with Kurt to perfect his efforts with enhancing Blaine’s curls. She takes out make-up powder and starts brushing it on Blaine’s face… sniffling. “Don’t you dare cry, Unique. If I see one tear, I’m going to lose it.” “Unique doesn’t get over-emotional about her fantastic boss and close friend. The powder must have landed in my eyes.” Blaine pulls up his arm and gives her a gentle squeeze on her shoulder. Blaine goes through his speech in his head, making sure he remembers all the points he wants to cover. Blaine looks up and smiles when he sees Kurt walk into the room. Kurt is wearing the exact same suit that he wore for the Tony Award Ceremony – the black Dsquared2 jacquard camouflage blazer that Blaine loves so much. “Nervous?” Kurt asks. “Not at all. I feel surprisingly calm. I know this is right for me – right for us.” “I’m going to head into the ballroom then. I’ll meet you after the press conference.” Kurt pulls Blaine into a searing passionate kiss before leaving the room. After a few minutes, Blaine hears the call that everything’s ready. He takes a deep breath and looks into the mirror. Blaine is wearing the exact same Armani suit that he wore when he met Kurt eighteen months ago. I’m ready too. Blaine walks onto the small stage set up and finds his place on the podium. There are board members sitting on both sides, as well as Anna Wintour and Isabelle Wright. It takes a few minutes for Blaine’s eyes to adjust to the bright lights and the flashing cameras. When he feels ready, Blaine starts to speak. “Thank you for coming today. Earlier this week, I tendered my resignation as Vogue’s editor-in-chief to the Board of Directors. I’ve enjoyed working at Vogue, and the challenges and opportunities it has given me. However, I have new goals, new dreams, and new opportunities I wish to pursue. These are not related to the fashion industry, but are more personal in nature. My resignation will be effective at the end of this month, but I’ll be working at Vogue on a part-time basis for the next twelve months. This will give me sufficient time to hand over the Vogue reigns to Isabelle Wright.” As Blaine continues on about Isabelle’s achievements, press kits available and the like, he glances around to seek out Kurt in the audience and finds him in the last row. They’ve spent the last two months talking about their plans. The penthouse has been put up for sale and they’ll rent a more modest apartment until Kurt graduates FIT. In the meantime, Blaine will work part-time at Vogue in order to keep some income flowing in. They’ll regularly reassess their plans as Kurt decides what to do in jewelry design and Marley Rose’s debut album is released. At the end of his speech, Blaine’s eyes lock with Kurt’s – they are full of love, warmth, hope, and promises. When Kurt jumps up to be the first to applaud him, Blaine notices the butterfly brooch attached to his lapel. Blaine thinks that he’s like a butterfly - growing and changing and finding his true colors in life. Author notes Although there’s still the epilogue to go, I want to take a moment to thank @lilyvandersteen from the bottom of my heart for being my beta. Without her, this story would simply not be. Some authors just need a beta to correct typos and grammar, but I needed SO much more. It’s really hard to draft a 200k+ word story before posting the first chapter, particularly for a novice writer like me. She contributed fantastic ideas as I was plotting the story. She read the draft chapters as I was writing, giving me her feedback with flaws in the story’s logic and characters’ behaviors, and cheering me on when it was going well. She helped me figure out the best way to solve problems when the plot didn’t work as I expected. She then reread every single chapter after I polished them up and corrected my grammatical flaws. She did a second beta review for certain chapters that I fine-tuned based upon your feedback. You cannot begin to imagine the amount of time she has spent on this story. On top of all this, she has a full-time job, young children and writes her own Klaine fic. Her time management skills are impressive. Most importantly, she was my personal cheerleader when I thought I couldn’t do it. Writing a multi-chapter creative story was a personal goal for me, and I could never have done it without her help. Along the way, I made a friend who I admire so very much. I don’t think that I’ve ever had a friend who has supported me quite like she has. She’s simply amazing. I thank you Lilyvanadersteen <3 <3 <3. Next up:  the Epilogue.
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