#magic battle
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currie-a · 9 months ago
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trexalicious · 6 months ago
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vkusnyy-kofeek · 4 months ago
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Sukuna done
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catluniscia · 8 months ago
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So I mentioned I am a fan of the Runaways from marvel right? Can you guess my fave character of the Runaways was Nico Minoru? also Gertrude "Gert" Yorkes but lets focus on Nico right now. I thing I hybridized a lot of her iconic looks into something. I just wanna do cool action magic stuff man!
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deadwasteland-dazaisfan · 1 year ago
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Can someone explain why half the world is in love with these stupid assholes (daily reminder that they don't exist, the maximum they are is a drawing, animation or AT LEAST a piece of paper)
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voraciousartistry · 10 months ago
“I am the last of my kind, who are you to judge my actions?!” Lecra roared. The grip on his gavel tightening as his seemingly calm demeanor was quickly eroded away by an unrelenting rage. 
“I am the last Drah Ci’an, I survived the purge, the fall of my people, I alone was spared the destruction of my race.” His words filling with vitriolic hatred for the one standing before him, his own arcana spilling out in great waves, what had been a mist of light rain was now walls of near solid rain and ice. 
The soldiers were starting to falter, it was clear none had the fortitude or the constitution to withstand such an onslaught of arcana. Slowly they started backing away, some still firing their rifles at the walls of ice that encroached on them. And yet, their weakness only further enraged the towering ancient. How could such a pathetic species have replaced his mighty people. 
“I spared you out of pity.”
Lecra’s eyes widened sharply. The voice was emotionless, not cold but there was no feeling behind it, as though the person speaking barely accepted him as another sentient being.
Standing before him was a sight that he thought long buried. The long dark purple hair covering her right eye, her violent magenta eyes looking toward the soldiers. Her purple coat swaying gently in the chamber as the blade on her hip sat motionless. But the sight that shook him  the most was the dark purple tail that slinked out from under her coat, ending in a large sting. The soldiers behind her seemed to understand this was their cue to leave and slowly retreated out the many exits.
“You, you’re not possible.” Lecra stuttered as the woman stood. It was simply not possible for this creature to be before him, she was a memory, a terrible nightmare that haunted his dreams. How could she be standing before him?
“Yes now I see. You’re an illusion. One of those soldiers must have cast a human spell that shows my deepest fears.” Manic laughter filled the chamber as Lecra started to lose not only composure but all sense of reality.
Her head turned gently toward him, eyes glowing faintly.
“It’s clear that was a mistake.”
The chamber rocked as she unleashed her Arcana, Lecra’s waves of ice were instantly obliterated as a wall of dark magenta energy lashed out in all directions, tearing through the ancient stone as though it were paper. Looking toward his feet, the workings of a new arcana field had taken shape, his own field was nowhere to be seen, whether erased or consumed by hers there was no way to know. 
She hadn’t moved, she wasn’t even casting a spell, this was just her surface level arcana, she hadn’t actually done anything yet. This single thought sent a spike of fear through the now terrified Lecra. 
“Do you know why I chose them?”
As more of the chamber began to disintegrate, Lecra summoned what was left of his power, the Arcana storage below pumping out whatever remained of the stolen energy. If he could hold her back he might be able to escape, he would live, if only just.
A thunderous explosion rocked the chamber, a distinct blue glow appearing to rupture from under the stone floor, quickly becoming a gout of arcane energy that launched toward the chamber's ceiling. The woman smiled as she darted toward him, her blade drawn. Her arcana field was now tangible as it seared his flesh, his eyes wincing at the stinging pain. His power, or what was left of it, disappeared as the arcana storage vessels below ruptured one after the other sending more erupting gouts of glowing blue energy into the chamber.
“When hope is lost and they stare into oblivion. It’s the abyss that blinks first.”
She was right on him, her blade, the infamous Empires Oblivion drawn and ready to end his existence. As his strength withered under the relentless arcane assault forced against him, he roared and swung his gavel. If he could just stagger her.
In an instant she was gone, vanished from view. A shift in the magenta field drew his sight upward. He froze. Her wings glinted in the still erupting blue energy, her massive tail with the nightmarish sting swayed gently behind her. Floating deftly above ready to erase him was her, Miasta, the First Empress of the Drah Ci’an Empire.
He couldn’t let this be it, he had to survive, she wasn’t a Drah Ci’an anymore, he was the only one. He needed to run. As he turned, his vision went black as she dropped from above, her blade carving through him. Her voice calm, as though whispering on the wind.
“Hear the world ending.”
The chamber vanished in a violent magenta and shadowy inferno, the stonework disappearing as the sheer force of her power rent it from reality. A spherical blast stretching out, obliterating everything in its path as dozens of dark spikes of arcana launched from all directions, shattering the sky above, the world seeming to quake as the entire valley was ripped apart. 
Miasta’s arcana field lashed out across the continent, every person capable of sensing the magical power froze outright or shuddered in terror. Such a release of arcana was the equivalent of a star being born dozens of times over. Even those unable to sense the arcana stared in fear at the growing light show that pierced the sky above. A Skyship Captain would later testify that the Arcana field covered half the continent, the brilliant magenta glow lighting up the darkened night as tears in reality spread across the sky, waves of energy ramming his craft and threatening to capsize it. Through each tear never before seen stars and even other worlds were clearly visible as reality was broken and then remade over and over again.
The First Arch Magus, once thought to be the oldest living being on the continent noted down on that night that the world had once again borne witness to the force that erased the ancients.
Had this in my head a while, might refine it later.
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darcoslofrey · 4 months ago
Часть, 4. Невозможности. *В-ту-же секунду «Индра» поспешно развернулась назад, и посмотрела на то места где был «Спард» когда его ударила молния, но его там уже не было. На земле был след от удара молнии но правее как будто его просто отбили силой в сторону, черный дым от молнии медленно поднимался вверх по земле и обгорелым листьям да травам.
*В-следующие мгновения произошло то что никто не мог ожидать, «Спард» Оказался сзади «Индры» и сказал следующее пред тем как что-то сделать. Зрачки «Спард-а» Сияли желтым при лучах солнца, а волосы развивались из-за ветра, выражение лица было серьезным да суровым.*
Еще одна мразь, что думает о себе слишком много.
*В-туже секунду глаза «Индры» резко сузились от шока, и от буйных потоков мыслей в своей голове от паники в эту секунду. Она снова развернулась. В-эту секунду встретила грудью лезвия огромного меча «Спард-а» Меч легко разрезал ее кожу, и даже сломал несколько ребер отбросив ее далеко назад прямо в-печатав в-Землю. Создав при этом кратер от сильного удара грохотом в землю.* *«Спард» Держал свой огромный меч после удара, меч свисал вниз на землю, и в-то время его и так растрепанная броня в торсе порвалось до конца, из-за попаданий молнии и сильных ударов. Его мускула да кожа были уже видны глазам, бледная как у мертвых людей кожа, но при этом золотые зрачки глаз да волосы, все это было странным в-сочетании. «Спард» отбил удар молнии «Индры» своим огромным мечом в право от того его правая рука была слегка повреждена от молний и его меч в некоторых местах черного железа даже дымился. удерживая меч в-правой руке, «Спард» поднял голову посмотрев на «Отца»*
*«Отнц-Спард-а» был сильно Шокирован такому, ведь молнии «Индры» были способны повалить даже сильнейших из мира-всего. Но «Спард» смог яростным гневом просто отбить молнии в-сторону своим огромным мечом, конечно при этом получив заряд молнии в последствии в правую руку что как-раз и держал меч в момент отбивания. Но все-равно это было настолько невозможно для «Спард-а» что было просто странно, то что он вообще стоит, да еще и смог атаковать «Индру» с такой скоростью и силой. «Отец» Хмурясь говорит не-понимая откуда у него такая сила* Невероятно. Похоже этот меч может сделать тебя сильнее лишь по твоей не скончаемся стальной воле и решимости.. Страшное оружие даже против Индры или меня.. Где-же ты его смог вообще найти?
*«Спард» Не пожелал размениваться бессмысленными словами решив ринуться в бой, пока он все-еще в состоянии стоять или махать своим мечом. Рывком «Спард» оказался пред своим «Отцом» Атаковав его махом меча в папытке задеть его, но «Отец-Спард-а» легко пред-угадал нападение, лишь маленьким движением он увернулся от меча и ответно ударил «Спард-а» кулаком в лицо, от чего магический взрыв последовал за ударом отбросив «Спард-а» Но «Отец» увидел шанс в в нападении и не стал терять этот шанс, он почти исчез и появился пред «Спард-ом» что на столько это было быстро, «Спард и понять нечего не успел как град магических атак стали поражать его тело один за другим, сознание ели теплилось в голове. «Отец» Атаковал как мог пытаясь вырубить «Спард-а» но вдруг к «Спард-у» в голову пришла идея и звучало оно так:* Почему я терплю? Больно… Хочу отдохнуть, поесть, и расслабить…. Кажется я вот-вот потеряю сознание… Монстры, как вообще с-такими сражаться?…Нет-нет-нет! Хватит этой чуши и бреда. Я могу. Я смогу. Я сделаю это, Я ОДОЛЕЮ ВСЕХ НА СВОЕМ ПУТИ!!
*Глаза «Спарда» не просто загорелись жаждой победы, и золотым цветом, а засияли как и волосы. Раны «Спард-а» резко закрылись усилием мускулов все до единого но не излечились. «Спард» с огромной мощью махнул мечом не замечая шквал атак «Отца» все-равно ужарив отца и вдолбив его в-землю. «Отец» Чуть сразу не потерял сознание но смог удержаться, из рта хлынула кровь, а рана на торсе от удара резко открылось и оттуда тоже хлынула кровь брызнув в стороны. Зрачки «Отца» на секунду потускнели потеряв красный цвет на мгновение, они уже не сияли так ярко как всегда. А «Спард» Еще раз замахнулся держа огромный меч уже двумя руками за рукоять огромного меча, и в его глазах читалось только жажда победы и ярость коему не было границ…*
Part, 4. Impossibility. *In the same second, "Indra" hastily turned back and looked at the place where "Spard" was when it was struck by lightning, but it was no longer there. There was a trace of a lightning strike on the ground, but on the right, as if it was simply knocked off by force to the side, the black smoke from the lightning slowly rose up the ground and burned with leaves and grasses.
*In the following moments, something happened that no one could have expected, "Spard" was behind "Indra" and said the following than to do something. Spard's pupils glowed yellow in the sun's rays, and the hair developed because of the wind, the facial expression was serious and harsh. *
Another scum that thinks about himself too much.
*In the same second, "Indra"'s eyes narrowed sharply from shock and from violent streams of thoughts in her head from panic at this second. She turned around again. At that second, I met my chest with the blade of a huge sword "Spard" The sword easily cut her skin and even broke several ribs, throwing it far back right into the seal in the ground. At the same time creating a crater from a strong impact on the ground with a rumble. * *"Spard" Held his huge sword after the blow, the sword hung down to the ground, and at that time his already disheveled armor in the torso torso tore to the end, due to lightning strikes and strong blows. His muscles and skin were already visible with eyes, pale, like dead people's skin, but at the same time golden eyes and hair, all this was strange. "Spard" repelled the lightning strike of "Indra" with his huge sword to the right from the fact that his right hand was slightly damaged by lightning, and his sword in some places of black iron even smoked. with the sword in his right hand, "Spard" raised his head, looking at the "Father"*
*"Otnz-Spard-a" was greatly shocked by this, because the lightning of "Indra" was able to overthrow even the strongest of the world. But "Spard" was able to simply beat the lightning aside with his huge sword with fierce anger, of course, while receiving a lightning charge in the subsequent right hand, which was holding the sword at the time of beating. But still it was so impossible for "Spard" that it was just strange that he was standing at all, and even able to attack "Indra" with such speed and strength. "Father" says frowning, not understanding where he got such strength* Unbelievable. It seems that this sword can make you stronger only by your endless steel will and determination.. A terrible weapon even against Indra or me.. Where could you even find him?
*"Spard" I wouldn't want to exchange meaningless words, I decided to fight while he is still able to stand or swing his sword. The "Spard" rush was in front of his "Father" Attacking him with a swing of a sword in the paddant to hit him, but "Father-Spard" easily guessed the attack, only with a small movement he turned away from the sword and hit "Spard" in the face with his fist, from which the magic explosion followed the blow by throwing "Spard" But the "Father" saw a chance in the attack and did not lose this chance, he almost disappeared and "Spard" appeared in front of the front that it was so fast, "Spard and could not understand anything as the hail of magical attacks began to hit his body one by one, consciousness ate warmth in his head. "Father" Attacked as best he could, trying to knock out "Spard" but suddenly an idea came to "Spard" and it sounded like this:* Why do I tolerate it? It hurts... I want to rest, eat and relax... I think I'm about to lose consciousness... Monsters, how to fight such people at all? ... No, no, no! Enough of this nonsense and nonsense. I can. I can do it. I'll do it, I'LL WIN EVERYONE ON MY WAY!!
*Spard's eyes were not just tanned with a thirst for victory and golden color, but shone like hair. Spard's wounds abruptly closed with the effort of muscles, but did not heal. "Spard" waved his sword with great force, not noticing the flurry of attacks "Father" still stinged his father and hammered him into the ground. "Father" Almost immediately lost consciousness, but was able to resist, blood flowed from the mouth, and the wound on the torso from the blow suddenly opened and from there also spoured blood to the sides. The "Father"'s eyes faded red for a second for a moment, they no longer shone as brightly as always. And "Spard" once again swung, holding a huge sword with two hands behind the hand of a huge sword, and in his eyes you could read only a thirst for victory and rage, which had no boundaries... *
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ta-teufel · 4 months ago
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Early Access is up on Patreon and the Inkverse App! Magic battle incoming~! Will Azar and Maya rescue Diana in time? Join my Patreon and get early access to the comic, WIP, and behind-the-scenes sketches.
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mysticalbookkeeper · 9 months ago
Lilac was walking through the woods on the island. She was trying to find answers about how she was pulled here and how to escape. She walked up to a lake and saw someone standing on the other side. It was hard to see, but it looked like a man wearing a top hat.
“Hey! Hey!” She called, running towards him. Maybe he could provide the answers she needed?
As she ran, the man looked up and he vanished. Lilax screeched to a halt.
“Whoa! Where’d he go?”
She looked around, but found no one. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked and saw no one. She felt another tap on her shoulder.
Lilac whipped around and saw no one again.
“Okay, whoever is doing that, knock it off! It’s not funny!” Sajd Lilac. She heard a chuckle, before it abruptly stopped and she looked up. She was surprised.
The same man from before was floating above her, smiling behind his hands. Lilac folded her arms and rose an eyebrow.
“Ah, I see. You were the one behind that.” Said Lilac.
“Guilty.” Said the man. He floated down onto his feet.
“So, you know magic?” Asked Lilac. “Er—I mean, I’m Lilac, nice to meet you.” She said, holding her hand out. The man took her hand and shook it. An immediate buzz coursed through her and she jumped.
“Ha! The old buzzer. Always a classic.” Said the man.
He then tipped his hat towards Lilac.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m Id. The most dastardly villain on all the island. And lucky you, you ran right into me! You’re obviously a new face ‘round these parts. Did you get pulled here by a giant portal, dumping your butt onto the hard dirt?” Asked Id.
“Ah…how’d you know?” Asked Lilac.
“You still have grass on your face.”
Lilac rubbed at her face and looked in the shallow water of the lake to make sure all the grass was off. Id laughed behind her.
“Gotcha! I’m just kidding kiddo. That’s how everyone arrives here.” Said Id.
“W…what? How do you know?” Asked Lilac. Then an idea hit her.
“Wait! If you know how I got on this island, you must know for a way for me to return home, right?!” Asked Lilac. Id looked her up and down, seeming to decide what to say. His grin faltered when he looked at her desperate face.
“Ahh…this is rather awkward, isn’t it? I mean, you’ve barely seen the island and you already wanna leave? Maybe you want to look around?”
“Maybe if I had come here WILLINGLY! But right now?! I’m lost! I’m who knows how many galaxies away from my family, I just lost my Nana not too long ago and now I…I just wanna go back!” Said Lilac on the verge of tears. Id rubbed the back of his head.
“I…hate to burst your bubble kid, but it’s easy to get on the island. Getting off is another story. Everyone who is here actually came from another world. There isn’t one person, kin or goblin that was ever originally from this island. So in other words, you’re stuck here forever. Even after you die. Sorry about that.”
Lilac was shocked. She felt the world spinning around her. She stumbled backwards, about to fall, before a hand grabbed her and yanked her forward.
“Whoa, don’t go fainting on me now. We haven’t even had our first battle yet!” Said Id.
Lilac looked at him as he held her upright. She couldn’t help it anymore. She began to sob and she sat on the ground. She didn’t care she was crying in front of another person. One who knew magic. She just wanted this nightmare to be over and go home.
Id sighed. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but he hated seeing people cry. Especially since it wasn’t being caused by him. So, he sat down next to Lilac and rubbed her back.
“Hey, c’mon kid. I’ve been here for one thousand years, and…it’s not as bad as it sounds. There’s lots of stuff to do here. I can even show you some of my favourite spots…oh! You obviously don’t have a place to stay, do you? Well, guess what? You gone done and found the most generous thing on the island. Most people stay in Rook in a spare house for the time being before their own house is built, but since you seem alright in my books, you can stay at my place. We’re actually close to my house, which is just passed those trees over there.” Id pointed to some trees to the north.
“Are…are you sure?” Asked Lilac.
“Of course! I can’t just leave you out here to fend for yourself out here. There’s some real weirdos around.” Said Id, winking. Lilac giggled.
“There. You feeling better kid?” Asked Id.
“Yeah, thanks Id.” Sajd Lilac.
“Swell! Now…I believe I see you with a sword, if I’m not mistaken?” Asked Id, tapping the hilt of Lilac’s sword.
“Oh. Yeah, believe it or not, I actually have explored other worlds before I came here.” Said Lilac.
“Neat.” Said Id. He stood up and Lilac followed suit.
“So, big shot hero. You gonna fight me, see what exactly I’m made of? I gotta warn you though, I’m pretty…”
Lilac charged forward and Id teleported behind her.
“Whoa! You’re fast! But…” Id teleported to different places, before stopping.
“So am I!” He pulled different objects from his pockets and tossed them at Lilac. She ducked, dodged and sliced through multiple objects and hit Id with her sword. She was going for gentle, but ended up slicing him in half. She felt awful as she saw his two halves fall to the ground, his mouth wide open in horror. Then he laughed…wait, what?!
“Nice. That was a good swing kid. But I’m not out yet.” Said Id and he put himself back together and teleported behind Lilac. He threw more objects at her and she rolled, and dashed forward, before hitting Id again. This time, he split himself apart and the sword completely missed him.
“What…what exactly are you?” Asked Lilac.
“I’m me. For real though, I’m immortal.” Id said.
“R…really?!” Asked Lilac.
“Yep. I suppose you’ve never met an immortal man before, have you? Technically, I’m a demon, but we’ll stick with man.” Said Id.
“Well, actually I have, a couple times.” Said Lilac.
“Aww.” Said Id, frowning. He put himself back together.
“Well, that’s a disappointment. Oh well, I bet none of them were as great as me.” He grinned, puffing his chest out a little.
Lilac went to strike him again, but he teleported and was high above her head.
“Hey, that’s cheating! I can’t…”
“What? Reach me? Of course not, that’s the whole…”
Suddenly, Id dodged a magic spark and looked down at Lilac.
“I know a little bit of magic myself.” She grinned.
“Cool! A magic pal!” Said Id. Another magic blast from Lilac actually hit him and suddenly, an anvil was tied to his foot and he dropped to the ground.
“Okay, nice move, but I can still teleport.” Said Id and he teleported, with the anvil still attached to his foot.
“Umm…okay, I guess this anvil has emotional attachment issues, so maybe we can call a truce, right? Lilac?” Id asked. Lilac charged forward.
“Wait! Wait!” Id waved his hands in front of him and he teleported again, but the anvil was still attached. He remembered something and detached his leg from himself. Then he managed to pull his leg from the rope and reattach it. But that was when Lilac advanced on him. Id flinched, dropping his leg to the ground and shielded his face from his arms. However, no stabbing pain came through him, and he opened his eyes carefully to see Lilac smiling at him. She flicked his hat off of his head and it fell onto the grass below.
“Hey! Meanie.” Said Id, though he didn’t sound really mad.
He reattached his leg and shook it, to make sure it was attached properly and picked up his hat.
“So, how was that?” Asked Lilac.
“That was…totally fun!” Id whirled around towards Lilac, grinning.
“You’re pretty tough kid. That was a nice work out. It definitely let me flex the old magic bone a bit more.” Said Id.
“Awesome…so, what now?” Asked Lilac.
“Well, since the day is still young, you need to show everyone yourself. They’ll recognize a newcomer. Your first stop? Back at the lumberjack’s house.” Said Id.
“The lumberjack?” Asked Lilac.
“Yeah. I suppose you haven’t met her yet, have you?” Asked Id. Lilac shook her head.
“Ah. Odd, most people meet Clover. Oh well, lucky you, that will be your first stop. I’ll show you the way, but after that, you’re on your own.” Said Id.
“What? You’re not gonna join me?” Asked Lilac.
“Only for the trip over. But I have stuff to do. Very important, very evil things. But don’t worry. You’ll see my tonight, remember? And I do pop here and there around the island, so you’re most likely going to see me around.” Said Id.
“Now come on. Let’s get things prepared for you.” Said Id and he flew forward, going slow and Lilac followed. Lilac looked at Id. He was…interesting. He was definitely unlike anyone else she met in other worlds, though he did have some similarities to some characters she watched on streaming services, or t.v.
But she hoped that they could be friends. If she was going to be trapped on the island for the rest of her life…that reminded her.
“Hey, Id. You obviously know what happens to those arrive here, but do you know how it happens? Like, how did I get pulled to the island?” Asked Lilac.
“Oh, that’s easy. You see, passed the spooky forest, there’s a giant machine that pulls everything here. But the more it pulls, the more that the cracks in reality form. You see, this island is pretty dangerous if you don’t know where you’re going. But it’s going to become even more dangerous if that blasted machine keeps pulling things here. There are already cracks here that are seeping into this world. You’ll end up in a world just by going through a cave, a library, or falling down. It’s not as safe as it should be, but like I said, it’s not all bad. That giant sword that’s hovering over the spooky forest hasn’t fallen yet. I…did try to fight that computer so I could go home, but…as you can tell, that didn’t quite work out. That thing is vicious. Oh, by the way, don’t bring this up to anyone else. I don’t know how they’ll react to that they got pulled to the island. Either they’ll call you crazy and call you the village idiot, or they’ll totally freak out and try to charge the spooky woods and destroy the computer themselves, but I don’t know how well that would turn out, so best not to say anything.” Id answered.
Lilac nodded. She knew full well how just blabbing crazy things out could turn out. They continued on in silence as they walked/flew. Lilac figured she could get used to someone like Id. It would be nice to have a friend on the island to keep her company and show her the ropes. And it was nice that he was human too, even though he did say he was a demon. Still, he was human-like enough, so that was good for Lilac.
I decided to remake the story of how Id and I met, because the first one was kind of bland and it was me trying to follow the script of the same scenario from the game. And I realized how dumb and boring that was, so I changed it. So here ya go, a much better version.
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months ago
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 9 months ago
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vkusnyy-kofeek · 5 months ago
Sukunas sketch
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luyo-mi · 1 year ago
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froggydraws · 8 months ago
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Ballad of the fox
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timethehobo · 7 months ago
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Would yall believe me if I said I meant to do a simple sketch?… 💀
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darcoslofrey · 4 months ago
Исправленный текст:
4-я часть, Жестокость-3
*В тот же момент, как Спард подлетел ближе к Отцу, его поразила молния с неба, припечатав его в землю. Из небосклона мелькнул силуэт, что начал опускаться к ним. Человек с сине-волосой женской внешностью, слегка кругловатыми формами лица с резким но красивым подбородком, с синими зрачками глаз, длинными ногами, ростом 187 сантиметров и легким длинным платьем до колен был одет в стиле полу-брони. С высокомерной, и дерзкой улыбкой, она начала говорить, чуть п��иподняв лицо, в знак высокомерия:*
- Что это тут происходит? Что-за бунт, что не утихнет, даже присутствием могучего бога войны?!
*Сказала женщина при этом посмотрев на Отца-Спард-а. Отец, начал говорить*
- Что ты здесь забыла, Индра! - *Махнул рукой в знак раздражения, из-за ее действий, и продолжил чуть хмуря брови.*
- Я сказал, что сам разберусь, со своим сыном. Не лезь в это!
*- Индра, раздраженно хотела что-то ответить, но вдруг подумала: Хотя лучше оставлю этих двух болбесов, пусть поубивают друг друга. Она все еще думала, что Спард под действием молний, так-*
- Хотя тут явно понятно, кто кого, у парнишки явно сил не хватит, да и его меч просто слишком большой. *Усмехнулась про себя высокомерно. Недооценивая Спард-а* Проиграет уж точно.
*- Индра снова улыбнулась, хитрой и высокомерной улыбкой. Её волосы чуть развивались в воздухе, как и её платье, а зрачки ее глаз сияли, и кружились как водоворот в океане.* - Хорошо, *- сказала она.* - Как скажешь, вмешиваться в ваши семейные дела не буду. *Она повернулась спиной, что-бы уйти. Но-после этого действия, ей резко что-то показалось, не таким каким должно быть… Её платье развивалось в воздухе, и на этот-миг когда она резко повернулась назад, ее-же платье закрыло ей обзор.* Продолжение следует…
- Пипец, как сложно думать над едой. А-персонаж-то плевое дело. Хи~хи!
Corrected text:
Part 4, Cruelty-3
*At the same moment when Spard flew closer to the Father, he was struck by lightning from heaven, pressing him to the ground. A silhouette flashed from the sky, which began to descend to them. A man with a blue-haired female appearance, slightly round face shapes with a sharp but beautiful chin, with blue eye sockets, long legs, a height of 187 centimeters and a light long knee-length dress was dressed in the style of semi-armor. With an arrogant and cheeky smile, she began to speak, slightly raising her face, as a sign of arrogance:*
- What's going on here? What kind of rebellion that won't subside, even by the presence of the powerful god of war?!
*The woman said while looking at the Spard Father. Father, started talking*
- What did you forget here, Indra! - *Waved his hand in irritation, because of her actions, and continued frowning slightly. *
- I said I'd figure it out myself, with my son. Don't get into it!
*- Indra, irritably wanted to answer something, but suddenly thought: Although I'd rather leave these two fools, let them kill each other. She still thought that Spard was under the influence of lightning, so-*
- Although it is clearly clear who is who, the boy clearly does not have enough strength, and his sword is simply too big. *She smiled to herself arrogantly. Underestimating Spard* Will lose for sure.
*- Indra smiled again, with a sly and arrogant smile. Her hair was slightly developing in the air, as was her dress, and the pupils of her eyes shone, and swirled like a whirlpool in the ocean. * - Okay, *- she said. * - Whatever you say, I won't interfere in your family affairs. *She turned her back to leave. But after this action, it suddenly seemed to her something, not as it should be... Her dress was developing in the air, and at this time when she turned sharply back, her dress closed her view. * To be continued...
- Fuck, how hard it is to think about food. A-character is a thing. Hee~hee!
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