#afterplace fanfic
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mysticalbookkeeper · 8 months ago
The Bad Dream
Late at night in Rook, everyone was sound asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams.
However, one resident was having a restless slumber as she tossed and turned.
Lilac was in the same place again. The same place of all her bad dreams. She was standing on top of Mount Coronet, facing Volo once again. However, all of her Pokémon had been slain. Not fainted. Killed on the spot, by that THING that flew over hers and Volo’s head. Volo was grinning triumphantly, as he stood before her, her body barely holding her up as she had scars and bruises all over.
“Not so tough without your precious Arceus on your side, are you? We’ll see what happens to Arceus’ chosen one…when she is splattered on the mountain side! Giratina!” Volo cried.
“No!” Lilac shouted and tried to run, but a blast from a pokemon’s move knocked her down and she tumbled down. Giratina swooped down as Lilac tried to stand back up and knocked her over the side of the mountain with his tail. Lilac emitted a silent scream as she fell to the rocky peaks below. Above her, Volo grinned triumphantly. Lilac watched in horror as he held Dialga and Palkia’s poke balls and the plates as well, before a rift in the sky began to open and spread like a festering wound.
The sky flashed black, before returning to its original blue and just before Lilac splattered on the peaks below, the entire world began to darken, before it completely faded to black.
Lilac screamed and woke up in a cold sweat. She grabbed her face and looked around. Upon confirming that she was still alive, and the world she was currently in was still intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.
She wanted to return to sleep, but she was so shaken up from her dream, she began to tear up and sob. So, rather than go immediately back to sleep, she stood up and headed out of her bedroom.
Lilac walked down the stairs and went into her kitchen. Opening a cupboard, she grabbed a mug and turned on the coffee machine. Lilac grabbed a peppermint tea bag and placed it in the cup, before placing the mug under the dispenser and pushed a button. She waited by the machine as it poured her drink. She thought of the nightmare and began sobbing.
She wished she could see Id, because he usually comforted her in situations like this, but unfortunately he was asleep. And he had the tendency to get crabby when woken up, which Id had explained to her when she was staying with him while her house was being built when she first arrived.
A knock came on the door, causing Lilac to jump.
She opened it and saw Joxxi standing there.
“Joxxi?!” She hissed.
“M-miss Lilac? I saw the light on in your house and…”
“Seriously?! Have you been drinking coffee again?! At NIGHT? I told you that’s a bad habit! Even Id and Clover have both warned you!” Said Lilac.
Joxxi winced.
“Y-yes, but I got worried. You never turn the lights on this late at…3:00 a.m…”
Lilac rose her eyebrows at Joxxi, lowering her head.
“S-so I got worried! And decided to come over!”
“Just a bad dream kid. Go home.” Said Lilac.
“And for the love of god, GET SOME SLEEP!”
Joxxi yelped.
“Are…are you sure you’ll be alright? You seem pretty upset.”
“Yes. I’ll be fine Joxxi. Goodnight.” Said Lilac, gently shutting the door. She probably should have joined Joxxi on their return home to make sure they actually went to bed, but shook her head. Even if Rook was the safest, even at night, there was still the chance a monster from the forest could show up, and she was definitely not in good shape to face down a monster right now.
So, Lilac returned to her coffee machine and pulled the filled mug away and began to put two spoonfuls of sugar inside, before heading to the couch and sitting down. She would have turned on her t.v, but she really needed to make sure Joxxi and everyone else was asleep (though, knowing Joxxi, they definitely weren’t about to sleep now and return to studying their calculus book, or return to writing one of their space-pirate fan fictions).
Then a knock came on her door.
“Joxxi! I told you, go the fuck to…”
Upon opening the door again, Lilac was pleasantly surprised.
“Id!” She said,
“In the flesh.” He answered with a smile.
“Sorry if I’m bothering you, but your fox friend came to get me and they seemed a little…nerve-racked. So is everything alright? They said you had a bad dream.” Said Id.
Lilac sighed. She definitely didn’t want to bother Id…but then again, someone already did that and he seemed pretty fine. So Lilac stepped aside and Id stepped in.
“Yeah. But that’s all. Just a bad dream.”
“Must be pretty serious. You’re drinking tea pretty early in the morning.” Said Id. “That and you look pretty awful. Like you just saw a ghost or something.”
Lilac lead Id to her couch and the two sat down.
“It was pretty bad Id. It was…another one of THOSE dreams. I keep having the same one.”
“The one with that Volo creep?” Asked Id.
“Yes! And he managed to kill my Pokémon, before stealing all of my plates and used Giratina to knock me off the mountain. Before I became a splattered pancake on the mountains, the sky broke apart again and the whole world crumbled, before being completely destroyed.” Said Lilac.
“Well good thing it was just a dream! But you keep having the same one. I don’t know what kind of terrifying things you’ve witnessed in old worlds, but that’s horrible, no matter how many times I hear about it. But another good thing is that you’re here with me! So you’re in good hands. I’ll make sure no jerk tries to wreck the universe! Who will I be able to prank then?” Asked Id.
Lilac smiled.
“So you obviously saved that world, you chased that huge asshole off and you’re safe now.” Said Id.
“Yeah.” Said Lilac, still shaken up.
Id frowned.
“Hey. If you ever need anything, remember, you can always call on me. I have, like, super hearing, so if you call my name, or even whisper it, I’ll pop by in a jiffy!” Said Id.
“I know. But I didn’t want to bother you this early in the morning.” Said Lilac. Id scoffed.
“I think your little fox friend kinda already did that, so it’s no biggie. Besides, I’d hate for you to return to bed feeling so down.” Said Id.
“Thank you Id.” Said Lilac and took a sip of her tea. She set it down on the side table and hugged him.
“There we go. A warm hug always cheers you up.” Said Id as he returned the hug.
Lilac grinned. She sniffed, before sobbing again.
“Aww, there there. It’s alright. You’re here. It was just a bad dream. That’s all. You’re safe now kid. You’re alive.” Id said.
Lilac nodded.
“Hey…at least that world is still intact, thanks to you, and you haven’t been called on by any strange beings lately, which I think is a good thing honestly.” Said Id.
“Yeah.” Said Lilac.
“Although, if there ever should be a day you end up…disappearing from here, at least let someone know before you up and leave. That way we’ll at least know what happened.” Said Id.
“Id, if I go anywhere, I’m taking you with me.”
“What?” Id looked at Lilac with wide eyes.
“I’m serious. I’ve…travelled these worlds by myself a lot, and I’m usually alone…maybe not entirely alone, but even so…everyone had their own lives and roles to play.” Said Lilac.
“I…well, if you’d like, I guess I could join you on your journeys…just as long as they’re not too terrifying.” Said Id.
“I’ll try not to drag us into too terrifyingly dangerous situations.” Said Lilac.
“Good.” Said Id.
The two sat for a bit longer.
Lilac began to shiver, as she felt a little cold now.
“Oh, are you cold?” Asked Id. Lilac nodded.
“Easy fix!” Id snapped his fingers and a blanket appeared in his hands. He wrapped it around Lilac.
“Thank you.” She said.
“No problem.” Id smiled.
The two sat together, just looking into space. Id checked on Lilac every now and again to make sure she was alright and that her tea was doing alright.
“Ooh! Why don’t we watch a movie? You do have a DVD player and I did let you have a few movies from my spare room.” Said Id.
“Sure, which one?” Asked Lilac.
“How ‘bout that one with the hunched bell ringer and the oppression of a bunch of travelling people?” Asked Id.
“Sure.” Said Lilac and she was about to get up, but Id had her sit back down.
“Allow me. You need to rest.” Said Id. Lilac sat down and Id went to put in the disc into the player, before teleporting next to Lilac and turning on the t.v.
The two sat and watched the movie and were silent. Lilac noticed her cup was finished and decided to go make some more, but Id gently took her cup and teleported into the kitchen.
“What tea do you take?” Called Id.
“Peppermint, they’re in the box next to the machine.” Said Lilac. Id nodded and pulled out a bag and placed it in the mug and turned on the machine.
Once the mug was full, Id grabbed the mug and looked at Lilac.
“What do you take in it?” He asked.
“Two spoonfuls of sugar.” Said Lilac. Id nodded and grabbed the sugar. He put two spoonfuls in and teleported next to Lilac.
“Here.” He handed her the steaming mug and she gently grabbed it and took a sip.
“Thank you Id.” Said Lilac with a smile. Id returned the smile. The two resumed watching the movie. Lilac began to get drowsy and her eyelids grew heavy. She tried to keep them open, but sitting in her living room, in her new home, with Id, sipping warm tea, watching a movie and wrapped in a blanket was making her feel so…
Before anyone realized it, Lilac fell to the side, right on Id’s shoulder. Id looked at her, blushing a little. He looked down at her and noticed she was completely comatose, breathing softly, a small smile on her face. Id relaxed and smiled as well, gently brushing some hair out of her face.
He didn’t want to disturb her, so he let her sleep on his shoulder.
Id continued watching the movie on his own.
Lilac opened her eyes and saw it was morning. She noticed she was still on the couch. More than that, she noticed she was upright. Leaning against something.
“Morning sleeping beauty.”
Lilac looked up and saw Id smiling down at her. She looked around and noticed that they had leaned back against the couch, with her leaning against his shoulder.
“Id, did you sleep at all last night?”
“You mean this morning? Yes. Shortly after the movie finished. You were out like a light. I didn’t wanna move you, so I just let you rest on me. You looked pretty comfortable there.” Said Id, grinning.
“Oh, sorry Id. That was an accident, I didn’t mean to…”
Id chuckled softly.
“Hey, no worries kid. I didn’t mind.” Said Id.
Lilac relaxed.
“Anyway, did you have a better sleep this time around?” Asked Id.
“Yeah, actually I did.”
“There. No need to worry then.” Said Id.
“Now, who’s hungry?”
Id teleported to the kitchen and looked inside the fridge. He found bacon, eggs and bread, so he pulled out the bacon and eggs and grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard and began to cook the eggs, humming a small tune.
Lilac smiled at him and thought about the new dream she had.
She was back on Mount Coronet. Volo was standing across from her, and Lilac was down to her last Pokémon. If she lost this battle, it would be all over.
But he was down to only Giratina as well and at least she had max revives this time. But still, the chances of winning were pretty slim. Still, Lilac had to take a risk. She let out her last Pokémon, Clefable and was about to call her first move, when Giratina charged forward, and wiped out Clefable. It was the same as before, but before Giratina could advance on Lilac, something blocked it from attacking. Suddenly Id was standing there and he was using a barrier to block the large Pokémon. His arms were stretched out pretty far, but that was easy for him as he was an immortal being.
“What the…?! Who or what is that?!” Shouted Volo.
“I’m your worst nightmare.” Id said, a menacing grin on his face.
“Giratina! Strike that…THING down!” Said Volo and Giratina went to use a move, but Id teleported himself and Lilac away.
“Heal your Pokémon kid, I’ll handle this.” Said Id.
Lilac nodded. “Thanks Id.”
“Thank me later. I got a lesser god to take care of.” Said Id.
Id charged forward towards Giratina, readying a fist. He stopped shortly, his hand mere inches from the pokemon’s face. Giratina cocked its head.
“So, your name is Giratina, eh? Pleasure to meet you.” Said Id, opening his hand for a handshake. Giratina just stared at him.
“Ah, not much of a talker are you? That’s fine, at least now that I have your attention, let me…axe you a question.” Said Id, pulling out an axe.
“Hey, this is not your battle! Leave me to the little wench you filthy vermin!” Shouted Volo.
“Ah, ah, Ah. I’ll get to you soon enough my good sir.” Said Id, a scary grin on his face.
“So, Giratina right? Here is my question.” Id pulled out a deck of cards.
“Pick a card, any card!” He said.
Giratina cocked its head.
“Go on, don’t be shy now! I can tell, you’re pretty lucky.”
Giratina pointed its beak at the fourth card in the deck.
“Good choice. Let’s see, what you’ve won!”
Id showed Giratina the card.
“A pie! Apple flavour! Lucky you!” Said Id.
He pulled out an apple pie from his pocket and threw it into Giratina’s face. The Pokémon stood still for a moment, then it began fuming.
“Uh oh, looks like I struck a nerve. Guess you’re not a fan of apple pie?” Asked Id.
Giratina snapped at him and Id teleported away.
“Whoa, okay! Someone’s a little cranky. I think I can fix that, with a little firepower.” Said Id and a fireball appeared in his hand and he shot it at Giratina. It stumbled back, before growling at Id and it charged forward.
Id teleported up into the sky.
Giratina looked around, confused.
Giratina looked up and saw Id, sitting on a chair, floating in the air. He was sipping on a cup of tea and smiled down at Giratina.
“Lovely day for some tea, eh?” Asked Id.
Giratina growled and rocketed towards Id, and he teleported away, before the chair, cup and tea pot got smashed into bits.
“Geez! I know not a lot of people are a fan of the stuff either, but that’s a little over reacting, isn’t it?” Asked Id.
Giratina went to smash into him, but Id blasted another fireball at the dragon. It roared and used shadow ball on Id. However, the man pulled out a baseball bat and swung it back at the dragon. It got hit and flew backwards.
“Sweet! Almost knocked it out of the park!” Said Id. He turned to Lilac who had just healed her Pokémon and was ready to return to the fight.
“Good thing too. Time for the epic finale.”
Id teleported away and reappeared by one of the broken pillars, with Pom poms and cheering.
“Go Lilac! Mess ‘em up! Kick their shins!” Said Id.
Lilac grinned, nodding before releasing her Clefable once again and she had it use moon blast and Giratina was down…but not for long.
Id watched in stunned horror as Giratina transformed into a giant worm like entity.
“Holy…” Said Id.
Giratina hit Clefable with shadow ball, but Clefable managed to dodge. Suddenly, a light enveloped Lilac and she slowly rose into the sky.
“She did mention that happened.” Id noted, remembering when she told him she was gifted powers at the time by the god of that world.
Suddenly, Palkia and Dialga were standing next to her and they both used their powers on Giratina and it was returned back to the distortion world, resealing it, before they stopped and Lilac was gently lowered to the ground.
Id soon finished making breakfast and placed the bacon and eggs on Lilac’s plate and then his plate, before walking to the table.
“Breakfast is ready!” Said Id. He placed Lilac’s plate down and went to sit down himself, when a pair of arms grabbed him in a hug, causing him to squeak a little.
“Thank you Id.” Said Lilac.
“You’re…welcome? But I didn’t do anything.” Said Id, blushing.
“Of course you did! You helped me last night when I had a bad dream and helped me to feel better.” Said Lilac.
Id’s blush grew darker.
“It was no problem kid, like I said. I’m just glad I helped you feel better.” Said Id.
Lilac grinned. She hugged Id again, a little tighter this time.
“Okay, I think you just like to hear me squeak.” Said Id.
“Partially, yeah.” Lilac admitted. She grinned and poked Id in the belly. He jumped.
“Okay, that’s enough now. We’re supposed to be eating breakfast.” Said Id.
Lilac poked him again.
“Lilac!” Said Id. He tried getting out of her grasp, but she pulled him up and held him tightly as she kept poking him in the belly.
Id giggled.
“Stop! Stop it! Lilac! That tickles!”
“Come on! We’re supposed to be eating breakfast!” Said Id.
Lilac continued for a little bit longer.
“Okay, okay. Come on, otherwise your food will get cold.”
“Alright.” Said Lilac.
She went to her chair and ate.
Id smiled. He certainly remembered the dream last night. Being a demon had its advantages, especially when it allowed you to travel into the dreamers head and fight alongside them against their nightmares.
Lilac never asked if he really was there, though, Id guessed she probably didn’t need to as they both most likely knew the answer to that one. So they ate in peace, the morning quiet, thankfully and the day seemed bright ahead.
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mysticalbookkeeper · 10 months ago
Side note: I hate reblogginf to the wrong blog. Anyways…
Main post I came here for! I’m writing a fanfic about Id and I (big surprise (sarcasm), and I wrote Id to be very sweet, like teeth rotting sweet, like dark chocolate. Referenced off the candy bar I’m currently eating.
And…AGGHJJ, he’s just so sweet, I’m gushing over here, like fruit gushers.
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mysticalbookkeeper · 10 months ago
Lilac was walking through the woods on the island. She was trying to find answers about how she was pulled here and how to escape. She walked up to a lake and saw someone standing on the other side. It was hard to see, but it looked like a man wearing a top hat.
“Hey! Hey!” She called, running towards him. Maybe he could provide the answers she needed?
As she ran, the man looked up and he vanished. Lilax screeched to a halt.
“Whoa! Where’d he go?”
She looked around, but found no one. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked and saw no one. She felt another tap on her shoulder.
Lilac whipped around and saw no one again.
“Okay, whoever is doing that, knock it off! It’s not funny!” Sajd Lilac. She heard a chuckle, before it abruptly stopped and she looked up. She was surprised.
The same man from before was floating above her, smiling behind his hands. Lilac folded her arms and rose an eyebrow.
“Ah, I see. You were the one behind that.” Said Lilac.
“Guilty.” Said the man. He floated down onto his feet.
“So, you know magic?” Asked Lilac. “Er—I mean, I’m Lilac, nice to meet you.” She said, holding her hand out. The man took her hand and shook it. An immediate buzz coursed through her and she jumped.
“Ha! The old buzzer. Always a classic.” Said the man.
He then tipped his hat towards Lilac.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m Id. The most dastardly villain on all the island. And lucky you, you ran right into me! You’re obviously a new face ‘round these parts. Did you get pulled here by a giant portal, dumping your butt onto the hard dirt?” Asked Id.
“Ah…how’d you know?” Asked Lilac.
“You still have grass on your face.”
Lilac rubbed at her face and looked in the shallow water of the lake to make sure all the grass was off. Id laughed behind her.
“Gotcha! I’m just kidding kiddo. That’s how everyone arrives here.” Said Id.
“W…what? How do you know?” Asked Lilac. Then an idea hit her.
“Wait! If you know how I got on this island, you must know for a way for me to return home, right?!” Asked Lilac. Id looked her up and down, seeming to decide what to say. His grin faltered when he looked at her desperate face.
“Ahh…this is rather awkward, isn’t it? I mean, you’ve barely seen the island and you already wanna leave? Maybe you want to look around?”
“Maybe if I had come here WILLINGLY! But right now?! I’m lost! I’m who knows how many galaxies away from my family, I just lost my Nana not too long ago and now I…I just wanna go back!” Said Lilac on the verge of tears. Id rubbed the back of his head.
“I…hate to burst your bubble kid, but it’s easy to get on the island. Getting off is another story. Everyone who is here actually came from another world. There isn’t one person, kin or goblin that was ever originally from this island. So in other words, you’re stuck here forever. Even after you die. Sorry about that.”
Lilac was shocked. She felt the world spinning around her. She stumbled backwards, about to fall, before a hand grabbed her and yanked her forward.
“Whoa, don’t go fainting on me now. We haven’t even had our first battle yet!” Said Id.
Lilac looked at him as he held her upright. She couldn’t help it anymore. She began to sob and she sat on the ground. She didn’t care she was crying in front of another person. One who knew magic. She just wanted this nightmare to be over and go home.
Id sighed. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but he hated seeing people cry. Especially since it wasn’t being caused by him. So, he sat down next to Lilac and rubbed her back.
“Hey, c’mon kid. I’ve been here for one thousand years, and…it’s not as bad as it sounds. There’s lots of stuff to do here. I can even show you some of my favourite spots…oh! You obviously don’t have a place to stay, do you? Well, guess what? You gone done and found the most generous thing on the island. Most people stay in Rook in a spare house for the time being before their own house is built, but since you seem alright in my books, you can stay at my place. We’re actually close to my house, which is just passed those trees over there.” Id pointed to some trees to the north.
“Are…are you sure?” Asked Lilac.
“Of course! I can’t just leave you out here to fend for yourself out here. There’s some real weirdos around.” Said Id, winking. Lilac giggled.
“There. You feeling better kid?” Asked Id.
“Yeah, thanks Id.” Sajd Lilac.
“Swell! Now…I believe I see you with a sword, if I’m not mistaken?” Asked Id, tapping the hilt of Lilac’s sword.
“Oh. Yeah, believe it or not, I actually have explored other worlds before I came here.” Said Lilac.
“Neat.” Said Id. He stood up and Lilac followed suit.
“So, big shot hero. You gonna fight me, see what exactly I’m made of? I gotta warn you though, I’m pretty…”
Lilac charged forward and Id teleported behind her.
“Whoa! You’re fast! But…” Id teleported to different places, before stopping.
“So am I!” He pulled different objects from his pockets and tossed them at Lilac. She ducked, dodged and sliced through multiple objects and hit Id with her sword. She was going for gentle, but ended up slicing him in half. She felt awful as she saw his two halves fall to the ground, his mouth wide open in horror. Then he laughed…wait, what?!
“Nice. That was a good swing kid. But I’m not out yet.” Said Id and he put himself back together and teleported behind Lilac. He threw more objects at her and she rolled, and dashed forward, before hitting Id again. This time, he split himself apart and the sword completely missed him.
“What…what exactly are you?” Asked Lilac.
“I’m me. For real though, I’m immortal.” Id said.
“R…really?!” Asked Lilac.
“Yep. I suppose you’ve never met an immortal man before, have you? Technically, I’m a demon, but we’ll stick with man.” Said Id.
“Well, actually I have, a couple times.” Said Lilac.
“Aww.” Said Id, frowning. He put himself back together.
“Well, that’s a disappointment. Oh well, I bet none of them were as great as me.” He grinned, puffing his chest out a little.
Lilac went to strike him again, but he teleported and was high above her head.
“Hey, that’s cheating! I can’t…”
“What? Reach me? Of course not, that’s the whole…”
Suddenly, Id dodged a magic spark and looked down at Lilac.
“I know a little bit of magic myself.” She grinned.
“Cool! A magic pal!” Said Id. Another magic blast from Lilac actually hit him and suddenly, an anvil was tied to his foot and he dropped to the ground.
“Okay, nice move, but I can still teleport.” Said Id and he teleported, with the anvil still attached to his foot.
“Umm…okay, I guess this anvil has emotional attachment issues, so maybe we can call a truce, right? Lilac?” Id asked. Lilac charged forward.
“Wait! Wait!” Id waved his hands in front of him and he teleported again, but the anvil was still attached. He remembered something and detached his leg from himself. Then he managed to pull his leg from the rope and reattach it. But that was when Lilac advanced on him. Id flinched, dropping his leg to the ground and shielded his face from his arms. However, no stabbing pain came through him, and he opened his eyes carefully to see Lilac smiling at him. She flicked his hat off of his head and it fell onto the grass below.
“Hey! Meanie.” Said Id, though he didn’t sound really mad.
He reattached his leg and shook it, to make sure it was attached properly and picked up his hat.
“So, how was that?” Asked Lilac.
“That was…totally fun!” Id whirled around towards Lilac, grinning.
“You’re pretty tough kid. That was a nice work out. It definitely let me flex the old magic bone a bit more.” Said Id.
“Awesome…so, what now?” Asked Lilac.
“Well, since the day is still young, you need to show everyone yourself. They’ll recognize a newcomer. Your first stop? Back at the lumberjack’s house.” Said Id.
“The lumberjack?” Asked Lilac.
“Yeah. I suppose you haven’t met her yet, have you?” Asked Id. Lilac shook her head.
“Ah. Odd, most people meet Clover. Oh well, lucky you, that will be your first stop. I’ll show you the way, but after that, you’re on your own.” Said Id.
“What? You’re not gonna join me?” Asked Lilac.
“Only for the trip over. But I have stuff to do. Very important, very evil things. But don’t worry. You’ll see my tonight, remember? And I do pop here and there around the island, so you’re most likely going to see me around.” Said Id.
“Now come on. Let’s get things prepared for you.” Said Id and he flew forward, going slow and Lilac followed. Lilac looked at Id. He was…interesting. He was definitely unlike anyone else she met in other worlds, though he did have some similarities to some characters she watched on streaming services, or t.v.
But she hoped that they could be friends. If she was going to be trapped on the island for the rest of her life…that reminded her.
“Hey, Id. You obviously know what happens to those arrive here, but do you know how it happens? Like, how did I get pulled to the island?” Asked Lilac.
“Oh, that’s easy. You see, passed the spooky forest, there’s a giant machine that pulls everything here. But the more it pulls, the more that the cracks in reality form. You see, this island is pretty dangerous if you don’t know where you’re going. But it’s going to become even more dangerous if that blasted machine keeps pulling things here. There are already cracks here that are seeping into this world. You’ll end up in a world just by going through a cave, a library, or falling down. It’s not as safe as it should be, but like I said, it’s not all bad. That giant sword that’s hovering over the spooky forest hasn’t fallen yet. I…did try to fight that computer so I could go home, but…as you can tell, that didn’t quite work out. That thing is vicious. Oh, by the way, don’t bring this up to anyone else. I don’t know how they’ll react to that they got pulled to the island. Either they’ll call you crazy and call you the village idiot, or they’ll totally freak out and try to charge the spooky woods and destroy the computer themselves, but I don’t know how well that would turn out, so best not to say anything.” Id answered.
Lilac nodded. She knew full well how just blabbing crazy things out could turn out. They continued on in silence as they walked/flew. Lilac figured she could get used to someone like Id. It would be nice to have a friend on the island to keep her company and show her the ropes. And it was nice that he was human too, even though he did say he was a demon. Still, he was human-like enough, so that was good for Lilac.
I decided to remake the story of how Id and I met, because the first one was kind of bland and it was me trying to follow the script of the same scenario from the game. And I realized how dumb and boring that was, so I changed it. So here ya go, a much better version.
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mysticalbookkeeper · 11 months ago
Lilac was working in the library, dusting all the shelves, using a ladder to dust the higher shelves. She had rode her bike to work today instead of her broom, as the way was actually short. Even faster on bike.
Even though using her broom would have made the job easier, she didn’t mind using the ladder. Besides, it was fun to push the ladder around and ride it along the shelves. She felt like a Disney princess when she did so.
Lilac was almost done dusting the top, when a familiar face teleported in next to her, nearly startling her.
“Hey kiddo, how’s it going?” Asked Id.
“Good. How are you Id?” Asked Lilac.
“Oh, same old, same old. Although…” he snickered.
“Oh boy, what did you do?” Asked Lilac with a knowing grin.
“Oh, I may or may not have replaced the water in the fountain with soda. And filled it with mentos, causing the soda to explode everywhere.”
Lilac laughed.
“Anyways, after I got caught, I quickly bailed and then I wondered what you were up to, so I came here.”
“Just dusting these shelves. Not as a punishment this time, they just have the tendency to get really dusty.”
Lilac sneezed a little to prove her point.
“Ah.” Id floated there for a bit. Then a lightbulb seemed to light up in his head.
“Y’know, I think it’s close to your break time, is it not?”
“Almost.” Lilac answered.
“Perfect! I’ll be waiting at…that table right down there.” Said Id. He teleported and Lilac saw he was indeed at the table he mentioned. He gave a little wave, smiling. Ljlac returned the wave, smiling back.
Once she was done, Lilac slid down the ladder and joined Id at the table.
“So, what do you wanna do first? We could teleport to town and prank one of the residents. We could steal stools from that strawberry blob guy, or mess around with Gramps’ items.” Said Lilac.
“Nah. Doing a prank right after the first one will be exaclty what those guys are expecting. Besides…” Id’s face grew pale. “I was nearly harpooned into a tree for using the mentos I bought from the store for pranking purposes.”
“For causing a harmless prank?” She asked.
“Eh, some people just don’t have a funny bone in them…which explains a lot, since those jelly blob people are completely boneless.” Said Id.
Lilac nodded.
“Anyway, I was just thinking we could just sit here, read a book. I don’t wanna pull you from work for too long and get you in trouble.” Said Id.
“Well, alright.” Said Ljlac. She was a little surprised. Id was immortal, and could do just about anything his heart desired. But he decided to go with something simple…who was Ljlac kidding? With Id, everything was exciting and fun.
“Alright, so what should we do here?” Asked Ljlac.
“Easy.” Id grinned and tapped her shoulder.
“Tag, you’re it.”
Ljlac grinned and watched as Id teleported away.
“Not for long.” She said, readying her wand.
Ljlac looked around the shelves, and saw Id, just standing there, still. Of course, she knew it was just another cardboard cutout, so she turned away.
Only to nearly jump out of her skin, when something grabbed her from behind and shouted, “BOO! Got ya!”
Lilac screamed and accidentally punched Id in the face.
“Owww…” He groaned, holding his nose.
“Shit, are you okay Id?!” Shouted Lilac.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said. He removed his hand from his face. Luckily, no blood was coming out, and Lilac sighed in relief.
“Oh, hey Id, by the way…”
She quickly tapped Id on his shoulder and ran off.
Id grinned.
“We’ll see about that.” He teleported away.
Lilac knew Id was gonna show up any moment, so to make it more interesting, she used a spell, which created invisible walls in certain areas, that only she could see, so if Id saw her, he’d most likely run into the wall.
So she pretended to hide in an aisle, and saw Id through her invisible wall and he shouted and ran towards her, only to run smack right into the wall and become flat, before he floated down to the ground.
Lilac giggled.
“An invisible wall spell? Seriously? How childish are you?” Asked Id.
“Coming from the same guy who pulls childish pranks practically all the time, I think you’re one to talk.” Said Lilac.
“Right. Can you help me up, please?” Asked Id.
“Nah, nice try buddy. I know that trick of yours.” Lilax ran off the other way.
“Damn it.” Cursed Id and he managed to unflatten himself and teleported again.
Lilac continued running, when suddenly, there was a giant monster in front of her. She screamed and went to zap it away…only for the spell to pierce through the creature and it fell flat on its face. Lilac backed away and ran, only to be caught in a net and pulled into the air.
Laughter rang out through the room and Id appeared next to her.
“Priceless.” He said, holding his stomach as he continued to laugh.
“Id! You big jerk! That wasn’t funny!” Shouted Lilac.
“Oh come on, where’s your sense of fun? It was hilarious. Besides, I think you have a bigger problem…like…”
Id tapped her shoulder again.
“How you’re going to catch me now that you’re trapped in there.” He laughed and teleported away.
Lilac cut herself down with a knife and landed on her feet.
“Okay. It’s on.” She said, a determined grin on her face.
Id teleported around, wondering how to trick Lilac some more, when he ended up teleporting to what he thought was outside.
“Huh? How’d I end up out here?” He teleported again…only to appear outside again.
“Okay…this is freaking me out. He charged forward…only to run through the sky and into the library. He fell down.
He looked back and saw it was a cardboard cutout.
“Ohh, that’s so it!” He said.
“I’m suing for copyright infringement! Piracy is not a victimless crime Lilac!” He shouted and teleported to where he heard her laughing.
“Ah ha!” Id said, having found Lilac, who was still laughing. He ran up to her…only to run right through her. He turned around and saw a recorder lying in the middle of the floor, playing on loop.
“Gosh darn it Lilac! I’m gonna catch you yet, and when I do, I’m going to chop you into little bits and put you in the strawberry blob’s next ramen!”
“You’ll have to catch me first.” Said Lilac, suddenly standing behind Id, grinning.
Id grinned back and went to grab her, only to fall into a hole.
He quickly teleported and grabbed Lilac, only for her to duck and disappear immediately. Id looked around, backing up, when he bumped into something. A large eyeball was looming over him and glaring.
Id screamed a rather undignified scream and shielded his face and curled into a ball.
A loud laugh emitted from behind him and he looked up, seeing Lilac. She waved her wand. Id looked and the illusion of Gorgax disappeared into thin air.
“Lilac! That wasn’t funny!” Said Id. Lilac tried to get a word out, but was laughing too much. She stopped when a noise emitted from her mouth.
Id looked at her, grinning.
“What was that?” He asked.
“Nothing! I…” Lilac hiccuped again.
“Looks like you’ve got the hiccups to me.”
“Shut up! No I don’t, I…”
Another hiccup emitted from Lilac.
“Aww, those are your hiccups? They sound like a little mouse.” Said Id.
“No! They don’t, I…” Another hiccup sounded out from Lilac.
“Come on, they’re very cute~.” Said Id.
“Hold on, I got the perfect idea for this.”
Id pulled out a phone…Lilac’s phone and recorded them.
“Hey everyone, this is my new video with my girlfriend and…”
“ID! NO! STOP, I’m not your girlfriend!” Shouted Lilac. “Don’t listen, he’s lying!”
“Aww, come on babe, I think we make a great couple!” Id said.
“Argh! No! Delete that immediately!”
“Okay, okay. Just kidding folks, we’re not a couple. But one thing is true, those hiccups are adorable~.” Said Id.
“No! They’re not! Don’t you dare post that video…”
“And, send.” Said Id, uploading the video. Lilac scowled at him.
“What? Come on, who wouldn’t find that cute? And look, you’ve got a few likes already on your account.” Said Id.
Lilac continued scowling.
“Eh heh…are you alright kid?” Asked Id, now feeling worried.
Lilac went to speak and hiccuped again.
She grumbled under her breath.
“Aww, so cute. But, seriously. I’m getting worried for you.”
“One of these days Id, I’m gonna get you for this. I bet your hiccups are even worse than mine.”
Id laughed.
“Oh, that’s cute. To think that you think that I have hiccups.”
“Everyone does! Even immortals!”
“Maybe so. But you’ll never know, because I rarely get them.” Said Id.
Lilac scowled.
“By the way, Id…”
“Yes? I can delete the video if you hate your hiccups that much.” Said Id.
“No.” Lilac tapped him. “You’re it.” She ran off.
“You little…! I’ll show you who’s it! I’m gonna wipe that smug look off your face and we’ll see who’s laughing then!”
Later, Lilac and Id had calmed down from running around and were just sitting at the table again.
“Ha! Told you I’d win. I always do.” Said Id.
“Oh please, before we ended it, you were practically out of breath, trying to catch me and called it off!” Said Ljlac.
“You must have been hallucinating, cause I totally won.” Said Id, smiling.
Lilac grinned at him.
“Okay, okay. I admit it, you beat me. You’re really tough, you know that?” Said Id.
Lilax grinned. “Thanks Id. Not everyone compliments me on that.”
Id grinned warmly.
“Well, I shouldn’t let you keep me anymore. Jeez, I can’t believe I let you distract me for that long. I’ve got an important job to do too, y’know.”
“Yeah, I hear ya. Besides, I should return to work.” Said Lilac, standing up and going to the ladder.
“Alright, see you later Lilac.”
“Bye Id. Try not to get into too much trouble.” Said Lilac.
“Of course, what do you take me for?” Asked Id. He and Lilac laughed and he teleported away again.
Lilac was on her lunch break and was eating ramen at the ramen shop.
She was thinking about earlier when she had those hiccups. Now she was curious, if Id had hiccups. He said he did, and she wondered what they would be like. Were they normal like hers, or did they have some magic to them? Now she wanted to know. No, she needed to know, otherwise she would go nuts from the curiosity.
Then an idea hit her. Id was normally out and about this time, but later that evening, he returned to his house in the woods at around 6:00. She grinned mischievously and finished her ramen eagerly.
Later that night, Lilac was at the top of Id’s house, sitting on his roof, watching the road. It was 5:45, so Id would be walking back anytime shortly.
And lo and behold, there he was, walking. She stood up and Id jumped, upon seeing her on his roof.
“Lilac?! What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your house?” He asked.
“Yep. All part of the plan!” She called out.
“What plan?” He asked.
Lilac turned her back to him and allowed herself to fall off the roof. She closed her eyes.
Id immediately teleported to her and caught her in his arms.
Lilac laughed.
“Fine. Like I said, all part of the plan.”
“PLAN?! WHAT PART OF THAT WAS…” Id froze when a noise came out of his mouth….as well as several butterflies.
“Agh, not again…” he said. He hiccuped and more butterflies came out.
“I just got rid of these an hour ago…” He groaned.
“That’s what your hiccups are like?” Asked Lilac.
Id looked at her wide eyed. He realized he was still holding her as they floated. He teleported them down and he released her. He held his stomach as more hiccups came, butterflies spewing out.
“I think I’m gonna be sick…” he said.
“Are you alright?” Asked Lilac, a little worried.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Id hiccuped again.
A butterfly flew over and landed on Lilac’s shoulder. It was a beautiful blue colour.
The butterfly flew off to join the rest of them.
“What happens to the butterflies?” Asked Lilac.
“They just…fly off wherever.” Said Id. He hiccuped again. More butterflies came out. Despite the strange grossness of it, seeing the butterflies was actually really pretty. Id hiccuped some more.
“Does this happen every time you hiccup?”
“Yeah. Which is why I try to hide it. I was…fibbing when I said I rarely get them. But I don’t like others knowing what they’re like. It’s a little embarrassing.” Said Id.
Lilac brought out a soda and handed it to him.
Id accepted the drink and drank it down, before sighing in relief.
“I think they’re…” He hiccuped again. More butterflies came out.
“Nope. Still there.”
“Drink more.” Said Lilac.
Id did so. Then he glared at Lilac.
“So, that was your plan? To scare me half to death to get me to hiccup?”
“Well, yeah. Our conversation from earlier really got me curious, so I wanted to know.” Lilac answered honestly.
Id scowled at her.
“Just…promise not to record this one? I know I recorded yours earlier, but if people knew…I don’t think I’d live it down and I don’t want a chance for more people to cause these hiccups on purpose. It…actually kind of makes my stomach hurt…”
“Deal.” Said Lilac.
Id nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’ll make you some soup, if you’d like.”
“No. That’s okay. Sooner or later, they’ll disappear.” Said Id.
“Alright.” Lilac said, feeling a little bad now that she caused Id to get hurt.
“Hey, don’t…” Id hiccuped again.
“Don’t look so down. I mean, I’m just glad you’re not hurt, even at the expense of…my embarrassing secret.” Id hiccuped.
“I’m sorry Id, I didn’t think it would hurt you, I…”
Id laughed. Which caused him to hiccup more. He started to look sick.
“It’ll be alright. Hey, I can’t blame you for being curious. You’d have found out sooner or later. I’m kinda glad it was sooner, so I could tell you why I keep this a secret.” Said Id. Lilac nodded.
“I’ll…try not to cause you to hiccup anymore.” She said. Though she had to admit, they were kind of cute.
“It’s okay. They’re involuntary, like all hiccups. Anyway, I should get inside, so I can get these settled down.” Said Id.
“Also…” He gently punched Lilac.
“Ow, what was that for?!” She asked.
“For scaring the crap out of me! Don’t do that again! Seriously, I knew I was there to save you, but…I’m just….afraid.”
“You? Afraid?”
“Yes!” Id hiccuped again. “I hate these butterflies so much. But you really had me worried! I thought that if I missed, or couldn’t catch you in time, you’d….you’d die.” Said Id, rubbing his arm.
“I’m sorry. I’ll try not to fall so much.” Said Lilac.
Id shook his head. “Alright. I’ll head inside now.” He gave one last look at Lilac. He smiled and Ljlac cocked her head curiously. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick hug. Lilax was surprised, but hugged him back.
The two let go and they bid each other goodbye, before returning to their homes.
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mysticalbookkeeper · 1 year ago
Lilac woke up in Rook and hopped out of her bed. She was going to go see Id again today as they had planned to go on an adventure, just the two. Lilac had found a mysterious cave that appeared on the island and wanted to see what it had.
She ran into the bathroom to do some business.
After she flushed, she brushed her teeth, brushed her hair and slapped it in another ponytail and went to go get dressed.
Outside, she took her broom and kicked it into gear and it sped off into the sky.
She landed in front of Id’s house and knocked on the door.
“Come in~.” Sang a voice on the other side.
Lilac walked in and saw Id. He was making breakfast of Quesadillas and tater tots.
“My favourite breakfast meal! How did you know?” Asked Lilac, walking over to join him.
“Well, you told me, remember? When you were staying here when your house was currently under construction?” Asked Id.
Lilac playfully punched him. “I know, I’m just playing with you.”
Id laughed.
“Alright, breakfast will be ready shortly. Go have a seat.” He said.
“Are you excited?” Asked Lilac as the two ate breakfast.
“Yeah. Although…”
“What’s wrong Id?” Asked Lilac.
“I just…it’s another cave. Sure, many things get pulled to this island (which is annoying), but I don’t think it’s going to be anything special or exciting.” Said Id.
“Oh come on, where’s your sense of adventure?” Asked Lilac.
“True. It could be fun, but…don’t you think it’s odd that so many things keep getting pulled here? Why is that?” Asked Id.
“Dunno. Do you know why that happens, or who’s doing it?” Asked Lilac.
“Well…I know WHAT’S doing it. Why that thing is doing it, I don’t know, but…”
Lilac looked at Id patiently.
“There’s actually a giant computer in the centre of the island in the spooky woods. It’s how everything is pulled here.” Id said.
“So that’s what brought me here. I honestly thought you did it, but I didn’t want to accuse you, so I just didn’t bring it up.” Lilac said.
“I wish I had that power, but no. The machine’s been doing it this whole time. Even as we speak, it probably has pulled something else here.” Id said.
Lilac nodded.
“Is there a way to stop it?” She asked.
Id shook his head. “No. I nearly got blasted and got shot at several times. And flattened into a pancake. Really, that thing does NOT play nice.” He put his chin on his hand and pouted a little.
“Yeah, doesn’t sound like it.” Lilac answered.
“But let’s not worry about that. We have a cave to be exploring.” Id said.
The two resumed eating.
Lilac and Id walked out of the house and Id was ready to teleport them, but Lilax gently dodged out of the way.
“Lilac? You usually love my teleporting.” Id said.
“Yeah. But I think we should go there broom style!” Lilac said, twirling her broom in her hand like a baton.
“Uhh, maybe we shouldn’t…I mean, not that it doesn’t sound fun, but…”
“Oh come on! You float all the time! It’s the same thing!” Said Lilac.
“But that’s different! I’m used to floating around on my own! Flying on a magic broom seems…unnatural.” Id shuddered.
“Come on! Give it a chance!” Lilac grabbed Id’s arm and pulled him onto her broom.
“L-Lilac, Wait! Please, this thing doesn’t seem safe!” Id protested, clinging onto her.
“It’s plenty safe! Trust me! I’ve done this millions of times!”
“But I’ve done it zero…” Id screamed the word “TIMES” as the two zipped up into the sky at Mach twenty four.
Id clung tightly to Lilac, closing his eyes.
Lilac laughed.
“Wheee! Come on Id, this is really fun!”
“No! No it’s not!” Id shouted.
“Oh, don’t be such a party pooper!”
Id didn’t protest any further as he held on for dear life, bracing himself against Lilac.
They soon straightened out and flew much more smoothly through the sky.
“Okay, okay. You had your fun, now put me down!” Id said.
“If you’d like, you can float beside me.” Lilac said.
Id looked down at the island far below them. Though he could easily float beside Lilac, he was afraid he’d fall straight to his death. His stomach had dropped a thousand feet when they had rocketed into the sky and now he was feeling a little queasy.
“Uhh, m-maybe I should hold on.”
“Alright. Tell me where to land when we get there.” Lilac said. Id buried his face again into Lilac’s back.
“Uh huh.” He said.
Lilac gave a warm grin to her nervous friend. She gently patted his hand to comfort him a little.
She looked ahead.
“Wow. Would you look at that? You can see the entire island from up here.”
“Uh huh.” Said Id.
“Would you just open your eyes?” Asked Lilac. Id carefully cracked his eyes open and was amazed. The clouds breezed passed them, some of them getting caught in their hair like cotton candy.
Id caught some in his hat and tapped Lilac’s shoulder. She looked back at him and he pulled out a pretend bouquet made of the clouds.
Lilac giggled and Id laughed as well, gently letting the cloud go and it dissolved behind them.
They looked down at the island and the endless ocean beneath it sparkling in the morning sunlight. The clouds further above them were beautiful and it made the sky and the rest of the world seem like a painting come to life.
“Id? Where are we landing?” Asked Lilac.
“Down there. Close to the swamp.” Id said.
“Alright!” Lilac pointed her broom downwards and they sped down at the same speed they had when they first ascended.
Id held onto Lilac, his eyes open this time, watching in terror as the tree line got closer and closer.
Lilac found an opening in the trees and zipped under the canopy and stopped a few feet away from their destination.
“Alright. Everybody off!” She said.
Id carefully climbed down and laid flat on the ground, wishing for the world to stop spinning beneath him.
“Yeah. First timers usually have a hard time adjusting to the broom.” Lilac said and held it in her hand and helped Id stand up.
“Are you gonna be okay?” She asked, laughing a little.
“Y…yeah.” Id answered, feeling less dizzy than before.
“Awesome. Come on. Let’s go find this cave.” Lilac said and ran towards the direction that Id had pointed earlier and Id flew beside her.
They stopped before a large cave that opened widely. Lilac looked for a sign.
“Hmm, we have no idea if it’s really dangerous or not.” She said.
“How would we be able to tell?” Asked Id, suddenly feeling nervous.
“Easy. Here. Found these in the lost ‘n found at the library.” Lilac said and tossed Id a walkie talkie. He accepted it and put it in his pocket.
“Here’s a rope and some trail markers, so we don’t get lost.” Lilac said. Id took a bag of the trail markers and Lilac pulled out her lantern and lead the way.
Inside the cave, it was actually very roomy, so there were no narrow tunnels for them to get stuck in.
“Pretty big for a cave.” Lilac said.
“Y-yeah.” Id said. He was worried they would run into something really dangerous.
“Id, are you sure you’re feeling okay? We can go back outside and…”
“No, no. I agreed to this, remember? I’m just…still feeling slightly woozy from the broomstick ride, no worries.” Id said.
“Alright.” Lilac replied and lead the way.
They passed by more dug out paths in the cave, branching off in different directions. Lilac walked down one and Id followed.
He looked at the path he’d been marking, in case they needed to follow it back. Though, he remembered he could teleport, so he stopped using them.
“Hey, look at this!” Lilac ran up to something and Id ran after her.
The two looked at a glowing substance that was spread on the ground. Lilac looked up and laughed.
“They’re glow worms!” She said.
“What?” Asked Id.
“They’re glow worms! They emit a phosphorus light and leave droppings of the same colour….try to avoid stepping in it.”
“Ew! Ew!” Said Id, as he backed away from the poop that was near his foot.
“Come on. There’s probably something even cooler up ahead!” Lilac said.
Id followed and was floating, trying to stay away from touching the piles that littered the cave floor.
They came across a flowing river, gently flowing down from a tunnel only big enough for the water to fit in.
“Wow…wonder where it’s coming from.” Lilac said.
Id took a guess.
“I think it’s coming from the swamp.”
“Yeah…or that bridge that that troll likes to hang around and block travellers in his path.” Said Id. “Probably that latter one, know that I’m thinking about it.”
Lilac nodded.
“Wonder where it’s headed.” Lilac said as they crossed a stone bridge.
“Probably into a lake that drains out at the bottom. Good thing there’s an ocean below us, so it’ll just feed into that.” Id said.
“Should we follow it?” Asked Lilac.
“I guess we could…on land!” Id said, grabbing Lilac before she jumped into the wet waters below.
“Aww, you’re no fun.” Said Lilax.
Id scowled and considered pushing her in the river, but decided against it.
“I’m plenty fun! I just don’t wanna get killed on this adventure!” He protested.
“Okay. Fine. We’ll take the loonnnggg, boring dry way.” Lilac said, a little salty she didn’t get to ride the river.
The two walked along the river’s edge. Lilac saw a rock and skipped it across the river.
“Ha! Nice kiddo!” Id said.
“Watch me.” He said and grabbed a rock himself. He floated over the river and skipped the rock and it disappeared into the darkness.
“Show off.” Lilac said, smiling.
“You can’t beat the skipping champion. I’m the master at this.” Id said, floating to walk beside Lilac.
They continued and saw that the river came to a halt at a large spring that had water gurgling in the middle.
“Whoa.” Said Lilac.
“Yeah.” Id added.
The two walked around the permitter, before walking to the ledge…and saw another awesome sight.
They had to actually crawl on their hands and knees, so they wouldn’t fall and looked down to see a huge waterfall spilling down a hole in the cave wall and down into the void below.
“Yikes. Imagine falling down that. You’d get beaten pretty badly at the bottom.” Said Lilac.
“Yeah.” Said Id.
The two continued looking.
Lilac stood up and went to walk further into the cave. Id noticed her walking away and hurried to follow her.
They walked into another section of the cave that had dark puddles with stalactites and stalagmites growing out the top and bottom of the cave.
They stumbled upon a huge lake. Lilac noticed how deep it was.
“I guess we should head back.” Said Id.
“Are you serious?” She asked and hopped on her broom.
“We…won’t go fast, will we?” Asked Id.
Lilac looked out.
“Oh, I don’t know, looks pretty spacious. I’d dare say we would have time before we ran into a wall and I’m pretty good at dodging things.”
“Lilac!” Id shouted, careful not to be too loud.
She laughed. “I’m just kidding! I’ll take it slow this time.”
Id timidly climbed onto the broom behind her and held her tightly again.
“Loosen your grip Id, you’re crushing my ribs.” Lilac said.
“Sorry.” He said and loosened his grip a little. Lilac nodded and the broom gently rose off the ground and the two soared over the water, creating a steady ripple as they created a slight gust in their wake.
“Oh look Id. Glowing fish.” Said Lilac.
Id looked and saw fish lighting up the deep water. The broom gently floated down and Lilac dipped her hand in the water, creating more ripples with her fingers.
Id smiled and did the same thing, removing his glove.
Smiling more, Id used that opportunity to splash Lilac with a little water and she glared back at him and he chuckled a little.
“Oh, is that right?” She asked.
“That’s payback for scaring me earlier.” Said Id.
Lilac brought out her wand and cast a spell on some water nearby and it rose up a bit, before it squired at Id, splashing him in the face.
“Hey! That’s not fair! You’re using magic!” Id protested.
“If you didn’t want to get splashed back, don’t splash a witch.” Lilac said.
“Oh, it’s on now!” Id flipped the broom upside down and Lilac fell into the waters below.
Id laughed. He stopped laughing when Lilac didn’t come back up.
A hand gripped his ankle and yanked him down into the water below.
Lilac popped up from under the water and grinned at Id.
“Ugh! Well that backfired.” Id said.
Lilac squirted him in the face and he backed off.
“Lilac! Jerk!” Said Id.
“Takes one to know one.” Lilac said with a wink.
“Oh, you…”
Id splashed Lilac back and she returned with another splash with her arms. Id’s hat flew off his head and hovered over Lilac. He snapped his fingers and a bunch of water poured down on top of her.
Lilac cast a spell and suddenly, blast of water shot Id in the face again.
Id laughed and he climbed back on the broom.
“Okay, okay. Come on, let’s get moving. We need to explore the rest of this cave.” He said.
Lilac nodded and accepted his hand and climbed onto the broom, Id lowering it so Lilac could climb on easier.
“Thanks.” She said.
Id nodded and the two flew over the water again.
Id watched as a bunch of fish splashed in the water, catching whatever bugs were unfortunate enough to end up in the damp cave.
Then he saw something shot out of a hole and catch one of the fish. Id blinked and rubbed his eyes.
“Uhh, Lilac…?” He asked, nervousness growing in his voice.
“Hold on. I can see the shoreline.”
Id looked and though it was still pitch black, he also could see the shoreline somewhat drawing closer to them, a faint line standing out amongst the dark waters.
They stopped on the shore and gently got off the broom.
Id wrung his tuxedo out and pulled his hat up and a bunch of water came out, fish splashing out of it as well. One of them landed on his head and he grabbed it and tossed it into the water.
“Come on. Let’s keep going.” Said Lilac.
“R…right.” Id said. He looked back at the water, but didn’t see anymore signs of the strange thing, so he shrugged and followed Lilac.
They walked between more stalactites and stalagmites and found another entryway to another cave inside the first cave they found.
“How big is this cave?” Asked Id.
“Dunno. We should have brought some paper to map this thing out.” Said Lilac.
“Actually, I did. I usually carry scrolls on me, since I like to write down and draw about everything I see on this island.” Said Id.
“Awesome. You can draw what we have seen so far.”
Id nodded and a quill appeared in his hand and he began to draw the entrance at the top, along with the woods around it and made a drawing of a tunnel going down and branching off (to which Id cut off the branching areas that they hadn’t explored yet and just placed question marks under them) and continued to draw the areas they have seen and drew the big cave with the river and the stalagmites and stalactites and the large underground lake, with the glowing fish for added measure, then stopped.
“Alright. Let’s continue and see what the rest of this cave holds.” Id said, feeling a little better now, shoving the map under his hat.
They walked through the entrance into the other cave. There were a few loose stones, but not much more than that and some small streams leaking out of the cave walls.
Lilac and Id continued and they stepped into another large cave. This time, they almost didn’t need flashlights because there were giant mushrooms glowing above them, growing from the ground.
“Sweet.” Lilac turned off her light and pulled a piece of mushroom from one of the stems.
“Free light source. Come on Id, use it.”
Id took a piece of mushroom and the two lit the way through the cave.
They reached another entrance to another cave. This one split into many tunnels as well.
“Let’s keep going straight.” Lilac said.
“Yeah. Sounds like a good idea.” Said Id.
The two walked ahead, looking at the other caverns. They noticed something about them.
“Is it just me or do these caves look like…doorways?” Asked Lilac.
Id inspected them closer and noticed the perfect curves of the entrances as if they were carved. “Yeah, you’re right.” He said.
“But how…oh, right. Someone must have done this in their own world.” Said Id.
Lilac nodded. “Yeah. Come on, I think I see something up ahead.”
The two walked a bit further, having to turn in some places as there were dead ends blocking them off and they stepped through one of the doorways into a large cavern with a giant pool. Lilax and Id scoured around the room, noticing the lake actually ended at a cave wall and didn’t go any deeper. They looked down and saw nothing but deep water again.
“Darn. I was hoping there’d be more to this cave.” Said Lilac.
“We’ll, we still haven’t explored those other areas yet. Let’s go see…” Id heard something moving in the water.
He floated over to it…and shot back when a large tentacle almost had grabbed him.
“Run! Get out of here!” Shouted Id and he flew to Lilac to teleport them out, but something caught him and he couldn’t move.
“Crap! Id, can you teleport?!” Shouted Lilac.
Id tried, but shook his head.
“N-no.” He gasped out, his ribs being crushed by the large tentacle.
Lilac dodged a tentacle herself when another tried to grab her. She flew high on her broom and tossed her mushroom light down.
The tentacle snatched it. Realizing it was just a mushroom, the creature tossed it aside and it floated in the water and the creature rose out of the water.
“Oh shit…”
Lilac had expected many things, but what she did not expect was a giant squid to have made its home there. She wondered how it got in.
Lilac zoomed down.
“From the heavens and skies up high, I ask that you make this squid say goodbye! From this world to from whence it had came, let it return, so mote it be!”
Lilac shot her wand down and blasted the squid, but it dipped under the water, causing the beam to disperse and disappear.
“Shit!” Lilac cursed.
She chanted something again and tried to hit the tentacle holding Id, but it moved.
Id tried to squirm, to move something, to do anything, but he was trapped.
Lilac looked around and was almost nabbed by another tentacle. She quickly flew into the caves from where she and Id came from and hid deep in the hallways.
“No, Id.” Lilac teared up, but refocused, trying to figure out how to save her friend.
She noticed the branching hallways and dashed down one.
She heard a slam behind her and saw a tentacle behind her.
“Oh crap….” She trailed off and ran away as another tentacle broke through the wall behind her and she continued to run through the hallway, hoping to find something to help her.
What she found was a pool of water jutting up from somewhere. She debated whether to go in.
A tentacle slamming her leg and nearly causing her to fall in head first made the decision for her and she immediately dipped herself in, casting a bubble around her head and she zipped through the narrow passage.
She swam for quite a bit until she zoomed right and found herself in the giant lake from before. She looked up and saw the giant squid looking around, trying to figure out where she went.
That thing could not have gotten in here on its own! Not even in its own world! It had to have gotten in here…
Lilac saw a passage that was rather large and appeared to be dug out by someone or something.
She brought out her wand and zapped the squid a little with a small tapping spell that created a small hand and it tapped the tentacle from underneath.
The squid jerked and looked down at jer.
“Hey loser! Come catch me!” She said. Lilac then zoomed down towards the hole.
The squid zoomed after her, holding a nearly unconscious Id in its grip.
Lilac saw how fast the squid was swimming and she worried she wouldn’t be able to out speed it when her wand shook. Lilac rose it up and the wand’s magic enveloped her and she transformed into a dolphin.
Seeing she was granted an easy win, she didn’t waste the opportunity and zoomed down towards the hole at an even faster speed than her broom had done (which she held in her beak).
The squid gave chase and tried to grab Lilac, but she was just too quick and continued to speed through the tunnels and zoomed left, right, left, left again, then another left, before going right and she ended up having to swim up when the tunnel reached a dead end, going only up.
Lilac burst out of some water into another large cave. She saw a hole just a little ways away. She transformed back into a human and ran towards the hole. She saw the squid burst out of the water behind her.
Ljlac looked down and saw the same lake she and Id had been flying over, thanks to the glowing fish. Lilac jumped down.
A tentacle almost grabbed her before she fell down out of reach. Using some quick thinking, Ljlac turned around so hee head was facing the waters below and she used her broom to slow herself down, and she righted herself, just before she hit the waters and she splashed inside.
“L…Lilac…” Id croaked feeling faint as air began to leave his lungs.
He and the squid both watched for her and a sudden splash of water burst forward and out came a dripping wet Lilac, waving a flashlight around, temporarily blinding the squid.
It glared at her.
“Hey ugly! This way!” She shouted and dove back into the waters below, transforming into a dolphin again.
Id looked down worriedly as the Squid carefully climbed down the wall towards the water and splashed inside.
“Yoo-hop! Over here~.” Said Lilac.
The squid saw her and swam towards her and she zoomed away. She found another hole. The hole she hoped for. She zoomed inside and the squid wormed it’s way inside as well.
Lilac grinned and sped further.
Id was beginning to see spots in his vision and he almost blacked out a couple of times. He almost hit his head on a rock, had his hat not hit it for him and it got knocked off.
Id almost gasped, but kept his mouth shut. He worried he’d never get his hat back. But even more worrisome was Lilac. Hopefully she had a plan to stop that squid and get rid of it.
Ljlac appeared to be lifted up by a strong current.
The squid followed and it rocketed upwards and slammed into the roof of the cave, before falling back down.
Id opened his mouth to get air, but nothing came in. He groaned and felt dizzy.
The squid looked around, but saw no sign of Lilac.
That was, until a blast of water hit it, even harder than it had when Ljlac had splashed Id with the same spell and a torrent of water sent the squid towards an opening in the cave wall.
Id tried to squirm free, but his lack of focus and the grip of the tentacle made ir hard for him to escape.
“Id!” Lilac flew towards the squid and though it tried to grab her, she blasted it again and it narrowly missed as she and the squid both fell out of the cave.
Ljlac dashed on her broom. She looked at a barely conscious Id and grabbed his arm. The squid refused to loosen its grip, but Lilac used the same spell she cast earlier to zap its tentacle and it loosened its grip slowly. It was soon loose enough for Ljlac to freely pull Id away and he was slowly slipping out of her grip due to the pounding water. Ljlac cast a protective bubble around them and she gently released Id and he fell onto the soft surface.
Ljlac jumped down and joined him, hugging him.
“Oh, Id, I’m so sorry! This was a stupid idea! We should have never come here, I…”
Id gently placed a finger over her mouth and grinned. Using the last of his strength, he began to glow and they both disappeared from the waterfall, the bubble included.
They appeared in front of the cave and the bubble popped and they both fell to the ground.
“Id, are you okay?! Say something!” Said Lilax.
Id was breathing slowly, consciousness slowly returning to him.
“What? What is it?”
“Wa…water. I need water.” Id said hoarsely.
Ljlac pulled out a bottle and gave it to him.
He drank.
Id slowly began to sit up and Lilac helped him and she held him up as he continued to drink more.
Colour began to return to his previously pale face.
“No more…” He said.
“No more what?”
“No more getting ourselves nearly killed. I don’t know how much more I can take.” He said.
Ljlac grinned sheepishly.
“I’m sorry.” Then she turned serious. “Seriously. If it hadn’t been for me, we would have…”
“Don’t beat yourself up. Besides, I wanted to come, remember? No one had any idea that that monster was in there.” Id said.
Lilac nodded.
“Hey. At least we’re both still alive. That’s something and hey, we got rid of the monster. Now the cave should be safe for everyone else. We can head back some other day.”
“Y…you mean you actually liked it?” Asked Ljlac.
“Yeah. Aside from the whole getting crushed by a giant squid, it was pretty fun.” Said Id.
Ljlac grinned.
“Thanks Ljlac.”
“You’re welcome.” Said Ljlac. The two grinned at each other for a bit.
“Well, shall we head back?” Asked Ljlac, grabbing Id by the hand, ready for him to teleport them. He smiled and shook his head, gently pulling away and grabbed the broom.
“I think, I’d like to take the much more fun route, if you don’t mind. It’s very scenic.”
Lilac grinned and gently climbed on.
Id climbed on behind her and the two zoomed off into the air.
0 notes
mysticalbookkeeper · 1 year ago
A Walk in the Park
Id was sitting on a bench in the blue forest, watching ducks in a pond. As annoying as it could be when things constantly and endlessly got pulled to the island, Id had to admit, it did have its perks. There was never a pond, or an ice cream truck before, or…
Id’s thoughts wandered to the newest addition on the island as of two months ago.
The first time he met Lilac, he was his usual self, all goofy and silly and being the true evil villain he was.
But when she defeated him, and would somehow show up in the places he appeared in, Id actually spoke more calmly, rather than just doing his usual monologuing he reserved for the other islanders when he was trying to look all evil and stuff.
Id was still daydreaming, when a voice startled him, almost causing him to teleport away.
“Hi Id! What are you doing here?”
He turned to Lilac and tried to save face.
“Hey Lilac, trying to cook up some evil plans for the lovely townsfolk in Rook, what are you doing here?” Asked Id.
Lilac grinned. She was the only one who knew all Id really did was play harmless pranks on people and act like he was evil.
“I was actually coming to find you and I’m glad I did.” Lilac said. Id felt his face turn red.
“Oh…why?” He asked.
“Well, I was wondering, if you weren’t too busy with your evil plans, if we could just spend the day together?” Lilac asked.
Id felt his heart race in excitement. “R…really?” He asked.
“Yeah. I was actually asked to come this way to get some materials for Joxxi, but it can wait. They’re kind of occupied with other villagers right now because a certain someone decided to allow a bunch of goblins into the town.” Lilac smiled knowingly at Id.
He chuckled nervously, before shaking his head. “Ah, sorry. I-I’ll get that cleaned up right now and…”
“Relax, no need. It’s already being taken care of.” Lilac said.
“Oh.” Id said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
“So…?” Lilac gave him a hopeful look.
“Well…if you have nothing else to do, then I guess it’s alright.” Id said.
“Awesome! C’mon Id! Let’s go for a walk!” Lilac said, grabbing the man by the wrist and dragging him along the path.
Lilac and Id walked side by side, as they gazed around the forest.
A squirrel ran in front of them and Lilac wondered if it was going to a secret area. She decided she would check it later when she came back. For now, she just wanted to hang out with Id. Ever since she came to the island, she wasn’t sure how it would turn out. She figured it would be just like any other adventure she had in other worlds. That was before she met Id. Ever since, she’d been hanging out with him a lot and together they went on many adventures on the island.
“So how have you been Id?” Asked Lilac.
“I’ve been good. Not much has happened. Other than the whole goblin thing. What else would you like to do while we walk?” Id asked.
Lilac shrugged. “Just walk. I’m in no rush, so we have the whole time to ourselves.”
Id nodded. He fumbled around. He never had a regular conversation with anyone. Not anything that didn’t involve him monologuing, or dragging someone into one of his pranks.
“Rather nice day, isn’t it? Nice and dry after that rain a few weeks ago.” Lilac said.
Id nodded. “Do you not like rain?”
“I love rain! You’ve obviously seen me splashing in the puddles around one of your regular hang out spots by the lake.” Lilac pointed out.
“Ha ha. Usually I leave that spot after meeting someone, and leave a sign, but…well, I guess something kinda draws me back.” Id said, looking at her.
“Must be a really nice spot. It’s definitely got lots of cool frogs and some nice fish.”
Id chuckled. “I…I was referring to you a…actually.”
“I know. I’m just messing with ya.” Lilac grinned.
Id smiled. “I…” he hid his face under his top hat.
Lilac looked at him and cocked her head.
She waited as Id tried to gather the words he wanted to say.
“Lilac, I…like you.”
“Oh?” Asked Lilac, still smiling, yet her heart flipped a million times over in glee.
“Y…you’re so nice and…and strong and…I…I’d like…to be your…”
Lilac continued to patiently wait, knowing Id had a tougher time with sharing his true feelings.
“Your friend. If you think that is okay?” He asked.
“Of course I do. I was gonna ask the same thing, but I’m glad you did. Thank you Id. That means a lot to me.” Lilac said.
Id rose his head, but his face was still beet red.
“Y…you’re welcome. And thank you as well.” Id said. Lilac smiled. She stepped closer to the bashful Id and gently took his hand in hers. Id turned even more red and grinned. He felt his heart jump up and down and melt and soar all at the same time.
They watched ducks pass by and swim towards the far end of the lake.
Frogs croaked in the cattails, singing their ensemble.
Dragonflies buzzed overhead and flocks of birds flew through the afternoon skies. It all seemed magical, like a fairy tale story.
And luckily, there were no monsters on their path as they were kinda forced back into the bush. Sometimes, unfortunately, they did tend to jump unsuspecting wanderers, but none of them seemed to want to cause any trouble right now.
Id saw a bunch of flowers and picked one. A purple flower with a few pedals spread out from a yellow centre.
He hid it behind his back and gently tapped Lilac’s shoulder. She looked at him curiously. He showed Lilac the flower.
“Oh, thank you.” She said, accepting the flower. “It’s beautiful Id.”
“Yeah. It’s a flower that is common around the island in a few spots. They prefer the company of other flowers like them, and it made me think of you. Also the fact that it’s purple.” Id said.
Lilac gently put the flower in her pocket and gave Id a hug.
“Thank you. This is a lovely gift Id.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Id grinned and felt his heart beat at a hundred miles per minute.
“Y…you’re welcome.” He said as he returned the hug. They hugged for a while, the sounds of the animals and bugs singing around them, as if singing a song for them.
“Well…” Lilac said, gently releasing Id from the hug, but holding onto his hand. “Shall we continue?”
Id nodded. The two resumed walking, both of them feeling bubbly.
“Hey Id, want some ice cream?” Asked Lilac.
“Umm, sure. I’ll pay.” Id said. But Lilac gently shook her head, smiling and walked up to the cart herself.
Id followed her and watched as Lilac ordered for them.
“What flavour do you like Id?” Asked Lilac.
“I like chocolate.” He answered honestly.
“Alright. I’d like a chocolate cone too please.” She told the kin running the stand. He placed their orders.
“Alright, that will be six gold.” Said the kin.
Lilac nodded and handed the kin the coins and he handed her their cones, one was mint chocolate chip and the other was chocolate. She passed the chocolate one to Id and he took a bite and Lilac took a bite of hers as well.
“Thank you Lilac.” Id said.
“Anytime Id.” Lilac replied, smiling.
They continued walking and eating.
“Hey Id. What’s your favourite animal?” Asked Lilac as they walked.
“Pardon?” Asked Id.
“What animal do you like best?” Asked Lilac.
“Uhh…gee, that’s a tough one. Umm…I guess…frogs and…puppies. I do like cats. And ducks are kinda cool as well.” Id said.
“Cool. I like dogs and cats. And whales and dolphins. Ducks too.” Said Lilac.
Id nodded.
“Oh, also frogs and turtles and tortoises. They’re cool too.” Lilac said.
Id nodded. He took another bite of his ice cream.
Lilac looked at the lake. “What will you be doing tomorrow Id?”
“Oh, well, as I said, I’m cooking up some new evil schemes for the townsfolk.”
“May I know what they are?” Asked Lilac.
“Ah, I would sure love to my dear, but I’m afraid I must keep it a secret. Even my greatest allies cannot know my dastardly plans in case they might leak it.” Id said, his voice raised a little as if speaking to a crowded room.
Lilac grinned. “Ah come onnn, I won’t tell. Promise.” She said.
“I’m afraid not. But I can tell you it does involve something similar to snakes. But not quite.” Id said.
Lilac grinned. “Ah, I see. Disappointing. Hopefully I’ll get to see your evil plan unfold tomorrow then.”
“Well…you live in town, so…maybe?” Asked Id.
“Maybe, but you know I help Gorgax run the library now. So chances are I won’t get a chance to see your latest evil scheme. But I’m sure I’ll hear all about it.” Lilac answered.
“Well…maybe I should hold off until your day off.” Id said. “When will that be?”
“Id, you don’t have to do that. If you really wanna do this evil scheme, then I won’t stop you. You can tell me all about it when I get off work.” Lilac said.
“Aww. Okay.” Id said a little disappointed.
Lilac took a bite of her ice cream. An idea came to her.
“You know…you could do your evil scheme with me.” She suggested.
“I…I don’t know. I got in trouble last time I did that and I don’t want to get you into trouble.” Id said.
“I’ll come outside on my first break. You can do it then.” Lilac said.
“Will that be okay with you?” Id asked, eating more of his ice cream.
“Definitely! I haven’t gotten a famous Id prank for a little while. It will be nice to get pranked again.” Lilac said.
Id smiled. “Well…alright.”
Lilac returned the smile and finished the rest of her ice cream, having eaten the waffle cone as well.
Id finished his shortly after and the two continued on.
“Lilac, look.” Id whispered and pointed to a patch of flowers nearby.
On the petals were butterflies of different colours, just lazing about.
The two silently crept close and looked at them.
“Whoa. That’s so cool!” Lilac whispered.
“Isn’t it? These guys got pulled to the island a long time ago. Probably from where you came from originally.” Id said.
Lilac nodded. “Probably.”
They continued looking at the butterflies. One of them flew up and onto the bridge of Id’s nose. It gently tickled him as it sat there, fluttering its wings gently, as if saying a gentle hello.
Lilac giggled. Another butterfly flew up to her and landed on her nose and Id giggled as well.
The one butterfly on Id began to flutter down and fluttered to his cheek, before walking along it, down to the back of his neck. Id giggled and blushed as the butterfly crawled on him. Lilac giggled too as her butterfly did the same thing, crawling underneath her hair. The two butterflies rested on the back of their necks.
“Guess, we were warm to them.” Lilac said.
Id nodded. The other butterflies seemed to notice their companions gone and flew towards Lilac and Id, resting on them, trying to find a warm spot to rest before their next flight.
Id rose his chin as one crawled down it, going to the side of his neck and he giggled.
Some of the butterflies rested in Lilac’s hair and another one travelled down to her left hand and rested on it.
The two just sat and watched the butterflies gently resting on them.
“This is new.” Lilac said.
“What do you mean?” Asked Id.
“Well, normally this stuff doesn’t happen to me, except maybe on occasion, and it was only one butterfly. Never this many. Guess they’re really friendly here.” Said Lilac.
Id nodded. “It happens to me a lot, but of course, I live here and have lived here for one thousand years, so I’m kind of used to it.” He said.
Lilac nodded and the two continued to sit in silence.
Lilac looked at the sun in the sky. It was still pretty early in the afternoon, though Joxxi did need those parts that day.
“Hey Id, when we’re done our walk, can I ask a favour?” Asked Lilac.
“Sure, anything.” Id said.
“Could you teleport me back to the town when I gather the supplies? Just to the outskirts, you don’t have to take me into town.” Lilac said.
“Well…okay.” Id smiled at her. He giggled when a butterfly crawled on his neck and rested on the bottom part, getting the warm spot in between the neck and shoulder.
“These guys are really cute, eh?” He asked, watching more crawl around on him, moving to different spots.
“Yeah. Butterflies are my favourite bugs. What with the patterns on their wings and what not.” Lilac said.
Id giggled. “Yeah.”
He giggled more when he felt another butterfly join the first one on the back of his neck.
They sat for a little longer.
“Well…guess we should be heading.” Id said.
“Yeah. Sitting here is getting to be tiring.” Lilac said and she stood up along with Id. But the butterflies stayed put. Some did flutter off of them for a short moment, only to land back on them.
“I guess…they’re coming with us?” Asked Id.
Lilac laughed. “I guess so.” She said as the one on her hand climbed up her arm and rested on her shoulder.
They began to walk and the butterflies held firm.
Lilac and Id continued walking, feeling a little weird with butterflies on them.
They saw a bench and decided to sit down for a bit, careful not to crush the butterflies on them (not that it mattered as the butterflies seemed to all hang on their necks and front torsos).
Id looked at the lake and watched the water rippling. Lilac looked at it as well, then turned her gaze to Id, a sly grin creeping on her face. She scooted a little closer to Id. He looked at her, a curious look on his face.
She continued to grin slyly at him. She leaned gently forward and Id leaned back.
“Uhh, Lilac? What are you…”
All of a sudden, her arms sprang forth and she began to tickle his armpits. Id laughed and all the butterflies flew off of him, but remained close by.
The butterflies on Lilac flew off too and they all hovered nearby as Lilac continued to tickle Id.
“L-Lilac! No! Stop! W-what if s-someone sees us?! I-I can’t let a-anyone else…see me…at my weak point!” Id laughed.
“Then why aren’t you stopping me?” Asked Lilac slyly.
“I am!” Id protested.
Lilac did stop and Id tried to hide his disappointment, when she grabbed his hand and gently lead him to the grass behind the bench and tackled him down and resumed tickling him.
“Ahh! No! S-stop! This is worse! You have me pinned!” Id shouted.
Lilac tickled under his armpits for a little while, before moving to the sides of his stomach.
Id howled with laughter.
“L-Lilac! Stop! I’m begging you, please!” Id shouted.
“Evil doers don’t beg~.” Lilac said in a sing song voice.
“F-fine! Then I demand that you stop! P-please! Tickling is not allowed here!”
“I didn’t see a sign that said so!” Lilac continued, moving to tickle under his chin and right armpit.
“Stop! Stop!” Id shouted. Though his arms were free, he did nothing to stop her.
“Not yet~. I wanna keep going.” Lilac said.
Id laughed and allowed Lilac to continue tickling him.
“Ah—okay! Okay! I’m…I’m out of breath!” Id gasped.
Lilac did stop and chuckled mischievously as Id caught his breath. She laid down next to him and snuggled up next to him.
“Ah, shouldn’t we get going?” Asked Id.
“Ohh, we still have time! Let us just rest a little.” Lilac said with a wave of her hand…that went to tickle Id’s neck a little and he giggled.
Lilac giggled as well and stopped, moving her hand back down to his chest.
“Isn’t this…what couples do? Not that I don’t want you to stop, just…”
“I read that friends do this kind of thing too. It’s called platonic cuddling.”
“Well alright then. Then…maybe…we could do this tomorrow? After my evil scheme is done?” Id said.
“Mm. Yeah. That would be nice.”
“Alright. I’ll have to see if I have room in my schedule, but I think I can squeeze it in between my practice monologuing and my next evil schemes.” Id said.
Lilac laughed and rested her head underneath Id’s arm.
He smiled down at her. The butterflies rested close by, resting on the bench they had just been sitting on.
Id gently removed his hat and set it to the side and looked at the sky as he heard Lilac gently doze off a little. Id cast a glance at her and his heart skipped a beat again.
He gently ran a hand through her hair and smiled. He never had a friend before. Granted, he never really hung out in town before except to cause trouble for the locals. But having a real genuine friend felt nice. Comforting. Id wished he and Lilac could stay that way forever, but he knew they would have to get moving soon. But for now, he decided to allow them to rest and enjoy the moment.
He returned his gaze to the sky and watched as the clouds rolled by, being gently blown by the wind.
Id felt a tickling on his nose and giggled, before his eyes fluttered open and saw one of the butterflies on his nose, seeming to have woken him up.
He looked at the position of the sun and saw it was still high in the sky, but starting to lower, signalling it was still early afternoon.
He looked at the dozing form of Lilac who had propped herself on his chest. He sighed, smiling. He didn’t want to wake her up, but he knew she had a job to do and didn’t want her to end up late. He looked at the sky and continued to lay down, allowing Lilac to doze for a few more minutes. A butterfly flew over to her, but Id scowled and shook his head at it.
“Let her have a few minutes.” He hissed, careful not to wake her.
“Hey. Hey Lilac.”
Lilac gently woke up, looking at the lake before gently sitting up and looking at Id.
“Morning sunshine. Have a good sleep?” He asked.
“Yeah. I guess we better get going huh?” Lilac asked.
“Yeah. Come on, before I end up getting you in trouble with Joxxi.” Id said and stood up, and offered his hand to Lilac. She smiled and took it, and Id lifted her up rather quickly and she almost stumbled. Id laughed and Lilac playfully scowled at him.
“Ah come on, don’t be like that.” Id said as he and Lilac walked off.
“One day Id, you might not get so lucky and I’ll get you.” Lilac said, shaking a fist at him.
“Ha! No one has been able to foil me yet. What makes you think you’ll be lucky?” Asked Id.
“Oh, I have some tricks up my own sleeve. Just you wait you foul villain.” Lilac answered.
Id laughed.
They soon reached the other side of the park, where the supplies Lilac needed were and both Lilac and Id gathered them up.
“Alright, ready Freddy?” Asked Id.
Lilac looked around, making sure they had what they needed, before nodding.
“Yup! Teleport me away!” Lilac said.
Id chuckled and stood close to her, grabbing her hand with his free hand and teleported them both.
They stood on the cobblestone pathway that lead straight into town.
“Thank you Id. Today was the best day ever.” Lilac said.
“Anytime. But be careful. You never know what might happen next, during my latest evil schemes.” Id said.
Lilac grinned. “Well, then I might just have to foil you when that does happen and put you in your place.”
“We shall see, won’t we?” He asked.
“We shall.”
Lilac and Id set their items down and Lilac hugged Id. He returned the hug, making sure no one else was around to witness this and relaxed once he was certain there was no one else.
Lilac soon let go of Id and picked up the stuff. Id decided to make it easy for her and teleported away and came back with a wagon.
“Here. So you don’t have to carry such a heavy load.” He said.
“Thank you Id.” Lilac said and Id helped her load the stuff into the wagon.
“Anytime. See you tomorrow Lilac. You’ll see…you may have been spared of my evil schemes today, but tomorrow, you’re going to get the biggest surprise of your life! Hee hee hee. I’m so excited!” Id giggled.
“Awesome. Can’t wait. See ya tomorrow buddy!” Lilac said.
“Hey! Calling others buddy is my thing!” Id protested, still smiling.
Lilac laughed.
Id teleported away, leaving her by herself.
Lilac calmed down and sighed, a big smile on her face. She couldn’t wait to see what Id cooked up for her the next day.
Once night fell and Lilac had dinner at her home in Rook, she watched a movie (Prince of Egypt) with popcorn and soon headed to bed, having brushed her teeth and hair.
She put on her pyjamas and took out the flower that Id gave her from her jean pants pocket and smiled. She went downstairs and grabbed a glass bottle from her cupboard and filled it with water and placed the flower gently inside and carried it back to her room.
She placed the flower on the windowsill and looked up at the moon.
“Good night Id.” She said and went to climb into her bed and turned off her bedside light and immediately dozed off.
A butterfly, the same one that had landed on Id had decided to flutter in through the open window and landed on Lilac’s cheek.
“Good night Lilac.” It whispered the message Id asked to give it into her ear. Then the butterfly flew off and back out into the night to return to its friends.
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