ashhboo · 3 months
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Keeping Faith (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/365216455-keeping-faith?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Ashy_28 "I have faith in you, in us." Rick Grimes x OC Slow burn Seasons 1- ?
SO so nervous to post this! My fanfic is out! Keeping Faith, a slow burn Rick Grimes book. With a hint of Shane Walsh! First two chapters are out and the 3rd is nearly done!!
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lyrasky · 11 months
【ウォーキング・デッド:デッド・シティ】シーズン1第2話ネタバレ ニーガンの罪は洗い流されるのか? あらすじ感想 解説 DEAD CITY1-2
【ウォーキング・デッド:デッド・シティ】シーズン1第2話ネタバレ ニーガンの罪は洗い流されるのか? あらすじ感想 解説 DEAD CITY1-2 #thewalkingdead #thewalkingdeaddeadcity #deadcity #ウォーキングデッド #ウォーキングデッドデッドシティ #jeffreydeanmorgan #laurencohan #aのブログへ #TheWalkingDead #DeadCity #LaurenCohan #MaggieGreene #JeffreyDeanMorgan #Negan #ウォーキングデッド #デッドシティ #GaiusCharles #TheWalkingDeadDeadCity #ŽeljkoIvanek #MahinaNapoleon #LoganKim #TheCroat #OldAquintances #MichelleHurd #TreySantiagoHudson
日本での放送や配信が依然として未定の【The Walking Dead: Dead City ウォーキング・デッド:…
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"i don't want to hate you anymore"
neggie romance vibe
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v-small-octo · 5 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Walking Dead (TV), The Walking Dead & Related Fandoms Relationships: Daryl Dixon/Original Female Character(s), Rick Grimes/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Jealous Rick, Protective Daryl Dixon, Zombies, Survival, Original Character(s), POV Female Character, POV Third Person, POV  Summary:
When the outbreak first started, Emerson Bradly had barely made it out with her life. Living out of the daycare where she had worked, and caring for a newborn baby that had been enrolled in the daycare, Emerson focused on making it day by day. Until he showed up. The Governor. Leader of a town called Woodbury, a town that at first Emerson thought was heavensent, until it wasn't. Allowed to keep the baby, but confined to the Governor's secret room of walker heads, Emerson is a prisoner meant to serve the Governor's needs. That is, until the strange group of people from the prison show up.
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ferro2w · 5 years
Reposted from @officialmaggiegreenlive - Always have a blast w my girl @rachelstormsonline! So much bouncy fun! #floridalife #bikinis #milfrevolution #cougars - #regrann #ferro2w @ferro2w #MaggieGreen #RachelStorms https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSoq0_lYxd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cyn3prdqs9ka
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roguecomics · 3 years
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#WalkingDead fans! Celebrate the return of #theWalkingDead with these six special covers of the first six issues from artist David Finch dropping this Wednesday! Get ‘em while they last! | #ImageComics #RobertKirkman #RickGrimes #CarlGrimes #GlennRhee #Andrea #MaggieGreen #ShaneWalsh | #SupportSmallBusiness by buying #ComicBooks from an actual #ComicBookStores (at Rogue Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLmepgJhokK/?igshid=9uci028g3th2
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@jeffreydeanmorgan @laurencohan @angelakkang @amcthewalkingdead I made this because I think they would be perfect for one another❤️ #itcouldhappen #maggiexNegan #TheWalkingDead #maggiegreen #Negan #afangirlcandream‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDynVMIj0FA/?igshid=15hgi9utnzvhx
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Howdy favorite writer! Could I please get a Maggie and f reader where reader is injured terribly, but not bitten, and she ends up fainting in Maggie's arms
A/N: Hello lovely follower! FINALLY a request with Maggie Rhee, I've waited so long for this to happen! Hope you like it ♥
"This is your final warning, we have your people," Alpha called through the megaphone, though their voices could still barely be heard through the rusty steel walls of Alexandria. "Come out with your hands up and nothing will happen to you."
A look over the walls at the tower you were guarding, showed you that there weren't many Whisperers, but they had carried out their threat. Rosita and Aaron sat kneeling in front of the closed gates, knives already held to their throats and head yanked back by their hair.
You dropped onto the wobbly floor of the pedestal and leaned back just before you got an idea. You gently tapped the edge of your gun, that you had drawn in case of a shooting, on the wood and hoped that the sound would hit Rick's ears.
And indeed; he looked at you - nervous and tense. You held your hands in front of your body and made the sign that showed him that he should just continue engaging in conversation with them to buy time and watch you closely as a sign to start shooting.
He tilted his head questioningly and stroked his upper lip before nodding unnoticed and starting to negotiate with Alpha.
You instead jumped down from the platform, almost breaking your ankle and ran to Enid. You reached out to her for the giant metal screws that were supposed to take you over the wall without anyone noticing before you ran to the other side of your home, attached them to the wall and climbed over the steel as quietly as possible.
With speed but still careful that no zombies or any bigger stones could screw up your idea, you pressed yourself against the walls of Alexandria and quickly ran into the forest where you knelt down to observe the situation more closely and to think about your next step - you didn't have much time.
You were contemplating how to do this alone without hurting either of them when you slipped off the small rock you were standing on, fell to the ground and the bush started to rattle. By reflex, you put your hand over your mouth and didn't move an inch from your uncomfortable position.
Tilting your head slightly to the side to see if your enemies had noticed your clumsiness, you saw Rosita's gaze lingering on you. She started to smile before licking her lips and preparing herself internally for whatever you had in your mind.
"What the hell are you doing here?" whispered a stern and overexcited voice. You startled for a moment until you realized that Maggie and Michonne had followed you, probably watching you try to escape or Enid couldn't hide from Maggie what her best friend was up to. "Y/n!"
"Pssh." you tried to silence them. While you put the finger of one hand to your own lips to signal them to be quiet, the other hand tugged at Maggie's shirt to drag her down into the bushed so she couldn't be seen. "I know you're probably gonna yank me back behind the wall by my collar, but listen to me."
You took a deep breath before you spoke again, Michonne now crouched behind you to listen, her lips pursed with nervousness and her brows raised in question.
"I will sneak up on the rear ones and take one hostage. As soon as Alpha and the others get their attention on me, our people will start shooting and hopefully Rosita and Aaron get out of the line of fire."
Instantly, your best friend's head shook uncontrollably and you rolled your eyes - that's exactly why you went out on your own. You've been close friends since you met at her father's farm, and as the world got worse outside of Alexandria, she became even more protective of you. She played the bigger sister and you were proud of it but in some cases - including this one - you didn't need that. "No, Y/n. I won't let that happen. Not over my grave."
"And neither will I." added Michonne. Almost immediately she grabbed your upper arm and was ready to bring you out of your cover but you jerked your arm away again, clearly annoyed by the whole thing. "We have to! It's our family, I won't let them die so either you join in and have my back or let me do it alone."
That was the last thing you said to them before taking a few steps back and hiding behind the thick trees, each time getting closer to your goal. A quick glance backwards told you that the two were hot on your heels.
The plan was a bit more elaborated, you had arranged with Maggie to hide behind the barrel as a kind of sniper with her bow while Michonne waited on the corner with her rifle for orders to fire.
With one skillful grip, your knife was at the throat of one of the Whisperer's members and you ripped the stupid mask off his face. At the grunt of the man in your hands, the rest of the people turned around and looked at you. But the only ones who didn't move were Alpha and Beta. They still had a firm grip on the black haired and the brunette, their eyes still on Rick without even blinking and only now your heart started beating wildly in your chest.
"Alpha. I have one of yours. Let one of us go and you'll get your men back." you said in a rough voice. As if by magic, the saliva escaped from your mouth and your mucous membranes were drier than the Sahara.
Her head nodded to the side and a loud, outrageous laugh escaped her black, dirty lips. A shiver ran down your spine and you had to admit that you were a bit scared. One wrong word or a small trigger and your family that you built up over the hardest times could die.
"Kill him."
You weren't prepared for that answer. Surprised, you unintentionally and trembling pressed the blade even closer to his skin, drops of blood trickling onto the blade. "Come one, kill him.." a short pause during which her eyes finally turned to you, her lips spreading into a big grin that made you slowly panic. "..before he kills you."
Unrecognized by you, he already pulled his knife out of his inner jacket pocket and suddenly turned to you without thinking about the blade that left a bloody but not deep trail on his neck. Perplexed, you jumped a few centimeters away from him, but by then it had already happened.
His blade grazed your stomach with full force, leaving a heavily bleeding wound that turned your white tank top, blood-red in seconds.
The adrenaline still coursing through your veins prevented you from feeling the pain and you watched in slow motion as the Whisperers fell one by one to the floor and shell casings hit the floor with a rattle. As the shots and the sound of arrows flying around died away, you dared to look up from your trance.
"Hey, Y/n? Y/n, look at me." you heard Maggie's voice from far away, her voice wrapped in an echo that made you dizzy. Her hands slid onto your upper arms from behind and her fingers cupped it before turning you slightly towards her, with caution. "Maggs, I-I don't feel well..."
"It's okay, Sweetheart. I have you. I have you. Just relax."
The monotonous beeping in your ears drowned out her voice and you could barely understand what she was saying. Her lips moved and her eyes welled up with tears, but her voice was gone. The background behind her started to move like you were at sea, blurring with every second you tried to focus. "Breathe with me. It's going to be okay."
By now she had wrapped her arms under your armpits to spare you strength to hold you up and took a piece of your weight onto her as she slowly led you through the maze of corpses into the court of Alexandria.
"Maggs," your words were shaky and slurred, the corners of your vision increasingly darkening. "I'm here, I am right here, Y/n."
"I love you." was the last thing that you could say before you weak body slumped onto the brunettes with full force and she fell a few steps back with you, still holding you tight in her arms and clutching your limp body.
Now, she was unable to hold back her tears.
"Don't you dare to die on me! You make a difference in my life. It wouldn't be the same without you here. I don't want to find out what it'd be like to not have you around. Please!"
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Custom Maggie Green Mini Figure to fit well known brand UK #1 #toys #toy #figure #listingsmanager #minifgure https://etsy.me/3a09P9N #etsy #bunkysvintagecrafts #maggiegreen #maggiegreenlego #maggiegreenminifigure (at Tadley) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8x5v6cAbdj/?igshid=1sfa833kxap4w
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jamesgannon17 · 7 years
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Break Time Sketches- Week 2
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lyrasky · 1 year
【ウォーキング・デッド:デッド・シティ】シーズン1第1話ネタバレ マギーとニーガン摩天楼はブレードランナー あらすじ 感想 解説 Dead City1-1
【ウォーキング・デッド:デッド・シティ】シーズン1第1話ネタバレ マギーとニーガン摩天楼はブレードランナー あらすじ 感想 解説 Dead City1-1 Lyraのブログへ #TheWalkingDead #DeadCity #LaurenCohan #MaggieGreene #JeffreyDeanMorgan #Negan #ウォーキングデッド #デッドシティ #GaiusCharles #TheWalkingDeadDeadCity #ŽeljkoIvanek #MahinaNapoleon #LoganKim #TheCroat #OldAquintances #MichelleHurd #TreySantiagoHudson
本編【ウォーキング・デッThe Walking Dead】をリアルタイムで2010年から見て来たLyraとしては「メインストーリーであるTWDのシーズン11が終わった時点で予定されていた映画3作品が始まる〜Rickが帰って来る〜」と数年前までは期待していた…が、あれこれ起きる(コロナやストーリーの書き換えetc)様子から「映画なくなるな」と予想していたら、案の定、映画製作は延期(中止とも言われていますが)。その代わり��日あらすじ解説を書く【デッド・シティ Dead City】がスピンオフとして製作開始したニュースが、昨年公表されました。 そして何年も前から噂されていた【Daryl & Carol】(仮題) も昨年の終わり頃?に決定。そして今年初めには【Rick &…
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Day 25Merry Christmas to all
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nerdsworld · 3 years
The Walking Dead final six extended episodes.
The Walking Dead final season.
TWD Season 10‼
Watch It and Catch Up‼
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Saturday February 27,2021
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drewman87 · 7 years
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The last #sketchcard I did for the #topps #thewalkingdeadseason6 #tradingcard set #maggiegreen #twd #thewalkingdead #maggie #laurencohan #zombie #walker #zombieapocalypse #horror #gore #portrait #atc #aceo #artisttradingcard #sketchcardartist #art #sketch #ink #color #fanart #amc #copicmarkers #coloredpencil
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queeniecook · 4 years
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Her older sister answered her phone after four rings. As always, when Maggie was excited or happy. She had a lot to say. 
“You met a guy? What’s his name?” Beth asked Maggie, forgetting the reason she called. To tell Maggie about her strange dream.
“Glenn?” Glenn. For some reason, hearing that name gave her a feeling that she should know who he is. But she couldn’t. Maggie had just met the guy herself. Though it seemed to Beth that Maggie really liked this guy already. It made her feel really happy for her sister. She decided not to bring up the dream, instead she chose just to enjoy talking to her sister. Catching up on things. 
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antoxlauren · 4 years
Lauren Cohan ♡
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