#magenta pearl
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diegosouzalions · 18 days ago
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Magenta Aura Quartz, Magenta and her Pearl fusion
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atomicgemm · 1 year ago
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Magenta Diamond + Magenta Pearl = Love Aura Quartz Magenta Diamond and Magenta Pearl are from Magenta Diamond AU by @diegosouzalions
Speedpaint video on my channel:
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courtshipfan · 3 months ago
Its Christmas time! I've drew something very cute for my best friend :3
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And also i've drew green zircon with her school Friends ^^
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stevenuniverse-described · 8 months ago
[Image Description: a digital drawing of an original Pearl based off of Steven Universe.
Magenta Pearl has light-pink skin, a gem on her navel, and fluffy, magenta hair swept forwards in feathery tufts. She is wearing a magenta, two-piece leotard with scalloped edges, fingerless gloves, and sheer, loose pants affixed from the bottom piece to her flats.
Magenta Pearl is drawn in four positions.
On the left, she is drawn dancing in side-profile, standing en-pointe with one leg extended behind her before leaning backwards and bending that leg in front of herself. On the right, she is drawn from the waist up looking to the left with a fond smile and from the chest-up with her arms extended slightly and an awed expression.
End Description.]
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I now dub thee Magenta pearl, Maggie for short :)
I did a design for Pink Diamond’s pearl :)
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mytherbalegwladys · 1 year ago
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Fluorine: Fluorine est gothique, cool et branchée. Sa passion, c'est le rock et les bonbons. Avec ses gemmes, elle peut transformer ses mains en griffes ou en lames.
Onyx: Onyx est la plus mystérieuse des gemmes de cristal. Elle aime se promener dans la forêt et chanter pendant la nuit. Comme Lapis Lazuli, elle possède un gemme sur son dos qui lui permet de déployer ses ailes. Et en plus, Onyx peut manipuler les corbeaux pour se défendre.
Citrine: Citrine est forte, brave et courageuse. Sa passion, c'est l'escalade, la plage et le sport. Avec son gemme, elle peut faire apparaître un fouet indestructible. Et en plus, Citrine a le pouvoir de géokinésie, c'est-à-dire de contrôler la terre et de transformer la consistance de la terre et des pierres. Elles peuvent utiliser ces pouvoirs pour provoquer des tremblements de terre, canaliser des coulées de lave, et manipuler des formes de pierre. Il leur est même possible de soulever des blocs de pierre en l'air, sur lesquels elles peuvent se tenir pour voler.
Aigue-marine: Aigue-marine est la sage et la calme des gemmes de cristal. Sa passion, c'est la plage, la baignade et les créatures marines. Son gemme lui permet de transformer ses jambes en queue de poisson. Comme Lapis Lazuli, Aigue-marine a le pouvoir de hydrokinésie.
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Perle Magenta (surnommée Maguy) est une prodige de la danse, et elle est fan du Lac des Cygnes.
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La bouffonne de la bande de Jago. Elle peut déployer ses ailes de fée par son gemme sur le dos et comme Spinel, elle peut étirer ses bras et ses jambes.
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Voici la maman de Jago.
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magentadiamondau · 10 months ago
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T̵a̶k̸e̶ ̵i̷n̵ ̷t̴h̷i̴s̴ ̸f̵a̷c̸a̵d̴e̴ ̶o̸f̴ ̴t̸h̸e̷ ̵p̵a̷s̷t̵,̴ ̸F̸o̶r̶ ̸n̶o̷w̸,̵ ̶i̶t̸ ̷w̴i̴l̷l̷ ̸b̷e̴ ̵y̴o̴u̸r̸ ̸l̴a̷s̵t̶.̸
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stevenuniverse-described · 3 months ago
[Image Description: a digital drawing of three, original Pearls based off of Steven Universe in a lineless style with smooth shading.
Magenta Pearl has pink skin, a gem on her sternum, and magenta hair styled into two, circular buns on top of her head. She is wearing a mangeta romper with loose pantlegs down to her calves, a ribbon tied around her waist, and a triangular cut-out for her gem.
Dusty Pink Pearl has light-pink skin, a gem on her chest, and puffy hair down to her waist with a bow fixed in the back. She is wearing a dusty pink leotard with a white bow on her sternum and a sheer skirt.
Violet Pearl has light-purple skin, a gem on her sternum, and rich, purple waves down her back. She is wearing a purple leotard that resembles a sash wrapped around her torso, a sheer skirt, and a purple hyacinth in her hair.
End Description.]
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Quick pearl adopts !
1. Magenta pearl $25 aud nb-podsol
2. Dusty pink pearl $30 aud Kr-o
3. violet pearl $40 aud Lady-Chan101
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cutiepieautistic · 7 days ago
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Cheerilee stimboard
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ersatz-colubridae-888 · 1 year ago
bugs are so fuckin funny. like what is this
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what are you
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m00nb04rd5 · 6 months ago
Can you do Cresselia from Pokemon please and make sure that you will take your time okay cool beans!!!
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Cresselia (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl)
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diegosouzalions · 1 year ago
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These are the drafts of the pilot version of the three main Diamonds in the story, without these first concepts, the comic might not have the same current direction or even exist!
It all started when I was bored in a free class in 8th grade, I just created them for fun, I didn't intend to make a comic or anything like that, also the story I had created was something "private" and for the public it would just be gemsonas.
In the old version of the Color Diamond Authority, the Diamonds were divided because they did not agree with each other and thus, they would branch into 4 or 5 authorities: The Fruits, The Heavenly (Possibly Rainbow would be in that authority), The Colors and The Males.
Peach would be the leader of the Fruit Diamond Authority, Lime and Cherry would be its members. She would have a more boring and dry personality, she had no reason to be mean, differently than she has now. She would probably be a Rainbow fanatic in her early years and over time would lose interest in her creator. Rainbow had never appeared in form to the Diamonds, but she still communicated with them by voice through a shadow or dark cloud, and they would all know that they were created by her.
Hope would still continue in the original authority (which was later called the Heavenly Diamond Authority), along with Aqua, Sun and Moon. Her personality wouldn't change much, it would just be more expressive and cheerful. I confess that when I made her, I was in doubt about choosing the colors purple or white, until blue was the color chosen (and also because it was the same color as the original diamond). She would have no arms or legs or even hair, most of her body was made up of her aura, so she would have to feel hopeful all the time for her body to function.
Bi-Color would be leading the Colors Diamond Authority together with Gray. Her personality would be like Blue, only cheerful. Her first color version would only be 2, but then it went to 3 (with the colors pink, blue and purple), then it was changed again to pink, yellow and blue (which would represent the colors of the Great Diamond Authority). And to be honest, her first version always reminded me of Celia Mae from Monster Inc.
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And finally Magenta, the first Diamond created that was later added to the Color Diamond Authority on January 1, 2019.
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Magenta participated in the Spatial (or Spacial) Diamond Authority, however, after a conflict between me and the authority's creator, I decided to withdraw and create my own. (And I recommend not sharing the old comic, if you have seen it, cause there are Diamonds that are not mine, so it would be rude to use them on any occasion)
She would have a similar personality to White, but in a kinder way. She couldn't see imperfection in anything, she always saw things on the positive side, even if everything was going wrong. Unlike the current one, she would almost never feel sad, in addition to being more silly, and would ask a lot more questions.
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As time went by she would become colder and would no longer be able to think about anything positive, she would see things more realistic and would become almost like an "antagonist" or an "anti hero" of the Rebel Gems, due to the traumatic moments she developed in the authority.
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There are old script concepts that were used and will still be used in the comic. The current story has a direction almost similar to the old one in some points, but with drastic changes, it will be more explored and polished than before.
A curiosity is that Silver and Golden were only inserted later (I believe in March 2019), which added even more shine to the story, I don't know what the comic would be without them honestly. If the Peacocks and Magenta didn't exist, officially the Authority would split, just like the old concept, but it would be worked with the current Diamonds personalities.
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Fanart made by me in Paint of the Pearls from the Peach, Cherry, and Lime Diamonds @diegosouzalions
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aclue-aclue · 10 months ago
A gifset for each episode of the fourth season of Blue's Clues (10/26)
Pearl's Kickball Championship
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bumblewish · 1 year ago
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Thought about a Pebbles design with a sunset theme.
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tbhyknow2 · 11 months ago
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magentadiamondau · 2 years ago
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Ypzlu myvt aol zohkvdz ilsvd, P uvd ruvd tf whpu. Hu vwhslzjlua zollu msbaalyz bwvu aol dpukvd av tf zvbs, Iypunpun tl lalyuhs lwpwohuf, lclyshzapun zjvyu, huk opkklu zhujabt.
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