mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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I know it is not a fic but ... when I saw in the indications of @lazaefair  “A wedding! I love weddings! " I thought about how it would be an invitation to Goody and Billy's wedding ... And well here is my version of your invitation!
And since @fontainebleau22 is happy with an art. Hope this makes you happy!
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lazaefair · 4 years
@tramstrams posted her prompts for the now-cancelled Mag7 Secret Santa, so I thought I’d throw mine out there, too. They’re, uh, not nearly as detailed as Trams’. SORRY.
Are you okay with making NSFW: Yes Are you okay with receiving NSFW: Yes What do you want to receive: Either Billy/Goodnight shipfic or ensemble genfic with established Billy/Goodnight. I prefer happy endings.
General prompts:
The Old Guard AU
Star Wars AU (or general space opera AU)
High Fantasy AU
1960s Secret Agent AU (Casino Royale, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., etc.)
Marvel Cinematic Universe fusion/crossover/AU
Remixing any of my fics
"A wedding! I love weddings!"
"The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you." "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
"Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?"
NSFW prompts:
"Save a horse. Ride a cowboy."
I guess my thought was that these prompts could be combined into various more fleshed-out premises, especially the NSFW ones since I kept them so general. Do with them what you will!
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inkformyblood · 4 years
Following @tramstrams​ example, here are my prompts for the now unfortunately cancelled Mag7 Secret Santa:
Goodnight x Billy, fluff/hurt and comfort, bathing together after a battle could be pre canon or post Rose Creek Red Harvest x Vasquez or Red Harvest x Authors Pick, selkie AU where one of them finds the others coat and they fall in love over trying to secretly get it back. Art prompt: Mag7 characters as kids or adults in Halloween costumes Familial Mag7, with Emma and Matthew if possible but up to author, can have minor pairings. Traveling post Rose Creek and there’s only one (really big) bed/hay loft/whatever Faraday x Vasquez, Post Rose Creek, everyone survives AU where they are both thinking they’ll leave the next day and keep seeing reasons to stay (and fall in love/stay in love)
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Following the example of the Mag7 lovers, here are my indications for the now canceled Secret Santa:
Do you agree to do NSFW: Yes Do you agree to receive NSFW: Yes What do you want to receive: Main pair Goodnight & Billy but you can include some other if you wish. I'm a big fan of Ted / Red, Faraday / Vásquez. I love Sam and Mr. Horne too. Pacific Rim AU: Goody or Billy secretly in love with the other. And it is discovered in the link. Please don't kill them in battle !!! In Your Eyes: Film adaptation. If you have not seen it, I recommend it. If you don't want to see it, it's basically two strangers who start to hear and see what the other does. They fall in love and seek each other. Mpreg: Goody pregnant! All seven help hide the pregnancy and take care of the baby. They are all wonderful guys! Soulmate AU: The brand is a symbol that is formed with each encounter. It is enough to be in the place at the same time. AU Firefighters !: Give your creativity free rein. I will enjoy embarrassing encounters in the barracks, double meaning jokes, distressing revelations of being in love, whatever you want! Discover the other a slight secret and a little embarrassment. What you don't want: BDSM, Death of main character, MMM, Gore. What do you prefer to work on: Goodnight / Billy, Faraday / Vasquez, Smut, fluff, hurt / mild comfort, fantasy, magic, etc.
If you want, take one and let your magic flow! I'll try to take some and not make a mess ...
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