mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Hello! I would love you could write something with this:24. Soulmate Au + 89. First time or 90. Unexpected Virgin Goodnight x BillyMy heart will thank you ...PS: I love your jobs!
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Thank you so much for the request and your lovely words!! Here is your fic, and I really hope you like it
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Hello! I would love you could write something with this:24. Soulmate Au + 89. First time or 90. Unexpected Virgin Goodnight x BillyMy heart will thank you ...PS: I love your jobs!
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Thank you so much for the request and your lovely words!! Here is your fic, and I really hope you like it
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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Hunted by @average-xmendrawings
Goodnight and Billy don’t come out on top in every fight. Sometimes, to flee the field and chalk the battle up to experience is the best option. But some grudge-bearing sons-of-bitches just have to push the issue…
Fab job by the artist, especially for a first time doing anything Western themed!
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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I know it is not a fic but ... when I saw in the indications of @lazaefair  “A wedding! I love weddings! " I thought about how it would be an invitation to Goody and Billy's wedding ... And well here is my version of your invitation!
And since @fontainebleau22 is happy with an art. Hope this makes you happy!
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
So with Mag7 secret santa not happening, I kinda want to share the wishes/prompts I included in my sign-up email. Not out of some desperate hope that someone will pick one up and write it (though I mean, I’m not gonna lie), but rather I would like to at least keep up some enthusiasm for the fandom. And possibly share a list of things I’m apparently going to have to write myself to regain my writing mojo.
(I removed some of the more general/broader prompts, as well as the specific but smutty prompt)
Comments in italics are comments I am adding now
Prompt 1: Billy/Goody arranged marriage
If that is too broad general and you want more to go on I have two possible options.
They are arranged to marry each other with a quite long engagement period. (Since you can chose for yourself which of them take which role in this scenario I will call them A and B) They meet and A falls instantly for B. But B has been against getting married and expresses as much to someone else but A overhears (possibly even B meant for them to overhear?) and crushed accepts that they will have to accept a loveless marriage. As they get to know each other B starts to fall for A but A still believes its a one-sided thing and B doesnt know how to convince him its real and not pity or an act they’ve been forced into. (Can be fantasy-esque, historical (I’m a sucker for victorian era), maybe even modern au?) (I never finished the untamed, but I did watch quite a lot of it, and I do admit there was a storyline there that sooooort of might have influenced this one, a tiny bit)
gang/mob au combined with arranged marriage. Billy and Goody’s respective parents are gang leaders and their families have a long bloody feud. But to combat a new strong gang they need to combine forces and for this they need an excuse, so they decide to marry their youngest children to one another to symbolically join their gangs together. (have I written a ficlet with this exact premise? Yes. I found it a couple of months back and thought “man I wish the writer would finish this.” Unfortunately I am the writer, so I thought I could unload it on someone else.)
These two ideas could probably be combined if you so wish, or pick one or another. Modify them as per your own wishes.
Prompt 2: Reverse “pretending to be a couple”-trope. For some reason Billy and Goody have to pretend to not be married, and they are terrible at it. (The reason for why they have to pretend should not be tied to “having to hide that they are queer due to homophobia”. Maybe they are spies or something where they have missions and due to the mission they have to pretend.)
Prompt 3: Masterchef(or cooking show of your choice) chef AU. Billy and Emma are friends from culinary school and both enter a cooking competition where they have this joking rivalry going on. Lots of snark and banter and they are definitely not serious about their threats to each other, because friends. Also one of the judges is this French-Cajun chef Goodnight Robicheaux and Billy flirts shamelessly and blatantly with him whenever Goody is near making him super flustered and blushing. (Look, yes, I may have written a drabble with this as premise. But what am I gonna use these wishes for if not to wish someone else will write my ideas for me?)
Prompt 4: Art (or short fic prompt?): Billy Rocks wearing high heels and a suit, or naked except for the shoes.
(Stick as close to these or diverge as much as you like, the longer prompts are just there in case you are not comfortable with too general/broad prompts and not a “you have to write exactly this”.)
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Follwing @tramstrams‘ lead, I will also post my prompts for the Mag7 Secret Santa which is now not happening in case anyone wants to pick up a winter prompt. And if not, then we have some more good prompts for the fandom out there to inspire creators.
[If anyone else wants to do this, I suggest we all use the tag #Mag7winterprompts so those who want to pick up one or more can find them easily.]
I’d be very happy with art, fic or anything else, and I’d like something that includes Billy/Goodnight, though I don’t mind whether it’s relationship-focused or a general or ensemble work. Here are a few ideas:
Any kind of space or sci-fi AU (especially the Firefly AU the fandom is still so sorely missing). Show me new planets and aliens and the Seven boldly going to right wrongs!
Chief of Police Billy is married to softly-spoken mob boss Goodnight (relates to tumblr post at https://fontainebleau22.tumblr.com/post/188566185804/someone-write-this-please-even-better-if-they-are )
Quarantine fic, either modern AU of Billy and Goody falling in love in lockdown (OMG they were Zoommates! - I know there was a post about this too, but I can’t immediately find it); or a canon-era quarantine fic where all seven come across a case of smallpox or yellow fever and have to quarantine together, with all the annoyances that entails.
Scenes from our heroes’ later life, in Rose Creek or elsewhere. I just cannot get enough of ‘they all lived happily ever after’ - show me how?)
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
@tramstrams posted her prompts for the now-cancelled Mag7 Secret Santa, so I thought I’d throw mine out there, too. They’re, uh, not nearly as detailed as Trams’. SORRY.
Are you okay with making NSFW: Yes Are you okay with receiving NSFW: Yes What do you want to receive: Either Billy/Goodnight shipfic or ensemble genfic with established Billy/Goodnight. I prefer happy endings.
General prompts:
The Old Guard AU
Star Wars AU (or general space opera AU)
High Fantasy AU
1960s Secret Agent AU (Casino Royale, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., etc.)
Marvel Cinematic Universe fusion/crossover/AU
Remixing any of my fics
“A wedding! I love weddings!”
“The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
“You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you.” “You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.”
“Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?”
NSFW prompts:
“Save a horse. Ride a cowboy.”
I guess my thought was that these prompts could be combined into various more fleshed-out premises, especially the NSFW ones since I kept them so general. Do with them what you will!
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Following @tramstrams​ example, here are my prompts for the now unfortunately cancelled Mag7 Secret Santa:
Goodnight x Billy, fluff/hurt and comfort, bathing together after a battle could be pre canon or post Rose Creek Red Harvest x Vasquez or Red Harvest x Authors Pick, selkie AU where one of them finds the others coat and they fall in love over trying to secretly get it back. Art prompt: Mag7 characters as kids or adults in Halloween costumes Familial Mag7, with Emma and Matthew if possible but up to author, can have minor pairings. Traveling post Rose Creek and there’s only one (really big) bed/hay loft/whatever Faraday x Vasquez, Post Rose Creek, everyone survives AU where they are both thinking they’ll leave the next day and keep seeing reasons to stay (and fall in love/stay in love)
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Following the example of the Mag7 lovers, here are my indications for the now canceled Secret Santa:
Do you agree to do NSFW: Yes Do you agree to receive NSFW: Yes What do you want to receive: Main pair Goodnight & Billy but you can include some other if you wish. I'm a big fan of Ted / Red, Faraday / Vásquez. I love Sam and Mr. Horne too. Pacific Rim AU: Goody or Billy secretly in love with the other. And it is discovered in the link. Please don't kill them in battle !!! In Your Eyes: Film adaptation. If you have not seen it, I recommend it. If you don't want to see it, it's basically two strangers who start to hear and see what the other does. They fall in love and seek each other. Mpreg: Goody pregnant! All seven help hide the pregnancy and take care of the baby. They are all wonderful guys! Soulmate AU: The brand is a symbol that is formed with each encounter. It is enough to be in the place at the same time. AU Firefighters !: Give your creativity free rein. I will enjoy embarrassing encounters in the barracks, double meaning jokes, distressing revelations of being in love, whatever you want! Discover the other a slight secret and a little embarrassment. What you don't want: BDSM, Death of main character, MMM, Gore. What do you prefer to work on: Goodnight / Billy, Faraday / Vasquez, Smut, fluff, hurt / mild comfort, fantasy, magic, etc.
If you want, take one and let your magic flow! I'll try to take some and not make a mess ...
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Let's go! everyone to participate!
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Sign-Up Form
Email your forms to [email protected]!
If you have any questions, check out the updated Rules and FAQ or shoot me an ask if your question is not listed in either!
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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Mag7 Swagbag Challenge: July!
Another month, another bag of prompts - are you brave enough to open it up and stick a hand inside?
1. Character prompt: write a fic or make an artwork focusing on one or more of the women in Rose Creek (canon characters or OCs).
2. Theme prompt: ‘Surrender’.
3. Format prompt: Remix an existing fanwork (a remix presents the same story in a different way, e.g. from a different perspective, by changing one significant element, or by foregrounding a different aspect of the story. Prequels and sequels are not considered remixes).
4. AU prompt: write or draw a crossover with another fandom
5. Sentence prompt: “Beyond expectation, beyond hope, beyond reason…”
Pick one, pick them all, mash them up together, anything goes! When you’re done, post to the Mag7 Summer Swagbag collection on AO3.
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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What’s in the bag for June?
We have eight Swagbag works this month, and another full house of prompt fills!
1. Character prompt: Write a fic from the point of view of an inanimate object, or make artwork celebrating the role of an inanimate object.
Let The World Come At You Love - QuickSilverFox3
Billy looked to the ocean, the ashes of his home and his family covering him like a second skin, and heard the siren song once more. He picked himself up from the ground, the world around him no longer certain, heart hardened to stone, and began to walk. - Billy follows the song, and finds his knives, and a surprise at the end.
The Dancing-Place - Fontainebleau
I lived a lifetime, and I am grateful for that. Even the greatest of cities must be born to a small beginning, no more than a huddle of huts behind a wooden palisade or a camp of tents on a foreign shore, and no city at its start can know its own destiny.
Happiness is a Warm Gun - dancinbutterfly, FiliTheLionKing
Only things that can kill, can speak.
2. Theme prompt: ‘Role reversal’.
Beggars Can’t Be Choosers - QuickSilverFox3
Sam has a cunning plan, and he knows exactly who to unleash it on. - Joshua only shrugged, shit-eating grin plastered reflexively onto his face, slipping only slightly in the face of Billy’s glare.
“If you die, mon cher,” Goodnight pressed a kiss to Billy’s free hand, “I have poetry ready and prepared.”
3. Format prompt: Letter or Diary format
When The Edge Falls - mysticalninjakoala
…I know this is sudden Mon Cher, but I think I’ve reached my peak. My heart and body can no longer go on with this. Not without losing some of my soul in it, and I’m really not sure there’s still any of it left…
Notes Passing In The Night - QuickSilverFox3
A collection of notes, reports and letters following the Battle of Rose Creek and the developing relationship between four unlikely companions.
4. AU prompt: Steampunk AU
To Get Him Back - QuickSilverFox3
Emma Cullen knows what she needs to do, and she’ll do whatever it takes to succeed.
5. Sentence prompt: “No. You cross that line and we’re done.”
Take What’s Broken (Make It Whole) -  QuickSilverFox3
“No. You cross that line and we’re done.”
Faraday paused, eyes — aching with every blink, a dull thrum reverberating through his head — slowly moving from the screen to stare at Vasquez. The other man refused to meet his gaze, jaw clenched tight enough that Faraday winced in sympathy, nails rasping over his stubble. - Vasquez and Faraday play Animal Crossing, and talk.
A rich haul for the month, and congratulations to QuickSilverFox3 who scoops the pot again!
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
New tattoo! Tattoos technically. Four knives. Billy Rocks’ knives.
3 hours later.
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100% not obsessed.
At all.
-whispering- I love him so much 😭
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnificent Seven (2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Goodnight Robicheaux/Billy Rocks Characters: Billy Rocks, Goodnight Robicheaux Additional Tags: farewell letters, Stolen Kiss, open end Summary:
...I know this is sudden Mon Cher, but I think I've reached my peak. My heart and body can no longer go on with this. Not without losing some of my soul in it, and I'm really not sure there's still any of it left...
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnificent Seven (2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Goodnight Robicheaux/Billy Rocks, Goodnight Robicheaux & Billy Rocks Characters: Goodnight Robicheaux, Billy Rocks Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Pre-Canon, Magical Realism, Soul Bond, Period-Typical Racism Series: Part 7 of Mag7 Summer Swagbag Challenge Summary:
Billy looked to the ocean, the ashes of his home and his family covering him like a second skin, and heard the siren song once more. He picked himself up from the ground, the world around him no longer certain, heart hardened to stone, and began to walk. - Billy follows the song, and finds his knives, and a surprise at the end.
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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Mag7 Swagbag Challenge: June!
What’s in this month’s bag? Take a look inside…
1. Character prompt: Write a fic from the point of view of an inanimate object, or make artwork celebrating the role of an inanimate object.
2. Theme prompt: ‘Role reversal’.
3. Format prompt: Letter or Diary format
4. AU prompt: Steampunk AU
5. Sentence prompt: “No. You cross that line and we’re done.”
Pick one, pick them all, mash them up together, anything goes! When you’re done, post to the Mag7 Summer Swagbag collection on AO3.
Prompts from May are also fair game: find them here.
[Thanks to the wonderful @lazaefair for the gif.]
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mysticalninjakoala · 4 years
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New movie called The Kid
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