herrings · 4 years
tomodachi quest.
on the third night of their plight, there’s fireflies. away from the banks, they drift in minimal presence. a lone luminescence amidst the dreary night, a lone guidance— drifting. their presence tonight is profound, linhardt thinks. for, somewhere in a book he had read, they were symbolic for the spirits of the fallen. he may not have known the bodies that had plagued the banks personally but, as a firefly rests upon his shoulder and dimly glows, he cannot help but be appreciative. by an odd chance, perhaps the soldiers’ spirits have carried to these adrift lights. a good conclusion, linhardt thinks as he watches the beetle, an ending to which they are cleansed the horrific, final moments of war.
he’s about done with his business in the foliage when a violent rustle catches the heir’s attention. it startles him, heart leaping to the flat of his tongue as he freezes, alert. it’s silent— then, he hears it again, louder, paired with a harsh howl of wind. it is only when the rustling comes closer that linhardt springs to his feet, the firefly on his shoulder immediately taking off as the heir stumbles back. when a snap is heard near him, linhardt’s breath hitches, then he twists and jets off into the direction back to camp.
“dimitri—!” he calls breathless once he makes it back to familiarity, where a figure sits by the campside flame. the heir scrambles about until he plops himself by his schoolmate, skin pallid. “dimitri, i—!” no, he can’t talk— he’s wasting breath-- he needs a moment to collect himself— linhardt topples over, hands clawing at his chest as he desperately tries to calm his breath.
“dimitri, there’s-- there’s something over there..!” linhardt points to where he came, “and it tried to chase me...!” no, he definitely wasn’t overacting and he definitely wasn’t influenced by mercedes’ ghost story earlier. he was being rational. completely rational and very much justified about an unknown source in the forests. 
@kingoftempests ( @maesterofmagic and @forlornwyvernrider included. )
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
Mae has had a great run, but for fear of clashing and going with my gut instead, can I drop Mae and reserve Tana in her place? I apologize for all the connections lost in advance!
Mae has been dropped and is now available!
Tana has been reserved!
You have one week (8/23) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Bren
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cotharach · 4 years
"You're a reel catch! Where have you fin all my life?"
Flayn blinks once. Then twice. Then heaves a deep sigh.
"I cannot believe I am saying this," she begins, rubbing her temples, "but you are more terrible than Alois!"
All her years she never thought she'd encounter a worse joker than the knight, but it seems this game had made Mae a strong contender. Hands hesitate to grab the quill offered to them, but in the end, Flayn relents; it took a great deal of courage to be this unfunny. She may as well pay that bravery forward.
"If it is any consolation, I do find myself a bit charmed by your attempt."
She says, taking the student's forearm and marking it with a tiny, scribbled out signature. The young girl hands her back the quill with a small pat on the back.
"Ha, well, I appreciate it. Perhaps I would appreciate it more if it were funnier."
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forlornwyvernrider · 4 years
"Hey, remember when I said you were huggable? Well, I meant it towards you!" She says. Wait, surely the way to this man's heart was through his wyvern. "But Minerva seems huggable too."
He agrees. In fact, he was already nodding in approval. Minerva is extremely huggable, but... again, no other winner must be picked lest he suffer from more tears.
“...only to those she likes.” He knows the intent, and he won’t cave and git. Quickly, he walks away.
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» bop to the top
starter for: @maesterofmagic 
“These poor people must be terrified if the reports are true.” Tethys speaks to Mae in confidence as they make their way towards the town nearest to Garreg Mach. To think she just visited this very town weeks ago in their own time... it looked so different, so defeated. The winter has been harsh even back then considering the bandit attacks and the food shortage, but this was in a while new level. People were disheartened and in constant fear for their own safety... and the one place that served as a symbol of neutrality was now nothing but ruins.
They were here to learn more and there was more than one way to go about it compared to simply exploring the ruins. There was always someone that knew more than them, and the common folk always had eyes and ears everywhere. They need only keep their own open...
“If we’re lucky, they won’t be too afraid to talk. Do you think they’d be interested in the oranges we have?” She looks over at her basket, a few oranges tucked inside. What little pocket money they had needed to be budgeted for their own needs, and incentives for their mission. The oranges looked nice and plump. Hopefully someone would be interested in trading them.
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rivclry · 4 years
What is your favorite thing about your muse? Why did you pick them up, what do you want to explore?
Munday | not accepting
I initially picked up Leonie because I wanted to do her justice. I think she’s a very cute character and the way the fandom portrays her sometimes as someone who only has Jeralt on her mind 24/7 annoys me. I also think the game did her really dirty in that sense. Yes, Jeralt was and continues to be a very important figure in her life, but there’s more to her than just being a Jeralt stan.
I wanted to explore why she idolized Jeralt so much in the first place. I owe it partially to the fact that she must have been a pretty lonely kid and Jeralt came in literally as a knight in shining armour in her eyes. I also eventually want to explore her femininity and what she defines as feminine. Because she only grew up with her dad I doubt she had any significant female role model in her life, hence why she is as brash as she is compared to some of the other characters in the game. 
I don’t know, I just feel like with Leonie there’s so much to explore and uncover on my own that a lot of the game leaves out! 
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gallantgautier · 4 years
What draws you to roleplaying as a hobby? What do you find fun?
It’s all about that interaction, baby ;)
No no, really. Before I got into roleplaying, I primarily just wrote fic. I still do, though nowhere near as much. Someone else earlier said that writing fic is a lonely experience, and that really vibed with me, especially considering that I don’t really share my fics.
And while I do like to have ooc communication with my roleplaying partners, most of the joy it brings me comes from not knowing exactly what the other party is going to do. When I write fic, I’m in control of all of the pieces, I know what character B is going to think of what character A says. I know when character C is going to jump in and drop a bombshell on character D that turns their world upside down.
I don’t have any of that knowledge in roleplay, or I may have limited knowledge. It means I can really focus in on the character I’m writing for, delve into their feelings of the situation, and bring it forth in a way that may also be a surprise for the other mun.
It’s a lot of fun, not knowing exactly how things are going to play out, and I hope it’s just as fun for my partners too.
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progenitorheart · 4 years
"Sorry Professor, but you know I had to do it to 'em." Mae holds her head down and her hands pressed together in a praying motion before picking up a pie and throwing it his direction.
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Result: Critical miss!
He’d only wanted to have a quiet breakfast before attending to the stack of papers on his desk in need of grading. Hadn’t expected to walk right into the wreckage of a battle in the dining hall, with the remains of various baked goods splattered every which way. Byleth steps around the mess, hoping to simply take his tray and bring it back to his quarters before he hears The Voice.
“Sorry Professor, but you know I had to do it to ‘em.” The pie sails through the air in a clean arc, which hits nothing save the already-ruined floor as Byleth casually sidesteps it.
“...If you hadn’t said anything, that might have worked,” he offers simply.
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regalblades · 4 years
It was like the saying goes, all is fair in pie and war. Mae jumps out from behind a wall with a deliciously deadly dark chocolate dessert ready for destruction. "Eat this, pal!" She exclaims as she launches the pie at her next target.
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Result: Barely hit! Roll again to determine your fate.
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Result: You survived!
From the instant he’d caught wind of the chaos unleashed throughout the monastery, Lloyd’s intention was to stay out of sight. He had no desire to be caught up in what was effectively a war with pastries as the weapons of choice, but it’s never that simple, is it?
A girl with pink hair in twintails—thank the Saint it’s not that cleric from Ostia, he thinks in the moment—springs out from behind a wall with deadly dessert in hand, shouting “Eat this, pal!” as she hurls it at him. Lovely. Quick reflexes save him from taking it dead-on, though it comes dangerously close even as he swiftly sidesteps the projectile. Could almost swear the edge of it brushes his arm—leaving his favorite (and only) jacket in his room this morning was clearly the right decision to make.
“...A valiant effort, but you’ll have to try your luck elsewhere.” And then he’s gone, disappearing ‘round a corner like he was never there. Today’s going to be a long day, he suspects.
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hungrymage · 4 years
A purple haired victim was just the person to deliver a purple pie to. "You were looking kinda blue, here, this is for you~" Mae tosses the blueberry pie at the girl.
Apples are a boring morning snack. Where’s the excitement? The symphony of spices? Food is food, yes, but jeez, after being spoiled by the kitchens, returning to plain old fruit is a disappointment. 
“....huh?” Is that...a pie?!
Roll: 9! Saving throw: 5 
Shoving the rest of her apple slices into her mouth, she embraces the pie with open arms. Blueberry splatters across her uniform, staining the jacket blue. Bits of crust fly into her hair. Ilyana collapses underneath the weight, not even mad. If she’s gonna go out, there’s no better way than delicious food.
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regnumaves · 4 years
"You must be the finest treasure I've seen."
What the--?
Okay, first Sharena, and now this person he doesn’t even know comes up to him, throws him what he believes the beorc kids these days call a “pun”, and asks for a signature on her arm in return?
This is actually becoming more bizarre than whatever it was that they were doing before they ended up in this weird place.
“Well, at least I hope this is just what Sharena was doing earlier, and not an attempt to hit on me or something like that”, he voices his last thought out loud, his face utterly expressionless, save for slightly raised eyebrows. “I’m at least 90 years older than you.”
With that, he leaves his signature on her forearm.
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herrings · 4 years
Appearing before Linhardt was Mae with her hands behind her back and tip of her now dung free boot, tracing in the dirt. "Where I come from, oranges are a significant fruit and so I managed to slip one from the basket and um..." She sighs, scratching the back of her head. This went a lot smoother when she rehearsed it in her thoughts.
She reveals the orange from behind her back and offers it to him. Just spit it out. "Alright listen, what I'm trying to say is: I'm sorry for... everything." She pauses to give him a thumbs up and wink. "You really saved our butts back there, so in a way, this is also me saying thanks."
(NOTE: week 2 backlog.) 
something’s in the woods.
the silhouette of the armed figure has since imprinted itself in linhardt’s memory, thrusting him into perpetual unease the longer they stayed in their makeshift camp. forget the unknown infantry; this was their prevalent threat. inside linhardt’s mind, questions fester. who were they? was it an ally of the kingdom forces sent back to slaughter them? was it a member of the unidentified infantry? a rogue?
for the remainder of the night, he paces. now, the hevring heir never found sleep to lure him in the midnight hours but, even if he had, there was no way he could slumber now. thankfully, it comes to linhardt’s mild reassurance when gilbert arrives the next day, with the knights of the kingdom extending their hand in hospitality. shelter transforms from the shoddy base they’ve made in the plains and into the compound’s resources. although glares prick the back of linhardt’s neck in distrust, he finds that he is ultimately relieved.
later, mae is nearly undetected by linhardt, who keeps to his afternoon by trudging around the site searching for spots of recluse. luckily, it’s the vibrancy of her magenta hair catching the sun that seizes the heir’s attention, causing him to look downwards as his fellow mage hesitates before him. she’s reluctant… but has something to offer? her curious words keep linhardt stationed as he blinks, head tilting just shy.
“i recall no valiant heroism on my end; i was just being attentive.” still, it was his anxiety that had placed the four of them at risk in the first place. linhardt supposes, his gesture cancels out his faults. (though, he will admit: if it wasn’t for his fear, the intruder would have ambushed them regardless of their search.) he accepts mae’s offering and examines the fruit in his palm. to him, it’s common citrus. adrestia’s fields regularly produce it, it’s a common filling in his tarts. to know that oranges hold deeper meaning in another culture… well, it’s mildly fascinating.
“what does it symbolize?” his gaze drifts to mae once more, “you are from.. valentia, correct? admittedly, i’ve yet to learn your customs.” 
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
With a heavy heart, I'd like to turn in my nobility card and drop Elincia and L'Arachel. Due to irl/personal reasons, I think it's best I stick to one muse for a bit. Sorry to those I had connections with!
Elincia and L’Arachel have been dropped and are now available!
- Mod Ree
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vonvestra · 4 years
What is your opinion on formatting, editing and icons within the community? How do you style your own, do they differ from muse to muse?
Munday Style and Preferences | not accepting
14. What is your opinion on formatting, editing and icons within the community? How do you style your own, do they differ from muse to muse? 
I spent my first... 7-ish years in forum RP where aesthetic was everything. Custom graphics, small text, excessive use of text art, etc. I posted a pic of one of my earlier examples before. I spent so much of my time back then setting up posts for my characters that I’m honestly over it now. Even when I switched from forum to Tumblr RP, the most I did with formatting was use small text and indents on my replies and then the mods of the group I was in told me that I had to use normal size. I’ve not really cared much about it since.
Generally, I don’t mind if other people do it though. I do feel like there is a difference between the people who just like their posts to look clean and/or interesting, and then the people whose writing actually suffers because they focus too much on the aesthetic. The second group I generally don’t interact with, although I ran across a few while I was in indie. Otherwise, to each their own, I say.
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progenitess · 4 years
🏃 — With Celica nowhere to be found, Mae sets out on a journey into the forest alone. ...Or she thinks she's alone.
She finds the pink-haired girl interesting, to say the least. her jokes were terrible, but her seemingly never-ending optimism intrigued Sothis as she floated after the girl. This place was a mystery as well...it was like nowhere Sothis had ever been, certainly nowhere of her creation and far from Fodlan. 
With a resigned hum, she continued following Mae, watching the forest with interest. “To think that there’s such a place right next to a beach. I wonder if there’s anything this strange world doesn’t have.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
"You're a dancer, right? Meet me at the barre~"
A silly little chuckle escapes the dancer, and she has nothing but love and appreciation for the pinkette. She could channel her inner Celica right now and clap, but for now, a chuckle would do. “Indeed I am. How about we actually do go to a bar, Mae? It will be fun! They have the best fruity drinks. I’ll meet you there later, okay?”
Later on, only Tethys arrives by the bar, two fruity drinks on hand, but the pinkette never arrived, memories of her disappearing as she waited, “Hmmm...” She ponders out loud and stares at the two drinks, “Why do I have two drinks?” It must have been a mistake on the bartender’s part...
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