thesadloverz · 2 years
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"It is a word. Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself.” (Rothfuss, 672).
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As promised, we're kicking off with the The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. And I want to start off by saying that the series is not currently finish. Fortunately, there's only meant to be one more book to the main story (or maybe unfortunately, but we'll get there). Secondly, I want to mention that this is a fantasy book. I realize there are plenty of people who aren't big fans of fantasy or maybe trying to veer off the fantasy train right now.
Brief, spoiler free review: The series is focused on Kote/Kvothe, who decides to have his story written down of his trials as a kid, to his tribulations as a teenager and getting into what is apparently the most prestigious university in this realm. A university that teaches (to those that can afford it) how to use and hone magic. The story follows Kvothe struggling and fighting for his life as a kid to an adept magician, all the awhile searching for clues to what was thought of as just an ancient story to tell.
Warning: mild spoilers ahead
The Name of the Wind
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Characters: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Emotions: anxious; sorrow; pain; determination; joy; annoyance; relief.
Basically... I really enjoyed this book. It's a great start to someone's story. Nothing in this book feels too drawn out. We spend a few chapters in the beginning of where Kote/Kvothe is now, clearly living a very humble life, in a very simple town. Essentially, he his hiding in plain sight. We learn there are safety and political issues across the land. We get a few creature/fight scenes before even jumping into Kote/Kvothe's story. Kote eventually gets convinced by a man called the Chronicler (who Kote saves from a creature) that recognizes Kote for who he really is: Kvothe.
Side note - yes we learn that there is apparently some drama across the lands in the present tense, but I honestly have no idea if Rothfuss even plans on really touching on this. Kvothe becoming THE Kvothe aka Kvothe The Bloodless, Kvothe The Arcane, Kvothe Kingkiller, Maedre, The Flame, The Thunder, Lightfinger, Broken Tree, Dulator, Shadicar, Six-String. All of this. Into three books. Which might very well be easily doable, but basically, I would not get too invested on those little tidbits that are given about the present tense.
Getting into Kvothe's story... his childhood is sweet. It makes you want to be an Edema Ruh, which is what his people are called. A traveling performer troupe, which are led by his mother and father, and make up his family. A man, Abenthy/Ben eventually rides along with his troupe for a span, teaching Kvothe a little about magic, or rather, sympathy. This is where Kvothe learns about The University, and starts making it his goal to attend the school. Without getting too carried away, and also as to not give too much away, eventually Ben has to depart from the group and not long after this, a great tragedy strikes.
The tragedy and how Kvothe responds to it... The way Patrick wrote this scene was heartbreakingly beautiful and oddly made me really love this book. I felt it in my heart. It was really well done. Also, here, we learn that the supposed ancient, but just a story... is definitely not, just a story. We get just a little taste here, and then it's quite some time before we find it again.
The next few chapter is where we watch Kvothe struggle and literally fight for his life, which I do think is necessary there is good information to be gathered about Kvothe's background and understanding what makes him, him. These years certainly have profound influences on him at the university, and no doubt on him as an adult.
Eventually Kvothe lands his way at The University... where he once again has to prove himself to even get into The University. But... yes... Kvothe proves very clever, and manages to get himself into the school. While here, Patrick really unfolds more of the magical realm which I really enjoy. The University teaches different types of magics and clearly houses plenty of secrets. Kvothe gains friends, an superbly ass-hat enemy, and obviously we have to have a love interest.
Now for more side notes/just general thoughts:
I want to say that although this is a fantasy novel, it's much less fantasy than others. The University definitely hosts more of the magical aspects of this realm, but even then, it's not like Harry Potter type of magic. It's almost more realistic in a way? Even though Kvothe is a quick learner, he does struggle while he's learning it. Magic is this book is difficult and dangerous. Almost every time you see it used, there's a consequence to it. Consequences can range from exhaustion to death. While I certainly love just blatant fantasy and straight up magic-this-magic-that, I did enjoy the aspect that this magic wasn't easy to hone or wield.
Like I said, I really enjoyed this book. I think it put me back into a headspace of being back in high school, and just dealing with life and drama at that age. Not that this book feels teeny-bop at. all. I feel like Patrick did a great job of setting up a foundation for this story. I definitely felt like there's great world building here, there's so much that I'm still wanting to know and/or learn about, which I know there's not enough time nor is it his focus; but these things were necessary to create this world. And that's what I love. I fell into this world that Patrick created during this book, and every time I had to put it down, I was still in that world. I didn't have the second book yet, and decided to read a book that I already had because I wanted to keep reading, but I was still stuck in Patrick's world as I started Fire & Blood.
For the world building that was done in this book, and the magic along the way, I definitely recommend this book. I would say you have to be committed to the series. At least the main series, as there are some novella's the Patrick did about two of the other characters that are in the story. The book itself doesn't end on a cliffhanger, but when Kvothe is telling his story, this ends on a cliffhanger. And I think it's just enough where people will be like "well...shit... let me grab the second one". The reason why I frame this all like such is because the final 'chapter' of Kvothe's story almost feels like a wrap up, the way he's talking; even though, as a whole, it's very much not done. We do not learn why we call him Kvothe Kingkiller in this book, folks.... but.... We do learn why we call him Kvothe The Bloodless.
Also... who wouldn't want to read a book with THIS cover:
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Don't do it to 'em, Kvothe!
Read on beautiful peeps. 🤘📖
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Maedre means flame, and thunder, and broken tree. I'm sure these all have layers of meaning bc Rothfuss, but my pet theory is about broken tree. What most often is the cause of a broken tree? Not anything so dramatic as flame and thunder. Usually it's just a strong wind. I think that part of the name refers to Kvothe's going out 'to chase the wind' as Elodin says, and he gets broken by it.
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emploitogo · 1 year
Le Ministère de l’Agriculture recrute-
RECRUTEMENT D’UN CABINET POUR LA SURVEILLANCE ET LE CONTROLE DE L’EXÉCUTION DES TRAVAUX DE RÉHABILITATION DE NEUF (09) AGENCES DE L’ICAT AMI N° 426/PPM-2023/MAEDR/Cab/SG/PRMP/FSRP DU 12 mai 2023 CREDIT IDA 6996-TG / DON IDA 9220 REFERENCE : TG-FSRP TOGO-337941-CS-LCS Le Gouvernement de la République Togolaise a obtenu de l’Association Internationale de Développement (IDA) un financement pour la…
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gnatepeweb · 2 years
Togo : Le Ministère de l’Agriculture recrute ; 5 postes disponibles (13/12/2022)
Togo : Le Ministère de l’Agriculture recrute ; 5 postes disponibles (13/12/2022)
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syadworld · 6 years
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A place of demons
“Old Cob was filling his role as storyteller and advice dispensary. The men at the bar sipped their drinks and listened. In the back room a young innkeeper stood out of sight behind the door, smiling as he listened to the details of a familiar story.“ This is an artwork based on "The name of the wind”, a book I adore with my whole soul :’) Hope you like it!!
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sunlit-music · 6 years
According to the Kabalarians philosophy, The name Reshi means a person is quick witted, clever, hot tempered, able to think uniquely on solving problems and is non traditional. I think that fits Kvothe very well. 🙂
Bast calls his friend and mentor the protagonist Kvothe ‘Reshi’ in Patrick Rothfuss’ amazing Kingkiller Chronicles. The third book Doors of Stone isn’t out yet.
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maedre13 · 8 years
You may say whatever you want about Game of Thrones but Tywin Lannister´s death was really shitty.
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striderssprite · 5 years
Could you do trollstuck fuschia Rose Lalonde?
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logarithmicpanda · 2 years
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I rarely do negative reviews, especially of books I did not finish, but @smalltownfae​ asked me for my opinion on The First Binding as a KKC fan, and I think it can be useful for other people so here it is.
TL;DR: if you loved or hated KKC, this book will probably piss you off. If you have never read KKC but love high fantasy and storytelling, it might be your next favorite book!
I stopped at the hundred pages mark (out of eight hundred) because the similarities kept jolting me out of the story. Here’s a selection of quotes that particularly gave me pause, with their KKC counterparts
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“ The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts. The most obvious part was a hollow, echoing quiet, made by things that were lacking. If there had been a wind it would have sighed trough the trees, set the inn’s sign creaking on its hooks, and brushed the silence down the road like trailing autumn leaves. If there had been a crowd, even a handful of men inside the inn, they would have filled the silence with coversation and laughter, the clatter and clamour one expects from a drinking house during the dark hours of the night. If there had been music…but no, of curse there was no music. In fact there were none of these things, and so the silence remained. “
From the first chapter and the prologue, respectively. The parallel of stillness and silence and the general feel of the writing are very similar already.
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"Kvothe here played the simplest song in the world and made it look like he was spinning gold out of flax," Marie said. "Then he took a real piece of music, something only a handful of folk in the whole place could play, and made it look so easy you'd think a child could blow it on a tin whistle." 
So literally the same plot device...
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“They say the Lethani is a secret power. Adem keep their words inside." I made a gesture as if gathering things close to my body and hoarding them. "Then those words are like wood in a fire. This word fire makes the Adem very strong. Very fast. Skin like iron. This is why you can fight many men and win.”
Not exactly to the same effect, but magic focused on hoarding words and burning them like wood...
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Do not dare hold hope that any woman could burn as brightly as the voice that sang the part of Aloine. 
Girl sings. Hero gives her a name. Eloine - Aloine.
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My name is Kvothe, pronounced nearly the same as "quothe." Names are important as they tell you a great deal about a person. I've had more names than anyone has a right to. The Adem call me Maedre. Which, depending on how it's spoken, can mean The Flame, The Thunder, or The Broken Tree. "The Flame" is obvious if you've ever seen me. I have red hair, bright. If I had been born a couple of hundred years ago I would probably have been burned as a demon. I keep it short but it's unruly. When left to its own devices, it sticks up and makes me look as if I have been set afire. "The Thunder" I attribute to a strong baritone and a great deal of stage training at an early age. I've never thought of "The Broken Tree" as very significant. Although in retrospect, I suppose it could be considered at least partially prophetic. My first mentor called me E'lir because I was clever and I knew it. My first real lover called me Dulator because she liked the sound of it. I have been called Shadicar, Lightfinger, and Six-String. I have been called Kvothe the Bloodless, Kvothe the Arcane, and Kvothe Kingkiller. I have earned those names. Bought and paid for them. But I was brought up as Kvothe. My father once told me it meant "to know." I have, of course, been called many other things. Most of them uncouth, although very few were unearned. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me.
That whole introduction of the hero, down to the events themselves, is extremely similar
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Ravel is a term my people find particularly offensive. Its use makes light of the systematic slaughter of thousands of Ruh. 
Race of storytellers treated like shit and called ravels.
None of these things on its own would have bothered me too much, to be honest. But side by side, every couple pages? Add to that the mythology dump early on, and I felt past caring already.
The worst part is, when it is doing its own thing, it feels like a good book, with some excellent quotes and fresh concepts. But it keeps hammering me over the head with KKC things that feel too close to references to be coincidences, and I’m over it lol
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The Name of the Wind Covers Ranked
So, like many of you, I knew of 5 covers off the top of my head, so I thought I would rank them, cause I have clear favorites. Turns out, there are WAY MORE!!!! (which is silly that I forgot that, obvs all the different countries have v different countries) 
10. I think this is the first edition and wow. . .I mean, it’s relevant. the artist clearly read the book, so I can respect that. He has red hair, he has a lute, the wind is blowing. But like, this style does not do it for me. Maybe he’s shirtless cause like, the shirt he’s wearing is falling apart? And he only has one extra, cause you know. It’s very dramtic, which I suppose is fitting of the story. But like, the style is so dark and dusty and it just looks awkward. But hey, they tried, you know.
1/10 covers
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9. Here again, we see some effort. I mean, here are leaves being blown in the wind, so it’s at least a little relevant. But the color scheme is terrible, you can barely see anything on the cover!!! The font is also pretty cool. But what does that face have to do with anything??? Is it one of the Chandrian? idk guys. 
2/10 covers 
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8. This is just so . . .generic??? The color scheme is nice, I love a good purple, but I don’t feel like anyone tried. And what is that . . .statue??? It does not feel relevant at all. (btw this is the Portugal cover) 
2.5/10 covers 
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7. When they released the cover, I was excited. And then I saw it. It’s not bad, but I didn’t love it. It’s very abstract, which I appreciate. And the color scheme was interesting. And there’s wind and a broken lute, so it’s totally relevant. It’s more personal taste than anything, but I’m not here for it. 
4/10 covers 
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6. Okay, so now we are officially switching over to the covers I like. This art style reminds me just a tad of my sister’s, so I like it a little bit more. I also love that Kvothe’s hair is a shock of red, floating around in the grey cover. It’s too long and the wrong style, but he looks young and the color scheme totally works for me. Also, yay, there is also clearly wind on the cover as well!!! The torn shirt is a little much, but you can’t really see it, so it’s still fine for me. (This is also the first Japanese edition.)
6/10 covers 
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5. I love this cover, I do. It makes my heart warm. But let’s be critical here: What does anything on the cover have to do with the story itself? There’s a cloaked figure, which I suppose could be Kvothe or Taborlin or anyone for that matter, but like, it’s very ambiguous. And the tree??? It’s not even a willow tree. Maybe it’s a reference to the broken tree, with one of his names? Maedre, right? So I love it but I cannot give it full credit. Great color scheme though. Truly, I love it. (This is one of the American versions, but it was not one of the first ones) (it’s the version I have XD)  
7/10 covers 
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4. Again, with the trees and the cloaked figure. Not super relevant. Pretty generic. However, I always love when the title gets to become part of the art and how the cover is framed, and how it looks like one of the mysterious paths in the stories Kvothe loves hearing and telling so much. So thematically, it totally lines up. (This is the UK version) (My WMF copy is this same style XD) 
8/10 covers 
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3. Half the reason these are up so high is because there is so MUCH on these three covers!!! It has an unfair advantage, but man, they are so fun!!! And Denna is on one of the covers??? Iconic. Kvothe has his lute in one, the wind is blowing in another, he has a book in the last, all of which are incredibly important parts of the book. Also the style is almost manga, which I love and is very different than the others. Unfortunately, these do not double as a make shift weapon in a fight. (these are the second Japanese editions). 
8.5/10 covers
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2. I didn’t plan these out very well, but the more I look at this, the more I loved it, so it managed to squeak its way up the ranks. I love, love the color scheme. It feels dusty and like it belongs on a fairy tale retelling. The wind blowing a cloak, a green cloak, which he has in the books. His hair even looks red. I’m not sure why he has a bow in one hand, that’s never been Kvothe’s weapon of choice, but the whole scene feels like a missing part of the story. It feels oddly peaceful, but ominous, almost like the calm before the storm. So of course, it really fits the series. And the title font!!! So beautiful!!! (this is the Finnish version) 
9/10 covers. 
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1. Again, I intended, before I started this post that my number 5 pick would be my number one. And then I looked at all the covers and started writing about them and I just . . . it just fit so well. The color scheme. . .wow. The lute as one of the focal points. The wind blowing everything around. The walking stick???? The title font with that freaking gorgeous “o”. Ugh. Like, I cannot get over this cover. It’s so perfect!!! *sigh* 
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Which versions are your favorites? Least favorites? Which ones do you own? Which ones do you want to own? 
(also, yes, I know I left out versions, I can only include so many pictures in one post) (so feel free to reblog with a personal favorite or least favorite!!) 
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summerart · 6 years
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emploitogo · 2 years
Le Ministère de l'Agriculture recrute-21/12/2022 (04 postes)
Le Ministère de l’Agriculture recrute-21/12/2022 (04 postes)
Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et du Développement Rural  AMI N°1226/2022/MAEDR/Cabs/SG/PRMP APPEL A CANDIDATURE POUR LE RECRUTEMENT DU PERSONNEL DE L’AGENCE DE TRANSFORMATION AGRICOLE 01. Le Gouvernement du Togo, dans l’atteinte des objectifs de la Feuille de route gouvernementale 2025 pour enclencher une transformation structurelle du secteur agricole, a pris la décision de s’inspirer…
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silver-grasp · 6 years
I am SCREAMING one of Kvothe’s names is Maedre which sounds A LOT like Maedhros, and Kvothe even has red hair... is highkey kinda cursed/makes terrible decisions... I’m yelling
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syadworld · 6 years
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“Iron or fire”
«Kote pressed the iron shim to the black side of the creature, and there was a short, sharp crackling sound, like a pine log snapping in a hot fire. Everyone startled, then relaxed when the black thing remained motionless. Cob and the others exchanged shaky smiles, like boys spooked by a ghost story. Their smiles went sour as the room filled with the sweet, acrid smell of rotting flowers and burning hair.
The innkeeper pressed the shim onto the table with a sharp click. “Well,” he said, brushing his hands against his apron. “I guess that settles that. What do we do now?”» This is the last one of the set of illustrations I've made for school. It was a very dificult one made by sketching. Hope you like it!
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My name is Kvothe, pronounced nearly the same as “Quothe.” Names are important as they tell you a great deal about a person. I’ve had more names than anyone has a right to. The Adem call me Maedre. Which, depending on how it’s spoken, can mean “The Flame,” “The Thunder,” or “The Broken Tree.”
Kvothe (Patrick Rothfuss, “The Name of the Wind”)
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