#madura united
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wallpapers4screen · 3 days ago
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itugolsite · 17 days ago
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holopiscom · 2 months ago
Madura United vs Bali United : Serdadu Tridatu Pantang Remehkan Lawan!
JAKARTA – Duel Madura United vs Bali United bakal tersaji di laga perdana pekan ke-16 Liga 1 musim 2024/2025. Serdadu Tridatu pun tetap waspada meski secara statistik mereka sedikit diunggulkan. Pertandingan antara Madura United vs Bali United itu sendiri bakal berlangsung di Stadion Gelora Bangkalan, Jumat (20/12) pukul 15.30 WIB. Beban berat jelas dipikul Madura United, mengingat mereka…
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sparthibanmba · 3 months ago
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உங்களுக்காக படைக்கப்பட்ட தங்கத்தின் இன்றைய விலை 09/11/2024 ‪@kasjewellerytvn‬ Kas jewelleryயில் உங்களுக்காக! ‪@kasjewellerytvn‬ ‪@kasjewellery4888‬ ‪@Madurai360‬ ‪@Sivagangai_sirpi‬ ‪@RamnadSouth360‬ ‪@viruthunagar1006‬
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ligapetani · 4 months ago
Prediksi PSM Makassar Vs Madura United 18 Oktober 2024
Prediksi PSM Makassar Vs Madura United 18 Oktober 2024
Ligapetani.com – Prediksi PSM Makassar Vs Madura United yang akan berlangsung di Stadion Batakan dalam laga ke-8 Liga 1 2024/25, Jumat (18/10/2024) pukul 19.00 WIB. PSM saat ini menempati posisi lima klasemen sementara dengan torehan 12 poin. Sedangkan, Madura United menempati posisi tujuh belas dengan torehan 3 poin. PSM di laga sebelumnya bermain imbang 1-1 melawan Persija Jakarta. Hasil…
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riaunews · 4 months ago
Laga Madura United Kontra Persib berakhir Imbang
Selebrasi pemain Madura United, Lulinha, usai mencetak gol. (Foto: Kabar Madura) Bangkalan (Riaunews.com) – Madura United bermain imbang 2-2 lawan Persib Bandung pada pertandingan Liga 1 2024/2025 di Stadion Bangkalan, Sabtu (28/9/2024). Pertandingan Madura United vs Persib Bandung bermain menarik dengan diwarnai gol-gol cantik. Pada menit ketujuh Madura United berhasil unggul 1-0 lewat gol indah…
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madurapost · 6 months ago
Dari Wartawan ke Wakil Rakyat: Perjalanan Karier Tabri di Pamekasan
PAMEKASAN, MaduraPost – Dunia politik di Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur, baru saja kedatangan sosok baru yang tak asing lagi di kalangan masyarakat dan media. Tabri, mantan wartawan yang pernah menjabat sebagai Ketua Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Pamekasan, kini resmi diambil sumpah jabatannya sebagai Anggota DPRD Pamekasan periode 2024-2029. Tabri terpilih sebagai wakil rakyat dari daerah…
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harianjatim · 2 years ago
Selama Ramadhan Madura FC Latihan Malam Hari
Reporter: harianjatim Olahraga-harianjatim.com. Madura United FC menjalani latihan pada malam dan sore hari selama Ramadhan 1444 Hijriah, untuk menjaga kebugaran fisik pemain dengan tetap memperhatikan para pemain klub sepak bola itu yang menjalankan ibadah puasa. “Kita memilih latihan sore, karena setelah latihan bisa langsung berbuka puasa, setelah itu dilanjutkan lagi setelah shalat…
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olehkabar · 2 years ago
Prediksi Pertandingan Madura United Vs Persija Jakarta: Kondisi Tim, Skor, dan Head to Head
Line Up Madura United dan Persija Jakarta Pertandingan sengit akan terjadi pada 27 Februari 2023 di Stadion Gelora Ratu Pamelingan, Pamekasan. Madura United akan menjamu Persija Jakarta dalam lanjutan Liga 1 Indonesia. Pertandingan ini diprediksi akan menjadi pertandingan yang sangat menarik, di mana kedua tim akan berusaha untuk meraih kemenangan. Kondisi Tim Madura United saat ini menempati…
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detikindo24-com · 3 months ago
Subdit Tipikor Polda Jatim Dalam Rangka Aksitensi Program 100 Hari Asta Cita Presiden Prabowo
Subdit Tipikor Polda Jatim Dalam Rangka Aksitensi Program 100 Hari Asta Cita Presiden Prabowo JAWA TIMUR, Detikindo24.com -Subdit Tipikor Ditreskrimsus Polda Jatim, Kanit Tipikor KOMPOL Oscar Stefanus Setjo, usai melakukan pembicaraan secara khusus dengan Kanit Tipikor polres Pamekasan Fajri Alim dan Kasatreskrim polres Pamekasan AKP Doni Setiawan. Hal ini bersifat penting untuk dilakukan dalam…
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pamekasanhebat · 2 years ago
Madura United Tahan Imbang Persib Bandung 1-1
PAMEKASAN HEBAT – Madura United FC berhasil menahan imbang Persib Bandung pada laga pekan perdana Liga 1 Indonesia di Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Minggu (2/7/2023) dengan skor akhir 1-1. Tim berjuluk ‘Laskar Sape Kerrap‘ ini sudah unggul lebih saat laga berjalan selama lima menit melalui melalui Hugo Gomes setelah menerima umpan Novan Setya dan melepaskan tembakan…
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pollitodesplumado · 1 month ago
Hola, estaba viendo la foto de Cata y Jana y me surgió una duda. Como crees que el equipo de Barcelona se haya tomado la relación de Lucy y Ona. Por lo que veo Ona es como la niña más cuidada por decirlo así, del United, Barcelona y la selección de España. Y llega Lucy qué es como la versión Inglesa de Alexia, que es 8 años más grande que Ona, que esta al final de su carrera... bueno, es una pareja que nadie vio venir.
Son españolas... Seguro que ninguno le afecton eso. Además que son muy maduras y creo que se respetan entre ellas para opinar sobre relaciones ajenas. Y Lucy ya era amiga de las chicas del Barça así que al menos ahí ya tenía ganado puntos.
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simonloweblog · 2 years ago
"Plus ca change"- Part 1
It is very sad that so many of the facts listed in the blog I posted almost six years ago, on December 5th 2017 (please see it below) are almost entirely as valid today as they were then. 
In fact, with the biggest European war since the Second World War now raging in Ukraine and the increasing polarization of political parties continuing to widen the divide between left and right, we could say that the state of nations is even worse today; in addition, the world has endured a hideous Pandemic that has left multiple scars and the loss of millions of lives in its wake.
Instead of co-operation we are witnessing increasing confrontation; instead of a united front and joint action to roll back and adapt to the reality of the consequences of climate change, Governments are still kicking much of the urgent action required into the long grass.
By and large, there are few countries whose citizens are really happy with either their elected or unelected officials. In the past citizens took matters into their own hands but it is over a hundred years since the Bolsheviks and their followers expressed their anger with revolution and sixty four years since Castro toppled the corrupt Batista’s government in Havana. 
Little has changed in our world since Groucho Marx said:
       “Sir, these are my principles; if they do not suit, I have others”:
Written December 5th 2017
So said Groucho Marx: he was a comedian- but never was a truer word said!
As we reflect on the past year we bear witness to the highest levels of deception, skullduggery, manipulation and shear disregard for much of what historically has been some of the finer aspirations of mankind .
The US has a President who openly states that he could “go onto Fifth Avenue, shoot people and it would not affect his popularity”. Meanwhile his friend “bunga bunga” Berlusconi who is still under indictment for a myriad of criminal charges is at the forefront of a return to power in the upcoming Italian elections. A dictator who turned Zimbabwe, at one time the breadbasket of Africa, into an economic basket case, reducing its population by literally starving his people to death has finally been forced to step down, but he is unlikely to face charges for his reign of terror and theft of billions from his own people.
The Venezuelan dictator Madura, whose country has the second largest oil reserves in the world has reduced a once prosperous democratic country into a one party state on the verge of Bankruptcy.
Saudi Arabia’s new power Prince arrests other Princes  on charges of corruption and conspicuous waste whilst he himself acquired a $500m yacht in one afternoon whilst partying in the Mediterranean. 
Kim Yung Ung could very well trigger a full blown nuclear war and presides over his starving population of twenty two million desperate souls whilst  holding the mightiest military nation on earth powerless to control what could be the most serious threat to world security.
Ethnic cleansing continues unpunished in Myanmar and once again the world stands by seemingly powerless to prevent mass slaughter; this humanitarian crisis ips no different from the horrors of Ruanda, Uganda  & Armenia one hundred years ago, to name a few;  so even in 2017,  world leaders and the totally ineffective U.N.  stand and do nothing other than issue statements of condemnation.
Whereas many who signed up to the Paris accord make similar noises of support for carbon emission reductions the truth is that they ignore the very treaties and accords that they sign if it does not suit them.
How the electorate and members of the US Senate and other political figures, not to mention the President himself could have even contemplated the election of Roy Moore is testimony to how corrupt and self-seeking so many have become. News concentrated on the allegations of sexual misconduct, but the real menace of the man is captured by his pronouncement that all Amendments in the US constitution after the 10th should be repealed. These include women’s’ right to vote and the abolition of slavery. If such views can gain the support of the electorate as he very nearly did, then what does that say about a country that purports to promote democracy at home and across the world.
Whereas overall our species has made great strides in improving our health, disease control and reducing poverty and extending human life, the basic instincts that have governed man’s behaviour since the beginning of time have not changed. We are selfish self-promoting animals who have learnt through speech manipulation to convey a multitude of promises to fellow human beings, which are more often than not full of deceit and primarily only seek self- promotion."
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holopiscom · 2 months ago
Paulo Menezes Resmi Tinggalkan Madura United Gara-gara Kalah Mulu!
JAKARTA – Madura United secara resmi mengumumkan bahwa Paulo Menezes telah meninggalkan kursi kepelatihan klub. Pengunduran diri tersebut karena hasil buruk yang terus didapat Laskar Sapeh Kerrab. Tak sendirian, dua asistennya pun yakkni Tiago dan Helder turut serta mundur dari kursi kepelatihan Madura United. Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu bahwa Madura United saat ini benar-benar…
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ingatlah · 6 days ago
Madura United Siap Tempur Lawan PSBS Biak, Tak Ingin Kehilangan Momentum
INGATLAH – Madura United FC akan kembali beraksi di hadapan pendukungnya saat menjamu PSBS Biak dalam laga pekan ke-22 BRI Liga 1 2024/25. Pertandingan ini akan berlangsung di Stadion Gelora Bangkalan (SGB) pada Sabtu (8/2). Pelatih Madura United, Angel Alfredo Vera, menegaskan bahwa timnya harus memanfaatkan tren positif setelah tak terkalahkan dalam dua laga terakhir. Laskar Sape Kerrab…
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ligapetani · 5 months ago
Prediksi Liga 1: Persis Solo Vs Madura United 13 September 2024
Prediksi Liga 1: Persis Solo Vs Madura United 13 September 2024
Ligapetani.com – Prediksi Persis Solo Vs Madura United yang akan berlangsung di Stadion Manahan dalam laga pekan ke-4 Liga 1 2024/25, Jumat (13/09/2024) pukul 19.00 WIB. Persis dan Madura United sama-sama tampil sangat buruk di musim ini. Keduanya belum meraih kemenangan sekalipun di liga musim ini. Persis selalu menelan kekalahan dalam 3 laga yang sudah di mainkan, yakni melawan PSM Makassar…
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