parasocial-work · 9 months
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Tuesday !dropin space is now open over on twitch -> https://www.twitch.tv/parasocial_work
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endos are making me really fucking madright nowdude
i don't even hate them anymore!! they coined plural they can have plural i literally don't care. i can respect their experiences as plural but not multiple or as a did/osdd1 system. sure. i don't care. but their community is just so fucking horrid and rancid. i'm critical of the anti-endo community too even as an anti endo, but them screaming that they're so much fucking better is!!! not it! they constantly scream ableist sentiments towards traumatized people and cannot respect traumagenic systems as being different than them even though they insist and preach that they already believe and respect that!! not every space has to be a shared one just fucking leave us alone and we won't bother you please
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magp2992 · 4 years
Rap Francophone Vol.5 Spécial Genéve - Selecta Par Madright & Mr.C (Free...
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