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townpostin · 8 months ago
Madrasi Sammelani Celebrates Annual Diya Puja in Jamshedpur
Traditional Ceremony Invokes Prosperity and Well-being for Community < p dir=”ltr”>South Indian cultural organization’s yearly ritual brings together devotees for spiritual observance and community bonding. < p dir=”ltr”>JAMSHEDPUR – The Madrasi Sammelani, located on L Road in Bistupur, held its annual Diya (sacred lamp) Puja on Friday, continuing a cherished tradition during the month of Aadi…
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peppal · 2 years ago
Buy Madrasi Saunf Online 165 Gm : Authentic South Indian Flavor – Peppal
Looking for authentic Madrasi saunf? Look no further! Our online store offers the finest quality Madrasi saunf that will tantalize your taste buds. Made with premium ingredients and traditional techniques, our Madrasi saunf is the perfect snack for any occasion. Buy Madrasi saunf online today and experience the authentic flavors of South India!
Full Details:- https://peppal.in/collections/mukhwas/products/madrasi-saunf-165-gm
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subir-astrologer · 4 months ago
QUESTION ASKED : What is the behavior of planets when placed in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh houses of a natal chart ?
MY VIEWS : Lets us answer the question in different way, by again questioning.
How will one behave when they go to the house of a Maharashtrain family, a Bengali family, a Gujarati family, a Madrasi family, a Assamie family and a Bihari family.
Well every family has their own culture, language, food eating, dressing and their way of living and welcoming people.
One will behave as per the custome of that family and try to gell will them by understand them and their culture, in order to create bond with them.
The result could be that a person may gell with few and not so friendly with some other.
In the same way every house of vedic horoscope signifies some traits and a planet behaves accordingly with the house. In some house a planet is very friendly while in some house they could be unfriendly.
In some house a planet could be powerful as they are in their own house while they could be weak when they are in unfriendly house.
In a house a planet could become exalted while in a house the planet can be debilitated.
A planet can be neutral also in some house.
So it all depend on the planet and the house and there is no fix dictum or rules that a planet will behave in a particular way only in the 1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th etc etc house.
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the-feral-one · 4 months ago
🔍+ Chester
Being from Galar, Chester has a few different tastes in food than Paldea-native mons.
He likes a good sarnie, but he can also use those same ingredients to make curries. Chester has shown other mons how to make them, and he has also shown off what his favorite is. Said favorite being madrasi garlic masala.
He also has a liking for fish and chips. Chester hopes to find a way to get some in Paldea, as he is unsure if it exists in the region.
Chester does recall how he got that liking too. As a Gimmighoul, he often stole some from under the huge noses of humans in Galar as he ran around avoiding threats. The humans didn't appreciate it, but there was little they could do to stop a tiny mon satisfying his cravings.
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ffearlesscowardd · 2 years ago
Who am I ? (Indian, but North or South..??)
Well weird title huh....! I know and my apologies for that.
I am a mere introvert boy of 18 who is sitting right now in a bus stop and writing my first blog, I guess!.
Well I truly don't know how many audience I will grasp but right now from anywhere in the world's corner you are reading this I will like to say that this blog and the future blogs will be purely my life experiences and traumas which you might also relate in many ways. Well I was kind of frustrated so all of a sudden I got the idea to write my feelings and here I am.
Yeah!! Indian but north or south; many people (mostly readers from India) could have pieced the content of the blog from the title. I still can't digest the fact that why an Indian try to classify other Indian for where they are from, what race they are, what colour they are, what beliefs they have, what culture they have inherited, what type of linguistic features differentiate the other person from them, and mostly WHAT RELIGION THEY ARE.
I still remember an incident where one of my friend back in the days when I was around 15 called me "sala madrasi" (means a person from so called south India in not so friendly and polite way).
So yeah basically for the people who like to classify whether north or south. I am from South. But there ain't a big deal whether you classify or not but it does make a deal when you classify to shame or humiliate a person for how different they are from you.
From my kindergarten school days till my high school days there never went a single day when I was not bullied by classmates for how different I looked or how different I spoke, and that used to upset me a lot. Honestly speaking I used to hide my tears from my parents, and used to cry real hard during night and just asked to god that why you punished me and made me so different, mostly my colour. Honestly speaking I hardly used to have any friends and I hardly have any friends. Well now I am just grateful for what I am!, no complains to god at all.
Looks like my colour was not the only thing they had problem with. They also used to mock the way I used to speak. Well you develop your language skill from your mother, so how good she trains you the good you become. My mom used to teach me my mother tongue so that will not cut of from my own culture and my own people; so even before I spoke hindi i used to speak my own mother tongue, and because of that my tongue in the initial days was developed to speak my mother tongue which lead a really strong accent in my hindi. And also a child grasp how they are taught and my mom used to teach me hindi as well so i learend hindi accordingly. So from my kindergarten till my primary school I used to get bullied for my speaking also.
There were several more things i used to get bullied for and will write about it in the future blogs.
Believe it or not when I say this but 7-12 years are the time when you are so sensitive and get hurt really easily. Once in my primary school time I had a friend and for privacy let's call him wagonR. So wagonR and I were really good friends and have pretty good memories as well (the funniest one being we after dismissal checking the classrooms to find some good loots and while doing he searching a trash can and getting a branded watch.). We were really good of friends and had a lot of fun time together in school. But one day for my night mare wagonR comes to me and was like bro I will not talk to you anymore because my father told me that you should not go and make friends with the wrong sort. I was in standard 3 back then and just imagine how bad a 8 year old would have been hurt by those lines. Well afterwards we never spoke to each other much and I changed the school next year for xyz reasons.
The thing is, wagonR had no problems with me but his father had some problem after he heard that his son had friendship with a weirdo like me. Well I always thought that India is one country but nahhh somewhere or the other the people in India have problem with each other.
Well this all is lead by lack of knowledge and which in fact leads into prejudice. Well for me knowledge is good but half knowledge is dangerous.
But it doesn't mean that all my experiences was bad, and all the time people used to bully me. Their were a few friends who were always fascinated with me and always were eager to learn more about my place and teach me more about their tradition and beliefs. Also there is an incident when my parents needed money and were in crisis, the landlord (a kind and humble man) without even asking, helped financially not even without thinking a second thought. My mother also says that when I was young there used to be bachelor boy in our apartment then, who used to take care of me sometimes when my mother and father both were in work and there was no one to take care of me. She also says that once we had a land lady who treated our whole family has her own and I was like a grandson for her.
There are many cases vice versa where racism and discrimination happens to migrant workers and there family who come to south India also. Just to give you an example there are more than 5 lakh migrant workers in just Kerala from different parts of India like Bihar, Jharkhand, Bengal, UP etc; but all are referred as "Bengalis". Dosen't matter whether you are from Bhaktiyarpur or Assam or Kanpur or Bhubaneshwar. If you are a migrant you will be referred as "bengali".
You will be thinking what is so much in calling someone a Bengali. it might be because majority of migrants come from west Bengal so they might have started calling migrants as Bengali to ease the speaking. But trust me my fellow folk if you made it till here ; they aren't. For many Malayalis (not all) the term Bengali has become a term equivalent to "dome, chamar or musahar" . Well if you don't know what they are then they are the name of some socially backward classes. (Trust me fellow if you are loving this writing then my next writing will be in the topic of sc st's).
In Kerala a stereotypical mentality has struck in many peoples head that the migrant labourers coming to kerala come from very low profile houses or they in past might have committed crimes for which they flee and came as a labour. Some also suggest that their are many who have fleed from Bangladesh and work as an illegal migrant. and because of all these things many labourers are treated not so politely and also sometimes are offered less wages.
Well all the above things I have in past heard from many different people and it's not like every people treat them badly or believe in such things about them. I have mostly heard these from unemployed or local political leaders in different occasions, mostly in tea stalls early in the morning. I have never heard a well educated muttering these things, in fact most of the well educates try to ease their life by donating them and showing love and respect. Also once my heart melted when one of my friend's family was treating a migrant who in their house was working as servant as one of their own. He had a lot of freedom in their house. Similarly the Kerala government also helped lots of migrants during the tough times of covid by providing temporary shelters, food and other accommodations.
Well its all just because wherever people go their will be people who will have some superiority complex and will try to bully people who are from different places. Their naive minds will always think that they are the king in their motherland, and a person from different place will never come equal to him. Again its just mostly because of lack of knowledge or half knowledge or half education.
And sadly in the recent times the judgmental nature of Indians are boosting daily and because of that, many dirty political leaders (I won't blame any party cause every party has good and bad leaders, and does good and terrible jobs) who take this in account and spread hatred openly amongst the poor and mostly illiterate people making their brain washed for just few votes. The political leaders are feeding on hatred and instead being wise and try to put stop which they should do are instead promoting these ideas.
I was bullied a lot because of race and colour in the past, but I should admit the fact that it was mostly children, we were kids at that time so that might not have been that intentional from their side. And even if adults have bullied me it were mostly the unemployed or the over judgmental so called superior people.
It always weakens my heart when I think that how over judgement of a person towards a race or a community can spread hate like forest fire. And believe it or not India is going through lot of hate because of RELIGION. Because people had started developing a frame of mind that
Note: I am not targeting any particular community, religion, region, political party, leaders or agendas or belief, so please don't hate because of it. And please don't hurt your sentiments, if i did please email me.
And you can also suggest me or support me by simply mailing me. i will be relying to every single email possible.
Thank you for your valuable 5 mins.
Share if you like and relate to it.
~~~Fearless Coward
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sharpbharat · 2 months ago
Jamshedpur madrasi sammelani : जमशेदपुर मद्रासी सम्मेलनी में महान राम भक्त त्यागराज को दी गई श्रद्धांजलि, उन्हीं की पंच रत्न कृतियों से त्यागराज को किया गया याद
जमशेदपुर : बिष्टुपुर स्थित मद्रासी सम्मेलन ने रविवार को प्रसिद्ध कर्नाटक शास्त्रीय गायक, कवि एवं श्रीराम के महान भक्त त्यागराज को श्रद्धांजलि देने के लिए एक सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया. इस कार्यक्रम के तहत कई स्थानीय दक्षिण भारतीय शास्त्रीय गायकों, जैसे मंगा थायरू, शैलजा, उषा राजन, गायत्री, वाणी, श्रुति, जयश्री एवं प्रदीप ने तबले पर श्री त्यागराज द्वारा लिखित पंच रत्न कृतियों और उनके कई…
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swagpersonacreation · 7 months ago
🇮🇳APJ Abdul Kalam. I say it is not your pride that you are a Madrasi, it is not your pride that you a brahmin, it is not your pride that you belong to south India, it is not your pride that you are a Hindu, that it is your pride that you are an Indian.👍❤️ SONY ELECTRICALS. We are agree with this point and we also do like that points so we decide that we are working to All Indians for panel board services like mccb testing, buzzbar testing, indicator testing, current linkage testing, highvoltage testing, earthing testing, this all facilities for panel board service 👍 Terms and conditions are available for free work You have any problem add your photo on Google map Proprater. Abdul Kareem Telangana Hyderabad Best of luck be safe
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folkmania · 10 months ago
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The elaborate tartan headpiece worn by Guadeloupean woman can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when the eastern Indian city of Madras was famed for its cotton-making. First plain, then striped, and then with increasingly elaborate patterns, the Madras fabric that was exported and used as headwraps was eventually influenced by the Scottish in colonial India, leading to a Madras-inspired tartan known as ‘Madrasi checks’, which in the colonial empires made its way to the French-occupied Caribbean. Like many of the traditional costumes from all over the world, the headpiece decoration in many cases was indicative of the married status of the wearer.
photography: Augustus Francis Sherman
Source: The True Faces of America: Rare 100 Year-Old Portraits Of New York Immigrants: boredpanda.com/ellis-island-immigrants-colorized-photos-dynamichrome-augustus-francis-sherman
#FOLKmania #PalianShow #FacesofAmerica #NewYork #Immigrants
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koval-nation · 1 year ago
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38) Tatarzy astrachańscy, Астраханские татары, Astrakhan Tatars (tatarski: Əsterxan tatarları, Əsterhan tatarlary, Ashtarkhan tatarları) - etniczna podgrupa Tatarów. W XV–XVII wieku Tatarzy Astrachańscy zamieszkiwali Chanat Astrachański (1459–1556), który był również zamieszkany przez Ordę Nogajską, a Tatarzy Astrachańscy wywarli głęboki wpływ na Nogais. Od XVII wieku nastąpił wzmożony kontakt i mieszanie się etniczne Tatarów Astrachańskich z Tatarami z Wołgi. Do 1917 r. Astrachań – jeden z głównych ośrodków życia kulturalnego i społecznego Tatarów. Część Tatarów Kazańskich osiedliła się w Astrachaniu. W 1892 r. funkcjonowały madrasy „niższych klas”. Gazety „Azat Halyk” (1917-1919), „Irek” (1917), „Islah” (1907), „Tartasz” (1917-1919), „Idel” (1907-1914, odnowiona w 1991). Gazety informacyjne „Azat Khanum” (1917–1918), „Magarif” (1909), „Koło” (1907) itp. Od 1907 roku pracuje tatarski teatr ludowy. W 1919 r. zorganizowany przez szkołę teatralną Astrachań-Tatar. Obecnie firma prowadzi Obwód Astrachański Tatarskiej Kultury Narodowej „Dusłyk” oraz Tatarski Ośrodek Młodzieży „Umid” (założony w 1989 r.). Równoległe prace „Centrum zachowania i rozwoju kultury tatarskiej” w centrum biznesowym non-profit Partnerstwo Tatar (NP TDC).
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peppal · 2 years ago
Indulge in the refreshing taste of homemade mouth freshener available online. Buy now and experience the delightful blend of Mewa mukhwas, green mukhwas, rajshahi mukhwas and madrasi saunf that will leave your breath feeling fresh and clean. Order your favorite mouth freshener online today!
Full Details:- https://peppal.in/collections/mukhwas
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interammovers · 2 years ago
Interstate movers and packers service providers that help in home shifting.
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People often have to transfer their house from one city to another or change their home, and many times, people need to move their belongings from one state to another. There is a matter in mind that such a packers and movers service provider can provide us the facility of interstate movers and packers. 
Most of the movers and packers provide you with intercity shifting service because very few movers and packers who provide interstate movers and packers service are available in the market, and those who are, their rates are also very high due to which It is not easy enough to afford them.
Does Interam provide interstate service?
Interam is one of the best interstate movers and packers who take full responsibility for moving your goods from your state to their destination state and safely transporting them to another state. Their Aligarh branch is at Shop No 10 Sarshol GT Road Aligarh Pin 202001.
Now it doesn't matter in which state of the country you are shifting. You have to benefit from their service and shift to your new house and goods, and your house will be fully responsible for interam. The movers and packers often charge you very high, and you need to know the market charges, but Interam never does this. It tells you the perfect price according to the market, and it remains the same for all customers, although it varies according to the location and city; interam will provide you with better service than other companies.
Interam provides many other services along with interstate shiftings, such as domestic moving, interstate moving, home shifting, office moving, and many more services, which you can check by visiting their official website, interam relocation. Many people have to go to their headquarters regarding any work related to Interam. If you need to find out where their head branch is, let us tell you that the address of their branch is Shop No. 13 B1st Floor Madrasi Colony Gokhale Market Mori Gate City Delhi -110006.
So friends, if you are also planning to shift your house and have been looking for the best interstate movers and packers for a long time and till now you have not found any best solution for your problem, then you can intern with You can go, he will help you completely in your home shifting.
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kashmiriproducts-blog · 2 years ago
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Madrasi Sounff by Kashmiri Products; Order Today Your Favourite Mukhwas; Healthy Munching options; Kashmiri Products: http://bit.ly/KASHMIRI FREE HOME DELIVERY @ https://www.amazon.in/kashmirimitha "Eat healthy stay healthy " "Good to Serve @ Home, Office, Restaurant & Hotels" 
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sharpbharat · 8 months ago
Jamshedpur madrasi sammelani diya puja : बिष्टुपुर मद्रासी सम्मेलनी में दीया पूजि आयोजित, सुख, सभी के लिए समृद्धि एवं स्वास्थ्य के लिए की गई प्रार्थना
जमशेदपुर : बिष्टुपुर स्थित मद्रासी सम्मेलनी की ओर से शुक्रवार को परंपरागत दीया पूजा का आयोजन किया गया. हर वर्ष आषाढ़ मास में आयोजित होने वाली यह पूजा सुख समृद्धि, स्वास्थ्य एवं खुशहाली के लिए आयोजित की जाती है. (नीचे भी पढ़ें) इस पूजा में मद्रासी सम्मेलनी की अनेक महिलाओँ ने शिरकत की. इसमें ललिता सहस्रनाम अर्चना, श्री लक्ष्मी अष्टोत्तर अर्चना, श्री दुर्गा अष्टोत्तर अर्चना एवं श्री राम अष्टोत्तर…
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suad-khaled · 2 months ago
Every donation—no matter how small—makes a world of difference. If you’re unable to donate, simply reblogging this post helps more than you can imagine. Your support spreads hope and brings us closer to freedom.
Let’s make this chance count. Together, we can turn fear into safety. 🙏
We’re just one step away from safety—but we can’t get there without you. 💔
The ceasefire is finally happening, and the Rafah crossing is expected to open soon. This could be our only chance to escape the unimaginable horrors we’ve endured for so long. But time is running out, and the coming days may be the most challenging yet.
Every donation—no matter how small—makes a world of difference. If you’re unable to donate, simply reblogging this post helps more than you can imagine. Your support spreads hope and brings us closer to freedom.
Let’s make this chance count. Together, we can turn fear into safety. 🙏
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reeceblogs · 2 years ago
Hair Transplantation centre in Chennai
Achieve a brighter, more even skin tone with our skin whitening therapy in Chennai. Our team of experienced professionals uses safe and effective treatments to reduce the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and other skin discoloration issues. We use only the highest quality products and techniques to ensure that you get the best results possible.
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roflwithradhika · 3 years ago
Kamalamma writes a letter to Vir Das
Kamalamma writes a letter to Vir Das
Dear Vir anna, Myself Kamalamma from Kunjibettu in Udupi. How are you? I hope you are having some time to sit down and read my letter, otherwise you stand-up people are full busy with houseful shows here, there and everywhere. Kamalamma is sometimes thinking what is state of the world nowadays – we have to buy tickets and sit inside auditorium if we want to laugh! Then the Mister is saying,…
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