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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 16 days ago
My worms arrived today, I am so excited about them I cannot explain to you how much I love my army of 750 worms
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 11 months ago
It me, thanks for providing my forever pfp
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My smol sister, @bicycles-bees-bisexuals
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stuckyedtogether · 8 years ago
On the Personality of Steve Rogers: a short meta analysis
Okay so this is for my new anon friend who requested an analysis on how Steve’s past and environment may have shaped his personality. For now this does not include environment, but I plan on adding an analysis on how his environment shaped his personality and how that may have changed over time. There are many other dimensions of personality that I did not reference, as they do not necessarily apply to Steve. 
Dimensions of Personality:
Depth- Steve Rogers has always been a person of integrity. Doing the right thing when no one is looking, standing up for what he believes is right even when it would be easier or better for his situation to step back and do nothing. We see it first in the comics in his backyard brawls, where he stands up against boys bigger and stronger than him, standing up for people who won’t stand up for themselves. In both the comics and the movies, his motivation is his dislike of bullies and those who stand above others for the sake of looking down.
Before he is trapped in the ice, Steve has a high internal locus of control, secure in the fact that as long as he is alive and kicking he will control his life, despite his chronic illness and lack of wealth.
Steve’s mom, as an Irish immigrant in the twenties and thirties and as a single mom, is depicted as being a strong and independent woman at a time when it is unheard of for a woman to be so. Despite the universal dislike of the Irish at this time in the nation, Sarah Rogers made a living for her son and herself, in the meantime continuing to raise and maintain a close relationship with Steve. His mother is Steve’s example of not only what women can be, but how people as a whole should be. Steve respects anyone who earns respect, and every person has the opportunity to earn his respect, no matter who society believes you to be.
Steve’s status as a poor immigrants son at this time would have also shaped his interactions with the world. Small and sickly, people labelled him as a burden and treated him poorly. Other boys at school attempted to bully him, and set the tone for Steve’s life of fighting back against the bullies of the world. This stance against bullies is his primary motivation later on in his life, during World War II and in his time in the future.
Values- Steve’s integrity and grit is what made him stand out to Dr. Erskine, as Steve tried and tried to be enlisted. Steve’s selflessness is also what earned him the respect of the Howling Commandos. Unlike other leaders at the time, Steve was at the front lines with them, fighting and strategizing and risking his life for even the lowliest of them. Steve respected his men, and earned their respect in turn. Also unlike other commanders, Steve accepted people of other races and origins into his troops with no qualms. Jim Morita, a Japanese-American soldier who had faced a great deal of racism and poor treatment at the hands of the government and other soldiers, noted in the comics that not only did Steve treat him well, but forced other soldiers and commanders to treat Jim with no disrespect. Gabe Jones, an African American soldier in the Howling Commandos, made similar statements as to Steve’s integrity and respect as their leader.
Loyalty was also a main value of Steve’s, particularly to those he was closest to. James Buchanan Barnes is a major example of Steve’s loyalty. After ‘Bucky’ is drafted, Steve does everything in his power to follow him overseas, wishing to keep him safe no matter where he is. He agreed to Erskine’s procedure out of loyalty to his country as well as a desire to protect it, but also made the statement that he wanted to make sure he could keep Bucky out of trouble.
Once Steve is established overseas, in the movies as a showman and in the comics as a commander of the Howling Commandos, Steve does everything in his power to make sure Bucky is safe. Finding out that Bucky’s division had been captured by Nazi’s, Steve risked his position in the military and his life to rescue Bucky, leading the march into Azzano and securing the entire 107th division, single handedly taking down a Nazi/HYDRA stronghold in his efforts to rescue Bucky.
After Steve is trapped in the ice and awoken in the future, Steve’s sense of loyalty does not change. The Avengers, his new team, he fights for just as hard as he did for the Commandos. Respect, on the other hand is something he has a more difficult time with amongst these new people.
Loyalty to his country also changes in the later events, as he recognizes the corruptness of the government and identifies that he is being used as a tool for greed rather than a tool for good. His disillusionment of his country temporarily destroys his values, as he lays down his shield and becomes a lone wolf vigilante known as Nomad in the comics, and in the movies walks away from Tony Stark, leaving behind his shield and taking with him one of the only people he has left to trust, Bucky.
Conciousness: Steve becomes well aware of who he is and the influence he has, but continualy does everything in his power to avoid special treatment. He uses his specialties only to help others, and to bash in Nazi faces.
My dear anon, I hope this was helpful to you. Let me know if there’s anything more specific you want me touch on, or if there’s something you want more clarity on? This was actually really fun and I’m so happy you thought of me for help on this. 
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thelasttime · 6 years ago
Madie 💗 m🌺a🌺d🌺i🌺e MADIE M~A~D~I~E madiemadiemadie 🤠🤠🤠madie🤠🤠🤠 mAdIE M🤡A🤡D🤡I🤡E 😔madie😔 Ⓜ🅰
stop i'm actually going to CRY THIS IS NOT A JOKE
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lizzietehan · 8 years ago
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Spring by madiemadiemadie featuring highlight makeup ❤ liked on Polyvore
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summer-mayhew · 12 years ago
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 7 months ago
I have been so wildly happy the last few months. If at 15 someone had told me I would be this happy at 25 I would not have believed them, but here I am and it is grand
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 10 days ago
I have started some of my seeds, huzzah
I feel like I am wrestling with winter right now and bullying it into becoming spring. I am manifesting spring in 6-8 weeks
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 26 days ago
I am experiencing the eternal frustrations of older generations complaining about younger generations in the workplace. Like yeah sure the students don’t check their emails BUT NEITHER DO YOU!!!! I have had to just mysteriously appear in their offices because they don’t answer my emails or calls, but sure gen z is the problem I GUESS
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 11 months ago
The only thing my spouse has ever asked me to make for him is a pair of socks, a knit pair of socks. Why is this the hardest possible thing, poor fellow thought he was asking for something simple and easy but no why can’t I do it why is this so difficult
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 3 days ago
My ducklings arrive May 12th, what a time to be alive
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 3 months ago
It’s still dark at 7am, it will be dark again by 4pm, and the cycle continues until April
I think Hanukkah being so late into December this year is messing with me, those candles really save the day in the beginning of the dark months
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 3 months ago
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It’s finals week, and a major deadline week at work, and all of the holiday celebrations, and I’m sick
Everything feels terrible but I can do it! I can do it all! I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again! But the convergence of all these things does not make for a good week
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 3 months ago
Getting my Masters degree in “things that make me mad”
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 3 months ago
Do you ever spend months working on a grant proposal, struggling to make it right and convey what you need it to convey, and then you finally give up and make do with what you have and submit it…..only for an hour later to have the exact thing you should have said materialize in your noggin
I swear my brain is sabotaging me. I’m still writing this down because I can apply for other things but by golly I wish my brain had participated two days ago
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bicycles-bees-bisexuals · 8 months ago
I need a way to rent water drinking vessels, every time I get a new water drinking vessel I drink so much water for about two weeks. Every two weeks I need a new water vessel, it’s just not realistic.
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