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imperioaroeira · 1 year ago
🌳🔨 Quer restaurar a beleza dos seus pisos de madeira? Não procure mais!
A nossa equipa é especializada no restauro de pavimentos de madeira. Com anos de experiência, garantimos resultados excepcionais que devolverão o encanto natural aos seus pavimentos. 
Do piso de madeira à restauração de piso de madeira e raspagem de piso de madeira, nós temos o que você precisa! 
Entre em contato pelo telefone (11)96027-7097 para saber mais sobre nossos serviços e agendar um horário. 
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wyfy-meltdown · 6 months ago
For a bit more info about each character:
Madeir is very nice and optimistic: often forgetting the harsher realities of the world and becoming sad as a result. She hates "bad" people, and loves baking. Her name is a pun on the dessert "Madeira". She is the resident fan-fic author of the group and absolutely has a thriving troll-tumblr blog. Incapable of hating people or truly being angry. Hype-man and cheerleader. Witch of heart.
Minnax is a major fucking nerd pretending to be cool and evil. He cosplays as his favourite word search mascot and spends all his time solving puzzles and telling riddles to his friends. He tries his hardest to act like an "evil villan", but he does not at all have the guts for it. Declared himself as Madeir's rival in an attempt to seem more evil. Thief of void.
Monoce has been briefly mentioned before in Pelagi's post, but I'm properly going to talk about her here! She's obsessed with winning, being number one, and generally being better than others: she is competitive as all hell and a cocky bastard who thinks she can fistfight god and win. She has a generally very short temper and hates being insulted (even though she insults others every chance she gets), and only Pelagi can insult her without her blowing up. She likes appearing as the lone-wolf and avoids connecting with others. Seer of hope.
Ranhya is the brains of the group and also mostly responsible for the plot. She has a habit of being stupidly cryptic and indirect; basically only ever answering in questions and never showing her emotions. Her speciality lies in psychology and personality, and she can be quite manipulative when she wants to be. Although she lacks empathy, she still cares for her friends and is the main one trying to fix things: she doesn't let her mistakes go easily. Do not get on her bad-side. Mage of mind.
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Here's some more troll ocs with designs I'm happy with! Top left is Madeir Papato, top right is Minnax Verdzi, bottom left is Monoce Kerosz, and bottom right is Ranhya Aldeba!
I still have more, but I'm only posting these four for now since I don't think I'll change their designs at all.
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icycoldninja · 10 months ago
Hey! How are you? Missed menin requests? Well.... I have an idea... I love Tangled... Eugene is a gem.
So Rapunzel fem reader and Dante...but make it DMC perhaps. I mean the tower can be Temen-ne-Gru and it has to be DMC3 Dante cause he is the only one I see as an initial jerk with whose heart changes.
I don't have any outline...but I would love to see your take
Yes, I did miss your requests 💜 This is interesting; do you mind if I do headcannons?
DMC3!Dante x Rapunzel!Reader headcannons
-Being a princess imprisoned inside the Temen Ni Gru by a demon who wanted to marry you, you never expected to see another human anytime soon.
-And you didn't; instead, you saw someone who looked like a human, but clearly wasn't, jaunting towards the tower. You thought, at first, that you were seeing things. There was no way a person could actually be coming to the Temen Ni Gru, could there?
-Whoever this guy was, he had to have been powerful. If he had madeir through the hordes of demons surrounding the tower, then he had to be either not completely a human, or a demon in disguise.
-Your surprise when he burst into your tiny prison not 2 hours later was monumental. So was his. He didn't realize there was a human trapped here, and you didn't think the weird man you saw from before would make it this far up the tower.
-What happened next was the most awkward introduction ever. Dante saw your stately appearance and excessively long hair, and instantly made the connection to the fairy tale he had grown up with.
-You, on the other hand, found your earlier suspicions to be true. This guy was not a human, not even close. He was likely very dangerous, but the fact that he didn't know you were here proved he wasn't working for the demon who brought you here, making him a potential ally.
-You would have asked him for help, had he not been a total douche. Rude and arrogant, he didn't seem keen on helping some random girl he knew nothing about.
-Strangely enough, he offered his assistance, and when you hesitated, assured you he meant no harm. He even offered to cut off some of your burdensome hair, if you wanted.
-The genuine smile on his face was oddly reassuring, and so, disregarding the last question, you gratefully accepted and went with him.
-Dante might be a jerk, yeah, but he didn't seem all that bad. Maybe you could get to know him some more--who knows?
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juntapacai · 1 year ago
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No meio do caminho tinha um urso - 09/09/2023
Chegando ao meio:
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gothedrals · 2 years ago
and the collision of your kiss thag madeir so hasssrrrrrrrrddddddd
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alphaflyer · 11 months ago
As someone who let a bottle of Chateau d'Yquem madeirize instead of drinking it in its prime, I endorse this message.
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A brief moment of rationality from the bird place.
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Aba Achalsp Acheulst Aclas Aclils Adeils Ado Afalst Afi Agei Ahis Ahost Ajo Ali Alo Alsdi Alsdo Alskmist Alstdei Alsyeu Aneu Ani Anosk Apels Aqui Aquils Arei Arnscha Arnspdest Arskmesk Arspdeis Arspeus Arsprers Asclo Ascrelst Asdarns Ashalst Asi Askdi Aslo Aspke Aspmo Aspmols Asptei Asro Astkeurs Atha Athas Atho Ati Ato Awisp Azorns Beilskeilsk Beizo Beuspirns Bewo Bilstna Bisbi Bismo Bispsa Bofeu Boso Bosthe Bothirnsp Charssa Chaspra Chassils Chebo Cheithe Cheulo Cheunis Chideust Chilskcre Chisji Chodirs Claha Clalo Clalspresp Clarnsdals Clascrei Clilspse Clirsbarns Clisjals Cliskfes Clispfi Clisquost Cloles Cloqueu Crarnspjornsk Crasdisp Crecris Cresdilst Cricla Crilsfas Crischeu Crohals Crora Crosmo Declas Dodernsk Dornscha Dosri Ebilsk Echist Eclelst Edei Efa Egas Eiba Eibist Eidolsk Eijors Eilsmei Eilsttheu Eilswa Eipi Eiquas Eirskbeu Eirskli Eisbeu Eishi Eisle Eiso Eistkei Ejos Eka Elsmolsp Elspgesk Elsppa Elsteirns Emi Emis Eparns Ernsfe Ersrors Ersthi Erstkerst Esba Esharns Esholsk Eskhisk Esma Esseu Etas Eulskkis Eulssi Eulsta Euni Eupeirs Eusclirnst Euspclis Eusta Euswo Ewers Eyost Eze
Faclernsp Fayorns Figils Finilsp Fishes Fissha Fisyis Foclalst Folshast Foras Forspyo Fospsirns Fostnas Fozi Garsktarnst Geucli Geuspsals Gichi Gomars Gornstpi Gorsttho Gosgas Gospfis Goya Halsphist Hasgas Heirnsjolsk Heulils Heuskfes Hicro Hilsfa Hirnswa Hocla Hoqueurnst Hornsgilsp Horo Hospdilsp Ibes Ichi Ifa Ifosk Ijels Ikeu Ilschi Ilscho Ilshei Ilsme Ilszo Imo Ipas Ipis Ipos Ique Iqueu Irnschi Irnskneusk Irnspneilsp Irnsri Iro Irsga Irsqui Isa Isbi Ise Isfe Ishols Isirnst Isjerst Isknos Isko Iskpeurs Iskzi Isols Ispos Ispshos Isptelsp Ispwe Istfolsk Istque Istshei Iteils Iwilst Iyo Izast Japo Jarsge Jeikei Jeschi Jilspkisp Jisclo Jori Jospcra Kalski Kasri Kazi Keifos Kesasp Kesho Keume Keuszeust Kewi Kinals Kocris Koja Leha Leino Leiquask Lozeisk Madeirs Maposp Marschirs Masfos Mato Meucli Milskhi Mirsplist Misbis Molsros Nakeus Nathask Nefisk Neiquersp Neirnsho Neizolsp Nespna Neustjo Nezils Nika Nipis Nirsjo Noji Noma Nornstko Nossha Oba Obe Ochesk Ocheulsp Oclist Ocrask Ocro Odi Odirns Odisp Ofols Ogo Oji Olsbeilsp Olschirns Olsga Olskwa Olsli Olspto Olsquo Olstjers Olstnarnsp Olszalsp Omo Ones Onorns Oqua Oquei Orils Ornskwosp Ornsquos Ornstzerns Orolsp Orskolsk Orsptheus Orstpa Oschorns Oscrernsk Osjei Oskbist Oskcreu Oskcrornsk Oskfei Osklo Oskrarnsp Osse Osses Ostdo Ostlirsp Oswi Osyeis Otha Othas Otheu Othirsk Othost Oti Oyi Oyils Padirns Palsjes Parnstsos Paskdos Pasthes Pastsornst Pesshi Peuspya Pida Pihist Pirnstzeurnsp Pisei Pita Polos Quarswalsp Quaskcris Quaspbost Quastye Queshils Questhols Queulstno Quiqui Quirnspmelst Quoquers Quospke Quospso Quostquornst Quozi Racleist Raszilsp Ratarnst Rawos Reslars Rikarns Rikei Risppas Riste Ristmi Riza Rornstcleu Rosthe Shajeirsk Shalspmersp Shasa Shaskquerst Shija Shilsttas Shilszis Shimos Shoja Shosdi Sitis Siwei Tatha Teibeils Tharspzo Thasho Thaskga Thelsme Therstlei Thezols Thidils Thirsga Thobeisp Thohi Tholstde Tire Tornsfi Torost Tosshesk Tostwask Wado Wagi Warnstnis Weiwo Wersfis Weupa Weurnsclilsp Wisclas Wisna Wisquosp Yabarns Yeilsnos Yeisshei Yirnswe Yispleursp Yogi Yolstfolst Yosshe Zalsgost Zernsktalsp Zeusast Zokolsp Zosro
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jurotinaa · 2 months ago
Hoje estudei sobre morangos, acordeie fiz uma rotina legal, estudei matematica com minha mae, senti vida, comi direitinho
- agf: pesquisei npk
- agr: pesquisei morangos
- agr: pesquisei artemisia
3 coisas na qual sou grata: pela existencia e vida de apenas ser, por recomeços e por tentar buscar uma casinha de madeir ano meio do nada e no mato, por querer sair mais 💃🫂✨
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acessofacil · 4 months ago
Construção de Casas de Madeira Paraná | Casa Pinheirão - Casas de Madeir...
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caminheirogastronomico · 8 months ago
PR 6 - Levada das 25 Fontes - Arco da Calheta - Calheta - Ilha da Madeir...
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months ago
Anothet ask because I can
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I'll make a list so it's less confusing for future reference!!!
Danganronpa OCs: (Virtue's Gallows)
Yuruha Inori (Ushl Psychologist) (Protagonist)
Kiyohira Jouhouji (Ushl Custodian) (Mastermind, Assistant)
Haruyoshi Awaji (Ushl Roller Skater) (Survivor, Assistant)
Nadeshiko Yubuki (Ushl Internet Idol) (Survivor)
Honoka Saiga (Ushl Karate Master) (Survivor)
Ayame Hanata (Ushl Gardener) (Killer Chapter 1)
Kirari Tada (Ushl Ringleader) (Killer Chapter 2)
Amane Watanuki (Ushl OcCultist) (Killer Chapter 3)
Nagomi Koyanagi (Ushl Croupier) (Killer Chapter 4)
Kanata Nidaira (Ushl Police Officer) (Killer Chapter 5, Traitor)
Akira Shimada (Ushl Film Director) (Victim Chapter 1)
Akari Satou (Ushl Office Worker) (Victim Chapter 2)
Erena Beniya (Ushl Arts Club Member) (Victim Chapter 3)
Hinatsu Kourogi (Ushl Priest) (Victim Chapter 3)
Kanerou Taenaka (Ushl LARPer) (Victim Chapter 4)
Nayu Inanaga (Ushl Heiress) (Victim Chapter 5)
Danganronpa OCs: (Guillotine Of Nemesis)
Ouka Watayou (Ushl Fan) (Protagonist)
Mairu Inogari (Ushl Showman) (Antagonist/Mastermind)
Kaona Furuko (Ushl Model)
Higashi Akebono (Ushl Race Car Driver) (Killer Chapter 1)
Homestuck OCs:
Luna Castellan
Juno Allbones
Ewan Loveless
Nate Merryweather
Lulu Castellan
Joey Allbones
Ezra Loveless
Noel Merryweather
Pelagi Cyanea
Selchi Acheil
Monoce Kerosz
Propus Mekuda
Nasira Debene
Noizma Senski
Ranhya Aldeba
Cetari Lanala
Madeir Papato
Minnax Verdzi
Pyranl Maydus
Tyepha Foleea
I have so, so many more but for the sake of my sanity I'm going to stop. I will update this eventually.
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legendaryturtletheorist · 2 years ago
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Get Stem Cells at Affoardable Price
The best service is provided to our clients. Making an extra effort to meet your requirements is important to Madeire. In the body, stem cells have the capacity to differentiate into a wide variety of stem cells types. They act as the body's system for repairs.
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mnaasilveira · 2 years ago
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allthingseurope · 2 years ago
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Jardim Botanico, Funchal, Madeira (by Stewart Lacey)
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entertainmentnerdly · 4 years ago
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Most amazing trees I have ever seen on Madeira Island, Portugal (2000x1333)[OC] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/3vbtIWE
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notomoto · 2 years ago
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Speed Shop Notomoto  Heavy Duty Work Shirt Model: Vitor Malho Photo: @igelphotography \ @notomoto Location: Madeira Island - Portugal www.notomotoautohaus.com
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