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metalbum-pixelized · 2 years ago
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Bütcher - 666 Goats Carry My Chariot
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marcantoinephotographie · 3 years ago
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juleswabbes · 3 years ago
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SMALL WALL LAMP (INTERIOR) RAW BRONZE, 1969. This wall-lamp was designed by Jules Wabbes and manufactured by General Decoration from 1969. Made of five rings of cast bronze. Other model by the creator were designed in the same way but in brass. Wabbes often utilized a series of curved flat portions of different dimensions. This lamp is suitable for indoor and outdoor use thanks to a system of glass which protects the bulb. The bronze takes a beautiful patina with time and weather. 📸 @nicolas_schimp #bronze #craft #madeinbelgium #juleswabbes #handmade #art #architect #interiorarchitecture #interiordesign #design #bronzecast #craftmanship #original #designer #art https://www.instagram.com/p/CdfZLTottuM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alainfriant · 4 years ago
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greenwitchart · 3 years ago
Guardian game trailer
hey it’s a game i worked on under the direction of @ceoanam
I did all the art for it  !
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borispramatarov · 4 years ago
Quantum Girl And Square Space Man
Silkscreen print
70 x 100 cm
Black Ink on 250g Mill Bianco
Limited Edition of 50 prints
75 euro + Shipping
DM for it 🤖
Printed in Brussels by studio L'appat
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jenniferamelia · 4 years ago
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I'm in love with my skateboard
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christophebustin · 4 years ago
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Bijoux @louise_kopij_bijoux Direction artistique @thekcase Productrice exécutive: Margot Darge @margot.darge Photos de mode: Christophe Bustin @christophe_bustin Chorégraphe et danseuse : Nicola M Wills @nicolamwills Danseuse : Nicha Rodboon @nich_r Danseuse: Zoe Hollinshead @heyzo_ Costumes : Amandine Blanchart @amandine_blcht Cheffe make up and hair Allison Irskens @allison_irskens assistée par Louise Hogge @louisehogge #FashionCampaign #editorial #hautecouture #artfashioninspiration #whitefashion #fashionmagazinestyle #artdirectorclub #highfashioneditorial #belgiandesigner #belgiandesignerlabel #localfashiondesigner #designer #madeinbelgium #madeinfrance #dancephotographyproject #justdance #balletdancer #editorialjewellery #hautecouturejewelry #uniquepieces #luxuryjewellery #serielimitee @hautecouturephotography #collectibledry #gratitude #poetry #archetype #bijoux (à Bruxelles, Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/COYoXe6H7lY/?igshid=1ft7efju78i10
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marcantoinephotographie · 3 years ago
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maggrytte · 4 years ago
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EMBROIDERY | WATERCOLOR 🎨 Work in progress • wee flowers in watercoloured ceramic pots 🌻.
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studiobrendatalent · 4 years ago
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Meet Flippe, the box wrapper
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ostleonie · 5 years ago
Made in Belgium - Philippe Geubels (extra)
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Made in Belgium was de eerste theatervoorstelling van Philippe Geubels in Nederland. De show bestaat uit alle hoogtepunten van de Vlaamse shows van de Belgische komiek.
Deze hoogtepunten zijn weliswaar aangevuld met nieuw materiaal. Ook geeft Geubels het Nederlandse publiek wat meer uitleg over Vlaamse woorden en de Nederlandse vertaling ervan.
Philippe Geubels is altijd al mijn favoriete Belgische comedian geweest. Ik kan zijn humor heel hard appreciëren. Daarom was deze show voor mij zeker geslaagd. Je ziet dat hij zijn hart en ziel in zijn job steekt en dat maakt alles nog eens veel leuker. Zijn stem, mimiek en handelingen maken het plaatje compleet. Ook vind ik het leuk dat hij het publiek erbij betrekt in zijn shows. Op een gegeven moment haalt hij iemand uit de zaal die mee op het podium mocht gaan. Dit zorgt eens voor afwisseling en dat vond ik wel fijn.
Als je je kan vinden in Philippe Geubels humor, dan is deze show zeker een aanrader. Ik heb er alvast van genoten!
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guillaumeslizewicz-studio · 5 years ago
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Canari. Brass tubes, glass globes and aluminium base. Canari is a lamp that transform local air quality data into light patterns. It draws its inspiration from the canari, a bird that was the coal-miners companion and alerted them when the air was contaminated. The table lamp version of the project is supported by @kikk_festival through its edutainment program. A program that gathers academics, designers and companies around a theme related to science 👨🏾‍🔬👷🏼‍♀️👨🏽‍💻💫. Air pollution is sometimes called the “invisible killer”. Whereas in the past, smoke from factory or incinerator chimneys was a fairly reliable indication of the presence and location of toxic air, today air pollution is mostly imperceptible to the naked eye. On the contrary, a sunny day with blue skies is a condition often associated with high pollution. Yet air pollution is omnipresent in our cities. Government institutions and universities have long been working to measure and map it, and more recently, local projects and initiatives have also enabled citizens to become involved in analyzing and learning more about this complex phenomenon. But too often the data remain in libraries or laboratories and are, at best, disseminated on the internet. Where it is available, it remains incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Once again, air pollution remains in the ether, invisible. The Canari project aims precisely at revealing air pollution. In the past, in coal mines, canaries were carried away as a signal, alerting miners when the air became unbreathable. Seeing these birds choke (often due to too high a concentration of carbon monoxide), miners could escape before it was too late. In a similar way, the Canari Project wants to raise awareness of air pollution by turning toxicity data into light signals. Using the coal mine analogy also means associating the past with the present, the mine with air pollution, faith in industrial progress and the damage it has caused. Canari makes air pollution visible, by making the reading of data related to pollution instinctive, through the light patterns that a lamp displays, their speed, their amplitude. The objective is not only to give information to the citizen, but rather to sound the alarm and alert them to the need to act at that moment, at that place.  In this spirit, the Canari project joins the movement of citizens, associations and researchers who have mobilised in recent years to demand cleaner air: by raising awareness of the geography and scale of the problem, we hope to encourage community involvement and action towards a more sustainable future and to put pressure on decision-makers for rapid improvements in this area. This prototype lamp is part of a longer trajectory on air quality representation supported by Trakk through its edutainment programme that brings together academics, designers and local businesses around a science-related theme. This prototype is the result of a collaboration between academics (Nicola Da Schio and Tarek Barakat) and a designer (Guillaume Slizewicz), supported by the Trakk team (Marine Warzée, Laura Latour and Maryline Munch). Canari has been awarded the citizen science award at CrQlr and has been features in many publications including DesignBoom, Area Architecture and Springwise.
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christophebustin · 4 years ago
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Shoot for @adverthype Client @too.many.bunnies Photo : @christophe_bustin #styleforkids #toomanybunnies #rock #scene #lighstofscene #drum #pursuit #madeinbelgium #adverthype #stylistofbelgium (à Boortmeerbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkVm3yn8tE/?igshid=zaaokelu7hq1
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midasceramics · 6 years ago
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Broad rim dish. Love Shu's olive decor.
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syncro89 · 5 years ago
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Gin Crafted with a hint of 🇧🇪 honey 🐝 🐝 In this week i try Save the Queen Gin from Belgium and I will share tasting notes and some cocktails also. Save the Queen company produce Gin, Rum and Elderflower liqueur. In return for the bees’ golden nectar, each bottle contributes to protecting and sustaining bee populations. Here comes Gin Martini, I added some lemon to cut the sweetness from honey. 🐝 Save the Martini 🍸 50ml Save the Queen Gin 10ml Dry Vermouth 10 drops lemon from fresh fruit 🐝 🐝 @save__the__queen #gintonic #ginandtonic #gin #rum #elderflower #drinks #cocktails #localproduct #madeinbelgium #belgium #gent #brussels #savethequeen #savethebees #honing #honey #bees #urbanbeekeeping #beekeeping (at Gent, Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3lrZdxlLcr/?igshid=ne1newfo5qj9
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