#made his struggle with his feelings so much clearer
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aether-wasteland-s · 2 days ago
The Shadows of Neverland
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Chapter 1 — seeing is believing
There's a storm at sea, and two men find themselves at the unfortunate receiving end of nature's unforgiving whims. One of them wakes up alone on a long forgotten shore, trying to piece together what happened, and comes face to face with what lurks beyond.
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“All hands! Brace for impact!”
A crew’s worth of people scrambled to grab onto whatever they could reach, as the ship was barraged by the kind of wave conjured by the violent storm that raged around them. The entire deck shook with some vigour, and more than enough men were knocked off their feet with the force of it.
James Callaghan heard the unmistakeable sound of someone losing their footing to the fates of the ocean, and the moment the ship stabilised itself, he ran towards the side and looked out over the waves.
The man was familiar even as he struggled against the pull of the tide, already soaked through as he was. But, James knew better than to assume William Smee would ever be unrecognisable, no matter what state he was in. The two of them knew each other from old, and he would be damned to ever mistake him for another.
William fought to keep himself surfaced, maintaining some sort of focus on James as he tried to reserve his strength on not drowning. “James! James!”
“Hold steady, William!”
Another wave struck from behind. James’ lack of focus almost threw him too, but before he could fall, he managed to land a grip on the taffrail with one hand, leaving him precariously hanging over the open ocean.
He tried to haul himself back up, but couldn’t find the momentum among the storm’s insistence on trying to crack the hull in two. He shot a brief glance downwards, straight into the unforgiving depths waiting for him with open arms.
A spray of water from the other side made him lose his grip on the railing. The moments of falling were stretched out into an eternity, when the world seemed to turn ever so slightly slower until his entire body felt the bracing, fiery chill of his back slamming into water.
The fall was all too fast. James barely had the time to close his eyes before he was claimed by the waves. It took all he had to work against the sudden shock and the way his muscles tensed, just to break the surface and fill his lungs like it was the first time.
By the time he made it to the surface, the current had carried him far enough from the ship that he could no longer reach it without fighting that which he knew he wasn’t strong enough to even contend with. The rain was lashing, his hair was plastered to his face, and neither of those things were making his vision any clearer.
For all it was worth, he had tried to conduct as much of a search as he could manage, but his vision grew worse with every passing second, and the blur of salt water was making it nigh on impossible to notice whether William was there, or whether he had succumbed to some terrible fate that was never meant for him.
The shouting of his crew was drawing further and further away. He stopped being able to tell whether that was because of the darkening fog of his own mind. That, or he was still being pulled away from them, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out where the problem lay. They couldn’t see him, and he couldn’t reach them.
The fight was pointless. No man had ever won out against a storm, and he was not about to be the first. He barely had the strength to go another round.
He closed his eyes, and let the waves take him.
Sunlight blazed through the gaps where shade couldn’t reach, straight into James’ eyes. He squinted as he came to, wearily lifting one hand to shield his face. His arms felt heavy as he pushed himself up, weighed down by the odyssey that he could barely remember and the strain on his muscles that made them feel like they were on fire.
It came back to him in fractals, what had happened, and he sat there on the beach he found himself on until the picture started to clear up a little. The storm… Losing his grip… It wasn’t clear by any means, but he had an idea of what landed him where he was.
But he was alive, and that was a start.
He was left stranded on a beach, digging his hands into sand that had no right to be as warm as it was. As far as he could see, the view was exactly the same, asides from the collection of boulders that seemed to lead to a cavern beyond the cove.
With some great effort, he pulled himself off the ground and sturdied himself on his feet. The ocean had washed him up here, and now it was up to him to figure out where he was and how to get himself off this shoreline.
His first port of call was that cave. Curiosity had taken over before he could think about how much of a bad idea it was, and he felt the strangest notion that he was going to find something beyond those walls.
Slowly, carefully, he made his way over the little stream and towards the cave. For lack of anything in the surrounding area, and absolutely no sign of life at all, he found a branch just outside that was dry enough to consider using as a makeshift torch, and almost swore aloud in relief when it actually caught after scraping it against the cave like a match.
But now, he was getting somewhere.
With his makeshift torch, he wandered into the cave. His meagre light guided him through the darkness, but the shadows still resided in the cracks in the rocks. He swore he saw something move within the darkness, and dared himself to edge closer to investigate. Part of him wondered whether he was just seeing himself as he walked past, but he knew for a fact he’d seen his own shadow on the other wall.
“Hello?” Instinct made him call out, as he brandished his branch like a weapon. He could still feel the cold trails of water trickling down his back from his hair, but for some reason completely unknown to him, he had the confidence imbued in him to fake a fire and act like he had the strength to fight if something happened. “Anyone there?”
There was no answer other than the wind as it tore through the open mouth of the cave. If it wasn’t cold enough within these walls, then it was certainly bordering too cold when the wind played its part.
James shivered, then decided there was nothing for it but to press on. A little twig atop his branch finally snapped off with the heat excess, and crumbled to the ground in a pathetic little pile of ash at his feet.
James knew he could only rely upon his instincts for so long before he forced himself to realise that he was lost, and in that kind of position that garnered most of the power from him. He could feel the nerves building in his chest, and had ignored them for so long that they were starting to fester, to develop a mind of their own.
He should’ve anticipated something bad happening. He should’ve known that the strange understanding that came with being alone only lasted so long.
Something darted past him. The sudden breeze blew out his branch, plunging him and the cave into total darkness.
He held his breath, daring not to make a sound, and whirled around to source the sudden chill. The space immediately beyond him was darker than he could’ve imagined. Nothing was there, barely even an indication of the path he’d wandered to get this far through.
James… James…
A violent shard of ice worked its way up James’ spine and stuck fast. He swore he heard his breath catching in his throat, but he couldn’t discern it over the pounding of his heart in his ears.
That was coming from the direction he was walking in.
Swallowing his innate terror, he pressed on as he meant to, keeping one hand firmly against the wall. He couldn’t see three feet in front of his face, but he needed to clarify for himself that the voice was not calling after him. James was a common enough name where he was from (to the point where he recalled being called Jim as a kid, to avoid the confusion that came with being named after his grandfather), and he almost found comfort in the idea that he wasn’t alone, wherever it was he’d ended up.
If he wasn’t, that would mean he’d be able to find help from somewhere. Maybe he would be able to escape, or at the least, find someone who could help him plan it.
Awful foolish of you to think you’re brave, James…
He worked his way into an open area where he could finally stand without his head hitting the roof. Sunlight flooded in through tiny cracks in the cave wall that almost looked like eyes if he squinted hard enough, illuminating the world around him at strange angles. In the centre was a small body of water, and if he didn’t know better, he’d have sworn that there were honest to god stairs carved into the far wall.
“Alright,” he straightened up, still holding on— to some degree— to the burnt, crumbling branch as if it would help him any. “Who’s there?”
A laugh resonated around the cavern, vicious and childish in nature. The owner’s voice morphed and changed as it bounced off the wall, forcing James out of his bravado. The shadows reformed in front of his eyes, taking shape as the laughter grew in volume. James didn’t ignore the instinct to take a lengthy step back into the tunnels from which he’d come.
The shadows chose a shape that was almost comprehensible, and almost looked like him. James faltered.
“I am!” It declared with great pride, and as it said that, something else darted past him. The branch in his hand was replaced with an actual torch, fashioned with a sturdy dark wood and casting an impressive flame. He stared at it, and then at the shadow, who was shifting triumphantly.
“And… Who are you?” What are you? How in the name of all that’s holy do you know my name?
His remaining questions— in their multitudes though they were— were caught somewhere between his awe, that chill, and the mounting confusion, and remained so much unanswered as they had been unspoken.
“Call me…” The shadows formed something almost person-shaped, and James swore he saw it grin. One of the lights bent around the dark form in such a way, and seemed to form silvery eyes that stared right into James’ soul. It stretched out it’s palm. James saw the clear imitation of a handshake waiting to happen.
“Pan…” James briefly glanced towards his free hand, and swiftly decided against showing any slight of formality. In the middle of this cave, he was the only thing left with a shadow. Pan— whatever the hell it was— had formed itself from all the little crevices and left only him behind.
Why? What did it have to prove? Could it have stolen the darkness from his shadow if it tried?
“This is my turf, James… I don’t take too kindly to those who think themselves brave enough to explore…”
It folded its arms and the shadows pulled to demonstrate this discontent almost familiar. James raised an eyebrow.
“You aren’t in a position to do anything about it,” he contested, with about as much confidence as he could muster. To him, it was something that he still had his own shadow, and by some force of logic, that meant that he had at least a little leverage, for as long as that might last.
“Am I not?”
The shadows dissipated, suddenly plunging the entire cavern into a thick darkness that James’ torch only barely penetrated.
Another of those laughs resounded through the darkness. “You have absolutely no idea what you’re up against! Do you really want to stand your ground? Against me?”
James tightened his grip on the torch. He was aware he held injuries from the storm, and he wasn’t in the best of ways because of that, but he was not about to be bested into submission by a shadow.
“I’ll sure as hell try.”
“Will you, indeed? Oh, that is fun! Alright then, if you’re so insistent on a challenge, then I will concede.”
Immediately, the shadows vanished. The figure, all of the usual shadows from the cavern’s rocks… Everything except for his own dark reflection at his feet, stretching out into the tunnel beyond. He was the only thing left in this realm of normal facing abnormalities, and he had some kind of a purpose now.
What, he didn’t know, but he sure had one. Pan had completely vanished, and yet had been itching for a confrontation only seconds before.
He refused to believe that was it. It barely felt like a beginning.
Now was his window to back down and try and find some way off this shoreline he’d found himself on. Since he could last recall, at least half a day had passed. It was darkening when he and William had been thrown overboard, and now daylight broke through the fleeting clouds that remained from the storm. He didn’t know where the crew was, nor what became of the ship, but he knew that there was some instinct in him telling him that didn’t matter.
That part of him thought confronting this entity was bound to be one of the worst decisions he’d ever make, but the other part of him was riled by the taunts, and really wanted to prove himself.
He turned around, and went to wander back through the tunnels, thinking he’d make his decision by the time he made it back out.
In the middle of the tunnel was a sliver of light shaped perfectly like a face. Two discernable eyes and that demon’s grin he’d seen take place in the shadows. His breath hitched. Knuckles paled against the handle of the torch, he led himself onwards, unable to ignore the face of that shadow.
When he emerged on the other side after trying to navigate himself backwards, he found himself staring at the hulking mass of a huge schooner.
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helpimstuckinafandom · 2 years ago
Finished the Pride and Prejudice book and 2005 movie and I gotta say I liked the movie way better
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scribblestatic · 30 days ago
I read this post by @diushek and I have been inspired.
Their post and mine aren't really all that related save for parts of the premise, but still, I'm thankful for the inspiration so I'd like them to get attention.
Shen Yuan as a spider demon(?).
In his last life, since he had a lot of free time, he, of course, dove headfirst into webnovels. But, he also grew up fixing his little sister's toys and had found out that he enjoys sewing. He was rather sickly, so it wasn't like he had much else to do.
So, he learned how to fix dolls, then design clothes for dolls. Then, he designed and made a dress for his meimei to wear for a school play, and he's spiraled out of control since.
He especially went wild while reading PIDW. Airplane was so neglectful while describing clothes, so of course, he had to design what he thought they would look like!! And, if it just so happened people would spend money to buy his outfits for their professional make and relative historical accuracy, sure!
Then PIDW ends terribly, Shen Yuan writes his last hate post, and he essentially dies from rage (his already weak heart couldn't beat properly in the end).
And the next time he's aware of himself, he's sitting neatly in the center of a well-woven web.
He can't see very well, but he can feel vibrations all over the place. He'd thought to put on his glasses, but couldn't seem to...put them on. Somehow, he knew they weren't around.
He also knows that he's quite terribly hungry.
So, he doesn't think twice when he feels a vibration in his web and he crawls over to a struggling creature. He can feel the qi coming from it, whatever it is. But that doesn't matter for now. It's just food.
And he's hungry.
So he injected his prey and began to slurp up the remains.
This continues for an indeterminate amount of time. Making webs, catching and consuming prey, moving to new areas when he decided the area was getting too crowded or was unsuitable. The more plants he finds, the more he appreciates the environment, and he tends to stick around them longer until he must move.
A little ticking clock in the back of his head seems to tell him he should be dead. That his life was extending beyond its usual limits.
However, that wasn't really something he cared too much about. Instead, if he wasn't trying to sate his deep, nearly endless hunger, there wasn't much else he cared to do. Not even the thought of reproducing enticed him.
Though, a part of him was bored. If he had something to read, that would be nice, but he had nothing. So, he'd just have to mull over a story he remembers from somewhere, a hateful little thing that, despite all its faults and failures, drags back into his mind once more.
At least playing around with plants helped a bit, moving the seeds and testing the soil with thin limbs and senses beyond anything a human has.
Some time later, he finds a little cavern with strong qi. He decides that would be nice to stay in since the plants around it are plentiful and full of energy, and he makes it his home. He connects the various webs he makes to his home web, able to feel the pull and location of each web to hunt, capture, and take it back to a much safer, more secure place.
He finds his mind becoming a bit clearer the longer he stays there. Eventually, he even finds that his eyesight is getting better as well. Although he was perfectly fine feeling through vibrations, the colors around him are quite interesting as well.
Eventually, one day, he feels something pull on one of his webs. As usual, he goes out to wrap it up. But, as he approaches his prey, it calls out to him.
"Wait! Wait! Please spare me!!"
Shen Yuan pauses. If he tries to focus his vision a bit...the form of this prey looks a bit human, doesn't it? Huh. When did humans get so small? He could've sworn they were bigger before.
"Please, I just... I just wanted the fruit!!"
The fruit...ah. Yes, he'd included a few nearby trees in his web at some point. Hadn't they just been little branches? Hm. Time sure does fly.
Shen Yuan focuses his blurry vision on the being in his web. Indeed, it seems to be human. A man, if he recalls...yes. A grown human male.
Humans... He thinks of them neutrally. Humans are not exclusively good or evil, but some tend to act more one way or another. In the end, they're just another animal trying to survive and live well.
However, that shouldn't come at the expense of stealing his fruit! He eats those because they're tasty! He brought the seeds with him when he moved from his last place and he planted them himself. They're his plants...his trees! No one else had the right to take from it.
Apparently, he lets some of this thought out, a whithery, faint hiss singing from between his fangs.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please, let me go, and I won't come here ever again!"
Hmmh. Not likely. If a human came this far, then it was possible there was some sort of issue with their own food. Couldn't the humans tell that he owned this area? Well...he did hide his webs well so prey could fall into his traps.
Even so, he doesn't think there's a village or anything close to this place, so this human was likely desperate enough to come out and pursue the fruit from his trees to eat. What was more likely was that the human would wail about his presence and bring trouble back with him.
So, he had a few options.
1. Release the human foolishly and wait for them to encroach on his domain.
2. Eat the human, then wait to see if anyone would come looking for him. This would possibly lead to more problems.
3. Let the human take a fruit, to make them indebted to him...but he can't just do that out of kindness. Humans could try to take advantage of him, or maybe hunt him anyway.
Equivalent exchange. Bartering. If he sets this up as something where he and the humans mutually benefit while keeping the humans indebted to him, perhaps they would be less likely to see him negatively. They would also maintain a healthy fear of him.
Goodness, he was coming up with such good ideas just from encountering a single human. Perhaps associating with them a little wouldn't be so bad.
"...Free you. Fruit...but. Paaaay..."
The man trembled in his web. It was getting rather difficult to resist eating him. Such squirming enticed his senses.
"P-Pay? Pay how??"
The man stumbles and mutters, but eventually, he starts telling a story from his village. It's just some sort of child's tale.
Even so, it's not boring.
"Hmm... Poor quality..."
The man starts pleading again as he approaches, but his pleas quiet as he, instead of wrapping him up, starts untangling the human.
"The main character...no personalityyy. Milquetoast. The princess. Even more flat. No motivation. Cookie-cutter character. The bear. Foolish. No protective instiiiinct. Elementary. 2/10."
He ends his critique while placing a webbed bag of fruit in the man's hands.
The human obeys.
And just as Shen Yuan expected, that same web triggers just a few days later.
This time, it's a human female. She's not as tangled in the web as the man was, having stopped fighting as much early on.
She has two heartbeats, but is terribly thin. The human male had been quite thin as well. Why?
"Lord Spider, this lowly woman is sorry... Please, may this one...tell you a story?"
Shen Yuan settles down, curling his limbs close, and waits.
She tells a story that's better than the one the male told him. Her heart skips and jumps at points, especially when the main character—a woman this time—experiences hardship. This is quite clearly a story close to her heart.
It's full off happiness and grief. A marriage collapsing from the death of her lover, and a family who refused to support her for being barren. She fights and fights and fights, and carves a place for herself. Just when she thinks she's found happiness, a tragedy strikes. A famine. And she, having exhausted everything she had, dies.
"Hmm... Interesting. Bold protagonist. Hardyyyy. Faces a dogfight world. Should ask for heeeelp. Husband. Tragic. Death too soooon. Loved the main character. Left her behind. Family. Cruuuuel. Mindless. Women are not jusssst for breeding.
"Hmm. 7/10. Too sad, realistic still."
He adds some grasses with wisps of qi coming from it to her bundle.
"What is this?" she asks.
"For the baaaaaby."
She seems to startle at that, though he's not sure why.
"...Thanking Lord Spider."
She leaves before he has to tell her to go.
After that, humans become a regular enough visitor that he leaves a string with leaves on the end for them to call for him. Surely, they're stuck getting caught in his webs. More importantly, he's tired of having to rearrange them every time. They really leave his webs a tangled mess.
As the season warms further, they come with more stories. Many are quite terrible and not worth his time. He gives them fruit regardless, because at least they have staved off his boredom.
They've decided on calling him Lulin Zhizhu (绿林之主 - lǜlín zhī zhǔ - Lord of the Green Forest). Or, simply, Zhizhu.
Apparently, his webs were keeping the villagers safe? The food he'd been catching had a taste for human flesh (not that he didn't, but still), so by eating, he had been helping them without intending to. That apparently made him more reverent to them, and they put more effort into their stories based on how he rated them.
Fan Zhenzhen (范蓁蓁 - Fàn Zhēnzhēn), the second human who told him a story, quickly became one of his favorites. She told the best stories, real ones, that brought back emotions he felt had been taken over by instinct for a long while. He wouldn't say he treated her better, but he did make sure to cultivate more of the grass for the child growing within her.
The humans steadily grew stronger and meatier...perhaps tastier, but he'd lose his stories if he ate them. Eventually, whatever blight affected their village abated a bit, and they could once again start growing their own food.
Instead of abandoning him, they brought him some of the food as an offering.
"Hmm...famine," he murmured, his way of speech having improved from socializing. "The sickness. Still in the fields."
"Sickness?" a farmer asked.
"Yes. The plants, victim to illness. They will not grow well." He leaves for a moment to get something. It seems they learned his habits, as they're still waiting when he returns. He drops another plant he cultivated within the realm of his webs. "Crush these. Spread them. The fields and the water."
The farmer and his offspring bow low to the ground. "Thanking Zhizhu for his wisdom!"
The offerings they bring after that show markable improvement, and the name they gave him sticks even harder.
Of course, they continue to tell him stories, as that's the most important thing they can give him. He becomes quite settled with hearing them speak and starts to absentmindedly weave little things related to the stories they tell him.
At this, Fan Zhenzhen approaches with another idea, her stomach rounding out with child.
"Zhizhu, this lowly one apologizes for being impertent. As the days grow colder, this feeble woman fears the chill of winter more than the hunger of famine. For her next story, may she instead receive some of your silk?"
"Silk...for clothes."
"Yes, if this lowly one may ask of Zhizhu."
"Hmm... Tell the story."
So she does. As with the others, it too delves into the life of the main character, who is now a powerful figure in her village for her ability to weave. Her weaving helped the villagers trust the nearby forest god, who was frightening but gracious, wild yet magnanimous. She talks about how the character was once sold by her family to be a maid elsewhere, and how she's learned to survive and come up to her current position.
As she does, Shen Yuan eyes her. The vibrations from her voice gives him a good view of her body and shape. He unconsciously, mindlessly, weaves a coat for her.
It's thin. Surely not enough to stave off winter's chill. So, when she finishes and he gives his rating, he gives her both the thread she requested and the thin coat.
It is, according to her, magnificently beautiful. In turn, Shen Yuan can't help but feel a little puff of pride in his abdomen.
Ah...this is getting longer than I meant lol
I'll make another post soon.
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stuckinmymind22 · 3 months ago
wise words | ace x gn!reader
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and then it hit you - "you're in love with me"
wc: 1,127
tags: its just a bunch of fluff
series: "you're in love with me"
a/n: ik i said i'd post this tomorrow but i got too excited. this one ended up being much longer than i initially intended it to ngl i really like this one, it might be my favorite so far (both in the series and in general)
"ace," the whitebeard had said, making eye contact. the usage of his name told ace that whatever he had been about to say would be serious. "you are in love." pops had decided to have mercy on the boy, leaving ace alone to sit with what he had said, only slightly struggling to stand his nurses running after him. ace had been left frozen as he processed pop's words. it had felt like pieces falling into place and the world felt clearer. holy shit, he did love you
mostly proofread
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ace had been treating you differently lately, that difference became starkly apparent when compared to how he acts with the rest of the crew. ace was known for being affectionate, both verbally and physically, especially when he gets a few drinks in him, but the way he acted around marco for example paled in comparison to the way that he would hang onto you.
ever since you returned from a mission just over a week ago he had barely left your side - that's not to say that you minded it, you had always had a bit of a thing for him and now you were starting to suspect he felt the same.
recently, you had discovered how he has been going out of his way to be around you. someone spilt the beans on how he has been taking over tasks assigned to other members just so he could be near you.
and here he was, high up on a mast helping you repair the edge of a sail that was damaged in a recent storm. a task that in all honesty was beneath him. a task you knew he hated, you remembered how he would complain about it.
ace kept poking his head around the side of the sail to talk to you, his eyes sparkled as you joked around and you found yourself getting lost in them. the two of you weren't exactly on task, you should've been done with this by now but no one has said anything and you weren't about to complain. you were basking in his warm company while trying to sus out how into you he was. the gears were turning then it hit you.
"holy shit," you say causing his head to snap to you in concern. you couldn't help but vocalize your revelation, "you're in love with me."
immediately, his playful smile fell as his face dropped, eyes going wide. out of all of the things he thought you might say, that was not even an option. still, he made no move to deny it
ace himself had only just realized the way he felt about you when pops, of all people, had called him out on it.
it all had happened after a banquet thrown in celebration of your return. you (along with several others) had just returned to the moby dick after a voyage to one of the islands under whitebeard's protection. the party had been dwindling down and you'd been making the rounds, and he'd been completely unable to keep his eyes off you, even when talking to pops his eyes consistently flickered over to you.
a small chuckle coming from pops was the thing that had pulled him away from you. "you're in deep, my son," the man said full of mirth. he had laughed even more at ace's confused face, "my boy, you are completely smitten."
"w-what do you mean?" ace had stuttered. his bright red face should have betrayed his look of confusion, but the puzzlement had been genuine.
"you haven't been able to take your eyes off of them since they returned. you struggled to even before they left," a light joyful laughter had broken whitebeard's speech, "haven't you noticed how you always gravitate towards them? don't you feel lighter when they are around?"
answering honestly ace had skeptically nodded to the line of questioning. the legendary pirate shook his head with a smile, muttering something about kids.
"ace," the old man had said, making eye contact. the usage of his name told ace that whatever he had been about to say would be serious. "you are in love."
pops had decided to have mercy on the boy, leaving ace alone to sit with what he had said, only slightly struggling to stand his nurses running after him.
ace had been left frozen as he processed pop's words. it had felt like pieces falling into place and the world felt clearer. holy shit, he did love you.
ace had stood in place for an undetermined amount of time, stewing in the realization. it had been marco who snapped ace out of his daze. after minor amounts of prodding, ace had confided in the doctor what pops said. to his surprise the first division commander had been relieved, telling ace that everyone on the ship seemed to know how the two of you felt about each other except for you two.
he wanted to believe you felt the same way, but he didn't want to hold onto false hope, despite what marco had said ace couldn't believe that you felt the same way, but he also knew he had a duty to tell you.
at the moment ace had no plans to make his feelings known (he hadn’t quite come up with anything yet, it was still new to him) and the last thing he expected was that you would figure it out on your own. to say the least he was caught off guard.
"am- am i right?" doubt and excitement are mixed into your question.
his face, all the way to the tips of his ears alight, the boy who was quite literally made of fire was burning up. ace nodded, the move paralleling a child caught doing something that they shouldn't be. he couldn't bring himself to look you in the eyes, but that all changed when at the edge of his vision, he saw a large smile blossom on your face.
you were so excited you didn't know what to do. you started to resent the fact that he was just outside of your reach when all you wanted to do at the moment is kiss him.
"let's get down, we can finish this later," you proposed. ace agreed to your plan — with hesitation.
once both of your feet were firmly placed on the deck, you grabbed him by the necklace and he stumbled into your lips. ace was startled by your actions at first but he was quick to melt into the kiss. you dropped his necklace to hook your arms over his shoulders. his hands moved to frame your face, pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss.
the wolf whistles in the background all faded until they felt worlds away, as if all that existed in that moment was the two of you. reluctantly, the kiss was broken when the need for oxygen started to outweigh the need for each other's lips.
ace rested his forehead against yours as the two of you struggled to catch your breath. he couldn't help the massive smile that formed on his face - this went way better than he ever could have imagined.
masterlist | damn, that shit was so cute, patting myself on the back fr
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ljubimaya · 4 months ago
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۶ৎ SYNOPSIS: Being loved is being taken care of - emotionally and physically. ۶ৎ FEATURING CHARACTERS: Baji Keisuke, Shuji Hanma, Kazutora Hanemiya ۶ৎ C/W: fluff, established relationships/marriage, afab reader, mentions of flu symptoms in Baji's part, pregnancy in Kazutora's part + some hurt/comfort, insomnia in Hanma's part, petnames (baby, granny lmao), super self-indulgend ngl, not proof read, lowkey sucks but oh well ☠️ ۶ৎ AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is inspired by me being sick some time ago and sulking in my bed. Also took me ages to finish this. ۶ৎ W/C: 3.3k+
۶ৎ Keisuke Baji: 
It’s the dead of the night, and you laid on your stomach, head  resting on the side while your arms were spread. Your husband, ever the considerate and loving man, sat next to you as his calloused hands kneaded your aching muscles. It’s been terrible the last few days since you’ve started sneezing and coughing. At first, you assumed it must have been some allergies, but the added fever, fatigue and muscle pain painted a clearer picture for you: You must have gotten the flu. 
So you took off a week from work to rot in the bed you shared with your husband, taking every disgusting tasting medication your doctor has recommended and falling asleep right after. While the other symptoms have gradually become better - thankfully, for you were going insane with your stuffy nose - your muscles wouldn’t stop hurting. The worst part, however, was that nothing seemed to help, no pain killers, no grain pillows, no overpriced could lessen the ache you felt in your tired muscles.
Thankfully, you happen to be married to the best man in the entire earth.
Keisuke has been so attentive ever since you’ve gotten sick. Despite his busy work schedule, he made sure you were taken care of, like making sure you’re taking your medicine in the morning and the evening, cooking you nutritious meals when he had the time for it and  most importantly, tending to your aching back. He did give the best backrubs of all time after all. 
So you waited impatiently for Keisuke to come back from the veterinary clinic he worked in to massage your muscles, occasionally dozing off continuing to take your meds with a sour face. 
The torturous wait came to an end as soon as you heard the heavy yet familiar footsteps of your husband nearing the bedroom. You stirred awake yet again from the shuffling noises in the background to see him sit down on your bed, skin clad in his casual pair of sweats and a white baggy shirt, holding a small bottle of massaging oil in his hand.
“Did I wake you up?” Keisuke asked, sitting down on the end of the bed, his heavy hand tenderly stroking your covered leg “Are you feeling better?”
You chuckled when you felt his loving touch “Wow, not even gonna greet your sick wife? How rude, Kei” You couldn’t see him well from the way you laid on your stomach, but you envisioned the ravenette rolling his eyes at you “Don’t roll your eyes at me, Mister Baji”
“How did you even know I was rolling my eyes at you?” your husband questioned as he moved to sit next to you, tugging the blanket and your - his - shirt away from his way “I just know you, Kei” you merrily replied, lightly shuddering when the cold oil made contact with your skin. His warm hand softly rubbed your back, spreading the massaging oil evenly “As you should. I’d be really pissed if my own wife didn’t know me and my antics” He muttered, digging his thumbs into your back muscles and rubbing them against your hurting muscles. 
“Kei, it hurts!” you groaned into the pillows, struggling under the strong palms of his hands “You’re being too rough”
“I know, I know baby, but you’ll feel much better” Keisuke spoke to you, his usual gruff tone softening for you “Jeez babe, your muscles are rock hard. You have the back of an old granny” Keisuke snickered, his touch becoming more gentle. He’d hate to seriously hurt you. 
“Keisuke I swear to God” you scoffed into the pillow, deciding to play along with his banter “I’m not an old granny and won’t become one anytime soon. You should be ashamed of bullying your sick wife”
“Hmmmm, nope, feelin’ no shame”  
Your pained whines and protest slowly but surely grew silent as your husband continued rubbing and kneading your sore muscles, easing the ache you’ve been feeling all day long. Stopping after a while, Keisuke plumped next to you. Your mattress dipped at his sudden shifting before you were pulled towards him, scooped up in his embrace. A small yelp escaped your lips as you were manhandled into a different position - a position more of keisuke’s liking. You were turned to lay on your side, your back snugly pressing against your husband’s front as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. 
“Kei! Geez, you will get sick if you get close to me like that”
Keisuke lets out a content sigh, his nose bumping against the tender skin of your neck “Oh shut. I’ve slept next to you for the whole week, I’ll be fine” He scoffed before he murmured into your neck “Besides, I’ve been looking forward to this all day long”
Heat crept up your face. You knew Keisuke can be affectionate - hell, you married this man, of course you knew he was affectionate towards you - yet the way it rolled off his tongue so sweetly made you feel as shy as when you had just started dating him. Loving him never gets old, you supposed. 
So you laid in the warm embrace of your husband, feeling the beat of his heart softly thudding against your back and the slight tickle of his calm breath against your neck. Comfortable silence engulfed you two, and before you knew it, you heard his snores from behind you. A tired smile crept up on your lips before you followed suit, falling asleep in the ravenette’s embrace. The pain faded, and all you could feel was Keisuke’s love and devotion to you. 
۶ৎ Shuji Hanma: 
A deep hum left Shuji’s lips as he made his way to your shared apartment. Work has been taxing for the last few weeks ever since one of his photo’s he did for a wedding blew up on the internet. While he enjoyed his work and the extra money flowing in, sitting in his office and editing his client’s pictures till the sun goes down was not a way the tall man enjoys spending his nights. During the day, the tall man would be driving from shoot to shoot, instructing models how to pose while taking numerous pictures and making calls and adding appointments to his agenda.  
Who knew following his passion would turn him into a relentless workaholic? 
Unlocking the door as quietly as he could, Shuji quietly walked through the darkness of his apartment to the bathroom. More like forcing himself to go take a shower before crawling under the blankets with you, for Shuji knew you would be more than displeased with him. As he’s letting the warm water hit his skin, the ravenette’s thoughts drifted to you.  He didn’t liked to admit it too often, but he missed you throughout the day - the way you’d scold him for ruining the freshly washed sheets with his ‘outside smell’, the way you would subconsciously scoot closer to him in your sleep, the way you are alway the first to wake up in the morning, the way you would have to convince him with kisses and promises of a hot cup of coffee waiting for him in the kitchen if he gets up. 
Man, you were just so good to him.
Shuji quickly dried himself off and changed into his pajama - the one you thoughtfully left on top of the washing machine so he wouldn’t have to disturb your sleep by rummaging through the drawers. Tired, but feeling more relaxed after taking his shower, he quietly walked towards your shared bedroom, careful not to bump into anything. You should be asleep already, softly snoring as you’d be lying on his side of the bed and hugging his pillow. At least, that would be how Shuji usually finds you whenever he comes home from work past midnight. He would usually gently push you to roll over to your side and carefully attempt to pry his pillow away from your death grip. Most of the time he gives up and resorts to sleeping with your pillow under his head, which he doesn’t mind. After all, the best way the lanky man falls asleep is being surrounded by your scent.
However, upon entering your shared bedroom, he finds you laying in bed, wide awake and diligently tapping away on your laptop. The lamp on the nightstand illuminated the bedroom, bathing you in a soft golden hue.
“Baby, why are you still awake?” Shuji asked as he approached you, sitting down on the edge of the mattress. Upon coming closer to you, he noticed the dark circles under your eyes and the tired look in your face. Still so beautiful. 
“I wanna finish this chapter. I think I made the plot too complicated” You sighed as you averted your eyes from the bright screen to take a look at your equally tired boyfriend. 
“Besides, I gotta edit it too. I feel like my writing is inconsistent and lackluster” Despite his fatigue, a grin grew on his face. Oh you knew he was about to bully you. 
“Probably because you need to rest” Shuji snickered as he took the laptop from your lap “Can’t have your little brain burn out before you finish writing the epilogue” 
“But Shu, I need to finish this right now-” 
“This reminds me of the times you used to pull all nighters back in highschool to finish your assignments, but this time you’re doing it willingly” 
You scoffed, unable to find humor in your boyfriend’s attempts to tease you. Placing your hands on your laptop, you lightly pulled it closer to you as you muttered “Your comparison sucks, Shu. I’m writing because it’s my hobby, not a chore like the assignments used to be” The man could only shake his head, the light grin quickly turning into a scoff “You sure this isn’t a chore for you? Sure looks like you treat it like one”
Oh, he got you. You tried really hard to come up with a witty come back, something that would make him mind his own business. Unfortunately for you, your sleep deprived brain couldn’t argue with him. Against your ego, you had to bite the bullet. 
The grip on your laptop loosened. The truth was that you were dying to fall back into your mattress and  get the rest you desperately needed, but the need to be finished with your herculean task overthrew your basic human want. 
Seeing as you weren’t budging, Shuji gently attempted to take your laptop away; this time placing the device on his own lap before suggesting “You lay back. I’ll read what you have written so far”  
“Shu, it’s fine-”
“Do what I say, doll” He cut you off without sparing you a glance. Instead, he got comfortable in your shared bed and began to silently read your writing “You made some spelling mistakes. And I don’t understand why you’d word this sentence like that” The ravenette pointed his index finger at the bright screen, showing you the sentence he meant “But honestly? Not too shabby. The pacing is nice and most importantly, the plot isn’t boring” 
You weren’t sure if you were hearing things right. Since when did he know anything about literature? 
Shuji snickered as he watched you squinting at him “What? Didn’t like what I said?”
You could only huff, watching him turn off your laptop and placing it on his nightstand  - right next to the now cold cup of coffee he didn’t get to finish in the morning “Are you sure you’re actually my boyfriend? Are you actually my Shu?” You looked him up and down “My boyfriend doesn’t know that much about writing”
The man next to you pulled the blanket over his body as he laid down. Turning his face to you, he smugly replied “You’re acting like I’m uncultured”
“You aren’t?” 
Your boyfriend pulled you closer to him, encasing you in his warmth. Shuji bumped his nose against yours “True. Guess you rubbed off on me” He muttered tiredly “Now close your eyes. You gotta finish that chapter tomorrow for me”
۶ৎ Kazutora Hanemiya:
Dread filled you as you looked down on your hands, watching as one line immediately appeared on the test. Truth be told, this wasnät your idea. Catching up with your friend Emma in a cafe near your workplace turned into you ranting about your fatigue and nausea pretty quickly as soon as Emma noticed the tired look in your eyes. 
“It’s probably the stress from work”, you tried justifying, explaining the big projects you were working on for the last few weeks. Conveniently, you left out that even though work has been taxing, you were still able to get a full night of sleep every time you came home from your office, and that you had enough time to spend with your boyfriend outside of work. 
Emma would only shake her head at you “You know, I thought it was just stress and lack of sleep too, but it wasn’t” she’d rub her visibly pregnant belly as she recalled the symptoms she’s experienced before she found out she was expecting. 
Emma successfully planted the seed of doubt in your mind without even realizing. 
You tried rationalizing feeling fatigued and nauseous for a while, thinking that upon the completion of your projects your symptoms would disappear. But, oh, how wrong you were. Each passing day became harder for you, as tiredness became a looming presence throughout your everyday life. Barely being able to keep your eyes open and containing your breakfast in your stomach, you grew anxious of the prophetic words Emma told you weeks ago. Out of desperation, you looked up pregnancy symptoms to calm your raging nerves down. Fatigue? Check. Nausea? Check. Morning sickness? Check. Mood swings? Check. Missed period? Check. 
You knew you wouldn’t have to continue reading, but you foolishly held onto the hope that there would be at least one big symptom that would contradict your fears. Defeated, you put your phone down on your coffee table. Scrolling through a seemingly endless list of possible pregnancy symptoms drained you, but the uncertainty ate you alive. so you mustered up all of your strength and courage to walk into the closest pharmacy and get a pregnancy test. To calm my nerves, you’d think as you picked up whichever pregnancy test the pharmacist advised you to buy. 
This leads you to where you are currently. The results took an agonizingly long amount of time, and you started to overthink again. Truth be told, while you weren’t planning on it anytime soon, you assumed it would happen one day. The main reason you felt so anxious was your boyfriend’s reaction to you possibly being pregnant. You weren’t even sure if Kazutora, your beloved boyfriend, even wanted to have children of his own. The conversation about settling down with kids just never seemed to pop up in any past conversations you had with him. You didn’t have a lot to go off on; all you really knew was that while Kazutora was good with kids, he still had issues he needed to work through. 
What would he say? Would he be angry? Happy? Would he leave? Your stomach churned as the thoughts flooded your mind. Your eyes were focused on the pregnancy test in your hands, however you didn’t pay attention to it. 
Your trance- like state was interrupted by a loud knock on your bathroom door “Hey, you ok in there?” Kazutora’s muffled voice, filled with worry, came from the other side of the door. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard his voice, not expecting him to come home so soon. Clumsily, you stood up a little too quickly and rushed to open the door for him, leaving the pregnancy test on the sink. You swung the door open, coming face to face with the man you loved most. His loving face was scrunched with worry, eyebrows knitted as he took your panicked state in “Hey, baby. Didn’t think I’d see you home so early. How was work?”
“Was alright. I tried calling you, but you didn’t pick up the phone, so I came home to check on you” Kazutora replied, his gaze still fixed on your tired looking face “You look awful. Maybe we should go and get you checked up” 
You shock your head vehemently “No! No, there’s no need for that. Trust me, I’m healthy” Placing your hands on his face. The warmth of his skin brought you comfort, calming you down a bit before you continued “Trust me, I am fine” 
Your boyfriend narrowed his eyes at you “Babe, no. This is getting out of hand, you need to see a doctor” He huffed, walking past you to get to the bathroom “Get dressed, I’ll drive you there” Kazutora walked towards the sink. Cold sweat coated your skin as you watched him reach the sink and turn on the faucet. This was it, the point of no return. You knew he would see the pregnancy test, and he’d be the first to see results - even before you yourself could see it for yourself. You began mentally cursing yourself; for not looking at the test before you rushed to open the door for him, for not hiding the test, for not being careful enough. Bracing yourself for his reaction, you watched his movements stutter. The water running from the faucet splashed in the background, hitting the stone material of the sink harshly, was the only noise drowning out the deafening silence between you and Kazutora. 
“Baby, is this what I think it is?” Kazutora silently asked, his voice unsteady and quiet. You almost wouldn’t have caught his question if you weren’t hyper fixated on him. You couldn’t tell if this was a good or bad sign, hell you weren’t even sure what the results were in the first place. Coming to the realization that you needed to be truthful, you sighed and started to explain “I haven’t seen the results yet. I’ve been feeling” You paused, sighing, before continuing “I haven’t been feeling myself for some time now” 
“I understand” Kazutora turned the faucet off, the splashing of water suddenly coming to a stop before he turned around to see you. 
A soft smile graced his features, the same one that made you fall head over heels for him all those years ago. Just like the sun hitting ice, his relaxed, loving expression was enough to melt your worries away “So? You wanna know the results?” You nodded eagerly, expecting to be given the pregnancy test from your lover. He handed you the test, his touch lingering. Kazutora intently watched your face as you looked down to see the pregnancy test in your hand. 
Two lines. Positive. 
A gasp left your lips, hands flying to clasp over your mouth to contain your bubbling emotions. Your gaze switches between the positive test and Kazutora. The realization that you are very much pregnant hits you hard, but the realization that you worried about him not taking the news well for nothing knocked you off your feet. 
Happy tears welled up in your eyes and soft sobs escaped through your lips. Closing the distance between you and him, the ravenette gently held your waist with one hand and cupped your cheek with the other one. His calloused thumb swiped over your soft skin, wiping away the small droplets of tears escaping your eyes “I’m so bad with words, but baby I need you to know how happy you make me. From the moment we have met, to the day you’ve agreed to date me. But today, you’ve made me by far the happiest I have ever been” 
You choked up when you saw his golden eyes become glassy, feeling his usually steady hand shake with every word he speaks to you. Your hands moved away from your mouth, cradling your lover’s face instead. Lovingly, you gazed into each others’ eyes as you stood in your small bathroom, feeling the butterflies flutter in your stomach while Kazutora’s hand moved to place itself over your tummy - holding the two most precious people in his life. 
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kruegerspillow · 2 months ago
Another hollow apology (is it?) ; bruce wayne
Creators note: um I think I have a new favorite here... Haha... It's okay anyway I love my man unstable and a bit ill in the head. Here's another fic with this lovely emo bruce! I made this while I was half awake so sorry for any mistakes lmao
Warnings: cunnilungus, OBSESSIVE BRUCE, angst with little to no comfort (?), bruce doesn't know how emotions work, afab! reader, argument, bruce doesn't know how to take care of himself, NOT PROOFREAD and reader knows who batman really is.
Word count: 1k
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"This is just straight up silly."
You spat your words at him with such venom, causing him to take a cautious step back. His eyes followed your figure, clearly taken aback by your outburst. And even for you, his sudden movement did not go unnoticed.
"You expect me to just sit back, relax and watch you limp back into my apartment, again and again, Bruce?" You practically growled.
The muscles beneath his armor tensed, your frustration becoming even clearer to him. The hand that once pressed against the wound on his leg had stopped applying the pressure. Your eyes burnt through his body, and he swore there was much more pain from the glare that you'd given him compared to any physical injury that he'd ever gotten.
And oh, he'd never felt so guilty in his life. For ruining someone even by his mere presence. He wished that he could mend all the pieces of you back together and act as if nothing had happened. As if he was never here, even.
God, he wanted to punch himself.
He snapped himself out of his thoughts, focusing on you and your wellbeing now. Guilt was now present in his eyes, but he knew that it couldn't fix everything. It can't fix him and get rid of his responsibilities, can it?
Meanwhile, your eyes searched for anything—any signs of him that could hint to a need to walk away, again. But you wouldn't let him walk away from you. Not anymore, and especially not now. You needed him to tell you the truth, to speak to you about his feelings and needs. To ask you for help with actual words—like how a normal human being would converse. You needed him to understand your frustration.
He suddenly struggled to find the right words—or the right thoughts. His mind was occupied by the sight of your tears that were threatening to run down your cheek, though it was gone as soon as you blinked them away.
And then, it was silent. But you couldn't bear silence, not when a man dressed up as a bat was bleeding out right in your living room, at least.
"Forget it." You dismissed quickly, the frustration still evident from your voice. "You don't listen anyway, do you?"
His free hand clenched as he watched you approach him hastily, feeling smoke coming out of your ears at his distance—both emotionally and physically. Your hands reached up to tug at his armor, and before you knew it, he was bare right in front of you.
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You did not know how you got here.
"Fuck," a string of broken curses left your lips.
The gloves that were once on his hand were thrown away somewhere—though he didn't seem to care. His control had slipped, and you knew that he'd fallen into his desires. His want and his need for you, it was too much for him to bear.
His hands worked on your pants, tugging them down swiftly as he let out a huff from under his cowl. The sight of you—so vulnerable and sweet—he felt like he was in cloud nine already. His eyes shifted away from your dripping cunt to your face, watching the way you furrow your brows as he laid in front of his dessert. His arms locked around either of your legs, making sure to spread them wide enough.
"Bruce," you mewled, despising the sound of your own weak voice.
He took that as permission, leaning in as his tongue flattened against you. His pupils immediately dilated, the taste of your juices sending shivers down his spine. Your hand, though reluctantly, went to tug on his cowl—pressing him further into your cunt. You murmured his name under your breath once again, earning a pleased hum from him.
"I'm sorry." He grunted in the middle of devouring you.
Your head was too cloudy to give him a proper reply—but you caught his words. A small groan left his lips as you bucked your hips up at him.
"For leaving you," a desperate lick.
"For not being there for you," another lick.
"For not being the perfect one for you."
His thumb pressed against your bud, rubbing smooth circles to soothe you through the overwhelming feeling from his tongue. A pathetic whimper left his lips as he bucked his hips into the sofa, his cock struggling against his tight pants.
"What—" he cut you off with a suck.
You threw your head back, feeling yourself nearly tipping over the edge. His free hand caressed your thigh comfortingly, a stark contrast to his appearance.
"I'm gonna—" you choked on your own words. "Cum—need'ta cum..."
His own breath hitched at your words, feeling himself chase his own orgasm from all the times his hip snapped against the seat. He didn't care anymore—the burning sensation in his muscles from the late night patrol to the sting on his wound—all he could focus on was you.
You and your noises. You and your pleasure. You and your needs.
His mind was unhealthy, and he knew it. It was full of you. Memories of you and your voice—along with the occasional glances the both of you share during a patch up session. God, even his heart was filled with you, did you know that? You belong there with him. It's just you and him against the whole damn world. And nothing would change that—nothing's going to stand between him and you.
Before he knew it, your orgasm crashed onto you like a wave—at the sight of this, Bruce immediately cummed in his pants. Pathetically, almost.
He panted, shaking his head to get rid of the blur in his visions. His thoughts snapped back to reality. You were passed out before him, one of your arms hanging over the edge of the sofa while your head rested against the armrest. Fuck, you're perfect.
How long has he been staring at you? He's doesn't know.
But what he does knows is that he belongs to you. Every part of his body belongs to you.
And the same goes to you, right?
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kruegerspillow © 2024 ➵ do not feed my work into ai, repost or translate my work to post it around. Reblogs are much appreciated ୨ৎ
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joonieskinks · 9 months ago
biker!simon riley x professor!reader
warning: swearing, seggsual tensionnnn
You met when you were running late to your next lecture across campus. You decided to take a short run in the rain outside rather than take longer inside going through the connected buildings.
A mixture of your hair in front of your face and trying to keep your papers from falling out your hands, he was this close to running you over.
“Fuck me!” You screech out just before the bike tire could meet your legs, halting suddenly. You whip your hair out of your face and eyes meet a black helmet, a void glaring back in your direction. Quite a bike for a big man, a man who is covered in tattoos. If you weren’t so pissed off, you’d probably think his physique attractive.
“My God, you almost hit me!”
“‘Yer the one who dashed out ‘nto the road, love.” He states cooly, completely unmoving.
“Just- watch where you’re going, okay?.” You scoff, tidying your blazer before you started walking away.
“Right back at you, sweetheart.” The biker mumbles, but you hear him loud and clear. You toss an annoyed look over your shoulder, and he revs away after eying you up and down.
The second time you met was on your way home at a bus stop on campus. You were waiting on the sidewalk, which just so happened to be next to a set of lights.
Lucky you, looking up from your phone at just the right time to stare right at the black helmet of the man on the motorcycle, stopped at a red, looking right back at you.
The begrudgingly hot guy from before. Of course. You struggle to not roll your eyes.
“‘Thought you profs made at least ‘nough to ‘fford a car.” He yells a bit over the sounds of traffic.
This time you really do roll them.
“I’m not far from here, I don’t need a car.” You state, going to look back at your phone.
He takes off his helmet and suddenly his voice is so much clearer.
“‘Then lemme take you home.”
Your head shoots up and you’re met with the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen with the prettiest eyes. And naturally, he’s smirking. You can tell he likes the effect he so clearly has on you. It’s ridiculous that you’re reduced to a nervous mess just like that.
“Wha-?” You start, but he quickly hurries you.
“Well come on then, we gotta go.” He tilts his head back to the traffic waiting behind him as the light turns green.
You don’t even think twice, just hop on the back of this man’s bike, holding against him so tight with your legs wrapped around him. You can smell him, he’s so warm and firm under your touch, you wonder what he would feel like without all his layers. It sends shivers down your back and makes your thighs clench at the thought.
“I felt that.” He chuckles a bit and you can feel a deep blush setting in.
“Hold on,” he quickly outs his helmet but on and revs off. The quick motion forces you to grip him tighter, a small yelp leaving your lips.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, why the heck did you do this, you don’t even know this man! He could be a serial killer for all you knew and here you are rubbing up against him for crying out loud.
“Hey, you gotta focus, love. Gotta tell me where to go.” He yells over the wind, his hand coming to rest on one of your own to help get your attention. You hesitate to respond and he picks up on it rather quickly, slowing down a bit so you can hear him.
“‘Names’ Simon Riley,” he starts. “I work with the army on the base just outside of town, I drive around to clear m’head.”
He hesitates briefly before finishing.
“I’ve never done anything like this before. Just liked you when I saw you in the rain.” Simon finishes and you’re feeling that warm stir in your chest. It was clear he was trying to make you feel more comfortable, more at ease. It was sweet and for you, it went a long way. You tightened your grip on him, almost as if you were hugging him as a thank you.
“More like when you almost hit me.” You quip back and Simon laughs again, the vibrations coursing through you.
You tell him your name, what you teach and finally the directions to your place. You two laugh about it being in the complete other direction he’s been driving, but Simon just smiles about it. He finds you oddly charming, you’re incredibly intriguing to him, endearing already just from a few exchanged sentences.
Then he says something about how he gets to spend more time with you this way. It makes you bite back a smile and blush, you’re just glad he can’t turn around and see it right now.
When you arrive at your place, a part of you hesitates to get off of his bike, you don’t quite want to leave his presence yet. He feels too good, smells too good, a perfect little moment, a rush of excitement. Simon feels it too, that’s why he helps you off his bike, reaching out for you to take his hand. Any excuse to touch you after all, he doesn’t wanna let go either.
His hand in yours feels so good, something so simple and minimal, but he can’t help but want more. Still, he’s a gentleman, he won’t overstep and scare you off. You’re too much of a catch in his eyes to get ahead of himself.
Once you’re settled back onto the pavement, you hesitate to let go, fingers brushing his hand before you reluctantly let go. You smile at the ground, desperately trying to compose yourself, and he does the same, removing his helmet and fiddling with it.
“Can I-“
“Would you-“
You both start at the same time, laughing it off. You look back into his eyes and it takes everything in him not to look away in embarrassment. You’re just too pretty for him, he’d stare for hours otherwise.
“Simon,” you start sincerely. “Would you like to go and get dinner sometime?” Playing with your fingers nervously. Your heart was in your throat, you don’t usually do anything like this ever and-
“Pick you up tomorrow at 6? I’ll bring my spare helmet for ya next time.”
You nod as controlled as you can, not wanting to seem too too eager…
(Simon doesn’t have a spare helmet, he’s actually gonna go out and buy one tonight just for you, but you don’t need to know that yet.)
You go to tuck a stray hair behind your ear but miss, it falling back in your face. He notices and steps forward to tuck it for you. Again, any excuse to touch you. It’s nice to be this close to Simon again, you can smell him and it makes you feel dizzy.
“I’d love that.” You reply and he holds your cheek for a brief second, then he lets go. The smallest gesture from him already getting you to clench your thighs again.
You’re fucking hooped.
Simon boldly comes forward once more to whisper in your ear-
“Saw that, princess.”
He kisses your cheek softly, then moves to put his helmet back on and starts his bike back up.
“See you tomorrow then.”
And just like that, he’s gone. Leaving you alone on the street, a blushing mess. Left with an ache to see him again already and a wetness between your thighs.
No, you’re fucking fucked.
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slytherinboysvip · 4 months ago
soooo like idk if u write angst. But from ur page i feel like u would be good at it. Maybe like a theo x slytherin!reader who like gets bullied by them and it’s kinda unrequited love and one day she gets entirely done with them and doesn’t leave her room for a while because something happened. Then classic theodore nott goes for a smoke seeing her alone in the courtyard or something and feels a little bad and they talk and he realizes how much of a dick him and his friends are because reader “is so done with all the shit” and plans to try and leave
bully theo nott x slytherin reader
not exactly sure what to title this one but i hope it’s enjoyable, i don’t do angst much but it’s so much funnn
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while going to hogwarts seemed to have been most young wizards escape, you unfortunately didn’t have the luxury of seeing it that way. ever since you’ve started at hogwarts and were sorted into slytherin you haven’t had such an easy time. granted now that you’re a 6th year you have a few friends, however one thing stayed the same since you’ve started; you were constantly bullied by the most popular of the slytherins.
you genuinely didn’t understand what made them dislike you so much, you didn’t agree with their pureblood praises though you were a pureblood yourself. maybe it could’ve been the fact that you weren’t necessarily the richest, coming from a lower class wizarding bloodline nobody knew of your family and simply getting the money together for your school supplies was often a challenge.
you tried everything you could to drown out any bullying, trying your best not to let any of it effect you or your studies. unfortunately due to you also being a slytherin not even your common room was an escape for you.
walking out your dorm as quietly as possible you held a book tight to your chest tiptoeing down the stairs making your way to a secluded chair, you sat down in front of the low fire and read to yourself silently for a few minutes before hearing laughter echoing from down the hall muffled voices becoming clearer and clearer.
trying to ignore the voices you regrettably recognized you kept your head down and in your book, not even reading the words simply trying to keep your breath at an even pace. “mate is that y/n” said a muffled voice. not looking up you closed your eyes tightly really hoping to be left alone. you had hoped coming down at one in the morning would give your freedom, not anxiety.
before you could process it there were footsteps heading towards you and a flick on your forehead “are you that dumb that you can’t even read a book, i mean don’t know your eyes have to be open for that” mattheo laughed at his own joke elbowing theo who was egging him on chuckling himself. “don’t touch me.” you gritted through your teeth still sitting looking at both of the mocking boys.
you attempted to get up and rush off to your dorm but mattheo grabbed your arm “you didn’t answer my question, that’s soo rude” he mocked still gripping your left wrist. “let me go” you protested struggling to get your arm free as theodore watched snickering. “alright let her go i’m trying to smoke” theo huffed snatching the back of mattheos jacket and dragging him along.
a large breath you had no idea you were holding onto fell out of your mouth the second they were gone. you plopped right back down into the cold leather chair and silently sobbed. so many thoughts ran through your head about how differently you should’ve handled the situation, how you should’ve shoved him harder, maybe you should’ve screamed, maybe if you just knew how to stand up for yourself. maybe you were stupid?
everything these boys did effected you so much to the point you became a shell of the person you were. your grades weren’t the worst, but the more the boys would mock, the more they’d tell you how dumb you were that you were a lost cause, you unfortunately began to believe it even if you didn’t admit it to them directly. never giving them the satisfaction of seeing you break down, never letting them know how it effects you.
“i think you might need a jumpscare warning, next time don’t come to class if you wake up like that” draco mocked giving you a disgusted look the second you sat down on the end of the slytherin table. a small eruption of laughter fell from all of the boys and their little follower pansy parkinson. “you guys have no clue i swear this morning her eyes were so swollen she looked like she got stung by a bee” she snickered trying to gain the boys attention.
not wanting to deal with this today you got up and walked out of the great hall not looking back. you didn’t feel like you had the mental capacity to deal with them and so you made your way to the only place you knew you could breathe.
you made sure to watch out for any oncoming professors and for filtch, knowing you’re not supposed to be out on the astronomy tower at this time of day or year. the walk was as long as ever and luckily most of the halls were empty besides a few students making their way to the great hall.
finally reaching the million stairs you made your way up to the tower slowly walking up taking your time. you began to think about everything these people put you through, thinking about how much everything they do makes you hate yourself and this school more and more everyday.
not a day went by that you weren’t picked on at least once by one of them, this realization and sad reality made a stream of tears fall down your face as your legs walked up the stairs starring down onto the wooden steps.
just as you were beginning to reach the top of the steps you quietly sniffed smelling an odd odor. you couldn’t quite put your finger on what you were smelling but you continued till you were at the ledge of the astronomy tower sitting down. you sat looking out towards the clouds covering the sun and tried to control your breathing and stream of tears.
once your tears began to dry up you noticed a thick trail of smoke coming from the right of you. you looked behind you and there stood theodore nott. he walked over cautiously, and here you were coming face to face with someone you definitely did not want to see. “ah, y/n what brings you here” he spoke taking a drag of what appeared to be a cigarette. you didn’t know wether to answer or just leave but you spoke out cautiously “attempting to get away from you and your goons” you huffed turning back around to face the clouds.
“come on, you know i don’t bite” he chuckled and you just shook your head in annoyance looking back up at him, “you don’t bite yet you’ve bullied me for over six years makes perfect sense theodore” you rolled your eyes standing up to face him. “seriously.-“ he scoffed “you know i’m like the least brutal of them i don’t even touch you” he added taking another drag. it was almost as if he was mocking you even more without even realizing it.
“i don’t care if you think that just because you don’t fucking touch me that it makes it okay?? you watch your friends bully, touch, and harass me nearly everyday what about that makes you any less of an awful person than them.” you let it all out with more emotion that intended yet the small tears coming out were nothing but anger induced.
“listen y/n i didn’t think it affected you that bad we make fun of so many people” he shrugged scratching the back of his head not sure how to react to your outburst of emotions. “that’s your problem, you don’t ever realize that you’re bullying your own housemate. you and those fuckers haven’t left me alone since year one and for what? all because i stood up to a fucking bleach blonde bitch? like seriously you take orders from a daddy’s boy and a guy who’s practically an orphan.” your voice was getting louder and louder, soon enough you were face to face with him just yelling.
“look y/n im sorry okay i swear, i don’t like doing it alright why do you think i never touch you i try to get these fucking assholes to leave you alone you’re just an easy target to them” he tried pleading with you but you weren’t having any of it. “what makes you think i’ll believe you?” you scoffed “you’re trying to excuse yourself all because i stood up for myself?? and what exactly do you do to get them to leave me alone because that obviously isn’t working” your tears dried back up and now just pure anger was holding you together.
“you see when i tell them just to come on, and most times they just say something to you and don’t even touch you.” he was searching your face but your expression stayed the same “have you ever heard of telling them to just stop? and what about me seems like an easy fucking target” you didn’t know what to even ask of him anymore not even understanding yourself why you were still standing here.
“y/n come on.” he looked at you but you didn’t budge just awaiting his response. “you said it yourself you stood up to malfoy, he didn’t like that so it started it. listen overtime it got more than that i guess matt went at you cause your grades are- were better than his . and well pansy goes after you because you’re hotter than her, blaise just goes along, and enzo does whatever enzo does.” he shrugged attempting to explain this twisted reasoning.
“well why do you go after me? because all of this shit seems so unserious for all of you to make me want to leave hogwarts and even this world all together.” you scoffed still heated at these other absurd reasons. he looked at you for a moment contemplating before he sighed “look i really am sorry i didn’t know it was that bad” he pleaded ignoring your question.
“i don’t care if you’re sorry or not that doesn’t take back all of these years theodore. and besides you don’t even have the fucking balls to tell me why you bully me so obviously you don’t feel sorry” you began walking away from him and he reached out grabbing your arm “y/n i just told you so many times i tried getting them to stop, look i don’t know why and i don’t expect you to feel the same but i just over the years ive wanted you more and more and look i just knew i couldn’t ever have you.” he loooked away yet still held onto your arm.
you stood there almost in shock. here you were complaining about everything your bullies put you through to one of those said bullies, and he confessed his crush on you. you didn’t respond just staring at him. “what.” you managed to let out. “i know it’s insane.” he sighed “look i don’t expect you to forgive me but i’ll try and get them to back off.” he spoke up letting go of your arm and walking off.
you didn’t follow or speak up to him, just allowing him to make his way back wherever he came from. sitting back down at the railing you took a deep breath trying to piece together what exactly just happened.
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i’m not sure if this is good enough to match what was asked but i hope so😭
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senseofnewness · 9 months ago
lovesick!patrick zweig because why not
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• when he first saw you at the academy, he knew he had to have you, there was something mesmerizing about the way you moved, running off the court with your racket in hand, your tennis skirt fluttering with each stride, revealing the hem of your shorts that barely covered your perky ass
• sure he was a horny boy and the mere sight of the bare skin of your thighs drove him wild, but there was something so irresistibly attractive about your obliviousness to your own beauty, you were simply playing, enjoying yourself, completely unaware of the effect you had on him
• he finally gathered the courage to introduce himself, seizing upon a stray ball as his excuse, you smiled, a radiant beam showcasing your perfect, pearly white teeth and plump glossy lips, his breath hitched, heart skipped a beat, in that moment he not only stuttered saying his own name but envisioned you moaning it in his ear later on tonight
• at first, the attraction was purely physical, your stunning beauty evident in your little tennis dress that embraced your godly proportions, your long, graceful hair tied back in a tight ponytail, your legs moving swiftly across the court, and your hands gripping the racket so tightly that he longed for his cock to replace it soon enough
• he later found out that you were not only the hottest woman he had ever seen, you were also smart, witty, passionate and caring, you made him laugh with every comment you sent his way when you meet him at the water fountain, your little unofficial meeting place
• he began to perform small gestures to show his affection : fetching extra water bottles for you, offering you snacks during breaks, and even staying late to help you practice your serve, you noticed, of course, and you liked the attention
• one evening, as you confided your doubts about going pro, he struggled to offer encouraging words, relating a bit too much, but hoped the soothing sensation of his hand stroking your arm provided the comfort you needed, while it had the opposite effect on him, he was on fire
• he spent hours talking with you after practice, every night, about your lives, dreams, and desires, feeling closer to you than ever, you were now more than just a crush, he adored everything about you, from the way you giggled to the playful slap you gave him when he flirted a bit too openly
• after some pep talk from art, he decided to make his intentions clearer with you, waiting for you to get changed after practice and grabbing your hand to lead you outside to talk, he confessed he liked you, and you simply answered "why", leaving him at a loss for words as there wasn't any real explanation for love
• he pulled you into a long lingering kiss, a kiss so sweet that his heart shattered a little because he knew something so good could not last forever, "i don't have time to date" you told him, "i can wait until you have time" he assured you
• you didn't have time to date, but you always found time to get yourself cornered somewhere, your arms wrapped around patrick's neck and his hands on the small of your back as you kissed passionately
• hands started wandering and soon, it was getting harder to breath for him when your hands were so dangerously close to his length, almost fondling him, he had been a good boy until now but you're tempting him to be bad
• he went to your matches and you went to his, but he found out rather quickly after a match you couldn't attend that your absence was causing him to lose, his mind filled with questions about your whereabouts instead of focusing on the ball and his racket
• while he knew there was nothing official between you two, you had made it clear, why did it break his heart to see you talk with other men? sure, he did see other girls from time to time to take care of the blue balls you gave him, but weren't you the one with no time to date?
• in the midst of the season, you were excelling while he struggled, and he couldn't help but blame it all on you, he confronted you, pleading for a chance to have you, just once, one night, so he could purge you from his system and return to his former self
• "i'm not fucking you patrick" you said, rolling your eyes at him "why not" he asked, nibbling his lower lip "because i know you like me and you will want more" that was probably true "that's not true. and even if it was, what would be so wrong about it?" you both were attracted to each others and consenting adults "we're both about to go on tour! i need to focus" you sighed, "would i distract you?" he asked, pleased, a smirk on his lips "well, yes" you admitted, a boy was the last thing you needed
• he made you promise to revisit the subject after the tour, you agreed but only on the condition that he would win, you knew he needed the motivation but to be quite honest, you weren't so sure he was still capable of it, so you told him that any match won was a step closer to your 'divine' and 'life changing' pussy and he regained his confidence
• the following week, you both left the state, competing in different tournaments, but kept track of each other’s achievements, true to your promise, you sent him nude pictures after each victory, it began with just your breasts, and now he had a full view of your cunt
• he had looked at the pictures so often that he could swear they were burned into the inside of his eyelids, his post-match routine had turned into an endless session of masturbation, all thanks to your pictures
• thoughts of you lingered in his mind daily, coloring every moment with excitement, when he saw you on tv, his pulse quickened, and a smile effortlessly found its place on his lips, but then he remembered that you were still not his and it was breaking him
• and then he was in town at the same time as you and you gave in, it had been so long and tour was lonely, he was some warm comfort and you missed him, kinda, he knew it, so he gave you his all to prove to you that he was the one for you, the perfect guy to fulfill your needs
• he never felt that before with any girl, with your legs resting on his shoulders while he was ramming into you like a maniac, it all made sense, he felt like he was finally complete, like it was always meant to be, and it felt so good, you came, he came and so it happened again, and again, and again, and again
• he suddenly stopped fucking other girls, he wanted you to know he was serious about you, ready to settle down, get married and have kids, but the truth was that no one would ever be able to make his eyes roll back into his head and his thighs tremble like you did when you rode him
• he didn't want to play anymore, literally and figuratively, so he slowly stopped qualifying for tournaments to focus on you, to come watch your matches, he was always there, making sure you were stretched and hydrated, and he always cheered for you the loudest
• before competitions, you were always so tense and he found out that eating your cunt helped with that, he made it his life mission to make you the most relaxed girl on earth, he spent hours sucking on your clit, and you were, without a doubt, the most delicious meal he ever had
• when you lost matches, he also made sure to be there for you, holding you tight, cuddling you in bed, reassuring you that you were the best player in the world, and he was right, you were, you played with his heart like nobody else, but in those moments, he was pretty sure that he was madly in love with you and you would fall for him too
• he told you, you laughed it off, he told you again, what did he know about love? all you knew was that he was the guy who never grew up and was throwing his career away for a stupid teenage obsession
• you were eating lunch when you asked him "tennis is what you want, right?" he nodded, but the truth was that you were the only thing he truly desired, tennis seemed dull next to you. "you need to focus, you're playing like shit" you tried to be harsh to wake him up but he already knew that, but he could not do anything about it, it was your fault
• all he could do was thinking about you, enjoying the few moments he got to be with you when you were in town, he couldn't even afford to fly over to see you anymore, so he waited for you to come back, and he made sure to fall asleep inside of you each time, that way you would not leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye
• he was not even a tennis player anymore, he barely played while you spent your time out of state or out of the country winning, sexting with patrick had lost its savour, it used to be exciting but now it just felt like it was holding you back, you were meeting new people and he was still the guy who followed you around like a puppy when you were 20
• years passed and getting back into tennis was hard for patrick, his body was rusty and he lacked motivation, you were not here to coach him to be better anymore, he had not seen you in years, plus, the fact that you had met someone, a tennis player, the kind who wins competitions, not a loser like him, was not helping, so what was the point in trying? he simply didn't know what else to do
• you went on with your life, he watched your radiant smile dazzle him from the TV screen as you held the trophy, a ring on your finger, a bittersweet ache filled him, a reminder of what might have been but never had been
• he mourned the love that slipped through his fingers, much like his career appeared to fade with each passing match, yet, amidst it all, he found a flicker of solace in knowing that you were happy, despite the fact that you should have been happy with him
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pinkbewwy-milk · 6 months ago
based on starsandskies' promp list.
Day 6: Thigh Riding ft. Bowser + shark!Reader.
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warnings: size difference, heat cycles, bit degradation, mild dom/sub dynamics.
You were, by human standards, quite tall once you transformed into your natural, shark form. Stretched out and not counting your tail, you were about two meters tall. Your body thickened as well, giving a rather curvy appearance to your already beautiful figure. Any man, both human and of your own race, would feel a little intimidated by such a creature.
By koopa standards, particularly royalty, you were still quite small.
Bowser was massive. Even with your increase in size, the king could still manipulate you as if you were one of Junior’s plushies. He adored you in whatever form you decided to take, but he had to admit that his favourite was probably the one that made you grow so much. True, you were still small compared to him, but the increase suited you perfectly.
He particularly liked how much your hips widened. And he liked it even more when he had you like this, sitting on his thick thigh, desperate and panting.
You, like all your species, had cycles of going into heat. During those periods you changed to your natural state, and your sexual need increased so much that even Bowser couldn't keep up. Not only because of fucking you and all the energy he spent on it, but also because of time —He was, at the end of the day, a king, and as such he had responsibilities and tasks to attend.
Luckily for both of you, you were perfectly capable of satisfying yourself with him even without his active participation. One of those ways had to do with what you did at those moments: Moving back and forth over the muscles of the king's leg, hands planted in front of you to hit the perfect angle to stimulate all your privates. Privates that were not covered by anything, the contact being natural and, by then, already quite fluid thanks to the accumulated juices.
While Bowser did his math and read the new treaties and commandments, you tended to your own business right there. Usually you were silent, aware within your remaining mind that the king was working; other times, you just couldn't contain yourself. You cursed and moaned the koopa's name non-stop, forcing Bowser to look away from the papers and at you.
God, he didn't know if it was the hormones or whatever was in the air that smelled so good, but Bowser swore that you looked more beautiful than usual. The soft scales on your face and ears were flushed, iridescent pupils dilated and staring blankly. The tip of your tongue hung out between your fangs, a goofy smile on your lips. Your breasts bounced in rhythm with your hips, putting on a show for the king. You moaned unintelligible things tangled with his name, and the tail behind you was swishing wildly.
You were almost done. Bowser already recognized the signs of your climax. It was perhaps the fifth time you had done it that afternoon.
“B-Bowser…”, you moaned, voice louder and clearer. The koopa gave you his well-known arrogant smile, and without needing another word, he brought his claw to the small of your back. With the strength that only a being like him could possess, he pushed your body while lifting his leg, practically crushing you against him. You squealed in joy, hips moving even more frantically. Bowser soon took control, though, pushing his claw harder and making his leg bounce. You were now almost lying on him, hands grabbing your tits and pinching your nipples to add to the stimulation. The king laughed.
“Ya really are a bitch in heat, huh?”, he sneered, adding a circular sway to the equation. He moved, leaning down until he reached your ear. “C’mon, my slutty princess, cum on your king's thigh”.
It didn't take much longer for you to finish. Your body tensed, tail curling inward, mouth wide open in a moan that struggled to be silent. Your cunt contracted around nothing, expelling fluids that went to mix with the already existing ones, that scent of that something increasing. Your eyes almost rolled back inside your head, and with a sigh, you let yourself fall onto the turtle's abdomen.
For a while there was only your laboured breathing. Bowser stroked your back carefully, as if trying to calm your body. He knew he would have to return to his work soon, and your need would return as well, so he tried to dedicate those moments to you. God knows your heat came with plenty of emotional sensitivity, too, and Bowser preferred a you crying of pleasure rather than a you crying because he hadn't said goodnight.
He sighed. You were going to be the death of him one of these days.
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wtfsteveharrington · 9 months ago
hope this isn’t weird but the end of the luca blurb you posted where they both get hurt on accident has made my mind run haywire thinking of luca and assplay,,,
i have been........... thinking about this a lot i fear. uh oh!
contains: semi intoxicated & unprotected sex, spitting, ass fingering (idk how to say this gracefully okay), slight mention of spanking. some dom-ish!luca vibes hehe. afab!reader!
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this isn't my normal style of writing but i'm just a little rotten at the idea
i think it'd have to start when you were both a little tipsy, inhibitions lowered. you jokingly bent over the table when you got back to the apartment, groaning and struggling to kick off your shoes while you relax across the cool table.
he'd catch you struggling from the corner of his eye and come over to grab your hips, chuckling to himself. "you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep this up."
squatting down behind you and grabbing ahold of your ankle, gently guiding you to lift your foot off the ground so he can slide your shoe off before following suit with the second shoe as well.
warm hands cupping your calves and running along your legs. "luca..." you'd groan out, causing a shiver to run through his body.
the energy would change so quick.
he's squeezing your calves and kissing the back of your knee when he feels you rustling around above him and suddenly your panties are being pushed down your thighs. if he was of a clearer mind he'd probably tease you about how easily you got these off verses the struggle of your shoes.
but he's not.
luca's standing up so quick and unbuckling his jeans, the sound of his zipper being undone causing your breathing to pick up. you're reaching back to pull your skirt up to the middle of your back, exposing yourself to him and the two of you work in comfortable silence. desire pushing the interaction along.
your chest is flat against the table, hands reaching back to spread yourself open for him. you hear him gasp at the sight. as a reward there's a finger pushing into you without much warning, neither of you wanting to waste any time.
the mess of whines and pleas falling from your lips is making him dizzy and he doesn't take long before you feel his finger slide out and the tip of his cock gliding between your folds. he's letting out a groan at how wet you feel that causes a surge of... pride? in your chest. knowing you're pleasing him.
"fuck you need this bad." he grumbles out and you'd respond, a panicked noise of agreement combined with a mess of begging, but instead he's pushing into you before you can respond.
you cry out, arching your hips so he has a better angle as he gives you a moment to adjust before picking up his pace. he grabs ahold of one of your hands, pinning it to the small of your back while your other hand still clutches your own ass.
"very good, so fucking good." he'd praise, his hips clapping against your body with each deep stroke.
he's going to spit on your pussy, adding even more lubrication to your already soaked core, but with the combination of lust and liquor in his brain he... misses.
and now his hips stall as he watches his split slide down your backside, dripping over your clenched hole he's never had to courage to ask you to explore yet. you two were just a few months in, still getting comfortable.
"luca... why did you stop?" you sound pathetic and he can barely register your words as he slowly starts moving his hips. without thinking he brings his hand up, dragging his thumb through the spit and applying the softest pressure to your hole which causes you to gasp.
both of you stall for a second, luca shocking himself by being so bold. "i'm so sor-" he goes to apologize, but instead he feels your pussy squeeze around his length and you start to fuck yourself back on him. "a-again..."
he's glad to do as he's told. the pressure returning to your tight hole which makes both of you moan.
the combination of his pace picking up combined with him exploring is sending you into orbit. "relax for me, love." you do, letting your body melt under his touch and he spits down onto you again.
your arms give out and the one that was holding yourself open falls to the side while the one under his grip weighs heavy against your back. a gasp falls from your lips as he pushes into the tight ring with his finger. even with just one you feel so full. "oh fuck!"
luca watches in amazement as your orgasm hits you suddenly and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't proud of himself. his finger stays buried in you while he fucks himself in, letting you both savor the feeling of the aftershocks of your peak. neither of you expected you to finish that quick, speaking to just how aroused you ended up getting.
he's cooing down at you. "you want me to fuck you here next." not a question, a statement. he already knows you too well. you're nodding as your body goes lax against the table, breathing heavy.
a few minutes pass and he's popping his finger out of you, smacking his hand against your ass sharp enough to leave a faint hand print before pulling out of you.
"go get in bed, we're not done."
your legs were already weak but you feel like jell-o now as you nod, shakily standing up and letting him support you as you walk to the bedroom for what's bound to be a long night.
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holdmeclosebutdontloveme · 1 year ago
Warning: size queen antics and belly expansion from cum
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He enters, slowly, meticulous of the angle he think is less painful for you. But regardless of the hours he spent studying of the anatomy your body is molded with, your cunt is tight.
Just the tip of his cock have slip a gasp out of your lips. Your hands tighten on the bedsheet, your thighs buckle slightly, drawing out a boundary between the two of you along with clenches to his cock around your walls.
"Shit..." he curses, overwhelmed by your heat.
A constrast to the cool air from the opened window. But it welcomes him, like a tight hug, out of your love that was damp, soft, and warm.
"Sorry!" You apologized, with hesitance to lay your thigh down on the bed but you did it - a success of its own and an invitation for him to move closer, letting his hair brush against your skin.
Letting the smell of mint and wine in his breath muddle your worries into nothing.
"No... no, it's not that," he chuckles, "you are too eager, my love."
The implications was easily processed in your head and you blushed, embarrassed. However, you can't deny that this is a moment you have anticipated since you and your lover have been together.
So you teased him in return, "and you're too big," and watched as the compliment turn the tips of his ears into pink.
Your words doesn't lie though.
His cock is big, with a width that you couldn't completely wrapped around your hand. His length, too, was impressive; almost the length of your forearm.
You even attempt to estimate it, curious and albeit horny. A size queen in the making, a proclamation you proudly stated in front of your lover, who doesn't share the same sentinment with your desire. However, he reluctantly agreed and, with haste, laid his harden cock above your cunt.
His cock directly ends below your umbilicus, just a few inch difference and, with a picture as evidence, you could argue that the numbers doesn't hold much weight. Not when your lover drop a tiny fact that his cock could grow even further, if excited - especially in a rut, a seasonal mating thing, he said.
You clench from the memory and hear him hiss that you have gone tighter, wetter even.
You struggled from your excitement, more so with the shallow thrusts he's been doing to loosen you up. It never goes farther than the space he already entered which was a disappointment that rewards you with a shiver from the angles and corners you have never thought to exist within you before.
With a pout, you hook your legs around his waist, pushing him closer with the heels of your feet while your eyes never stray from his own.
"Mate me," you demand.
His eyes dilated, maybe it was yours that reflected in his. Who knows, really, when determination have replaced the fear from his action and let himself be welcomed fully.
He was slow, though, and you appreciated that he was taking his time entering. Making sure your breath was in pace with his, while also moan for each inch he takes from you.
Until just as you expected; below the umbilicus. The bulge became clearer, more protuding as his cock deviates further into your cunt. The tip you have booped as it curves your skin - your insides, too. You even felt your cervix stretched widely as he intruded gently in it. Although the stimulation you felt was hardly soft like he attempted.
And you came from it, joking about your essence as lube replacement that soften his continuing entrance to the depth of your walls.
Which he didn't respond with a rebuttal as your lover holds his tongue from feeling you all around him.
Right now, you caress the bulge his cock have swollen in you; cupping the width you could never hold completely in your hand and let your fingers run through the length his cock have covered inside of you.
"You really are big, my love," you told him, still feeling him through your layers of fat, skin, and muscles.
You felt him twitch along with the pressure that made you fuller - the bulge becoming less of a reflection of his cock but now a small rounded belly in a matter of seconds.
"So-sorry," he says to you, panting and gripping your hips tight. He pulls you closer, his fingers digging deep to your skin. "Couldn't help myself."
His cum, you realized, he was cumming.
He wasn't stopping anytime soon and while pain was an introduction to his ejaculation, somehow pleasure began to mixed within it as well. Letting yourself be overriden with another orgasm as he pokes around in your cervix with short thrusts.
Until he eventually stopped.
The both of you breathless, sweating profusely with exhaustion taking in the reign of the intimacy. Your hand cupped his cheek, complimenting him for leading on the final act until the end while he felt your belly, the first time since it happened and be in awed from the size.
He wonders if you could handle his eggs when mating season does occur.
You'd be beautiful, he thought to himself, a reminder more than just a scenario played in his head.
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eloquentlytired · 6 months ago
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the survivor - chapter one
pairing: the winter soldier x fem winter soldier! reader
word count: 600 words
summary: you're left to die with no recollection of your past life and what has precisely happened to you. when the last spark of hope fades within you, he appears. in the end all you remember are four words; james,autumn,winter soldier and hydra.
fic warnings: this will be a dark fic ! contains elements of human experimentation, violence, blood, dub con, torture, toxic behaviors, trauma and imprisonment.
*no warnings for this chapter though
author's note: hi !! i just felt extremely possessed to complete this winter soldier fic from my drafts so it happened... I hope you're as excited as I am bc i've been cooking this for a while now! as always likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated ^_^ also I used google translate for the last part, I hope its properly translated :(...
chapter two is out
They say that there’s a chance of enhancement in a person’s hearing ability after they’ve lived in the dark for at least a week.  You wonder if that same enhancement applies to you, or maybe more, since you’ve been in this dark underground tunnel for a little more than seven days. The sound of fallen droplets from the pipe that’s broken on your left, the tittering of mice in the straight distance, the air howling somewhere on your right – there’s probably a passage where the air is coming through. You would’ve escaped if not for the chains bound around your wrists, which are conveniently attached to the ceiling, leaving you in aching pain. You can barely feel your fingers anymore let alone your feet which barely graze the floor because of how high they’ve put you.
There’s water, dirty sewer water, but even that seems appealing because of how dehydrated and hungry you are. If you were a human, you would’ve probably died already but Hydra had made sure to extend your suffering by ejecting that serum in you.
You remembered that cruel voice speaking to you as they were hanging you up there, like a sheep for slaughter. “I had so much hope for you. So many expectations. It was supposed to work – you were supposed to work. But it’s fine. At least I have James.” James. You remembered the unknown name. Who was he? Why had he succeeded when you hadn’t? How? What were you?
You could feel yourself struggling against your restraints and the faceless men around you seemed scared as the ceiling cracked over you. You were strong but only for a few seconds. A scream rippled through you when an injection was forced into the tender skin of your thigh. That strange man laughed and spoke again. “Let’s see how long it’ll take for the poison to kill you, winter soldier.” And then you were left alone.
You can feel your eyes closing in again and as hard as you try to fight it, it just doesn’t feel right. The hunger forces you to pass out not just sleep. You abandon the surrounding darkness of your reality just to slip into the one of your slumber.
The screeching of a door opening, and closing does not awake you. The heavy footsteps against the dirty water doesn’t either. The wind howls as if to warn you but you’re not even conscious – not until cool metal surrounds the area of your jaw and grips tight. Your eyes shoot wide because there’s still fight left in you even when you look nearly dead. Your vision is blurry, but you can see enough; dark hair, a black mask and the metal arm that’s currently gripping your face. Blue eyes examine you and you cannot understand the feeling – or intent – behind them. You want to sleep again and let yourself go but the metal arm slaps you sharply, making your eyes go wide. The impact is painful and hard but a pain like this one cannot be compared to the past torture you’ve been submitted to. Your vision is clearer now and what you face is beyond your comprehension.
The chain loosens around your wrists with a single snap and just when you expect to sink into the dirty water, you fall against your savior’s chest. It’s solid but somehow also soft. That strong metal arm, along with his other normal one, picks you up easily. You can’t even protest because of how numb your arms and legs feel; they don’t even hurt anymore. You just can’t feel them. It takes a while for you to realize that you can finally see and that you do not live in the dark anymore – oh gods, you can see. But it is difficult to do or react anyway in your frail condition. There’s pressure on your head, a light one, and you realize whoever has saved you is also stroking your hair. You look at him. He looks back.
You can’t speak but he can. And when he does, your entire being shakes.
“Я наконец нашел тебя. Mоя осень.” I have finally found you. My autumn.
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miniversse · 8 months ago
⭑ “i like it” ⭑
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⭑ seungmin x female reader
⭑ content includes: non-idol reader, non-idol seungmin, mentions of drinking, unprotected sex, fingering, toxic relationship, fwb relationship, established relationship, cursing, reference to skz lyrics
⭑ note: i’ve missed you guys loadsss! this is really rough work so please make me aware of any mistakes so i can go over them. happy reading loves
⭑ minors dni
you’re on your third glass of wine while he scrolls through his phone carelessly. burning holes into his head with your stares wasn’t giving him the signal, but he would take another sip and finally look at you.
“what’s wrong?”
you turn your head to the side, swirling and swishing the wine in your glass to stop you from speaking recklessly.
“i think it’s time we address some things” you spoke dryly, rubbing your thighs to keep them warm. his cold and careless demeanor made your skin boil, and it was time you let it cool down.
he plants an annoying smile across his face, placing a hand above yours and arching his body in.
“tell me pretty girl, what’s up?” his voice was so elegant and melodic and it bothered you so much because his voice will never be yours, his smile will never be yours and his presence will never be yours.
“we… aren’t on the same page…” you trail off. “and i know i promised you that wouldn’t happen, but i can’t control my feelings”
he scoffs, bringing his hand back to his own thighs. “y/n, i thought i made this very fucking clear. we are fuck buddies. nothing more, nothing less” his strong emphasis on the words “fuck buddies” made your heart ache, and a lump to catch in your throat.
“but seungmin-“
“no y/n, no. i couldn’t have made myself clearer in the first day we met.”
and there it was, the cold tear dropped on your thigh and trailed down your skin, cooling the burning sensation in your body.
“what if we try! just… please try to see me as something more for once.”
he scoffs again, biting his lip in frustration. “like i fucking said: i like that i love you, but i don’t wanna fucking love” he grabs his jacket from the chair, pacing to your front door while you try to grab at his wrist, your vision blurry from the streaming tears.
you manage to get ahold of him before he slams the door, but he turns you in a swift move, slamming you against the wall and pushing your wrist until your bracelet was deep into your skin.
“fucking slut, you heard me the first time.” he takes your lips in, kissing you aggressively and sloppily. his teeth would take in your lower lip, biting at it until you couldn’t feel it no more. his parting lips leave you empty, and his fingers wrapping around your neck drove you insane.
“you aren’t mine. you’ll never be mine. you’re a fucking slut and that’s all”
amidst your weeps, you pull him closer, placing softer more intimate kisses, struggling to come to the fact that seungmin… is just a fuck buddy. he melts in your touch, his fingers digging deep into your waist while the cold wind from the open door graces your skin.
“please, fuck me before you go” you beg, crying harder at every touch he exchanges with you.
you’re back in the bedroom, back in his touch, back to seeing him bare, back to hearing his sweet voice and guilty confessions.
“you’re so fucking good for me, i want you” he groans while he fills you up, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to hold you up. he thrusts into you slowly, memorizing every way your body reacted.
“take me” you pant, “i’m all yours” you were molded for eachother; made to fit like pieces in a puzzle.
“no. fuck no.” he slurs denials while biting at your neck, slowly picking up the pace until your tits are bouncing in-front of him, driving him crazy.
“i’m good for you baby, please” your cries turn into moans as you feel every vein on his dick moving on your walls. never had anyone made you feel this way, and he knows that too. sticking two fingers into your drooling mouth, he pushes them deep inside of you, curling them at every right spot and letting out of you gruesome groans.
“mmh, let your mouth move pretty girl”
you obliged, willing to do anything just to be with him. with every time he pounded into you faster, his groans got louder and your whines got pitchier. his fingers pushed into you recklessly until you were slouched over him, waiting for him to fill you up and leak down your thighs. the same thighs that your tears leaked off of.
his lips were occupied between your legs, trialing hot kisses from your knees to your folds, switching to his tongue to eat you out and leave your legs shaking. his tongue twisted in and out of you, flicking your clit and hitting every spot that made you moan. you would cum in an instant, falling weak to his touch while he licks you clean, moving back up to kiss you and swirl your flavor into your mouth.
but then you would both lie naked in bed, taking drags from a shared cigarette all in silence. something in the air would never be addressed, it just lingered endlessly. he moves closer, tucking strands of frizzy hair behind your ear that he would suck at gently, leaving butterflies in your stomach.
“this is it. i like it this way”
and that’s how the night would end with him. cold and empty on the sheets that his smell still lingered on.
@captainchrisstan @all4minnie @rylea08 @strayywayy @katsukis1wife @kayleefriedchicken
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hanjisung-enjoyer · 1 year ago
thinking about being drunk in the back of a car with minho…
tags: drunken decisions!!!!, bsf!lee minho x afab!reader, kissing, making out, spit, fingersss, no actual smut but kind of implied, driver!changbin is fed up
author’s note: not sure if this is considered dubcon due to drunken consent but if you don’t like don’t read!! both characters are functioning and understanding of what’s going on despite drinking, NEVER hook up with someone who is past the point of awareness.
purely fiction, minors dni
you probably shouldn’t have drank as much as you did- if your blurry vision was anything to go by.
as fuzzy as everything around you felt, minho’s beauty suddenly stuck out to you clearer than it ever had before. you never really took in how perfect his features were; his perfectly sculpted nose now scrunched up cutely between two sharp, feline like eyes that currently struggled to maintain focus on changbin, the designated driver of the night, as he attempted to hold a conversation with the tipsy man.
“min,” you eventually whispered. his eyes flickered towards you, to which you finally got to admire his dark orbs under a slight state of intoxication. his eyes were more than alluring; you’d have no problem stare into them forever.
“hmm?” he questioned, his voice low and husky to match the faintness of your own. you didn’t immediately respond, being too busy admiring his features. your attention travelled down to his pink lips: they still looked wet from the drinks he was previously taking down, glistening from the reflection of the moon through the car window. “…what?” he asked again, his voice curious yet playful as his lips turned up in a smirk.
“…nothing,” you reply. “you just look nice.”
‘nice’ is not the word you wanted to use. best friends tell each other they look nice all the time. ‘you look nice’ is the phrase you use to compliment each other before a first date or when dolling yourselves up for a night out.
maybe it’s just because your sex life had been rather dry recently, but what you really wanted to tell him was how hot he was making your body feel. just being next to him and appreciating his features made your face flush with a heavy and sudden lust. minho’s fierce eyes were lidded and faded, yet you still felt intimidated under his gaze. the way he was staring into you, trying to decipher your true intentions, had your thighs shifting together- a small detail that failed to go unnoticed by minho.
“i look nice?” he repeated in a slur. his hand landed on your leg under the guise of holding his balance when the car drove over a small bump. your lower region tingled up at the light touch. “you look nice,” he replied.
“no,” you simply responded, turning your face away from his. he leaned closer, his face following yours. he cocked his head to the side to try and read your face that avoided him so persistently. your cheeks were now visibly red, feeling unbelievably warm from his close proximity.
“no? but you always look nice.” his pretty lips were molded into a pout when you finally faced him again. his body was now extremely close to yours, his leg only a hairs length away from pressing against yours.
you tried to look into his eyes again, you truly did, but his lips look much more enticing in your buzzed state. despite minho’s clouded mind, he was certainly alert to where your lidded eyes settled on his face. you merely whined in response to his compliment, the only form of reply you could manage, before he took your cheek in his palm. “you know you always look good, right?” he practically purred, forcing you to finally make eye contact.
his fingers trailed from your cheek and down to your chin, and now it was his turn to stare at your pretty lips. electricity ran through your body under his intense gaze. your lips subconsciously fell into a pout, presenting them deliciously to minho’s view.
it felt like forever before he finally leaned in with a hum, kissing your lips slowly and tenderly.
the way he kissed you was a contrast to his feisty personality. his lips moved against yours in a steady rhythm, taking his time as if it was the last time he’d ever lay his lips on another human. for how riled up he had you, you weren’t expecting him to pace you like this. his hand that wasn’t resting on your chin rubbed at your thigh, pulling small noises from your mouth that vibrated through the passionate kiss.
you could taste the alcohol lingering on his tongue when he finally welcomed it into your mouth. you took initiative in intensifying the kiss, an unexpected bout of courage leading you to bite down softly on his bottom lip. his eyes opened momentarily, catching yours as you mentally panicked that you may have crossed a line. you didn’t have a lot of time to overthink it, because minho eagerly returned the gesture after a moment’s time, pulling at your bottom lip between his teeth as he groped your thigh with a little more fervor. the man was practically straddling you at this point.
you had to stop yourself from moaning out, nearly forgetting about changbin in the front seat of the car. as if on cue, you heard a loud gasp of your names coming from the front of the car.
“yah! what are y- in my car???” changbin cried as he met your eyes in the rear view mirror. your face flushed and you hid yourself in minho’s neck.
“we’re just kissing, relax!” minho scoffed in response, settling back into his seat.
“i don’t care! it starts as kissing, then kissing turns to fucking in the back of my car!”
in the midst of changbin’s complaints, you watched minho’s fingers lift up to his lips in the corner of your eye. his digits slid past his bow-shaped lips momentarily, returning to your view coated in a thick layer of saliva. your wide eyes followed his slender fingers as they drew closer to your face, your mouth unwillingly gaped open. he tapped two fingers on your bottom lip, an unspoken request that you gladly obeyed.
your lips captured his spit-covered fingertips, little by little taking in the whole length of his digits. your lidded eyes maintained contact with his steady gaze. if it wasn’t for the prominent tent in his pants that twitched at each swirl of your tongue, you wouldn’t think he was phased by your actions at all. it felt messy, you felt like taking everything he would give you, and he was absolutely dominating your mind.
his fingers curled down your throat, triggering a small gag that had changbin whipping his head around and losing control of the car.
“what the f- can you guys NOT?”
to that, minho practically lunged at you, instantaneously replacing his fingers with his mouth and pressing a sloppy kiss against your lips. the kiss sounded as messy as it felt. his tongue danced around yours in a lustful exchange of saliva that drooled down your own chin.
it was over as soon as it started though, or at least it felt like it. minho pulled his whole body away from you and once again sat back in his designated seat under harsh glares from the irritated driver.
changbin sighed out, visibly aggravated at the two of you. “minho if you’re not in the front seat in ten seconds, i’m calling the cops and asking them to pull me over.”
you peeked over at minho who exchanged an amused glance with you. he leaned over to level his lips with your ear. “stay at mine tonight?” he practically purred, his fingers ghosting over your thigh and his breath tickling your neck. you nodded a little too quickly, to which minho smirked and patted your leg. he then stood up and crawled across the body of the car, taking his place next to changbin in the passengers seat and muttering a small “cockblocker” under his breath.
in a clouded state of drunk and horny, you didn’t care much about the sober consequences that the next day would bring. you missed his presence next to you, but you knew he’d make up for it once you were both finally out of this damned car.
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siddyyyyyyyy · 7 months ago
You're Only Sixteen
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wc: 3.7 K
summary: child soldier joins taskforce 141 part FIVE; one, two, three, four ; six
warnings: discussion of child soldiers, discussion of character death
a/n: I have nothing to say, enjoy
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Training hall, 7:32, one day before the mission
»C‘mon, focus.«
Ghost taunts you as he is sparring with you, having been at it for probably a few minutes after going out for a morning run. After that glorious nightmare that was indeed a flashback, you have been more focused than anything today. But Ghost doesn‘t care, he really wants to push your limits today and see how much more you can actually endure. And he is really sure you can handle more than you‘re letting on. He saw you take out a man twice your size with a simple fire extinguisher.
Obviously, his words do little to provoke you, but his punches sure do. The sheer amount of sass this man has during sparring sessions is always something you admire about him. With another hard hit against your side, you feel your adrenaline rise before your attacks start to become stronger, finally making him sweat. You‘re not sure why you‘re holding back on him, since back at your camp, you always made sure to be stronger and even meaner in fights, but you also know your camp was abusive, in some way or another. Ghost is quick too, however, and counters your attacks back, putting more force in his hits too.
Finally, the match is more rough between you two, making Ghost struggle to keep up with your movements. It is not clear who is winning the round before you kick his side quickly with more force, making him gasp and launch at you. Before he could actually attack you, you duck and aim for his abdominal area, finally making him stumble. But you don‘t stop there, encouraging him to fall. He does, eventually but not without letting out a curse so bad that you thought he was actually mad at you.
But no, he is far from mad at you. Actually feeling some kind of pride that you actually beat him. Even Soap has a hard time winning against Ghost, but he is also used to the competitive fights between him and Gaz. You help him stand back on his feet, and he gives you detailed critique. Well, he is mostly complaining about the way you‘ve been holding back until now.
»Seriously, you need to stop pretending I‘m fragile. I can take your hits. And I‘ve seen you take down men before. You can do better than that; just don‘t think too much.«
You give him a brief nod back, feeling somewhat lighter. Maybe today‘s morning training is making you finally take your mind off the things that are currently plaguing your mind.
You both start another round of training, having the freedom of taking out of frustration on Ghost, beating him a second time. You believe he is just going easy on you, but the way he pants while he gets up from the mat says otherwise.
Eventually, after some more rounds, in which you both win equal amounts of time, Ghost thinks you‘re ready for the mission, and it‘s time to go to the last official meeting before preparing for the deployment.
Arriving there, you see Laswell and Price already standing by the table, noticing you two enter as well. It seemed like they were talking about something, the room falling silent briefly.
»Still in for the task?«
Price questions you, his tone neutral but his expression having a serious hint in it. You give him a short nod, answering as the day before. Meanwhile, the rest of the team enters the briefing room and settles on standing around the table as usual. Laswell doesn‘t waste any time on getting to the point, starting the small PowerPoint and explaining the steps of the mission even clearer than last time.
The plan changed up slightly, changing up the positions mostly.
»You‘re still paired with Farah. But you will be taking care of the guards outside and keeping watch on the building. After that‘s done, you‘ll be joining the rest inside the building. Since you have the most knowledge about the camp, it will be your responsibility to lead the safest way into the director‘s room.«
The small changeup seems to be quite simple, understanding the task. Instead of ensuring the safety of the children, you will now help them get the so-called bad guys. Or your past superiors and boss. But it‘s better than having to escort your past rival, having dreaded the thought of possibly seeing him again. Laswell looks away from you, focussing her eyes on the slide of the PowerPoint that‘s projected on the whiteboard, continuing with the mission plan.
»Farah has enough men to safely escort the children away, leaving us a clear view of the task at hand.«
She glances back at you, her expression still as dead-serious as the day before.
»Your call sign from now on is ‘Bane‘.«
Soap grins lightly at the call sign, looking your way. Gaz does the same, glancing to you briefly. He only gives you a solid nod, but Soap even gives you a thumbs up. It‘s clear they both seem to want to hype you up in a subtle manner. Ghost, however, only gets the simple message behind the call sign; seeing the first mission together had left a big impression.
The briefing goes on, with Laswell mostly leading the meeting as the rest listens, only sometimes interjecting or asking questions. You stay quiet though, just letting the whole plan go over in your head several times and also getting used to your call sign.
Maybe you worry too much because you feel the muscles around your arms start to hurt lightly. It‘s not a sharp pain but more of a dull, throbbing pain around your forearms that makes you feel uncomfortable overall. No matter what, though, you stay still and calm during the briefing until you can finally leave for lunch and have a small break. The muscle ache subsides slowly as you make your way to the mess hall with Gaz and Soap, getting your food trays, and sitting down at your usual table. Finally, the ache seems to fully go away, letting you eat in peace. Of course that familiar ache was a thing even before joining this team. Due to being exposed to high stress situations at a young age, it must be your body‘s way of showing you stress since you mainly go through the stress and do anything to complete a mission.
Ghost passes by your table and sets the capri sun down on it, leaning his hands on the table as he looks at the rest.
»She beat me four times at sparring today.«
No one would have expected it, but Soap was the first one to process his words and drop his fork into his plate.
»You broke my record!«
He looks to you with a betrayed look, crossing his arms in a pouty way as he stares at you with his mouth wide open.
»Soap‘s havin‘ beef with a teenager now.« Gaz mumbles amused while he watches his teammate‘s reaction, only hurting his ego even more.
»I‘m not!« Soap glares at his teammate before looking back towards you, »In a matter of a few days, righ‘?«
You don‘t get what he is asking for a moment before you glance at Ghost, unsure of what to say. You beat Ghost four times today. Not four times in a year.
The lack of response makes Soap groan and hit his head on the table in a dramatic way. He could‘ve answered his own question, considering you are there for almost two weeks by now, and you have only been training with Ghost for today.
Ghost feels visibly smug and wanders off to his office, probably eating alone once again. The table isn‘t silent for too long as Gaz continues to tease him for getting his record broken by you, munching on the food while discussing this childish topic. In Soap‘s mentality, there is no such thing as ‚childish‘, because as long as it makes you happy or gives you a purpose in life, it doesn‘t matter if people find it funny or not.
Eventually, you finish your meal with the rest, starting on the capri sun now, as you walk out of the mess hall. Soap excuses himself to join Ghost in his office and bicker about his broken record, leaving you alone with Gaz, or ‚Kyle‘, for you, as he tells you to call him now. He suggests a walk around the park again, easily agreeing to such a request.
You start walking beside each other, the conversation starting off with him asking you something out of concern.
»Nervous for the mission? It‘s a pretty big one.«
»It should be fine. I‘m used to high-pressure operations.«
Kyle can‘t help but feel his heart break every time you say something mature like that. A literal teenager shouldn‘t be feeling like this. Getting a big responsibility thrown in their way, having to act tough and not be allowed to feel fear or back down, constantly needing to keep up your fitness and strength… it‘s too much, and he really wonders if you are actually so strong and capable, or if you are good at pretending.
Maybe he is worrying too much, but he knows he was busy trying to beat his friends at ‚Need for Speed‘ and ‚Mortal Kombat‘ in high school instead of worrying about things like you are right now.
»Are you though? It must be a lot, raiding your old camp and arresting your old superiors. There‘s a lot to process.«
He didn‘t mean to pressure you even more or get you into some sort of stressful situation, but you started to get defensive.
»I am used to this. There is nothing new about this, and...« You pause, trying to figure out how to say this and also not cringe at yourself, »I have a team now.«
Kyle raises his eyebrow lightly at that, not able to hide his light surprise. He doesn‘t know the system you had back there, really only Ghost being the lucky – or rather unlucky one – to know about the unusal system. And you are sure that Kyle would be even more devastated if he heard about those. A brief moment of silence goes by before he speaks up again.
»You trust us a lot, don‘t you?« His voice becoming more solemn. You give him a brief nod back, not daring to look into his eyes. He sees it as the best positive response he‘ll ever receive from you and just walks beside you quietly.
The conversation turns into something more light afterwards, getting to joke around a little bit with him as he mostly explains you what vines are and tells you some of the more popular memes, which you find rather absurd but funny.
The rest of the day went by relaxed. Or as relaxed as possible, since you still sometimes got a muscle ache and there wasn‘t any official training or meeting until the flight, leaving you some time to fully set into the new mission and get ready.
You keep checking for the small Polaroid in your bag; paranoid that it will vanish into thin air, but it doesn‘t.
Flight, 4:00
The flight came by quicker than you wanted it to be. Even though you want to get your revenge on every single one who wronged you, you can‘t help but feel wrought up about it.
But you don‘t have time to think about it now as you‘re getting into the helicopter with the others, being too tired to give a fuck about any of your worries anyway. Once you got all the essentials into the vehicle, you took a seat and put the headset on. Nikolai‘s chirp voice comes through, greeting everyone again.
»Ah, good mornin‘ guys! Ready to kick some ass?«
Kyle snorts beside you as he hears the motivated voice from the pilot, shaking his head lightly.
»Always. Drive already.«
Price responds as he makes it comfortable on the seat in front of you, looking towards the cockpit where Nikolai is just doing some final check-ups.
»It‘s flying, Captain. Flying.« Nik quips back, a little disappointed by the lack of enthusiasm from the team, eventually starting to fly to Urzikstan. You wonder how the pilot can be so cheerful most of the time, it being literally four in the morning, and you are about to fly for approximately eight hours. He must intake some serious drugs before every flight, because you‘ve never seen such a happy Russian man before.
Speaking of the devil, he calls you over to the cockpit, and you wonder what he might possibly want from you now. You step into the cockpit, standing behind him as he flies, glancing to you. He motions for you to take your headset off, wanting to speak privately.
»I didn‘t tell anyone, but I built a sound box in here. You listen to music? You can choose here, just play whatever you like.«
Meanwhile, the rest of the team discusses something among themselves, not paying much attention to your conversation with Nik.
And, of course, you know a thing or two about music. Well, you do have a favourite band since the camp played most of their music in the gym.
You look towards the device he shoves into your hands, having a bit of trouble understanding the mechanics of it, but you figure it out quite quickly. The first tones go off in the helicopter, making you flinch lightly. Nikolai nods along to the music for a moment, smiling satisfied and glad you didn‘t put on Taylor Swift.
»Nik?« You quickly give the device back to the man as you hear Price approach you both, playing as neutrally as possible. But the pilot doesn‘t even spare so much of a glance to the captain, seemingly too focused on controlling the helicopter.
»Why is Papa Roach playing at full volume?«
Price questions, looking to Nik and then to you. His expression seems more confused than annoyed, not having expected some music on the flight. But he seems to piece it together fairly quickly with how quiet you are and that you happen to just stand innocently by him.
»Bloody hell...« He sighs out softly and leaves you two be, returning back to the rest.
The rest of the flight consists of you talking to Nikolai, him mostly rambling about the helicopter you are both in and talking about some more mechanics and other planes and jets he once got to fly with. At the same time, the music plays in the background, realising mid-fly that he also installed some serious bass subwoofers within the sound boxes. The playlist seems to change, as you hear some unfamiliar songs that seem to be the stuff he usually enjoys. You ask him about it, feeling like he is the most easy and fun to talk to by far. Beside Kyle.
»Oh, that‘s my favourite band, Slaughter To Previal! I‘ve seen them live last summer in Moscow… Their show was something else. Do you like them so far?«
You take a small moment to answer, actually finding it rather strange and also a little too much. But you certainly respect his passion for this specific band. It seems like they are singing in Russian too.
»It‘s definitely energetic. And loud.«
Nik barks a laugh at your answer, understanding it might be something new and strange for you, considering you mostly know something about the nu-metal band ‚Papa Roach‘.
The last four hours of the flight go by with some occasional naps against Soap‘s shoulder and listening to the conversations the others have.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you are back in Urzikstan. The very same country you spent most of your life in. Where you wished to never return.
But this is about getting a mission done. The most important mission you‘ve ever had, probably.
Nik lands in a big landing field near a smaller base, the surroundings being familiar to you. The scenery is mostly bland, the sun being out by now, and the base being located in the middle of a desert. As you walk out, the hot sun surprises you, making your shield you eyes with your hand from it.
There are already some extra people that help with the baggage and all the equipment you brought for the mission. You stand by the others, making sure not to get lost, and stay by Kyle‘s side, seeing him stretch his back from the long flight.
Two people approach your small group, seemingly apart of the operation and base, the same people who will help with your task just tomorrow.
»Good morning, old man. I heard you have a new addition?«
Farah greets Price, making you finally look to her and to the man beside her. Kyle goes in for a hug with the man who introduces himself as Alex Keller to you, seeming like a decent dude.
Price goes to introduce you to them but gets cut off by Farah.
»No, I know her. How‘s your arm?«
Even you are surprised by her directness, and the team seems to be even more surprised. Gaz is the first one to actually speak up about the initial surprise, gesturing between the two of you.
»You… know ‘er?«
The air seems to tense for a moment before Farah nods and explains finally, seeing that you are still not a talkative one.
»We met three years ago, during a raid. I‘m glad she‘s with you now.«
After that brief explanation, it seems like some were still confused at the absurdity of you both knowing each other, but no one will press any further for now.
With some more words between the team and Farah, you walk into their base and get back to discussing the mission. Everyone seems to know their task pretty well, but there are still speculations about the operation and camp. What is actually their motive behind it? Why do they even need child soldiers?
»From the information we received from the warehouse, we could only determine where the building is and who it belongs to. We also got a list with all the children inside; they have full files of each of them.«
Price explains as Farah listens, the second in command, Alex standing beside her.
»Bane has most of the intel from all of us, which is why I think she is essential for the mission.«
Farah‘s eyes are mostly on you, studying the way you stick by Ghost‘s side during the brief and seem to be focused on the task as well. You‘ve clearly grown quite a bit during those three years of not seeing each other, but she can still see the scared and rageful thirteen-year-old she once almost took out.
»And this is why she will stick with us after clearing the guards outside. Farah, you still have enough men to escort the children, right?«
Finally, she tears her eyes away from you and nods, getting back to fully focus on the briefing again. The air is serious but not tense. Again, something you are not used to at briefings, even after having been in several one‘s with your team.
Once some more information and planning has been done, checking afterwards if everything is working right, it gets back to preparing more. But before you could join your team in preparing your equipment, Farah gets ahead of you and speaks up. She stands by your side, leading you more towards the exit to speak more privately.
»Seriously, how‘s your arm? I stabbed it really back then.«
She questions with more concern in her features this time, looking at you while walking outside and abandoning the rest.
»It‘s fine, you don‘t need to worry about it. Just got a bit of a scar.«
You dismiss quickly, feeling really glad you are wearing long sleeves today, even though you knew it‘s pretty warm in this country.
»Well… I‘m glad you got into better hands. Your decision?«
She asks again, this time being more light, but not without a hint of seriousness and genuine curiousness.
»Got sent to them because I was starting to lack.«
»Why were you getting worse?«
You really dreaded that question, and there is no way you will be able to answer that without at least your voice breaking. The conversation pauses for a moment before Farah sighs out, realisation setting in.
»I‘m sorry for your loss… When did it happen?« Of course she would realise it that quick. After all, she tried to interrogate you after stabbing you before finding out you are actually still a child.
»Two years ago. Raid mission; I was first in command, but she insisted on entering first.«
You bit your inner cheek, focused on staying calm and not letting any emotions escape as you talk to her. Even when you have only met her two times, she grew on you quite a lot. She is definitely the reason why you kept going as well.
»It‘s like she knew… she - it should‘ve been me.«
Against your will, your voice breaks and apart of Farah breaks too, as you try to explain what really happened. She stops walking and embraces you into a hug, her arms wrapping gently around you with a strong intent to comfort you.
»Don‘t say that. Halime wouldn‘t want you to beat yourself over it. It‘s not your fault.«
She tells you gently as she rubs your back lightly, feeling how tense your shoulders are. Farah always saw a part of herself in you. She was, too, being thrown into a difficult situation as a young child and was forced to continue. However, she also had a brother to care about and also had some sort of company that way. Now, you are the one who has nothing left but your team and this life, in which you are still fighting to survive.
»You need the will to continue, and you have it. But most importantly, we are here for you, and we will make sure to help you through each step. Understood?«
Her voice became a little lighter at the end as she pulled away from the hug just enough to look at you.
You were caught off guard by her hug and comforting words, but you had an even stronger will and motivation to go on the mission with the rest and get it done nicely. Now it‘s time to gear up and make your way to the old camp that once made your life a living hell.
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a/n: I actually love Slaughter to Previal, I've seen them live in January and my life changed. Had to really strain myself from not writing from my perspective as Nik was speaking lol. Some proof, lmao:
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Hope you enjoyed it!
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