#madds rambles
madds-not-mad · 5 months
While I was not conscious for us starting to read homestuck, I did have a dream last night where Dave Strider got banished to the distortion realm from pokémon.
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madds-is-ace-trash · 1 year
Can someone like explain Demigirls and Demiboys to me? I keep seeing them tagged in like character head canons . I wanna understand and I feel bad for not knowing. I’m not saying there not valid, I’m an ace trans man, queers unite, I just have never had it explained to me in a way that clicked. They just weren’t a thing that gets brought up in my spaces usually and I wanna get educated.
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aster-riskite · 2 months
why does it feel like nobody did enough english covers of hetalia character songs and why do I feel obligated to do it 0-0
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warriorblood1 · 20 days
watched cinderella's castle last night. thought about it all day. wrote 6k in three hours. my first fanfic in like two years. god bless bryce charles and curt mega thank you goodnight.
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ah yes every light (me being subjected to new media) has its shadow (I have so many new daydream ideas I'm going to explode)
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star-drip · 5 months
when somebody asks me to explain what really goes on in my paracosms
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qqquib · 1 year
nothing will prepare you for finding old written DOCUMENTS and ART of your daydreams? i cannot bare to get rid of them but oh my…
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darlingboydiaz · 2 months
since i can't post this on any of my other social media: DANIEL RICCIARDO JUST GIVE ME ONE SINGLE CHANCE
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fuckfuckgoback · 10 months
I'm up thinking about daydreaming so yall get some thoughts.
Maybe I just learned it too late, but I never vibed with the term "paracosm". Like I have multiple longer daydreams that switch POVs even, but growing up I always called them stories or storylines, which fits better in my brain. They feel less like worlds to me and more like fiction, like if I was playing a tv show in my head.
Plus, the longer storylines are definitely exceptions. Most of the time I just throw together familiar characters in a similar setting (shoutout to the four house layouts I've almost always used & Generic American Highschool™️) that vary only slightly for whatever new scenario my brain cooked up. But theyve always felt just like little stories, never a changing world even when I did go back and start things over from the top.
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the-feral-gremlin · 6 months
“I am his rage, inherit the engine leak”
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I think the reason Edda as a character managed to invade my brain so much, is that she hits a particular narrative love I have for stories about well... love. And how as such a strong and overwhelming emotion, it can drive someone to extremes and become 'corrupted'. Edda was introduced as such a sweet, tragic character. The stereotypical 'Healer'. Soft, kind, naivee, vulnerable. Who gives, and gives, and gives, and never ever takes. Who loves her friends and her finacee and isn't it so sad how she's treated? How she won't or can't fight back?
And then Tam-Tara happened. Avere died. Edda was blamed. Her true love gone. Her friends abbanonded her. For someone who loves so much, who gave so much, she was left with nothing but a rotting head.
Except that wasn't true! She didn't have nothing right? She still had her love. Her memories, and it RUINED her. That overwhelming love she had for Avere meant she could not let him go. Even when she seemed more stable in Ul'dah. It didn't help. Edda was along with no where for all that Love to go. So it went right back to Avere again. To the head in her bag. To her desperation to bring him back. Her obsession to have her love returned again.
When you get to Tam-Tara again, for the 'Wedding', Edda is so lost in her Love that she truly believes the voidsent she created IS Avere. That he's returned to her. When you defeat him, she's so struck by grief again that... she's happy to fall. Because she'll be with Avere again. Love defined Edda. Love killed Edda. Love was comforting, and then corrputing, and then destructive. Love gave her purpose, love caused her grief, love cause her maddness.
And isn't that wonderously terrifying?
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madds-not-mad · 6 months
I have forbidden knowledge (memories of trauma and also knowing about TV shows that my friends have never heard of).
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madds-is-ace-trash · 10 months
The time for war has come once again. I’m loosing, but then again when did I ever have a chance at winning. I knew it the minute I woke up in a pool of my own blood. The cruel gods push on. Forcing me to stay in the fight. And I’m being very brave about it.
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warriorblood1 · 5 months
the miss holloween scenes have me missing my favorite pair (too powerful for the death match....) so i posted a lil thing i wrote last year for a rp. sad and bloody, just the way i like em :>
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maddcactus-art · 5 months
I've raised my commission prices a little bit. It had to be done, since my prices haven't changed since 2018… And god knows, everything became freaking more expensive nowadays, so, I had to do something about it too… Since, you know, food now costs more money, and I need to eat, to live… %) What a concept, am I right?
Anyways… The prices haven't changed drastically. And I'll open commissions after my birthday on 22 of april. I don't want to get more work before that, cuz… I need to rest.
BUT. After that - if anyone, who's still reading me here is interested - feel free to message me and we together will fight against the goddamn broken payment system on the only platforms that still allow international transfers!
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starfayy · 6 months
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I (probably) have Maladaptive Daydreaming this wouldnt work well but oh boy the want to do it is SO STRONG just to see what my brainy brain would do–
I'd get distracted probably oh no—
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