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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months ago
Happy birthday, Maria dear heart! You are such a blessing to me always and I'm so gladdened by the fact you exist! I hope this year brings the most hope and warmth and wonder and bright joy to you! Love love love 💛💛💛💚💚💚💖💖💖
A birthday just wouldn’t be the same without an Eden birthday blessing!! You are the blessing here imo!! 💜
Also I still reread the birthday poem you wrote me a few years ago—makes me CRY. The one about the mountaintop, you know?
Sending all the love and wishes right back to you!
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Monicaaaaaa just have to say it's the BEST to see you hope you're doing well beloved 💛💛💛💛
Hello Eden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry I'm hardly ever on here but thank you I am doing well! Just started back with my kids at school, and have been spending a lot of time helping my sister with wedding preparations :) I also just finished reading a book of Nordic fairytales which was really lovely
I hope you are doing well, too--your blog remains a beautiful and comforting place, reflective of yourself <3
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thelonelybrilliance · 2 years ago
Emma you must know I can never really assign a song more strongly to you than hoax by now, if only most pertinently because Maria's is peace to match along with it!! But also Death by a Thousand Cuts because I feel like truly all of your work as a poet shares such strong DNA with that song that it just belongs to you in a way! 💖💖💖
I reallyyy love these choices, thank you, Eden! DBATC has felt SO me since forever. It's jam-packed full of words and emotions, precisely identified. It's like the inside of my heart & mind in one.
And hoax...I've always heard it as a love song. Even now.
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whenthegoldrays · 17 days ago
Tag game time 💖 Make a portrait of yourself using this Picrew that I’m now obsessed with
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tagging @madamescarlette @thejonderettegirl @inardentdaylight @jade-efflorescence @fictionadventurer @onlymollygibson @mintandcreme @thebirdandhersong @thatscarletflycatcher and anyone else who wants to!!
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Tagged by @from-the-working-classman, thank you!!
Rules: In no particular order, post one GIF each from ten of your favorite movies, but don’t label them!
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Tagging: @isfjmel-phleg, @thoseveganelves, @thebohemianbelle, @freenarnian, @brown-little-robin, @theamiableanachronism, @rillabrooke, @madamescarlette, @magpie-trove, @oenothera5, @awfullybigwardrobe44, @brontes, and anyone else reading this <3
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raspberryzingaaa · 2 months ago
Thanks @redheadedgirl for the tag!!
Post gifs of your top 10 movies without naming them and tag 10 people:
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No pressure tagging! @redeemed-wren @thisbibliomaniac @thepartyponies @elz-vrx @goldenwestpearls @madamescarlette @herbofgraceandpeace @chaotic-pulsar @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover and viewers like you! (Thank you!)
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thebirdandhersong · 2 months ago
top 9 movies watched in 2024, tagged by @permanentreverie (thank you! I watched less than 9 movies this year, so I added some of my favourite shows, too!)
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Julie & Julia was a Covid watch and a movie I watched because of @madamescarlette !
I watched Miss Granny after exams with a beloved friend :) and sat in her bed and WEPT
Holdovers is the only movie I've paid money to watch multiple times in the theatre
Of the dramas listed here, I think I was most emotionally overwrought by Lovely Runner, most excited by Brewing Love, and most touched by Summer Strike for its relevance in my current season. Run On and Knight Flower were the most thought provoking and led to a lot of good conversations with God and with my mom!
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inklings-challenge · 1 year ago
Team Lewis 2023
Announcing the 2023 Inklings Challenge team assignments!
Members of Team Lewis are challenged to write a science fiction or fantasy story within the Christian worldview that fits into one of these two genres:
Portal Fantasy: Stories where someone from the real world explores a new world
Space Travel: Stories about traveling through space or exploring other planets
These genres are open to interpretation, and creativity is encouraged. You can use either or both of the prompts within your story, or if you’re feeling ambitious, you can write multiple stories.
Members of Team Lewis are also asked to use at least one of the following seven Christian themes to inspire some part of their story.
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead
Writers are challenged to complete and post their story to a tumblr blog by October 21, 2022, though they are encouraged to post earlier if they finish their story before that date. There is no maximum or minimum word limit. Writers who have not completed their stories before the deadline are encouraged to post whatever they have written by October 21st and post the remainder at a later date.
Posting the Stories
All stories will be reblogged and archived on the main Inklings Challenge blog. To assist with organization, writers should tag their posts as follows:
Mention the main Challenge blog @inklings-challenge somewhere within the body of the post (which will hopefully alert the Challenge blog).
Tag the story #inklingschallenge, to ensure it shows up in the Challenge tag, and make it more likely that the Challenge blog will find it.
Tag the team that the author is writing for: #team lewis, #team tolkien, or #team chesterton. 
Tag the genre the story falls under: #genre: portal fantasy, #genre: space travel, #genre: secondary world, #genre: time travel, #genre: intrusive fantasy, #genre: adventure
Tag any themes that were used within the story: #theme: food, #theme: drink, #theme: clothing, #theme: shelter, #theme: visit the sick, #theme: visit the imprisoned, #theme: burial
Tag the completion status of the story: #story: complete or #story: unfinished
Team Members
The writers assigned to Team Lewis are:
Writing resources, including the Challenge overview, FAQ, writing prompts, and discussions of the genres are available at the Inklings Challenge Directory. Any writers with further questions can contact the Inklings Challenge blog for guidance.
Welcome to the Inklings Challenge, everyone! Now go forth and create!
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lilaccatholic · 1 year ago
This trend is going around simblr, but almost none of my mutuals are on simblr SO I'm bringing it here!
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Here's mine:
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Tagging: @monstrousgourmandizingcats @theblogofaveryoddfellow @mickiestardust @smol-catholic-bean @womaninwinter @mademoisellesarcasme @roccondil @mariposasmonarch @madamescarlette @imnotacommittee and anyone else interested in playing!
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Tagged by @batmantaking-hobbits2gallifrey to do this picrew and post my last song - this was so cute!
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I loved the shirt colour options but listen I literally have a mcr t shirt what was I meant to do. My last song was Secret For The Mad by Dodie because sometimes you have to remember being fourteen and look at how far you've come.
IDK who's already done it, tagging @elliteracy @flickeringflame216 @swinging-stars-from-satellites @permanentreverie @madamescarlette and anyone else who wants to do it!
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itspileofgoodthings · 7 months ago
HI I am not an anon but just want to say love love you and have there been any poems on your mind/heart lately?? Inquiring minds would love to know! 💛💛
Edeeeeeeen!!! Thank you for getting this party started!! 🧚♥️✨💚
okay so YES! I have a few. First there’s Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29 which I’ve just finally gotten down by heart! And then there’s Hopkins’ Spring and Fall. I’m contemplating teaching this one (and am slowly memorizing it). I’ve heard it quoted for years but have never taken the time to try and understand it and I really really love it. Also the rhythm!!!! Everything.
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Also. I found this one the other day! And it made me smile because I had just lain under a tree and stared at the branches (wow embarrassingly ya protagonist coded of me I know but).
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I love love love The Beautiful Changes by Wilbur and am thinking of it always and the Any Morning one just went right to my heart.
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Also I follow the #wendellberry tag on Instagram and so I am always reflecting on and sharing his poem The Peace of Wild Things.
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Finally, Emma sent me this poem the other day and I am REFLECTING.
Love you (x3, xinfinity) thank you for playing!!!!
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rowenabean · 1 month ago
Tagged by @gailyinthedark to post 9 books I plan to read in 2025!
I don't usually plan out my reading - but I do have a to read list of a sort (plus a second, secret, mental to-read list, consisting of the things I think I won't forget I want to read. I am not often correct and I should probably work on externalising that one). So: a selection from both the lists, so far as I remember:
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The Edible Backyard: I'm over halfway through this already, but it's amazing and I wanted to talk about it. This is an incredibly practical guide to small-scale permaculture - for instance, in your own garden. It gets bonus points for being written by someone not only in NZ but in a part of NZ with a very similar climate to me, but honestly I'd recommend it to anyone vaguely temperate in climate getting bogged down in the ideas stage of organic garden planning if you're up for localising it a little!
The Road to Roswell: Connie Willis is one of my favourite authors! I can't believe I didn't get around to this in 2024. I'm tracking it down!
Animal Vegetable Miracle: started reading this over new years because one of the friends who I was camping with had a copy; one of the things that I think has got me so excited for gardening this year. Also I just really enjoy her prose!
Wind and Truth: I... admit I'm getting less excited about Sanderson than I was a few years ago - some of his more recent books don't quite do it for me. I will, though, finish out the first half of the Stormlight Archive, and that might be it for me for a while. (I have thoughts about why it is that I'm feeling this, but they are thoughts for another day). I've borrowed three of the precursors from a friend for the necessary re-read prior - although I warned the friend that it might be a few months before I get around to it!
The Warrior's Apprentice: I've been convinced for a long time that I would love the Vorkosigan books, if I could read them at the right time. I've actually read the Cordelia books! (A long time ago - my parents have a copy, which I read in my read the whole bookshelf phase in my teens) I know I can't do these on audiobook - I've tried more than once (and tbh it's not surprising for my audiobook tolerances) so I need to track down a physical copy. (I'm currently reading another book I tried on audiobook and gave up, but left on my tbr, and enjoying it much more this time around.)
Dealing with Dragons: Look by this point we've got past "plan" and into "on my book recs list so I guess I might" but I hear good things about Patricia Wrede
Raven Strategem: actually scratch that this isn't on my written list but Ninefox Gambit was, and I read that last week and it was very good. So we're back to actual plans again. I'm sure my library must have access to a copy. Feels like it might be cheating to also put Revenant Gun separately here.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Today: actually requested this from my library today, I'm doing a paper on second temple to early rabbinic Judaism this semester and felt like, oh, I've always heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls and don't know much about it; this is one of the books recommended by my lecturer (for summer reading, for fun, because I am the kind of person who reads about this for fun. It's relevant to my course but by no means required)
The Spanner in the Works: no cover release yet, but there's supposed to be a new Connie Willis time travel book out this year, and I couldn't be more excited. Involving the Inklings and Lewis Carroll, no less!
I had fun with this, although I don't intend to hold myself to it; thanks for the tag!
Passing it on to @brown-little-robin @allisonreader @siena-sevenwits @scarvenartist @ontologicalmoki @thebirdandhersong @madamescarlette @cygnascrimbles @coldwind-shiningstars if you're interested (and haven't done it before, I haven't been keeping track!)
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neo-shitty · 2 months ago
before the new year begins — tag game
happy new year, everyone! i've been doing a lot of journaling lately and i came across the written version of this tag from @madamescarlette on the dash and thought i'd give it a try just because i've been practicing more reflection these past few days.
tagging: @petrichor-han, @mosviqu, @straykats, and anyone who'd like to look back on 2024 🤍
share your favorite memory of this year.
off the top of my head, my favorite thing to recall was when i confronted this girl who spearheaded making rumors and talking shit about me and my friend group (mind you, we're college seniors). singlehandedly, one of my most empowering moments. other pleasant memories include campfires and hangouts by the sea across various friend groups, leaping together in joy when we passed our integrated subjects, trying our best not to laugh too loud in the office, and of course, graduating.
2. what was the highlight of your year?
finally getting my degree in accountancy. tough course :') would not recommend :') walked out with two mental illnesses, banger degree ender!
3. list the top five books you read this year.
sit down, this will be a long one. right off the bat, read last january, there is no antimemetics division by sam hughes (qntm), which put me in a crazy mental loop that just made me more immersed into the story than i already was. pet sematary by stephen king, my first step into horror and definitely not my last. there's genuinely nothing i like more than cosmic/domestic horror. this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone, which has everything i truly want in a book—good writing, gays, pining, and time travel. hollow city and library of souls by ransom riggs, which are the 2nd and 3rd books of the miss peregrine's home for peculiar children series. truly, the only books that mattered. the whole thing could've been a banger trilogy bc of them idc idc. i wish i read more than i did this year, but i did my best given how busy i was.
4. list the top five movies you watched this year.
i watched chicago because of the trendy 'we both reached for the gun audio' but i ended up enjoying it far more than i anticipated. a uniquely formatted film musical, banger plot (with social commentary undertones) and banger songs. then i headed into wicked blindly and cried my eyes out with a friend at the cinema. beautiful story between two friends, banger cast and banger songs as well, and just the visuals of the movie were just stunning! all quiet on the western front, a devastating depiction of just how brutal war is. almost a 5/5, if it weren't for the shock factor ending. barbie because it wasn't what i expected a barbie live adaptation to be. it got across what a barbie cartoon movie would normally get across to kids to us adults in the real world. banger monologue, cried my eyes out in my room. cruella, though i watched it too early in the year to recall its impact fully. she was fabulous! i support women's rights and women's wrongs!
5. list the top five tv series you binged this year.
none. sorry, my attention span was just nowhere this year.
6. what is the one new thing you discovered this year (could be a place/hobby/song etc)?
hmm, i discovered that, though it shouldn't come as a surprise, i actually do like journaling and it really does help me in ways i thought it didn't before. i was always so pressured by the aesthetic standards around journaling that it just deterred me from utilizing it for what it was originally meant to be. now i just throw up words onto paper and pray for relief afterwards (which normally happens now!)
7. top three albums that you played this year?
preacher's daughter by ethel cain, the tortured poets department: anthology by taylor swift, and golden age by ethel cain. ethel taking 2 of the 3 spots in justified. i never did shut up about her and i just put her albums on loop in the background for hours while i was playing.
8. your spotify wrapped #1 song
it says good luck babe by chappell roan but i beg to differ. it doesn't say so on other sites like receiptify/volt.fm nor do i feel like i played it enough for it to land first this year. good song tho!
9. your spotify wrapped top artist
i think it was taylor swift? on another site, i have ethel cain which is honestly more accurate.
10. your personal song of the year.
a house in nebraska by ethel cain *sad pole dancing*
11. what is an achievement that you are proud of this year?
again, graduating. it's such a huge milestone in my life that i just can't undermine it. it means so much to me and reaching it lifted a lot of weight off my chest.
12. what are your goals for the next year?
to focus on the other aspects in my life that i neglected in the past few years such as family relationships, mental and physical health, self-improvement outside of academics, etc.
13. any three book releases you are excited for next year.
i'm not really one to look forward to releases but maybe the new hunger games book if its coming out this year. haymitch's story?
14. any three upcoming movies/tv series that you are excited for next year.
again, not one to look forward to movies. i literally had to look these up just to recall but: wicked 2, of course, and the minecraft movie for the hell of it. that's about it.
15. if you could change one thing about the past year what would it be?
i wish i took on more opportunities instead of letting them pass me by.
16. did you manage to stick to your new year's resolutions this year?
my life was too much of a whirlwind for me to even have a new year's resolution at the time. i was anxious and probably depressed and i just kept telling myself, "just one more year and it'll all be over".
17. do you have any new year's resolutions for the next year?
my new year's resolution is to just practice putting myself first and alleviating the pressure i've been unknowingly putting on myself since day one very many years ago.
18. favorite meme of the year?
i think i was too out of orbit to pick out a favorite one. i still keep on recycling all the ones i had since high school lol
19. which month was the most fun this year?
was there such a thing? my whole year was characterized by breakdowns and picking academics over the fun things in life. might've been december. i've been unwinding the whole month.
20. what color do you associate the previous year with?
maroon and/or blood red because that was a brutal year.
21. if you could tell yourself something at the beginning of this year based on what you know right now, what would it be?
apply for it. she'll understand when the time comes and she wouldn't live with the same regrets that i do.
22. favorite viral trend of the year?
i honestly have no idea. maybe the korean cheerleaders???
23. list any three new things you learned this year (could be recipes, a new skill, etc.)
memory keeping in the form of scrapbooking, relearning how to cook based on the recipes my parents have, a lot of workplace-related skills lmfao.
24. how would you describe your year in a word?
rollercoaster, every up just had to come with a down and sometimes it made me wish it just flung me off the track.
25. what color do you want to associate the upcoming year with? why?
a dull grey because this might be the year i become a corporate slave in a physically lively but emotionally dead city. tragic.
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whenthegoldrays · 12 days ago
I was tagged by @thejonderettegirl, thank uuu <3
The rules are simple: go to Pinterest, search "your name + core", and post six pictures. Then tag six people.
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I tag @madamescarlette @karlachx @jade-efflorescence @mintandcreme @inardentdaylight and @thebirdandhersong
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Tagged by @from-the-working-classman, thank you!!
shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 tracks then tag 10 people to do the same
(I have a ginormous [as in, 1.5 days long] Valentine's Day playlist full of some really beautiful and some really embarrassing songs that I like to listen to annually, so let's do that one! 💗)
"Next to Me" by Sleeping At Last
"Two Is Better Than One (feat. Taylor Swift)" by Boys Like Girls
"You Could Start a Cult" by Niall Horan
"Won't Stop" by OneRepublic
"Don't Do Anything" by Sam Phillips
"See You Again" by Miley Cyrus
"I'll Be Your Baby Tonight" by Norah Jones
"Michelle" by The Beatles
"Birds of a Feather" by The Civil Wars
"Love Letters" by Nat "King" Cole
Tagging @awfullybigwardrobe44, @brontes, @oenothera5, @magpie-trove, @madamescarlette, @rillabrooke, @brown-little-robin, @abel-magwitch, @isfjmel-phleg and anyone else reading this!
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years ago
Tagged by @theamiableanachronism (thank youuu Anna!) and figured I might fill it out while I'm still here!! (I see other notifications for tagged things too, which I shall go through more thoroughly when I make a return post-August!)
Last Song I Listened To: Never Enough (Loren Allred), Choux Pastry Heart (Corinne Bailey Rae), Lacrimosa (which I have been listening to a lot these days thanks to @magpie-trove!!!), golden hour (JVKE - was introduced to this song by Joy Clarkson), Magnificat (Waterdeep - has been on repeat since August 15 tbh)
Currently Watching: I have just begun The Bridge to Terabithia, which I already feel in my bones that I will regret watching (this is going to Hurt). I am also in the middle of a long-overdue Sound of Music re-watch. I just watched Barbie in the theatres(!!) and completed another long-overdue rewatch of Alice Syfy :D many thoughts!!!
Currently Reading: An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott (it is SO sweet), What Anglicans Believe (Samuel Wells), The Adventures of Miss Petitfour (Anne Michaels - this is a really sweet and whimsical children's book), George Herbert's The Temple (I just finished writing an essay on Prayer (I) yesterday!)
Current Obsession: There's this Catalan Christmas carol and lullaby that I found out about today that's called "The Song of the Birds"……. you guys. This is the coolest thing ever. I LOVE it. Every verse features a different bird singing about the Incarnation. It's fantastic. (Read about it here. As a girl with a bird blog name, this makes me SO happy.)
Tagging: @magpie-trove @laurelindorenan @lovesodeepandwideandwell @imissthembutitwasntadisaster @contagiousgrace @madamescarlette @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord (sorry if you've already been tagged/already done this.... I am a bit behind on the times! And shall continue to be until September)
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