#madame de tourvel
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didanagy · 1 month ago
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dir. stephen frears
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lady-arryn · 1 year ago
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DANGEROUS LIAISONS costumes appreciation: 10/∞ (costume design by James Acheson)
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perioddramapolls · 1 year ago
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Period drama's dresses tournament: White dresses Round 1- Group C: Catherine of Russia, The great (2) (gifset) vs Marie de Tourvel, Dangerous liaisons (gifset)
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meerawrites · 4 months ago
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I do not talk about him a lot because the Marquise de Merteuil takes up so much room in the story and narrative and is such a driving force of manipulation and libertineism (affectionate and derogatory) and bisexuality-biromanticism, but, for your viewing pleasure, the Vicomte de Valmont, the notorious bi blackguard being the worst man on earth.
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recycledmoviecostumes · 5 months ago
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More Halloween thrills and chills are on the way—make sure to follow us daily for new Halloween-related costume posts all month long! In the beloved 1993 Halloween classic 𝑯𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒔, Vanessa Shaw’s character wore this incredible peach robe à la française to her parents’ Halloween Party. However, this piece did not originate with 𝑯𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒔! It was initially designed by James Acheson for Michelle Pfeiffer as Madame De Tourvel in the 1988 film 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔. Find out where else this costume has been used at bit.ly/StuGeo069
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majestativa · 9 months ago
But your real mistake is to have allowed yourself to enter into correspondence with her. I defy you now to predict where this will lead. Are you by any chance hoping to prove to this woman by logic that she must give herself to you? It seems to me this can only be a sentimental and not a demonstrable truth, and that, in order to make it acceptable, you have to move her, not argue with her. What good would it do you to move her by writing letters, seeing you will not be there to take advantage of it? Even though your fine words may have an intoxicating effect, do you flatter yourself that that state will last long enough not to allow her time for reflection and so prevent her confessing it? Remember how long it takes to write a letter, and the time it takes before you send it. And tell me whether a woman, especially a principled woman like your devotee, can sustain for all that time a desire she is struggling never to entertain? This procedure may work with the young, who, when they write ‘I love you’, do not realize they are saying ‘I am yours’. But Madame de Tourvel, who is so conscious of her virtue, seems to me to know perfectly well what value attaches to these expressions. So, in spite of the advantage that you gained in conversation with her, she defeats you in her letter.
— Pierre Choderlos De Laclos, Dangerous Liaisons, transl by Helen Constantine, (2007)
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msfbgraves · 2 years ago
Thoughts on a Silverusso Regency AU? I'm sorry I just want to see them waltzing in a crowded ballroom in front of jealous hoes 🥺
I've already said that TKK3 is essentially Les Liaisons Dangereuses set in The Valley with Terry as Valmont Kreese as the marquise de Merteuil and Daniel as madame de Tourvel, so you could do that only with Daniel as a single victim. Not regency, though, little earlier and I'm guessing you want omega Daniel? Or indeed not - Daniel, young and happily married to a sweet girl, or at least hoping to propose, getting introduced by Terry to the pleasures of, not gay sex (he's done that) but crossdressing (far more risqué!). Who is this belle on Silver's arm who he refuses to introduce yet flagrantly stands up with all night? The man has no shame!
If you need a Regency abo, Daniel is an impoverished omega after the loss of the estate through the death of his father. Indeed, his young cousin Louie is the heir and although Louie sr. graciously allows him and his mother to live at the estate until Daniel is married, that has more to do with all the money settled on them both having been tied up in the estate. Mr. LaRusso had hoped to save up the cash in the next ten years for a dowry, but he died unexpectedly, and the heir that would have secured Daniel and Lucille's place at home also didn't materialize. It's all very unfortunate since Uncle Louie sr also failed to make arrangements due to simply spending all the income and fuck Daniel's money, amirite, they're lucky to have a roof over their heads. Daniel wouldn't want his home sold now to have such a paltry sum? He'll get it when he gets it (never). So Daniel is sent far away to get married because he won't have his youth forever so chop chop get yourself wed and you and Lucille out of his hair and the county so people will forget he's still owed money.
And Daniel draws the eye of John Lawrence, ward of John Kreese, who are both poorer than they pretend to be. Johnny needs a good match but boy is smitten so Mr. Terry Silver, son of an Irish Earl's daughter who married a Jewish man for money, sans title but now with more money than God and a reputation black as sin is like, on it. I'll convince him to elope, John, send him back utterly ruined and your Johnny won't be able to marry him at all. And he gets very close. Except Johnny warns Daniel and Daniel is like "if I can't honourably marry, I will not marry at all", but nobody says no to Terry Silver, who by now is head over heels. But ah!, Oh no, sir, you would betray my confidence and ruin me and my poor mother! He cannot give in! And Terry is like "I want to marry you by special license in Westminster Abbey do not make me kidnap you!" And Daniel is like "I could not give my heart to a dishonest man!" And Terry is "Pray ask me anything and it's yours!"
"Simple peace, Sir..."
Cue the most insane and extended courtship the country has ever seen.
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parfumieren · 2 years ago
1725: Casanova & 1826: Eugénie de Montijo (Histoires de Parfums)
They call them "workplace perfumes"-- scents that stick close to the skin, thereby refraining from rudely asphyxiating one's cubicle-mates. Perfumistas might question whether their favorite fragrances really warrant an anonymous tip-line call to OSHA, but various incidents (and lawsuits) suggest that it might be wise to choose your on-the-job juices carefully.
Here are two from Histoires de Parfums that pass managerial muster: 1725 Casanova and 1826 Eugénie de Montijo.
A mild, mellow, and unobtrusive citric-anisic cologne, as well-bred and gentlemanly as a spotless pair of kid gloves. 1725 speaks at a whisper (very appropriate, as Casanova was a librarian) but its voice carries that touch of quiet danger which identifies a smooth operator. Imagine the Vicomte de Valmont dabbing on some of this before heading off to torment Madame de Tourvel. The good lady's anxieties might find comfort in its dove-grey, licorice-lavender aura... but her wifely virtues would be whittled away to nothing by that virile woody drydown. Poor thing hasn't got a chance.
1826 starts off with an bright, brief essay on the orange tree -- wood, blossoms, peel, pulp, and juice -- but this optimistic prologue burns off during the morning commute. Once you pull into the parking lot, you're bogged down in graham-cracker-piecrust territory. Had its creators borrowed from another Napoleonic bride's book and laced 1826 with a Joséphine de Beauharnais-sized dose of musk, they might have ended up with a fragrance that could stand on its own two feet. But with musk listed dead last, no one around you will be filing any grievances.
Scent Elements: Bergamot, grapefruit, licorice, star anise, lavender, vanilla, almond, sandalwood, cedar, amber (1725: Casanova); bergamot, mandarin, violet, ginger, cinnamon, patchouli, incense, vanilla, amber, musk (1826: Eugénie de Montijo)
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bartwatching · 3 months ago
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Gestart met “Riskante Relaties” (Les Liaisons Dangereuses) van Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. Een epistolair meesterwerk uit de 18e eeuw, waarin manipulatie, verleiding en machtsmisbruik centraal staan. Het verhaal speelt zich af in de Franse aristocratie en onthult de morele corruptie van de hogere klassen vlak voor de Franse Revolutie.
Korte samenvatting:
De markiezin de Merteuil en de burggraaf de Valmont, twee geslepen en decadente aristocraten, sluiten een pact om hun verleidingskunsten te gebruiken voor een gevaarlijk spel. Merteuil daagt Valmont uit om de onschuldige Cécile de Volanges, een jong meisje dat net uit het klooster komt, te verleiden. Tegelijkertijd probeert Valmont de kuise en deugdzame Madame de Tourvel te verleiden, een getrouwde vrouw die bekend staat om haar strikte moraal.
Wat begint als een cynisch spel om macht en controle loopt al snel uit de hand. De complexe relaties tussen de personages worden steeds destructiever, en de gevolgen van hun intriges leiden tot tragedie en chaos. Terwijl Cécile haar onschuld verliest en Madame de Tourvel wordt meegesleurd in een fatale liefdesaffaire, blijkt dat zelfs de manipulators niet immuun zijn voor de emoties die ze proberen te beheersen.
• De kracht en destructiviteit van manipulatie
• De hypocrisie van de aristocratie
• De strijd tussen hartstocht en moraal
“Riskante Relaties” is zowel een scherpe sociale kritiek als een psychologische studie van menselijke emoties, geschreven in de vorm van brieven die de personages aan elkaar sturen. Het is een klassiek verhaal over hoe macht en verlangen uiteindelijk iedereen kunnen vernietigen, inclusief de mensen die ermee spelen.
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cate-eblanchett · 4 months ago
If you could live with a fictional character, who would you choose as your roommate? 🍓
Madame de Tourvel played by Michelle Pfieffer, of course.
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lady-arryn · 1 year ago
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DANGEROUS LIAISONS costumes appreciation: 12/∞ (costume design by James Acheson)
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dang3r0usliais0ns-unit3 · 1 year ago
When we moved on to unit 3, the first thing we had to do was watch the movie and do as much research about the era, the movie and also around cannon hall farm.
My movie was Dangerous Liaisons and it based around 18th century and was directed by Stephen Frears. The movie was based on a book which was written in 1782 by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. The book as well as the movie focus on the dreadful and manipulative relationship between both characters Marquise de Merteuil and Vinvont de Valmont and shows how both don’t care for each other and like to play mind games on one another showing the manipulative behaviour of each character. The movie was released in 1988 which is 206 years after the book. The movie includes people like Glenn Close and Uma Therman.
The movie Dangerous Liaisons is about a man who’s called Valmont who gets challenged by Mertueil to try sleep with a young woman in the home who’s called cecil, However, Valmont sees this as too easy and challenges himself to sleep with madame de tourvel who’s also a young woman helping his aunt at his family home. He tries to seduce her but doesn’t have to easiest time.
When i was doing research about both of these things i did also do harvard referencing.
Harvard referencing->
- Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. (1782). Dangerous Liaisons. France: Penguin Classics. p.
- Kyoto Costume Institute. (2002.09.27). Fashion History by Kyoto Costume Institute. japan: Taschen GmbH. p.768.
- Ledgard Jepson. (2021). Historic House and Parklands. [Online]. cannon hall. Available at: https://www.cannon-hall.com/ [Accessed 9 February 2024].
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perioddramapolls · 1 year ago
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Period dramas dresses tournament: White dresses Round 2- Group C: Amalia de los Robles, Bugambilia vs Marie de Tourvel, Dangerous liaisons (gifset)
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meerawrites · 1 year ago
Character intro: Madame de Tourvel
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Inspired by: Tourvel in the source material. Michelle Pfeiffer’s Madame de Tourvel.
Character summary: she/her, white-French, discreet bisexual. Valmont’s “object of desire.”
Fun Fact: she is married, but her husband is neglectful but she is the very time period typical image of “virtue,” I feel really bad for her. But also, her and Valmont are disturbing yet fascinating.
As genre commentary: she has far more adjacency in my novella than in the source material, but it’s always nice to know that married women, even if neglected by their spouse, could be pillars of virtue, even in the 18th century.
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demoura · 1 year ago
DIAS 18 E 19 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2023 : FIM DE SEMANA COM NEBLINA . TEMPO DE LEITURA - RELER AS GENIAIS 12 PÁGINAS DE QUARTETT DE HEINER MÜLLER E. HIPNOTIZADO POR “MELANCOLIA” DO NOBEL JON FOSSE . A REVER REGISTOS DA 2a SINFONIA DE MAHLER : sábado e domingo com a neblina histórica da zona . Como sempre estes dias começaram com a contemplação da paisagem da praia . Tempo propício à leitura e à música. Não resisti a reler Quartett teatro onde a inteligência de Heiner Müller gera uma beleza perversa . São apenas 12 páginas de. texto reptiliano em contraste com a elegância da prosa de Laclos . Merteuil e Valmont envelheceram. Tudo o que resta para excitar esses dissolutos é a destruição da inocência. Os dois conspiram para seduzir a sobrinha virginal de Merteuil, Volange, e a virtuosa esposa Madame de Tourvel, . Na peça de Müller, essas seduções sádicas são interpretadas pelos dois protagonistas num final grotesco em que ambos os lados sabem que o único vencedor é a morte. É uma peça de longos monólogos que destacam o isolamento existencial de cada personagem e que criam uma superfície escura no estilo lapidar de Müller cheio de corporalidade -da obscenidade do corpo. Depois continuei a ler Melancolia de Jon Fosse prémio Nobel de Literatura 2023 . Hipnotiza o estilo repetitivo .Muito bom Na feliz expressão da minha amiga Lúcia San Payo Lemos “suga-nos” para o texto . De facto a literatura sucede . Um romance, um conto, dentro de um livro fechado, é um texto morto. A literatura «sucede» durante a leitura, e é algo que acontece a dois. Há aquele que escreve, e há aquele que lê, se algum dos dois estiver ausente, não há literatura. Não é uma ideia poética, é um facto . Leiam Müller e Jon Fosse por favor .
A Segunda Sinfonia de Gustav Mahler, conhecida como a “Resurrection Symphony,” é uma profunda exploração musical da vida, morte e renascimento. Mostram o génio de Mahler na orquestração de emoções e ideias complexas, deixando os que a escutam contemplando a condição humana e a possibilidade de transcendência.Selecionar a "melhor" gravação é subjectivo e pomposo , mas preparando o Concerto da Gulbenkian estou a rever algumas das mais aclamadas como a de Leonard Bernstein com a Filarmónica de Viena, Georg Solti com a Orquestra Sinfónica de Chicago e Claudio Abbado com a Filarmónica de Berlim. Veremos o que acontece na Gulbenkian.
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fandomsideworks · 2 years ago
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favorite ‘80s movies -- dangerous liaisons (1988)
the marquise de merteuil and the vicomte de valmont display the petty jealousies and jaded insouciance of life in France's royal court in the 18th century, casually ruining the lives of de merteuil's young romantic rival, the music teacher for whom she secretly pines and the upstanding madame de tourvel. but when actual romantic feelings begin to surface, their games take on a more treacherous air.
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