#madam yu and fengmian both suck tho
featherfur · 3 years
Oh you know what else is awful :Re people's reactions to JC's childhood? A lot of JFM apologism consists of 'that's just how (Chinese) fathers are'.
Like maybe MXTX was trying to get at something, what with the yunmeng siblings having terrible coping mechanisms and poor communication, when she wrote JFM.
Why does everyone just assume JFM was a good parent just because WWX puts him in a good light? Of course he does! WWX's other option is sleeping on the streets so of course he regards JFM as kind and charitable!
But that doesn't erase the fact that JFM is a neglectful father who babysits his 'easiest to get along with' child when he feels like and leaves him for his wife to abuse when he does not to WWX, and a neglectful father who ignores his heir who is desperate to for validation, or a neglectful father who leaves his eldest daughter to raise the other children while making major life decisions for her without consulting her. Just because this is 'normal' does not make it right.
look, im not here to tell anyone who to like or who to hate but there is a Lot of JFM apologism that absolutely reeks of misogyny. And I don't say that lightly.
Saying "thats just how fathers are" doesn't... make him a good dad. It really doesn't excuse anything, it just says that you think it's okay for fathers to be bad parents because it's just what happens. Instead of like, acknowledging that it's not a good thing to be and that a good parent should yknow, be a parent.
Both Madam Yu and JFM are both horrible parents they're just on opposite sides of the spectrum. JFM is no less neglectful and abusive just because he isn't screaming. He doesn't parent any of his kids, he just exists with them and relies on the fact that his wife taught his son and daughter responsibility and hopes that WWX will learn it through osmosis or by his wife. He's a glorified babysitter at best and while WWX does put him on a pedestal, we also see JFM being neglectful in canon multiple times, and WWX is not a reliable narrator. Just because he says that JFM is great and wondrous, doesn't mean that he is especially when we then get scenes of proof that he just sucks. (Also a lot of those moments of him being a good uncle are just... JFM letting him get away with shit.)
And honestly like, if your kid goes around wondering if you actually like him then you've failed as a parent. No matter how good you are to the other kid. You don't get to just choose a kid to care for (which he does in like the worst way). I get that people like characters that are good to their fav and the MC but sometimes man,,, idk I don't like him lmao. He's not a good father even to WWX and it irritates me when ppl act like he was, or blame JC and Yanli for JFM being a shit dad. Or when they blame Madam Yu for Fengmian being a shit dad. Like no, look. I get it. You hate your wife (who you signed up to marry) and you feel like you got the short end of the stick. The person you loved went off to die in the wilderness and abandoned you. You're upset.
You're still a fucking parent. You don't get to ignore and belittle your kids because your wife sucks, because you're unhappy, because you didn't marry the person you wanted. Not to mention you're a pretty shit husband too, you give no shits about the rumors that are hurting your wife and your kids because heaven forbid you make a point to be like "Yeah no Wei Wuxian isn't my kid, my kid is the one in purple. The one with anxiety. And I wouldn't cheat on my wife." It's also the reason I get very aggravated when modern au's have JFM suddenly be a great dad because he's single. No he was a shit parent before WWX and if the reason is because he doesn't like his wife then he's a shit parent anyway. Madam Yu is more likely to be a decent mother, traditional and strict as hell, without a husband letting her name and her kids get dragged through the mud and everything her son has being put in danger because JFM can't be bothered to tell the kid he brought home that he has to follow the rules.
This doesn't even go into the stereotypes of mothers and how women are punished and hated a thousand times more than men because that's "just how men are".
I just,,, so much of the apologism is just refusing to admit that father's should be good parents. So unfortunately the more ppl try to apologize for him and insist he's secretly a good dad, the more i despise him and understand where Madam Yu is coming from. But people are welcome to make their own decisions, and at the end of the day they're both horrible parents and really should not have been allowed to be near kids as anything more than actual aunts and uncles so that the kid can go home and get a decent family dynamic
#danny answers#Jiang Fengmian#I hope this makes sense lmao I'm sure there's a more eloquent way to say it#Also like legit I don't say Misogyny lightly because I've dealt with fuck ass terfs who throw it around at everything#but yeah no like 85% of JFM apologism is just misogyny and the idea that dads just have to exist to be good parents#I do understand Madam Yus position more because she and my own mother were in near identical circumstances#and they're both shit parents#but atleast JC and Yanli never doubt that their mother loves them#The reason I think Madam Yu would be half decent in modern au is because JC (we have more information regarding his feelings than Yanli)#Never doubts that his mother loves and cares for him and Madam Yu's insults toward her husband are about WWX and the rumors#which kind of implies she really didn't have any complaints other than that because I don't think she's the type to just let one argument#go just because a new weapon appeared#Like is she a good mother in potential modern au? No probably not#but considering her husband#she'd be fine#Neither of them should have had kids tho theyre the definition of they only had kids because they had too#man do you ever think about how those nights must have been when they fucked??#or if the pregnancy didn't take??#did they think the marriage would work with the birth of Yanli? Was JFM affectionate then? Was JFM a decent lover for like 10 minutes and#then JC was born and he was like 'actually this kid sucks lets never fuck again'
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adhd-wifi · 4 years
Why Not? AU Where Wei Ying Has His Birth Parents And Isn’t A Cultivator (Part 1)
Kinda a fic idea I’ve had in mind for a while, I’m never gonna write it cuz it’s long and I suck at committing to long fics for the most part but damn it won’t leave me alone and I wanted to share it lol. I’m splitting it into parts for now, cuz otherwise this will be too fucking long, but anyway here’s part one:
Wei ChangZe and CangSe Sanren are alive and take care of Wei Ying while maintaining a decent relationship with the Jiang Sect purely out of sentiment
CangSe Sanren remains a rogue cultivator, while Wei ChangZe is a skilled fighter but not a proper cultivator due to being a servant for the Jiang Sect for most of his life
Madam Yu still doesn’t like the Wei family but is civil with them cuz Jiang FengMian isn’t as neglectful since he’s not dealing with the grief of losing his best friend and first love
Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying do not like each other (they’re lying), Jiang YanLi loves them both
Wei Ying isn’t scared of dogs in this AU cuz he never had to fight them for survival, though he’s indifferent to them
He prefers rabbits
The Wei family travels for most of Wei Ying’s childhood, but eventually settle in Yiling, and Wei Ying begins learning to read and fight (self-defence)
Wei Ying is fascinated by cultivation, but doesn’t really want to be a cultivator cuz he thinks they’re too hung up on status and politics 
Let’s be honest tho he ain’t wrong
He does want to learn how to use a sword though, and the Jiang Sect allows him to be a non-official disciple for a few years to learn
Madam Yu and his mom train him together sometimes (as Jiang FengMian has to train the actual disciples and also cuz Madam Yu doesn’t want him alone with CangSe Sanren)
CangSe Sanren also helps train Jiang Cheng and Jiang YanLi in using talismans and the like, since neither Jiang parent has her level of skill with those
Outside of the Jiang Sect, the Wei parents tends to help and befriend smaller sects when they travel to night hunt (Jiang Sect play babysitter for Wei Ying during these times)
As a result, they have minor connections to the Baling OuYang Sect, Yueyang Chang Sect, and MianMian’s unnamed sect (novel-canon, and I’m probably gonna name it the Tanzhou Yang Sect for reasons)
As a result, Wei Ying is casual friends with some kids his age from said sects, such as OuYang ZiZhen’s future parents and MianMian herself
However he doesn’t meet anyone from the major sects outside the Jiang family and disciples (yet)
Around the time Jiang Cheng goes to study in Gusu, Wei Ying completes his sword training and turns down Jiang FengMian’s offer to stay as a proper disciple
Jiang FengMian gifts him with a non-spiritual sword, which Wei Ying names SuiBian 
Wei Ying and his family return to Yiling and Wei Ying decides to primarily work around town to earn some more stable income for his parents
Farm helper Wei Ying time, and he’s old enough to be alone at home while his parents go night hunting for long periods now
One day his parents return from a visit to the Jiang Sect, both worried, and they tell Wei Ying that the Cloud Recesses in Gusu has been attacked by the Wen Sect 
They tell him to go stay with someone in Yiling while they go and look for the missing Lan Sect leaders who had escaped the attack
Wei Ying is scared for them, and has a bad feeling of something bad happening, but does as they ask
Weeks go by and Wei Ying hears nothing of his parents or the Jiangs, but during that time some Wen Sect members (led by Wen Qing) arrive and take over the Yiling Supervisory Office
Despite knowing that the Wen Sect was responsible for his worries, Wei Ying tries to approach them and find out what’s happening
He meets an upset Wen Ning on the way there, and despite recognizing the Wen robes he goes to comfort him
Wen Ning is upset about the upcoming indoctrination, but is unable to talk to anyone within the sects about it, so he’s relieved to be able to talk to Wei Ying
After this, however, Wei Ying is more worried than ever, but he has a good feeling about Wen Ning so he tells Wen Ning he’s going to head to Yunmeng to talk to the Jiang Sect about it
Wen Ning doesn’t oppose him, though he asks that Wei Ying not mention him
With that agreement in place, Wei Ying heads to Yunmeng alone
I’m mixing up the timeline quite a bit, not gonna lie, and don’t worry I’m not going to kill his parents I promise. Also there’s still gonna be wangxian it’s just even more of a slowburn than canon. 
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shinobi98 · 3 years
I'vee written this from episode 29 through 32-ish and I want to dump a quick review of what I think of the characters at this point. Just for the lols for when I finish the show and I find I was completely wrong on most of them! Im using a compiled list on Google drive for the characters, so following that order they are split into clans.
Here we go.
Wei Wuxian. I really liked him at the beginning (what a funny cinnamon roll) but ever since he went missing into Burial Grounds I'm not sure...I see his points -especially when he criticised the Jins and stood up for the Wens- , but I can't believe he doesn't see he's being corrupted. Like come on. Just let the others help you for once, this is just looking for troubles. On thin ice. Used to be 9/10
Lan Zhan. Didn't like him much - or at all - when he was introduced in Clouds Recessess. I thought he was a stick in the mud and I wasn't too fond of him. He's missing for good chunks of the story. As my opinion of WWX deteriorated, I like him more or more because he's the one making sense out of the two, this gets him a passing score, even if barely. 6/10
Jian Cheng. He was my sweet sweet baby. Unparalleled sibling energy with WWX, cute angsty ship with Wen Qing, likable personality, the drama with the core. He had it all. But at some point...I don't know man. I just don't agree with anything he says anymore, and he's just becoming more and more sulky about his inferiority complex as a Clan Leader. I feel that, not counting the 16 years later part I didn't watch yet, he should get the title of co-protagonist rather than Wangji, since he's much more involved in the plot. Used to be a 8/10, still pending.
Jian Yanli. I like her. I feel like a dumb ass for getting attached and only remembering halfway through the flashback part that she's going to die, as per the first few episodes. I'm hating every second of it, like why killing her when the show is full of unpleasant people? Poor Li. Also the ship is a big plus. This kind of drama is just *chef kiss*- (and edit: after I watched the last episode of the night and she died...it's fine I'm not crying.) 8/10
Jian Fengmian. I don't really care much about him one way or the other. A little whipped by his wife - not that it is bad per se, but she really is bad so - , didn't particularly like that he favored WWX over JC. I think he could have been better, but he was pretty decent. 7/10
Madame Yu. No. 1/10
Lan Zichen. Possibly the last dude I 100% trust in this show not to let me down - as long as he isn't influenced too much by Mang Yao. I like him in a sort of uninvolved way. Don't look forward to see him on screen, don't wonder where he is or what he is doing, pleased when he shows up and does his sensible thing and then disappears again. Kept me on my toes after he escaped from Could Recesses though, but really took him so long to come back I almost forgot I was worrying about him. Way to go Zichen. 7/10
Lan Qiren. He's alright? I don't care much. Pretty dope when he took a stand against the Wans when they attacked, but I find him to be a little too much sometimes. 6/10
The files lists some juniors I haven't seen yet. They seem baby? Cute. I assume they are going to be so-and-so 's children, like in a Boruto way. Looking forward to see all the characters paired up.
Jin Guangshan. I thought he was annoying because he had a bunch of illegitimate children that I lost track of but then he became even more annoying with his very transparent power grab -and the fact that no one seems concerned is baffling to me. Overall I think I would have pretty much liked it more if the son Zixuan was clan leader and we didn't have to deal with this piece of work. 2/10
Jin Zixuan. As I was writing this post this man went through all sort of things. From proposing to having a child to being murdered. Honestly, we didn't start off the right foot when he booked the inn where WWX & co wanted to stay. I kept wishing he would kick the bucket because I hated how he treated Yanli, and I thought he would wind up to be a minor villain...while it seems he was the only normal member of his family. I feel bad for hating him so much. 8/10.
Jin Ling. Biggest reason why I thought his dad would be a bad guy. For the first part, I thought the Jins would be the villains because of him, and not the Wens, though in the end I wasn't that off the mark in a sense. He was just a cartoonish villain. I have yet to see him again after the flashback part, but his first introduction was awful. 3/10
Meng Yao. So the thing is, I was really partial towards him at the beginning. The bit at Cloud Recesses? The part with the Nie family? Perfect. Felt so bad for how everyone treated him. I started to excuse what he was doing like "it's ok, the head of guards is a dick to him" "it's okay he was double crossing the bad guys eheh" "it's ok he is...murdering civilians?" But seriously he let me down so hard. Also his face looks so different I didn't recognise him at first. At the beginning I thought I could maybe have a cute ship with Zichen but to tell the truth I don't want Meng Yao anywhere near him now. I seriously thought he wanted to murder infant Jin Ling at some point there to climb the ladder and become Clan Leader. I'm sure he set WWX up and schemed to murder the last dregs of the Wens and Zixuan. 1/10
Jin Zixun. Pretty inconsequential. Could have done with him imo. I'm only including him because I love when WWX goes "I don't even know who you are" like three times and that's a mood because where the heck did he come from.
Mo Xuanyu. I don't get why he looks like WWX. I sort understand why they used the same actor but story-wise I don't understand. How can random people look at him and recognise WWX? Also, he is kinda stupid for giving up his life to be possessed by a bad guy to get revenge but whatever floats your boat I guess. 4/10
Nie Mingjue. I don't care much for him. He bullies his brother too much and his short temper is annoying even though often justified. I thought I could kinda always rely on him to be the voice of reason despite not liking his character but then he said the stupidest thing in the show "I'm not sitting on that chair" and left it to the Jin Sect Leader...look how that worked out. Love how he basically disappeared after that, I think because he knew he screwed up big time (jk). 6/10
Nie Huaisang. Funny. Definetly underused. I hoped he would be part of the main gang. When he stopped showing up, the show took a terrible turn in its atmosphere. Please come back as sect leader in the 16 years later part (I mean, who else is there? I hope he didn't die in the meantime because he isn't showing up in this final battle). I wish I saw him swing a sword at the least once but alas. 7/10.
Wen Ruohan. I mean. What can you expect. Typical bad guy sitting on top of a lava pond that controls zombies. Wasn't expecting much development from his character and he surely didn't deliver. A good 2-dimensional bad guy to kill without thinking too hard about anything I guess. Awful person tho. 4/10
Wen Xu. I didn't even realize there were two young Wens. I thought he was his brother at first, but without the spice. Literally why was he there. 4/10
Wen Chao. He sucks, don't get me wrong. But watching him coming up with all sorts of awful things is very entertaining. 2/10 as a person, 9/10 as a villain. Cheered when he died.
Wen Lingjiao. Same as her lover, but more annoying because she got on my nerves sometimes. I was so glad when she got it. The (1) good thing coming out of WWX's corruption. 2/10
Wen Zhuliu. I really want to know what drove him to serve Chao with such devotion. His technique was kinda cool. I think he would have been an okay guy but sadly he associated with Chao. 4/10
Wen Ning. I thought "No, poor Ning is dead" ten times already and still counting. Please WWX just let him die. He is/was just a sweetheart and I loved him with all my heart. His death and everything that came after it filled me with rage, when i thought he died I was brokenhearted, and the fact that he gets blamed for killing people when it's arguably WWX's fault is so unfair. We didn't deserve Wen Ning. I don't really like that he became the Ghost General tho. 10/10
Wen Qing. I liked her. Same as her brother, how their story ended up upset me. I hoped they would get to live peacefully in their commune in the woods. That part of the story was *chef kiss*. The romance with JC lacked closure imo but I understand that they both had things going on and they would need to stretch the story too much to get the together or at the least talk about their feelings. I hoped till the end she wouldn't be killed because I knew Ning came bad 16 years later, so they must have avoided being executed, but more realistically I guess he's just a zombie and she's just dead. I lowkey shipped her with WWX though I feel this would be an unpopular opinion in the fandom -when I learned WWX has a different endgame ship I was kinda bummed sorry. I thought we would get a sort of love triangles with JC, I can't say I'm disappointed because it would have been a terrible plot. They really have a good platonic relationship, I loved to see them build that village. 8/10
Song Lan/ Xiao Xingchen / Xue Yang. What's the deal with them? They seemed to be set up to come back but only Song Lan does a passing appearance. Are they coming back? What was their significance? So weird because the untamed usually doesn't introduce characters to just drop them when the episode's over.
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