#macro cosmos's rose
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neopronouns · 20 days ago
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flag id: twelve circular icons in four rows with the teamsteeltypec flag in the background. except for the two middlemost icons, each icon has an image of a steel-type trainer from pokemon over it; in order, they are colress, jasmine, steven stone, chairman rose, peony, amarys, poppy, molayne, byron, and wikstrom. each image has a thin white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
teamsteeltypec steel-type trainer icons!
tags: @radiomogai, @dragonpride17, @mogai-icon-archive, @en8y | dni link
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jadeazora · 1 year ago
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I think I got this accurate enough lol (Piers isn't really a villain himself btw, I still consider him the leader of a more mildly antagonistic group tho)
Maxie's is in reference to this btw:
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ultraericthered · 4 months ago
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I don't know if this trope for bad guys ("charmingly quirky, eccentric, somewhat paternalistic leader beloved by many who is actually an antagonistic figure hiding dark secrets and diabolical schemes") has a name for it, but I gotta say it's quite fun whenever I see it.
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bulbiedorf · 5 months ago
Hey so I made some more emojis for discord! Feel free to use them in your own servers if you would like!
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This is the server i made them for if ur interested in joining! A fair warning it is 16+ and it can get a little simpy!
Edit: fixed the link! It should be nonexpiring now!
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white-guy-energy-swag · 9 months ago
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plasmawillfreeyou · 2 years ago
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EVERY Pokemon Villain glancing at your balls
[part one/part two]
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motherofsephy · 3 months ago
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Awww! 🪑🧔🏾‍♂️🌹 Rose is so adorable. He’s like, “Those poor bad people and their club houses…Big mean monopolies are bad for competition and they eliminate small businesses. We need to abolish them.”
Oleana whispers to him that Macro Cosmos is a monopoly.
“We’re a WHAT?!”
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bugtypesneaky · 10 months ago
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a look, a touch and a spark
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pokedilf-tournament · 25 days ago
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pokemon-my-beloved · 2 years ago
the differences between teams flare, skull, yell, and star (and why only some of them work)
post under the cut because there is. a lot to say
so we all know that the villains in pokemon peaked with team plasma right (this is a matter of opinion but that's beyond the point)
and after team plasma, we have team flare. and team flare is. different.
they were the first evil ceo, unless you count cyrus, which i don't because cyrus (in my mind) was more about nihilism than corporate greed or anything
and lysandre is too, kinda? he's interesting enough, but literally everyone else in the team is boring as shit, especially compared to every team that came before them
so in kalos, we've got a villain team that doesn't really know what they've signed up for aside from the leader (probably it's been a hot minute. the admins might know), which makes sense, but the grunts and admins aren't entertaining at all. they're built up as a threat and exactly one of them is. it doesn't work
(this (imo) applies to most of gen 6's story but that's besides the point)
and then in alola, we've got team skull! this was the first generation i paid attention to the buildup for, and if i remember correctly, before release they were built up as the villain team, but not a threatening one. and in the game, that follows. no one really sees them as a threat on their own, cause they aren't.
but we've also got the aether foundation! and they were built up as mysterious but benevolent pre-release and in-game (didn't necessarily succeed but they tried well enough), and this was the first "twist villain" that pokemon did, and it was new and fresh and worked
and team skull isn't a threat. but they are an annoyance, and that's exactly what's needed during the storming of aether paradise. by allying team skull with the aether foundation, it gives both of them more of what they need most (seeming like a threat for team skull and character for aether foundation)
bonus points for aether foundation working well with the buildup because while almost everyone there is corrupt, we've still got wicke, who is genuinely benevolent and provides some nice contrast
the combination (as well as the fact that all of these dynamics were new) really sells the whole thing for me. it works
then we get to team yell :/
team yell was (pre-release and a little bit in-game) built up as villains and they Aren't. at all
and then at the same time, they expect us to believe that macro cosmos is totally fine and benevolent and nothing is wrong with anything they do? what the fuck
the part where you work with team yell to storm macro cosmos is fun and cool i guess, but that isn't enough to save either of them
team yell isn't a villain team, it's just an extension of piers being an overprotective brother and should have always been treated like that (amplified even more by the fact that marnie tells them off multiple times)
and macro cosmos doesn't work at all either because they expected us to be totally blindsided and then didn't even have the decency to have a single character who was morally good or benevolent like wicke!
at least aether foundation was built up as mysterious but benevolent, macro cosmos was just like "yeah we're a power company and good guys our chairman has the most rancid vibes you've ever seen but that means nothing" and then later it's like "oOoOoH wE'rE aCtUaLlY eViL aReN't YoU sUrPrIsEd????" like no!!!!! i'm not!!!!!!
and at this point the corrupt ceo bullshit and incompetent team bullshit is wearing SO thin, no one likes it or cares at ALL anymore
it's just like, go back to the mafia or whatever! i do not care about this! if i wanted to be mad at a ceo i've got enough irl to choose from!
which brings us finally to team star! they were built up as a villain team pre-release like the others, and we're all just like yeah okay whatever we know they're not a threat and probably fine people and we all know geeta is going to be the actual villain you aren't clever gamefreak
but then! we get to the game! and they aren't treated like villains!
they're treated like victims of circumstance who have gone too far and need to be stopped for their own good and it works
it works incredibly well, compounded by the fact that the actual villain was one no one was expecting
i have. many thoughts about the subversions of expectations that the professors pulled. but that's beyond the point-ish
but team star is not treated as a villain. at all. the closest we get is penny recruiting us to take them down, but that's more "they're a problem" than "they're a danger" and it works
tldr no pokemon villain has ever surpassed team plasma and gamefreak needs to join a union and stop making all their "twist" villains ceos thank you and goodnight
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spittyfishy · 1 year ago
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I think this looked better in my head lol, but it was still fun!
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The next round will begin shorty.
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But first: There's been a slight incident with Macro Cosmos' energy sector. We assure you it was a freak accident. Our inspectors are on in right now. Multiple shareholders have also pulled out of FICSIT due to ethical conflicts. But they'll manage, I'm sure. Arasaka is having a minor hardware malfunction. They're engineers assure us it's an easy fix. Just... don't overuse augmentations in the meantime. Halcyon is currently dealing with a few... pension negotiations. But I assure you the commonfolk will be calmed soon... Now, I have to go double-check my safe-room. Happy toiling!
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jadeazora · 2 months ago
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Rose, Rose, Rose. It sucks because he was pretty likeable as a character up to that point, but I hate how they did him. He had Leon agree to help him on the grounds he wait just a day, but Rose didn't like that so he unleashed Eternatus without that planned safety net out of spite. Like, if things were more urgent, and lbr, Eternatus's power had been leaking out for half the game already, he should have stressed to Leon they didn't have the extra day to wait before it broke containment, and the main issue shouldn't have been over a thousand years away. It should have been maybe 100yrs, at maximum.
Lysandre is #2, pretty much for just the wasted potential him and his team had. I hope ZA is somewhat of a sequel to XY, and they canonize his survival there. Give him the development with Sycamore and AZ he should have had. (Idk how much we'll get of Flare in a sequel, they're my favorite team in concept but the execution was pretty bad in base XY.)
Dishonorable mention to Yell and Star, they're not actually villains. Yell are just annoying and overzealous Gym Trainers, Star were just truant kids that had dealt with bullying and mildly annoying at worst. I hope next Gen, we stop getting the "not a villain" villain teams + a twist villain, and get a proper villainous organization again. (The only well done twist villain we had was Volo and he was a solo villain. I figure most of us knew something sketchy was up with Lusamine, Rose, and the Professor. The only thing that surprised me about the professor was that they were dead and it was a "causing trouble from beyond the grave" scenario.)
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bouncyenvos · 1 year ago
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hahaha nice
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chekensheppppp · 2 years ago
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I saw this in my dream and I had to make it real. I will not elaborate further.
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incorrect-pokevillains · 2 years ago
Leon: Did you know any of this while you were in charge?
Rose: I'm starting to think I wasn't very good at my job...
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