#macaque likes to play hard to get
forst-some-guy · 11 months
The final chapter of my series, Looking for You has been updated!
Fights are settled, and conversations are had.
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kristea9ay · 2 months
Feel like it's obvious, but...Was this MK easy to raise growing up?
It was definitely hard and VERY tiring XD
MK was a good kid, but with LOT OF ENERGY.
He had really hard time controlling his powers which sometimes resulted in accidents.
The biggest problem was with his strength and his hearing. Since he has two sets of ears, it was really easy for him to get overwhelmed :( but Macaque always knew how to help since he has a similar problem.
After a few years, Xiaotian got better at controlling his strength and tune out noises (though he still gets overwhelmed sometimes, but not as much)
Macaque and Wukong arrange play dates with Mei and Red Son. It helps them to tire the kids out XD they just switch where the hang out place is, so the parents who are not watching them can get some alone time once in a while.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 6 months
S/O being extra sweet to the baby monkeys with Wukong + Macaque (separately)
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Sun Wukong
He’s going to be jealous since yes your playing and getting along with his siblings is adorable but why aren’t you giving him attention? He’s right here and will would cuddle you and give you all the affection you asked for if you said so. You do give him a lot of affection and attention when you aren’t at your job or busy, staying at FFM when MK trains and you reminding them to take breaks to stay hydrated since the man doesn’t stay hydrated as much as he should.
Once in a while, Wukong has to not so subtly ask his successor to bring you with him so he can spend time with you and totally not show off plan more dates since he’s still learning how to use the phone MK gave him after the whole Azure nearly ending the world disaster. Back to the monkeys residing on Flower Fruit Mountain; you give them extra special food than they’d normally have (search up food that monkeys can have as treats that won’t kill or hurt them) and give them scritches where they want.
Playing games like hide and seek, tag, soccer, or simple toss is nothing new however the smaller monkeys adore it and use ripened fruit as a ball. If you asked Wukong, who you’d have to bribe with some kisses or a night of cuddling, he’d tell you they ask him when you’re coming back and if you can play with them more.
Putting aside his jealousy it is incredibly heartwarming to see you bonding with his siblings and reminds him that might be what it’s like if you had a family with him. That though is something that pops up whenever you interact with them and if you catch him staring you’ll see his tail shaped like a heart.
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Six eared Macaque
He’s not as jealous as Wukong is because he isn’t at FFM often unless it’s because of MK or a world-ending disaster and he likes how soft and cute you are when many of the monkeys climb all over you like you’re a jungle gym. Especially when you feign innocence of “stealing” a fruit like a peach or banana that one of them left lying around which ends in them running after you until they tackle looking for said fruit. Of course, you’ve switched it up by throwing the fruit to your boyfriend who instinctively caught it and then pretended that he stole it from you, which since most of the monkeys were fond of you they helped you and a good amount of them managed to latch onto Macaque.
Other times when it’s sunny you and some of the cubs are napping in the sun comfortably with you sleeping on your lover’s shoulder and many white monkeys curled up on some part of your body. He’s never really fully asleep more like in a relaxed or meditative state due to how sensitive his hearing is in addition to being vulnerable but when he looks over to you and sees how peaceful and adorable you look. He doesn’t want to move you but if it gets cold or looks like it’s going to storm then he’ll pick you up bridal style and the cubs that fall or aren’t on you when you’re picked up are carried by his tail.
You have begged him to spend a night or so on FFM to see the baby monkeys more but that means Macaque would have to ask Wukong and both parties don’t wanna do it unless they have to. Luckily for you, there have been times when a storm rolls in and with some pleading, he helped you gather the monkeys around you into a nearby cave till the storm let up which wasn’t that hard given they love you and you’re adorably sweet to them.
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Okay May I request Lego monkey kid Wukong and Macaque with minor deity Reader? Reader lives in a garden and was isolated for so long she genuinely forgot what the outside world was like at times. (Cause humans were getting greedy and they been emotionally and physically hurt at times). Reader values connect so deeply and the garden is hidden by a talisman and guarded by her pet aka giant monster. Headcanons pls and apologies if it too much. I love your work. You can do Black myth Wukong too if you want
Oh, but love grows where my Rosemary goes,
And nobody knows like me.
(Lego Monkie Kid head-canons,
Black myth: Wukong head-canons.)
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Author note: hello!, thank you so much for your request!, I hope you enjoy. Thank you for requesting!. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Just to reiterate, English isn’t exactly my first language so I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
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Lego Monkie Kid:
Loves visiting frequently!, especially when your peaches are in season if your garden homes them.
This is a little head-canon of mine, but he knows how to make flower crowns. He use to make many when he was younger for the other young monkeys.
He always picks the ones he deems prettiest for you.
Depending on if he met you when he was younger (during Journey to the west) or older (during the time of him mentoring MK), he use to love playing hide and seek in the lush trees and bushes. But now older, he loves taking naps under the shade the beautiful trees provide.
Shoo’s off any demons or humans wondering too close to your garden for his liking. Especially after hearing what happened in the past for you to disconnect yourself from the outside.
He knows you have a guard animal but he still does his part as a boyfriend, after all he doesn’t want you to go through unnecessary stress.
Loves your guard animal!, though, the few first times of visiting your garden he either had to trick it or you had order them to stand down.
Once him and your guard animal are more acquainted he loves messing around with them, or feeding them treats. He knows their supposed to be scary and all but he just can’t help it!. Also does that thing where one person is the owner and the other isn’t and sees who the animal chooses first.
If you ever do wish to go outside, he’ll be right there to help you, and lead you to wherever you desire to go.
He loves watching you maintain the garden, he usually hangs up on a tree munching away at whatever fruit is nearest as he watches you water the flowers and crops with such care.
Brings you gifts from the outside as frequently as he can, and if your interested he’ll catch you up on the latest news.
Sometimes he manages to bring two steaming bowls of noodles from pigsy’s to you.
He loves admiring you as you relax on the soft grass, and the sun bathing you softly with its light, you look un-real to him.
Sometimes, when it’s a particularly hard day, he enjoys hiding away in your garden as well. Cuddling up next to you for comfort as you both lounge around the garden.
He doesn’t mind quite moment’s, when it’s so silent you can hear the grass shift with the soft wind, or hear the leaves rattle. How could he?, with you sitting there looking off so peacefully, and him looking at you so happily.
You are his version of your garden, a safe place, and home that no one can intrude upon.
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He teleports over frequently when he feel’s overwhelmed with the noise of the outside world.
Because all he can hear is your sweet voice and the comforting sounds of the nature your garden nurtures.
He loves sneaking up behind you from the shadows of the trees. He loves the reactions he gets from it!.
Keeps his distance from your guard animal, but warms up to it eventually!.
Loves visiting at night and seeing the moon light bathe the place with its soft light.
He adore the tranquility of it all, it feels like time slows when he’s there with you. His fast paced days now coming to a slow stop when he’s laying in your arms and watching the flowers dance and sway side to side from the soft blow of wind.
Uses his shadow clones to help around the place if you ever need extra hands.
Has memorized every plant and flower you grow in your garden, but doesn’t stop you from spilling facts about them.
Mk sometimes wonder where he lounge around at when he’s not with the group. Of course, a good guess is his dojang (I believe that is what his home is called apologizes if it’s not!) but in reality he’s resting with you on flower beds.
Never mentions your garden to the crew unless you give the go ahead, but even then he tip toes over the subject, knowing your past experiences.
Puts on shadow plays for you on a particularly uneventful day. He likes seeing the smile that graces your face everytime.
His ears always picks up someone approaching your garden before your guard animal does so he’s quick to alert them.
He adores you, he truly does believe that your as beautiful as your garden, the center piece. He doesn’t understand the good karma he has received to meet you but he’s so greatful.
☀︎ ☁︎ ☀︎︎
Black myth: wukong
Bajie probably stumbled upon your guard animal and Wukong had to jump in.
Paranoid of leading enemy’s to your garden, not that he isn’t assured in himself that he can beat it. But he’d rather you not be stressed out or worry about it.
This doesn’t stop him form pranking you from time to time by transforming to a bug and buzzing around annoyingly. Prepare to have your patients tested by him.
If you have a big enough tree, he probably climbs and chills out in the branches.
Sometimes pulls you up with him and lets you rest and balance on him. He counts this as rest and bonding time.
Absentmindedly picks a flower and places it in your hair in the middle of a conversation.
On cold months, depending on how your garden on works, he either brings the finest cloths and blankets to you. Or if your garden is magically frozen in a spring or summer season then he spends the whole winter season with you, so good luck with that.
Although not one to be picky with fruits, he just prefers the one from your garden the most. To him they taste richer, and juicer.
When a certain fruit is growing on a tree and it’s time for them to be picked, he always picks you up and lets you rest on his shoulder so you can reach them easier. Could he just pick them himself?, yes, but how could he pass an opportunity to show his strength to you.
If you ever wish to venture out of your garden, he’d greatly recommend his mountain as its already protected from demons. He’d happily feel you cling onto him as he flys you over in his nimbus cloud.
On his way to visit your garden sometimes he does see people or demons lingering too close for his comfort. He easily scares them or defeats them before your guard animal encounters them.
Speaking of your guard animal, he’d be pretty neutral about it, he’s glad that he can keep some sort of peace of mind when he’s away from you knowing your under protection. But at the same time not very interested in it. Maybe annoys it from here to there when it’s off duty but aside from that let’s it do it’s job, knowing how important it is.
Brings you some souvenirs, ranging from gold incrusted bracelets and necklaces. To flower’s you may not have in your garden that he thinks you’d enjoy!.
You have on multiple occasions, almost ran out of peaches due to his rapid consumption of them. It’s almost concerning watching him be able to stomach all of them in one sitting.
He likes the peacefulness you and your garden bring him, like as if nothing was wrong, the world is silent and inhabited by only you two. He gets agitated when this peace is disturbed by intruding strangers. And although he has learnt the virtue of patience’s, he can’t help but take offense on your behalf for the intrusion. He likes the thought of you and your garden being only something he gets to indulge in. Your to much of a lovely sight for mere demons and humans to admire.
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Thank you so much for the request!, i hope you enjoyed it!.
( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭⁾⁾
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monkiesimp · 1 year
Hi! Are requests still open? If so what do u think about a head-canon about Wukong and Macaque reactions to their ears and tails being touched by their fem s/o? Please? 🙏🏻
Sorry for the wait
• Usually when you would try to touch his tail, Macaque would always just sway it out of your reach.
• You don't try much after that, you can tell it's sensitive.
• So you really gave up on touching his tail after that, but, while he was sleeping you got a bit curious...
• What if you touched his ears instead?
• His name was Six Eared Macaque, but did he really have six ears? He really didn't seem like he had any.
• Either way, you start caressing his ears and just petting them, Macaque shifts in his sleep and grumbles for a moment, then the most unexpected thing happens.
• He purrs.
• You were completely baffled, you never knew he could purr. Why would he hide it? It's adorable... He hides too many things about himself.
• You continue caressing and petting his ears, his purrs would continue and Macaque would release a long sigh, letting out a grunt.
• Then... He woke up. Oh. You were fucked...
• You tried your best to explain yourself, stumbling over your words, but your words caught in your throat when Macaque grabbed your hand and placed it back to his ears, leaning closer to you.
• This surprised you even more, Macaque averted his gaze and he seemed a bit embarrassed. He wanted you to touch his ears?
• Well, you did. You brought both of your hands back to his ears, rubbing them. Macaque released another purr, leaning into your touch until he faded off to sleep again.
• After that, he'd always let you touch his ears if you wanted to when you two were alone, hanging out. He would even unglamour his ears, it appears he did in fact have six ears. And he seemed to enjoy the patting more when the ears were unglamoured.
• He'd sometimes give you empty threaths like, "If you tell anyone about this you'll be in serious trouble", clearly he trusted you wouldn't tell anyone about this but if you did, his empty threaths might not be so empty anymore.
• Trying to get him to unglamour his ears and let you pet it was hard at first, because, for one, he's been hurt before by someone he trusted dearly so you weren't off the hook either. He was a little afraid of letting his guard down, and you could tell by the way his body tensed when you touched him.
• But after a while, he grew more comfortable and started genuinely enjoying all the physical touch he could recieve.
• You two were cuddling after training because you swear to Buddha, this idiot can't go a day without hugging you.
• You were on his cloud and began to think, you mostly patted him everywhere, his head, chin, neck, shoulder, but there was one place you were curious about as to how'd he react.
• And that was definitely his tail.
• You placed your hand at his tail, trailing your finger from the base to the very tip of it which surprised Wukong, sending a shudder down his spine.
• But he didn't seem to mind too much, he put his tail on your lap to play with.
• Even if his tail was slick and thin, it was still very nice and fluffy, very cute too.
• His head would be buried in your shoulder, he would sometimes accidentally wag his tail while you petted it, he had to keep it still for you.
• He definitely enjoyed tail patting a lot.
• His tail doesn't really drive a reaction out of him much, it's the same like petting his head or caressing his cheek.
• Unless you hit a sensitive places on his tail which he seemed to have, those would make him shudder and melt, possibly drive more reactions out of him but you avoided those places.
• He wouldn't have much of a reaction on you caressing his tail and if you wanted to do it in the future, sure, he'd let you.
• You're definitely going to catch him off guard in training by hitting a sensitive spot in his tail to win though, it would be funny, and who said you'd play by the rules? He never followed the rules either.
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Ooh, Okie dokie! (I forgot to label myself in my little question haha - it's me, 😊 anon!)
Can I request Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu having a crush on an Autistic Reader?
The reader is mostly nonverbal - only speaking using short words/sentences - unless they're talking to someone they've grown to really trust, to animals (such as their crow companions), or about animals - which they have learned lots of trivia about. They may also stim - usually by rocking side to side when bored or flapping/clapping their hands when excited. They're happy to receive physical contact but can be overwhelmed by constant loud noise (such as shouting or music.)
(I hope that wasn't too long - I hope you have a lovely day! ✨)
The Kamaboko Trio With An Autistic S/O
Characters: Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Insouke Hashibira Requester: 😊Anon A/N: I haven't written for Demon Slayer in such a long time so the characters may be slightly OOC. These are also fairly short, just noting! But, I do hope you enjoy this! Have a great rest of your days/nights!!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Nothing ⚠️
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╚═════ Tanjiro Kamado ══════════════════════════╝
😺 When Tanjiro first met you, he was slightly confused as to why you rarely spoke longer sentences. But, in his fashion, he put that behind and stayed positive around you
😺 Whenever he notices your stims getting worse or more erratic, he holds your hand and allows you to mess with his. He also likes seeing how you would help Nezuko with her hair, using the physical action as another way to use a stim
😺 He is amazing with animals himself, getting along with pretty much every creature he finds. So, when you walked around the Butterfly Mansion with small birds and one of your pets, a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel that you named Kiyoshi, he got along with the cute rodent quick and easily
😺 Whenever you are set to be on a mission with him and the others (Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko), he tries to keep them quieter so you don't get overwhelmed
😺 Sometimes, he enjoys staying awake at night and ask you about some animals that he has either seen around or was wondering about. Such as a Japanese Macaque or a Sika Deer
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╚═════ Zenitsu Agatsuma ════════════════════════╝
⚡ This guy, oof!
⚡ He had a hard time understanding you at first. But that was mainly because you rarely spoke and were extremely loving to almost every animal that you guys came across
⚡ I mean, you literally would attract any other Slayer's crow, which made Zenitsu roll his eyes stubbornly. How come you were such an animal magnet while his own crow (or rather sparrow) pecked at him whenever he tried holding him!
⚡ Anyways, he does like seeing how you handle demons, putting your own issues behind just to help out anybody in danger, whether they were children or adults or in between
⚡ Zenitsu may not show it fully, but he does like watching you play with your pet Koi fish when they were swimming around in your/Mitsuri's estate's back pond
⚡ No doubt simps even harder whenever you mess with his hands or wear his haori. He literally stands there with a goofy grin on his face as he giggles at your actions
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╚═════ Inosuke Hashibira ════════════════════════╝
🐗 Inosuke is a very rambunctious person by nature. And he is surprisingly good around animals, due to growing up alongside them all his childhood
🐗 So, when you came around and seemingly calmed down a boar in front of him, he yelled your name and asked how you knew what they were thinking, in which you laughed and tried explaining to the best of your ability
🐗 He also had great hearing and understanding of body language. So if you were to speak with a lower tone or not be able to finish a sentence, he understands what you want to say without asking you to repeat like others
🐗 Smiling at him also makes him feel good, so whenever you do so if you can't gain the urge to speak to him, his chest puffs out as he goes on a rant of 'of course you smile at the King of the Mountain' and whatnot
🐗 By far the second best with an Autistic reader when it comes to this trio, the way he grew up helps him understand you better than the others easily
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cinnamonroll-anon · 2 months
lmk request!
wukong and mac (separate) had a nightmare and s/o came to comfort?
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a/n: thank you both for the request! Since you both had the same prompt i decided to just put the two together! Sorry for my long absence have some comfort for your heart!
Terrible Visions: Sun Wukong x Reader, Macaque x Reader (Separate)
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Warnings: angst to fluff, comfort (giving), mentions of violence and mentions of death. SEASON 5 SPOILERS! (not much but will brush up on events that take place!)
Sun wukong:
Honestly, what hasn't come back to haunt the infamous monkey king? Behind his usual suave facade, he was constantly stuck in his own head, thinking about his past and what problems could await on the roads ahead. If we're being honest here, he's stressed of having to save the world or having to face his own mistakes and shortcomings. He can never live down his own choices, not entirely at least. There would always be a whisper of doubt breathing down his neck, it would never fail to make him feel ashamed of himself. Luckily for him, he can play things off perfectly and no one would know any better from his usual laid back attitude. He wouldn't allow anyone to see the burden on his shoulders, or see how weary he's grown over these recent months. Well, everyone else except you.
You have been with Wukong for a while, so you're no stranger to his attempts at keeping you at an arm's length. It was a prominent problem in your relationship. He simply wouldn't tell you what was bothering him, even if it was something so miniscule that you could stop doing. Nowadays, he tries to open up to you and to express himself to the best of his ability. It was a promise you both made to each other as your relationship continued to flourish. He'd communicate with you and you'd understand him and try to meet him in the middle. It was a fair compromise that has saved your relationship on multiple occasions.
It took a great level of trust for him to feel like he could share his worries with you, he didn't want to trouble you... At least it was partially true, especially with all the guilt that's been dying to swallow him whole. He felt as though he had dragged you down into a mess like he did with MK, and that he was the one to blame for all of his suffering, as well as yours. Another part of him wouldn't allow him to love or care as deeply as he used to. Not again because, he knows what love really leads to... To pain. He had promised himself once in the past to not let his heart suffer again, to never go through another heartbreak. It was that promise kept getting in the way with his new ambitions and his heart's desire. To be with you.
Unfortunately as all things do, these emotions build up, and when they resurface, they present themselves to the great sage as he finds enough tranquility to sleep at night. He could only keep his thoughts to himself until they started pouring into his subconscious. The nightmares weren't as frequent but they'd manifest horrors that would leave him restless and fearful. Even in his slumber, he couldn't find rest.
Maybe he would be trapped in the mountain with no one to talk to, feeling condemned, forgotten, unloved and lonely. He'd stay there, unmoving and vulnerable for eternity. Perhaps it would be all the splitting headaches with his circlet, punishing and agonizing. No matter how much he begged for it to simply disappear, the torment would only continue. He would dig his nails into the groud, clawing into his head in desperation, howling in pain and sobbing for anything to stop it. He'd never find that solace here.
Maybe it was the day he struck Macaque. It would always be the same outcome, no matter how hard he tried to fight it. To change it. His body would move without his permission, his mind torn in-between this urge to kill him and hopelessly trying to stop himself. He saw his old friend laying beaten down, he watched as Macaque tried to move to get away from him helplessly. Was that fear or hatred he saw in his eyes? He couldn't tell before he felt the way his staff punctured through his eye, cracking entirely past his skull. No matter how many times he'd watch the scene unfold, it never ceased to be any less gut wrenching when he drew the final blow. It was all worse when he could smell his blood, practically taste the hot irony liquid in his tongue.
Sometimes it was failing MK. Failing him as his mentor. He knew he wasn't the best at teaching, honestly it had stung him when MK searched for guidance in Macaque. It just didn't help ease his nerves or reassured him that he was doing the right thing. He's put the kid through so much, yet he always kept his distance from him. He couldn't afford for him to get close, not again, not after everything he's been through. MK sacrificing himself was painful to watch, and luckily for him, he'd get to relive that moment. One second he was contemplating losing his Immortality and his life, and the next that familiar excruciating pain would crush his head again. He couldn't't move to save him, to sacrifice himself instead. The worst part was seeing that look on MK's face through his tears and screams. He almost lost him, but in his dreams he wouldn't come back, and in his eyes his world would still remain shattered.
The lady bone demon's control was the worst dream he could ever be faced with, because instead of any other circumstances hurting his friends, he was killing them all... One by one. A ruthless frenzy and an unstoppable slaughter, all for her destiny. Her voice would pound against his head and her command over him was absolute. He couldn't even cry if he wanted to.
He'd wake up in cold sweat, lunging to sit up and gasp for air. He had startled you awake, promoting you to wearily sit up with him.
"Wukong? What's the matter?"
He gripped his heart feeling it's frantic palpitations as he took harsh breaths. Maybe, the worst nightmare of all... Was losing you. He condemned his head for getting so creative with ways he could lose you. Meanwhile, you observed him, trying to read his expression. You sat there for a minute before you gently placed your hand ontop of his own.
"P-peaches, hey y-yeah, sorry about that! Just ah, y'know ehe thought i lost my streak. And to Macaque no less!" He answered with a strained smile, you could see a him covered in sweat.
"Uh-huh, so you're expecting me to believe that you're this worked up... About your videogame?" You deadpanned as you were fighting to keep your eyes open. With or without them open you can hear how shaken up he was.
He stumbled over his words and another half assed excuse before taking a deep breath and looking down at his hands.
"You're right- It, It wasn't about videogames... I had another nightmare."
You noticed how fragile his voice sounded, that and how ashamed of himself he looked. Was it his pride or perhaps it was the horrible attempt to brush you off? It didn't matter to you in the moment as you gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Honey, that's awful. Do you want to talk about it? Or maybe cuddle-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he quickly pulled you into a tight embrace. You gradually hugged him back, wrapping your arms around him, gently rubbing his back in a comforting manner. You could feel his racing heartbeat against you, how ragged his breathing was before they began to even out. Much of your relief, he was slowly calming down. His tail wrapped around your waist, giving it a tight squeeze, trying to ground himself in the present.
"It's okay Wukong, you're safe. I'm here for you, thank you for telling me. I want to help you with things like these, okay?"
"Even if i wake you up in the dead of night?" He spoke through a chocked sob, he was trying really hard not to cry, but it was so hard when you were so willing to sacrifice sleep and time just to help him. He tightened his hold on you, burying his face against your shoulder, either for comfort or to hide his face from your view, you didn't bring it up as you placed a kiss to his head.
"Yes Wukong, even if you woke me up at four in the morning," You replied with a chuckle. "I'd rather have missed a little time asleep than having you dealing with a nightmare all alone. Especially if I'm already here for you."
He shook his head as he let out a heavy sigh, you could feel your shoulder getting wet by his tears. After his initial fear had finally passed, he began to move again. He first placed his hand behind your head before he hesitantly pushed you away, only enough to look into your eyes. He mused to himself how sleepy you looked, before remembering he was the reason you were so worried about him now and awake.
"I'm sorry... you shouldn't be up at this hour Peach, i didn't mean to-"
"It was a nightmare Wukong, you didn't exactly plan it." You interrupted him as you delicately held his face in your hands, "Besides I already told you I'm not going anywhere. Im sticking with you no matter what, be it sickness, a nightmare or the world ending, again... I'm with you Wukong."
He swore he could barely blink back the tears in his eyes threatening to pour again. Despite it all you, were still here. You stayed by his side. You were still kind and loving to him, even if he wasn't always as vulnerable or open with you. You were more than willing to help him through it, to save your relationship... to save him. That was so brave of you, he hoped you knew that. He wished he could tell you, but he wouldn't say it... not today at least or now. He smiled warmly before laying back down, pulling you into his arms as you laid your head on his chest. He held you close as he felt himself become more tired, but before he could close his eyes again you pressed a lazy kiss against his lips.
"I love you Wukong, goodnight my love." What wonderful words to hear, he thought to himself, before finally letting his muscles relax and his jaw unclench. He finally felt safe and loved... all in his beloveds arms. He truly felt like everything would be okay. He looked down at your already sleeping form, god, you must've been truly exhausted he thought to himself. He waited a bit until he knew you were sound asleep, not taking any chances to wake you again, before he placed a loving kiss against your forehead.
"I love you too Peaches, if you only knew how much you mean to me... Goodnight love, see you in the morning."
He's more open to you about his nightmares. You've been with him for this long, so he trusts you're not going to hurt him when he lets down his guard. You've proven yourself to him time and time again that you won't take advantage of him or harm him. On the contrary, you treat him with compassion and respect, even when he has felt undeserving of your grace and patience. Youve always so considerate and understanding to him. He swears he doesn't deserve you, he knows he's definitely not the best guy around, but if you stayed this long and showed him you're not going anywhere, then he'll be damned if he doesn't try his hardest to appreciate you and show you how much he cares about you too.
But his nightmares are a sore spot for him, especially telling you what happens in them. He'd rather forget they happened at all, but those images in his mind refuse to leave him. Why must he be reminded of how much he suffered now that he's living a better life? He's gotten close to wukong again, albeit the two still bicker, but he knows now that wukong trusts him. It's a work in progress, but their relationship was mending slowly, it all starts with a little bit of trust. And then there's you.
He'll admit that he wasn't planning on ever having a partner, with all his issues, he considered himself the least qualified in the romance department. And yet there he was, spending his days with you happily. You had even stayed with him while he was on flower fruit mountain, you would enjoy the cuddle sessions the little monkeys had with Macaque. Even if he wasn't all too thrilled with the arrangement but, he couldn't deny how adorable you looked with the little ones clinging to you.
It's been a little over a day or two since the pillar of heaven was restored, you and Macaque having been enjoying some down time from the world's end. It was such a shame that in these peaceful moments his mind would still be plagued with these horrible nightmares. Even before he met you they were quite common, it made his lifestyle change as he avoided sleep, staying up throughout the night until eventual exhaustion would overtake him. If he pushed his body to the limit the chances of having a nightmare would decrease. Not the healthiest choice on his part, but the one that has worked for him over time.
But that all changed with you. You have given him a safe space, a home he could call his own. He trusted you and he let himself relax around you, and this would cause him to fall asleep at a more reasonable hour. He was still a night owl but it was harder for him to stay awake when you were so close to him, so warm and peacefully asleep. He couldn't overcome the temptation of resting alongside you. Although that peace would be short-lived.
Every bad experience he's had gets relived and reimagined in each nightmare. The most common type is getting betrayed. It ranges from getting abandoned and feeling worthless to being used for someone else's benefit. If he's had a nightmare of you betraying him, he would be a bit distant. Luckily he was willing to talk with you about it, in which you reassured him that you just wanted to be with him because you loved him. You weren't going to leave him or cheat on him.
Another common nightmare he's had was recollecting the day Sun Wukong not only turned on him, but killed him. It was always a brutal but hopeless cause. His heart was heavy with how wukong so easily sidelined him, how everything they had been through meant nothing. That he no longer meant anything to his friend. This dream was too realistic, he could feel every strike and how tired he was becoming. Nothing he could do was enough. Not against a force like wukong. The most horrid part was when he finally looked up at wukong in defeat only to be met with an agonizing pain to his eye. This nightmare would cause him to wake up yelling and holding his eye, feeling the phantom pain the dream left behind.
The least common dreams he had that would leave him mortified were the ones of the Lady Bone Demon. Being forced to do her will or have his life taken away from him again. He thought he was clever losing the key, but somehow she always escaped. Having the slow threat of her crystals on his body being a horrifying experience, especially the days in which he would become paralyzed in fear, going stiff in his sleep. Sometimes she would make him kill Sun Wukong and MK and there wasn't any fire of Samadhi to save him from being entirely consumed by her will. The worst one of all was when she found out about you, sending macaque to kill you, her champion didn't need any distractions after all. No insignificant mortal will stand in the way of his destiny.
Macaque would jolt awake, taking in gasping breaths before looking around the room. Hed sigh in relief, he was home, he was safe, just another stupid dream. He'd stay awake in bed, looking up at the ceiling in hope's of falling asleep. He couldn't shake the vivid images from his mind and he felt agitated and restless, he couldn't sleep again. He then looked over at you and the sight warmed his heart a little. You were peacefully asleep, it was a miracle his sudden movement didn't wake you, but he was silently grateful. Hed hate to wake you up since you looked oh so blissfully asleep. He couldn't do that, not to you. So he decided to discreetly get out of bed before using a shadow portal to drop himself into the couch. It was a better option than having to maneuver himself quietly through the room with you soundly asleep. Waking you up was simply a chance he didn't want to take.
He would sit in silence on the couch simply trying not to think about whatever dream plagued his mind. At first the silence was normal but he quickly found out how not wanting to think of something made you think of it more. The silence would become unbearable so he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He opted to mindlessly watch tv, turning the volume down to the lowest possible. It was the perks of having six ears.
You woke up, having stirred from your rest at the lack of his presence. You drowsily felt his side of the bed. It was empty, so you sluggishly got out of bed to look for him. He could hear you coming towards hims, yet his entire focus was on the nonsensical noises of the TV, he couldn't bother to pay attention to what was happening. You eventually made your way over to him and plopped yourself down on the couch next to him. You leaned against him, laying your head on his shoulder. He went tense at the sudden contact, not like he wasn't already stiff as a board as he tried to force his attention away from his own thoughts.
"Hey Honey, what's got you up so early?" He asked casually as if he also wasn't up at four in the morning.
"I didn't feel you in bed with me anymore... Are you okay Macaque?" You fought off the drowsiness in your eyes, but leaning against him and feeling his warmth was lulling you back to sleep. No, you had to make sure he was alright, sleep can wait. You slowly were able to get your hazy mind working before you felt how stiff he was against you. He usually eased up to your touch by now, even when he was caught by surprise.
He notices your discomfort before he wraps an arm around you, slowly relaxing against you. He gave you a soft smile as he took in your sleep ridden state. It was heartening to him that you missed his presence, even when you were asleep. But he wasn't exactly thrilled that he still somehow woke you up, but having you with him did relieve him of his worries.
"Sweetheart, listen... I'm sorry for leaving you alone but i just... Had a nightmare and i didn't want to wake you up about it. But i still did." His answer was honest but filled with disappointment in himself. He really wanted to handle it by himself, but a part of him knew he could never ease his mind the way you could. Having heard his explanation you leaned into him, giving him a tender hug. He's still for a moment before he finally wraps his arms around you tightly, allowing himself to be comforted by you. You gently ran your finger through his fur, it was like your every caress alleviated his aching heart and it wasn't long enough until he began to quietly cry against your chest.
"I-I didn't want any of this to happen... I didn't want to go through with it, I had to-" He murmured against you. You could tell it had been a horrible nightmare, especially if it broke him down like this
"I know baby, but you're not there anymore. You haven't done anything, you're at home... It was only a dream, you're safe... I'll keep you safe." You quietly reassured him, calming his anguish and placing kisses where his tears ran, gently wiping them away with your thumbs as you held his face. It was when you held him so close that you noticed it. His glamour was off. You could see his six ears, all the scars on his face and his eye, you wondered how you didn't notice it before. Then again being awake at four wasn't exactly peak conscious behavior and it was still dark, the only light being the dim glow of the TV.
Macaque felt safe in your embrace, enjoying the sound of your voice. He would normally be uneasy listening with all of his ears, but your voice was like a serene river to him, calming and comforting. He would gladly listen to you talk for hours about anything, but when you directed it at him and used it to ease his pains, it was simply heavenly.
After a while of hugging he thinks you might've dosed off then and there.
"Hey darling, are you still with me?" He asked quietly as he gave you a soft shake. The only response you gave him was a low, albeit late, hum of acknowledgment.
"Yeah, yeah, wide awake." Which ears a soft chuckle out of him before makes sure you're secure in his hold. Before you can ask if he wanted to head back to bed, you feel a swoosh before having landed on the soft and familiar mattress. You weren't even going to lie, his shadow portals were convenient. You probably wouldn't have made it back to the room with how tired you felt.
"A heads up would've been nice." You mumbled against him.
"Nah, I'm sure you could've handed it." You could practically hear his signature smirk in his tone.
"What if i couldn't and it scared me?" You joked as you pushed yourself away from him, earning you the sight of his handsome grin and un-glamored glory.
"Come on sugar, you're telling me you're scared of a little gravity. You'd think you'd be used to it by now." He chuckled as he patted your head before ruffling your hair.
"Hey! My hair, you're messing it up!"
"You have the wildest bed-head baby, you should be thanking me."
"Oh, I'll give you a thank you, alright. Keep this up and I'll smother you entirely." You challenged him with your own mischievous grin. He didn't believe your little threat for one second.
"Oh really? I'd like to see you try~" You then held the sides of his face before pulling him into a barrage of kisses. He's caught by surprise, unable to get away from your devoted kisses. He nuzzles against you trying to fight off his embarrassment, but you're so cute and oh lord, he feels like he's malfunctioning. Even after all this time he wasn't immune to being overwhelmed by your affections, having gone most of his life without them. Eventually you slow down your kisses, instead you poured out adoring words about every feature you love about him before giving it a kiss. You took your time, letting him know how much you loved him with each soft murmur and soft peck. That you loved him dearly and found him captivating, even with his glamor off.
"I think the scar makes you look hot" you ended off on, trying to brighten up how he might've felt about his appearance.
"Oh really? Is that so?" He smirked before finally wrapping his arms around you, pulling you against him to cuddle. You soon felt the familiar sensation of his tail curling around you protectively. You both held each other tenderly and you leaned closer to leading him into a slow kiss. Your lips molded into each other lovingly, parting to look into each other's eyes with nothing but adoration. You trailed your hands through his hair until you reached his ears, gently scratching the back of them and caressing them. He let out a content huff before resting his head against your chest, closing his eyes, allowing himself to be lulled back to sleep by your warmth and the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. You place a final kiss against his forehead.
"I love you Macaque, I hope you only have sweet dreams tonight." He didn't need to when his time awake with you was his greatest dream come true.
"I'll always love you, thank you my love." That was all he said before pleasantly falling asleep, safe and loved in your embrace.
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semisolidmind · 9 months
Okay, okay hear me out.
Let's say our darling Peaches is out on a stroll somewhere and gets kidnapped by some lesser demons (Kidnapped how? Who knows maybe she walked a little too far from the mountain) who wish to present her as a gift to the rulers of the region as idk a peace offering? Maybe for protection? Yet somehow not realizing that she the wife of said rulers?
And Peaches is like both really confused and amused by this. Confused because she's pretty sure most at least know that she's the mate of The Monkey King and his Warrior and amused because these demons really don't know what they're actually doing?
Peaches stared at the demon in front of her in confusion, stopping in her struggle with the rope that was tying her hands together while her brows furrowing as she took in their words. "Wait- hold on. You said you were gifting me to the rulers of this Mountain? The same one that you kidnapped me on?" She inquired, trying to understand their logic.
The demons nodded, Moving the cart she was in along the long dirt road. "Yup, To the Great Sage himself and His brother." They replied, not looking at their hostage.
Peaches could only stare in astonishment. She was completely speechless by these demons boldness to kidnap the wife of the people they were gifting her too. A part of her felt amusement at this clearly not at all thought out plan but another part of her feels pity....
She coule only imagine what her husbands would do when they hear of this.....
Apologizes for any grammar mistakes or if this didn't make any sense at all. I am currently sleep deprived so yeah, sorry for any mistakes.
hooh man. (your ask was well written. sorry it took me so long to get to it)
man, the warlords could have a variety of reactions to this.
easy and most likely answer: the boys are angry. like, unbelievably so. those stupid, ignorant idiot demons are getting dismembered right there in the reception throne room, no time for them to defend themselves. macaque cuts away reader's binds as wukong furiously beats the offending demons bodies into bloody pulp. reader tries not to look or listen as macaque leads her away and gently interrogates her about her capture.
the boys are feeling like playing along that day. they "thank" the stupid demons for bringing them such a lovely "tribute." perhaps they play up "getting a closer look at this human... hmm, brother, doesn't this human seem familiar? y'know, she really does! now where have i seen her before, hmm...oh right! she's our wife." cut to the mook demons stammering out apologies and kowtowing, begging for forgiveness because they had NO idea that this human was the wife of the mountain rulers, honest! the monkey king watches the groveling while macaque frees reader, rubbing her wrists. there's a 50/50 chance the idiot demons survive this time.
reader is feeling merciful, and thus asks her husbands to spare these very dumb demons. clearly they didn't know better, if their harebrained scheme was anything to go by. the warlords, seeing that she's relatively unharmed and clearly not that traumatized by the experience, agree to let them live. but! the idiot demons have to do hard labor as penance. you don't kidnap a queen and get off scot-free, after all.
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somewhat-insane · 8 months
~Shadowpeach Headcanons (I'm Delusional)~
I did this because I was bored... so if you happen to like this... uh... feel free to suggest other things you would want to see headcanons for (I also take art and one-shot requests too -3- (pleaseee, I need ideassss))
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Neither of them bothers labeling their relationship (Macaque is more aware of identities and labels and identifies as bisexual. On the other hand, if you ask Wukong about his pronouns, he'll just stare at you silently before completely changing the subject.)
Wukong may be a jerk, but one thing he absolutely WON'T do is make fun of Macaque's art. (He was always happy when Macaque would express himself when they were younger and still has a similar mentality about it. Definitely would diss anyone else's art though.)
Both are subconsciously protective of the other's boundaries (Macaque steers clear of subjects that might trigger memories of Wukong's past, and Wukong makes sure others don't get too loud around Macaque (while still forgetting to check his own volume.) If you were to ask them, they'd say it's because they're the only ones who get to antagonize each other.)
Wukong is surprisingly good at dancing; Macaque is salty about it.
They fall asleep facing away from each other and then wake up cuddling
At first, they would stick around each other just to be annoying, but it slowly turned into them genuinely hanging out, and now they have regular "dates."
Macaque writes notes to remind Wukong of things when he can't be there to remind him himself, and Wukong doodles on them (and then forgets what he was supposed to do anyway)
Wukong likes to draw Macaque smiling (both genuine smiles and that bastard smile he does)
Macaque is surprisingly cuddly in the morning.
They are groggy after waking up, but sometimes Wukong will be up all night and super energetic when Mac wakes up.
Macaque constantly rearranges the furniture, and Wukong runs into stuff because he moves through rooms on muscle memory
Macaque tries flirting with Wukong, but it all goes over his head. Meanwhile, Wukong says things that fluster Macaque without even knowing it.
Macaque laughs so hard at Wukong that he snorts, and Wukong teases him for it.
They have so many inside jokes that their conversations have become incomprehensible to people who don't know them.
They don't like beds and will shove a bunch of blankets in a corner and curl up there if they can't sleep outside because it's raining.
They have serious talks late at night that they both pretend never happened in the morning.
Both of them get really excited about random things and will info dump on each other
Macaque is scared of his food/drinks being contaminated and won't eat/drink something that is out of his sight for too long; sometimes, he trusts Wukong to watch his food, and other times doesn't
Wukong loves eating peaches and playing in the dirt but hates the feeling of his skin being sticky or dirt under his claws; Macaque will grumble and huff but will eventually clean him up
They make weird noises at each other.
Wukong still doesn't understand tech and constantly has to ask Macaque for help. Macaque is more knowledgeable than Wukong but still has to ask MK for help helping Wukong sometimes.
Wukong doesn't save his drawings because he doesn't think they're that important, but Macaque always keeps them. The same can be said vice versa.
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cupids-archives · 8 months
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lmk men x pet! girls drabbles nd hcs!
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cw: breeding, pet play, dubious consent, ruts, riding, pnv, stomach inflating.
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━━ ☆ sun wukong, who loves to grab onto your tail while he’s fucking you, attaching cute little buttons to you ears with every thrust ☆
━━ ☆ sun wukong, who pushes you on your back, and adores the way you look at him with those cute needy eyes.
━━ ☆ sun wukong, who when your going on rut, calls off everything just to keep you satisfied on jade mountain.
━━ ☆ sun wukong, who sets up stupid rules just to bend you over and fuck you when you disobey his fake rules.
━━ ☆ sun wukong, who likes to pull on your sensitive tail and ears loving the adorable squeaks you make.
━━ ☆ sun wukong, who loves his bunny girlfriend, making you hop on his cock, letting out adorable squeals of pleasure from overstimulation and exhaustion.
━━ ☆ sun wukong, with a kitty reader who gets you a custom collar.
━━ ☆ sun wukong, who loves breeding you, pushing your legs to your chest and fucking your needy pussy.
━━━━━━━━ 𑄽𑄺 ━━━━━━━━
wukongs hands leave purple bruises on your waist as he fucks you from behind, your head hurts from the cold metal on your forehead. “you like playing in my stuff baby, it’s like your begging to get bred.” you squeal after every thrust, tongue sticking out and eyes squeezing shut, your head growing fuzzy with pleasure. “lift your legs baby” even though this is your punishment you still oblige, he picks you up slightly, your breast squeezed against the cold metal. it’s uncomfortable yes, but this position makes it easier to fuck you. “I’m not stopping until you can remember how many times you’ve came, okay baby?
━━ ☆ macaque, who adores the taste of your pretty cunt. kissing your clit and reveling in your mewls.
━━ ☆ macaque, who takes all of his pent up anger on and inside you, roughly moving your tail out the way to fuck your little pussy hard.
━━ ☆ macaque, who likes how wet you get during rut, teasing you on the obscene noises your cunt makes .
━━ ☆macaque, who loves holding your head down while fucking you, calling you degrading name.
━━ ☆ macaque, who will take deflower your pretty ass too, tail flaring wildly. as he fucks you from below, spreading your legs and keeping his hands tucked around your knees.
━━ ☆ macaque, who will give you butt plugs and nipple clamps and making you touch yourself while he watches.
━━━━━━━━ 𑄽𑄺 ━━━━━━━━
the little bells in your ears ding with every thrust, macaques fingers pulls around your exposed nipples. pinching and squeezing at the sore tips. “you like that baby, like the way I fuck you?” macaque pushes your thighs closer to your titties, he aws at your face, loving the way your pussy drools around his cock. “you like that baby?” you nod ecstatically, before he shoves you further into the mattress, pussy pooling below you, your stomach swelling with his cum. “that’s my girl, now just relax and let me take care of you.”
MK 💋
━━ ☆ mk, who loves seeing you in cute, bowed thigh highs. pushing your lacy panties over to finger your pussy.
━━ ☆ mk, who prefers when your on top sometimes, thrusting into you if you get too tired .
━━ ☆ mk, who loves to joke about breeding you, but when you wrap your legs around his waist, he just can’t help but cum inside you.
━━ ☆ mk, who can’t help but get hard whenever he sees you yawn and arch your back, showing off your cute ass.
━━ ☆ mk, who discovers you both get rut around the same time and are both inexperienced and now you spend that entire time locked up in a room with your face shoved in a pillow.
━━ ☆ mk, who’ll cum untouched if he saw you mewing and playing with yourself underneath him.
━━━━━━━━ 𑄽𑄺 ━━━━━━━━
“what’s wrong sweetie”, you ask sweetly, playing with his hair, you can feel how hard he is from below you, not even making eye contact with you without blushing. your fingers twitch inside you as you move over. brushing your naked cunt over his clothed cock. you kiss him softly, biting on the soft flesh. he looks at you for a moment before starting to unbutton and pull out his cock, “you don’t understand what you do to me”. he easily slips his cock inside you, making you moan in delight, feeling as full as needed.
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©cupids-archives. requests are open!! :)
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i-am-a-fan · 5 months
I saw a post talking about how there’s a deep mischaracterization of Mk in the fandom specifically about his monkey form and I’m here to dissect it. (WIth doodles!)
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Tldr: Will Mk end up hurting his family in season 5 due to his new Monkey form? Most likely no, but it is possible that he indirectly hurts them by not understanding the limits of his power.
First things first let’s collect a list of attributes that we know Mk has from past seasons. This will serve as a spine or checklist to see if certain actions are possible. A thing to keep in mind though is the ranking of each attribute as the writers of LMK wrote there are characters as complex and sometimes abandon certain character values if their center value is threatened. 
Mk’s character value list (in my opinion) is as follows: 
with family and strength being so close to each other, so sometimes strength ends up as Mk’s main concern. Of course, all of these end up mixing at times and in the first seasons we see the mixing of these values gets him in trouble 
Desiring the freedom of choice over listening to Wukong (Pig Pong Panic). Wanting to be dependable but overestimating his strength (Duplication). Wanting to be strong but forgets his family in the process (shadow play). Eventually, he gets his priorities in check and has ended up sticking to this list for most of seasons 3 and 4. 
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Now his flaws (in no particular order): 
Blind devotion 
He’s overcome a lot of these when he was forced to learn them in season 3. His stubbornness to not tell anyone what was happening with the LBD got people hurt. His impulsivity with his actions ended up crashing the ship, and almost sold his family to a goldfish demon.
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(Text: Mk's Fault, Good Intentions, Trying mentor)
So he’s had to come up with methods of working around that. Mk’s blind devotion to Wukong almost got Mei killed, and we see how he changes because of it. At the end of season 3, Mk doesn’t explicitly say that he sees Wukong in a new light but he heavily implies it with the metaphor of a bowl of noodles. 
So… Will Mk go crazy and end up hurting his friends? 
I highly doubt it. While I toyed with the idea, Mk is a lot smarter than the fandom usually gives him credit for. He knows Wukong is flawed, and he still trusts in him because he knows Wukong is trying. Mk has faith in Wukong’s strength and the fact that Wukong also heavily values family, even if his isolation makes it a lot harder for him to do so. Just rewatch the ending of season 3 where Wukong apologizes to Mk and watch as Mk comes to the realization that Wukong is trying so hard to make up for his past. (They also drive this point home in season 4 with how disappointed Wukong sounds at himself for not finding Mk in the scroll in the season finale.) 
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(Text: He's flawed and trying, Has to accept harsh reality, Dissociating Coping mechanism)
So what about Mk’s impulsivity? I doubt that’d be something that directly harms his friends. He’s worked on his impulsivity by working with others (Redson in season 3 and Mei’s planning in season 4) to help fill in the gaps in his plans. In order for his impulsivity to harm others, you’d have to break that family value first or raise that value of strength and freedom. Most likely this flaw can manifest in Mk overdoing his Monkey form ™  and sending a shockwave that accidentally hurts the people around him.  Probably manifesting either in training or while having fun with Mei (think about how Mk was in the Bad Weather episode). 
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Okay, what if Mk is tricked into it like he was in Season 4 (back to the flaw of blind devotion)? Mk has spent every season backstabbed by someone he trusted. We see him snap at Azure after he finds out that he was going to keep Wukong in the scroll. He snaps at Macaque in season 4. It’s safe to say that he’s learned, at least partially, to not trust others so blindly. Mk is also supposed to have gotten the “skill of self-reflection” in “Revenge of the Spider Queen” but his reflecting has mostly just impacted the other flaws. 
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(Text: Side note, Monkey Mk doesn't have a nose)
But there is one possibility I toy with, bottled up emotions. Mk has extremely big emotions but hates showing any emotion that can be seen as negative. He loves being happy and he’s not afraid to show it, but as soon as those emotions turn to doubt, anger, or sadness he bottles them up fast. He knows he can rely on his family, but he’s stubborn and thinks that his emotions aren’t worth that hassle. Take the ending of season 3 where Mk states that “he tries not to think too hard” about his own place in the universe, which could be due to a fear of losing the value of freedom if he has a specific role to play in the universe.
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(Text: Guys He's so avoidant, forced to think about his identity, 18-early 20's and Identity crisis)
It’s worsened by the fact that every. other. character. avoids. their. emotions. No other characters in this series are open about their emotions except Tang and Sandy. And from season 3 (and a bit of season 4) we know that Mk doesn’t view Tang in an extremely positive light.
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Not exactly negative, but his admiration lies more on the rest of the team. Macaque points this out in season 2 stating in “Shadow Play” that Mk should talk out his insecurities, but no one else does that. 
That being said Mk isn’t entirely forgetful either. Macaque was a season 1 villain with his betrayal going through season 3. Mk’s high value of family, and flaw of blind devotion, make him want to give him a chance as Macaque’s past is connected with Wukong’s. HOWEVER, Mk is also stubborn and hasn’t forgiven Macaque’s actions. That’s why he snaps, plus the fact that Macaque is terrible at direct communication. Like I said before, Mk won’t directly hurt anyone he cares about, but if his monkey form is highly connected with his emotions (as most magic tends to be) having those bottled-up insecurities might accidentally cause Mk to unleash more power than he means to.
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(Text: Normal, Fed up Meter, rage (on jar))
I have no idea where season 5 is going to go, but I’m so excited about the possibilities. 
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(Text: Terrified of his actions hurting his family. UNSTABLE!!!)
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itsabouttimex2 · 9 days
I hope this isn't an odd question
But, do you think Wukong or Macaque would act or treat different their "cub" if they genders were swapped or being a female version? This is also for a Yan behavior
I don't know too much about how is the raising of a monkey from the father and mother so I was curious with this since they're both mystical demons
I was thinking about this when I saw some fanarts from the artist @/car_nimbus on Twitter, they made a neat versions of the characters with another gender
Monkey Mama
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(Hmm okay let me build a hypothetical OG “Female Monkey King” to work off of here and then I’ll try to translate that into LMK’s SWK. Also, I’ll probably make a second variation of this afterwards with other characters, haha. This got a little long to do both SWK and Mac!)
Sun Wukong as a character is already heavily defined by rebellion and personal choice, so I think that making him a girl only really compounds that layer of his character.
In many older narratives, female characters are often expected to be more obedient or modest than men, and very frequently only exist as prizes or, more rarely, villains. A female Sun Wukong; assuming she plays the same role as her original incarnation, defies the expectations of how “traditional” women should behave, shirking the demure and passive “ideal” and adding another layer of rebellion to her character.
(JTTW is actually pretty great in terms of female representation, with characters ranging from the perpetually good Quanyin, the eventually repentant Princess Iron Fan, and the straight up evil White Bone Spirit. I’m a big fan of how the women aren’t slid into any one “role” throughout the story.)
I think: in story, she’d likely be viewed as a sort of “anomaly”—a woman too strong, too outspoken, and too unwilling to conform to typical feminine ideals. Her defiance and arrogance might be viewed as even more scandalous by the Celestial Realm.
Instead of being made a “stable-keeper”, I think probably she’s sent to whatever Heavenly Scullery exists in that divine realm, and put to work very quickly. She would treat this “job” with indifference or even amusement at first-after all, physical labor or menial tasks don't diminish her self-worth or confidence! She’s had a life of hard work, leading an army of Yaoguai, cultivating Flower Fruit Mountain,
So she’s fine with this… at first. Then it turns out that the food she makes with her fellow low-class workers isn’t distributed amongst the people making it, but plated up nice and pretty for a bunch of “stuffy old gods” who didn’t lift a finger! Bullshit!
So obviously, the prideful Monkey Queen goes on a destructive rampage in regards to the unfair disparity of treatment, then storms back down to Earth to throw a “feel-better” party with her fellow Yaogaui.
(Which isn’t just a party, but a symbolic reclaiming of joy and community, with her monkey tribe representing the freedom she craves and the earthly bonds she prefers over heavenly authority. It's not just an escape, but a statement of independence.)
After an extensive set of repairs, the Court sends down someone to drag her back, because, you know, the local super-powered monkey is back on the loose, and that’s not exactly great for them. This time, they offer her a “better” role- she gets to become an official Peach Maiden, lucky her!
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Of course, it’s just another form of entrapment, but within a prettier cage. Even though she's given a cushier position, it's a veneer- she's still being silenced, controlled, and stripped of her freedom. The role played by a Peach Maiden is an inversion of Wukong's essence, as these women are happily serving the role of passive caretakers, nurturing with gentle smiles—a direct contrast to the free-willed, brash nature of the Monkey Queen.
(And while there’s nothing wrong with being demure, passive, and feminine, having people try to force her into that role is where Sun Wukong draws her line.)
Here, she is expected to watch in silence as others revel in the freedom and power denied to her. It's a different kind of prison, one that quietly erodes her spirit. When the Celestial Court tries to reintegrate her as a Peach Maiden, they are once again attempting to place her into a docile, decorative role, one that strips away her power and independence. Those immortal peach orchards, a symbol of immortality and divine favor, becomes a prison for her.
Surrounded by "ideal" women who embody the quiet, submissive role she despises, the Monkey Queen finds herself chafing under the pressure of conformity. Her energy, once boundless and chaotic, is now caged, and the simmering resentment builds.
The buildup to her inevitable rebellion after being made a Peach Maiden, then, becomes a very sympathetic moment because it's not just a rejection of the role forced on her, but a rejection of the very system that tries to diminish who she is at her core. Her rebellion isn’t about anger and shame- it’s about reclaiming her true self after having been suffocated by the expectations of the Celestial Court. Her rampage becomes an assertion of her identity as something that can't be confined by heavenly rules or social mores.
The Court, in its attempt to “contain" her, only fuels her defiance further, leading her once again to rebel.
It was never going to end well. But it ends all the same, and punishment is to be levied to the Queen, just the same as any other rebellious rule-breaker... actually, probably harsher.
There’s “you broke our rules and tried to lead a coup”, then there’s “you did all that, and we also find your very person to be wrong on a fundamental level”, and then she gets the book thrown at her twice over.
But! Then she meets Tang Sanzang, who sees something in her that neither the Celestial Realm nor her own band of Sworn Brothers saw. Not a heretic simian savaging a holy realm. Not a Queen to rally behind for their own gain.
But a lost soul in need of guidance.
And from there the Great Monk works on building Sun Wukong up as a person instead of leading her astray or trying to cut massive chunks of her personality out? And talks to her about the things she cares about? And teaches her about all the things she missed after spending five hundred years under a rock?
And then she meets Zhu Baije, who starts out a little too happy and carefree about having a beautiful woman around, but eventually comes to smash open heads when Wukong is disrespected, because that’s not just a hot woman, that’s his sister?
Or Sha Wujing, who helps her with even the smallest things, from trimming her claws to cutting her wild hair to preparing meals for the monk? And lets her perch on his shoulders and head so the queen can get some skinship in?
Then Ao Lie, who is every bit the “disappointment to the world at large” that she was considered? And they take turns braiding each other’s hair and wiping the mess from the other’s face, and sleeping in the same tent and same bedroom because it’s less effort?
She gets a dad and three little brothers?
She gets a family.
And then loses it and is alone again for several hundred years more.
So if we go with this theoretical “My natural existence has been rejected for being seen as ‘improper’ by a court of stuffy traditional assholes” and then “I dearly love/miss my dead found family” angle, I think she’d be portrayed as a very different sort of character in LMK.
She’s quicker to lash out and defend herself, and much less willing to sit around and let the world pass her by- because that’s what was demanded of her by the Celestial Realm.
Be good. Be quiet. Be demure. Be obedient. Be anything except you.
I don’t think she’d be as willing to “rest on her laurels” as her canon counterpart, given that a “quiet boring life” was what she had fought so very hard to escape in the first place, so instead of isolating herself from the world in the first place, she probably sets up a little “souvenir shop” at the foot of Flower Fruit Mountain, taking a human form to sell little knick-knacks that herald to the journey she undertook with her old friends.
In part, this is how Wukong works to honor them. To spread their legacy. To ensure that they aren’t forgotten, left as a footnote in the annals of history. To remember them.
In part, it’s how she justifies all the mistakes she’s made and the suffering she’s been through. Settling in to a pointlessly relaxed life is exactly what she fought against, after all. She’s heavily fallen into the “sunk-cost fallacy”, where giving up and settling in, to her, means “losing”. It means “everything I went through was all for nothing”. So she keeps at this little store instead of just retiring and isolating herself from the world, even though she’d be happier to ditch it and lounge about.
So when MK and his eccentric bunch of friends comes around with their boundless energy and mischief, she immediately goes, “Oh, okay! This is what I wanted!”
(It’s not. All she’s ever wanted is her friends back. How could there be anything else?)
The Monkie Kids are vibrant, eccentric, and full of qualities that immediately resonate with Wukong. They remind her of the energy, camaraderie, and sense of adventure that she once shared with her old companions. She sees MK's arrival not just as a chance to teach someone a few of her old tricks, but as an echo of her own life—a life she hasn't been able to truly let go of.
So she starts projecting- on the surface, MK is very much like her. He's spirited, good-natured, and curious- and reckless. Just like she was. Wukong latches onto this quickly, sort of using the kid as a proxy for herself. After all, if she can't go back to her old life, why not embrace a new one that feels close enough? In some ways, this marks her refusal to accept the passage of time, a desperate clinging to the hope that, through MK, she can rekindle the connections she once cherished.
However, underneath that initial enthusiasm is the repressed understanding that MK, despite his similarities to her younger self, cannot truly replace what she lost. The friends she fought beside, the battles they waged together, and the lessons they learned are unique, irreplaceable moments in her life. No matter how much MK’s gang reminds her of the past, he and his friends a stand-in for the companions she still longs for. But her deep desire to reconnect with her old friends clouds her ability to see MK for who he truly is: his own person, on his own journey.
It takes her a while to get to that point, though. So she’s more doting and affectionate, in a way that somewhat stifles her student’s training because she wants to be both her old carefree self and also a good mentor, and the two just get jumbled.
Sidenote: I think with the difference in actions and behavior, MK would be more open to viewing Fem!Wukong as a parental figure than the OG, especially since he doesn’t really have someone to fulfill that “mom” role.
For their dynamic, I think something like this would be the outcome:
The afternoon sun hangs low in the sky, painting the landscape in hues of varied orange and blue. With a tired hand, MK wipes the sweat from his brow.
He’s perched on one of the rocky spires dotting Flower Fruit Mountain, gazing at the view with a small smile of accomplishment. Training had been intense lately… if only because he had been doubling down on the time he spent practicing, without giving as much care to rest or aftercare.
After all, even though his powers were blooming steadily… his enemies also were growing in power and quantity, leading to the ever-creeping edge of fear that anything less than a constant one-hundred percent just wouldn’t be “enough”.
And right as he reaches back to grab the golden staff he has inherited from the Monkey Queen-
“MK! I told you to take a break, not run off to do more training!”
Her voice, uncharacteristically sharp, cuts through the formerly tranquil air, causing MK to jump. He turns just in time to see Sun Wukong strolling toward him, her hands on her hips and a look of mock annoyance on her face.
MK grinned sheepishly, shifting his grass-stained boots against the dirt. “I was just, you know… checking out the view.”
She raised an eyebrow, the corner of her mouth twitching in amusement as her eyes narrowed in annoyance. This kid... “Uh-huh. Checking out the view or sneaking in some practice when I wasn’t looking?”
Caught fast in his lie, MK rubbed the back of his neck, face scrunching up in embarrassment. “Maybe a little of both?”
In spite of herself, Sun Wukong quietly laughs, the sound echoing like a chiming bell through the mountain. Her long, golden hair flowed behind her in the wind, each strand catching the light like molten fire. Despite her legendary status- the rebellious warrior who’d fought the heavens and nearly won!- there was a warmth to her that MK had come to cherish.
“All work and no play, MK,” she said, sitting beside him on the rock and ruffling his hair with a fondness that always made him feel like a little kid again. “You’ll burn out before you get anywhere.”
He looked at her, eyes shining with admiration. “But you never stop training. You’ve been at this for centuries! I just…”
A pause, as his chest turns over, unsettled by the notion of opening up. But… it’s the Monkey Queen. So it.. should be okay, right?
“I want to make you proud.”
Sun Wukong’s expression softens, and she wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling the boy close in a tight embrace. “You already make me proud, kid. You don’t have to prove anything.”
MK leaned into the touch, feeling a wave of comfort wash over him. Even from the start she’d been like this with him- protective, nurturing… and maybe a bit overbearing at times. But he didn’t mind. It made him feel safe, like no matter what challenges lay ahead, he wasn’t alone.
MK chuckled, turning his face up to meet his idol’s eyes.” I’ll keep up,” he triumphantly declares, pumping a fist.” I promise.”
“Good.” Wukong shifted, her clawed hand lightly missing his spiked locks. “Now, how about we head back to the shop and grab something to eat? You’ve earned it.”
MK’s stomach growled at the mention of food, and he nodded so eagerly that she wondered if his head wouldn’t ache from the motion. “You know, I won’t say no to a good meal.”
The Monkey Queen stood up, dusting off her mentee’s clothes before offering him a hand. “Of course you won’t. C’mon, my treat.”
Now, to answer your question about how she acts in regards to her own cub… in general I think she’s much more doting than the OG, willing to express herself through constant displays of physical affection, in ways that are far more varied.
Constant forehead smooching, cuddles, grooming sessions, all of it! Mama Wukong never wants to let go of her baby! Sit down and let her paint your nails! Let her comb and braid your hair! Let her make you a nice lunch (loaded with mystical drugs to keep you nice and sleepy for extra cuddles), or at least a filling snack! Let her pepper your face with kisses as she spins you in her powerful arms!
Lots and lots of indulgent fluffy days of binging unhealthy foods and watching cozy reruns of old shows, your head in her lap as she hums and does up your hair with her lazy hands.
Lots of reminiscing about old suitors as she considers the quietest and quickest ways to kill anyone who makes the futile attempt to pursue you in the same way.
Despite her obsessive behavior, Wukong struggles with conflicting feelings about wanting her child to be strong and independent, just like her! She pushes you to train hard and become powerful, but when you inevitably seek their own freedom or autonomy, she’d experience a mix of pride and heartbreak, pushing her deeper into possessive tendencies.
If you ever tried to leave or even just start to break away, Wukong’s worst traits would bubble up like hellfire. Just as she fought against an entire realm’s authority, she would absolutely wage a war to keep her child close, all while justifying her actions as love.
The Monkey Queen is also more willing to take routes outside of brute force if it means securing extra protection for Y/N. If Macaque or maybe Azure (or someone else like Erlang Shen) wants to try and play “suitor”, well, she’s not too interested… until the thought arises that having him around makes you extra safe! And then she’s willing to think on it.
(That’s assuming that you aren’t one of their biological kids to begin with, in which case there might be a sort of “yandere triangle”. Azure/Macaque/Erlang Shen doing his damndest to reclaim his wife, before he learns that she’s had a child while he was gone... or maybe Pigsy and Tang decided that MK needs his mentor in a more ‘accessible’ position, and plot to drag her to Megapolis…)
Lots of potential monkey mama shenanigans, basically!
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docwritesshit · 21 days
Them reacting to you just chilling in a new dress
Authors note: I have this tendency to just chill in new outfits I really like and feel good so self indulgence at its finest. Also I’m not dead, hooray! Might be by the end of this semester tho
You should have grown accustomed to his drop ins. You keep the window unlocked for him anyways
So it’s to no one’s surprise that when your celestial menace of a significant other hauled himself though the window while whistling a jaunty tune as you scrolled through your phone
“Hello Wukong”
“Hello, my dearest- …”
You look up to see this man just… staring. At you.
You raise an eyebrow at this
“… you’re really pretty this evening”
He clears his throat and tries oh so hard to play it cool but the shivers along his tail give him away
You just chuckle and stand up
“I see we like the dress”
“… we like the dress very much”
Ok, no one can blame you for just breaking in the new dress he stole got you fro. The theater
And he only has himself to blame when he walks in to see you tidying up while wearing said dress
But blame himself for long, he does not.
As soon as he walks in, he is at your back with hands on your hips. A smile is on his face as his chin rests on your shoulder
“Breaking in the new dress, darling ~?”
You smile and greet him with a kiss on the cheek
“Yup. You like?”
He just buries his face in the crook of your neck and purrs
“I like very much”
This ma’am
This ma’am thanks the heavens quietly as he sees typing away at you laptop with that lovely masterpiece gracing your skin
They come right up to you and just sit next to you, resting their head on your shoulder.
You reach up to comb your fingers through their hair
“Like the dress”
“Do you?”
He nods against shoulder, his fingers playing with the fabric
“Very much so”
Ao Lie
“My pearl, I came back early and-“
He stops in his tracks when he sees you reading a book on the couch, quietly turning the pages. This won’t do for him
He immediately goes over to the back of the couch and leans over, making you look up to face him
You giggle when you see him do this and lift your face up to meet his gaze
“Can I help you?”
“Yes. You can help by letting me get a full view of my beautiful partner in a new dress they haven’t shown me yet”
You laugh and put the book away, standing up and smiling as he is and haha over everything
“You look so pretty! How am I so lucky to be able to walk in on sights like this??”
That’s all, folks!
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crispywaffles2 · 6 months
Hello 👋 I hope you are having a wonderful day or night! May I request a Macaque x reader oneshot? Were both are having like flirt contest or sm like that, and they try act all smug and confident, but in reality, they're very flustered with each other? Thank you <<3
Hi!!! Of course I can, and thank you so much for requesting! I'm sorry for how long this took!
First to Fall (Macaque x Reader)
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Macaque leans against the tattered cushions of the old couch he stole for his dojo/residence a while ago, throwing his head back as he howls with laughter. He places one hand on his forehead, the other cradling his sore stomach while he cackles at his companions misfortune.
"It is not funny! Stop laughing!" your frantic and embarrassed protests ironically fall on deaf ears, however.
Just minutes earlier the two of you were playing a fun game you had suggested, A Hat in Time, on your Switch. Everything was fun and lighthearted at first; the two of you laughing at the zany situations and lightly poking fun at the others playing style. But everything went downhill when you made it to Subcon Forest.You had jokingly made a comment about how Snatcher, the antagonist of the level, looked eerily similar to the simian beside you, to which Macaque took great offence.
To get you to answer for your crimes, he willed the lights to flicker. That alone was enough to get you a bit on edge. After that the lights turned off, and you could feel or see him beside you anymore.Just before you could delve into a panic, the lights suddenly turned on and Macaque loomed over you from the shadows.
And that lead you to now; the demon struggling to catch his breath as he wheezes at your dispense and you looking angry and utterly embarrassed.
"I'm sorry-! But the look on your face!" he takes a deep, shaky breath, forcing himself not to break out laughing again as he leans forward with a small breath of relief.
"Ahh... you are so cute when you pout like that," the demon hums teasingly, thick eyebrows arched in amusement as he gazes at you through half lidded eyes.
The way your eyes widen at his sudden change in tone is something that can't be controlled, but you are not one to be bested twice. Through sheer will, you force your cheeks not to warm up and give him a steely glare. Two can play at this game. Your grumpy frown melts into a suave smirk, mimicking your companion's.
"I only did it to make you smile. I love the way your face lights up when you laugh." and it wasn't exactly a lie. You really did love seeing his sharp pearly whites when he smiled, even if it was in the smug or condescending manner he usually did. And the sound of his deep, rich cackles stirred something deep within you, something that made your knees go weak.
Macaque doesn't seem to sense the faint undertones of sincerity in your tone (thank goodness), and takes this as a challenge.
He never thought he'd see the day that little old you would challenge someone as naturally suave and charming as him to s flirting battle, but he wasn't complaining.
"You're talking about my laugh? I have yet to hear a giggle as cute as yours." Once again, it takes everything in you not to burst out stammering.
You weren't some pushover, and you weren't going to stand for Macaque scaring you even if his words send jolts of electricity through your body and he was so damn hot when he lowered his voice like that-
You huff and roll your eyes. "Macaque please. We both know that you're the finest thing in this room," you speak as if it's common knowledge, and for some reason that makes Macaque pause.
As confident as the simian is, he doesn't get many compliments. Usually things along the lines of 'conniving' or 'sneaky' are used to describe him. But fine? Oh, you had no idea what you made him feel with that one.
"Oh, I beg to differ doll-" he begins, only to get cut off by a snarky guffaw.
"I beg to differ, handsome." you give him a hard, stone cold stare. This was your chance to let out all of the things you've been feeling for him for who knows how long without being questioned. He wouldn't know you were being serious. Why not just pour it all out now while you have the chance?
"Your smile has got to be one of the most charming things I've ever seen, and don't even get me started on your eyes. Those two things alone could sweep some poor lady off of her feet. And your voice- I could go on for hours about your voice. It's so deep and- and relaxing- you should totally do a podcast or something because it'd have me out like a light in just a few minutes. And that thing you do where you run your fingers through your hair when you think something is funny makes me want to-"
You abruptly cut yourself off, slapping a hand over your mouth. You basically almost confessed. You'd cut yourself off, but the intentions were clear. Your blush spreads so far and fast it reaches the tips of your ears. It was just fun and innocent flirting until you went and ruined it by being genuine and passionate like an idiot.
You slowly look up, eyes wide with embarrassment and fear as you prepare yourself for that harsh and demeaning laugh that he gives everyone when he thinks they're stupid. But it never comes. Instead, what you see when you lift your eyes, is a red faced simian trying to cover up his face with his scarf while looking away from you. But the flush on his ears couldn't be denied, and neither could the smile playing at his lips.
".. you really meant that didn't you?" he asks shakily, making you immediately try to backpedal.
He wasn't making eye contact with you anymore. That had to be a bad sign. But before you could open your mouth and begin letting a waterfall of apologies cascade out, a small snicker can be heard. It was Macaque, obviously. He tries covering his mouth, but the laughter seeps through. Except this laughter wasn't mocking or mean. The six eared Macaque was sitting on your couch, letting out almost comically giddy giggles.
He might as well have been twirling his hair and kicking his feet too. Surprised by this unexpected reaction, you slowly begin laughing along. His laughter still had that deep, rich twang to it, but now it was filled with a lightness that made you feel.. all kinds of different things. Macaque quickly gets his act together, clearing his throat and straightening up with embarrassment.
"I... guess we have our winner huh?" he asks in a slightly awkward tone, looking as though he was holding himself back from something. You're quick to speak up before you can get cut off again.
"Macaque I'm so sorry- I just got carried away and I don't- I poured my heart out like that by accident!" you stammer, hoping what you're saying is at least a bit intelligible.
Macaque puts his hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"It's okay dude, I'm not mad or anything.. in fact..." he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against your cheek, causing you to freeze up and go completely red.
"now I have more things to tease you with," he cackles, pulling away before you could land any sort of hit on him.
He sinks into one of his shadow portals, making you frown, before he reemerges in the kitchen. You knew what this was about. If you wanted revenge you'd have to work for it. You shoot up from the couch, running around his dojo like a headless chicken trying to catch your dark furred friend. Er... partner? A kiss on the cheek wasn't exactly platonic, but he never said he wanted to be more than friends either.
You decide not to think too hard about it, focusing on finding Macaque instead. And when you finally do manage to tackle the monkey, it's obvious it's only because he let you. And to enact your revenge, you begin peppering kisses all over his stupid, smug face. Macaque lets out another round of that giddy laughter, and then brushes his lips against yours before disappearing.
You chase him around the apartment again. And so the cycle continues.
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doppel-doodles · 8 months
Hi, i really like your art and you writing, you are really good, so I wanted to know if you could Make some headcanons about Macaque ,Wukong ,Azure AND Shadowpeach with a Male or GN reader that Is súper soft with them and supports them when they are down, I was thinking about Wukong AND Macaque without The glamour things and insecure about their real apearence, and Azure with some scars after The Jade emperor Situation, Those boys need some love AND im sorry if I am overloading you with this request, Thanks
Heya! Firstly thanks a bunch for requesting and for the compliments! It's really sweet:> I was a bit confused in the request if you meant shadowpeach and the boys separately or just shadowpeach so I did the former just to be safe! Hope you enjoy!
Azure, Wukong and Macaque with a supportive reader
Azure lion
If we're going with Azure somehow surviving what happened to him in season 4 then I imagine he would probably gain large scars all over his body from the jade emperor's powers being too much for him to the point it was literally tearing him apart.
One goes over his eye and he has most likely lost some vision with that one, another cuts into his mane creating a slight bald spot. And the rest are scattered all across from his arms to his legs.
I don't think he would cover them up with glamour though, he would most likely keep them out as a reminder of what he did, a warning even.
Finally realizing that he wasn't the good guy and everything he did was in fact not good comes with a lot of emotions: guilt,shame even remorse.
But that's where you come in!
You don't know what Azure did or even who he was before you two met. With you he could have a fresh start, something he may have desperately needed after everything.
You would never try and pry about what happened to him to be so banged up either.
Not even when he wakes up in the middle of the night after a horrible nightmare, dreaming about how that day he was defeated could have turned out...
You just hold him,sooth him, tell him he's safe and that whatever he saw wasn't real.
And you'll continue to do so until he passes out in your arms, becoming a snoring mess once again.
You'll never know just how grateful he is to you for this, his appreciation just grows deeper every time.
He has debated over telling you who he used to be and what he had done, to be honest something inside him is deeply afraid that you'll hate him if he tells you even with you showing him nothing but care and support, and if you would he wouldn't fault you for it, not one bit.
He will tell you the story behind his scars one day, he just needs a little more time.
Sun Wukong
Okay, for Wukong I actually feel like it'll take him EXTREMELY long to drop the glamour around you. He really needs to be insanely comfortable with your presence and that alone takes time.
Him and being open with people just don't seem to mesh you feel me?
It also just stings his ego a bit. He is supposed to be the monkey king, the great sage equal to heaven for him you don't imagine that kind of guy getting hurt like ever right?
But if you are patient with him you'll eventually have him coming home, dropping his glamour and happily falling into your arms for a well deserved cuddle after a long day.
And once he showed them to you there really is no going back for him, the feeling of you kissing over his scarred skin? The way it fills him with that warm fuzziness? He wouldn't trade it for all the peaches in the world.
I imagine the circlet that was used on him actually left a scar that goes all around his head, so be sure to place lots of kisses on his forehead yes?
I've also played around with the idea that when the lady bone demon possessed Wukong it actually left a scar on his back were her power entered.
The skin ther is not just cool to the touch, it is ice cold.
This one is especially hard to look at for him but he can always feel it, no matter how many layers he wears that spot will always feel cool,dead even.
And death is something he does not like.
So when you hug him from behind or give him back rubs, your body heat breathing life back into his skin for a brief period of time it almost makes him regret hiding this from you for so long!
Surprisingly with Macaque it's EVEN WORSE he has a major case of trust issues so don't think he'll dump to you even though he definitely should let it out-
Like you actually have the patience of a saint if you can put up with him for that long in his eyes, which is great! He loves that about you!
With your encouragement he'll actually become willing to show his eye scar in public...kinda.
What I mean is when he is in human form performing at his shadow theater it would be there but covered by his hood so nobody would actually be able to see it.
Listen we are taking baby steps here-
And you couldn't be prouder of these tiny steps! And you let him know that, oh how you let him know that.
He is low key kinda startled by it at first, in his mind you should probably feel a bit cheated by him doing it this way but you just aren't. It makes his heart flutter more than he likes to admit.
He also appreciates the little things you do for him when you learn of his six ears and exceptional hearing.
Without even noticing you'll talk in a quieter voice or just watch your tone in general or you just carry a pair of noise cancelling headphones around for him incase you two find yourself in an unbearably loud environment and for whatever reason can't leave.
He ADORES your thoughtfulness for him to be honest.
It's been a while since he experienced anything like it.
Here is a shocker I don't think it'll take them even half as long to drop the glamour in this situation.
Because those two have a history, they know mostly what the other truly looks like already so there isn't as much pressure to hide it from the other since they already know.
And it would kinda make them feel bad to leave you out of the loop at that point, you're part of this relationship too after all so if they can show their scars to each other then they should show them to you as well right?
Although seeing Macaques eye stirs up a mix of feelings in Wukong every time.
He caused it after all.
Also I like the idea of Macaque planning out this whole grandiose reveal to you, like the extra Theater kid he is he actually has a whole script written out and memorised down to the very last line, yes he tried forcing Wukong to do the same, no he did not do the same.
Then the day before Wukong strolls in with no glamour like "HERE I AM!" Like the jerk he is-
Macaque proceeded to have a friendly round of rough housing with him for that:D
Besides that I imagine it being like it was in their own headcanons just with these two occasionally fighting for your attention
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absurd-ash · 8 months
hii, até your requests still open? if yes, can i ask for some fluff hcs of macaque and wukong (sep pls) with a reader who is tired because of college? like they don’t even have time for themselves or even for the monkeys since they study EVERY DAY.
i just need to sleep please 💀
☀️Wukong & Macaque x OverworkedReader🌙
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TW: Swearing
A.N: Coming right up! Sorry both of these are so short, I’ve been trying super hard to finish’s the next chapters of my Jax x reader book as well as A Silent Truce
>☀️I’m going to be completely honest with you, this man is dense as fuck. So he’s not going to tell that your tired because of college, he just gonna think your exhausted and burnt out for no reason.
>Your going to have to tell him explicitly that college is what’s tiring you out so much
>But if you don’t tell him, he’ll still try his best to make you relax, anything, you name it.
>Massaging, Hair grooming, cuddling, hell, he’ll even cook for you, just wanting to see you take a break and get some rest
>☀️The studying part is where it gets more complicated and what he does to help you fully depends on what your studying
>if it’s something like history, Wukong will be more than happy to tell you about almost everything he remembers about his past, although he might over exaggerate some bits
>But if your studying something that he’s bad with, for example, English, he’ll struggle with you and it’ll end in you giving him a lesson on the subject (much to his displeasure)
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>🌙Unlike Wukong, Macaque will sense that your overworking yourself because of college immediately
>Hope you didn’t have any assignments due soon since this man is not letting your anywhere near your desk until you get some rest
>He doesn’t say it explicitly, but he worries about you a lot and on some occasions even watch your through the shadows to make sure you eat and sleep enough
>🌙Macaque also always picks up some food for you while he’s out since he knows that the chances of you ordering from some trashy fast food place are high
>Let’s just say Pigsy’s Noodles suddenly got a lot more orders ever since Macaque found out you’ve been overworking yourself
>🌙Whenever Macaques busy, be it training or doing a shadow play, he always had one of his shadow clones caring for you
>Unknown to him that his shadow clones had grown a bit clingy to you, not letting you get any work done and just pulling you in for a extremely long cuddle sesh
Heya! Sorry again that this is so short, like I said I’ve been a bit busy. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! :D
Also, I kinda want to get to know you guys a bit better and vice versa, so please feel free to ask some questions and I’ll answer them!
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