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owarinaki · 1 year ago
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Fruits Basket - Manga Illustration part I
Part 1 // Part2 // Part3
Anime S1 // S2 // S3 Final
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xbuster · 1 year ago
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cinderella-ish · 8 months ago
no one: saki to shigure in the mabudachi trio arc: how dare you leave two horny teenagers unsupervised! shigure: 😮 saki 30 seconds later: also, your girlfriend needs to get laid, so go give her a good fucking! or else! shigure: yes ma'am
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kumeko · 5 months ago
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A/N: For the @zodiac-carnival-zine! I love the banter and easy friendship between these three (with Hatori barely keeping these two from falling into chaos).
Hatori was a busy man. He had to be as the Sohma family doctor. His clan was a large, sprawling one, and he had more patients than he had hair. Between his constantly complaining elders and his rambunctious younger kin, he had his hands full.
All of that wasn’t including his twelve special patients. They weren’t special in the sense that they had a lot of health problems, needing specialized care and constant attention. No, they were special in the sense that eleven of them were cursed to transform into the twelve zodiac animals. Special in the sense that the twelfth patient was a single, sadistic god. If it weren’t for the fact that he was the twelfth zodiac animal, Hatori wouldn’t have believed a word about the family curse.
Oddly enough, that wasn’t the strangest part of his family—no, that was reserved for the fact that they all lived in a circus. He had never been able to make heads nor tails of that fact, only that it was. At least it was a permanently based one, instead of a travelling circus; he couldn’t imagine the effort it would take to transport the entire clan from city to city.
The only benefit to it was that it wasn’t unusual to see a tiger or a horse here, so it wasn’t too hard hiding a transformation. Not that his own transformation was anything special—the dragon he turned into was more of a sea horse than a beast to be feared. For a while he had considered studying veterinary medicine, just in case, but now he was grateful that he didn’t. Who knew how busy his days would have been then?
Actually, he knew the answer to that: the same as now, too busy. Which is why he didn’t have the time to stand in front of a full-length mirror, his arms erect at his side as he made a giant ‘T’ shape. Grumpily, he stared at his reflection. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“Why not?” Standing next to him, Ayame gasped and clutched his chest. His measuring tape hung loosely between his fingers as he swayed back and forth. “You don’t like my costumes?”
Hatori bit his cheek. In all honesty, the black pants were a little too loose for his tastes. The only saving grace was the soft blue shirt, the tamest thing he’d seen come out of Ayame’s wardrobe. It missed all the bells, frills, and whistles that usually made up Ayame’s fashion sense. Still, there was no point in bringing that up. “No, that wasn’t—”
“This magnificent cape is more than just a cape, Tori,” Ayame argued passionately, plucking a regal blue cape off a nearby chair and draping it across Hatori’s back. “Look at how elegant the fur trim is, how passionate the blue, how eye-catching the apparel is—this is truly the outfit of a hero!”
He felt a headache forming. “Again, that wasn’t what I said.”
Shigure poked his head out of one of the many costume-filled racks. The red tent was utterly filled with them, making the small place feel even smaller and cozier. Wearing a pirate hat and an eye patch, he raised a brow. “What’s not to like? It’s a world of dreams.”
“Gure!” Ayame turned back to Shigure. Hatori could almost see the hearts in his eyes. “I knew you’d understand.”
“Of course I would, Aya,” Shigure replied, traipsing over. Now that he was fully out of the rack, Hatori could make out the space suit he was wearing, and not for the first time he wondered just what Shigure was up to. Clasping Ayame’s hands, Shigure crooned, “Your dreams are mine.”
“I only see you in them every night,” Ayame murmured back, a grateful smile crossing his face. The lighting from Ayame’s workstation only made them look all the more dramatic.
Exactly three seconds after (and it was always three seconds, Hatori wasn’t sure just when those two had figured that three seconds of staring was the exact right amount, but they had), Shigure and Ayame turned to him with identical grins, giving him a thumbs up. “See?” they parroted at the same time.
“See what?” Hatori replied dryly, resisting the urge to sigh. He’d been through this who knew how many times, yet they always managed to tire him out. “Anyways, that’s not it. Your costumes are very well made, Ayame.”
“Tori!” Letting go of Shigure, Ayame leaped forward and hugged Hatori tightly. “I knew you’d like them.”
“Then what’s wrong?” Shigure asked, already turning back to the racks. Hatori knew with a hundred percent certainty that the man was bored; he was only here to try on different costumes. As long as he wasn’t stirring up trouble elsewhere, Hatori would just have to live with it.
“It’s just…” Hatori brushed his hair back, running his fingers through his locks. “I’m the only doctor, I don’t have time to be a performer too.”
“Why can’t you be both?” Ayame asked, pulling back slightly and cocking his head.
“Please don’t ask that seriously.” Hatori sighed again. “I don’t have enough time. I don’t understand why Akito ordered us to perform together again.”
“Akito just likes pushing you,” Shigure replied, rifling through the racks. He pulled out several hangers as he talked. Hatori wasn’t sure if he was imagining the slight jealousy in Shigure’s voice.
“I really don’t need to be pushed,” Hatori grumbled, patting Ayame on the back before gently extracting himself. “Even just taking care of our group is more than enough on my plate.”
Not listening, Shigure murmured, “Or maybe he’s feeling insecure after all…”
“Insecure?” Hatori wasn’t sure if he was supposed to hear that last part, or if he even wanted to. He had his suspicions that Tohru, their new part-timer, hadn’t actually just stumbled into the job like Shigure had claimed. That perhaps his childhood friend was up to something devious.
The only question was if he had enough energy to deal with it all. The answer was a resounding no and he sighed. “Please don’t drag others into your schemes.”
“Schemes? Me?” Shigure plopped a princess crown on his forehead and tried on a pair of angel wings. He gave the most innocent look possible. “Never. Besides, you spend wayyyy too much time in your tent. You need a break.”
“And what greater break is there, than performing with us?” Ayame had stars in his eyes as he posed dramatically. “The bright lights shining down on us, the audience clapping, a flurry of petals—it’ll be just like the good old days.”
Shigure crossed his arms and nodded sagely. “Women swooning, girls wanting my number again—I can’t wait.”
Hatori wasn’t sure how much of that was a joke, and how much of it was serious. It was probably both, considering Shigure. “This doesn’t sound like much of a break.”
He hadn’t really expected a response. Which was good, because as usual he didn’t get one. The pair had a feedback loop between them, pumping each other higher. Or rather, Shigure was pumping Ayame higher because he refused to put the breaks on the whole thing.
“Perfect casting, the three of us as the three musketeers.” Shigure raked a hand through his dark hair, pushing his bangs back as he gave a rakish grin. “Utterly flawless.”
“And romantic!” Ayame added, raising an imaginary sword. His measuring tape and other costume making tools were long forgotten and Hatori had no doubt this measuring session would take far longer than it ought to. His silver hair flowed around him as he twirled. “The brotherhood, the betrayal, the friendship—romance at its finest.”
“Romantic, huh?” Hatori paused at that. Tohru flashed across his mind. Perhaps there was some value to this after all.
After the snow melts, spring comes.
He smiled automatically. Maybe he could pay her back for earlier with a front row ticket. She seemed like she’d enjoy a good love story.
“Ohhh?” While he’d been distracted, Ayame had gotten close once more, leaving only the faintest gap between them as he looked into Hatori’s eyes. He smirked slyly. “What’s that, Tori? Are you thinking about someone? Is it…a man’s romance?”
Hatori did not want to know what that meant. Frowning, he stepped back. “Not at all.”
“Are you sure?” Shigure was suddenly at his other side, wearing a Cheshire grin, “You weren’t thinking about anyone?”
“Yes.” Giving him a deadpan look, he flicked Shigure on the forehead. It was important to stop nonsensical thoughts from latching to his brain for too long—Hatori didn’t need to handle yet another one of his schemes. “Now, let’s get this over with. I still have patients to see.”
“Booooo,” Shigure pouted, rubbing his forehead. “That hurt.”
“Stop crying.” Rolling his eyes, Hatori stepped back in front of the mirror and spread his arms. “Ayame?”
“Of course!” Ayame skipped past Shigure, humming softly as he started to measure once more. “I’m glad you’re taking a break. You need it.”
Ayame’s tone was utterly soft, utterly kind, and Hatori relaxed. “This still sounds more like work than a break,” he replied, but the bite was out of his voice. He couldn’t help it—it was impossible to stay mad at his friends for long. However misguided their actions were, it was out of caring that they prodded him like they did.
And he was a lucky man to have so many people care for him.
Though, if they really cared, they’d learn how to rein in their behaviours more. Half of his problems would disappear.
“But, you’re right.” Hatori smiled back, shifting slightly as Ayame adjusted the cape on his shoulders. In the mirror, it looked rather roguish. “It’ll be fun to work with you two again.”
“Fun?” Shigure asked, smirking.
“Fun,” Hatori repeated. For all the headaches, the time he spent with them had always been enjoyable.
“Lots of fun,” Ayame agreed, wrapping an arm around Hatori’s shoulder as he examined their reflection in the mirror. Seemingly content with what he saw, he let go and went to grab the matching hat form where it’d been thrown haphazardly on a chair. “That reminds me, Yuki, yes that Yuki, has asked me to make his costume.”
“Yuki did?” Hatori almost couldn’t believe it.
“Yes, isn’t it amazing! Our brotherly love has pushed through, connecting once more!” Ayame clutched the hat tightly and dabbed his eyes with the brim. “He came to me, tears in his eyes, and asked me to make it for him and his princess, Tohru.”
Shigure snickered as he chimed in, “And Kyo’s playing the horse.”
Hatori was about 90% certain that Shigure had a hand in that.
“He will be the most noble steed ever seen.” Ayame pumped his fist. Hatori could almost see waves crashing behind him. “For he is carrying my darling Yuki into battle. I have already started Yuki’s thirteen-layer suit, and the fifteen ruffles on Tohru’s dress. No one will have ever seen a greater—”
Hatori rubbed his forehead. Maybe after this vacation, he could get another one to relax from the first one.
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roxi-chan · 1 year ago
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amorret · 1 year ago
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Ahhh my favourite trio! I love their relationships and interactions so much. Inspired by my also favourite ending 'Eden', I wanted to draw them ✨majestatic✨ like a proud and magnificent dragon... snake... and dog?
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cinderella-ish · 1 year ago
We also need a Yuki/Mahito and Geto/Ayame edit!!
GeGo x Fruits Basket (Teacher AU)
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ria1801 · 3 days ago
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riceballmari · 10 months ago
wtf chapter 125 is so good?? we not only get those yuki and kakeru panels, cute yuchi fertilizer and mogeta scene, but also kakeru with the mabudachi trio! definitely my favorite chapter so far in this volume.
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thelittlepie · 5 months ago
Was rereading and scrolling old posts because I was bored and in need of some serotonin, and came across the mabudachi trio manga chapter where Shigure mentioned something about Kyoru being the wholesome couple, but for some reason people say they fucked? I might have read it wrong somehow because uh... Ok here's the thing, english isn't my first language lol, but from my understanding, i didn't get the impression that they did done do it.. per se.
I don't think Kyo and Tohru are that innocent tbh, they have been very touch starved for a while. And there might be some instances where ... (i read this somewhere but I cannot remember where or if this is actually canon or not, but it says that Tohru might be feeling guilty over doing something inappropriate in Shigure's house since she is living under his courtesy or something) they might have done it some time before they moved out, before graduation, just not in that house.
So something just crossed my mind and I thought "Hey! What about... Kyo's room, in Kazuma's house?" //Wiggle eyebrows// and come on, Kazuma sometimes went out and about for weeks at a time. And Kyo is, well, a teenage boy. Maybe not as perverted as Haru or Shigure but a teenage boy nonetheless. That house is huge, and mostly empty. Let's just say Rin was at Haru's, Kazuma was out, Kunimitsu had his off day. I mean 👀
And I do not mean that he forced himself on her or anything, I think both of them are on the same wavelength. They are almost always in sync.
And did you guys know that condoms are very easily accessible in Japan? They actually have vending machines specifically selling condoms out in the open so, even for a shy, reserved, red faced kitty cat such as Kyo, they are not at all hard to get and he didn't even have to embarrass himself by going to a pharmacy or anything lol.
So yeah, my headcanon, these two had their naughty deeds done not at Shigure's. At least, not the first one.
Okay it's 1.30 am and I need sleep. Good to have this out because these two are still occupying a good chunk of my brain even after 3 years since the last season ended. i miss them 😭
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languagestudymaterials · 2 months ago
Members of society in Japanese
A simple bilingual vocabulary list for words related to society.
Lista słówek: członkowie społeczeństwa w języku japońskim
赤ちゃん (あかちゃん) = baby; infant; niemowle; dziecko
お腹がすいたら、赤ちゃんは泣く。 When babies are hungry, they cry. Kiedy dzieci są głodne, to płaczą.
男 (おとこ) = man; mężczyzna
女 (おんな) = woman; kobieta
男 and 女 are casual forms 男の人 and 女の人 are formal/regular forms 男性 and 女性 are more formal and 'adult-like'
仕事好きな女の人もいるし、料理や洗濯が好きな男の人もいる。There are women who like working, and there are men who like cooking and doing the laundry. Są kobiety, które lubią pracować i są mężczyźni, którzy lubią gotować i prać.
王(おう) = king; król
王様(おうさま) (sonkeigo; honorifics)
彼らは王の殺害をたくらんでいる They are plotting to kill the king. Knują spisek, by zabić króla.
企む  (たくらむ) = to plan; to scheme; to plot; knuć
殺害 (さつがい) = [noun] killing; murder; morderstwo
女王 (じょおう) = queen; królowa
王妃(おうひ) = empress; wife of a king; cesarzowa; żona króla
エリザベス女王2世 Queen Elizabeth II Królowa Elżbieta II
女王が国を支配する  A queen rules a country. Królowa rządzi krajem.
支配(しはい) = [suru verb] rule; domination; rządzić
大統領 (だいとうりょう) = president (of a nation); prezydent kraju
大統領が重要な決定を下す The president makes important decisions. Prezydent podejmuje kluczowe decyzje.
重要 (じゅうよう) = [na-adj] important; ważny
決定を下す (けっていをくだす) = to make a decision; podejmować decyzję
隣人 (りんじん) = neighbor (document level formal); sąsiad
お隣さん (おとなりさん) = neighbor (everyday use)
近所さん(きんじょさん) = neighbor (formal)
だってお隣さんだし。ちょくちょくお邪魔するから。 Well, we’re neighbors. I’ll be popping over all the time. Jesteśmy sąsiadami. Będę wpadał cały czas.
お邪魔 (おじゃま) = [suru verb] hindrance; obstacle; to visit someone’s home; odwiedzać kogoś; przeszkoda
ちょくちょく = often, frequently; często
お隣さん is strictly neighbors on your right/left. 隣人 covers a circular area of effect, including nearest neighbors in all directions, in its meaning. 近所’s area of effect stretches more than the other two, is not limited to the nearest neighbors, and can include ones next to them.
女の子 (おんなこ) = girl; chłopiec
男の子 (おとここ) = boy; dziewczynka
女子 (じょし) = girl
少女 (しょうじょ) = young girl        
少年 (しょうねん) = young boy
Awesome article related: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2008/08/12/language/it-aint-too-bad-being-a-joshi-or-a-danshi/
子供(こども)= child; dziecko
子供のときに When I was a child... Kiedy byłem dzieckiem...
大人 (おとな) = adult; dorosły
成人 (せいじん) = adult; dorosły
成人 is a legal term and a person referred to as 成人 is over 20.
On a daily basis 大人 is used.
成人教育 Adult education Edukacja dorosłych
教育 (きょういく) = education; edukacja
人間 (にんげん) = human (≠ animal); człowiek
あの人は人間嫌いですか? Does that person hate people? Czy ta osoba nienawidzi ludzi?
人間嫌い (にんげんぎら) = misanthropy; misanthropist​; mizantrop
友達(ともだち) = friend
Extra words: nakama | なかま | 仲間 ���friend” (common in anime but uncommon in real life) shin'yuu | しんゆう | 親友 “close/best friend” tsure | つれ | 連れ “partner” (probably not in a romantic or sexual way) aibou | あいぼう| 相棒 “partner” (of a duo) shiriai | しりあい | 知り合い “acquaintance” chijin | ちじん | 知人 “acquaintance” doukyuusei | どうきゅうせい | 同級生 “classmate” douryou | どうりょう| 同僚 “colleague” dachi | ダチ “buddy” (slang way of saying friend) mabudachi | マブダチ “best bud” (slang way of saying close/best friend) yuujin | ゆうじん | 友人 “friend” (formal) kyuuchi | きゅうち | 旧知 “long[time] acquaintance” (source: quora)
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owarinaki · 1 year ago
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Fruits Basket Manga Illustration arts part VI END
Part 1 // Part2 // Part3
Anime S1 // S2 // S3 Final
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ecargmura · 1 year ago
Wonderful Precure Episode 7 Review - Friend Liberale
This was a nice way to conclude Komugi’s struggles over her argument with Iroha and what being a Precure truly means for her. In a way, she takes a step forward into becoming a human. I really like how this episode was written!
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Komugi’s troubles are consulted by Satoru, who continues to be the best character in the show. Satoru asks her important questions like what why she became a Precure and why she got upset in the first place. In the previous episode, I did say that the reason Komugi was unable to use the Friendly Wand was because she mainly became a Precure for selfish reason—to be with Iroha. Komugi actually realizes this in this episode as she knows that Iroha’s reasons to become Friendy is because she’s someone who chooses selflessness above her own wants. She learns that if she wants to be with Iroha, she needs to put others before herself and that’s how she manages to activate the Friendly Wand!
The part where Komugi and Daifuku talk is super adorable. Daifuku doesn’t make much noise, but Komugi is able to understand him. I do like how Satoru isn’t shocked that Komugi’s eating grass, but he’s more shocked that she’s able to understand his rabbit and even wants to know what he’s saying and what his feelings for him are. Daifuku’s a bit grumpy-looking expression wise, but his tone seems very hard-boiled, which is how Komugi worded it. Also, she tells Satoru that Daifuku considers him a ‘mabudachi’ which is like a ‘true friend’ or a ‘real one’. This causes Satoru to blush when looking at Daifuku because this is his own confirmation that his rabbit loves him dearly. I’m delusional as heck, but this is definitely foreshadowing Daifuku becoming a Precure. He has to become one! It’s a must!
In Iroha’s side, she gets comforted by Mayu who bravely comes to the Inukai house to deliver a thank-you present to Iroha; she made her a harness shirt that Komugi can wear on walks. Iroha notices the numerous amounts of scratches on her arms. Mayu says that Yuki has a tendency to scratch her and even if she does so, she will always find her adorable. I think this is the sort of comfort Iroha needed. Iroha doesn’t hate Komugi, but needs to know that even if Komugi has bad qualities, she needs to learn to accept them.
The fight with the GaruGaru has more depth this time around! It’s revealed that there’s a source behind the GaruGarus as there’s a mastermind. It seems to be a wolf voiced by Takeo Otsuka. Whether he is a minion or a boss is yet to be determined, but it’s cool how they managed to cast another rising star for a big franchise. There’s also a bit more self-defense involved as Friendy is using her hands more for this fight than she did before. I thought that Kirarin animals was one per user, but that’s not the case as both Friendy and Wonderful used the Penguin’s power. The Friend Liberale looks nice too!
It feels like a closure of one arc and now onto a new arc with the gang going to school now. Mayu might become a Precure soon alongside Yuki, but who would become one first? I do wonder how Komugi is going to cope with Iroha going to school. Will the separation anxiety kick in or will she go to school with her as she can change into a human. Can she even comprehend the curriculum? What are your thoughts on this episode?
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cinderella-ish · 6 months ago
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presented without comment
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the-sage-libriomancer · 1 year ago
Some fruits basket aus i would never write but sometimes think about out of morbid curiosity:
AU where Tohru is the cat spirit and Kyo is Kyoko's son
AU where Tohru never met the Sohma family and the curse broke suddenly and messily several years later
AU where all the zodiac animals are switched (Yuki is the rabbit, Shigure is the snake, Ayame is the cat, etc)
AU where the zodiacs ages are randomly switched around (Yuki is 19, Kyo is 10, the Mabudachi Trio are 15, etc)
AU where Akito actually fucking kills one of the zodiacs while rage-attacking them (maybe Rin or Hatori) and it immediately has Consequences
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zaenaris · 1 year ago
quick question, why is “mabu” timeline called “mabu” timeline? the name never made sense to me tbh
“Mabu” is short for the Japanese word mabudachi = friend. 
it is the term Koko uses when he betrays Kanto Manji to help Inupi, he says it in ch.252 and it means “true friend/close friend” (see pic below)
Japanese fandom uses the term mabu timeline to refer to that timeline and its hypothetical evolution (if we think about it, it's the main timeline we follow for the whole story when Takemichi goes back in the past)
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