#mabudachi trio arc
cinderella-ish · 3 months
no one: saki to shigure in the mabudachi trio arc: how dare you leave two horny teenagers unsupervised! shigure: 😮 saki 30 seconds later: also, your girlfriend needs to get laid, so go give her a good fucking! or else! shigure: yes ma'am
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 4 years
So, I finally got around to reading the new Mabudachi Trio Arc Season 2, Chapter 1, and it is fabulous.
We have Ayame basically narrating his own Hatori fanfiction:
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While Hatori tears it apart:
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Then we have Shigure mentioning Hatori’s relationship with Mayu!
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There is also Ayame just being so extra and exuberant with his description of the grueling content that is to come in the story and Shigure being all “I actually feel sorry,” but really he is just sorry that he didn’t say a cool, “inspirational” type quote in the drama CD that is going to be coming out with the Season 2, Volume 1 DVD.
It’s so good! T0T
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cat-x-riceball · 4 years
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These two pages from Fruits Basket: Mabudachi Trio Arc are my favourite because I only found two chapters. Guess why? Because it has Kyoru!
I love how Shigure was just casually asking Tohru, trying to tease her a little bit, "Are you having fun getting to spend every minute of every day with the person you love?" I grinned so hard at this question, and you know why.
"What?!" Tohru was so flustered. Because we already know how much they both love spending time each other, hardly ever letting each other go. They were inseparable. Just as Tohru started smiling because she was feeling blessed to have Kyo in her life, she told him that she was happy, very happy.
They were having a normal talk. But from Kyo's perspective, Shigure was trying to make a pass on Tohru because that's what he always does so his protective bodyguard boyfriend mode went on. I squealed out loud when he grabbed her by the shoulder and hid her face in his chest, so that Shigure won't be able to see Tohru's adorable smile, which is only reserved for him.
We can clearly see that how protective Kyo is of Tohru, which I really love about him, since Tohru really is the type of person to invite a burglar in and bring him tea for hospitality. Therefore, he has to be the one to chase away the burglar. Plus, we also get to see how bold he has become in the next panel.
Shigure sighed and tried to tease him, "There you go again. Be honest. You just don't want anyone else to look at Tohru-kun's face."
Kyo straight up admitted it. "So what if I don't? Don't look at her." He had that glaring look of 'my girlfriend's smile is not for you to see, you bastard'.
I screamed at that part.
I totally loved it. We all love to see a possessive boyfriend, at least I do. All this time, Kyo always got flustered whenever someone asked him why. I'm glad that he has become more confident and bold about it, he still probably gets flustered a lot - but that's just classic Kyo. In this extra chapter, we really get a glimpse of how Kyo and Tohru's relationship developed over time after they started dating officially.
Gosh, I need more extra chapters.
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thewanderingace · 5 years
I’m still not over this glimpse of Yuki on a date with Machi in the Mabudachi Trio arc chapters. Any glimpse of them and I freak out. I love them. I love that they’re happy.
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mrsmarymorstan · 5 years
Every time I gaze upon a picture of Third Year/Post Canon Kyo I have to spend ten minutes making whale noises becauase my boy is SO HANDSOME!!! HE'S SO DAMN HANDSOME. He has NO RIGHT BEING THAT HANDSOME. My first fictional crush grew up SO GOOD.
I owe Takaya my life.
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disneysooner · 3 years
I doubt they’d ever do it, but wouldn’t it be great if Funimation created OVA(s) for Fruits Basket of the Mabudachi Trio’s “The Three Musketeers Arc” mangas? 🐶🐍🐲
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keisuke-akm · 5 years
Mabudachi trio arc 3 is out
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littleholmes · 2 years
whos your main ship? or what pairing do really enjoy the dynamics these days?
Hi @motianshan! Ooooh this is a good question!
I don't have a main ship because I have too many fave ships to have a main one, plus I've been in so many fandoms for so long that I pretty much have a whole fleet of ships. Some of my OG ships are Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye (FMA), Inuyasha and Kagome (Inuyasha), Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan (Pirates), and I while I didn't ship them I loved the dynamics of the Mabudachi trio (Fruits Basket)
Since there was a new chapter yesterday, I'm really enjoying the progression of He Tian and Mo Guan Shan from 19 Days. I usually tag my posts about them with 'this pair has destroyed me' because they have just been through so much together and they really do care, even if Little Mo is a bit prickly at times. I'm worried about the upcoming chapters because I think we're coming to the point where He Tian's gonna leave and I'm not ready.
Another pair is Chuuya Nakahara and Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs. I flip in and out of shipping them so I'm flexible on content and open to anything as long as it has them because I could gush for days about these two. As partners in the mafia and ex-partners working together in later years, their dynamic is absolutely incredible! They know each other's strengths and weaknesses, know each other's moves and every nuance about each other, and they know how to work together using each other's abilities and fight skills to their advantage. They tease each other and annoy each other, but care about each other at the end of the day. They are just...I love them. Asagiri did an amazing job with bringing aspects of these author's IRL bond into these fictional characters. I've written analysis posts about them, I've written a fic about them, and I just could go on for days about Slug and Mackerel.
Finally, since I'm on the track of pairs I love the dynamics of and sometimes ship, another pair that came to mind is Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. The JJK 0 movie recently came out and I'm so happy that people are seeing the dynamic of these two (and I'm so glad especially for anime-only folks because they need to see these two together so when the next arc is animated in S2 and then the big Shibuya arc, the feels will hit harder). I love their dynamic and the way they balanced each other out and I slip in and out of shipping them depending on the circumstances because these two are just so unique together as the strongest duo and they were each other’s “one and only”. (I also love the dynamic of them with Shoko Ieiri because that trio is chaotic and amazing).
I'm rambling but I hope this answers your question!
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ultra-violet-heart · 3 years
Have you done the translations for chapter 2 and 3 of Mabudachi's trio arc?:c
Nope. I didn't need to: Yen Press has done them already and I promote those if I could, since those are official.
I only did chapter one since people didn't know at first that the Mabudachi Trio will be translated, since most of the time, extra content in Japanese for shoujo franchises are not.
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animegenork · 3 years
Fruits Basket Final Season, Episode 1
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Sounds of intense sobbing and blubbering and also wheezing.
Okay. I’m okay. I’m FiNe.
Okay okay, so we leave off where the second season did, with Tohru finding out that Akito is a girl. Kureno clarifies his explanation as to why he can’t see Uotani, saying he has another girl whose side he must stay by. He also explains that Akito was raised as a man (I don’t remember the story, but there was something like this in one of my classes last year) by decree of his mother, Ren, an honestly terrifying woman who Akito hints at being too flirty with the zodiac men. (IS RITSU OKAY THAT’S ALL I WANNA KNOW.)
Then we get a bit of backstory on some Sohma philosophies. Akito is very attached to the “bonds” between her and the zodiac members, as they are her only reference to love. Ren says that the bonds are unnatural, and they do not constitute real love in the slightest. Kureno agrees with Ren, and it seems that the guilt from THAT is what keeps him with Akito. It’s all very twisted.
We see Akito attack her mother (ngl that was a badass scene and I am still in shock), making the point that she’s never known another type of love. Parental love was a sham when it came from Ren, so the bonds are all she has. Honestly, it’s something to be pitied. Ren says that the love between her and Akira (yes, Akito’s father) was real, and if Akito kills her, at least she can be with him again. There is a flashback to Akira telling Akito she was born to be loved, which, considering how Akito is now, probably warped her as much as Ren’s bad parenting.
Sohma parents that aren’t Hiro’s really need to work out their shit.
There is another flashback to back when Akito was first conceived. The Mabudachi Trio (Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame) plus Kureno had the same dream and cried before running to Ren and lowkey being a little weird and touching her stomach. Basically, the zodiac spirits kicked in and automatically attached them all to Akito already, which is all fine and dandy, except it trapped them. And Kureno knows this. And he apologizes that all this mountain of complication is keeping him from Uotani.
But Tohru can’t even move.
Hanajima comes to her rescue and takes her back to her house. They sit down, and without explaining it in its entirety, Tohru explains what precisely she was shocked about.
To put it in non-Takaya terms, Tohru really wanted to get Kureno to see Uotani again. Even with his roundabout explanation, Tohru learned the precise reasons why he can’t see her. She says that Kureno is a caring man who puts others’ feelings before his own, and in the face of that depth of selflessness, she was speechless. She couldn’t comprehend sacrificing so much of yourself just to keep one person happy (even if she does it in her own way every day).
Now, I’d like to think another part of Tohru’s conflict here is that she can’t imagine giving up so much of herself to help Kyo and make him happy. That might be because she doesn’t know how, due to her non-zodiac nature, or because she’s never had to. What she selflessly does for people every day is on a smaller scale than what Kureno is doing. But it’s a little more effective and long-lasting, as we can see from the flaws in Akito’s relationship with the former Rooster and her general temperament.
In any case, Tohru continues to explain that Momiji and others have helped her track down Kureno time and time again to convince him. But when it came her turn to directly tell him to see Uo, she couldn’t do anything. And that kills her.
Hanajima calmly tells her that, of course, Tohru is much the same way as Kureno. (I love their juxtaposition, too, especially how Uo describes him as being very much like Tohru in his airheadedness.) She says that she’s afraid that someday, the weight of trying to help others with crush Tohru, and she won’t ever smile again. I think that’s something a lot of the zodiac fears as well.
That’s when Uo pops in and says that would be the end of the world.
Uo and Tohru have a nice little moment together, which in a way, finally resolves Uo’s arc of moodiness and despair. Hana’s brother, Megumi, gives us a little hope that maybe someday things will work out.
The episode cuts then to Rin, who has snuck onto the Sohma estate, possibly to confront Kureno, as it seems that she overheard a lot of his conversation with Tohru. She’s stopped by Ren, who asks if she wants her help. If you haven’t noticed already, their hairstyles are eerily similar (which, thanks to a lovely commenter on a previous analysis post, explains why Akito has always hated Rin so much).
Back at Shigure’s house, Kyo has found Tohru’s scarf, and those two are just too cute again. Yuki sees Tohru smiling and seems relieved, and Shigure jokes that Yuki is hopeless in the kitchen. (We still love him.)
So for the most part, Tohru feels better, and life can go on. But she’ll still be puzzling things out on her own, because that’s the way she is.
Alright, it’s now time to obsess over these new songs and try not to break into random sobbing fits. See you all next week hopefully!
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cinderella-ish · 1 month
Fruits Basket Meta & Silliness
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Beyond Good and Bad
Fruits Basket Personality Types
Kyo and Momiji are Basically Brothers!
Let's Talk About Kyoru!
Why Yuki and Machi Just Make Sense Together
Yuki, Kakeru, and the boyhoods they never had
Headcanons and Opinions
Adulting: What did they all do after the curse broke? | Part 2
character I most relate to/favorite episode
character that grew on you/favorite theme/favorite thing about furuba
favorite and least favorite character/favorite fanworks
Momiji headcanons & hot takes
the new mabudachi trio
Queer Headcanons
subtext matters
Yuki headcanons
Yuki pairings
zodiac year/favorite manga chapter/favorite ships/favorite friendship/hot takes
Fruits Basket Fandom
Announcing Fruits Basket Mondays!
most popular furuba relationship tags on AO3 | Part 2
Fic Recs Masterpost
Fic Rec Post Poll Results
Fruits Basket AO3 Media Tags | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
furuba fanfic pet peeve: cursed animal epithets
Just for Fun
Every Show Has One
Fruits Basket Characters as Cats!
Hatsuharu wishes you a happy pride!
Kyo and Yuki acting like a married couple
i forgot to mark my furuba-versary!
Ritsu Love
Sad Seahorse Daddy
saki to shigure during the mabudachi trio arc
What's the deal with Yuki's haircut?
Why don't you write... | Part 2
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 4 years
We’re getting an illustration book!!
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Over on her Twitter, Takaya-sensei tweeted about this month’s Hana to Yume issue. There were a lot of Furuba related things: 
- The second chapter of the Mabudachi Trio Arc Season 2.
- An interview with Tohru-kun and Akito-san.
- It comes with a Furuba Voice Card.
- And an Illustration Book of the 1st Season’s Thank You Illustrations is coming out! 
(She made another post under this one saying that it will still be a while before it will be released).
I’m so happy and excited!!! >w<
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pan-gya · 4 years
fruits basket!
oh boy, i was bracing myself for this, ok there are gonna be massive spoilers in this so uh, be warned:
my favorite female character: akito, she has one of the most amazing character arcs i’ve ever seen, and i love her dearly
my favorite male character: a tie between hatori and momiji cuz i cant choose!! i love them both so much!!!!
my favorite book/season/etc: book: either volume 8 or 19; season: im really enjoying the current season! theyre doing great!; arc: mabudachi trio arc is the best thing ever
my favorite episode: the mayutori episode is amazing, but so is the gravesite/momiji episode cuz that ending fucked me up so bad aaaa it was so good
my favorite cast member: english: everyone who returned, it made me cry happy tears hearing them again; japanese: maaya sakamoto is a perfect akito and i already love her voice
my favorite ship: mayutori mayutori mayutori mayutori!!!!!!! (kyoru is amazing as well)
a character i’ll die defending: akito, i understand people not liking her, but i personally think her character arc is really well done
a character i can’t sympathize with: ren. fuck her. all my hommies hate ren.
a character i grew to love: akito, i never disliked her, but my love for her has grown a lot, but to put a character besides akito cuz ive put her as an answer alot lol, uh kureno cuz i used to hate him for no reason it was really funny. i like him a lot more now tho :)
my anti-otp: i dont really have one? like all the ships ive seen ive been like “yeah i can see it, i dont ship it but i get it,”
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floraltohru · 4 years
I need someone who has read the Mabudachi Trio arc to confirm for me that Yuki is wearing ankle cropped pants.
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mrsmarymorstan · 5 years
Okay, I have now officially treated myself to a complete collection of Fruits Basket. So I'll have all the books + Fanbooks available in English. And I've spent SO LONG not spending anything at all that this is incredibly nerve wracking a thing to have done. But I have regular money comming in each month now, so I have the money in my account to do this but I'm still in Saver Mode.
Why is buying nice things that I don't need SUDDENLY SO STRESSFUL????
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disneysooner · 4 years
Fruits Basket Hiatus - Day 76
Questions by @immaanimationnerd
Question #76: If Natsuki Takaya were to write a spin off manga based on another Fruits Basket character(s), who would you want it to be about?
Well, my initial wish came true with the Three Musketeers Arc featuring the Mabudachi Trio. Otherwise, I wish we could get more out of Kyoru and Yumachi interactions! We get a little in Fruits Bask Another, but I wish we could get more!
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