ladymarycrawley · 2 years
You make it feel like Christmas- Mason Mount
Request: I was thinking something like you and Mase got recently engaged and you are in your little love bubble still but now all his family is coming to spend christmas at yours and Mase’ house. A lot of fluff and family time where Mason has a really special present for you, a Cartier bracelet ❤ (as requested by that angel of @raremasey​ )
Warning: as the request says a lot of fluff lmao (His Lapland reel helps making the atmosphere even better!)
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover​ @masterclassbaby @johnstonesfc
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Christmas is a holiday that is meant to be celebrated with all your loved ones, eating and opening the presents you got for each other. That year you were chosen as the guest for all the Christmas celebrations and what made it even more special was the fact that it was you and Mason's first Christmas as fiancés since he asked your hand in marriage a couple of months ago.
"No Mase, I have to go. I still have to get the beds ready in the guest room, packing all the presents…"
"Come onnnn, it's 5 minutes only" He whined, squeezing your hips tighter. He was so clingy getting out of bed was always a rather hard task, especially on those cold mornings when the world outside seemed so unwelcoming with that biting chill that would welcome you once out of the bed.
You sighed and gave in, letting him hug you way too close to his chest.
"I also have to cook the whooole dinner" You closed your eyes hoping some spell would hit all the groceries in the fridge so that they would cook themselves so that cooking them wouldn't have been your problem anymore.
"I'll help you" Mason muttered with his lips pressed against your cheekbone.
"Really? Are you feeling okay?" Cooking wasn't exactly one of Mason's greatest skills, he was a disaster to be fair so him offering his help was something you weren't quite used to.
"Yeah, I'll just follow what you're saying, it can't be that hard I guess"
You giggled, turning on your left side to face him: he still had that adorable just woken up expression on his face, his dishevelled hair, his slightly swollen eyes. He was perfect and he was yours and not to be too cheesy but with him and his joyful personality it felt like Christmas everyday to you.
You leaned forward to cup his face and kiss him right on the lips.
"You'll be like my Xmas elf"
"That's so romantic" You both giggled before sharing another kiss. "Come on, let me go"
Mason finally let go of his grip on you so you could go and start preparing all that had to be done before the arrival of your boyfriend's family. You loved them to pieces so you just wanted to give them the best Christmas ever, making them feel at ease in your own house as they did everytime they would welcome you to theirs.
As you got up Mason couldn't resist the urge to squeeze your butt, making you wince and giggle.
"Don't do that in front of your family"
"I'll do even worse"
"Don't you dare" You chuckled walking away from your shared bedroom.
If Mason, at the beginning of the day, thought that you two could have made the most out of your day together as it wasn't something that happened very often, he had to change his mind when he saw you speeding away from one corner of the house to the other to prepare all the things that had to be ready before his family would join you.
You knew your day would've been hectic but you didn't imagine it could have been that hectic: you only stopped to eat something quickly and then started running around the house again. 
“We can’t even eat in peace??” He asked, rather annoyed, as he saw you getting up and bringing your plate to the sink to wash it in a hurry and then go back to your Christmas duties.
“You can take all the time you want to eat, babe. I still have to prepare the bedrooms and check if I have all the presents” You said leaving a kiss on the top of his head.
Mason liked Christmas time a lot, that year even more as he got to spend it with his favourite people in the world, that is to say you and his family, so he really was looking forward to all the memories you would have made together but he didn't like seeing you getting that stressed over something that should have been joyful and not that frustrating.
“I already told you there’s no need to impress anyone. The presents you bought are fine, they’ll love those”
“I just saw the cutest thing for Summer! Look” You got closer to him, ignoring what he had just said, to show him a princess castle play tent, with lights and all.
“She doesn’t need this”
“That’s perfect! Jaz and her can enjoy some mummy-daughter time in there, that’s so cute!” You didn’t think twice and pressed the buy now button to get the most perfect gift for what had now become your niece too.
“Thanks for caring about my opinion, that moves me” Mason giggled, reacting sarcastically to the way you didn’t take into consideration his point of view.
You giggled, placing your head against his.
“Sorry babe but we don’t have much time to see all the presents in the world and then decide”
“Yeah but it’s like the fourth present you buy for her??”
“The third actually” You corrected him, slightly bitter.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry then”
“Would you mind washing these dishes while I go check the other gifts?” You asked him as he was already standing before the sink.
“Sure, hun” The love you had for that man couldn’t be described as it was so strong. As a thank you gesture you placed a kiss behind his ear. “But I want to see what you got to the others as well”
“Okay” You giggled as you left the kitchen to go and take the list you made to make sure everyone had their own presents. “So…”
“A paper list?? Who are you?? Santa Claus’ assistant?? Or Santa Claus’ in the flesh??”
“Ha ha you’re so funny, Mount. Now shut up and listen”
You started listing everything you bought for Tony, Debbie, Jaz, Lewis, Summer, Poppy, Harley and Stacey hoping your soon to be husband would have agreed with your ideas, stopping when your eyes felt on his name as his presents should have obviously been a surprise.
“How much did you spend to get all these things??” He asked you, blurting his eyes out in shock. He was more than happy that you cared so much about his family but he didn’t want you to waste all your money on such things: he was perfectly aware of the fact that you didn’t earn as much as he did (since your job was much more humble than his which made your paycheck way lower) but never he didn’t made you feel bad about it as, if it was for him, he would have bought you the whole world and making you leave your job once and for all.
“It’s none of your business”
“Y/N you didn’t have to use all your salary for my family. A present each would have been more than enough”
You rolled your eyes, putting that paper away.
“What did you get me?” He asked in a childish tone, making you chuckle.
“Nothing” You stepped closer to him, bringing your hand to scratch the back of his neck.
“What do you mean nothing?”
“I’m your gift” You smirked before capturing his lips in a loving  kiss.
Mason smiled against your lips.
“That doesn’t count”
“What? You’re being kinda rude!”
“I’m not! It’s not fair you bought my family hundreds of present and not even a single thing to me”
“I’ll give you my present when you’ll give me mine”
“What if I’ll give you mine in the bedroom later?” His kinky joke made you blush, earning a cheeky smile from him.
“You should wait for Christmas day at least”
“Nope, I want the whole family to see what I bought you”
He laughed wholeheartedly, looking at you leaving the kitchen to go and resume your work.
“Where are you going??” He shouted at you.
“You’re wasting my time, Mount!” You shouted back at him, checking the cooking book your mother gave you to write down a draft of what would’ve been your Christmas menu.
“Oh is that so? You should have thought about it a couple of months ago, love!”
Those little banterings were one of your favorite things in your relationship, it felt as if they brought you closer and made everything even funnier.
“Your bank account was more appealing”
In a matter of minutes you found your fiancé glaring at you and you couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of laughter.
“You little…”
That was the moment when your little wrestling game started off, where you would try to playfully fight him off your body as he would crush you with his weight. 
“Let me go!!”
“Not before this!” He started inflicting you his torture which consisted in tickling you until you started crying ad screaming for him to stop and have mercy on you.
He got up from the floor taking you with him in his arms, pressing his lips against your forehead.
“What’s next on your Christmas to-do list?”
"The presents for Poppy and Harley!" Mason brushed his hand over his face desperately, giggling.
The day before the long awaited day, Christmas eve, finally arrived and to say you were stressed was an understatement: you kept looking at the clock to check how much time you had left before all your guests would grace you with their presence that should have happened later that day.
"Where the fuck is that fucking -"
"Y/N calm down hun"
The last thing you needed was him saying pointless things at you such as calm down, he wasn’t being helpful at all.
You got your head out of the cupboard you were looking in for the mixer you needed to make a sauce for the roast you were thinking of doing as part of the Christmas menu for your guests.
Perfectionism has always been one of your most prominent personality traits so that being the first Christmas lunch you would have hosted at yours, you just wanted to make everything impeccable. But at what cost?
“I’ve been looking for it for the last hour and I needed that for -”
“I know but calm down, I’ll help you with the cooking”
“They’ll be here in a couple of hours and I still have to take a shower, get ready and -”
“Babe, look at me” Mason took your face in his hands to force you to look at him in order to instill some calm in you who were clearly having a hard time. “Everything’ll be alright”
You let out a loud breath nodding at his encouraging words.
“You already made a good impression on them, they already love you so you don’t need all this tension”
Even though you knew Mason wasn’t exactly a chef in the making you let him help you prepare the roast turkey as well as the appetizers you planned on doing. The pudding was almost ready so you had one less dish to think of at least.
You were so grateful for him as he never failed to show you his endless love and support, helping you to stay sane in that case.
"See? I'm already husband material" He stated quite proud of himself while cutting the veggies into tiny pieces.
That line made you blush and smile widely, he was right: he was more than ready to become your husband and you couldn’t wait to call him that.
The way he made you smile warmed his heart so he let the knife fall on the chopping board to come and wrap his hands around your waist, hugging you from behind and kissing you, a soft and meaningful kiss against your temple.
"I'm so proud of you, it will be the best Xmas ever"
"Well, I hope so"
The Mounts arrived at yours in the afternoon, bringing some food Debbie cooked for you all to eat for dinner. You were buzzing to meet them as you got along since the first moment you met them, they've always been nice and caring to you.
Among all, the one who was the happiest with having you there was Summer who ran in your arms as soon as they entered your house.
"Auntie Y/N!!" She hugged you as tight as she could, showing you all her love and how much she missed you.
"Hey baby! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too"
"You have a lot of things to tell me, missy"
"Yes" She took your hand in hers and pulled you towards your big sofa to have a sit and have a chat with you.
"Look at her, it looks like she found her old friend" Lewis noticed, making everyone laugh. Needless to say, Mason was so happy in seeing two of the most important people in his life being that close. He couldn't wait for the moment you would have your own children. 
That encounter was also the first one between you and Stacey and her babies, Poppy and Hafley, since they lived in Australia and meeting them hadn't been possible till that day. It was emotional and intense.
After sharing a much needed dinner where you could catch up on what had been happening in everyone's life lately, you all went on talking with your warm tea in your hands as the fireplace you wanted so badly to have in your house gave the perfect atmosphere. 
Mason sat next to you, attached to your hip to be fair, laying kisses against your temple, stroking your thighs covered in black tights lightly, squeezing your hand in his and raising it to kiss your knuckles every now and then. All those gestures didn’t go unnoticed to his older brother who didn't miss the opportunity to make fun of him for how clingy he was.
"Hey bro, no one will take her away from you, you know that, don't you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Let her breathe for a moment, you're so clingy" 
Mason turned crimson while you tried to giggle the embarrassment away, gently stroking Summer's hair, who was sleeping in your lap.
"Shut up, leave me alone"
"He's just in love, Lew"
"Thanks mum"
"You seriously make me wanna puke sometimes" Lewis muttered, loving how good you're making him feel but loving to mock his brother as much.
"So…I'm gonna be an uncle again soon enough"
You and Mason glared at him as Jasmine, Debbie and Tony widened their eyes moving their gaze from Lewis to you.
Mason then let out a laugh, brushing his hand against your stomach. 
"Maybe it's already here"
"MASON" It was time for you to blush in embarrassment, batting your fiancé's hand away.
"What? I guess that's how things will go"
"There isn't anyone in here at the moment" You snapped back, making your brother-in-law crack a chuckle.
Soon after Jaz got up to take Summer to bed and you all followed her to go to sleep too, not before making sure everyone found their own bedrooms and asking them three times at least if everything's okay and whether they needed something.
You let out a loud sigh when you closed your bedroom door behind you, raising your gaze to find Mason's, who was smiling.
He walked closer to you, placing his hands on your hips and pulling his lips closer to your ear.
"I can put a baby in you if you want"
"Mase!" You tried not to laugh as you pushed him away from your body. "Not yet"
"Oh come on! That would be a good Xmas present"
"You're crazy" You shook your head, before leaving him there to go to your ensuite bathroom.
"Yes, crazy for you"
"Stop it" You giggled, locking yourself in the bathroom. 
When you got back from your night routine, ready to have a good night of sleep, you cooed as your eyes caught sight of Mason who had fallen asleep with his phone in his hands, his head dangling.
You got closer and gently tapped your hand on his shoulder to wake him up.
"Mhh? What??"
"Put on your pajamas and get under the blankets" You sweetly instructed him as he nodded and sighed heavily.
The truth was that he was too lazy to get changed so he just took off his hoodie and put himself under the blankets, wrapping his arms around you, making you giggle as you kissed his forehead. 
"Nighty night"
"Goodnight, my love"
The next day, Christmas day, you woke up to his gentle caresses, his fingertips dancing along your neck and shoulders, brushing your locks behind your ear. Those gentle touches made you feel like the most loved person as his cuddles never failed to make you feel special, like you were the only girl in the world.
You tried to suppress a smile that, sadly for you, he noticed so you couldn’t go on faking being asleep to enjoy his cuddles in peace.
“I know you’re awake” He whispered cheekily, leaning forward to kiss your nose.
You let out an annoyed grunt that made him smile as he pressed another peck on the spot between your eyes.
“Merry Christmas, babe”
“Merry Christmas”
You spent a good while in silence, your foreheads against one another, your noses brushing as you stayed there with your eyes closed, revelling in the quietness of your own room before the loudness of the day ahead would have started.
But that peace didn’t last long as you heard someone cracking your door open, followed by the sound of a lively tiptoeing on the floor.
“Uncle Mase?” That was Summer who was probably doing her tour around the house to wake everyone up as the day she had been dreaming about for the whole year had finally arrived.
Mason sniffled looking down at her and smiled lovingly.
“Hey baby, happy Christmas. Do you want to come here?”
Summer nodded happily as Mason took her in his arms so she placed herself between you two to get her beloved cuddles: all the gentle touches and kisses were for her now.
“Let’s go see what Santa Claus brought us!” She jumped out of the bed, eager to go and see her presents, dragging her uncle along.
"Auntie Y/N, come on!" She nearly yelled at you, making her silly uncle laugh.
"Come on auntie, get up!" He said, doing a perfect impression of his niece hence getting a middle finger from you. 
Once you find the strength to leave the comfort of your bed, you walk downstairs to find everyone already sitting by the fireplace, ready to open the presents. 
It felt so good seeing everyone enjoy what you got for them, especially Summer who would have liked to spend the whole day sitting in that pink tent, playing with the dolls you gifted her.
As for Mason, you bought him a vintage watch making him whine about the fact that he didn’t like you spending all that money for him and then you thanked him a thousand times when you saw the designer bag and the aquamarine necklace he got you.
"Here's another thing for you"
"What? You know what I told you about presents"
"Said the one who bought ten presents each!"
"And they were all good presents!" Debbie stated, making you smile as it meant you did a good job in trying to please everyone. 
Mason handed you a little red shopping bag that read Cartier in it and you widened your eyes out in shock: you still weren't used to him spoiling you with luxury goods, no matter how many times you told him he didn't have to spend all that money for you.
"Open it"
"Mason, for God's sake…"
"Wait for what's inside" Jaz urged you, wiggling her eyebrows.
When you finally opened the red box finding the golden bracelet there was inside you breathed out, shivering a little for the emotion of the moment. 
"Are you crazy?? You didn’t have to buy me this!"
"Shut up" 
"Don't tell me to shut up"
"Why, Mase? I've told you so many times you don't have to buy me expensive things" You whined fiddling with your newest piece of jewellery as you couldn't stop looking at its perfect shape and golden surface. "You already got me a bag, that necklace I saw in the window the other day…and now this"
The Chelsea midfielder tilted your face up, placing his hand under your chin as you were met with his loving smile.
"I'm serious, Mase"
"I'm serious too, Y/N. I love you and I want to give you all the presents in the world, I want to spoil you cause you're always so supportive with me and I just want to give you small things that can make you happy, or even happier"
"But I'm always happy with you"
"Shut up" He hissed on your lips before kissing you, his hands placed at either sides of your face by way of hiding you, not to let anyone of the present spoil the little moment you were sharing.
"Guys, we're still here you know"
Mason threw a cushion at Lewis, making everyone laugh.
"Take a closer look at it"
You looked at him with raised eyebrows, clueless about what he was hinting at. He smirked and gestured for you to move the bracelet around to look better at the inner part of it. When you realised what he meant you gasped, as joyful tears started staining your face: he had engraved such a simple but meaningful declaration on it and, from now on, you would have worn it forever.
"Mase I - you -" No words that would have come out of your mouth would have been enough to thank him and express how you were feeling.
"Yeah, I love you too" A toothy grin appeared on his prince-like features, as he pulled you in to kiss your forehead, a long and loving kiss.
Mason himself was already a gift for you so you didn't need him to spend any extra money for you, he was your happiness and you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your Christmases with him.
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mothmansummer · 3 months
struggling to articulate this sort of nostalgia-adjacent feeling where i am a little sad and a little upset about the fact that the cultural moment that was going on when i was like first being exposed to music as like a 12 year old is absolutely over. like i caught the tail end of the ny rock meet-me-in-the-bathroom movement, the hyperliterate indie shit that was coming out of like new england-great lakes-quebec, the southern hip-hop whatever, and now as an adult that lives in all of these regions at different periods of the year, they're all Over. which makes sense, certainly, but it is a little irritating that i can't go back and time and warn my 12 year old self that the cultural phenomenon that i thought i would sort of explode into as an adult has been surreptitiously replaced by the dark workings of the west coast and there is no longer a real demand for feist or jordan maason or whatever
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dinerva · 6 months
what r your favorite albums . mine r divorce lawyers i shaved my head by jordan maason and the horse museum and under construction by missy elliott
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Alluri Sitarama Raju
Believer is definitely Ram's song
Kyun jaane ek din bhi laage humko baara maason ki tarah
His Desire:
Komaram Bheem
Part one
Part two
Nabhatuni Aali Apsara
Ram confessing to Bheem
RamBheem confession fic
Kalank Nahi, Ishq hai Kajal, Piya:
Fate plays it's game
I'll always be there for you:
Chapter 1
Writing Prompt 1
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itsnotgray · 5 months
maason smith from LSU is taken by the jags
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privatereads · 8 months
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nbalovers · 1 year
Analyst furious at NCAA amid Maason Smith suspension Maason Smith will have to suffer the c... #usa #uk
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nfliplnews · 2 years
[ad_1] LSU fans are eagerly waiting the return of talented defensive lineman Maason Smith. The Louisiana native was primed for a breakout year in 2022 before a torn ACL in Week 1 ended his season.Smith has been a non-contact participant in spring practice, but Kelly said he’ll be full strength when fall rolls around. This lines up with what has been said throughout Smith’s recovery process.Kelly is excited with what Smith will bring back to the defense.This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.Update your settings here to see it.This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.Update your settings here to see it.Kelly discussed LSU’s inside pass rush in 2022, noting it wasn’t always a threat.The return of Smith will help make for a more complete unit and the Tigers will need it with BJ Ojulari and Ali Gaye headed to the NFL.Smith isn’t your typical pass rusher from the edge, but he’s a force on the inside and can be just as impactful. Generating pressure from the middle gets to the QB faster and disrupts his eye line, making things easier on the whole defense.More Football!Brian Kelly opens up about Denver Harris' exit from Texas A&MLSU offers 2025 top 50 wide receiver from FloridaLSU State of the Program: Secondary looks to build a foundationContact/Follow us @LSUTigersWire on Twitter, and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Louisiana State news, notes, and opinions.Story originally appeared on LSU Tigers Wire [ad_2] Source link
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પુતીઆઈ માં (સોનલધામ નેરાણા) આજે દેવલોક પામ્યા છે, માં ના ચરણો માં કોટી કોટી વંદન 🙏🙏🙏 #putimaa #maasonal #omshanti #sonaldham #nerana #mitrajgadhavi #mitrajgadhaviofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5lz77F46m/?igshid=19go1ldz5uf5q
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localrobosexual · 5 years
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some early christmas gifts of some of my irl pals’ sonas!!! bc I love them and I couldn’t wait any longer to post these aaaaa!!!!! ;w; 
left one’s for @redchaaos and the other recipient doesn’t have a tumblr as far as I’m aware hkskjdfjs
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landoncrris · 2 years
oh god not another one maason
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bambibreathes · 4 years
all conor oberst bands 
(bright eyes, conor oberst, conor oberst and the mystic valley band, better oblivion community center, monsters of folk, commander venus, neva dinova)
lil peep
fiona apple
la dispute
sufjan stevens
tegan and sara
vanessa carlton
lana del rey
now, now every children
modest mouse
chad vangaalen
hobo johnson
daniel johnston
the national
jordan maason and the horse museum
told slant
bon iver
nicole dollanganger
taking back sunday
passion pit
danny brown
regina spektor
pheobe bridgers
julia jaclin
big thief/adrienne lenker 
wicca phase springs eternal
corbin/spooky black
kimya dawson
kendrick lamar
elliot smith
fka twigs
regina spektor
andrew jackson jihaad
johnny hobo and the freight trains
the antlers
hotel books
johnny cash
amanda palmer
angel olsen
my chemical romance
kanye west
slaughter beach, dog
fka twigs
keaton henson
julien baker
sharon van etten
lykke li
tyler. the creator
tom waits
frank ocean
clap your hands say yeah
billie holiday
azure ray
asap rocky
carissa’s weird
damien rice
drop dead gorgeous
department of eagles
dr. dog
earl sweatshirt
elvis presley
right away great captain
pianos become the teeth
mount eerie
amy winehouse
elvis depressedly
jackson c. frank
the front bottoms
sarah jaffe
girl in red
haleek maul
oliver tree
sun kil moon
john frusciante
bob dylan
leonard cohen
billie eilish
mal blum
manchester orchestra
the good life
richie woods
st. vincent
tan vampires
the used
tigers jaw
tove lo
valley maker
animal collective
lily allen
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coralbabyowl · 4 years
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darkandtwisty83 · 5 years
Chhupa Bhi Na Sakenge
Bata Bhi Na Sakenge
Hue Hain Yun Tere Pyaar Mein Pagal Piya…
Jo Tere Na Hue Toh
Kisi Ke Na Rahenge
Ki Ab Na Kisi Aur Se Laage Jiya
Hazaaron Mein Kisi Ko Taqdeer Aisi
Mili Hai Ik Ranjha Aur Heer Jaisi
Na Jaane Ye Zamaana Kyun Chaahe Re Mitaana
Kalank Nahi Ishq Hai Kaajal Piya…
Thokar Pe Duniya Hai Ghar-Baar Hai
Dil Mein Jo Dilbar Ka Darbaar Hai
Sajde Mein Baithe Hain Jitni Dafa
Woh Meri Mannat Mein Har Baar Hai
Usi Ka Ab Le Rahe Hain Naam Hum Toh Saanson Ki Jagah
Kyun Jaane Ek Din Bhi Laage Humko Baarah Maason Ki Tarah
Jo Apna Hai Saara
Sajaniya Pe Waara
Na Thha Mere Kisi Aur Ka Aanchal Piya
Hazaaron Mein Kisi Ko Taqdeer Aisi
Mili Hai Ik Ranjha Aur Heer Jaisi
Na Jaane Ye Zamaana Kyun Chaahe Re Mitaana
Kalank Nahi Ishq Hai Kaajal Piya… (x2)
Main Tera, Main Tera, Main Tera, Main Tera…
Main Gehra Tamas Tu Sunhera Savera
Main Tera O… Main Tera…
Musaafir Main Bhatka Tu Mera Basera
Main Tera O… Main Tera
Tu Jugnu Chamakta, Main Jungle Ghanera
Main Tera Aa...
O Piya Main Tera, Main Tera, Main Tera
Main Tera… O… Main Tera…
Ho... Main Tera, Main Tera, Main Tera
O... Main Tera, Main Tera, Main Tera…
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આઈ સોનબાઈ માં ની 46 મી પુણ્યતિથિ કોટિ કોટિ વંદન 🙏🙏🙏 #maasonal #sonbaimaa #punyatithi #jaymataji🙏 #mitrajgadhavi #mitrajgadhaviofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CIFu7F-F8zc/?igshid=1a2fvgta5gwgg
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artwalktv · 4 years
A white, undocumented bouncer of an LA club with hypocritical views on immigration desires his homeland after becoming the father of twins. A Film by: Michael Barth & Kauai Moliterno Produced by: Nathan Truesdell Executive Producer: Florence Sound Design + Mix: Jesse Herrera Additional Cinematography: Anthony Pham Color Correction: Bryan Smaller Production Manager: Anthony Pham SPECIAL THANKS: Aman Singh Kelly Maason Will Lennon Sarah Ginsburg Nathan Truesdell Emily Ann Hoffman Ben Mullinkosson Bobby Moser Tadeu Bijos Tanner Hall Mishka Kornai Dan Carr Spencer Creigh Jessica Kingdon Anthony Pham Cameron Dutra Pasqual Gutierrez Nick Roney
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