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msell-india · 9 months ago
Order Management System
If you need help arranging your company's orders, go no further than mSELL. You want an order management system (OMS). It's like having a super-organized assistant who handles orders from start to end. It monitors inventory, tracks orders as they go, and even communicates with customers. It's a must-have for ensuring everything works smoothly. For further information, please contact us at [email protected]
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leafwateraddict · 2 years ago
Why does the world smell lie… pancakes
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 1 month ago
I am once again asking u to give me another creep rjl au... I feel like a drug addict abt to relapse bc ur creep rjl makes me cry but idc
I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST THISSS oka i will post this now its bad and kind of 2 loser 2 b pathetix pls don't cry pretty girl 🙁
sirius gows on trips w his fmlily every summer right, and they always stay at this one hotel thats super massive and grand and awesome. remus qorks as like a helper there (got the job bcz daddy helped him out) ans first theim he saw sirius he decdided that sirius was. the most beautiful person. ever . so he wa slaways the one who cleaned the rooms and he always stayed laye to catch sirius coking in ajd oit,, sirius never paid him any attention bcz ahy wd he ? remus decides that at thw wns of this vacation hesll gey sirius' numebr and decied the vwst way to rizz sirius uo wd b to be sooo good at cleaning so hw works super duper hard and stuff and hes the ine whi delivers room serveuce & everything but sidius litr doesnt eevn nitice that housekeeping,waiters,room service, wtc r the sawm person vcz remus is so. forgettable. ans sirish kinda stares at him skemtimes like 'do ik u...' but enver says it (obv) so rmeus thisnk htat hes totally in lowv with jim and thwyee goin 2 be boyfrnds ... bt when the balcks r checkin g oit wlaburga and sirius r fivhtinggg and rmeus gets too scared so he diesnt ask for his numebr.
till sidius is not here remus looks for him oneline and he feels sooo guilty abr not tajign oictures bcz now he doesnt have ahyrhing to jaxk iff to so he pays ppll to find sirius and gwys scammed 92 tiems and getss oo broek he goes to lyall and lgall is kike wtaf bru ubhave a job and hes like yh but ykyk lief and sguff.... ans lyalls like whatver fine ig haev some moeny. & rmeus does it agn and agn. and agn. &agn.
sieius comes back the netz year and remus is ful creeped UP okay froem the secojd he comes in eemusnis taking 63746 pciturws w his new phoen with a greta camera that he spent food money on adn us dedicate to sirius blaxk ,, hes alrdy deicded to taek all rsp for the valcks bcz hel get 2 see siriis more like rhat and stuff . qhen his first joeb cleaning behind them arrives hw srwals clothes &udnerwear bcz hs needs to hold siirhs and msell srs and idk jack off to him . he breaghes in his liklow ans collects hairs (they all have the same hair idk) abd keeps then saef. wben sirius doesnt coem out v mich he outw a camera inthe room but feels siio guilty he never sueus it unless hes rlky delressed and beeds some1 to live for.
meanwhule siris is in his #rebel era soooo ges hooking up w . everuone . ans fucks the head chdf and managers & stuff bcz it psisses walburga off but yk what wd piss her off even more ? fuck ing the weird creepy guy whos obsessed w them. so risirus approaches remsu and rmwus cums in his oants and then they oiss ans renus comes in his oants again. sirius is like ewwww bht whatrvr an remus is leik woowow dergading kink hottt wowooww. but sirisu is actullat ewwed oti. but like tjs for pissibg off his mommy so its oka. renus is soooo in loev he flws sirisu aroudn liek "hi 🩷 kiss? 🩷" abd sirius is liek. omg. die
shwnen sirius leaves rmeus si sooo aad and dries sm bcz sriisus wdnt give him his number bcz apparently hes 2 "clingy" (lie vcz he only flws sirius around 80% of the tiem) an d rwmus ia xrying and jakcing off.
sieis returns rhe nwzt year w james and they ksis and james doest cum in his pants somehow and remus dies if jelaousy and also suicide. james & sirius fuxk on his graev the end 🩷
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shivadh · 1 year ago
Geoduck Pirates
This is a story from a reader and friend, posted with permission and appropriately redacted as if it were a Regency novel.
My family has a cabin in P----, gorgeous place, been in my family for several generations. Among other things, the region is famous for geoducks; I don't particularly like them but I'm not a clam person. However, geoducks are a delicacy in Japan and can go for $125 a pound or more, so farming them is very lucrative.
At the cabin we have mad neighbor Mselle M------. Mselle has been annoying for many many years; ever since I can remember she's been engaging our family in property disputes, complaining about our cabin blocking her view, that kind of thing. Annoying but livable. However, some years ago she leased her tidefront, the legality of which is still unclear, to geoduck farmers. It's horrible; it looks like this:
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Slap a PVC pipe in the ground with a baby geoduck, it can't escape, and gets to full growth there. They can get up to about 3-4 feet just for the siphon, and when they do they look like this.
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The Unviersity of E-----'s college mascot is the Geoduck, did you know?
So, last summer, I saw some boats come up and harvest them, and I thought, Finally, maybe the fucking pipes will go away.
Except it turns out, Mselle didn't get any money because they were GEODUCK PIRATES. They were not the people she'd contracted with to harvest the fully grown geoducks!
Unfortunately her response was to lease out even more tidal land, but that gives my family more grist for the lecal mill that we're engaging in to get her stopped.
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hahniana · 6 months ago
Sneefing and snorfing the air and someone here is eating a fucking PIZZA I can MSELL the savory meat toppings and I'm gonna go insane
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serpentsurgency · 10 months ago
... s msells nice here. like dogs.
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wizardelf · 2 years ago
u msell like cheese
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dopaminegyro · 2 years ago
hey guys. umm. if u ever spill 0 acetone nail polish remover on ur carpet twice in a row and it msells really bad get a giant piece of cardboard and wave it around. open the window too and make the allergies worse.👍
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oricya · 5 years ago
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Abby Griffin and Marcus Kane in a few short quotes...
- abby griffin, black.
- abby griffin, white.
- marcus kane, black.
- marcus kane, white.
- more items (travel mugs and others...) on redbubble.
If you don’t know where to look, here’s a link to more merch posts -> here here.
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msell-india · 9 months ago
Sales Force Automation Solutions
Increase your sales efficiency with Sales Force Automation Solutions. Simplified your sales processes, enhance productivity, and gain valuable insights. Our tools  will help you to  manage leads, track customer interactions, and automate tasks, ensuring your sales team can focus on closing deals and driving revenue growth. Contact us today for more details and you can also email us at [email protected]
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shaydo · 2 years ago
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Shout out to @ms.ellemusic for sharing her musical journey and sharing music 🎶 🎤👏🏾🙌🏾👊🏾 • • • • • • #radio #dope #hiphop #emcee #portland #pdx #xrayfm #shaydo #dannyocean #theygaveusashow #503 #mselle #friday #interview #music #talk #art #artist (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjv0iiTPaso/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lovingrot · 5 years ago
when i used to sell nudes i found advertising on omegle worked best uwu
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anyonghalimaw · 4 years ago
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cmivr · 3 years ago
snaps / memes cami has sent me at 12-3am
help i tried to find the closest possible pics to the actual things he sent me in dr 😭😭😭 — @joleneswriting @merymikey @kzuhasluvr
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camcam standing on the stairs and fake crying with a crappily edited pepa pig next to him, no context, sent at 2 in the morning
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sent with the message 'me looking for ur cute lil microscopic ass <3', sent at 12 in the morning
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grainy pic zoomed in on cam's red eye and tear stained cheeks with the caption, 'i'm very sorry for calling you short pls unblock my number mi amorita plsplsplspslpslealsle 🥺🥺🥺', sent at 12 in the morning
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cami in his chameleon pajamas and his pompompuring plushie in his lap with the caption, 'he looks yummy...', sent at 4 in the morning
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sent with the message 'us when ??!??!!?!?!?' at 2 in the morning
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cami with dolores's headhand tied around his forehead and a nerfgun pointed at the camera with the caption, 'hiik its lije 5am but i forgor to do my hw ssend ansnwners pls priicnesa', sent at 5 in the morning
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camcam in his pastel pink hoodie, holding pokemon cards held in front of his face with the caption, 'dude i was lookign for my phone in tge basement adn ffound these crammed between the couch cushions and they msell kinda like cat piss', sent at 1 in the morning
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blurry pic of cam under a blanket(??) / in a dark space and chugging a can of dr pepper with the caption, 'im in ur walls lol', sent at 12 in the morning
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sleepydrummer · 7 years ago
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Mselle Keïta, 12 juillet 1969
Malick Sidibé
Courtesy of Fifty One Fine Art Photography
crédit: Lens Culture
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wilburzgutz-inactive · 4 years ago
i msell like cumringe bae NAE nbaeyby
you r cringe ass nae nae baby (affectionate)
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