#m's writing stuff
cryptid-cave · 3 months
Currently thinking about a reader who, while having a full-time job and playing the part of a “real adult” pretty well for the most part, is still kind of lost and pathetic. It feels less like they’re living and more like they’re surviving, getting by on their own with just a cat for company.
Enter John Price, who’s currently on medical leave and just itching for a project. Maybe reader works at a store near his home that he shops at almost every other day, or works at the library where he goes when he needs to get out of the house. Either way, he spots this pretty little thing who clearly needs some love and guidance, preferably from a strong, gentle hand - and who better to do that than him?
Anyways, save me bossy and demanding Price with a savior complex, save me
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m0ckest · 10 months
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Just discovered this site that links to all sorts of resources for writers/story tellers/etc!
Includes links to:
Idea generators
Map creators/generators
Story/world/character organizers
Mind-mapping tools
Word processors
Screenwriting software
Revision/formatting tools
Book cover makers
Free stock images
Submission & self-publishing tools
(Not everything they link to is 100% free but there's a handy search filter as well as labels on the posts to identify features.)
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Nightcrawler, learning about Santa: Why do we need to watch out? Is Santa going to assassinate us?
Wolverine: Yeah. I mean, what do you think happens to the bad kids?
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gofishygo · 7 months
okok but can someone please please recommend some tooth rotting diabetes causing nickocado avocado-inspiring cod x reader fanfictions ? im so sick of searching up cod x reader works just 2 get bombed by “AND THEY CHOKE ND STRANGLE YOU” “HARDCORE SEX STUFF HERE !!” please i just want to be silly and domesticated with the boys why is peace not an option
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shrimparts-blog888 · 9 months
Can I ask 🥺🥺🥺🥺 for a silly eah/nevermore crossover 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 maybe annabel and Apple realising they have the same brand of issues 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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✨️Insert text here✨️
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stankygay · 3 months
141 x m!reader: Captured & Found
Captain John Price
He had chewed through his favorite cigars as they tried to find you. The last mission had gone to utter shit and he felt responsible for you being captured. When Laswell called Price on your possible location, he threw the ruined cigar in the bin and got his men ready. When he found you, you were in a dark damp cell. Your eye was black and you had some minor wounds. He was the first one to push through into the cell. He checked you over assessing your injuries. You smiled at him, bloody teeth glinting in the minimal light. He had a deep frown on his face. You tried to joke, tried to make light of the situation. You hated the way Price looked, like he was the one that beat you and put you in the cell himself. When he cut your bindings you found your hand reaching for his arm. The squeeze of his muscle reminded him that you were and present. That you weren't dead or worse. "Stay with me John," you utter. And he feels even more guilty for the fact that you are the one comforting him instead.
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley
He was eerily silent the entire time. He listened to orders and the intel gathered about your location. Everyone stared at him weary for any reaction but there was none. He kitted up like regular, stood on the helo, and waited for orders. He went up ahead before anyone else and no one even tried to hold him back. He found you, your arms hanging above your head by metal cuffs and a chain. He walked over to you, and got the cuffs off of you. You were bleary eyed and concussed. The skull face in front of you looked familiar but you couldn't really think. When he spoke, the words warmed your bones. He asked for a sit-rep and you could barely speak. You were exhausted. When he half dragged you out of the location, in the sunlight you could clearly see Ghost's eyes. He was worried. He got you to the medics, he stayed close but never got in the way as you were treated. He was the one to reach out for you once your wounds were packed. He was the one to grab your hand in his. He squeezed your fingers and you tried to squeeze back but you had no energy. You felt yourself slowly falling asleep but he kept squeezing. And then he began to talk just to keep you awake. He spoke about his collection. Anything to keep you lucid as they flew out to the closest hospital.
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
He was antsy. He couldn't sit still, he might have back talked Price but the captain let it go this once. He didn't want to wait. He tried hard but he needed to do something. He followed into the building but with each step he took he felt his stomach sink further. The cameras in the building showed you. Their enemies lay dead and now they could grab you and exfil. Gaz didn't hesitate, he ran into the empty room where you were tied to a chair. He immediately reached out and held your face in his hands. "Love," he asked squeezing softly as you opened your eyes to look at him. He smiled when he saw those familiar eyes look at him. His stomach was still in knots with worry but now he was here. He helped you up from the chair as gently as he could. He never let you go as they exfiled, not even when the medics tended to your wounds. He kept rubbing your arms and back. He whispered in your ear that you were fine, that you were so strong. Your chest felt warm being in his presence and no longer kept back in that room. They had tried to get information from you, but you never spoke. A risk of being in the task force, but you trusted these men with your life. Gaz kissed your temple, taking in the faint smell of your shampoo that had faded with the scent of sweat and blood.
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish
He was almost benched on the spot. He had gone off without waiting for orders. The only reason he hadn't gone and leveled the building completely was because he had been caught by Ghost. Soap was serious. A deep frown on his pouty lips. His fingers tossing a frag back and forth. His veins felt alight with fire, angry and looking to put a bullet between the eyes of these assholes that took you. You had not gone without a fight but there were so many they had to regroup. Soap hated they had to leave you to them. Price tried to explain why, but all he wanted was to get you back. When the got to the location, maybe he set up some c-4 around. Maybe he rigged this dingy garage to blow up once they were several clicks away. They found you on the ground. Blood spilling from your nose and staining your gear. You had been stripped of your weapons and your kit. He ran and knelt in front of you. His hand immediately going for your pulse point. You flinched at the touch, sitting up and a knife aimed at Soap's chest. He moved away and raised his hands but he wasn't upset. Those clear blue eyes were familiar. You sagged in relief. "Fuckin' hell," you muttered to yourself as you drooped onto his shoulder. Soap checked you over, as they planned to leave. Soap had a worry in his brow but he also had a giant smile on his face. Cause you were a fighter, even as you swayed on your feet, he proclaimed how strong you are and how you'd never go down without a fight.
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nondelphic · 24 days
writing tip: when in doubt, add more dialogue. or delete all the dialogue. or maybe just stare at the page and cry a little
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stormyelliotwritez · 17 hours
fic where ftm reader is logan’s gay (re)awakening when he sees r in his 2000 pickup truck blasting old rock in his flannel and jeans and logan just heart eyes and needs to be with this man Immediately.
(i say reawakening bc lets be real hes like 200 he mightve already realized hes a 🚬 before but needed like. a reminder)
AAAAAAHHHHHH literally my fav trope ever - i did a similar one to this btw called logan and his hot guy friend - also i made reader a handyman type guy coz funsies
He may be a bit ooc but i ain’t sure
i need to get more photos coz i keep reusing them
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Old rock and a 2000’s pickup truck? 😍
It had been a long long day and Logan was walking home from the job he’d gotten after all that multiverse shit when a 2000’s pickup truck parked at the lights. He walked up next to it and raised an eyebrow as he heard the music. It was old rock or dad rock as Wade would say. He walked past the window and saw you. You were wearing a red flannel and faded blue jeans. He’d almost forgotten what it was like to like a guy.
He wandered home in a daze, only thinking about you in that pick up truck. Wade asked him if something was wrong and he couldn’t even answer. He just mumbled a no and then grabbed a beer. You looked so good in that flannel. He only saw you for a moment but you were his type alright.
A few days later, he took the same route home, hoping he’d see you and he did. You were parked this time with tools in the backseat. Against his better judgement, he walked up to your window and tapped on it. And against your better judgement, you rolled the window down and smiled at him.
“Your truck is a beauty,” he said with a smile.
“Thanks, I fixed her up myself,” you said back before patting the dashboard lovingly.
Logan took a glance at the tools in the back of your truck and chuckled to himself. “You a handyman?”
You nodded. “Guilty as charged. You needing something fixed?”
He chuckled. “Well now that I think of it, we’ve had a dodgy tap recently, my roommate and I.”
You chuckled and nodded. “I could drop by and see if it’s an easy fix?”
“Yeah, that’d be great, bub. We just live in the top apartment at the building with the blue door just over there so feel free to drop by whenever.”
You nodded and smiled again. “Well I gotta be off. I’ll drop by tomorrow.”
Logan smiled and waved as you drove off. He pumped his fist in the air, mimicking Wade, and grinned. Hell yeah, he was gonna get to see you again.
He walked back to the apartment and this time, he grabbed a beer and joined Wade on the couch. “You gotta skedaddle tomorrow so go work or something,” was all he said to Wade before the soccer game started.
The next day, Logan stayed home and made sure Wade was out the door by 8. The clock struck 10 and you knocked on the door like well… clockwork. He quickly opened the door and let you in.
“Hey, you’re here,” he smiled, “wasn’t sure if you’d turn up.”
You smiled and held up your bag. “Well I like getting paid.”
“And I like getting my tap fixed.”
You got to work and soon enough, you’d found the problem. You fixed it and when you stood up, Logan was standing in the doorway. He had a grin on his face and a beer in each hand. You hadn’t noticed how hot he was before but now he was standing there, wearing a white singlet and a brown flannel and looking super duper hot.
“That for me?”
He nodded and handed it over. “For a job well done, bub. And I’ll pay you as well of course.”
The two of you sat down and both had a beer. A bit after Logan finished his, he grabbed the money and handed it over. You stood up and contemplated leaving before turning back to him and chuckling awkwardly.
“You seeing anyone?”
Logan smiled and shook his head. “Thought you’d never ask, bub.”
You sat back down and leaned towards him, a smile on your lips. “Would you want to be seeing someone?”
“Is that someone you because I would love to be seeing you,” he said with a smirk as he leaned towards you.
When you leaned backwards and stretched, your shirt rode up and he saw your binder. He nodded to himself and leaned in a bit closer. “Haven’t dated a guy in a while so you wanna break me in again? We could listen to some rock?”
You chuckled and licked your lips before standing up and pulling your chair to next to him. You sat back down and shamelessly grabbed ahold of his hand and ran your fingers over it. “Absolutely, handsome.”
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rigormortisangel · 25 days
i swear they did something to my brain to make me unable to live without them
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h-didanart · 10 days
Musical au
Musical au
Musical au :D
Ok so context, I’ve had this idea for a while now but wanted to explore it more with the whole au combo thing I did for a bit
BUT THEN I got a new idea, one that combined more than two aus…
So I present to you this Musical AU, it contains characters from my three main aus (currently, tho I am very inclined to add some others), and it’s basically two of the main stories as musicals!
Let’s meet the main characters shall we?
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From Get in Losers: Musical Edition, Sunrise Rays and Crescent Moondrop Celestial as Sun and Moon! The twins that started it all, you won’t believe how unlucky these guys get, watch as Sun and Moon fumble through dimensions, the plans of their enemies, and their own relationship in their way to collect as many family members as possible.
These two were very surprised when they not only got accepted but were actually casted as the main characters. Even more so when their other triplet wasn’t included with them since the start. They were certainly nervous about this all, but knowing the rest of the cast and their family members are right next to them puts them at ease.
And from The Sunset and Moonlight Musical, Waning Moonlight and Sunset Sky Galaxia as Moonlight and Sunset! The tale we all know and kinda love reimagined with the classic character swap, watch the twins face every challenge coming their way while they try to keep the rift between them from increasing further.
These two gave it their all in their auditions, and they got in! They weren’t aware of the fact that the other had auditioned as well though, it was meant to be a surprise from both of their ends. They laughed about it after finding out. Since the musical is still being written (I don’t have enough songs for the story yet :() they have some extra time to get to know their fellow cast members and get familiarized with the theatre.
Both these main character sets have an extra member however, with being two sets of triplets and all. Nem and Morningstar, while not exactly jealous of their sibling’s roles, aren’t exactly thrilled about missing out on all the fun. At least at first. They used to joke with one another about how they’d make their own musical behind everyone’s backs.
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And that’s the lore for now! Check in next time for some character movement notes!
We hoped you enjoyed this little peak at Sunrise Arc Theatre and we hope to see you soon!
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belovedstill · 1 day
svsss 10th anniversary snippets [ 1/7 ] ▶
The first time Luo Binghe had ever bowed to Shen Qingqiu, tea was spilled over his head.
That memory is hazy now. He doesn't think back to those early days much now that fate has finally, finally opened its cold eyes to his past suffering. Everything important has changed, yet remained the same.
Cang Qiong Sect used to be a place he called home, with a shizun, a childhood friend, and the remaining people who made it a point to show he wasn't wanted there. Now, it's still a home whenever Shizun stays there, the childhood friend still greets him with kindness, even if a little more distant, and the rest of the sect still want him anywhere but there. Nobody dares raise a hand this time.
The past needs no ruminating on. It existed. It passed. It's dead and not mourned anymore.
He bows among the bamboo stalks, eyes on the blue of the sky, the green of the leaves, the tranquillity of the nature. Red robes similar to his own whisper with movement by his side.
Where he is now—when he is now—makes his heart beat faster. Now is good. Now is better than he's ever imagined it would be.
He bows to the wooden box, painted by Shizun himself, filled with precious cargo: his very first jade pendant; an old note with Su Xiyan's and Tianlang-Jun's scribbled handwriting; a wooden tablet with elegant strokes of two given names to the family name of Shen, both unfamiliar to him, offered in fragile silence. In the corner of his eye, Shizun moves in time with him.
Two cups filled with tea rest on a tray between them. The first time he'd ever bowed to Shen Qingqiu, tea was spilled over his head.
This time, when Luo Binghe bows to Shen Qingqiu, Shen Qingqiu bows along with him.
Red-clothed arms linked together, one teacup held in his trembling hand and another resting in Shen Qingqiu's steady one, they drink at the same time.
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milimeters-morales · 5 months
transfem miles giggling at people calling her spider-woman on accident even though she hasn’t confirmed or denied anything yet but hasn’t been trying to hide her transition either, emt patching her arm up as she tries to convince them to “stop wasting resources” on her, and the emt is like “excuse me young lady,” or some shit and starts arguing back. like immediately makes her so giddy she stops arguing. maybe rio is like talking about spider-man with her coworkers and she’s so used to saying spider-woman at home and thinking it that she says it out loud. oh right sorry you can go now (removes the reverse beartrap)
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rosenecklaces · 4 months
I always knew they have audacity AND a high horse complex behavior but imagine discussing how reliable you are when you literally think Elain wants Lucien ass at all or that Gwyn had ever felt attraction to her damn trainer... Biting my tongue to not say what I'm thinking of y'all Master Degree annoying folks
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Breathe again
tw - Mentions of torture, aftermath of such torture, I bully sky and this is the result
If you'd have asked Warriors a year ago about the sounds he hated to hear it would be the sounds of his people screaming. Their cries haunted his nightmares for longer days than he could count.
The sound of his brother crying, made that list. The sound of them breaking down into apologies that they had to come back for him.
Today it was Sky. The skyloftian's Hands clawed into his tunic as tears welled and snot dripped from his nose. Rocking him from side to side he kept his breathing slow and steady.
Sky, the infallible. Sky was the one with who everyone could shoulder their burdens. And now Sky Was crying in his arms.
The others were here, nearby. Sounding off gentle sounds of encouragement at the skyloftian. Sounds like finality, finally letting him relax and breathe again.
He'd been taken hostage, tortured by the cultest of Hyrule's world. When they'd found him he was bloodied and bruised. He couldn't speak and was in all words. Dead to the world. The pain in his eyes.
The captain knew that pain.
Which is why he was here. Holding Sky tightly and promising to never let him go. Promising to never let him fall into the darkness underground. So that he could always see his namesake that made the man feel so safe.
The captain was never seen as a hugger by the others. That usually befell their resident skyloftian after all. But right now. Seeing him bundled underneath Twilight's pelt, his own Royal scarf and the sailcloth made him think. Just how vulnerable the man was.
How they all were.
Sky was all of twenty. Twenty. And he'd gone through so much to get to where he was. Brought his people to the surface and changed the course of Hylian history forever.
When he was twenty he was in the middle of a civil war. Changing the course of history... There seemed to be a theme here.
Sky took a shuddering breath as he curled inward. The movement made the captain grip him tighter as he could hear the shuddering cries of the man below him. The babbles of apologies long since faded.
the captain didn't feel the need to speak as he weaved his scarf around the skyloftian again. Settling more against the tree he was leaning against. Tightly holding the skyloftian as he settled into a sleep brought on by an adrenaline crash.
Sky might have been twenty, but right now he reminded the captain of a small child he had found in the depths of the castle ruins. Cold and broken he carried the boy back to camp where Impa had taken him to the castle, where he remains to this day.
As sky's body relaxed as he fell into a slumber, breathing deeply. The captains did too. Trying not to make the skyloftian feel too restricted. His eyes looked up to Time who had settled beside them, and placed a hand into the Skyloftian hair, a gesture they often used to calm the skyloftian down.
They remained like this for the remainder of the night, one by one the rest of the chain had joined them, wind and four draping themselves over the skyloftian while the rest huddled around the sides of them.
At least the skyloftian seemed to be breathing properly again.
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millerstolemyheart · 14 days
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Mornings Like These | Drabble
Summary: Joel wakes you up for your morning shift at the stables.
WC: 1,253
Pairing: Joel Miller x M!Reader
Warnings: Smut, brief mention of daddy kink, no proofread
Notes: I dunno I just really needed to get this out of my head guyssss
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Mornings with Joel are anything but restful.
Within seconds of stirring, his lips are typically dancing along the shell of your ear, whispering sweet nothings and the occasional breathy swear word while his morning wood swells against the soft curve of your ass. Rough, callused hands caress and grope you awake with a tenderness that surprised you the first time it happened.
“Baby boy… sweetheart… darlin’...”
Each pet name falls as sweet as honey from his lips.
“Sunshine… my love… angel…”
Joel’s list of pet names for you is vast, as he likes to keep a repertoire. It gives him lots of options, depending on what mood he’s in.
That’s the one that finally stirs you awake today.
When your eyes finally flutter open, you spot Joel peering down at you with a sleepy expression. Those deep brown eyes of his look tired, but they crinkle at the edge when your gazes meet. His graying hair is tousled from sleep, and it makes you think of that time you towel-dried your cat after a particularly difficult bath. A smile tugs at the corner of your lip, and you bring your hand up to tangle in the soft curls that kiss the nape of his neck.
“G’morning…” You whisper, voice raspy from sleep.
Joel silently presses a kiss to your forehead, and you close your eyes to enjoy the familiar scratch of his whiskered jaw.. Tilting your head up, you capture his lips in a quick kiss. The movement doesn’t faze Joel. He simply slips his hands up to cradle your head in his hands as if it’s second nature.
“Mornin’, sweet boy…” Joel finally rumbles against your lips. He pulls back long enough to study your face. “Sorry to wake you so early. You did say six o’ clock, right?”
Oh, right. Your shift at the stables. No wonder you weren’t feeling his arousal pressing against you.
“Yeah,” You yawn and reach to give his scruffy cheek a reassuring scratch. “Gotta get home and change before I go. Didn’t bring any clothes with me last night.”
In your haste to see Joel after he returned from a late patrol, you’d forgotten to pack any clothes. In your defense, he was wearing that damn green flannel of his that drove you crazy, so you weren’t really thinking of much other than dragging him from the front gate of Jackson back to his own home in record time. The late evening hours turned into a sweaty, sticky blur that didn’t end until Joel had coaxed at least three orgasms out of your spent body.
“Christ, darlin’... just look at you… practically droolin’ for it, ain’t ya?”
“C’mon, baby boy… know you can do it… gimme another. I want it.”
“I know, baby, I know… just one more… do it for me… be a good boy…”
Your cock gave one final weak twitch before your mouth parted in a silent scream, your entire body jolting once, twice, three times before finally giving out and collapsing into the sheets. Joel’s satisfied smirk danced behind your eyelids all night long, along with the gentle praises he murmured into your ear as you succumbed to sleep.
“Such a good boy f’me… can’t believe you’re mine, darlin’...”
Joel gives a soft snort and suddenly peels himself away to reach over the side of the bed with a faint grunt, a product of his aging back. He picks up the very same flannel from the floor and tosses it over to you. “There.” Wearing a satisfied expression, he reclines back against the pillows, head propped up on his arm. “Just wear that. Stay here and have some coffee with me instead before you go.” His voice is low and gravelly, eyes flitting down to the shirt and back up to your eyes. It’s less of a suggestion and more of a declaration.
He knows what you’ll say.
The faintest blush colors your cheeks as you catch the shirt. You give him a careful look and slip it on over your bare torso. Immediately his scent floods your nose with a warm, woodsy aroma reminiscent of wet trees, wood shavings, and the natural musk you’ve grown addicted to. The sleeves hang just past the tips of your fingers, and you shoot Joel an amused look.
“You think anyone’ll notice?”
Not that you would mind…
“Fuck, I hope so,” he grumbles, reaching out to adjust the collar for you. “Want everybody knowin’ you’re mine…” His voice carries a distinct possessive tone, already imagining you going around wearing his scent all day long as you work at the stables. It’s enough to make him want to rip it right back off of you and coax more sweet sounds out of you.
You roll the sleeve back up to your elbows, showing off some of your bare arms. "I'll wear it your way then." You shimmy closer, nuzzling into warm crook of his neck. It’s your favorite place in the world. “Thanks, Joel.”
Joel stretches his arm around you, holding you close to his body, your head still resting against his neck. "Good," His voice is a low rumble, and his free hand reaches to stroke the short hair at the nape of your neck. It sends a delightful shiver down your spine, and Joel responds with a soft hmph, continuing his action and studying your body for any more reactions.
“You doin’ anything tonight, darlin’?” Joel asks after a few moments of silence. His eyes study you closely, though once again he’s sure he knows your answer.
He does.
You give a coy smile. “Seems like I am now.”
"That's a relief," Joel remarks with a wry smile, his free hand moving to your waist, his gaze on your face. "Wouldn't want you spendin' your evenings with anyone else."
“Getting possessive, are we?” You tease him. Your voice comes out muffled from where your face is smushed under his jawline.
“I'm not gettin' possessive, I'm marking what's mine," he counters in a grunt, his tone still low and gravelly. There’s a familiar glint in his eye that promises deliverance.
A wave of heat flushes through your body, unable to contain your own growing desire for him. "Well in that case..." You lean up, capturing his lips in a kiss.
Joel immediately groans into your mouth, his breath hot against your lips. His warm hands snake their way back around your middle, one slipping up so he can tweak your nipple with the rough pads of his fingers. “Christ, baby boy…” He mutters, nose squashed against your cheekbone. “Just look at ya… wearin’ my dirty shirt… don’t know what you do to me, do ya?”
You can’t stop your body from trembling as he wraps himself back around you. Everything about him radiates power… strength… safety… His warmth shields you from the chilly morning air of the bedroom. It’s as if nothing else could matter at the moment. Just him. Just Joel.
“J-Joel…” You giggle, your nose nuzzling the warm crook of his neck and breathing in his scent straight from the source. “Not gonna have any time for coffee…”
“Screw the damn coffee,” he snarls, already shifting his body to hover over your own. His weight pins you to the mattress, and there’s a knot that keeps growing bigger and bigger in your gut when you feel just how hard he really is. His cock gives a firm twitch against your thigh.
“I got a better way for us to wake up.”
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Just curious what the average level of personal investment in these sorts of things is. Like, how much do people usually get into silly stuff like this their friends ask of them? etc. etc. Which I know, only surveying a small sample on a very specific website means I'm not getting an exact average idea lol, but.. curious nonetheless .. Maybe reblog for bigger sample size but also this is not very serious at all/not worth a call to action gbhjbhjb
#which I know this could be context dependent like.. maybe you'd normally dress up but on a week that#you feel sick you wouldn't or etc. etc. - but I mean.. GENERALLY. in the most general average scenario#where you have the average amount of health and free time that you always do. etc. just based on your personality#and level of investment in these things - what on AVERAGE are you most inclined to do#also of course assume they communicate with you ahead of time and are not like planning a part last minute#like 'throw together costume in 5 hours and show up tonight randomly' or etc. I would hope that if we're going with the#AVERAGE of things - most people's friends have better communication skills than springing entire parties#on people last minute lol#assume you have like.. a few days-a week or so to prepare. however ealrly people usually start talking about#birthdays. In my experience it's usually one or two weeks ahead of time. Like 'oh next weekend' or 'oh two weeks from now' etc.#ANYWAY.. feeling a little Sick again of course but still trying to get some photos or something posted#AGAIN i promise I am not going to exlcusively post polls and ntohing else forever hgkjgnekj#I just really really love the ability to post polls and have always my whole life been obsessed with surveying people#I used to think I wanted to do that as a career somehow like.. be one of the people that does psychological interviews#or produce interview asessments for a company or etc. etc. I am always the one friend in the group thats giving out custom made#surveys or asking for other simialr stuff (did you ever take an mbti quiz? how about enneagra#m?? oh yeah I know they're not really scientifically valid or antyhing but like... DID you take them?? huh?? did you??please?? ghjj)#I simply cannot resist.. posting a little poll every once in a while.. as a treat#whilst I still fall behind on like actual content and costumes and stuff gbjhbjh#New poll adventure should be not as much of a wait as the last one was though since I already have the writing#for it really. I just have to do the ms paint sketch. hopefully no unexpected other health issues will get in the way#*** *** ***#< (anytime I do these three star patterns it is an ocd compulsion not me bleeping out words or something just ignore it lol)#(it means something secret in my evil brain just pretend you do not see it. significant only to me)#BUT YEAH.. ... poll... what type of costume party atendee are you?#:0c
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