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stay-alive-again · 8 months ago
Więc nie martwmy się, bo w końcu Nie nam jednym się nie klei. Ważne by choć raz w miesiącu Mieć dyktando u nadziei.
"Jeszcze w zielone gramy" Wojciech Młynarski
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lesser-known-composers · 9 months ago
Emil Młynarski (1870-1935) - Violin Concerto No.1 in D minor, op 11
I Allegro moderato II Adagio III Allegro
Piotr Pławner - violin
Paweł Przytocki - conductor
Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra
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Jesteśmy na wczasach (We are on a vacation)
by Wojciech Młynarski
Behind the windows - night, in the mountains - snow covers all
Only devil can know, what force threw me into this health resort
Crowd on the dance floor, a crowd of vacationers entwined tightly
I'm sitting here alone, and in front of me - the male orchestra
Man who plays the bass, knows it's about the time that someone drunk
Will feel sensitive calling and the Góral* dances will begin
The dance is worth a góral**, when you are lucky, when the girl sings
The man with the bass knowsthis well so he smiles and, in a moment...
"For the nicest lady Krysia, from the third turnus***,
From handsome mister Waldek, pucio, pucio**** -
We are on a vacation, in these Góral woods,
In the warm sunlight we bathe
The orchestra pfays***** energetic beguine
It's not your pfault, that I'm pflirting with you"
That lady Krysia, lady Krysia is a queen of many turnus seasons
And every year, at exactly this time, she comes here - to resort "The Eagle"
Patients' dreamy sights
Follow her every gesture and step
Behind the windows - night, in the mountains - plenty of snow hangs from the branches
Only devil can know that the bassist is also in love with Krysia
Devil only knows, what price he pays to, every day,
Take the double bass and, calming down himself, announce like so
"For the nicest lady Krysia, from the third turnus,
From the nicest, obliviously and surely, mister Mietek, pucio, pucio -
We are on a vacation, in these Góral woods,
In the warm sunlight we bathe -"
And lady Krysia, lady Krysia, with mister Mietek, who have just joined her
Wandered the floor in all directions but she never even glanced at the orchestra
From where the bassist's dreamy sight
Followed her every gesture and step
Behind the windows - night, in the mountains - snow covers all
The whole resort sleeps and among others dreams also our bassist
That around him - the buzz, on the floor - the crowd, forehead to forehead
And he throws the bass aside, and he has a flame in his eyes, and he yells
"Calm, orchestra!
Now... For the nicest lady Krysia from the third turnus - from me
Lady Krysia... I love you! That's all..."
Hahaha, what had happened next, what had happened!
Half of the resort patients were convulsing with laughter
And the poor people would convulse completely, if the bassist didn't finally wake up...
Because sometimes we have stupid dreams but then we wake up and...
"For the nicest lady Krysia, from the third turnus,
From the nicest, obliviously and surely, mister Waldek, pucio (snif), pucio (snif)
We are on a vacation, in these Góral woods..."
*Góral - Polish highlander, from Tatra region
**góral - slang name for a, then used, 5 zł coin, featuring a Góral
***"turnus" - an organized, paid form of active rehabilitation in Poland, combined with recreation
****pucio-pucio - negative term for an older man flirting with women in health resorts
***** Said with a lisp
Za oknami noc, w górach śniegu moc okrywa wszystko
Czort jedyny wie, co rzuciło mnie w to uzdrowisko
Na parkiecie tłum, wczasowiczów tłum spleciony gęsto
Siedzę tutaj sam, a przed sobą mam orkiestrę męską
Typ, co szarpie bas wie, że nadszedł czas, gdy w kimś na bańce
Czuła struna drgnie i rozpoczną się góralskie tańce
Jest górala wart taniec, gdy masz fart, gdy dziewczę kwili
Z basem typ to wie, więc uśmiecha się i już po chwili
Dla sympatycznej panny Krysi z turnusu trzeciego
Od przystojnego pana Waldka, pucio, pucio
Jesteśmy na wczasach w tych góralskich lasach
W propieniach słonecznych opalamy się
Orkiestra przygryfa sykocznego begina
To nie Twoja fina, sze podryfam Cię
Ta panna Krysia, panna Krysia królowała na turnusach nie od dzisiaj
A każdego roku właśnie o tej porze przyjeżdżała tu, do pensjonatu "Orzeł"
Kuracjuszy rozmarzony wzrok
Śledził wciąż jej każdy gest i krok
Za oknami noc, w górach śniegu moc na drzewach wisi
Czort jedyny wie, że basista też się kocha w Krysi
Wie jedyny czort, co kosztuje to, by wciąż od nowa
Brać kontrabas i tłumiąc pożar krwi tak anonsować
Dla sympatycznej panny Krysi z turnusu trzeciego
Od sympatycznego oczywiście niewątpliwie pana Mietka, pucio, pucio
Jesteśmy na wczasach w tych góralskich lasach
W propieniach słonecznych opalapy się
A panna Krysia, panna Krysia z panem Mietkiem, co się tuż przed chwilą przysiadł
Przemierzała wzdłuż i wszerz parkietu przestrzeń, ale nigdy nie spojrzała ku orkiestrze
Skąd basisty rozmarzony wzrok
Śledził wciąż jej każdy gest i krok
Za oknami noc, w górach śniegu moc okrywa wszystko
Cały turnus śpi, a wśród innych śni i nasz basista
Że dokoła szum, na parkiecie tłum, przy czołach czoła
A on rzuca bas i ma w oczach blask i głośno woła
"Spoko orkiestra!
Teraz dla sympatycznej panny Krysi z turnusu trzeciego ode mnie
Panno Krysiu, kocham panią! Wszystko"
Co to się działo, co się działo!
Uzdrowiska pół ze śmiechu sie skręcało
I skręciło by do końca biednych ludzi, gdyby wreszcie się basista nie obudził
Bo miewamy często głupie sny, ale potem się budzimy i
Dla sympatycznej panny Krysi z turnusu trzeciego
Od sympatycznego niewątpliwie, pana Waldka, pucio pucio
Jesteśmy na wczasach w tych góralskich lasach
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donospl · 2 months ago
PODSUMOWANIE ROKU 2024 - Jazz (Polska)
ALBUM ROKU 2024 Marek Pospieszalski Octet & Zoh Amba “Now!” Instant Classic MUZYK ROKU: Grzegorz Tarwid DEBIUT ROKU: Zofia Bielak ZŁOTA DZIESIĄTKA: 2. Tomasz Dąbrowski & Individual Beings “Better” – April Records 3. Unleashed Cooperation “Trust” – Multikulti Project 4. Anna Gadt, Gosia Zagajewska, Marta Grzywacz, Natalia Kordiak “Voiceact” – Fundacja Słuchaj 5. Radek Wośko / Kuba Więcek…
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pjackk · 1 year ago
Fun fact: There is classic love-comedy polish song from one of major singers from 60's and 70's, Wojciech Młynarski called "Kartoflanka", which means "Potato soup". Song is about two people falling in love over patato soup in staff canteen.
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compneuropapers · 1 year ago
Interesting Papers for Week 7, 2024
Targeted memory reactivation in human REM sleep elicits detectable reactivation. Abdellahi, M. E., Koopman, A. C., Treder, M. S., & Lewis, P. A. (2023). eLife, 12, e84324.
Dynamics of cortical contrast adaptation predict perception of signals in noise. Angeloni, C. F., Młynarski, W., Piasini, E., Williams, A. M., Wood, K. C., Garami, L., … Geffen, M. N. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4817.
Continuous odor profile monitoring to study olfactory navigation in small animals. Chen, K. S., Wu, R., Gershow, M. H., & Leifer, A. M. (2023). eLife, 12, e85910.
Object representation in a gravitational reference frame. Emonds, A. M., Srinath, R., Nielsen, K. J., & Connor, C. E. (2023). eLife, 12, e81701.
Metacognitive judgments during visuomotor learning reflect the integration of error history. Hewitson, C. L., Al-Fawakhiri, N., Forrence, A. D., & McDougle, S. D. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 264–277.
Temporal scaling of dopamine neuron firing and dopamine release by distinct ion channels shape behavior. Juarez, B., Kong, M.-S., Jo, Y. S., Elum, J. E., Yee, J. X., Ng-Evans, S., … Zweifel, L. S. (2023). Science Advances, 9(32).
Evidence for a common mechanism supporting invigoration of action selection and action execution. Kita, K., Du, Y., & Haith, A. M. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 238–246.
Causal evidence for the processing of bodily self in the anterior precuneus. Lyu, D., Stieger, J. R., Xin, C., Ma, E., Lusk, Z., Aparicio, M. K., … Parvizi, J. (2023). Neuron, 111(16), 2502-2512.e4.
Long- and short-term history effects in a spiking network model of statistical learning. Maes, A., Barahona, M., & Clopath, C. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 12939.
State-dependent coupling of hippocampal oscillations. Modi, B., Guardamagna, M., Stella, F., Griguoli, M., Cherubini, E., & Battaglia, F. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e80263.
Expectations about precision bias metacognition and awareness. Olawole-Scott, H., & Yon, D. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(8), 2177–2189.
Not what u expect: Effects of prediction errors on item memory. Ortiz-Tudela, J., Nolden, S., Pupillo, F., Ehrlich, I., Schommartz, I., Turan, G., & Shing, Y. L. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(8), 2160–2176.
Altered oculomotor flexibility is linked to high autistic traits. Pomè, A., Tyralla, S., & Zimmermann, E. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13032.
Dissociation of vicarious and experienced rewards by coupling frequency within the same neural pathway. Putnam, P. T., Chu, C.-C. J., Fagan, N. A., Dal Monte, O., & Chang, S. W. C. (2023). Neuron, 111(16), 2513-2522.e4.
Ventrolateral prefrontal neurons of the monkey encode instructions in the ‘pragmatic’ format of the associated behavioral outcomes. Rozzi, S., Gravante, A., Basile, C., Cappellaro, G., Gerbella, M., & Fogassi, L. (2023). Progress in Neurobiology, 229, 102499.
Testing the generalization of neural representations. Sandhaeger, F., & Siegel, M. (2023). NeuroImage, 278, 120258.
A neural mechanism for terminating decisions. Stine, G. M., Trautmann, E. M., Jeurissen, D., & Shadlen, M. N. (2023). Neuron, 111(16), 2601-2613.e5.
Subtle adversarial image manipulations influence both human and machine perception. Veerabadran, V., Goldman, J., Shankar, S., Cheung, B., Papernot, N., Kurakin, A., … Elsayed, G. F. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4933.
Distinct roles of the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and dopamine neurons in counterfactual thinking of decision outcomes. Yun, M., Nejime, M., Kawai, T., Kunimatsu, J., Yamada, H., Kim, H. R., & Matsumoto, M. (2023). Science Advances, 9(32).
Alternating capture of attention by multiple visual working memory representations. Zhang, L., & Yamada, Y. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13029.
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bitwa-lektur-szkolnych · 2 years ago
Jan Twardowski – wiersze
Wojciech Młynarski – wybrane utwory
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katsumatsu4 · 2 years ago
Thanks for tagging me @wehavecometoanend--maybe !
rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people
Taniec Eleny (elen's dance) - michał lorenc
Arsonist's lullaby - hozier
Ain't no rest for the wicked - cage the elephant
Thank god i'm not you - himalayas
The hearse song - rusty cage
Rapid as wildfires - yu peng chen
I'm not a good person - pat the bunny
Abnormalize- ling tosite sigure
If we have eachother - alec benjamin
Jeszcze w zielone gramy (we still play green)* - wojciech młynarski
*Playing green (granie w zielone) is a kids' game where you need to have something green with you or you lose; colloquially means taking risks
As for tagging, uuuhh, not a ten but... @aligura @yurissweettooth @averagelonelypotato @regnigt @ddeltacrane @letswonderspirit @pirate-redhead
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shiningfennec · 11 months ago
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oh god this is so cute
and yeah this song is amazing <3 Młynarski <3
Submitted by @sky-the-snail-fanatic
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ulkaralakbarova · 8 months ago
In 1933, Welsh journalist Gareth Jones travels to Ukraine, where he experiences the horrors of a famine. Everywhere he goes he meets henchmen of the Soviet secret service who are determined to prevent news about the catastrophe from getting out. Stalin’s forced collectivisation of agriculture has resulted in misery and ruin—the policy is tantamount to mass murder. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Gareth Jones: James Norton Ada Brooks: Vanessa Kirby Walter Duranty: Peter Sarsgaard George Orwell: Joseph Mawle Lloyd George: Kenneth Cranham Matthew: Celyn Jones Maxim Litvinov: Krzysztof Pieczyński Rhea Clyman: Beata Pozniak Miss Stevenson: Fenella Woolgar Yulia: Michalina Olszańska Bonnie: Patrycja Volny Eugene Lyons: Edward Wolstenholme Leonid: Oleg Drach Sir Ernest Bennet: Martin Bishop Paul Kleb: Marcin Czarnik Major Jones: Julian Lewis Jones William Randolph Hearst: Matthew Marsh J.E. B Seely: John Edmondson Hotel receptionist: Olena Leonenko John Cushny: Barry Mulkerns Petro: Oleksandr Pozharskyi Ralph Barnes: Marcin Latałło Leonard Moore: Jacob Krichefski Katya: Ksenia Matsuk Malcolm Muggeridge: Michael O’Donnell Konstantin Umansky: Wojciech Urbański …: Martin Hugh Henley …: Cara Chase …: Sabrina John …: Piotr Szostak …: Alexander Bozhko …: Oleh Kyryliv …: Roman Skorovskyi …: Serhii Bachyk …: Anton Andriushchenko …: Alexandr Markin …: Marcin Masecki …: Jan Młynarski …: Jerzy Rogiewicz …: Hanna Turnau …: Mikhail Klymchenko …: Richard Elfyn …: Olexa Gorodenko Film Crew: Director: Agnieszka Holland Original Music Composer: Antoni Łazarkiewicz Line Producer: Pam Roberts Production Sound Mixer: Marcin Matlak Casting: Colin Jones Makeup Designer: Janusz Kaleja Set Decoration: Robert Wischhusen-Hayes Costume Design: Halyna Otenko Casting Director: Magdalena Szwarcbart Casting Associate: Toby Spigel Costume Design: Ola Staszko Art Direction: Fiona Gavin Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Filip Krzemień Co-Producer: Angus Lamont Editor: Michał Czarnecki Co-Producer: Yehor Olesov Still Photographer: Robert Pałka Set Decoration: Kinga Babczyńska Production Design: Grzegorz Piątkowski Executive Producer: Jeff Field Producer: Klaudia Śmieja-Rostworowska Associate Producer: Tomasz Karczewski Associate Producer: Marcin Piasecki Director of Photography: Tomasz Naumiuk Second Unit Director: Olga Chajdas Associate Producer: Jacek Kulczycki Co-Producer: Magdalena Zimecka Producer: Stanislaw Dziedzic Casting Director: Alla Samoilenko Location Manager: Viktor Shevchenko Special Effects Supervisor: Oleksandr Suvorov Assistant Editor: Krzysztof Korybut-Daszkiewicz Musician: Wojciech Kowalewski Production Coordinator: Shona Mackenzie Gaffer: Łukasz Głaszczka Best Boy Grip: Igor Słupecki Key Grip: Sebastian Frac Drone Cinematographer: Filip Jurzyk Producer: Andrea Chalupa Focus Puller: Zbigniew Gustowski Executive Producer: Leah Temerty Lord Associate Producer: Izabela Helbin Associate Producer: Patryk Tomiczek Line Producer: Bogna Szewczyk-Skupień Boom Operator: Rafał Lenart Sound Supervisor: Wojciech Mielimąka Set Decoration: Paulina Korwin-Kochanowska Music Consultant: Paweł Juzwuk Script Supervisor: Karolina Foltyn VFX Supervisor: Michal Konwicki VFX Supervisor: Franciszek Jankowski Special Effects Technician: Roy Murfin Drone Cinematographer: Marcin Kukla Electrician: Mateusz Dybiec Electrician: Maciej Konopczynski Electrician: Michał Marciniak Electrician: Bartlomiej Modrak Electrician: Rafal Seraj Electrician: Mariusz Sojak Electrician: Marcin Szychowski Electrician: Bartosz Szymaniak First Assistant Camera: Maksim Najdienow First Assistant Camera: Pavel Alekseyenko Steadicam Operator: Bogdan Ruslan Techno Crane Operator: January Jarnot Techno Crane Operator: Maciej Jarnot Makeup & Hair: Stanislaw Dolinski Makeup & Hair: Błażej Pintara Construction Foreman: Marcin Nosal Construction Manager: Andrey Gontar Construction Manager: Ryszard Idzik Graphic Designer: Marta Artyfikiewicz Graphic Designer: Dorota Pabel Graphic Designer: Maria Wilk Casting Assistant: Nataliya Gordey Extra...
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stay-alive-again · 9 months ago
Jeszcze w zielone gramy, Jeszcze nie umieramy, Jeszcze któregoś rana, Odbijemy się od ściany.
"Jeszcze w zielone gramy" Wojciech Młynarski
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lesser-known-composers · 6 months ago
Emil Młynarski (1870-1935) - Violin Concerto No.1 in D minor, op 11
I Allegro moderato, II Adagio, III Allegro
Piotr Pławner - violin
Paweł Przytocki - conductor
Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra
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mariolaszyszkiewicz · 1 year ago
Wojciech Młynarski - Absolutnie
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donospl · 3 months ago
Myrczek & Schmidt Quintet „Młynarski. Bynajmniej!” 
SJ Records, 2024 Album kwintetu Wojciecha Myrczka i Piotra Schmidta mógłby być nazwany All Star Band, ponieważ poza oboma wymienionymi liderami, wśród zaangażowanych w projekt Artystów znajdziemy same gwiazdy. Obok wokalisty i trębacza w sesji nagraniowej wzięli udział  Mino Cinelu,  Andrzej Święs,   Sebastian Frankiewicz, Orkiestra Kameralna Miasta Tychy AUKSO oraz Krzysztof Herdzin, który…
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compneuropapers · 1 year ago
Interesting Papers for Week 52, 2023
Identifying properties of pattern completion neurons in a computational model of the visual cortex. Baker, C. M., & Gong, Y. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(6), e1011167.
Noise in the brain: Transcranial random noise stimulation and perceptual noise act on a stochastic resonance‐like mechanism. Battaglini, L., Casco, C., Fertonani, A., Miniussi, C., Di Ponzio, M., & Vicovaro, M. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(12), 2097–2111.
Speeded response tasks with unpredictable deadlines. Blurton, S. P., Feifel, J., & Gondan, M. (2023). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 115, 102776.
Inconsistencies between human and macaque lesion data can be resolved with a stimulus-computable model of the ventral visual stream. Bonnen, T., & Eldridge, M. A. (2023). eLife, 12, e84357.
Environmental dynamics shape perceptual decision bias. Charlton, J. A., Młynarski, W. F., Bai, Y. H., Hermundstad, A. M., & Goris, R. L. T. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(6), e1011104.
Reward history modulates attention based on feature relationship. Chen, Y., Chen, S., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Jia, K., Anderson, B. A., & Gong, M. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 152(7), 1937–1950.
Humans decompose tasks by trading off utility and computational cost. Correa, C. G., Ho, M. K., Callaway, F., Daw, N. D., & Griffiths, T. L. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(6), e1011087.
Model discovery to link neural activity to behavioral tasks. Costabile, J. D., Balakrishnan, K. A., Schwinn, S., & Haesemeyer, M. (2023). eLife, 12, e83289.
Male rodent perirhinal cortex, but not ventral hippocampus, inhibition induces approach bias under object-based approach-avoidance conflict. Dhawan, S. S., Pinter, C., Lee, A. C., & Ito, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e81467.
Instant Effects of Semantic Information on Visual Perception. Enge, A., Süß, F., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(26), 4896–4906.
Behavioral State-Dependent Modulation of Prefrontal Cortex Activity by Respiration. Folschweiller, S., & Sauer, J.-F. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(26), 4795–4807.
A queueing model of visual search. Li, Y., Schlather, M., & Erdfelder, E. (2023). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 115, 102766.
A model of cue integration as vector summation in the insect brain. Mitchell, R., Shaverdian, S., Dacke, M., & Webb, B. (2023). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(2001).
Ongoing Brain Activity and Its Role in Cognition: Dual versus Baseline Models. Northoff, G., Vatansever, D., Scalabrini, A., & Stamatakis, E. A. (2023). The Neuroscientist, 29(4), 393–420.
A stable, distributed code for cue value in mouse cortex during reward learning. Ottenheimer, D. J., Hjort, M. M., Bowen, A. J., Steinmetz, N. A., & Stuber, G. D. (2023). eLife, 12, e84604.3.
β Band Rhythms Influence Reaction Times. Rassi, E., Lin, W. M., Zhang, Y., Emmerzaal, J., & Haegens, S. (2023). ENeuro, 10(6).
Flexible control of representational dynamics in a disinhibition-based model of decision-making. Shen, B., Louie, K., & Glimcher, P. (2023). eLife, 12, e82426.
A model of colour appearance based on efficient coding of natural images. Troscianko, J., & Osorio, D. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(6), e1011117.
Expertise increases planning depth in human gameplay. van Opheusden, B., Kuperwajs, I., Galbiati, G., Bnaya, Z., Li, Y., & Ma, W. J. (2023). Nature, 618(7967), 1000–1005.
Effortfulness of visual working memory: Gauged by physical exertion. Xie, W., & Zhang, W. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 152(7), 2074–2093.
Happy Holidays
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citoyenneprzybyszewska2 · 5 months ago
Kamil Młynarski
This novel is written in English in like 1996, why is Camille being called 'Windmill'???
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