#mónica de nut
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alfredoferreiro · 2 years ago
Ditame do 32º Certame de Narracións Breves Manuel Murguía de Arteixo
«Reunido o xurado, a organización do Certame anuncia os finalistas e céntrase na cerimonia de entrega de premios que se celebrará o próximo 5 de maio, venres, ás 20:30 no auditorio do Centro Cívico Cultural do Concello de Arteixo O xurado, reunido o 25 de marzo de 2023 ás 10 horas en dependencias do Concello de Arteixo, e composto por Dona Ana Cabaleiro López (proposta pola Asociación de…
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malinaa · 6 months ago
well i’ve been getting back into reading individual short stories, so here’s a list of all of the ones i’ve been reading this month! they can all be found here as pdfs <3 all the ones marked with an * are my fav reads
ANT COLONY by ALISSA NUTTING — a woman hosts an ant colony in her body
THE VELDT by RAY BRADBURY — a mother, a father, two children, and their eerie automated home
NO IS YES by PAUL JENNINGS — a man teaches his daughter that yes is no, up is down etc. and her idea of language is tested when she meets another boy
THE PEDESTRIAN by RAY BRADBURY — in the near future, a man takes a walk and finds himself in a situation
THE SPECIALIST’S HAT by KELLY LINK — twins where one is better at playing dead than the other
THE OCTOBER GAME by RAY BRADBURY — a husband who hates his wife gets back at her
YOU'RE UGLY, TOO by LORRIE MOORE — local funny woman hates the midwest and goes back to the east coast to realize it’s also boring
THE HOUSE OF ASTERION* by JORGE LUIS BORGES — so basically you’re the minotaur and you live in a labyrinth and everything is fine until it isn’t
L’ESPRIT DE L’ESCALIER* by CATHERYNNE M. VALENTE — a type of modern orpheus and eurydice retelling but this doesn't end in the tragedy...or does it?
WE ATE THE CHILDREN LAST by YANN MARTEL — medical procedure turns to social experiment gone wrong
AT THE CLINIC by SALLY ROONEY — marianne and connell remember the events leading up to her visit to the dentist differently; alternatively, a microcosm of two people's relationship
I HAVE NO MOUTH, AND I MUST SCREAM by HARLAN ELLISON — ai wins and keeps five individuals alive for its own sick enjoyment
DIVISION BY ZERO by TED CHIANG — a wandering realization that, despite being similar, two people can be so distant, but with lots of math
FRESH WATER FROM THE SEA* by RAMONA AUSUBEL — a magical realist depiction of a daughter and her mother who’s slowly vanishing away
SHE UNNAMES THEM by URSULA K. LEGUIN — eve, of adam and eve biblical fame, unnames all the animals and then some
THE THIEF OF MEMORY by SUNYI DEAN — a hero with one duty, a desert that keeps taking, a storm that never ceases, and a villain that steals memory
HORROR STORY by CARMEN MARIA MACHADO — what’s worse? a haunted house or the relationship that’s crumbling inside of it
THE MOTHS by HELEN MARÍA VIRAMONTES — a granddaughter’s reflection of her family, but specifically her grandmother who died
THE PATH OF WATER* by EMMA TÖRZS — you’re in a fairy tale and you realize this and you try to unlock lost memories
HIGH DESERT by RAMONA AUSUBEL — a woman who lost both her daughter and husband to the sea moves to the desert but is still losing parts of herself
WARM BEDS by MÓNICA BUSTOS (trans. ANALÍA VILLAGRA) — three people share the same bed but never meet until the phantom presence of each other drives them to want to meet
IN THE CEMETERY WHERE AL JOLSON IS BURIED by AMY HEMPEL — an unnamed narrator visits her friend who’s dying
BONESOUP by EUGENIA TRIANTAFYLLOU — as the first line says, “you must eat the body part you want to grow stronger”
THE VERY PULSE OF THE MACHINE* by MICHAEL SWANWICK — a corpse at her back, her home base miles and miles ahead of her, an astronaut does everything to survive
TO EXHALE SKY by SHINGAI NJERI KAGUNDA — a queer speculative story about anticipated grief where the narrator has the ability to inhale and transform sorrow
XY by LUCY ZHANG — a woman with controlling parents finds their first attempt at a perfect daughter in the basement
AND YET by A.T. GREENBLATT — the haunted house of your childhood is a door into parallel universes
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tgretgeterterer-blog · 8 years ago
Mitología clásica[editar] Afrodita o Venus, madre de Eros o Cupido, de Hermafrodito, de Príapo, del héroe troyano Eneas y de los Julianos en la tradición Romana. Alcmena, madre de Hércules. Andrómaca, madre de Astianacte. Anticlea, madre de Ulises u Odiseo. Antíope o Hipólita, madre de Hipólito. Calíope, madre de Orfeo. Calisto, madre de Arcas. Casiopea, madre de Andrómeda. Cencreide, madre de Mirra. Clímene, madre de Faetón y de las Helíades. Clitemnestra, madre de Orestes, Electra, Ifigenia y Crisótemis. Dánae, madre de Perseo. Deméter o Ceres, madre de Perséfone o Proserpina. Dione, madre de Afrodita o Venus en algunas leyendas. Etra, madre de Teseo. Europa, madre de Minos, Radamanto y Sarpedón. Hécuba, madre de Héctor, Deífobo, Casandra, Creúsa, Héleno, Troilo y Paris. Hera o Juno, madre de Ares o Marte, Hefesto o Vulcano, Iris e Ilitía. Ío, madre de Épafo. Leda, madre de los dioscuros (Cástor y Pólux), de Helena y de Clitemnestra. Leto o Latona, madre de Artemis o Diana y Apolo o Febo. Liriope, madre de Narciso. Manto, madre de Mopso. Maya, madre de Hermes o Mercurio. Mirra o Esmirne, madre de Adonis. Mnemósine, madre de las musas (Calíope, Clío, Erató, Euterpe, Melpómene, Talía, Terpsícore, Polimnia y Urania). Pasífae, madre de Androgeo, Ariadna, Fedra y el Minotauro. Penélope, madre de Telémaco y en algunas leyendas del dios Pan. Progne, madre de Itis. Rea, madre de Zeus, Poseidón y Hades en la mitología griega. Sémele, madre de Dioniso o Baco. Tetis, madre de Aquiles. Terpsícore, madre de Lino. Yocasta, madre de Edipo de Tebas. Otras religiones[editar] Isis, madre de Horus en la mitología egipcia. Coatlicue, madre de los dioses y patrona del maíz, en la mitología azteca. Neftis, madre de Anubis en la mitología egipcia. Nut, madre de Isis, Neftis, Osiris y Seth en la mitología egipcia. Nut, madre de Isis, Neftis, Osiris y Seth en la mitología egipcia. Madres de personajes históricos[editar] Betsabé, madre de Salomón. Sisigambis (s. IV a. C.), madre de Darío III. Olimpia de Epiro (375-315 a. C.), madre de Alejandro Magno. Acia (85-43 a. C.), madre de César Augusto. Livia Drusila (59 o 58 a. C.-29 d. C.), madre del emperador Tiberio. Virgen María, madre de Jesús de Nazaret Agripinila (15-59 d. C.), madre del emperador Nerón. Santa Helena (250-329), madre del emperador Constantino I el Grande. Santa Mónica (332-387), madre de San Agustín. Gala Placidia (m. 450 d. C.), madre del emperador de occidente, Valentiniano III. Fátima az-Zahra (606-632), madre de Hasán y Husayn ibn Ali. Bertrada de Laon (720-783), madre del emperador Carlomagno. Leonor de Aquitania (1122-1204), madre de Ricardo Corazón de León. Malintzin (1502-1529), considerada la madre de los modernos mexicanos. Ana de Habsburgo (1601-1666), madre de Luis XIV. María Leticia Ramolino (1750-1836), madre de Napoleón Bonaparte. María de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco (1783-1830), madre de Simón Bolívar. Véase también[editar] Derecho de alimentos Derecho de familia Embarazo humano Igualdad de oportunidades Lactancia materna Parto Paternidad Películas de madres Población activa Seguridad y salud laboral Socialización Tasa bruta de natalidad Trabajador doméstico Salud materna Referencias[editar] Volver arriba ↑
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teconozcomascarita · 11 years ago
My funny Valentine. Mónica de Nut & Virxilio da Silva, 2012
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paulo-tno · 11 years ago
O cosmopailanismo rexorde en Sanxenxo e boicotea un concerto de Mónica de Nut e Virxilio da Silva
Certamente lamentable.
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teconozcomascarita · 11 years ago
Senhora do Almortão. Mónica de Nut & Virxilio da Silva, 2012
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