#m: saengtai
gabrielokun · 27 days
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oyeicher · 1 year
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Could you give me a chance to get to know you better?
La Pluie Episode 4
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rin-moved · 1 year
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I am just thinking, very very strongly, about the reveal today of Tai ‘s parents and their soulmate connection. I had been discussing with some other blogs about what Tai's parents were hiding from Tai, and with the reveal of Lomfon being able to hear them and with the reveal of Tai being able to sever the connection, we thought that it might be something like that.
But I have been wondering day in and day out for weeks now if Tai’s parents could still hear each other AND THEY CAN! And that is so so so important to me when it comes to supporting the story La Pluie is trying to tell.
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But I must say that I wasn’t fully expecting that them still being able to hear each other through the rainverse would be a good, valuable, comforting point of connection for Yad and Warun to this day.
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La Pluie is a writing masterpiece for so many reasons but the one that stands out for me specifically in this episode is the way the writers use Tai’s parents rainverse link to show the difference in how conflict should be handled and how it shouldn’t. 
Tai’s parents have their disagreements, they propose separating, they continue to try for another year, and ultimately, Warun decides that it would be better for the both of them to divorce so they have the opportunity to pursue lifestyles that better suit their own wants and needs. But they still love each other.
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And I will hand it to La Pluie time and time again for giving a consistent statement about love being able to persist in a new form when romantic love fades. I love that Nara and Patts remain friends, and I love that Yad and Warun still consider each other soul mates. 
And what I love about La Pluie here is that it uses the rainverse link to compare realistic and fictional love. Yad and Warun maintaining their connection shows a realistic understanding of romantic love, that it is something that you have to constantly be working to maintain. And even when the romantic love fades, the love they have for one another changes and they are able to maintain their soulmate link despite rejecting a romantic relationship and staying primarily physically separated from one another for the past few years. 
But TAI?! 
Tai’s entire life is built on a fictional understanding of love. Tai’s entire understanding of romance is built from the likes of Nora Roberts. He has no actual understanding of the effort that it takes to maintain romantic relationships and he is additionally so fucking conflict AVOIDANT that at the first sign of conflict Tai severs the connection. 
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Tai shuts himself away from everyone, he shuts Patts out of his head, and that causes Patts SO. MUCH. PAIN. Patts is devastated at the idea that he has NO connection to Tai anymore. Even when they are separated, even when they are broken up, especially when Patts wants to be in that relationship with Tai still. Especially when Patts wants to talk through what happened and correct the problems they had, Tai with Patts distrust and anger, Patts with TAI FUCKING LYING TO HIM AND REFUSING TO GIVE A STRAIGHT ANSWER EVER. 
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Patts wants to work at this relationship, because Patts has been in relationships before, he knows how it goes. Patts wants to work at this relationship because he loves Tai and him misunderstanding Tai and Lomfon’s interaction when he goes to apologize and Tai’s refusal to answer the simple question of who he chooses makes Patts feel like Tai wants absolutely nothing to do with him. I mean, he was literally locked out of Tai’s life last episode. 
Anyway, this is just a very long-winded way of saying that it is so intriguing to me that Yad and Warun continue to cultivate their connection with one another even with their irreconcilable differences and at the first sign of trouble, at the first sign that Tai has to do some work with Patts he loudly and emphatically gives up his connection. 
(tagging @lurkingshan for meta round up reasons :p)
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Alright, so...
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Saengtai hears Phat's voice in the rain and that makes them soulmates.
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But Phat has decided to deny destiny and fell in love with someone else.
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Now Saengtai is torn between already falling for Phat and his own fear of love and the pain that comes with losing it.
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But there's also Lomfon coming in with the book and the talk about passion. Lomfon who shares interests and love.
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And there's Tien just starting to discover that he might have feelings for Lomfon as well (absolutely despite himself).
Oh, the mess of it all. The agony of love and destiny and defying and accepting.
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syrena-del-mar · 1 year
La Pluie: A Tale of Tender Hearts
It's already been a week since La Pluie has ended and I'm still left in awe of how unsuspecting this show was presented and just how lovely it turned out to be. I tend to have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to shows that I consume, but La Pluie has been different. Starting with the cameo of Nora Robert's MacKade Brothers, I find that La Pluie has challenged me to look beyond what meets the eye at first glance and really engage with the message that they are attempting to convey. La Pluie asks you to watch the characters challenge their own beliefs while also challenging your own beliefs of the romance tropes they utilize.
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Love in media is always romanticized and dramatized as something that is designed by the stars and predesignated in fate. In a world in which La Pluie takes place, it makes sense why people want to believe in the notion that the one you can hear is your soulmate. Humans are bound to creating answers out of what is unknown and confusing. La Pluie uses all the world-building that they established to subvert the notion of a destined love and instead utilized it to emphasize the active and deliberate choice to love someone and maintain a relationship, even when you're faced with challenges. They subverted the 'stars aligned' trope to show that love is an intentional commitment and ongoing effort, no amount of destiny is going to be sufficient to keep a relationship alive.
I think another running theme, though mostly in the undercurrent of the show, is that any form of love without work just ends up hurting all parties involved. La Pluie, for all intents and purposes, is a romance drama, but they allowed themselves to show so many different types of love. Love is often wrapped up in the idea of consisting solely of eros, and this is especially true in any romance drama, but La Pluie did such a good job at depicting different forms of love. And how they all take the conscious effort to keep the love alive, whether it be romantic, friendly, or familial. Each of these forms of love take a shit ton of work and effort to cultivate and keep safe, without it misunderstandings brew and resentment grows.
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If episode 11 really focused on that for familial love, this final episode really continued to cement that message into the relationships of our main four. Lomfon stuck to his guns and publicly professed his feelings through his project, but a starry-eyed edited collage does not mean anything and Tien essentially states as such. Saengtien didn't let himself have hope until Lomfon verbally stated that he was in love with him. Lomfon, who used to be a bit proud, finally learned how to fully communicate. It was a long journey and he fucked up more than once, but he made the effort and he grew as a person from his mistakes. Their whole arch from frenemies to friends to lovers was weaved through the show. Their development depended on how they communicated and if they were even able to communicate. You can't start any relationship, whether friendship or more, if you can't learn to communicate.
Lomfon's biggest fuck-up came from the lack of communication, he expressed vague ideas to Saengtien, but was never nearly as forward as he was in the final episode. He learned his lesson at the cost of his relationship with Tien, both romantically and as his friend. He even warns Tien that he'll show him through his actions as well, and he does. Meanwhile Tien, who has been sidelined his whole life, has finally found his own place of comfort in Lomfon. As I've seen @bengiyo say multiple times throughout his reviews, there's no magical dick that will solve ones problems, and that rings true here. Saengtien will always be one to willing self-sacrifice in order to protect those that he loves, but this time around Lomfon will be there to look out for him. To have his best interests and welfare at heart. There's finally someone in his corner.
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Saengtai... Oh Saengtai, I had such a love-hate relationship with his character because he was so finnicky and frustrating throughout the whole show. That signifies that both La Pluie and Title did a good job, because I don't necessarily believe that he was supposed to be a loveable protagonist. We finally get full-blown development from him, and he for once becomes pro-active in his life. It came full circle that Tai had to utilize both his words and his actions to salvage his relationship with Patts, after shunning him out for years. Now without the soulmate connection to assist, Tai has to put in the work to locate Patts.
It was never the lack of love that was the problem in their relationship, it wasn't even that their love was flimsily based on a notion of soulmates, but rather Tai had to unlearn his self-absorbed tendencies for Patts. A relationship won't survive in the long-term if it's one party that gives and gives, especially not when Patts has reiterated the need for Tai's affirmation of their love and relationship. This time, it finally clicked for Saengtai that he needs to communicate his care. Actions may speak louder than words, but if you're conducting yourself in a manner that is contradictory (even with the best intentions), those actions are obscured. Patt's needed that verbal confirmation and Tai finally learned how to give it. They love each other beyond the soulmate bond, they love each other because they choose to do so.
Tai finally came to that realization and understanding because he was forced to face the reality of his own parents and their bond. Saengtai was a traumatized kid of divorce who had their same ailment, it's not crazy that his understanding of love was shaken. He just didn't realize that there was no loss of love between his parents, their love had just taken on a different form. His parents loved each other, but they knew that they weren't good for each other. Priorities had changed and expectations clashed, their separation was a choice to salvage their love. The catalyst of his initial questioning of the soulmate bond brought him the answer that he needed to hear after destroying his own bond. Love is work. Love will always be work. It just depends on you to choose to work with it.
This show will always be a memorable one for me. It probed on ideas that romance shows and novels tend to shy away from, glossing over the fact that no relationship can survive without work. Love is a choice. We will never know if the choice we make will work things out or if it'll cause us the pain that we want to shield ourselves from, but without making that choice, we seclude ourselves. We rob ourselves of experiences in fear. Instead of fantasizing about allowing destiny leading us to who we love, we need to take control. People aren't simply meant for each other, they work to become meant for each other.
La Pluie is more than just another romantic BL, as the story unfolds, it allowed us (the viewers) to witness every single characters' journey of self-discovery, vulnerability, and gradual understanding of what it means to love and be in love. It's not a high stakes drama and it was never meant to be, instead from the first episode we were made aware that this was a show that was going to challenge deep-seated beliefs of the characters. In a world that was built around such a otherworldly, fictional disease, it allowed for an in-depth analysis of what it means to find love and what it means to keep it alive. This show was never meant to be a simple soulmate trope BL, and that much was clear when it set its mission statement in the first episode. It only continues to reiterate that idea as it concluded with this last message from Saengtai.
"In the end, the hearing-loss and soul-mate stuff are still questions that no one finds an answer. Or in fact, no one chooses to find an answer anymore. Because whether or not we know, it doesn't have anything to do with the path each person chooses. And, we will never know whether the paths we choose are the best ones. At least, we get to choose our own paths, instead of destiny determining it for us. There may be sadness, happiness, struggles, or convenience. But all in all, it's the meaning of life. I wish you all a happy journey in life."
For my last La Pluie post, I just want to say a big thank you to @lurkingshan, @bengiyo, @shouldiusemyname, @wen-kexing-apologist, @neuroticbookworm, @sunshinechay @shortpplfedup, @heretherebedork, and so many other users for posting such thoughtful insights that really made this show even more enjoyable to watch. I used so many metas that you all made as a stepping stone for my own ideas. The show was already enjoyable as it was, but the community made this experience even better.
Also, @lurkingshan brought to my attention all the negative reviews La Pluie has been getting on MyDramaList, so on a whim I decided to leave an overall review on the show. So if you fell in love with this show just as much as I did or even enjoyed it, here's the link to that, feel free to upvote mine and any other of the other positive reviews!
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slayerkitty · 1 year
Does anyone know what book Tai was reading? I was watching at my mother-in-laws house, and when I cackled about him reading Nora Roberts, it got her attention, and she even pulled out her magnifying glass to try to see the book title with no luck.
(It was pretty funny; she thinks she might even have that book, but she wasn't sure. That's why she wanted the title, lol)
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Saengtien checking to see what injuries Saengtai had and then immediately hitting his good leg is real sibling representation
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staydandy · 1 year
La Pluie (2023) - ฝนตกครั้งนั้นฉันรักเธอ - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Saengtai never believed in destiny or things such as "Soulmate" but rather in his ability to make his own choices. Every time it rains, the sound around him silences, making way for the voice of his soulmate to be heard. On the other hand, Phat patiently waited for the unfamiliar voice but had never been fortunate enough to hear it. Even in the midst of a downpour, the voice of his soulmate was elusive. Their differing beliefs were like a game of tug-of-war played in the rain, with a rope of fate pulled by a stubborn person trying to win the other's heart and a denying person trying to escape the truth. If destiny played a role, would Saengtai be able to go against the will, or would it be Phat, who had been played by destiny? (MDL) AKA : I Loved You, That Time it Rained
Whumpee : Phat Wetchutianan played by Pee Peerawich Ploynumpol • "Tai" Saengtai played by Title Tanatorn Saenangkanikorn • "Thian" Saengthian played by Suar Kritsanaphong Sripattiyanon • "Lom" Lomfon played by Copter Nuntapong Wongsakulyong
Country : 🇹🇭 Thailand Genres : Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, BL / Boys Love
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the novel "La Pluie" (La pluie ฝนตกครั้งนั้น…ฉันรักเธอ) by eddy • I actually loved the supernatural concept of the show at the beginning - but just over halfway through it started to get messy. Wasn't a fan with how the story progressed.
Episodes on List : 8 Total Episodes : 12
*Spoilers below*
01 : [flashback] Tai has a headache, ear ringing … [present] hits his shin on a bed frame
03 : (near end) Drunk … [drunk] Tai bites Phat 😂 … (srsly, do ppl really keep GIANT pictures of themselves in their own home?!)
04 : [flashback] Phat is bit, Tai passes out drunk.. pukes … [different flashback] still drunk
06 : Thian is drunk
08 : Tai is hiking on his own, exhausted … (omg Thian is the best brother) … suffering from heat exhaustion; unsteady, blurry vision, passes out & rolls down a hill … Lom head pain, passes out … Tai wakes briefly, passes out again.. found, sprained ankle, carried … [flashback] Lom passing out (i hate love triangles)
09 : [flashback] Passing out, & waking up in a bed … Tai limping, ankle bandaged
10 : Lom sick, collapses … beat up
12 : Thian has headache, ear ringing (this scene leaves it open to a possible 2nd season - of yet another messy love triangle - and idk if I want that)
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biherbalwitch · 1 year
This was an interesting ep for sure. though, Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I'm glad this break up happened. Everyone messed up in some way this episode (except tien bless him) but the absolute violence coming from Patts is the worst thing that could've happened. Almost every other action can be excused EXCEPT this, it was physically hard to watch.
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placetneplacet · 1 year
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We love a biter!
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gabrielokun · 2 months
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oyeicher · 1 year
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I'm really worried about you. You're so drunk now.
La Pluie Episode 3
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In the streets:
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In the sheets:
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Saengtai: Me emborracharé, me emborracharé
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Por tu culpa, por tu culpa
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Me emborracharé, me emborracharé
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Es mi culpa, es mi culpa
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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This boy has reached never level of absolute darling baby and way too relatable. I love him. I really do. He's so unsure of himself and insecure in the biggest but also the quietest ways and he's living a dream he gave up on because he saw no way of ever trusting it but he can't help but trust Phat.
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