#m putting her boss on BLAST in variety
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augustatheghost · 6 months ago
embarrassing how high a hollywood reporter investigation into wolf ent sits in my hierarchy of needs
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years ago
Since I rant enough about the wizening Ma and Pa received in Sinnoh it's only right to wreak bloody rhetorical vengeance elsewhere:
However harsh it may be, I'm glad Takeshi Shudo isn't alive to witness the hateful desecration of his legacy.
In a universe where no one's allowed to age, why are the modern Jessie and James so withered and decrepit?
Dragon Ball has been on for more than three decades. Its stars were permitted to grow up, because the head can cope with the opportunities this offers.
Yet Goku, Krillin, Bulma et al bear a greater similarity to their younger selves than these gurning invertebrates do to Team Rocket, wearing a papery approximation of their skin.
Akira Toriyama is actually concerned about his life's work, still coming up with interesting concepts, brand-new characters, and most importantly, values his audience by keeping to the established canon.
If a Dragon Ball fan reads this, I am so jealous of you.
Consider yourselves fortunate not to have seen the thing you loved the most pulverised and the resulting glutinous mass moulded back into makeshift sloppy cadavers.
Look at the state of that man! That's a good picture these days!
Why have the eyelid lines turned into upside down bags?
And why has she collected her lashes for this particular screen shot?
On eyes with a strangely feline slant...
Has she had a face lift?
Get yer money back on that one, love.
And why has he marks under his eyes and round his flapping gob to add the hint of exhaustion?
And why don't her lips reach the edge of her mouth anymore?
And why must he display Beaver Toof, as if he's only got six pegs left?
Giving it to him but not her implies she's lost the lot, needing to gum objects for a result.
And why do her low-slung ears consist only of lobe?
And why can you see his featureless lugs? Why does his barnet stand outwards in tentacles like he's taken to wearing a floppy Starmie?
What's that's meant to be, purple dreadlocks?
And why is her hairline curved and absolutely straight, like a bad wig, apart from the perfunctory bits to the side, which I guarantee won't alter their position throughout the run?
Hair used to move about, now by law there's a set pattern which cannot change. Stamp that life out immediately.
And what's that flaccid growth between his weary peepers? Is that meant to be fringe?
And why are her digits just as thick and oblong as his?
It ain't fingers. It's trotters.
And why's he got a back to his throat, but she hasn't?
And why are we forced to witness it? You can see all the way to his dangler!
The great gaping pink cave looks like the end of Looney Tunes when Porky Pig pops up and stammers: "That's all folks!"
Remember a lack of Beaver Toof? And triangular mouths?
Remember when Meowth was a cheeky, spirited little cat, not a middle-aged human midget, an emaciated wreck bored of it all?
Remember when it wasn't deemed necessary to expose us to internal organs?
And when James was a handsome, hysterically camp dandy, not a creepy, snot-ridden science dweeb?
And when Jessie was a beautiful, stylish young girl, hot-tempered but loyal, not a sullen, cold, reptilian, Botoxed-to-the-gills gorgon?
Remember when Team Rocket were fun? And attractive?
Remember when they had joy in their hearts in spite of their poverty? And vim? And hope?
Remember them acting with flair and imagination?
Remember when their schemes had variety?
Remember when they had more than a single disguise per era?
Remember when they had many occupations? And were good at them?
Remember when they'd have a go at everything and weren't reduced to flipping condemned meat in a grotty burger van FOR THREE YEARS?!
Remember when those in charge didn't despise them, when they got happy endings?
Remember split screens? And face faults? And background tones? And purple streaks down your cheeks?
Remember big, bright open eyes, not shrunken, sagging and empty holes afflicted by glaucoma?
Remember when Jessie had eyelashes?
Remember when Pokémon was an anime?
And when James had a fringe, not a bent swelling like a balloon animal?
And when the artist could be arsed to draw Meowth's Charm properly?
Remember when the voices weren't nails down a blackboard?
When Meowth didn't sound like a wedge of coal grinding beneath an oil-deprived door?
When Jessie's dulcet tones had a wider range that just screechy, and weren't reminiscent of a cacophonous banshee clawing her way from a bog, using her own mug as a shovel?
When James speaking didn't suggest he was at best, suffering sinus difficulties, and at worst, constantly battling to swallow his own sick from looking at her?
Mind you, I'm grateful the 4Kids cast are no longer here. They deserve better, and their presence would only validate the crude bastardisations.
Every time the guttural howls reach my poor ears a chill runs through my system, and reminds me of The Pokémon Company sacking the real dub crew in preference for a job done on the cheap.
Remember speed lines? And Pokéball-throwing animation?
Remember a new motto performance in each installment, not the same stock footage reused again and again?
Remember when it rhymed?
It shows.
Remember remembering it?
Remember when Team Rocket would walk down the street in their uniforms and no one took a blind bit of notice despite the organisation operating there?
And they didn't fanny about in one scabby polyester costume every minute they were travelling, even when NO ONE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE?
Since Unova, whilst confronting Ash and this era's soon-to-be-forgotten companions, you get this exchange:
Moron-Of-The-Week: "Who are Team Rocket?"
Ash: "They're bad guys who steal other people's Pokémon."
The writers have such deep appreciation for their work they're sending in cut-and-paste scripts.
Remember blasting off when something blew up, not an explosion from nowhere, or giving it the slip with a jet pack, or abduction by a Care Bear?
Remember when the eyebrows matched the hair?
Remember when he wore it long?
Remember blue shock? And sweat drop? And hammerspace? And comedy violence?
Remember her jagged hairline? And it being RED!!!
Remember proper highlights to it, rather than the odd white lump now and again, as if sweating like a pig, or their heads are infested with giant space ticks?
Remember when they were in all the episodes? And were main characters? And on the introduction sequence?
Remember when Jessie and James used to hug? And hold hands?
And bicker as only a couple can, but you knew they'd never cope alone?
Remember when they'd fly into each other's arms under the flimsiest pretext?
Remember when they meant more to one another than just being a pair of unconnected and disembodied wraiths coincidentally walking down the same road?
And they had more than civil interactions?
Remember when she loved him as much as he loved her?
And no one else could ever take his place?
And canon wasn't infected with the ruinous depiction of her as a hard, heartless bitch barely tolerating him until someone 'better' came along, at which point she'd fuck off without a backwards glance?
'Better', as in a scabby, satchel-mouthed, gormless cretin, just to add surly insult to merciless injury.
Never has such a life-long and hardcore defender of the faith flipped into an ardent Rumishipper as I did after that episode, once I'd swept up the fragments of my soul.
Remember when they were sympathetic?
Remember when they showed human warmth?
Remember when they cared about each other?
Remember when they weren't just a jangling, distorted mess of half-recollected traits?
Remember when they weren't really evil?
Remember Rocketshipping? That was a thing once, believe it or not.
Remember when they had a conscience?
Remember when actually wicked characters turned up, and Team Rocket ALWAYS sided with Ash, rather than the nauseating spectacle of suddenly being best buds with the Boss?
Remember when they had contact with the Twerps?
Remember when Team Rocket and the Twerps loved each other in secret and would endanger themselves to save their 'enemies'?
Everything that was once good and winning about them was sucked out, degree by degree, to leave the corpse, hollow and dead, strung up on wires as a grim marionette.
I'm sure most who see this will vehemently disagree, that I'm completely wrong, that THEY like them.
Yes, you like this three, but you don't like Team Rocket. This is not them. You have yours, and I have mine, but let's not pretend they are the same.
Why, if there is no difference, would I be so hostile, when they meant so much too me?
Did you ever wonder where the original fans went, why they all departed en masse? It's not because they 'moved on' or 'matured'.
They didn't leave Pokémon. Pokémon left them.
As the makers rely so heavily on repetition (sorry, nostalgia) they arrogantly expect us to still be here, having blithely welcomed our memories minced and our canon ripped up or ripped off, apparently.
We're intended to put up with watching them lay waste to ťhe series's body, clinging on for when a rotting bone is pulled up now and again and waved at us, before they chuck it aside to continue the dismemberment.
It's been eaten from the inside out, explaining the facial collapse. Behold the beauty on show:
You see what I mean, don't you?
Don't you? No, because otherwise you'd say the same.
How anyone feels able to describe three deformed freaks as 'hot' or 'cute' I will never comprehend.
The uniform collar protrudes like a solid pipe, emphasising the pencil necks.
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It gives the impression of wrinkled, leathery tortoises peering out of their shells to secure a tasty lettuce treat.
Is that pretty? No.
Is it so surprising I don't care for my favourites to resemble melted waxwork skeletons of their own dæmonic counterparts?
S&M is a most fitting name, for this is torture.
In the film Death Becomes Her, Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn vie for the attention of Bruce Willis, both taking a serum giving everlasting youth and slimness.
The catch is it confers immortality, but not invulnerability, so when pushed down the stairs Meryl survives but is dead, her neck broken, thus she's zipped up in the morgue fridge.
When Goldie is shot with a canon she too rises, internal organs blown out.
The rest of the adventure involves the pair losing the war against time, patching up and painting over peeling grey skin, holding onto loose limbs as their bodies fall apart.
This obviously is the case here. The trio lapped the potion up at the close of Sinnoh, experienced a fatal accident and are now steadily crumbling to mush before us.
According to grave-diggers the head always goes first, so there you are then.
I have a suspicion that Giovanni lured all three to his crypt, experimenting on them to engineer his ultimate super soldier, which explains their flat, plastic appearance. Those since Unova began are the cyborgs, the real ones locked in his cellar.
You may notice I have about the lowest opinion possible of the current writing team, as they deserve.
Why should I have any respect for vindictive halfwits like this, who hate Team Rocket so much they're going out of their way to distort and uglify them, expressing the resentment in celluloid?
Jessie, James and Meowth lost their only defender in Takeshi Shudo. From that point they descended from loveable, hapless tragic figures to self-parodies (Hoenn) whiney, irritating divs dumping one another at every interval (Sinnoh), robotic, amoral scum (Unova and Kalos) and now physically repulsive minor additions (Alola and Galar). Is that trajectory all accidental?
It not that it's a new 'style' (for want of a better word), as were that the case, this hideousness would apply to the entire cast, but it's only done to Team Rocket. How could that be unless motivated by malice?
Given the sub thesps are obliged to prostrate themselves in the dust, begging fans to make their appreciation known, it smacks of desperation.
They wouldn't need to ask that were the trio treated as an integral component. They must sense the objections and are thus drumming up support to avoid the dole queue.
Are those in charge so resentful of their presence it manifests in mutilating them, keen to do anything that may alienate the fanbase, so at the first sign of a dip in popularity they can leap upon it as the perfect excuse to write Team Rocket out?
Why be surprised? These are imbeciles who reject their own canon at the close of every generation, so why care about someone else's?
If people have to harangue the writers with grovelling praise of their retcons, rehashes and all-round twatting about, butter 'em up sufficiently, with the implied threat of deserting the franchise should Team Rocket be ejected, taking their purses too, all so the smug, avaricious berks deign to put the trio in the next generation, that proves they don't want them, so how can what they write for their characters be objectively of any worth?
Team Rocket would've departed by now, were there not a palpable worry their absence might ring the death knell of the whole thing, turning off the financial tap, which is what matters.
Therefore they are retained, grudgingly, and only so long as the clamour continues at its current decibel level. If that drops it's over, and don't expect a romantic resolution. Why should pleasing you be a concern when you're to leave with them?
Ask yourself: how much of your devotion is based on what they are right now, and how much is from who they used to be?
How long can they live off past glories?
The offences done in Unova and Kalos were bad enough, but remarkably Game Freak found further depths to plumb, therefore it can only get worse.
I have of course retained the loveliest for last:
Be still, my beating heart.
No, really, be still. Stop infact. 
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Planet of the Apes.
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 5 years ago
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 10 – Progress
<Where’s your patience, boss? How could you cut straight to the point without even saying hi? And you happen to be talking to me.>
“Exactly. You’re the one person who would reply to ‘hi’ by recounting the number of times M-21 spoke for the day, the dessert presented at school lunch the other day, and the average size and volume of the crumbles the children spilled at my mansion during their snack time with my master the day before.”
<Aww, don’t be so mean, boss. You know I’m only looking out for you when I relay the updates on Seoul.>
I know. Of course I know. But no thanks. Otherwise I’ll start missing what I’ve decided not to.
Frankenstein choked his inner voice and nodded at Tao’s awkward face blinking inside the monitor.
“So, how did Rael’s meeting go yesterday? I doubt there was trouble. At least not on Rael’s side. Not with you preparing everything for him.”
<He was fantastic. As soon as he takes to Lukedonia the KSA researcher assigned for the job, we’ll get on with the ‘QuadraNet’ project.>
“QuadraNet. Huh. Though it’s a temporary name you came up with, I’m not sure when or if I’ll ever get used to it. But what do you mean, tomorrow? What’s the rush for?”
<This researcher that KSA nominated for the task is really gifted. He specified 2 days would be enough for him to get everything ready. I checked the files from the USB he provided, and I’d say 2 days are more than enough.>
“If you say so. How long would he stay at Lukedonia?”
<He’ll have to see for himself, he said.>
“It’d be best to make it done as quickly as possible. Because werewolves have already booked the same appointment. Speaking of which, how is he? What is that researcher like?”
The question was as harmless as it could be, yet Tao started shifting his gaze, away from the monitor. Frankenstein’s blue eyes steeled in reaction.
“Is there a problem?”
<No. At least, I don’t think he has a problem that can affect this project in a bad way.>
“What do you mean, you don’t think? What’s the issue?”
<Uh... Well...>
With a bashful smile, not so big, not so small, Tao unraveled what Rael told him after his trip to KSA.
The day before, at KSA Headquarter
“It appears the recovery has been going on progressively. That’s good.”
“S-sorry? Oh, uh... I... Yes. Thank you.”
Sangin hurriedly produced a reply, whom Yeonsu gawked at as if holding back the urge to snap at him. Nevertheless, her eyes were basically no different from those of her husband – tap-dancing to the silent tension.
“So, uh... How long are you planning to stay in Seoul...?”
“I will be on my way as soon as your researcher is all set to leave.”
“I... I see. I cannot imagine how... Uh, I mean...! I do not mean to be nosy! I...!”
This time Yeonsu feigned nothing. She happened to be just as nervous, with the director’s office just two steps away.
“Welcome. We’ve been expecting you.”
Upon Rael’s entrance, the director rose and smiled, so stiff that it almost seemed he was doing it on purpose. He was not alone; the doctor in charge of Yeonsu and Sangin’s body modification was attendant.
“On behalf of Lukedonia, I’d like to give my deepest apology for proceeding with the project too hastily.”
“N-no, it’s nothing. Quick progress would only do us good.”
“So, is your doctor the one appointed in representation of KSA?”
“Uh... Unfortunately, no.”
The director waved his head apologetically, and the doctor stepped in.
“We’ve decided I cannot leave my lab, not even for a moment, since I’m in charge of all technological aspects of KSA. It’s not that it’s utterly impossible for me to provide any help or advice, but I don’t believe I can leave this building. I am very sorry.”
“In that case...”
“We have chosen the best of the lead researchers among us. Had he been employed before me, or had I resigned from my seat as the head of the technological department, this researcher would have been made in charge of body modification and regular checkups for these two agents. When it comes to his competence, we are more than ready to guarantee it.”
“Would you like to meet him?”
“I should.”
The doctor walked past Rael to guide him through the corridor, with Sangin and Yeonsu striding by Rael’s sides for more details.
“‘Yuhyung Jang.’ Age 28. He is currently the lead technological assistant and one of the lead researchers of KSA.”
“He used to major in Bio And Brain Engineering at KAIST, but he was considered a freak among his classmates due to his theories, brilliant if put in a good way, unrealistic if put bad. But 6 years ago, I had a chance to speak to him in private during my visit to KAIST as a guest lecturer. At once I realized I was met by a genius and offered him a position at KSA.”
“Immediately he dropped out and filed an application to KSA. And when it comes to research, he has never failed us.”
“Which is why he is the only researcher, excluding me, with a personal office and a lab.”
Rael recalled the time when he just made himself an occupant at Frankenstein’s house. First there was not much he could do, so when he had no chores at hand he used to pull out several books from Frankenstein’s library, to which he was granted access by the man’s courtesy.
Some of the books he read included an introduction to astronomy (with which he taught himself about geocentrism and heliocentrism) and a couple books on “universities.” From the latter, he learned that KAIST is always listed as one of the top prestigious institutes in Korea, which allowed him to comprehend the level of intelligence and expertise this researcher would possess.
The moment Rael inwardly sighed in reassurance, Yeonsu, Sangin, and the doctor scrunched their faces in an uneasy, unnatural way.
“Uh, there is one thing we must tell you...”
“First of all, we’re sorry.”
They were staring at Rael with eyes teeming with ruefulness and pity, which raised concern in Rael’s clueless heart.
“No matter what kind of stupidity unfolds, I’d like to ask you to please be patient and understanding.”
“This fella can be sort of... Ridiculous. And crazy.”
“But he means no foul whatsoever, so please. Be generous.”
Rael was trying his hardest not to let his disquiet-slash-panic get ahold of him, as the three humans fanned his puzzlement with eyes spawning apology.
“Here we are.”
The doctor cleared his throat before he knocked a sliding automatic door.
Rumble. Clang.
Clank. Screech.
Rael wondered for a moment if his ears were deceiving him. Normally one would not be met with such noises in a series after a knock. He realized that the three KSA personnel conveyed nothing but tranquility, with ‘here-we-go-again’ grimace.
“Coming! Coming right up!”
Thuds of footsteps escalated, only to be interrupted by an ear-splitting siren inside the room, which caused vortexes in the KSA officers’ eyes.
“What is this?! Don’t tell me...!”
“Aaaah!! I-it’s nothing! It’s nothing at all! Everything is okay!”
“Okay my ass!”
Faithful to her temper, Yeonsu nailed the door with her foot. The broad piece of metal fell flat on surface with a deafening ‘bang,’ promptly unleashing pungent smoke onto the entrance and part of the corridor.
“What is this smell...?!”
Yeonsu and Sangin darted their eyes around the room in search of the source of pitch-black cloud and charring stench relentlessly assaulting their eyes and noses. They spotted a ball of flame overgrowing in midst of a lab table at the corner, with a man pouring out all the sweat he could ever secrete, while clutching a fire extinguisher that was equal to a pesticide in terms of size.
“N-nobody panic! Please, nobody panic! I... I’ve got this perfectly under control! So... So please, remain calm and...”
An abrupt current of wind blasted at the table. The air compactly brushed the fire that was by no means miniature, instantly smothering sparks and smoke that filled the chamber, and the remainder of smoke began to subside, now that its origin was gone.
“Thank you.”
Sangin and the doctor nodded their heads at Rael, who managed to douse the flame with the wind pressure from a mere act of slashing the air with his hand. Not feeling the need to reply, the Kertia took a step closer.
The first thing he could make out was a pair of rectangular glasses thicker than any other pairs he had seen. Then stood out brown curls of hair visibly in dire need for nutrients, and Rael’s gaze lastly arrived at the man’s lips arched in a sheepish, silly curve.
“Allow me to introduce our researcher – Yuhyung Jang.”
“Oh... So this must be...!”
Yeonsu nodded, and Yuhyung urgently jutted out his hands for a shake. That was when he noticed that he was still clinging onto the fire extinguisher. Out of haste he flung the object towards the bookshelf behind him, packed with utensils and books of various types and uses. He waited to witness the crimson cylinder very precariously settling on the bookshelf before re-sticking out his hand.
“Pleasure to meet you. Yuhyung Jang is my name.”
Recollecting that this is one of human etiquette in introductions and greetings, Rael held the man’s hand as gingerly as possible.
“I... I have heard so much about you. I was told you are one of the heads of clans from Lukedonia.”
“Indeed. And I will escort you safely to my homeland. I wish to leave as soon as you are ready. How long do you think it would take?”
“Uh... Uhm, two! Two days would be enough! Yes, of course! I, I only need to pack a couple more equipment, so...”
Almost making a show out of himself trying to express how honored he is, Yuhyung suddenly lunged at his desk and rummaged through his drawer. Once he excavated from his drawer a variety of stuff – such as, and not limited to, mechanical pencil, tape, a bottle of half-empty gums, and tiny rubber ball – the researcher brought back a USB for Rael.
“Could you please deliver this to the, uh... Whoever’s in charge of technologies among your team? This contains a program required to set up a connection with KSA’s network, with a couple files that I chose as reference. You’ll need this to install and launch the new communicative system.”
“Very well. I’ll make sure it reaches the right person.”
“You should start packing. Now. The director officially granted you permission for a business trip. Now all that’s left is for you to be ready.”
“Yes, sir! I’ll go ahead and do that ri...”
Yuhyung threw himself towards the bookshelf to drag out a tattered traveler’s bag. And the next moment –
The man was hammered on the head with the fire extinguisher that was stationed too unstably to withstand the tremor from his action.
The two agents sighed in unity as they watched Yuhyung slumping unconscious, his eyes already rolled towards the back of his head. The doctor collected his hands as a display of embarrassment.
“We’re very sorry. Could you spare a few moments, please?”
“...It’s fine as long as he wakes up by the end of the day.”
What a dumbest genius I’ve ever seen. Or should I say smartest dummy I’ve ever seen?
Frankenstein was educated enough to know that it is not courteous to dub someone dumb. Alas, his mental dictionary failed him at the moment.
“I have a feeling this trip will be a nightmare for Rael.”
<But let’s trust him, shall we? He said he can do this.>
“We should do that. There’s nothing else we can do for him on that matter, anyways. So pack him a nice lunchbox or something on his way back. The boy’s got a long voyage ahead of him.”
<Aye, aye, captain!!>
After an exchange of couple more comments, Frankenstein exited his communication chamber, only to freeze roughly at the same time.
His eyes were drawn to a bundle of grey hair, a hue now highly familiar to him, draped where it could not even reach his waist.
‘Seriously? She’s sleeping here?’
The consistent, soft ups and downs of her shoulders and rhythmic ebbs and flows of air through her respiratory system signaled that she was asleep. Frankenstein was not surprised to see her in the building, for he did notify her that there are only two places he will ever be while the sun is alive – his communication chamber or his lab.
What did catch him off guard was the fact that it presumably took only 10 minutes for her to fall in slumber, not sleep. It is possible for people deprived of rest to doze off when there is a brief opportunity, but Lunark is a werewolf. Expecting a werewolf to be exhausted is like expecting a cat to enter the tub on its own paws for its bath. Not downright impossible, but awfully rare.
‘Just what on earth is she tasked with when she’s away from this place...?’
Frankenstein stared down at Lunark, debating with himself whether he should wake her up or take her to one of the bedrooms so she could recharge herself.
He decided at least he should not leave the guest crouched at the corridor, when he cannot remember when was the last time he ever swept or mopped this place. Without further ado, Frankenstein kneeled and placed his hand on Lunark’s shoulder as lightly as possible.
There was no push or pull in his motion; it could be barely defined as a touch. However, Lunark’s head wobbled in the air like a roly-poly toy and dove straight towards Frankenstein – right onto his chest.
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(Illustration by. RyO - you can find her DeviantArt page here)
In a flash, the pulse from his heart thundered through his vessels, and the entire world quaked with an electrifying ‘thump.’ At least that was what he could make most out of his gut reaction.
The man was startled not by the unforeseen contact but by a phenomenon that made him question his cardiac status; he was lost at what to do. At then Lunark’s eye slid open, and light slowly dawned upon her pink pupil. Her gaze was not yet focused, enthralled by sleep, until it landed upon Frankenstein’s face.
“...Am I dreaming?” Whispered Lunark, her voice a hush no greater than flaps of butterfly’s wings.
Being a human whose abilities far surpass those of humans, Frankenstein should have captured every letter she spat out. And he would have, if only he did not happen to be writhing in a pit of confusion. The most he could manage therefore was narrowly getting himself out of his chaotic preoccupation.
Concentration kicked into Lunark’s eyes as soon as they met his cerulean eyes. Simultaneously, she apprehended the fact that she was laying her head on Frankenstein’s bosom and scrambled to her feet straight away.
The only problem was that she was not awake enough to perceive that they were so close. Close enough to smash her lips into his with little adjustment to the angle her head was taking.
They avoided violently brushing their lips, to their relief, but they could not avoid ramming into each other’s forehead, thereby producing reverberation of a sound that only an Eiffel Tower would yield upon breaking one of its legs.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!!!”
Lunark first and foremost fired an apology, even though she could not grasp the right direction and was busy trying to steady her head.
“Ugh... You okay?”
“Uh... Yeah......”
His voice told her exactly where he was standing, but Lunark could not dare lift her eyes at him.
‘What happened? Why was I squatted with him half-embracing me...?’
Lunark visited with a new piece of data, unlocked by Adne after he went through pains. When she could not pick up his trail anywhere outside the building, she figured he would be at the lab or the communication chamber.
Her plan was to wait until Frankenstein was done. Just then the fatigue from days of insomnia threatened to raze her mind, and a blink of an eye was all it took for her to black out.
The void of her memories was made null by a concoction of Frankenstein’s natural scent and aroma of wolfsbane. Hence she woke up to this disaster.
“Just how many tasks do you have at hand these days? I’ve never dreamed I’d get to see a werewolf warrior fall asleep in daytime, albeit shortly.”
Lunark could not bring herself to answer. It was true that this secret ambassador was not the only role she assumed. After all, a Union elder is listed as one of her career; it is only reasonable that she takes a major component in tracking down and eliminating what is left of the Union.
However, that is not the only reason why she fell defeated to drowsiness today. Recently she was made victim to the lack of sleep. Because of the man right in front of her.
And she could not tell him why. She could not admit that ever since she began to see him on semi-regular basis, she could not help getting conscious of his every single day, if not his every whereabout. She could not complain that her eyes just would not stop taking a snapshot of him into her brain and put it on infinite replay. She could not confess that lately he began to infiltrate her dreams, some of them definitely deserving at least a hundred slaps in the face.
“I-I’m fine. I’ve gotten busy, so I had to give up on sleeping for the past few days. And it looks like I really need some sleep.”
Ultimately she chose to keep the truth to herself, and Frankenstein’s forehead furrowed much more precipitously than she had imagined.
“You’re not getting any sleep? Why?”
“There’s a good reason.”
Lunark painstakingly ironed her face to stare at him, lest they get caught in an endless banter of questions and excuses. Thankfully for her, it worked.
“I’m not sure what’s keeping you awake, but you’d better get some sleep as soon as you return. It’s much bitchier than you’d think to stay awake for an inevitable reason.”
Frankenstein turned away as he spoke, because of which Lunark did not need to hide the flinch of her shoulders. She has never seen him handling his tongue so ferociously, unless he were in the middle of a battle or crisis. Which meant he was close to torturing himself by staying awake.
So why would you go this far?
Lunark was nearly yelling at him in her mind, but her mouth generated something very far from a reprimand.
“Here. And Dr. Adne said he’s sorry. The locks on Ignes’s data are turning more and more complicated, as if they learned they are being manipulated by someone other than their master.”
“I see he’s working very hard. I owe him so much, so I’d appreciate it if he does not let his duty harm his body.”
“I’ll make sure to tell him that. Now see you.”
“You’re leaving already?”
Lunark had already spun on her feet when he finished his sentence.
They would have had time to exchange a few more words, if not a complete conversation, if only he had left his communication chamber a little faster. In fact, Lunark was grateful that she could avoid lingering for the remainder of the day to talk to him.
“I told you I’ve gotten busy lately. Which is ongoing. And don’t give me that look. I’ll do as told as soon as I’m done with the most urgent ones.”
Lunark twisted her tone as she left, a deliberate action intended to be relieving, even jesting. Contrary to her intention, Frankenstein stood fixed to his spot even after she was gone.
‘Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. She sounded quite offended.’
Her action begot an effect not at all like what she had hoped. Which at least did not last long.
‘Who am I to care about someone else?’
Shaking his head, Frankenstein walked to his lab.
Before taking a seat at his desk, as disorganized as always, he poured out the liquid from the flask he held ready at all times. He downed the cup of wolfsbane tonic in a gulp before flipping the first page of a document, and as if on a cue technical terms and explications, so complex only the professionals in body modification would make out, commenced attacks.
Of course, it is impossible for printed letters to actually attack his eyes. Nonetheless, Frankenstein had to repeatedly blink and force his pupils back to the file.
I feel like my eyes are being less cooperative today. Am I imagining things?
His groggy head mumbled after he wasted 5 minutes while trying to dissect the first line of the next paragraph. Yet he tried again.
And again......
Frankenstein blinked. He could seldom remember the last sentence he was reading. It was as if his brain cells had been buried in mist.
He attempted to stretch and straightened his back. Then he noted how he was on his feet in the middle of a dark purple space.
The dark purple that he would never fail to recognize.
Right at that moment, ice exploded through every crook and junction of his capillary vessels.
‘No, this cannot be...!’
(next chapter)
I give you my second OC - Yuhyung Jang.
He is my OC from KSA side who also happens to be a perfectly ordinary human. I tried to make this chapter comical on purpose to show what he’s like - genius but crazy XD
Also, I was super-excited to add a little Frankie-Lunark moment in this chapter lol. I know it’s not much, but they can always make a progress XD
The illustration was provided by RyO, my wonderful friend AND one of the most talented artists I know. Try visiting her DeviantArt page (the link under the image) to see what kind of wonders she has created! Thank you again to my friend RyO for the illustration!
Additionally, here is a background story on how come Rael, a native of Lukedonia, knows about Copernicus and Ptolemy and their respective astronomical theories. Frankie let Rael read in his personal library on the first few days upon his arrival to Seoul, and an intro book on astronomy happened to be one of the books he read. Hope this clarifies! Lol
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