#lyssa beaumont
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This page is our catch-all for demigods who have less than 4 cabin mates, and for other beings and creatures that inhabit the camp (for now). As our list continues to grow, we may further differentiate this list by moving people to pages of their own!
Beings Associated With/Inhabiting Camp
Camp Poltergiest (no name...? who could it be) @theofficialcamppoltergeist
The Purple Spirit @life--ruiner
Bread???? @bread-anon-official
Demigods (sorted by relative parental domain)
Deities of Music/Theater/Creative Expression
Alaia Delgado, Daughter of the Muse Thalia @alaiad-hehe
Meia Stounor, Daughter of the Muse Melpomene @meia-stounor-194
Deities of Nature
Acantha Flake, Daughter of Khione @snowflake-spawn
Damien Rosarie, Son of Lethe @dontforgivejust-forget
Doris Reyes, Child of Oceanus @fish-loving-child-of-oceanus
Emilio, son of Selene @son-of-the-moonlight
Jesse Halen (hot), Daughter of Eos @jesses-girl-but-im-jesse
Levanna Covier, Daughter of Artemis @the-moon-shall-sing
Pearl Roy, Daughter of Amphirite @pearl-ofthe-ocean
Sophia, Daughter of Xolotl, Aztec god of lightning fire and death @demigod-of-all
▰▰▰ Children of Boreas
Bill, Son of Boreas @bill-son-of-boreas
Arabella, Daughter of Boreas @icicles-and-snowflakes
Deities of Humanity/Dreams/Emotions/etc.
Anansi, Daughter of Apate @i-break-hearts-and-fix-cars
Cassandra Clemens, Daughter of Momus @cass-daughter-o-momus
Ekso, Daughter of Ate @ekso-ekso
Eryx, Emissary of the Fates @by-the-fates
Isla Poole, Daughter of Elpis @chains-and-whips-excite-me
Maria Covier, Daughter of Hera, of the Covier Family @the-real-forbidden-kid
Ophelia Prince, Daughter of Eris @chaos-personified
Robin Covier, Son of Ananke, of the Covier Family @the-robin-who-weaves-fate
Wraith, Son of Lyssa @but-y0u-cant-hide
▰▰▰ Children of Eros
Croia, Daughter of Eros @croia-daughter-of-eros
Daniel Lamoree, Son of Eros @kissed-bytheheavens
Julian Maddox, Son of Eros @heartz4julian
Karter Roma, Son of Eros @thebestkisserinnewyork
Marina, Daughter of Eros @loveandotherlaceythings
▰▰▰ Children of Morpheus
Elio, Son of Morpheus @narcolepticsheepcounter
Icarus Dell'aquila, Son of Morpheus @cause-im-italiaaaanoooo
Kaden Winchester, Son of Morpheus @morpheus-child-phobos-legacy
▰▰▰ Children of Psyche
Layla Von Beaumont, Daughter of Psyche @the-human-soul
Pallu Jackson, Child of Psyche @sike--no--psyche
Deities of Darkness/Death/etc.
Calix, Son of Chaos @if-chaos-was-a-boy
▰▰▰ Children of Erebus
Adria, daughter of Erebus @the-one-and-only-adria
Noah Undergrove, Son of Erebus @in-the-undergrove
Deities of Healing/Peace/Magic
Connie Marie Taylor Ross, Daughter of Circe @lotus-in-a-pond
Evangeline @little-starshark-with-wings
Katherine Covier, Daughter of Hestia, of the Covier Family @hestias-favorite-child
Elijah, Son of Asclepius @certified-sunshine-boy
Elizabeth (Elise), Daughter of Asclepius @b-ndaids
Jack Hearth, Mortal Champion of Many Gods @demigod-jack-hearth
Penelope Isabella Grace, Daughter of Jason Grace @penelope-isabella
note: we realize this page isn't perfectly organized, and respect that some of these placements don't perfectly match up. We are doing our best to keep it together and easy to read, so we appreciate your patience with these facts!!!
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The Delecaille Administration is pleased to announce that emergency accommodations have been made for those residents unhoused by damages to the island.
Our sincerest thanks to the generous island residents opening their homes.
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HOST: Ace Kiran - Home
Felix Martin
Tessa Fuchs
HOST: Ciaran O'Bryan - Home
Lilim Morrigan
HOST: Daisy Lynch - Home
Dylan Altomare
HOST: Emmanuel Reyes - Home
Tilly Beaumont
Rowan Aubri
Freddie Buckley
HOST: Evelyn Stratford - Home
Gulana Alim
HOST: Everlasting - Home
Ale Bolivar Vicente Sanchez
HOST: Fayeth Araven - Home
Elise Nyland
Malon Savaris
HOST: Grace Carleton - Home
Thalia Moore
Scarlett McKnight
Katell Brightwood
HOST: James Donovan - Home
Lyssa Hudson
Kylie Danvers
HOST: Jason Shaw - Home
Atticus Carmine
Theodora Wilson
HOST: Magnus Kusihamar & Jude Rigby - Home
Orion Campbell
Finn Carlyle
Owen Jackson
James Storm
Judith Gilmore-Green
Sawyer Chambers
Evander Kasyade
Genevieve Wranmyer
Leo Weatherington
Malakai Nolan
Winter DuBois
HOST: Markus Christiansen - Home
Nova Walker
Xavier Lennon
Hunter Morrigan
HOST: Noah Wright - Home
Isabel Hai Phan
Charlotte Taylor
Avery Fellhaven
HOST: Quinten Sawyer - Home
Sasha Bell
Kane Whelan
HOST: Scott Landenberg - Home
Wat Fletcher
Ste White
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sakurakinmoto · 6 years
*✧.:°░。 — a very magical intro.
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*ehem clears throat again* i have excitement and i have characters and lots of ideas. so love me and them, but mostly me. 
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lyssa beaumont 
full name: alyssa odette beaumont
age: seventeen years old
blood status: pure - blood
year: 7th
school: beauxbatons academy of magic
pets: a snow white cat named toulouse aka tilly and the family owl, nice
social media: n/a, it’s a scary world she does not dive into.
future aspirations: french minister of magic
face-claim: ginny gardner
pinterest board: [ x ]
think of a modern version of the black family, if this world has a sacred 28, they are at the top of the list. the beaumonts are very influential and are practically the self proclaimed leaders of “ french magical society “ her father is the head of the magical law enforcement branch of the ministry and best friends with the minister of magic. they have all the connections and all the wordly charm. every member of her family attended beaxbatons and she’s the last to graduate her eldest sisters ( twins ) graduated two years ago and have been doing great things since then. it’s safe to say that alyssa or lyssa as she likes to be called has always had the weight of the world on her shoulders, she’s subjected to many expectations. now most people find her resume impressive, her parents? after what her sisters did? not so much, like they hold her to an impossibly high standard and nothing she does is ever really good enough. the difference with her and the fam though is that lyssa really does care, she has a good head on her shoulders and she wants to change the world not for the notoriety ( not that she dislikes it, she can command a room rather well ) but because she wants to make an impact. you know use her status for good and all that. she’s her school’s champion and it’s safe to say that she moves around with the popular crowd... she’s your local overachieving but very likable witch. don’t ask her about social media, muggles confuse her. 
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raine clarke
full name: lorraine sophia clarke
age: seventeen years old
blood status: muggle - born
year: 7th
house: ravenclaw
school: hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
pets: a bowtruckle she rescued named peggy, she lives in her robe pockets.
social media: find her on all the sites user name @raineyclarke
future aspirations: taking a nap during history of magic 
face-claim: lily collins
pinterest board: [ x ]
meet your fellow ravenclaw ditz, literally the embodiment of the phrase “ i’m going to wing it “ a 7th year, born in surrey. her dad’s a pediatrician and her mom is a school teacher, you know she’s had your perfect muggle upbringing with some weird happenings here and there. the reason? she’s the first witch in her entire family, she used to make dolls float, cookies fly on over to her when she wanted them too and her parents for a while just took to ignoring because no one could explain it until she got her letter. she’s always been curious, about the world around her and she’s always been a bit off. literally the most forgetful person you could ever meet, she sucks at figuring the riddles to get into ravenclaw tower so she’ll hold up the line for hours, she’s always late to class, falls asleep half the time, a dragon ate her homework and people are forever wondering if the sorting hat has gone senile... because what sort or ravenclaw is she? the worst to ever live. she tries tho, she’s a chatterbox too social for her own good and will chat up a snake if she could. she loves care of magical creatures, and will probably fight you over house elf rights or keep you from killing the fly on your sandwich. your expert on all things social media, has taught every pure-blood she meets about the wonders of a cell phone. 10/10 will put your life in danger be careful. 
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tommy shepherd 
full name: thomas henry shepherd
age: seventeen years old
blood status: half - blood
year: 7th
house: thunderbird
pets: a rock, he’s too irresponsible to keep something alive.
social media: he has fansites, but his official name across social media is @shepherd14 ( 14 is his quidditch jersey # )
school: ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry 
future aspirations: to still be relevant in the quidditch scene five years from now
face-claim: matthew daddario
pinterest board: [ x ]
a quidditch protege, he’s been playing from the moment he learned how to ride a broom. he’s a seeker and has just been signed to a professional quidditch team so he’s a rising star. he has newly formed fan clubs, and he’s getting attention from girls and people who never really looked his way before, he’s in other words really enjoying himself. has quickly built himself a bit if a reputation with the ladies, one that didn’t exist before all of this. ( i want an ex female best friend who got tired of his shit and now she hates him, gimme the plot ) 10/10 will be an arrogant ass if you don’t know who he is. however outside of that and if you can get past his big head he’s actually quite a pal? very loyal and very protective. he’s one of five children and growing up in a household with tight economic status wasn’t exactly easy. now they aren’t lower class but they aren’t exactly rich either so he had to make do with what he got a lot of the time. that’s changing now, that he’s getting endorsement deals and he’s getting noticed which is why he’s begun to develop that big head. he kind of thinks the world owes him something now and he’ll walk around demanding. in other words feel free to kick him in the shin. underneath all that bravado he now has though, he’s a good person... it just may take a while for someone to find the real him.
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Would.like to register @the-robin-who-weaves-fate ! Son of Ananke!
Thank you user the-robin-who-weaves-fate for your contribution to the database!!! We will connect you with accounts associated with similar parentage to yours!!! We hope you can manage to make some friends!! Deities of Humanity/Dreams/Emotions/etc.
Ekso, Daughter of Ate @ekso-ekso
Eryx, Emissary of the Fates @by-the-fates
Isla Poole, Daughter of Elpis @chains-and-whips-excite-me
Ophelia Prince, Daughter of Eris @chaos-personified
Robin Covier, Son of Ananke, of the Covier Family @the-robin-who-weaves-fate
Wraith, Son of Lyssa @but-y0u-cant-hide
▰▰▰ Children of Eros
Croia, Daughter of Eros @croia-daughter-of-eros
Karter, Son of Eros @thebestkisserinnewyork
Marina, Daughter of Eros @loveandotherlaceythings
▰▰▰ Children of Morpheus
Elio, Son of Morpheus @narcolepticsheepcounter
Icarus Dell'aquila, Son of Morpheus @cause-im-italiaaaanoooo
Kaden Winchester, Son of Morpheus @morpheus-child-phobos-legacy
▰▰▰ Children of Psyche
Layla Von Beaumont, Daughter of Psyche @the-human-soul
Pallu Jackson, Child of Psyche @sike--no--psyche
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sincerelyella · 3 years
Spilling The Beans Part 1
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Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella); Drake x OC (Alyssa Devereaux)
Summary: A little mini series in The Loft AU with all the usual crazies plus @burnsoslow‘s amazing Alyssa. 
A/N: If you haven’t read The Loft, all you need to know is that this AU is based on the show New Girl and it is so far from canon. What is canon? LOL hope you enjoy.
Thank you to my soul sister @burnsoslow for letting me borrow your best girl, I love you!
Warnings: adult language; sexual innuendos; the gang craziness
Words: 950
Ella slowly padded her way down the hallway to the community bathroom. Six people were living in the loft and Ella thanked God Alyssa was now there; when she was alone and outnumbered by a bunch of men, she thought she was going to lose her mind. The bathroom was like a public facility, it had two stalls, a urinal, a large shower, two sinks, two mirrors, and four towel racks. Ella pushed open the door and squeaked in surprise. She quickly turned and ran back down the hall and stopped in the kitchen where Liam, Drake, and Alyssa were all congregated.
“Love? What’s wrong?”
Ella squeezed her eyes shut in disgust, trying to unsee what she just witnessed. “Max is peeing in the urinal Tony the Tiger style.”
Drake took a sip of his dark coffee. “What, like peeing with a kerchief around his neck?”
“No,” Ella wrinkled her nose. “What do you call a top with no bottoms?”
Alyssa raised her hand. “Oh, that’s Winnie The Pooh or Donald Duck. Right?”
“I saw his entire butt,” Ella put her palms over her eyes like she was blinded.
“He and Leo painted the town red last night, he’s probably hungover,” Liam offered.
“But … peeing Winnie The Pooh style though?”
“I’ll talk to him,” Liam chuckled and leaned down to kiss his wife on the forehead. “Be right back.”
Ella leaned on the kitchen island, took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. “Okay, I’m fine, I’m not going to throw up.”
“El?” Lyssa stepped forward with a look of concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, I’ve just been nauseated lately,” she waved her hand in the air. “I’m alright, it passes quickly.” Ella swayed a bit and held a hand over her forehead.
“Whoa,” Alyssa set down her cup of coffee and leaned forward to steady her best friend. “Let’s get you in bed.”
The pair made it safely to the bedroom, Alyssa made sure Ella was bundled under her fluffy white comforter.
“Lyss, I have something to ask you,” Ella yawned as she turned onto her side, her eyes fluttered close. “How do I tell Liam?”
“Tell Liam what?”
“Mmmm, a secret.”
Alyssa chuckled as Ella began to snore softly. “Get some sleep, sweetie,” whispered, then tiptoed out of the room and quietly shut the door behind her.
“Hey,” Liam quirked his brow as he walked by with Max. “What’s going on?”
“She was just feeling kind of nauseated and dizzy, so I put her in bed.”
The trio made their way into the kitchen where Drake was on his second cup of coffee. “Hey, Beaumont, I heard you were balls out in the bathroom.”
Maxwell rolled his eyes. “I had to pee really bad and I didn’t have time to put pants on.”
“You know we have ladies that live here now, Maxwell?” Liam narrowed his eyes at his friend. “Ella was traumatized.”
“I would be too,” Lyss mused as she picked up her mug of coffee.
Leo made his way to the kitchen and made a beeline for the coffee machine. “Why is all the coffee gone already?!
“Because it’s 11 am, Rys,” Drake smirked. “Maybe if your princess ass wasn’t asleep all morning there would be coffee left.”
“How was your date last night?” Alyssa asked, hoping to change the subject before the men began going back and forth insulting each other.
“He came back pretty early last night,” Liam offered. “Like 9 pm early.”
Leo narrowed his eyes at his brother. “Why are you looking at what time I come home?”
“What’d you do, Leo?” Maxwell took a bite of his bagel. “Sneeze in her mouth? I’ve done that to a girl once.”
Alyssa gave Max a disgusted look but said nothing.
“Hell no, I didn’t even kiss her last night-”
“Wait,” Drake furrowed his brow. “Why? Leo Rys always closes the deal.”
Before Leo could answer, Maxwell, hopped up and down in excitement. “How repulsive is she Leo?”
Drake let out a loud laugh. “What’s wrong with her? Does she have a hunchback?”
Liam covered his mouth with his fist to hide a smile. “Dwarf parts?”
“How big are her knuckles?!” Maxwell yelled.
“Is she another one of your heavy gingers?” Liam asked but couldn’t contain his laughter anymore.
“Laugh it up, guys,” Leo rolled his eyes. “I just didn’t want to, okay?”
Suddenly, the cell phone in the middle of the kitchen island began to ring. Alyssa craned her neck to look at the caller ID. “Oh! It’s Sadie! That’s Ella’s and my OBGYN,” she explained before she picked up the phone and answered it.
Maxwell scrunched his nose. “The Oh-Bee-what now?”
Alyssa waved at him to be quiet. “Hello?”
“Ellaaaaa!” An excited voice echoed through the phone. “You’re pregnant!”
Alyssa’s eyes widened. “Oh. My. God. Ella’s pregnant?!”
Liam’s entire plate of eggs and sausage crashed onto the tile floor of the kitchen.
“I-I mean, this isn’t Ella,” Lyss stammered.
“Why are you picking up someone else’s phone?” Sadie demanded on the other end.
“We’re all friends here, Sadie.”
“Have Ella call me.”
Alyssa hung up the phone and placed it back onto the counter. “So, that was Sadie …”
Liam was still frozen where he stood, while Drake and Maxwell had begun to clean up the remnants of his breakfast.
Drake scowled. “Beaumont do you even know how to use a broom?”
Max shrugged. “Be nice to me, Drake! This is a lot harder than it looks.”
Leo poked his brother’s shoulder and got no reaction. “He’s having a stroke!”
Alyssa kept her gaze fixed on Liam. “Li? Are you alright?”
Liam nodded slowly. “We’re having a … baby?”
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sincerelyella · 3 years
RAMifications Chapter 3 -  I Can Love You Like That
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella); Drake x Alyssa Devereaux
Song Inspiration: I Can Love You Like That by All-4-One
Characters belong to Pixelberry; MC Ella Brooks belongs to me; Alyssa Devereaux was created by the brilliant mind of @burnsoslow
A/N: This entire idea came from Burnsy and her unBEARable series featuring her OTP Drake and Alyssa. This is Ella’s backstory and how she met the love of her life King Liam of Cordonia. This doesn’t follow much of TRR books, there is still a social season but not all of the players are present. Throw canon out the window! 
Thank you to @burnsoslow​ for pre reading/commenting/calming my crazy self down. You know I freaking love you!
If you have not read unBEARable by @burnsoslow ​(catch up here) I suggest you go and read that first. There are SPOILERS in this series!
Catch up on RAMifications here
Warnings: Adult language
Words: 2195
After Ella had left the palace Alyssa turned to Drake. “I have an idea!” she ran to her bedroom with Drake helplessly following behind her.
“What’re you up to Devereaux?”
As soon as both of them were safely in the bedroom she prattled off her idea excitedly. “Okay so, what if we could get Ella to switch places with me in the social season? That way, she can compete for Liam and we could be together, like not in secret?”
Drake opened his mouth to protest, but immediately closed it again and a thoughtful look passed through his features. “Uh, wow, that’s a … good idea actually.” He stepped up to her and carefully held both her hands in his. “I would literally do anything to be with you out in the open, Lyssa,” he murmured softly to her.
Alyssa melted at his words and stood on her tiptoes to try to kiss him. Since she was so damn short, she couldn’t reach his mouth. She pouted and then puckered her lips so Drake could kiss them. He chuckled and leaned down to meet her lips, his tongue automatically sliding into her mouth and they stayed that way, trapped in a passionate kiss, for several seconds.
Alyssa pulled back quickly with a gasp. “We have to talk to Liam! And I have to text Maxwell and take care of this!”
Drake ran his hands down to her thighs, lifted her up while she shrieked in surprise and dropped her onto the bed. “Okay, but I’m going to take care of you first,” he growled in her ear. Alyssa shivered, bit her lip and smiled up at him while he hovered over her.
“Well, if you insist …”
In Liam’s quarters two hours later
“Li, there’s something we need to talk to you about.”
“The last time you both needed to talk to me …” Liam looked uncomfortable.
“No, no! It’s nothing like that!” Alyssa quickly butted in. “I actually had an idea about the social season,” she bit her lip and looked at Drake, who gave her a nod of encouragement. “I am so grateful to you for all you’ve done to allow me to stay here. But, if I could stay in Cordonia and still give you another shot at a bride …“
Liam furrowed his brow. "What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I’m wasting a spot as a potential suitor. I want you to find your happily-ever-after too, Liam. So, I was thinking,” she took in a deep breath. “… that maybe Ella and I could switch places. That way, she can compete to be your queen.”
Liam took in Alyssa’s idea, brows wrinkled in thought. “Ella … replaces … you …” he trailed off, talking to himself. “If … if this is going to happen, we would need to speak with Duke Ramsford and Lord Beaumont.” Liam looks up at Alyssa with a small smile. “I’m not sure how Bertrand would like the situation, but I’m sure Maxwell would be open to it.” His smile abruptly fades and his eyes widen. “Did you talk with Ella about it? What if she doesn’t want this? What if she thinks this whole thing is ridiculous?”
Liam started to panic, he ran his hands through his thick, blonde hair and stared, wide eyed, at Drake and Alyssa.
“I haven’t spoken with Ella since earlier this afternoon, Liam,” Alyssa gave him a reassuring smile. “But I’m sure she’ll be back tomorrow … right?” Liam nodded. “Okay! So I’ll talk to her then and explain everything.” Alyssa clapped her hands in excitement. “Oh. My. God. I am soooo excited!”
Drake stepped forward and clapped Liam on the shoulder. “It’ll be fine, Li. Let Devereaux work her magic, everyone she talks to becomes her friend.”
Liam nodded again, still at a loss for words. He was half panicked but also half relieved he may be able to be with Ella. This could work …  please work.
Drake and Alyssa hung out for a bit then left for the night and Liam got ready for bed. 
Ella sat in her pharmacology class, taking notes while listening to her instructor discuss different medications of the nervous system.
“Benzodiazepines are a class of anxiety medications and many end with -pam except for chlordiazepoxide …”
All of a sudden she felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned to see a good looking man with light brown hair smiling at her.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, but do you have a pen I could borrow?” He whispered. “Mine ran out of ink.” Ella nodded, rifled through her backpack and found another pen. She turned to hand it to him and his smile widened. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” she whispered with a smile and turned back in her seat.
After class was over, the man that sat behind her came and stood next to her desk. “Hi, I’m Alex, thanks for letting me borrow this.”
“I’m Ella,” she smiled up at him. “No problem, I have a ton of them. You can have that one if you need it.”
Alex sighed in relief. “Oh my God thank you, I have med-surg after this and I don’t have a pen.”
“Oh, you have that class too?”
Alex nodded. “Yea with Professor Laurent. Are you headed that way? Maybe we could walk together … so we don’t get lost?”
Hmm, nice line. Ella smirked. “Yeah, sure, let’s go.”
The two of them walked to class together and sat side by side for the 3 hours of lecture. Afterwards, they were gathering their things when Alex turned to her.
“Hey, I was wondering if maybe I could take you out for dinner? Or coffee? Or … maybe a drink?”
How adorable. Ella giggled. “Sure … coffee? Or a drink? Or dinner? Which one?” She smiled up at him, knowing he was nervous.
“Uh … any. All of the above?” he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, it’s 5 pm now, we can go grab a drink if you want?”
Alex’s face brightened. “Yeah! Let’s go, I know a good place.” He led her out towards where he parked his car. Ella knew that Liam probably called her work with a delivery, she bit her lip and thought about cancelling on Alex. No! You can’t wait around for someone that said kissing you was a mistake. She sighed and continued to follow Alex.
Liam was walking down the hallway from his quarters with a frown on his face. He had called the flower truck as usual and the man on the phone told him Ella was unavailable to deliver tonight. She doesn’t want to see me. He was so lost in thought that he walked right past Alyssa and Drake; he didn’t even hear them calling out to him.
Drake caught up with Liam and grabbed his arm. “Liam! Are you okay?”
Liam turned. “Oh, I’m sorry, Drake. What were you saying?”
“We said hi and have you seen Ella yet?”
He turned to fully face Drake and Alyssa and sighed. “She’s not delivering flowers tonight,” he said quietly.
“Why not?” Alyssa said with a concerned look as she stepped towards Liam.
He just shrugged. “The man that answered the phone just said she wasn’t available.”
Alyssa waved her hand in the air. “I’m sure she’s got other things to do tonight, Liam. Not that she doesn’t want to see you or anything.” She looked up at him and saw the disappointment in his eyes.
“Hey, why don’t we go to the beer garden? We can invite Beaumont?” Drake looked at Alyssa and they had a silent conversation with their eyes.
“Uh, yeah! That’s a great idea! I’ll call him.” Alyssa stepped away to invite Maxwell.
Liam let out a breath and nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”
The three of them piled into an SUV with Bastien and took off towards the capitol.
Alex had brought Ella to a beer garden, and for the last couple of hours they were having a good time. She didn’t expect this to be going so well, and it was a nice way to stop thinking about Liam.
“So, how many classes do you have left before you graduate?”
“I have three I believe,” Ella pondered for a minute. “Actually I take that back, I think I have four left.”
“Me too, maybe we’ll have the same ones and get to see each other more,” he smiled flirtatiously.
“Maybe,” she smiled back and looked at her watch. “Hey, I’ve got to get going, I want to get some studying done tonight.”
Alex nodded in agreement. “Me too, let’s get out of here.” They both rose from the table and walked outside towards Alex’s car.
Liam, Drake and Alyssa were waiting to get out of the SUV and head to the beer garden when Liam turned his head and saw Ella with a man walking to a parked car. His eyes widened as he continued to stare at the man opening the car door to let Ella into the front seat. He quickly turned back to face forward. “I know why Ella couldn’t make the delivery tonight.”
“Why?” Drake and Alyssa said simultaneously.
“She was out on a date,” he gestured towards the beer garden. “I saw them leaving together.”
“You don’t know if it was a date, Liam, maybe they were in there as friends?” Alyssa looked at Drake and nudged his shoulder to say something.
Drake shot her a look, she looked back at him with a glare, then he sighed in defeat. “Li, you don’t know if that was a date. I’m sure she’ll be able to work tomorrow and deliver the flowers.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t be ordering them anymore,” he mumbled.
“What?” Alyssa yelped. “Liam! Do you like her or not?”
He nodded.
“Okay, then we put our plan into action! She feels something for you, Liam. I know she does! I saw her face when she told me you kissed her!”
Still feeling unsure about the whole thing but wanting to drop the conversation entirely, Liam nodded again. “Okay.”
The three friends got out of the SUV and made their way into the beer garden to meet Maxwell.
Drake went to get the first round of drinks while Liam and Alyssa sat at a booth. “Okay,” she said excitedly. “So, I told Max about our plan. He’s totally fine with it, it’s just getting Bertrand on board that may be a challenge.”
“Hey guys! Look who I brought with me!” Liam and Alyssa turn to see Maxwell with a frowning Bertrand.
“Hey Bertrand! Nice to see you,” Alyssa chirped.
“Hello,” Liam greeted him softly.
Maxwell and Bertrand sat down and Bertrand cleared his throat. “I heard of the plan you’re devising, Lady Alyssa. How do you even know that this will work? Or if this woman is even … suitable?” he hissed. “As I said when I first met you, I do not want House Beaumont to be a laughingstock.”
Just then, Drake returned with some drinks and sat next to Alyssa. “What’s going on?”
Alyssa leaned forward in the booth and stared at Bertrand. "I have told Liam that I love Drake. There is zero chance Liam will choose me at the end of the social season. If you want the odds in your favor then swap me out for Ella.”
The table got tense all of a sudden, nobody saying anything or making a move. It was just Bertrand and Alyssa in a staredown. Bertrand relented. “Alright,” he sighed. “If this woman is someone you want in your social season, Your Highness, then Maxwell and I will sponsor her in place of Lady Alyssa.”
Everyone cheered.
Liam pat Bertrand’s upper arm. “Thank you, Your Grace. I … I do want Ella in my social season.”
“Yes! Thank you, Bertrand! Now we just need to get Ella onboard!” Alyssa lifted her glass in the air. “A toast! To Prince Liam and his new … suitor!”
“Hear, hear!” They clinked glasses and concocted a plan to talk with Ella the next day.
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dcbbw · 4 years
1 🤣🤣🤣🤣, 5, 6 for fanfic asks 😘
1.  If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
Well, since @ao719 has set the standard (and called me out! lol), I think I have to bring ALLLLL the receipts.
Everything is under the cut
Aftermath of a Breakup/DC AU—the gang are just regular folks living in Washington, DC. Chapter 4 is in progress, but their adventures live on in Asks/Prompts while you wait.  Also, I plan to write a Day One, detailing how the gang met. It may be part of the series, or a standalone.
Autumn in New York—Riley Brooks and Damien Nazario were an item, until Riley ran off to Cordonia after a chance meeting with Crown Prince Liam. Riley returns; Liam follows. Eros is involved. What’s gonna happen? Currently, only Chapter One is available, but more progress is being made on Chapter 2.
Goodnight, Moon (Driam) –the lovers try to get in last moments and all the love before the Engagement Tour ends. We are currently up to Chapter 3 (Applewood). Chapter 4 will be Italy.
Secrets of Cordonia—My version of Cordonian history taking place over three generations. We are currently up to Chapter 2.
Object of Affection—Liam loves Olivia, Olivia loves Drake. Riley is the choice at Coronation. How to make my OTP fall in love? We are currently up to Chapter 7; Chapter 8 is in progress.
Sunday Brunch—my shitshow soap opera where Drake cheated on Liam with Rashad, who is in a relationship with Neville. Drake also cheated on Liam with Riley, who was married to Liam and in a relationship with Maxwell. Riley is pregnant and it could the baby could be Drake’s, Maxwell’s, or Rashad’s (there was a threesome). Rashad is also seeing Leo. Who is sexing with Madeleine and Adelaide. Folks get caught, conversations are had, and shit is hitting the fan. We are currently up to Chapter 9.
Timing—does anyone remember this series? LOL This is my first series, and it is my take on TRR events. It really isn’t in chronological order, but we are up to Chapter 15. I am getting back to this fic, and we will pick up the night of the Costume Ball. There will be character death.
The Commoner’s Wife—Riley is married to Drake out of a sense of misguided obligation. She and Liam are still desperately in love, but she doesn’t trust Liam’s love because of past actions. Drake wants to fix the marriage because he’s in love with Riley. There’s a kinky, latex loving Princess who wants a marriage with Liam. When we left them last, Drake and the Princess had caught a very naked Liam and Riley in the act. We are up to Chapter 5 with this, and progress is being made with Chapter 6.
Anton-- Anton Severus is locked away for his crimes against the Crown. But his dream of overthrowing the current bloodline on the throne and claiming it for himself burn brighter than ever. He has help on the inside. And he’s pitting the Court against itself. We are currently up to Chapter 4; progress is being made on Chapter 5.
NightFall-- Set in the Riam Universe, five years in the future. Liam and Riley are happier than ever: They’re parents. Cordonia is prosperous and at peace. But someone is coming for the King. Who?  Why? Currently up to Chapter 3; Chapter 4 is in progress.
Discontent-- The King and Queen of Cordonia’s marriage is broken. Their coping mechanisms for dealing with it are breaking them, individually and collectively. Is their love for each other stronger than their duty to their country? Currently we are up to Chapter 3; Chapter 4 is in progress.
Chain Reaction—Prince Liam, The Duke of Valtoria and Lord Maxwell Beaumont are having to deal with changes: the Queen is ill, the King is stepping down, and Leo (whose marriage to Madeleine is already hitting a rough patch) isn’t ready to step up. What does it mean for Laxwell?
Liara—In an AU where the trip to New York City was never taken, Liam fell in love with Kiara. She didn’t return his feelings but agreed to an arrangement with him. Liam married Madeleine. Kiara falls in love with Liam, and Liam begins divorce proceedings. But now Madeleine is pregnant, claiming it’s Cordonia’s heir, sired by the King.
Cordonian Arrangement—NO IDEA where this WIP came from, but I call it the Hot Mess Hana. Liam and Riley are married rivals; Riley has a Cordonian arrangement with Hana, who is pregnant by Liam with the heir. I thought it could be a one-shot but it’s gonna be a huge, delicious mess. (I think)
Evil Driam—The star-crossed lovers refuse to be torn apart because of Leo’s abdication and a social season. The secret to not taking a bride is simple: there can be no Queen if there are no suitors …
Dinner with Friends—A very hormonal Riley has dinner with Liam and their friends at her favorite Chinese restaurant. There is random conversation (including Pixelberry and the babies’ names are revealed), waitress kissing, and an argument.
One Big Happy—A peek into family life.
Family Getaway—Set way in the future, the royal family takes a break; actually Riley gets angry with Liam; she and the kids travel to one of their American properties and Liam follows them.
The Afterlife—The royal couple pass away after a long and rich life; they are still Riam even in Valtoria Heaven
Rendezvous in Ramsford—Remember at the beginning of TRR Book 2 when Riley didn’t hear from anyone for weeks because of the scandal and Liam choosing Madeleine? What if Liam snuck over to Ramsford for a late-night talk and “other stuff” before he and Riley meet in Fydelia?
The Not-The- Nanny Interviews—Riam looks for a nanny for their twins.
Untitled—All my Liams and all my Rileys are at the Beer Garden for a meet & greet
 The Drake Wave:
Twenty Questions—Drake and Riley get to know each other while stargazing in the snow.
Houses of Cordonia—Drake and Hana find themselves spending an unexpected amount of time together during the royal couple’s honeymoon.
Untitled—An unlikely friendship develops between Drake and Penelope.
Guests and Visitors—A twist on the duel between Liam and Bradshaw featuring Christina Yang and Alex Karev from Grey’s Anatomy.
The Lunch Club—More Liam and Hippie Chick shenanigans
The Secret Rick Springfield Fan Club—Drake and Liam are planning a secret road trip to Atlantic City for a General Hospital Fan Meet & Greet, and a Rick Springfield concert. The gang ends up tagging along, and nothing goes right.
Untitled—a sequel to this fic where we see the Cordonian Social Season through the eyes of Drake and Olivia
Untitled—a sequel to this fic where Gen leaves Goldcliffe and Levi behind to build a new life in New York City. She’s roomies with Daniel, works for Damien Nazario, and her boyfriend is Rashad Domvallier. Life is good until Levi shows up in the Big Apple for a gig.
What I DON’T Like About You--@omgjasminesimone posted this ask; I’m answering it! (With THREE OTPs because I’m an indecisive heifer)
 Miscellaneous One Shots:
A Night at the Opera—Maxwell and Adelaide spend time together at the Paris Opera House.
Untitled—In Shanghai, Riley and Hana have a sleepover; there’s wine and chocolate and nail polish. Secrets are revealed and confidences are shared. But daylight brings a remorseful Liam bearing gifts.
Little Nobles—It’s still an idea bubbling in my brain but considering a miniseries about our favorite nobles’ childhood adventures.
A Very Social Season—Threesome between Riley, Liam, and Maxwell the first day of the social season, right before the Masquerade Ball
Slippers—A Riam/Dralyssa flashback featuring glass slippers for Riley; ruby slippers for Lyssa; and Liam and Lyssa in New York City while Drake and Riley babysit each other in Cordonia.
A Tale of Two Couples—What happens when AUs collide? @sirbeepslot’s Driam meets my Riam.
Wife Swap—Burnsy’s Dralyssa and my Riam agree to play on the television show Wife Swap for charity.
5. What’s a crackship you love?
Besides my own? Driam will always be #1! I like Draxwell and think a lot can be explored there. I would like to see Kiara x Rashad, I think they are more compatible than folks realize.  
6. What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?
Real world: an email from a coworker who is leaving the company. He said no more laid back, now he ain’t holding back. For some reason, that made me laugh all day.
Tumblr: @sirbeepsalot‘s Besties series. I am trying to get her to never stop writing it!
Thanks for the ask, #mykarev
#long ass post #fanfic asks
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