#lynching and murder discussed
quill-of-thoth · 1 year
Letters From Watson: The Five Orange Pips
Crimes in Context: Lynching and the Klu Klux Klan
I don't intend to go into graphic details regarding historic terrorism and murder, but I thought I'd give a quick summary of the reconstruction era after the American Civil War, and the Klu Klux Klan, a formerly secret society of some of the worst people in the country, since it would be conceited to assume that everyone studied it in history class. When it comes to the KKK pre-emptively punching them is self defense, just like Nazis. American Civil War, 1861-1865: The Confederate (southern) states secede from the United States, leading to a civil war over whether slavery should remain legal. It's important to note that the economy of the southern states, which endorsed slavery, was largely tied up in the production of cotton and other major cash crops, which was largely profitable because the people doing all the agricultural work were enslaved in terrible conditions. In 1863 the emancipation proclamation ended chattel slavery in the United States, and in 1865 the Confederate states surrendered and the Union was reunited. The Reconstruction Era, 1865-1877:
The 14th and 15th amendments are passed, granting formerly enslaved people the same civil rights as all other citizens on paper. The former confederate states do not, in practice, guarantee this. Pretty much immediately there are hate crimes against black people, to the point that the former confederate states were under military control by 1866, and there is an entire political party formed on the basis of rolling back black people's new civil rights, particularly the right to vote. Confusingly, it's not the same party that is currently working to undermine civil rights in the United States: back in the 1860's, the Republican party was the good guys. For the approximate era where that completely reversed, see the 1960's which are outside the scope of this write up.
During this time there was a wave of black politicians, community building among groups of newly free black citizens and their compatriots who had escaped to northern states prior to the war, and federal involvement to attempt to ensure that everyone actually had their civil rights.
The rest is under the cut because that's where I will outline the crimes of the Ku Klux Klan.
There was also the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist terrorist organization that focused on preventing black participation in voting, community involvement, or having any civil rights by intimidation and murder. They murdered whites who supported black citizenship, and they murdered black people for literally any excuse that they could come up with, often via torture or public hanging. As with all white supremacist groups they also expanded into christofascist terrorism, so they've also added jewish and islamic people, as well as latino, asian, and native american people to their list of targets. The first iteration of the KKK ended (mostly) in the early 1870's, due to prosecution of their crimes and the fact that decentralized terrorist organizations tend to crumble when they don't see results and some of their leaders are in jail. Unfortunately, like all white nationalist and christofascist terrorist organizations, it keeps being resurrected, notably in 1915 and the 1960's. In 1915 it was based on the film The Birth of a Nation, a movie based upon a book that had romanticized the KKK, and masqueraded as a fraternal organization, and it broadened its focus to anti-immigrant, anti communist, anti-science, and anti non-christian-protestant-religion activity. If this sounds familiar it's because politics is a flat circle and I want to get off. It dissolved again due to the arrests of leaders, and infighting between chapters. In the 1950's and 60's it arose again specifically to combat civil rights activisim and legislation, and although it has since waned in membership there are still members who still conduct, or conspire to conduct, terrorist activity. They also actively collaborate with other white supremacist and christofascist organizations, including neo-nazis. Historians will sort out if the increased white supremacist, christofascist, queerphobic, misogynistic, insurrectionist, antisemitic, antislamic and anti-science political activity of the last decade and change has anything to do with them, but when mass shooters have a white supremacist manifesto in the USA, chances are they were somewhat influenced by the history of the Klan even if they were never a member. The Case All of this to say that the facts of The Five Orange Pips are, to an extent limited by England's position across an entire atlantic ocean, fairly accurate to the historical record. Our uncle Openshaw, who presumably either had enough money from repartitions (yes, former plantation owners were paid reparations and the people they enslaved were not, in an attempt to stabilize the economy of the former confederacy that remains infuriating) not to worry about his finances and fuck off back to England, or stole his fortune from the rest of the Klan, unarguably got what he deserved. I have no idea why the threatening letters first came from India, which seems like the last place an American group of racially motivated murderers would flee to to avoid prosecution (The whole west, and Latin America are more convenient) but it's not impossible that Openshaw's former compatriots were also originally from England.
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july-19th-club · 1 year
i love when characters suck and are bad people like the thing about murphy is that i liked him before he was the incredible wife guy (which is also pretty great, dont get me wrong) but like. i thought he was cool when he was a horrible jackass that everyone hated . like he was interesting before he got morals; he was interesting as a guy who gets lynched in a frontier justice display of retaliation for a murder because he just seems like the kind of dude who would murder someone. and he is! just not that dead guy, specifically. whereas the actual killer is a twelve-year-old girl who the whole crew spends the episode trying to proctect from any kind of punishment, while murph runs around trying and failing to get anyone to admit out loud that the only reason there's a difference between punishing him and punishing her is because he has a bad personality . and also the murders but at that point in the show he hadn't killed anyone, he just seemed like he would
#now the OPTICS of his eventual murder of the guy that lynched him? are abysmal given that murphy is white and connor is black#BUT . that is not a murphy problem that is a showrunners' racial politics are simply completely bankrupt problem#the early-seasons flipflopping between him and finn never ceases to interest me either. his main thing is a sense of antagonistic FAIRNESS#which means that he has no problem helping during the sickness or with food production - doing objectively good things - if they need done#BUT he will also use the opportunity to kill anyone he feels has wronged him; in this case his would-be executors#also anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time#but - even with all that - by the second season he's only killed two people . he's made more attempts; but they all fell through.#finn manages to keep his hands clean for nearly the whole first season and is an adamant pacifist#but grows so emotionally unstable by the second season that he shoots up an entire town full of people and then - just like charlotte -#is defended and protected by many of his crewmates in a way that#had the same event occured but with the roles swapped - murphy shooting instead - would not have happened#and these facts are not lost on murphy! even when he becomes the incredible wife guy#she's the only person who really thinks he has like. a likeable personality#everyone else is like 'well we used to hate him but then we had bigger problems. so he just lives here now. he's all right i guess'#the 100#god i just always have so much to SAY about this shit#love the 100 because it's one of those shows thats bad but NOT so bad that there isn't like a ton of really interesting stuff#to discuss and analyze and reinvent and talk about
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there’s a great write up by someone on here that i will have to search for in which they discuss how the ultimate evil for david lynch is sexual violence against women (even more severe than murder, which is often auxiliary to that type of specific violence); twin peaks is incredibly soapy—on purpose! lynch and frost are playing with form and content on purpose to examine incredibly difficult subject matter through a (for lack of a better word) more palatable format—which most of the time i think works to its advantage and makes those moments of visible horror so much more effective (i use “visible” rather than “true” or other similar adjectives because the horror is always there, it’s embedded in the entire town, shows up in every generation we see in screen and we watch them grapple with it in different ways, but that’s a separate post)
however—and i’ve talked about this before—i find that once you’ve watched fire walk with me it is so much harder to watch the show because the ignorance of nearly every single member of the town (yes, including cooper) pervades the way the action unfolds. twin peaks viewers knew the premise of the show going in and we get to discover details and information alongside the characters. when albert rosenfield comes in as the only voice of reason and reality, it’s set up to be jarring to both the townspeople and to the viewer. why?
sheryl lee said in an interview, “fire walk with me was very difficult for me to watch… and, emotionally it’s a reminder: this is a movie, but this continues to happen every day and how can we stop it? when i watch fire walk with me now, as a mother, i watch it and i think look at all those signs that were being exhibited. this girl was in danger, and look at all these people that were in her life. what would have happened if someone, somewhere, somehow could have helped or stopped it? that’s hard to watch.”
much has been discussed critically about fire walk with me and whether or not it’s exploitative in the ways that it portrays sexual violence against women. while lynch does not shy away from making that violence visible, it is done so in an attempt to make the viewer examine their own relationship to that violence and how it shows up in their own lives. the audience is forced to think about the ways that they are complicit in how and why these violent acts occur and what they can do to stop it, which is why for many it is an uncomfortable watch. for others, it is a painful (and speaking from my own perspective) necessary watch because lynch didn’t make a horror movie, he made a documentary.
fire walk with me is necessary (in my humblest of opinions) to understand why the pieces that lynch and frost put into twin peaks work. there’s so much backstory to how they weren’t originally going to reveal who laura palmer’s killer was until ABC made them, lynch wasn’t around during much of the second season so things got a little off the rails storytelling-wise, etc. etc. but fire walk with me allows them to tie difficult, often horrifying threads (ben horne unknowingly attempting to have sex with his daughter, the townspeople’s distancing of albert, the hands of random townspeople trembling as BOB attempts to claw back into the material world, the list goes on and on) back to the central thesis of “sexual violence is the ultimate evil, it is completely avoidable, and you have a responsibility to recognize the signs and stop being complicit”
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sbrown82 · 2 months
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“I remember an incident from my own childhood, when a very close friend of mine and I, we were walking down the street. We were discussing whether God existed. And she said he did not. And I said he did. But then she said she had proof. She said, ‘I had been praying for two years for blue eyes, and he never gave me any.’ So, I just remember turning around and looking at her. She was very, very Black. And she was very, very, very, very beautiful. How painful. Can you imagine that kind of pain? About that, about color? So, I wanted to say you know, this kind of racism hurts. This is not lynchings, and murders, and drownings. This is interior pain. So deep. For an 11 year-old girl to believe that if she only had some characteristic of the white world, she would be okay. [Black girls] surrendered completely to the master narrative. I mean the whole notion of what is ugliness, what is worthlessness. She got it from her family, she got it from school, she got it from the movies — she got it everywhere; it’s white male life. The master narrative is whatever ideological script that is being imposed by the people in authority on everybody else. The master fiction, history, it has a certain point of view. So, when these little girls see that the most prized gift that they can get at Christmastime is this little white doll, that’s the master narrative speaking: “This is beautiful. This is lovely, and you’re not it.”
Toni Morrison on what inspired her to write her first novel, The Bluest Eye.
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
Remember that white person that had a melt down when different Black women told her it's inappropriate to use " say her name" for a white person, as it's an awareness movement that came about because when a Black woman was shot to death no one came to her protest and the deaths of Black women and girls often do not generate immediate outrage or action UNLIKE the immediate vigils and protest that were made in honour of the white trans teen that was murdered in the UK so of course something about racialised misogyny makes sense on a white person and if you disagree the fascists win and the Black women and girls Say Her Name was about are somehow less dead than this trans teenager so shut up it's " solidarity" because whites said so
All this lecturing but doesn't seem to know anything about Black Americans, especially Black American women beyond how useful they are, for a hottake.
This was the reaction:
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Would you be surprised that the same white person didn't like when another Black woman pointed out that framing the lynching of Black Americans as anti-rape instead of white supremacist violence reinforces the ideas lynch mobs used to kill Black people
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If you try to reblog my commentary, even without adding tags, an anon told me you'll be blocked
Here's a Black American woman that has read about prison abolition talking about Black Femicide and her concerns about prison abolition especially given the history of how rape impacts Black American women
The self righteous meltdown about say her name, was walked back but it's obvious she didn't actually mean it. When online white people call something " infighting" and race is involved it often means some Black person disagreed with them and the implications of what they were saying and instead of being normal they call you "aggressive", which is famously something Black women are never called when we don't sycophantically agree. They don't see their behaviour as identity politics, whiteness is never identity politics, it's natural and neutral.
Black women are tools to these white "leftist" and you're not meant to disagree because they always know more even when they don't. It's crazy how easily these people will bring up Black people especially women into discussions that aren't about us but if you ever disagree, then fascist win
This is the standard behaviour of whites that always have Black women in their mouths. They don't believe in solidarity but usefulness.
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incognit0slut · 1 year
Right Kind of Wrong (3)
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She never thought she would be involved in a murder investigation. She also never thought she’d encounter her one-night-stand again—the awkward stranger who isn’t exactly that good in bed… Or is he? Offended by the sentiment, Spencer is determined to prove her wrong. But the more he gets tangled with the beautiful stranger, the more he realizes there is more to her than what meets the eye.
Part Summary: she gets involved in a murder case she least expected as a familiar face greets her. wc: 3,7k
Warnings: 18+, explicit sexual content, blood, graphic details of murder
A/n: this part is kind of slow but it’s very important for the plot
Other parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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Y/N WAS GOING TO QUIT. She was sure of it. Her mind was constantly trying to plan how she would execute the idea without making a scene because she considered slamming her resignation letter on Jamison's desk, dramatically claiming him as a disgusting, chauvinistic bitter old man who only got laid because his wife took pity on him.
She was walking back to her desk after bearing another one of his, "I don't think you can do the job, L/n. Let the men go out to the field and cover the story."
She was also a journalist, for god's sake. And a good one at that. What made that old man think she wasn't as capable as any other male peers around her? Was she too much of a woman to go out on the field and cover stories that were judged as too dangerous for her?
She let out a scoff. The Jamison Lynch worried about her safety? That sounded even more absurd.
"He did it again, didn't he?" Y/n found Sandy, the closest friend she had in this male-dominated agency, peering over her cubicle. She was from the finance department and would often come to entertain her whenever she needed an ear to cry out her frustration. "What is it this time?"
She cleared her throat and made an attempt of lowering her voice into a deeper pitch. "L/n, I don't think you understand how dangerous it is for you to be out there. Let the men do the job."
Sandy laughed. "That's actually a good impression. What work was he talking about?"
"Kevin Marshall's case." Y/n sat back in her chair and frowned. "The ironic thing is, I was the one who found out about this case. I told him about doing a story of it before he snitched this opportunity and gave it to Eric."
"So Eric's covering the story now?"
"Yeah." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "They're still talking about it in his office."
Sandy blew a low whistle. "That sucks."
She felt beyond frustrated. It seemed so unfair how she always got the bad end of the stick just because she wasn't born with a penis. She told Sandy exactly that which she cackled in return.
"On a serious note," Sandy muttered after her fits of laughter died down and leaned closer. "What happened to Mr. Marshall was terrible."
"You didn't hear this from me, but the police found him stabbed to death and..." she looked around their surroundings, motioning her friend to inch closer. "...there was some writing carved on his body."
Sandy's eyes went wide. "No way."
She nodded. "A friend of a friend of a friend of mine heard it from the forensic team."
"What were the words?"
"Well, if I were to be the one assigned to this case, we would've found out." She shook her head and let out another frustrated cry. "I'm going to quit this job."
"You said that last month," Sandy reminded her. "And the month before that, also, the month before that. Oh, did I mention you also said that several months ago—"
She held out her hand. "Alright, I got it." She glanced over the closed door at the end of the hallway, her mind drifting towards the two men discussing her supposedly case behind it. "I really mean it this time."
"Sure," Sandy absentmindedly agreed. "Wait, didn't you know Mr. Marshall?"
"Not really. I only met him once for work." She winced as her thought traveled to the time she encountered the man who was brutally murdered two days ago. "Let's just say he wasn’t exactly the greatest person to interview."
"No kidding."
She dismissed the topic by waving her hand. "It happened a long time ago, let's not bring that up. I'd feel terrible bad-mouthing him after what happened." She then let out a sigh. "It would be quite a story to cover though."
"Yeah, well, screw Jamison for taking it away for you." Sandy's eyes suddenly gleamed as they narrowed towards the automatic door at the corner of the room. "At least your boyfriend is here."
Y/n spotted the young man walking their way and laughed. "He's not my boyfriend."
"I don't think he got the memo," Sandy whispered before straightening herself, giving the man a huge grin as he stopped at her desk. "Hey, Oliver."
"Hi, Sandy." He greeted slowly. "How are you?"
"Better now that I've seen your pretty face."
Oliver Walsh was indeed an absolutely stunning man. He was tall and lean with broad shoulders and a very defined face. He was a little mysterious and reserved, but underneath that veneer was someone who was kind and caring.
He might not be the most outgoing person, but he had a genuine sweetness that made him attractive and likable. He also happened to have the hugest crush on Y/n the moment he first stepped foot inside this building.
Oliver gave Sandy a smile. "You look beautiful yourself."
Sandy rolled her eyes playfully. "We know I'm not the one you should be sweeping off her feet." She then gave Y/n a pointed look. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"What? You're going home already?"
"Got a hot date tonight!" Sandy overly shared before sauntering out of their sight. Y/n shook her head at her friend's antics before glancing up to see Oliver staring at her with the same look he had been giving her ever since the moment he had introduced himself.
His clear affection didn't go unnoticed. It somehow managed to be a public assumption that he was head over heels for her, something that was often discussed between their peers. As much as she wanted to reciprocate his feelings because she understood how difficult it was to be on the other side of unrequited love, she merely saw him as a guy she often worked with.
"Can I help you, Oliver?" She asked, already weary of the grin plastered on his face.
"No, I just wanted to see how you were doing."
Her face fell at his words. "How I'm doing?"
"I heard Jamison snatched a very important job from you."
"Wow," she gasped, not understanding how he knew this information already. But then again, people had the tendency to share things they overheard. "News really does travel fast around here."
"There's no such thing as secrets in this place. But seriously, how are you holding up?"
She simply shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Angry? Frustrated? Like I want to strangle Jamison myself?"
"Y/n, there's no such thing as a bad bone in your body."
"What? You don't think I'm capable of hurting him?"
"Nope. You're the sweetest person I know."
She snorted. "That's because you keep seeing me through rose-tinted glass."
"Maybe." Oliver crossed his arms and leaned his hips over her desk. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
She shook her head. He raised his brows. "Really? You can't think of anything?" She shook her head again. "Perhaps something to appease your frustration? Chocolate? You do love chocolate."
"I do, but I don't think anything sweet can even calm me down."
"Then how about a drink? Coffee? Beer? You and me? Together? Tonight?"
She let out a disbelief laugh as she stood up, making an attempt to gather her things. "Don't be so sly, Oliver."
He merely gave her a bashful smile. "Can't blame a guy for trying."
"It's never going to work between us." She paused dramatically. "Do you want to know why?"
He slowly nodded, eying her with earnest interest.
"Because you see, Oliver," she drawled as she closed the distance between them. She peered up at him through her lashes and threw him a grin. "I never mix business with pleasure."
She gave him a playful wink before turning around, leaving him dumbfounded and speechless as he stood there where she had left him. He let out an amused laugh before calling out, "I'm going to make you change your mind!”
She lifted her hand and waved at him without looking back. "Goodnight, Walsh."
His laughter was the last thing she heard before she turned around the corner, heading towards the parking area.
Turning him down was the right thing to do. She was not in the right place to be emotionally involved with other people right now. After going through so many heartbreaks and disappointments in the past, she couldn't take any more of the dating scene. It was just a bunch of awkward interactions and unmet expectations while feeling worn down by the whole process. She couldn't even remember the last time she was involved with a man.
A sudden mock laughter rang at the back of her head. You were involved with a complete stranger two nights ago!
Romantically, she corrected. She couldn't remember the last time she was involved with a man romantically.
Oh, great. Now she was fighting with herself upon what had happened that night. That... overwhelming and embarrassing night which she did not want to speak of. Overwhelming because of how much she wanted to see him again, embarrassing because she knew he did not feel the same.
She groaned as her mind somehow drifted to memory, her mind reminiscing that intoxicating feeling of his tongue inside her mouth for the first time. Or that moment before he settled above her, sinking between her legs as the tip of his hard, throbbing length squeezed into her warm entrance—
No! Don't even go there!
She stopped her pace and stood by the entryway of the parking lot, trying to calm her erratic heartbeat. She needed a moment to breathe. Between her frustration toward her boss, the constant interest from her fellow colleague, and the rush of sexual heat at that core memory, her head was starting to spin.
It wasn't until a sudden weight shoved her from the back that she woke from her trance. She jolted forward from the impact before her bag fell onto the ground, the remnants of her things spilling out, and scattered along her feet. "What the hell?"
She looked up to see the back side of a man moving forward in a hurry, not even sparing her a glance.
"Hey!" She shouted, clearly annoyed by the fact an unidentified man wearing a dark hoodie covering his face didn't have the decency to apologize. When he turned around the corner and escaped her line of vision, she realized she wasn't going to get the apology she desired.
She picked up her belongings while muttering curses under her breath. Her phone which lay a few inches away from her feet suddenly vibrated, the loud sound of an incoming call echoing throughout the open space of the lot. She peered over towards the screen and groaned.
She shoved the phone inside her bag and went on her way as she spotted her car. "Now's not the time, Jamison," she mumbled to herself, already irritated by how the night had turned out.
Her phone went silent again. It wasn't until she was a few feet away from her car that it began its chime a second time. The sound felt heavy in her ears and she finally got to her car, leaned against it, and reluctantly dug into her bag to retrieve the device.
She clutched onto it with disdain because Jamison was known to be persistent while also being inconsiderate and thoughtless. If she ignored him he would find another way to get under her skin. She slumped against the cool material of her car and slowly took a deep, aggravating breath before receiving the call. "Yes, Jamison—"
There was heavy breathing at the end of the line. A static sound greeted her before a loud crash echoed in the background. She looked over her phone screen before pressing it back against her ear. "Jamison?"
His croaked voice shot shivers down her spine. She straightened herself as panic washed over her body. Her boss was known for being very loud as he loved being the center of attention. But his voice sounded so quiet now. It didn't have that hint of self-centered confidence he liked to portray. It even sounded as if he were... in pain?
"Jamison?" She gulped and without thinking of her actions, her feet somehow moved on their own, navigating her back to where she had left. "Jamison, what's wrong? Are you hurt? Can you hear me?"
"...Y/n..." Crash. Cough. Gasp. "...help—"
The line went dead.
Y/n wasn't exactly a fit person. Her only form of physical activity would be the number of stairs she climbed up and down in her apartment building. But her feet were moving very fast on its own right now. She didn't care how running in a pair of flats wasn't the best idea, the mortification of something awful happening to someone asking for her assistance was gnawing into her consciousness.
The moment she was on her office floor, she took notice of how nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The place was exactly how she had left minus all the people hanging by their respective desks. Because it was very, very quiet and the silence felt oddly eerie to her. Half of the lights were off and her steps halted for a moment as she entered her cubicle space, suddenly self-aware of the possibility of how something dangerous might occur.
Then she heard a scream. A deep, dreadful scream followed by a train of curses came from what she assumed was Jamison's office. Her feet moved again and her frightened demeanor was replaced by concern as she increased her pace, turning to the hallway towards his office.
Her movement faltered when she realized she wasn't alone. A very frightened-looking Eric Adler stood by Jamison's door before he turned around at the sound of her footsteps.
His voice was etched with panic and horror as he rushed forward and held her by the arms. "No, Y/n."
"...what?" Her eyes shot behind him, noticing Jamison's door jarred open. She tried to escape his grip. "You don't understand. He called me—"
"No. Please. You don't want to see him in there—"
"Let go of me! He called—"
"Y/n." His grip tightened. "He's—he's... gone."
She looked up to see her coworker, the same man who simply stood in silence this evening as he took the job she had wanted. The confused look in his eyes from the sudden responsibility he had to take on that particular moment was now replaced by terror; a look of sheer horror, one which conveyed utter fear and panic. It was a look of complete devastation and utter helplessness, a look that made his soul seem to have been just sucked out of his body. It was the kind of look that conveyed the deepest despair one could possibly feel.
He's gone.
Gone could mean a lot of things. It could mean disappearance. It could mean an emotional state of feeling disconnected from the world. But this gone... she understood what it meant. She understood the weight of the word the moment her eyes spotted the surge of blood coming from Jamison's office.
There was so much blood that she should've felt disgusted by the amount of it, but her mind was too busy trying to convince herself that it was real. It wasn't until her eyes spotted a hand sprawled lifelessly across the floor that her stomach started to churn. The stone rings circling around the fingers were the exact rings she often saw on her boss.
The realization on her face had Eric pulling her away. But before he could drag her, she saw a glimpse of the lifeless body, and what she caught had her completely stunned. More than feeling mortified by the scene, a sense of bewilderment settled in. The disbelief of such a coincidence happening etched her mind as she peered over the body one last time.
Because something was carved along his arm.
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There was a lot of waiting. Feeling impatient was one of the most frustrating things to ever exist, it made her feel anxious and restless about the lack of progress after Eric had called the authorities. He had guided her to the front area of the receptionist, given her a blanket he had found somewhere in the office—which she wasn't sure who it even belonged to—and given her a cup of warm tea as he made some calls.
She sat there, watching her coworker pace back and forth along the marble floor. She could tell Eric's mind was secretly all over the place with his disheveled hair and dark circles underneath his eyes, but somehow he managed to keep his calm.
He was steady, still a little fazed with the whole ordeal, but managed to keep checking up on her every five minutes. He even had the time to apologize for taking her job before she merely shook it off. It wasn't his decision to snatch away the opportunity. Though it felt inappropriate to point fingers at the person who actually did decide on the matter when he was lying in the other room covered in his own blood.
She shuddered again. There were so many questions running through her mind. What kind of person would do a terrible, gruesome thing to another human being? It was always the same question she had whenever she encountered such devastating news. She once read in an article that there were roughly 300,000 people who were killed by murder each year worldwide, and to think that one of them happened to somebody she knew felt so surreal.
The authorities finally came an hour later followed by a group of people wearing protective suits. The waiting for their arrival was very long, but everything happened so fast the moment they introduced themselves. A detective in an oversized suit talked to her and Eric separately, asking what happened prior to finding the body.
She suddenly felt nauseous as she recalled Jamison's phone call, how pained and desperate his voice sounded. It wasn't until she heard herself say it out loud that she realized the possibility of the killer being in the same room on that phone call. Or even in the same room as her as she entered the vicinity of their office.
"Ms. L/n?" Y/n looked up to see the detective watching her with worry. "Are you alright?"
No, she wasn't. But she merely nodded and gave him a smile. "I will be."
He returned the smile with a genuine one of his own and glanced at his watch. "You should get some sleep, Ms. L/n. If you have any more information please don't hesitate to contact us."
Then he left her standing there alone, watching people bustling around her with different equipment. She could hear the faint sound of the ambulance from the distance, smell the intoxicating scent of chemicals coming from the medics, and sense her fatigue creeping along her body as her eyes noted the time showed on the massive clock plastered on the wall.
"Ms. L/n?"
Y/n turned to see a man standing close, his dark eyes watching her cautiously. There was a sense of confidence in his posture that she couldn't help but notice. "Yes?"
"Mr. Adler told me where to find you." She frowned at the mention of Eric before her confusion deepened at the badge presented in front of her. "I'm SSA Derek Morgan from the FBI."
"Yes," he confirmed, shoving his badge back into his pocket. "I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding this past event."
She crossed her arms. "I don't think my boss being brutally killed should be called an event." She steadied her gaze on him. "And I've already talked to the detective."
"My apologies, and I'm terribly sorry for your loss." He gave her an apologetic smile. "Although I would appreciate it if you can spare a few minutes of your time."
She observed him, watching him hesitantly before letting out a heavy sigh. "I guess so."
"Is there anywhere private we can talk?"
His attempt at keeping their conversation confidential from all the people swarming by had her quirking an eyebrow. She nodded and guided him toward the closest space that could provide them some privacy. "Sure... We can use the conference room down here."
"Thank you. My partner will also be present with us if you don't mind."
She looked him up and down. "There's two of you?"
"There's two of us," Agent Morgan confirmed, slightly smiling at the condescending tone of her voice. "Dr. Reid will shortly join us."
The silence after that statement was very, very palpable. The sudden stillness was one that typically left her feeling completely baffled, a state of total shock and disbelief over a familiar name unexpectedly mentioned. The uncertainty of her ability to hear left her frozen in her tracks, waiting for her brain to catch up with the sudden information. "Doctor... Reid?"
"Dr. Spencer Reid. He was talking to Mr. Adler a while ago—wait, there he is." Agent Morgan's voice grew louder as his eyes focused on the man behind them. "Reid! Over here!"
He surely couldn't be...?
She shook her head. The world wasn't that small, was it? Even though she was very bad at remembering names, how could she forget the exact same one she wrongly called as a result of her pettiness? And besides, there must be a lot of people possessing the same name, surely it was a different person.
Though the deafening lack of sound was jarring as if every other sound had been sucked out of the room. It almost felt like everything was frozen in time as her eyes settled on the man standing a few feet away from her. Because there he was, the same man who awkwardly flirted with her two days ago.
The same man who grabbed her by the waist the moment she looked up at him with need. The same man who leaned in closer, the tension charged with anticipation and desire before it lead to an explosion of passion that couldn't be quelled.
But the desperate longing in his eyes from that night was changed into mortification, and when she thought her night couldn’t go more terrible than it already was, it had gotten even worse.
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stellaronhvnters · 4 days
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following elio’s letter, the hunters prepare themselves for the challenges ahead - on the journey of saviors. what awaits them at this festival of terrors? sign up here!
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✦ I N F O R M A T I O N L O G : being in the discord server is required for the entire course of the event.
PUMPKIN PATCH 🎃 ( SEP. 28 - OCT. 6 )
a step closer to the haunted house lies in the pumpkin patch - deserted and abandoned. players are to choose a pumpkin species in order to receive a separate list of one-worded prompts. you will choose a prompt from your list only, which will only be revealed once everyone has chosen their pumpkin. read the instructions.
there are two pumpkin species you can choose from, each with their own lists of one-worded prompts.
the minimum word limit is 600, but if you’d like to write above the limit - feel free to do so!
use the tag [ stwf : pumpkin patch! ] for your submission ^_^ the due date is october 6th.
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SCAVENGER HUNT 🕸️ ( OCT. 8 - OCT. 14 )
out of the pumpkin patch, you find a note in red ink - demanding you play their games to prevent the worst outcome from occurring. you will be tasked to submit a number at the end of the period, the number being the total number of pumpkins, ghosts, and webs you find in both the stellaronhvnters blog & the discord server.
you can search anywhere in both places for these hidden items, you are not restricted by any means. this could include: stellaronhvnters tags (blog), channel names (server), previous channel messages from admin yona & mod mhie (server), etc.
There are due dates for the number of individual items.
# of Pumpkins (due october 10th)
# of Ghosts (due october 12th)
# of Webs (due october 14th) + total of all three.
make sure your discord dms are opened in order for me to occasionally check for your number.
be sure to keep a number for each item (example. 🎃 - 3, 👻 - 6, 🕸️ - 9)
you are NOT allowed to share your numbers with anyone else.
the first 3 people to submit the correct number of pumpkins, ghosts, and webs will be able to choose new colors to add to the color list in the server.
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HAUNTED HOUSE 👻 ( OCT. 16 - OCT. 23 )
it appears you’ve been separated from your peers the second you enter the house of the wicked, green hands breaking through the wooden tiles - reaching for your ankles as a form of sabotage. you will be placed into groups in order to collaborate on content that represents your organization’s (ex. house of the hearth, stellaron hunters, ten stonehearts, etc.) experience inside of a haunted house.
do not spoil any part of your writing/art with any other groups.
if by chance there is an artist in an all writers group - the artist is tasked to create a non-colored sketch based on the 400 wc (or more) drabble.
if the group is all writers, the wc limit of your fic will be extended to 800. you can exceed this limit if you wish to.
if your group is all artists, you’re all required to collaborate on a colored art piece (does not require complicated detailing / background due to the timeframe + does not have to include every member of the organization your group is assigned, just 1!) as long as it sticks with the theme. you are not required to post these.
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MURDER MYSTERY 🐺 ( OCT. 25 - 31 )
the finish stretch … you have entered a game of Werewolves which includes: a medic who can save the other players, the Werewolves who can kill the players, and the rest are bystanders who have to try and figure out who the Werewolves are. when ‘night’ falls, the players then all close their eyes and the Hostess asks the Werewolves who they want to kill. then, the doctor is asked who they want to save. the players all open their eyes as ‘day’ breaks, and the Hostess announces whether someone died that night. If the Werewolves kills the same person as the doctor saved, they live, otherwise they die. the players then discuss who they think the Werewolves are and vote to lynch someone. It then repeats until the Werewolves are the only ones left, or are killed.
you are NOT allowed to expose your role, werewolves can pretend to be citizens and even vice versa to throw bystanders off.
the number of rounds played will extend until the date reaches October 31st.
make sure your dms are opened to receive your roles!
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CWs: discussion of murder, racism, and other ITWTV things
I feel like something we don’t talk about in terms of Louis’ many betrayals of Claudia is his forgiveness pertaining her death. Can we, like, think about it for a second? Louis, at the start of season one, knows Armand is responsible for her death. He knows his coven did horrifying things to her ashes. He knows her bodily autonomy was violated a million times. And he knows that Armand was capable of saving her. But Armand didn’t save Claudia. He saved Louis. So Louis forgives him.
I think this is a great example of what Claudia is always talking about when she rightfully calls out how she’s turned into a plot-point in other people’s lives— in her creators’ lives. The consequences of her pain simply aren’t acted upon.
Louis forgives Armand for seven decades his culpability in Claudia’s death. Because Armand saved Louis. Because when he watched his coven carry out the revenge knows he was an instrumental part of, he loved Louis enough. But not Claudia. She’s dead. He’s spiting Lestat and sleeping next to Armand and Claudia is dead because (to Louis’ understanding) Armand decided to save Louis. Not Claudia.
It’s worse when you take into account the finale. Daniel, per Louis request, makes him remember: He remembers how he dragged Claudia’s burned blistered body on the ground like an object. He remembers how Lestat shouted the consequences of her undeath into his fucking face. He remembers his total apathy born by the force of his own desperation. And, god. He understands that Lestat, Claudia’s maker and (in his eyes) parent, had the power to save her. To spare her from being used for Santaigo’s pleasure, the unforgiving brutal death by sunlight, the humiliation and degradation of what was functionally a lynching— and he goes and swoons. Because Lestat didn’t save her— he saved Louis. He loved Louis. He’s always loved Louis. He uses his and Lestat’s shared grief as a catalyst for renewing the relationship that Claudia was fucking lynched for daring to save him from. He leaves the vampire he stayed with for SEVEN DECADES that Claudia warned him about, who was always (even if Armands’ lies were believed) instrumental in her murder, a vampire Claudia wanted dead.
And here’s the kicker: Louis doesn’t even have the excuse of Claudia perhaps wanting him to forgive and move on. Because she wouldn’t. She’d want Sam and Armand and, honestly, Lestat, dead and burned. And Louis knows that!! And that’s why her speech at the trial is chilling. Because she was absolutely fucking right. Her existence is reduced to a plot point for the powerful men around her. Her life and death, no matter what she says or does, is in service to others. And the fact that she’s a supporting character in a narrative really drives this home. And as a Black woman, her marginalization amidst the men around her, white or otherwise— cannot be understated.
Anyways, I love all the complicated morally fucked characters in this show, including Louis. But there’s no world in which Louis did right by her. And Claudia, the unapologetic fierce legend she was, would absolutely agree. Fuck these vampires.
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nothingenoughao3 · 2 months
hai i'm curious about what twin peaks is, can you explain it to me (preferably without spoilers) /nf
Oh, is it my birthday?! Yes I can do that!
I will say that I generally do not consider things that happen in the pilot or first episode of a TV series to be "spoilers" so much as "premise". So anything I say here that's direct plot-stuff will only come from the pilot. All right? Let's dig in!
Twin Peaks is a surreal/magical realism/police procedural/drama/horror/soap opera produced by David Lynch and Mark Frost. It had two seasons of 30 episodes total, a film (Fire Walk With Me), and a third season that came out 25 years later in 2017.
In the pilot episode, a teenaged young woman who everyone in town knows, Laura Palmer, is found murdered. The town reels to cope with her demise and the investigation. A second young woman is found alive and wandering--and she crossed state lines as she wandered. The police call in the FBI, since it's now a multi-state case, and in walks Special Agent Dale Cooper.
As Cooper begins his investigation, he discovers that there's far, far more going on in Twin Peaks than he'd first anticipated.
[NOTE HERE that Twin Peaks covers a LOT of extremely tough and triggering topics over the course of its run. DoesTheDogDie should have a list of all triggers, although those will come with spoilers. The main one to be aware of is that sexual assault, domestic abuse, and rape are discussed. The aftermath of these crimes is depicted. It's 1990, so it's not graphic as in Law & Order: SVU, but it is very much present. Please take care of yourself first!]
It is a vital historical work of art. Twin Peaks revived the police procedural, popularized soap operas as an art form, launched and relaunched multiple acting careers, introduced surrealism to multiple generations of TV watchers, taught basics of Buddhism, helped spread awareness of the Free Tibet movement, and inspired countless references and imitators. When you watch Twin Peaks, you'll feel like you've seen it before... because you've almost certainly seen something which only exists because of Twin Peaks.
David Lynch is Autism Patient Zero who does not compromise his writing or his vision for NT audiences. He writes dialogue and directs actors in a way that can only be described as "everybody's got the autism accent", and it is a DELIGHT to experience.
The visuals are, often, so strong that you will forget how to breathe. Many of the sets and locations are treated like characters in and of themselves.
The title, Twin Peaks, ties into the show's central themes about identity, which is one of my favorite themes in fiction. What makes you who you are? If there was someone who looked a lot like you, would that compromise who you are? What if they have the same name as you? Are you no longer who you are if you can't remember your past? Is it sometimes a good thing to change your identity? What if everybody thinks you did something unforgivable, but you don't remember it? Does society require all of us to have public faces and private faces? Does anyone really know another person's private face?
When I first watched it, nobody shipped Trucoop (Cooper with the local police sheriff, Harry S. Truman). Now it seems like everybody does and I am not alone, yaaay.
Features one of the very few trans characters in media at the time who was unambiguously positive!
Watch an episode, then pull up the IMDB and see who everyone is. I guarantee that you'll almost always find SOMEone who was famous for other stuff. If you like Star Trek, you'll find that half the damn cast was either on TNG or DS9. It is honestly astounding to me that Jeff Combs wasn't on the series (because, I assume, he was shooting Bride of Re-Animator and other stuff).
The subtitling in some versions of the show (on DVD specifically) is really bad and unreliable. I found that the Netflix subtitles were OK. If you don't know about OpenSubtitle, I recommend using them to find better subtitles in case you need them.
As stated above, the show gets into really dark themes, and it does not shy away from them when necessary. I feel that these things are addressed in a sensitive way and frequently related to plot, but it hits everyone different.
The music... eh. I like the electro/late 80s theme and the instrumentals that back most of the scenes. But every time someone sings, I get the cringe. I've never been able to get on board with what Lynch thinks good music sounds like. But a lot of people do, so that could just be me.
It takes a lot of work to watch this show. Since so much of it is visual, it is absolutely a show you have to watch with no distractions. I found it to be worth it--past a certain point, I didn't want any distractions. But I get where it's a sacrifice of time and concentration.
If you watch it and enjoy it, you will probably end up with Lynchian Syndrome, where you are compelled to watch every other thing David Lynch has ever made and develop elaborate hypotheses on how they're all in the same universe and suchlike.
So yeah! I hope this gives you an spoiler-free idea of why this show is so special, and if you had any other questions about it, let me know!
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fairuzfan · 10 months
Idk man, even if the claims of mass sexual assault are true, that's still not something that justifies the collective punishment of a whole population, especially where half are children! Like I know I'm already preaching to the converted here but like, even if the worst version of events is true there is still NOTHING that could possibly justify this violence on Gaza.
(This isn't a criticism of you or anything, I just wanted to vent. It just makes my blood boil to see this brought up as if it justifies Israel's carpet bombing. probably still worth discussing if these claims have merit, especially with how they play into racist portrayals of arab men, it kinda reminds me of how the aledeged sexual assault of white women was weaponized against black men to justify lynch mobs by the kkk)
Ok... I have calmed down now... if you read this, thank you
No I totally agree, you're right. And not to mention, it's incredibly hypocritical in my opinion as Palestinians have been speaking out against Israeli state sanctioned sexual assault for YEARS. Like ok, where have you been the past 75 years when Palestinians, both men and women, pleaded for support and understanding. You cannot be appalled by sexual violence directed to one group of people but remain completely silent about another.
Plus, there's a trend in Gaza right now where Israeli soldiers force people to strip and stand among the bodies in mass graves (in the WINTER, remember) to freak Gazans out. Like. These people are experiencing the worst possible things imaginable, can you perhaps help them right now and then we will talk about your mass rape accusations? I've never really understood being disgusted in other people before but at this point I genuinely think they're terrible individuals.
Don't you dare claim you "care about people" when you insist on ignoring and manufacturing consent for the mass displacement and murder of Gazans.
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George Stinney: Youngest Execution in America at aged 11
In 1944, George Stinney stood 5 feet 1 inch (154 cm), and weighed 90-95 pounds. He lived in a small home with a chicken coop in his hometown of Alcolu, South Carolina. . Alcolu was a small, working-class mill town, where white and black neighborhoods were separated by railroad tracks. The town was typical of small Southern towns of the time. Given segregated schools and churches for white and black residents, there was limited interaction between them.
On March 23, 1944, the bodies of Betty June Binnicker and Mary Emma Thames were found in a ditch on the African-American side of Alcolu after the girls failed to return home the night before.  Stinney's father assisted in the search. The girls had been beaten with a weapon, variously reported as a piece of blunt metal or a railroad spike. Binnicker and Thames both suffered severe blunt force trauma, resulting in penetration of both girls' skulls. According to a report by the medical examiner, these wounds had been "inflicted by a blunt instrument with a round head, about the size of a hammer." The medical examiner reported no evidence of sexual assault to the younger girl, though the genitalia of the older girl were slightly bruised.
The girls were last seen riding their bicycles looking for flowers. As they passed the Stinneys' property, they had asked Stinney and his sister, Aimé, if they knew where to find "maypops", a local name for passionflowers. According to Aimé, she was with Stinney at the time the police later established the murders occurred. According to an article reported by the wire services on March 24, 1944, the sheriff announced the arrest of "George Junius" and stated that the boy had confessed and led officers to "a hidden piece of iron.
George and his older brother John were arrested on suspicion of murdering the girls. John was released by police, but George was held in custody. He was not allowed to see his parents until after his trial and conviction.
In 1995, Stinney's seventh-grade teacher, W.L. Hamilton— a black man— spoke in an interview with The Sumter Item about George. Hamilton stated, "I remember the day he killed those children, he got into a fight with a girl at school who was his neighbor. In those days you didn't have to worry about children carrying guns and knives to school, but George carried a little knife and he scratched this child with his knife. I took him outside and we went for a little walk, and I talked to him. We went back into the school, in a submissive way, he begged for the child's pardon." Stinney's sister, Aimé Ruffner, denied those allegations and contacted Hamilton after it was published. Aimé stated, "I asked him why he would say something like that," she said. "He told me someone paid him to say it. I don't know who paid him but his exact words were, 'because they paid me.'" Hamilton died shortly after his interview was published.
Following Stinney's arrest, his father was fired from his job at the local sawmill and the Stinney family had to immediately vacate their company housing. The family feared for their safety. Stinney's parents did not see him again before the trial. He had no support during his 81-day confinement and trial; he was detained at a jail in Columbia, 50 miles (80 km) from Alcolu, due to the risk of lynching. Stinney was questioned alone, without his parents or an attorney. 
Other than the testimony of the three police officers, at trial prosecutors called three witnesses: Reverend Francis Batson, who discovered the bodies of the two girls, and the two doctors who performed the post-mortem examination. The court allowed discussion of the "possibility" of rape due to bruising on Binnicker's genitalia. Stinney's counsel did not call any witnesses, did not cross-examine witnesses, and offered little or no defense. The trial presentation lasted two and a half hours. More than 1,000 white Americans crowded the courtroom, but no black Americans were allowed. As was typical at the time, Stinney was tried before an all-white jury. After deliberating for less than ten minutes, the jury found Stinney guilty of murder. Judge Philip H. Stoll sentenced Stinney to death by electrocution.
Stinney's family, churches, and the NAACP appealed to Governor Olin D. Johnston for clemency, given the age of the boy. Most of the pleas for clemency came from white women living in South Carolina. Some pleas from whites came with affirmations of white supremacy, but discomfort at the prospect of someone so young being executed.
An execution of a child as young as 14 was virtually unheard of in United States history, even for black children in the Jim Crow South who were convicted of murdering or raping white victims; many sources say that Stinney was the youngest person executed in the US in the 20th century.
Stinney was executed on Friday, June 16, 1944, at 7:30 a.m. He was prepared for execution by electric chair, using a Bible as a booster seat because Stinney was too small for the chair. He was then restrained by his arms, legs, and body to the chair. An officer asked George if he had any last words to say before the execution took place, but he only shook his head and said "No, sir." The executioner pulled a strap from the chair and placed it over George's mouth, causing him to break into tears, and he then placed the face mask over his face, which did not fit him as he continued sobbing. When the lethal electricity was applied, the mask covering slipped off, revealing tears streaming down Stinney's face. He was buried in an unmarked grave in Crowley
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Republican legislators in Oklahoma were caught on tape, behind closed doors, being their deeply racist selves. Literally yearning for the times when whites could just murder journalists and lynch Black people with no consequences.
This is exactly what Republicans are talking about when they say they want to “make America great again.” This is what they mean when they say they miss “the good old days.”
These are the same people who will swear up and down that the Civil War wasn’t to maintain slavery; who love saying that the Confederate flag is about Southern pride, not racism. This is them with their masks completely OFF.
It’s always been about white supremacy.
Please believe me when I say this is not an anomaly.
Whether they get caught saying it aloud or not, this mentality is the norm for Republicans in the “former” slave states.
👉🏿 https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/state/2023/04/20/full-audio-released-of-oklahoma-sheriff-discussing-killing-journalists-mccurtain-county/70132913007/
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rassilon-imprimatur · 2 years
The "Missing Piece" of the Fire Walk With Me convenience store scene is my favorite "supernatural" sequence in all of Twin Peaks. I adore how it’s spliced and edited in the actual film, it’s so scary (robbed of logic, devoid of sense, spilling into the FBI office and interrupting David Bowie's ramblings, a sensory nightmare of TV static), but the full deleted scene is so rich, a real treasure trove of so much of The Return (specifically Part 8), where so many of those ideas were forming. And just like everything Lynch, it’s always just short of being straightforward or literal, especially compared to the full scripted scene. 
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The Black Lodge spirits reflect and discuss, so much as they can with each other, the state of their current existence, transformed from electric currents in the air to "animal life" garmonbozia carnivores.
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In the script, it’s apparent they are more blatantly talking about (what would later be specified to be) the Trinity Test. "The light of new discoveries." “Why not be composed of materials and combinations of atoms?” "This was no accident."
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(Notice also, the Man from Another Place is credited as Mike. This is before Cooper and Sheriff Truman met Phillip Gerard, before Mike “saw the face of God” and tried to reform his ways and act against BOB, before severing his arm and forming the Arm as we know it. This is Mike as pure evil, Mike is the Man from Another Place). 
(“Mike IS the Man.”)
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It’s also more clear in the script (”clear” is a term I use loosely, lmao) what exactly is meant by the Man From Another Place/Mike’s formica table bit, as the filmed version renders the Woodsmen (and their responses) silent. 
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The focus on formica is lesser. These creatures, both brand new (”descended” from the Trinity test) and ancient (“Any everything will proceed cyclically.”/“Is it future? Or is it past?”) embrace images of modernity, images of mass production, totems and icons of post-war American industry. But green is the major focus. “Green, the color green. Our world.” 
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Just like the later scenes of the convenience store in The Return, the place is merely a perceptual manifestation of the thick, dark, haunted, green forestry of nature. The “dark woods” of Romanticism and sinister folklore, now bordered and interwoven with cities, towns, and endless electrical wires. 
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“With chrome. Any everything will proceed cyclically.” What is future. What is past. 
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Mrs. Tremond’s line in response to the discussion about the Trinity test in the script being cut from the filmed version is interesting, because if anything her “Actually I Dunno, Maybe We Can Work With This? Being Animal Life” response seems... in tune with what we know about her and her grandson? 
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In Fire Walk With Me, the pair appear to be disgusted or distraught by the garmonbozia harvesting of BOB and Mike (and as we know, Mike comes to agree with them, even as he still hungers for it). They help Laura, are benevolent to her, try to give her a way out in the only (uncomfortably scary) ways that they can. And as we know from Twin Peaks itself, by the time of Donna’s encounter, Mrs. Tremond was actively fasting from “creamed corn.” 
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Mike once referred to BOB as his “familiar.” This moment, BOB declaring “I DO WHAT I WANT, I HAVE THE POWER!” is a moment of Mike faltering in his own trust in controlling BOB’s evil. 
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“Find the middle place.” The waiting room. The Red Room. The momentum roars and begins, in proper, its path to Laura. 
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“Fell a victim” in response to BOB’s prideful growl of his power. “He has murdered someone. He will murder again.” 
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
laura hale: darling, dearest, dead
welcome to where i care way too much about teen wolf in the year 2023.
i have no shame.
i've been working on this meta for a few weeks now and it’s definitely grown past its original scope. at first, i just wanted to do a deep dive into the weirdness around laura’s death but of course that expanded as i sat down and hashed out my thoughts.
@renninflight 's tags on one of my posts really gave me the push for this because i've apparently just been waiting for the opportunity to talk about the mysterious murder of laura hale
shoutout also to my teen wolf buddy and tumblr mutual of forever @dear-massacre our teen wolf talks definitely helped, probably wormed their way in here and this wouldn’t have existed without you.
laura's death is the core mystery of the first season and i’ve always been intrigued by the circumstances surrounding it.
i’m definitely not the first to question the circumstances surrounding laura’s death but i’m going to put on my tinfoil conspiracy theory hat and discuss the events just prior to wolf moon and how laura hale haunts me the narrative.
buckle up buttercups this is long.
just to get this out of the way immediately, i need you to understand that teen wolf's plots and timeline were apparently written on a soggy napkin found crumbled up under the seat cushion of jeff davis's couch. season 1's story is the most cohesive but there wasn't a show bible for a long time, which explains its loose relationship with keeping consistent canon. this post on the teen wolf wiki from september 2013 says explicitly that some assistant was tasked with writing one. this would've placed it after 3a had aired but before 3b did. 
while i won’t be digging into the teen wolf timeline here, i will be working from my own understanding of it.
a lot of teen wolf is left to implication, inference and subtext as we the audience are locked into scott mccall's point of view and his knowledge of what's happening. this allows for scott to be ignorant about the world he unwittingly and unwillingly enters so that information can be doled out at a steady drip and the mysteries heightened.
that said, onwards to what has become my teen wolf magnum opus.
introduction: the dead girl
laura hale is the ultimate dead girl trope in teen wolf which is a show littered with the corpses of dead girls. it makes sense of course when you know she is the narrative sister of laura palmer of twin peaks fame. 
unlike laura palmer though, laura hale never gets to tell her story. she is dead before the show begins.her corpse is treated cavalierly by scott and stiles, desecrated by the argents and stripped of her personhood.
interestingly, david lynch’s daughter jennifer lynch not only a authored a spin off novel for twin peaks told from laura palmer’s perspective called the secret diary of laura palmer but also directed four episodes of teen wolf (silverfinger, i.e.d, perishable and codominance). 
it's a cool connection.
i like this quote from esquire about laura palmer and the creation of the dead girl trope:
“we don't see laura with any control over her circumstances. we meet her after she's been wrapped in a plastic bag and left to rot, which essentially leaves her narrative and legacy to be largely determined by those who are investigating her. we don't learn about laura through laura—we learn about laura by piecing together what she left behind.” 
laura hale’s murder also invokes a visual similarity to a real life beautiful dead girl as well.
elizabeth short.
elizabeth short is known to history as the black dahlia. her naked, posed, and bisected corpse was discovered in a vacant lot in january 1947. she was 22 years old. 
when betty bersinger discovered elizabeth that morning she thought she’d stumbled upon a mannequin. in a way, she had. the person elizabeth short was is often lost amongst the sensationalized headlines, salacious gossip and speculation surrounding her case. instead, she has become the perfect, posable victim unable to tell her own story.
elizabeth short is the template for all the dead girls in modern media. 
what makes laura hale different though is how she’s a non-character within teen wolf despite her death’s significance as the unpreventable, fixed event within the show’s universe.
laura hale has the most in common with the other dead beautiful girls erica reyes and paige krasikeva. each of them killed before their full potential could be realized their ghosts left to haunt the narrative.
as i said earlier though, the circumstances surrounding her death have always intrigued me. i’ve always believed there was a sort of convergence of events happening prior to wolf moon that led to the inciting incident of laura hale's murder. 
we’re even told this throughout the show if you’re paying attention. 
one of the things i always wished we’d gotten from teen wolf was more information about not just laura herself but what exactly she knew prior to her death but we can infer quite a bit. 
let’s take a look at what we do know.
a history lesson: drinking poison from the same vine
to understand what happened to laura hale when she was killed we have to step back and look at what happened before the first scenes of the show. 
in particular we have to take a look at peter hale, the argents and the alpha pack. this means revisiting visionary among some other relevant episodes.
visionary is probably one of if not the most central lore episode within the series and it also gives us a glimpse of both talia and laura hale while they were still alive.
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laura herself is more of an afterthought in this episode as she's never named on screen. 
so what does visionary tell us about laura?
it tells us that she was already in a leadership position within the hale pack by this time and is clearly put forth as talia's natural, intended successor due to her very presence at the summit. it also tells us kali, ennis and deucalion knew laura hale personally even if it was a fleeting acquaintance. 
in the finer details of the episode we learn a few other things such as talia, laura and peter were all aware of the threat of the argents. we learn one of ennis’s betas was killed in retaliation for killing two hunters. the death of the beta seems very cruel and unusual as we learn that he was shot through the throat, his claws were ripped out and he was cut in half. 
the last point in particular is notable as there’s only one hunter we know of that cuts werewolves in half. 
gerard argent.
motel california is just a few episodes prior to visionary where it’s revealed that alexander argent killed himself in 1977 at the glen capri motel after being bitten. gerard claims it was deucalion that bit his brother which is how he justifies his actions in visionary.
is it the full truth? doubtful. maybe alexander argent was bitten by deucalion and maybe he wasn’t but gerard seems to believe he was and that is what matters. 
belief in the teen wolf universe is a real, tangible concept but it’s incredibly important to the narrative conceit of this episode. gerard and peter are both unreliable narrators who purposefully minimize their roles in the stories they tell. maybe they even believe their own lies to a degree.
what we know as the audience as it’s proven multiple times throughout the series is that gerard rejects the idea of peace and is known for being brutal and cruel in his methods. 
visionary also goes a long way to illustrate that peter hale has always been, you know, Like That. he skulks around the story even in his own version of events where he’s trying to minimize his own role in paige’s death.
i believe that the non-existence of laura in his story except for a throwaway mention about how laura told derek about the packs being in town is two fold. one, peter was jealous of laura’s position in the pack and two, his guilt over killing her. 
peter’s guilt is an interesting thing because he is first and foremost all about the survival of peter hale but he does care about those he perceives as his. for him, killing laura was something he regretted but was necessary so that peter could gain the alpha power. 
laura was a sacrifice. 
another thing about visionary is the absence of peter and talia’s relationship but who else would’ve told her about derek and what happened? talia isn’t surprised when she finds derek in the cellar. 
over the course of the show we do not get a lot about talia and peter’s relationship which is a thing that keeps me up at night but i don’t think it’s too far of a leap to conclude that talia knew her brother’s nature and probably saw it as useful in it’s own way so long as she was the one holding the leash. the way peter advises derek is probably not too far off from how he advised talia. 
there’s a tiny glimpse of this in season 4’s monstrous.
meredith walker is subjected to peter’s inner ravings while he’s comatose as they somehow connected mental frequencies.
there’s parts in there about how he’ll be a vengeful god and remake the supernatural of beacon hills in his own image and blah blah blah it all tracks for peter but the parts about talia are interesting not only because it gives us a glimpse into how peter perceived talia but also because he specifically name drops the argents as the threat. 
is it the full truth? no. peter subscribes to the from-a-certain-point-of-view version of the truth and we have to remember this is peter just after the fire. he’s comatose, horrifically injured and on some level he’s aware that most of his family is now deceased.
what looking at this gives us is peter’s perspective and what he latched onto post-fire thus creating the peter we meet.
“i predicted this. i told talia this was going to happen. something like this was going to happen. i said they were going to come for us. the argents. they’re going to come for us. they’re gonna burn us to the ground. they’re going to burn us to the ground. did she listen? of course not. did anyone listen? they listened to her. yes! say that everything was going to be fine. that we were all perfectly safe. but she made us weak! she made us weak. and what happens to the weakest in the herd? they get picked off by the predators. we used to be the apex predators. until talia turned us into sheep.”     
there is another key point about talia and peter that i think cannot be overlooked. the removal of memories. she took the memory of the nemeton’s location from both him and derek after their experiences there and she also took the memory of his tryst with corrine that resulted in malia’s birth. 
i think what these things together tell us is that peter hale is vengeful and resentful but not just towards the argents but also talia but talia is beyond his reach. laura isn’t.
the last player that needs to be examined is the alpha pack. visionary gives us a version of events of why deucalion is the way he is and it ends with him killing his beta marco absorbing his power. this in itself isn’t actually all that interesting as this was the foregone conclusion. 
when you combine it with what jennifer tells derek in the overlooked though it was just a few months after this she is attacked by kali at the base of the nemeton, which means the creation of the alpha pack was already underway mere weeks after deucalion is blinded by gerard.
we know talia hale was aware of what happened to deucalion along with gerard argent’s involvement so it would also stand to reason she would then be aware of the creation of the alpha pack. i cannot imagine it would escape her notice that both ennis and kali’s packs were decimated by their alphas and then they joined with deucalion. that seems like a cataclysmic event that’d get through the supernatural grapevine quickly. 
if talia knew then so did laura as she was like i said clearly talia’s successor.
the mysterious death of laura hale part I: who cut laura in half?
let’s revisit the scene of the crime to examine the absolutely hinky circumstances surrounding laura's death and what the hell was happening in the woods the night scott was bitten by peter.
if i learned anything from gil grissom the first piece of evidence is the body. this is how we and scott meet laura hale.
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i don’t think it’s speculation to say that peter hale killed laura but it was gerard argent who cut her in half. 
in the season 2 opening episode omega we meet gerard argent and learn of his propensity to use a broadsword to cut werewolves in half but it is chris that gives scott the warning.
chris: "scott do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?"
scott: "i have a feeling i don't want to."
chris: "a medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. cutting them in half. takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that."
this foreshadows what happens to the omega at the end of the episode but it reminds the viewer that we’ve already seen a corpse like that.
it may be a drop in the bucket compared to all the trauma scott has experienced since that night but i don’t think laura’s severed corpse is a sight he’s forgotten. which is what i believe argent is counting on here.
he knows what his father did. 
he’s intimidating scott as much as he’s warning him not just about lydia but also about his father’s impending arrival and what gerard is capable of. 
by this point chris knows kate broke the code by killing the hales in such a gruesome fashion but what does kate say when chris confronts her in code breaker?
chris: “i know what you did.”
kate: “i did what i was told to do.”
gee, i wonder who gave kate the carte blanche on killing the hales? i bet he also used paige’s death as a way to manipulate her as we see him do with allison. he was in town after all when paige was attacked by ennis and subsequently died. it's not a stretch to believe that a seasoned hunter like gerard would be able to spot a supernatural death cover up via animal attack.
the argents talk a big game about their women being leaders but gerard is the puppet master tugging on kate’s strings just like he did allison’s in season 2. this doesn’t minimize kate’s own sociopathy. kate can be a victim and a perpetrator.
we know from visionary that the argents have been known to operate around the beacon hills area to hunt but they don’t live there until chris and his family move there just prior to wolf moon.
i think we can infer that gerard ordered chris to move to beacon hills in response to laura hale being back in the area for the first time since the fire and i don’t think he aimed to just keep an eye on her.
there’s another overlooked aspect as to why gerard would be very interested in laura hale. he wants to cure his cancer via the bite. in fact, i wouldn’t be surprised if he would have offered her kate in exchange for the bite. 
sure, it’s speculative, but i think there are enough pieces to support it as a working theory.
unlike peter there is never a confession from gerard about his part in the crime so why am i certain he did it?
let’s go back to the body for a moment.
while there’s a lot of gore, most of the blood is on laura herself. 
there’s a significant lack of blood either around or underneath laura. with the amount of trauma we can see on her body there should be a bloody mess but there isn’t.
also notice how her arms are splayed out. it’s like she was dropped there.
she also doesn’t appear to be all that decayed so she’s still pretty, uh, fresh.
so again why do i believe gerard cut her in half if peter killed her?
not only can we infer in the subtext from the conversation chris has with scott in omega but looking at the cut on laura’s body it is too clean to be from being ripped in half by an animal or a werecreature. 
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however, a person with a sharp, heavy sword with the know-how that we know does this? seems a bit more plausible doesn’t it?
also kate literally tells us that hunters did it. she doesn’t name gerard but she informs derek in the tell: 
“yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to catch you. unpleasant, and frankly a little too texas chainsaw massacre for my taste, but quite true. but here’s the part that’s really going to kick you in the balls. we didn’t kill her.”
neither the audience nor derek know if kate can be believed. i don’t think she’s lying here. she’s taunting but not lying.
why lie when she knows how badly this knowledge will hurt derek?
she goes on to add:
“found bite marks on your sister’s body derek. what do you think did that? a mountain lion?”
this i believe was a fib. were there bite marks? possibly, but more likely from savangers than peter taking a bite out of laura.
also the fact that laura’s lower half was found by joggers probably means it was visible from a path which gives some credibility to the idea that the hunter's strew laura’s corpse around the preserve. they wanted it to be found.
not only would two pieces be less heavy than a whole body but it just shows how they don’t care. laura isn’t a person to them. she’s vermin, she’s subhuman, she’s not worthy of respect. 
she’s no better than bait to other werewolves to them. 
they leave laura to rot.
notice how kate never refers to laura by name instead calling her “your sister” to derek. kate lured derek out with insults towards laura but this one is the greatest of them all. kate is refusing laura hale’s personhood.
the final reason i don’t believe peter tore laura in half is we’ve seen how peter kills. claws from behind are consistent with how he goes at derek at the end of heart monitor and jackson in master plan or throat slashing which we see in the tell with the video store clerk, kate in code breaker and jennifer in lunar eclipse. 
or he mauls them viscerally like we see with the mute in the benefactor.
a creature of habit he calls himself.
in none of peter’s kills either as alpha or as a beta does he tear someone in half.
while peter hale is a dramatic king and doesn’t mind getting his hands bloody, i think he’d be offended if someone accused him of tearing laura in half. 
the mysterious death of laura hale II: why does peter kill laura?
speaking of peter, why did he kill laura?
the obvious answer is for the alpha power so he could fully heal..he says as much in wolf’s bane.
peter: “yes, becoming an alpha, taking that from laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process.”
but with peter hale nothing is ever so simple. there’s always layers.
in alpha pact, peter gives derek this speech when he’s winding derek up about how to heal cora:
“you know, normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack. they care for it. they even bring it food from a kill and then regurgitate it into the mouth of the injured wolf. they even give it physical and emotional comfort by intensely grooming it. in a way they can do more than just ease pain. they can be instrumental in healing their own."
as i mentioned earlier, i think peter not only holds a lot of resentment towards talia for what he perceived as inaction but also towards laura.
after the fire, laura did what cora says in visionary they were taught to do when hunters find them.
cora: "waiting. hiding. that's what we're told to do when the hunters find us. hide and heal."
in all the trauma and grief, laura did the only thing that she could reasonably do in response to such a horrific tragedy. she packed up her little brother who she’d suddenly become the guardian of and put an entire continent between them and beacon hills.
in doing so she left behind peter. i don’t blame her for leaving beacon hills. she was reacting to the threat of the hunters by trying to protect what little was left of her family and herself.
you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others.
however, in leaving peter behind he was left to not only slowly go mad but he was also left vulnerable.
peter may have felt laura not only abandoned him as a member of the pack but abdicated her right to be the alpha.
derek tells scott in riddled:
“my family didn’t just live in beacon hills.they protected it.”
laura left beacon hills unprotected and she left peter alone. 
peter killed laura for the alpha power he always saw as rightfully his so he could heal and do the job he felt talia and laura were both too weak to do. 
while peter killed laura his culpability does come into question. 
in co-captain he performs the memory sharing ritual with scott which gives us a small glimpse of peter’s memories in the moments before laura’s death.
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laura enters the scene looking around as if she hears something and then laura calls out his name in question. when peter turns he doesn’t look like a man in control with his eyes rolling, mouth agape. 
his actions look autonomous. peter the man is not at the wheel. 
if we take what peter says in wolf’s bane at face value about how he was being driven by pure instinct then we can surmise that the wolf was in control and acted on impulse and peter’s deepest thoughts and desires. 
the same ones we hear peter raving and ranting at meredith in monstrous. 
i think the truth seems to be somewhere in the middle. 
peter often downplays his own involvement as a manipulation tactic. so while he lacked inhibition, killing laura for the alpha power was premeditated as we know his nurse was acting on his behalf. i do wonder though if laura’s body hadn’t been severed by hunters would peter have resurrected her? 
what’s a little murder between family members, you know? 
the mysterious death of laura hale III: the conspiracy
there are two conspiracies in season 1.
the conspiracy to kill the hales and the conspiracy to lure laura hale back to beacon hills.
about three months before her death laura was sent the picture of the revenge spiral on the deer which brought her back to beacon hills. to the territory she had left unattended for six years. in pack mentality, derek says that laura came back to beacon hills looking for the alpha and that she told him she was close to figuring something out about the fire. 
luring laura back to beacon hills wasn’t just about killing her. that was the endgame, but first peter needed her to do the leg work in finding the conspirators that set the fire.
the conspiracy itself hinges on one person since peter was still unable to do all of it himself due to him still recovering and we know nothing about her.
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nurse jennifer plagues me. her motivations for helping peter were never given. she’s merely a tool to help peter enact his revenge.
all we have are theories and i have found precious few in my searches through old meta.
the most popular theory and i use that word loosely is that she was jennifer blake sowing the seeds for her eventual return to take on the alpha pack. i’ve considered this one and i think a skilled writer could make it work, but within the context we’re given i don’t think so. 
i do believe jennifer blake definitely scouted out beacon hills just as the alpha pack did but i don’t think she and nurse jennifer are one in the same. besides, we do see nurse jennifer’s corpse in code breaker. 
another theory i came across was that she’s a banshee compelled in the same way lydia was by peter. again because we have such little information there’s enough room for it to be possible but i doubt it. 
the conclusion i have come to about nurse jennifer is that she’s someone like dr. fenris and brunski from eichen house. while we do not learn about eichen house until season 3b dr fenris is introduced in wolf’s bane and is in the search for a cure. 
mostly, i think she’s simply a reference to nurse ratched from one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. her nurse's uniform is even anachronistic. 
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but what was nurse jennifer’s role in the conspiracy?
she is the one who sent the picture of the deer spiral to laura hale to spur her to come back to beacon hills. nurse jennifer is also the one who sent allison the text to come to the school during night school. like laura, nurse jennifer did a lot of footwork for peter to make his plans work and it’s a damn shame we’ll never know why.
the mysterious death of laura hale iv:  the fixed point
laura’s death is what i think of as a fixed point in the universe of teen wolf. the idea of which is something i shamelessly took from doctor who.
in doctor who a fixed point is considered a lynchpin of the structure of ordered history. they cannot be altered as any attempts to do so would unravel linear time. 
laura hale’s death is that fixed point. it was unavoidable, unpreventable. poor laura hale doomed by the narrative.
in the events surrounding the murder of laura hale there are two more players i haven’t really discussed. they exist on the periphery but are no less important. 
doctor alan deaton and the nemeton.
cora says this in visionary:
"they keep us connected to humanity but they're a secret even within the pack. sometimes only the alpha knows who the emissary is. derek and i had no idea about deaton."
as talia’s successor laura would’ve had to know who their pack’s emissary was.
this is confirmed in fury when deaton not only insults derek to his face but reveals that he made a promise to talia to help her children and derek recalls laura mentioning deaton indirectly as some kind of advisor. 
i say indirectly because if laura had told derek explicitly that deaton was someone who could help and advise than he wouldn’t have suspected him as the alpha in season 1. 
did laura see deaton at all during her time in beacon hills? i would say it’s probable but i get the impression laura played her cards close to her chest. deaton was very unnerved by what was happening and with laura’s death probably concerned for his own wellbeing. 
deaton doesn’t reveal himself to derek because he has no idea if derek’s the one who killed laura or not. there’s no established relationship between the two for trust to go either way. 
truly the greatest villain of teen wolf is miscommunication, but i digress.
now here comes the part where i put on my tin foil conspiracy theory hat. i believe laura was killed near or at the nemeton. 
an unintended and unacknowledged sacrifice.
peter may not have consciously remembered its location, but who's to say it didn’t draw him there. 
we know from jennifer’s speech in the overlooked that the nemeton had a small spark of power from paige’s death. it was enough power to keep her alive after kali left her for dead so it isn’t difficult to believe it could’ve drawn peter to it as well. 
we know gerard knows its location despite what he tells allison about him not remembering. i don’t believe that geriatric bastard anymore than i believe peter as peter is able to find the nemeton easy enough because he shows up to kill jennifer there.
now, i have zero proof of this. it’s all speculation from vibes and what we see in lunar eclipse but considering laura’s body was moved from wherever she originally died and was severed it’s possible. 
it’s easy to imagine a scenario where laura finds peter at the nemeton where he kills her and leaves her body where it fell. later, gerard and his hunters discover her corpse and in frustration and anger at his plan falling through, gerard decides to use laura as bait for either the werewolf that killed her, derek or whatever other werewolves come along. waste not, want not after all. 
either way an alpha’s blood is spilled there giving the nemeton just a little bit more power. 
in lunar eclipse allison, scott and stiles perform a proxy ritual sacrifice to find out the location of the nemeton so they can rescue their parents. it’s successful, but only because the nemeton allows them to know its location. 
in revealing itself to them it chooses them as its champions and.it’s magic takes them back to the night scott was bitten, to the fixed point in the teen wolf universe. 
laura hale’s death.
haunting the narrative: laura hale’s uneasy ghost
“and so, the woman dies. the woman dies so the man can be sad about it. the woman dies so the man can suffer. she dies to give him a destiny. dies so he can fall to the dark side. dies so he can lament her death. as he stands there, brimming with grief, brimming with life, the woman lies there in silence.”
by aoko matsuda, translated by polly barton
once the first season comes to a close and laura hale’s murder is solved she is no longer mentioned save a few precious times, but the ghost of laura lingers. 
laura haunts the narrative.
derek has forgiven many transgressions against himself and his person but he will never forgive peter for laura’s murder. her death underscores every single one of their interactions.
laura’s the specter that hangs between cora and derek. cora loses her sister twice and derek’s words “sorry to disappoint you” only speak to how he feels he cannot live up to the ghost of not only his mother but also laura.
this, however, is not the only way laura remains in the narrative. they allude to her in other ways. 
in anchors scott reprises the scene from wolf moon where he tells stiles they’re going to go out into the woods to find a dead body but in a reverse uno of wolf moon though, scott is able to save the naked hale girl in the woods and bring her back to her family.
at the beginning of party guessed, lydia has one of her banshee visions. if you pay attention you can catch a girl in the bleachers that doesn’t quite belong. in fact, she’s crying out distressed and frightened.
that girl is laura hale. 
while uncredited the actress looks a lot like haley roe murphy who played laura in the first season and the necklace around her neck has a red pendant that alludes to her alpha status.
lydia sees an echo of laura hale as a warning.
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i like this shot in second chance at first line when scott is at the morgue. he pulls out the drawer containing laura's lower half and the pov for the shot is almost like laura is watching despite her upper half not being there.
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the very last time we see laura’s body is after stiles and scott dig it up. 
from this new perspective, laura’s stare has gone from vacant to accusatory.
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it’s a jump scare, the transition from laura as a wolf to laura as human. it’s meant to freak stiles and scott out and confuse them. 
what it’s always said to me though is how dare you.
whether or not it was intentional (and let’s be real this is teen wolf so it’s probably half and half if we’re being generous)  the murder of laura remains one of the most intriguing incidents on teen wolf and her being one of the most untapped characters.
i said earlier i wanted to know what laura knew before her death. what had she uncovered about the fire? had she learned about cora being alive? did she know about kate and derek?
the answer is that it doesn’t matter. It no longer matters because laura died. we can never know what she knew. 
in teen wolf it doesn’t matter because laura is a non-character while being the most important character of them all.
laura hale is the beautiful dead girl.
she is the inciting incident, the fixed point, the name unsaid and the spirit unexercised.
“an anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young-- a dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young.”  lenore by edgar allen poe
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epic-curious · 4 months
There is a conversation doing the rounds on twitter about racialized violence against men (i.e lynchings and castration of black men during Jim Crow, the targeted murder of Palestinian men happening right now) and the primary contention seems to be men of color using the word "racialized misandry" to describe this. It's almost eerie, but not surprising, how much this conversation echoes the dismissals of transandrophobia here. There's this same insistence on rejecting a framework that posits men as the primary targets of gendered violence or oppression, despite how convoluted it is to describe the real harm that we as men face purely on the basis on gender/race. They act like it would be the end of the world if some men were (yes, actually!) oppressed! And so then there's this urge to describe the violence that white and/or cis men commit against outgroup men as misogyny, further diluting that term beyond usefulness. It makes even less sense to describe violence against black and brown cisgender men this way; apparently the way these so called feminists square this circle is by claiming that they do this to "protect their women" hence misogyny, but this makes even less sense given the tendency for ingroup men to see pre-pubescent boys as violent aggressors. Which women are racist cops protecting when they gun down 12 year old black boys?
These kinds of discussions really highlight the kind analytical failures that pervade old school feminism. I saw a post that said something to the order of "You can't have a gender based movement that ignored the experiences of one gender"; these conversations definitely show why.
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
Sorry I hate ' essays ' like that
It always just feels like they cobbled together every popular criticism of anything online that specifically mentions women and make sure you say intersectional but nothing that specific.
#Female rage isn't what got Black men lynched but cold hard white supremacy. We need to recentre white supremacy in these discussions. Do you think those people believed what they were actually saying all the time? They didn't give a fuck if that Black man did or didn't do shit. They needed a pretense for horrific torture and murder. They were superior ( apparently) so could do what they wanted. They wanted blood, humiliation and to use fear to control Black people and all parts of the white community were enthusiastic participants to make that happen. The stereotype of the pure innocent white woman doesn't work if there's no Black threat or animalistic opposite. White supremacy was essential.
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This can be said about literally any oppression. It doesn't stop it from being a facet of that oppression.
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???? Is this a real criticism? Why limit it to women, because this is specifically about women, that's how talking about a group of people works. Did anyone make these claims ? Why are we strawmanning a glib hashtag as if it was some movement that started out deeper than women online mentioning women's rage ? We can't do female rage because other people are oppressed. Sorry you're dumb
I was half hoping maybe this would be an exploration ( no I wasn't lol this was exactly as swallow as I'd expect but let me continue to lie lol) about how and what anger means for women. How anger is weaponised against black women in particular and how useful rage is and isnt for us but I still think Black women should be allowed full and human representation including rage. A criticism I have of #femalerage is it's often women being denigrated first and then she snaps. We don't actually have that many depictions of female psychopathy or killing in cold blood. Women literally do not talk as much as men in film and that's why so many women online have latched onto any crumb of anger, there isn't much out there. A lot of the female characters that are tagged #female rage are murdered, beaten and their violence is never narratively condoned. It ends up reinforcing in the ideal that #female rage is bad because they're punished for it anyway.
A lot of misogyny is centred on the body, and ideas of inferiority around women's body - that's not gender essentialism. That's an important way misogyny functions so can we all stop playing dumb about this? Large and I mean large chunks of Black feminism is very literary about the body but none of you read enough to even know that but you love Black feminist somehow even though a lot of black feminist thought is antithetical to this idea.
Nahh some of you just need to admit your fundamental problem is shit being about women ( or finding this cringe ) because none of these criticisms were particularly deep or argued convincingly. It relied on the audience being exposed to certain talking points before so filling in the blanks to make up for how swallow that was and expecting agreement because the right combination of phrases in buzzwords were mentioned.
I'm uncomfortable when women are mentioned hottake number 975,899
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