#lyle rourke rp
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bloodmoneyshared · 4 months ago
Hector Barbossa + Lyle Rourke
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a dependant rp blog for @godscobhhq
Basic Information: Barbossa
NAME: Hector Barbossa
BIRTHDAY: October 1
AGE: 50
HOMETOWN: Godscobh
ORIENTATION: Straight (In reality, Bi, but he's never experimented.)
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HEIGHT: 6'0"
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Red-Brown streaked with gray
BUILD: Sturdy, was once well-built
RACE/ETHNICITY: White/ English-Scottish
FC: Geoffrey Rush
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Personality & Behavior:
HOBBIES: Sailing, Fishing, Gambling
LIKES: Whiskey neat, the sunset over the ocean, the stray cats at the docks
DISLIKES: Brats at his favored bar, Sparrow, Clean cops who try to work around his shady deals.
QUIRKS: toys with his necklace when deep in thought, sings when no one is around to watch, spins his rings
STRENGTHS: Hard-working, Determined,
WEAKNESSES: Critical, Proud, Spiteful
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TW: Child Abuse, Alcohol abuse
As a child, Hector's mother told him that any good man born in this town sours. Something in the water rots them from within until nothing's left but the bad. His daddy had been a good man once. He'd been the Harbormaster of Godscobh like his daddy and his grandad. Like all the rest they'd gone bad.
Beat a boy enough and soon all that will be left are the scars.
Hector grew up never having seen the good side of his father. His mother died when he was young, and with her went all the good he knew. Edward Barbossa ran his home like he did the docks. Every rule was followed, and every task was completed by the day's end. If Hector made a mistake, it cost him.
Such an upbringing does not make a soft man. Even in his early years of adulthood, when he helped the old fishermen navigate the choppy sea, he was hardened to the way of the world. Nights not spent working, he found himself in the uglier bars that Godscobh had to offer. No point in brushing shoulders with the people that had enough money to look right past him.
Those days he was considered good-looking. At least, enough so to find his way into a few warm beds. Somewhere out there he probably had some blood running about that he wasn't aware of. Until they came knocking, they weren't his problem.
After his father's death, the title of Harbormaster fell to him. By then, he was in his thirties and had been working the docks for twenty years. It was a formality to consider other candidates. Harbormaster Barbossa had been a name on the lips of townsfolk longer than most had been alive. It was easier not to consider changing it.
Days were spent on the coast, monitoring shipments and sailors. Nights were spent looking for the bottom of a bottle, usually meeting sleep before he could find it.
Hector had made a place in life. With the mayor and the casino in need of discrete transport, his pockets were heavy with ill-gotten gains. No one questioned him, not when his word was law at the docks. He liked this quiet life. No one bothered him save for that brat Sparrow on occasion, but the annoyance was minor enough to ignore.
His mother said no good man ever survived in Godscobh. Good thing Hector had never been a good man.
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Basic Information: Rourke
NAME: Lyle Tiberius Rourke
AGE: 54
HOMETOWN: Beaumont, Texas
NICKNAMES: Real Estate Asshole (Barbossa)
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EYES: Blue
HAIR: White-Gray
BUILD: Sturdy and toned
RACE/ETHNICITY: White/Good old red-blooded American.
FC: Steven Lang
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Personality and Behavior:
HOBBIES: Gambling, Stock trading, Traveling
LIKES: Whiskey on the rocks, casual hookups, finding new ways to expand his portfolio
DISLIKES: Headstrong businesses partners/enemies, profit loss, how dingy people seem insistent to keep this town.
QUIRKS: chews toothpicks, picks at his nails, mumbles to himself when alone
STRENGTHS: Hard-working, Intelligent, tactician, Well-connected
WEAKNESSES: Prideful, Blinded by greed, often susceptible to flattery
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Texas born and bred, Lyle Rourke was raised as a good old-fashioned cowboy. His father had been a Lieutenant in the Army, and instilled in Lyle the type of morals expected of a good military man. He drove cattle, worked hard until the salt and blood of his body was part of the Earth he walked on. Any man not raised this way was doomed to fail already, his father would say. Too many soft men these days.
Lyle was determined not to be a soft man.
The younger version of himself was intelligent, if not too headstrong for his own good. After getting in one too many scraps on his property, Lyle was sent to a military boarding school. Here, the fights didn't stop, but Lyle learned exactly how not to get caught in one.
It seemed only right that a man with his talent for tactics and habit for fighting went into the Army. Following in his father's footsteps was easy, and Lyle surpassed the rank of lieutenant and found himself a decorated commander. He won decisive battles overseas, and earned a reputation as something of a war hero as America pulled out of the 2nd Gulf War.
While he'd been away fighting, the family farm had passed down to Lyle. His father and mother had retired from the business and left most the land and money in the hands of their only son. With this sum, the commander bought up land in a few choice locations and eventually his sights fell on Godscobh.
The town was costal, promising for starting up a new vacation destination. With a newly acquired law degree and real estate license, Lyle Rourke and Ulysses Real Estate took the town by storm. He was quick to buy up failing businesses and rotting buildings to destroy and rebuild them in his image.
No one shakes up a city like that without getting the attention of the ones pulling the strings.
Soon, Lyle found himself meeting with the Mayor and Mister Bourne in talks to change the city for the better. With just a minor caveat or two.
Every purchase was seen by the mayor, and every new item added to Rourke's portfolio was brought into the fold of the boogeyman's money laundering scheme. These shiny new shops cleaned the dirty gambling money and filtered it back into the public.
That set Lyle Rourke in a certain position of power in the city. Alongside Mayor Zika, Mister Bourne and the Harbormaster they'd shape this city in their image... No matter the cost.
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systemadministratorclu · 4 months ago
💗 To give Rourke and Milo cuddles because they both need them!
Today is one of those days where everything sucks. The weather sucks, the public sucks, the news sucks, pretty much everything just fucking SUCKS. You just want it all to go away as you slog through cold rain to get home. Which, for you, is an old (built in the 1800s) two-story house in DC.
You drag yourself inside and go through the routine of putting your stuff away, putting your wet stuff out to dry, and changing out of wet clothes. By now, most people's families would have been smothering them, before they were ready to deal with them. Thankfully, yours isn't like that, you think as you head for the joined living room and kitchen at the back of the house, where you can smell something Cajun cooking.
They aren't related to you by blood, but the four people in this house are your found family. Closer maybe, than some of your blood family. The first one you see is Milo, on the couch, in a gray tank top that is WAY too big for him, as it hangs off his left shoulder, where his star tattoo stands out even against his fair skin (but of course the look is just too preciouson him, like always). He turns around when he hears you enter, his soft chocolate brown eyes sparkling, his face splitting into a smile and despite the steaming Dumpster of shit that has been your day, you can't help but smile back. He's just so cute and sweet and looks so happy to see you.
"She's home!" He calls toward the kitchen, where another male voice answers.
"Perfect timing, I just finished dinner." Milo's husband Lyle Rourke steps into view, wearing comfortable pants, socks, and a similar shirt to Milo except his tank top fits him perfectly (you realize at this point Milo is wearing one of Rourke's shirts, and that's why it's so big on him.....but still so cute), with a tray of five steaming bowls of something that smells like culinary nirvana. He sets it down, gives Milo a little kiss (making Milo blush a little), and goes to yell up the stairs.
"She's home, and the food's done!" He then brings you over to the couch, where Milo (also wearing his own loose, comfortable pants and a pair of socks) moves out of your spot in the middle (he warmed it up for you, damn he's so thoughtful). As you sit down, the other two come in.
"We got plenty of extra blankets." Helga Sinclair says as she enters with said blankets, in her own loungewear, just like the person following her.
"And pillows!" adds Lilia, her daughter.
"Milo said he had a feeling today was a bad day," Helga explains, "and when we smelled Rourke's 'Today Fucking Sucks' soup cooking, we knew to grab blankets and pillows for Emergency Movie Night."
"Looks like I was right." Milo says as the blankets and pillows are spread among the five of you, Lilia on one side of you, Milo on the other, while Rourke grabs drinks for everyone and, after asking which one, Helga starts a movie (Stargate) on the huge TV you're watching. She then turns off the lights and shuts the curtains, turning the room into a mini movie theater. She and Rourke then join the three of you under the blankets, one of which is wrapped around you, and everyone takes a steaming bowl of Rourke's soup. Not surprisingly, it tastes amazing, and it sends a wave of warmth rushing through you as the movie starts.
At some point, you all finish and there are five empty bowls. Rourke pauses the movie so he can go wash off the dishes, and while he does, Milo looks at you again.
"Guess I was right about the bad day." He says softly. You nod slowly and start to tell him, but stop when he just hugs you.
"It's okay," he says, "You don't have to explain."
"Yeah, we're here. We gotcha." Lilia ads, before she too is hugging you from the other side.
"We've always got you. Whatever you need." Helga joins in, her arms around her actual daughter and you who are like a daughter to her.
"That's what we're here for," Rourke finishes as he returns, shifting Milo to sit in his lap as he wraps powerfully muscled arms around you all, "That's what we do. We love ya, Tiny." The others voice their agreement.
And you know it's true. You can feel it in each set of arms around you, each with their own special sort of strength and warmth. You can hear it in each voice, as they seem to already know exactly what you need to hear. You can see it in how they look at you and the things they do for you. You can taste it in the meal you just ate, which you know is a recipe they all came up with together but Rourke makes because he's the best cook. You can smell it in the mix of four familiar scents that combine into something you can only describe as Home. And you can Feel it inside, in your heart, filling up all of you and driving out the awfulness of the day. And at last, even as Rourke resumes the movie, even as a German shepherd and what looks like a giant mutant lizard slip in through the pet door and curl up at your feet, even as you settle in to lose yourself in the movie, you smile. A real big smile, and you utter the words "You guys are the best. I love you too."
And despite the day, being here in this moment with the people you love and who love you, you know that you are not weak, you are not a disappointment, and you are not alone. No matter what, you're gonna be okay.
//Lilia belongs to @thetinyadventurer i hope you don't mind me using her.//
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godscobhhq · 3 months ago
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Lyle Tiberius Rourke from Atlantis
Name: Lyle Rourke Age: 54 Profession: "Businessman" Pronouns: He/him FC suggestions: Jason Isaacs, Dule Hill, Billy Crudup Face Claim: Stephen Lang Availability: Open
"Learned from the best. There's a sucker born every minute."
Lyle Rourke wasn't born in Godscobh, and he'd be the first to tell you that no one with any ambition every would be.
The child of a veteran father and homemaking mother is raised with a certain set of morals. The type of morals that get you sent to boarding school at 12, the type that gets you kicked out every couple of months because of a fistfight. The type of morals that build a good military man.
Lyle Tiberius Rourke was a damn good military man.
He'd done time in just about every war of his age. Not for nothing, either. The commander was decorated, with a talent for leadership and tactics found in only the best. The ranks came easy, landing at the title of commander like he'd been born to bear it.
Everyone was surprised when he gave it all up to move to a middle-of-nowhere town. Divorced his wife, retired from the military, and started buying up property like a madman... after purchasing a nice little mansion in town, of course. Turns out the commander had someone of a knack for real estate.
Lyle had earned a law degree and passed a few real estate exams on the government's dime. Now, it seemed he was eager to put those things to good use.
Small cottages were torn down and renovated into sprawling condos, family business were bought out with the intent to rebuild them as something more. People like Tiana started to sweat as their dreams were encroached upon by the hungry hands of Ulysses Real Estate.
The people who could say they knew him, few and far between as they were, called him bold and unafraid to speak his mind. Of course, who would be afraid to share their thoughts when they worked for some of the most powerful people in town? It was no coincidence all the land around Snake Eyes started ending up in Rourke's pocket.
All that was left was to see how deep those pockets ran before someone tried to stop him.
Notable character information: Rourke is always gunning for ways to make more money, no matter how many people's backs he has to step on to get it.
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Oh what the hell.
Submitting my AU canon-divergent Commander Rourke from Atlantis the Lost Empire.
I have a fic series with him (I'm sorry, I couldn't decide which one best showed his character.) And I RP him here, so he has an info page.
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I really hope people give him a chance, because he's very different from his canon counterpart.
If it means anything here, he was worthy to possess the power of Thor. His canon counterpart was not (Canon WAS, however, the lowest percentage of Yes votes, which is funny to me for some reason.)
*Photo edit done by me.
Can (AU) Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke perform a…
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 9 months ago
Do you ship it?
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The image was edited by @systemadministratorclu
reason under the cut!
......look, I saw one piece of fanart about the pairing and because of what that art did to me, I wrote 16-17 fanfics about them with a very AU version of Rourke that I absolutely love (enough that I RP him here and on Discord) and I am starved for content of them, so I want to get this version of them out there to hopefully find new fans of it.
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tcrths · 5 years ago
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The oldest of six children (and the only girl), Miss Sinclair grew up fighting with her fists as well as her wits. Born in Frankfurt, Germany as the daughter of career officer U.S. Army Major, she experienced extensive travel at an early age, as well as exposure to a variety of cultures and customs (Frankfurt 1884-87, Mannheim 1887-89, Stuttgart 1889-92, Torii Station 1892, Vicenza 1892-93, Camp Zama 1893-94, Yongsan 1894-97, Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1897-1901). Miss Sinclair exhibited exceptional athletic skill at the age of four and was encouraged by her mother to pursue dance.
Instead, with the influence of her father and brothers, Miss Sinclair began learning the combat arts. While stationed in Maryland at age seventeen, she was introduced to Commander Rourke, and after relocating to Fort Dix began tactics and firearms training under him at the behest of her father. Her skill impressed Commander Rourke, as well as her potential (in Rourke's opinion) as a covert agent and spy. She toured briefly with Commander Rourke in August 1903 to continue training. Married in 1907 to U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant Christopher Jenkins. Presumed widowed 1908.
Took position as bodyguard and chauffeur for Preston Whitmore December 5, 1911 at recommendation of Commander Rourke. Currently employed in aforementioned positions by Whitmore Industries and would go on to join the crew of the Ulysses in a military role during the expedition to find THE LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS
Miss Sinclair is skilled as a coordinator and drill instructor. She also possesses an analytical mind ideally suited for strategy, tactics, or campaign planning. Her charisma, combined with her intelligence and aggressive nature, makes her an excellent trainer and enforcer.
Helga is Commander Rourke right hand woman; when her commanding officer issues and order, Miss Sinclair makes it her personal business to see to it that everyone in her command follows it to the letter. She is levelheaded in a crisis and highly skilled in many forms of small arms combat; studied Aikido in the Philippines under Moreihei Ueshiba 1904-07, attaining rank of Yudansha-Yodan. Expert in disciplines of Henka Waza, Tanto Dori, and Tachi Dori.
Skilled in tactical combat, knife fighting, Colt throwing knife, bo staff, kama, field tanto, katana, as well as most conventional small arms. She has been taught rifle and shotgun at Quantico, Virginia, 1911. Despite her skill, she is still far weaker than the likes of Lyle Rourke, as shown when she is embarrassingly outclassed by him in combat
    SOURCE LINK ( HERE ) /  spoilers.
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avenirinspo · 8 years ago
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
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systemadministratorclu · 2 years ago
This is either an open starter or just an attempt to make this image less cursed. Whichever you decide to take it as.
Edit: screw it, it's an open starter.
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The first sign something was amiss was the tingling sensation they both felt as they woke up. The second was the noise. It was identified easily enough: traffic. But the sound was all wrong. There were far too many vehicle sounds, and the vehicles sounded.....different, though neither could explain exactly how, as they'd never heard anything like what they heard now.
Milo was first to open his eyes to see the dark, starless sky above. He pushed his glasses further onto his face, and that's when he noticed the strange black sleeve with glowing white lights that now covered his arm.
"What the...."
"Where the hell ARE we?" Lyle said next to him, already sitting up and examining the black one-piece form-fitting suit he wore with bright white lights glowing on it. Milo sat up and looked down, realizing he was dressed similar to Lyle, except his lights were in a different pattern. He looked around and saw they in a back alleyway of some sort.
"I dunno, but with these lights on us, we look just like the buildings here.....Whoa, what is THAT?!" Milo cried, noticing some sort of round....structure on Lyle's back. And as he moved, he could feel a weight on his back and realized he must have the same kind of structure on his own back.
"I don't know, so get it off me!" Milo nodded and grabbed the thing and pulled.......and had the outer part easily come off. Confused, he wrapped a hand around the strange......disc-thing, meaning to pick it up to examine it. Immediately, the outer edge lit up and Milo could feel a sort of heat from it. He handed it back to Lyle and, sure enough, pulled the same device off his own back.
"What ARE these, Mr. Thatch?"
"For once, Rourke......I have absolutely no idea." Milo said, moving closer to Lyle so he could whisper the next words to him. He'd heard something nearby.
"But I do know we're not alone in this alley."
"Alright, come on out. Show yourself." Rourke said in his Commander's voice, looking around for who-or what-ever Milo had heard, as he gently urged the smaller man behind him.
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systemadministratorclu · 2 years ago
Milo Thatch
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Tag: His RP posts will be tagged "muse: milo thatch" and will include the verse in parentheses.
Full Name: Milo James Thatch (no, the J is not 'just a J')
Age: Differs depending on verse/thread, but he always appears 32 (his age in the first movie)
Species: Human (also known as Terran)
Gender: Male
Hair/Eye color: Brown (his hair is considered light brown)
Medical: Low vision. Without his glasses, he only sees colors with very blurry undefined edges and some pronounced movement. He is also very allergic to carrots.
Appearance: He's about 5' 8" and pretty skinny, though he gained a bit more muscle on the trip to Atlantis and has gotten more since living there, as he's become much more active there. His eyesight isn't very good (everything looks blurry) so he has to wear glasses, which he only takes off to sleep or to wash. He wears a glowing light blue crystal pendant like everyone else in Atlantis wears. He also has a tattoo of a star on his left shoulder, as shown below:
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Sexuality: Gay
Canon-ish verse:
His parents died in a railway accident involving a bad fire when he was three. They shielded him with their bodies and died when a piece of debris fell on them. He sometimes has vivid flashbacks where he relives the accident, even to the point of acting/behaving as though he can't breathe (because his mind is telling him he can't). When he's brought out of one of these, he may cry some, then he usually sleeps for a while. In addition to flashbacks, he also still has nightmares about the accident and has a fear of trains because of it, though he hasn't told many people this because it's embarrassing to him
His grandfather took him in and raised him when his parents died, and this is where he got his love for all things Atlantis.
Throughout childhood, he was bullied and picked on for his small size, intelligence, and glasses. He had several pairs stolen and/or broken, leading to some instances of him getting lost or injured on his way to or from school. (this did not impede his education, the man graduated high school at age 11 and currently has two doctorate degrees in Linguistic Theory and Dead Languages //his mun, however, does not.//)
He had only one girlfriend and she eventually left him for someone with money who she thought was better-looking by actually taking Milo to some big gala the guy was holding and pretty much humiliating him (poor Milo was so hurt by this, he didn't remember how he got home). He's tried dating (women and later some men, which is how he found out he's gay), but was met with rejections and being stood up. This has left him afraid to tell someone if he has feelings for them because he doesn't want to be hurt again.
On the way to Atlantis, Lyle Rourke assisted him several times, such as getting him to the Aqua-EVAC vehicle safely (and getting him out of it when they surfaced and he was still in a bit of shock) and getting him food when he got sick after eating the meal Cookie had made. He found himself connecting more to Rourke on the trip, probably because Rourke was not picking on him or pranking him.
In Atlantis, Helga revealed herself to be a greedy treasure hunter and forced Milo to help her find the Heart of Atlantis, even having her henchman punch him before she left Atlantis. After Rourke and the dying king gave him a sort of pep talk, he led the others to retrieve the Heart, but was shot during the fight and injured. Rourke intervened before Helga or her goon could kill Milo on board the Gyro-EVAC balloon. Milo scratched Helga with a piece of crystal from the Heart's container, causing her to crystallize while Rourke attempted to carry him back up onto the gondola of the Gyro-EVAC. However, Helga chased them and caused Rourke to drop Milo. Milo was very badly injured when he fell from the balloon, having landed hard on the ground, including broken bones and some other wounds. He was retrieved by Rourke and returned to Atlantis, where Rourke admitted to a dying Milo that he loved him. Sweet said he couldn't save Milo, but after the city was saved, he was taken up and healed by the Heart of Atlantis, after which he admitted his love for Rourke and the two decided to stay in Atlantis together.
Heart of Atlantis verse:
This is pretty similar to Canon-ish, but it it's based on an idea running through several of my fanfics. In this verse, Milo's grandfather was actually Prince Talos, the younger brother of Atlantis' king. Not much is different from the previous verse (except that Rourke has confessed love for Milo, and Milo revealed his love for Rourke the night before they arrived in Atlantis) until they visit the Heart of Atlantis. Here, Milo is chosen as the Crystal's host instead of Kida. He found out after the battle for the Heart about his Atlantean heritage, making him royal blood (a prince) and thus an option to be chosen (in threads where he's married to Rourke, this means Rourke is also an option, as he becomes a royal prince consort by marriage). This also means that should something happen to Kida, or she decide to step down, Milo is next in line for the throne unless Kida has kids.
Currently just with @the-haunted-office but this version of him is kinda fun and could be used in other threads. He's 9000 years old (subject to change depending on plots/threads) and a tech genius //again, mun is not, mun just thinks the idea is neat//, having built an entire mainframe, server system, and data storage facility for Atlantis. He also can (and has) hacked into the most secure systems on Earth. He's also gotten himself some engineering knowledge and will sometimes actually invent things or build things for missions (ex: in an ask thing where he and Rourke stole the Declaration of Independence (don't ask), he built a specialized container to put it in and equipment to handle it with). He also figured out how to power an Atlantean flying machine on the surface using machine batteries (big vehicle batteries and such) strapped to it without impeding its flight too much. He also built the solar chargers for said batteries.
Space verse (because why not):
Takes place after Canon-ish and Heart of Atlantis verses. Either one can be used as his background. A Star Trek-ish deal that kinda crosses with my Rovarians universe with Milo as captain of the vessel RSS Ulysses and the rest of the Atlantis cast as his senior crew (Rourke as first officer). Ulysses is a multipurpose Saturn-class heavy cruiser (think the Enterprise D from Trek) whose design is actually based on the submarine of the same name that started the trip to Atlantis (the space vessel is a lot bigger, though, as it has a lot more lab facilities and crew quarters and such on board. It has the standard warp speed drive, a high speed drive known as quantum slipstream, and the basically instantaneous transwarp drive (transwarp is only used when absolutely necessary, as it uses a lot of fuel and needs to cooldown and recharge before it can be used to "jump" again. The further you travel with it, the longer the time before it can be used again. This is why transwarp is reserved only for times when even quantum slipstream isn't fast enough). I can give you more details should we decide to do something in this AU
**The following are the same for all verses**
Personality: He's a very gentle and kind person. Initially, he's very shy and awkward, but in a sort of endearing way. He'll start to open up more as he gets to know someone and feel safer with them. This comes from getting picked on as a kid and being rejected and stood up, even when he tried to just make friends. He's afraid of being let down or hurt again. The exception is if he's nervous or you get him talking about something he's passionate about. Then it can be hard to get him to stop talking, as he gets really excited when someone takes an interest in something he likes, and he sometimes babbles when he gets nervous. He sometimes needs a bit of a confidence boost when trying something new. Regardless of all of this, he's a caring person and does his best to help others if he can. He's emotional and can sometimes be easily hurt or taken advantage of, and he sometimes cries easier than he'd like to admit. He's more outgoing in Atlantis, where he's gotten sort of a clean slate, probably due in part to the fact that he's helping the people rediscover their history and culture, and they have been nothing but good to him in return.
In a relationship: He's loyal and dependable and tries his hardest to be everything you want. However, he may keep some of his own feelings inside, afraid of seeming needy, even if his need is completely reasonable. If he gets someone, he's afraid they will decide to leave him when they find someone better. He'll get better about sharing things as he's with someone longer and he starts to realize that no, they aren't going to leave him, that they really do care about him. He very much wants to be loved and held and cared for, because it makes him feel safe and not alone.
*I mainly ship him with Rourke, but as with all my characters, I'm open to anything else if it happens. Please talk to me in DM first, though.
Trauma: He does experience nightmares and flashbacks sometimes. The three biggest incidents that cause these for him are the railway accident and fire that killed his parents, the Leviathan attack on the way to Atlantis, and the battle for the Heart where he almost died.
Other: He and Rourke occasionally visit the surface world to keep tabs on it and make sure there are no threats to Atlantis. They use whatever knowledge they gain to make sure Atlantis is able to protect itself in the even someone else finds their way down there. After all, the two of them and their group did. Because of their greatly extended lives, no matter what time they appear in, they do not appear to age at all. These surface trips are great opportunities for them to meet other muses.
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systemadministratorclu · 2 years ago
Lyle T. Rourke
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Tag: His RP posts will be tagged "muse: lyle rourke" and will include the verse in parentheses.
Full name: Lyle Tiberius Rourke. However, only Milo calls him Lyle. He prefers to be called Rourke by everyone else.
Age: Differs depending on verse/thread, but he always appears 54 (his age in the movie)
Species: Human (also known as Terran)
Gender: Male
Hair color: Gray, with a white streak on either side of his head.
Eye color: Brown
Appearance: He's 6' 4" and full of muscles. He's huge and definitely looks like someone you don't want to mess with. He wears a glowing light blue crystal pendant like everyone else in Atlantis wears. He also has a tattoo of a star (just like Milo's) on his right shoulder.
Sexuality: Gay
Interests/Hobbies: He's actually pretty handy with machines and engineering stuff. He did a ton of mods on his spaceship, the Zeleya Maru, and he enjoys working on/building machines and vehicles (restoring classic cars or creating things that look like they belong in Mad Max: Fury Road. He's also trying his hand at kinetic sculpture.
He's also a closet musician/singer, but doesn't think he's very good (he's wrong, look up anything with James Garner singing). You may catch him singing while he works on a machine if he thinks no one is around.
Canon-ish verse:
His father was a very militaristic man and raised his son in the same way. He was taught to keep his feelings inside and not let them show, and he got better at doing so as he got older, though he struggled in school (leading to teachers often immediately deciding he's an idiot) and often took out his frustration on the more successful students. He was expelled for fighting on more than one occasion, and decided to join the military as a teenager, where he found more success and respect, but still not what he was hoping for: acknowledgement of his efforts and ANY praise for what he did right.
He has been in multiple battles while in the military and was wounded multiple times.
He married once, but it only lasted four months because of his aggressiveness (according to the ex, though a lack of chemistry/connection may also be to blame. Basically, they were never really in love)
As a result of the way he was treated in school and even in the military (everyone deciding he's just a big, muscled moron), he greatly disliked 'academics', though he will admit he had respect for Professor Thaddeus Thatch because Thatch didn't act like a know-it-all and was actually resourceful in a crisis. This was, oddly enough, when he began to think he might be attracted to men.
Upon meeting Milo, Rourke felt a strong urge to protect him and keep him safe. Along the way, through several instances of helping Milo and just watching him be.....Milo, Rourke found himself having feelings for Milo, though he only got up the courage to say something when Milo lay dying in his arms after being fatally injured in the effort to return the Heart of Atlantis.
After Milo was healed by the Heart, he decided to stay in Atlantis to be with Milo, who he learned was in love with him, too.
Heart of Atlantis verse:
This is pretty similar to Canon-ish, but it's based on an idea running through several of my fanfics. In this verse, Milo's grandfather was actually Prince Talos, the younger brother of Atlantis' king. Not much is different from the previous verse (except that Rourke has confessed love for Milo, and Milo revealed his love for Rourke the night before they arrived in Atlantis) until they visit the Heart of Atlantis. Here, Milo is chosen as the Crystal's host instead of Kida. Rourke tries to convince Helga not to go through with her plan, but only succeeds in turning the other team members to his side, and only after Helga's goon kicks his leg where one of his old war wounds is, sending Rourke to the ground, where Helga kicks him in the face before leaving and stranding everyone in Atlantis. The dying king, with Kida's help, explains how the crystal chooses its host and how Milo is in fact Atlantean royal blood, a prince. The king gives his crystal to Rourke, telling him to take Kida with him and return the Heart in order to save Atlantis and Milo, which Rourke does. Milo is returned by the Heart and Rourke tells him about his heritage.
Currently just with @the-haunted-office but this version of him is kinda fun and could be used in other threads. He's 9022 years old (subject to change depending on plots/threads). While not a genius like Milo, he is competent when it comes to technology, especially the things Milo builds/invents. He knows enough science/tech/engineering to be able to help Milo with something if Milo asks him to. He also speaks fluent Atlantean as well as English, and can read/write it fluently also. He would be considered an expert on Atlantis.......if people knew Atlantis existed. Which they don't.
Space verse (because why not):
Takes place after Canon-ish and Heart of Atlantis verses. Either one can be used as his background. A Star Trek-ish deal that kinda crosses with my Rovarians universe with Rourke as Commander/First Officer of the vessel RSS Ulysses and the rest of the Atlantis cast as his senior crew (Milo as captain). Ulysses is a multipurpose Saturn-class heavy cruiser (think the Enterprise D from Trek) whose design is actually based on the submarine of the same name that started the trip to Atlantis (the space vessel is a lot bigger, though, as it has a lot more lab facilities and crew quarters and such on board). It has the standard warp speed drive, a high speed drive known as quantum slipstream, and the basically instantaneous transwarp drive (transwarp is only used when absolutely necessary, as it uses a lot of fuel and needs to cool down and recharge before it can be used to "jump" again. The further you travel with it, the longer the time before it can be used again. This is why transwarp is reserved only for times when even quantum slipstream isn't fast enough). I can give you more details should we decide to do something in this AU
*Rourke also has his own smaller vessel, the Zeleya Maru, that he gained on some mission after he and an away-team stole it from a gang of pirate-like thieves (who had likely stolen it from elsewhere) that they were escaping. Since then, Rourke took up a position as primary caretaker for the Maru, and often uses it to make himself and away teams appear to be rogues/smugglers/whatever they need to be in order to gather intel/resources from places where affiliation with the Rovarians is not well received (Rourke sometimes uses the alias "Teir Aurelan" when necessary for undercover work.). Maru is normally kept in the hangar bay of the RSS Ulysses when she's not in use.
**The following are the same for all verses**
Personality: He appears very stern and stoic on the outside (Tron fans, think Uprising Tron), a product of his upbringing and time in the military. He's very good at not showing what he's feeling, and at forcing his own feelings aside. Since staying in Atlantis, he's trying to get better about letting himself feel things and remembering it's okay to not be okay. He admits he doesn't really like the person he became before the Atlantis trip and wants to become a better version of himself. It takes some effort on his part to open up and trust people, especially after Helga, as he blames himself for not recognizing her as a threat sooner. He can get fiercely protective of those he cares about. It takes a lot to get under his skin or make him cry, but there are things that will do it.
In a relationship: He's loyal and dependable, but he can seem cold and unfeeling at first, as he tries to assess whether or not someone is a threat to him or others. Once he does open up, though, he's very caring and loving toward his partner, being (sometimes overly) conscious of how he acts and speaks around them. He doesn't want to be the one to hurt them, as he feels it would be a betrayal of their trust in him. He will often take on the role of being the 'strong one' being sort of a rock for his partner, though he will feel for them or with them.
*I mainly ship him with Milo, but as with all my characters, I'm open to anything else if it happens. Please talk to me in DM first, though.
Trauma: He does have some from the battles he was in, but it's not nearly as bad as the Leviathan attack or the battle for the Heart of Atlantis. In addition, he also has childhood trauma, as his military father was also an alcoholic and very abusive toward Lyle and his mother, even when Lyle was as young as three. He also witnessed his father's beating on his mother (she stayed around so she could protect little Lyle).
Other: He and Milo occasionally visit the surface world to keep tabs on it and make sure there are no threats to Atlantis. They use whatever knowledge they gain to make sure Atlantis is able to protect itself in the even someone else finds their way down there. After all, the two of them and their group did. Because of their greatly extended lives, no matter what time they appear in, they do not appear to age at all. These surface trips are great opportunities for them to meet other muses.
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systemadministratorclu · 7 months ago
Of all your muses which is the pickiest eater?
This is actually kinda hard to answer, since only two of my characters are actual humans and one of those two has a food allergy.
Clu and Tesler are Programs on The Grid, where energy is pretty much the only thing people actually eat or drink.
Hal (in most RPs) is an android, so he doesn't eat much either. He can eat, and does sometimes, but he hasn't really tried enough things to be able to be picky. The only thing he doesn't like is alcohol.
The Rovarians don't have mouths or stomachs, so no eating there.
Milo Thatch is human, but some of his supposed pickyness is actually because he's severely allergic to carrots. As in, carrots can literally kill him. Other than that, he can and will eat most anything.
Lyle Rourke has an iron stomach (joke) because he's had to eat shitty whatever the hell the late 1800s US Army considered food. Meaning it's probably something we don't want to know the identity of. He is pretty picky about one specific food though: gumbo. He won't eat it unless he makes it himself because he uses his mother's recipe, which is very special to him for sentimental reasons (she died when he was 10, it's his way of keeping a piece of her alive and with him). No other will ever taste as good to him.
Rourke also refuses to drink alcohol unless it is absolutely necessary (cultural significance or diplomatic courtesy, though sometimes he can get out of it then by claiming to be allergic or to have some other medical issue that would make it dangerous for him). In reality, he doesn't drink because his violently abusive father was also an alcoholic, so he has a lot of trauma associated with the stuff.
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