#lydia the nympho
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Please, I'm very curious about No One's Safe At Home and What Happened To Vault 76? 😃
Ah yes, I'm glad those two have caught your attention.
What Happened To Vault 76? is a Fallout 76 fic that is the fifth installment of the A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore series, but technically the prequel which predates the other five fics.
Essentially, a Resident of Vault 76, Vega, sleeps in and misses out on everyone entering the world after the bombs dropped 25 years beforehand. After Vega leaves the vault, Vega learns that she was left behind on purpose, because for a lack of better words, she's the worst. Vega takes offense to this "treachery" and decides to go out and hunt down her fellow residents as well as Vault 76's Overseer (who she develops a rather cringe unhealthy obsession over). The Scorched and the raiders hardly phase Vega, nor do the super mutants. However, she does bump into two odd strangers; Matthias "Mason" Talos and his brother, Arcane Urias. They're odd because the Scorch doesn't seem to affect them like it does everyone else, and there's also the fact of their inhuman strength and off human appearance. But Vega takes the opportunity to gaslight, gatekeep and manipulate these guys into helping her kill the rest of her former compatriots. On the trio's journey, Mason gets more skeptical of Vega's word, but Urias takes an awful lot of interest in the Scorched and its origin. That's all I got for now.
However, No One's Safe At Home is a Welcome To The Game franchise fic apart of The Silver Chronicles. It's essentially the origin story for an OC of mine, a key character in La Última En Pie and Old Dusk (two Silva Omar centered fics), named Gavin Turquoise.
In the Silva centered fics, Gavin is a lawyer with connections to the criminal underworld, but not because he works for them, merely because he monitors who he wants to put away for good. Anyway, in No One's Safe At Home, it reveals that before Gavin was a lawyer, he was a former benefactor of shady organizations turned vigilante who got sick of the injustice that the worst people alive kept getting away with, especially after his little nephew (who Gavin had personally became a male role model to) was taken by said people, and started hunting them down. He found two connections between all of them; The Dark Web, and an organization called "the Ministry". So Gavin made it his life long mission to wipe these people off the face of the Earth. Not only to avenge his nephew, but also so Gavin can rig the "Game" in his favor, take the benefits of the power and rebuild this empire into something more honorable (as it has deviated so, so far from what it used to be).
In essence, this is like a revenge story where one of the benefactor's of the Dark Web is personally punched in the gut by the organization he helped rise up, taking away and likely killing his nephew (or worse) and now Gavin wants to get rid of the source of the stains that corrupt the vision he had for this empire and rebuild from the bloody foundations he'll leave behind. The story is also about Gavin choosing to get his revenge but not perpetuating the cycle by rebuilding an organization that's very nature is to cause misery to others, no matter how honorable he tries to make it.
In other words, Gavin kills the most disgusting and worst people to exist and it is so satisfying.
I've put together a bit of the beginning of the fic down below:
Vigorously tapping on the keyboard, he shifted his attention to the time and date at the bottom right corner.
3:17 AM... 23rd of October... only seven more days left.
While the contents of the Red Room held no value to him, tracking the livestream would allow the location to be given away. Give him an ample opportunity take another sick fuck off the list.
He just had to go deeper.
Moving to browse on another degenerate site, Gavin paused. He glanced to the bottom right corner once more, attention caught by the white arrow next to the wifi indicator.
A GPS tracker, he recognized, How long had THAT been there?
Without wasting any more time, Gavin pushed himself out of the chair and reached to turn the computer's power off. But he stopped, thinking it over.
On second thought... I do have an opportunity here.
Gavin moved away from the computer, and walked over to the light switch, flicking it off. Darkness embraced the room, with the only light bathing inside this void coming from his computer screen.
Gavin brought out a hiking pack, placing it on the chair, and moved to the other side of the room, hand reaching for his most effective tool, eyes on the window.
He waited in bated breath, back against the wall as he waited for the window to inevitably open. He listened out of the cues he had honed himself to recognize for the past twenty-three days; the soft knocks, the footsteps on gravel, and even tugging up the windows.
Gavin's adversary did not know his identity yet; if he had, Gavin was sure he'd stop being lured out to the same neighborhood for the past twenty-three days.
From what Gavin overheard between Miss Lydia and Mr. Adam's call, Gavin's tracker didn't have a known name. Simply referred to as "the Kidnapper". Though creativity was lacking, the crimes were quite horrific. A masked man from Russia with ties to a sex trafficking ring, kidnapping women to subject them to horrors hidden from the law's eye.
He hears low grumbling. Gavin watches as the silhouette of the monster himself shadowed the moonlight, the dreadful figure of a beast shaped as a human. Gloved hands as black as the empty caverns that should house his soul, hands that have ripped innocent women in the wake of night away from their lives, gripping the window and dragging it up, up, up.
Gavin wasn't idealistic; he knew if he killed this man, it wouldn't hinder the trafficking ring in the slightest. But Gavin was sure of two things; one less woman will be awake and afraid at night, and one less monster would be walking amongst society. And Gavin was going to take so much satisfaction from this.
#series: a radioactive calamity of love bombs & gore#fallout#fallout 76#wip: what happened to vault 76?#the resident#oc: vega#oc: arcane urias#oc: matthias “mason” talos#the scorched#the overseer#the silver chronicles#welcome to the game#wip: no one's safe at home#oc: gavin turquoise#lydia the nympho#wttg adam#the kidnapper
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Name Meme -> Buck, from Lydia || @maximuses
⚔️ Muse Opinions Meme // CLOSED ⚔️
⚔️ @maximuses ⚔️
“Ooh, I get to talk about Buck for a bit! How exciting! There’s so much I could say about him, and you know it too. Buuuut, I guess— for the sake of courtesy— I’ll try to keep to the questions and avoid rambling too much.”
“Most admirable quality: Admirable quality, huh? I say Buck has quite a few. And you know exactly what I mean by that. I’m sure the locals probably don’t agree with me— they did nickname him the Sadist after all. They just don’t appreciate his many talents in bed like I do. Buuuut I’ll spare you the nasty details and go for something a little less... acknowledged. It’s a shame too; his mind. Buck is fucking brilliant. His little history tangents? They’re adorable! He gets so into them, loves explaining every little thing, every little detail. I’ve never been much for history myself— academics in general weren’t my strong point. But I love entertaining his little rambles on everything. I ask a lot of questions because I’ll be honest, I’m dumb as a rock, but it doesn’t seem to matter. He loves answering them! I love his enthusiasm and his passion for history! He makes it fun with how animated he is! Shame about his ‘aggressive tendencies’, shall we say. He’d make a great history teacher.”
“Most attractive physical feature: There’s a lot Buck has going on in terms of being attractive physically. Of course, I’m biased— I love tattoos and facial hair like his a lot. So needless to say, I took one look at the ten-pointer on his chest and that scruffy beard and I was in love. Not to mention he’s got a bit of muscle on those bones so... but hmm. As far as most attractive goes, I would say... his eyes. Between you and me, I think I know why his folks named him Bambi. It’s those gorgeous, brilliantly blue eyes of his. When he’s focused on something they get so wide and lovable, you could just get lost in them. Not to mention on the off chance you manage to catch him off guard they go all wide and give him a full ‘deer in headlights’ kind of look.”
“Most annoying habit: Oh yeah, I knew this was coming at some point. Loving someone is like living on the Rook Islands— paradise has its ups but it most certainly has its downs as well. Sorry to say, Buck isn’t an exception. Not that I walked into this expecting him to be. Hell, I wasn’t expecting to walk into a relationship at all, much less with him, but I’m glad I did. And frankly, his flaws are tolerable compared to most others.
Buck is laid back. Like... really laid back. And that’s fine— I like a guy who can take a joke and know that life isn’t all about work, it’s meant to be lived. But like, with Buck, it’s extreme. It’s not just the typical “no worries” type of attitude. It borders on procrastination, I guess is the word. Or Sloth— God I don’t even know how to describe it but like... He’ll see things and be aware of situations. He’s alert and he’s observant but he’s just... lazy, in a sense. He won’t take anything seriously, especially if it’s meant to be serious. He just sort of rolls his eyes and waits for it to become trouble. Like he’ll know there’s something wrong and something that he should probably get involved in, but he just won’t. He’ll know there’s a problem but he will put off addressing it until it poses an immediate danger.
It’s like if you had a leak in your house, Buck would just put a bucket down and let it fill, and then overflow, and say it’s okay and do nothing until the roof is literally caving in and about to give in from the stress. Or if you had like a candle knock over and burn up a table, he wouldn’t do anything about it, just kind of sit there while the house catches on fire like ‘this is fine’, until someone gets burned. Then- Then he starts trying to put it out. I don’t know if he’s like this naturally or if living on the islands made him like this— even with his work he tends to have this like ‘it’s not my problem until it starts affecting me’ attitude. And usually it’s not an actual problem. He’s still relatively attentive if I need something or if something has to change immediately for the sake of safety, he doesn’t put off that kind of stuff... but... it’s definitely caused us a scare once before... Granted he straightened up a bit after it and promised it wouldn’t happen again but... I’ll be honest, I haven’t seen much change. It worries me.”
Something they would like to do with them: I think a better question would be what wouldn’t I like to do with him? I mean granted, I think we’ve tried just about everything under the sun and— oh wait, we’re still keeping it safe for work, aren’t we? Uhh, hmmm... well I have to admit, it’s been amazing spending these last few months with him on the Rook Islands. Sitting on the beaches sipping beers together, kissing in the sunset— among other things. Going gliding and swimming in the waters, laying in hammocks together and napping in the sun. It’s been great letting him lead me around the island and finding all sort of beautiful spots to sit and spending the days together talking about ourselves. We even tried dancing at some point but uh... well, I’d chalk it up to uneven ground sending us tumbling, but the truth is, I don’t think either of us actually knows how to dance. Hey, at least we got a good laugh out of it.
But you know— if you spend a long enough time anywhere things get... boring. You do all there is to do, see all there is to see— plus, Rook isn’t exactly ideal for me. Too many mosquitos and hostile animals to really wanna stay here long-term. For someone like Buck, it’s just another place like home. He’s comfortable here. I don’t blame him, he’s the adaptable type. Still, I think I’d like to travel with him. See the world, explore new places, maybe even settle somewhere perfect for both of us. I wanna take him with me, have him there when I write new chapters of my life. Chapters with him in them. Pfft— I don’t think I could actually convince him to actually go along with my idea but hey, a girl can dream, can’t she? I don’t have the leisure of seeing him whenever I want, so I’ll make the most of the time I do have with him now, on these short combination business trips and vacations.”
#so this is what you meant : ask#// tagged bc Lydia is just Not Safe Fer Life#/ interaction#still i find you next to me : mutual#maximuses#‘’ just looking for new ways to get off ‘’ // the nympho#‘’ your love hits me like no other ‘’ // buck and lydia#[ far cry 3 // to live in a jungle verse ]#innocence is gone : usfw#usfwish
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Happy Birthday Winnie | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 7k Warnings: Recreational drug use, alcohol, smut, public sex
[ masterlist ]
"So, where are you guys takin' me?" Win asked again curiously.
"For the thousandth time, you'll see when we get there," her Nathan exclaimed with a laugh. "Maybe we shoulda blindfolded her too," he muttered, glancing over at his twin.
"That would've been nice, wouldn't it, babe?" Lyddie's Nathan teased before biting her neck softly.
"Don't worry, it's gonna be amazing, you're gonna love it, I'm sure of it," Lydia put both hands on Win's shoulders, massaging her. "Now relax and enjoy your day."
"Mmmm," Win hummed, the sound turning into more of a moan than anything under their attention. "I guess I can do that," she joked, letting her eyes slip shut.
"That's a good girl," her Nathan teased, taking her hand to give it a squeeze as he looked out the train window.
"Fuck, I hate when you say that in public..." Lydia shuddered while still massaging Win's shoulders. "I look like a nymphomaniac with zero self control."
"And where's the lie, Lollipop?" her Nathan leaned back with a laugh, reaching into her backpack for more snacks.
"Mmm, you can call me a good girl any time," Win taunted. "Besides, if you're a nympho, Lyds, then so am I," she laughed.
"And I wouldn't have it any other way," Win's Nathan murmured, waggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah, maybe my mum was right when she said I'd find my crowd," Lyddie looked out the window. "I think we're almost there!" she cried, holding Win tightly.
"How d'you know that? Have you been here before?" her Nathan asked in the middle of devouring a tin of cookies.
"Once, when I was a kid, but it's been so long..."
Win snagged a biscuit before leaning closer to the window to see if she could get any idea of where they were going. All she could see were crowds of people and tents. "Is this some sort of festival?" she asked excitedly.
"Might be... why? Does the birthday girl like this sort of thing? I had no idea!" Lydia gasped dramatically. She had the idea a few months back. She thought it would be nice to take a little time off and be as far away from Win's family as possible on her special day.
"Oh my God," Win exclaimed, turning back to throw her arms around Lydia. "This is the best birthday gift. Thank you thank you thank you!"
"So I guess you like it then?" Lydia joked, hugging Win back.
"What kinds of drugs d'you think they got in there?" Lyddie's Nathan mused.
"Nathan! Probably all of them, but we're not doing that, not after what happened at the club,” Lydia snapped.
"What, wou almost shaggin' me at the car park?" he snorted. "We're here, might as well try somethin'... we're immortal."
"I'll do some Molly," Win murmured with a smirk. "It's not a proper festival if you're not a little high," she teased, winking at Lyddie's Nathan.
"As always the mum of the group is gonna have to take care of everyone..." Lydia rolled her eyes.
"Nah, c'mon! Do it with us!" her Nathan pouted.
"Forget it, I'm not gonna be peer pressured by my fianc��, no way. It's Winnie's first birthday in this dimension, I wanna remember it."
"Aw, maybe I shouldn't then," Win deliberated as they got up to exit the compartment. "I don't wanna make Lyds be the designated driver, as it were."
"But it's your birthday, babe, you should do what you want," her Nathan argued, following her out.
"That is true, you are the boss," Lydia grabbed her backpack before Nathan could reach it. "I don't really mind it, you're too adorable for me to be upset."
"And I'm not?" her Nathan asked, perplexed.
"I think you're adorable," Win exclaimed with a smirk. "I think you're all adorable," she teased, throwing a cheeky grin over her shoulder at them before climbing down the steps to land on the platform outside. "Looks like it's a bit of a walk," she noticed, shading her eyes from the sun overhead.
"I'll give you a piggy back ride if y'want," her Nathan offered.
"D'you want me to carry you too?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, poking Lydia’s arm.
"Ha, very funny..." she muttered, putting her beach hat on. "Take the backpack, and be careful, there are breakable things in there, breakable gifts," she whispered, following the others.
Once they made it to the entrance, Win's Nathan let her down and they showed their tickets to get in, getting coloured wrist bands so they could drink.
"Okay, let's find the schedule," Win exclaimed, bouncing on her toes to look around, lost in the sea of people. "Then we can figure out which acts we wanna see and plan our day."
"Here, I have it on my phone somewhere..." Lydia searched for a few seconds before showing it to Win.
"D'you have any more food in there?" her Nathan whined, opening the backpack, but was surprised with a black velvet box. "Lollipop, c'mere" he pulled her to the corner.
"What? If you keep eating everything there will be nothing left for the rest of us..."
"No, not that, what's this? Are you gonna... y'know... pop the question?"
"Oh my God! No, I got her a bracelet, why? Do you think she's gonna be disappointed?"
"Okay, I think I've decided which act I wanna see first," Win announced, handing Lydia back her phone, noticing the looks on her and her Nathan's faces. "Everything okay?"
"Brilliant," Lyddie's Nathan smiled, quickly closing the backpack. "Let's go then."
"Well, do you?" Lydia muttered under her breath, she hadn't even considered that, but now she definitely was.
"No, I don't think so, it's a nice surprise," he assured. "I just thought... y'know. You're very romantic, I thought this was another cinematic stunt."
Win led them to the stage for the act she wanted to see, the music having already started. “I still can’t quite believe I’m here. I’ve wanted to come to this festival forever. You guys are the best.”
"Seeing you happy is my gift," Lyddie embraced Win from behind as they danced together. Her Nathan disappeared for a second, returning with four bottles of hard lemonade which Lydia was reluctant to drink at first, but she wanted to have a good time with them.
“Thanks babe,” Win exclaimed, trading him a kiss for the bottle, bringing it to her lips as she swayed with Lydia. Once that set was up she excitedly pulled them with her to the next band she wanted to see, the stage on the other side of the field.
“Hey Lyds, I know I probably don’t have to ask, but d’you have any sunscreen in that bag of yours?” Win asked, reaching for the zipper.
"Yeah sure," Lydia was already a little buzzed and didn't even remember the velvet box inside. "I brought like four bottles just in case, Nathan did that thing Hermione did to her bag in the Deathly Hallows, anything we might need is in there." The boys couldn't bother either, they were too busy sharing a joint to even realize what Win was doing.
“Nifty,” Win exclaimed, reaching in the bag and feeling around. “What’s this?” she asked, pulling out the little box before finding the bottle of sunscreen.
"Oh, that’s... that’s a gift for you, I was gonna wait until later when we're alone," Lyddie murmured, remembering her Nathan's words and hoping Win didn't get the wrong idea.
“Oh!” Win exclaimed, quickly dropping the box back into the bag. “I don’t wanna ruin your surprise!” she said instead, quickly zipping the bag back up.
"Don't worry, you're gonna love it... I hope you will..." Lydia took the sunscreen and tossed the bag to her Nathan while she helped Win apply it.
“I’m sure I will,” Win murmured. “I wonder what it is,” she mused with a grin before turning to reach toward Nathan. “Here, gimme that joint,” she exclaimed.
Lyddie's Nathan passed it to her with a smirk. "D'you want some, Lyds?"
"No, thank you," she answered, almost getting distracted as she ran her hand up and down Win's chest. "I'm pretty sure you're the people they warned me about in D.A.R.E," she joked.
Win laughed, offering the blunt back to Nathan before pulling Lyddie in close to kiss her. “Thanks for helping me, now I won’t burn,” she murmured. “Do you need any help?”
"You know, I did put on sunscreen before we left the train, but I won't complain if you wanna put your hands all over me," Lyddie mumbled against Win's lips. "Or other parts of you..."
“Mmmm, I like th’way you think,” Win murmured, playing with the hem of Lydia’s shirt. “Hey boys, we gotta use th’restroom, we’ll be right back,” she said, stealing one more hit before pulling Lydia with her to go look for a secluded spot to snog.
"Can you believe that?" Lyddie's Nathan exclaimed, watching as the girls disappeared in the crowd. "Won't even invite us..."
“Don’t worry bout it, I’m sure by th’end of the night we’ll be gettin’ lucky too. Might see if anyone’s got some molly though, since Win mentioned it earlier...” he mused.
"Yeah, yeah," Lyddie's Nathan agreed, following his twin. He really wanted to see how Lyds would be like high, but he wasn't gonna push her.
Lydia happily followed Win until they found a space behind the stage where they could be alone. "So... what could you possibly wanna do away from everyone?" she asked, flashing her girlfriend an innocent smile.
Pinning Lyddie’s back to the wall she finally let her hand slip under her shirt to feel her as she kissed her neck. “Just wanted t’put my hands all over you,” Win answered as she worked her way up to her lips.
"Oh, Winnie," Lydia gasped. She loved how hot Win's skin felt, how close her breathing was. "Only you can make me feel like this," she sighed, sliding her hands down her girlfriend's back.
“Only me?” Win asked softly, Lyddie’s words warming her making her feel incredibly special.
"Only you," it was true, each of her lovers made Lydia feel amazing in a different way, and only Win was able to leave her breathless like that.
Win moaned as she slipped her tongue into Lydia’s mouth, her hand sliding down the front of her shorts. “Be good and be quiet for the birthday girl,” Win murmured teasingly.
Win's words made Lydia shudder and she nodded obediently. "I'll be quiet," she whispered, letting her eyes shut as she enjoyed the feeling of being touched like that. "Anything for you."
“I may be waiting for my other gift, but I want this one right now,” Win teased, circling her fingers around Lyddie’s clit as the music washed over them from the nearby stage. “I wanna make you come, baby,” she purred.
"You're so good to me," Lydia breathed before her lips were on Win's again in an effort to silent her needy moans. She couldn't believe they were actually doing this out in the open; it was risky, but that only made Lyddie hotter. "Winnie, I'm--"
“Good girl,” Win groaned, capturing her lips as she felt Lydia shudder as she came. “Fuck that was hot. You’re so sexy, Lyddie,” she purred, pulling her hand from her shorts and bringing her fingers to her mouth to clean them. “We should probably find the boys, I bet they’re getting jealous by now.”
"They can be jealous all they want," Lydia kissed Win once more before taking her hand. "Right now I'm yours," she took a deep breath, trying to recover.
"Oh, finally! What were you two doin' in the bathroom all that time?" Lyddie's Nathan asked.
"That's not something you ask people, Nate," Lyds mocked.
“Takin’ a massive dump, since y’asked,” Win joked, pulling him into her arms for a kiss. “Why, were you feeling neglected?” she teased, already feeling light and floaty.
"A little bit, yeah," Lyddie's Nathan huffed. "We got you a little somethin', but I don't know if you deserve it anymore... maybe we'll just keep it all for ourselves," he looked back at his clone and winked.
“It’s my birthday, and there’s plenty of me t’go around boys,” Win replied, glancing from Lyddie’s Nathan to her own, pouting at them. “But if that’s how you’re gunna be, I’ll just go off with Lyddie again,” she said, taking a step back from Lyddie’s Nathan.
"No, don't!" he yelped, reaching for her. "I was just screwin' around, I love you, baby, c'mon..."
"Awww, you're adorable," Lydia teased him, squishing his face between her hands. "So cute when you're jealous."
"You two are gonna end up killin' me," Lyddie's Nathan grumbled, taking Win's hand and handing her a small plastic bag with colorful pills in it.
"Good thing you're immortal then."
Win, grinned as she took the baggy from him, pouring the tablets out into her hand. “Ahhh thank you babe. Okay, who wants one?” she asked, placing one on her tongue before her Nathan obediently opened his mouth for her to give him one.
Lyddie's Nathan opened his mouth as well and looked at his fiancé hopefully.
"Stop giving me that look!" Lydia said, shaking her head.
"Okay... but I think you'd have fun," he muttered. "If somethin' happens, just do your Wolverine thing and cure yourself."
"First of all, since when do you know about Wolverine? And second of all, if this shit reverses my powers, it won't be pretty! I'll probably have an asthma attack or some shit."
"It won't! It's gonna be okay."
"Ugh, if my mum knew about this... alright, hit me," Lyds grunted before sticking her tongue out.
“Okay, here we go,” Win exclaimed, giving Lyddie the last pill. “Just enjoy it Lollipop,” she murmured, chasing the pill with a kiss.
The sun was beginning to sink toward the horizon as they headed toward the food trucks parked off to one side.
“God, I’m starving,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, leaning against Lydia, his other arm draped over Win’s shoulder.
"Me too," Lyddie leaned back against him. "I want something with a lot of cheese, and then I want soda."
"Y'can't have soda, baby," her Nathan laughed. "That'll give you a stomach ache."
"Fiiiine you buzzkill, juice then," she took Win's Nathan's arm. "It's so weird that I took the pill, but I don't feel any different."
"Just wait, Lollipop, you'll see."
Once they got their food, Win found a nice empty spot in the grass for them to sit, the drugs starting to take effect, washing over her and heightening her senses. Crawling into Lyddie’s Nathan’s lap, she moaned around her bite of food, the burger she’d gotten tasting better than anything she’d ever eaten before.
"Wow, okay," Lyddie's Nathan was taken by surprise when Win got on his lap, but he snaked his arms around her, wanting her to stay.
"You look so beautiful right now," Lydia watched Win's Nathan while eating her pizza. She still didn't feel any different, or so she thought. "Like, I'm really hungry, but if I wasn't I'd kiss you."
“You want a kiss, Lollipop?” he asked, smirking as he set aside his nachos, sucking the leftover cheese sauce from his fingers.
"More than anything," Lydia smiled, taking his fingers in her mouth before pressing her lips to his. "Hmmm, you're so hot."
“You’re hotter,” Win’s Nathan countered with a smirk.
"I don't believe you," Lyddie, shoved the rest of her food in her mouth. "You and Winnie are the hottest people in this festival."
"Aren't you forgettin' anyone?" her Nathan teased.
"Oh, you have the same face, of course you're included," Lydia huffed.
“God, I feel good,” Win murmured, leaning back against Lyddie’s Nathan’s chest. “The stars are starting to come out.”
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Lyddie's Nathan ran his fingers through Win’s hair. "Like you," he murmured, kissing her cheek before going back to his kebab.
“Aw, you’re sweet,” Win giggled, finishing her food and stretching. “I’m torn,” she whined. “I wanna go dance, but I’m also really comfortable right here.”
"I'm full, I kinda wanna listen to music and relax," he said, holding Win close.
"If you want, I'll dance with you later," Lydia offered, without taking her eyes from Win's Nathan while she fed him his nachos.
“That sounds perfect,” Win murmured, turning in Lyddie’s Nathan’s embrace to get comfortable, resting her cheek against his shoulder as she gazed up at him, playing with the strings on his hoodie.
“Now this is paradise,” Win’s Nathan sighed. “Good music, a hot girl feedin’ me,” he murmured with a grin. “I could get used t’this.”
"Oh, it's paradise alright," Lydia licked her fingers clean when she was done, and offered him her drink. "Was it good, Natty?"
“So good,” Win’s Nathan replied, taking a long drink before passing the straw back to her, pulling Lydia into his lap. After all, nearly every couple in the grass around them were in similar positions, snogging or cuddling.
Lyddie's Nathan smiled before leaning in to press his lips to Win's, taking his time to savor her kiss. "We wanted t'make sure things were perfect for your big day."
Win moaned into Lyddie‘a Nathan’s mouth, pulling him closer. “It’s more than perfect, you’re perfect,” she assured him, her head spinning, her body aflame with pent up need, the drugs heightening every sense. Just feeling his hands on her skin was driving her crazy.
"I love you, Winnie," Lyddie's Nathan kissed her back, matching her enthusiasm. That's when he had an idea, remembering the day he proposed to Lyds -- he’d made her come by licking a lollipop and using his power to mirror the sensation on her clit -- deciding to do the same thing, this time he took Win's hand and gently stroked her palm.
"I don't know why, but... I feel hornier than usual," Lydia whispered, running her hands under Win's Nathan's shirt, along his chest and his stomach. “Kiss me, I wanna taste you."
“That would be th’ecstacy, m’love,” Win’s Nathan chuckled, shivering under her touch. “C’mere,” he growled playfully, slipping his hand behind her neck to pull her closer as he opened his mouth to her.
With a soft moan, Lydia captured his lips. "Remind me why they say drugs are bad again?" she joked, pulling him closer tugging at his shirt. "I want you, Nathan, I've never wanted anything in my life like I want you right now."
“I love you toooo—“ Win gasped as the sensation hit her and she squirmed in Lyddie’s Nathan’s lap. “Nathan, are you—doing this, or am I going crazy?” she asked, her breathing turning heavy.
"What? D'you feel somethin'?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, faking confusion while still rubbing the palm of Win's hand firmly at a steady pace. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
Win glanced down at her hand, noticing that the sensation seemed in sync with the movement of Nathan’s fingers. “Oh, you sly dog,” she moaned, biting her lip as she threw her head back. “Why have you never done this before? This is so fuckin’ hot. Jesus, Nathan,” she breathed.
Win’s Nathan laughed harder, looking around, frowning at Win and his clone, unsure what exactly was happening, but Win looked like she was having fun. “Let’s go for a walk, find somewhere t’be alone,” he whispered in Lyddie’s ear.
"Oh, I love how everyone's taking me for walks today..." Lydia grinned, taking Win's Nathan's hand, giggling just imagining what he wanted to do, shivers running down her spine from his whispering. "Be right back," she announced, not that the others cared.
Spying a small pavilion with a sign for indoor bathrooms, Nathan headed toward it, pulling Lydia with him. “Hope you’re not averse to a quickie in the loo,” he whispered in her ear. “I wanna shag you so bad, Lyds.”
"I'm not averse to anything that involves your cock inside of me, Nats," Lydia exclaimed, barely making it to the bathroom without jumping his bones. Her sex drive was usually crazy, but the drugs made it ten times crazier. "I've never done this before... it's so exciting."
“You’ve never shagged in a public toilet before?” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, pulling her into the small one room stall with him and locking the door behind him. “Well, I am a master at it by now,” he said, pinning her against the wall as his mouth went to her neck and his fingers went to the button on her shorts.
"No, only locker rooms and car parks," Lydia gasped, burying her fingers in his curls as his kisses awakened every last bit of her body. "Oh, please, Natty, take care of me," she moaned, fumbling with his jeans, her hand sliding under his boxer briefs to palm his erection.
“Oh fuck, Lollipop,” Win’s Nathan groaned, tearing Lydia’s shorts and knickers down to pool around her ankles, urging her to wrap one of her legs around his waist as he pressed his cock to her entrance, kissing her deeply as he began to press into her.
Lydia kissed him back, whining as she felt his cock teasing her. "Please, shag my brains out, Nate... fuck, you're so sexy, I need you," she mumbled, pulling Nathan closer again, desperate for him, his taste, his scent, it was all driving her mad.
“Oh God, Lydia,” he groaned, focusing on kissing her as he thrust up into her, filling her abruptly, not giving her time to adjust before he began to fuck her. “Fuck, you feel amazin’,” he gasped.
"Nathan!" Lydia nearly screamed in pleasure, holding onto him for support, her head wondering for a moment, remembering their wild nights in New York, it was so good to feel like that again. "Choke me," she breathed.
“Gladly, Lyddie,” he exclaimed, his hand not holding her leg circling her throat, lightly at first before squeezing, watching her expression as he continued to pound into her.
The feeling of Win's Nathan's hand on her throat made Lydia's mouth fall open, immediately driving her to the edge. Her hands blindly grabbed his ass, encouraging him to move faster.
Win's Nathan yelped in surprise, but he sped up at her urging, thrusting into her even rougher, her back no doubt digging into the wall, but she seemed to be loving it and Nathan lost himself in her, feeling his pleasure crest quickly.
"I'm so close, Nathan," Lydia managed to say, enjoying his reaction to her unexpected touch. She had to bite her lip not to cry out loud as she came undone for him, her body tensing up as she stared deep into his eyes.
"Oh, fuck," Win's Nathan breathed, pressing his forehead to Lydia's as she came, clenching around him tighter and he gave several more jerky thrusts as he spilled his seed in her, stilling to catch his breath. "Fuck, baby, that was hot as fuck," he panted.
"I fucking love you," Lydia breathed, slightly overwhelmed by how good it had felt, how intense the sensations were; she even teared up a little. "And I love fucking you," she laughed before kissing his collarbone softly.
Nathan laughed, pulling out and tucking himself back into his jeans. "I love fuckin' you and I fuckin' love you too, baby," he exclaimed, taking her face between his hands to kiss her, brushing her tears away from her cheek.
"Sometimes I can't believe you're mine, at least half of you is..." Lydia murmured, pulling her shorts back up, feeling slightly lightheaded. waited for so long, I-" Lydia nearly fell, holding onto him. "Sorry, I got a little dizzy," she laughed.
"Whoa! Lyds, you okay?" Win's Nathan exclaimed quickly, catching Lydia before her legs went out from under her. "Maybe we should get yeh some water and go sit back down for a bit," he suggested worriedly, wrapping his arm around her to keep her stabilized as they headed back to where Win and the other Nathan sat.
"I'm... I'm fine, I think I just need some water," Lydia assured, though she didn't know if that was supposed to happen, she was just happy to not be alone. "It's probably cause I've been drinking, and this is my first time, nothing serious."
"Y'like that, huh?" Lyddie's Nathan kissed Win's neck with a smug grin, his fingers moving slightly faster. "It's a special trick, for special occasions, such as your birthday... just gotta be quiet, okay, baby girl? Or everyone's gonna know you're a dirty little thing," he purred quietly.
Win whined but nodded, pressing her face into the crook of his neck to muffle her moans. “God, I love you,” she murmured, kissing his neck, her breathing punctuated with a sharp breath every few moments. “If you keep that up I’m gunna come soon.”
"And that's not what you want?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, slowing down a little, but not stopping. "Don't you wanna come for me, Winnie?" he murmured, bringing her hand up and kissing her palm gently, dragging his lips along her skin.
“I—ohhh,” she sighed, her words melting. “Please Nathan,” she begged softly. “I do wanna come. God, I feel so dirty doing this right out in th’open,” she confessed.
"You're a filthy girl, Winnie... but y'look so cute when you beg," Lyddie's Nathan murmured, licking her palm, slow at first, but more vigorously as he felt her squirming in his lap.
“Oh god, yes,” she whined. “Nathan, I’m—“ she didn’t get to finish her sentence before she came, pressing her face into his chest as she tensed, gasping a breath, her fingers of her free hand balling in his shirt.
"That's my girl, so good, that was so fuckin' hot!" Lyddie's Nathan praised, holding Win against his chest. "Happy birthday, baby," he said, kissing the top of her head, trying to ignore his own excitement. He didn't wanna ruin the moment.
As Win came down from her orgasm, her head still swimming slightly, she tilted her chin up to look at him. “I wonder what the people around us thought of you licking my hand,” she giggled before kissing his jaw. “Thank you though, baby, but what about you? I wanna make you feel good too,” she whined in his ear.
"Well, you orgasmed in front of everyone, so I wouldn't worry about what they think," Lyddie's Nathan chuckled, but the thought of Win making him feel good was also an interesting one. He snapped his fingers and a blanket covered them. Everyone around was high, so it's not like they’d even notice...
“And I’m the dirty one?” Win asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as her hand slipped under the blanket, and she shifted so she could unbutton his jeans, freeing his throbbing cock with a smirk.
"I thought y'were a fan of public sex..." Lyddie's Nathan mused, cupping Win's tits playfully as she found a comfortable position. "I just wanna please you, darlin', I wouldn't want my girlfriend missin' out on the concert,” he teased.
"I am," she replied, "I'm just sayin' you're as dirty as me, if not more," she pointed out, arching her chest into his hand as she stroked his length, brushing her thumb over his sensitive head and feeling his cock twitch in her hand. "I love doin' this with you," she sighed, leaning against his shoulder as she worked her fist up and down, slowly at first.
"I might be, a sexy bird taught me a trick or two at a hotel pool once," Lyddie's Nathan started, but soon he had to press his lips to Win's shoulder, tryin not to be loud. "Fuck, baby, your hands are-- Jesus..." he mumbled.
Win laughed, relishing his reaction. "God, you're cute," she cooed, kissing his temple. Wanting to tease him further, she sped her hand up, squeezing slightly as she worked him, drawing his earlobe between her teeth. "Be a good boy for me, Natty, can't be too loud now or everyone'll know what we're doin'."
"Oh, you're evil, Winnie." Lyddie's Nathan threw his head back, his eyes clenched shut, much like his fists. "I love when y'wank me off like this, baby, don't stop," he groaned, bringing her closer, seeking her lips.
Win grinned into the kiss. "And I love you baby," she replied, jerking him faster still. "I want you to come all over my hand, make a mess under this blanket, y'filthy boy," she purred.
Lyddie's Nathan's best efforts to not be obvious about what was happening were lost when he heard those words. "Fuck..." he moaned, slightly louder than intended as he came, not caring anymore what people would think, he was pretty sure half of them were doing the same thing anyway.
Win's grin grew and she kissed Nathan despite the sticky mess still covering her hand. "Good boy," she murmured. "God that was hot."
"So hot! I have no clue why I feel like this when y'call me a good boy, but Jesus... I fuckin' love it," he confessed. Win had been confusing him, he was usually the dominant one, but he liked when she took charge like that.
"Really?" Win asked, taken aback, her stomach fluttering at his admission. She'd always been the dominant one between her and her Nathan, and while she liked subbing with Lyddie's Nathan, there was something about watching him submit to her that excited her more than she could say.
"Well, you are good, so so good t'me," she murmured, running her clean hand through his curls.
Before she could draw on his power to clean up his little mess, Lydia and her Nathan returned.
"Hey, loves of my life," Lydia smiled wiping the sweat from her forehead as she carefully sat down next to the others. "Do you have some water?"
"You okay, babe?" her Nathan asked, quickly zipping up his jeans and turning to check on her, opening the backpack to get her bottle. "Y'seem a bit... shaky."
"Yeah, I'm fine, how was your... sexy adventure?" she asked, sipping some water while leaning against Win's Nathan.
Win borrowed Nathan’s power to clean off her hand. “It was very nice,” she answered with a grin, glancing at Lyddie’s Nathan. “You?” she asked.
"Good, great," Lydia nodded, holding Win's Nathan tightly with her head against his chest. "It was amazing actually. In a second I'll be good to go again if you'd like..."
“Damn Lollipop,” Win’s Nathan laughed, kissing the top of her head. “I think you should probably rest for a bit first, huh?”
"I hate it when you're right," Lydia huffed, her head still spinning. "How about... I give you your gift then?" she suggested, reaching for her backpack to fetch the black velvet box. "Happy birthday, my love!" she cried, offering it to Win.
“You really didn’t have to get me anything, babe,” Win exclaimed, though she opened the box excitedly, having been wondering all day what could be inside.
“What is it?” her Nathan asked curiously.
“Oh my God, Lydia, this is— it’s beautiful, I’m never gunna take it off,” Win gasped, pulling out a small silver bracelet with a heart shaped charm with the letters N + W + L + N on it. “Nathan, can you help me?” she asked, holding out her wrist for Lydia’s Nathan to wrap the bracelet around.
"This is so sweet," Lyddie's Nathan helped Win with the bracelet and kissed the back of her hand. "You could've asked me t'make it,” he whispered to Lydia.
"I know, I just saw it on my way home the other day and couldn't resist, so I asked for the engraving and..." Lydia smiled, watching how happy she was. "It looks perfect on you."
“Thank you, Lydia, I love you so much. I love all of you so much!” Win cried, feeling slightly overwhelmed with emotion as she pulled them all in for a hug.
"We love you too," Lyddie squeezed her back, feeling insanely lucky. "Do you still wanna dance? Cause I'm feeling better and the boys are horrible at it, so they would just embarrass you."
"Hey!" her Nathan shouted, knowing that she wasn't exactly wrong. "A little respect please?"
“I would love t’dance!” Win exclaimed, helping Lydia to her feet. “Boys?” she asked hopefully. “You sure you don’t wanna come too?”
"I'll go just to embarrass you, Lyddie," her Nathan got up, dusting his jeans.
"As I suspected, the best way to get you to do something is telling you that you shouldn't," she smirked. "Are you coming, babe?" she looked back at Win's Nathan.
“Course I am, I wanna dance with the birthday girl,” he exclaimed, letting Lyddie help him up.
Lydia pulled him as they headed toward the stage. She was never very good at dancing like nobody's watching, but right then she couldn't be bothered by anyone else.
Bracketed by both Nathans, Win shook her hair out, moving to the music as she pulled Lydia closer while grinding against her Nathan.
What a sight they must've been, dancing, kissing, and holding each other...
"I’ve just had the best idea," Lyddie wrapped her arms around Win, “once we get to the hotel..."
"What hotel?" her Nathan interjected, confused.
"The one I asked you to find and make a reservation at?"
"Oh... I knew I had forgotten somethin'," he grimaced.
"So you're telling me we don't have a place to sleep?"
“Maybe there’ll still be rooms available?” Win’s Nathan ventured, though he had a feeling it was doubtful.
"In the middle of a music festival?" Lydia was trying very hard not to freak out. "In a town with two hotels? We're fucked..."
"Nah, I'll fix it!" her Nathan tried to calm her down.
"Just like you did with the corpse in the car that one time?" she scoffed.
"I did fix that, we're not in jail so it worked!" he whispered. "Calm down, we can make us a tent, problem solved."
“There’s an area for camping,” Win pointed out, gesturing over toward the far side of the field. “A tent sounds fun!” she exclaimed. “But maybe make it a lot bigger than it looks on the outside,” she giggled, not worried at all as she pulled out another joint to light.
"See? You worry too much, baby, give us a little credit, you're not the only responsible one..." Lyddie's Nathan held her from behind.
"That's arguable," she teased. "But if Win's happy with it, then cheers."
“I still wanna know what this ‘best idea’ of yours is,” Win purred, wrapping her arms around Lydia as her Nathan plucked the joint from her fingers for a hit.
"Well, I was just gonna say I brought our special toy so maybe I could use it with you once we're alone," Lyddie murmured. "If you want..."
“Oh?” Win exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. “I’d like that a lot, Lollipop,” she replied, straightening.
"Good, cause I wanna fuck you until you scream," Lydia purred before biting Win's neck softly.
“Ohhh,” Win groaned, wrapping her arms around Lydia’s neck. “God that sounds amazingggg,” she whined.
"We get t'watch, don't we?" Lyddie's Nathan asked hopefully. He’d never seen Lydia doing that yet.
"I'll think about it..." she taunted.
“Aw c’mon baby, I like an audience,” Win grinned, taking Lyddie’s Nathan’s hand. “I’m feeling a little worn out, shall we go pitch our tent? It’s not like there’ll be no music tomorrow.”
"Very well," Lyddie's Nathan kissed Win's temple. "Let's go then. I just hope nobody notices the tent showin' up out of thin air... but it's dark enough, I think."
"You think?" Lydia laughed. "You are so carefree, I gotta try that sometime, cause being in my head is exhausting."
“You want another hit of this?” Win’s Nathan offered, passing Win’s joint around as he wrapped his arms around both girls as they began to head toward the camping ground.
"I have to take care of the pipes," Lydia frowned. "We have a gig coming up, but I like to watch you."
"Okay, big reveal..." Lyddie's Nathan opened her backpack and got a rod out of it. "What's that?"
"That's--" he smashed the rod on the grass and an entire tent came out, making her jump and nearly fall, “--our tent!"
"JESUS CHRIST, Nathan! Was this really necessary?"
"No, but it was fun, wasn't it?"
Win laughed. “Ahh, it’s perfect! Thank you babe,” she exclaimed, raising up to kiss Lyddie’s Nathan’s cheek before hurrying through the flap into the tent. “Oh my God, Lydia! You have t’see this!” she exclaimed, gaping at the furnishing. “It looks like a fuckin’ hotel in here.”
"Okay, this is amazing!" Lyddie walked inside and jumped on the bed, pulling Win with her. "I love it ! You're the best, Nate..."
"What was that again?" her Nathan asked, joining them with a smug grin. "I didn't hear ya..."
"You're the best, thank you," Lydia repeated, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“My hero!” Win exclaimed, kicking her shoes off as she fell to the bed.
“What about me?” her Nathan exclaimed with a huff and she pulled him down as well.
“You’re my hero too babe, always will be,” she said, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Seriously, this has been the best birthday ever.”
"I'm happy you had a good time, I've been so anxious all day to make sure everything is perfect, so it's good to know it all worked out," Lydia embraced Win, kissing her all over her neck and shoulders. "It was a lot of fun... I just wish I could make you a cake."
“Aw babe,” Win cooed, giggling at her kisses. “I don’t need a cake, I’ve got something just as sweet!”
"As soon as we're back home I'll make you one, I'll make you an entire dinner," Lyddie mused before remembering her offer. "Are you too tired for my surprise? Cause if you wanna go to bed I understand."
“I’m not too tired!” Win exclaimed, perking up. “I want your surprise!”
"Boys, would you be so kind as to strip her naked for me?" Lyddie asked as she got up and dug through her backpack for the pink bag she kept the special toys on trips.
“Gladly!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, peeling her top off and unsnapping her bra.
“Oh!” Win exclaimed, her eyes widening.
"Very good," Lyddie praised as her Nathan got rid of Win's shorts and knickers. "So beautiful, all for me..." she slowly shed her own clothes and made a show of putting the strap-on on.
Win wet her lips as she fell back onto the bed, watching Lyddie while anticipation coursed through her. “Oh God, Lyddie,” she breathed, turned on by how possessive she was being.
"Look at you, so needy, I love to see you like that..." Lyddie crawled atop of her. Lyddie's Nathan on the other hand was extremely confused, if having Win make him a submissive wasn't enough, now he couldn't stop staring at his fiancé with that dildo on.
Win’s Nathan knew that look, he was pretty sure he’d had that look on his face the first few times Win wore the strap and he smirked, turning his gaze back to the girls.
“I am, I need you so bad, Lollipop!” Win cried, running her hands down Lydia’s back.
"Do you?" Lyddie reached between Win's legs, circling her clit while looking up at her Nathan to catch his reaction. "I guess you deserve it after how nice you were to me earlier behind the stage..." she teased her entrance.
Win whimpered, squirming under Lyddie’s touch, wanting more. “Please, baby, I want you t’ruin me,” she begged desperately.
Lyddie slowly thrust into her, kissing her chest tenderly. "Like that, sweetie, is this what you want?"
"Jesus..." her Nathan breathed, swallowing nervously.
“Yes, more Lyddie,” Win gasped, her hands sliding down to grab Lydia’s ass. “Please I want you t’ruin me. Wear me out. Use me.”
"That's a good little pet," Lyddie growled, slamming into her, moving fast and roughly. "You're so good for me," she leaned in, pressing her lips to Win's.
Win let out a muffled cry as she kissed Lydia back desperately. “Oh God, Lyddie, you’re amazing!” she whimpered in between kisses. “I’m already so close, fuck, you fuck me so good baby!”
“Holy shit...” Win’s Nathan muttered as he watched, spellbound. Fuck but we wanted Lydia to do that to him.
"Yeah? You're gonna come for me, baby?" Lyddie kept moving vigorously. She usually felt pretty awkward in situations like this, but seeing Win screaming her praises filled her with confidence.
Her Nathan decided not to question it, he was too horny to think, all he knew was Lydia looked incredibly sexy like that.
“Mhmm,” Win nodded, unable to form words as her climax hit her like a bus and she raked her nails down Lyddie’s shoulder blades as she cried out before going limp.
"That was so hot," Lyddie took a second to breathe before pulling out. "So, how was the show, boys?"
"I- fuck!" her Nathan stuttered, quickly cleaning the mess from his hand.
“One of th’hottest yet!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, quickly tucking himself back into his boxer shorts. “You’re gettin’ really good with that thing, Lyds.”
"Would you like to give it a go sometime?" Lyddie changed into a shirt and joined them in bed, pulling Win into her arms.
“Fuck yeah, I would,” he replied eagerly, kissing Win gently on the temple as he pulled her into his arms.
"You okay, Natty?" Lyddie asked, looking at her Nathan, who was strangely quiet.
"Yeah, just a bit tired," he cleared his throat.
"Aww do you want me to be the big spoon tonight?" she giggled.
"NO!" Nathan jumped. "I mean... I wanna hold ya, I love you," he kissed his fiancé's cheek.
“C’mere,” Win called from the bed. “I want all my loves.”
"Yes, baby," Lyddie snuggled Win, pulling the blanket to cover them. "It's getting chilly in here..."
Her Nathan hesitated for a second and joined them under the covers, stroking Win's hair.
Win opened her eyes to smile at him, reaching out to caress his cheek. “Thank you guys for making my birthday so perfect. I love you so much.”
"I love you too," Lydia sighed, soaking in their warmth. "First birthday in this dimension, only a billion more to go... I can't wait."
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @santacarlahorrorshow @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator @spanishmossmagnolia @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @vonkimmeren @violetrainbow412-blog
#misfits#misfits fic#nathan young#nathan young x oc#nathan x win#nathan x lyddie#otp: green apple lollipop#timeline anomaly’verse#collaboration
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Richard Youngs! Sun City Girls! Hat City Intuitive! Poem Rocket! Glenn Branca! Lydia Lunch! Paint Thinner! Entlang! Laurie Anderson & Kronos Quartet! Abstract Nympho! Liars! My 3 Sons! Thank! Earthlogoff! Lightning Bolt! Zonal! The Hood! Map 71! Hot & Cold! John Foxx! Brian Ladd! Italia 90! The Dark! Guds Barn! Drill! The Zingers! Virvon Varvon! Clang!(!) Slump! Kim Dyett!
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So I just watched the Sense & Sensibility BBC mini series and I was kind of shocked by how they portrayed Willoughby as, I don't know, almost predatory. I've always seen Willoughby as someone who is careless and self-serving but never cruel or calculating. Kind of the prep school boy who goes on vacation to hook up, get drunk, and spend his parents money type. This adaptation seemed to be painting him in a more Wickham light. At least that's how I saw it, was just curious what you thought.
I mean, I have a lot of issues with how that adaptation tried to Sex Things Up with the addition of the prologue with (FIFTEEN YEAR OLD) Eliza being seduced by Willoughby, but not because it happened at all, but because of how it’s portrayed. (Just never try to ‘sex up’ anything that involves exploiting a minor.)
Willoughby is predatory. Eliza is a vulnerable young girl, and even when this is pointed out to Willoughby, he treats her with contempt, because she is comparatively stupid enough to have trusted him. His defense of his actions largely consists of “um yeah okay what I did was bad but that doesn’t make her a saint! and consider it was colonel brandon who said all of this like obviously the guy just hates me and cannot give an unbiased account of what happened! and I didn’t know I’d forgotten to tell eliza where I was going when I abandoned her...”
His aunt would have forgiven him and given him back his inheritance if he’d done right by Eliza and married her--Willoughby preferred to take his chances with an heiress in London, abandoning Marianne, too. When Elinor asks him what he said to Marianne before leaving Barton Cottage to go and find his heiress to marry, he claims he can’t even remember. So much for his true love.
He’s just so selfish he can’t even be arsed to think of decent excuses or admit it when there is no excuse for his behaviour. It wasn’t a one-off affair. He hid away with Eliza for at least half a year before he wandered off and ‘forgot’ to tell her where he was going or when he’d be back, and by then she was pregnant and alone with no money or friends or way of living, and wrote to the Colonel in desperation, fully eight months after she’d disappeared without a trace and left everyone in a panic. (As Brandon finds her near her due-date, she must have gotten pregnant within a month or two of running off with Willoughby, and so when he left her she would have been at least four months along, and it’s highly unlikely he would not have known she was expecting.) Either Willoughby is seriously stupid, or he is that callous and cruel. Wickham at least got paid off to marry Lydia after many weeks. Willoughby was made a similar offer by his aunt, to marry Eliza, and refused, and seems content to let others worry about what happens to her and his own child.
Willoughby is, as written, worse than Wickham. Yes, he truly fell in love with Marianne for the first time and shocked himself, but he ruined so many lives due to his lack of principles or constancy. Wickham’s a douche, but you can negotiate with him. Willoughby is a loose cannon.Re-reading a few passages of S&S just now to fact-check a couple of things, I was also struck by Willoughby’s attitude, and how it would have been a familiar one to Austen’s contemporaries. Of course we all know the sexual double-standard wherein men like Willoughby can fall from grace and recover their standing in the world in the space of five minutes, whereas a woman’s ruin is eternal and much more easy to accomplish. At the time there was this strange understanding of female sexuality that treated it as a kind of Pandora’s box--and once a woman had experienced any form of sexual contact, she was presumed to be an irredeemable wanton who would be a completely immoral nympho with any fellow that came within twenty feet of her. Whether it was seduction, ‘forced seduction’ (guess what that’s a terrible euphemism for,) or simply being caught in a compromising situation, the On/Off switch of the female libido would be considered Flipped, and there was no going back. She wants the D, now. Always. There are shades of this thinking in Willoughby’s defense of himself by blackening Eliza Jr. for her own ‘part’ in her allowing him to seduce her. (For a guy who is quick to point out that Colonel Brandon might be a biased and unreliable narrator in The Story of What Happened Between John Willoughby and Little Eliza, he doesn’t seem to realize that he, himself, is likely to be an even less reliable narrator after the shit has hit the fan.)
That she was silly enough to be persuaded by him seems to be his chief condemnation of her character, and he speaks as if this ought to be enough to exonerate him, as clearly Eliza has zero character and ought not to deserve anybody’s pity or support. All other elements of her circumstances don’t matter to him one bit, and Elinor and Brandon’s continuing sympathy for the girl despite all that’s happened seem to represent a more moderate way of understanding such a situation, which I take to be Austen’s own general view of such things. Humanity is not so starkly divided into good and evil as it often is in fiction or in popular sentiment, and Jane Austen knew this very well, perhaps in part due to her upbringing as a clergyman’s daughter, who might have borne witness to the varied crises of poor behaviour which occur in all communities. A measure of compassion for the complexity of a young single mother’s situation seems more rational than an outright condemnation of her, and chiefly/only her, as Willoughby would have it.As Austen wrote in Emma, “Seldom,very seldom does complete truth belong to any human disclosure;seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised, ora little mistaken...” and I think it indicative of her approach to human characters--perfection in our interactions is impossible, and a little flexibility and understanding serves us better than to go at things with rigid determination. Those characters who are most unwilling to change, bend, or accept the flaws in themselves are the unhappiest--and that includes the selfish, predatory, blame-everyone-but-me-because-ow-my-heart Willoughby.
#Ask Me Anything Austen-Adjacent#AMAAA#Sense and Sensibility#Jane Austen#John Willoughby#frankchurchillsaysrelax
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☕ for Lydia
“Favorite food? Well, I love red velvet cake. I love steak with green beans as a side, and I love the taste of red wine and champagne. But red velvet cake is my favorite, especially when it has that delicious, pale butter cream frosting. You know the kind that just gets stuck on your lips and just looks so… sweet~”
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I love Lydia Martin slash ships except I can’t fucking RP them because everyone just makes Lydia Martin a mindless Nympho and all the prompts are basically just porn and no one is interested in some non nymphomaniac porn prompts. Tiring.
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(This ones for Lydia.) How did you and Adam meet and how did you find out about his .... business?
“The Red Room got boring pretty quickly. While looking for a new way to get off, I dug up Adam’s live streams and… let’s just say I became one of the highest payers. But even that got boring. So I reached out to him, hoping I could get something a little more ‘exciting’ out of his services. He was happy to agree to my terms - after all, I am the highest bidder. Turns out that getting a front row seat to the shows never gets old~”
#fanart#ask#answer#anonymous#the nympho#lydia#wttg2#90% sure Lydia was based off of Adam’s girlfriend Lana#prove me wrong#;)
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Send "📞" to hear voicemail greetings. -To everyone
"Howdy, you've reached the phone number of the Executioner. I don't know how you got this number but rest assured I'll be tracking you back through this missed call. Say goodbye to your loved ones and friends. You have three days left to live. Spend them wisely. Have a nice day." ~ Joseph"Zdravstvuyte, you've reached the phone of Mr. Dmitry Alehin. I'm currently busy with work or my family so if you could leave a message at the time, I'd be very much obliged." ~ Dmitry/ The Kidnapper"[Heavy breathing]" ~ Mike/The Breather"H-Hello, yes, this is Lawrence Lawson. I can't come to the phone r-right this moment. Please leave a message and I'll call you back." ~ Larry/The Victim"Well hello there, you've reached the number of Lydia, ahaha. I'm a bit busy right now so call me back later and I'll be happy to help you~ *kiss noise*" ~ Lydia/The Nympho
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What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any? - Lydia/The Nympho
"Tattoos are cool, I think, as long as you don't go overboard with them. I personally don't have one but I may get one sooner or later." ~ Lydia
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Lydia, tell us about yourself~
"I'm a Nympho, I work at a strip club, I help operate the Red Room service, I used to be a police officer, and I have... Connection." ~ Lydia/The Nympho
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Everyone's favorite movie?
"I love Disney films, particularly Bambi." ~ Dmitry/The Kidnapper"The Bee Movie or The Last Unicorn." ~ Mike/The Breather"The Saw Series, Cannibal Holocaust, or Friday the 13th. Or James and the Giant Peach." ~ Joseph/The Executioner"Fifty Shades of Grey." ~ Lydia/The Nympho"Pete's Dragon..." ~ Larry/The Victim
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Made some aesthetics for my muses.~ Top left, Lydia the Nympho. Top right, Larry the Player/Victim Middle Left, Michael/The Breather Middle Right, Dmitry/The Kidnapper Bottom, Joseph/The Executioner
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the same Anonymous. Five characters you say? Who else except for kidnapper and breather?
The FAQ will be up in a little bit but until it is, the five characters that are available for RP/prompt purposes are the Kidnapper (Dmitry), the Breather (Goes by Boris or Michael), the Executioner (Joseph), Larry (The Player), and Lydia (The Nympho).
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